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Paleo Pros And Cons
Vegan vs Paleo has been an ongoing, emotionally charged feud in the health community for quite
some time, especially between youtube personalities.
It s important to acknowledge that Vegans, Vegetarians, Paleo and Primal eaters alike make conscious
decisions about their diets, which is always going to be superior to making no decisions (eating
refined carbs with sick animals.)
We commend people for taking responsibility for themselves and their impact on the world.
That being said, the truth is that this ongoing food feud isn t fruitful for the overwhelming majority of
us. Most people s ideal diet falls somewhere between Veganism and Paleo, or High Carb and Low
Carb, because we re living in the melting pot.
Most of us are very genetically ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Good: Paleo, Primal, and other low carb diets address the chronic carbing that has become an
issue for our society.
The Bad: A lot of Paleo diet recommendations underplay the importance of plant foods.
The Reality: Americans are eating an absurd amount of carbohydrates, and most of the time these
carbohydrates (White Flour, White Sugar, etc. ) have been predigested by machinery and processing,
leaving them a demineralized blood sugar bomb. They spike insulin and send you on a roller coaster
of energy highs and lows.
The Science:
When you eat carbohydrates, your pancreas secretes Insulin into the bloodstream. Insulin shuttles
nutrients into cells and stores excess energy as fat.
A lot of bad stuff happens when you spike Insulin with high glycemic foods like grains or sugar. These
foods are considered high GI because they re very easily digestible, and so they affect your blood
sugar rapidly. Even more so when they re refined with processes that strip the minerals and other
nutrients, leaving plain sugars or starches. These fast acting carbs have been shown to be even more
addictive than
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Year Round Schooling
Industries such as business and medicine depend on extreme methods and forward thinking ideas. To
be a successful enterprise, one must be willing to take risks and try new things. Within the last century,
education has attempted to take a leap of faith by completely flipping the traditional school schedule
and idea of summer vacation upside down. Just as with any idea, there are advantages and
disadvantages as well as supporters and opponents. Each district must look at their own individual
needs and evaluate the trials from schools that have gone before them to decide if year round
schooling would benefit their school.
The first year round school was opened in 1904 in Bluffton, Indiana with the intent to increase school
building ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The third schedule consists of 6 terms each consisting of 43 days. Students attend two terms and then
get a term off.
Some advantages of year round schooling include improved achievement, improved attendance by
both teachers and students, reduced discipline problems, lower teacher stress, increased motivation
due to frequent breaks, and increased opportunities for enrichment (Palmer and Bemis). During the
two week breaks in between school sessions, students have the opportunity to take classes on karate,
ballet, photography, cooking, and swimming. This intersession provides time for hands on, big project
classes that get kids involved in topics that interest them. Intersession can also be used as an
intervention for students who are falling behind. Karl Alexander, sociology professor at Johns
Hopkins University, studied 800 students for more than 20 years in Baltimore s elementary schools.
He found that by ninth grade, low income students had fallen 3 ½ grade levels behind their middle
class peers. And most of that gap was attributable to learning lost over the long traditional summer
(Schulte, 2009). The biggest driving force and proponent of year round schooling is the effect of the
summer slide. Students lose two months of achievement in math skills and students from low income
families lose more than two months in reading achievement according to the national Summer
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Integration Of Media And Digital Media
Integration can be viewed from five aspects. The first aspect involves the integration of media which
comprises a mix of traditional media and digital media. The second integration is based on the
communication methods; these are the promotional methods used and include the traditional methods,
digital methods and word of mouth interactions and communications. The third integration is based on
the time the communication happens and interaction possibilities. This further accounts for static and
dynamic communications. The fourth integration seeks to explain the actors and their roles in the IMC
process, these actors are the consumers as well as the organizations. The fifth integration is based on
content creation, seeks to explain that IMC is based on communications which are consumer
generated versus marketing content created by the organizations.
1. Introduction
Major developments in the information technology in the global economy have facilitated the success
and have also become a core function of both economic and social lives. With these developments in
social media marketing it s possible to talk with the consumer as opposed to the traditional talking at
them. This creates a reputation. New media technologies which include the internet, e commerce,
social networking among others have revolutionized how people interact with the world as well as
with each other. Traditional media has always been aimed at reach. Even though it covers large
numbers the numbers don t
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The Necklace Analysis
One may wonder how she feels; as if it was all worth it to her now? When she sits to reflect on the
evening of January 18th which was filled with beautiful dresses and the succulent food, is she
remorseful? In the story The Necklace the main character, Mathilde loses her friend s necklace that
she assumed was made of diamonds. It goes into detail as to how her and her husband Loisel worked
tirelessly to replace the garment over the course of 10 years. The theme of this essay is to reveal who
is truly at fault for the downfall of Mathilde, comparing society s views, her husband s actions, the
involvement of Madame Forestier, and finally Mathilde herself. Just as our current society; many
individuals during Mathilde s era follow the trends of clothing, decorating, and even technology. In
the story, Maupassant elegantly describes the Antechambers hung with Oriental tapestry, illuminated
by tall bronze candelabra. (Maupassant 42) Equally important, Mathilde allowed for the influence and
ideas of what would make her appealing to the rest of society affect her everyday life. For example,
she frequently daydreamed of a life of grandeur in her head such as the Long reception halls hung
with ancient silk. (Maupassant 42) Moreover, she frequently would compare herself to those who were
better off financially allowing for her to feel unsatisfied and place a sense of false guilt on her
husband. The author made it clear as to what she valued by including She had no gowns, no
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Lakewood Case Summary
Lakewood s Security Requirement: Inprov s Policy/Procedure: Does Inprov Comply? Things Missing
from Inprov s Policy: Extra Things Inprov is Doing:
Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. Assume? Assume? Secure Credit
Card data per standards of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). (1) Does
not store any personally identifiable financial information. YES NONE NONE
Provide periodic demonstrations of compliance with PCI DSS. ? NO Does not state any requirements
of periodic demonstrations. NONE Limit access to personal information and secure facilities with
information storage or transmission capabilities. (1) Due care that transmission is appropriate.
(2) Access ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
YES NONE (1) Access restricted at file level.
(2) Security exceeds requirements of many federal laws.
Implement IT security and authentication methods covering networks, applications, database, and
platform security. (1) Access restricted on both service and file level with Access Control List.
(2) Uses state of the art firewall and FortiGuard Labs full suite of Integrated Security Services.
(3) Secure servers which exceed requirements of HIPAA, Sarbanes Oxley, etc. YES NONE (1) Access
restricted at file level.
Security exceeds requirements of many federal laws.
Encrypt any highly sensitive personal information transmitted or stored on mobile media. (1) Due care
that transmission is appropriate. NO No encryption is required. NONE
Strictly segregate personal information from all other information. ? NO No segregation is required.
Lakewood s Security Requirement: Inprov s Policy/Procedure: Does Inprov Comply? Things Missing
from Inprov s Policy: Extra Things Inprov is Doing:
Implement personnel security and integrity procedures, specifically background checks. ? NO Policy
does not state requirements for screening employees or background checks.
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The Lucky One
I chose to read The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks as my contemporary novel. I have read it before
and I have seen the movie and i loved them both. I was really glad to finally read something i enjoyed
and have to write a paper on it. In the following paragraphs i summarize both the book and the movie,
talk about differences and similarities between the book and the movie, and finally i discuss how i felt
about the book and the movie and which i prefer. The following is a summary of the book. It is about a
man named Logan, a Marine serving in Iraq, who comes across a photograph in the desert. The
photograph is of a woman at a fair with a huge ferris wheel and three trees in the background and on
the back it says, Keep safe! E . Logan s best friend, Victor, a fellow Marine, says that he was meant to
find that photograph and that it brings him good luck, after Logan tries to find out who is belongs to
with no luck and after Logan survives many explosions while having the photo with him. So when
Logan returns home, he sets out to find the woman, at Victor s suggestion. All he has is a letter of her
name and the background of the photo to go off of. After doing some research he finally narrows it
down to a town in North Carolina. He heads out with his dog, a german shepard named Zeus, on foot
across the country, traveling from Colorado to North Carolina. While traveling, he runs into a cop
named Keith, who he later finds out is the ex husband of the girl in the picture. Logan
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Underwater Welding Research Paper
What are the advantages of Underwater welding? https://prezi.com/nbgvyxwvuvwt/underwater
welding hyperbaric welding/ Prezi. UNDERWATER WELDING (HYPERBARIC WELDING).
Prezi.com. Https://prezi.com/nbgvyxwvuvwt/underwater welding hyperbaric welding/, 28 Nov. 2014.
Web. 16 Mar. 2016. . This article is about the introduction to underwater welding. The article tells
everything from the applications,the types,It tells about the different types of underwater welding and
what they are. This article goes in depth with everything Underwater. The article even gives you
visuals of Underwater welding for further understanding. The article gives you the purpose and the
uses of underwater welding.The article covers the basics of underwater welding. The author is telling
you all the basics of underwater welding.The author is trying to inform the reader about Underwater
welding .Everything you need to know is right here.This article relates to my research in many
different ways.The article answers multiple of my questions and gives many examples on how to
expand on them.The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I know the answer to this will lead to my research question being answered because it specifically
explains how underwater welding is important and the advantages of the process.The article states the
advantages of underwater as the cost is low,the qiment needed is minimal and many more
advantages.It explains how this welding is different fro dry welding and explains the different
advanatges of both types of welding.The top advanatage is that it saves money and time for example if
a ship needs repairs the owner wouldnt need to take the ship out of the water and waste time and
money moving it to where it could get fixed you could just get an underwater welder to do the job and
that will save you the money and the time but people may argue that underwater has lots of risk like
life long health issues,Dangerous enviroment,Dangerous wild
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Benefits For Part Time Workers
Case Study 3:
Benefits for Part Time Workers
Ken Davis
Liberty University
Introduction In this weeks case we have Jackson, Smith and Henderson (JSH) Certified Public
Accountants (CPA) one of the fastest growing CPA firms in the area. The firm has just under 100
employees (Martocchio, 2015, p.260) of which two have requested part time statues. The firm had
already considered hiring additional part time workers, consequently the firm need to make a Human
Resource (HR) decision, to decide when and should the company extend the benefits to part time
workers. Therefore, understanding what the Employment and Labor Laws prior to the offering of
extended benefits to part time employees should be the first place to start ... Show more content on
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When a company is deciding to make an innovative change or extended benefits to part time
employees, strict compliance is required according to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the
U.S. Department of Labor (Martocchio, 2015). Tiffani Clement (2011) published an article, Does my
business have to provide part time employees with benefits? she writes about the required benefits that
employers must extend to part time employees. For instance, newly added HR Director Alan Jones
must address whether or not his company can afford to offer extended benefits to part time employees.
Three Factors for Consideration Bearing in mind some firms are hiring interims, staffing services and
part time employees through temp agencies. It is no surprise in this case that a recent compensation
survey of business in the local geographical area included information about benefits (Martocchio,
2015). Part time employment are more readily available because it is considered hidden
unemployment, says, Chris Tilly, a professor at UCLA, for instance, if a person works 20 hours a
week, but wants 40 hours, that unfulfilled time is spent unemployed (Gillespie, 2015). Utilizing the
prior options above can save the company money, plus some part time employees are hired at the
entrance level pay, therefore saving the company certain work benefits. Although, the company may
utilize the services of a staffing service and or temp agency,
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Religion and the Northern Rebellion of 1568 Essay
Religion and the Northern Rebellion of 1568
At the time of the Northern Rebellion in 1568, the North of England was greatly aggrieved. When
Elizabeth had ascended to the throne she appointed loyal men to her throne, usually Protestants like
William Cecil at the expense of the Northern Earls. This subtraction of power of course angered the
Northern Earls, but was the Northern Rebellion just down to this? Religion played a huge part in the
daily lives of most people in the 16th century and with the majority of the North retaining Catholicism
whilst Elizabeth slowly introduced Protestantism, surely this would cause further conflict.
To an extent we can see evidence that the Northern rebellion was ... Show more content on
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At this stage the rebellion seemed very religious as the rebels showed their loyalty to Catholicism.
The Northern rebels had tried to gain further religious support from the pope and also hoped for
Spanish support. They requested the pope excommunicated Elizabeth so anyone who was afraid to
join in the rebellion could do so with the knowledge that they would still go to heaven. However the
papal bull of excommunication came too late for the Northern Earls, only after the rebellion had been
quashed. Also there was the suggestion that Spanish support was on its way, however this statement
was found to be false. Phillip II didn t have any enthusiasm for putting Mary Stuart on the throne
largely due to her connections with France.
Although initially the Northern rebellion seemed to be down to religious disagreements, there is
evidence to suggest this is not the only reason the Northern Earls wanted Mary to take over Elizabeth
s position on the throne. During the Tudor period the Northern Earls powers had been significantly
reduced, this angered them immensely; two of the leading northern families, the Percy s and the
Neville s were slowly becoming powerless and even falling into poverty. With such successful
ancestors, the Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland were not willing to let their
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Video Games And Its Impact On Education Essay
Gaming is on the rise and it is easy to fathom that the use of gaming in education is also increasing.
Thus, educational gaming is listed as one of the 10 Major Technology Trends in Education (Riedel,
2014). One reason gaming is increasing so rapidly is because the very notion of what a game is has
broadened to include a variety of experiences (Jayanth, 2014). Michael D. Gallagher, president and
CEO of Entertainment Software Association which conducts consumer research and analysis said,
Video games are the future. From education and business, to art and entertainment, our industry brings
together the most innovative and creative minds to create the most engaging, immersive and
breathtaking experiences we ve ever seen (Entertainment Software Association, 2016). We as teachers
seek to engage our students. If video games and gaming can better involve our students in the lesson,
it is my belief that we should absolutely use it in our classroom. This trend is shaping education
technology because digital gaming is just that, digital. It requires some sort of technological devices in
order to play. There are gaming applications that are minute and do not require much from a device.
Basically, anyone can play these games so long as they have technology equipment. You also have
much more extensive games that require special hardware, such as a certain processor, large amounts
of memory and a graphics card. Depending on the game you employ in your classroom will
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Stereotypes Of African American Students
Not only do African Americans lack the resources they can bring into the educational system, but are
trapped into an unsupportive system and school structure on the basis of merit, which marginalizes
African American students and negatively affect their academic achievements. White standards and
values are the foundations of how the schools are run. For example, schools never acknowledge and
integrate black vernaculars into any aspect of the curriculum(Hooks). African Americans have to
adjust and conform to white norms implemented by institutions. Black students have difficulty
forming positive relationships with teachers and administrators, and more are seen as displaying
problem behaviors at a rate far exceeding that of their white peer (Gosa and Alexander). Those who
are unwilling to accept the values held by privileged classes are deemed as troublemakers and placed
into lower level classes, a form of resegregation. The expectation from the teachers and administrators
are based primarily on the stereotypes that African Americans are naturally the least intelligent.
Teachers expectations for success were higher for white students than for African American
students(Ferguson). Not only do the teachers have lower expectations for black students, the students
consequently end up having lower expectations for themselves. Black students may assume that
because no black students are enrolled in high level classes, they may not excel (Pedro Noguera,
2003). The
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Wonder By R J Palacio Summary
Everybody, regardless of who we are, what we look like, how we act and how or got bullied, will
shine. This thesis statement relates to the book, Wonder, by R.J. Palacio. The craft move that the
author puts in is dialogue. In the beginning of the story, we begin with the beginning signs of bullying
from a student at Beecher Prep, the school that August, which at the time, is his future school, as he
asks him what happened to his face, saying he looked like he was in a fire (quote missing). But as time
goes on, August is affected by the surroundings he s seen in addition to the bullying done by Julian, as
he says, Why do I have to be so ugly, Mommy? (Palacio 60) under tears. Things only get worse as
when he comes into school on Halloween,
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Sidney Bechet s Major Accomplishments
Sidney Bechet was one of many fantastic up and coming jazz musicians in the Roaring Twenties. He
started on the clarinet, but eventually became one of the first performers to adopt the soprano
saxophone as a main instrument, as well as one of the first to improvise with the swing style of jazz.
In addition, he was one of the first artists to record using a multitrack which was a way of recording
where you would play back the track from one instrument while you recorded with another instrument
and continued this process until you had all of the instruments you wanted. These strides helped
Bechet stand out from other musicians as he progressed through his career. Bechet grew up in a
musical household and toured with popular bands from a young age. His father and four brothers all
played instruments, so his passion for music came as no shock. Although his ability to easily pick up
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Bechet s compositions includes Les Oignons, Promenade aux Champ Elysées, Petite Fleur, Si Tous
Vous ma Mère, Chant in the Night, Blues in the Air, Bechet s Fantasy, Quincy Street Stomp, and
Summertime. Common themes throughout his work include vibrato and 12 14 bar blues melodies. He
was also known for his improvisation, solos like those of Louis Armstrong, and especially for
conveying intense emotion through his music. Duke Ellington, a fellow jazz musician, once described
Bechet as The very epitome of jazz, everything he played in his entire life was completely original. I
honestly think he was the most unique man ever to be in this music. Throughout his career he played
in the Marion Cook s Syncopated Orchestra, Louis Mitchell s Jazz King, Duke Ellington s
Washingtonians, and the Noble Sissle Orchestra. He also went on to teach Bob Wilbur who also
became a famous clarinetist and saxophonist. Bechet made the most of his career and continued to
produce music for most of his
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Michael Shermer s Explanation Of Patterns
Humans make use of patterns every day, they are necessary for our society to function, and on a larger
scale, allow us to find consistency within the universe. An idea raised Michael Shermer is that
Humans are pattern seeking animals and we are adept at finding patterns whether they exist or not .
Fundamentally, patterns are a specific and consistent relationship between knowledge, so a number
pattern is just a specific arrangement of numbers. To further explore Shermer s statement, it is
important to define what it means for a pattern to exist. One possible interpretation is that an existing
pattern is a pattern that is inherently found within the universe, regardless of human thought or
influence. Consequently, a pattern that exists must be shared knowledge, meaning that the pattern is
agreed upon and perceived as the same for every human. For example, one person may see a shape of
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One of the more commonly known patterns are number sequences, these types of patterns are numbers
placed in a certain order where there is a relationship between each consecutive number. These
patterns the result of the laws of the universe and exist regardless of human influence, they are agreed
upon by most people and therefore can be said to exist. On the other hand, there are also patterns that
are based on probability which are not as objective as number sequences. While it can be argued that
probability patterns do exist within the universe, it can also be argued that they are only perceived to
exist. This is especially prevalent in scientific and human experiments where they use mathematical
formulas to justify whether there is a pattern between different things. While patterns are consistent, it
does not necessarily mean that a pattern will always be correct, which raises questions like, To what
extent can we rely on uncertain knowledge? and How can knowledge ever be
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Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
Wide Reading Interview with Protagonist
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows (fantasy) JK Rowling
Interviewer: Greetings Harry Potter. I am an interviewer for The Daily Prophet and I am intending to
make this interview, the biggest news in the wizarding world! During this session, l would like to ask
you questions about your adventure to defeat Voldemort. When you first started out in Hogwarts, you
knew that you were the one to defeat Voldemort, but seeing the mission that Dumbledore left for you,
what did you think of embarking on that treacherous journey?
Harry Potter: Well, I always knew that Dumbledore had hope and faith that I would succeed in that
journey to defeat Voldemort, but he left me with nothing. He did not leave me with anything, only a
few scraps of advice and he expected me to fulfil his wish! There were horcruxes, which were objects
that protected Voldemort s soul, and to kill him, I would have to destroy them all. Dumbledore did not
tell me where the horcruxes were and I had to cluelessly figure it out for myself. I had Ron and
Hermione though. I knew they would help me, and I knew that I had to destroy Voldemort to set the
wizarding world free from his terror. I had to do it, because nobody else was going to do it.
Interviewer: During your time hiding from Voldemort and his followers, what precautions did you
have to take, what were your struggles and what were your feelings during this time?
Harry Potter: It was a massive struggle I have to say.
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Monopoly Product Life Cycle
12th December 2014 Yannis Azzopardi 380291m
Product Management
Study Unit: Product Development and PLC Strategies
MRK 1603
For a product of your choice, discuss the characteristics of each stage of the product lifecycle and
explain the marketing strategy you would implement.
Over 2000 versions in 111 countries and 43 languages, Hasbro had sold 275 million Monopoly games
The Monopoly Game is named after the economic concept of monopoly: the domination of a market
by a single provider. Just right after Chess which holds the 1st place, Monopoly is ranked as the 2nd
best board game of all time. Monopoly was patented in 1935 and albeit ... Show more content on
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Hasbro seems comfortable in gaining a steady cash cow from monopoly until it declines and dies a
natural death eventually becoming a dead dog, but what if Hasbro thought bigger? Some of Hasbro s
main core values which some are : Community, Innovation, Fun and Diversity amongst others , if I
myself had to be responsible for the marketing of Hasbro and was in charge to come with new ideas I
would come up with a Monopoly Theme Park . What else could be better and more successful than a
theme park for a company like Hasbro?
Having the capital to invest and wait for a long term profit, Hasbro in my opinion is losing out on an
idea like this. If Again I had to be in charge the theme park would include Kiddie Rides to Adult Thrill
Rides, Would also include a life size monopoly where people can gather together as communities and
enjoy a day out. Organising also competitions for people to come up with new ideas for different
monopolies from around the world and the winner will get a monopoly made to his name. Why not
have a Studio Booth for people to get photographs and make their own family monopoly? Nan s house
could be the least valued property while Uncle Mat s Villa is the highest! Why not challenge people on
a short version of monopoly and see who will be able to play monopoly whilst going on a ride ?
Figure 5
Why not enjoy a game
Of monopoly while
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The OgDaodth had genetically engineered his people to be...
The OgDaodth had genetically engineered his people to be their slaves. He did not have any physical
similarities to his Mother at all; he seemed to be most like his father Mythrus. Alaric s physical
features were very similar to Mythrus; also, his character very much resembled Mythrus nature.
Mythrus was a builder and engineer. His tribe s genetic specialization endowed them with the innate
aptitude to design, engineer, and build. The builders were the beasts of burden and were known for
their strength, endurance and the superior quality of their artisanship and planning. Due to this genetic
enhancement, his body also swiftly adapted to any environment. The baleful forest that he over looked
still had proven to be a formidable obstacle ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Leaving the place cloaked in shades of blues, grays and magentas. The energy of the haze was so
intense it built a wall around him, the effect it created was disorientating. It felt as if he were standing
in between the strings of time. It was as if he was not firmly rooted in any particular place or time.
That he was somehow detached from the world around him viewing the people, places, and events
through the strings of time, from some other place, time, and body. He had climbed the cliffs not only
to get away from that sensation, but also to try to get a better overview of the landscape; hoping he
might sight a pathway through the for est. The ground of the forest was enchanted; the vines that
covered it were like a hydra. They were impervious to magic, and fire. The more you cut them the
faster they grew. If you stood still for too long the forest floor would grow around your feet
intertwining between your legs. He stared at the darkened forest and watched it, as it appeared to
writhe and taunt him and felt his frustration rise yet again. Alaric rarely encountered an obstacle that
he could not readily overcome. In fact, it had been a very long time since he had experienced any sort
of challenge in his life. This journey had been a long series of delays and chal lenges, each one
spilling into the next without end. He knew the general direction he was supposed to go in, but had no
idea of his final destination. From the beginning, it
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Youth Incarceration Research Paper
The Incarceration of Juveniles It is estimated that on any given day there are 80,000 youth
incarcerated in the United States, which is more than any other developed country in the
world(Townes, 1). Incarcerating youth before exploring other options is a social injustice. Judges
rather give short term solutions than permanently fix the problem. To understand why this is a social
injustice, four pieces of information must be known: the causes, who it affects and how, who s
responsible, and solutions in place. Incarcerating youth affects them in many different ways. One way
is the psychiatric damage prisons cause. Being in prison means that the child is not able to be with
their family and community, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression. Studies show
that incarcerated youth die from suicide at a rate two to three times more than non incarcerated youths
(Polish,1). In addition to mental health effects, incarceration at a young age affects the person s future
by lowering their chances of finding a job. When sentenced to a correctional facility, the child s
education is stopped and they become 38 times more likely to become a repeat offender(Koehler,1).
With no education and a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Lack of resources is one of the major causes of high juvenile incarceration rates. Without alternative
programs prison is the only option. Another major fact is improper evaluations. Improper evaluations
lead to children, who are considered non public threats, being thrown in jail. Roughly 25% of youth
behinds bar are actually considered threats which means the remaining are considered non threatening
(Townes, 2). In addition, improper evaluations lead to youth with mental illnesses being placed behind
bars and not receiving medical attention. It s known that 65 to 70% of youth behind bars have a
disability, yet barley anything has been done to help them obtain the help they need(Townes,
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Still Alice Story About Identity
How would you feel? If you wake up and find that you cannot remember your surrounding everything.
It is your identity recognition loss that it is much bad thing for lifestyle because identity recognition is
thing confirm human existence other than four requisites as if Alice. She is famous professor of
linguistics and she has complete family but good things are failing when she finds that she is
Alzheimer disease. Still Alice story demonstrate to love from family, individual differences and using
technology for troubleshooting. All this involves humanism. Humanism believes that human is all
living creatures have mind, love requirement, warmth and understanding from family. You find that
Alice is Alzheimer. It makes her forgets self. Physical illness brings about to spiritual illness such as
forgetting vocabularies, forgetting route that usually, patient is forgetful. Finally, she loses brain
capability and she cannot help herself but she has the best family that they can care and strive to
understand her Alzheimer. For example, Anna is oldest child that she has family. She seem selfish but
she ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You find that Still Alice story has various technologies enter to relate and they have much benefit and
they help to keep Howland s memory. Although Alice cannot memorize all stories, she has technology
that it helps resurrect her memory in the past. For example Alice gets DVD about her remembrance
from Lydia that it helps to give her absorb memory. Although her memory disappears, DVD remains
to record image, memory and Howland s speech. In conclusion, Still Alice has concernment with
humanism include relation in family, private ability and using technology for solving that humanism is
value and humanity importance. It seeks for the best life approach. It believes in human is center of
everything. Human has attempt, latency, and creation
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What Is A Winter Essay
The Winter months are always the months everyone fears, the one everyone prepares for and with
every passing Winter recording colder and colder than the last and the death toll of the people living
inside our sector, our people rising every year; it s a completely understandable and acceptable fear for
someone to have. Disowned children and terrified runways just looking for somewhere to fit in left to
starve outside on the streets whilst those better off disregard them as cretins, old and time worn
beggars with no known family left to freeze to death when the colder, harsher nights arose. Winter is
the time when our crops, livestock and the people we love wither and die resulting in people who
wanted to live so badly taking extreme actions to guarantee their own survival, allowing themselves to
be thrown into a merciless pit to fight against one another in hope for an extra bit of grain and
firewood and for women over ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On these nights, when Flo s sleeves have rolled up ever so slightly and her blankets dropped down and
now exposing her bare arms and thighs it s only norm for me to feel as if someone has planted a hard
punch to my stomach, often leaving me breathless and flustered. She has saved my life so many times
and accepted the consequences so many times just to protect me.
My life hasn t always just fighting for my survival, or being forced to stand and watch the people I had
come to care about beaten to bloody, mutilated pulps just in hopes for an extra something to eat to
ensure they didn t starve to death that week; but my life hadn t always been so heinous or so cruel.
Life wasn t always like this and instead had once been something very mellow, beautiful
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The Main Causes Of World War I
World War I
World War I was one of the most significant intercontinental conflicts in European History. World War
I mainly involved Britain, France, Russia, Italy and later the United States. Wars like these may start
for various reasons. One of the main cause of the war was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. This
assassination was conducted by members of an organization called the Black Flag. Like most wars,
the great war had many more purposes for occurring. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
was solely responsible for the outbreak of World War I because it was the event that led to all the
world powers to get involved in the conflict.
Initially, World War I could have started due to the various mutual defence alliances that most of the
countries had before the war. The alliances were not uncommon for a majority of the European ...
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But the assassination of Architect Franz Ferdinand ultimately led to the Great War . If the event were
never to have occurred the Black Hand would not have angered Austria and if the assassination was
never commenced then it sparks conflict with Serbia. Then Russia wouldn t become involved and
soon. All in all the assassination caused a domino effect that will lead to World War I. The second
reason That contributed to World War I was the Mutual defence alliance. If these alliances never
existed the conflict with Austria and Serbia would have either been resolved or faded into obscurity
and World War I would not happen. Then, the Naval Blockade contributed to the tension. Obviously,
the Naval blockade created the tensions between the countries involved in WWI. But It did not totally
drive the war it was a minor event in the grand scheme of things. It contributed more to WWII and the
genocide. Finally, Imperialism slightly contributed to the war. WWI was not primarily about taking
over land as it was more about protecting
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Progression of Time and Community in the Works of Johnson...
The future of society is an often unpredictable and unpleasant topic due to the many variables which
effect it. In The Lost Island and in The City of the End of Things , the future is depicted as something
detrimental to the society each story represents. In Pauline Johnson s short story, The Lost Island , this
concept is expressed in the visions given by the Medicine Man, who foretells the oppression of his
people by the arrival of the colonizers. In Archibald Lampman s poem, The City of the End of Things ,
this concept manifests through the downfall of greater human society in favour of a more robotic era.
This essay focuses on how these two texts exemplify the variable nature of the future by focusing on
the harmful possibilities ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After this point in the story, the medicine man returned to his people and told them to look for the
island before dying in his sleep; however, nobody could ever find the island (Johnson 235). The main
character shares his own desire to discover it when he says, twice I have seen its shadow...[it] fell
across my canoe, across my face, and across the waters beyond...there is something on that island that
I want. I shall look for it until I die, for it is there (Johnson 233). He continues to search for the island
in order to obtain those long lost traits, for himself and to uphold the former status of his people. Yet
the story ends with the notion that such a reclamation may never occur. The main character claims he
has been touched by the shadow of the island, but only the shadow (Johnson 235). This indicates that
he and his people may only ever have the memories of the past to haunt them as they progress. In this
way the story is indicating that the modern society the Aboriginal people thrive in is already stagnant
and dead. Archibald Lampman s poem, The City of the End of Things , depicts the future of humanity
as a hellish reality, where human existence is met with suffering. Human society itself is absent in
favour of a technologically advanced, robotic era. This apocalyptic portrayal of the global community
produces powerful, demonic imagery in order to depict the downward
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A Brief Note On The Roaring Dragon Hotel
The Roaring Dragon Hotel
An effective Study to Improve Intercultural Communications
Tejaswi Ananth Suryadevara
Sullivan University
Managerial Communication Skills (MGT 510)
Executive Summary This proposition is a framework for building viable interchanges and having
social mindfulness among intercultural gatherings. As, on account of the Roaring Dragon Hotel
absence of successful intercultural correspondence is distinguished as one of the prime explanations
behind it to end the agreement with HI administration group, an European administration group that
was selected for its modernization to attain to universal five star status. In spite of the fact that HI
group holds sound business notoriety in the west, it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
HI administration when it took over in 2002 fizzled not just to communicate with the RDH
administration and its staff additionally they did not try to see if the employees understood the
directions and policies, since it was a whole new scenario. In order to reach the international status or
five star Hotel status. Hotel International started taking changing few established policies of Roaring
Dragon Hotel, though the intention was to succeed, but those policies resulted in loss and also did not
help to improve the quality standards, main cause being conflict between the employees of RDH and
HI management.
After RDH was taken over by HI, and since it was a Chinese hotel the its relationship with the
families was given more importance and they were treated friendly with respect, (Grainger, 2008) but
after the contract everything changed, they were not treated friendly which led to depression among
the employees. RDH staff was facing lots of issues like working for long hours under HI and they
were feeling the pressure and fear of being laid off in case they don t work and much of the staff
which was working for past 30 years had to speak in English, all these factors also lead few of them to
start looking at opportunities outside RDH.
The turnover rate at RDH should have be reduced, HI should have taken care of the staff with little
more respect. They should also have appointment managers who at least had done their education in
the west but whose roots are
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Comediene Amy Poehler Speeches
Comedienne Amy Poehler did a speech about the life and the importance to graduating seniors at
Harvard University on Saturday May 25. In the speech she did important points about life like not
going at something alone. And that is this: you can t do it alone. As you navigate through the rest of
your life be open to collaboration, said Poehler. The audience was laughing and cheering throughout
the whole speech. When speech ended there was loud clapping and cheering. Poehler stressed that
most of times in that answer in life in someone else so they would put their phones down sometimes
and look. When you feel scared, hold someone s hand and look into their eyes. And when you feel
brave, do the same thing, said Poehler. Poehler was born in
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Swot Analysis of Burberry
Burberry Group plc (BRBY) Financial and Strategic SWOT Analysis Review
Burberry Group plc (Burberry) is into the global luxury sector. It works in the designing, marketing
and sourcing of outerwear, women s wear, men s wear, non apparel and children s wear categories. It
distributes through a diversified network of retail, wholesale and licensing channels worldwide. The
company operates its business in three ways by region, by product and by channel. Burberry
distributes its products in Europe, Spain, Americas and Asia Pacific through retail and wholesale
channels and with selective license arrangements. In addition, it licenses third parties to manufacture
and distribute products using the Burberry trademarks. It categorizes ... Show more content on
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Gain key insights into the company for academic or business research.
Key elements such as SWOT analysis, corporate strategy and financial ratios and charts are
incorporated in the profile to assist your academic or business research needs.
Burberry Swot
Burberry is uniquely positioned as a classic British apparel brand with high global brand awareness to
capture the globalization of consumer demand. Its distinctive luxury brand with international
recognition and broad appeal. The company s outlook for the accessible luxury goods industry
remains positive from both a geographic and product point of view. Burberry had become positively
hip and popular among a younger demographic. It has a unique history and positioning as the
authentic British lifestyle brand and highly successful merchandising and marketing strategy across
both appeal and accessories. In 2000 Burberry s total sales were 225.7 million and by 2003 sales had
went up to 593.6 million.
When Burberry brand became licensed across a range of categories, the price,design,and quality of
products were not being looked at anymore. In Asia, wholesalers sold the products to unauthorized
distributors, who then sold the products at prices, channels, and locations without respect to the brand
image and because of that Burberry started to
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Fashion Change over the Decades
How the change in fashion over the decades has represents ones particular lifestyle Introduction
Fashion is a way of expressing one s self through clothing which could be influenced by a particular
era or group fighting for a cause or representing a certain groups with the same interests. This essay
aims to highlight how a group of people have a certain persona that can be so large that it will
influence the way they dress and their beliefs and lifestyle. This analysed over decades. In each
paragraph I am going to highlight how a specific group or event that occurred in the particular decade
influenced the fashion in America. My conclusion will basically prove my thesis. Fashion in the 1970
s The 1970s was the decade of the mods and the hippies. Men and women were wearing tight pants
and bell bottoms were also huge in the 70 s. At times it was difficult to make a clear distinction of
what was seen appropriate for home and what was seen appropriate for a night out. Women were seen
pairing low cut pants with high cut boots, ....this was probably also the first full decade in which
women could be seen wearing pants in every walk of life. retro waste. Available from:
www.retrowaste.com/1970s/fashion in the 1970s/ . (Accessed 14 April 2014 ) There are a couple of
hippie groups from the 70 s that decided to do things a little out of the norm like Queen who had
bisexual member in his band and at those times it was seen as an abomination to be into people of the
same sex.
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Theme Of Virginia Woolf s To The Lighthouse
Virginia Woolf s To the lighthouse has many themes that can be discussed, especially those related to
art, life, reality and time. Some critics argue that there is a life art relationship in the novel, perceived
relations of equivalence between emotional experience and aesthetic (con)figuration, between life on
the one hand, and shape, trope, structure on the other (Koppen, 375). However, one must analyze the
novel in order to find if it can be true what these critics say. If it is true that there is an art s relation to
life in this novel, how did Virginia Woolf express this relation in the novel? Which characters
represent better this relationship? In the present essay, it will be discussed if there is such a
relationship between art ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ramsay s death, there is a transition from life to art and this transition is represented in part II, which
is faster than the other two parts and in which one can see the passage of ten years represented
especially in the decay of the house. After this transition, in part III, Lily, who represents art, becomes
the main character. In this part, one finds the effort that Lily makes to transform her vision of life and
the world into art and the aesthetic problems she has with it. She decides to continue with the painting
she started. There is an evolution of her vision from the beginning of the novel until the end. In the
beginning, she cannot make sense of her art, but in the end, she fills her vision and she is capable of
finishing the painting. She has been an observer of the Ramsay family, especially of Mrs. Ramsay
through the entire novel, but it s at the end when she attains her vision. She is capable to see Mrs.
Ramsay in the past and in the present. When she finishes her painting, Mr. Ramsay, Cam and James
arrive to the lighthouse and James can see it and her father, who has changed through those ten years.
At this point, it is easier to see the relation of life and art. There is no life without art, but art can never
be void of life, because it is connected in so many ways with the experiencing body (388). Also, it is
important to notice that Lily attains her vision at its fullest, but it is conditional on the body and the
physical experience, that is,
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Dove Soap
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for
Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)
Dwarka sector 9
July 2013
I owe many thanks to all those people who helped and supported me during the process amp;
completion of this project.
I would thank my Institution for giving me an opportunity to undertake this project.
My deepest thank to Mr. Vinay Pratap Singh (Sr. Manager online), Mr. B.Sanjeev Kumar my industry
mentor, for guiding me throughout the project completion process with attention and care. He
displayed all the patience required to go through the project and make necessary correction as and ...
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Agriculture commodities include wheat, rice, pulses, cereals, edible oils, ground nut etc. Non
agriculture commodities includes crude oil, non ferrous metals like gold, silver, nickel, copper etc.
My basic study of bullion and specifically of gold amp; silver led me to the fact that though India is
the largest consumer of gold amp; silver. India largely has unorganized gold market. The government
policies regarding the same have also changed considerably over the years. From being a restrictive
trade, now it has been opened up after the recommendation of the Tarapore Committee. Gold itself has
a mass appeal in all the countries of the world and thus its prices are always under notice.
Whole commodity market is divided into two broad categories those are agriculture commodities and
non agriculture commodities. Agriculture commodities include wheat, rice, pulses, cereals, edible oils,
ground nut etc. Non agriculture commodities includes crude oil, non ferrous metals like gold, silver,
nickel, copper etc.
I have mainly focused upon the commodity gold amp; silver. What are the essential features of gold
amp; silver as a precious metal and as a commodity?
This session would broadly deal with Gold amp; Silver as a commodity, its Production, Demand amp;
Supply, fluctuation in price and its significance as a commodity traded in
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Malnutrition And Crohn s Disease
Malnutrition is a condition in which a person is not getting the right amount of nutrients that they need
to remain healthy. It can range from being mild to being detrimental to both physical and mental
health. It can occur because a person is not eating a diet that provides enough nutrients the body
needs, or the person is not absorbing the nutrients that the body is receiving. Even lacking one vitamin
from your diet is considered malnutrition. Malnutrition can also be a result of Crohn s disease, cystic
fibrosis, celiac disease, or persistent diarrhea or vomiting. Having anorexia is also a cause of
malnutrition because of the restrictive calorie intake. Drug addiction or being an alcoholic can affect
the body s ability to absorb the nutrients which will cause malnutrition as well. It is possible to be
obese and have malnutrition if they are not getting enough nutrients from all the food they take in. ...
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However, some signs and symptoms associated with malnutrition include: weight loss, fatigue, unable
to carry out usual tasks, not being able to perform physical activity at the same level as normally,
changes in mood such as becoming depressed, dizziness, loss of appetite, and inability to stay focused.
They may also be sensitive to the cold and be more susceptible to becoming sick because their
immune system is weaker. If there has been any unintended weight loss in 3 to 6 months such as a loss
of 5 10% weight loss, malnutrition may be suspected. Calculating the BMI or body mass index is used
to diagnose malnutrition. If the result is 17 18.5 this points toward mild malnutrition. 15 17 points
toward moderate malnutrition and any number below 16 is considered severe
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Crook, John s Letter To Quakers
Quakers Writing. N.p., 25 Dec. 1698. Web. 12 Sept. 2016.
Crook, feeling like he needs to save the world, writes this letter to warn his friends that not following
God could result in negative consequences. In this letter his audience, his friends, Crook purpose is to
persuade them to follow God. The Catalysts of this letter is to persuade his friends to follow God
using a first person religious letter. The genre of this letter can be defined as a religious letter. The
context in which the letter will be presented in is the general public, or religious figures. This letter
does not appeal to ethos, however, It does have logos and pathos. One example of logos is when the ...
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He got this piece of land because Charles I owed his father a debt. William immediately knew what he
wanted to do with this land. He noticed that the Quakers suffered through serious persecutions and
beatings. So, Williams set out to create a safe colony they could go to and prosper. Although the
Quakers were harshly treated, They did not do common English courtesies. They believed all mean
were equal, so they did not believe in bowing to officials. They also did not pay money like taxes, if
they believe it went to violent causes like war. The Quakers were well known for their opinion in
equality and religious freedom. They allowed everybody to participate in their meetings. This colony
thrived and spread to places like Pennsylvania. The catalysis in this article is to inform (purpose) the
audience, or the general public, about the Quakers suffering and their quest to build a religious refuge.
Like most of my other citations, This article can be included in the genre of religious articles. The
context of this article is general public, or people wanting to know more about the Quakers. This
article appeals to many rhetorical strategies and appeals. It appeals mostly to pathos, but it does have
logos, division, and comparison and contrast. This article appears to pathos when The author had
stated that, William Penn was a dreamer , and when he compared(comparison/contrast) the Puritans
and the Quakers. He
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The Flappers In The 1920 s
The decade of the 20 in the United States was a time of great change after exit of the First World War.
When the war ended after a fight of 72 years, women had won the most precious right to vote. The
Flappers were young urban women, unmarried of middle class that had a job in the changing U.S.
economy, especially as secretaries, telephone operators or vendors at the department stores. The
flapper went by the nights to jazz clubs where used to dance in a provocative way, smoked cigarettes
with long nozzles, aspired cocaine and the flapper had meeting with rich men. The flapper driving
motorcycles and cars (fast). Drank alcohol openly, an act of defiance in a period of prohibition. An
example of this is Clara Bow or Coco Chanel, one of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Like the evolution of flappers, music evolved the remarkable change in fashion occurred in 1921 and
the popularity of jazz soared. Flappers had upper and lower body freedom was essential to dance the
Charleston, The classic dress that was made flappers used to enjoy having a wonderful time in the city.
The suit these young women used was loose and was dropped waist dress. By the standards of 1920,
these dresses were bold fashions that women at that moment showed little skin and adjusted to shape
the body. Flappers dress had sleeves and skirts were shorter and that was just when to use one to
customize to the hilt with lace and many colors, so the dresses were cut to reflect the ability to move
freely when dancing while they moved their attributes. Flappers hung out in speakeasies and
nightclubs where they danced the Tango, the Black Bottom and the biggest dance craze of all the
Charleston with bare arms and legs flying, this was another scandal more about Flappers. That look
that we now associate with the 1920s could not have existed without the arrival of the Jazz, who
became one of the most popular in America. The Jazz became the musical language of flappers and
jazz was also bold, urban, sinful and
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Character Charly In Flowers For Algernon
The movie Charly by Ralph Nelson, is based on a novel named Flowers for Algernon by Daniel
Keyes. The actor Cliff Robertson plays the role of Charly. Charly is the main character along with
Algernon, Miss. Kinnian, Dr. Straus, and Dr. Nemur. The movie was really good. Cliff Robertson was
a great actor for Charly. The movie is about a man named Charly. He has a mental disorder. He goes to
a grown up school to help him learn how to read and write. One day a doctor made him race against a
mouse named Algernon in a maze. Algernon had a surgery to make him smart and so he won every
race. The doctors decided to give Charly the same surgery to see if it would work on him. He would
be the first man ever to get this surgery. They told him it
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Basic Laws Of Obeying Manslaughter
The average time of imprisonment for committing manslaughter is 13 years; Murder is a crime and we
strongly enforce this today. God states You shall not murder. God says this to set a minimum standard
for humanity and the people of Israel. This is a basic law to keep one Holy and to abstain from sin. To
disobey this is a crime against man, and a crime against God. Obedience to this law only brings
goodness, as following the law ensures safety and tranquillity. God places this law to keep his
followers in the light of God, the people of Israel previously sinned against God s will, he place these
laws in hopes of freedom within structure.
Now Cain said to his brother Abel, Let s go out to the field. [d] While they were in the field, Cain
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Abdeali Dalal. Dr. Jenkins. History 1301. February 13,
Abdeali Dalal
Dr. Jenkins
History 1301
February 13, 2017
Escaping Salem; The Other Witch Hunt of 1692
Escaping Salem; The Other Witch hunt of 1692 was penned and published by Richard Godbeer in
2005. Godbeer expressed his views on what he called basic witch trials in Salem and more
importantly, in Stamford, Connecticut Massachusetts. The same year that Salem witch hunt and trials
began in 1692, another witch hunt took place in Stamford, the Western Connecticut to when a woman
(Elizabeth Clawson) from there was also accused of Witchcraft. These witch hunt and trials took place
in colonial Massachusetts during the period 1692 93, whereby, almost 200 victims or more were
alleged of conducting witchcraft, otherwise called the Devil s ... Show more content on
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Two of whom were she mentioned as witches were then put to trial for witchcraft. Questions about
whether Kate s screaming and mostly pain were due to natural or unnatural causes arose. If she were
bewitched, how can people believe her story when the mere fact is that her information came from the
devil? These questions still remain as Godbeer reveals through narrative how the judges and the trial
were such a legal covert. It was decided that all witches must have posed a tremendous danger to the
Salem community and the Stamford, Connecticut that as proving such an invisible matter was almost
impossible since they relied on the Devils Magic (Godbeer 89 109) to account for another. The fact
that the court used Kate Branch to determine other witches through the same method, the witchcraft;
others were convicted from, showed how the courts in Connecticut were controversial and embroil in
it on their use of doubtful evidence. Kate s credibility was questioned by many and this showed that it
was almost certain the screams from Kate Brunch were mere natural and had nothing to do with the
supposedly mentioned witches who were bewitched her. Using the Devil s Magic (Godbeer 109 104)
others were convicted for, it can be also concluded that whatever information she had given could not
have been trusted by the judges since her information came from the same source other witches are
accused and convicted for. The author gives his view on this case Kate Branch as he
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Analysis of Zoot Suit Essay
The book Zoot Suit has symbolic significance for Mexican Americans and tells about the riots during
World War II. The Sleepy Lagoon Murder was one step in the fight for the rights and respect of
Mexican American s. This riot involved young servicemen and civilians who clashed in the streets of
the city with young Mexican Americans who wore the noticeable quot;Zoot Suit. quot; At their height,
the riots involved several thousand men and women. In the end no one was killed and only a few were
injured but even today, the Zoot Suit riots are remembered for their significance.
Throughout the play there are underlying theme that suggest different ideas. The themes I will discuss
is how Mexican American men are portrayed in relation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Zoot Suit represents a changing society that the general population isn t ready to accept it so they
blame the crimes and the murders on those who dare to vary from quot;normal. quot; This is going on
during World War II and many of the Mexican Americans feel like they have no place fighting the war
and that the real war is the war between soldiers with their tight button up collars and the hang loose
Zoot Suiters who are mostly Mexican American.
Pachuco asked Henry, quot;Off to fight for your country? quot; (p. 30) Henry replies, quot;Why not?
quot; (p. 30) Pachuco then states, quot;Because this ain t your country. Look what s happening all
around you. The Japs have sewed up the Pacific. Rommel is kicking ass in Egypt but the Mayor of
L.A. has declared an all out war on Chicanos. On you! quot; (p. 30) This quote brings up the issue
relating to whether WWII should be fought by Mexican Americans or not. Pachuco, in this scene,
seems to feel that it isn t a war to be fought by the Mexican American but it is a time to begin a war to
gain respect for this culture.
Pachuco says, quot;The city s cracking down on pachucos, carnal. Don t you read the newspapers?
They re screaming for blood. quot; (p. 29) This quote implies that the press is exaggerating the stories
it tells in order to sell more papers. The press may have contributed to the Zoot Suit Riot with their
influence on public beliefs. He refers to the newspaper
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Huck Finn Criticism
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is a satire written by Mark Twain. The novel is based on the
series of adventures that the protagonist, Huckleberry Finn, and his companion a runaway slave
named Jim go on. In the novel, the protagonist, Huck Finn s mind is pulled in conflicting directions by
two compelling desires. The first time when Huck Finn is pulled in conflicting desires is when he
finds Miss Watson s runaway slave, Jim, at Jackson s Island. Huck knows that if he doesn t turn the
runaway slave in to his owner, People would call [him] a low down Abolitionist and despise (him) for
keeping mum. (Twain 43). Then later in the novel when he tries to write to Miss Watson that he knew
where Jim was, he doesn t because she d be mad and disgusted at his rascality and ungratefulness for
leaving her, and so she d sell him straight down the river again. (Twain 212). The conflict within Huck
Finn illuminates the meaning of the work as a whole because during the novel Huck develops
affection for Jim are through he is challenging societal norms. When Huck tears up the letter when he
remembers the time Jim said that [he] was the best friend old Jim ever had in the world, and the only
one he s got now. (Twain 214) The second moment during the novel when Huck Finn is pulled in
conflicting desires is when he leaves the murderers alone at the shipwreck to die. When they overhear,
the murderers talking they say that if we don t hunt up their boat and set her drifting down the
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Grid Connected Photovoltaic System With Single Stage Buck...
 Grid Connected Photovoltaic System with Single stage Buck Boost Inverter Ch.Srinivas Reddy,
Assistant Professor; Ranga Purushotham, Associate Professor; and P.Parthasaradi Reddy, Associate
Professor Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad, India Abstract for
very high voltage gain of a Photo Voltaic system, this paper proposed a buck boost inverter of single
stage. DCM (Discontinuous conduction mode) and MPPT (maximum power point tracking) is
employed to get one power factor. Minimization of switching losses is employed with only two
switches and operated at very high frequency. Easy control capability, optimum size, affordable cost
with high voltage gain made the system employable. AC voltage conversion is achieved along with
boosting of DC voltage of Photo Voltaic system of inverter. Obstacle shadow variations also reduced
by means of having the possibility of reduced series connected modules; this ability is due to the high
voltage gain. Since the proposed design has the two buck boost converter each one operates for only
one half cycle and the Discontinuous conduction mode operates at unit power factor. Simulation
results assure the proposed idea of the single stage interleaved inverter for high voltage gain
applications. Index Terms Single Stage, Buck Boost Inverter, Low Cost, Grid Connected, PV system,
Simple Control, DCM, MPPT. I. INTRODUCTION T HIS Reference [1] gives clear idea about the
difference between single stage and two stage
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Analysis Of Severus Snape
Severus Snape is one of the most beloved, and yet most despised, characters in the history of
literature. Appearing in the famed novel and movie series, Harry Potter, Snape has touched, warmed,
and broken people s hearts since the summer of 1997. When readers first met Snape in Harry Potter
and the Philosopher s Stone, he was hated and feared as the teacher with greasy black hair, a hooked
nose, and sallow skin. However, it is not until the series nears its end in Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hallows, that the readers learn that Severus Snape was cruel and brutal for many reasons. One of the
most controversial topics in literature is whether Snape was a villain or a hero. In agreement with the
latter, I believe that Snape was a hero because he was selfless and brave. Severus Snape, although
appearing ghastly and gruesome, was extremely selfless. The way he treated Harry Potter and a
number of other students made him hated and disliked by many. Snape, a strict and feared teacher,
appeared to be a very unpleasant person. However, not everything is what it seems. Behind the
monster, was a selfless man who would do anything for love. In Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hallows, the readers learn that Snape did everything in his power to shield Harry from Lord
Voldemort. After his death on the second of May in 1998, Snape s memories were transported via tear
yo the Pensieve, which animates one s memories. His memories revealed that he loved Harry Potter s
mother, Lily. He and Lily
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New Orleans Hurricane Katrina
I clearly remember the disaster Hurricane Katrina brought to the Gulf of Mexico in 2005. Several
states, counties, and citizens were affected by the storm, specifically the city of New Orleans,
Louisiana. I remember seeing up washed caskets floating through the city and residents sitting on their
roofs waiting to be rescued. Worst of all, I clearly remember the thousands of homes that were
destroyed, practically leaving the entire city homeless. As a young, prospective scientist when this
disaster occurred, I remembered learning that hurricanes were referred to as natural disasters and
could not be controlled nor prevented. It wasn t until a college class studying environmental policy did
I gain knowledge that the disaster at New Orleans was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
555). I have noted that regular assessments and monetarization to policies and regulations is crucial
for the implementations to work to their full potential. I have explained how the Love Canal is also
classified as a top man made disaster and with regular toxin monitoring and some assessments to
policies, the area is no longer harmful to nearby residents or schools. Though Hurricane Katrina was a
major disaster and impacted poor African American s the hardest, the Corps did learn from the disaster
and conducted a project that involved fixing more than half the system of levees, canals, and
floodwalls. I was very pleased to learn that the Corps is continuing to monitor the waterway system
and even published an updated map showing block by block where flooding would likely occur if a
100 year hurricane were to strike Layzer pg. 555). Hurricane Katrina has been one of the most
expensive disasters ever recorded. However, the extent of the damages to the city of New Orleans
could have been minimized with regular monetarization and assessment of the waterway system of the
Mississippi River, specifically the levee system. A simple check up on policies or regulations could be
matter of life or death
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How Did Louis Jacques Thenard Make Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound that is composed of two hydrogens and two oxygens.
This mixture is known to be the simplest type of peroxide, and it is used as an oxidizer, a bleaching
agent and an antiseptic. Louis Jacques Thenard was the first to identify hydrogen peroxide in 1818.
Jacques Thenard discovered this when he burned barium salts to make barium peroxide, and he
observed that when he poured the barium peroxide in water to dissolve, hydrogen peroxide was
produced. After this observation, Jacques Thenard improved his method for so many years and was
considered to be the most common way of creating hydrogen peroxide up until the mid twentieth
century. As a result, there were numerous amount of formulas made. However, Petre
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Gastroesophageal Reflux Research Paper
Gastroesophageal reflux What is Gastroesophageal reflux? Gastroesophageal reflux is a medical
condition characterized by reflux of acidic juices into the esophagus, resulting in symptoms of
regurgitation (sour taste in mouth) and reflux (burning in the chest). This is an extremely common
condition in the United States. Factors such as obesity, alcohol use, tobacco use, certain medications,
and various diets and lifestyle decisions increase your risk of developing gastroesophageal reflux.
Long term disease can lead to a precancerous condition called Barrett esophagus. Other serious
complications include esophageal adhesions, constrictions, and cancer. Some patients may ultimately
develop difficulty swallowing and weight loss which may ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
How common is gastroesophageal reflux? What are the symptoms and signs of gastroesophageal
reflux? How is gastroesophageal reflux diagnosed? How is gastroesophageal reflux treated? What
causes Gastroesophageal reflux? Gastroesophageal reflux is caused by the reflux of acidic juices from
the stomach into the esophagus. This results in irritation of the esophageal lining leading to chest
burning and discomfort. Acid can also reach the throat resulting in the sensation of a sour taste in the
mouth (regurgitation). Symptoms often occur after meals and may be associated other features of
dyspepsia such as bloating and mild abdominal discomfort. Long term inflammation in the lower
esophagus can lead to cellular changes that are precancerous if the problem is not corrected or
reversed Barrett esophagus. Eventually chronic irritation can lead to adenocarcinoma of the lower
esophagus. Conditions that lead to acid reflux generally occur as a result of abnormal anatomic or
pathophysiologic processes. Often times it is causes by increased intraabdominal pressure, which
facilitates acid backflow from the stomach to the esophagus. Some of these can include: Obesity
Pregnancy Abdominal
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  • 7. The Lucky One I chose to read The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks as my contemporary novel. I have read it before and I have seen the movie and i loved them both. I was really glad to finally read something i enjoyed and have to write a paper on it. In the following paragraphs i summarize both the book and the movie, talk about differences and similarities between the book and the movie, and finally i discuss how i felt about the book and the movie and which i prefer. The following is a summary of the book. It is about a man named Logan, a Marine serving in Iraq, who comes across a photograph in the desert. The photograph is of a woman at a fair with a huge ferris wheel and three trees in the background and on the back it says, Keep safe! E . Logan s best friend, Victor, a fellow Marine, says that he was meant to find that photograph and that it brings him good luck, after Logan tries to find out who is belongs to with no luck and after Logan survives many explosions while having the photo with him. So when Logan returns home, he sets out to find the woman, at Victor s suggestion. All he has is a letter of her name and the background of the photo to go off of. After doing some research he finally narrows it down to a town in North Carolina. He heads out with his dog, a german shepard named Zeus, on foot across the country, traveling from Colorado to North Carolina. While traveling, he runs into a cop named Keith, who he later finds out is the ex husband of the girl in the picture. Logan ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Underwater Welding Research Paper What are the advantages of Underwater welding? https://prezi.com/nbgvyxwvuvwt/underwater welding hyperbaric welding/ Prezi. UNDERWATER WELDING (HYPERBARIC WELDING). Prezi.com. Https://prezi.com/nbgvyxwvuvwt/underwater welding hyperbaric welding/, 28 Nov. 2014. Web. 16 Mar. 2016. . This article is about the introduction to underwater welding. The article tells everything from the applications,the types,It tells about the different types of underwater welding and what they are. This article goes in depth with everything Underwater. The article even gives you visuals of Underwater welding for further understanding. The article gives you the purpose and the uses of underwater welding.The article covers the basics of underwater welding. The author is telling you all the basics of underwater welding.The author is trying to inform the reader about Underwater welding .Everything you need to know is right here.This article relates to my research in many different ways.The article answers multiple of my questions and gives many examples on how to expand on them.The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I know the answer to this will lead to my research question being answered because it specifically explains how underwater welding is important and the advantages of the process.The article states the advantages of underwater as the cost is low,the qiment needed is minimal and many more advantages.It explains how this welding is different fro dry welding and explains the different advanatges of both types of welding.The top advanatage is that it saves money and time for example if a ship needs repairs the owner wouldnt need to take the ship out of the water and waste time and money moving it to where it could get fixed you could just get an underwater welder to do the job and that will save you the money and the time but people may argue that underwater has lots of risk like life long health issues,Dangerous enviroment,Dangerous wild ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Benefits For Part Time Workers Case Study 3: Benefits for Part Time Workers Ken Davis Liberty University Introduction In this weeks case we have Jackson, Smith and Henderson (JSH) Certified Public Accountants (CPA) one of the fastest growing CPA firms in the area. The firm has just under 100 employees (Martocchio, 2015, p.260) of which two have requested part time statues. The firm had already considered hiring additional part time workers, consequently the firm need to make a Human Resource (HR) decision, to decide when and should the company extend the benefits to part time workers. Therefore, understanding what the Employment and Labor Laws prior to the offering of extended benefits to part time employees should be the first place to start ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When a company is deciding to make an innovative change or extended benefits to part time employees, strict compliance is required according to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the U.S. Department of Labor (Martocchio, 2015). Tiffani Clement (2011) published an article, Does my business have to provide part time employees with benefits? she writes about the required benefits that employers must extend to part time employees. For instance, newly added HR Director Alan Jones must address whether or not his company can afford to offer extended benefits to part time employees. Three Factors for Consideration Bearing in mind some firms are hiring interims, staffing services and part time employees through temp agencies. It is no surprise in this case that a recent compensation survey of business in the local geographical area included information about benefits (Martocchio, 2015). Part time employment are more readily available because it is considered hidden unemployment, says, Chris Tilly, a professor at UCLA, for instance, if a person works 20 hours a week, but wants 40 hours, that unfulfilled time is spent unemployed (Gillespie, 2015). Utilizing the prior options above can save the company money, plus some part time employees are hired at the entrance level pay, therefore saving the company certain work benefits. Although, the company may utilize the services of a staffing service and or temp agency, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Religion and the Northern Rebellion of 1568 Essay Religion and the Northern Rebellion of 1568 At the time of the Northern Rebellion in 1568, the North of England was greatly aggrieved. When Elizabeth had ascended to the throne she appointed loyal men to her throne, usually Protestants like William Cecil at the expense of the Northern Earls. This subtraction of power of course angered the Northern Earls, but was the Northern Rebellion just down to this? Religion played a huge part in the daily lives of most people in the 16th century and with the majority of the North retaining Catholicism whilst Elizabeth slowly introduced Protestantism, surely this would cause further conflict. To an extent we can see evidence that the Northern rebellion was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At this stage the rebellion seemed very religious as the rebels showed their loyalty to Catholicism. The Northern rebels had tried to gain further religious support from the pope and also hoped for Spanish support. They requested the pope excommunicated Elizabeth so anyone who was afraid to join in the rebellion could do so with the knowledge that they would still go to heaven. However the papal bull of excommunication came too late for the Northern Earls, only after the rebellion had been quashed. Also there was the suggestion that Spanish support was on its way, however this statement was found to be false. Phillip II didn t have any enthusiasm for putting Mary Stuart on the throne largely due to her connections with France. Although initially the Northern rebellion seemed to be down to religious disagreements, there is evidence to suggest this is not the only reason the Northern Earls wanted Mary to take over Elizabeth s position on the throne. During the Tudor period the Northern Earls powers had been significantly reduced, this angered them immensely; two of the leading northern families, the Percy s and the Neville s were slowly becoming powerless and even falling into poverty. With such successful ancestors, the Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland were not willing to let their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Video Games And Its Impact On Education Essay Gaming is on the rise and it is easy to fathom that the use of gaming in education is also increasing. Thus, educational gaming is listed as one of the 10 Major Technology Trends in Education (Riedel, 2014). One reason gaming is increasing so rapidly is because the very notion of what a game is has broadened to include a variety of experiences (Jayanth, 2014). Michael D. Gallagher, president and CEO of Entertainment Software Association which conducts consumer research and analysis said, Video games are the future. From education and business, to art and entertainment, our industry brings together the most innovative and creative minds to create the most engaging, immersive and breathtaking experiences we ve ever seen (Entertainment Software Association, 2016). We as teachers seek to engage our students. If video games and gaming can better involve our students in the lesson, it is my belief that we should absolutely use it in our classroom. This trend is shaping education technology because digital gaming is just that, digital. It requires some sort of technological devices in order to play. There are gaming applications that are minute and do not require much from a device. Basically, anyone can play these games so long as they have technology equipment. You also have much more extensive games that require special hardware, such as a certain processor, large amounts of memory and a graphics card. Depending on the game you employ in your classroom will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Stereotypes Of African American Students Not only do African Americans lack the resources they can bring into the educational system, but are trapped into an unsupportive system and school structure on the basis of merit, which marginalizes African American students and negatively affect their academic achievements. White standards and values are the foundations of how the schools are run. For example, schools never acknowledge and integrate black vernaculars into any aspect of the curriculum(Hooks). African Americans have to adjust and conform to white norms implemented by institutions. Black students have difficulty forming positive relationships with teachers and administrators, and more are seen as displaying problem behaviors at a rate far exceeding that of their white peer (Gosa and Alexander). Those who are unwilling to accept the values held by privileged classes are deemed as troublemakers and placed into lower level classes, a form of resegregation. The expectation from the teachers and administrators are based primarily on the stereotypes that African Americans are naturally the least intelligent. Teachers expectations for success were higher for white students than for African American students(Ferguson). Not only do the teachers have lower expectations for black students, the students consequently end up having lower expectations for themselves. Black students may assume that because no black students are enrolled in high level classes, they may not excel (Pedro Noguera, 2003). The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Wonder By R J Palacio Summary Everybody, regardless of who we are, what we look like, how we act and how or got bullied, will shine. This thesis statement relates to the book, Wonder, by R.J. Palacio. The craft move that the author puts in is dialogue. In the beginning of the story, we begin with the beginning signs of bullying from a student at Beecher Prep, the school that August, which at the time, is his future school, as he asks him what happened to his face, saying he looked like he was in a fire (quote missing). But as time goes on, August is affected by the surroundings he s seen in addition to the bullying done by Julian, as he says, Why do I have to be so ugly, Mommy? (Palacio 60) under tears. Things only get worse as when he comes into school on Halloween, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Sidney Bechet s Major Accomplishments Sidney Bechet was one of many fantastic up and coming jazz musicians in the Roaring Twenties. He started on the clarinet, but eventually became one of the first performers to adopt the soprano saxophone as a main instrument, as well as one of the first to improvise with the swing style of jazz. In addition, he was one of the first artists to record using a multitrack which was a way of recording where you would play back the track from one instrument while you recorded with another instrument and continued this process until you had all of the instruments you wanted. These strides helped Bechet stand out from other musicians as he progressed through his career. Bechet grew up in a musical household and toured with popular bands from a young age. His father and four brothers all played instruments, so his passion for music came as no shock. Although his ability to easily pick up ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bechet s compositions includes Les Oignons, Promenade aux Champ Elysées, Petite Fleur, Si Tous Vous ma Mère, Chant in the Night, Blues in the Air, Bechet s Fantasy, Quincy Street Stomp, and Summertime. Common themes throughout his work include vibrato and 12 14 bar blues melodies. He was also known for his improvisation, solos like those of Louis Armstrong, and especially for conveying intense emotion through his music. Duke Ellington, a fellow jazz musician, once described Bechet as The very epitome of jazz, everything he played in his entire life was completely original. I honestly think he was the most unique man ever to be in this music. Throughout his career he played in the Marion Cook s Syncopated Orchestra, Louis Mitchell s Jazz King, Duke Ellington s Washingtonians, and the Noble Sissle Orchestra. He also went on to teach Bob Wilbur who also became a famous clarinetist and saxophonist. Bechet made the most of his career and continued to produce music for most of his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Michael Shermer s Explanation Of Patterns Humans make use of patterns every day, they are necessary for our society to function, and on a larger scale, allow us to find consistency within the universe. An idea raised Michael Shermer is that Humans are pattern seeking animals and we are adept at finding patterns whether they exist or not . Fundamentally, patterns are a specific and consistent relationship between knowledge, so a number pattern is just a specific arrangement of numbers. To further explore Shermer s statement, it is important to define what it means for a pattern to exist. One possible interpretation is that an existing pattern is a pattern that is inherently found within the universe, regardless of human thought or influence. Consequently, a pattern that exists must be shared knowledge, meaning that the pattern is agreed upon and perceived as the same for every human. For example, one person may see a shape of an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the more commonly known patterns are number sequences, these types of patterns are numbers placed in a certain order where there is a relationship between each consecutive number. These patterns the result of the laws of the universe and exist regardless of human influence, they are agreed upon by most people and therefore can be said to exist. On the other hand, there are also patterns that are based on probability which are not as objective as number sequences. While it can be argued that probability patterns do exist within the universe, it can also be argued that they are only perceived to exist. This is especially prevalent in scientific and human experiments where they use mathematical formulas to justify whether there is a pattern between different things. While patterns are consistent, it does not necessarily mean that a pattern will always be correct, which raises questions like, To what extent can we rely on uncertain knowledge? and How can knowledge ever be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Wide Reading Interview with Protagonist Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows (fantasy) JK Rowling Interviewer: Greetings Harry Potter. I am an interviewer for The Daily Prophet and I am intending to make this interview, the biggest news in the wizarding world! During this session, l would like to ask you questions about your adventure to defeat Voldemort. When you first started out in Hogwarts, you knew that you were the one to defeat Voldemort, but seeing the mission that Dumbledore left for you, what did you think of embarking on that treacherous journey? Harry Potter: Well, I always knew that Dumbledore had hope and faith that I would succeed in that journey to defeat Voldemort, but he left me with nothing. He did not leave me with anything, only a few scraps of advice and he expected me to fulfil his wish! There were horcruxes, which were objects that protected Voldemort s soul, and to kill him, I would have to destroy them all. Dumbledore did not tell me where the horcruxes were and I had to cluelessly figure it out for myself. I had Ron and Hermione though. I knew they would help me, and I knew that I had to destroy Voldemort to set the wizarding world free from his terror. I had to do it, because nobody else was going to do it. Interviewer: During your time hiding from Voldemort and his followers, what precautions did you have to take, what were your struggles and what were your feelings during this time? Harry Potter: It was a massive struggle I have to say. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Monopoly Product Life Cycle 12th December 2014 Yannis Azzopardi 380291m Product Management Study Unit: Product Development and PLC Strategies MRK 1603 For a product of your choice, discuss the characteristics of each stage of the product lifecycle and explain the marketing strategy you would implement. Over 2000 versions in 111 countries and 43 languages, Hasbro had sold 275 million Monopoly games worldwide. The Monopoly Game is named after the economic concept of monopoly: the domination of a market by a single provider. Just right after Chess which holds the 1st place, Monopoly is ranked as the 2nd best board game of all time. Monopoly was patented in 1935 and albeit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hasbro seems comfortable in gaining a steady cash cow from monopoly until it declines and dies a natural death eventually becoming a dead dog, but what if Hasbro thought bigger? Some of Hasbro s main core values which some are : Community, Innovation, Fun and Diversity amongst others , if I myself had to be responsible for the marketing of Hasbro and was in charge to come with new ideas I would come up with a Monopoly Theme Park . What else could be better and more successful than a theme park for a company like Hasbro? Having the capital to invest and wait for a long term profit, Hasbro in my opinion is losing out on an idea like this. If Again I had to be in charge the theme park would include Kiddie Rides to Adult Thrill Rides, Would also include a life size monopoly where people can gather together as communities and enjoy a day out. Organising also competitions for people to come up with new ideas for different monopolies from around the world and the winner will get a monopoly made to his name. Why not have a Studio Booth for people to get photographs and make their own family monopoly? Nan s house could be the least valued property while Uncle Mat s Villa is the highest! Why not challenge people on a short version of monopoly and see who will be able to play monopoly whilst going on a ride ? Figure 5 Why not enjoy a game Of monopoly while ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The OgDaodth had genetically engineered his people to be... The OgDaodth had genetically engineered his people to be their slaves. He did not have any physical similarities to his Mother at all; he seemed to be most like his father Mythrus. Alaric s physical features were very similar to Mythrus; also, his character very much resembled Mythrus nature. Mythrus was a builder and engineer. His tribe s genetic specialization endowed them with the innate aptitude to design, engineer, and build. The builders were the beasts of burden and were known for their strength, endurance and the superior quality of their artisanship and planning. Due to this genetic enhancement, his body also swiftly adapted to any environment. The baleful forest that he over looked still had proven to be a formidable obstacle ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Leaving the place cloaked in shades of blues, grays and magentas. The energy of the haze was so intense it built a wall around him, the effect it created was disorientating. It felt as if he were standing in between the strings of time. It was as if he was not firmly rooted in any particular place or time. That he was somehow detached from the world around him viewing the people, places, and events through the strings of time, from some other place, time, and body. He had climbed the cliffs not only to get away from that sensation, but also to try to get a better overview of the landscape; hoping he might sight a pathway through the for est. The ground of the forest was enchanted; the vines that covered it were like a hydra. They were impervious to magic, and fire. The more you cut them the faster they grew. If you stood still for too long the forest floor would grow around your feet intertwining between your legs. He stared at the darkened forest and watched it, as it appeared to writhe and taunt him and felt his frustration rise yet again. Alaric rarely encountered an obstacle that he could not readily overcome. In fact, it had been a very long time since he had experienced any sort of challenge in his life. This journey had been a long series of delays and chal lenges, each one spilling into the next without end. He knew the general direction he was supposed to go in, but had no idea of his final destination. From the beginning, it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Youth Incarceration Research Paper The Incarceration of Juveniles It is estimated that on any given day there are 80,000 youth incarcerated in the United States, which is more than any other developed country in the world(Townes, 1). Incarcerating youth before exploring other options is a social injustice. Judges rather give short term solutions than permanently fix the problem. To understand why this is a social injustice, four pieces of information must be known: the causes, who it affects and how, who s responsible, and solutions in place. Incarcerating youth affects them in many different ways. One way is the psychiatric damage prisons cause. Being in prison means that the child is not able to be with their family and community, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression. Studies show that incarcerated youth die from suicide at a rate two to three times more than non incarcerated youths (Polish,1). In addition to mental health effects, incarceration at a young age affects the person s future by lowering their chances of finding a job. When sentenced to a correctional facility, the child s education is stopped and they become 38 times more likely to become a repeat offender(Koehler,1). With no education and a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lack of resources is one of the major causes of high juvenile incarceration rates. Without alternative programs prison is the only option. Another major fact is improper evaluations. Improper evaluations lead to children, who are considered non public threats, being thrown in jail. Roughly 25% of youth behinds bar are actually considered threats which means the remaining are considered non threatening (Townes, 2). In addition, improper evaluations lead to youth with mental illnesses being placed behind bars and not receiving medical attention. It s known that 65 to 70% of youth behind bars have a disability, yet barley anything has been done to help them obtain the help they need(Townes, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Still Alice Story About Identity How would you feel? If you wake up and find that you cannot remember your surrounding everything. It is your identity recognition loss that it is much bad thing for lifestyle because identity recognition is thing confirm human existence other than four requisites as if Alice. She is famous professor of linguistics and she has complete family but good things are failing when she finds that she is Alzheimer disease. Still Alice story demonstrate to love from family, individual differences and using technology for troubleshooting. All this involves humanism. Humanism believes that human is all living creatures have mind, love requirement, warmth and understanding from family. You find that Alice is Alzheimer. It makes her forgets self. Physical illness brings about to spiritual illness such as forgetting vocabularies, forgetting route that usually, patient is forgetful. Finally, she loses brain capability and she cannot help herself but she has the best family that they can care and strive to understand her Alzheimer. For example, Anna is oldest child that she has family. She seem selfish but she ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You find that Still Alice story has various technologies enter to relate and they have much benefit and they help to keep Howland s memory. Although Alice cannot memorize all stories, she has technology that it helps resurrect her memory in the past. For example Alice gets DVD about her remembrance from Lydia that it helps to give her absorb memory. Although her memory disappears, DVD remains to record image, memory and Howland s speech. In conclusion, Still Alice has concernment with humanism include relation in family, private ability and using technology for solving that humanism is value and humanity importance. It seeks for the best life approach. It believes in human is center of everything. Human has attempt, latency, and creation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. What Is A Winter Essay The Winter months are always the months everyone fears, the one everyone prepares for and with every passing Winter recording colder and colder than the last and the death toll of the people living inside our sector, our people rising every year; it s a completely understandable and acceptable fear for someone to have. Disowned children and terrified runways just looking for somewhere to fit in left to starve outside on the streets whilst those better off disregard them as cretins, old and time worn beggars with no known family left to freeze to death when the colder, harsher nights arose. Winter is the time when our crops, livestock and the people we love wither and die resulting in people who wanted to live so badly taking extreme actions to guarantee their own survival, allowing themselves to be thrown into a merciless pit to fight against one another in hope for an extra bit of grain and firewood and for women over ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On these nights, when Flo s sleeves have rolled up ever so slightly and her blankets dropped down and now exposing her bare arms and thighs it s only norm for me to feel as if someone has planted a hard punch to my stomach, often leaving me breathless and flustered. She has saved my life so many times and accepted the consequences so many times just to protect me. My life hasn t always just fighting for my survival, or being forced to stand and watch the people I had come to care about beaten to bloody, mutilated pulps just in hopes for an extra something to eat to ensure they didn t starve to death that week; but my life hadn t always been so heinous or so cruel. Life wasn t always like this and instead had once been something very mellow, beautiful ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Main Causes Of World War I World War I World War I was one of the most significant intercontinental conflicts in European History. World War I mainly involved Britain, France, Russia, Italy and later the United States. Wars like these may start for various reasons. One of the main cause of the war was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. This assassination was conducted by members of an organization called the Black Flag. Like most wars, the great war had many more purposes for occurring. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was solely responsible for the outbreak of World War I because it was the event that led to all the world powers to get involved in the conflict. Initially, World War I could have started due to the various mutual defence alliances that most of the countries had before the war. The alliances were not uncommon for a majority of the European ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But the assassination of Architect Franz Ferdinand ultimately led to the Great War . If the event were never to have occurred the Black Hand would not have angered Austria and if the assassination was never commenced then it sparks conflict with Serbia. Then Russia wouldn t become involved and soon. All in all the assassination caused a domino effect that will lead to World War I. The second reason That contributed to World War I was the Mutual defence alliance. If these alliances never existed the conflict with Austria and Serbia would have either been resolved or faded into obscurity and World War I would not happen. Then, the Naval Blockade contributed to the tension. Obviously, the Naval blockade created the tensions between the countries involved in WWI. But It did not totally drive the war it was a minor event in the grand scheme of things. It contributed more to WWII and the genocide. Finally, Imperialism slightly contributed to the war. WWI was not primarily about taking over land as it was more about protecting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Progression of Time and Community in the Works of Johnson... The future of society is an often unpredictable and unpleasant topic due to the many variables which effect it. In The Lost Island and in The City of the End of Things , the future is depicted as something detrimental to the society each story represents. In Pauline Johnson s short story, The Lost Island , this concept is expressed in the visions given by the Medicine Man, who foretells the oppression of his people by the arrival of the colonizers. In Archibald Lampman s poem, The City of the End of Things , this concept manifests through the downfall of greater human society in favour of a more robotic era. This essay focuses on how these two texts exemplify the variable nature of the future by focusing on the harmful possibilities ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After this point in the story, the medicine man returned to his people and told them to look for the island before dying in his sleep; however, nobody could ever find the island (Johnson 235). The main character shares his own desire to discover it when he says, twice I have seen its shadow...[it] fell across my canoe, across my face, and across the waters beyond...there is something on that island that I want. I shall look for it until I die, for it is there (Johnson 233). He continues to search for the island in order to obtain those long lost traits, for himself and to uphold the former status of his people. Yet the story ends with the notion that such a reclamation may never occur. The main character claims he has been touched by the shadow of the island, but only the shadow (Johnson 235). This indicates that he and his people may only ever have the memories of the past to haunt them as they progress. In this way the story is indicating that the modern society the Aboriginal people thrive in is already stagnant and dead. Archibald Lampman s poem, The City of the End of Things , depicts the future of humanity as a hellish reality, where human existence is met with suffering. Human society itself is absent in favour of a technologically advanced, robotic era. This apocalyptic portrayal of the global community produces powerful, demonic imagery in order to depict the downward ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. A Brief Note On The Roaring Dragon Hotel The Roaring Dragon Hotel An effective Study to Improve Intercultural Communications Tejaswi Ananth Suryadevara Sullivan University Managerial Communication Skills (MGT 510) Executive Summary This proposition is a framework for building viable interchanges and having social mindfulness among intercultural gatherings. As, on account of the Roaring Dragon Hotel absence of successful intercultural correspondence is distinguished as one of the prime explanations behind it to end the agreement with HI administration group, an European administration group that was selected for its modernization to attain to universal five star status. In spite of the fact that HI group holds sound business notoriety in the west, it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2). HI administration when it took over in 2002 fizzled not just to communicate with the RDH administration and its staff additionally they did not try to see if the employees understood the directions and policies, since it was a whole new scenario. In order to reach the international status or five star Hotel status. Hotel International started taking changing few established policies of Roaring Dragon Hotel, though the intention was to succeed, but those policies resulted in loss and also did not help to improve the quality standards, main cause being conflict between the employees of RDH and HI management. After RDH was taken over by HI, and since it was a Chinese hotel the its relationship with the families was given more importance and they were treated friendly with respect, (Grainger, 2008) but after the contract everything changed, they were not treated friendly which led to depression among the employees. RDH staff was facing lots of issues like working for long hours under HI and they were feeling the pressure and fear of being laid off in case they don t work and much of the staff which was working for past 30 years had to speak in English, all these factors also lead few of them to start looking at opportunities outside RDH. The turnover rate at RDH should have be reduced, HI should have taken care of the staff with little more respect. They should also have appointment managers who at least had done their education in the west but whose roots are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Comediene Amy Poehler Speeches Comedienne Amy Poehler did a speech about the life and the importance to graduating seniors at Harvard University on Saturday May 25. In the speech she did important points about life like not going at something alone. And that is this: you can t do it alone. As you navigate through the rest of your life be open to collaboration, said Poehler. The audience was laughing and cheering throughout the whole speech. When speech ended there was loud clapping and cheering. Poehler stressed that most of times in that answer in life in someone else so they would put their phones down sometimes and look. When you feel scared, hold someone s hand and look into their eyes. And when you feel brave, do the same thing, said Poehler. Poehler was born in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Swot Analysis of Burberry Burberry Group plc (BRBY) Financial and Strategic SWOT Analysis Review Summary Burberry Group plc (Burberry) is into the global luxury sector. It works in the designing, marketing and sourcing of outerwear, women s wear, men s wear, non apparel and children s wear categories. It distributes through a diversified network of retail, wholesale and licensing channels worldwide. The company operates its business in three ways by region, by product and by channel. Burberry distributes its products in Europe, Spain, Americas and Asia Pacific through retail and wholesale channels and with selective license arrangements. In addition, it licenses third parties to manufacture and distribute products using the Burberry trademarks. It categorizes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Gain key insights into the company for academic or business research. Key elements such as SWOT analysis, corporate strategy and financial ratios and charts are incorporated in the profile to assist your academic or business research needs. Burberry Swot Strengths Burberry is uniquely positioned as a classic British apparel brand with high global brand awareness to capture the globalization of consumer demand. Its distinctive luxury brand with international recognition and broad appeal. The company s outlook for the accessible luxury goods industry remains positive from both a geographic and product point of view. Burberry had become positively hip and popular among a younger demographic. It has a unique history and positioning as the authentic British lifestyle brand and highly successful merchandising and marketing strategy across both appeal and accessories. In 2000 Burberry s total sales were 225.7 million and by 2003 sales had went up to 593.6 million. Weaknesses When Burberry brand became licensed across a range of categories, the price,design,and quality of products were not being looked at anymore. In Asia, wholesalers sold the products to unauthorized distributors, who then sold the products at prices, channels, and locations without respect to the brand image and because of that Burberry started to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Fashion Change over the Decades How the change in fashion over the decades has represents ones particular lifestyle Introduction Fashion is a way of expressing one s self through clothing which could be influenced by a particular era or group fighting for a cause or representing a certain groups with the same interests. This essay aims to highlight how a group of people have a certain persona that can be so large that it will influence the way they dress and their beliefs and lifestyle. This analysed over decades. In each paragraph I am going to highlight how a specific group or event that occurred in the particular decade influenced the fashion in America. My conclusion will basically prove my thesis. Fashion in the 1970 s The 1970s was the decade of the mods and the hippies. Men and women were wearing tight pants and bell bottoms were also huge in the 70 s. At times it was difficult to make a clear distinction of what was seen appropriate for home and what was seen appropriate for a night out. Women were seen pairing low cut pants with high cut boots, ....this was probably also the first full decade in which women could be seen wearing pants in every walk of life. retro waste. Available from: www.retrowaste.com/1970s/fashion in the 1970s/ . (Accessed 14 April 2014 ) There are a couple of hippie groups from the 70 s that decided to do things a little out of the norm like Queen who had bisexual member in his band and at those times it was seen as an abomination to be into people of the same sex. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Theme Of Virginia Woolf s To The Lighthouse Virginia Woolf s To the lighthouse has many themes that can be discussed, especially those related to art, life, reality and time. Some critics argue that there is a life art relationship in the novel, perceived relations of equivalence between emotional experience and aesthetic (con)figuration, between life on the one hand, and shape, trope, structure on the other (Koppen, 375). However, one must analyze the novel in order to find if it can be true what these critics say. If it is true that there is an art s relation to life in this novel, how did Virginia Woolf express this relation in the novel? Which characters represent better this relationship? In the present essay, it will be discussed if there is such a relationship between art ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ramsay s death, there is a transition from life to art and this transition is represented in part II, which is faster than the other two parts and in which one can see the passage of ten years represented especially in the decay of the house. After this transition, in part III, Lily, who represents art, becomes the main character. In this part, one finds the effort that Lily makes to transform her vision of life and the world into art and the aesthetic problems she has with it. She decides to continue with the painting she started. There is an evolution of her vision from the beginning of the novel until the end. In the beginning, she cannot make sense of her art, but in the end, she fills her vision and she is capable of finishing the painting. She has been an observer of the Ramsay family, especially of Mrs. Ramsay through the entire novel, but it s at the end when she attains her vision. She is capable to see Mrs. Ramsay in the past and in the present. When she finishes her painting, Mr. Ramsay, Cam and James arrive to the lighthouse and James can see it and her father, who has changed through those ten years. At this point, it is easier to see the relation of life and art. There is no life without art, but art can never be void of life, because it is connected in so many ways with the experiencing body (388). Also, it is important to notice that Lily attains her vision at its fullest, but it is conditional on the body and the physical experience, that is, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Dove Soap ANALYSIS OF COMMODITY MARKET (GOLD amp; SILVER) Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) By SNEHA GUPTA ERA BUISSNESS SCHOOL Dwarka sector 9 July 2013 Acknowledgement I owe many thanks to all those people who helped and supported me during the process amp; completion of this project. I would thank my Institution for giving me an opportunity to undertake this project. My deepest thank to Mr. Vinay Pratap Singh (Sr. Manager online), Mr. B.Sanjeev Kumar my industry mentor, for guiding me throughout the project completion process with attention and care. He displayed all the patience required to go through the project and make necessary correction as and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Agriculture commodities include wheat, rice, pulses, cereals, edible oils, ground nut etc. Non agriculture commodities includes crude oil, non ferrous metals like gold, silver, nickel, copper etc. My basic study of bullion and specifically of gold amp; silver led me to the fact that though India is the largest consumer of gold amp; silver. India largely has unorganized gold market. The government policies regarding the same have also changed considerably over the years. From being a restrictive trade, now it has been opened up after the recommendation of the Tarapore Committee. Gold itself has a mass appeal in all the countries of the world and thus its prices are always under notice. Whole commodity market is divided into two broad categories those are agriculture commodities and non agriculture commodities. Agriculture commodities include wheat, rice, pulses, cereals, edible oils, ground nut etc. Non agriculture commodities includes crude oil, non ferrous metals like gold, silver, nickel, copper etc. I have mainly focused upon the commodity gold amp; silver. What are the essential features of gold amp; silver as a precious metal and as a commodity? This session would broadly deal with Gold amp; Silver as a commodity, its Production, Demand amp; Supply, fluctuation in price and its significance as a commodity traded in
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  • 31. Malnutrition And Crohn s Disease Malnutrition is a condition in which a person is not getting the right amount of nutrients that they need to remain healthy. It can range from being mild to being detrimental to both physical and mental health. It can occur because a person is not eating a diet that provides enough nutrients the body needs, or the person is not absorbing the nutrients that the body is receiving. Even lacking one vitamin from your diet is considered malnutrition. Malnutrition can also be a result of Crohn s disease, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, or persistent diarrhea or vomiting. Having anorexia is also a cause of malnutrition because of the restrictive calorie intake. Drug addiction or being an alcoholic can affect the body s ability to absorb the nutrients which will cause malnutrition as well. It is possible to be obese and have malnutrition if they are not getting enough nutrients from all the food they take in. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, some signs and symptoms associated with malnutrition include: weight loss, fatigue, unable to carry out usual tasks, not being able to perform physical activity at the same level as normally, changes in mood such as becoming depressed, dizziness, loss of appetite, and inability to stay focused. They may also be sensitive to the cold and be more susceptible to becoming sick because their immune system is weaker. If there has been any unintended weight loss in 3 to 6 months such as a loss of 5 10% weight loss, malnutrition may be suspected. Calculating the BMI or body mass index is used to diagnose malnutrition. If the result is 17 18.5 this points toward mild malnutrition. 15 17 points toward moderate malnutrition and any number below 16 is considered severe ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Crook, John s Letter To Quakers Crook, John. AN EPISTLE TO FRIENDS, BELONGING TO HERTFORD MEETING. Quakers Writing. N.p., 25 Dec. 1698. Web. 12 Sept. 2016. Crook, feeling like he needs to save the world, writes this letter to warn his friends that not following God could result in negative consequences. In this letter his audience, his friends, Crook purpose is to persuade them to follow God. The Catalysts of this letter is to persuade his friends to follow God using a first person religious letter. The genre of this letter can be defined as a religious letter. The context in which the letter will be presented in is the general public, or religious figures. This letter does not appeal to ethos, however, It does have logos and pathos. One example of logos is when the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He got this piece of land because Charles I owed his father a debt. William immediately knew what he wanted to do with this land. He noticed that the Quakers suffered through serious persecutions and beatings. So, Williams set out to create a safe colony they could go to and prosper. Although the Quakers were harshly treated, They did not do common English courtesies. They believed all mean were equal, so they did not believe in bowing to officials. They also did not pay money like taxes, if they believe it went to violent causes like war. The Quakers were well known for their opinion in equality and religious freedom. They allowed everybody to participate in their meetings. This colony thrived and spread to places like Pennsylvania. The catalysis in this article is to inform (purpose) the audience, or the general public, about the Quakers suffering and their quest to build a religious refuge. Like most of my other citations, This article can be included in the genre of religious articles. The context of this article is general public, or people wanting to know more about the Quakers. This article appeals to many rhetorical strategies and appeals. It appeals mostly to pathos, but it does have logos, division, and comparison and contrast. This article appears to pathos when The author had stated that, William Penn was a dreamer , and when he compared(comparison/contrast) the Puritans and the Quakers. He ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Flappers In The 1920 s The decade of the 20 in the United States was a time of great change after exit of the First World War. When the war ended after a fight of 72 years, women had won the most precious right to vote. The Flappers were young urban women, unmarried of middle class that had a job in the changing U.S. economy, especially as secretaries, telephone operators or vendors at the department stores. The flapper went by the nights to jazz clubs where used to dance in a provocative way, smoked cigarettes with long nozzles, aspired cocaine and the flapper had meeting with rich men. The flapper driving motorcycles and cars (fast). Drank alcohol openly, an act of defiance in a period of prohibition. An example of this is Clara Bow or Coco Chanel, one of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Like the evolution of flappers, music evolved the remarkable change in fashion occurred in 1921 and the popularity of jazz soared. Flappers had upper and lower body freedom was essential to dance the Charleston, The classic dress that was made flappers used to enjoy having a wonderful time in the city. The suit these young women used was loose and was dropped waist dress. By the standards of 1920, these dresses were bold fashions that women at that moment showed little skin and adjusted to shape the body. Flappers dress had sleeves and skirts were shorter and that was just when to use one to customize to the hilt with lace and many colors, so the dresses were cut to reflect the ability to move freely when dancing while they moved their attributes. Flappers hung out in speakeasies and nightclubs where they danced the Tango, the Black Bottom and the biggest dance craze of all the Charleston with bare arms and legs flying, this was another scandal more about Flappers. That look that we now associate with the 1920s could not have existed without the arrival of the Jazz, who became one of the most popular in America. The Jazz became the musical language of flappers and jazz was also bold, urban, sinful and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Character Charly In Flowers For Algernon The movie Charly by Ralph Nelson, is based on a novel named Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. The actor Cliff Robertson plays the role of Charly. Charly is the main character along with Algernon, Miss. Kinnian, Dr. Straus, and Dr. Nemur. The movie was really good. Cliff Robertson was a great actor for Charly. The movie is about a man named Charly. He has a mental disorder. He goes to a grown up school to help him learn how to read and write. One day a doctor made him race against a mouse named Algernon in a maze. Algernon had a surgery to make him smart and so he won every race. The doctors decided to give Charly the same surgery to see if it would work on him. He would be the first man ever to get this surgery. They told him it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Basic Laws Of Obeying Manslaughter The average time of imprisonment for committing manslaughter is 13 years; Murder is a crime and we strongly enforce this today. God states You shall not murder. God says this to set a minimum standard for humanity and the people of Israel. This is a basic law to keep one Holy and to abstain from sin. To disobey this is a crime against man, and a crime against God. Obedience to this law only brings goodness, as following the law ensures safety and tranquillity. God places this law to keep his followers in the light of God, the people of Israel previously sinned against God s will, he place these laws in hopes of freedom within structure. Now Cain said to his brother Abel, Let s go out to the field. [d] While they were in the field, Cain ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Abdeali Dalal. Dr. Jenkins. History 1301. February 13, Abdeali Dalal Dr. Jenkins History 1301 February 13, 2017 Escaping Salem; The Other Witch Hunt of 1692 Escaping Salem; The Other Witch hunt of 1692 was penned and published by Richard Godbeer in 2005. Godbeer expressed his views on what he called basic witch trials in Salem and more importantly, in Stamford, Connecticut Massachusetts. The same year that Salem witch hunt and trials began in 1692, another witch hunt took place in Stamford, the Western Connecticut to when a woman (Elizabeth Clawson) from there was also accused of Witchcraft. These witch hunt and trials took place in colonial Massachusetts during the period 1692 93, whereby, almost 200 victims or more were alleged of conducting witchcraft, otherwise called the Devil s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Two of whom were she mentioned as witches were then put to trial for witchcraft. Questions about whether Kate s screaming and mostly pain were due to natural or unnatural causes arose. If she were bewitched, how can people believe her story when the mere fact is that her information came from the devil? These questions still remain as Godbeer reveals through narrative how the judges and the trial were such a legal covert. It was decided that all witches must have posed a tremendous danger to the Salem community and the Stamford, Connecticut that as proving such an invisible matter was almost impossible since they relied on the Devils Magic (Godbeer 89 109) to account for another. The fact that the court used Kate Branch to determine other witches through the same method, the witchcraft; others were convicted from, showed how the courts in Connecticut were controversial and embroil in it on their use of doubtful evidence. Kate s credibility was questioned by many and this showed that it was almost certain the screams from Kate Brunch were mere natural and had nothing to do with the supposedly mentioned witches who were bewitched her. Using the Devil s Magic (Godbeer 109 104) others were convicted for, it can be also concluded that whatever information she had given could not have been trusted by the judges since her information came from the same source other witches are accused and convicted for. The author gives his view on this case Kate Branch as he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Analysis of Zoot Suit Essay The book Zoot Suit has symbolic significance for Mexican Americans and tells about the riots during World War II. The Sleepy Lagoon Murder was one step in the fight for the rights and respect of Mexican American s. This riot involved young servicemen and civilians who clashed in the streets of the city with young Mexican Americans who wore the noticeable quot;Zoot Suit. quot; At their height, the riots involved several thousand men and women. In the end no one was killed and only a few were injured but even today, the Zoot Suit riots are remembered for their significance. Throughout the play there are underlying theme that suggest different ideas. The themes I will discuss is how Mexican American men are portrayed in relation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Zoot Suit represents a changing society that the general population isn t ready to accept it so they blame the crimes and the murders on those who dare to vary from quot;normal. quot; This is going on during World War II and many of the Mexican Americans feel like they have no place fighting the war and that the real war is the war between soldiers with their tight button up collars and the hang loose Zoot Suiters who are mostly Mexican American. Pachuco asked Henry, quot;Off to fight for your country? quot; (p. 30) Henry replies, quot;Why not? quot; (p. 30) Pachuco then states, quot;Because this ain t your country. Look what s happening all around you. The Japs have sewed up the Pacific. Rommel is kicking ass in Egypt but the Mayor of L.A. has declared an all out war on Chicanos. On you! quot; (p. 30) This quote brings up the issue relating to whether WWII should be fought by Mexican Americans or not. Pachuco, in this scene, seems to feel that it isn t a war to be fought by the Mexican American but it is a time to begin a war to gain respect for this culture. Pachuco says, quot;The city s cracking down on pachucos, carnal. Don t you read the newspapers? They re screaming for blood. quot; (p. 29) This quote implies that the press is exaggerating the stories it tells in order to sell more papers. The press may have contributed to the Zoot Suit Riot with their influence on public beliefs. He refers to the newspaper ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Huck Finn Criticism The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is a satire written by Mark Twain. The novel is based on the series of adventures that the protagonist, Huckleberry Finn, and his companion a runaway slave named Jim go on. In the novel, the protagonist, Huck Finn s mind is pulled in conflicting directions by two compelling desires. The first time when Huck Finn is pulled in conflicting desires is when he finds Miss Watson s runaway slave, Jim, at Jackson s Island. Huck knows that if he doesn t turn the runaway slave in to his owner, People would call [him] a low down Abolitionist and despise (him) for keeping mum. (Twain 43). Then later in the novel when he tries to write to Miss Watson that he knew where Jim was, he doesn t because she d be mad and disgusted at his rascality and ungratefulness for leaving her, and so she d sell him straight down the river again. (Twain 212). The conflict within Huck Finn illuminates the meaning of the work as a whole because during the novel Huck develops affection for Jim are through he is challenging societal norms. When Huck tears up the letter when he remembers the time Jim said that [he] was the best friend old Jim ever had in the world, and the only one he s got now. (Twain 214) The second moment during the novel when Huck Finn is pulled in conflicting desires is when he leaves the murderers alone at the shipwreck to die. When they overhear, the murderers talking they say that if we don t hunt up their boat and set her drifting down the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Grid Connected Photovoltaic System With Single Stage Buck...  Grid Connected Photovoltaic System with Single stage Buck Boost Inverter Ch.Srinivas Reddy, Assistant Professor; Ranga Purushotham, Associate Professor; and P.Parthasaradi Reddy, Associate Professor Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad, India Abstract for very high voltage gain of a Photo Voltaic system, this paper proposed a buck boost inverter of single stage. DCM (Discontinuous conduction mode) and MPPT (maximum power point tracking) is employed to get one power factor. Minimization of switching losses is employed with only two switches and operated at very high frequency. Easy control capability, optimum size, affordable cost with high voltage gain made the system employable. AC voltage conversion is achieved along with boosting of DC voltage of Photo Voltaic system of inverter. Obstacle shadow variations also reduced by means of having the possibility of reduced series connected modules; this ability is due to the high voltage gain. Since the proposed design has the two buck boost converter each one operates for only one half cycle and the Discontinuous conduction mode operates at unit power factor. Simulation results assure the proposed idea of the single stage interleaved inverter for high voltage gain applications. Index Terms Single Stage, Buck Boost Inverter, Low Cost, Grid Connected, PV system, Simple Control, DCM, MPPT. I. INTRODUCTION T HIS Reference [1] gives clear idea about the difference between single stage and two stage ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Analysis Of Severus Snape Severus Snape is one of the most beloved, and yet most despised, characters in the history of literature. Appearing in the famed novel and movie series, Harry Potter, Snape has touched, warmed, and broken people s hearts since the summer of 1997. When readers first met Snape in Harry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone, he was hated and feared as the teacher with greasy black hair, a hooked nose, and sallow skin. However, it is not until the series nears its end in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, that the readers learn that Severus Snape was cruel and brutal for many reasons. One of the most controversial topics in literature is whether Snape was a villain or a hero. In agreement with the latter, I believe that Snape was a hero because he was selfless and brave. Severus Snape, although appearing ghastly and gruesome, was extremely selfless. The way he treated Harry Potter and a number of other students made him hated and disliked by many. Snape, a strict and feared teacher, appeared to be a very unpleasant person. However, not everything is what it seems. Behind the monster, was a selfless man who would do anything for love. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the readers learn that Snape did everything in his power to shield Harry from Lord Voldemort. After his death on the second of May in 1998, Snape s memories were transported via tear yo the Pensieve, which animates one s memories. His memories revealed that he loved Harry Potter s mother, Lily. He and Lily ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. New Orleans Hurricane Katrina I clearly remember the disaster Hurricane Katrina brought to the Gulf of Mexico in 2005. Several states, counties, and citizens were affected by the storm, specifically the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. I remember seeing up washed caskets floating through the city and residents sitting on their roofs waiting to be rescued. Worst of all, I clearly remember the thousands of homes that were destroyed, practically leaving the entire city homeless. As a young, prospective scientist when this disaster occurred, I remembered learning that hurricanes were referred to as natural disasters and could not be controlled nor prevented. It wasn t until a college class studying environmental policy did I gain knowledge that the disaster at New Orleans was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 555). I have noted that regular assessments and monetarization to policies and regulations is crucial for the implementations to work to their full potential. I have explained how the Love Canal is also classified as a top man made disaster and with regular toxin monitoring and some assessments to policies, the area is no longer harmful to nearby residents or schools. Though Hurricane Katrina was a major disaster and impacted poor African American s the hardest, the Corps did learn from the disaster and conducted a project that involved fixing more than half the system of levees, canals, and floodwalls. I was very pleased to learn that the Corps is continuing to monitor the waterway system and even published an updated map showing block by block where flooding would likely occur if a 100 year hurricane were to strike Layzer pg. 555). Hurricane Katrina has been one of the most expensive disasters ever recorded. However, the extent of the damages to the city of New Orleans could have been minimized with regular monetarization and assessment of the waterway system of the Mississippi River, specifically the levee system. A simple check up on policies or regulations could be matter of life or death ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. How Did Louis Jacques Thenard Make Hydrogen Peroxide Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound that is composed of two hydrogens and two oxygens. This mixture is known to be the simplest type of peroxide, and it is used as an oxidizer, a bleaching agent and an antiseptic. Louis Jacques Thenard was the first to identify hydrogen peroxide in 1818. Jacques Thenard discovered this when he burned barium salts to make barium peroxide, and he observed that when he poured the barium peroxide in water to dissolve, hydrogen peroxide was produced. After this observation, Jacques Thenard improved his method for so many years and was considered to be the most common way of creating hydrogen peroxide up until the mid twentieth century. As a result, there were numerous amount of formulas made. However, Petre ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Gastroesophageal Reflux Research Paper Gastroesophageal reflux What is Gastroesophageal reflux? Gastroesophageal reflux is a medical condition characterized by reflux of acidic juices into the esophagus, resulting in symptoms of regurgitation (sour taste in mouth) and reflux (burning in the chest). This is an extremely common condition in the United States. Factors such as obesity, alcohol use, tobacco use, certain medications, and various diets and lifestyle decisions increase your risk of developing gastroesophageal reflux. Long term disease can lead to a precancerous condition called Barrett esophagus. Other serious complications include esophageal adhesions, constrictions, and cancer. Some patients may ultimately develop difficulty swallowing and weight loss which may ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How common is gastroesophageal reflux? What are the symptoms and signs of gastroesophageal reflux? How is gastroesophageal reflux diagnosed? How is gastroesophageal reflux treated? What causes Gastroesophageal reflux? Gastroesophageal reflux is caused by the reflux of acidic juices from the stomach into the esophagus. This results in irritation of the esophageal lining leading to chest burning and discomfort. Acid can also reach the throat resulting in the sensation of a sour taste in the mouth (regurgitation). Symptoms often occur after meals and may be associated other features of dyspepsia such as bloating and mild abdominal discomfort. Long term inflammation in the lower esophagus can lead to cellular changes that are precancerous if the problem is not corrected or reversed Barrett esophagus. Eventually chronic irritation can lead to adenocarcinoma of the lower esophagus. Conditions that lead to acid reflux generally occur as a result of abnormal anatomic or pathophysiologic processes. Often times it is causes by increased intraabdominal pressure, which facilitates acid backflow from the stomach to the esophagus. Some of these can include: Obesity Pregnancy Abdominal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...