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Fresh ConcreteFresh Concrete
Process of Manufacture of ConcreteProcess of Manufacture of Concrete
• ItIt isis interestinginteresting toto notenote thatthat thethe ingredientsingredients ofof goodgood concreteconcrete
andand badbad concreteconcrete areare thethe same.same.
• IfIf meticulousmeticulous carecare isis notnot exercised,exercised, andand goodgood rulesrules areare notnot
observed,observed, thethe resultantresultant concreteconcrete isis goinggoing toto bebe ofof badbad quality.quality.
• WithWith thethe samesame materialmaterial ifif intenseintense carecare isis takentaken toto exerciseexercise
controlcontrol atat everyevery stage,stage, itit willwill resultresult inin goodgood concrete.concrete.
GoodGood CConcreteoncrete andand BBadad CConcreteoncrete QualityQuality
Process of Manufacture of ConcreteProcess of Manufacture of Concrete
• TheThe various stagesvarious stages ofof manufacturemanufacture ofof concreteconcrete are:are:
• (a) Batching(a) Batching
• (b) Mixing(b) Mixing
• (c) Transporting(c) Transporting
• (d)(d) PlacingPlacing
• (e)(e) CompactingCompacting
• (f(f )) CuringCuring
• (g)(g) Finishing.Finishing.
Process of Manufacture of ConcreteProcess of Manufacture of Concrete
VolumeVolume Batching:Batching:
• VolumeVolume batchingbatching isis notnot aa goodgood methodmethod forfor proportioningproportioning thethe
materialmaterial becausebecause ofof thethe difficultydifficulty itit offersoffers toto measuremeasure
granulargranular materialmaterial inin termsterms ofof volume.volume.
•VolumeVolume ofof moistmoist sandsand inin aa looseloose conditioncondition weighsweighs muchmuch lessless
thanthan thethe samesame volumevolume ofof drydry compactedcompacted sand.sand.
•TheThe effecteffect ofof bulkingbulking shouldshould bebe considerconsider forfor moistmoist finefine
•ForFor unimportantunimportant concreteconcrete oror forfor anyany smallsmall jobjob,, concreteconcrete maymay
bebe batchedbatched byby volume.volume.
Batching : Volume BatchingBatching : Volume Batching
• Volume batching:Volume batching:
Batching : Volume BatchingBatching : Volume Batching
WeighWeigh Batching:Batching:
•WeighWeigh batchingbatching isis thethe correctcorrect methodmethod ofof measuringmeasuring thethe materials.materials.
•UseUse ofof weightweight systemsystem inin batching,batching, facilitatesfacilitates,, accuracy,accuracy,
flexibilityflexibility andand simplicitysimplicity..
•LargeLarge weighweigh batchingbatching plantsplants havehave automaticautomatic weighingweighing equipment.equipment.
•OnOn largelarge workwork sites,sites, thethe weighweigh bucketbucket typetype ofof weighingweighing
equipment'sequipment's areare used.used.
Batching : Weigh BatchingBatching : Weigh Batching
Batching : Weigh BatchingBatching : Weigh Batching
Batching : Weigh BatchingBatching : Weigh Batching
• ThoroughThorough mixingmixing ofof thethe materialsmaterials
productionproduction ofof uniformuniform concrete.concrete.
• TheThe mixingmixing shouldshould ensureensure thatthat
isis essentialessentialfforor thethe
TThehe massmass becomesbecomes
homogeneous, uniform in colourhomogeneous, uniform in colour and consistency.and consistency.
•There are two methods adopted for mixingThere are two methods adopted for mixing
(i)(i) Hand mixing (ii )Machine mixingHand mixing (ii )Machine mixing
Mixing: Hand mixingMixing: Hand mixing
• HandHand mixingmixing isis practisedpractised forfor smallsmall scalescale unimportantunimportant
concreteconcrete works.works.
• AsAs thethe mixingmixing cannotcannot bebe thoroughthorough andand efficientefficient,, itit isis
desirabledesirable toto addadd 1010 perper centcent moremore cementcement toto catercater forfor thethe
inferiorinferior concreteconcrete producedproduced byby thisthis method.method.
• HandHand mixingmixing shouldshould bebe donedone overover anan imperviousimpervious
concreteconcrete oror brickbrick floorfloor ofof sufficientlysufficiently largelarge sizesize toto taketake
oneone bagbag ofof cement.cement.
• SpreadSpread outout thethe measuredmeasured quantityquantity ofof coarsecoarse aggregateaggregate
andand finefine aggregateaggregate inin alternatealternate layers.layers.
Mixing: Hand mixingMixing: Hand mixing
• PourPour thethe cementcement onon thethe toptop ofof it,it,
andand mixmix themthem drydry byby shovel,shovel,
turningturning thethe mixturemixture overover andand
overover againagain untiluntil uniformityuniformity ofof colourcolour
isis achieved.achieved.
• WaterWater isis takentaken inin aa water-canwater-can
fittedfitted withwith aa rose-headrose-head andand
sprinkledsprinkled overover thethe mixturemixture andand
simultaneouslysimultaneously turnedturned over.over.
• ThisThis operationoperation isis continuedcontinued tilltill
suchsuch timetime aa goodgood uniformuniform,,
homogeneoushomogeneous concreteconcrete isis obtained.obtained.
Mixing: Hand mixingMixing: Hand mixing
Mixing: Machine MixingMixing: Machine Mixing
• MixingMixing ofof concreteconcrete isis almostalmost invariablyinvariably carriedcarried outout byby
machinemachine,, forfor reinforcedreinforced concreteconcrete workwork andand forfor mediummedium oror
largelarge scalescale massmass concreteconcrete work.work.
• MachineMachine mixingmixing isis notnot onlyonly efficient,efficient, butbut alsoalso economical,economical,
whenwhen thethe quantityquantity ofof concreteconcrete toto bebe producedproduced isis large.large.
• TheyThey cancan bebe classifiedclassified asas batch-mixersbatch-mixers andand continuouscontinuous mixers.mixers.
• BatchBatch mixersmixers produceproduce concrete,concrete, batchbatch byby batchbatch withwith timetime
interval,interval, whereaswhereas continuouscontinuous mixersmixers produceproduce concreteconcrete
continuouslycontinuously withoutwithout stoppagestoppage tilltill suchsuch timetime thethe plantplant isis
Mixing: Machine MixingMixing: Machine Mixing
• InIn normalnormal concreteconcrete work,work, itit isis thethe batchbatch mixersmixers thatthat areare
BatchBatch mixermixer maymay bebe ofof panpan typetype oror drumdrum type.type.
• TheThe drumdrum typetype maymay bebe furtherfurther classifiedclassified asas tilting,tilting, non-tilting,non-tilting,
reversingreversing oror forcedforced actionaction type.type.
• AsAs perper I.S.I.S. 1791–1985,1791–1985, concreteconcrete mixersmixers areare designateddesignated byby aa
numbernumber representingrepresenting itsits nominalnominal mixedmixed batchbatch capacitycapacity inin litres.litres.
TheThe followingfollowing areare thethe standardizedstandardized sizessizes ofof threethree types:types:
• a. Tilting:a. Tilting: 8585 T,T, 100100 T,T, 140140 T,T, 200200 TT
• b.b. Non-Tilting:Non-Tilting: 200200 NT,NT, 280280 NT,NT, 375375 NT,NT, 500500 NT,NT, 10001000 NTNT
• c.c. Reversing:Reversing: 200200 R,R, 280280 R,R, 375375 R,R, 500500 RR andand 10001000 RR
Mixing: Machine MixingMixing: Machine Mixing
Mixing: Machine MixingMixing: Machine Mixing
Mixing: Machine MixingMixing: Machine Mixing
Mixing: Machine MixingMixing: Machine Mixing
Transporting : Mortar PanTransporting : Mortar Pan
• UseUse ofof mortarmortar panpan forfor transporationtransporation ofof concreteconcrete isis
oneone ofof thethe commoncommon methodsmethods adoptedadopted inin thisthis country.country.
• InIn thisthis case,case, concreteconcrete isis carriedcarried inin smallsmall quantities.quantities.
• WhileWhile thisthis methodmethod nullifiesnullifies thethe segregationsegregation toto
somesome extent,extent, particularlyparticularly inin thickthick membersmembers
GreaterGreater lossloss ofof water,water, particularly,particularly, inin hothot weatherweather
Transporting : Wheel BarrowTransporting : Wheel Barrow
• WheelWheel barrowsbarrows areare normallynormally usedused forfor
transportingtransporting concreteconcrete toto bebe placedplaced atat
groundground level.level.
• ThisThis methodmethod isis employedemployed forfor haulinghauling
concreteconcrete forfor comparativelycomparatively longerlonger distancedistance
asas inin thethe casecase ofof concreteconcrete roadroad construction.construction.
• IfIf concreteconcrete isis conveyedconveyed byby wheelwheel barrowbarrow
overover aa longlong distance,distance, onon roughrough ground,ground, itit isis
likelylikely thatthat thethe concreteconcrete getsgets segregatedsegregated duedue toto
Transporting : Wheel BarrowTransporting : Wheel Barrow
Transporting : Crane, Bucket and Rope wayTransporting : Crane, Bucket and Rope way
• AA cranecrane andand bucketbucket isis oneone ofof thethe rightright equipmentequipment forfor
transportingtransporting concreteconcrete aboveabove groundground level.level.
• CraneCrane cancan handlehandle concreteconcrete inin highhigh riserise constructionconstruction
projectsprojects andand areare becomingbecoming aa familiarfamiliar sitessites inin bigbig cities.cities.
• CranesCranes areare fastfast andand versatileversatile toto movemove concreteconcrete
horizontallyhorizontally asas wellwell asas verticallyvertically alongalong thethe boomboom andand
allowsallows thethe placementplacement ofof concreteconcrete atat thethe exactexact point.point.
• CranesCranes carrycarry skipsskips oror bucketsbuckets containingcontaining concrete.concrete.
SkipsSkips havehave dischargedischarge doordoor atat thethe bottombottom,, whereaswhereas
bucketsbuckets areare tiltedtilted forfor emptying.emptying.
• ForFor aa mediummedium scalescale jobjob thethe bucketbucket capacitycapacity maymay bebe 0.50.5
Transporting : Crane, Bucket and RopeTransporting : Crane, Bucket and Rope
Transporting : Crane, Bucket and Rope wayTransporting : Crane, Bucket and Rope way
Transporting : Truck Mixer and DumpersTransporting : Truck Mixer and Dumpers
• ForFor largelarge concreteconcrete worksworks particularlyparticularly forfor concreteconcrete toto
bebe placedplaced atat groundground levellevel,, truckstrucks andand dumpersdumpers oror
ordinaryordinary openopen steel-bodysteel-body tippingtipping lorrieslorries cancan bebe used.used.
• AsAs theythey cancan traveltravel toto anyany partpart ofof thethe work,work, theythey havehave
muchmuch advantageadvantage overover thethe jubileejubilee wagonswagons,, whichwhich
requirerequire railrail tracks.tracks.
• DumpersDumpers areare ofof usuallyusually 22 toto 33 cubiccubic metremetre capacity,capacity,
whereaswhereas thethe capacitycapacity ofof trucktruck maymay bebe 44 cubiccubic metremetre oror
Transporting : Truck Mixer and DumpersTransporting : Truck Mixer and Dumpers
Transporting : Truck Mixer and DumpersTransporting : Truck Mixer and Dumpers
Transporting :Belt ConveyorsTransporting :Belt Conveyors
• BeltBelt conveyorsconveyors havehave veryvery limitedlimited applicationsapplications inin
concreteconcrete construction.construction.
• TheThe principalprincipal objectionobjection isis thethe tendencytendency ofof thethe concreteconcrete
toto segregatesegregate onon steepsteep inclines,inclines, atat transfertransfer pointspoints oror
changechange ofof direction,direction, andand atat thethe pointspoints wherewhere thethe beltbelt
passespasses overover thethe rollers.rollers.
• ConveyorsConveyors cancan placeplace largelarge volumesvolumes ofof concreteconcrete
quicklyquickly wherewhere accessaccess isis limited.limited.
Transporting :Belt ConveyorsTransporting :Belt Conveyors
Transporting :ChuteTransporting :Chute
• ChutesChutes areare generallygenerally providedprovided forfor transportingtransporting
concreteconcrete fromfrom groundground levellevel toto aa lowerlower level.level.
• TheThe sectionssections ofof chutechute shouldshould bebe mademade ofof oror linedlined withwith
metalmetal andand allall runsruns shallshall havehave approximatelyapproximately thethe samesame
slope,slope, notnot flatterflatter thanthan 11 verticalvertical toto 22 1/21/2
• TheThe lay-outlay-out isis mademade inin suchsuch aa wayway thatthat thethe concreteconcrete
willwill slideslide evenlyevenly inin aa compactcompact massmass withoutwithout anyany
separationseparation oror segregation.segregation.
Transporting : ChuteTransporting : Chute
Transporting :Skip and HoistTransporting :Skip and Hoist
• ThisThis isis oneone ofof thethe widelywidely
adoptedadopted methodsmethods forfor
transportingtransporting concreteconcrete verticallyvertically
upup forfor multi-storeymulti-storey buildingbuilding
• AtAt thethe groundground level,level, mixermixer
directlydirectly feedsfeeds thethe skipskip andand thethe
skipskip travelstravels upup overover railsrails uptoupto
thethe levellevel wherewhere concreteconcrete isis
• AtAt thatthat point,point, thethe skipskip
dischargesdischarges thethe concreteconcrete
automaticallyautomatically oror onon manualmanual
Transporting :Transit MixerTransporting :Transit Mixer
• TransitTransit mixermixer isis oneone ofof thethe mostmost popularpopular equipmentsequipments
forfor transportingtransporting concreteconcrete overover aa longlong distancedistance particularlyparticularly inin
ReadyReady MixedMixed ConcreteConcrete plantplant (RMC).(RMC).
• InIn India,India, todaytoday (2000(2000 AD)AD) therethere areare aboutabout 3535 RMCRMC plantsplants andand
aa numbernumber ofof centralcentral batchingbatching plantsplants areare workingworking.. TheyThey
areare trucktruck mountedmounted havinghaving aa capacitycapacity ofof 44 toto 77 mm33..
• InIn one,one, mixedmixed concreteconcrete isis transportedtransported toto thethe sitesite byby
keepingkeeping itit agitatedagitated allall alongalong atat aa speedspeed varyingvarying betweenbetween 22 toto 66
revolutionsrevolutions perper minute.minute.
• InIn thethe otherother category,category, thethe concreteconcrete isis batchedbatched atat thethe
centralcentral batchingbatching plantplant andand mixingmixing isis donedone inin thethe trucktruck
mixermixer eithereither in transit or immediately prior to discharging thein transit or immediately prior to discharging the
concrete at site.concrete at site.
Transporting :Pumps and PipelineTransporting :Pumps and Pipeline
• PumpingPumping ofof concreteconcrete isis universallyuniversally acceptedaccepted asas oneone ofof thethe
mainmain methodsmethods ofof concreteconcrete transportationtransportation andand placing.placing.
• AdoptionAdoption ofof pumpingpumping isis increasingincreasing throughoutthroughout thethe worldworld asas
pumpspumps becomebecome moremore reliablereliable andand alsoalso thethe concreteconcrete mixesmixes thatthat
enableenable thethe concreteconcrete toto bebe pumpedpumped areare alsoalso betterbetter understood.understood.
• TheThe firstfirst patentpatent forfor aa concreteconcrete pumppump waswas takentaken inin USAUSA inin
thethe yearyear 19131913..
• ByBy aboutabout 19301930 severalseveral countriescountries developeddeveloped andand manufacturedmanufactured
concreteconcrete pumppump withwith slidingsliding plateplate valves.valves.
• TheThe modernmodern concreteconcrete pumppump isis aa sophisticated,sophisticated, reliablereliable andand
robustrobust machine.machine.
Transporting :Concrete PumpsTransporting :Concrete Pumps
• InIn thethe pastpast aa simplesimple two-stroketwo-stroke mechanicalmechanical pumppump consistedconsisted
ofof aa receivingreceiving hopperhopper,, anan inletinlet andand anan outletoutlet valve,valve, aa pistonpiston
andand aa cylinder.cylinder.
• TheThe pumppump waswas poweredpowered byby aa dieseldiesel engine.engine.
• TheThe pumpingpumping actionaction startsstarts withwith thethe suctionsuction strokestroke drawingdrawing
concreteconcrete intointo thethe cylindercylinder asas thethe pistonpiston movesmoves backwards.backwards.
• DuringDuring thisthis operationoperation thethe outletoutlet valuevalue isis closed.closed. OnOn thethe
forwardforward stroke,stroke, thethe inletinlet valvevalve closescloses andand thethe outletoutlet valvevalve
opensopens toto allowallow concreteconcrete toto bebe pushedpushed intointo thethe deliverydelivery pipe.pipe.
Transporting :Concrete PumpsTransporting :Concrete Pumps
Transporting :Concrete PumpsTransporting :Concrete Pumps
• TheThe modernmodern concreteconcrete pumppump stillstill operatesoperates onon thethe
samesame principlesprinciples butbut withwith lotlot ofof improvementsimprovements andand refinementsrefinements
inin thethe wholewhole operations.operations.
• InIn thisthis concreteconcrete placedplaced inin aa collectingcollecting hopperhopper isis fedfed byby
rotatingrotating bladesblades intointo aa flexibleflexible pipepipe connectedconnected toto thethe
pumpingpumping chamberchamber,, whichwhich isis underunder aa vacuumvacuum ofof aboutabout 600600 mmmm
ofof mercury.mercury.
• TheThe vacuumvacuum ensuresensures that,that, exceptexcept whenwhen beingbeing squeezedsqueezed
byby roller,roller, thethe pipepipe shapeshape remainsremains cylindricalcylindrical andand thusthus
permitspermits aa continuouscontinuous flowflow ofof concrete.concrete.
• TwoTwo rotatingrotating rollersrollers progressivelyprogressively squeezesqueeze thethe flexibleflexible
pipespipes andand thusthus movemove thethe concreteconcrete intointo thethe deliverydelivery pipe.pipe.
Transporting :Concrete PumpsTransporting :Concrete Pumps
Transporting :Pipelines and couplingsTransporting :Pipelines and couplings
• ItIt isis equallyequally importantimportant toto havehave correctcorrect diameterdiameter ofof
pipelinepipeline withwith adequateadequate wallwall thicknessthickness forfor aa givengiven
operatingoperating pressurepressure andand wellwell designeddesigned couplingcoupling systemsystem forfor
troubletrouble freefree operation.operation.
• AA poorpoor pipelinepipeline cancan easilyeasily causecause blockagesblockages arisingarising fromfrom
leakageleakage ofof grout.grout. PushingPushing ofof abrasiveabrasive materialmaterial atat highhigh
pressure,pressure, throughthrough pipelinepipeline inevitablyinevitably createscreates aa greatgreat dealdeal ofof
• ContinuousContinuous handling,handling, frequentfrequent securingsecuring andand releasingreleasing
ofof couplingscouplings createscreates wearwear atat joints..joints..
Transporting :Pipelines and couplingsTransporting :Pipelines and couplings
• GenerallyGenerally almostalmost allall
concreteconcrete isis conveyedconveyed
125125 mmmm pipeline.pipeline.
• GeneralGeneral rulerule isis thatthat thethe pipepipe
diameterdiameter shouldshould bebe betweenbetween 33
toto 44 timestimes thethe largestlargest sizesize ofof
• ConcreteConcrete hashas beenbeen
pumpedpumped toto
AA heightheight horizontalhorizontal
20002000 m.m.
overover 400400 mm andand aa
distancedistance ofof overover
Pumpable ConcretePumpable Concrete
• AA concreteconcrete whichwhich cancan bebe pushedpushed throughthrough aa pipelinepipeline isis calledcalled
aa pumpablepumpable concreteconcrete..
• ItIt isis mademade inin suchsuch aa mannermanner thatthat itsits frictionfriction atat thethe innerinner
wallwall ofof thethe pipelinepipeline doesdoes notnot becomebecome veryvery highhigh andand thatthat
itit doesdoes notnot wedgewedge whilewhile flowingflowing throughthrough thethe pipeline.pipeline.
• PumpablePumpable concreteconcrete emergingemerging fromfrom aa pipelinepipeline flowsflows inin thethe
formform ofof aa plugplug whichwhich isis separatedseparated fromfrom thethe pipepipe wallwall
byby aa thinthin lubricatinglubricating layerlayer consistingconsisting ofof cementcement paste.paste.
• ForFor continuouscontinuous plugplug movement,movement, thethe pressurepressure generatedgenerated byby
thethe flowflow resistanceresistance mustmust notnot bebe greatergreater thanthan thethe pumppump
pressurepressure rating.rating.
Pumpable ConcretePumpable Concrete
However if the concreteHowever if the concrete
is too saturated at higheris too saturated at higher
W/C ratio the concrete atW/C ratio the concrete at
certain pumpcertain pump pressurespressures
maymay bebe suchsuch thatthat waterwater isis
forcedforced outout ofof thethe mix,mix,
creatingcreating anan increaseincrease inin flowflow
resistanceresistance andand aa possiblepossible
Design Considerations for PumpableDesign Considerations for Pumpable
Placing ConcretePlacing Concrete
• ItIt isis notnot enoughenough thatthat aa concreteconcrete mixmix correctly Designedcorrectly Designed
• batched,batched, mixedmixed andand transported,transported, itit isis ofof utmostutmost
importanceimportance thatthat thethe concreteconcrete mustmust bebe placedplaced inin
systematicsystematic mannermanner toto yieldyield optimumoptimum results.results.
• PlacingPlacing concreteconcrete withinwithin earthearth mould.mould. (example:(example:
FoundationFoundation concreteconcrete forfor aa wallwall oror column).column).
• PlacingPlacing concreteconcrete withinwithin largelarge earthearth mouldmould oror timbertimber
plank formwork.plank formwork. (example:(example: RoadRoad slabslab andand AirfieldAirfield slab).slab).
• PlacingPlacing concreteconcrete inin layerslayers withinwithin timbertimber oror steelsteel
shutters.shutters. (example:(example: MassMass concreteconcrete inin damdam constructionconstruction oror
constructionconstruction ofof concreteconcrete abutmentabutment oror pier).pier).
Placing ConcretePlacing Concrete
• PlacingPlacing concreteconcrete withinwithin usualusual fromfrom work.work. (example:(example:
Columns,Columns, beamsbeams andand floors).floors).
• PlacingPlacing concreteconcrete underunder water.water.
Placing ConcretePlacing Concrete
Placement with Conveyor BeltPlacement with Conveyor Belt
Concrete spread evenly
across the subgrade by the
paver before consolidation
and finishing
PlacingPlacing andand FinishingFinishing ConcreteConcrete
Curb/CurbCurb/Curb andand
ConcreteConcrete depositeddeposited intointo
hopperhopper ofof slipslip formform curbcurb andand
guttergutter machinemachine whichwhich thenthen
extrudesextrudes thethe concreteconcrete intointo
thethe desireddesired shapeshape
Placing ConcretePlacing Concrete
Placing and Finishing Concrete
ConcreteConcrete PumpPump
PlacingPlacing concreteconcrete byby pumppump
andand placingplacing boom.boom.
Placing ConcretePlacing Concrete
Underwater Placement MethodsUnderwater Placement Methods
• Tremie,Tremie, Pump,Pump, BottomBottom dumpdump buckets,buckets, GroutedGrouted preplacedpreplaced
aggregateaggregate (specialized),Toggle(specialized),Toggle bags,bags, Bag work,Bag work, DivingDiving bellbell
BasicBasic RecommendationsRecommendations
• WaterWater velocityvelocity == 33 mm // min.min.
• WaterWater temperaturetemperature == 5°C5°C
• w/cw/c == 0.450.45
• CementingCementing materialsmaterials contentcontent == 390390 kg/mkg/m33
• SlumpSlump rangerange 150150 toto 225225 mmmm
Underwater Placement MethodsUnderwater Placement Methods
• Tremie,Tremie, Pump,Pump, BottomBottom dumpdump buckets,buckets, GroutedGrouted preplacedpreplaced
aggregateaggregate (specialized),Toggle(specialized),Toggle bags,bags, Bagwork,Bagwork, DivingDiving
• BasicBasic RecommendationsRecommendations
• WaterWater velocityvelocity == 33 mm // min.min.
• WaterWater temperaturetemperature == 5°C5°C
• w/cw/c ==0.450.45
• CementingCementing materialsmaterials contentcontent ==390390 kg/mkg/m33
• SlumpSlump rangerange 150150 toto 225225 mmmm
Underwater Placement MethodsUnderwater Placement Methods
Compaction of ConcreteCompaction of Concrete
• CompactionCompaction ofof concreteconcrete isis thethe processprocess adoptedadopted forfor
expellingexpelling thethe entrappedentrapped airair fromfrom thethe concrete.concrete.
• InIn thethe processprocess ofof mixing,mixing, transportingtransporting andand placingplacing ofof
concrete airconcrete air isis likelylikely toto getget entrappedentrapped inin thethe concrete.concrete.
• InIn otherother words,words, stiffstiff concreteconcrete mixmix hashas highhigh percentagepercentage
ofof entrappedentrapped airair and,and, thereforetherefore ,, wouldwould needneed higherhigher
compactingcompacting effortsefforts thanthan highhigh workableworkable mixes.mixes.
• InIn orderorder toto achieveachieve fullfull compactioncompaction andand maximummaximum density,density,
withwith reasonablereasonable compactingcompacting effortsefforts availableavailable atat sitesite,, itit isis
necessarynecessary toto useuse aa mixmix withwith adequateadequate workability.workability.
Compaction of ConcreteCompaction of Concrete
• TheThe followingfollowing methodsmethods areare adoptedadopted forfor compactingcompacting thethe
• HandHand CompactionCompaction
• (i(i )) RoddingRodding (ii(ii )) RammingRamming (iii(iii )) TampingTamping
• CompactionCompaction byby VibrationVibration
• (i(i )) InternalInternal vibratorvibrator (Needle(Needle vibrator)vibrator)
• (ii(ii )) FormworkFormwork vibratorvibrator (External(External vibrator)vibrator)
• (iii(iii )) TableTable vibratorvibrator
• (iv(iv )) PlatformPlatform vibratorvibrator
• (v(v )) SurfaceSurface vibratorvibrator (Screed(Screed vibrator)vibrator)
• vivi )) VibratoryVibratory Roller.Roller.
• (c(c )) CompactionCompaction byby PressurePressure andand JoltingJolting
• (d)(d) CompactionCompaction byby Spinning.Spinning.
Compaction of Concrete: Hand CompactionCompaction of Concrete: Hand Compaction
• HandHand compactioncompaction ofof concreteconcrete isis adoptedadopted inin casecase ofof unimportantunimportant
concreteconcrete workwork ofof smallsmall magnitude.magnitude.
• RoddingRodding isis donedone continuouslycontinuously overover thethe completecomplete areaarea toto
effectivelyeffectively packpack thethe concreteconcrete andand drivedrive awayaway entrappedentrapped air.air.
• LightLight rammingramming cancan bebe permittedpermitted inin unreinforcedunreinforced
foundationfoundation concreteconcrete oror inin groundground floorfloor construction.construction.
• TampingTamping isis oneone ofof thethe usualusual methodsmethods adoptedadopted inin
compactingcompacting roofroof oror floorfloor slabslab oror roadroad pavementspavements wherewhere
thethe thicknessthickness ofof concreteconcrete isis comparativelycomparatively lessless andand thethe
surfacesurface toto bebe finishedfinished smoothsmooth andand level.level. TampingTamping consistsconsists ofof
beatingbeating thethe toptop surfacesurface byby woodenwooden crosscross beambeam
Compaction of Concrete: Hand CompactionCompaction of Concrete: Hand Compaction
Compaction of Concrete: By VibrationCompaction of Concrete: By Vibration
• WhereWhere highhigh strengthstrength isis required,required, itit isis necessarynecessary thatthat stiffstiff
concrete, withconcrete, with lowlow water/cementwater/cement ratioratio bebe used.used. ToTo compactcompact
suchsuch concrete,concrete, mechanicallymechanically operatedoperated vibratoryvibratory equipment,equipment,
mustmust bebe used.used.
•AA concreteconcrete withwith aboutabout 44 cmcm slumpslump cancan bebe placedplaced
andand compactedcompacted fullyfully inin aa closelyclosely spacedspaced reinforcedreinforced
concreteconcrete work,work, whereas,whereas, forfor handhand compaction,compaction, muchmuch higherhigher
consistencyconsistency saysay aboutabout 1212 cmcm slumpslump maymay bebe required.required.
•TheThe actionaction ofof vibrationvibration isis toto setset thethe particlesparticles ofof freshfresh
concreteconcrete inin motion,motion, reducingreducing thethe frictionfriction betweenbetween themthem andand
affectingaffecting aa temporarytemporary liquefactionliquefaction ofof concreteconcrete whichwhich
enablesenables easyeasy settlement.settlement.
Compaction of Concrete: By VibrationCompaction of Concrete: By Vibration
• InternalInternal Vibrator:Vibrator: OfOf allall thethe vibrators,vibrators, thethe internalinternal
vibratorvibrator isis mostmost commonlycommonly used.used. ThisThis isis alsoalso called,called, “Needle“Needle
Vibrator”, orVibrator”, or “Poker Vibrator”.“Poker Vibrator”. ThisThis essentiallyessentially consistsconsists
ofof aa powerpower unit,unit, aa flexibleflexible shaftshaft andand aa needle.needle.
• FormworkFormwork VibratorVibrator (External(External Vibrator):Vibrator): FormworkFormwork
vibratorsvibrators areare usedused forfor concretingconcreting columns,columns, thinthin wallswalls oror inin thethe
castingcasting ofof precastprecast units.units. TheThe machinemachine isis clampedclamped onon toto thethe
externalexternal wallwall surfacesurface ofof thethe formwork.formwork.
• TableTable Vibrator:Vibrator: ThisThis isis thethe specialspecial casecase ofof formworkformwork
vibrator,vibrator, wherewhere thethe vibratorvibrator isis clampedclamped toto thethe table.table.
TheyThey areare commonlycommonly usedused forfor vibratingvibrating concreteconcrete cubes.cubes.
Compaction of Concrete: By VibrationCompaction of Concrete: By Vibration
• PlatformPlatform Vibrator:Vibrator: PlatformPlatform vibratorvibrator isis nothingnothing butbut aa
tabletable vibrator,vibrator, butbut itit isis largerlarger inin size.size. ThisThis isis usedused inin thethe
manufacturemanufacture ofof largelarge prefabricatedprefabricated concreteconcrete elementselements suchsuch
asas electricelectric poles,poles, railwayrailway sleepers,sleepers, prefabricatedprefabricated roofingroofing
elementselements etc.etc.
• SurfaceSurface Vibrator:Vibrator: SurfaceSurface vibratorsvibrators areare sometimessometimes knowsknows
as,as, “Screed Board“Screed Board Vibrators”.Vibrators”. AA smallsmall vibratorvibrator placedplaced onon
thethe screedscreed boardboard givesgives anan effectiveeffective methodmethod ofof compactingcompacting
andand levelingleveling ofof thinthin concreteconcrete members,members, suchsuch asas floorfloor
slabs,slabs, roofroof slabsslabs andand roadroad surface.surface.
• VibratoryVibratory Roller:Roller: OneOne ofof thethe recentrecent developmentsdevelopments ofof
compactingcompacting veryvery drydry andand leanlean concreteconcrete isis thethe useuse ofof VibratoryVibratory
Roller.Roller. SuchSuch concreteconcrete isis knownknown asas RollerRoller
CompactedCompacted Concrete.Concrete.
Compaction of Concrete: By VibrationCompaction of Concrete: By Vibration
Compaction of Concrete: By VibrationCompaction of Concrete: By Vibration
Compaction of Concrete: By VibrationCompaction of Concrete: By Vibration
Curing of ConcreteCuring of Concrete
• ConcreteConcrete derivesderives itsits strengthstrength byby thethe hydrationhydration ofof
cementcement particles.particles. TheThe hydrationhydration ofof cementcement isis notnot aa
momentarymomentary actionaction butbut aa processprocess continuingcontinuing forfor longlong
time.time. TheThe quantityquantity ofof thethe productproduct ofof hydrationhydration andand
consequentlyconsequently thethe amountamount ofof gelgel formedformed dependsdepends uponupon thethe
extentextent ofof hydration.hydration.
• CementCement requiresrequires aa water/cementwater/cement ratioratio aboutabout 0.230.23
forfor hydrationhydration andand aa water/cementwater/cement ratioratio ofof 0.150.15 forfor fillingfilling
thethe voidsvoids inin thethe gelgel pores.pores. InIn otherother words,words, aa water/cementwater/cement
ratioratio ofof about 0.38about 0.38 wouldwould bebe requiredrequired toto hydratehydrate allall thethe
particlesparticles ofof cementcement andand alsoalso toto occupyoccupy thethe spacespace inin thethe gelgel
Curing of ConcreteCuring of Concrete
• CuringCuring isis thethe processprocess ofof controllingcontrolling thethe raterate andand
extentextent ofof moisturemoisture lossloss fromfrom concreteconcrete duringduring cementcement
• CuringCuring cancan alsoalso bebe describeddescribed asas keepingkeeping thethe concreteconcrete
moistmoist andand warmwarm enoughenough soso thatthat thethe hydrationhydration ofof
cementcement cancan continue.continue.
• CuringCuring methodsmethods maymay bebe divideddivided broadlybroadly intointo fourfour categories:categories:
• (a)(a) WaterWater curingcuring
• (b)(b) MembraneMembrane curingcuring
• (c)(c) ApplicationApplication ofof heatheat
• (d)(d) MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
Curing of ConcreteCuring of Concrete
Curing of Concrete: Water curingCuring of Concrete: Water curing
• ThisThis isis
by farby far thethe bestbest
ofof curingcuring asas itit
allall thethe
ofofrequirementsrequirements curingcuring
promotionpromotion ofof
eliminationelimination ofof
• shrinkage and absorptionshrinkage and absorption
ofof the heat of hydration.the heat of hydration.
• (a)(a) ImmersionImmersion
• (b)(b) PondingPonding
(c)Spraying(c)Spraying oror
(d)(d) Wet coveringWet covering
Curing of ConcreteCuring of Concrete
MembraneMembrane curingcuring isis thethe mostmost
practicalpractical withwith today'stoday's
ConstructionConstruction schedules.schedules.
WaterWater curingcuring isis whenwhen thethe
concreteconcrete isis coveredcovered withwith aa
layerlayer ofof waterwater forfor aa periodperiod ofof
timetime andand thethe evaporationevaporation ofof
moisturemoisture isis fromfrom thethe surfacesurface
ofof thethe water.water.
Curing of Concrete: Membrane CuringCuring of Concrete: Membrane Curing
• Sometimes,Sometimes, concreteconcrete worksworks areare carriedcarried outout inin placesplaces
wherewhere therethere isis acuteacute shortageshortage ofof water.water.
• TheThe quantityquantity ofof water,water, normallynormally mixedmixed forfor makingmaking
concreteconcrete isis moremore thanthan sufficientsufficient toto hydratehydrate thethe cementcement,,
providedprovided thisthis waterwater isis notnot allowedallowed toto gogo outout fromfrom thethe bodybody ofof
• ConcreteConcrete couldcould bebe coveredcovered withwith membranemembrane whichwhich
effectivelyeffectively sealseal offoff thethe evaporationevaporation ofof waterwater fromfrom concrete.concrete.
• CuringCuring compoundscompounds areare liquidsliquids whichwhich areare usuallyusually
sprayedsprayed directlydirectly ontoonto concreteconcrete surfacessurfaces andand whichwhich thenthen drydry toto
formform aa relativelyrelatively impermeableimpermeable membranemembrane thatthat retardsretards thethe
lossloss ofof moisturemoisture fromfrom thethe concrete.concrete.
Curing of Concrete: Membrane CuringCuring of Concrete: Membrane Curing
Curing of Concrete: Application of heatCuring of Concrete: Application of heat
• WhenWhen concreteconcrete isis subjectedsubjected toto higherhigher temperaturetemperature itit
AAcceleratesccelerates thethe hydrationhydration processprocess resultingresulting inin
development of strength.development of strength.
• Therefore,Therefore, subjectingsubjecting thethe concreteconcrete toto higherhigher temperaturetemperature
andand maintainingmaintaining thethe requiredrequired wetnesswetness cancan bebe achievedachieved byby
subjectingsubjecting thethe concreteconcrete toto steamsteam curing.curing.
• TheThe exposureexposure ofof concreteconcrete toto higherhigher temperaturetemperature isis donedone inin
thethe followingfollowing manner:manner:
• (a)(a) SteamSteam curingcuring atat ordinaryordinary pressure.pressure.
• (b)(b) SteamSteam curingcuring atat highhigh pressure.pressure.
• (c)(c) CuringCuring byby Infra-redInfra-red radiation.radiation.
• (d)(d) ElectricalElectrical curing.curing.
Curing of Concrete: Application of heatCuring of Concrete: Application of heat
• AA fasterfaster attainmentattainment ofof strengthstrength willwill contributecontribute toto manymany otherother
advantagesadvantages mentionedmentioned below.below.
• (a(a )) ConcreteConcrete isis vulnerablevulnerable toto damagedamage onlyonly forfor shortshort time.time.
• (b)(b) ConcreteConcrete membermember cancan bebe handledhandled veryvery quickly.quickly.
• (d(d )) AA smallersmaller curingcuring tanktank willwill bebe sufficient.sufficient.
• (e)(e) TheThe workwork cancan bebe putput onon toto serviceservice atat aa muchmuch earlyearly time,time,
• (f)(f) Pre-stressingPre-stressing bedbed cancan bebe releasedreleased earlyearly forfor furtherfurther casting.casting.
• (g)(g) AA fewerfewer numbernumber ofof formworkformwork willwill bebe sufficientsufficient oror alternativelyalternatively withwith
thethe givengiven numbernumber ofof formworkformwork moremore outturnoutturn willwill bebe achieved.achieved.
Steam curing at ordinary pressureSteam curing at ordinary pressure
• ApplicationApplication ofof steamsteam curingcuring toto inin situsitu constructionconstruction willwill bebe aa
littlelittle difficultdifficult task.task. However,However, atat somesome placesplaces itit hashas beenbeen triedtried
forfor inin situsitu constructionconstruction byby formingforming aa steamsteam jacketjacket withwith thethe helphelp
ofof tarpaulintarpaulin oror thickthick polyethylenepolyethylene sheets.sheets.
High Pressure Steam CuringHigh Pressure Steam Curing
• TheThe highhigh pressurepressure steamsteam curingcuring isis somethingsomething differentdifferent
fromfrom ordinaryordinary steamsteam curing,curing, inin thatthat thethe curingcuring isis carriedcarried
outout inin aa closedclosed chamber.chamber.
• HighHigh pressurepressure steamsteam curedcured concreteconcrete developsdevelops inin oneone
day,day, oror lessless thethe strengthstrength asas muchmuch asas thethe 2828 days’ strengthdays’ strength ofof
normallynormally curedcured concreteconcrete.. TheThe strengthstrength developeddeveloped doesdoes
notnot showshow retrogression.retrogression.
• HighHigh pressurepressure steamsteam curedcured concreteconcrete exhibitsexhibits higherhigher
resistanceresistance toto sulphatesulphate attack,attack, freezingfreezing andand thawingthawing actionaction
andand chemicalchemical action.action. ItIt alsoalso showsshows lessless efflorescence.efflorescence.
High Pressure Steam CuringHigh Pressure Steam Curing
• HighHigh pressurepressure steamsteam curedcured concreteconcrete exhibitsexhibits lowerlower
dryingdrying shrinkage,shrinkage, andand moisturemoisture movement.movement.
• InIn highhigh pressurepressure steamsteam curing,curing, concreteconcrete isis subjectedsubjected toto
aa maximummaximum temperaturetemperature ofof aboutabout 175°C175°C whichwhich correspondscorresponds
toto aa steamsteam pressurepressure ofof aboutabout 8.58.5 kg/sq.cm.kg/sq.cm.
Curing by Infra-red RadiationCuring by Infra-red Radiation
• CuringCuring ofof concreteconcrete byby Infra-redInfra-red RadiationRadiation hashas beenbeen
practisedpractised inin veryvery coldcold climaticclimatic regionsregions inin Russia.Russia.
• ItIt isis claimedclaimed thatthat muchmuch moremore rapidrapid gaingain ofof strengthstrength
cancan bebe obtainedobtained thanthan withwith steamsteam curingcuring andand thatthat
rapidrapid initialinitial temperaturetemperature doesdoes notnot causecause aa decreasedecrease
inin thethe ultimateultimate strengthstrength asas inin thethe casecase ofof steamsteam curingcuring atat
ordinaryordinary pressure.pressure.
• TheThe systemsystem isis veryvery oftenoften adoptedadopted forfor thethe curingcuring ofof
hollowhollow concreteconcrete products.products. TheThe normalnormal operativeoperative temperaturetemperature
isis keptkept atat aboutabout 90°C.90°C.
Curing by Infra-red RadiationCuring by Infra-red Radiation
Electrical CuringElectrical Curing
• ConcreteConcrete cancan bebe curedcured electricallyelectrically byby passingpassing anan
alternatingalternating currentcurrent (Electrolysis(Electrolysis troubletrouble willwill bebe
encounteredencountered ifif directdirect currentcurrent isis used)used) throughthrough thethe
concreteconcrete itselfitself betweenbetween twotwo electrodeselectrodes eithereither buriedburied inin oror
appliedapplied toto thethe surfacesurface ofof thethe concrete.concrete.
• CareCare mustmust bebe takentaken toto preventprevent thethe moisturemoisture fromfrom
goinggoing outout leavingleaving thethe concreteconcrete completelycompletely dry.dry.
Electrical CuringElectrical Curing
Properties of Fresh ConcreteProperties of Fresh Concrete
• WorkabilityWorkability
• TheThe functionfunction ofof waterwater isis alsoalso toto lubricatelubricate thethe concreteconcrete soso
thatthat thethe concreteconcrete cancan bebe compactedcompacted withwith specifiedspecified
efforteffort forthcomingforthcoming atat thethe sitesite ofof work.work.
• TheThe lubricationlubrication requiredrequired forfor handlinghandling concreteconcrete
withoutwithout segregation,segregation, forfor placingplacing withoutwithout lossloss ofof
homogeneity,homogeneity, forfor compactingcompacting withwith thethe amountamount ofof effortsefforts
forth-comingforth-coming andand toto finishfinish itit sufficientlysufficiently easily,easily, thethe presencepresence
ofof aa certaincertain quantityquantity ofof waterwater isis ofof vitalvital importance.importance.
• WorkabilityWorkability isis thethe abilityability ofof aa freshfresh (plastic)(plastic) concreteconcrete mixmix toto
fillfill thethe form/moldform/mold properlyproperly withwith thethe desireddesired workwork
(vibration)(vibration) andand withoutwithout reducingreducing thethe concrete'sconcrete's quality.quality.
WorkabilityWorkability dependsdepends onon waterwater
content,content, aggregateaggregate (shape(shape andand siz
edistribution),distribution), cementitiouscementitious contentcontent
andand ageage (level(level ofof hydration)hydration) andand
cancan bebe modifiedmodified byby addingadding chemicalchemical
admixtures,admixtures, likelike super-plasticizersuper-plasticizer
Factors Affecting WorkabilityFactors Affecting Workability
• Water ContentWater Content
• Mix ProportionsMix Proportions
• Size of AggregatesSize of Aggregates
• Shape of AggregatesShape of Aggregates
• Surface Texture of AggregateSurface Texture of Aggregate
• Grading of AggregateGrading of Aggregate
• Use of Admixtures.Use of Admixtures.
Water content or Water Cement RatioWater content or Water Cement Ratio
• MoreMore thethe waterwater cementcement ratioratio moremore willwill bebe workabilityworkability
ofof concrete.concrete. SinceSince byby simplysimply addingadding waterwater thethe interinter
particleparticle lubricationlubrication isis increased.increased.
• HighHigh waterwater contentcontent resultsresults inin aa higherhigher fluidityfluidity andand
greatergreater workability.workability. IncreasedIncreased waterwater contentcontent alsoalso resultsresults inin
bleeding.bleeding. anotheranother effecteffect ofof increasedincreased waterwater contentcontent cancan alsoalso
bebe thatthat cementcement slurryslurry willwill escapeescape throughthrough jointsjoints ofof formwork.formwork.
• MoreMore waterwater cancan bebe added,added, providedprovided aa correspondinglycorrespondingly
higherhigher quantityquantity ofof cementcement isis alsoalso addedadded toto keepkeep thethe
water/cementwater/cement ratioratio constantconstant,, soso thatthat thethe strengthstrength remainsremains thethe
Water content or Water Cement RatioWater content or Water Cement Ratio
• MoreMore thethe waterwater cementcement ratioratio moremore willwill bebe workabilityworkability
ofof concrete.concrete. SinceSince byby simplysimply addingadding waterwater thethe interinter
particleparticle lubricationlubrication isis increased.increased.
• HighHigh waterwater contentcontent resultsresults inin aa higherhigher fluidityfluidity andand
greatergreater workability.workability. IncreasedIncreased waterwater contentcontent alsoalso resultsresults inin
bleeding.bleeding. anotheranother effecteffect ofof increasedincreased waterwater contentcontent cancan alsoalso
bebe thatthat cementcement slurryslurry willwill escapeescape throughthrough jointsjoints ofof formwork.formwork.
• MoreMore waterwater cancan bebe added,added, providedprovided aa correspondinglycorrespondingly
higherhigher quantityquantity ofof cementcement isis alsoalso addedadded toto keepkeep thethe
water/cementwater/cement ratioratio constant,constant, soso thatthat thethe strengthstrength remainsremains thethe
Mix ProportionsMix Proportions
• TheThe higherhigher thethe aggregate/cementaggregate/cement ratio,ratio, lessless quantityquantity ofof
pastepaste isis availableavailable forfor providingproviding lubrication,lubrication, perper unitunit
surfacesurface areaarea ofof aggregateaggregate andand hencehence thethe mobilitymobility ofof aggregateaggregate
isis restrained.restrained.
• OnOn thethe otherother hand,hand, inin casecase ofof richrich concreteconcrete withwith lowerlower
aggregate/cementaggregate/cement ratio,ratio, moremore pastepaste isis availableavailable toto makemake
thethe mixmix cohesivecohesive andand fattyfatty toto givegive betterbetter workability.workability.
Size of Aggregate & Surface TextureSize of Aggregate & Surface Texture
• TheThe biggerbigger thethe sizesize ofof thethe aggregate,aggregate, thethe lessless isis thethe surfacesurface
areaarea andand hencehence lessless amountamount ofof waterwater isis requiredrequired forfor
wettingwetting thethe surfacesurface andand lessless matrixmatrix oror pastepaste isis requiredrequired forfor
lubricatinglubricating thethe surfacesurface toto reducereduce internalinternal friction.friction.
• GreaterGreater sizesize ofof Aggregate-Aggregate- lessless waterwater isis requiredrequired toto lubricatelubricate
it,it, thethe extraextra waterwater isis availableavailable forfor workabilityworkability
• PorousPorous aggregatesaggregates requirerequire moremore waterwater comparedcompared toto
nonnon absorbentabsorbent aggregatesaggregates forfor achievingachieving samesame degreedegree ofof
Shape of AggregatesShape of Aggregates
• Angular,Angular, elongatedelongated oror flakyflaky aggregateaggregate makesmakes thethe concreteconcrete
veryvery harshharsh whenwhen comparedcompared toto roundedrounded aggregatesaggregates oror
cubicalcubical shapedshaped aggregates.aggregates.
• ContributionContribution toto betterbetter workabilityworkability ofof roundedrounded
aggregateaggregate willwill comecome fromfrom thethe factfact thatthat forfor thethe givengiven volumevolume
oror weightweight itit willwill havehave lessless surfacesurface areaarea andand lessless voidsvoids
thanthan angularangular oror flakyflaky aggregate.aggregate.
• NotNot onlyonly that,that, beingbeing roundround inin shape,shape, thethe frictionalfrictional
resistanceresistance isis alsoalso greatlygreatly reduced.reduced. ThisThis explainsexplains thethe reasonreason
whywhy riverriver sandsand andand gravelgravel provideprovide greatergreater workabilityworkability
toto concreteconcrete thanthan crushedcrushed sandsand andand aggregate.aggregate.
Grading of AggregatesGrading of Aggregates
• AA wellwell gradedgraded aggregateaggregate isis thethe oneone whichwhich hashas leastleast amountamount
ofof voidsvoids inin aa givengiven volumevolume andand higherhigher thethe workability.workability.
• OtherOther factorsfactors beingbeing constant,constant, whenwhen thethe totaltotal voidsvoids areare less,less,
excessexcess pastepaste isis availableavailable toto givegive betterbetter lubricatinglubricating effect.effect.
• WithWith excessexcess amountamount ofof paste,paste, thethe mixturemixture becomesbecomes
cohesive andcohesive and fattyfatty whichwhich preventsprevents segregationsegregation ofof particles.particles.
Use of AdmixturesUse of Admixtures
• ChemicalChemical admixturesadmixtures cancan bebe usedused toto increaseincrease workabilityworkability..
• UseUse ofof airair entrainingentraining agentagent producesproduces airair bubblesbubbles whichwhich actsacts
asas aa sortsort ofof ballball bearingbearing betweenbetween particlesparticles andand increasesincreases
mobility,mobility, workabilityworkability andand decreasesdecreases bleeding,bleeding, segregation.segregation.
• TheThe useuse ofof finefine pozzolanicpozzolanic materialsmaterials alsoalso havehave betterbetter
lubricatinglubricating effecteffect andand moremore workability.workability.
Weather ConditionsWeather Conditions
• IfIf temperaturetemperature isis high,high, evaporationevaporation increases,increases, thusthus
workabilityworkability decreases.decreases.
• IfIf windwind isis movingmoving withwith greatergreater velocity,velocity, thethe raterate ofof
evaporationevaporation alsoalso increaseincrease reducesreduces thethe amountamount ofof waterwater
andand ultimatelyultimately reducingreducing workability.workability.
Measurement of WorkabilityMeasurement of Workability
ItIt isis discusseddiscussed earlierearlier thatthat workabilityworkability ofof concreteconcrete isis aa complexcomplex
SlumpSlump TestTest
CompactingCompacting FactorFactor TestTest
FlowFlow TestTest
VeeVee BeeBee ConsistometerConsistometer Test.Test.
Slump TestSlump Test
• SlumpSlump testtest isis thethe mostmost commonlycommonly usedused methodmethod ofof
measuringmeasuring consistencyconsistency ofof concreteconcrete whichwhich cancan bebe employedemployed
eithereither inin laboratorylaboratory oror atat sitesite ofof work.work.
• ItIt isis notnot aa suitablesuitable methodmethod forfor veryvery wetwet oror veryvery drydry concrete.concrete.
• AdditionalAdditional informationinformation onon workabilityworkability andand qualityquality ofof
concreteconcrete cancan bebe obtainedobtained byby observingobserving thethe mannermanner inin
whichwhich concreteconcrete slumps.slumps.
• QualityQuality ofof concreteconcrete cancan alsoalso bebe furtherfurther assessedassessed byby
givinggiving aa fewfew tappingstappings oror blowsblows byby tampingtamping rodrod toto thethe basebase
• TheThe deformationdeformation showsshows thethe characteristicscharacteristics ofof concreteconcrete withwith
respectrespect toto tendencytendency forfor segregation.segregation.
Slump TestSlump Test
Slump TestSlump Test
Slump TestSlump Test
Compacting Factor TestCompacting Factor Test
• ItIt isis moremore preciseprecise andand sensitivesensitive thanthan thethe slumpslump testtest
andand isis particularlyparticularly usefuluseful forfor concreteconcrete mixesmixes ofof veryvery lowlow
workabilityworkability asas areare normallynormally usedused whenwhen concreteconcrete isis toto bebe compactedcompacted
byby vibration.vibration.
• TheThe compactingcompacting factorfactor testtest hashas beenbeen developeddeveloped atat thethe
RoadRoad ResearchResearch LaboratoryLaboratory U.KU.K..
• ThisThis testtest worksworks onon thethe principleprinciple ofof determiningdetermining thethe degreedegree
ofof compactioncompaction achievedachieved byby aa standardstandard amountamount ofof workwork
donedone byby allowingallowing thethe concreteconcrete toto fallfall throughthrough aa standardstandard height.height.
• TheThe degreedegree ofof compaction,compaction, calledcalled thethe compactingcompacting factorfactor isis
measuredmeasured byby thethe densitydensity ratioratio i.e.,i.e., thethe ratioratio ofof thethe densitydensity actuallyactually
achievedachieved inin thethe testtest toto densitydensity ofof samesame concreteconcrete fullyfully compacted.compacted.
Compacting Factor TestCompacting Factor Test
Compacting Factor TestCompacting Factor Test
Flow TestFlow Test
• ThisThis isis aa laboratorylaboratory test,test, whichwhich givesgives anan indicationindication ofof
thethe qualityquality ofof concreteconcrete withwith respectrespect toto consistency,consistency,
cohesivenesscohesiveness andand thethe pronenessproneness toto segregation.segregation.
• TheThe tabletable toptop isis cleanedcleaned ofof allall grittygritty materialmaterial andand isis wetted.wetted.
TheThe mouldmould isis keptkept onon thethe centrecentre ofof thethe tabletable,, firmlyfirmly
heldheld andand isis filledfilled inin twotwo layers.layers.
• EachEach layerlayer isis roddedrodded 2525 timestimes withwith aa tampingtamping rodrod 1.61.6
cmcm inin diameterdiameter andand 6161 cmcm longlong roundedrounded atat thethe lowerlower
tampingtamping end.end.
• TheThe mouldmould isis liftedlifted verticallyvertically upwardupward andand thethe concreteconcrete
standsstands onon itsits ownown withoutwithout support.support.
Flow TestFlow Test
• TheThe tabletable isis thenthen raisedraised andand droppeddropped 12.512.5 mmmm 1515
timestimes inin aboutabout 1515 secondsseconds.. TheThe diameterdiameter ofof thethe spreadspread
concreteconcrete isis measuredmeasured inin aboutabout 66 directionsdirections toto thethe nearestnearest 55
mmmm and theand the averageaverage spreadspread isis noted.noted.
Flow TestFlow Test
Vee Bee Consistometer TestVee Bee Consistometer Test
• ThisThis isis aa goodgood laboratorylaboratory testtest toto measuremeasure
workabilityworkability ofof concrete.concrete.
indirectlyindirectly thethe
• ThisThis testtest consistsconsists ofof aa vibratingvibrating table,table, aa metalmetal pot,pot, aa sheetsheet
metalmetal cone,cone, aa standardstandard ironiron rod.rod.
• TheThe timetime requiredrequired forfor thethe shapeshape ofof concreteconcrete toto changechange
fromfrom slumpslump conecone shapeshape toto cylindricalcylindrical shapeshape inin secondsseconds isis
knownknown asas VeeVee BeeBee Degree.Degree.
• ThisThis methodmethod isis veryvery suitablesuitable forfor veryvery drydry concreteconcrete
whosewhose slumpslump valuevalue cannotcannot bebe measuredmeasured byby SlumpSlump
Test,Test, butbut thethe vibrationvibration isis tootoo vigorousvigorous forfor concreteconcrete withwith aa
slumpslump greatergreater thanthan aboutabout 5050 mm.mm.
Vee Bee Consistometer TestVee Bee Consistometer Test
• SegregationSegregation cancan bebe defineddefined asas thethe separationseparation ofof thethe
constituentconstituent materialsmaterials ofof concrete.concrete.
• AA goodgood concreteconcrete isis oneone inin whichwhich allall thethe ingredientsingredients areare
properlyproperly distributeddistributed toto makemake aa homogeneoushomogeneous mixture.mixture.
• ThereThere areare considerableconsiderable differencesdifferences inin thethe sizes and specificsizes and specific
gravitiesgravities ofof thethe constituentconstituent ingredientsingredients ofof concrete.concrete.
• Therefore,Therefore, itit isis naturalnatural thatthat thethe materialsmaterials showshow aa tendencytendency toto
fallfall apart.apart.
• BadlyBadly proportionedproportioned mixmix wherewhere sufficientsufficient matrixmatrix isis notnot therethere
toto bindbind andand containcontain thethe aggregatesaggregates
• InsufficientlyInsufficiently mixedmixed concreteconcrete withwith excessexcess waterwater contentcontent
• DroppingDropping ofof concreteconcrete fromfrom heightsheights asas inin thethe casecase ofof placingplacing
concreteconcrete inin columncolumn concretingconcreting
• WhenWhen concreteconcrete isis dischargeddischarged fromfrom aa badlybadly designeddesigned mixermixer,,
or fromor from aa mixermixer withwith wornworn outout bladesblades
• ConveyanceConveyance ofof concreteconcrete byby conveyorconveyor belts,belts, wheelwheel barrow,barrow,
longlong distancedistance haulhaul byby dumper,dumper, longlong liftlift byby skipskip andand hoisthoist areare
thethe otherother situationssituations promotingpromoting segregationsegregation ofof concreteconcrete
• BleedingBleeding isis sometimessometimes referredreferred asas waterwater gain.gain. ItIt isis aa
particularparticular formform ofof segregation,segregation, inin whichwhich somesome ofof thethe
waterwater fromfrom thethe concreteconcrete comescomes outout toto thethe surfacesurface ofof thethe
concrete,concrete, beingbeing ofof thethe lowestlowest specificspecific gravitygravity amongamong allall
thethe ingredientsingredients ofof concrete.concrete.
• BleedingBleeding isis predominantlypredominantly observedobserved inin aa highlyhighly wetwet mix,mix,
badlybadly proportionedproportioned andand insufficientlyinsufficiently mixedmixed concrete.concrete.
• InIn thinthin membersmembers likelike roofroof slabslab oror roadroad slabsslabs andand
whenwhen concreteconcrete isis placedplaced inin sunnysunny weatherweather showshow excessiveexcessive
• BleedingBleeding cancan bebe reducedreduced byby properproper proportioningproportioning andand
uniformuniform andand completecomplete mixing.mixing.
• UseUse ofof finelyfinely divideddivided pozzo-lanicpozzo-lanic materialsmaterials reducesreduces bleedingbleeding
by creatingby creating aa longerlonger pathpath forfor thethe waterwater toto traverse.traverse.
• Air-entrainingAir-entraining agentagent isis veryvery effectiveeffective inin reducingreducing thethe
• BleedingBleeding cancan bebe reducedreduced byby thethe useuse ofof finerfiner cementcement oror
cementcement withwith lowlow alkalialkali content.content. RichRich mixesmixes areare lessless
susceptiblesusceptible toto bleedingbleeding thanthan leanlean mixes.mixes.
Fresh Concrete

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Fresh Concrete

  • 2. Process of Manufacture of ConcreteProcess of Manufacture of Concrete • ItIt isis interestinginteresting toto notenote thatthat thethe ingredientsingredients ofof goodgood concreteconcrete andand badbad concreteconcrete areare thethe same.same. • IfIf meticulousmeticulous carecare isis notnot exercised,exercised, andand goodgood rulesrules areare notnot observed,observed, thethe resultantresultant concreteconcrete isis goinggoing toto bebe ofof badbad quality.quality. • WithWith thethe samesame materialmaterial ifif intenseintense carecare isis takentaken toto exerciseexercise controlcontrol atat everyevery stage,stage, itit willwill resultresult inin goodgood concrete.concrete.
  • 3. GoodGood CConcreteoncrete andand BBadad CConcreteoncrete QualityQuality
  • 4. Process of Manufacture of ConcreteProcess of Manufacture of Concrete • TheThe various stagesvarious stages ofof manufacturemanufacture ofof concreteconcrete are:are: • (a) Batching(a) Batching • (b) Mixing(b) Mixing • (c) Transporting(c) Transporting • (d)(d) PlacingPlacing • (e)(e) CompactingCompacting • (f(f )) CuringCuring • (g)(g) Finishing.Finishing.
  • 5. Process of Manufacture of ConcreteProcess of Manufacture of Concrete
  • 6. BatchingBatching VolumeVolume Batching:Batching: • VolumeVolume batchingbatching isis notnot aa goodgood methodmethod forfor proportioningproportioning thethe materialmaterial becausebecause ofof thethe difficultydifficulty itit offersoffers toto measuremeasure granulargranular materialmaterial inin termsterms ofof volume.volume. •VolumeVolume ofof moistmoist sandsand inin aa looseloose conditioncondition weighsweighs muchmuch lessless thanthan thethe samesame volumevolume ofof drydry compactedcompacted sand.sand. •TheThe effecteffect ofof bulkingbulking shouldshould bebe considerconsider forfor moistmoist finefine aggregate.aggregate. •ForFor unimportantunimportant concreteconcrete oror forfor anyany smallsmall jobjob,, concreteconcrete maymay bebe batchedbatched byby volume.volume.
  • 7. Batching : Volume BatchingBatching : Volume Batching • Volume batching:Volume batching:
  • 8. Batching : Volume BatchingBatching : Volume Batching
  • 9. BatchingBatching WeighWeigh Batching:Batching: •WeighWeigh batchingbatching isis thethe correctcorrect methodmethod ofof measuringmeasuring thethe materials.materials. •UseUse ofof weightweight systemsystem inin batching,batching, facilitatesfacilitates,, accuracy,accuracy, flexibilityflexibility andand simplicitysimplicity.. •LargeLarge weighweigh batchingbatching plantsplants havehave automaticautomatic weighingweighing equipment.equipment. •OnOn largelarge workwork sites,sites, thethe weighweigh bucketbucket typetype ofof weighingweighing equipment'sequipment's areare used.used.
  • 10. Batching : Weigh BatchingBatching : Weigh Batching
  • 11. Batching : Weigh BatchingBatching : Weigh Batching
  • 12. Batching : Weigh BatchingBatching : Weigh Batching
  • 13. MixingMixing • ThoroughThorough mixingmixing ofof thethe materialsmaterials productionproduction ofof uniformuniform concrete.concrete. • TheThe mixingmixing shouldshould ensureensure thatthat isis essentialessentialfforor thethe TThehe massmass becomesbecomes homogeneous, uniform in colourhomogeneous, uniform in colour and consistency.and consistency. •There are two methods adopted for mixingThere are two methods adopted for mixing concrete:concrete: (i)(i) Hand mixing (ii )Machine mixingHand mixing (ii )Machine mixing
  • 14. Mixing: Hand mixingMixing: Hand mixing • HandHand mixingmixing isis practisedpractised forfor smallsmall scalescale unimportantunimportant concreteconcrete works.works. • AsAs thethe mixingmixing cannotcannot bebe thoroughthorough andand efficientefficient,, itit isis desirabledesirable toto addadd 1010 perper centcent moremore cementcement toto catercater forfor thethe inferiorinferior concreteconcrete producedproduced byby thisthis method.method. • HandHand mixingmixing shouldshould bebe donedone overover anan imperviousimpervious concreteconcrete oror brickbrick floorfloor ofof sufficientlysufficiently largelarge sizesize toto taketake oneone bagbag ofof cement.cement. • SpreadSpread outout thethe measuredmeasured quantityquantity ofof coarsecoarse aggregateaggregate andand finefine aggregateaggregate inin alternatealternate layers.layers.
  • 15. Mixing: Hand mixingMixing: Hand mixing • PourPour thethe cementcement onon thethe toptop ofof it,it, andand mixmix themthem drydry byby shovel,shovel, turningturning thethe mixturemixture overover andand overover againagain untiluntil uniformityuniformity ofof colourcolour isis achieved.achieved. • WaterWater isis takentaken inin aa water-canwater-can fittedfitted withwith aa rose-headrose-head andand sprinkledsprinkled overover thethe mixturemixture andand simultaneouslysimultaneously turnedturned over.over. • ThisThis operationoperation isis continuedcontinued tilltill suchsuch timetime aa goodgood uniformuniform,, homogeneoushomogeneous concreteconcrete isis obtained.obtained.
  • 17. Mixing: Machine MixingMixing: Machine Mixing • MixingMixing ofof concreteconcrete isis almostalmost invariablyinvariably carriedcarried outout byby machinemachine,, forfor reinforcedreinforced concreteconcrete workwork andand forfor mediummedium oror largelarge scalescale massmass concreteconcrete work.work. • MachineMachine mixingmixing isis notnot onlyonly efficient,efficient, butbut alsoalso economical,economical, whenwhen thethe quantityquantity ofof concreteconcrete toto bebe producedproduced isis large.large. • TheyThey cancan bebe classifiedclassified asas batch-mixersbatch-mixers andand continuouscontinuous mixers.mixers. • BatchBatch mixersmixers produceproduce concrete,concrete, batchbatch byby batchbatch withwith timetime interval,interval, whereaswhereas continuouscontinuous mixersmixers produceproduce concreteconcrete continuouslycontinuously withoutwithout stoppagestoppage tilltill suchsuch timetime thethe plantplant isis working.working.
  • 18. Mixing: Machine MixingMixing: Machine Mixing • InIn normalnormal concreteconcrete work,work, itit isis thethe batchbatch mixersmixers thatthat areare used.used. BatchBatch mixermixer maymay bebe ofof panpan typetype oror drumdrum type.type. • TheThe drumdrum typetype maymay bebe furtherfurther classifiedclassified asas tilting,tilting, non-tilting,non-tilting, reversingreversing oror forcedforced actionaction type.type. • AsAs perper I.S.I.S. 1791–1985,1791–1985, concreteconcrete mixersmixers areare designateddesignated byby aa numbernumber representingrepresenting itsits nominalnominal mixedmixed batchbatch capacitycapacity inin litres.litres. TheThe followingfollowing areare thethe standardizedstandardized sizessizes ofof threethree types:types: • a. Tilting:a. Tilting: 8585 T,T, 100100 T,T, 140140 T,T, 200200 TT • b.b. Non-Tilting:Non-Tilting: 200200 NT,NT, 280280 NT,NT, 375375 NT,NT, 500500 NT,NT, 10001000 NTNT • c.c. Reversing:Reversing: 200200 R,R, 280280 R,R, 375375 R,R, 500500 RR andand 10001000 RR
  • 23. Transporting : Mortar PanTransporting : Mortar Pan • UseUse ofof mortarmortar panpan forfor transporationtransporation ofof concreteconcrete isis oneone ofof thethe commoncommon methodsmethods adoptedadopted inin thisthis country.country. • InIn thisthis case,case, concreteconcrete isis carriedcarried inin smallsmall quantities.quantities. • WhileWhile thisthis methodmethod nullifiesnullifies thethe segregationsegregation toto somesome extent,extent, particularlyparticularly inin thickthick membersmembers GreaterGreater lossloss ofof water,water, particularly,particularly, inin hothot weatherweather concretingconcreting
  • 24. Transporting : Wheel BarrowTransporting : Wheel Barrow • WheelWheel barrowsbarrows areare normallynormally usedused forfor transportingtransporting concreteconcrete toto bebe placedplaced atat groundground level.level. • ThisThis methodmethod isis employedemployed forfor haulinghauling concreteconcrete forfor comparativelycomparatively longerlonger distancedistance asas inin thethe casecase ofof concreteconcrete roadroad construction.construction. • IfIf concreteconcrete isis conveyedconveyed byby wheelwheel barrowbarrow overover aa longlong distance,distance, onon roughrough ground,ground, itit isis likelylikely thatthat thethe concreteconcrete getsgets segregatedsegregated duedue toto vibration.vibration.
  • 25. Transporting : Wheel BarrowTransporting : Wheel Barrow
  • 26. Transporting : Crane, Bucket and Rope wayTransporting : Crane, Bucket and Rope way • AA cranecrane andand bucketbucket isis oneone ofof thethe rightright equipmentequipment forfor transportingtransporting concreteconcrete aboveabove groundground level.level. • CraneCrane cancan handlehandle concreteconcrete inin highhigh riserise constructionconstruction projectsprojects andand areare becomingbecoming aa familiarfamiliar sitessites inin bigbig cities.cities. • CranesCranes areare fastfast andand versatileversatile toto movemove concreteconcrete horizontallyhorizontally asas wellwell asas verticallyvertically alongalong thethe boomboom andand allowsallows thethe placementplacement ofof concreteconcrete atat thethe exactexact point.point. • CranesCranes carrycarry skipsskips oror bucketsbuckets containingcontaining concrete.concrete. SkipsSkips havehave dischargedischarge doordoor atat thethe bottombottom,, whereaswhereas bucketsbuckets areare tiltedtilted forfor emptying.emptying. • ForFor aa mediummedium scalescale jobjob thethe bucketbucket capacitycapacity maymay bebe 0.50.5 mm33 ..
  • 27. Transporting : Crane, Bucket and RopeTransporting : Crane, Bucket and Rope wayway
  • 28. Transporting : Crane, Bucket and Rope wayTransporting : Crane, Bucket and Rope way
  • 29. Transporting : Truck Mixer and DumpersTransporting : Truck Mixer and Dumpers • ForFor largelarge concreteconcrete worksworks particularlyparticularly forfor concreteconcrete toto bebe placedplaced atat groundground levellevel,, truckstrucks andand dumpersdumpers oror ordinaryordinary openopen steel-bodysteel-body tippingtipping lorrieslorries cancan bebe used.used. • AsAs theythey cancan traveltravel toto anyany partpart ofof thethe work,work, theythey havehave muchmuch advantageadvantage overover thethe jubileejubilee wagonswagons,, whichwhich requirerequire railrail tracks.tracks. • DumpersDumpers areare ofof usuallyusually 22 toto 33 cubiccubic metremetre capacity,capacity, whereaswhereas thethe capacitycapacity ofof trucktruck maymay bebe 44 cubiccubic metremetre oror more.more.
  • 30. Transporting : Truck Mixer and DumpersTransporting : Truck Mixer and Dumpers
  • 31. Transporting : Truck Mixer and DumpersTransporting : Truck Mixer and Dumpers
  • 32. Transporting :Belt ConveyorsTransporting :Belt Conveyors • BeltBelt conveyorsconveyors havehave veryvery limitedlimited applicationsapplications inin concreteconcrete construction.construction. • TheThe principalprincipal objectionobjection isis thethe tendencytendency ofof thethe concreteconcrete toto segregatesegregate onon steepsteep inclines,inclines, atat transfertransfer pointspoints oror changechange ofof direction,direction, andand atat thethe pointspoints wherewhere thethe beltbelt passespasses overover thethe rollers.rollers. • ConveyorsConveyors cancan placeplace largelarge volumesvolumes ofof concreteconcrete quicklyquickly wherewhere accessaccess isis limited.limited.
  • 34. Transporting :ChuteTransporting :Chute • ChutesChutes areare generallygenerally providedprovided forfor transportingtransporting concreteconcrete fromfrom groundground levellevel toto aa lowerlower level.level. • TheThe sectionssections ofof chutechute shouldshould bebe mademade ofof oror linedlined withwith metalmetal andand allall runsruns shallshall havehave approximatelyapproximately thethe samesame slope,slope, notnot flatterflatter thanthan 11 verticalvertical toto 22 1/21/2 horizontal.horizontal. • TheThe lay-outlay-out isis mademade inin suchsuch aa wayway thatthat thethe concreteconcrete willwill slideslide evenlyevenly inin aa compactcompact massmass withoutwithout anyany separationseparation oror segregation.segregation.
  • 36. Transporting :Skip and HoistTransporting :Skip and Hoist • ThisThis isis oneone ofof thethe widelywidely adoptedadopted methodsmethods forfor transportingtransporting concreteconcrete verticallyvertically upup forfor multi-storeymulti-storey buildingbuilding construction.construction. • AtAt thethe groundground level,level, mixermixer directlydirectly feedsfeeds thethe skipskip andand thethe skipskip travelstravels upup overover railsrails uptoupto thethe levellevel wherewhere concreteconcrete isis required.required. • AtAt thatthat point,point, thethe skipskip dischargesdischarges thethe concreteconcrete automaticallyautomatically oror onon manualmanual operation.operation.
  • 37. Transporting :Transit MixerTransporting :Transit Mixer • TransitTransit mixermixer isis oneone ofof thethe mostmost popularpopular equipmentsequipments forfor transportingtransporting concreteconcrete overover aa longlong distancedistance particularlyparticularly inin ReadyReady MixedMixed ConcreteConcrete plantplant (RMC).(RMC). • InIn India,India, todaytoday (2000(2000 AD)AD) therethere areare aboutabout 3535 RMCRMC plantsplants andand aa numbernumber ofof centralcentral batchingbatching plantsplants areare workingworking.. TheyThey areare trucktruck mountedmounted havinghaving aa capacitycapacity ofof 44 toto 77 mm33.. • InIn one,one, mixedmixed concreteconcrete isis transportedtransported toto thethe sitesite byby keepingkeeping itit agitatedagitated allall alongalong atat aa speedspeed varyingvarying betweenbetween 22 toto 66 revolutionsrevolutions perper minute.minute. • InIn thethe otherother category,category, thethe concreteconcrete isis batchedbatched atat thethe centralcentral batchingbatching plantplant andand mixingmixing isis donedone inin thethe trucktruck mixermixer eithereither in transit or immediately prior to discharging thein transit or immediately prior to discharging the concrete at site.concrete at site.
  • 39. Transporting :Pumps and PipelineTransporting :Pumps and Pipeline • PumpingPumping ofof concreteconcrete isis universallyuniversally acceptedaccepted asas oneone ofof thethe mainmain methodsmethods ofof concreteconcrete transportationtransportation andand placing.placing. • AdoptionAdoption ofof pumpingpumping isis increasingincreasing throughoutthroughout thethe worldworld asas pumpspumps becomebecome moremore reliablereliable andand alsoalso thethe concreteconcrete mixesmixes thatthat enableenable thethe concreteconcrete toto bebe pumpedpumped areare alsoalso betterbetter understood.understood. • TheThe firstfirst patentpatent forfor aa concreteconcrete pumppump waswas takentaken inin USAUSA inin thethe yearyear 19131913.. • ByBy aboutabout 19301930 severalseveral countriescountries developeddeveloped andand manufacturedmanufactured concreteconcrete pumppump withwith slidingsliding plateplate valves.valves. • TheThe modernmodern concreteconcrete pumppump isis aa sophisticated,sophisticated, reliablereliable andand robustrobust machine.machine.
  • 40. Transporting :Concrete PumpsTransporting :Concrete Pumps • InIn thethe pastpast aa simplesimple two-stroketwo-stroke mechanicalmechanical pumppump consistedconsisted ofof aa receivingreceiving hopperhopper,, anan inletinlet andand anan outletoutlet valve,valve, aa pistonpiston andand aa cylinder.cylinder. • TheThe pumppump waswas poweredpowered byby aa dieseldiesel engine.engine. • TheThe pumpingpumping actionaction startsstarts withwith thethe suctionsuction strokestroke drawingdrawing concreteconcrete intointo thethe cylindercylinder asas thethe pistonpiston movesmoves backwards.backwards. • DuringDuring thisthis operationoperation thethe outletoutlet valuevalue isis closed.closed. OnOn thethe forwardforward stroke,stroke, thethe inletinlet valvevalve closescloses andand thethe outletoutlet valvevalve opensopens toto allowallow concreteconcrete toto bebe pushedpushed intointo thethe deliverydelivery pipe.pipe.
  • 42. Transporting :Concrete PumpsTransporting :Concrete Pumps • TheThe modernmodern concreteconcrete pumppump stillstill operatesoperates onon thethe samesame principlesprinciples butbut withwith lotlot ofof improvementsimprovements andand refinementsrefinements inin thethe wholewhole operations.operations. • InIn thisthis concreteconcrete placedplaced inin aa collectingcollecting hopperhopper isis fedfed byby rotatingrotating bladesblades intointo aa flexibleflexible pipepipe connectedconnected toto thethe pumpingpumping chamberchamber,, whichwhich isis underunder aa vacuumvacuum ofof aboutabout 600600 mmmm ofof mercury.mercury. • TheThe vacuumvacuum ensuresensures that,that, exceptexcept whenwhen beingbeing squeezedsqueezed byby roller,roller, thethe pipepipe shapeshape remainsremains cylindricalcylindrical andand thusthus permitspermits aa continuouscontinuous flowflow ofof concrete.concrete. • TwoTwo rotatingrotating rollersrollers progressivelyprogressively squeezesqueeze thethe flexibleflexible pipespipes andand thusthus movemove thethe concreteconcrete intointo thethe deliverydelivery pipe.pipe.
  • 44. Transporting :Pipelines and couplingsTransporting :Pipelines and couplings • ItIt isis equallyequally importantimportant toto havehave correctcorrect diameterdiameter ofof pipelinepipeline withwith adequateadequate wallwall thicknessthickness forfor aa givengiven operatingoperating pressurepressure andand wellwell designeddesigned couplingcoupling systemsystem forfor troubletrouble freefree operation.operation. • AA poorpoor pipelinepipeline cancan easilyeasily causecause blockagesblockages arisingarising fromfrom leakageleakage ofof grout.grout. PushingPushing ofof abrasiveabrasive materialmaterial atat highhigh pressure,pressure, throughthrough pipelinepipeline inevitablyinevitably createscreates aa greatgreat dealdeal ofof wear.wear. • ContinuousContinuous handling,handling, frequentfrequent securingsecuring andand releasingreleasing ofof couplingscouplings createscreates wearwear atat joints..joints..
  • 45. Transporting :Pipelines and couplingsTransporting :Pipelines and couplings • GenerallyGenerally almostalmost allall concreteconcrete isis conveyedconveyed 125125 mmmm pipeline.pipeline. pumpedpumped throughthrough • GeneralGeneral rulerule isis thatthat thethe pipepipe diameterdiameter shouldshould bebe betweenbetween 33 toto 44 timestimes thethe largestlargest sizesize ofof aggregate.aggregate. • ConcreteConcrete hashas beenbeen pumpedpumped toto AA heightheight horizontalhorizontal 20002000 m.m. overover 400400 mm andand aa distancedistance ofof overover
  • 46. Pumpable ConcretePumpable Concrete • AA concreteconcrete whichwhich cancan bebe pushedpushed throughthrough aa pipelinepipeline isis calledcalled aa pumpablepumpable concreteconcrete.. • ItIt isis mademade inin suchsuch aa mannermanner thatthat itsits frictionfriction atat thethe innerinner wallwall ofof thethe pipelinepipeline doesdoes notnot becomebecome veryvery highhigh andand thatthat itit doesdoes notnot wedgewedge whilewhile flowingflowing throughthrough thethe pipeline.pipeline. • PumpablePumpable concreteconcrete emergingemerging fromfrom aa pipelinepipeline flowsflows inin thethe formform ofof aa plugplug whichwhich isis separatedseparated fromfrom thethe pipepipe wallwall byby aa thinthin lubricatinglubricating layerlayer consistingconsisting ofof cementcement paste.paste. • ForFor continuouscontinuous plugplug movement,movement, thethe pressurepressure generatedgenerated byby thethe flowflow resistanceresistance mustmust notnot bebe greatergreater thanthan thethe pumppump pressurepressure rating.rating.
  • 47. Pumpable ConcretePumpable Concrete However if the concreteHowever if the concrete is too saturated at higheris too saturated at higher W/C ratio the concrete atW/C ratio the concrete at certain pumpcertain pump pressurespressures maymay bebe suchsuch thatthat waterwater isis forcedforced outout ofof thethe mix,mix, creatingcreating anan increaseincrease inin flowflow resistanceresistance andand aa possiblepossible blockage.blockage.
  • 48. Design Considerations for PumpableDesign Considerations for Pumpable ConcreteConcrete
  • 49. Placing ConcretePlacing Concrete • ItIt isis notnot enoughenough thatthat aa concreteconcrete mixmix correctly Designedcorrectly Designed • batched,batched, mixedmixed andand transported,transported, itit isis ofof utmostutmost importanceimportance thatthat thethe concreteconcrete mustmust bebe placedplaced inin systematicsystematic mannermanner toto yieldyield optimumoptimum results.results. • PlacingPlacing concreteconcrete withinwithin earthearth mould.mould. (example:(example: FoundationFoundation concreteconcrete forfor aa wallwall oror column).column). • PlacingPlacing concreteconcrete withinwithin largelarge earthearth mouldmould oror timbertimber plank formwork.plank formwork. (example:(example: RoadRoad slabslab andand AirfieldAirfield slab).slab). • PlacingPlacing concreteconcrete inin layerslayers withinwithin timbertimber oror steelsteel shutters.shutters. (example:(example: MassMass concreteconcrete inin damdam constructionconstruction oror constructionconstruction ofof concreteconcrete abutmentabutment oror pier).pier).
  • 50. Placing ConcretePlacing Concrete • PlacingPlacing concreteconcrete withinwithin usualusual fromfrom work.work. (example:(example: Columns,Columns, beamsbeams andand floors).floors). • PlacingPlacing concreteconcrete underunder water.water.
  • 51. Placing ConcretePlacing Concrete Placement with Conveyor BeltPlacement with Conveyor Belt Concrete spread evenly across the subgrade by the paver before consolidation and finishing
  • 52. PlacingPlacing andand FinishingFinishing ConcreteConcrete Curb/CurbCurb/Curb andand GutterGutter ConcreteConcrete depositeddeposited intointo hopperhopper ofof slipslip formform curbcurb andand guttergutter machinemachine whichwhich thenthen extrudesextrudes thethe concreteconcrete intointo thethe desireddesired shapeshape Placing ConcretePlacing Concrete
  • 53. Placing and Finishing Concrete ConcreteConcrete PumpPump PlacingPlacing concreteconcrete byby pumppump andand placingplacing boom.boom. Placing ConcretePlacing Concrete
  • 54. Underwater Placement MethodsUnderwater Placement Methods • Tremie,Tremie, Pump,Pump, BottomBottom dumpdump buckets,buckets, GroutedGrouted preplacedpreplaced aggregateaggregate (specialized),Toggle(specialized),Toggle bags,bags, Bag work,Bag work, DivingDiving bellbell BasicBasic RecommendationsRecommendations • WaterWater velocityvelocity == 33 mm // min.min. • WaterWater temperaturetemperature == 5°C5°C • w/cw/c == 0.450.45 • CementingCementing materialsmaterials contentcontent == 390390 kg/mkg/m33 • SlumpSlump rangerange 150150 toto 225225 mmmm
  • 55. Underwater Placement MethodsUnderwater Placement Methods • Tremie,Tremie, Pump,Pump, BottomBottom dumpdump buckets,buckets, GroutedGrouted preplacedpreplaced aggregateaggregate (specialized),Toggle(specialized),Toggle bags,bags, Bagwork,Bagwork, DivingDiving bellbell • BasicBasic RecommendationsRecommendations • WaterWater velocityvelocity == 33 mm // min.min. • WaterWater temperaturetemperature == 5°C5°C • w/cw/c ==0.450.45 • CementingCementing materialsmaterials contentcontent ==390390 kg/mkg/m33 • SlumpSlump rangerange 150150 toto 225225 mmmm
  • 56. Underwater Placement MethodsUnderwater Placement Methods TremieTremie
  • 57. Compaction of ConcreteCompaction of Concrete • CompactionCompaction ofof concreteconcrete isis thethe processprocess adoptedadopted forfor expellingexpelling thethe entrappedentrapped airair fromfrom thethe concrete.concrete. • InIn thethe processprocess ofof mixing,mixing, transportingtransporting andand placingplacing ofof concrete airconcrete air isis likelylikely toto getget entrappedentrapped inin thethe concrete.concrete. • InIn otherother words,words, stiffstiff concreteconcrete mixmix hashas highhigh percentagepercentage ofof entrappedentrapped airair and,and, thereforetherefore ,, wouldwould needneed higherhigher compactingcompacting effortsefforts thanthan highhigh workableworkable mixes.mixes. • InIn orderorder toto achieveachieve fullfull compactioncompaction andand maximummaximum density,density, withwith reasonablereasonable compactingcompacting effortsefforts availableavailable atat sitesite,, itit isis necessarynecessary toto useuse aa mixmix withwith adequateadequate workability.workability.
  • 58. Compaction of ConcreteCompaction of Concrete • TheThe followingfollowing methodsmethods areare adoptedadopted forfor compactingcompacting thethe concrete:concrete: • HandHand CompactionCompaction • (i(i )) RoddingRodding (ii(ii )) RammingRamming (iii(iii )) TampingTamping • CompactionCompaction byby VibrationVibration • (i(i )) InternalInternal vibratorvibrator (Needle(Needle vibrator)vibrator) • (ii(ii )) FormworkFormwork vibratorvibrator (External(External vibrator)vibrator) • (iii(iii )) TableTable vibratorvibrator • (iv(iv )) PlatformPlatform vibratorvibrator • (v(v )) SurfaceSurface vibratorvibrator (Screed(Screed vibrator)vibrator) • vivi )) VibratoryVibratory Roller.Roller. • (c(c )) CompactionCompaction byby PressurePressure andand JoltingJolting • (d)(d) CompactionCompaction byby Spinning.Spinning.
  • 59. Compaction of Concrete: Hand CompactionCompaction of Concrete: Hand Compaction • HandHand compactioncompaction ofof concreteconcrete isis adoptedadopted inin casecase ofof unimportantunimportant concreteconcrete workwork ofof smallsmall magnitude.magnitude. • RoddingRodding isis donedone continuouslycontinuously overover thethe completecomplete areaarea toto effectivelyeffectively packpack thethe concreteconcrete andand drivedrive awayaway entrappedentrapped air.air. • LightLight rammingramming cancan bebe permittedpermitted inin unreinforcedunreinforced foundationfoundation concreteconcrete oror inin groundground floorfloor construction.construction. • TampingTamping isis oneone ofof thethe usualusual methodsmethods adoptedadopted inin compactingcompacting roofroof oror floorfloor slabslab oror roadroad pavementspavements wherewhere thethe thicknessthickness ofof concreteconcrete isis comparativelycomparatively lessless andand thethe surfacesurface toto bebe finishedfinished smoothsmooth andand level.level. TampingTamping consistsconsists ofof beatingbeating thethe toptop surfacesurface byby woodenwooden crosscross beambeam
  • 60. Compaction of Concrete: Hand CompactionCompaction of Concrete: Hand Compaction
  • 61. Compaction of Concrete: By VibrationCompaction of Concrete: By Vibration • WhereWhere highhigh strengthstrength isis required,required, itit isis necessarynecessary thatthat stiffstiff concrete, withconcrete, with lowlow water/cementwater/cement ratioratio bebe used.used. ToTo compactcompact suchsuch concrete,concrete, mechanicallymechanically operatedoperated vibratoryvibratory equipment,equipment, mustmust bebe used.used. •AA concreteconcrete withwith aboutabout 44 cmcm slumpslump cancan bebe placedplaced andand compactedcompacted fullyfully inin aa closelyclosely spacedspaced reinforcedreinforced concreteconcrete work,work, whereas,whereas, forfor handhand compaction,compaction, muchmuch higherhigher consistencyconsistency saysay aboutabout 1212 cmcm slumpslump maymay bebe required.required. •TheThe actionaction ofof vibrationvibration isis toto setset thethe particlesparticles ofof freshfresh concreteconcrete inin motion,motion, reducingreducing thethe frictionfriction betweenbetween themthem andand affectingaffecting aa temporarytemporary liquefactionliquefaction ofof concreteconcrete whichwhich enablesenables easyeasy settlement.settlement.
  • 62. Compaction of Concrete: By VibrationCompaction of Concrete: By Vibration • InternalInternal Vibrator:Vibrator: OfOf allall thethe vibrators,vibrators, thethe internalinternal vibratorvibrator isis mostmost commonlycommonly used.used. ThisThis isis alsoalso called,called, “Needle“Needle Vibrator”, orVibrator”, or “Poker Vibrator”.“Poker Vibrator”. ThisThis essentiallyessentially consistsconsists ofof aa powerpower unit,unit, aa flexibleflexible shaftshaft andand aa needle.needle. • FormworkFormwork VibratorVibrator (External(External Vibrator):Vibrator): FormworkFormwork vibratorsvibrators areare usedused forfor concretingconcreting columns,columns, thinthin wallswalls oror inin thethe castingcasting ofof precastprecast units.units. TheThe machinemachine isis clampedclamped onon toto thethe externalexternal wallwall surfacesurface ofof thethe formwork.formwork. • TableTable Vibrator:Vibrator: ThisThis isis thethe specialspecial casecase ofof formworkformwork vibrator,vibrator, wherewhere thethe vibratorvibrator isis clampedclamped toto thethe table.table. TheyThey areare commonlycommonly usedused forfor vibratingvibrating concreteconcrete cubes.cubes.
  • 63. Compaction of Concrete: By VibrationCompaction of Concrete: By Vibration • PlatformPlatform Vibrator:Vibrator: PlatformPlatform vibratorvibrator isis nothingnothing butbut aa tabletable vibrator,vibrator, butbut itit isis largerlarger inin size.size. ThisThis isis usedused inin thethe manufacturemanufacture ofof largelarge prefabricatedprefabricated concreteconcrete elementselements suchsuch asas electricelectric poles,poles, railwayrailway sleepers,sleepers, prefabricatedprefabricated roofingroofing elementselements etc.etc. • SurfaceSurface Vibrator:Vibrator: SurfaceSurface vibratorsvibrators areare sometimessometimes knowsknows as,as, “Screed Board“Screed Board Vibrators”.Vibrators”. AA smallsmall vibratorvibrator placedplaced onon thethe screedscreed boardboard givesgives anan effectiveeffective methodmethod ofof compactingcompacting andand levelingleveling ofof thinthin concreteconcrete members,members, suchsuch asas floorfloor slabs,slabs, roofroof slabsslabs andand roadroad surface.surface. • VibratoryVibratory Roller:Roller: OneOne ofof thethe recentrecent developmentsdevelopments ofof compactingcompacting veryvery drydry andand leanlean concreteconcrete isis thethe useuse ofof VibratoryVibratory Roller.Roller. SuchSuch concreteconcrete isis knownknown asas RollerRoller CompactedCompacted Concrete.Concrete.
  • 64. Compaction of Concrete: By VibrationCompaction of Concrete: By Vibration
  • 65. Compaction of Concrete: By VibrationCompaction of Concrete: By Vibration
  • 66. Compaction of Concrete: By VibrationCompaction of Concrete: By Vibration
  • 67. Curing of ConcreteCuring of Concrete • ConcreteConcrete derivesderives itsits strengthstrength byby thethe hydrationhydration ofof cementcement particles.particles. TheThe hydrationhydration ofof cementcement isis notnot aa momentarymomentary actionaction butbut aa processprocess continuingcontinuing forfor longlong time.time. TheThe quantityquantity ofof thethe productproduct ofof hydrationhydration andand consequentlyconsequently thethe amountamount ofof gelgel formedformed dependsdepends uponupon thethe extentextent ofof hydration.hydration. • CementCement requiresrequires aa water/cementwater/cement ratioratio aboutabout 0.230.23 forfor hydrationhydration andand aa water/cementwater/cement ratioratio ofof 0.150.15 forfor fillingfilling thethe voidsvoids inin thethe gelgel pores.pores. InIn otherother words,words, aa water/cementwater/cement ratioratio ofof about 0.38about 0.38 wouldwould bebe requiredrequired toto hydratehydrate allall thethe particlesparticles ofof cementcement andand alsoalso toto occupyoccupy thethe spacespace inin thethe gelgel pores.pores.
  • 68. Curing of ConcreteCuring of Concrete • CuringCuring isis thethe processprocess ofof controllingcontrolling thethe raterate andand extentextent ofof moisturemoisture lossloss fromfrom concreteconcrete duringduring cementcement hydrationhydration • CuringCuring cancan alsoalso bebe describeddescribed asas keepingkeeping thethe concreteconcrete moistmoist andand warmwarm enoughenough soso thatthat thethe hydrationhydration ofof cementcement cancan continue.continue. • CuringCuring methodsmethods maymay bebe divideddivided broadlybroadly intointo fourfour categories:categories: • (a)(a) WaterWater curingcuring • (b)(b) MembraneMembrane curingcuring • (c)(c) ApplicationApplication ofof heatheat • (d)(d) MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
  • 70. Curing of Concrete: Water curingCuring of Concrete: Water curing • ThisThis isis methodmethod satisfiesatisfie ss by farby far thethe bestbest ofof curingcuring asas itit allall thethe ofofrequirementsrequirements curingcuring ,,namely,namely, hydration,hydration, promotionpromotion ofof eliminationelimination ofof • shrinkage and absorptionshrinkage and absorption ofof the heat of hydration.the heat of hydration. • (a)(a) ImmersionImmersion • (b)(b) PondingPonding (c)Spraying(c)Spraying oror FoggingFogging (d)(d) Wet coveringWet covering
  • 71. Curing of ConcreteCuring of Concrete MembraneMembrane curingcuring isis thethe mostmost practicalpractical withwith today'stoday's ConstructionConstruction schedules.schedules. WaterWater curingcuring isis whenwhen thethe concreteconcrete isis coveredcovered withwith aa layerlayer ofof waterwater forfor aa periodperiod ofof timetime andand thethe evaporationevaporation ofof moisturemoisture isis fromfrom thethe surfacesurface ofof thethe water.water.
  • 72. Curing of Concrete: Membrane CuringCuring of Concrete: Membrane Curing • Sometimes,Sometimes, concreteconcrete worksworks areare carriedcarried outout inin placesplaces wherewhere therethere isis acuteacute shortageshortage ofof water.water. • TheThe quantityquantity ofof water,water, normallynormally mixedmixed forfor makingmaking concreteconcrete isis moremore thanthan sufficientsufficient toto hydratehydrate thethe cementcement,, providedprovided thisthis waterwater isis notnot allowedallowed toto gogo outout fromfrom thethe bodybody ofof concrete.concrete. • ConcreteConcrete couldcould bebe coveredcovered withwith membranemembrane whichwhich effectivelyeffectively sealseal offoff thethe evaporationevaporation ofof waterwater fromfrom concrete.concrete. will • CuringCuring compoundscompounds areare liquidsliquids whichwhich areare usuallyusually sprayedsprayed directlydirectly ontoonto concreteconcrete surfacessurfaces andand whichwhich thenthen drydry toto formform aa relativelyrelatively impermeableimpermeable membranemembrane thatthat retardsretards thethe lossloss ofof moisturemoisture fromfrom thethe concrete.concrete.
  • 73. Curing of Concrete: Membrane CuringCuring of Concrete: Membrane Curing
  • 74. Curing of Concrete: Application of heatCuring of Concrete: Application of heat • WhenWhen concreteconcrete isis subjectedsubjected toto higherhigher temperaturetemperature itit AAcceleratesccelerates thethe hydrationhydration processprocess resultingresulting inin development of strength.development of strength. faster • Therefore,Therefore, subjectingsubjecting thethe concreteconcrete toto higherhigher temperaturetemperature andand maintainingmaintaining thethe requiredrequired wetnesswetness cancan bebe achievedachieved byby subjectingsubjecting thethe concreteconcrete toto steamsteam curing.curing. • TheThe exposureexposure ofof concreteconcrete toto higherhigher temperaturetemperature isis donedone inin thethe followingfollowing manner:manner: • (a)(a) SteamSteam curingcuring atat ordinaryordinary pressure.pressure. • (b)(b) SteamSteam curingcuring atat highhigh pressure.pressure. • (c)(c) CuringCuring byby Infra-redInfra-red radiation.radiation. • (d)(d) ElectricalElectrical curing.curing.
  • 75. Curing of Concrete: Application of heatCuring of Concrete: Application of heat • AA fasterfaster attainmentattainment ofof strengthstrength willwill contributecontribute toto manymany otherother advantagesadvantages mentionedmentioned below.below. • (a(a )) ConcreteConcrete isis vulnerablevulnerable toto damagedamage onlyonly forfor shortshort time.time. • (b)(b) ConcreteConcrete membermember cancan bebe handledhandled veryvery quickly.quickly. • (d(d )) AA smallersmaller curingcuring tanktank willwill bebe sufficient.sufficient. • (e)(e) TheThe workwork cancan bebe putput onon toto serviceservice atat aa muchmuch earlyearly time,time, • (f)(f) Pre-stressingPre-stressing bedbed cancan bebe releasedreleased earlyearly forfor furtherfurther casting.casting. • (g)(g) AA fewerfewer numbernumber ofof formworkformwork willwill bebe sufficientsufficient oror alternativelyalternatively withwith thethe givengiven numbernumber ofof formworkformwork moremore outturnoutturn willwill bebe achieved.achieved.
  • 76. Steam curing at ordinary pressureSteam curing at ordinary pressure • ApplicationApplication ofof steamsteam curingcuring toto inin situsitu constructionconstruction willwill bebe aa littlelittle difficultdifficult task.task. However,However, atat somesome placesplaces itit hashas beenbeen triedtried forfor inin situsitu constructionconstruction byby formingforming aa steamsteam jacketjacket withwith thethe helphelp ofof tarpaulintarpaulin oror thickthick polyethylenepolyethylene sheets.sheets.
  • 77. High Pressure Steam CuringHigh Pressure Steam Curing • TheThe highhigh pressurepressure steamsteam curingcuring isis somethingsomething differentdifferent fromfrom ordinaryordinary steamsteam curing,curing, inin thatthat thethe curingcuring isis carriedcarried outout inin aa closedclosed chamber.chamber. • HighHigh pressurepressure steamsteam curedcured concreteconcrete developsdevelops inin oneone day,day, oror lessless thethe strengthstrength asas muchmuch asas thethe 2828 days’ strengthdays’ strength ofof normallynormally curedcured concreteconcrete.. TheThe strengthstrength developeddeveloped doesdoes notnot showshow retrogression.retrogression. • HighHigh pressurepressure steamsteam curedcured concreteconcrete exhibitsexhibits higherhigher resistanceresistance toto sulphatesulphate attack,attack, freezingfreezing andand thawingthawing actionaction andand chemicalchemical action.action. ItIt alsoalso showsshows lessless efflorescence.efflorescence.
  • 78. High Pressure Steam CuringHigh Pressure Steam Curing • HighHigh pressurepressure steamsteam curedcured concreteconcrete exhibitsexhibits lowerlower dryingdrying shrinkage,shrinkage, andand moisturemoisture movement.movement. • InIn highhigh pressurepressure steamsteam curing,curing, concreteconcrete isis subjectedsubjected toto aa maximummaximum temperaturetemperature ofof aboutabout 175°C175°C whichwhich correspondscorresponds toto aa steamsteam pressurepressure ofof aboutabout 8.58.5 kg/sq.cm.kg/sq.cm.
  • 79. Curing by Infra-red RadiationCuring by Infra-red Radiation • CuringCuring ofof concreteconcrete byby Infra-redInfra-red RadiationRadiation hashas beenbeen practisedpractised inin veryvery coldcold climaticclimatic regionsregions inin Russia.Russia. • ItIt isis claimedclaimed thatthat muchmuch moremore rapidrapid gaingain ofof strengthstrength cancan bebe obtainedobtained thanthan withwith steamsteam curingcuring andand thatthat rapidrapid initialinitial temperaturetemperature doesdoes notnot causecause aa decreasedecrease inin thethe ultimateultimate strengthstrength asas inin thethe casecase ofof steamsteam curingcuring atat ordinaryordinary pressure.pressure. • TheThe systemsystem isis veryvery oftenoften adoptedadopted forfor thethe curingcuring ofof hollowhollow concreteconcrete products.products. TheThe normalnormal operativeoperative temperaturetemperature isis keptkept atat aboutabout 90°C.90°C.
  • 80. Curing by Infra-red RadiationCuring by Infra-red Radiation
  • 81. Electrical CuringElectrical Curing • ConcreteConcrete cancan bebe curedcured electricallyelectrically byby passingpassing anan alternatingalternating currentcurrent (Electrolysis(Electrolysis troubletrouble willwill bebe encounteredencountered ifif directdirect currentcurrent isis used)used) throughthrough thethe concreteconcrete itselfitself betweenbetween twotwo electrodeselectrodes eithereither buriedburied inin oror appliedapplied toto thethe surfacesurface ofof thethe concrete.concrete. • CareCare mustmust bebe takentaken toto preventprevent thethe moisturemoisture fromfrom goinggoing outout leavingleaving thethe concreteconcrete completelycompletely dry.dry.
  • 83. Properties of Fresh ConcreteProperties of Fresh Concrete • WorkabilityWorkability • TheThe functionfunction ofof waterwater isis alsoalso toto lubricatelubricate thethe concreteconcrete soso thatthat thethe concreteconcrete cancan bebe compactedcompacted withwith specifiedspecified efforteffort forthcomingforthcoming atat thethe sitesite ofof work.work. • TheThe lubricationlubrication requiredrequired forfor handlinghandling concreteconcrete withoutwithout segregation,segregation, forfor placingplacing withoutwithout lossloss ofof homogeneity,homogeneity, forfor compactingcompacting withwith thethe amountamount ofof effortsefforts forth-comingforth-coming andand toto finishfinish itit sufficientlysufficiently easily,easily, thethe presencepresence ofof aa certaincertain quantityquantity ofof waterwater isis ofof vitalvital importance.importance. • WorkabilityWorkability isis thethe abilityability ofof aa freshfresh (plastic)(plastic) concreteconcrete mixmix toto fillfill thethe form/moldform/mold properlyproperly withwith thethe desireddesired workwork (vibration)(vibration) andand withoutwithout reducingreducing thethe concrete'sconcrete's quality.quality.
  • 84. WorkabilityWorkability WorkabilityWorkability dependsdepends onon waterwater content,content, aggregateaggregate (shape(shape andand siz edistribution),distribution), cementitiouscementitious contentcontent andand ageage (level(level ofof hydration)hydration) andand cancan bebe modifiedmodified byby addingadding chemicalchemical admixtures,admixtures, likelike super-plasticizersuper-plasticizer
  • 85. Factors Affecting WorkabilityFactors Affecting Workability • Water ContentWater Content • Mix ProportionsMix Proportions • Size of AggregatesSize of Aggregates • Shape of AggregatesShape of Aggregates • Surface Texture of AggregateSurface Texture of Aggregate • Grading of AggregateGrading of Aggregate • Use of Admixtures.Use of Admixtures.
  • 86. Water content or Water Cement RatioWater content or Water Cement Ratio • MoreMore thethe waterwater cementcement ratioratio moremore willwill bebe workabilityworkability ofof concrete.concrete. SinceSince byby simplysimply addingadding waterwater thethe interinter particleparticle lubricationlubrication isis increased.increased. • HighHigh waterwater contentcontent resultsresults inin aa higherhigher fluidityfluidity andand greatergreater workability.workability. IncreasedIncreased waterwater contentcontent alsoalso resultsresults inin bleeding.bleeding. anotheranother effecteffect ofof increasedincreased waterwater contentcontent cancan alsoalso bebe thatthat cementcement slurryslurry willwill escapeescape throughthrough jointsjoints ofof formwork.formwork. • MoreMore waterwater cancan bebe added,added, providedprovided aa correspondinglycorrespondingly higherhigher quantityquantity ofof cementcement isis alsoalso addedadded toto keepkeep thethe water/cementwater/cement ratioratio constantconstant,, soso thatthat thethe strengthstrength remainsremains thethe same.same.
  • 87. Water content or Water Cement RatioWater content or Water Cement Ratio • MoreMore thethe waterwater cementcement ratioratio moremore willwill bebe workabilityworkability ofof concrete.concrete. SinceSince byby simplysimply addingadding waterwater thethe interinter particleparticle lubricationlubrication isis increased.increased. • HighHigh waterwater contentcontent resultsresults inin aa higherhigher fluidityfluidity andand greatergreater workability.workability. IncreasedIncreased waterwater contentcontent alsoalso resultsresults inin bleeding.bleeding. anotheranother effecteffect ofof increasedincreased waterwater contentcontent cancan alsoalso bebe thatthat cementcement slurryslurry willwill escapeescape throughthrough jointsjoints ofof formwork.formwork. • MoreMore waterwater cancan bebe added,added, providedprovided aa correspondinglycorrespondingly higherhigher quantityquantity ofof cementcement isis alsoalso addedadded toto keepkeep thethe water/cementwater/cement ratioratio constant,constant, soso thatthat thethe strengthstrength remainsremains thethe same.same.
  • 88. Mix ProportionsMix Proportions • TheThe higherhigher thethe aggregate/cementaggregate/cement ratio,ratio, lessless quantityquantity ofof pastepaste isis availableavailable forfor providingproviding lubrication,lubrication, perper unitunit surfacesurface areaarea ofof aggregateaggregate andand hencehence thethe mobilitymobility ofof aggregateaggregate isis restrained.restrained. • OnOn thethe otherother hand,hand, inin casecase ofof richrich concreteconcrete withwith lowerlower aggregate/cementaggregate/cement ratio,ratio, moremore pastepaste isis availableavailable toto makemake thethe mixmix cohesivecohesive andand fattyfatty toto givegive betterbetter workability.workability.
  • 89. Size of Aggregate & Surface TextureSize of Aggregate & Surface Texture • TheThe biggerbigger thethe sizesize ofof thethe aggregate,aggregate, thethe lessless isis thethe surfacesurface areaarea andand hencehence lessless amountamount ofof waterwater isis requiredrequired forfor wettingwetting thethe surfacesurface andand lessless matrixmatrix oror pastepaste isis requiredrequired forfor lubricatinglubricating thethe surfacesurface toto reducereduce internalinternal friction.friction. • GreaterGreater sizesize ofof Aggregate-Aggregate- lessless waterwater isis requiredrequired toto lubricatelubricate it,it, thethe extraextra waterwater isis availableavailable forfor workabilityworkability • PorousPorous aggregatesaggregates requirerequire moremore waterwater comparedcompared toto nonnon absorbentabsorbent aggregatesaggregates forfor achievingachieving samesame degreedegree ofof workability.workability.
  • 90. Shape of AggregatesShape of Aggregates • Angular,Angular, elongatedelongated oror flakyflaky aggregateaggregate makesmakes thethe concreteconcrete veryvery harshharsh whenwhen comparedcompared toto roundedrounded aggregatesaggregates oror cubicalcubical shapedshaped aggregates.aggregates. • ContributionContribution toto betterbetter workabilityworkability ofof roundedrounded aggregateaggregate willwill comecome fromfrom thethe factfact thatthat forfor thethe givengiven volumevolume oror weightweight itit willwill havehave lessless surfacesurface areaarea andand lessless voidsvoids thanthan angularangular oror flakyflaky aggregate.aggregate. • NotNot onlyonly that,that, beingbeing roundround inin shape,shape, thethe frictionalfrictional resistanceresistance isis alsoalso greatlygreatly reduced.reduced. ThisThis explainsexplains thethe reasonreason whywhy riverriver sandsand andand gravelgravel provideprovide greatergreater workabilityworkability toto concreteconcrete thanthan crushedcrushed sandsand andand aggregate.aggregate.
  • 91. Grading of AggregatesGrading of Aggregates • AA wellwell gradedgraded aggregateaggregate isis thethe oneone whichwhich hashas leastleast amountamount ofof voidsvoids inin aa givengiven volumevolume andand higherhigher thethe workability.workability. • OtherOther factorsfactors beingbeing constant,constant, whenwhen thethe totaltotal voidsvoids areare less,less, excessexcess pastepaste isis availableavailable toto givegive betterbetter lubricatinglubricating effect.effect. • WithWith excessexcess amountamount ofof paste,paste, thethe mixturemixture becomesbecomes cohesive andcohesive and fattyfatty whichwhich preventsprevents segregationsegregation ofof particles.particles.
  • 92. Use of AdmixturesUse of Admixtures • ChemicalChemical admixturesadmixtures cancan bebe usedused toto increaseincrease workabilityworkability.. • UseUse ofof airair entrainingentraining agentagent producesproduces airair bubblesbubbles whichwhich actsacts asas aa sortsort ofof ballball bearingbearing betweenbetween particlesparticles andand increasesincreases mobility,mobility, workabilityworkability andand decreasesdecreases bleeding,bleeding, segregation.segregation. • TheThe useuse ofof finefine pozzolanicpozzolanic materialsmaterials alsoalso havehave betterbetter lubricatinglubricating effecteffect andand moremore workability.workability.
  • 93. Weather ConditionsWeather Conditions • IfIf temperaturetemperature isis high,high, evaporationevaporation increases,increases, thusthus workabilityworkability decreases.decreases. • IfIf windwind isis movingmoving withwith greatergreater velocity,velocity, thethe raterate ofof evaporationevaporation alsoalso increaseincrease reducesreduces thethe amountamount ofof waterwater andand ultimatelyultimately reducingreducing workability.workability.
  • 94. Measurement of WorkabilityMeasurement of Workability ItIt isis discusseddiscussed earlierearlier thatthat workabilityworkability ofof concreteconcrete isis aa complexcomplex property.property. SlumpSlump TestTest CompactingCompacting FactorFactor TestTest FlowFlow TestTest VeeVee BeeBee ConsistometerConsistometer Test.Test.
  • 95. Slump TestSlump Test • SlumpSlump testtest isis thethe mostmost commonlycommonly usedused methodmethod ofof measuringmeasuring consistencyconsistency ofof concreteconcrete whichwhich cancan bebe employedemployed eithereither inin laboratorylaboratory oror atat sitesite ofof work.work. • ItIt isis notnot aa suitablesuitable methodmethod forfor veryvery wetwet oror veryvery drydry concrete.concrete. • AdditionalAdditional informationinformation onon workabilityworkability andand qualityquality ofof concreteconcrete cancan bebe obtainedobtained byby observingobserving thethe mannermanner inin whichwhich concreteconcrete slumps.slumps. • QualityQuality ofof concreteconcrete cancan alsoalso bebe furtherfurther assessedassessed byby givinggiving aa fewfew tappingstappings oror blowsblows byby tampingtamping rodrod toto thethe basebase plate.plate. • TheThe deformationdeformation showsshows thethe characteristicscharacteristics ofof concreteconcrete withwith respectrespect toto tendencytendency forfor segregation.segregation.
  • 99. Compacting Factor TestCompacting Factor Test • ItIt isis moremore preciseprecise andand sensitivesensitive thanthan thethe slumpslump testtest andand isis particularlyparticularly usefuluseful forfor concreteconcrete mixesmixes ofof veryvery lowlow workabilityworkability asas areare normallynormally usedused whenwhen concreteconcrete isis toto bebe compactedcompacted byby vibration.vibration. • TheThe compactingcompacting factorfactor testtest hashas beenbeen developeddeveloped atat thethe RoadRoad ResearchResearch LaboratoryLaboratory U.KU.K.. • ThisThis testtest worksworks onon thethe principleprinciple ofof determiningdetermining thethe degreedegree ofof compactioncompaction achievedachieved byby aa standardstandard amountamount ofof workwork donedone byby allowingallowing thethe concreteconcrete toto fallfall throughthrough aa standardstandard height.height. • TheThe degreedegree ofof compaction,compaction, calledcalled thethe compactingcompacting factorfactor isis measuredmeasured byby thethe densitydensity ratioratio i.e.,i.e., thethe ratioratio ofof thethe densitydensity actuallyactually achievedachieved inin thethe testtest toto densitydensity ofof samesame concreteconcrete fullyfully compacted.compacted.
  • 102. Flow TestFlow Test • ThisThis isis aa laboratorylaboratory test,test, whichwhich givesgives anan indicationindication ofof thethe qualityquality ofof concreteconcrete withwith respectrespect toto consistency,consistency, cohesivenesscohesiveness andand thethe pronenessproneness toto segregation.segregation. • TheThe tabletable toptop isis cleanedcleaned ofof allall grittygritty materialmaterial andand isis wetted.wetted. TheThe mouldmould isis keptkept onon thethe centrecentre ofof thethe tabletable,, firmlyfirmly heldheld andand isis filledfilled inin twotwo layers.layers. • EachEach layerlayer isis roddedrodded 2525 timestimes withwith aa tampingtamping rodrod 1.61.6 cmcm inin diameterdiameter andand 6161 cmcm longlong roundedrounded atat thethe lowerlower tampingtamping end.end. • TheThe mouldmould isis liftedlifted verticallyvertically upwardupward andand thethe concreteconcrete standsstands onon itsits ownown withoutwithout support.support.
  • 103. Flow TestFlow Test • TheThe tabletable isis thenthen raisedraised andand droppeddropped 12.512.5 mmmm 1515 timestimes inin aboutabout 1515 secondsseconds.. TheThe diameterdiameter ofof thethe spreadspread concreteconcrete isis measuredmeasured inin aboutabout 66 directionsdirections toto thethe nearestnearest 55 mmmm and theand the averageaverage spreadspread isis noted.noted.
  • 105. Vee Bee Consistometer TestVee Bee Consistometer Test • ThisThis isis aa goodgood laboratorylaboratory testtest toto measuremeasure workabilityworkability ofof concrete.concrete. indirectlyindirectly thethe • ThisThis testtest consistsconsists ofof aa vibratingvibrating table,table, aa metalmetal pot,pot, aa sheetsheet metalmetal cone,cone, aa standardstandard ironiron rod.rod. • TheThe timetime requiredrequired forfor thethe shapeshape ofof concreteconcrete toto changechange fromfrom slumpslump conecone shapeshape toto cylindricalcylindrical shapeshape inin secondsseconds isis knownknown asas VeeVee BeeBee Degree.Degree. • ThisThis methodmethod isis veryvery suitablesuitable forfor veryvery drydry concreteconcrete whosewhose slumpslump valuevalue cannotcannot bebe measuredmeasured byby SlumpSlump Test,Test, butbut thethe vibrationvibration isis tootoo vigorousvigorous forfor concreteconcrete withwith aa slumpslump greatergreater thanthan aboutabout 5050 mm.mm.
  • 106. Vee Bee Consistometer TestVee Bee Consistometer Test
  • 107. SegregationSegregation • SegregationSegregation cancan bebe defineddefined asas thethe separationseparation ofof thethe constituentconstituent materialsmaterials ofof concrete.concrete. • AA goodgood concreteconcrete isis oneone inin whichwhich allall thethe ingredientsingredients areare properlyproperly distributeddistributed toto makemake aa homogeneoushomogeneous mixture.mixture. • ThereThere areare considerableconsiderable differencesdifferences inin thethe sizes and specificsizes and specific gravitiesgravities ofof thethe constituentconstituent ingredientsingredients ofof concrete.concrete. • Therefore,Therefore, itit isis naturalnatural thatthat thethe materialsmaterials showshow aa tendencytendency toto fallfall apart.apart.
  • 108. SegregationSegregation • BadlyBadly proportionedproportioned mixmix wherewhere sufficientsufficient matrixmatrix isis notnot therethere toto bindbind andand containcontain thethe aggregatesaggregates • InsufficientlyInsufficiently mixedmixed concreteconcrete withwith excessexcess waterwater contentcontent • DroppingDropping ofof concreteconcrete fromfrom heightsheights asas inin thethe casecase ofof placingplacing concreteconcrete inin columncolumn concretingconcreting • WhenWhen concreteconcrete isis dischargeddischarged fromfrom aa badlybadly designeddesigned mixermixer,, or fromor from aa mixermixer withwith wornworn outout bladesblades • ConveyanceConveyance ofof concreteconcrete byby conveyorconveyor belts,belts, wheelwheel barrow,barrow, longlong distancedistance haulhaul byby dumper,dumper, longlong liftlift byby skipskip andand hoisthoist areare thethe otherother situationssituations promotingpromoting segregationsegregation ofof concreteconcrete
  • 110. BleedingBleeding • BleedingBleeding isis sometimessometimes referredreferred asas waterwater gain.gain. ItIt isis aa particularparticular formform ofof segregation,segregation, inin whichwhich somesome ofof thethe waterwater fromfrom thethe concreteconcrete comescomes outout toto thethe surfacesurface ofof thethe concrete,concrete, beingbeing ofof thethe lowestlowest specificspecific gravitygravity amongamong allall thethe ingredientsingredients ofof concrete.concrete. • BleedingBleeding isis predominantlypredominantly observedobserved inin aa highlyhighly wetwet mix,mix, badlybadly proportionedproportioned andand insufficientlyinsufficiently mixedmixed concrete.concrete. • InIn thinthin membersmembers likelike roofroof slabslab oror roadroad slabsslabs andand whenwhen concreteconcrete isis placedplaced inin sunnysunny weatherweather showshow excessiveexcessive bleeding.bleeding.
  • 112. BleedingBleeding • BleedingBleeding cancan bebe reducedreduced byby properproper proportioningproportioning andand uniformuniform andand completecomplete mixing.mixing. • UseUse ofof finelyfinely divideddivided pozzo-lanicpozzo-lanic materialsmaterials reducesreduces bleedingbleeding by creatingby creating aa longerlonger pathpath forfor thethe waterwater toto traverse.traverse. • Air-entrainingAir-entraining agentagent isis veryvery effectiveeffective inin reducingreducing thethe bleeding.bleeding. • BleedingBleeding cancan bebe reducedreduced byby thethe useuse ofof finerfiner cementcement oror cementcement withwith lowlow alkalialkali content.content. RichRich mixesmixes areare lessless susceptiblesusceptible toto bleedingbleeding thanthan leanlean mixes.mixes.