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Frontend for Developers
      HTML for WebApps


The Web Browser


Web Browsers
The most important ones.

 • Internet Explorer
 • Chrome
 • Firefox
 • Safari
 • Opera


Web Browsers
Chrome is bigger than Internet Explorer.

 • Chrome
 • Internet Explorer
 • Firefox
 • Safari
 • Opera


Rendering engine
How it works?

     1. Parses HTML to construct the DOM tree

     2. Renders tree construction

     3. Creates layout of the render tree

     4. Paints the render


Web Browser’s parts
retrieves resources from the server and visually presents them.


is a language-independent API.


is implemented in JavaScript in the browser.


is the object presentation of the HTML document.


     head           body

   title     h1       p       h2         ul        div

                                   li         li

                           span    img             p


is the interface of HTML elements to the outside world.


Rendering engine
by browser.

  Engine                                used by

           Firefox, SeaMonkey, Galeon, Camino, K-Meleon, Flock, Epiphany-
Gecko      gecko ... etc

Presto     Opera, Opera Mobile, Nintendo DS & DSi Browser, Internet Channel

Trident    Internet Explorer, Windows Phone 7

           Safari, Chrome, Adobe Air, Android Browser, Palm webOS, Symbian
           S60, OWB, Stream, Flock, RockMelt


JavaScript engine
by browser.

     Engine                            used by

SpiderMonkey   Mozilla Firefox

Rhino          Mozilla

Carakan        Opera

Chakra         Internet Explorer > 9

JScript        Internet Explorer < 8

V8             Chrome

Nitro          Safari


The User Experience


Progressive Enhancement
aims to deliver information to the widest possible audience.

 • sparse, semantic markup contains all content
 • end-user web browser preferences are respected


Progressive Enhancement
basic content should be accessible to all web browsers.


Progressive Enhancement
basic functionality should be accessible to all web browsers.


Progressive Enhancement
enhanced layout is provided by externally linked CSS.


Progressive Enhancement
enhanced behavior is provided by unobtrusive JavaScript.


is a feature detection technique for regressive enhancement.


Its parts.

             • The Web Browser
             • The User Experience

             • The Content Layer
             • The Visual Layer
             • The Behavior Layer


The Content Layer


What is HTML

  • HyperText Markup Language
  • Markup language is not programming language
  • The web is published in HTML
  • It’s maintained by the W3C


Types of elements according to the tag.

      <p>It’s the content</p>
      Open tag & close tag. Element with content.

      <img />
      Unique tag. Element without content.



     <p id=”paragraph”>It’s the content</p>
     Open tag & close tag. Element with content.

     <img src=”/image.jpg” alt=”It has a book.” />
     Unique tag. Element without content.


The common attributes for the HTMLElement.

   • title
   • id
   • class
   • lang
   • dir
   • data-*




Reserved Characters
cannot be used inside the document.

    • < can be mixed with tags
    • > can be mixed with tags
    • “ the quotes start an attribute
    • & the ampersand is also reserved


are used to implement reserved characters.

               < --------- &lt;
               > --------- &gt;
              & --------- &amp;
               “ --------- &quote;



10 < 20
<p> 10 &lt; 20 </p>

20 > 10
<p> 10 &gt; 20 </p>

He said: “Don’t do it”
<p>He said: &quot;Don’t do it&quot; </p>

Company & Co.
<p> Company &amp; Co. </p>


The Structure
html, head & body


The doctype
is required to do cross browser.

<!doctype html>
       <p>The basic content</p>
       <!-- Comment -->


The html element
is the root of the document.

<!doctype html>
       <p>The basic content</p>
       <!-- Comment -->


The head element
is a collection of metadata.

<!doctype html>
       <p>The basic content</p>
       <!-- Comment -->


The body element
is the place for the content.

<!doctype html>
       <p>The basic content</p>
       <!-- Comment -->



It’s the interface of HTML elements to the outside world


interface of a image element.

interface HTMLImageElement : HTMLElement {
             attribute DOMString alt;
             attribute DOMString src;
             attribute DOMString crossOrigin;
             attribute DOMString useMap;
             attribute boolean isMap;
             attribute unsigned long width;
             attribute unsigned long height;
    readonly attribute unsigned long naturalWidth;
    readonly attribute unsigned long naturalHeight;
    readonly attribute boolean complete;


The best of them


the code.

<!doctype html>
       <p>The basic content</p>
       <!-- Comment -->


must always be between quotes.

<img width=”50” height=”90” alt=”Iphone Image” />


must always be between quotes.

<img width=”50” height=”90” alt=”Iphone Image” />


functions should never go in event attributes.

<p onclick=”hideDiv();”></p>


functions should never go in event attributes.

<p onclick=”hideDiv();”></p>   not recommended


functions should never go in event attributes.

<p id=”overview”></p>

<p onclick=”hideDiv();”></p>   not recommended


never goes in head element.
<!doctype html>
            function greet(){
              alert(“hello world!”);
       <p>The basic content</p>
       <!-- Comment -->


never goes in head element.
<!doctype html>
            function greet(){          not recommended
              alert(“hello world!”);
       <p>The basic content</p>
       <!-- Comment -->


never goes in head element.
<!doctype html>
       <p>The basic content</p>
       <!-- Comment -->
            function greet(){
              alert(“hello world!”);


rules should never go inline.

<p style=”color:#ffffff;”></p>


rules should never go inline.

<p style=”color:#ffffff;”></p>   not recommended


rules should never go inline.

<p class=”featured”></p>

<p style=”color:#ffffff;”></p>   not recommended


Inside the head


The head element
the place for metadata.




The title element
represents the document’s name and identifies it out of context.

     • Required
     • Unique
     • ~ 64 characters


The title element
represents the document’s name and identifies it out of context.

   <title>MercadoLibre Argentina</title>


The link element
allows you to link the current document to other resources.

 <link />

            • rel
            • href
            • media
            • type


The rel attribute
adds meaning to the external resources.

    • alternate                  • nofollow
    • author                     • noreferrer
    • bookmark                   • prefetch
    • help                       • prev
    • icon                       • search
    • license                    • stylesheet
    • next                       • tag


The rel attribute

<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”/external.css” ... />

<link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” ... />

<link rel=”prev” title=”Chapter 2” href=”/chapter-2” ... />

<link rel=”next” title=”Chapter 4” href=”/chapter-4” ... />

<link rel=”alternate stylesheet” title=”New Layout” ... />


The meta element
represents various kinds of metadata.

 <meta />

     • name
     • charset
     • http-equiv
     • content


The meta element
The name attribute.

<meta name=”author” content=”Hernan Mammana” />

<meta name=”copyright” content=”2011” />

<meta name=”description” content=”It’s the ... for HTML talk” />

<meta name=”generator” content=”gDocs” />

<meta name=”keywords” content=”html,talk,slideshow” />

<meta name=”robots” content=”all” />


The meta element
The charset attribute.

<meta charset=”utf-8” />


The Content
Inside the body


The elements for text
are used to give meaning to the content.

     • Headings
        • h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6

     • Paragraph
        • p

     • Inside Headings, Paragraph and List
        • strong, em, cite, sup, sub, acronym, a


Examples from Home.

                      <h2>Más vendidos de la ... </h2>
                      <h2>Más Compartidos</h2>
                      <h2>Subastas desde $1</h2>
                      <h2>12 Cuotas sin interés</h2>
                      <h2>Imperdibles del día</h2>


Examples for VIP.

                    <h1>Apple Ipod touch...</h1>
                    <h2>Reputación del vendedor</h2>
                    <h2>Medios de pago</h2>
                    <h2>Medios de envío</h2>



<p>MercadoLibre no vende este artículo ... </p>

<p>Local Palermo Fscomputers Dist Autorizado ... </p>


Inside paragraphs ...

 <p><strong>Elige el motivo de tu denuncia: </strong></p>

 <p><strong>$ 1.899<sup>99</sup></strong></p>


To add meaning


Ordered & Unordered Lists
The most used lists on the web.

    • Ordered List
       To show rankings, prioritize tasks and search results

       • List Item
          To put anything inside the Ordered List

    • Unordered List
       To list anything without priorities

       • List Item
          To put anything inside the Unordered Lists


Ordered List
is used to show rankings, prioritize tasks and search results.
    <li>Apple Ipod Touch 8 Gb 4ta Generaci... </li>
    <li>Apple Ipod Touch 32gb 4g 4ta Gener... </li>
    <li>Apple Ipod Nano 8gb 6g 6ta Genera... </li>


Unordered List
is used to list anything without priorities.

                                     <li>Artículo nuevo </li>
                                     <li>208 vendidos </li>
                                     <li>Capital Federal </li>

                                     <li>Efectivo </li>
                                     <li>Visa American... </li>
                                     <li>Tu compra esta...</li>


Description List
is used to make dictionaries, screenplays and key-value pairs.

     • It has three parts
        • Description List element

        • Description Term element

        • Description Definition element


Definition List

 <dd>Artículo nuevo</dd>
             	 <dd>capital federal</dd>	
             	 <dd>193	vendidos</dd>
             	 <dt>Finaliza en:</dt>	
             	 <dd>Finaliza en 4d 2h</dd>	


To organize the


The table element
and all its semantic elements.

     • The basic elements
        table, tr, td, th

     • The semantic elements
        caption, thead, tbody, tfoot, colgroup, col


The table element


The basic elements
The semantic table elements.



The table element
The global data container.



The tr element
The row.



The th element
The header data element.



The td element
The content data element.



The semantic elements
The semantic table elements.

   <caption>It’s title of the table</caption>





The semantic elements
The semantic table elements.

   <caption>It’s title of the table</caption>





The semantic elements
The semantic table elements.

   <caption>It’s title of the table</caption>





The semantic elements
The semantic table elements.

   <caption>It’s title of the table</caption>





The semantic elements
The semantic table elements.

   <caption>It’s title of the table</caption>





The semantic elements
The semantic table elements.

   <caption>It’s title of the table</caption>





The semantic elements
The semantic table elements.

   first name   last name       age   purchase


The semantic elements
The semantic table elements.

   first name   last name       age   purchase


The semantic elements
The semantic table elements.

        personal data                purchase
   first name   last name       age


The semantic elements
The semantic table elements.

        personal data                purchase
   first name   last name       age


The semantic elements
The semantic table elements.

    <caption>Title of the table</caption>
        <col />
        <col />
        <col />


The semantic elements
The semantic table elements.

        personal data          age   purchase
   first name   last name


The semantic elements
The semantic table elements.

    <caption>Title of the table</caption>
        <col />
        <col />
    <col />


The semantic elements
The semantic table elements.

    <caption>Title of the table</caption>
    <colgroup id=”personalData”>
        <col class=”first-name” />
        <col class=”last-name” />
    <col class=”age” />


Yes, we can use tables!

      Only for data!


The hypertext


The a element
allows you to link current document to other resources.

    • href
    • rel
    • target
    • title
    • type


The a element
URL decomposition attributes.

   interface HTMLAnchorElement : HTMLElement {

         attribute DOMString protocol;
         attribute DOMString host;
         attribute DOMString hostname;
         attribute DOMString port;
         attribute DOMString pathname;
         attribute DOMString search;
         attribute DOMString hash;


Non decorative


The img element
allows you to insert an image.

    • src
    • alt
    • title
    • width
    • height


The img element
allows you to insert an image.

<img src=”/image.jpg” alt=”It has a book.” />


Getting the user’s


The form element
establishes a relationship between the user and the organization.


The form element
establishes a relationship between the user and the organization.


The form element
establishes a relationship between the user and the organization.


The form element
establishes a relationship between the user and the organization.


The form element
establishes a relationship between the user and the organization.


The form element
establishes a relationship between the user and the organization.

    • Component of a web page
    • They have form controls, like text fields & buttons
    • The user can interact with them
    • The user’s data can be sent to the server
    • No client side scripting is needed
    • An API is available. It augments the user experience


The form element

   <form method=”post” action=”/signup”>



The form element
The method attribute.

    <form method=”post” action=”/signup”>



The form element
The action attribute.

    <form method=”post” action=”/signup”>



Semantic elements
for the form.

      • fieldset
         is the element to group similar meaning controls

      • legend
         is the element to give a meaning to the fieldset

      • label
         is the element to give meaning to a control


Semantic elements
for the form.

  <form method=”post” action=”/signup”>



Form controls
The elements inside the form.

    • input,
       It render very different control related to his type attribute.

    • select
       It render two list of options, single and multiple.

       • optgroup
          Semantic element to group similar options.

       • option
          It’s a option in the select list.

    • textarea
       It render a control to multiline text.

    • button
       It render a common button. Could be user outside the form tag.


The input element
It has many types. Each type has a different display.

    <input type=”{VALUE}” />

    •   hidden                   •   month     html5

    •   text                     •   week     html5

    •   search         html5     •   time    html5

    •   tel    html5
                                 •   datetime-local      html5

    •   url    html5
                                 •   number      html5
                                                                 •   file
    •   email     html5          •   range    html5              •   submit
    •   password                 •   color   html5
                                                                 •   image
    •   datetime         html5
                                 •   checkbox                    •   reset
    •   date     html5           •   radio                       •   button


The input element
It has many types. Each type has a different display.

<input type=”{TYPE}” name=”{NAME}” id=”{ID}” />

 •   accept           •   multiple
 •   autocomplete     •   pattern
 •   autofocus        •   placeholder
 •   checked          •   readonly
 •   disabled         •   required
 •   list             •   size
 •   max              •   src
 •   maxlength        •   step
 •   min              •   value


The type hidden
represents a value that isn’t intended to be manipulated.

<input type=”hidden” />

 • name
 • value


The type text
represents a one line text edit control for the element’s value.

<input type=”text” />

 • autocomplete
 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • maxlength
 • placeholder
 • readonly
 • required
 • size


The type text
represents a one line text edit control for the element’s value.

<input type=”search” />

 • autocomplete
 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • maxlength
 • placeholder
 • readonly
 • required
 • size


The type tel
represents a control for editing a telephone number.

<input type=”tel” />

 • autocomplete
 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • maxlength
 • placeholder
 • readonly
 • required
 • size


The type password
represents a one line text edit control for the element’s value.

<input type=”password” />

 • autocomplete
 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • maxlength
 • placeholder
 • readonly
 • required
 • size


The type email
represents a control for editing the e-mail addresses.

<input type=”email” />

 • autocomplete
 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • maxlength
 • multiple
 • placeholder
 • readonly
 • required
 • size


The type url
represents a control for editing a single absolute URL.

<input type=”url” />

 • autocomplete
 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • maxlength
 • multiple
 • placeholder
 • readonly
 • required
 • size


The type file
represents a list of selected files.

 <input type=”file” />

 • accept
 • autocomplete
 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • multiple
 • placeholder
 • readonly
 • required
 • size


The type date
represents a control for setting a string representing a date.

<input type=”date” />

 • autocomplete
 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • max
 • min
 • placeholder
 • readonly
 • required
 • size
 • step


The type datetime
represents a control for setting a global date and time.

<input type=”datetime” />

 • autocomplete
 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • max
 • min
 • placeholder
 • readonly
 • required
 • size
 • step


The type month
represents a control for setting a string representing a month.

<input type=”month” />

 • autocomplete
 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • max
 • min
 • placeholder
 • readonly
 • required
 • size
 • step


The type week
represents a control for setting a string representing a week.

<input type=”week” />

 • autocomplete
 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • max
 • min
 • placeholder
 • readonly
 • required
 • size
 • step


The type datetime-local
represents a control for setting a local date and time.

<input type=”datetime-local” />

 • autocomplete
 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • max
 • min
 • placeholder
 • readonly
 • required
 • size
 • step


The type number
represents a control for setting a string representing a number

<input type=”number” />

 • autocomplete
 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • max
 • min
 • placeholder
 • readonly
 • required
 • size
 • step


The type range
represents a number, but the exact value is not important.

<input type=”range” />

 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • max
 • min
 • readonly
 • required
 • size
 • step


The type color
represents a control for setting a string simple color.

<input type=”color” />

 • autocomplete
 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • placeholder
 • readonly
 • required
 • size


The type checkbox
represents a two-state control.

<input type=”checkbox” />

 • checked
 • disabled
 • readonly
 • required
 • value


The type radio
represents a mutually exclusive options control.

<input type=”radio” />

 • checked
 • disabled
 • readonly
 • required
 • value


The type image
represents an button from which we can add some behavior.

<input type=”image” />

 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • readonly
 • required
 • src


The type submit
represents a button that, when activated, submits the form.

<input type=”submit” />

 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • required
 • value


The type reset
represents a button that, when activated, resets the form.

<input type=”reset” />

 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • required
 • value


The type button
represents a button with no default behavior.

<input type=”button” />

 • autofocus
 • disabled
 • required
 • value


The select element
represents a control for selecting amongst a set of options.

    <option>Otros (Debes completar el comentario).</option>


The select element
      <select> ... </select>

      • autofocus   html5

      • multiple
      • size
      • required
      • readonly
      • disabled
      • name


The select element

        <option value=”opt1”>value</option>

        <optgroup label=”Group One”>
           <option value=”opt1”>value</option>


The textarea element
represents a multiline plain text edit control.



The textarea element
is used for long inputs of text.

       • autofocus
       • cols
       • dirname
       • disabled
       • maxlength
       • name
       • placeholder   html5

       • readonly
       • required
       • rows
       • wrap



More Related Content

Frontend for developers

  • 1. Frontend for Developers HTML for WebApps
  • 3. Web Browsers The most important ones. • Internet Explorer • Chrome • Firefox • Safari • Opera
  • 4. Web Browsers Chrome is bigger than Internet Explorer. • Chrome • Internet Explorer • Firefox • Safari • Opera
  • 5. Rendering engine How it works? 1. Parses HTML to construct the DOM tree 2. Renders tree construction 3. Creates layout of the render tree 4. Paints the render
  • 6. Web Browser’s parts retrieves resources from the server and visually presents them.
  • 7. The DOM is a language-independent API.
  • 8. The DOM is implemented in JavaScript in the browser.
  • 9. The DOM is the object presentation of the HTML document. html head body title h1 p h2 ul div li li span img p
  • 10. The DOM is the interface of HTML elements to the outside world.
  • 11. Rendering engine by browser. Engine used by Firefox, SeaMonkey, Galeon, Camino, K-Meleon, Flock, Epiphany- Gecko gecko ... etc Presto Opera, Opera Mobile, Nintendo DS & DSi Browser, Internet Channel Trident Internet Explorer, Windows Phone 7 Safari, Chrome, Adobe Air, Android Browser, Palm webOS, Symbian WebKit S60, OWB, Stream, Flock, RockMelt
  • 12. JavaScript engine by browser. Engine used by SpiderMonkey Mozilla Firefox Rhino Mozilla Carakan Opera Chakra Internet Explorer > 9 JScript Internet Explorer < 8 V8 Chrome Nitro Safari
  • 14. Progressive Enhancement aims to deliver information to the widest possible audience. • sparse, semantic markup contains all content • end-user web browser preferences are respected
  • 15. Progressive Enhancement basic content should be accessible to all web browsers.
  • 16. Progressive Enhancement basic functionality should be accessible to all web browsers.
  • 17. Progressive Enhancement enhanced layout is provided by externally linked CSS.
  • 18. Progressive Enhancement enhanced behavior is provided by unobtrusive JavaScript.
  • 19. Polyfills is a feature detection technique for regressive enhancement.
  • 20. Frontend Its parts. • The Web Browser • The User Experience • The Content Layer • The Visual Layer • The Behavior Layer
  • 22. What is HTML • HyperText Markup Language • Markup language is not programming language • The web is published in HTML • It’s maintained by the W3C
  • 23. Elements Types of elements according to the tag. <p>It’s the content</p> Open tag & close tag. Element with content. <img /> Unique tag. Element without content.
  • 24. Attributes Syntax. <p id=”paragraph”>It’s the content</p> Open tag & close tag. Element with content. <img src=”/image.jpg” alt=”It has a book.” /> Unique tag. Element without content.
  • 25. Attributes The common attributes for the HTMLElement. • title • id • class • lang • dir • data-*
  • 27. Reserved Characters cannot be used inside the document. • < can be mixed with tags • > can be mixed with tags • “ the quotes start an attribute • & the ampersand is also reserved
  • 28. Entities are used to implement reserved characters. < --------- &lt; > --------- &gt; & --------- &amp; “ --------- &quote;
  • 29. Entities examples. 10 < 20 <p> 10 &lt; 20 </p> 20 > 10 <p> 10 &gt; 20 </p> He said: “Don’t do it” <p>He said: &quot;Don’t do it&quot; </p> Company & Co. <p> Company &amp; Co. </p>
  • 31. The doctype is required to do cross browser. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>MercadoLibre</title> </head> <body> <p>The basic content</p> <!-- Comment --> </body> </html>
  • 32. The html element is the root of the document. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>MercadoLibre</title> </head> <body> <p>The basic content</p> <!-- Comment --> </body> </html>
  • 33. The head element is a collection of metadata. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>MercadoLibre</title> </head> <body> <p>The basic content</p> <!-- Comment --> </body> </html>
  • 34. The body element is the place for the content. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>MercadoLibre</title> </head> <body> <p>The basic content</p> <!-- Comment --> </body> </html>
  • 35. The DOM It’s the interface of HTML elements to the outside world
  • 36. The DOM interface of a image element. interface HTMLImageElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString alt; attribute DOMString src; attribute DOMString crossOrigin; attribute DOMString useMap; attribute boolean isMap; attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; readonly attribute unsigned long naturalWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long naturalHeight; readonly attribute boolean complete; };
  • 38. Comment the code. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>MercadoLibre</title> </head> <body> <p>The basic content</p> <!-- Comment --> </body> </html>
  • 39. Attributes must always be between quotes. <img width=”50” height=”90” alt=”Iphone Image” />
  • 40. Attributes must always be between quotes. <img width=”50” height=”90” alt=”Iphone Image” />
  • 41. JavaScript functions should never go in event attributes. <p onclick=”hideDiv();”></p>
  • 42. JavaScript functions should never go in event attributes. <p onclick=”hideDiv();”></p> not recommended
  • 43. JavaScript functions should never go in event attributes. <p id=”overview”></p> <p onclick=”hideDiv();”></p> not recommended
  • 44. JavaScript never goes in head element. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>MercadoLibre</title> <script> function greet(){ alert(“hello world!”); } </script> </head> <body> <p>The basic content</p> <!-- Comment --> </body> </html>
  • 45. JavaScript never goes in head element. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>MercadoLibre</title> <script> function greet(){ not recommended alert(“hello world!”); } </script> </head> <body> <p>The basic content</p> <!-- Comment --> </body> </html>
  • 46. JavaScript never goes in head element. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>MercadoLibre</title> </head> <body> <p>The basic content</p> <!-- Comment --> <script> function greet(){ alert(“hello world!”); } </script> </body> </html>
  • 47. CSS rules should never go inline. <p style=”color:#ffffff;”></p>
  • 48. CSS rules should never go inline. <p style=”color:#ffffff;”></p> not recommended
  • 49. CSS rules should never go inline. <p class=”featured”></p> <p style=”color:#ffffff;”></p> not recommended
  • 51. The head element the place for metadata. <head> </head>
  • 52. The title element represents the document’s name and identifies it out of context. • Required • Unique • ~ 64 characters
  • 53. The title element represents the document’s name and identifies it out of context. <head> <title>MercadoLibre Argentina</title> </head>
  • 54. The link element allows you to link the current document to other resources. <link /> • rel • href • media • type
  • 55. The rel attribute adds meaning to the external resources. • alternate • nofollow • author • noreferrer • bookmark • prefetch • help • prev • icon • search • license • stylesheet • next • tag
  • 56. The rel attribute examples. <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”/external.css” ... /> <link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” ... /> <link rel=”prev” title=”Chapter 2” href=”/chapter-2” ... /> <link rel=”next” title=”Chapter 4” href=”/chapter-4” ... /> <link rel=”alternate stylesheet” title=”New Layout” ... />
  • 57. The meta element represents various kinds of metadata. <meta /> • name • charset • http-equiv • content
  • 58. The meta element The name attribute. <meta name=”author” content=”Hernan Mammana” /> <meta name=”copyright” content=”2011” /> <meta name=”description” content=”It’s the ... for HTML talk” /> <meta name=”generator” content=”gDocs” /> <meta name=”keywords” content=”html,talk,slideshow” /> <meta name=”robots” content=”all” />
  • 59. The meta element The charset attribute. <meta charset=”utf-8” />
  • 61. The elements for text are used to give meaning to the content. • Headings • h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 • Paragraph • p • Inside Headings, Paragraph and List • strong, em, cite, sup, sub, acronym, a
  • 62. Headings Examples from Home. <h1>MercadoLibre</h1> <h2>Clasificados</h2> <h2>Categorías</h2> <h2>Recomendados</h2> <h2>Más vendidos de la ... </h2> <h2>Destacados</h2> <h2>Más Compartidos</h2> <h2>Subastas desde $1</h2> <h2>Historial</h2> <h2>12 Cuotas sin interés</h2> <h2>Imperdibles del día</h2>
  • 63. Headings Examples for VIP. <h1>Apple Ipod touch...</h1> <h2>Reputación del vendedor</h2> <h2>Medios de pago</h2> <h2>Medios de envío</h2>
  • 64. Paragraph examples. <p>MercadoLibre no vende este artículo ... </p> <p>Local Palermo Fscomputers Dist Autorizado ... </p>
  • 65. Inside paragraphs ... Examples. <p><strong>Elige el motivo de tu denuncia: </strong></p> <p><strong>$ 1.899<sup>99</sup></strong></p>
  • 67. Ordered & Unordered Lists The most used lists on the web. • Ordered List To show rankings, prioritize tasks and search results • List Item To put anything inside the Ordered List • Unordered List To list anything without priorities • List Item To put anything inside the Unordered Lists
  • 68. Ordered List is used to show rankings, prioritize tasks and search results. <ol> <li>Apple Ipod Touch 8 Gb 4ta Generaci... </li> <li>Apple Ipod Touch 32gb 4g 4ta Gener... </li> <li>Apple Ipod Nano 8gb 6g 6ta Genera... </li> </ol>
  • 69. Unordered List is used to list anything without priorities. <ul> <li>Artículo nuevo </li> <li>208 vendidos </li> <li>Capital Federal </li> </ul> <ul> <li>Efectivo </li> <li>Visa American... </li> <li>Tu compra esta...</li> </ul>
  • 70. Description List is used to make dictionaries, screenplays and key-value pairs. • It has three parts • Description List element • Description Term element • Description Definition element
  • 71. Definition List Example. <dl> <dt>Condición:</dt> <dd>Artículo nuevo</dd> <dt>Ubicación:</dt> <dd>capital federal</dd> <dt>Vendidos:</dt> <dd>193 vendidos</dd> <dt>Finaliza en:</dt> <dd>Finaliza en 4d 2h</dd> </dl>
  • 73. The table element and all its semantic elements. • The basic elements table, tr, td, th • The semantic elements caption, thead, tbody, tfoot, colgroup, col
  • 75. The basic elements The semantic table elements. <table> <tr> <th>header</th> <th>header</th> </tr> <tr> <td>data</td> <td>data</td> </tr> </table>
  • 76. The table element The global data container. <table> <tr> <th>header</th> <th>header</th> </tr> <tr> <td>data</td> <td>data</td> </tr> </table>
  • 77. The tr element The row. <table> <tr> <th>header</th> <th>header</th> </tr> <tr> <td>data</td> <td>data</td> </tr> </table>
  • 78. The th element The header data element. <table> <tr> <th>header</th> <th>header</th> </tr> <tr> <td>data</td> <td>data</td> </tr> </table>
  • 79. The td element The content data element. <table> <tr> <th>header</th> <th>header</th> </tr> <tr> <td>data</td> <td>data</td> </tr> </table>
  • 80. The semantic elements The semantic table elements. <table> <caption>It’s title of the table</caption> <thead> </thead> <tfoot> </tfoot> <tbody> </tbody> </table>
  • 81. The semantic elements The semantic table elements. <table> <caption>It’s title of the table</caption> <thead> </thead> <tfoot> </tfoot> <tbody> </tbody> </table>
  • 82. The semantic elements The semantic table elements. <table> <caption>It’s title of the table</caption> <thead> </thead> <tfoot> </tfoot> <tbody> </tbody> </table>
  • 83. The semantic elements The semantic table elements. <table> <caption>It’s title of the table</caption> <thead> </thead> <tfoot> </tfoot> <tbody> </tbody> </table>
  • 84. The semantic elements The semantic table elements. <table> <caption>It’s title of the table</caption> <thead> </thead> <tfoot> </tfoot> <tbody> </tbody> </table>
  • 85. The semantic elements The semantic table elements. <table> <caption>It’s title of the table</caption> <thead> </thead> <tfoot> </tfoot> <tbody> </tbody> </table>
  • 86. The semantic elements The semantic table elements. table first name last name age purchase
  • 87. The semantic elements The semantic table elements. table first name last name age purchase
  • 88. The semantic elements The semantic table elements. table personal data purchase first name last name age
  • 89. The semantic elements The semantic table elements. table personal data purchase first name last name age
  • 90. The semantic elements The semantic table elements. <table> <caption>Title of the table</caption> <colgroup> <col /> <col /> <col /> </colgroup> <tfoot> ... </table>
  • 91. The semantic elements The semantic table elements. table personal data age purchase first name last name
  • 92. The semantic elements The semantic table elements. <table> <caption>Title of the table</caption> <colgroup> <col /> <col /> </colgroup> <col /> <tfoot> ... </table>
  • 93. The semantic elements The semantic table elements. <table> <caption>Title of the table</caption> <colgroup id=”personalData”> <col class=”first-name” /> <col class=”last-name” /> </colgroup> <col class=”age” /> <tfoot> ... </table>
  • 94. Yes, we can use tables! Only for data!
  • 96. The a element allows you to link current document to other resources. • href • rel • target • title • type
  • 97. The a element URL decomposition attributes. interface HTMLAnchorElement : HTMLElement { ... attribute DOMString protocol; attribute DOMString host; attribute DOMString hostname; attribute DOMString port; attribute DOMString pathname; attribute DOMString search; attribute DOMString hash; };
  • 99. The img element allows you to insert an image. • src • alt • title • width • height
  • 100. The img element allows you to insert an image. <img src=”/image.jpg” alt=”It has a book.” />
  • 102. The form element establishes a relationship between the user and the organization.
  • 103. The form element establishes a relationship between the user and the organization.
  • 104. The form element establishes a relationship between the user and the organization.
  • 105. The form element establishes a relationship between the user and the organization.
  • 106. The form element establishes a relationship between the user and the organization.
  • 107. The form element establishes a relationship between the user and the organization. • Component of a web page • They have form controls, like text fields & buttons • The user can interact with them • The user’s data can be sent to the server • No client side scripting is needed • An API is available. It augments the user experience
  • 108. The form element example. <form method=”post” action=”/signup”> </form>
  • 109. The form element The method attribute. <form method=”post” action=”/signup”> </form>
  • 110. The form element The action attribute. <form method=”post” action=”/signup”> </form>
  • 111. Semantic elements for the form. • fieldset is the element to group similar meaning controls • legend is the element to give a meaning to the fieldset • label is the element to give meaning to a control
  • 112. Semantic elements for the form. <form method=”post” action=”/signup”> <fieldset> <legend>Regístrate</legend> <label>Nombre:</label> </fieldset> </form>
  • 113. Form controls The elements inside the form. • input, It render very different control related to his type attribute. • select It render two list of options, single and multiple. • optgroup Semantic element to group similar options. • option It’s a option in the select list. • textarea It render a control to multiline text. • button It render a common button. Could be user outside the form tag.
  • 114. The input element It has many types. Each type has a different display. <input type=”{VALUE}” /> • hidden • month html5 • text • week html5 • search html5 • time html5 • tel html5 • datetime-local html5 • url html5 • number html5 • file • email html5 • range html5 • submit • password • color html5 • image • datetime html5 • checkbox • reset • date html5 • radio • button
  • 115. The input element It has many types. Each type has a different display. <input type=”{TYPE}” name=”{NAME}” id=”{ID}” /> • accept • multiple • autocomplete • pattern • autofocus • placeholder • checked • readonly • disabled • required • list • size • max • src • maxlength • step • min • value
  • 116. The type hidden represents a value that isn’t intended to be manipulated. <input type=”hidden” /> • name • value
  • 117. The type text represents a one line text edit control for the element’s value. <input type=”text” /> • autocomplete • autofocus • disabled • maxlength • placeholder • readonly • required • size
  • 118. The type text represents a one line text edit control for the element’s value. <input type=”search” /> • autocomplete • autofocus • disabled • maxlength • placeholder • readonly • required • size
  • 119. The type tel represents a control for editing a telephone number. <input type=”tel” /> • autocomplete • autofocus • disabled • maxlength • placeholder • readonly • required • size
  • 120. The type password represents a one line text edit control for the element’s value. <input type=”password” /> • autocomplete • autofocus • disabled • maxlength • placeholder • readonly • required • size
  • 121. The type email represents a control for editing the e-mail addresses. <input type=”email” /> • autocomplete • autofocus • disabled • maxlength • multiple • placeholder • readonly • required • size
  • 122. The type url represents a control for editing a single absolute URL. <input type=”url” /> • autocomplete • autofocus • disabled • maxlength • multiple • placeholder • readonly • required • size
  • 123. The type file represents a list of selected files. <input type=”file” /> • accept • autocomplete • autofocus • disabled • multiple • placeholder • readonly • required • size
  • 124. The type date represents a control for setting a string representing a date. <input type=”date” /> • autocomplete • autofocus • disabled • max • min • placeholder • readonly • required • size • step
  • 125. The type datetime represents a control for setting a global date and time. <input type=”datetime” /> • autocomplete • autofocus • disabled • max • min • placeholder • readonly • required • size • step
  • 126. The type month represents a control for setting a string representing a month. <input type=”month” /> • autocomplete • autofocus • disabled • max • min • placeholder • readonly • required • size • step
  • 127. The type week represents a control for setting a string representing a week. <input type=”week” /> • autocomplete • autofocus • disabled • max • min • placeholder • readonly • required • size • step
  • 128. The type datetime-local represents a control for setting a local date and time. <input type=”datetime-local” /> • autocomplete • autofocus • disabled • max • min • placeholder • readonly • required • size • step
  • 129. The type number represents a control for setting a string representing a number <input type=”number” /> • autocomplete • autofocus • disabled • max • min • placeholder • readonly • required • size • step
  • 130. The type range represents a number, but the exact value is not important. <input type=”range” /> • autofocus • disabled • max • min • readonly • required • size • step
  • 131. The type color represents a control for setting a string simple color. <input type=”color” /> • autocomplete • autofocus • disabled • placeholder • readonly • required • size
  • 132. The type checkbox represents a two-state control. <input type=”checkbox” /> • checked • disabled • readonly • required • value
  • 133. The type radio represents a mutually exclusive options control. <input type=”radio” /> • checked • disabled • readonly • required • value
  • 134. The type image represents an button from which we can add some behavior. <input type=”image” /> • autofocus • disabled • readonly • required • src
  • 135. The type submit represents a button that, when activated, submits the form. <input type=”submit” /> • autofocus • disabled • required • value
  • 136. The type reset represents a button that, when activated, resets the form. <input type=”reset” /> • autofocus • disabled • required • value
  • 137. The type button represents a button with no default behavior. <input type=”button” /> • autofocus • disabled • required • value
  • 138. The select element represents a control for selecting amongst a set of options. <select> <option>Otros (Debes completar el comentario).</option> </select>
  • 139. The select element Attributes. <select> ... </select> • autofocus html5 • multiple • size • required • readonly • disabled • name
  • 140. The select element Examples. <select> <option value=”opt1”>value</option> </select> <select> <optgroup label=”Group One”> <option value=”opt1”>value</option> </optgroup> </select>
  • 141. The textarea element represents a multiline plain text edit control. <textarea></textarea>
  • 142. The textarea element is used for long inputs of text. <textarea></textarea> • autofocus • cols • dirname • disabled • maxlength • name • placeholder html5 • readonly • required • rows • wrap
  • 143. Thanks