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front-end methodologies
by @ArashManteghi
“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.” ~ Phil Karlton
Introduction Common Solutions Necessity
There are several things that bother us in CSS
The most common annoyances we have are:
• repeating common code
• browser prefixes
• lack of comments
• over qualified selectors
• poor class names
Goal: readable, reusable and maintainable code
Common Solutions
Split a large stylesheet into multiple smaller pieces
Common Solutions
Better variable organization
/* Background Colors */
/* Colors */
/* Sizes */
/* use variable */
a {color: $link-color}
/* Background Colors */
/* Colors */
/* Sizes */
/* use variable */
a {color: $color-link}
/* Colors */
$colors = (
bg: value,
bg-header: value,
bg-content: value,
heading: value,
link: value
/* use variable */
a {color: map-get($colors,link)}
Common Solutions
Order your CSS properties
Grouped by type
By line length
0 12.5 25 37.5 50
Should I use it?
“We’re not designing pages, we’re designing systems of
components” ~ Stephen Hay
<!-- Bad -->
<div class=“red pull-left”>
<div class=“grid row”>
<div class=“col-xs-4”>
Name something based on what it is, not how it looks or behaves
<!-- Good -->
<div class=“header”>
<div class=“basket”>
<div class=“product”>
<div class=“searchResults”>
It’s not clear at all what this HTML
Here I know exactly what I am looking
at. I know the intention of what this
HTML represents.
So why else should we use semantic class names?
Because it’s easier to understand.
We are building responsive websites.
Semantic class names are easier to find.
The standards recommend it.
Don’t try and reuse styles
Submit Delete!
.SubmitButton { /* common styles */ }
.SubmitButton-normal { /* blue colors */ }
.SubmitButton-danger { /* red colors */ }
<button class=“SubmitButton SubmitButton-normal”> Submit </button>
<button class=“SubmitButton SubmitButton-danger”> Delete! </button>
Submit Delete!
.SubmitButton { /* common styles */ }
.SubmitButton-normal { /* blue colors */ }
.SubmitButton-danger { /* red colors */ }
<button class=“SubmitButton-normal"> Submit </button>
<button class=“SubmitButton-danger”> Delete! </button>
Submit Delete!
.button { /* common styles */ }
.SubmitButton-normal { /* blue colors */ }
.SubmitButton-danger { /* red colors */ }
<button class=“SubmitButton-normal”> Submit </button>
<button class=“SubmitButton-danger”> Delete! </button>
Submit Delete!
.SubmitButton { /* common styles */ }
.SubmitButton-normal { @extend .SubmitButton; /* blue colors */ }
.SubmitButton-danger { @extend .SubmitButton; /* red colors */ }
<button class=“SubmitButton-normal”> Submit </button>
<button class=“SubmitButton-danger”> Delete! </button>
Reuse causes bloat. Reuse breaks semantics. But using preprocessors can help us.
.SubmitButton, .SubmitButton-normal, .SubmitButton-danger {
/* common styles */
.SubmitButton-normal { /* blue colors */ }
.SubmitButton-danger { /* red colors */ }
What about Mixins? They can be useful too, but should be designed with caution.
Conventions can be a bone of contention amongst engineers, but what matters
most is readability and consistency.
/* Square brackets denote optional parts */
.<moduleName>[—<componentName>]—[<state>] { }
/* module container/root */
.searchResults {}
/* components of a module */
.searchResults-heading {}
.searchResults-item {}
/* state: such as AJAX loading */
.searchResults-isLoading {}
Modifiers are similar to states in that they can change or override the style of a
What is SMACCS
SMACSS is more style guide than rigid framework
Every project needs some organization. There are five types of categories:
• Base
• Layout
• Module
• State
• Theme
Each category has certain guidelines that apply to it.
Manage Large CSS Projects
Each layer contains a series of partials. Recommend naming convention is:
For example: _settings.colors.scss , _elements.headings.scss , _components.tabs.scss
Final Result
@import “settings.global”;
@import “settings.colors”;
@import “tools.functions”;
@import “tools.mixins”;
@import “generic.box-sizing”;
@import “generic.normalize”;
@import “elements.headings”;
@import “elements.links”;
@import “objects.wrappers”;
@import “objects.grid”;
@import “components.site-nav”;
@import “components.buttons”;
@import “trumps.clearfix”;
@import “trumps.utilities”;
@import “trumps.ie8”;
The Principles of OOCSS
An approach for writing CSS that’s reusable, maintainable, and standards-based.
Separate structure and skin Separate container and content
Separate Structure and Skin
/* A simple, design-free button object. Extend this object with a
`.btn --*` skin class. */
.btn {
display: inline-block;
padding: 1em 2em;
vertical-align: middle;
/* Positive buttons skin. Extends `.btn`. */
.btn --positive {
background: green;
color: white;
/* Negative buttons skin. Extends `.btn`. */
.btn --negative {
background: red;
color: white;
<button class="btn btn --positive">OK </button>
Block, Element, Modifier
A popular naming convention for classes in HTML and CSS
• Block is a top-level abstraction of a new component, for example a button.
• Elements, can be placed inside and these are denoted by two underscores following
the name of the block
• Modifiers can manipulate the block and Elements.
.dog { /* some styles… */}
.dog__tail { /* some styles… */ }
.dog --small { /* some styles… */ }
Block, Element, Modifier
/* Block component */
.btn {}
/* Element that depends upon the block */
.btn__price {}
/* Modifier that changes the style of the block */
.btn --success {}
.btn --info {}
/* Block component */
.btn {
/* Element that depends upon the block */
&__price {}
/* Modifier that changes the style of the block */
& --success {}
& --info {}
CSS Modules
What are CSS Modules
CSS files in which all class names and animation names are scoped locally by default.
import styles from “./styles.css”;
element.innerHTML = ‘<h1 class=“{styles.title}”>
An example heading
._styles__title_309571057 {
background-color: red;
<h1 class=“_styles__title_309571057”>
An example heading
On the other hand, it is still possible to define global classes (with :global()) such as
How It Works
CSS Modules
test: /.css/,
loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract(‘css?modules
with the help of Webpack or Browserify
var browserify = require('browserify')();
browserify.plugin(require('css-modulesify'), {
rootDir: __dirname,
output: './path/to/my.css'
React + CSS Modules
CSS Modules
import React from 'react';
import styles from './table.css';
export default class Table extends React.Component {
render () {
return ( <div className=“{styles.table}”>
<div className=“{styles.row}”>
<div className=“{styles.cell}”> A0 </div>
<div className=“{styles.cell}”> B0 </div>
</div> );
We want to create DOM easily
<div class=“table__table___32osj”>
<div class=“table__row___2w27N”>
<div class=“table__cell___2w27N”>A0 </div>
<div class=“table__cell___1oVw5”>B0 </div>
Extend Problem
Submit Delete!
.SubmitButton { /* common styles */ }
.SubmitButton-normal { @extend .SubmitButton; /* blue colors */ }
.SubmitButton-danger { @extend .SubmitButton; /* red colors */ }
<button class=“SubmitButton SubmitButton-normal”> Submit </button>
<button class=“SubmitButton SubmitButton-danger”> Delete! </button>
.SubmitButton, .SubmitButton-normal, .SubmitButton-danger {
/* common styles */
.SubmitButton-normal { /* blue colors */ }
.SubmitButton-danger { /* red colors */ }
CSS Modules
Extend Problem
.SubmitButton { /* common styles */ }
.SubmitButton-normal { @extend .SubmitButton; /* blue colors */ }
.SubmitButton-danger { @extend .SubmitButton; /* red colors */ }
.SubmitButton-v { @extend .SubmitButton; /* other styles */ }
.SubmitButton-w { @extend .SubmitButton; /* other styles */ }
.SubmitButton-x { @extend .SubmitButton; /* other styles */ }
.SubmitButton-y { @extend .SubmitButton; /* other styles */ }
.SubmitButton-z { @extend .SubmitButton; /* other styles */ }
.SubmitButton, .SubmitButton-normal, .SubmitButton-
danger, .SubmitButton-v, .SubmitButton-w. .SubmitButton-
x, .SubmitButton-y, .SubmitButton-z, { /* common styles */ }
.SubmitButton-normal { /* blue colors */ }
.SubmitButton-danger { /* red colors */ }
CSS Modules
The Composes Keyword
.base { /* common styles */ }
.normal {
composes: base;
color: hsl(210, 61%, 31%);
background: hsla(210,61%,51%,0.1);
.danger {
composes: base;
color: hsla(0, 61%, 51%, 0.5);
background: white;
<button className=“{styles.danger}”>Delete! </button>
<button class=“base_81f12d56 danger_b7d2ad6f”>Delete! </button>
CSS Modules
The Composes Keyword
/* colors.css */
.blue {
color: hsl(210, 61%, 31%);
.light-blue-bg {
background: hsla(210,61%,51%,0.1);
.base { /* common styles */ }
.normal {
composes: base;
composes: blue light-blue-bg from “./colors.css”;
<button className=“{style.normal}”>Delete! </button>
CSS Modules
The Composes Keyword
.blue_c22950a8 { color: hsl(210, 61%, 31%); }
.light-blue-bg_ea7f0091 { background: hsla(210,61%,51%,0.1); }
.base_81f12d56 { /* common styles */ }
.normal_f34f7fa0 {}
<button class=“base_81f12d56
CSS Modules
Ask ten experts, and you’ll receive ten different answers, but there are many more.
Which one is the best?
Thanks :)
Any Questions?

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Front-End Methodologies

  • 1. front-end methodologies by @ArashManteghi #coderconf “There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.” ~ Phil Karlton http://arashm.net
  • 2. @arashmanteghi#coderconf Introduction Common Solutions Necessity MaintainableCSS SMACSS ITCSS OOCSS BEM CSS Modules Conclusion
  • 3. @arashmanteghi#coderconf Introduction Problems There are several things that bother us in CSS The most common annoyances we have are: • repeating common code • browser prefixes • lack of comments • over qualified selectors • poor class names Goal: readable, reusable and maintainable code
  • 4. Introduction Common Solutions Split a large stylesheet into multiple smaller pieces /stylesheet style.css /stylesheets reset.css scaffolding.css layout.css typography.css /components nav-bar.css search-bar.css signup-form.css @arashmanteghi#coderconf
  • 5. Introduction Common Solutions Better variable organization /* Background Colors */ $background: $header-background: $content-background: /* Colors */ $heading-color: $link-color: /* Sizes */ $header-height: $footer-height: /* use variable */ a {color: $link-color} /* Background Colors */ $color-bg: $color-bg-header: $color-bg-content: /* Colors */ $color-heading: $color-link: /* Sizes */ $height-header: $height-footer: /* use variable */ a {color: $color-link} /* Colors */ $colors = ( bg: value, bg-header: value, bg-content: value, heading: value, link: value ); /* use variable */ a {color: map-get($colors,link)} @arashmanteghi#coderconf
  • 6. Introduction Common Solutions Order your CSS properties 39% 45% 2% 14% @arashmanteghi#coderconf Random Grouped by type By line length Alphabetical 0 12.5 25 37.5 50 39% 45% 2% 14%
  • 7. Necessity Should I use it? typeface colors images/icons composition “We’re not designing pages, we’re designing systems of components” ~ Stephen Hay @arashmanteghi#coderconf
  • 8. MaintanableCSS Semantics <!-- Bad --> <div class=“red pull-left”> <div class=“grid row”> <div class=“col-xs-4”> Name something based on what it is, not how it looks or behaves <!-- Good --> <div class=“header”> <div class=“basket”> <div class=“product”> <div class=“searchResults”> It’s not clear at all what this HTML represents. Here I know exactly what I am looking at. I know the intention of what this HTML represents. So why else should we use semantic class names? Because it’s easier to understand. We are building responsive websites. Semantic class names are easier to find. The standards recommend it. @arashmanteghi#coderconf
  • 9. Reuse MaintanableCSS Don’t try and reuse styles Submit Delete! .SubmitButton { /* common styles */ } .SubmitButton-normal { /* blue colors */ } .SubmitButton-danger { /* red colors */ } <button class=“SubmitButton SubmitButton-normal”> Submit </button> <button class=“SubmitButton SubmitButton-danger”> Delete! </button> @arashmanteghi#coderconf
  • 10. Reuse MaintanableCSS Submit Delete! .SubmitButton { /* common styles */ } .SubmitButton-normal { /* blue colors */ } .SubmitButton-danger { /* red colors */ } <button class=“SubmitButton-normal"> Submit </button> <button class=“SubmitButton-danger”> Delete! </button> Submit Delete! .button { /* common styles */ } .SubmitButton-normal { /* blue colors */ } .SubmitButton-danger { /* red colors */ } <button class=“SubmitButton-normal”> Submit </button> <button class=“SubmitButton-danger”> Delete! </button> @arashmanteghi#coderconf
  • 11. Reuse MaintanableCSS Submit Delete! .SubmitButton { /* common styles */ } .SubmitButton-normal { @extend .SubmitButton; /* blue colors */ } .SubmitButton-danger { @extend .SubmitButton; /* red colors */ } <button class=“SubmitButton-normal”> Submit </button> <button class=“SubmitButton-danger”> Delete! </button> Reuse causes bloat. Reuse breaks semantics. But using preprocessors can help us. .SubmitButton, .SubmitButton-normal, .SubmitButton-danger { /* common styles */ } .SubmitButton-normal { /* blue colors */ } .SubmitButton-danger { /* red colors */ } What about Mixins? They can be useful too, but should be designed with caution. @arashmanteghi#coderconf
  • 12. Conventions MaintanableCSS Conventions can be a bone of contention amongst engineers, but what matters most is readability and consistency. /* Square brackets denote optional parts */ .<moduleName>[—<componentName>]—[<state>] { } /* module container/root */ .searchResults {} /* components of a module */ .searchResults-heading {} .searchResults-item {} /* state: such as AJAX loading */ .searchResults-isLoading {} @arashmanteghi#coderconf Modifiers are similar to states in that they can change or override the style of a module.
  • 13. SMACSS What is SMACCS @arashmanteghi#coderconf SMACSS is more style guide than rigid framework Every project needs some organization. There are five types of categories: • Base • Layout • Module • State • Theme Each category has certain guidelines that apply to it.
  • 14. ITCSS Manage Large CSS Projects @arashmanteghi#coderconf Settings Tools Generic Elements Objects Components Trumps Each layer contains a series of partials. Recommend naming convention is: _<layer>.<partial>.scss For example: _settings.colors.scss , _elements.headings.scss , _components.tabs.scss
  • 15. ITCSS Final Result @arashmanteghi#coderconf @import “settings.global”; @import “settings.colors”; @import “tools.functions”; @import “tools.mixins”; @import “generic.box-sizing”; @import “generic.normalize”; @import “elements.headings”; @import “elements.links”; @import “objects.wrappers”; @import “objects.grid”; @import “components.site-nav”; @import “components.buttons”; @import “trumps.clearfix”; @import “trumps.utilities”; @import “trumps.ie8”;
  • 16. OOCSS The Principles of OOCSS @arashmanteghi#coderconf An approach for writing CSS that’s reusable, maintainable, and standards-based. Separate structure and skin Separate container and content
  • 17. Separate Structure and Skin @arashmanteghi#coderconf OOCSS /* A simple, design-free button object. Extend this object with a `.btn --*` skin class. */ .btn { display: inline-block; padding: 1em 2em; vertical-align: middle; } /* Positive buttons skin. Extends `.btn`. */ .btn --positive { background: green; color: white; } /* Negative buttons skin. Extends `.btn`. */ .btn --negative { background: red; color: white; } <button class="btn btn --positive">OK </button>
  • 18. BEM Block, Element, Modifier @arashmanteghi#coderconf A popular naming convention for classes in HTML and CSS • Block is a top-level abstraction of a new component, for example a button. • Elements, can be placed inside and these are denoted by two underscores following the name of the block • Modifiers can manipulate the block and Elements. .dog { /* some styles… */} .dog__tail { /* some styles… */ } .dog --small { /* some styles… */ }
  • 19. @arashmanteghi#coderconf BEM Block, Element, Modifier /* Block component */ .btn {} /* Element that depends upon the block */ .btn__price {} /* Modifier that changes the style of the block */ .btn --success {} .btn --info {} /* Block component */ .btn { /* Element that depends upon the block */ &__price {} /* Modifier that changes the style of the block */ & --success {} & --info {} }
  • 20. CSS Modules What are CSS Modules @arashmanteghi#coderconf CSS files in which all class names and animation names are scoped locally by default. import styles from “./styles.css”; element.innerHTML = ‘<h1 class=“{styles.title}”> An example heading </h1>’; ._styles__title_309571057 { background-color: red; } <h1 class=“_styles__title_309571057”> An example heading </h1> On the other hand, it is still possible to define global classes (with :global()) such as helpers
  • 21. How It Works @arashmanteghi#coderconf CSS Modules { test: /.css/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract(‘css?modules &importLoaders=1&localIdentName=[name]__[local]___[hash:base64:5]’) } with the help of Webpack or Browserify var browserify = require('browserify')(); browserify.add('./main.js'); browserify.plugin(require('css-modulesify'), { rootDir: __dirname, output: './path/to/my.css' }); browserify.bundle(); bit.ly/css--modules
  • 22. @arashmanteghi#coderconf React + CSS Modules CSS Modules import React from 'react'; import styles from './table.css'; export default class Table extends React.Component { render () { return ( <div className=“{styles.table}”> <div className=“{styles.row}”> <div className=“{styles.cell}”> A0 </div> <div className=“{styles.cell}”> B0 </div> </div> </div> ); } } We want to create DOM easily <div class=“table__table___32osj”> <div class=“table__row___2w27N”> <div class=“table__cell___2w27N”>A0 </div> <div class=“table__cell___1oVw5”>B0 </div> </div> </div>
  • 23. Extend Problem @arashmanteghi#coderconf Submit Delete! .SubmitButton { /* common styles */ } .SubmitButton-normal { @extend .SubmitButton; /* blue colors */ } .SubmitButton-danger { @extend .SubmitButton; /* red colors */ } <button class=“SubmitButton SubmitButton-normal”> Submit </button> <button class=“SubmitButton SubmitButton-danger”> Delete! </button> .SubmitButton, .SubmitButton-normal, .SubmitButton-danger { /* common styles */ } .SubmitButton-normal { /* blue colors */ } .SubmitButton-danger { /* red colors */ } CSS Modules
  • 24. Extend Problem @arashmanteghi#coderconf .SubmitButton { /* common styles */ } .SubmitButton-normal { @extend .SubmitButton; /* blue colors */ } .SubmitButton-danger { @extend .SubmitButton; /* red colors */ } .SubmitButton-v { @extend .SubmitButton; /* other styles */ } .SubmitButton-w { @extend .SubmitButton; /* other styles */ } .SubmitButton-x { @extend .SubmitButton; /* other styles */ } .SubmitButton-y { @extend .SubmitButton; /* other styles */ } .SubmitButton-z { @extend .SubmitButton; /* other styles */ } .SubmitButton, .SubmitButton-normal, .SubmitButton- danger, .SubmitButton-v, .SubmitButton-w. .SubmitButton- x, .SubmitButton-y, .SubmitButton-z, { /* common styles */ } .SubmitButton-normal { /* blue colors */ } .SubmitButton-danger { /* red colors */ } .‌‌.‌. .‌‌.‌.‌ CSS Modules
  • 25. The Composes Keyword @arashmanteghi#coderconf .base { /* common styles */ } .normal { composes: base; color: hsl(210, 61%, 31%); background: hsla(210,61%,51%,0.1); } .danger { composes: base; color: hsla(0, 61%, 51%, 0.5); background: white; } <button className=“{styles.danger}”>Delete! </button> <button class=“base_81f12d56 danger_b7d2ad6f”>Delete! </button> CSS Modules
  • 26. The Composes Keyword @arashmanteghi#coderconf /* colors.css */ .blue { color: hsl(210, 61%, 31%); } .light-blue-bg { background: hsla(210,61%,51%,0.1); } .base { /* common styles */ } .normal { composes: base; composes: blue light-blue-bg from “./colors.css”; } <button className=“{style.normal}”>Delete! </button> CSS Modules
  • 27. The Composes Keyword @arashmanteghi#coderconf .blue_c22950a8 { color: hsl(210, 61%, 31%); } .light-blue-bg_ea7f0091 { background: hsla(210,61%,51%,0.1); } .base_81f12d56 { /* common styles */ } .normal_f34f7fa0 {} <button class=“base_81f12d56 blue_c22950a8 light-blue-bg_ea7f0091 normal_f34f7fa0”> Submit </button> CSS Modules
  • 28. Conclusion @arashmanteghi#coderconf Ask ten experts, and you’ll receive ten different answers, but there are many more. Which one is the best?