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Challenges and
Mr. Alok Kumar


Challenges and Shortcomings
1. The “petty manufacturers, retailers and
hawkers” are exempted from FSSAI ambit.
These segments greatly contributes to
unorganised food sector and due to its low
prices, most of the population prefer food
consumption from these segments.
2. Lack of infrastructure such as food testing
laboratories. There are only 87 National
Accreditation Board for testing and
calibration Laboratories (NABL) accredited
Labs, whereas there are more than 1500
private labs in India.
3. Shortage of qualified manpower and
functional food testing equipment in state
food laboratories and referral laboratories
resulted in deficient testing of food samples.
1. "छोटे निर्मातमओं , खुदरम निक्र
े तमओं और फ
े रीिमलों"
को FSSAI क
े दमयरे से छू ट दी गई है। ये खंड
असंगनित खमद्य क्षेत्र र्ें बहुत योगदमि देते हैं और
इसकी कर् कीर्तों क
े कमरण, अनिकमंश आबमदी इि
क्षेत्रों से भोजि की खपत को प्रमथनर्कतम देती है।
2. खमद्य परीक्षण प्रयोगशमलमओं जैसे बुनियादी ढाांचे का
अभाव, परीक्षण और प्रयोगशमलमओं (एिएबीएल) से
र्मन्यतम प्रमप्त प्रयोगशमलमओंक
े नलए क
े िल 87 रमष्ट्रीय
प्रत्यमयि बोडा हैं, जबनक भमरत र्ें 1500 से अनिक
निजी प्रयोगशमलमएं हैं।
3. रमज्य खमद्य प्रयोगशमलमओं और रेफरल प्रयोगशमलमओं
र्ें योग्य जिशनि और कमयमात्र्क खमद्य परीक्षण
उपकरणों की कर्ी क
े पररणमर्स्िरूप खमद्य िर्ूिों
कम परीक्षण कर् हुआ।
Mr. Alok Kumar


4. There is an acute shortage of licensing and
enforcement officers in the states which
severely affected food safety measures.
5. There are only 377 products mentioned in the
FSSAI regulations – whereas other countries
have over 10,000 standards. Moreover, the
list is not regularly reviewed.
6. FSSAI is highly underfunded to monitor the
widening ambit of food laws. Also, there are
no standard practices for food inspection, the
process being mostly discretionary.
7. Heavy and lengthy approval procedures have
delayed the pre-launch approvals for products
from the FSSAI for over a year.
8. Differences of opinion between the food
regulator and the food processing ministry
also handicap the FSSAI functioning.
4. रमज्यों र्ें लमइसेंनसंग और प्रिताि अनिकमररयों की भमरी
कर्ी है नजसिे खमद्य सुरक्षम उपमयों को बुरी तरह
प्रभमनित नकयम है।
5. FSSAI नियर्ों र्ें क
े िल 377 उत्पमदों कम उल्लेख है -
जबनक अन्य देशों र्ें 10,000 से अनिक र्मिक हैं। इसक
अलमिम, सूची की नियनर्त रूप से सर्ीक्षम िहीं की जमती
6. खमद्य कमिूिों क
े व्यमपक दमयरे की निगरमिी क
े नलए
े पमस बहुत कर् िि है। इसक
े अलमिम, खमद्य
निरीक्षण क
े नलए कोई र्मिक प्रथमएं िहीं हैं, यह प्रनक्रयम
ज्यमदमतर नििेकमिीि है।
7. बोनिल और लंबी अिुर्ोदि प्रनक्रयमओं िे FSSAI क
उत्पमदों क
े नलए एक िर्ा से अनिक क
े नलए पूिा-लॉन्च
अिुर्ोदि र्ें देरी की है।
8. खमद्य नियमर्क और खमद्य प्रसंस्करण र्ंत्रमलय क
े बीच
र्तभेद भी एफएसएसएआई क
े कमर्कमज र्ें बमिम डमलते
Mr. Alok Kumar


In India, about 15.73 lakh people die every year due
to food poisoning. India ranks second in the world
in terms of death due to spoiled food.
Mr. Alok Kumar


• “Act” means the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (Act 34 of 2006);
“Assorted pack” means any package or container containing multiple units of
different food products intended and displayed for retail sale and complies
with the general labelling requirement specified in regulation 4(8);


“Best before date”
“Best before date” means the
date which signifies the end of the
period under any stated storage
conditions during which the food
product shall remain fully
marketable and shall retain any
specific qualities for which tacit
or express claims have been
made, and beyond that date, the
food may still be perfectly safe to
consume, though, its quality may
have diminished. However, the
product shall not be sold if any
stage the product become unsafe.
Mr. Alok Kumar


“Date of manufacture” means the date on which the food
products becomes the product as described;
Mr. Alok Kumar


“Date of packaging” means the date on which the food product is placed
in the immediate container in which it will be ultimately sold;
Mr. Alok Kumar


Mr. Alok Kumar
“e-commerce” means buying and
selling of goods and services over
digital and electronic network.”;


“Front of Pack” means part of the package that faces forward (in the
principal field of vision) and is typically the first thing a consumer will
see when they look at the product”
Mr. Alok Kumar


“Labelling” means any written, printed or graphic matter that is present on the
label, accompanies the food or is displayed near the food;
Mr. Alok Kumar


“Adulterant” means any material which is or could be employed for making
the food unsafe or sub-standard or mis-branded or containing extraneous
Mr. Alok Kumar


“Advertisement” means any audio or visual publicity, representation or
pronouncement made by means of any light, sound, smoke, gas, print, electronic
media, internet or website and includes through any notice, circular, label, wrapper,
invoice or other documents;
Mr. Alok Kumar


• “Chairperson” means the Chairperson of the Food Authority;
• Shri Rajesh Bhushan (FSSAI)


• “claim” means any representation which states, suggests, or implies that a food
has particular qualities relating to its origin, nutritional properties, nature,
processing, composition or otherwise;
Mr. Alok Kumar
Label Says “Sugar-Free”
Label Says “Fruit-Flavored”
Label Says “Gluten-Free”
Label Says “Light”
Label Says “Low-Calorie”
Label Says “Low-Carb”
Label Says “Low-Fat”
Label Says “Multigrain”
Label Says “Natural”
Label Says “No Cholesterol”
Label Says “Organic”


Commissioner of Food Safety
• “Commissioner of Food Safety” means the Commissioner of Food Safety
appointed under section 30;
Mr. Alok Kumar
“consumer” means persons and families purchasing and receiving
food in order to meet their personal needs;


• “contaminant” means any substance, whether or not added to food, but
which is present in such food as a result of the production (including
operations carried out in crop husbandry, animal husbandry or veterinary
medicine), manufacture, processing, preparation, treatment, packing,
packaging, transport or holding of such food or as a result of environmental
contamination and does not include insect fragments, rodent hairs and other
extraneous matter;
Mr. Alok Kumar


FSSAI (Challenges and Shortcomings and Definitions)


• “Food” means any substance, whether
processed, partially processed or unprocessed,
which is intended for human consumption and
includes primary food to the extent defined in
clause (zk), genetically modified or engineered
food or food containing such ingredients, infant
food, packaged drinking water, alcoholic drink,
chewing gum, and any substance, including
water used into the food during its manufacture,
preparation or treatment but does not include
any animal feed, live animals unless they are
prepared or processed for placing on the market
for human consumption, plants, prior to
harvesting, drugs and medicinal products,
cosmetics, narcotic or psychotropic substances :
Mr. Alok Kumar


FSSAI (Challenges and Shortcomings and Definitions)


FSSAI (Challenges and Shortcomings and Definitions)


“food additive”
• “food additive” means any substance not normally consumed as a food by
itself or used as a typical ingredient of the food, whether or not it has
nutritive value, the intentional addition of which to food for a technological
(including organoleptic) purpose in the manufacture, processing, preparation,
treatment, packing, packaging, transport or holding of such food results.
• Food additives are substances added to food to maintain or improve its safety,
freshness, taste, texture, or appearance.
Mr. Alok Kumar


FSSAI (Challenges and Shortcomings and Definitions)


Natural Food Colours
• Pink: strawberries, raspberries
• Red: beets, tomato
• Orange: carrots, paprika, sweet potato
• Yellow: saffron, turmeric
• Green: matcha, spinach
• Blue: red cabbage + baking soda
• Purple: blueberries, purple sweet potato
• Brown: coffee, tea, cocoa
• Black: activated charcoal, squid Ink
Mr. Alok Kumar


“Food Analyst”
Mr. Alok Kumar
“Food Analyst” means an analyst
appointed under section45;


“food laboratory”
• “food laboratory” means
any food laboratory or
institute established by the
Central or a State
Government or any other
agency and accredited by
National Accreditation
Board for Testing and
Calibration Laboratories or
an equivalent accreditation
agency and recognised by
the Food Authority under
section 43;
Mr. Alok Kumar


FSSAI (Challenges and Shortcomings and Definitions)

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FSSAI (Challenges and Shortcomings and Definitions)

  • 2. Challenges and Shortcomings 1. The “petty manufacturers, retailers and hawkers” are exempted from FSSAI ambit. These segments greatly contributes to unorganised food sector and due to its low prices, most of the population prefer food consumption from these segments. 2. Lack of infrastructure such as food testing laboratories. There are only 87 National Accreditation Board for testing and calibration Laboratories (NABL) accredited Labs, whereas there are more than 1500 private labs in India. 3. Shortage of qualified manpower and functional food testing equipment in state food laboratories and referral laboratories resulted in deficient testing of food samples. 1. "छोटे निर्मातमओं , खुदरम निक्र े तमओं और फ े रीिमलों" को FSSAI क े दमयरे से छू ट दी गई है। ये खंड असंगनित खमद्य क्षेत्र र्ें बहुत योगदमि देते हैं और इसकी कर् कीर्तों क े कमरण, अनिकमंश आबमदी इि क्षेत्रों से भोजि की खपत को प्रमथनर्कतम देती है। 2. खमद्य परीक्षण प्रयोगशमलमओं जैसे बुनियादी ढाांचे का अभाव, परीक्षण और प्रयोगशमलमओं (एिएबीएल) से र्मन्यतम प्रमप्त प्रयोगशमलमओंक े नलए क े िल 87 रमष्ट्रीय प्रत्यमयि बोडा हैं, जबनक भमरत र्ें 1500 से अनिक निजी प्रयोगशमलमएं हैं। 3. रमज्य खमद्य प्रयोगशमलमओं और रेफरल प्रयोगशमलमओं र्ें योग्य जिशनि और कमयमात्र्क खमद्य परीक्षण उपकरणों की कर्ी क े पररणमर्स्िरूप खमद्य िर्ूिों कम परीक्षण कर् हुआ। Mr. Alok Kumar
  • 3. 4. There is an acute shortage of licensing and enforcement officers in the states which severely affected food safety measures. 5. There are only 377 products mentioned in the FSSAI regulations – whereas other countries have over 10,000 standards. Moreover, the list is not regularly reviewed. 6. FSSAI is highly underfunded to monitor the widening ambit of food laws. Also, there are no standard practices for food inspection, the process being mostly discretionary. 7. Heavy and lengthy approval procedures have delayed the pre-launch approvals for products from the FSSAI for over a year. 8. Differences of opinion between the food regulator and the food processing ministry also handicap the FSSAI functioning. 4. रमज्यों र्ें लमइसेंनसंग और प्रिताि अनिकमररयों की भमरी कर्ी है नजसिे खमद्य सुरक्षम उपमयों को बुरी तरह प्रभमनित नकयम है। 5. FSSAI नियर्ों र्ें क े िल 377 उत्पमदों कम उल्लेख है - जबनक अन्य देशों र्ें 10,000 से अनिक र्मिक हैं। इसक े अलमिम, सूची की नियनर्त रूप से सर्ीक्षम िहीं की जमती है। 6. खमद्य कमिूिों क े व्यमपक दमयरे की निगरमिी क े नलए FSSAI क े पमस बहुत कर् िि है। इसक े अलमिम, खमद्य निरीक्षण क े नलए कोई र्मिक प्रथमएं िहीं हैं, यह प्रनक्रयम ज्यमदमतर नििेकमिीि है। 7. बोनिल और लंबी अिुर्ोदि प्रनक्रयमओं िे FSSAI क े उत्पमदों क े नलए एक िर्ा से अनिक क े नलए पूिा-लॉन्च अिुर्ोदि र्ें देरी की है। 8. खमद्य नियमर्क और खमद्य प्रसंस्करण र्ंत्रमलय क े बीच र्तभेद भी एफएसएसएआई क े कमर्कमज र्ें बमिम डमलते हैं। Mr. Alok Kumar
  • 4. In India, about 15.73 lakh people die every year due to food poisoning. India ranks second in the world in terms of death due to spoiled food. Mr. Alok Kumar
  • 5. • “Act” means the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (Act 34 of 2006); “Assorted pack” means any package or container containing multiple units of different food products intended and displayed for retail sale and complies with the general labelling requirement specified in regulation 4(8);
  • 6. “Best before date” “Best before date” means the date which signifies the end of the period under any stated storage conditions during which the food product shall remain fully marketable and shall retain any specific qualities for which tacit or express claims have been made, and beyond that date, the food may still be perfectly safe to consume, though, its quality may have diminished. However, the product shall not be sold if any stage the product become unsafe. Mr. Alok Kumar
  • 7. “Date of manufacture” means the date on which the food products becomes the product as described; Mr. Alok Kumar
  • 8. “Date of packaging” means the date on which the food product is placed in the immediate container in which it will be ultimately sold; Mr. Alok Kumar
  • 9. Mr. Alok Kumar “e-commerce” means buying and selling of goods and services over digital and electronic network.”;
  • 10. “Front of Pack” means part of the package that faces forward (in the principal field of vision) and is typically the first thing a consumer will see when they look at the product” Mr. Alok Kumar
  • 11. “Labelling” means any written, printed or graphic matter that is present on the label, accompanies the food or is displayed near the food; Mr. Alok Kumar
  • 12. Adulterant “Adulterant” means any material which is or could be employed for making the food unsafe or sub-standard or mis-branded or containing extraneous matter. Mr. Alok Kumar
  • 13. “Advertisement” “Advertisement” means any audio or visual publicity, representation or pronouncement made by means of any light, sound, smoke, gas, print, electronic media, internet or website and includes through any notice, circular, label, wrapper, invoice or other documents; Mr. Alok Kumar
  • 14. Chairperson: • “Chairperson” means the Chairperson of the Food Authority; • Shri Rajesh Bhushan (FSSAI)
  • 15. “Claim” • “claim” means any representation which states, suggests, or implies that a food has particular qualities relating to its origin, nutritional properties, nature, processing, composition or otherwise; Mr. Alok Kumar Label Says “Sugar-Free” Label Says “Fruit-Flavored” Label Says “Gluten-Free” Label Says “Light” Label Says “Low-Calorie” Label Says “Low-Carb” Label Says “Low-Fat” Label Says “Multigrain” Label Says “Natural” Label Says “No Cholesterol” Label Says “Organic”
  • 16. Commissioner of Food Safety • “Commissioner of Food Safety” means the Commissioner of Food Safety appointed under section 30; Mr. Alok Kumar “consumer” means persons and families purchasing and receiving food in order to meet their personal needs; Consumer
  • 17. “contaminant” • “contaminant” means any substance, whether or not added to food, but which is present in such food as a result of the production (including operations carried out in crop husbandry, animal husbandry or veterinary medicine), manufacture, processing, preparation, treatment, packing, packaging, transport or holding of such food or as a result of environmental contamination and does not include insect fragments, rodent hairs and other extraneous matter; Mr. Alok Kumar
  • 19. Food • “Food” means any substance, whether processed, partially processed or unprocessed, which is intended for human consumption and includes primary food to the extent defined in clause (zk), genetically modified or engineered food or food containing such ingredients, infant food, packaged drinking water, alcoholic drink, chewing gum, and any substance, including water used into the food during its manufacture, preparation or treatment but does not include any animal feed, live animals unless they are prepared or processed for placing on the market for human consumption, plants, prior to harvesting, drugs and medicinal products, cosmetics, narcotic or psychotropic substances : Mr. Alok Kumar
  • 22. “food additive” • “food additive” means any substance not normally consumed as a food by itself or used as a typical ingredient of the food, whether or not it has nutritive value, the intentional addition of which to food for a technological (including organoleptic) purpose in the manufacture, processing, preparation, treatment, packing, packaging, transport or holding of such food results. • Food additives are substances added to food to maintain or improve its safety, freshness, taste, texture, or appearance. Mr. Alok Kumar
  • 24. Natural Food Colours • Pink: strawberries, raspberries • Red: beets, tomato • Orange: carrots, paprika, sweet potato • Yellow: saffron, turmeric • Green: matcha, spinach • Blue: red cabbage + baking soda • Purple: blueberries, purple sweet potato • Brown: coffee, tea, cocoa • Black: activated charcoal, squid Ink Mr. Alok Kumar
  • 25. “Food Analyst” Mr. Alok Kumar “Food Analyst” means an analyst appointed under section45;
  • 26. “food laboratory” • “food laboratory” means any food laboratory or institute established by the Central or a State Government or any other agency and accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories or an equivalent accreditation agency and recognised by the Food Authority under section 43; Mr. Alok Kumar