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1 Ritika sharma
The word polymorphism is derived from Greek word Poly
which means many and morphos which means forms.
Polymorphism can be defined as the ability to use the same
name for two or more related but technically different tasks.
Eg-woman plays role of daughter,sister,wife,mother etc.
2 Ritika sharma
Overloading in C++
What is overloading
– Overloading means assigning multiple
meanings to a function name or operator
– It allows multiple definitions of a function with the same
name, but different signatures.
C++ supports
– Function overloading
– Operator overloading
3 Ritika sharma
Why is Overloading Useful?
 Function overloading allows functions that
conceptually perform the same task on
objects of different types to be given the
same name.
 Operator overloading provides a convenient
notation for manipulating user-defined
objects with conventional operators.
4 Ritika sharma
Function Overloading
Is the process of using the same name for two or more
Requires each redefinition of a function to use a different
function signature that is:
different types of parameters,
or sequence of parameters,
or number of parameters
Is used so that a programmer does not have to remember
multiple function names
5 Ritika sharma
Function Overloading
Two or more functions can have the same name but different
int max(int a, int b)
if (a>= b)
return a;
return b;
float max(float a, float b)
if (a>= b)
return a;
return b;
6 Ritika sharma
Overloading Function Call Resolution
 Overloaded function call resolution is done by
compiler during compilation
– The function signature determines which definition
is used
 a Function signature consists of:
– Parameter types and number of parameters
supplied to a function
 a Function return type is not part of function signature
and is not used in function call resolution
7 Ritika sharma
void sum(int,int);
void sum(double,double);
void sum(char,char);
void main()
int a=10,b=20 ;
double c=7.52,d=8.14;
char e=‘a’ , f=‘b’ ;
sum(a,b); //calls sum(int x,int y)
sum(c,d); //calls sum (double x,double y)
sum(e,f); // calls sum(char x,char y)
void sum(int x,int y)
vout<<“n sum of integers are”<<x+y;
void sum(double x,double y)
cout<<“n sum of two floating no are”<<x+y;
void sum(char x,char y)
cout<<“n sum of characters are”<<x+y;
8 Ritika sharma
Sum of integers 30
sum of two floating no are 15.66
sum of characters are 195
9 Ritika sharma
Void area(int)
Void area(int,int);
Void area(int,int,int);
Int main()
Int side=10,le=5,br=6,a=4,b=5,c=6;
Return 0;
Void area(int x)
{ cout<<“area is”<<x*x;
Void area(int x,int y)
{cout<<“area of rectang;e”=<<x*y;
Void area(int x,int y,int z)
{cout<<“volume is”<<x*y*z;
10 Ritika sharma
Function Selection Involves following
Compiler first tries to find the Exact match in which the type
of argument are the same,and uses that func.
If an exact match is not found,the compiler user the integral
promotions to the actual argument such as,char to int, float
to double.
When either of them fails ,build in conversions are
used(implicit conversion) to the actual arguments and then
uses the function whose match is unique.but if there are
multiple matches,then compiler will generate an error
11 Ritika sharma
For ex: long square(long n)
long square(double x)
Now a func. call such as square(10) will cause an
error because int argument can be converted into
long also and double also.so it will show
User defined conversion are followed if all the
conversion are failed.
12 Ritika sharma
13 Ritika sharma
The scope of a variable is the portion of a program where the
variable has meaning (where it exists).
A global variable has global (unlimited) scope.
A local variable’s scope is restricted to the function that
declares the variable.
A block variable’s scope is restricted to the block in which
the variable is declared.
14 Ritika sharma
Understanding Scope
Some variables can be accessed throughout an entire
program, while others can be accessed only in a limited part
of the program
The scope of a variable defines where it can be accessed in a
To adequately understand scope, you must be able to
distinguish between local and global variables
15 Ritika sharma
Local variables
Parameters and variables declared inside the definition of a
function are local.
They only exist inside the function body.
Once the function returns, the variables no longer exist!
That’s fine! We don’t need them anymore!
16 Ritika sharma
Block Variables
You can also declare variables that exist only within the body
of a compound statement (a block):
int foo;
17 Ritika sharma
Global variables
You can declare variables outside of any function definition –
these variables are global variables.
Any function can access/change global variables.
Example: flag that indicates whether debugging information
should be printed.
18 Ritika sharma
Distinguishing Between Local
and Global Variables
Celebrity names are global because they are known to people
everywhere and always refer to those same celebrities
Global variables are those that are known to all functions in a
Some named objects in your life are local
You might have a local co-worker whose name takes
precedence over, or overrides, a global one
19 Ritika sharma
A note about
Global vs. File scope
A variable declared outside of a function is available
everywhere, but only the functions that follow it in the file
know about it.
The book talks about file scope, I’m calling it global scope.
20 Ritika sharma
Block Scope
int main(void) {
int y;
int a = y;
cout << a << endl;
cout << a << endl;
Error – a
doesn’t exist outside
21 Ritika sharma

More Related Content

Function overloading(C++)

  • 2. Polymorphism The word polymorphism is derived from Greek word Poly which means many and morphos which means forms. Polymorphism can be defined as the ability to use the same name for two or more related but technically different tasks. Eg-woman plays role of daughter,sister,wife,mother etc. 2 Ritika sharma
  • 3. Overloading in C++ What is overloading – Overloading means assigning multiple meanings to a function name or operator symbol – It allows multiple definitions of a function with the same name, but different signatures. C++ supports – Function overloading – Operator overloading 3 Ritika sharma
  • 4. Why is Overloading Useful?  Function overloading allows functions that conceptually perform the same task on objects of different types to be given the same name.  Operator overloading provides a convenient notation for manipulating user-defined objects with conventional operators. 4 Ritika sharma
  • 5. Function Overloading Is the process of using the same name for two or more functions Requires each redefinition of a function to use a different function signature that is: different types of parameters, or sequence of parameters, or number of parameters Is used so that a programmer does not have to remember multiple function names 5 Ritika sharma
  • 6. Function Overloading Two or more functions can have the same name but different parameters Example: int max(int a, int b) { if (a>= b) return a; else return b; } float max(float a, float b) { if (a>= b) return a; else return b; } 6 Ritika sharma
  • 7. Overloading Function Call Resolution  Overloaded function call resolution is done by compiler during compilation – The function signature determines which definition is used  a Function signature consists of: – Parameter types and number of parameters supplied to a function  a Function return type is not part of function signature and is not used in function call resolution 7 Ritika sharma
  • 8. void sum(int,int); void sum(double,double); void sum(char,char); void main() { int a=10,b=20 ; double c=7.52,d=8.14; char e=‘a’ , f=‘b’ ; sum(a,b); //calls sum(int x,int y) sum(c,d); //calls sum (double x,double y) sum(e,f); // calls sum(char x,char y) } void sum(int x,int y) { vout<<“n sum of integers are”<<x+y; } void sum(double x,double y) { cout<<“n sum of two floating no are”<<x+y; } void sum(char x,char y) { cout<<“n sum of characters are”<<x+y; 8 Ritika sharma
  • 9. Output: Sum of integers 30 sum of two floating no are 15.66 sum of characters are 195 9 Ritika sharma
  • 10. Void area(int) Void area(int,int); Void area(int,int,int); Int main() { Int side=10,le=5,br=6,a=4,b=5,c=6; Area(side); Area(le,br); Area(a,b,c); Getch(); Return 0; } Void area(int x) { cout<<“area is”<<x*x; } Void area(int x,int y) {cout<<“area of rectang;e”=<<x*y; } Void area(int x,int y,int z) {cout<<“volume is”<<x*y*z; } 10 Ritika sharma
  • 11. Function Selection Involves following Steps. Compiler first tries to find the Exact match in which the type of argument are the same,and uses that func. If an exact match is not found,the compiler user the integral promotions to the actual argument such as,char to int, float to double. When either of them fails ,build in conversions are used(implicit conversion) to the actual arguments and then uses the function whose match is unique.but if there are multiple matches,then compiler will generate an error message. 11 Ritika sharma
  • 12. For ex: long square(long n) long square(double x) Now a func. call such as square(10) will cause an error because int argument can be converted into long also and double also.so it will show ambiguity. User defined conversion are followed if all the conversion are failed. 12 Ritika sharma
  • 14. Scope The scope of a variable is the portion of a program where the variable has meaning (where it exists). A global variable has global (unlimited) scope. A local variable’s scope is restricted to the function that declares the variable. A block variable’s scope is restricted to the block in which the variable is declared. 14 Ritika sharma
  • 15. Understanding Scope Some variables can be accessed throughout an entire program, while others can be accessed only in a limited part of the program The scope of a variable defines where it can be accessed in a program To adequately understand scope, you must be able to distinguish between local and global variables 15 Ritika sharma
  • 16. Local variables Parameters and variables declared inside the definition of a function are local. They only exist inside the function body. Once the function returns, the variables no longer exist! That’s fine! We don’t need them anymore! 16 Ritika sharma
  • 17. Block Variables You can also declare variables that exist only within the body of a compound statement (a block): { int foo; … … } 17 Ritika sharma
  • 18. Global variables You can declare variables outside of any function definition – these variables are global variables. Any function can access/change global variables. Example: flag that indicates whether debugging information should be printed. 18 Ritika sharma
  • 19. Distinguishing Between Local and Global Variables Celebrity names are global because they are known to people everywhere and always refer to those same celebrities Global variables are those that are known to all functions in a program Some named objects in your life are local You might have a local co-worker whose name takes precedence over, or overrides, a global one 19 Ritika sharma
  • 20. A note about Global vs. File scope A variable declared outside of a function is available everywhere, but only the functions that follow it in the file know about it. The book talks about file scope, I’m calling it global scope. 20 Ritika sharma
  • 21. Block Scope int main(void) { int y; { int a = y; cout << a << endl; } cout << a << endl; } Error – a doesn’t exist outside the block! 21 Ritika sharma

Editor's Notes

  • #9: Multiple function with same name and same number of parameters differ only in data types