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Fundamental Principles

      Michael Charles, PMP
The Roadmap
  Leadership Principles & Practices
What is leadership?
Talent vs Leadership

3 Key Leadership Laws

 • How well you lead determines how successful you’re going to be

 • Leadership is influence... nothing more, nothing less.

 • Leadership develops daily, not in a day
1. Law of the Lid
How well you lead determines your level of effectiveness
              and how successful you are


Infinite Potential
Leadership Lid

Leadership - A Learnable Skill

 “If you’re going to be successful in life .. the first place you work on
     to help yourself really grow and develop is in the area of your
                              leadership lid.”
Experience and Insights

     Insight isn't automatic

     Necessary to gain insight
How to raise your lid

                        Growth Zone
2. Law of Influence
Leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less.

                                      Leadership is
                                      title, position,
                                      power or
How you grow influence
        Valuing and adding value to people

        Are you getting all the support you need
         from me?
        What support do you need from me?
        How can I help you grow?

"You can have what you want if you will help enough
         other people get what they want.“
                    Zig Zigglar
Myths of Leadership
                                               - Management is doing things right.
Leadership is doing the right things

                                               - Identifying a gap in the market and
moving quickly to exploit the opportunity

                                            - Information is power

                                   - Being first isn’t always the same as leading

                                       - Give me the position, Give me a title then
people will listen to me

“It’s not the position that makes the leader; it’s the leader that makes
                     the position.” ~ Stanley Huffty
9.) Does workingof Process bring
       3. Law toward my dream
    Leadership develops daily, not in a day

                                  Takes Commitment
                                     and a certain
                                     investment in
                                  yourself over time
Engage in the Process

                  Success = When
                  preparation meets
Everything rises and falls with leadership

                        Your leadership lid determines your level of

                           Leadership is influence, nothing
 more, nothing less

                          Leadership develops daily, not in a day

                 Leadership is a learnable skill
Change starts with awareness and
 the willingness to take action.

    My blog: www.leadingwithintent.com
Thank You!
Michael Charles, PMP
My Blog: www.leadingwithintent.com

Social Media:

Contact Info:
(917) 531-1098

More Related Content

Fundamental principles of leadership

  • 1. Fundamental Principles of Leadership Michael Charles, PMP www.LeadingWithIntent.com
  • 2. The Roadmap Leadership Principles & Practices
  • 5. 3 Key Leadership Laws • How well you lead determines how successful you’re going to be • Leadership is influence... nothing more, nothing less. • Leadership develops daily, not in a day
  • 6. 1. Law of the Lid How well you lead determines your level of effectiveness and how successful you are Leadership Gap Business
  • 8. Leadership - A Learnable Skill “If you’re going to be successful in life .. the first place you work on to help yourself really grow and develop is in the area of your leadership lid.”
  • 9. Experience and Insights Insight isn't automatic Necessary to gain insight
  • 10. How to raise your lid Growth Zone
  • 11. 2. Law of Influence Leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less. Leadership is not title, position, power or stature.
  • 12. How you grow influence Valuing and adding value to people  Are you getting all the support you need from me?  What support do you need from me?  How can I help you grow? "You can have what you want if you will help enough other people get what they want.“ Zig Zigglar
  • 13. Myths of Leadership - Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things - Identifying a gap in the market and moving quickly to exploit the opportunity - Information is power - Being first isn’t always the same as leading - Give me the position, Give me a title then people will listen to me “It’s not the position that makes the leader; it’s the leader that makes the position.” ~ Stanley Huffty
  • 14. 9.) Does workingof Process bring 3. Law toward my dream satisfaction? Leadership develops daily, not in a day Takes Commitment and a certain investment in yourself over time
  • 15. Engage in the Process Success = When preparation meets opportunity
  • 16. Everything rises and falls with leadership Your leadership lid determines your level of effectiveness Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less Leadership develops daily, not in a day Leadership is a learnable skill
  • 17. Change starts with awareness and the willingness to take action. My blog: www.leadingwithintent.com
  • 18. Thank You! Michael Charles, PMP My Blog: www.leadingwithintent.com Social Media: www.about.me/MicCharles Contact Info: Michael@Leadingwithintent.com (917) 531-1098

Editor's Notes

  1. 1. It’s great to be here with you today and to have the opportunity to spend .. the next 30 minutes or so .. talking about a topic that .. I think is just so fascinating.. and a topic that makes such an enormous difference to the results of any organization.. or any individual for that matter .. and that’s the topic of leadership. 2. Now .. I don’t think there is any part of an organization.. or any part of your life .. that leadership doesn’t affect .. whether it’s leadership of self .. or leadership of others .. or leadership of leaders .. it applies to everything .. and if you think about it .. strong leadership is probably at the heart of every sizable human achievement .. and it always has been Everything rises or falls with leadership
  2. Now .. this is obviously a huge topic .. it would take years not minutes to do it justice .. but .. I know you’re busy and that your time is precious .. so it’s my goal today .. even though we don’t have that long together .. to leave you thinking that this was the best 30 minutes you ever spent .. I want to give you as much value as I possibly can in that short time. We’ll cover some tried and tested and proven ideas that .. when they’re applied .. really make a difference to our results .. by developing our leadership skills. Leadership is absolutely a teachable skill .. leadership is predictable .. leadership operates by laws .. learn the laws .. and you learn to lead .. but if you ignore the laws .. then you’re always going to struggle with leadership .. it’s always going to be a source of frustration. Now .. unfortunately .. we are not going to be able to cover all 21 laws in such a short space of time... we’re going to look at just three of them .. but for those of you that want to know more .. then I’ll show you a couple of different ways at the end .. that you can dig into these concepts in more detail .. does that sound ok?
  3. Well leadership encompasses far more than most people initially think .. it starts with leadership of self .. then leadership of others .. then leadership of leaders .. of business .. and at the highest levels .. the statesmanship of enterprise level leadership .. or country level leadership.Leadership is the facilitation of the process of the crystallisation of potential into desired results through the systematic organization of talent.
  4. We are all born with different God given talents .. but that’s not enough .. talent does not equal results .. otherwise all successful people would be talented .. and they’re not .. and all unsuccessful people would be untalented .. and they’re not. And you know from your own observations that this is just not true. Do you know any talented people who don’t seem to get the results they deserve? Of course you do .. you probably know dozens. Do you know any successful people who seem to lack talent? Again, they’re everywhere aren’t they?Talent will help .. sure .. but it’s not enough on its own .. something else is needed ..and that catalyst necessary to crystallise potential into results .. is leadership. One of my Favorite books of John’s is called Talent Is Never Enough .. and I’ve taken this slide from that book .. take a look at this --- (See ## from slide).So .. as you can see .. some of our beliefs around why people are successful need to be re-examined .. there has to be more to it than talent .. talent is given but we must earn success Eduard Pailleron said ‘have success and there will always be fools to say you have talent’
  5. Law of LidLaw of InfluenceLaw of ProcessI’ve chosen these three because when we realize that we’ll only be as successful as our ability to lead .. that leadership is influence .. and our influence with people and therefore our ability to lead develops through a process, evolves day by day .. when we see this .. it gives us something to immediately set to work on .. the process of developing our ability to influence.
  6. Look at it this way .. if this hand is my leadership lid and this hand is my business .. my results can rise to reach my leadership lid .. but they will not rise any higher. In other words .. whatever my leadership skills and ability are at this moment .. that’s the lid on my business potential. To get the right people on the bus to quote Jim Collins .. and to get the wrong people off the bus .. and to get the right people in the right seats on the bus .. then get the bus going in the right direction. It’s easy to see how leadership ability will limit the potential of the business isn’t it? The problem of neglect of leadership in most organizations is a systemic problem that self perpetuates.. Think of how most people get leadership positions .. they’re not selected for their leadership ability .. they’re often chosen for their technical ability in a certain area. So the best accountant in the team becomes the team leader. Now that seems to make sense .. until you realize that leadership is a TOTALLY different skill set .. then it’s easy to see what really happens ..you lose a good technician and gain a bad manager. Now the company .. the new leader and the team .. they’re all unhappy. The law of the lid is never more evident than in this scenario .. because the lack of leadership ability is a serious limit to the productivity of that team. This is so common .. it really is .. we see this over and over again. The team could be a talented group of people .. but their achievements will not rise beyond the leadership lid of the Leader
  7. Imagine that there is a bedside lamp plugged into the main electricity right in front of me here .. think of your potential like the electricity .. you are the lamp and the light generated by the bulb .. that’s your results .. Now .. we all get different results, don’t we .. we all light up our surroundings to different degrees .. some people are very bright aren’t they .. but some people are .. really dim! But either way .. the source .. the power is unlimited .. your potential is always ready to flow through you .. and into your results .. the limitation is not in the supply .. it’s in the bulb. Now .. if you didn’t understand how it works .. you’d look at the bulb and say that the power is in the bulb .. the magic is in the bulb .. but understanding tells us the power is in the electricity .. The more of the power the bulb allows to flow through it .. the brighter the results. Well our leadership lid throttles our potential in the same way .. turn in a brighter bulb .. more power flows through .. you’re going to get more light .. turn in some new ideas .. raise your leadership lid .. and much more of your potential will flow through you .. and show up .. in your results. But either way .. the source .. the power is unlimited .. your potential is always ready to flow through you .. and into your results .. the limitation is not in the supply .. it’s in the bulb. Now .. if you didn’t understand how it works .. you’d look at the bulb and say that the power is in the bulb .. the magic is in the bulb .. but understanding tells us the power is in the electricity .. The more of the power the bulb allows to flow through it .. the brighter the results. Well our leadership lid throttles our potential in the same way .. turn in a brighter bulb .. more power flows through .. you’re going to get more light .. turn in some new ideas .. raise your leadership lid .. and much more of your potential will flow through you .. and show up .. in your results. So what am I saying .. wherever your leadership abilities are right now .. they literally are the lid on your potential .. and that leadership lid is being reflected in your results .. everyday.
  8. If you doubt the importance of leadership .. think of what you want to achieve out of life .. what are your key goals or objectives .. and then think about who can help you achieve those goals .. think about who or what could get in the way .. how is it going to affect the other people in your life .. who’s going to look after the kids if you spend your time working on this .. who is impacted by success or failure of your goal? As soon as you start thinking about everything you do .. you realize that in some way .. other people are instrumental in how you live your life .. and to be successful .. we need to lead .. and to lead .. we need to influence. You don’t have influence .. you will never be able to lead others2. People aren’t really that interested in what you know .. people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Influence is not about position or titles .. it’s about caring for other people .. adding value to them. Shifting the focus from me .. to them .. How are you? .. What can I do for you? .. What problems are you facing?, and How can I help? .. “If you’re going to be successful in life .. the first place you work on to help yourself really grow and develop is in the area of your leadership lid.”
  9. We all experience life automatically .. you’re going to experience life everyday till it’s time to leave .. you don’t have a choice in that .. experience is automatic .. but you don’t get insight automatically .. you need to reflect to gain insight .. and you do have a choice in that Reflection and contemplation are necessary to learn from experience .. otherwise it’s just stuff that happens to you .. and if we don’t learn from it .. we’re doomed to repeat it .. until we do we learn from it. What do they say .. those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it? Jim Rohns a few years back said: “Don’t take too long to learn life’s lessons .. if you’ve been doing it wrong now for 10 years .. that’s long enough"
  10. 1. It certainly starts with an intention to do so .. to recognize the importance of leadership .. to see it as a learnable skill and to set about developing that skill. 2. Raising your lid is a process like any others .. you’ve got to grow .. and to grow .. you’ve got to get in the growth zone .. and unfortunately .. the growth zone is not the comfort zone .. growth takes place outside the comfort zone .. not in it. It’s an active pursuit .. it’s intentionality. It’s a contract you make with yourself really .. it’s an inside thing .. not somewhere you necessarily go to grow. We have to choose growth over comfort .. and that means getting out of the comfort zone regularly .. and getting out of the comfort zone regularly .. is a great way to raise your leadership lid. 3. We don’t need to wait for anything .. or anyone .. or go anywhere .. but we do have to opt in .. we’ve got to choose to capitalize on the situations4. Getting around people who think differently is another great way to raise your lid. And it’s the same in anything isn’t it .. if you want to play a better golf game .. stop playing with your friends and seek out better players. If you want to be a better leader .. get around better leaders. Growth takes place outside the comfort zone .. not in it
  11. You cannot lead any more people than your ability to influence.The higher you want to climb, the more you need leadership. Other people are instrumental in how you live your life.Margaret Thatcher said .. ‘being in power is like being a lady .. if you have to tell people you are .. you’re not!’ People don’t care how much you know .. until they know how much you care .. that’s so true. If you take a genuine interest in people .. if you truly care .. then you
  12. When the leader’s focus shifts from .. what have you done for me .. to asking them what can I do for you .. to asking ..Are you getting all the support from me you need? What support do you need from me? How can I help you grow? As soon as that shift takes place, your influence begins to leap forward. ZigZiglar summed it up nicely when he said .. ‘you can have what you want .. if you will help enough other people get what they want’ .. lot of people don’t understand that.
  13. I think one of the problems with leadership .. is there are so many myths .. particularly with influence. Management = Efficiency, Control, Managed risks VS. Leadership = direction, enthusiasm, inspiration, influenceBrilliance vs. Caring - People may be buying what they sell, but they’re not following……The position myth .. this is the biggest misconception of all I think .. and the most dangerous .. this is so common it’s scary .. so many people think that it’s position that makes you a leader .. give me the position .. give me a title .. give me the corner office .. then people will listen to me .. but it’s not position that makes the leader it’s the leader that makes the position. If you have the position .. it might give you a temporary head start when you first meet new people .. but not for long .. if you don’t have influence .. you can’t lead .. you can’t be effective. "Leadership is influence, nothing less, nothing more.“This is such a simple point when you stop and think about it .. but it’s so easy to miss until you do. To be a leader .. you have to have followers .. and in today’s world .. people aren’t going to follow you .. unless they want to. Before people are interested in following a leader .. there’s 3 questions that they need answered .. Do you care for me?Can you help me?Can I trust you?
  14. So leadership is a learnable skill .. that’s what the John Maxwell Team specializes in .. we operate in 40 countries around the world .. teaching John Maxwell’s principles of leadership .. and it’s absolutely a learnable skill. But like all complex skills .. it evolves over time .. leadership skills develop day by day .. they don’t develop in a day. This is true for the development of any skill really .. and it’s particularly true of leadership .. it’s a process .. it evolves .. you don’t read one book and become a great leader overnight. You don’t attend one training program and become a great leader overnight. It takes time and commitment and a certain investment in yourself to develop your leadership skills .. but if you make that investment then guess what .. your leadership skills develop. Where do we see this in Action: - Music, Language, Reading and Writing and SportsWhen we stop and think about the athletes competing in the Olympics .. we see evidence of this first hand, don’t we. But it’s easy to misunderstand what we’re seeing. When we see a world class, champion athlete doing their thing .. the first thing that comes to mind is .. aren’t they talented. Often people will make very little acknowledgement of the years of training that goes in to the short performance you see on the world stage. “If I need inspiration I attend an event, If I need to change and grow, I engage to a process“You’ve got to evolve through the process .. before .. the opportunity appears .. if you wait for the opportunity to start the process .. it’s gone before you’ve even begun.
  15. We can’t wait to develop our leadership skills .. we need to start right now .. we need to be prepared for the opportunity when it comes. Storyof the Little Lady at the concert:The story of a woman who sat in the audience and watched an expert pianist play a concert .. and afterwards she went up to speak to her and said .. I’d give anything to play like you do .. and the pianist looked at her and said .. no you wouldn’t .. or you already would have. Sure you’d give anything .. except 8 hours practice a day for 20 years .. anything apart from that. If you gave what I have given then you would play pretty much as well as I do .. maybe a little less .. maybe a little better .. but pretty much the same.When we see someone who’s mastered something through an orderly process of growth .. we think .. oh aren’t they lucky .. aren’t they talented .. but talent is a small part of their mastery. When all is said and done .. personal and organizational success comes down to leadership .. everything rises and falls with leadership.
  16. Well we’re coming to the end of the 30 minutes now .. and I wish we had more time together so we could dig into some more of these laws .. but let me finish up by saying that .. leadership is a learnable skill .. some people are more naturally gifted than others .. of course .. but overall .. it’s more of a learnable skill than a natural talent.
  17. Now .. as I said at the beginning .. for those of you that want to find out more .. here’s a couple of simple ways that you can do that. Change starts with awareness .. and .. to facilitate the raising of awareness .. we offer a mastermind program for groups like this .. where I come and facilitate a meeting once a week .. for 10 weeks .. and we study and discuss the 21 laws .. it’s free .. all it will cost you is the price of a book. How many of you have found this information useful? Ok .. so for you then .. this is a no brainer really .. so as a minimum you’re probably going to want to do this. But for those of you who want to dig in a bit deeper and are interested in working one on one with me and you want a faster track to developing your leadership skills .. I have a coaching program on the laws .. it’s much more intensive .. again it’s a 10 week program .. but it’s tailored for each individual leader’s personal transformation .. in the areas most relevant to them. If you want to see results quickly .. if you or someone in your team needs a swift contextual shift in their leadership philosophy .. then this is the program to go for. And we can also combine these programs into a tailored 12 month cultural change program for larger institutions.
  18. Ladies and gentlemen .. it’s been a real pleasure to be here with you today .. it’s been a pleasure to share these ideas with you .. and I know it will be pleasure to work with you again in the future .. thank you.