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Funny Persuasive Essay Topic
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Funny Persuasive Essay Topic IdeasFunny Persuasive Essay Topic Ideas
Budget And Financial Issues Of The United States
BUDGET AND FINANCIAL ISSUES At its formation, the UN had inherited financial problems
from its predecessor the League of Nations (McDermott, 2000). Seventy years down the lane,
financial problems have been at the core of the UN activities in peacekeeping missions. Thus, the
issue of budgetary crisis with regards to financing old and new peacekeepingoperations continue to
persist. According to McDermott (2000), peacekeeping have been both the making and near
breaking of the organization. On one hand, peacekeeping expansion from traditional peacekeeping
to peacekeeping and now peacebuilding have contributed to the exponential growth of the
organization. On the other hand, the spread out of peacekeeping increases cost and have overly...
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As peacekeeping missions are organized on adhoc basis, each peacekeeping mission budget is
authorized separately, and member states are assessed per mission. It is interesting to point out
that the peacekeeping budget allocation since its creation has always been far more than the
regular budget of the UN as a whole (McDermott, 2000). To demonstrate this, according to
McDermott (2000), the budgeted expenditures of the UN in 1994 reached $8.3 billion, of which
$1.3 billion went to regular budget; $3.3 billion to peacekeeping operations; and the remaining
$3.7 billion on operational activities and programs supported by voluntary contributions. As noted
in Article 17 of the charter, the expenses of the organization shall be borne by member states and
approved by the General Assembly (UN charter). However, the charter does not point out the scale
of contributions from member states. The system evolved over years with formulas that determine
contributions based on the capacity of countries to pay. As a result of the special role played by
the five permanent members of the Security Council, the system allocates to them a very high
percentage (McDermott, 2000). In December 2000, the General Assembly reaffirmed this with
resolution A/RES/55/235. (UNGA, 2015). The system therefore categorizes member states into
groups: A, B, C and D, for scaled of assessed contributions. Category A
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The Importance Of Civil Rights In The United States
Throughout the history of the United States of America, various groups have risen to demand equal
treatment under the law. In many cases the treatment they were seeking was in part pursued based
on the fact that they believed they were entitled to as a American citizen. In many instances these
groups were successful in advocating their position based what they felt were their rights under the
Constitution of the United States. Some of the rights sought were based on civil right, and some
were based on civil liberties. Each time a group or an individual has risen to protect such rights;
they have been met with considerable opposition from the many who interpret such rights
differently. A great many lives have been lost in the continued pursuit
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Often groups will leverage civil liberties protections to make their case for acceptance or to gain
political clout to progress their cause. The pursuit of such an advantage means that a decision of
which fundamental value will be used to advance the issue. Some of the values that provide the
best argument are often competing with each other. The Value of Freedom, or complete absence
of restrictions or barriers, is a concept that was relevant during the times of slavery but is in
direct conflict with the concept of order. Order is achieved by erecting restrictions and barriers.
However the very order reduces the purity of Freedom. The most commonly pursued value is that
of equality. The desire for equality has driven groups to organize effectively and make the case to
end slavery, and eventually capitalize on legislation that created the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Though Freedom, Equality and order can be mutually compatible there is tension among
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Neo-Confucianism And Ruth Research Paper
I think Ruth was a lucky woman; after her husband s death,she was still able to meet her Mr.right
and marry him. Her mother in law and other people were blessed with them. How happy a thing! If
she lived in ancient China, the outcome was very different.In traditional Chinese society, the status
of women was very low, in other words,they were even the accessories of men without any
freedom. Neo Confucianism has developed in Song Dynasty and those scholars emphasized the
three obediences and the four virtues(the three obediences obey her father before marriage, her
husband when married, and her sons in widowhood and the four virtues (morality, proper speech,
modest manner and diligent work) of women in ancientChina;spiritual fetters of wifely
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Alice In Wonderland Comparative Essay
Whether or not the adaptation of Tim Burton s Alice in Wonderland is more engaging than the
original novel by Lewis Carroll, both still use similar structural elements that set the reader
/viewers mind on the text at hand. The inclusion of a stronger plot provided by the visual text
enhances the viewers understanding, especially for a young audience. A way that Tim Burton s
text is more engaging is that children, being younger and less mature are more likely to be drawn
to view a visual text that s much simpler set of characters and be able to understand them better.
On the other hand, Lewis Carroll s text is also going to engage a younger audience with the
inclusion of descriptive language. Children are more likely to be drawn to and stay... Show more
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Both stories feature a dream that Alice has (at the start in the film and at the end in the novel) the
feature her entering Wonderland after following a white Rabbit that was speaking and checking his
pocket watch. Point being, that because they both share very, very similar storylines so they would
engage viewers equally. Similar structural elements such as an introduction, problem, solution and a
conclusion that contain similar content that would make both of them similarly engaging. Reason
being that because they have the similar events that fit into the same portions / sections that
would make the reader engaged. The visual aspects of both texts are what make each text
complete as in the written version of the book you have smaller picture that assist the conveyance
of the story that is trying to be explained. On the other hand, you have the visual text that solely
relies on the use of visual aspects to convey the message, and uses words / speech as an assistant to
the visual part of the
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Teacher Difficulties in Teaching Esl in Malaysia
INTRODUCTION English plays a vital role around the global. As the regard of English usage in
a universal form, English is placed as second language in most of the countries around the world.
English is widely learned as a second language and used as an official language of the European
Union and many Commonwealth countries, as well as in many world organizations. It is the third
most natively spoken language in the world, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. It is the most
widely spoken language across the world. English is now widely taught in almost every country.
When it comes to teaching and learning a language, it is not always easy to achieve the goal.
Almost every country that emphasis on the teaching and learning of English... Show more content
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English is compulsory second language taught in school beginning at Primary 1 and age seven.
Malaysian students from different background in life have different levels of knowledge and
proficiency in English. Every student has a different way of learning, and learns and progresses
at different speeds. There are some students who find it difficult to do the task while others find it
easy whenever teacher instructs on a task to be carried out by them. These mix abilities students
are hard for teacher to approach one by one. Such situations become obstacles in the process of
learning English as a second language. Teachers are unable to reach all of the students at one time.
Teachers are also having problems in deciding the right activities and tasks to be carried out
throughout the lesson to facilitate teaching and learning process. Other than that, the participation
of students in classroom activities also plays a role in the success and failure of the lesson.
Teachers are uninspired when the teachers does not get the participation of students in classroom
activities. Since the classroom is the first and only environment for many foreign language learners,
they should use this chance as much as possible to get involved in the classroom activities.
However, some of the students find it difficult to speak in the target language for many reasons
ranging from interest to confidence, from age to knowledge. Other
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Coconut Oil Vs Alzheimer s Disease
Although the coconut is one of the few foods that can be identified as a superfood today, its oil
guarantees an array of health related medicinal and dietary benefits.
For generations, coconut oil has held a number of medicinal claims. Of its more recent claims,
studies show that it can actually fight Alzheimer s disease (Schardt). According to Schardt, coconut
oil is unusual because it contains a high percentage of medium chain triglycerides or MTCs . This
chemical is what essentially helps to increase the brain function of demented individuals.
Considering this, Newport, a Florida pediatrician in 2011, wrote Alzheimer s Disease: What If
There Was a Cure? how she was attempting desperately to register her husband Steve into a clinical
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Tranformation into a Confident Woman in The Secret life of...
In The Secret Life of Bees, author Sue Monk Kidd, portrays the transformation of Lily Owens
from a child burdened with the guilt of her mother s death to a strong and confident young
woman, as a result of living with May, Rosaleen, and August. Lily, burdened with the guilt of her
mother s death becomes terrified of her father, T. Ray. August and May guide Lily s growth to a
life of faith and devotion while Rosaleen remains as Lily s constant companion. As Lily finds her
true identity she transforms into a strong and confident young woman which helps her face the
world and all of its challenges. Lily, feeling burdened with the guilt of her mother s death
becomes terrified of her father, T. Ray. Lily, feeling burdened with the guilt from the
circumstances of her mother s death when she is told that she killed her mother. T. Ray scares
Lily when he says We turned around and you were standing holding the gun. You picked it up
off the floor. Then it just went off. (Kidd, 19). Lily s only memory of her mother is this time,
when her mother died, when T. Ray confirms Lily s suspicions, this makes Lily unable to forgive
herself. Lily becomes terrified of her father T. Ray when he abuses Lily. T. Ray abuses Lily by
making her kneel on grits, I walked toward them with those feathery steps you expect of a girl in
Japan, and lowered myself to the floor determined not to cry, but the sting was already gathering
in my eyes. (24). Lily was so afraid of T. Ray that she refused to
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The Executive Branch Analysis
Time has passed since the branches of government were created, and so have the everlasting needs
of the expanding United States. These three branches consist of the Executive, Legislative, and
Judicial. Each with balanced power impacts every American citizen s life and needs. Each
significant branch of the government addresses social, economic, and political matters which
influences the lives of a society with changing needs.
The Executive Branch has expanded to attend to the needs of the country. When viewing the
Executive Branch years ago, not only did the needs shift over time, but so did the government.
Looking at the divisions in The Cabinet, more departments have been created for issues within the
United States since the beginning. This is because of the flourishing amount of needs from society
now, and the advancements over the years. Many specific departments have sprouted to advise the
President. This shows how the Executive Branch addresses the needs of the United States. ... Show
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This branch is in control of creating the constitutional laws that will serve as a solution to the
issues within. The Women s Rights Movement was very impactful and was considered a necessity
for society in the early 1900s. The Legislative Branch reacted to this need by passing the 19th
Amendment. This amendment allowed Women to vote, showing how the branch would face an
issue. In 1985, a song called 19 by Paul Hardcastle presented the issue with age in that current
social setting. The song discussed that a soldier could fight in the Vietnam War at the age of 18, but
could not vote until 21. The song s purpose encouraged the Executive Branch to take action by
passing the 26th Amendment which allowed anyone at the age of 18 the right to vote. This is
another prime example of the government addressing everchanging issues within the
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Beowulf And Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
In Beowulf, and Sir Gawain, and the Green Knight, we can appreciate the significance of
Beowulf and Gawain s reputations because they establish their identities in society. Reputation
can be defined as an overall quality or character as seen or judged by people (Merriam Webster).
First, we will discuss how reputations can be interpreted according to the individual. Then we
consider what if they were to fail to uphold the expectations of others, and if so, what aspects of
their lives would be affected? Whom else would they affect? Even though Beowulfand Gawain
secure worthy reputations, they are constantly being tested in order to maintain their social status.
Finally, with Beowulf s death and Gawain s lost honor, we are left with the impression that
maintaining their legendary reputations was never attainable. Therefore, we can argue that
Beowulf and Gawain are burdened by their reputations due to imposed unrealistic standards; when
they fail to fulfill the expectations of others, they weaken the reputations of both themselves and
those closest to them. It is hard to determine whether both characters were realistic representations
of the themselves, or if they were merely an idealistic standard to influence society. Beowulf and
Gawain are hindered by their reputations because of the implication that their previous behaviors
are likely to reoccur. We know Beowulf is a warrior and leader of the Geats, however, he is
introduced as hot hearted Beowulf (46, 634). This
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Five Guys Mission Statement
Five Guys is an American privately held restaurant chain that is specialized in hamburgers, hot
dogs, sandwiches and fries. Established in 1986 by the Murrell Family, the chain expanded to five
locations around the Washington, D.C. metro area until 2001. In 2003 Five Guys started
franchising and currently runs over 1,000 locations in 47 states in the United States and six
provinces in Canada. In accordance to the expansion strategy, over 1500 locations are under
construction, presenting the fastest growing fast food chain in the United States (Five Guys
Holdings, 2012).
1.1 Mission
According to the mission of Five Guys, all subsidiaries operate with the purpose of ...selling quality
burgers and our quality products to the community (Five Guys, 2009, p. 8). ... Show more content
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In order to fulfill these standards we focus primarily on quality, service and cleanliness (Five
Guys, 2009, p. 8). The Asian market was considered to be suitable for expansion and will be
examined during this report regarding its feasibility and choice of nation.
As pointed out by the company s vision, the concept of Five Guys is to create a brand identity that
is focused on familiarity and a close customer relationship. Implementing this business concept in
Asia requires a certain mind set, which is currently observed in the process of establishing an Asian
community, namely ASEAN. There are benefits that derive from a closed economical community,
these are the free flow of goods, services and capital. Taking these into account, Five Guys will only
focus on the ASEAN countries.
The report will open with an overview of the product offerings, will continue with providing
information of the key attributes every store is based upon and then will start with giving a formal
description of the relevance of the chosen framework.
1.3 Company
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Insane Short Stories
[Insert Name] was running, running through the woods. Running to get away from the tall,
pale, slender, and faceless man behind her. Running and running and running, not caring that
branches slapped her face and arms, causing scratches to form and bleed. She didn t feel them,
she only cared about getting away from that ... that ... whatever HE was. No, she knew what HE
was. She had read about them before. Insane, killers, murderers ... Monsters. They were dead,
supposed to be dead, supposed to be fake and all the stories false, and yet there was one right
behind her, chasing her, wanting her. She could feel his bloodlust, his want to kill her, to rip her
apart and to end her life. HE WAS THE SLENDERMAN. The leader and arguably, the most
powerful... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On her walk, she saw a Gamestop and walked in. When she entered, she saw a boy shorter in
height than her and wearing a Link costume from Zelda. She walked around him and reached for
a game at the same time that the boy did. She pulled back her hand and told him that he could
have the game. He thanked her and gave her a game cartridge with the words Majora s Mask in
permanent marker on it, and walked out of the store. She stood there for a moment before
looking at the cartridge. It looked old and worn out, but still playable, so she stuck it into her
bag and walked out. She went into a bakery across the street and saw two boys, both with masks
and one with a yellow hoodie, sitting in a booth in the corner of the room, eating a few slices of
cheesecake. As she ordered at the counter, she could feel eyes burning holes into her head, but
when she turned around and scanned the room, she saw no one looking or even glancing at her.
She turned back around to give the cashier money and felt the burning stare again. She shook
slightly and with her hands trembling, passed over the money needed. She stood
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Philosophy Of Christian Education
All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in
righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2
Timothy 3:16 17). Throughout the Bible, God mentions the importance of teaching children and
young adults the message of God s Word. The Bible equips us for our everyday lives of service.
One of the ways we can assist parents in this task of teaching their children is through Christian
education. , I have formed a philosophy of education using the light of God s Word and research
from psychologyscholars like Piaget, Maslow, and Vygotsky. From these scholars, research, and
God s Word, I know the uniqueness of each learner and the role of caregivers and parents... Show
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God has given children caregivers as their first teacher. God says in Deuteronomy 6:6 7, These
commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children.
Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and
when you get up. Parents are responsible for teaching their children God s truth and teachers are
blessed to be entrusted to help parents accomplish this task. As a teacher, my goal is not to replace
the caregiver s instruction of their children, but instead I want to be a helper in the education of
their child. I need to be the support and encouragement for caregivers to help them teach their
children. One way I can help the parents is by communicating what is happening in the classroom
and about what their child has accomplished. I can be available to talk to parents whenever they
need me. Open communication is one of the best ways I can support parents. Some examples of this
communication could be through conferences, emails, text messages, and phone calls. Parents can
support the teacher by helping their student love learning. If a parent is excited about what is
happening at school, the child may be more excited. In addition parents can help by communicating
with the teacher anything about the child that may be helpful. Caregivers know so much more
about the student than the teacher will,
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Insenstivity Of Humanness In The Stranger By Albert Camus
In society, behaving in a way that distances oneself from others is viewed as unacceptable: be it
mentally or physically. In the novel, The Stranger, by Albert Camus, the main character, Meursault,
does just that. Throughout the novel, Meursault creates a problem for himself by emphasizing his
individual existence rather than acknowledging others. The text suggests that the solution to the
presented problem for Meursault is to recognize the subjectivity of others around him: such as his
mother and friends.
Meursault primarily shows his insensitivity toward others at his mother s funeral. At the funeral,
Meursault does not cry or show any signs of mourning the death of his mother. He is very passive,
and he even disregards the feelings of others present. The text states, The woman kept on crying. It
surprised me, because I didn t know who she was. I wished I didn t have to listen to her anymore
(10). This quote demonstrates Meursault s passivity about the feelings of others. He puts off the
feelings of the woman due to the fact that he has never seen her and he wants her to essentially shut
up. This insensitivity towards others and his own mother s death is eventually used against him
when he is being tried for murder. The fact that Meursault did not cry during the funeral and that he
admittedly smoked in front of his mother s casket while keeping vigil leads the prosecutor to
question Meursault s place in society. As Meursault sits in the courtroom, in his mindhe
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The Anti Federalist Argument Against A Weaker Federal...
The focus point of the anti federalist argument revolved around the support of a weaker federal
government. After the Declaration of Independence was signed, there was a necessity to unite the
nation. A way was needed to govern the land amassed by the thirteen colonies. On the twelfth of
July, 1776, eight days after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Second Continental
Congress began efforts to create the fundamental principles on which to govern the nation while
managing the colonial war effort. Once a version was complete it was sent to be ratified by the
states in 1777. Ratification by the states was completed in 1781. This document is known as the
Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation were deliberately weak, which followed
logically after breaking away from the strong British government. There was however a group that
opposed the weak federal government created by the Articles of Confederation, and they came to be
known as the federalists. The group that supported a weaker government thus came to be known as
the anti federalists. As the government played out on the nations stage, members of the anti
federalist party would change, uphold or augment their ideals.
The Articles of Confederation failed because of its deliberate lack of power. It was inherently
weak first and foremost because it called for a confederacy which gave sovereign power to the
states. We see this in Article II, which states that: Each state retains its
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Controversy Of Barbie
Despite the controversy faced through the years Barbie is an ever relevant and popular toy for
young children in America. The controversial topic of the matter being mostly dedicated to the
appeal of whether Barbie sends a good message to kids, or not. What most people tend to
overlook about Barbie is the reason and inspiration of her creation, the feminine cultivation she
displays, and the diversity and positivity of her life and personality. When Barbie is brought up
the first thing people will think of is her figure. With a tiny waist, slim legs, and particularly small
hands and feet, this is the main tool that people on the countercheck of Barbie s popularity use to
attack the doll s positive features, encouraging the idea that Barbie s unrealistic shape causes body
image issues and insecurities in young children;... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Barbie has had a role in over 130 different jobs. Some of these roles have included things like
being an astronaut. The first female astronaut was launched into space in 1963 and only two
years afterwards was Barbie released with a special female astronaut set. In 2008 a special
edition of Barbie was added where she herself was the president of the United States. Never in
history has a woman been elected president, making Barbie the first (Logos). She s definitely not
shy of being open to new opportunities. Barbie s own slogan is Be who you wanna be . This is
important because it encourages young children to become who they want to be and do what
they desire to do, even if it means breaking away from society s standards. In Ruth s own words,
My whole philosophy of Barbie was that through the doll, the little girl could be anything she
wanted to be. Barbie always represented the fact that a woman has choices. ( Barbie History
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The Quiet American Essay
The Quiet American
The film The Quiet American takes place during the 1950 s in Vietnam. The movie illustrates the
atmosphere of Vietnam previous to the Vietnam War and during the French occupation of the
country. The main plot of the movie revolves around three characters: Fowler played by Michael
Caine, Pyle played by Brendan Fraiser, and Phoung played by Do Thi Hai Yen. For the duration of
the movie the three main characters are involved in a semi love triangle. This triangle and the
emotions that the male characters feel towards Phoung begin to characterize the way they feel
about the country of Vietnam itself. Vietnam becomes feminized, taboo, and sexualized just as
Phoung does in Pyle and Fowler s eyes. The manner in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Pyle doesn t love Vietnam so much as he hates communism, in the same way he doesn t love
Phoung so much as he does not want Fowler to have her. Fowler on the other hand walks a thin
line between noninvolvement and participation within the situations at hand. Fowler believes that
Vietnam should be left to make its own decisions, but at the same time he is afraid of the
consequences of such choices. This policy of noninvolvement and noncommittal is the same way
that he approaches all the situations within his life. Fowler does not want to become concerned
with the circumstances occurring in Vietnam and he also does not wholeheartedly become
involved in the situation between Pyle and Phoung until he is forced to do so. He essentially
permits Phoung to decide whom she wants to be with until he is compelled to leave his state of
neutrality when it does not seem as if he will become the winner of her heart. Yet again Fowler s
feelings towards Phoung embody his feelings towards Vietnam. Fowler wanted to give Phoung a
chance to make her own decisions until he becomes petrified that she will choose the stability of
Pyle rather than himself. In a similar way, Fowler believed that Vietnam should be able to choose
what would occur in its own future but he was afraid at the same time that they would make the
wrong decision and elect a communist leader. Although Phoung s embodiment of Vietnam is the
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The Farmland Film
The Farmland film is a documentary that is narrated by farmers itself describing the love and
passion they had into the farmer s life. Many of them come to be second generation of farmers that
their main focus is to continue the legacy, time, and effort put in to their farms, by fighting the
odds, and tight moments. They produce food, (vegetables, cattle, hogs, chickens, and cattle feed)
that is a procedure of not always is has a positive outcome. They depend a lot into the state of the
soil, machinery, weather, and market to be able to make a profit of their efforts, to be able to start
again the next year.
Stating that owning a farm not only can be lucrative, if not every farmer has to be aware of the
possible risks ahead. Many of the farmers
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Live Migration Is The Process Of Moving A Running Virtual...
INTRODUCTION Live migration is the process of moving a running virtual machine or an
application between different physical machines without disconnecting the client/application.
Memory, storage and network connectivity of the virtual machine is transferred from the original to
the destination host machine.
VM Memory migration
The Two techniques for moving the memory state of virtual machine from the source to destination
are: 1.pre copy memory migration and 2.post copy memory migration.
Pre copy memory migration
Warm up phase
The Hypervisor copies all the memory pages from source to destination while the VM is still
running on the source. If some memory pages change or become dirty when the process is going
on, they will be re copied until the rate of re copied pages is not less than page dirtying rate.
Stop and copy phase
After the warm up phase, the VM will be stopped on the original host and the remaining dirty
pages will be copied to the destination, and the VM will be resumed on the destination. The time
between stopping the VM on the original host and resuming it on destination is called down time
,which ranges from a few milliseconds to seconds according to the memory size and applications
running on the VM.
Post copy memory migration
Post copy VM migration is done by suspending the VM at the source and a minimal subset of the
execution state of the VM (CPU state, registers and non pageable memory) is transferred to the
target. . The project will make
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The Slaughter Of Humans And Contemporary Animal Slaughter
Hung upside down by their feet, their throats are slit to drain the blood. This is an image that
appears in most every slaughterhouse across the globe. John Ajvide Lindqvist s novel, Let the
Right One In, similarly portrays these scenes of slaughter with one difference: the victims of
slaughter are humans not animals. Set in the suburbs of Stockholm, Lindqvist s novel tells of a
young and severely bullied boy, Oskar, who befriends a centuries old child vampire named Eli.
Because of her childlike body, Eli requires her older male companion, HГҐkan, to procure blood for
her. As he hangs his victims by their feet and slits their throats to collect the blood, HГҐkan s
process of obtaining human blood is clearly evocative of contemporary Western practices of animal
slaughter. However, the difference between HГҐkan s slaughter of humans and contemporary
animal slaughter is not merely the victims species but is, more importantly, the space in which
these acts occur. Despite meatconsumption s widespread acceptance, meat production by means of
slaughter is still visually disturbing and thus, in order to be socially tolerable, must not be seen.
Indeed, since the 19th century, the slaughterhousehas been spatially located at the edges of urban
space in order to render its violent actions socially invisible. What happens, then, when the slaughter
occurs within the urban space as HГҐkan s acts of slaughter do? By comparing animal slaughter to
the novel s scenes of human slaughter in terms
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The Religious And Social Structure Of The Spanish Colonies
The Spanish domain established the main American provinces in the late fifteenth century. England
started setting up states right around a century later. Both domains looked for concentrate assets and
benefit from that point vanquished land while leading with Indians and creating complex
arrangement of exchange and cultivating. In spite of the likenesses, Britain and Spainruled there
states in one of a kind ways. The political, religious and social structure of the two nations decided
a considerable lot of these distinctions.
Firstly, the indigenous Relations; English pilgrims frequently worked and lived close by helpful
local tribes. Arrangements between English homesteaders and local Americans arranged exchange,
area and peacetime conditions. Spanish pilgrims, be that as it may, were avid to overcome locals
and subjugate them for work in mines and on ranches. Spanish homesteaders likewise implemented
their way of life by devastating components of local religion, craftsmanship and dialect and obliging
discussion to Christianity. Both English and Spanish pilgrim coincidentally spread sicknesses, for
example, smallpox to locals, radically decreasing indigenous populaces. ... Show more content on
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This relative opportunity came about because of the craving of Christian minorities Puritans,
Separatists and Catholics to get away from the strength of the congregation of England. The
Spanish settlements, conversely, were under stricter religious control by the government.
Catholicism was set up as the official religion and was entirely implemented in the Spanish
provinces. Catholic evangelists, unmistakable among them individuals from the general public of
Jesus Known as Jesuits tried to implement the religious discussion and instruction of
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Summary Of With Every Of Blood By Christopher Collier
n With Every of Blood by James Lincoln and Christopher Collier is a historicallLife is hard to
change with the surroundings in a harsh environment for example iy accurate but fictional novel
of a fourteen year old boy named Johnny who is from the South. Johnny isn t from any regular
Southern period in time. Johnny lives in the confederacy during the Civil War . This war lead to
many deaths including Johnny s father Pa which fueled Johnny to fight in the war but Pa asked
Johnny if he would promise him he wouldn t fight in the war, but out of dishonesty to his father
s word Johnny joined the war by teamstering as an impulsive action. Johnny really didn t know
what the real reason was behind the war. Then while carrying a load to Richmond Johnny was
captured by black Union troops and Johnny doesn t want to take orders from Cush a black soldier.
Also Johnny grows a bond with Cush even though he hates negros but he learns to have feelings for
Cush and they become loving friends.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Johnny really never knew what the reason was behind the Civil War. He promised his father he
wouldn t fight in the war because Johnny s emotions would get the best of him but,Johnny
believed that the war was to protect the South and its pride so the confederacy would stand as a
nation. As Johnny was teamstering his way in the war by delivering to Richmond he was
captured by black Union soldiers. The only one Johnny makes friends with is a soldier named
Cush.Cush and Johnny become close but Cush doesn t know how to read or write because Cush
was a runaway slave. Cush shared everything with Johnny like he could not read or write so
Johnny taught him. You done it on purpose Cush said Honest,Cush I didn t. Yeah you did Johnny.
You done it on purpose for you was determined to keep me from finding out the meaning of it
about all men being created equal. (Collier and Collier pg
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The Makings of Frida Kahlo Essay
It is impossible to separate the life and work of this extraordinary person, her paintings are her
biography. This was announces in 1953 by a local critic after her one and only solo exhibition in
Mexico (www.fridakahlo.com). Frida Kahlo was not only a magnificent painter, but also a
representation of her birth country Mexico, through her meaningful paintings. While in the midst
of nobody but herself, Frida found great inspiration to paint during the early to mid 1900 s. Her
passion for painting came from her traffic accident as a teenager, which left her paralyzed due to
fractures in her spine and pelvis. Even before the traffic accident, she contracted polio at the age of
six in the suburbs of Mexico Citywhere she grew up. Her image... Show more content on
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This accident caused life threatening injuries including: fractures to her spine, collarbone and ribs,
a shattered pelvis, and shoulder and foot injuries ( A Tribute to Frida Kahlo). Not only did those
brutal injuries occur, but a metal bar within the bus also pierced through her abdomen and uterus
causing many birth defects down the road. The recovery made by the strong spirited Frida Kahlo
was remarkable.
Frida attended a National Preparatory School in 1922 hoping to become a doctor. At the same
school, she saw Diego Rivera, painting The Creation ( Biography.com ). Frida was inspired and
approached Diego with her compliments. He told her to go home and return with a painting in
one week for him to judge. When she did as he asked, he was very impressed with her artistic
ability and they became close ( Frida Kahlo: Biography ). Their relationship progressed and then
Frida got into her terrible bus accident.
Painting was the artistic escape route for Kahlo s mind and body. To occupy her mind after the
more than 30 surgeries, she began to paint as part of her recovery process. Fifty five of her one
hundred and forty three paintings were self portraits. These paintings were purposely painted in a
naГЇve way to show vulnerability ( A Tribute to Frida Kahlo ). A few of her most famous works
include: Self Portrait Between Mexico and the United States, 1932 , My Dress Hangs There, 1933 ,
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Description Of A Family Sporolithaceae Verheij
Family Sporolithaceae Verheij, 1993 Genus Sporolithon Heydrich, 1897 (Former name:
Archaeolithothamnium Rothpletz, 1891) Sporolithon sp. Morphology: Encrusting thallus of
170 190 Вµm in diameter. It is rarely recorded as fruticose growth forms. Vegetative anatomy:
Crustose dorsiventeral and monomerous thalli with rounded protuberance measuring 150Вµm
in height. The core filaments is commonly thin plumose with cell filaments measuring 13 27
Вµm in length and 10 15 Вµm in diameter. Cell fusion are scarce. Tetra / biosporangial
conceptacles arranged in sori , the sori consists of 12 29 tetra / biosporangia that sometimes
arise from layer of elongated cells. The shape of conceptacles are elongated ellipsoidal
measuring 140 160 Вµm in height and 60 90 Вµm in diameter. This species is also common in
the Miogypsina bioclastic algal packstone facies and coral algal rudstone facies (Pl. 2, Fig. 5) of
Early Miocene Sadat Formation. Subfamily Corallinoideae Foslie,1898 Genus Corallina
Linnaeus, 1759 Corallina sp. (Pl.1, Fig. 8) Morphology: Arborescent to branching growth form
with dichotomous thalli. Vegetative anatomy: few fragments of segmented (geniculated) thalli
without genicula, stems are observed (140Вµm thick) composed exclusively of core filaments,
cells are 34 45Вµm in length and 9 10Вµm in diameter. No cell fusions were recorded.
Conceptacles are not observed in the present specimen. This genus is recorded in bioclastic algal
Packstone facies of the Early Miocene
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Questions On Article On Android Security
Assignment Title: CYBR 310 45 Week#6 Android Security By Kulbir Singh
Kulbir.singh@att.com By submitting this assignment I acknowledge that I have read and
agree to abide by the Champlain College Academic Honesty Policy. I declare that all work
within this assignment is my own or appropriately attributed. I accept that failure to follow the
academic honesty policy may result in a failure grade, or expulsion from Champlain College.
Date Due: December 11, 2016 Date Submitted: December 12, 2016 Introduction In this
Assignment, I will be writing down the policy for using and allowing of personal devices to
connect to the company network for business use while keeping the company data and
infrastructure secure. Use the resources at the bottom of this page for a list of the different
settings that can be applied to mobile devices. You are developing a policy for your organization
that will be applied to ALL mobile devices (phones, tablets, etc) that connect to your mail server.
Write a paper explaining your policy choices for both Google and Microsoft. Provide an
overview of the organization and its needs as well as all the settings you would enable and why.
If there are settings that would be commonly used that you would choose not to apply (e.g.,
password policy, encryption, remote wipe, etc) explain why you aren t using that. Policy for
Mobile devices Organization Overview Our company provides Network support to Fortune 100
companies over the world. We
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Mitsubishi Motors North America
Case Study
: Mitsubishi Motors North America
Question : (1:1)
What do you think MitsubishiВЎВ¦s philosophy might be regarding the role of strategic human
resource management? Explain. Strategic human resource management process is very important
to any organization in the present day context because it contributes to the organizations
performance to a greater extent even on a highly volatile environment.
Any organizationВЎВ¦s existence and the survival in the short and long run will mainly depend on
the right people being at the right positions in the right numbers.
Looking at the MitsubishiВЎВ¦s mission statement the following could be viewed as their
ВЎВ§Our employees are the main contributing factor to our success and we make ... Show more
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Question : (3)
YouВЎВ¦re in charge of orienting new employees at the Mitsubishi Plant. Create a general out line
of what your orientation programme would include. Orientation is a process of introducing a new
employee to his or her job to the organization. There are two types of orientation. Work unit
orientation familiarizes the employee the goals of the work unit, clarifies how his or her job
contributes to the unitВЎВ¦s goals, includes an introduction to his / her new co workers.
Organization orientation informs the new employee about the organizationВЎВ¦s objectives,
history, philosophy, procedures rules. This should include relevant human resourcespolicies
benefits such as work hours, pay procedures, over time requirements, and fringe benefits. In
addition, a tour of the organizationВЎВ¦s work facilities is often part of the organization orientation.
The orientation programme of Mitsubishi Motors could break into three stages.
1.New Employee Orientation: First Day
2.New Employee Orientation: First Month
3.Feed back
New Employee Orientation: First Day
This checklist aims to help the manager conduct an effective orientation to the new employee on his
/her first day of work.
ВѓГ¦Introduce new hire to department staff.
ВѓГ¦Tour of department explanation of organizational structure at
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Analysis Of Fred Ebb s Cabaret
What good is sitting alone in your room? Come hear the music play; Life is a cabaret, old chum,
Come to the cabaret. Fred Ebb wrote these lyrics for a song, sung by Sally Bowles, in the play
Cabaret. Fred Ebb was the lyricist for this play, while John Kander was the composer. In 1972,
Joe Masteroff was the writer and the Producer was Harold Prince, the production was based in
1930 s Berlin. This production was based during the time when Nazismwas rising to power
everywhere, but especially in the heart of Germany, which was Berlin. Germany was already
greatly crippled with debt from World War One and also from after that with the Wall Street s
stock market crash, the 1930 s was a tough time for the entire nation. The 1930 s is when Adolf
Hitlerand the Nazi partywanted to become part of parliament, and Hitler, became a hit. He made
many promises to the world, and he restored everyone s hope and made them all feel like they
could conquer anything as a country together. Hitler made people feel like their opinions mattered
to him, even when they did not. When the Nazi s came to power, even the police leaned more
toward that power, not just because they were in power, but because they believed in the party and
the points that they were making. It was better to be safe from discrimination than to be
discriminated against. There was a multitude of Nazism and Antisemitism throughout this time, and
it affected the Jewish party greatly, being hated and discriminated against is
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3 Muscle Types
The three types of muscle: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.
Tendons have fibers that may intertwine with the periosteum of the boe to attach the muscle to the
bone. Aponeuroses have broad fibrous sheets that may attach to the bone.
Epimysium is a layer of connective tissue that closely surrounds the skeletal muscle. Other layers
are called perimysium and separate the muscle tissue into small compartments. This arrangement
allows muscles to move somewhat independently.
A muscle fiber is a thin, elongated cylinder with rounded ends. Beneath its cell membrane, they
cytoplasm contains many small, oval nuclei and mitochondria. This contains threadlike myofibrils,
which are parallel to each other.
The neuromuscular junction refers to the connection ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Each of the cells making up the fiber have sarcoplasmic reticulums and many mitochondria.
However, the cisternae of cardiac muscle fibers store far less calcium, while the transverse tubules
are larger and release many calcium ions in response to muscle impulses.
The immovable end of a muscle is called its origin, and its movable end is its insertion.
The prime mover is the muscle that does majority of the actual moving, also known as the agonist.
Synergists are nearby assisting muscles that contract. Antagonists resist the prime mover s action
and cause movement in the opposite
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Why Is Modern Day Slavery Today
In 1865, the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution ended the institution of slavery.
Eventhough it was abolished, modern day slavery still exists and has evolved under a different
appearance and is known as Human Trafficking in today s society. It still harms people all around
the world.
Slavery has been continueing for centruies and forces humans to work under bad conditions.
Each year, thousands of people are trafficked across borders or internally, and exploited for
cheap labor or sexual services. People are forced to work in factories, domestic work,
agriculture. Children are taken away from their school life, education and used for child
soldiers, child marriage and child domestic slavery. Even as a child, they are forced to work or
any kind of thing that come to our mind. There are 10 millions children appointed, and more that
we have not reached yet. Women are forced into prostitution, marriage, to work under hard
conditions. There are estimated 40.3 million people in modern slavery all around the world.It is
modern day slavery with more slaves at work today than there has ever been at any point in history.
Today slavery came to a point that make it too dificult to prevent. There are many forms of
trafficking, but one consistent ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We encourage everyone to keep in mind that human trafficking is a human rights violation; it is
a crime against the dignity and integrity of an individual. It is the trading of human beings as
commodities but it is still the third most profitable and fastest growing criminal activity in the
world. There are 2.5 million people trafficked every year. About three out of every 1000 persons
around the world are trafficked at any given point in time. Even with the advertisments on the
television, we become slaves too. There are a lot to do to prevent this, but even a little step that
you will do is a hope for those
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Sweetness At The Bottom Of The Pie Case Analysis
In the quest of solving the case, I can propose several talents and a few weaknesses, suitable for
the mystery featured in the book The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. Firstly, I am a self
proclaimed strong music student with ears that can hear small changes in sound and pitch to a
good extent, so when I am interviewing a person to gather evidences, I can notice the shift in the
tone, speed or stability of the suspect s voice to help with deciding whether the suspect is lying or
not. When lie detectors and modern technology we have nowadays to detect lies is missing, my
ears can contribute to tell lies and truthful statements apart. Even in modern times, a lie detector is
not always completely accurate, so my decision can be one of
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Symbolism And Symbolism In Kate Chopin s The Awakening
A key aspect in writing an interesting story is having symbolism. It allows the reader to dive just
a little bit deeper into the meaning and core of the work. Birds are a fairly common symbol,
serving as representations of freedom, breaking free, and not afraid to be loud or to speak their
minds. In Kate Chopin s novella, The Awakening, birds are used to show Edna s true feelings
and desires, to explain the courage required to defy the standards, and to show Edna s final
defeat. Many animals, especially birds, seem to communicate in a language that only they can
really understand. The novella starts by setting a scene with the description of two birds who do
exactly that. Chopin begins by stating, A green and yellow parrot, which hung in a cage outside
the door, kept repeating over and over: Allez vous en! Allez vous en! Sapristi! That s all right! He
could speak a little Spanish, and also a language which nobody understood, unless it was the
mocking birdthat hung on the other side of the door, whistling his fluty notes out upon the breeze
with maddening persistence (Chopin 1). The green and yellow parrot represents Edna Pontellier.
She feels as if she is stuck in a golden cage with only one other being who understands her. She
has always had food on her plate and her husband provides a stable income and life for her. The
mocking bird represents Mademoiselle Reisz, because she is the only other being who understands
what Edna, or the parrot, is feeling and wanting to
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Assessment Of An Organizational Leader
Assessment of an Organizational Leader It is not uncommon for individuals in a private
corporation or in a state public sector organization to associate leadership concepts with the top
brass in today s military. Individuals will make the assumption that if someone obtains a certain
rank in the military then that person must possess the skills and qualities of an all encompassing
leader who can successfully lead the most complex of organizations. Such assumptions,
however, do not consider that the modern military does not work in this manner and leadership
is much more complex. Since 2003, the Army has fired 129 of its top leaders while who were
commanding either a battalion or a brigade (Tan, 2015). The military is in fact limited and
without external resources for leadership and without exception operates in an environment that
grooms and grows its leaders from the bottom up. This limits the ability of all of the armed
forces, including the United States Army, in allocating good leaders when at the top tier of the
organization. Basic Organizational Structure of Today s Military Today s Army typically has a
hierarchy of organizations that funnel tasks and information from the highest levels of government
to the individual Soldier on the ground. The different levels within the hierarchy are headed by an
officer. The hierarchy begins at the initial leadership level with a platoon sized element that is
often lead by a service member who is either a second or first
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Neil Postman s Assertions And Today s Society
Christina Contreras
Mr. Limon
01 March 2017 Neil Postman s Assertions and Today s Society: Huxley s Brave New World
could be considered almost prophetic by many people today. It is alarmingly obvious how modern
society is eerily similar to Huxley s novel with the constant demand for instant gratification
encouraging laziness, greed, and entitlement. Neil Postman, a contemporary social critic, seems to
have noticed this similarity, as he has made bold, valid statements regarding the text and its
relevance to our world today. This response is strongly in support of those statements and will
prove both their accuracy in clarifying Huxley s intentions and how Postman s assertions compare
to society today. One of Postman s assertions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It comes as a justified fear considering everyone is coaxed into using social media by companies
making it overall more convenient to do everything online. Not only does this lead to laziness
which is terrible for physical health but selfishness in that what is most important is how the
consumer fairs, not others. In the novel, Linda sleeps with the husbands of other women in an
effort to achieve sexual stimulation. As a result, women [began] hitting her with a whip...and each
time Linda screamed (134). Chasing what she loved led to a negative outcome. Kyle Smith, author
of the article Brave New World (is Here!) , explains how a world prioritizing nothing but pleasure
is nowhere near the heaven people imagine. He explains how ...a happyland free of intimate
bonds and arduous challenges is actually a dystopia . Basically, and more familiarly, too much of
anything is not a good thing, and that includes pleasure. Lastly, at one point John tries to defend
morals like being chaste. He is rebuked by Mustapha Mond, who says, ...[chastity, passion, and
neurasthenia]...lead to instability...and [thus] the end of civilization (239). As he begins whipping
himself in an act of self discipline, he is encouraged to continue by a crowd of desensitized people
saying, Do the whipping stunt. Let s see [it] (257). These quotes support
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Class Differences in the Novel Rebecca Essay
In the book, Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, there exist a big emphasis on social class and
position during the time of this story. When we are introduced to the main character of the story,
the narrator, we are right away exposed to a society in which different privileges are bestowed
upon various groups. Social place, along with the ever present factor of power and money are
evident throughout the story to show how lower to middle classgroups were treated and mislead by
people on a higher level in society. When we are introduced to the narrator, we are told that she is
traveling with an old American woman; vulgar, gossipy, and wealthy, Mrs. Van Hopper travels
across Europe, but her travels are lonely and require an employee that gives... Show more content
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When you look at an example like this one, you start to think whether or not these upper class
people believed in their own morals and if they even had any. But one thing is for sure, such
arrogant actions only go a short way until they come back to haunt you. Because Mrs. Van
Hopper was so blinded by her own self and worried so much about what was going on in other
people s lives, she had lost her attention from her companion friend, which let to a love affair
between the narrator and Mr. Maxim de Winter.
Maxim de Winter was a culture, intelligent old man, and the proud carrier of the de Winter name
and estate of Manderley. He exemplifies all the traits of a rich upper class gentleman and goes
out of his way to take Mrs. Van Hopper s companion out for a little fun. He sees the crude and
vulgar treatment that the narrator is going through and tries to compensate for her and treat her
in a more appropriate manner. With her modest frame, the narrator accepts such an offer because
she knows that her stay in Monte Carlo was only for someone else s benefits and not hers. As in
all stories, the poor, young beautiful woman, falls for a rich and sophisticated man who shows her
that even though society is segmented into different classes, love can bind any two people. For
this you begin to see the other side of the rich and aristocratic world. In Maxim de Winter you
begin to realize that to him, all the money and power isn t worth anything when
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Heroism In Hamlet
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet, is a tragedy written by
William Shakespeare at an uncertain date between 1599 and 1602. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark,
the play dramatises the revenge Prince Hamlet is instructed to enact on his uncle Claudius.
Claudius had murdered his own brother, Hamlets father King Hamlet, and subsequently seized the
throne, marrying his deceased brother s widow, Hamlet s mother Gertrude.
Hamlet is Shakespeare s longest play and among the most powerful and influential tragedies in
English literature, with a story capable of seemingly endless retelling and adaptation by others.
The play seems to have been one of Shakespeare s most popular works during his lifetime It has
inspired writers from Goethe and Dickens to Joyce and Murdoch, and has been described as the
world s most filmed story after Cinderella .
The story of Hamlet ultimately derives from the legend of Amleth, preserved by 13th century
chronicler Saxo Grammaticus in his Gesta Danorum, as subsequently retold by ... Show more
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Written in Latin, it reflects classical Roman concepts of virtue and heroism, and was widely
available in Shakespeare s day. Significant parallels include the prince feigning madness, his
mother s hasty marriage to the usurper, the prince killing a hidden spy, and the prince substituting
the execution of two retainers for his own. A reasonably faithful version of Saxo s story was
translated into French in 1570 by François de Belleforest, in his Histoires tragiques. Belleforest
embellished Saxo s text substantially, almost doubling its length, and introduced the hero s
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The Firearm Owner s Privacy Act
Based upon my understanding of the United States Constitution as well as listening to the
arguments brought forth by the two parties in this particular case, I see a great reason to believe
that three of the four provisions of the Firearm Owner s Privacy Act is an unconstitutional
abridgment of the First Amendment. The record keeping provision, anti harassment provision, and
the inquiry provisions are in clear violation of the First Amendment as they are content based
regulations of speech that fail strict scrutiny. However, the anti discrimination provision of the law
is constitutional as it does not regulate free speech.
Syllabus: The Firearm Owner s Privacy Act contains four provisions.
The greatest problem with the three ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The law, as enacted, has three provisions designed to carry out the state of Florida s governmental
responsibility of protecting its citizens Second Amendment rights from being potentially infringed.
Additionally, there is one provision in the law that aims to protect against the possibility that
physicians might discriminate against patients or potential patients simply due to the fact that they
are exercising their constitutional right of owning a firearm. However though, in creating this law,
the Florida State Legislature created a content based and viewpoint based restriction upon
physicians right to freedom of speech under the First Amendment. As this law imposes both a
content based and viewpoint based restriction upon a physician s fundamental right to free speech
specifically in order to prohibit the advocation of a specific point of view, I believe that strict
scrutiny is only suitable form of judicial review for a case such as this. As was established in
Ashcroft v. ACLU (2002), the government cannot impose restrictions upon the First Amendment
simply because of its content. This decision was then strengthened greatly by the Supreme Court in
the case of Reed v. Town of Gilbert which made the determination that laws which restrict speech
based on its communicative content... are presumptively
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My Most Meaningful Accomplishment
My most meaningful accomplishment will be graduating from Ohio State. I am proud of this
because I will be the first in my family to graduate from high school and now from college.
Graduating from Ohio State is such an incredible accomplishment for me not only because of the
mere fact I am graduating, but because I am graduating from a University away from my
hometown. Within my high schoolgraduating class, only one other student came with me to Ohio
State for collegeand unfortunately, he dropped out after our first year. Being away from home,
family, and familiar faces made my transition to Ohio State more difficult because I had to learn to
be independent and make decisions by myself, for myself. The greatest challenge for me
academically... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Apart from the struggles academically, stepping on a campus such as Ohio State s provides a
culture shock to low income, urban students. I had always been surrounded by students whose
parents had not graduated from high school, who struggled financially, and who were
predominately Latino. This all vanished when I came to Ohio State and it left me feeling
vulnerable and out of place. Although this experience was difficult, it forced me to find others
on campus I could relate to. As a result, I became extremely involved in the minority community
at Ohio State and embraced my culture. I am so proud of navigating Ohio State s campus both
academically and socially, because I was able to pass those skills and advice on to my little
brother, who just started his first year at the University of Toledo. I have to attribute my success to
my parents, who always encouraged and inspired me, even if they didn t truly understand the stress
and hardships I was going through, my past teachers who pushed me to leave Toledo, my current
professors who push me to pursue my dreams, and my community/family I found here on Ohio
State s
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Socially Constructed Stereotypes
Socially constructed stereotypes play a role in the way that female professionals are perceived
in the workplace (Wolfson 44). If there were firm wide regulations for professional attire that
were applicable to both women and men, then it would be appropriate. Female lawyers have a
long standing effort of pushing boundaries of what is considered appropriate for the courtroom
(Farmer 5). A private firm can make the determination to enforce a dress code, but it cannot be
discriminatory towards protected classes such as sex or religion, therefore, it is not appropriate for
firms to restrict attire monitoring to femaleattorneys (Title VII, EEOC).
The mixed motive framework of dress codes is difficult to unravel when it comes to female
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The Benefits Of Intrauterine Insemination ( Iui ), And...
In today s world there are several options for couples who are wanting to begin or add to the
number of members in their families, but have had difficulties in doing so. Aside from adoption, the
possibilities for these couples include: Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In vitro Fertilization (IVI),
and Surrogate Mother Arrangements. While these options may result in a pregnancy, they are not
without risk and must be considered prayerfully, as they carry a moral and ethical weight. First,
Intrauterine Insemination, also known as artificial insemination, is a process commonly used for
unexplained infertility in which specially washed sperm is directly inserted into the uterus
(Christianlifesources). Most clinics offer for the woman to remain lying down for a few minutes
after the procedure, although it has not been shown to improve success. The sperm has been put
above the vagina and cervix it will not leak out when you stand up (Advanced Fertilization). During
the IUI procedure, Doctors place the sperm higher in the cervix than with Intracervical or ICI
procedures, resulting in higher percentages of pregnancy. Doctors utilize IUI in situations where
women experience problems with ovulation, mild cases of endometriosis, and cervical factor
infertility (advanced fertility). Clients also benefit from IUI when male factor infertility is an issue,
however, If the sperm count, motility and morphology scores are quite low, intrauterine
insemination is unlikely to work (Advanced
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Definition Essay on Sportsmanship
Definition Essay on Sportsmanship Abstract Although it is very common to mention the term
Sportsmanship during any sports event, very few individuals are actually familiar with the true
definition of the word. For some it is the behavioral aspect shown by the participating teams or
athletes while others it is more than just a routine behavior and is associated with the deep
rooted respect of the opponent as well as the outcome of an event. Sportsmanship is known to be
an aspiration which supports the argument that any sporting activity should be enjoyed without
the worry of a desired outcome. Here the proper consideration of respect, fairness, ethics, and the
demonstration of fellowship with the competitors are shown. In this regard, the term Sore Loser
is referred to someone who refuses to accept defeat whereas Good Sport defines anyone being
either a good loser or a good winner. Sportsmanship could also be conceptualized as a stable
disposition or characteristic in which the participants of any sporting event behave differently as
compared to what is expected from them especially in unwanted outcomes. In a more general sense,
sportsmanship refers to different virtues like courage, fairness, persistence, self control, and has
also been closely linked with interpersonal concepts of the way of treating others as well as being
treated fairly, respecting authority and opponents, and maintaining proper self control when dealing
with others. Sportsmanship can also be
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Top 10 Policies
Occupational Health and Safety 10 Policies:
2.Fall protection (scope, application, definitions)
3.Excavations (general requirements)
5.Head protection
6.Excavations (requirements for protective systems)
7.Hazard communication
8.Fall protection (training requirements)
9.Construction (general safety and health provisions)
10.Electrical (wiring methods, design and protection)
Hazard: When scaffolds are not erected or used properly, fall hazards can occur. About 2.3 million
construction workers frequently work on scaffolds. Protecting these workers from scaffold related
accidents would prevent an estimated 4,500 injuries and 50 fatalities each year.
Solutions:Scaffold must be sound, rigid and sufficient to carry its own weight plus four times the
maximum intended load without settling or displacement. It must be erected on solid footing.
Unstable objects, such as barrels, boxes, loose bricks or concrete blocks must not be used to
support scaffolds or planks.
Scaffold must not be erected, moved, dismantled or altered except under the supervision of a
competent person.
Scaffold must be equipped with guardrails, midrails and toeboards.
Scaffold accessories such as braces, brackets, trusses, screw legs or ladders that are damaged or
weakened from any cause must be immediately repaired or replaced.
Scaffold platforms must be tightly planked with scaffold plank grade material or equivalent.
A competent person must inspect
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Curse Definition Essay
A curse, as defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary, is a prayer or invocation for harm or injury
to come upon one. An evil or misfortune that comes as if in response to imprecation or as
retribution. A cause of great harm or misfortune: Torment The word is a noun and is derived from
twelfth century English curs . However, it can also be used as a verb, the more common definition
of the word is in association with the menstrual cycle of females or using profanity.
The term really hold no significance to me other than when used to do harm or wishing to do harm
to someone. Can a person be cursed, yes, but only if the receiver of the curse is venerable to
believing in such things. I believe that while curses are not to be done lightly, there ... Show more
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Any person with even a minimal education knows the term curse is used for negativity. Whether
you are cursing someone who cut you off in traffic, or just telling someone to shut up , it is still
releasing negativity upon someone. I m not saying I m above such actions, I am just as guilty of
uttering something that wasn t nice to others. I m not proud of it, and I do try and react in a
different way, but I think the thought process of most people is to react to when they feel they
have been wronged. While I understand that thought process, and at times have wanted to seek
revenge myself, I usually just ask the Gods and Goddess to give me strength to be of strong mind,
and for them to deal justice as they see fit.
While the term curse will always be associated with negativity, it is an individual choice as to
whether a person believes in performing a curse or receptive of a curse. Many believe that the
threefold law is a guide as to what to put out to the universe, and what can come back. Even
positive magick can go wrong, so it is of great importance that all magick be considered of intent. If
you don t let go of a grenade, eventually you re going to blow yourself up . This is good advice to
follow, even if doing posiive magick or negative magick, it can all go wrong at
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Sheep Heart Dissection
Sheep Heart Dissection Purpose: Sheep have a four chambered heart, just like humans. By
studying the anatomy of a sheep s heart, you can learn about how your own heart pumps blood
through your body and keeps you alive!. Procedure Observation: External Anatomy Most heart
diagrams show the left atrium and ventricle on the right side of the diagram. Imagine the heart in
the body of a person facing you. The left side of their heart is on their left, but since you are
facing them, it is on your right. 1. Identify the right and left sides of the heart. Look closely and
on one side you will see a diagonal line of blood vessels that divide the heart. The half that
includes all of the apex (pointed end) of the heart is the left... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Locate the mitral valve (or bicuspid valve) between the left atrium and ventricle. This will have
two flaps of membrane connected to papillary muscles by tendons. 4. Insert a probe into the
aorta and observe where it connects to the left ventricle. Make an incision up through the aorta
and examine the inside carefully for three small membranous pockets. These form the aortic
semilunar valve which prevents blood from flowing back into the left ventricle. Blood Flow
Now consider all the parts you ve found and how the blood flows through them. Draw a diagram
of the heart and use red and blue arrows to show the flow of blood: в†’ deoxygenated blood
(color blue) в†’ oxygenated blood (color red) Blood flows from the tissues в†’ superior and
inferior vena cava в†’ right atrium в†’ tricuspid valve в†’ right ventricle в†’ pulmonary
semilunar valve в†’ pulmonary artery в†’ lungs в†’ pulmonary veins в†’ left atrium в†’ bicuspid
(mitral) valve в†’ left ventricle в†’ aortic semilunar valve в†’ aorta в†’body tissue. Questions:
1.Describe the location of the heart in the thoracic cavity. 2.Why is the wall of the left ventricle
thicker than the wall of the right ventricle? 3.What type of tissue is the heart made of? 4.Trace the
journey of a RBC traveling from the lungs in the pulmonary vein all the way back to the
pulmonary artery on the way back to the lungs. List all the chambers and vessels it will pass
through. 5.Is this cool or
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Thesis On Dog Food
Professor Jeremie A. Monter A Thesis Proposal Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
INTRODUCTION Dogs are man s best friend. It is also believed that dogs are the descendants
of wild wolves. Since the dawn of time, dogs have been very helpful to humans. They help herders
to herd their cattle and sheep, and their most reliable job, to guard their master s property. The
oldest known breed of dog is Salukis, the one seen in museums that guards the pharaoh s tombs are
used as hunting dogs.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It s edibility for humans is possible and it can supply many nutrients like protein, iron and zinc.
In these research, the researcher answered these specific questions: 1. Does dog food contain
minerals and nutrients? 2. Are there links to human s and dog s diet? And 3. Can it supply the
human dietary needs? For the first query, it was researched that dog food does contain several
nutrients and minerals like REAL MEAT, FISH, OR POULTRY, OMEGA FATTY ACIDS
FATS, and ENERGY RICH CARBOHYDRATES. Next, it links to human s and dog s diet
because of visible similarities of some needs of dogs and humans, like of protein, fats, vitamins,
and proper hydration. Lastly, it can supply human dietary needs as the food pyramid provides
comparison on what human s and dog s need to thrive and survive. The researcher therefor
concluded that dog food may indeed serve as a feasible food source for humans as well. It is also
recommended that further studies regarding the same topic be conducted to expand the
understanding of dog food as human food
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Case Analysis Of Sabmiller
The company s strategy of focusing on local brands has produced positive results in terms of
volume sales performance in African and Latin American markets.
SABMiller s strong presence in Middle East and Africa and Latin America, and high CAGR for
the 2013 2018 period, is expected to strengthen its position globally and support its strategy of
local branding. In emerging markets, consumer tastes are much more diverse and localised, and
SABMiller responds to this via the development of provincial beers where product distribution is
limited and illicit trade is significant.
SABMiller s significant presence in mid priced and premium lager supports its top ranking
position in various African and Latin American markets. However, the company is losing out on
the potential growth from other categories and the potential of brand equity to be gained from
developing a wider range of beer alternatives. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Few major brewers have strategic alliances that can boost their global presence. SABMiller s
options are limited to buying MillerCoors in the US and thereby threaten A B InBev s almost
50% volume share. Anheuser Busch InBev has been growing inorganically into newer markets
and strengthening its businesses by a series of mergers and acquisitions. These strategies have
strengthen the company s lead in the global market and the company produced 20% of the
worldwide beer (in volumes) in 2013. AB Inbev is currently anticipating to buy its main rival
SABMiller, the second highest brewer in the world. The speculation led to a surge in stocks of
both the companies recently SABMiller s stock went up by nearly 10%; the target has been valued
at $98 billion after the rise in the
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Romance Narrative Malefice
Topic: use Romance Narrative circle to explain one movie.
Maleficent is a remediation of well known Disney fairy tale Sleeping Beauty . It s a divertingly
different rethink of a popular story.
The movie starts when the antagonist is happily lives in a beautiful and peaceful kingdom called
Moors, which is isolated from the human kingdom, until men s rapacity and brutality lead them
want to conquer this wonderland and forcibly occupy the treasure inside it. Maleficent, who is kind
and grows to be the strongest fairy in the kingdom, has the responsibility to protect the harmony of
the land from human s threats. CHILDHOOD) She is pure hearted and cares about all the creatures
in the forest. She never understands the greed
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Extreme Sports Not About Risk Taking Study
A wise person once said, The proper function of man is to live, not exist. I shall not waste my
days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time. This quote explains that we should not waste
our time and actually do something worth living for. That we should use the time we have to do
or become something, instead of wasting it. We should use this in our life just like how extreme
sports athletes did. The only difference is that their path is riskier than ours because they do many
dangerous activities such as Base Jumping, Cave Diving, and BMX. Extreme sports are a good
idea because you get to be in the moment and feel the rush, but you should take some precautions
because it can be very dangerous.
One reason why extreme sports should be participated in is because many people find their
motivations and motives of life in it. In Extreme Sports Not About Risk taking: Study ... Show
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.Brymer states that, What I found was that these people have a real love for these activities, and
talk about a realisation about the power of nature, a sense in humanity, and a real sense of peace.
As some people
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The Importance Of A Special Education Teacher Essay
As I read the book Nothing Is Inconsequential I learned many things that made me think about my
own life. There were so many things Dave went through to get to where he did. He had to jump
through many hoops to get through college. This made me think about my own experiences when
I came to Wilmington College myself. When I first came to the college my focus was to become a
special educationteacher, but that did not happen. I had to change my whole path and go into social
work. Which bothered me in the begging, but once I thoughtabout it for a while and really started
to get into the material I knew it was what I was meant to do. I still get to work with kids as a
social worker. It will be a little different, but I know I ll be able to have an effect on m
community just like Dave. He did so many things with all the schools he either taught at or was
the principle. He changed many communities around that he went to. Especially when he
merged two schools together. He knew when he did it that he would lose his job, but he knew it
was best for the kids. I know that when I am in the field of child welfare that I may have to take
kids out of their homes because of the way they are treated or the family is not stable. It will be
hard at first, but I ll know it s the right thing for the child.
Being part of the community was one thing I thought Dave did very well. He was always there
for everyone and wanted everyone to be a part of his life, especially with his car museum he had.
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Nurturing In Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is a tragic love story about feuding families that takes
place in Verona, Italy in the 14th century. The nurse, Juliet s servant, is a very nurturing woman,
and it can be shown in many different parts of the novel. One example is the time she was
talking to Juliet on how she will go find Romeo to comfort her. Another time that shows her as
nurturing is when she was talking to Romeo about how he better mean what he said to Juliet
about marrying her. She can also be described as motherly or affectionate. She acts like more of a
mother to Juliet than her actual mother, which shows how strongly she cares for her. In Act II
Scene IV, the Nurse is going to meet Romeo to talk to him about the wedding between
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The Importance Of Wildfires In The Western States
no surprise that wildfires are a huge issue in the western states. Especially on Indian Reservations.
Two articles that focus on this issue are called Secretary Zinke Directs Interior Bureaus to Take
aggressive Action to Prevent Wildfires, US Department of Interior Western US Faces Wildfires
Explosion by Kieran Cooke, Climate News Network. Both of these articles argue that wildfires
shouldn t become normalized and that something should be done to prevent and/or be better
prepared for when wildfires occur. In essence these articles focus primarily on the amount of land
burning and the effect it has on vegetation.
In 2016 there have been more than 4,000 wildfires in California, with well over 300,000 acres of
land burned (Kieran Cooke). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It s in our nature to assume wildfires will just go away, but for a Native American the values are
different. Especially when it comes to their land burning, Natives have always thought of the
land as sacred and a gift from the creator. In social environments it s normal to assume that land
is used for farming, trees are used for paper, and land is used for building on. As one basic
concept for all, the thought of land burning means the loss of values. The blackened tree stumps
stand out against a clear blue sky. The land burned, and there is a smell of charcoal and ash in
the air. People in the area are used to wildfires, but as California and much of the western US
endures its fifth year, residents are wondering when there will be any respite from the flames and
smoke (Kieran Cooke). It shouldn t have to become a normal thing to hear about wildfires.
Conditions like these
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Charles Darwin s Research In The Galapagos Islands
The first force of evolution is mutations. Mutations are the only way that DNA can create entirely
unique structures. Without mutations, evolution would be impossible. The second force is natural
selection. The idea of natural selection came from Charles Darwin and his research in the
Galapagos Islands. There, he discovered that animals were adapting to the environment around
them and highlighted some key differences in their phenotypes based on their home environment.
The third force is genetic drift. Genetic drift is where specific alleles appear and others fade away
purely by chance. Over time, these changes have large effects over populations. The fourth force is
geneflow. Gene flow is the study of how certain genes are spread out among
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The Blind Side Film Techniques
Everyone was created for a reason. Don t ever allow yourself to feel trapped by your choices.
Take a look at yourself. You are a unique person created for a specific purpose. Your gifts matter.
Your story matters. Your dreams matter. You matter. Real Michael Oher. In the visual text The
Blind Side the director John Lee Hancock presented to us, how Michael Oher was a positive
influence on Sean Tuohy, the football team/coach and Leigh Anne. To display this to the viewers,
Hancock used the film technique of low key lighting in the scene where Michael was sauntering
solo in the crisp, drenched night, long shot in the scene where Michael was on the field with his
football team/coach and dialogue in the scene where Michael graduates to Ole Miss University. Do
you believe a young teenage boy can transform someone to become a better person? Well, start
believing! Hancock used these film techniques to reinforce the way Michael was a positive
influence on Sean Tuohy, the football team/coach and Leigh Anne and made them exceptional
people.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Through the use of low key lighting, long shot and dialogue, Hancock made me recognize the
significance of friends and family by revealing to me the positive influence one young teenager
can have on a range of people in this case Michael is having a positive influence on Sean, his
football team/coach and Leigh Anne. Not only did Michael influence these characters in a positive
way, but they influenced him as well and changed him for the better. I m concerned about the fact
that our society is not improving instead it is becoming much worse with all the stereotyping that is
rumoured. Avoid stereotyping others because you are not going to receive anything from it apart
from putting others down. A million people did not believe in Michael at the start, but I am certain
they changed their view on him
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A Day Without You Essay
Each day without you in my life must not come and even whether it does, let that be the previous
day of my life.
A day without you is a day without sun, a night without you is a night time without moon; a life
without you is a life without life.
Mainly because busy as we get, we need to be reminded we are still sweethearts. Valentine s Dayis
a great day for me to stop and realize how wonderful you make me feel. Happy Valentine s Day.
Cupid shoots well for myself! He hit you and me with perfect goal.
Love is too weakened a word for what I feel for you. One life is too small a time to express how
madly My spouse and i is fond of you.
When ever we kiss, Personally i think enjoyment like the thrill of any roller coaster, the heavens
stuffed with fireworks on the fourth of July, or the rush of your design. Happy Valentine s Day, and
thank you for making life an adventure! ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This Valentines day Day I long for your sweet kisses, your warm embrace, and the magic that binds
our hearts together.
Every time I realize you, We feel a little flare in my heart, that iluminates, because... I
Love knows no boundaries apart from those that we impose into it, but we know nothing about
boundaries. It is Valentines day Day every day for us.
You walked in, and the sun got destroyed through the clouds. Instantly, life was worth living, and it
became this big adventure. Thank you for being part of my life.
Curved at the top of a mountain, covered deep in dew, I saw these words... I LOVE YOU!
Despite the fact that Valentine s day costs far more with a girl, you will be the one woman in this
world who will be totally worth
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Argumentative Essay On Chemtrails
Chemtrails Do you think Chemtrails are made of chemicals? Many scientists say they are just
made of water vapor and the real name is Contrails short for (condensation trails). Some say that
they have chemicals in it has it sprayed all over the clouds to get to the people. But all that is not
true because I have seen videos up close, pictures that s clear, scientist that experimenting and
talking about it right now. Chemtrails are not harmful. The U.S. wouldn t do thing like it. In theory,
the scientist Phil Plait says the clouds coming from jets they are really just a product of
condensation of water vapor. In newscientists.com, 77 scientists report that the results were
surprising, 98.7% of scientists say that there is no atmosphere programing.... Show more content on
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These videos show that the water vapor coming out of the jets are just water droplets
crystalizing into ice then goes into the clouds form as a cloud. As watch a YouTube video it
shows that chemtrails are starting as water vapor because there nothing coming out of it when
you turn it on. As a theory, there are no chemicals based on the videos. In these videos the
chemtrails shows that there are no chemicals. At last, I saw pictures that describes that there are
no chemicals because the chemtrails don t start as one. As I saw a picture up close when a jet is
about to release the water vapor they are forming in to clouds. It would probably take a lot longer
for chemicals to form into a cloud. There are so pictures that look the same it s just water vapor
they don t hurt people. Also, they are all the way up in the air they can t reach you. In conclusion,
chemtrails are just water vapor forming into clouds, so that the air would have more cover, Also, it
s to control the weather from disaster, and the population and our food supplies. These chemtrails
help our community, they don t vandalism the country. Chemtrails are a good thing. Because
scientists are researching, pictures that describe it, and videos up close. More facts about them look
up www.howstuffworks.com and www.newscientist.com and search up
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Third Party Intervention
Third Party Intervention :
Conflict Management In Islam
Mohd Fuad Mohd Salleh, PhD.
Faculty of Business
Universiti Selangor.
The role of third party in conflict resolution has never been refuted. Though conflict can be
resolved by those in conflict, often there is a need for a third party intervention. The qualitative
case study was used to uncover the effectiveness of Sulh in resolving conflict. The research findings
suggested two main criteria for the basis of conflict resolution in Malay married couples: (1) inline
with syariah and laws, and (2) mutual agreement. This study also found that in handling sulh
negotiation, respondents had used cocus and empowerment as the methods to resolve conflicts. As
mediators in the sulh ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is less costly compared to litigation (Roberts, 2002).
Third Party
Third party has been widely used in the Islamic community in Malaysia to handle family matters
especially in marital dispute. They have played their role especially in resolving conflict
including civil suit in Syariah Court (Osman, 1999). Previous research showed that third party
has played it roles to resolve conflict among Malays. Some of the examples of the third party
are, Imam or religious leader, Ketua Kampung (Village Head) and the Penghulu (Village Chief)
(Syed Hussin, 1977, and Yaacob, 1991). These peoples became the advisor in the Malay tradition
to help in resolving conflict. Most of the time they became the third party that is referred to, for
any problem or occasion in the village. In the extended family, each family was not only depending
on their close family, thus all of them were also considered as family (Yaacob, 1991). The
implementation of Syariah Enactment as well as Islamic Family Law since 1880 then amended in
1885 did not isolate the role of those parties in any family matters (Ahmad Ibrahim, 1987 and
Osman, 1999). Only after the implementation of Islamic Administration Enactment, the role of third
party had shifted from those mentioned earlier to the Religious Officer appointed by the
A degree in Islamic Law is a basic
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John Knowles s A Separate Peace
In the first few chapters of A Separate Peace alone, Gene Forrester is John Knowles. In the first
chapter, Gene is a grown man fifteen years in the future. He describes Devon School in the
summer session in 1942. Devon School is rarely mentioned in the book. In A Separate Peace:
The War Within the chronology states that in 1943, a year older than the book, he too went to a
summer session at Exeter Academy (Bryant, xi). Knowles, too had a tree that he and other boys
jumped off of, but he broke his foot and had to be on crutches (Bryant, xi). This book is a rough
autobiography of his life. Gene and the author John Knowleswill be explained as WWII in their
eyes, the symbolism of Phineas, and the school and the older Gene. In A Separate Peace, the
summer session is for seniors who are training for the war. Gene and Phineas are sixteen and not
eligible for the draft. As the book states, they jump off the tree used for diving in the river. Gene
says in the book The tree was tremendous, an irate, steely black steeple beside the river. I d be
damned if I climbed it (Knowles, 14). Similar to the book, Knowles probably thought the same
thing after he broke his foot.
In The War Within, Bryant states that A Separate Peace can be read as a war book. With this in
mind, it was only about two boys who were not of drafting age, but one to two years before it. In
the summer session, the teachers are a little less strict, but only to the boys under eighteen. Even
then, the boys
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  • 4. Neo-Confucianism And Ruth Research Paper I think Ruth was a lucky woman; after her husband s death,she was still able to meet her Mr.right and marry him. Her mother in law and other people were blessed with them. How happy a thing! If she lived in ancient China, the outcome was very different.In traditional Chinese society, the status of women was very low, in other words,they were even the accessories of men without any freedom. Neo Confucianism has developed in Song Dynasty and those scholars emphasized the three obediences and the four virtues(the three obediences obey her father before marriage, her husband when married, and her sons in widowhood and the four virtues (morality, proper speech, modest manner and diligent work) of women in ancientChina;spiritual fetters of wifely ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Alice In Wonderland Comparative Essay Whether or not the adaptation of Tim Burton s Alice in Wonderland is more engaging than the original novel by Lewis Carroll, both still use similar structural elements that set the reader /viewers mind on the text at hand. The inclusion of a stronger plot provided by the visual text enhances the viewers understanding, especially for a young audience. A way that Tim Burton s text is more engaging is that children, being younger and less mature are more likely to be drawn to view a visual text that s much simpler set of characters and be able to understand them better. On the other hand, Lewis Carroll s text is also going to engage a younger audience with the inclusion of descriptive language. Children are more likely to be drawn to and stay... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both stories feature a dream that Alice has (at the start in the film and at the end in the novel) the feature her entering Wonderland after following a white Rabbit that was speaking and checking his pocket watch. Point being, that because they both share very, very similar storylines so they would engage viewers equally. Similar structural elements such as an introduction, problem, solution and a conclusion that contain similar content that would make both of them similarly engaging. Reason being that because they have the similar events that fit into the same portions / sections that would make the reader engaged. The visual aspects of both texts are what make each text complete as in the written version of the book you have smaller picture that assist the conveyance of the story that is trying to be explained. On the other hand, you have the visual text that solely relies on the use of visual aspects to convey the message, and uses words / speech as an assistant to the visual part of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Teacher Difficulties in Teaching Esl in Malaysia INTRODUCTION English plays a vital role around the global. As the regard of English usage in a universal form, English is placed as second language in most of the countries around the world. English is widely learned as a second language and used as an official language of the European Union and many Commonwealth countries, as well as in many world organizations. It is the third most natively spoken language in the world, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. It is the most widely spoken language across the world. English is now widely taught in almost every country. When it comes to teaching and learning a language, it is not always easy to achieve the goal. Almost every country that emphasis on the teaching and learning of English... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... English is compulsory second language taught in school beginning at Primary 1 and age seven. Malaysian students from different background in life have different levels of knowledge and proficiency in English. Every student has a different way of learning, and learns and progresses at different speeds. There are some students who find it difficult to do the task while others find it easy whenever teacher instructs on a task to be carried out by them. These mix abilities students are hard for teacher to approach one by one. Such situations become obstacles in the process of learning English as a second language. Teachers are unable to reach all of the students at one time. Teachers are also having problems in deciding the right activities and tasks to be carried out throughout the lesson to facilitate teaching and learning process. Other than that, the participation of students in classroom activities also plays a role in the success and failure of the lesson. Teachers are uninspired when the teachers does not get the participation of students in classroom activities. Since the classroom is the first and only environment for many foreign language learners, they should use this chance as much as possible to get involved in the classroom activities. However, some of the students find it difficult to speak in the target language for many reasons ranging from interest to confidence, from age to knowledge. Other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Coconut Oil Vs Alzheimer s Disease Although the coconut is one of the few foods that can be identified as a superfood today, its oil guarantees an array of health related medicinal and dietary benefits. For generations, coconut oil has held a number of medicinal claims. Of its more recent claims, studies show that it can actually fight Alzheimer s disease (Schardt). According to Schardt, coconut oil is unusual because it contains a high percentage of medium chain triglycerides or MTCs . This chemical is what essentially helps to increase the brain function of demented individuals. Considering this, Newport, a Florida pediatrician in 2011, wrote Alzheimer s Disease: What If There Was a Cure? how she was attempting desperately to register her husband Steve into a clinical facility, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Tranformation into a Confident Woman in The Secret life of... In The Secret Life of Bees, author Sue Monk Kidd, portrays the transformation of Lily Owens from a child burdened with the guilt of her mother s death to a strong and confident young woman, as a result of living with May, Rosaleen, and August. Lily, burdened with the guilt of her mother s death becomes terrified of her father, T. Ray. August and May guide Lily s growth to a life of faith and devotion while Rosaleen remains as Lily s constant companion. As Lily finds her true identity she transforms into a strong and confident young woman which helps her face the world and all of its challenges. Lily, feeling burdened with the guilt of her mother s death becomes terrified of her father, T. Ray. Lily, feeling burdened with the guilt from the circumstances of her mother s death when she is told that she killed her mother. T. Ray scares Lily when he says We turned around and you were standing holding the gun. You picked it up off the floor. Then it just went off. (Kidd, 19). Lily s only memory of her mother is this time, when her mother died, when T. Ray confirms Lily s suspicions, this makes Lily unable to forgive herself. Lily becomes terrified of her father T. Ray when he abuses Lily. T. Ray abuses Lily by making her kneel on grits, I walked toward them with those feathery steps you expect of a girl in Japan, and lowered myself to the floor determined not to cry, but the sting was already gathering in my eyes. (24). Lily was so afraid of T. Ray that she refused to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Executive Branch Analysis Time has passed since the branches of government were created, and so have the everlasting needs of the expanding United States. These three branches consist of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Each with balanced power impacts every American citizen s life and needs. Each significant branch of the government addresses social, economic, and political matters which influences the lives of a society with changing needs. The Executive Branch has expanded to attend to the needs of the country. When viewing the Executive Branch years ago, not only did the needs shift over time, but so did the government. Looking at the divisions in The Cabinet, more departments have been created for issues within the United States since the beginning. This is because of the flourishing amount of needs from society now, and the advancements over the years. Many specific departments have sprouted to advise the President. This shows how the Executive Branch addresses the needs of the United States. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This branch is in control of creating the constitutional laws that will serve as a solution to the issues within. The Women s Rights Movement was very impactful and was considered a necessity for society in the early 1900s. The Legislative Branch reacted to this need by passing the 19th Amendment. This amendment allowed Women to vote, showing how the branch would face an issue. In 1985, a song called 19 by Paul Hardcastle presented the issue with age in that current social setting. The song discussed that a soldier could fight in the Vietnam War at the age of 18, but could not vote until 21. The song s purpose encouraged the Executive Branch to take action by passing the 26th Amendment which allowed anyone at the age of 18 the right to vote. This is another prime example of the government addressing everchanging issues within the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Beowulf And Sir Gawain And The Green Knight In Beowulf, and Sir Gawain, and the Green Knight, we can appreciate the significance of Beowulf and Gawain s reputations because they establish their identities in society. Reputation can be defined as an overall quality or character as seen or judged by people (Merriam Webster). First, we will discuss how reputations can be interpreted according to the individual. Then we consider what if they were to fail to uphold the expectations of others, and if so, what aspects of their lives would be affected? Whom else would they affect? Even though Beowulfand Gawain secure worthy reputations, they are constantly being tested in order to maintain their social status. Finally, with Beowulf s death and Gawain s lost honor, we are left with the impression that maintaining their legendary reputations was never attainable. Therefore, we can argue that Beowulf and Gawain are burdened by their reputations due to imposed unrealistic standards; when they fail to fulfill the expectations of others, they weaken the reputations of both themselves and those closest to them. It is hard to determine whether both characters were realistic representations of the themselves, or if they were merely an idealistic standard to influence society. Beowulf and Gawain are hindered by their reputations because of the implication that their previous behaviors are likely to reoccur. We know Beowulf is a warrior and leader of the Geats, however, he is introduced as hot hearted Beowulf (46, 634). This ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Five Guys Mission Statement 1.Introduction Five Guys is an American privately held restaurant chain that is specialized in hamburgers, hot dogs, sandwiches and fries. Established in 1986 by the Murrell Family, the chain expanded to five locations around the Washington, D.C. metro area until 2001. In 2003 Five Guys started franchising and currently runs over 1,000 locations in 47 states in the United States and six provinces in Canada. In accordance to the expansion strategy, over 1500 locations are under construction, presenting the fastest growing fast food chain in the United States (Five Guys Holdings, 2012). 1.1 Mission According to the mission of Five Guys, all subsidiaries operate with the purpose of ...selling quality burgers and our quality products to the community (Five Guys, 2009, p. 8). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In order to fulfill these standards we focus primarily on quality, service and cleanliness (Five Guys, 2009, p. 8). The Asian market was considered to be suitable for expansion and will be examined during this report regarding its feasibility and choice of nation. As pointed out by the company s vision, the concept of Five Guys is to create a brand identity that is focused on familiarity and a close customer relationship. Implementing this business concept in Asia requires a certain mind set, which is currently observed in the process of establishing an Asian community, namely ASEAN. There are benefits that derive from a closed economical community, these are the free flow of goods, services and capital. Taking these into account, Five Guys will only focus on the ASEAN countries. The report will open with an overview of the product offerings, will continue with providing information of the key attributes every store is based upon and then will start with giving a formal description of the relevance of the chosen framework. 1.3 Company ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Insane Short Stories [Insert Name] was running, running through the woods. Running to get away from the tall, pale, slender, and faceless man behind her. Running and running and running, not caring that branches slapped her face and arms, causing scratches to form and bleed. She didn t feel them, she only cared about getting away from that ... that ... whatever HE was. No, she knew what HE was. She had read about them before. Insane, killers, murderers ... Monsters. They were dead, supposed to be dead, supposed to be fake and all the stories false, and yet there was one right behind her, chasing her, wanting her. She could feel his bloodlust, his want to kill her, to rip her apart and to end her life. HE WAS THE SLENDERMAN. The leader and arguably, the most powerful... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On her walk, she saw a Gamestop and walked in. When she entered, she saw a boy shorter in height than her and wearing a Link costume from Zelda. She walked around him and reached for a game at the same time that the boy did. She pulled back her hand and told him that he could have the game. He thanked her and gave her a game cartridge with the words Majora s Mask in permanent marker on it, and walked out of the store. She stood there for a moment before looking at the cartridge. It looked old and worn out, but still playable, so she stuck it into her bag and walked out. She went into a bakery across the street and saw two boys, both with masks and one with a yellow hoodie, sitting in a booth in the corner of the room, eating a few slices of cheesecake. As she ordered at the counter, she could feel eyes burning holes into her head, but when she turned around and scanned the room, she saw no one looking or even glancing at her. She turned back around to give the cashier money and felt the burning stare again. She shook slightly and with her hands trembling, passed over the money needed. She stood ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Philosophy Of Christian Education All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16 17). Throughout the Bible, God mentions the importance of teaching children and young adults the message of God s Word. The Bible equips us for our everyday lives of service. One of the ways we can assist parents in this task of teaching their children is through Christian education. , I have formed a philosophy of education using the light of God s Word and research from psychologyscholars like Piaget, Maslow, and Vygotsky. From these scholars, research, and God s Word, I know the uniqueness of each learner and the role of caregivers and parents... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... God has given children caregivers as their first teacher. God says in Deuteronomy 6:6 7, These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Parents are responsible for teaching their children God s truth and teachers are blessed to be entrusted to help parents accomplish this task. As a teacher, my goal is not to replace the caregiver s instruction of their children, but instead I want to be a helper in the education of their child. I need to be the support and encouragement for caregivers to help them teach their children. One way I can help the parents is by communicating what is happening in the classroom and about what their child has accomplished. I can be available to talk to parents whenever they need me. Open communication is one of the best ways I can support parents. Some examples of this communication could be through conferences, emails, text messages, and phone calls. Parents can support the teacher by helping their student love learning. If a parent is excited about what is happening at school, the child may be more excited. In addition parents can help by communicating with the teacher anything about the child that may be helpful. Caregivers know so much more about the student than the teacher will, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Insenstivity Of Humanness In The Stranger By Albert Camus In society, behaving in a way that distances oneself from others is viewed as unacceptable: be it mentally or physically. In the novel, The Stranger, by Albert Camus, the main character, Meursault, does just that. Throughout the novel, Meursault creates a problem for himself by emphasizing his individual existence rather than acknowledging others. The text suggests that the solution to the presented problem for Meursault is to recognize the subjectivity of others around him: such as his mother and friends. Meursault primarily shows his insensitivity toward others at his mother s funeral. At the funeral, Meursault does not cry or show any signs of mourning the death of his mother. He is very passive, and he even disregards the feelings of others present. The text states, The woman kept on crying. It surprised me, because I didn t know who she was. I wished I didn t have to listen to her anymore (10). This quote demonstrates Meursault s passivity about the feelings of others. He puts off the feelings of the woman due to the fact that he has never seen her and he wants her to essentially shut up. This insensitivity towards others and his own mother s death is eventually used against him when he is being tried for murder. The fact that Meursault did not cry during the funeral and that he admittedly smoked in front of his mother s casket while keeping vigil leads the prosecutor to question Meursault s place in society. As Meursault sits in the courtroom, in his mindhe ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The Anti Federalist Argument Against A Weaker Federal... The focus point of the anti federalist argument revolved around the support of a weaker federal government. After the Declaration of Independence was signed, there was a necessity to unite the nation. A way was needed to govern the land amassed by the thirteen colonies. On the twelfth of July, 1776, eight days after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Second Continental Congress began efforts to create the fundamental principles on which to govern the nation while managing the colonial war effort. Once a version was complete it was sent to be ratified by the states in 1777. Ratification by the states was completed in 1781. This document is known as the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation were deliberately weak, which followed logically after breaking away from the strong British government. There was however a group that opposed the weak federal government created by the Articles of Confederation, and they came to be known as the federalists. The group that supported a weaker government thus came to be known as the anti federalists. As the government played out on the nations stage, members of the anti federalist party would change, uphold or augment their ideals. The Articles of Confederation failed because of its deliberate lack of power. It was inherently weak first and foremost because it called for a confederacy which gave sovereign power to the states. We see this in Article II, which states that: Each state retains its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Controversy Of Barbie Despite the controversy faced through the years Barbie is an ever relevant and popular toy for young children in America. The controversial topic of the matter being mostly dedicated to the appeal of whether Barbie sends a good message to kids, or not. What most people tend to overlook about Barbie is the reason and inspiration of her creation, the feminine cultivation she displays, and the diversity and positivity of her life and personality. When Barbie is brought up the first thing people will think of is her figure. With a tiny waist, slim legs, and particularly small hands and feet, this is the main tool that people on the countercheck of Barbie s popularity use to attack the doll s positive features, encouraging the idea that Barbie s unrealistic shape causes body image issues and insecurities in young children;... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Barbie has had a role in over 130 different jobs. Some of these roles have included things like being an astronaut. The first female astronaut was launched into space in 1963 and only two years afterwards was Barbie released with a special female astronaut set. In 2008 a special edition of Barbie was added where she herself was the president of the United States. Never in history has a woman been elected president, making Barbie the first (Logos). She s definitely not shy of being open to new opportunities. Barbie s own slogan is Be who you wanna be . This is important because it encourages young children to become who they want to be and do what they desire to do, even if it means breaking away from society s standards. In Ruth s own words, My whole philosophy of Barbie was that through the doll, the little girl could be anything she wanted to be. Barbie always represented the fact that a woman has choices. ( Barbie History ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Quiet American Essay The Quiet American The film The Quiet American takes place during the 1950 s in Vietnam. The movie illustrates the atmosphere of Vietnam previous to the Vietnam War and during the French occupation of the country. The main plot of the movie revolves around three characters: Fowler played by Michael Caine, Pyle played by Brendan Fraiser, and Phoung played by Do Thi Hai Yen. For the duration of the movie the three main characters are involved in a semi love triangle. This triangle and the emotions that the male characters feel towards Phoung begin to characterize the way they feel about the country of Vietnam itself. Vietnam becomes feminized, taboo, and sexualized just as Phoung does in Pyle and Fowler s eyes. The manner in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pyle doesn t love Vietnam so much as he hates communism, in the same way he doesn t love Phoung so much as he does not want Fowler to have her. Fowler on the other hand walks a thin line between noninvolvement and participation within the situations at hand. Fowler believes that Vietnam should be left to make its own decisions, but at the same time he is afraid of the consequences of such choices. This policy of noninvolvement and noncommittal is the same way that he approaches all the situations within his life. Fowler does not want to become concerned with the circumstances occurring in Vietnam and he also does not wholeheartedly become involved in the situation between Pyle and Phoung until he is forced to do so. He essentially permits Phoung to decide whom she wants to be with until he is compelled to leave his state of neutrality when it does not seem as if he will become the winner of her heart. Yet again Fowler s feelings towards Phoung embody his feelings towards Vietnam. Fowler wanted to give Phoung a chance to make her own decisions until he becomes petrified that she will choose the stability of Pyle rather than himself. In a similar way, Fowler believed that Vietnam should be able to choose what would occur in its own future but he was afraid at the same time that they would make the wrong decision and elect a communist leader. Although Phoung s embodiment of Vietnam is the major ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Farmland Film The Farmland film is a documentary that is narrated by farmers itself describing the love and passion they had into the farmer s life. Many of them come to be second generation of farmers that their main focus is to continue the legacy, time, and effort put in to their farms, by fighting the odds, and tight moments. They produce food, (vegetables, cattle, hogs, chickens, and cattle feed) that is a procedure of not always is has a positive outcome. They depend a lot into the state of the soil, machinery, weather, and market to be able to make a profit of their efforts, to be able to start again the next year. Stating that owning a farm not only can be lucrative, if not every farmer has to be aware of the possible risks ahead. Many of the farmers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Live Migration Is The Process Of Moving A Running Virtual... INTRODUCTION Live migration is the process of moving a running virtual machine or an application between different physical machines without disconnecting the client/application. Memory, storage and network connectivity of the virtual machine is transferred from the original to the destination host machine. VM Memory migration The Two techniques for moving the memory state of virtual machine from the source to destination are: 1.pre copy memory migration and 2.post copy memory migration. Pre copy memory migration Warm up phase The Hypervisor copies all the memory pages from source to destination while the VM is still running on the source. If some memory pages change or become dirty when the process is going on, they will be re copied until the rate of re copied pages is not less than page dirtying rate. Stop and copy phase After the warm up phase, the VM will be stopped on the original host and the remaining dirty pages will be copied to the destination, and the VM will be resumed on the destination. The time between stopping the VM on the original host and resuming it on destination is called down time ,which ranges from a few milliseconds to seconds according to the memory size and applications running on the VM. Post copy memory migration Post copy VM migration is done by suspending the VM at the source and a minimal subset of the execution state of the VM (CPU state, registers and non pageable memory) is transferred to the target. . The project will make ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Slaughter Of Humans And Contemporary Animal Slaughter Hung upside down by their feet, their throats are slit to drain the blood. This is an image that appears in most every slaughterhouse across the globe. John Ajvide Lindqvist s novel, Let the Right One In, similarly portrays these scenes of slaughter with one difference: the victims of slaughter are humans not animals. Set in the suburbs of Stockholm, Lindqvist s novel tells of a young and severely bullied boy, Oskar, who befriends a centuries old child vampire named Eli. Because of her childlike body, Eli requires her older male companion, HГҐkan, to procure blood for her. As he hangs his victims by their feet and slits their throats to collect the blood, HГҐkan s process of obtaining human blood is clearly evocative of contemporary Western practices of animal slaughter. However, the difference between HГҐkan s slaughter of humans and contemporary animal slaughter is not merely the victims species but is, more importantly, the space in which these acts occur. Despite meatconsumption s widespread acceptance, meat production by means of slaughter is still visually disturbing and thus, in order to be socially tolerable, must not be seen. Indeed, since the 19th century, the slaughterhousehas been spatially located at the edges of urban space in order to render its violent actions socially invisible. What happens, then, when the slaughter occurs within the urban space as HГҐkan s acts of slaughter do? By comparing animal slaughter to the novel s scenes of human slaughter in terms ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Religious And Social Structure Of The Spanish Colonies The Spanish domain established the main American provinces in the late fifteenth century. England started setting up states right around a century later. Both domains looked for concentrate assets and benefit from that point vanquished land while leading with Indians and creating complex arrangement of exchange and cultivating. In spite of the likenesses, Britain and Spainruled there states in one of a kind ways. The political, religious and social structure of the two nations decided a considerable lot of these distinctions. Firstly, the indigenous Relations; English pilgrims frequently worked and lived close by helpful local tribes. Arrangements between English homesteaders and local Americans arranged exchange, area and peacetime conditions. Spanish pilgrims, be that as it may, were avid to overcome locals and subjugate them for work in mines and on ranches. Spanish homesteaders likewise implemented their way of life by devastating components of local religion, craftsmanship and dialect and obliging discussion to Christianity. Both English and Spanish pilgrim coincidentally spread sicknesses, for example, smallpox to locals, radically decreasing indigenous populaces. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This relative opportunity came about because of the craving of Christian minorities Puritans, Separatists and Catholics to get away from the strength of the congregation of England. The Spanish settlements, conversely, were under stricter religious control by the government. Catholicism was set up as the official religion and was entirely implemented in the Spanish provinces. Catholic evangelists, unmistakable among them individuals from the general public of Jesus Known as Jesuits tried to implement the religious discussion and instruction of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Summary Of With Every Of Blood By Christopher Collier n With Every of Blood by James Lincoln and Christopher Collier is a historicallLife is hard to change with the surroundings in a harsh environment for example iy accurate but fictional novel of a fourteen year old boy named Johnny who is from the South. Johnny isn t from any regular Southern period in time. Johnny lives in the confederacy during the Civil War . This war lead to many deaths including Johnny s father Pa which fueled Johnny to fight in the war but Pa asked Johnny if he would promise him he wouldn t fight in the war, but out of dishonesty to his father s word Johnny joined the war by teamstering as an impulsive action. Johnny really didn t know what the real reason was behind the war. Then while carrying a load to Richmond Johnny was captured by black Union troops and Johnny doesn t want to take orders from Cush a black soldier. Also Johnny grows a bond with Cush even though he hates negros but he learns to have feelings for Cush and they become loving friends.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Johnny really never knew what the reason was behind the Civil War. He promised his father he wouldn t fight in the war because Johnny s emotions would get the best of him but,Johnny believed that the war was to protect the South and its pride so the confederacy would stand as a nation. As Johnny was teamstering his way in the war by delivering to Richmond he was captured by black Union soldiers. The only one Johnny makes friends with is a soldier named Cush.Cush and Johnny become close but Cush doesn t know how to read or write because Cush was a runaway slave. Cush shared everything with Johnny like he could not read or write so Johnny taught him. You done it on purpose Cush said Honest,Cush I didn t. Yeah you did Johnny. You done it on purpose for you was determined to keep me from finding out the meaning of it about all men being created equal. (Collier and Collier pg ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Makings of Frida Kahlo Essay It is impossible to separate the life and work of this extraordinary person, her paintings are her biography. This was announces in 1953 by a local critic after her one and only solo exhibition in Mexico (www.fridakahlo.com). Frida Kahlo was not only a magnificent painter, but also a representation of her birth country Mexico, through her meaningful paintings. While in the midst of nobody but herself, Frida found great inspiration to paint during the early to mid 1900 s. Her passion for painting came from her traffic accident as a teenager, which left her paralyzed due to fractures in her spine and pelvis. Even before the traffic accident, she contracted polio at the age of six in the suburbs of Mexico Citywhere she grew up. Her image... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This accident caused life threatening injuries including: fractures to her spine, collarbone and ribs, a shattered pelvis, and shoulder and foot injuries ( A Tribute to Frida Kahlo). Not only did those brutal injuries occur, but a metal bar within the bus also pierced through her abdomen and uterus causing many birth defects down the road. The recovery made by the strong spirited Frida Kahlo was remarkable. Frida attended a National Preparatory School in 1922 hoping to become a doctor. At the same school, she saw Diego Rivera, painting The Creation ( Biography.com ). Frida was inspired and approached Diego with her compliments. He told her to go home and return with a painting in one week for him to judge. When she did as he asked, he was very impressed with her artistic ability and they became close ( Frida Kahlo: Biography ). Their relationship progressed and then Frida got into her terrible bus accident. Painting was the artistic escape route for Kahlo s mind and body. To occupy her mind after the more than 30 surgeries, she began to paint as part of her recovery process. Fifty five of her one hundred and forty three paintings were self portraits. These paintings were purposely painted in a naГЇve way to show vulnerability ( A Tribute to Frida Kahlo ). A few of her most famous works include: Self Portrait Between Mexico and the United States, 1932 , My Dress Hangs There, 1933 , and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Description Of A Family Sporolithaceae Verheij Family Sporolithaceae Verheij, 1993 Genus Sporolithon Heydrich, 1897 (Former name: Archaeolithothamnium Rothpletz, 1891) Sporolithon sp. Morphology: Encrusting thallus of 170 190 Вµm in diameter. It is rarely recorded as fruticose growth forms. Vegetative anatomy: Crustose dorsiventeral and monomerous thalli with rounded protuberance measuring 150Вµm in height. The core filaments is commonly thin plumose with cell filaments measuring 13 27 Вµm in length and 10 15 Вµm in diameter. Cell fusion are scarce. Tetra / biosporangial conceptacles arranged in sori , the sori consists of 12 29 tetra / biosporangia that sometimes arise from layer of elongated cells. The shape of conceptacles are elongated ellipsoidal measuring 140 160 Вµm in height and 60 90 Вµm in diameter. This species is also common in the Miogypsina bioclastic algal packstone facies and coral algal rudstone facies (Pl. 2, Fig. 5) of Early Miocene Sadat Formation. Subfamily Corallinoideae Foslie,1898 Genus Corallina Linnaeus, 1759 Corallina sp. (Pl.1, Fig. 8) Morphology: Arborescent to branching growth form with dichotomous thalli. Vegetative anatomy: few fragments of segmented (geniculated) thalli without genicula, stems are observed (140Вµm thick) composed exclusively of core filaments, cells are 34 45Вµm in length and 9 10Вµm in diameter. No cell fusions were recorded. Conceptacles are not observed in the present specimen. This genus is recorded in bioclastic algal Packstone facies of the Early Miocene ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Questions On Article On Android Security Assignment Title: CYBR 310 45 Week#6 Android Security By Kulbir Singh Kulbir.singh@att.com By submitting this assignment I acknowledge that I have read and agree to abide by the Champlain College Academic Honesty Policy. I declare that all work within this assignment is my own or appropriately attributed. I accept that failure to follow the academic honesty policy may result in a failure grade, or expulsion from Champlain College. Date Due: December 11, 2016 Date Submitted: December 12, 2016 Introduction In this Assignment, I will be writing down the policy for using and allowing of personal devices to connect to the company network for business use while keeping the company data and infrastructure secure. Use the resources at the bottom of this page for a list of the different settings that can be applied to mobile devices. You are developing a policy for your organization that will be applied to ALL mobile devices (phones, tablets, etc) that connect to your mail server. Write a paper explaining your policy choices for both Google and Microsoft. Provide an overview of the organization and its needs as well as all the settings you would enable and why. If there are settings that would be commonly used that you would choose not to apply (e.g., password policy, encryption, remote wipe, etc) explain why you aren t using that. Policy for Mobile devices Organization Overview Our company provides Network support to Fortune 100 companies over the world. We ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Mitsubishi Motors North America Case Study : Mitsubishi Motors North America Question : (1:1) What do you think MitsubishiВЎВ¦s philosophy might be regarding the role of strategic human resource management? Explain. Strategic human resource management process is very important to any organization in the present day context because it contributes to the organizations performance to a greater extent even on a highly volatile environment. Any organizationВЎВ¦s existence and the survival in the short and long run will mainly depend on the right people being at the right positions in the right numbers. Looking at the MitsubishiВЎВ¦s mission statement the following could be viewed as their philosophy. ВЎВ§Our employees are the main contributing factor to our success and we make ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Question : (3) YouВЎВ¦re in charge of orienting new employees at the Mitsubishi Plant. Create a general out line of what your orientation programme would include. Orientation is a process of introducing a new employee to his or her job to the organization. There are two types of orientation. Work unit orientation familiarizes the employee the goals of the work unit, clarifies how his or her job contributes to the unitВЎВ¦s goals, includes an introduction to his / her new co workers. Organization orientation informs the new employee about the organizationВЎВ¦s objectives, history, philosophy, procedures rules. This should include relevant human resourcespolicies benefits such as work hours, pay procedures, over time requirements, and fringe benefits. In addition, a tour of the organizationВЎВ¦s work facilities is often part of the organization orientation. The orientation programme of Mitsubishi Motors could break into three stages. 1.New Employee Orientation: First Day 2.New Employee Orientation: First Month 3.Feed back New Employee Orientation: First Day This checklist aims to help the manager conduct an effective orientation to the new employee on his /her first day of work. ВѓГ¦Introduce new hire to department staff. ВѓГ¦Tour of department explanation of organizational structure at
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  • 28. Analysis Of Fred Ebb s Cabaret What good is sitting alone in your room? Come hear the music play; Life is a cabaret, old chum, Come to the cabaret. Fred Ebb wrote these lyrics for a song, sung by Sally Bowles, in the play Cabaret. Fred Ebb was the lyricist for this play, while John Kander was the composer. In 1972, Joe Masteroff was the writer and the Producer was Harold Prince, the production was based in 1930 s Berlin. This production was based during the time when Nazismwas rising to power everywhere, but especially in the heart of Germany, which was Berlin. Germany was already greatly crippled with debt from World War One and also from after that with the Wall Street s stock market crash, the 1930 s was a tough time for the entire nation. The 1930 s is when Adolf Hitlerand the Nazi partywanted to become part of parliament, and Hitler, became a hit. He made many promises to the world, and he restored everyone s hope and made them all feel like they could conquer anything as a country together. Hitler made people feel like their opinions mattered to him, even when they did not. When the Nazi s came to power, even the police leaned more toward that power, not just because they were in power, but because they believed in the party and the points that they were making. It was better to be safe from discrimination than to be discriminated against. There was a multitude of Nazism and Antisemitism throughout this time, and it affected the Jewish party greatly, being hated and discriminated against is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. 3 Muscle Types The three types of muscle: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. Tendons have fibers that may intertwine with the periosteum of the boe to attach the muscle to the bone. Aponeuroses have broad fibrous sheets that may attach to the bone. Epimysium is a layer of connective tissue that closely surrounds the skeletal muscle. Other layers are called perimysium and separate the muscle tissue into small compartments. This arrangement allows muscles to move somewhat independently. A muscle fiber is a thin, elongated cylinder with rounded ends. Beneath its cell membrane, they cytoplasm contains many small, oval nuclei and mitochondria. This contains threadlike myofibrils, which are parallel to each other. The neuromuscular junction refers to the connection ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Each of the cells making up the fiber have sarcoplasmic reticulums and many mitochondria. However, the cisternae of cardiac muscle fibers store far less calcium, while the transverse tubules are larger and release many calcium ions in response to muscle impulses. The immovable end of a muscle is called its origin, and its movable end is its insertion. The prime mover is the muscle that does majority of the actual moving, also known as the agonist. Synergists are nearby assisting muscles that contract. Antagonists resist the prime mover s action and cause movement in the opposite ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Why Is Modern Day Slavery Today In 1865, the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution ended the institution of slavery. Eventhough it was abolished, modern day slavery still exists and has evolved under a different appearance and is known as Human Trafficking in today s society. It still harms people all around the world. Slavery has been continueing for centruies and forces humans to work under bad conditions. Each year, thousands of people are trafficked across borders or internally, and exploited for cheap labor or sexual services. People are forced to work in factories, domestic work, agriculture. Children are taken away from their school life, education and used for child soldiers, child marriage and child domestic slavery. Even as a child, they are forced to work or any kind of thing that come to our mind. There are 10 millions children appointed, and more that we have not reached yet. Women are forced into prostitution, marriage, to work under hard conditions. There are estimated 40.3 million people in modern slavery all around the world.It is modern day slavery with more slaves at work today than there has ever been at any point in history. Today slavery came to a point that make it too dificult to prevent. There are many forms of trafficking, but one consistent ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We encourage everyone to keep in mind that human trafficking is a human rights violation; it is a crime against the dignity and integrity of an individual. It is the trading of human beings as commodities but it is still the third most profitable and fastest growing criminal activity in the world. There are 2.5 million people trafficked every year. About three out of every 1000 persons around the world are trafficked at any given point in time. Even with the advertisments on the television, we become slaves too. There are a lot to do to prevent this, but even a little step that you will do is a hope for those ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Sweetness At The Bottom Of The Pie Case Analysis In the quest of solving the case, I can propose several talents and a few weaknesses, suitable for the mystery featured in the book The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. Firstly, I am a self proclaimed strong music student with ears that can hear small changes in sound and pitch to a good extent, so when I am interviewing a person to gather evidences, I can notice the shift in the tone, speed or stability of the suspect s voice to help with deciding whether the suspect is lying or not. When lie detectors and modern technology we have nowadays to detect lies is missing, my ears can contribute to tell lies and truthful statements apart. Even in modern times, a lie detector is not always completely accurate, so my decision can be one of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Symbolism And Symbolism In Kate Chopin s The Awakening A key aspect in writing an interesting story is having symbolism. It allows the reader to dive just a little bit deeper into the meaning and core of the work. Birds are a fairly common symbol, serving as representations of freedom, breaking free, and not afraid to be loud or to speak their minds. In Kate Chopin s novella, The Awakening, birds are used to show Edna s true feelings and desires, to explain the courage required to defy the standards, and to show Edna s final defeat. Many animals, especially birds, seem to communicate in a language that only they can really understand. The novella starts by setting a scene with the description of two birds who do exactly that. Chopin begins by stating, A green and yellow parrot, which hung in a cage outside the door, kept repeating over and over: Allez vous en! Allez vous en! Sapristi! That s all right! He could speak a little Spanish, and also a language which nobody understood, unless it was the mocking birdthat hung on the other side of the door, whistling his fluty notes out upon the breeze with maddening persistence (Chopin 1). The green and yellow parrot represents Edna Pontellier. She feels as if she is stuck in a golden cage with only one other being who understands her. She has always had food on her plate and her husband provides a stable income and life for her. The mocking bird represents Mademoiselle Reisz, because she is the only other being who understands what Edna, or the parrot, is feeling and wanting to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Assessment Of An Organizational Leader Assessment of an Organizational Leader It is not uncommon for individuals in a private corporation or in a state public sector organization to associate leadership concepts with the top brass in today s military. Individuals will make the assumption that if someone obtains a certain rank in the military then that person must possess the skills and qualities of an all encompassing leader who can successfully lead the most complex of organizations. Such assumptions, however, do not consider that the modern military does not work in this manner and leadership is much more complex. Since 2003, the Army has fired 129 of its top leaders while who were commanding either a battalion or a brigade (Tan, 2015). The military is in fact limited and without external resources for leadership and without exception operates in an environment that grooms and grows its leaders from the bottom up. This limits the ability of all of the armed forces, including the United States Army, in allocating good leaders when at the top tier of the organization. Basic Organizational Structure of Today s Military Today s Army typically has a hierarchy of organizations that funnel tasks and information from the highest levels of government to the individual Soldier on the ground. The different levels within the hierarchy are headed by an officer. The hierarchy begins at the initial leadership level with a platoon sized element that is often lead by a service member who is either a second or first ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Neil Postman s Assertions And Today s Society Christina Contreras Mr. Limon ERWC 01 March 2017 Neil Postman s Assertions and Today s Society: Huxley s Brave New World could be considered almost prophetic by many people today. It is alarmingly obvious how modern society is eerily similar to Huxley s novel with the constant demand for instant gratification encouraging laziness, greed, and entitlement. Neil Postman, a contemporary social critic, seems to have noticed this similarity, as he has made bold, valid statements regarding the text and its relevance to our world today. This response is strongly in support of those statements and will prove both their accuracy in clarifying Huxley s intentions and how Postman s assertions compare to society today. One of Postman s assertions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It comes as a justified fear considering everyone is coaxed into using social media by companies making it overall more convenient to do everything online. Not only does this lead to laziness which is terrible for physical health but selfishness in that what is most important is how the consumer fairs, not others. In the novel, Linda sleeps with the husbands of other women in an effort to achieve sexual stimulation. As a result, women [began] hitting her with a whip...and each time Linda screamed (134). Chasing what she loved led to a negative outcome. Kyle Smith, author of the article Brave New World (is Here!) , explains how a world prioritizing nothing but pleasure is nowhere near the heaven people imagine. He explains how ...a happyland free of intimate bonds and arduous challenges is actually a dystopia . Basically, and more familiarly, too much of anything is not a good thing, and that includes pleasure. Lastly, at one point John tries to defend morals like being chaste. He is rebuked by Mustapha Mond, who says, ...[chastity, passion, and neurasthenia]...lead to instability...and [thus] the end of civilization (239). As he begins whipping himself in an act of self discipline, he is encouraged to continue by a crowd of desensitized people saying, Do the whipping stunt. Let s see [it] (257). These quotes support ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Class Differences in the Novel Rebecca Essay In the book, Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, there exist a big emphasis on social class and position during the time of this story. When we are introduced to the main character of the story, the narrator, we are right away exposed to a society in which different privileges are bestowed upon various groups. Social place, along with the ever present factor of power and money are evident throughout the story to show how lower to middle classgroups were treated and mislead by people on a higher level in society. When we are introduced to the narrator, we are told that she is traveling with an old American woman; vulgar, gossipy, and wealthy, Mrs. Van Hopper travels across Europe, but her travels are lonely and require an employee that gives... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When you look at an example like this one, you start to think whether or not these upper class people believed in their own morals and if they even had any. But one thing is for sure, such arrogant actions only go a short way until they come back to haunt you. Because Mrs. Van Hopper was so blinded by her own self and worried so much about what was going on in other people s lives, she had lost her attention from her companion friend, which let to a love affair between the narrator and Mr. Maxim de Winter. Maxim de Winter was a culture, intelligent old man, and the proud carrier of the de Winter name and estate of Manderley. He exemplifies all the traits of a rich upper class gentleman and goes out of his way to take Mrs. Van Hopper s companion out for a little fun. He sees the crude and vulgar treatment that the narrator is going through and tries to compensate for her and treat her in a more appropriate manner. With her modest frame, the narrator accepts such an offer because she knows that her stay in Monte Carlo was only for someone else s benefits and not hers. As in all stories, the poor, young beautiful woman, falls for a rich and sophisticated man who shows her that even though society is segmented into different classes, love can bind any two people. For this you begin to see the other side of the rich and aristocratic world. In Maxim de Winter you begin to realize that to him, all the money and power isn t worth anything when ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Heroism In Hamlet The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet, is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare at an uncertain date between 1599 and 1602. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatises the revenge Prince Hamlet is instructed to enact on his uncle Claudius. Claudius had murdered his own brother, Hamlets father King Hamlet, and subsequently seized the throne, marrying his deceased brother s widow, Hamlet s mother Gertrude. Hamlet is Shakespeare s longest play and among the most powerful and influential tragedies in English literature, with a story capable of seemingly endless retelling and adaptation by others. The play seems to have been one of Shakespeare s most popular works during his lifetime It has inspired writers from Goethe and Dickens to Joyce and Murdoch, and has been described as the world s most filmed story after Cinderella . The story of Hamlet ultimately derives from the legend of Amleth, preserved by 13th century chronicler Saxo Grammaticus in his Gesta Danorum, as subsequently retold by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Written in Latin, it reflects classical Roman concepts of virtue and heroism, and was widely available in Shakespeare s day. Significant parallels include the prince feigning madness, his mother s hasty marriage to the usurper, the prince killing a hidden spy, and the prince substituting the execution of two retainers for his own. A reasonably faithful version of Saxo s story was translated into French in 1570 by FranГ§ois de Belleforest, in his Histoires tragiques. Belleforest embellished Saxo s text substantially, almost doubling its length, and introduced the hero s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Firearm Owner s Privacy Act Based upon my understanding of the United States Constitution as well as listening to the arguments brought forth by the two parties in this particular case, I see a great reason to believe that three of the four provisions of the Firearm Owner s Privacy Act is an unconstitutional abridgment of the First Amendment. The record keeping provision, anti harassment provision, and the inquiry provisions are in clear violation of the First Amendment as they are content based regulations of speech that fail strict scrutiny. However, the anti discrimination provision of the law is constitutional as it does not regulate free speech. Syllabus: The Firearm Owner s Privacy Act contains four provisions. The greatest problem with the three ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The law, as enacted, has three provisions designed to carry out the state of Florida s governmental responsibility of protecting its citizens Second Amendment rights from being potentially infringed. Additionally, there is one provision in the law that aims to protect against the possibility that physicians might discriminate against patients or potential patients simply due to the fact that they are exercising their constitutional right of owning a firearm. However though, in creating this law, the Florida State Legislature created a content based and viewpoint based restriction upon physicians right to freedom of speech under the First Amendment. As this law imposes both a content based and viewpoint based restriction upon a physician s fundamental right to free speech specifically in order to prohibit the advocation of a specific point of view, I believe that strict scrutiny is only suitable form of judicial review for a case such as this. As was established in Ashcroft v. ACLU (2002), the government cannot impose restrictions upon the First Amendment simply because of its content. This decision was then strengthened greatly by the Supreme Court in the case of Reed v. Town of Gilbert which made the determination that laws which restrict speech based on its communicative content... are presumptively ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. My Most Meaningful Accomplishment My most meaningful accomplishment will be graduating from Ohio State. I am proud of this because I will be the first in my family to graduate from high school and now from college. Graduating from Ohio State is such an incredible accomplishment for me not only because of the mere fact I am graduating, but because I am graduating from a University away from my hometown. Within my high schoolgraduating class, only one other student came with me to Ohio State for collegeand unfortunately, he dropped out after our first year. Being away from home, family, and familiar faces made my transition to Ohio State more difficult because I had to learn to be independent and make decisions by myself, for myself. The greatest challenge for me academically... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Apart from the struggles academically, stepping on a campus such as Ohio State s provides a culture shock to low income, urban students. I had always been surrounded by students whose parents had not graduated from high school, who struggled financially, and who were predominately Latino. This all vanished when I came to Ohio State and it left me feeling vulnerable and out of place. Although this experience was difficult, it forced me to find others on campus I could relate to. As a result, I became extremely involved in the minority community at Ohio State and embraced my culture. I am so proud of navigating Ohio State s campus both academically and socially, because I was able to pass those skills and advice on to my little brother, who just started his first year at the University of Toledo. I have to attribute my success to my parents, who always encouraged and inspired me, even if they didn t truly understand the stress and hardships I was going through, my past teachers who pushed me to leave Toledo, my current professors who push me to pursue my dreams, and my community/family I found here on Ohio State s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Socially Constructed Stereotypes Socially constructed stereotypes play a role in the way that female professionals are perceived in the workplace (Wolfson 44). If there were firm wide regulations for professional attire that were applicable to both women and men, then it would be appropriate. Female lawyers have a long standing effort of pushing boundaries of what is considered appropriate for the courtroom (Farmer 5). A private firm can make the determination to enforce a dress code, but it cannot be discriminatory towards protected classes such as sex or religion, therefore, it is not appropriate for firms to restrict attire monitoring to femaleattorneys (Title VII, EEOC). The mixed motive framework of dress codes is difficult to unravel when it comes to female professionals. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Benefits Of Intrauterine Insemination ( Iui ), And... In today s world there are several options for couples who are wanting to begin or add to the number of members in their families, but have had difficulties in doing so. Aside from adoption, the possibilities for these couples include: Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In vitro Fertilization (IVI), and Surrogate Mother Arrangements. While these options may result in a pregnancy, they are not without risk and must be considered prayerfully, as they carry a moral and ethical weight. First, Intrauterine Insemination, also known as artificial insemination, is a process commonly used for unexplained infertility in which specially washed sperm is directly inserted into the uterus (Christianlifesources). Most clinics offer for the woman to remain lying down for a few minutes after the procedure, although it has not been shown to improve success. The sperm has been put above the vagina and cervix it will not leak out when you stand up (Advanced Fertilization). During the IUI procedure, Doctors place the sperm higher in the cervix than with Intracervical or ICI procedures, resulting in higher percentages of pregnancy. Doctors utilize IUI in situations where women experience problems with ovulation, mild cases of endometriosis, and cervical factor infertility (advanced fertility). Clients also benefit from IUI when male factor infertility is an issue, however, If the sperm count, motility and morphology scores are quite low, intrauterine insemination is unlikely to work (Advanced ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Definition Essay on Sportsmanship Definition Essay on Sportsmanship Abstract Although it is very common to mention the term Sportsmanship during any sports event, very few individuals are actually familiar with the true definition of the word. For some it is the behavioral aspect shown by the participating teams or athletes while others it is more than just a routine behavior and is associated with the deep rooted respect of the opponent as well as the outcome of an event. Sportsmanship is known to be an aspiration which supports the argument that any sporting activity should be enjoyed without the worry of a desired outcome. Here the proper consideration of respect, fairness, ethics, and the demonstration of fellowship with the competitors are shown. In this regard, the term Sore Loser is referred to someone who refuses to accept defeat whereas Good Sport defines anyone being either a good loser or a good winner. Sportsmanship could also be conceptualized as a stable disposition or characteristic in which the participants of any sporting event behave differently as compared to what is expected from them especially in unwanted outcomes. In a more general sense, sportsmanship refers to different virtues like courage, fairness, persistence, self control, and has also been closely linked with interpersonal concepts of the way of treating others as well as being treated fairly, respecting authority and opponents, and maintaining proper self control when dealing with others. Sportsmanship can also be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Top 10 Policies Occupational Health and Safety 10 Policies: 1.Scaffolding 2.Fall protection (scope, application, definitions) 3.Excavations (general requirements) 4.Ladders 5.Head protection 6.Excavations (requirements for protective systems) 7.Hazard communication 8.Fall protection (training requirements) 9.Construction (general safety and health provisions) 10.Electrical (wiring methods, design and protection) Scaffolding Hazard: When scaffolds are not erected or used properly, fall hazards can occur. About 2.3 million construction workers frequently work on scaffolds. Protecting these workers from scaffold related accidents would prevent an estimated 4,500 injuries and 50 fatalities each year. Solutions:Scaffold must be sound, rigid and sufficient to carry its own weight plus four times the maximum intended load without settling or displacement. It must be erected on solid footing. Unstable objects, such as barrels, boxes, loose bricks or concrete blocks must not be used to support scaffolds or planks. Scaffold must not be erected, moved, dismantled or altered except under the supervision of a competent person. Scaffold must be equipped with guardrails, midrails and toeboards. Scaffold accessories such as braces, brackets, trusses, screw legs or ladders that are damaged or weakened from any cause must be immediately repaired or replaced. Scaffold platforms must be tightly planked with scaffold plank grade material or equivalent. A competent person must inspect ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Curse Definition Essay A curse, as defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary, is a prayer or invocation for harm or injury to come upon one. An evil or misfortune that comes as if in response to imprecation or as retribution. A cause of great harm or misfortune: Torment The word is a noun and is derived from twelfth century English curs . However, it can also be used as a verb, the more common definition of the word is in association with the menstrual cycle of females or using profanity. The term really hold no significance to me other than when used to do harm or wishing to do harm to someone. Can a person be cursed, yes, but only if the receiver of the curse is venerable to believing in such things. I believe that while curses are not to be done lightly, there ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Any person with even a minimal education knows the term curse is used for negativity. Whether you are cursing someone who cut you off in traffic, or just telling someone to shut up , it is still releasing negativity upon someone. I m not saying I m above such actions, I am just as guilty of uttering something that wasn t nice to others. I m not proud of it, and I do try and react in a different way, but I think the thought process of most people is to react to when they feel they have been wronged. While I understand that thought process, and at times have wanted to seek revenge myself, I usually just ask the Gods and Goddess to give me strength to be of strong mind, and for them to deal justice as they see fit. While the term curse will always be associated with negativity, it is an individual choice as to whether a person believes in performing a curse or receptive of a curse. Many believe that the threefold law is a guide as to what to put out to the universe, and what can come back. Even positive magick can go wrong, so it is of great importance that all magick be considered of intent. If you don t let go of a grenade, eventually you re going to blow yourself up . This is good advice to follow, even if doing posiive magick or negative magick, it can all go wrong at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Sheep Heart Dissection Sheep Heart Dissection Purpose: Sheep have a four chambered heart, just like humans. By studying the anatomy of a sheep s heart, you can learn about how your own heart pumps blood through your body and keeps you alive!. Procedure Observation: External Anatomy Most heart diagrams show the left atrium and ventricle on the right side of the diagram. Imagine the heart in the body of a person facing you. The left side of their heart is on their left, but since you are facing them, it is on your right. 1. Identify the right and left sides of the heart. Look closely and on one side you will see a diagonal line of blood vessels that divide the heart. The half that includes all of the apex (pointed end) of the heart is the left... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Locate the mitral valve (or bicuspid valve) between the left atrium and ventricle. This will have two flaps of membrane connected to papillary muscles by tendons. 4. Insert a probe into the aorta and observe where it connects to the left ventricle. Make an incision up through the aorta and examine the inside carefully for three small membranous pockets. These form the aortic semilunar valve which prevents blood from flowing back into the left ventricle. Blood Flow Now consider all the parts you ve found and how the blood flows through them. Draw a diagram of the heart and use red and blue arrows to show the flow of blood: в†’ deoxygenated blood (color blue) в†’ oxygenated blood (color red) Blood flows from the tissues в†’ superior and inferior vena cava в†’ right atrium в†’ tricuspid valve в†’ right ventricle в†’ pulmonary semilunar valve в†’ pulmonary artery в†’ lungs в†’ pulmonary veins в†’ left atrium в†’ bicuspid (mitral) valve в†’ left ventricle в†’ aortic semilunar valve в†’ aorta в†’body tissue. Questions: 1.Describe the location of the heart in the thoracic cavity. 2.Why is the wall of the left ventricle thicker than the wall of the right ventricle? 3.What type of tissue is the heart made of? 4.Trace the journey of a RBC traveling from the lungs in the pulmonary vein all the way back to the pulmonary artery on the way back to the lungs. List all the chambers and vessels it will pass through. 5.Is this cool or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Thesis On Dog Food MAPUA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AT LAGUNA Academic Year 2014 2015 A LINK BETWEEN DOG AND HUMAN DIET AND THE POSSIBILITY OF DOG FOOD AS AN ALTERNATIVE HUMAN FOOD DURING FOOD SCARCITY PINPIN, LORENZO R. A53 Professor Jeremie A. Monter A Thesis Proposal Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering INTRODUCTION Dogs are man s best friend. It is also believed that dogs are the descendants of wild wolves. Since the dawn of time, dogs have been very helpful to humans. They help herders to herd their cattle and sheep, and their most reliable job, to guard their master s property. The oldest known breed of dog is Salukis, the one seen in museums that guards the pharaoh s tombs are used as hunting dogs.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It s edibility for humans is possible and it can supply many nutrients like protein, iron and zinc. In these research, the researcher answered these specific questions: 1. Does dog food contain minerals and nutrients? 2. Are there links to human s and dog s diet? And 3. Can it supply the human dietary needs? For the first query, it was researched that dog food does contain several nutrients and minerals like REAL MEAT, FISH, OR POULTRY, OMEGA FATTY ACIDS FATS, and ENERGY RICH CARBOHYDRATES. Next, it links to human s and dog s diet because of visible similarities of some needs of dogs and humans, like of protein, fats, vitamins, and proper hydration. Lastly, it can supply human dietary needs as the food pyramid provides comparison on what human s and dog s need to thrive and survive. The researcher therefor concluded that dog food may indeed serve as a feasible food source for humans as well. It is also recommended that further studies regarding the same topic be conducted to expand the understanding of dog food as human food ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Case Analysis Of Sabmiller The company s strategy of focusing on local brands has produced positive results in terms of volume sales performance in African and Latin American markets. SABMiller s strong presence in Middle East and Africa and Latin America, and high CAGR for the 2013 2018 period, is expected to strengthen its position globally and support its strategy of local branding. In emerging markets, consumer tastes are much more diverse and localised, and SABMiller responds to this via the development of provincial beers where product distribution is limited and illicit trade is significant. SABMiller s significant presence in mid priced and premium lager supports its top ranking position in various African and Latin American markets. However, the company is losing out on the potential growth from other categories and the potential of brand equity to be gained from developing a wider range of beer alternatives. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Few major brewers have strategic alliances that can boost their global presence. SABMiller s options are limited to buying MillerCoors in the US and thereby threaten A B InBev s almost 50% volume share. Anheuser Busch InBev has been growing inorganically into newer markets and strengthening its businesses by a series of mergers and acquisitions. These strategies have strengthen the company s lead in the global market and the company produced 20% of the worldwide beer (in volumes) in 2013. AB Inbev is currently anticipating to buy its main rival SABMiller, the second highest brewer in the world. The speculation led to a surge in stocks of both the companies recently SABMiller s stock went up by nearly 10%; the target has been valued at $98 billion after the rise in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Romance Narrative Malefice Maleficent Topic: use Romance Narrative circle to explain one movie. Maleficent is a remediation of well known Disney fairy tale Sleeping Beauty . It s a divertingly different rethink of a popular story. The movie starts when the antagonist is happily lives in a beautiful and peaceful kingdom called Moors, which is isolated from the human kingdom, until men s rapacity and brutality lead them want to conquer this wonderland and forcibly occupy the treasure inside it. Maleficent, who is kind and grows to be the strongest fairy in the kingdom, has the responsibility to protect the harmony of the land from human s threats. CHILDHOOD) She is pure hearted and cares about all the creatures in the forest. She never understands the greed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Extreme Sports Not About Risk Taking Study A wise person once said, The proper function of man is to live, not exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time. This quote explains that we should not waste our time and actually do something worth living for. That we should use the time we have to do or become something, instead of wasting it. We should use this in our life just like how extreme sports athletes did. The only difference is that their path is riskier than ours because they do many dangerous activities such as Base Jumping, Cave Diving, and BMX. Extreme sports are a good idea because you get to be in the moment and feel the rush, but you should take some precautions because it can be very dangerous. One reason why extreme sports should be participated in is because many people find their motivations and motives of life in it. In Extreme Sports Not About Risk taking: Study ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... .Brymer states that, What I found was that these people have a real love for these activities, and talk about a realisation about the power of nature, a sense in humanity, and a real sense of peace. As some people ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. The Importance Of A Special Education Teacher Essay As I read the book Nothing Is Inconsequential I learned many things that made me think about my own life. There were so many things Dave went through to get to where he did. He had to jump through many hoops to get through college. This made me think about my own experiences when I came to Wilmington College myself. When I first came to the college my focus was to become a special educationteacher, but that did not happen. I had to change my whole path and go into social work. Which bothered me in the begging, but once I thoughtabout it for a while and really started to get into the material I knew it was what I was meant to do. I still get to work with kids as a social worker. It will be a little different, but I know I ll be able to have an effect on m community just like Dave. He did so many things with all the schools he either taught at or was the principle. He changed many communities around that he went to. Especially when he merged two schools together. He knew when he did it that he would lose his job, but he knew it was best for the kids. I know that when I am in the field of child welfare that I may have to take kids out of their homes because of the way they are treated or the family is not stable. It will be hard at first, but I ll know it s the right thing for the child. Being part of the community was one thing I thought Dave did very well. He was always there for everyone and wanted everyone to be a part of his life, especially with his car museum he had. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Nurturing In Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is a tragic love story about feuding families that takes place in Verona, Italy in the 14th century. The nurse, Juliet s servant, is a very nurturing woman, and it can be shown in many different parts of the novel. One example is the time she was talking to Juliet on how she will go find Romeo to comfort her. Another time that shows her as nurturing is when she was talking to Romeo about how he better mean what he said to Juliet about marrying her. She can also be described as motherly or affectionate. She acts like more of a mother to Juliet than her actual mother, which shows how strongly she cares for her. In Act II Scene IV, the Nurse is going to meet Romeo to talk to him about the wedding between ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. The Importance Of Wildfires In The Western States no surprise that wildfires are a huge issue in the western states. Especially on Indian Reservations. Two articles that focus on this issue are called Secretary Zinke Directs Interior Bureaus to Take aggressive Action to Prevent Wildfires, US Department of Interior Western US Faces Wildfires Explosion by Kieran Cooke, Climate News Network. Both of these articles argue that wildfires shouldn t become normalized and that something should be done to prevent and/or be better prepared for when wildfires occur. In essence these articles focus primarily on the amount of land burning and the effect it has on vegetation. In 2016 there have been more than 4,000 wildfires in California, with well over 300,000 acres of land burned (Kieran Cooke). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It s in our nature to assume wildfires will just go away, but for a Native American the values are different. Especially when it comes to their land burning, Natives have always thought of the land as sacred and a gift from the creator. In social environments it s normal to assume that land is used for farming, trees are used for paper, and land is used for building on. As one basic concept for all, the thought of land burning means the loss of values. The blackened tree stumps stand out against a clear blue sky. The land burned, and there is a smell of charcoal and ash in the air. People in the area are used to wildfires, but as California and much of the western US endures its fifth year, residents are wondering when there will be any respite from the flames and smoke (Kieran Cooke). It shouldn t have to become a normal thing to hear about wildfires. Conditions like these ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Charles Darwin s Research In The Galapagos Islands The first force of evolution is mutations. Mutations are the only way that DNA can create entirely unique structures. Without mutations, evolution would be impossible. The second force is natural selection. The idea of natural selection came from Charles Darwin and his research in the Galapagos Islands. There, he discovered that animals were adapting to the environment around them and highlighted some key differences in their phenotypes based on their home environment. The third force is genetic drift. Genetic drift is where specific alleles appear and others fade away purely by chance. Over time, these changes have large effects over populations. The fourth force is geneflow. Gene flow is the study of how certain genes are spread out among ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. The Blind Side Film Techniques Everyone was created for a reason. Don t ever allow yourself to feel trapped by your choices. Take a look at yourself. You are a unique person created for a specific purpose. Your gifts matter. Your story matters. Your dreams matter. You matter. Real Michael Oher. In the visual text The Blind Side the director John Lee Hancock presented to us, how Michael Oher was a positive influence on Sean Tuohy, the football team/coach and Leigh Anne. To display this to the viewers, Hancock used the film technique of low key lighting in the scene where Michael was sauntering solo in the crisp, drenched night, long shot in the scene where Michael was on the field with his football team/coach and dialogue in the scene where Michael graduates to Ole Miss University. Do you believe a young teenage boy can transform someone to become a better person? Well, start believing! Hancock used these film techniques to reinforce the way Michael was a positive influence on Sean Tuohy, the football team/coach and Leigh Anne and made them exceptional people.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Through the use of low key lighting, long shot and dialogue, Hancock made me recognize the significance of friends and family by revealing to me the positive influence one young teenager can have on a range of people in this case Michael is having a positive influence on Sean, his football team/coach and Leigh Anne. Not only did Michael influence these characters in a positive way, but they influenced him as well and changed him for the better. I m concerned about the fact that our society is not improving instead it is becoming much worse with all the stereotyping that is rumoured. Avoid stereotyping others because you are not going to receive anything from it apart from putting others down. A million people did not believe in Michael at the start, but I am certain they changed their view on him ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. A Day Without You Essay Each day without you in my life must not come and even whether it does, let that be the previous day of my life. A day without you is a day without sun, a night without you is a night time without moon; a life without you is a life without life. Mainly because busy as we get, we need to be reminded we are still sweethearts. Valentine s Dayis a great day for me to stop and realize how wonderful you make me feel. Happy Valentine s Day. Cupid shoots well for myself! He hit you and me with perfect goal. Love is too weakened a word for what I feel for you. One life is too small a time to express how madly My spouse and i is fond of you. When ever we kiss, Personally i think enjoyment like the thrill of any roller coaster, the heavens stuffed with fireworks on the fourth of July, or the rush of your design. Happy Valentine s Day, and thank you for making life an adventure! ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This Valentines day Day I long for your sweet kisses, your warm embrace, and the magic that binds our hearts together. Every time I realize you, We feel a little flare in my heart, that iluminates, because... I APPRECIATE YOU! Love knows no boundaries apart from those that we impose into it, but we know nothing about boundaries. It is Valentines day Day every day for us. You walked in, and the sun got destroyed through the clouds. Instantly, life was worth living, and it became this big adventure. Thank you for being part of my life. Curved at the top of a mountain, covered deep in dew, I saw these words... I LOVE YOU! Despite the fact that Valentine s day costs far more with a girl, you will be the one woman in this world who will be totally worth ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Argumentative Essay On Chemtrails Chemtrails Do you think Chemtrails are made of chemicals? Many scientists say they are just made of water vapor and the real name is Contrails short for (condensation trails). Some say that they have chemicals in it has it sprayed all over the clouds to get to the people. But all that is not true because I have seen videos up close, pictures that s clear, scientist that experimenting and talking about it right now. Chemtrails are not harmful. The U.S. wouldn t do thing like it. In theory, the scientist Phil Plait says the clouds coming from jets they are really just a product of condensation of water vapor. In newscientists.com, 77 scientists report that the results were surprising, 98.7% of scientists say that there is no atmosphere programing.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These videos show that the water vapor coming out of the jets are just water droplets crystalizing into ice then goes into the clouds form as a cloud. As watch a YouTube video it shows that chemtrails are starting as water vapor because there nothing coming out of it when you turn it on. As a theory, there are no chemicals based on the videos. In these videos the chemtrails shows that there are no chemicals. At last, I saw pictures that describes that there are no chemicals because the chemtrails don t start as one. As I saw a picture up close when a jet is about to release the water vapor they are forming in to clouds. It would probably take a lot longer for chemicals to form into a cloud. There are so pictures that look the same it s just water vapor they don t hurt people. Also, they are all the way up in the air they can t reach you. In conclusion, chemtrails are just water vapor forming into clouds, so that the air would have more cover, Also, it s to control the weather from disaster, and the population and our food supplies. These chemtrails help our community, they don t vandalism the country. Chemtrails are a good thing. Because scientists are researching, pictures that describe it, and videos up close. More facts about them look up www.howstuffworks.com and www.newscientist.com and search up ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. Third Party Intervention Third Party Intervention : Conflict Management In Islam Mohd Fuad Mohd Salleh, PhD. Faculty of Business Universiti Selangor. The role of third party in conflict resolution has never been refuted. Though conflict can be resolved by those in conflict, often there is a need for a third party intervention. The qualitative case study was used to uncover the effectiveness of Sulh in resolving conflict. The research findings suggested two main criteria for the basis of conflict resolution in Malay married couples: (1) inline with syariah and laws, and (2) mutual agreement. This study also found that in handling sulh negotiation, respondents had used cocus and empowerment as the methods to resolve conflicts. As mediators in the sulh ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is less costly compared to litigation (Roberts, 2002). Third Party Third party has been widely used in the Islamic community in Malaysia to handle family matters especially in marital dispute. They have played their role especially in resolving conflict including civil suit in Syariah Court (Osman, 1999). Previous research showed that third party has played it roles to resolve conflict among Malays. Some of the examples of the third party are, Imam or religious leader, Ketua Kampung (Village Head) and the Penghulu (Village Chief) (Syed Hussin, 1977, and Yaacob, 1991). These peoples became the advisor in the Malay tradition to help in resolving conflict. Most of the time they became the third party that is referred to, for any problem or occasion in the village. In the extended family, each family was not only depending on their close family, thus all of them were also considered as family (Yaacob, 1991). The implementation of Syariah Enactment as well as Islamic Family Law since 1880 then amended in 1885 did not isolate the role of those parties in any family matters (Ahmad Ibrahim, 1987 and Osman, 1999). Only after the implementation of Islamic Administration Enactment, the role of third party had shifted from those mentioned earlier to the Religious Officer appointed by the government. Skills A degree in Islamic Law is a basic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. John Knowles s A Separate Peace In the first few chapters of A Separate Peace alone, Gene Forrester is John Knowles. In the first chapter, Gene is a grown man fifteen years in the future. He describes Devon School in the summer session in 1942. Devon School is rarely mentioned in the book. In A Separate Peace: The War Within the chronology states that in 1943, a year older than the book, he too went to a summer session at Exeter Academy (Bryant, xi). Knowles, too had a tree that he and other boys jumped off of, but he broke his foot and had to be on crutches (Bryant, xi). This book is a rough autobiography of his life. Gene and the author John Knowleswill be explained as WWII in their eyes, the symbolism of Phineas, and the school and the older Gene. In A Separate Peace, the summer session is for seniors who are training for the war. Gene and Phineas are sixteen and not eligible for the draft. As the book states, they jump off the tree used for diving in the river. Gene says in the book The tree was tremendous, an irate, steely black steeple beside the river. I d be damned if I climbed it (Knowles, 14). Similar to the book, Knowles probably thought the same thing after he broke his foot. In The War Within, Bryant states that A Separate Peace can be read as a war book. With this in mind, it was only about two boys who were not of drafting age, but one to two years before it. In the summer session, the teachers are a little less strict, but only to the boys under eighteen. Even then, the boys ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...