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TF Future Watch: Smart Ports benchmarking study
Supporting Business Finland
to drive exports by improving its insight on trends
Report Date: 1/21/2020
Project Context 3
Executive Summary 7
Technology Landscape 13
Country Benchmark 39
Country Comparison 62
Conclusions 67
Strategic Imperative: Help Business Finland drive greater export success
• Business Finland aspires to strengthen Finland’s position as
an exporter of products, solutions and services for a range
of sectors and segments.
• Recent technology developments in the information
technology space have opened new horizons for the
maritime industry. ‘Digital Ports’ refers to the application of
digital technologies such as machine learning, data
analytics, visualization, cloud and advanced wireless
communications technology to the Port Ecosystem that are
driving innovations and enabling business efficiency.
• Business Finland has requested for assistance in the
gathering of market intelligence and foresight on the
technology development scenario, technology & application
adoption, and benchmarking of selected countries.
Project Key Objectives:
Objective :
To conduct research on the topic of Smart
Ports, to gather specific intelligence on
technology development and adoption,
business applications and benchmarking of
Project Scope, Definition and Coverage
Definition: Digital Ports / Smart Ports
Digital Ports refers to the application of digital technologies such as machine learning, data analytics, visualization, cloud and advanced
wireless communications technology to the Port Ecosystem
Geographies Technologies Covered
 Big data & data analytics
 Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning
 Cybersecurity
 Sensors & Drones
 Automation systems / Remote control systems
 Image/Video analytics (including surveillance)
 Advanced wireless communication
technologies – Port community systems
 Predictive maintenance
 Data driven traffic management
 Tracking solutions
 Digital Twin
 Germany
(Hamburg, BremenPorts)
 Holland
(Rotterdam, Amsterdam)
 France
(Haropa Le Havre)
 Belgium
 United States (Focus only on the East
(Port of NY & NJ)
 Singapore
 Terminal Automation
 Digital Port Call
 Space Optimisation & Port Access
 Digital Infrastructure Management for
multi-modal capacity
 Energy Transition & Regulation
• The ecosystem is composed of multiple types of
PLAYERS which interact within ports : Shareholders,
Port Authorities, Operators, Users, Technology
providers, Authorities, Innovation
• Key study target are biggest CONTAINER PORTS
with BUSINESS PROXIMITY with Finland- North-Sea
and Channel Ports, US East coast, Singapore
• Digital Technologies are designed for the smart
port APPLICATIONS AREAS : Terminal automation,
Digital Port call, Onshore operations, Infrastructure
Management, Energy Transition
• Each technology are UNEQUALLY ADOPTED by Port
players & ecosystems from mature adoption to
early stage developments
• Major container Port are driving digitisation and use
‘Smart’ for both BUSINESS EFFICIENCY & as a
• Port of Singapore and Port of Rotterdam are leading
technology adoption. big CONTAINER PORTS,
especially in THE NORTH SEA such as Antwerp and
Hamburg competing are following
• TERMINAL Operation and PORT CALL are the two
entry points for ecosystem digital adoption
• SINGAPORE City-State is the world very 1st class
smart transhipment port, by the joined action of
the MPA and the global operator PSA
• NETHERLANDS, pulled by Rotterdam the first
European ports and relayed by Amsterdam is
leveraging opportunities offered by the digital.
• GERMANY is building on its innovative ecosystem,
leading container Ports and its dynamic economy
1 2
For larger ports, shareholders are in most of
cases public players: the State, Region or City
authorities. The owner usually holds land and
infrastructure and the port is the ‘managing
company’ . For smaller ports, most activities
could be managed by a private operator
Port authorities are responsible for
infrastructure and implementing regulations
but, in most cases, they also look after all port
management and commercial activities.
Competition stems from ports based on their
geographic location, industry focus, capacity
Tech providers are companies that partner with
other players to provide equipment, systems
and technologies that enable operations and
optimise efficiency. They are diverse, from data
analytics and software companies to crane,
vehicle or sensor manufacturers
Port customers are the multiple users of port
infrastructure and related services. The main
clients includes shipping companies but trade
and freight forwarders and logistics companies
are also end-users
Organisations and authorities accomplish
necessary tasks and state duties within the port
area and operation process. These include
harbour masters, pilots, navigation and customs
Port Authorities, often in partnership with
public players, industry players, universities and
investments players are pushing for innovation
through several structures : projects, labs,
consortiums, incubators, dedicated funds to the
maritime economy and port ecosystems
Terminal operators are key partners as they
operate infrastructure, including ship
operations. Terminals can be managed by
subsidiaries of shipping companies, branches of
global terminal operators, local companies or by
the port itself. Ownership is complex and varies
The ecosystem is composed of multiple types of players which interact within ports
Priority is given to major container ports with commercial proximity to Finland
Port Country TEU
rank (TEU)
Country share of Finland
total export / imports*
Singapore Singapore 33.7 M 2 High Hub to whole Asia
Rotterdam Netherlands 13.7 M 1 High X=6.6% / I=5.7% (Hub)
Antwerp Belgium 10.4 M 2 High X= 3.9% / I= 2.5%
Hamburg Germany 8.9 M 3 High X=13% / I=16%
New York/New Jersey US East cost 6.7 M 3 High X=7.9% / I=3.1%
Bremenports Germany 5.5 M 4 High X=13% / I=16%
Savannah US East cost 4 M 4 High X=7.9% / I=3.1%
Haropa (le Havre) France 3 M 9 High X=3.5% / I=3.7
Priority is given to major container ports with commercial proximity to Finland
Digital Technologies are designed for the smart port applications areas
Digital Calls Energy Transition
Technology landscape
Digital technology enable higher logistic efficiency for terminal operator
Container ship
Digital Ship,
Panamax, Ultra-
handling to
container. Automated
Quay Cranes
Gate automation:
Manage access of
trucks and in and
out container
Yard storage, to move
an store container on
land before further
movement. Automated
Yard Cranes
Terminal management to
coordinate operations &
follow container moves
-Operations system
-Management systems
-Container tracking
Carriers for
horizontal move
from the quay
to the yard1 1
Mature adoption
In development
Early stage
Remote control & automated cranes
Automation of cranes are enabled by the following TECHNOLOGIES: laser, infra-red
sensors, advanced camera imaging, navigation sensors (RF, optical, inertial) and Crane
Management systems. The key adoption driver is to REDUCE ‘COST PER MOVE’ (per
handled container). It exist several level of crane automation, from REMOTE CONTROL
to FULLY AUTOMATED (Level 3) They could fit with Panamax & super-Panamax
Automated Ship-to-Shore Cranes Automated Rail Mounted Gantry Cranes
Quay cranes: Automated STS cranes are early
stage development and mainly semi-automated
(remote controlled). The variety and precision of
tasks are still difficult to be fully managed by AI
Yard cranes: ARMG Cranes are designed for
greenfield projects, considered to be fully
automated, they operates on Yards. Adoption is
broad for advanced terminals in major Ports
Automated Rubber Tyred Gantry Cranes
Yard cranes: Early stage development, RTGC fit
with brownfield development. Mainly semi-
automated. These includes position detecting
systems and other specific telematics
capabilities as they are not fixed on a rail
Crane control systems
Processing data from laser, infra-red, video etc..
systems enable cranes to operates and to
coordinate several operations: container
recognition, crane moves, container moves,
space appreciation
Automated horizontal transport
Automated Guided Vehicles
Automation of yard includes ‘HORIZONTAL’ CONTAINER MOVES. Several types of
vehicles were designed combined with cranes to manage remotely and even
automatically container moves from ship to inland network and the other way
around. Major driver for adoption is REDUCING COST PER MOVE. The vehicles are
managed and monitor by Terminal operation and logistic system as well as
equipment monitoring systems
Automated Straddle Carriers
Lithium-Ion battery charging AGV communication Systems
AGVs are receiving box (sev. sizes) from quay cranes and
delivering to the yard. multidirectional, it works with wires
and sensors, directional tapes, Modulated laser piloting or
Pulsed laser piloting. gyroscope and transponders help
direction. AGVs are controlled by computer navigation
ASCs are picking box from ground or over another
box. It uses sensors for automated picking, and
navigation systems such as magnetic navigation.
Operation are controlled by computers
Lithium-Ion batteries enables more efficient
electricity propelled vehicles. Smart chargers, Fast
chargers and wireless chargers are typical
innovations that reduce downtimes of operations
Communication is enabled by wireless data
transmission through RF. A traffic control system
enable AGVs to work simultaneously
Terminal management
Gate automation
Terminal IoTTerminal Management system
Container tracking
In order to optimize increasing number of containers handled through terminal,
Operators and Ports are investing in optimised and automated TERMINAL
OPERATING SYSTEM. Thanks to big data and connectivity system are being
implemented to integrate data gathered from various areas of the terminal.
MOVES of container: entry, moves, stock, exit
The Gate operating system that manage traffic is enabled by
OCR (optical character recognition) container, truck and train
identification and access control. It is enhanced by video
monitoring, damages, regulatory and safety inspections
imaging. It communicates with trucks and train
The use of GPS or reference nodes enhance a more
accurate positioning of containers and consequently
better inventory management. Automatic system
location define where to store the container
The data connection of the several equipment in
the terminal and automation system enable
coordination and automated operations of the
Terminal operation system (TOS) coordinate
equipment actions and support human actions
and controls
Terminal automation enablers
Automated mooring Crane Predictive maintenance
Several additional areas are subject of DIGITISATION. On the container terminal,
automated mooring solution are adopted IN THE MOST ADVANCED PORTS.
Terminal management are also optimized in the infrastructure and maintenance
Auto-mooring optimise turnaround time and
eliminate the need for mooring line and reduce
dependence on tug boats and human factors. Mooring
is directly managed from the ship by RF
communication with the mooring units. Within the
concept of smart quay (cf Port Operation), quay are
being equipped with prevent ship to take extra space.
In addition, mooring can be support by Automated
and underwater Tug.
Sensor and reported information from the diverse
part of a crane can be analysed and consequently
improve crane MRO. The data analytics
algorithms are improved by global collection of
available crane data
Technology landscape
Ship calls and onshore operation can be optimised both sides by analytics
Smart Port
agent Harbour
Ships &
Shipping agent
The general
management of the
Port operations are
being optimized thanks
to data analytics. It
includes digital dock
planning, operation
monitoring, paperless
procedures among
Port Community System enables Port
ecosystem players to interact and
enables basic Port function : ship port
call and freight transfer
Smart Port
Digital dock
Port community systems
Port Community System
Integrated PCS
Enhanced communications – 5G
Port Community System set in relation Port stakeholders systems. Already BROADLY
ADOPTED it reveals several level of digitisation and integration. PCS can be
INTEGRATED with digital ships, with other Port systems, within a larger shipping
ecosystem with hinterland logistic players to enable a continuity of operations and
coordination along the entire value chain. Satellite communication could enhance
broader integration and system efficiency.
PCS is an open electronic platform that securely exchange
information between stakeholders. It enable fluid
communications and enable interoperability and paperless
administration tasks. It optimised logistics processes
PCS can be connected with shipping fleet, with
other PCS (Portbase, IPCSA). PCS can integrate
hinterland logistics players to enhance the fluidity
of the logistic process. PCS can be integrated with
the Port Management system providing and
benefiting from the data gathered through the
Integrated PCS
5G enable transmission of an high number of data
from smart sensors of several stakeholder – harbour
master, Engineering team, traffic control etc.. enabling
rapid treatment of the information and reactivity of
the Port Authority and its ecosystem
Port management (1/2)
Digital docking and dock planning Data driven monitoring & control
Ports are managing and optimising their dock planning
thanks to software and data analytics. as an interface,
software platforms that enables booking of berth and
can includes management of duties and invoices. It
includes navigations information
At Port level, container or ship status are
monitored thanks to automated reporting thanks
to sensor or human reporting through digital
devices or traditional software. It enables quickest
ship call management, logistic efficiency and
capacity management of docks
Optimized port management system
Port Authorities needs to manage Port operation and especially ship call. The
multiples stakeholders are seeking for OPTIMISED LOGISTIC EFFICIENCY. In order to
offer the highest level of services, large ports are enhancing their process thanks to
DATA ANALYTICS AND CONNECTED DEVICES. Ships and freight are monitored and
their moves optimised. Before, during and after the call. Level of implementation are
diverse and functionality may differ from port to port
Based on management modules integration and enabled by
big data and AI, advanced port management systems perform
and enable in one system the multiples Port Authority tasks
planning operations, control, reporting, administration, waste
management etc. The communication is ensured by the PMIS
Smart Quay
The concept of smart quay includes infrastructure
monitoring and operations. Automated mooring
controlled by sensors and cameras optimised the
speed and space used by ships by a strict space use
Port management (2/2)
Sea-lock / bridge managementVessel Traffic System
Enabled by Automatic identity system (transponders or
satellite), Differential GPS, RFID, the Vessel traffic system
enable ship monitoring and fleet management within
the Port. It enhance incident prevention and logistics
Data Analytics
A key enabler of Port management is data
analytics, and especially Predictive and
Prescriptive analytics that enables prediction of
moves and time load optimising the flows
Smart Port Management rely on technology enablers such as data
analytics algorithms, Positioning systems and infrastructure
Operating and control systems of key
infrastructures enables ship flows on estuary
Smart calls
Geographic information system
Blockchain Technology
Digital twin
Ports needs to welcomed smart ships, and make their new capabilities valuable
enabled by cloud and advanced communication network is giving sense to
smart port calls
With the multiplication of sensors measuring a high
numbers of metrics and producing data, some Ports
are able to model a virtual representation of the
port to ease both operations and planning
Blockchain is tested to build cargo information
platform to ease and secure freight information
sharing. The aim is to speed and secure security
checking, customs, as well as improving logistic
Using multiple data sources, from AIS ship
positioning, hydrographic, economics, metro etc..
GIS is enabling providing visual managing tools
that can optimise operations. Can be cloud based
for smaller ports, shared through mobile devices
With route planning systems powered by AIS and
related vessel fleet management used by ship-
owners, waiting time can be reduce and port can
optimise their navigable areas, dock capacity and
port call
Digital route planning
Road traffic management
Video analytics for road traffic Data driven traffic management
Automated port access checking
Deploying video analytics allows operators to draw full
value from often already installed security cameras,
automatically monitoring traffic to improve safety (e.g.
by identifying vehicles) and increase efficiency (e.g.
by monitoring movements)
Effectively managing passenger and freight TRAFFIC WITHIN, OUTSIDE AND AS IT
ENTERS ports is key to increasing efficiency and profitability whilst improving safety
and security. Operators are borrowing and, in some cases, adapting solutions from
the road traffic and other areas which leverage cameras, sensors and other inputs to
Installing sensors on the roads leading to a port helps
local authorities to alleviate congestion, collecting
non-personal data from drivers’ devices to track travel
times and, in turn, adjust traffic lights or signage to
facilitate smooth traffic flows
Erecting OCR-based automated entry and exit gates to
ports facilitates easy and quick access for hauliers
whilst supporting users with monitoring and checking
containers and their contents for dangerous and/or
other unwanted cargos
Technology landscape
Data driven safety
Mature adoption
In development
Early stage
Advanced infrastructure monitoring
Road / Rail network MonitoringSmart camera & Computer vision
ASV/UUV monitoring
Monitoring infrastructure to enable operation is one of the main task of a Port Authorities.
INFRASTRUCTURES they have to manage. It includes network, Road, rail, access, restricted
areas and access warehouse & stock, quays, banks, water depth, locks
Connected camera and computer image analytics
enable changes detections. It could reveal
damaged infrastructure, areas intrusion, use
status and enable automated reporting needing
action to be taken
Network of road and rail need to be constantly
monitor to avoid any load break. Smart sensors
including connected cameras can managed
efficient and automated control of the network
Estuary Ports are specifically requiring a way to manage water depth and
berth status to enable ship moving and mooring within the port.
sounding drones with ultrasonic sensors or cameras can maintain a
constant monitoring of the depth and berth and give Engineering teams
the needed data to perform dredging and maintenance operations
Predictive maintenance
Rail Predictive maintenance Predictive maintenance for Infrastructure
Prescriptive maintenance
Ports Authorities need to maintain infrastructure operational. MAINTENANCE OF THIS
INFRASTRUCTURE are being optimised and automated through PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE
and condition based maintenance. Data gathered from sensor or human reporting is
analysed and enable PREDICTION OF INCIDENT and eventually AUTOMATED PLANNING of
control operations and maintenance actions called Prescriptive Maintenance.
In addition to predictive maintenance more
advanced Port are considering implementing
automated action prescription systems for
infrastructure maintenance and management
Rail network is a key areas where infrastructure
maintenance plays a key role in operation
continuity as it enables multimodality.
Prediction of incident from monitored data and
algorithms enable more efficient MCO
Thanks mainly to CCTV, authorities are able to
predict damaged, cracks etc.. on port
pavement. Vehicles equipped with cameras
feed constantly computer systems that rise
potential issue on the Port areas.
Building information modeling
BIM generate 3D models of assets, enabling the
assessment of collected data. It gather current
and historical data of an asset. It enhance the
infrastructure management in relation with VR
tools, and predictive maintenance
3D printing for spare parts
Drones for port inspections
3D printing facilities are being tested on-site at ports
globally. Additive manufacturing and the development
of “factories in a box” has the potential to transform
the aftermarket, reducing excess inventory, minimising
storage costs and delivering spare parts to operators
in minutes or hours rather than days or weeks
A number of emerging technologies, notably additive manufacturing and Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles, are finding their application in ports. 3D printing is very much in its
infancy with operators establishing collaborative incubators to explore the potential,
whilst drones are already being used to conduct selected missions. Together, they
promise efficiency and safety/security gains
Drones are used regularly to inspect the equipment
and buildings in ports which would otherwise be
difficult and/or dangerous to access. Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles (UAVs) can also be leveraged for security
and health & safety purposes or to monitor sea- and
land-based traffic and other movements
The Port management Information system (PMIS)
enable harbour master and partners to intervene as
quickly as possible on the incident, especially for ship
collision of infrastructure fires
Incident / Fire reporting M
Technology landscape
Renewable Energy
& Smart grid
Emission monitoring
LNG bunkering
Mature adoption
In development
Early stage
Fuel consumption and emission monitoring
Emissions monitoring system Smart waste collection system
Co2, NOx and SOx could be monitored through scrubber
data collection form temper proof sensors, liquid fuel
testings' data collections, optical measurement of plume,
sensors monitoring such as sniffers on bridges. Continuous
in-situ EMS would become the norm to enhance permanent
control. Measurement can be done by drones. Satellite
analytics will be able to measure exhaust contents
Matching regulations for both on shore and on board is a PRIMARY CONCERN
AND DUTY for European Ports (Port state control, Harbour master etc...) ENERGY
enforcement are enable by a various range of DIGITAL TOOLS and specific
Ship waste management in addition to proper port
waste is a big challenge for port and enable ship
owners to match there regulations requirement.
Waste compression system, and sensors, enable
optimisation of waste storage and collection.
LNG capabilities
Major ship owners are starting to operate LNG
ships to match IMO regulations. Consequently
Ports are developing LNG fuelling & storage
LNG capabilities
Platforms driven by data analytics increase
avoidance of empty container transport
Road transport efficiency
Energy efficiency
Smart grids
Renewable energy (vessels)
Renewable energy (ports)
Deploying smart grids facilitates the integration of
distributed/renewable sources and allows operators
to monitor power usage and assess energy needs
across diverse stakeholders. Ultimately, it can enable
the establishment of Virtual Power Plants
The intensive use of energy on land and at sea is damaging to ports’ environmental
footprints and economic performance. Authorities and operators are therefore
looking for ways in which to reduce consumption and switch to renewable sources in
order to become more attractive and competitive. Most of the energy efficiency
solutions deployed in ports are borrowed from other industries and settings
Leveraging ports’ on land estates to construct e.g. a
solar farm or biomass plant has the potential to make
a material difference to their energy mixes. In
addition, many ports provide operations/maintenance
bases and expertise for offshore wind farms. It
includes providing electricity from Shore-to-Ships to
reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emissions in
Using renewable/sustainable energy sources and
increasing the efficiency of carriers and other vessels
can reduce air pollution, carbon emissions and fuel
consumption. Authorities are exploring the option of
operating hydrogen fuel cell powered tugs
Technology landscape
Adoption differ from port to port but general trend can be observed
• Automated Ship-
to-Shore Cranes• ARMG Cranes
• ARTG Cranes
• AGVs / ASCs
• Lithium-Ion
battery charging
• Gate
automation • Terminal IoT
• Terminal Management
• Container tracking
• Automated
• Crane Predictive
• Advanced
communication – 5G
• Dock planning
• Advanced monitoring
• Port Management
• Smart Quay
• Smart Vessel
• Sea Lock/bridge
• Blockchain
• Digital twin
• GIS & Digital route planning
• Video analytics for
road traffic • Data driven traffic
• Automated port access checking
• Road / Rail network
• Smart camera &
Computer vision
• Drones
• Predictive
maintenance • Prescriptive
• Building information
• 3D printing• PMIS
• Emissions monitoring
• Smart waste collection
• LNG capabilities
• Road transport
Mature Early stage
Terminal Automation
Port Calls
Inland Operations
Energy transition
Country benchmark
National Foreign
Dutch Customs
Infrastructure &
Specific needs / Key pain points
Smart Port Achievements
Specificity : Container Port and
transhipment, Liquid bulk, Dry bulk
Figures 2018 : 469 M tonnes, 30K
sea-going vessels, 100K inland
vessels, 14,512K TEU.
dec. Revenue 707.2 M E,
dec. Profit: 254.1M E,
inc. Operating expense : 267.8 M E,
inc. gross investments: 408.1 M E
Infrastructure : 12,713ha, 6,275 ha
rentable sites. 77.3 km quays, 202
km banks, 125 jetties
• Keep leading position / competition with Antwerp (ship calls
and land lease)
• Ultra-large ship capacity
• Digital readiness
• Logistic efficiency
• Regulation Compliance & Safety ratios
• LNG capabilities
• Comply with Partner & Public requirement
• Environmental compliance
• Diversify revenue streams > Consulting
services, system solutions
• Manage cost structure with Increasing
operating expenses (digitisation & Energy
Additional : Direct and Indirect AV
represent 6.2% of Dutch GDP
• Portbase PCS
• HaMIS is the PMIS for Harbour master to plan, monitor
and adminstrate shipping traffic
• IoT platform, collecting data from various sensors within a
cloud platform, processed in real time to improve Port
services (IBM, Esri, Cisco, Axians)
• Objectif of 4D digital twin
• Operating flow model OSR (monitoring networks, meteo
and hydro information's such as water levels, speed. (part.
• Simpler discount scheme for green ships
• Fisrt LNG bunkering by Shell (Aframax tanker)
• Hydrotreated vegetable oil propelled harbour patrol boats
and hybrid diesel-electric patrol boats reduction of CO2
and PM emissions
• Multi party camera surveillance pilot in Waalhaven
• Pronto application > Communication & Call
Optimisation application that aim at reducing
vessel waiting time
• Mainport Traffic Monitor > real time information
sharing from road traffic, handling time and empty
depots for logistic players
• 5G testing to enable use of large scale wireless
• McNetiq: magnetic jetty anchors for smart and
safe maintenance
• APIs based services: ETA predictions, information
on ship journey, container journey : Boxinsider
track and trace container with ETA-D etc.. (ABC
• Vessel Traffic services improvement
Specific needs / Key pain points
Smart Port Achievements
Specificity : Multi-function, Liquid
bulk (1st petrol handling port in the
worlds), dry bulk, agro-bulk, cruise
and containers
Figures 2018 : 82,3 M tonnes (101.8
M total North-sea canal) around 20 M
in transhipment,
17,950 sea vessel in the NS canal,
41,250 inland vessel
425K passengers,
Inc. Revenue :157,4 M E
Inc. Profit : 68.5 ME
Inc Operating expense: 29 M E
Infrastructure:4,500 ha. North-Sea
canal & Sea lock, Energy
inc. 45.1 hectares land leased
• Avoid volume losses
• Added Services and Digital readiness
• Mitigate Estuary constraints
• Sea-lock and space optimisation
• Manage City proximity and related requirement (Port
City & Ij bridges)
• Environmental
• Space & navigation optimization
• Mitigate Risks and safety issues
• Roadmap Digital Port for 3 core fields: nautical
operations, commerce, assets & infrastructures. It
includes pilot projects for the use of data, IoT, sensors.
• HaMIS PCS* was developed by Rotterdam (Portbase).
• MOBIapp for ISPS certification checking (Harbour
master 7 Security officers;
• BLIS for connected inland vessels, mooring and docking
• RiverGuide (Netherlands route & berth data sharing on
Dutch waterways)
• Easydock app for inland cruise ships docking and
paperless duties
• DSP Dynamic lock planning to minimise waiting times
• Technical coordination centre TCC for Harbour master
• Rail Freight transportation programme (PoR and
Additional: Direct & Indirect added
value is 7.2 B E
• 1240 Solar panels, Tata Steel Hydrogen plant and LNG
bunkering 2019, wind Farms with 2021 goal of 100 MW,
CO2 Capture & Reuse
• Circular economy : Chain craft, Bin2barrel recycling plants
• Air Measurement and noise measurement#
• Automated traffic light optimisation
• Start-ups: Parcompare platform connecting mobility
solutions, Synple market place for empty truck and cargos
• Test on traffic and parking optimisation (sensors &
• AIS data analytics for waterway monitoring, berth
occupancy evolution
• Strong Interest in drones applications for monitoring –
tests with partners
• Hydraulic asset digital inspection reporting
Country benchmark
Bremen & Bremerhaven
innovation fund
Free city of Bremen Free city of Hamburg
Customs Coast Guards
National Foreign
Specific needs / Key pain points
Smart Port Achievements
Specificity : Container, Dry Bulk,
Liquid Bulk,
Figures 2017 : 135.1 M tonnes
8,8M TEU (3.2 transhipment, 5.6
Hinterland traffic)
2.2 M cars, 870k passengers, 5,200
inland vessels
2016 Inc. Revenue :185 M E
Inc. Profit : 68.5 ME
Inc. Operating expense: 29 M E
Infrastructure:4,460 ha, 142km
road, 62 bridges
Additional: 265,000 directs or
indirects jobs
• 5G program with Telekom and Nokia
• Building Information Modelling (BIM) used to enhance
planning and operation
• LNG bunkering project & cold Iron to reduce emissions
• VR and AR studies
• Intermodal Port traffic centre for traffic flow monitoring
and optimisation.
• InfoPORT: Data capture and sharing for logistic
efficiency. Sharing information on, traffic, parking,
infrastructures, bridges closures.
• Monitoring of vehicles and infrastructure through
centralised information by control room software
• Tests : ASV Water drones that survey the port with
eco-sounders for water depth and surface monitoring,
• DIVA system (dynamic information on traffic
volumes)on traffic information sharing coupled with
informative LED panels – Managed in the Port Road
Management centre
• Short to ship renewable energy provided
• Predictive maintenance of railway network through
sensors data collection and analytics#
• Current development of a mobile GPS sensor
feeding the HPA system for intelligent fleet
management. It will provide data for temperature,
wind, pollution.
• Infrastructure monitoring and finally predictive
maintenance using human mobile devices
reporting. For Bridges, roads and track
• Reduction of empty container movement by info
sharing through a cloud based system
• Electric mobility with charging and e-taxis
• Parking optimisation app for trucks
• TransPORT rail : Traffic Management system for
Rail transport – optimisation & user data sharing
• Avoid volume losses against competition /
Exchange reduction
• Mitigating container dependence
• Avoid overcapacity
• Manage duties level with low freight rate
• Maintain efficient access in the Elbe &
environmental standards improvement
Specific needs / Key pain points
Smart Port Achievements
Specificity : Container, Ro-Ro &
Cars, General cargos
Figures 2018 : 74,3 M tonnes
(12.3M in Bremen, 62 in
Bremerhaven), 5.5M TEU
2.2 M cars, 238k passengers, 5,200
inland vessels
Inc. Revenue :157,4 M E
Inc. Profit : 68.5 ME
Inc. Operating expense: 29 M E
Infrastructure:4,460 ha, 38 km
quays, 33 km banks, 178km rail
network, 99km road, 5 locks
Additional: 18,4% of the Federal
land of Bremen employment
• DBH provides the PCS system (partner with
SAP sigma n3)
• DBH provide ship information system for
vessel tracking and traffic management
• 2018: settlement of Infrastructure Data
Management System for the Bremen port
railway (IDMS) for Management and
predictive maintenance. (Sersa group).
• PRO.FILE IT infrastructure for document
management and process control,
• Use of CAD systems and GIS for Port
• Manage Overcapacity in deep sea Bremerhaven port
• Commercial targets / competition with
Rotterdam, and Hamburg (Zebrugge for cars)
• Related infrastructure cost including rail & road
• Environmental protection of the Weser River
• Port Economy and Maritime sector is first driver
of Bremen economics > Need to leverage a
maximum of value
Country benchmark
National Foreign
Customs Maritime cost authority
Inland navigation
Ministry of
Represented by :Ministry
of Transport
French State
Specific needs / Key pain points
Smart Port Achievements
• SOGET PCS S)one.(Le Havre based company –
partnership with Microsoft)
• SOGET S-Wing : Vessel traffic management
• Delta system : e-customs procedures
• Interconnected systems thought the ‘smart
corridor’ (Whole HAROPA). Since 2018, two
100% digital calls in Le Havre.
• Optiroute and TAS (SOGET) for road traffic
• Timad HM hazardous material management
Heavy entry and compliance procedures
• Process optimisation & Digitization
Seveso Area Security
Hinterland access and network issue
• Road traffic congestion
• Transhipment from terminal to network
• Avoid overcapacity
• Compete with North sea port for transhipment
and hinterland competition especially with
Specificity : Liquid bulk Container,
General cargos, Agri-bulk
Figures 2018 : 120M tones
(94,7 M tones Maritime, 22.1M tones
inland), 3M TEU
430K Passenger
Infrastructure:6000 ha of land, 57
terminals, 150km of roads, 200km
of railway, 100 bridges and locks
Additional: 32,000 direct jobs and
16,500 indirect
• Smart Data Service Platform launched in Le Havre
(Le Havre City, SOGET, Orange, Cisco) for data
analytics of transport to optimize both urban services
and Logistic flows
• SOGET, UMEP and Airbus partners
• to combine VTS management system and
Styris VTS radar to improve mobnitoring and
optimise port operations and calls
• Security Operation Centre enhanced by
Country benchmark
US Customs & Border
US Immigrations &
Customs Enforcement
US Army Corps of
State of New York State of New Jersey
There is no evidence of
any significant
innovation organisation
*Only East-cost
Specific needs / Key pain points
Smart Port Achievements
Specificity : Container, cars, dry
and liquid bulk, cruises, ferries
Figures 2018 :
7.2m TEU
0.6m rail lifts
0.6m cars
0.9m cruise passengers
Infrastructure: 3,900km2 port
district including 5 facilities; Port
Newark, Elizabeth Port Authority
Marine Terminal, Port Jersey Port
Authority Marine Terminal,
Howland Hook Marine Terminal,
and Brooklyn Port Authority
Marine Terminal
Additional: 3rd largest US port
• “Integrating new technology into port operations”
forms a key plank of PANYNJ Master Plan 2050
which was published in July
• There is a particular focus on;
• E-commerce
• 3D printing
• Autonomous vehicles
• Piloting “zero-emission cargo transfers” using
electric truck tractors together with tenant Best
Transportation and BYD
• Electrifying its shuttle bus fleet
• Leveraging the E-Zpass road tolling system to
capture live traffic data and track the movement
of vehicles outside the facility
• Rolling out version 2.0 of PortTruckPass,
PANYNJ proprietary web-based Port Community
• Deploying new gate systems which reduce truck
turnaround time by 25% using OCR devices and
upgraded Weigh In Motion machines
• Working with Via to launch LGA Connect, an
app-enabled ridesharing service for passengers
at LaGuarda
• Trialling, together with Maher Terminals, an all
electric Kalmar straddle carrier, the first of its
kind to be deployed anywhere in the US
• Offering 3 apps, CrossingTime, MyTerminal,
RidePath, providing real-time travel information
for port visitors
• Limited capacity;
• Container volumes are predicted to
double or triple in 30 years
• Road and rail network is congested
• Restrictions on the way in which the largest
modern container vessels are able to use the vital
Kill Van Kull waterway
• Ageing infrastructure; many of the current
facilities were built before 1950
• Signatory of the Paris Climate Agreement
• Requirement to reduce Green House
Gas emissions by 35% by 2025
Country benchmark
City of AntwerpCity of Brugge
Maritime Access
Flemish Agency for
Maritime Services & Coast
Customs &
Port Health
Shipping Police
Specific needs / Key pain points
Smart Port Achievements
• APICA – virtual assistant , virtual reality – real time.
• Blockchain pilot project for hygiene & phytosanitary
• IoT project – city of Antwerp : sensors enabling
• Automatic image recognition: Preventive
maintenance, traffic management.
• Test for autonomous trucks in terminals
• Data driven digital dart port community Platform
NxtPort (Antwerp based company). Includes logistic
optimisation tools such as ETA predictions
• Customer platform: ‘Connectivity Platform’
(collaboration with Port+)
Specificity : Containers, liquid
bulk, break bulk, dry bulk
Figures 2018 : 235.3 M tones ;
11.1M TEU ; 14,000 seagoing
ships, 52,000 barges, 1.3M cars
; 75.7M tones of liquid bulk
Infrastructure: 15 main terminals,
12,000 ha port area, 7.2m m3
liquid bulk storage capacity, 7 sea
locks, 1000 km of pipelines
Additional: 144,000 indirect and
direct jobs
• Use of drones to monitor water-depth.
• Echodrone : Automous water depth monitoring
(collaboration with dotOcean)
• Seafar developed the Tuimelaar an unmanned
multifunction vessel in testing
• Hydrotug is a hydrogene propelled tug boat in
operation (manufactured by CMB)
• Circular economy: heat plants
• Shore to ship electricity provider – from
renewable energy sources
• iNoses : Air chemical composition sensors and
changes analysis for incident prevention
• Limited capacity by physical geographical limit to
• capability to welcome ultra-large ships
• Need to optimise space usage
• Estuary specific constraints
• 7 sea locks operations require fine
• Specific Management of the navigation
on the Scheldt
• Inland access issue – congestion on the Antwerp
city ring
• Traffic management and logistic
Country benchmark
Specific needs / Key pain points
Smart Port Achievements
Specificity : Container, cruises
Figures 2018 :
36.6m TEU
130k vessel calls
At any one time, the Port can
accommodate 1,000 vessels
84 berths
>24km of quays
>200 cranes
>9000 hectares
Additional: accounts for 5,000
maritime establishments,
contributing 7% of Singapore’s
GDP and employing 170,000
personnel; 2nd largest global port
with the $15b Tuas Mega Port
under construction
• The Port of Singapore strives to;
• “Enable the industry to embrace
technology”, one of four key pillars in its
Sea Transport Industry
Transformation Map, published in 2018
• Position itself as “the premier global
maritime hub” for “Connectivity,
Innovation and Talent” as recommended
by the International Maritime Centre
• Investing, with ST Electronics, in a Next
Generation Vessel Traffic Management System
• Installing a Very High Frequency Radio
• Trialling Body Worn Cameras for surveillance
• Rolling out, with IBM, Sense-making Analytics
for Maritime Event Recognition
• Testing, with Xjera, AI for site safety/security
• Conducting, with Microsoft, sessions to build a
blockchain platform for Smart Contracts
• Limited and heavily utilised anchorage space in
the context of increasing ship calls and potential
land reclamation for other uses
• Possible diversion of Asia-Europe trade away
from the Malacca/Singapore Straits with climate
change opening up alternatives
• Leveraging Remote Inspection Services for
ship surveys, including Unmanned Robotic Arms,
Remote Operated Vehicles and Unmanned
Aircraft Systems among others
• Developing a Maritime Single Window, a unique
portal for ship reporting and submission of all port
related documents for vessel, immigration and
port health clearance
• Drawing up the terms of reference for an
Integrated Port Operations System, covering
command, control, communications and
information for crisis management
• Exploring Innovative Mooring Solutions such as
floating or other anchorage systems which have
the potential to increase capacity by over 100% in
the mid to longer term
• Issuing E-certs to Singapore registered ships
• Collaborating with Fujitsu and SMU in respect of
AI based VTM, prediction and coordination
• Smart Port collaboration & Summit :
Province of South Holland, Deltalinqs,
Municipality of Rotterdam, Marin, Erasmus
Univ., TU Delft, TNO, Deltares
• Container 42 initiative :
• PortXL accelerator : Van Oord, EY,
Vopak, Shell, Royal IHC, Boskalis,
Rabobank, City of Rotterdam, Apelmann,
North Sea Port, ECE, InnovationQuarter
• Port of Rotterdam LAB : Application
• PortXchange Subsidiary : offer Pronto
plaform and related application
(parntership with Shell & AP Moller
• Blocklab : Blockchain technology lab for
port application
• Prodock 2.0 Industrial incubator
• Mainport Innovation Fund II supporting
logistics start-ups for both port and airport
• With the Metropolitan Region Nordwest
launch the Digilab project supporting
SMEs with digital transformation (BAB,
• Partner in the IWTS 2.0 (2018-2020) a
European project for digital tool
development for inland shipping
• SmartPort initiative with BSU
(Development and Environment) and
BWVI (Economy, Transport & innovation)
ministries in collaboration with Hamburg
University of Technology, Harburg
• ‘Smart Harbour’ part of the ‘Capital of
Things’ programme led by the city of
Antwerp. (Imec, Univ. of Antwerp) :
Cameras, sensors, Waterview, an
automatic sounding boat and a 3D
• MAS Port Pavilion will be the innovation
hub of the Port of Antwerp – building
innovation plans and smart technology
• European partnership program ‘Smart
Ports Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Development’ SPEED (2018-2022) led
by Antwerp Management school
(Antwerp Univ, Startups.be, and
multiple Belgians, UK, Dutch and
French partners )
• Trafis Lab (Haropa, Soget, Univ. of le
• End 2018: “Le Havre Smart Port City”
with the municipality of Le Havre. (similar
projects in Rouen and Paris)
• Ze Box (Marseille) is the CMA-CGM
incubator for port start-up innovation
focusing on container operations
• Runs an annual Smart Port Challenge and has a
Maritime Technology Acceleration Programme
which aim to encourage collaboration between
companies, technology players and start-ups
• Tests promising solutions in “Living Labs”
• Launched the Port Innovation Ecosystem
Reimagined “Pier71”, a technology accelerator
with links with the Netherland’s PortXL and
Denmark’s Rainmaking/Pier47
• Signed a MoU with the National Additive
Manufacturing Cluster (NAMIC) and 3D Metal
Forge to establish the first on-site additive
manufacturing facility for ports
• Partnered with Singapore Polytechnic to establish
a Centre of Excellence in Modelling and
Simulation for Next Generation Ports (C4NGP)
to handle increasingly complex operations
• There is no evidence of any significant
innovation organisation
*Only East-cost
The general rule is that major container Port are leading Technology adoption
Technology adoption
Size of Port (TEU)
Following a strait forward logic, the Ports that
are handling the more container moves are the
firsts to adopt optimisations technologies
moving towards the Smart Port concept
Amsterdam: Less container but high tonnes volume –
benefits from the overall Dutch maritime ecosystem
smart capabilities are unequally owned by country port industry. It defines their maturity level
 Automated Terminal
 Automated Terminal
 Data driven PCS
 Data driven PCS
 Predictive Maintenance
 Data sharing & Interface
 Advanced VTM
 Road Traffic Management
 Data sharing & Interface
 Road Traffic Management
 Drones & Sensors Advanced VTM
 Drones & Sensors
 Data driven PCS
 Data sharing & Interface
 Road Traffic Management
 Drones & Sensors Advanced VTM
 Data driven PCS
 Data sharing & Interface
 Road Traffic Management
 Advanced VTM
 Port Optimisation
 5G
 Digital twin
 Blockchain
 Blockchain
 Automated Terminal
 Data driven PCS  Data sharing & Interface
 Advanced VTM
 Road Traffic Management
 Automated Terminal
 Data driven PCS
 Data sharing & Interface
 Road Traffic Management
 Drones & Sensors Blockchain
 Port Optimisation  Predictive Maintenance
*Only East-cost
In BOLD : more
advanced in that area
Spectrum of adoption gives a good indication on country maturity level and specificities
Maturity level
/ Rank
Ports capabilities indicates maturity levels & highlight ‘smart port’ hierarchy between countries
29 / 3
33 / 2
24 / 4
20 / 5
14 / 6
34 / 1
*Only East-cost
X2 factor
X1 factor
(X factor) Quarter sum
• 7 Chinese ports within the 10 busiest
ports in the world (in TEU)
• Port of Shanghai is the busiest Port in
the world with 42M TEU
• Yangshan Deep Water Port in Port of Shanghai is the largest
automated terminal in the world – 132M tones capacity – 26
bridge cranes, 130 AGVs, 120 RMGC
• Huawei is leading 5G communication for Port automation
• UK Department of Transport is launching
Maritime 2050 strategy to enhance
maritime economy (partnership with
Rotterdam, Antwerp & Singapore)
• Terminal gate automation and container tracking pilots
conduced in Port of Valencia (MSC terminal, Traxens)
• Automated terminal in Algeciras – APM terminal (RTG, gate
automation Certus) & Total Terminal International
• Valencia Port, Algeciras and Barcelona
Port are amongst the business Port in
Europe with respectively 5.1M TEU.
4.8M TEU and 3.4M TEU in 2018
• The Hutchinson Port terminal in Felixstowe (3.85M TEU) face
issue with nGen Terminal Management platform in 2018
• Hutchinson Port terminal acquired in 2018 Ship-to-Shore
cranes improving level of terminal automation
• At global level, driven by geo-economics,
Japanese Ports are in a peripheral position –
Tokyo the biggest port in Japan is around the
20th world position. In APAC, Singapore and
Shanghai hold the transhipment hub positions
• Port 2030 program is planning to improve terminal
automation for container and Ro-Ro, Port communications and
match Energy transition.
• Japan is investing in LNG bunkering capabilities (Jera, NYK,
Use Major container Port as BENCHMARK for technology adoption. Hard competition with
GEOGRAPHIC NEIGHBOUR should drive increase in demand to be able to fit with new
standards. Baltic & North-Sea Ports would be first POTENTIAL TARGETS
LOGISTICS EFFICIENCY before and after terminal operation, like port inland access and
vessel route planning will increasingly be pursued by ports stakeholders. Opportunity to solve
major port & partners pain points covers VERY DIVERSE AREAS
As stakeholders hardly find way to SHARE INVESTMENTS, difficulty for technology provider
will be to find players that agrees to invest within the ecosystem. PORT AUTHORITY
supported by public players and TERMINAL OPERATORS are the main DECISION
MAKERS, but the various users & customers plays a critical influencing role
Opportunity from less advanced ports should be a relay of growth for TECHNOLOGY
PROVIDERS. Partnerships involving MAJOR PORTS would have a competitive advantage –
they are leveraging experience of their own development. Firstly PARTNERING with a leading
ports is often A KEY MARKET ENTRY POINT for technology providers
Iain Jawad
Director Strategic Partnerships
+44 (0)20 8996 8581
Benoit Butruille
Consultant – Consulting group
+33(0)1 42 81 16 62
Frost & Sullivan
July 19
January 20

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Future Watch: Smart Ports

  • 1. TF Future Watch: Smart Ports benchmarking study Supporting Business Finland to drive exports by improving its insight on trends Report Date: 1/21/2020
  • 2. 2 SUMMARY Project Context 3 Executive Summary 7 Technology Landscape 13 Country Benchmark 39 Country Comparison 62 Conclusions 67
  • 4. Strategic Imperative: Help Business Finland drive greater export success • Business Finland aspires to strengthen Finland’s position as an exporter of products, solutions and services for a range of sectors and segments. • Recent technology developments in the information technology space have opened new horizons for the maritime industry. ‘Digital Ports’ refers to the application of digital technologies such as machine learning, data analytics, visualization, cloud and advanced wireless communications technology to the Port Ecosystem that are driving innovations and enabling business efficiency. • Business Finland has requested for assistance in the gathering of market intelligence and foresight on the technology development scenario, technology & application adoption, and benchmarking of selected countries. Project Key Objectives: Objective : To conduct research on the topic of Smart Ports, to gather specific intelligence on technology development and adoption, business applications and benchmarking of countries.
  • 5. Project Scope, Definition and Coverage Definition: Digital Ports / Smart Ports Digital Ports refers to the application of digital technologies such as machine learning, data analytics, visualization, cloud and advanced wireless communications technology to the Port Ecosystem Geographies Technologies Covered  Big data & data analytics  Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning  Cybersecurity  Sensors & Drones  Automation systems / Remote control systems  Image/Video analytics (including surveillance)  Advanced wireless communication technologies – Port community systems  Predictive maintenance  Data driven traffic management  Tracking solutions  Digital Twin  Germany (Hamburg, BremenPorts)  Holland (Rotterdam, Amsterdam)  France (Haropa Le Havre)  Belgium (Antwerp)  United States (Focus only on the East cost) (Port of NY & NJ)  Singapore Applications  Terminal Automation  Digital Port Call  Space Optimisation & Port Access  Digital Infrastructure Management for multi-modal capacity  Energy Transition & Regulation
  • 7. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 PORT ECOSYSTEM • The ecosystem is composed of multiple types of PLAYERS which interact within ports : Shareholders, Port Authorities, Operators, Users, Technology providers, Authorities, Innovation • Key study target are biggest CONTAINER PORTS with BUSINESS PROXIMITY with Finland- North-Sea and Channel Ports, US East coast, Singapore DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY • Digital Technologies are designed for the smart port APPLICATIONS AREAS : Terminal automation, Digital Port call, Onshore operations, Infrastructure Management, Energy Transition • Each technology are UNEQUALLY ADOPTED by Port players & ecosystems from mature adoption to early stage developments PORT ADOPTION • Major container Port are driving digitisation and use ‘Smart’ for both BUSINESS EFFICIENCY & as a COMPETING FACTOR • Port of Singapore and Port of Rotterdam are leading technology adoption. big CONTAINER PORTS, especially in THE NORTH SEA such as Antwerp and Hamburg competing are following • TERMINAL Operation and PORT CALL are the two entry points for ecosystem digital adoption COUNTRY BENCHMARK • SINGAPORE City-State is the world very 1st class smart transhipment port, by the joined action of the MPA and the global operator PSA • NETHERLANDS, pulled by Rotterdam the first European ports and relayed by Amsterdam is leveraging opportunities offered by the digital. • GERMANY is building on its innovative ecosystem, leading container Ports and its dynamic economy 1 2 34
  • 9. PORT SHAREHOLDERS For larger ports, shareholders are in most of cases public players: the State, Region or City authorities. The owner usually holds land and infrastructure and the port is the ‘managing company’ . For smaller ports, most activities could be managed by a private operator PORT AUTHORITIES Port authorities are responsible for infrastructure and implementing regulations but, in most cases, they also look after all port management and commercial activities. Competition stems from ports based on their geographic location, industry focus, capacity TECHNOLOGY PROVIDERS Tech providers are companies that partner with other players to provide equipment, systems and technologies that enable operations and optimise efficiency. They are diverse, from data analytics and software companies to crane, vehicle or sensor manufacturers USERS/CUSTOMERS Port customers are the multiple users of port infrastructure and related services. The main clients includes shipping companies but trade and freight forwarders and logistics companies are also end-users AUTHORITIES & REGULATIONS Organisations and authorities accomplish necessary tasks and state duties within the port area and operation process. These include harbour masters, pilots, navigation and customs authorities INNOVATION ORGANISATION Port Authorities, often in partnership with public players, industry players, universities and investments players are pushing for innovation through several structures : projects, labs, consortiums, incubators, dedicated funds to the maritime economy and port ecosystems PARTNERS/OPERATORS Terminal operators are key partners as they operate infrastructure, including ship operations. Terminals can be managed by subsidiaries of shipping companies, branches of global terminal operators, local companies or by the port itself. Ownership is complex and varies KEY STAKEHOLDERS The ecosystem is composed of multiple types of players which interact within ports
  • 10. COUNTRY SCOPE Priority is given to major container ports with commercial proximity to Finland 10
  • 11. Port Country TEU volume (2017) Regional rank (TEU) Presumed Digital Adoption Country share of Finland total export / imports* Singapore Singapore 33.7 M 2 High Hub to whole Asia Rotterdam Netherlands 13.7 M 1 High X=6.6% / I=5.7% (Hub) Antwerp Belgium 10.4 M 2 High X= 3.9% / I= 2.5% Hamburg Germany 8.9 M 3 High X=13% / I=16% New York/New Jersey US East cost 6.7 M 3 High X=7.9% / I=3.1% Bremenports Germany 5.5 M 4 High X=13% / I=16% Savannah US East cost 4 M 4 High X=7.9% / I=3.1% Haropa (le Havre) France 3 M 9 High X=3.5% / I=3.7 *OEC COUNTRY SCOPE Priority is given to major container ports with commercial proximity to Finland
  • 13. PORT ECOSYSTEM DIGITAL APPLICATIONS AREAS Digital Technologies are designed for the smart port applications areas 13 Terminal Automation Digital Calls Energy Transition Infrastructure Management 1 2 3 4 Onshore operations 2
  • 15. TERMINAL AUTOMATION Digital technology enable higher logistic efficiency for terminal operator 15 Container ship Digital Ship, Panamax, Ultra- Large Ship-to-shore handling to load/unload container. Automated Quay Cranes Gate automation: Manage access of trucks and in and out container tracking Yard storage, to move an store container on land before further movement. Automated Yard Cranes Terminal management to coordinate operations & follow container moves -Operations system -Management systems -Container tracking Automated Carriers for horizontal move from the quay to the yard1 1 2 3M D ES Mature adoption In development Early stage
  • 16. TERMINAL AUTOMATION Remote control & automated cranes 16 Automation of cranes are enabled by the following TECHNOLOGIES: laser, infra-red sensors, advanced camera imaging, navigation sensors (RF, optical, inertial) and Crane Management systems. The key adoption driver is to REDUCE ‘COST PER MOVE’ (per handled container). It exist several level of crane automation, from REMOTE CONTROL to FULLY AUTOMATED (Level 3) They could fit with Panamax & super-Panamax Automated Ship-to-Shore Cranes Automated Rail Mounted Gantry Cranes Quay cranes: Automated STS cranes are early stage development and mainly semi-automated (remote controlled). The variety and precision of tasks are still difficult to be fully managed by AI Yard cranes: ARMG Cranes are designed for greenfield projects, considered to be fully automated, they operates on Yards. Adoption is broad for advanced terminals in major Ports Automated Rubber Tyred Gantry Cranes Yard cranes: Early stage development, RTGC fit with brownfield development. Mainly semi- automated. These includes position detecting systems and other specific telematics capabilities as they are not fixed on a rail ES MES Crane control systems Processing data from laser, infra-red, video etc.. systems enable cranes to operates and to coordinate several operations: container recognition, crane moves, container moves, space appreciation M
  • 17. TERMINAL AUTOMATION Automated horizontal transport 17 Automated Guided Vehicles Automation of yard includes ‘HORIZONTAL’ CONTAINER MOVES. Several types of vehicles were designed combined with cranes to manage remotely and even automatically container moves from ship to inland network and the other way around. Major driver for adoption is REDUCING COST PER MOVE. The vehicles are managed and monitor by Terminal operation and logistic system as well as equipment monitoring systems Automated Straddle Carriers Lithium-Ion battery charging AGV communication Systems AGVs are receiving box (sev. sizes) from quay cranes and delivering to the yard. multidirectional, it works with wires and sensors, directional tapes, Modulated laser piloting or Pulsed laser piloting. gyroscope and transponders help direction. AGVs are controlled by computer navigation ASCs are picking box from ground or over another box. It uses sensors for automated picking, and navigation systems such as magnetic navigation. Operation are controlled by computers Lithium-Ion batteries enables more efficient electricity propelled vehicles. Smart chargers, Fast chargers and wireless chargers are typical innovations that reduce downtimes of operations Communication is enabled by wireless data transmission through RF. A traffic control system enable AGVs to work simultaneously ES D D D
  • 18. TERMINAL AUTOMATION Terminal management 18 Gate automation Terminal IoTTerminal Management system Container tracking In order to optimize increasing number of containers handled through terminal, Operators and Ports are investing in optimised and automated TERMINAL OPERATING SYSTEM. Thanks to big data and connectivity system are being implemented to integrate data gathered from various areas of the terminal. Management enables to COORDINATE OPERATION AND MONITOR LOGISTICS MOVES of container: entry, moves, stock, exit The Gate operating system that manage traffic is enabled by OCR (optical character recognition) container, truck and train identification and access control. It is enhanced by video monitoring, damages, regulatory and safety inspections imaging. It communicates with trucks and train ES D M The use of GPS or reference nodes enhance a more accurate positioning of containers and consequently better inventory management. Automatic system location define where to store the container The data connection of the several equipment in the terminal and automation system enable coordination and automated operations of the terminal D Terminal operation system (TOS) coordinate equipment actions and support human actions and controls
  • 19. TERMINAL AUTOMATION Terminal automation enablers 19 Automated mooring Crane Predictive maintenance Several additional areas are subject of DIGITISATION. On the container terminal, automated mooring solution are adopted IN THE MOST ADVANCED PORTS. Terminal management are also optimized in the infrastructure and maintenance through PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE Auto-mooring optimise turnaround time and eliminate the need for mooring line and reduce dependence on tug boats and human factors. Mooring is directly managed from the ship by RF communication with the mooring units. Within the concept of smart quay (cf Port Operation), quay are being equipped with prevent ship to take extra space. In addition, mooring can be support by Automated and underwater Tug. Sensor and reported information from the diverse part of a crane can be analysed and consequently improve crane MRO. The data analytics algorithms are improved by global collection of available crane data ESES
  • 21. DIGITAL CALLS & ONSHORE OPERATIONS Ship calls and onshore operation can be optimised both sides by analytics 21 Smart Port Management 2 Customs Maritime agent Harbour Master Forwarding agent Ships & Shipping agent Terminal operators Hinterland Port Authority The general management of the Port operations are being optimized thanks to data analytics. It includes digital dock planning, operation monitoring, paperless procedures among others Port Community System enables Port ecosystem players to interact and enables basic Port function : ship port call and freight transfer Port Community System 1 Smart Port Call Digital dock planning Road Traffic 3 4 5
  • 22. DIGITAL CALLS Port community systems 22 Port Community System Integrated PCS Enhanced communications – 5G Port Community System set in relation Port stakeholders systems. Already BROADLY ADOPTED it reveals several level of digitisation and integration. PCS can be INTEGRATED with digital ships, with other Port systems, within a larger shipping ecosystem with hinterland logistic players to enable a continuity of operations and coordination along the entire value chain. Satellite communication could enhance broader integration and system efficiency. PCS is an open electronic platform that securely exchange information between stakeholders. It enable fluid communications and enable interoperability and paperless administration tasks. It optimised logistics processes PCS can be connected with shipping fleet, with other PCS (Portbase, IPCSA). PCS can integrate hinterland logistics players to enhance the fluidity of the logistic process. PCS can be integrated with the Port Management system providing and benefiting from the data gathered through the platform. Integrated PCS 5G enable transmission of an high number of data from smart sensors of several stakeholder – harbour master, Engineering team, traffic control etc.. enabling rapid treatment of the information and reactivity of the Port Authority and its ecosystem ES DM
  • 23. DIGITAL CALLS Port management (1/2) 23 Digital docking and dock planning Data driven monitoring & control Ports are managing and optimising their dock planning thanks to software and data analytics. as an interface, software platforms that enables booking of berth and can includes management of duties and invoices. It includes navigations information M At Port level, container or ship status are monitored thanks to automated reporting thanks to sensor or human reporting through digital devices or traditional software. It enables quickest ship call management, logistic efficiency and capacity management of docks ES Optimized port management system Port Authorities needs to manage Port operation and especially ship call. The multiples stakeholders are seeking for OPTIMISED LOGISTIC EFFICIENCY. In order to offer the highest level of services, large ports are enhancing their process thanks to DATA ANALYTICS AND CONNECTED DEVICES. Ships and freight are monitored and their moves optimised. Before, during and after the call. Level of implementation are diverse and functionality may differ from port to port Based on management modules integration and enabled by big data and AI, advanced port management systems perform and enable in one system the multiples Port Authority tasks planning operations, control, reporting, administration, waste management etc. The communication is ensured by the PMIS ES Smart Quay ES The concept of smart quay includes infrastructure monitoring and operations. Automated mooring controlled by sensors and cameras optimised the speed and space used by ships by a strict space use
  • 24. DIGITAL CALLS Port management (2/2) 24 Sea-lock / bridge managementVessel Traffic System Enabled by Automatic identity system (transponders or satellite), Differential GPS, RFID, the Vessel traffic system enable ship monitoring and fleet management within the Port. It enhance incident prevention and logistics optimisation Data Analytics A key enabler of Port management is data analytics, and especially Predictive and Prescriptive analytics that enables prediction of moves and time load optimising the flows Smart Port Management rely on technology enablers such as data analytics algorithms, Positioning systems and infrastructure operations Operating and control systems of key infrastructures enables ship flows on estuary Ports. DD D
  • 25. DIGITAL CALLS Smart calls 25 Geographic information system Blockchain Technology Digital twin Ports needs to welcomed smart ships, and make their new capabilities valuable for the business. NAVIGATION TECHNOLOGIES as well as ANALYTICAL TOOLS enabled by cloud and advanced communication network is giving sense to smart port calls With the multiplication of sensors measuring a high numbers of metrics and producing data, some Ports are able to model a virtual representation of the port to ease both operations and planning Blockchain is tested to build cargo information platform to ease and secure freight information sharing. The aim is to speed and secure security checking, customs, as well as improving logistic management Using multiple data sources, from AIS ship positioning, hydrographic, economics, metro etc.. GIS is enabling providing visual managing tools that can optimise operations. Can be cloud based for smaller ports, shared through mobile devices With route planning systems powered by AIS and related vessel fleet management used by ship- owners, waiting time can be reduce and port can optimise their navigable areas, dock capacity and port call Digital route planning ES ES ES D
  • 26. ONSHORE OPERATIONS Road traffic management 26 Video analytics for road traffic Data driven traffic management Automated port access checking Deploying video analytics allows operators to draw full value from often already installed security cameras, automatically monitoring traffic to improve safety (e.g. by identifying vehicles) and increase efficiency (e.g. by monitoring movements) Effectively managing passenger and freight TRAFFIC WITHIN, OUTSIDE AND AS IT ENTERS ports is key to increasing efficiency and profitability whilst improving safety and security. Operators are borrowing and, in some cases, adapting solutions from the road traffic and other areas which leverage cameras, sensors and other inputs to provide a HOLISTIC VIEW OF CURRENT AND HISTORICAL VEHICLE MOVEMENTS Installing sensors on the roads leading to a port helps local authorities to alleviate congestion, collecting non-personal data from drivers’ devices to track travel times and, in turn, adjust traffic lights or signage to facilitate smooth traffic flows Erecting OCR-based automated entry and exit gates to ports facilitates easy and quick access for hauliers whilst supporting users with monitoring and checking containers and their contents for dangerous and/or other unwanted cargos D D ES
  • 28. INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT Infrastructure monitoring Predictive Maintenance Data driven safety management M D ES Mature adoption In development Early stage
  • 29. INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT Advanced infrastructure monitoring 29 Road / Rail network MonitoringSmart camera & Computer vision ASV/UUV monitoring Monitoring infrastructure to enable operation is one of the main task of a Port Authorities. Thanks to SMART SENSORS and ADVANCED COMPUTING and especially VIDEO-ANALYTICS, Port Authorities are being able to MONITOR MORE EFFICIENTLY THE LARGE AND DIVERSE INFRASTRUCTURES they have to manage. It includes network, Road, rail, access, restricted areas and access warehouse & stock, quays, banks, water depth, locks Connected camera and computer image analytics enable changes detections. It could reveal damaged infrastructure, areas intrusion, use status and enable automated reporting needing action to be taken Network of road and rail need to be constantly monitor to avoid any load break. Smart sensors including connected cameras can managed efficient and automated control of the network Estuary Ports are specifically requiring a way to manage water depth and berth status to enable ship moving and mooring within the port. sounding drones with ultrasonic sensors or cameras can maintain a constant monitoring of the depth and berth and give Engineering teams the needed data to perform dredging and maintenance operations D ES D
  • 30. INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT Predictive maintenance 30 Rail Predictive maintenance Predictive maintenance for Infrastructure Prescriptive maintenance Ports Authorities need to maintain infrastructure operational. MAINTENANCE OF THIS INFRASTRUCTURE are being optimised and automated through PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE and condition based maintenance. Data gathered from sensor or human reporting is analysed and enable PREDICTION OF INCIDENT and eventually AUTOMATED PLANNING of control operations and maintenance actions called Prescriptive Maintenance. In addition to predictive maintenance more advanced Port are considering implementing automated action prescription systems for infrastructure maintenance and management Rail network is a key areas where infrastructure maintenance plays a key role in operation continuity as it enables multimodality. Prediction of incident from monitored data and algorithms enable more efficient MCO Thanks mainly to CCTV, authorities are able to predict damaged, cracks etc.. on port pavement. Vehicles equipped with cameras feed constantly computer systems that rise potential issue on the Port areas. Building information modeling BIM generate 3D models of assets, enabling the assessment of collected data. It gather current and historical data of an asset. It enhance the infrastructure management in relation with VR tools, and predictive maintenance D ESES D
  • 31. INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT Others 31 3D printing for spare parts D Drones for port inspections 3D printing facilities are being tested on-site at ports globally. Additive manufacturing and the development of “factories in a box” has the potential to transform the aftermarket, reducing excess inventory, minimising storage costs and delivering spare parts to operators in minutes or hours rather than days or weeks A number of emerging technologies, notably additive manufacturing and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, are finding their application in ports. 3D printing is very much in its infancy with operators establishing collaborative incubators to explore the potential, whilst drones are already being used to conduct selected missions. Together, they promise efficiency and safety/security gains Drones are used regularly to inspect the equipment and buildings in ports which would otherwise be difficult and/or dangerous to access. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can also be leveraged for security and health & safety purposes or to monitor sea- and land-based traffic and other movements D The Port management Information system (PMIS) enable harbour master and partners to intervene as quickly as possible on the incident, especially for ship collision of infrastructure fires Incident / Fire reporting M
  • 33. ENERGY TRANSITION 33 Renewable Energy & Smart grid Emission monitoring LNG bunkering M D ES Mature adoption In development Early stage
  • 34. ENERGY TRANSITION Fuel consumption and emission monitoring 34 Emissions monitoring system Smart waste collection system Co2, NOx and SOx could be monitored through scrubber data collection form temper proof sensors, liquid fuel testings' data collections, optical measurement of plume, sensors monitoring such as sniffers on bridges. Continuous in-situ EMS would become the norm to enhance permanent control. Measurement can be done by drones. Satellite analytics will be able to measure exhaust contents Matching regulations for both on shore and on board is a PRIMARY CONCERN AND DUTY for European Ports (Port state control, Harbour master etc...) ENERGY TRANSITION, WASTE MANAGEMENT and REGULATION CONTROL and enforcement are enable by a various range of DIGITAL TOOLS and specific MONITORING TECHNOLOGIES Ship waste management in addition to proper port waste is a big challenge for port and enable ship owners to match there regulations requirement. Waste compression system, and sensors, enable optimisation of waste storage and collection. LNG capabilities Major ship owners are starting to operate LNG ships to match IMO regulations. Consequently Ports are developing LNG fuelling & storage capacity LNG capabilities Platforms driven by data analytics increase avoidance of empty container transport Road transport efficiency D D ES ES
  • 35. ENERGY TRANSITION Energy efficiency 35 Smart grids Renewable energy (vessels) Renewable energy (ports) Deploying smart grids facilitates the integration of distributed/renewable sources and allows operators to monitor power usage and assess energy needs across diverse stakeholders. Ultimately, it can enable the establishment of Virtual Power Plants The intensive use of energy on land and at sea is damaging to ports’ environmental footprints and economic performance. Authorities and operators are therefore looking for ways in which to reduce consumption and switch to renewable sources in order to become more attractive and competitive. Most of the energy efficiency solutions deployed in ports are borrowed from other industries and settings Leveraging ports’ on land estates to construct e.g. a solar farm or biomass plant has the potential to make a material difference to their energy mixes. In addition, many ports provide operations/maintenance bases and expertise for offshore wind farms. It includes providing electricity from Shore-to-Ships to reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emissions in Ports Using renewable/sustainable energy sources and increasing the efficiency of carriers and other vessels can reduce air pollution, carbon emissions and fuel consumption. Authorities are exploring the option of operating hydrogen fuel cell powered tugs D ES M
  • 37. TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION EVOLUTION Adoption differ from port to port but general trend can be observed 37 • Automated Ship- to-Shore Cranes• ARMG Cranes • ARTG Cranes • AGVs / ASCs • Lithium-Ion battery charging • Gate automation • Terminal IoT • Terminal Management system • Container tracking • Automated mooring • Crane Predictive maintenance • PCS • Advanced communication – 5G • Dock planning • Advanced monitoring • Port Management systems • Smart Quay • Smart Vessel Traffic Management • Sea Lock/bridge management • Blockchain Technology • Digital twin • GIS & Digital route planning • Video analytics for road traffic • Data driven traffic management • Automated port access checking • Road / Rail network Monitoring • Smart camera & Computer vision • Drones monitoring • Predictive maintenance • Prescriptive maintenance • Building information modeling • 3D printing• PMIS • Emissions monitoring system • Smart waste collection system • LNG capabilities • Road transport efficiency Mature Early stage Terminal Automation Port Calls Inland Operations Infrastructure Management Energy transition
  • 41. PORT OF ROTTERDAM 41 Specific needs / Key pain points Smart Port Achievements Specificity : Container Port and transhipment, Liquid bulk, Dry bulk Figures 2018 : 469 M tonnes, 30K sea-going vessels, 100K inland vessels, 14,512K TEU. dec. Revenue 707.2 M E, dec. Profit: 254.1M E, inc. Operating expense : 267.8 M E, inc. gross investments: 408.1 M E Infrastructure : 12,713ha, 6,275 ha rentable sites. 77.3 km quays, 202 km banks, 125 jetties • Keep leading position / competition with Antwerp (ship calls and land lease) • Ultra-large ship capacity • Digital readiness • Logistic efficiency • Regulation Compliance & Safety ratios • LNG capabilities • Comply with Partner & Public requirement • Environmental compliance • Diversify revenue streams > Consulting services, system solutions • Manage cost structure with Increasing operating expenses (digitisation & Energy transition) Additional : Direct and Indirect AV represent 6.2% of Dutch GDP • Portbase PCS • HaMIS is the PMIS for Harbour master to plan, monitor and adminstrate shipping traffic • IoT platform, collecting data from various sensors within a cloud platform, processed in real time to improve Port services (IBM, Esri, Cisco, Axians) • Objectif of 4D digital twin • Operating flow model OSR (monitoring networks, meteo and hydro information's such as water levels, speed. (part. Rijwaterstaad) • Simpler discount scheme for green ships • Fisrt LNG bunkering by Shell (Aframax tanker) • Hydrotreated vegetable oil propelled harbour patrol boats and hybrid diesel-electric patrol boats reduction of CO2 and PM emissions • Multi party camera surveillance pilot in Waalhaven • Pronto application > Communication & Call Optimisation application that aim at reducing vessel waiting time • Mainport Traffic Monitor > real time information sharing from road traffic, handling time and empty depots for logistic players • 5G testing to enable use of large scale wireless sensors • McNetiq: magnetic jetty anchors for smart and safe maintenance • APIs based services: ETA predictions, information on ship journey, container journey : Boxinsider track and trace container with ETA-D etc.. (ABC logistics) • Vessel Traffic services improvement
  • 42. PORT OF AMSTERDAM 42 Specific needs / Key pain points Smart Port Achievements Specificity : Multi-function, Liquid bulk (1st petrol handling port in the worlds), dry bulk, agro-bulk, cruise and containers Figures 2018 : 82,3 M tonnes (101.8 M total North-sea canal) around 20 M in transhipment, 17,950 sea vessel in the NS canal, 41,250 inland vessel 425K passengers, Inc. Revenue :157,4 M E Inc. Profit : 68.5 ME Inc Operating expense: 29 M E Infrastructure:4,500 ha. North-Sea canal & Sea lock, Energy Infrastructure. inc. 45.1 hectares land leased • Avoid volume losses • Added Services and Digital readiness • Mitigate Estuary constraints • Sea-lock and space optimisation • Manage City proximity and related requirement (Port City & Ij bridges) • Environmental • Space & navigation optimization • Mitigate Risks and safety issues • Roadmap Digital Port for 3 core fields: nautical operations, commerce, assets & infrastructures. It includes pilot projects for the use of data, IoT, sensors. • HaMIS PCS* was developed by Rotterdam (Portbase). • MOBIapp for ISPS certification checking (Harbour master 7 Security officers; • BLIS for connected inland vessels, mooring and docking • RiverGuide (Netherlands route & berth data sharing on Dutch waterways) • Easydock app for inland cruise ships docking and paperless duties • DSP Dynamic lock planning to minimise waiting times • Technical coordination centre TCC for Harbour master operation • Rail Freight transportation programme (PoR and ProRail) Additional: Direct & Indirect added value is 7.2 B E • 1240 Solar panels, Tata Steel Hydrogen plant and LNG bunkering 2019, wind Farms with 2021 goal of 100 MW, CO2 Capture & Reuse • Circular economy : Chain craft, Bin2barrel recycling plants • Air Measurement and noise measurement# • Automated traffic light optimisation • Start-ups: Parcompare platform connecting mobility solutions, Synple market place for empty truck and cargos • Test on traffic and parking optimisation (sensors & analytics) • AIS data analytics for waterway monitoring, berth occupancy evolution • Strong Interest in drones applications for monitoring – tests with partners • Hydraulic asset digital inspection reporting
  • 45. PORT OF HAMBURG 45 Specific needs / Key pain points Smart Port Achievements Specificity : Container, Dry Bulk, Liquid Bulk, Figures 2017 : 135.1 M tonnes 8,8M TEU (3.2 transhipment, 5.6 Hinterland traffic) 2.2 M cars, 870k passengers, 5,200 inland vessels 2016 Inc. Revenue :185 M E Inc. Profit : 68.5 ME Inc. Operating expense: 29 M E Infrastructure:4,460 ha, 142km road, 62 bridges Additional: 265,000 directs or indirects jobs • 5G program with Telekom and Nokia • Building Information Modelling (BIM) used to enhance planning and operation • LNG bunkering project & cold Iron to reduce emissions • VR and AR studies • Intermodal Port traffic centre for traffic flow monitoring and optimisation. • InfoPORT: Data capture and sharing for logistic efficiency. Sharing information on, traffic, parking, infrastructures, bridges closures. • Monitoring of vehicles and infrastructure through centralised information by control room software • Tests : ASV Water drones that survey the port with eco-sounders for water depth and surface monitoring, • DIVA system (dynamic information on traffic volumes)on traffic information sharing coupled with informative LED panels – Managed in the Port Road Management centre • Short to ship renewable energy provided • Predictive maintenance of railway network through sensors data collection and analytics# • Current development of a mobile GPS sensor feeding the HPA system for intelligent fleet management. It will provide data for temperature, wind, pollution. • Infrastructure monitoring and finally predictive maintenance using human mobile devices reporting. For Bridges, roads and track • Reduction of empty container movement by info sharing through a cloud based system • Electric mobility with charging and e-taxis operations • Parking optimisation app for trucks • TransPORT rail : Traffic Management system for Rail transport – optimisation & user data sharing • Avoid volume losses against competition / Exchange reduction • Mitigating container dependence • Avoid overcapacity • Manage duties level with low freight rate • Maintain efficient access in the Elbe & environmental standards improvement
  • 46. BREMENPORTS 46 Specific needs / Key pain points Smart Port Achievements Specificity : Container, Ro-Ro & Cars, General cargos Figures 2018 : 74,3 M tonnes (12.3M in Bremen, 62 in Bremerhaven), 5.5M TEU 2.2 M cars, 238k passengers, 5,200 inland vessels Inc. Revenue :157,4 M E Inc. Profit : 68.5 ME Inc. Operating expense: 29 M E Infrastructure:4,460 ha, 38 km quays, 33 km banks, 178km rail network, 99km road, 5 locks Additional: 18,4% of the Federal land of Bremen employment • DBH provides the PCS system (partner with SAP sigma n3) • DBH provide ship information system for vessel tracking and traffic management • 2018: settlement of Infrastructure Data Management System for the Bremen port railway (IDMS) for Management and predictive maintenance. (Sersa group). • PRO.FILE IT infrastructure for document management and process control, • Use of CAD systems and GIS for Port management • Manage Overcapacity in deep sea Bremerhaven port • Commercial targets / competition with Rotterdam, and Hamburg (Zebrugge for cars) • Related infrastructure cost including rail & road network • Environmental protection of the Weser River • Port Economy and Maritime sector is first driver of Bremen economics > Need to leverage a maximum of value
  • 48. STAKEHOLDERS 48 PORTS SHAREHOLDERS AUTHORITIES & REGULATIONS TECHNOLOGY PROVIDERSUSERS - CUSTOMERS PORT AUTHORITIES PARTNERS - OPERATORS INNOVATION ORGANISATION National Foreign Customs Maritime cost authority Inland navigation network Ministry of Transport Represented by :Ministry of Transport French State
  • 49. HAROPA – PORT OF LE HAVRE 49 Specific needs / Key pain points Smart Port Achievements • SOGET PCS S)one.(Le Havre based company – partnership with Microsoft) • SOGET S-Wing : Vessel traffic management • Delta system : e-customs procedures • Interconnected systems thought the ‘smart corridor’ (Whole HAROPA). Since 2018, two 100% digital calls in Le Havre. • Optiroute and TAS (SOGET) for road traffic management. • Timad HM hazardous material management Heavy entry and compliance procedures • Process optimisation & Digitization Seveso Area Security Hinterland access and network issue • Road traffic congestion • Transhipment from terminal to network • Avoid overcapacity • Compete with North sea port for transhipment and hinterland competition especially with Antwerp Specificity : Liquid bulk Container, General cargos, Agri-bulk Figures 2018 : 120M tones (94,7 M tones Maritime, 22.1M tones inland), 3M TEU 430K Passenger Infrastructure:6000 ha of land, 57 terminals, 150km of roads, 200km of railway, 100 bridges and locks Additional: 32,000 direct jobs and 16,500 indirect • Smart Data Service Platform launched in Le Havre (Le Havre City, SOGET, Orange, Cisco) for data analytics of transport to optimize both urban services and Logistic flows • SOGET, UMEP and Airbus partners • to combine VTS management system and Styris VTS radar to improve mobnitoring and optimise port operations and calls • Security Operation Centre enhanced by cybersecurity
  • 51. STAKEHOLDERS 51 PORTS SHAREHOLDERS TECHNOLOGY PROVIDERSUSERS - CUSTOMERS PORT AUTHORITIES PARTNERS - OPERATORS AUTHORITIES & REGULATIONS INNOVATION ORGANISATION Waterfront Commission US Customs & Border Protection US Immigrations & Customs Enforcement US Army Corps of Engineers State of New York State of New Jersey There is no evidence of any significant innovation organisation *Only East-cost *
  • 52. PORT OF NEW YORK & NEW JERSEY 52 Specific needs / Key pain points Smart Port Achievements Specificity : Container, cars, dry and liquid bulk, cruises, ferries Figures 2018 : 7.2m TEU 0.6m rail lifts 0.6m cars 0.9m cruise passengers Infrastructure: 3,900km2 port district including 5 facilities; Port Newark, Elizabeth Port Authority Marine Terminal, Port Jersey Port Authority Marine Terminal, Howland Hook Marine Terminal, and Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Terminal Additional: 3rd largest US port • “Integrating new technology into port operations” forms a key plank of PANYNJ Master Plan 2050 which was published in July • There is a particular focus on; • E-commerce • 3D printing • Autonomous vehicles • Piloting “zero-emission cargo transfers” using electric truck tractors together with tenant Best Transportation and BYD • Electrifying its shuttle bus fleet • Leveraging the E-Zpass road tolling system to capture live traffic data and track the movement of vehicles outside the facility • Rolling out version 2.0 of PortTruckPass, PANYNJ proprietary web-based Port Community System • Deploying new gate systems which reduce truck turnaround time by 25% using OCR devices and upgraded Weigh In Motion machines • Working with Via to launch LGA Connect, an app-enabled ridesharing service for passengers at LaGuarda • Trialling, together with Maher Terminals, an all electric Kalmar straddle carrier, the first of its kind to be deployed anywhere in the US • Offering 3 apps, CrossingTime, MyTerminal, RidePath, providing real-time travel information for port visitors • Limited capacity; • Container volumes are predicted to double or triple in 30 years • Road and rail network is congested • Restrictions on the way in which the largest modern container vessels are able to use the vital Kill Van Kull waterway • Ageing infrastructure; many of the current facilities were built before 1950 • Signatory of the Paris Climate Agreement • Requirement to reduce Green House Gas emissions by 35% by 2025
  • 54. STAKEHOLDERS 54 PORTS SHAREHOLDERS TECHNOLOGY PROVIDERSUSERS - CUSTOMERS PORT AUTHORITIES PARTNERS - OPERATORS AUTHORITIES & REGULATIONS INNOVATION ORGANISATION City of AntwerpCity of Brugge Maritime Access department Flemish Agency for Maritime Services & Coast Customs & Excise Saniport: Port Health authority Shipping Police
  • 55. PORT OF ANTWERP 55 Specific needs / Key pain points Smart Port Achievements • APICA – virtual assistant , virtual reality – real time. • Blockchain pilot project for hygiene & phytosanitary certificate • IoT project – city of Antwerp : sensors enabling docking • Automatic image recognition: Preventive maintenance, traffic management. • Test for autonomous trucks in terminals • Data driven digital dart port community Platform NxtPort (Antwerp based company). Includes logistic optimisation tools such as ETA predictions • Customer platform: ‘Connectivity Platform’ (collaboration with Port+) Specificity : Containers, liquid bulk, break bulk, dry bulk Figures 2018 : 235.3 M tones ; 11.1M TEU ; 14,000 seagoing ships, 52,000 barges, 1.3M cars ; 75.7M tones of liquid bulk Infrastructure: 15 main terminals, 12,000 ha port area, 7.2m m3 liquid bulk storage capacity, 7 sea locks, 1000 km of pipelines Additional: 144,000 indirect and direct jobs • Use of drones to monitor water-depth. • Echodrone : Automous water depth monitoring (collaboration with dotOcean) • Seafar developed the Tuimelaar an unmanned multifunction vessel in testing • Hydrotug is a hydrogene propelled tug boat in operation (manufactured by CMB) • Circular economy: heat plants • Shore to ship electricity provider – from renewable energy sources • iNoses : Air chemical composition sensors and changes analysis for incident prevention • Limited capacity by physical geographical limit to expansion • capability to welcome ultra-large ships • Need to optimise space usage • Estuary specific constraints • 7 sea locks operations require fine management • Specific Management of the navigation on the Scheldt • Inland access issue – congestion on the Antwerp city ring • Traffic management and logistic optimisation
  • 58. PORT OF SINGAPORE 58 Specific needs / Key pain points Smart Port Achievements Specificity : Container, cruises Figures 2018 : 36.6m TEU 130k vessel calls At any one time, the Port can accommodate 1,000 vessels Infrastructure: 84 berths >24km of quays >200 cranes >9000 hectares Additional: accounts for 5,000 maritime establishments, contributing 7% of Singapore’s GDP and employing 170,000 personnel; 2nd largest global port with the $15b Tuas Mega Port under construction • The Port of Singapore strives to; • “Enable the industry to embrace technology”, one of four key pillars in its Sea Transport Industry Transformation Map, published in 2018 • Position itself as “the premier global maritime hub” for “Connectivity, Innovation and Talent” as recommended by the International Maritime Centre • Investing, with ST Electronics, in a Next Generation Vessel Traffic Management System • Installing a Very High Frequency Radio • Trialling Body Worn Cameras for surveillance • Rolling out, with IBM, Sense-making Analytics for Maritime Event Recognition • Testing, with Xjera, AI for site safety/security • Conducting, with Microsoft, sessions to build a blockchain platform for Smart Contracts • Limited and heavily utilised anchorage space in the context of increasing ship calls and potential land reclamation for other uses • Possible diversion of Asia-Europe trade away from the Malacca/Singapore Straits with climate change opening up alternatives • Leveraging Remote Inspection Services for ship surveys, including Unmanned Robotic Arms, Remote Operated Vehicles and Unmanned Aircraft Systems among others • Developing a Maritime Single Window, a unique portal for ship reporting and submission of all port related documents for vessel, immigration and port health clearance • Drawing up the terms of reference for an Integrated Port Operations System, covering command, control, communications and information for crisis management • Exploring Innovative Mooring Solutions such as floating or other anchorage systems which have the potential to increase capacity by over 100% in the mid to longer term • Issuing E-certs to Singapore registered ships • Collaborating with Fujitsu and SMU in respect of AI based VTM, prediction and coordination
  • 59. 59 ROTTERDAM • Smart Port collaboration & Summit : Province of South Holland, Deltalinqs, Municipality of Rotterdam, Marin, Erasmus Univ., TU Delft, TNO, Deltares • Container 42 initiative : • PortXL accelerator : Van Oord, EY, Vopak, Shell, Royal IHC, Boskalis, Rabobank, City of Rotterdam, Apelmann, North Sea Port, ECE, InnovationQuarter • Port of Rotterdam LAB : Application development • PortXchange Subsidiary : offer Pronto plaform and related application (parntership with Shell & AP Moller Maersk) • Blocklab : Blockchain technology lab for port application AMSTERDAM • Prodock 2.0 Industrial incubator • Mainport Innovation Fund II supporting logistics start-ups for both port and airport INNOVATION ECOSYSTEM (1/2) BREMENPORTS • With the Metropolitan Region Nordwest launch the Digilab project supporting SMEs with digital transformation (BAB, Ubimax) • Partner in the IWTS 2.0 (2018-2020) a European project for digital tool development for inland shipping HAMBURG • SmartPort initiative with BSU (Development and Environment) and BWVI (Economy, Transport & innovation) ministries in collaboration with Hamburg University of Technology, Harburg ANTWERP • ‘Smart Harbour’ part of the ‘Capital of Things’ programme led by the city of Antwerp. (Imec, Univ. of Antwerp) : Cameras, sensors, Waterview, an automatic sounding boat and a 3D model • MAS Port Pavilion will be the innovation hub of the Port of Antwerp – building innovation plans and smart technology development • European partnership program ‘Smart Ports Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Development’ SPEED (2018-2022) led by Antwerp Management school (Antwerp Univ, Startups.be, and multiple Belgians, UK, Dutch and French partners )
  • 60. INNOVATION ECOSYSTEM (2/2) 60 HAROPA • Trafis Lab (Haropa, Soget, Univ. of le Havre) • End 2018: “Le Havre Smart Port City” with the municipality of Le Havre. (similar projects in Rouen and Paris) MARSEILLE • Ze Box (Marseille) is the CMA-CGM incubator for port start-up innovation focusing on container operations improvement PORT OF SINGAPORE • Runs an annual Smart Port Challenge and has a Maritime Technology Acceleration Programme which aim to encourage collaboration between companies, technology players and start-ups • Tests promising solutions in “Living Labs” • Launched the Port Innovation Ecosystem Reimagined “Pier71”, a technology accelerator with links with the Netherland’s PortXL and Denmark’s Rainmaking/Pier47 • Signed a MoU with the National Additive Manufacturing Cluster (NAMIC) and 3D Metal Forge to establish the first on-site additive manufacturing facility for ports • Partnered with Singapore Polytechnic to establish a Centre of Excellence in Modelling and Simulation for Next Generation Ports (C4NGP) to handle increasingly complex operations PORT OF NEW YORK & NEW JERSEY • There is no evidence of any significant innovation organisation *Only East-cost *
  • 62. PORT TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION ADOPTION The general rule is that major container Port are leading Technology adoption 62 Technology adoption level Size of Port (TEU) Following a strait forward logic, the Ports that are handling the more container moves are the firsts to adopt optimisations technologies moving towards the Smart Port concept Amsterdam: Less container but high tonnes volume – benefits from the overall Dutch maritime ecosystem
  • 63. COUNTRY DIFFERENCIATOR smart capabilities are unequally owned by country port industry. It defines their maturity level 63  Automated Terminal  Automated Terminal  Data driven PCS  Data driven PCS  Predictive Maintenance  Data sharing & Interface  Advanced VTM  Road Traffic Management  Data sharing & Interface  Road Traffic Management  Drones & Sensors Advanced VTM  Drones & Sensors  Data driven PCS  Data sharing & Interface  Road Traffic Management  Drones & Sensors Advanced VTM  Data driven PCS  Data sharing & Interface  Road Traffic Management  Advanced VTM  Port Optimisation  5G  Digital twin  Blockchain  Blockchain  Automated Terminal  Data driven PCS  Data sharing & Interface  Advanced VTM  Road Traffic Management  Automated Terminal  Data driven PCS  Data sharing & Interface  Road Traffic Management  Drones & Sensors Blockchain  Port Optimisation  Predictive Maintenance *Only East-cost * In BOLD : more advanced in that area Spectrum of adoption gives a good indication on country maturity level and specificities
  • 64. Innovation Ecosystem Maturity level / Rank SMART PORT COUNTRY BENCHMARK Ports capabilities indicates maturity levels & highlight ‘smart port’ hierarchy between countries 64 29 / 3 33 / 2 24 / 4 20 / 5 14 / 6 34 / 1 *Only East-cost * X2 factor X1 factor (X factor) Quarter sum
  • 65. ‘TIER 2’ COUNTRY OVERVIEW 65 • 7 Chinese ports within the 10 busiest ports in the world (in TEU) • Port of Shanghai is the busiest Port in the world with 42M TEU • Yangshan Deep Water Port in Port of Shanghai is the largest automated terminal in the world – 132M tones capacity – 26 bridge cranes, 130 AGVs, 120 RMGC • Huawei is leading 5G communication for Port automation • UK Department of Transport is launching Maritime 2050 strategy to enhance maritime economy (partnership with Rotterdam, Antwerp & Singapore) • Terminal gate automation and container tracking pilots conduced in Port of Valencia (MSC terminal, Traxens) • Automated terminal in Algeciras – APM terminal (RTG, gate automation Certus) & Total Terminal International • Valencia Port, Algeciras and Barcelona Port are amongst the business Port in Europe with respectively 5.1M TEU. 4.8M TEU and 3.4M TEU in 2018 • The Hutchinson Port terminal in Felixstowe (3.85M TEU) face issue with nGen Terminal Management platform in 2018 • Hutchinson Port terminal acquired in 2018 Ship-to-Shore cranes improving level of terminal automation • At global level, driven by geo-economics, Japanese Ports are in a peripheral position – Tokyo the biggest port in Japan is around the 20th world position. In APAC, Singapore and Shanghai hold the transhipment hub positions • Port 2030 program is planning to improve terminal automation for container and Ro-Ro, Port communications and match Energy transition. • Japan is investing in LNG bunkering capabilities (Jera, NYK, Toyota)
  • 67. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Use Major container Port as BENCHMARK for technology adoption. Hard competition with GEOGRAPHIC NEIGHBOUR should drive increase in demand to be able to fit with new standards. Baltic & North-Sea Ports would be first POTENTIAL TARGETS LOGISTICS EFFICIENCY before and after terminal operation, like port inland access and vessel route planning will increasingly be pursued by ports stakeholders. Opportunity to solve major port & partners pain points covers VERY DIVERSE AREAS As stakeholders hardly find way to SHARE INVESTMENTS, difficulty for technology provider will be to find players that agrees to invest within the ecosystem. PORT AUTHORITY supported by public players and TERMINAL OPERATORS are the main DECISION MAKERS, but the various users & customers plays a critical influencing role Opportunity from less advanced ports should be a relay of growth for TECHNOLOGY PROVIDERS. Partnerships involving MAJOR PORTS would have a competitive advantage – they are leveraging experience of their own development. Firstly PARTNERING with a leading ports is often A KEY MARKET ENTRY POINT for technology providers
  • 68. 68 Iain Jawad Director Strategic Partnerships +44 (0)20 8996 8581 iain.jawad@frost.com Benoit Butruille Consultant – Consulting group +33(0)1 42 81 16 62 benoit.butruille@frost.com Contact