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Future Watch – Strategy Brief
Energy Policy Shift and Its Future Aspects
Opportunities in the Energy Transition in Taiwan
February 2019
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
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Contact information
Teppo Turkki
Counsellor for Science, Technology and Innovation
Business Finland, Tokyo
Embassy of Finland, Tokyo Japan
3-5-39 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku
Tokyo 106-8561, Japan
+81 80 4149 1958 (Japani)
+358 500 506 810 (Finland)
Dr. Daw Ma
Research Fellow
Chun Hua Institution for Economic
Research, Taiwan
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
A new policy on energy transition was commenced in Taiwan to phase out nuclear
power and to introduce substantial power generation capacity from renewable sources
by 2025. This transition of energy source and structure represents not only great
challenges for Taiwan but also immense business opportunities for industrial
developed countries. 1
The energy development of Taiwan in transition period is policy driven. Therefore,
Taiwan’s energy development, relevant policies and trends of energy transformation
merit a comprehensive update to depict future aspects of the transition. The bilateral
energy cooperation between Finland and Taiwan in areas of smart power generation,
energy from waste, and nuclear waste disposal can be mutually beneficial. Information
and analysis are provided in this report for Finnish stakeholders to identify market
potential and cooperation opportunities.
Energy Policy Shift and Its Future Aspects in Taiwan: Opportunities in Energy Transition
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
1. Foreword 3
2. Energy Policy Change in Taiwan and its Future Aspects 2
2.1 Nuclear Phasing out to Renewable Energy 2
2.2 Energy Policy Implementation in Circular Economy 6
3. Opportunities in Energy Source Transition 9
3.1 Smart Power Generation Solutions 9
3.2 Energy from Waste 13
3.3 Nuclear Waste Disposal 18
4. Opportunities and Implications for Finland 21
Appendix I: Guidelines on Energy Development 23
Appendix II: Taipower’s Power Plants and Power Grid 36
Appendix III: Thermal Power Plans of Taipower (2017) 37
Appendix IV: Refuse Incineration and Energy from Waste Plants in Taiwan
(2017) 39
Appendix V: Companies and Organisations Listed in Table 5 42
Table of Content
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
2. Energy Policy Change in Taiwan and its Future Aspects
2.1 Nuclear Phasing out to Renewable Energy
After the newly elected government took office in May 2016, the national energy
transition was initiated according to the notion of “nuclear-free homeland and
sustainable Taiwan” pledged by President Tsai Ing-wen. The new vision is to establish
a low-carbon, sustainable, stable, high quality and economically efficient energy
system in Taiwan. The goal of this new vision is aiming at achieving a nuclear energy
free Taiwan and an expansion of renewable energy generations.
To follow the government’s mandate of national energy transition of phasing out
nuclear to renewable energy, the Executive Yuan approved the Guidelines on Energy
Development on 24 April 2017 to lay down the foundation for Taiwan's energy transition
development framework, supporting policies, and promotion mechanisms. Another
ambitious goal of the government was to achieve ending the use of nuclear power in
Taiwan by 2025. However, the 2025 dateline was scraped by a referendum in 2018.2
The dependency on imported fossil fuel energy is as high as 98% in Taiwan. The
rationality for energy development in the transition period must under the premise of
ensuring stability and security for national energy supply. The Guidelines on Energy
Development is the administration’s key framework to their new and striving vision in
energy policy in Taiwan. Under the guidelines, Information openness, public
participation, and communication on policy risks must all be strengthened in order to
ensure smooth process of energy transition and implementation of fairness and justice.
The energy development will take the balance of energy security, green economy,
environmental sustainability, and social equity into consideration in order to accomplish
the pledged free of nuclear power and the sustainable development in energy. The
official released details of Guidelines on Energy Development are shown in Appendix
In 2017, the ratio of all types of power source in Taiwan to total installed capacity was
10.34% from nuclear energy, 10.60% from renewable energy, 37.07% from Coal, and
30.59% from liquefied natural gas (LNG). The total power generation was 270,300
gigawatt/hour (GWh) in 2017. For the outlook of energy-mix portfolio that the
government pledged for 2025, while the nuclear power generation phasing out,
renewable energy will reach to 20% of the total power generation in 2025 comparing
to 4.59% in 2017. There will be also an increase of LNG power generation from 34.56%
in 2017 to 50% in 2025, and a reduction of coal-fuelled power generation from 46.59%
The Legislative Yuan on January 11, 2017 passed the amendment to the Electricity Act. In this
amendment, Article 95-1 clearly states that all nuclear power plants will be shut down before
the year 2025. In a referendum vote on November 24 2018, a majority of voters supported to
eliminate the mandated deadline for ending the use of nuclear power in Taiwan. In wake of
referendum outcome, the government scraps the 2025 nuclear-free deadline and announced
that the plan for a non-nuclear homeland will nevertheless remain the government's goal in
the foreseeable future and the government will continue the active development of
renewable energy.
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
in 2017 to 30% in 2025. The latest statistic of installed capacity and power generation
by energy source from Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affair are shown in
Table 1.
Table 1 Energy Structure of Power by Source in 2017
Source: Energy Statistics Handbook 2017, Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2018.
Sable power supply during the energy transition period is most concerned for all
electricity consumers such as households, industries, and commences. Hence, it is
becoming the top priority for the administration to provide a stable power supply.
Multiple and diversified energy generation is crucial to ensure a reliable energy supply
in the transition period. To speed the development of the emerging green energy
industry and achieve the goal of a nuclear-free homeland, the government is presently
engaged in a full-blown endeavour to promote energy transformation. To achieve the
proposed energy-mix portfolio in 2025, the government has drawn up targets on the
year-to-year power generation shares as shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Power Generation Structure in Energy Transition Period from 2018
to 2025
YEAR 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Total power generation
in Taiwan (GWh)
268,000 269,100 270,700 272,500 273,800 274,800 276,200 277,400
Renewable 7% 8% 9% 11% 13% 15% 17% 20%
LNG 35% 36% 36% 35% 37% 43% 46% 49%
Coal 44% 43% 43% 43% 41% 33% 30% 29%
Nuclear 9% 9% 9% 8% 6% 6% 4% 1%
others 5% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 1%
Note: All figures shown are estimates from BOE in 2017 and “other” includes oil fuelled power generation
and pumped hydro
Source: The 2017 National Power Resources Supply and Demand Report, Bureau of Energy, Ministry of
Economic Affairs, 2018
During the energy transition period to 2025, the government devises a net increase of
8.9 gigawatts (GW) in LNG generating capacity, alongside increases of 1GW in coal-
fuelled power, 20GW in solar power and 6.7GW in wind power. The thermal power
generation projects (LNG and Coral) that the government proposed for the transition
period will be detailed in Section 3.1. By 2025, Taiwan will need to increase
approximately 27GW of capacity from renewable energy sources to achieve the target
of 20% in their energy mix.
In order to increase the share of renewable energy generation capacity, Taiwan intend
to increase the solar PV installed capacity to the targets of 6.5GW by 2020 and 20GW
by 2025 and it is projected that the growth of production value throughout the entire
Coal Fuel Oil LNG Nuclear
Renewable Energy
Sub Total Hydro Solar PV Wind Biomass Waste
Capacity (%)
5.23 37.07 6.17 30.59 10.34 10.60 4.20 3.55 1.39 0.20 1.26
Power Generation
1.23 46.59 4.72 34.56 8.30 4.59 2.02 0.63 0.64 0.07 1.24
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
solar power industry supply chain will reach to NT$210 billion3. Rooftop and ground-
mounted systems are crucial for the great leap. The goal for rooftop systems is aimed
to be deployed on public buildings, factories, agricultural facilities and buildings in
general. The ground-mounted systems are targeted to be deployed on salt industry
lands, unfavourable farming lands, inland waters and landfills. Rooftop and ground-
mounted PV systems will account for 3GW and 17GW respectively if the objective of
total 20GW by 2025 can be ever achieved.
Between July 2016 and June 2018, Taiwan had formulated the Solar PV Two-Year
Promotion Project in order to increase 1.52GW of installed capacity. The project had
reached 1.7GW capacity, which is exceeding the original planned 1.52GW. To further
encourage rooftop solar PV systems, the Green Energy Roofs Project was announced
in 2018. With this project, local governments are working with private sector firms
seeking to support households in the designated areas of Taichung, Tainan, Chiayi,
Yunlin, Changhua and Pingtung to install solar panels under supervision of its local
government. The objective of the Green Energy Roofs Project is to reach 3GW of solar
roof top energy by 2020.
The endeavours for wind power started with the kick-off of the 4-year Wind Power
Promotion Plan on 1 June 2017. It is aimed to increase Taiwan’s installed wind turbine
capacity to 1.33GW by 2020 and this will serve as a near-term milestone toward
reaching a total installed wind power capacity of 6.7GW in 2025 (including 1.2GW of
onshore wind power and 5.5GW of offshore wind power4). The immediate goal of
onshore wind power is to install 814 megawatts (MW) capacity by 2020. Priority will be
given to assist to proactive local governments and promote the more viable sites for
land-based wind power installations.
The initiative of offshore wind power development is “Demonstration first, and then
Zones of Potential, and finally Zonal Development”. The approach is to assist the
completion of installations at demo incentive sites and potential sites. Offshore wind
infrastructure such as wind turbine installation piers, submerged platforms, operation
and maintenance ports and piers, and power transmission and distribution grids are
prioritised and fast-tracked.
By encouraging collaboration with foreign companies, the government hope to
combine international technological and system integration capabilities with local
industrial expertise in order to create an excellent wind power sector at home. The
period from April 2018 to June 2018 was to commission two batches of offshore wind
turbines. The first batch of offshore sites had been selected and the bidding by
contractors was awarded on April 30, 2018. Seven developers were selected with 10
offshore wind farms. The total grid capacity of 0.5GW was allocated for the year 2020,
and 3GW for year 2021 to 2025.
The result of second batch bidding was announced on 22 June 2018. 2GW (1.664GW
was the final figure) in offshore wind capacity was awarded to Danish wind energy
developer Ørsted and Canadian independent power producer Northland Power. The
government also announced that all of the 5.5 GW offshore wind grid capacity for 2025
1 Euro is about NT$35
The initial plan to install 3GW of offshore wind power by 2025 was raised by the Ministry of
Economic Affairs to 5.5GW in 2018 for the reasons of energy security and industrial
development needs.
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
goal has been allocated to specific developers and timelines. The 5.5GW development
project has successfully attracted foreign companies to invest in Taiwan, in the
meantime, the experience and technology accumulated from international
collaborations will assist basic infrastructure, nurture domestic wind power industry,
and build an entire ecosystem for wind power in Taiwan.
Another significant law for the national energy transition is the Renewable Energy
Development Act, which is currently under legislative review. This Act will permit for
the liberalisation of the green energy market in Taiwan and potentially broken the state-
owned Taipower’s electricity supply monopoly. In addition, it will facilitate the
development of small hydropower and geothermal energy. There will also be a
deregulation on micro green power facilities. The municipal or county-level authorities
can directly prove any green power facility below 2,000 kilowatts (kW) and hence
simplify the application process and improving efficiency. The Act will furthermore
require that business users who consume over 800kW would be compelled to get 10%
of the electricity from renewable energy sources.
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
2.2 Energy Policy Implementation in Circular Economy
“Circular economy” is indeed a self-descriptive term. Unlike a traditional linear
economy follows a singular path from production via usage to disposal. A circular
economy aims to create a cycle where that used goods and materials are put back into
production or usage. The objective of the circular economy is to manage resources in
the most efficient manner and hence slowing, closing and narrowing the loops of
material and energy.
Natural resources are insufficient in Taiwan. There are 70% of natural resources rely
on foreign imports. Considerable amounts of metal ores (100%), non-metallic ores
(23.5%), fossil fuels (99.8%), and biomass (66.1%) are all imported and this resource
supply dependency results in substantial economic burden in Taiwan. Due to the
geographical condition for being an island, the environmental carrying capacity is also
very limited. Taiwan’s lack in natural resources has not only challenged Taiwan’s
industrial development, but also render circular economy an essential to survive.
The circular economy is an economic process that is focused on increasing resource
efficiency and reducing environmental impact at every stage of the product and service
lifecycle. In the presidential inaugural speech on May 20, 2016 of Tsai Ing-wen, she
addressed that “let Taiwan move to a circular economy and convert waste into
renewable resources”. Together with the mandate on national energy transition,
circular economy and green energy are thus the government’s top initiatives in Taiwan.
The implementation of combined policy initiatives under the current administration is
to advocate a shift from fossil fuels to the use of renewable energy, raising efficiency
in resource/energy use, and emphasise the role of waste as resources such as energy.
Waste is, in fact, misdirected resources. One of the primary ways to achieve this is
through recycling more waste. To establish an economy for sustainable use of
resources, Taiwanese government already promulgated the Resource Recycling Act
on 3 July 2002. To better serve the circular economy initiative, the current
administration has hence devised the 2018 to 2020 Resource Recycling and Recovery
Plan as a major instrument to implement a circular economy through regulatory,
technological and control mechanisms. The Plan was drawn up by the Environmental
Protection Administration (EPA) and it has joined forces with other Ministries and
government agencies to promote waste recycling and build society around the circular
The aim for circular economy in energy is to achieve a sustainable economy, low in
carbon, efficient in the use of resources. Policies that support green energy and energy
saving are the key for this objective in Taiwan. Taiwan have done in a great length to
promote efficiency in the use of energy and the transition from fossil fuels to the use of
renewable energy. When the administration took office in May 2016, a bold pledge was
made to increase the share of renewable energy generation capacity up to 20% by
2025. Various policies were followed and promulgated such as the flagship projects of
4-year Wind Power Promotion Plan and Solar PV Two-Year Promotion Project. The
discussions and policy implementations for national energy transition to renewable was
exhibited in Section 2.1.
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
Raising efficiency in the use of resources such as energy is an essential element of
circular economy. Smart energy efficiency is likewise a vital part of the energy transition
initiative as outlined in the Guidelines on Energy Development (see Appendix I). To
strengthen energy saving on the demand side, the government encourage voluntary
energy saving and regulate the energy consumption behaviours and activities to avoid
waste. Taiwan also prompt related regulations on energy saving design for new
buildings and encourage energy saving improvement among existing buildings.
Furthermore, the government actively deploy smart meters and promote overall
improvement of regional power transmission. Owing to the value-added application of
smart meters, the real-time electricity consumption of various electrical appliances can
be obtained and time-based electricity prices, demand bidding and other supporting
measures to encourage users to voluntarily save energy can be attained to achieve
smart energy-saving goals. The proposed target is to install 200,000 smart meters by
the end of 2018 and a total of 3million smart meters by 2024.
Waste is not a waste but resources. Turing waste into resources or, even more
importantly, energy generation is the priority to implement circular economy in energy.
Energy recovery and recycling are imperative in waste management. Energy from
waste (EfW) is the main method for recovering energy from non-recyclable waste
through combustion. Waste disposal in Taiwan has gradually headed toward energy
production and resource reutilisation. The first incinerator was built in 1984 in Taiwan.
There have been a total of 24 incinerators built and they all possess the ability to
generate power. To furthermore boost energy recovery from waste, Taiwan need to
first address challenges in waste management of the declining efficiency of incinerators
as they approach the end of their service lives and inadequate diversified disposal
channels for kitchen waste.
One of the major circular economy initiative in energy is from the EPA. In an attempt
to improve the efficiency of old incinerators and to diversify waste treatment options,
the EPA presented in the Legislative Yuan the Diversified Waste Treatment Plan on
July 2017. It is to be implemented over six years (from 2017 to 2022) with a budget of
NT$15.342 billion from the central and local governments. The Plan includes measures
for integrating new technology in incinerators and extending their services, setting up
three bioenergy plants fuelled by kitchen waste, and promoting reuse of bottom ash
from incinerators. This is a major step to realise the insightful and integrating vision of
new-generation waste disposal in Taiwan. It is hoped that these steps will increase
daily waste treatment capacity, lower carbon emissions, and helping to build a circular
economy. For more details of Diversified Waste Treatment Plan, please refer to
Section 3.2.
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
Figure 1 Policy Framework of Recycling and Sustainable Use of Resources
Source: Environmental Protection Administration, 2018
The current administration has included the circular economy in the “five plus two
innovative industries” policy. The circular economy by itself is not actually a new
industry but indeed a concept that needs to be integrated into all industries. The
Program for Application to Set Up in New Materials Cycling Industrial Parks and
Nationwide Dedicated Sites for Circular Economy Pilot Projects was announced in
conjunction with the 5+2 Innovative Industries development program by the Ministry of
Economic Affairs. Given the advantage of Taiwan’s comprehensive industrial clusters,
the government establish a pilot materials cycling industrial park at Dalin Pu in
Kaohsiung City as the site for the development of new materials to promote research
and development of high-value-added new green materials. In addition, a number of
test sites for circular economy experimental projects were launched with the intention
of island-wide dissemination. Examples such as the Kaohsiung Linhai Industrial Park
were chosen to focus on the integration of energy and resources in the metal
manufacturing, chemical and shipbuilding industries.
Recycling organic wastes
for renewable energy
Recovering precious metals
for reuse
Creating reuse value with
recycling technology
Turning wastes into
renewable resources
Raw materials
Turning inorganic wastes into
cement additives and
construction materials
Waste Consumption
Less raw materials used
With less waste produced
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
3. Opportunities in Energy Source Transition
3.1 Smart Power Generation Solutions
When investing in new power plants, companies and policy makers are confronted with
enormous tasks. On one hand, they are aiming of achieving a secure, affordable and
clean electricity supply. On the other, they are trying to minimise the uncertainties about
fuel availability, emission limits and future power consumptions at the same time.
Furthermore, power stations tend to have a technical life of 40 to 50 years and
decisions made about technology and solution employed at present will have an
irreversible consequence over many decades to come. The investment decisions of
power industry have become even more complicated if renewable energy sources are
extensively introduced to the grid that can be likely to upset the delicate balancing of
power production and power demand.
All the given conditions require solutions to optimise power generation and the current
trend in global power industry is to develop smart power. This allows energy providers
to achieve more effective management and better system resilience. The current
mandate of energy transition in Taiwan can never exist without ensuring a secure and
stable power supply. Any well proven solution for smart power generation to achieve
greater energy efficiency with operational and fuel flexibility and the ability to integrate
renewables such as wind and solar power into the grid will be a necessity for Taiwan
to warrant a smooth energy transition.
For the energy-mix portfolio that the government pledged for 2025, Taipower has
drawn up the future power development plan to adhere to the government’s energy
policies of adjusting Taiwan’s energy generation structure. Table 3 is constructed
based on the Long Term Power Development Plan released in the first half of 2018 by
For the current Taipower’s power plants and power grid, please see Appendix II. For
information on the thermal power plans in Taipower, please refer to Appendix III.
According to the development plan, Taipower will construct new power plants while
replacing old facilities with new units and the expansion of natural gas power
generation. Taipower intends to upgrade and expand existing facilities with high-
efficiency combined cycle gas-fuelled units and high-efficiency ultra-supercritical coal-
fuelled units. Coal power generation still remains an important component of base-load
power in Taiwan. In the projected 2025 energy-mix portfolio, coral will account 30% of
the total power sources. The ongoing projects of Linkou and Dalin plants have adopted
high-efficiency super-critical pressure coal-fuelled units. Once these new units become
operational, they will improve Taipower’s overall energy efficiency and effectively
reduce pollutions.
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
Table 3 Taipower’s Long Term Power Development Plan (Amended in Jan.
Note: 1. Figures in 2016 are the actual value.
2. “Hydro/Other Renewable” include pumped hydro, hydro, solar PV, wind, biomass, and waste.
3. Some thermal power plants in remote islands are not included in “Thermal Power Plant”
4. On 12 October 2018, the Premier of Executive Yuan announced that Shenao Project is on halt.
5. Due to the referendum on November 2018, the scheduled decommissions on NPP2 and NPP3 might subject to change.
Source: The 2017 Long Term Power Development Plan, Taipower, 2018
Hydro / Other Renewable*2
Installed Capacity (MW)
Thermal Power Plant
Installed Capacity (MW)
Nuclear Power Plant
Installed Capacity (MW)Coal Fuel Oil LNG
6923 11497 3323 15245 5144
Linkou new #2 800
(Dalin #3,#4 retire ) -750
(Tongxiao CC#1~#3 retire) -764
Datan CC#7-GT 600
Tongxiao CC#1 893
(NPP1#1 retire) -636
Dalin new #1,#2 1600
Solar PV #3 100 Tongxiao CC#2 893
(NPP1#2 retire) -636
Solar PV #4 12 Linkou new #3 800
Solar PV #5 150 Kinmen Tashan #9,#10 22
Penghu Wind 33
(Xiehe #1,#2 retire) -1000
(Dalin #5 retire) -500
Wind #5 36
Tongxiao CC#3 893Green Island
Solar PV #2 11
(Tongxiao CC#4,#5 retire) -772Offshore Wind #1 110
Liyutan Hydro 4
Hushan Hydro 2
Datan CC#7-ST 400 (NPP2 #1 retire) -985
Jiji Hydro 4
Datan CC#8 1000
(Taichung GT#1,#4 retire) -140
Hydro #1,#2 20 Xingda new CC#1 1300
(NPP2 #2 retire) -985
Wind #6 80 (Xingda #1,#2 retire) -1000
2024 Solar PV #6 230
Taichung CC#1*4
(NPP3#1 retire) -951
DatanCC#9 1000
Xingda newCC#2 1300
(Xingda #3,#4 retire) -1100
(Xiehe#3,#4 retire) -1000
2025 Geothermal #1 48
Taichung CC#2 1300
(NPP3#2 retire) -951
Shenao new #1*4
Xiehe new CC#1 1300
(Taichung GT#2,#3 retire) -140
Wind #7 70 Xingda new CC#3 1300
Penghu Offshore
140 Shenao new #2*4
Offshore Wind #2 720 (Xingda new CC#1~#3 retire) -1336
Tongxiao CC#4 1100
(Xingda new CC#4,#5 retire) -890
Wanli Hydro 49
Tongxiao CC#5 1100Geothermal #2 50
Solar PV #7 350
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
To raise power generation efficiency and reduce generation costs while complying with
the government’s policies of energy diversification, energy conservation and carbon
reduction, Taipower have also devised various projects to replace old units with high-
efficiency generation units. Table 4 shows existing renewal and expansion projects for
thermal power plants in Taipower. All projects are natural gas fuelled units with the
exception of Dalin, Linkou and Shenao Projects that are coal-fuelled units. The
approximate investment values of the renewal and expansion projects as follow:
NT$ 104 billion Dalin Power Plant Renewal Project
NT$ 152.5 billion Linkou Power Plant Renewal and Expansion Project
NT$ 79.557 billion Tongxiao Power Plant Renewal and Expansion Project
NT$ 110.5 billion Datan Power Plant Combined Cycle Generation Unit Construction
NT$ 9.5 billion Installation of a New Combined Gas Cycle Unit (Unit 7) at Datan
Power Plant – phase 1 Gas Simple Cycle Unit
NT$ 104.9 billion Shenao Power Plant Renewal and Expansion Project
NT$ 118.1 billion New gas Unit Installation Project at the Taichung Power Plant
Unspecific value Xiehe Power Plant Overhaul Project
To further smart power development, Taipower have recognised four main aspects of
smart generation and dispatch, smart transmission, smart distribution and smart
services. Measures are developed for Taipower to achieve real-time monitoring of
power status and improve situation handling, power supply capacities and efficiency.
Those measures are such as online ES monitoring, the installation of CB status and
discharge trend diagnostic systems, the utilisation of special protection systems for
continual monitoring, relay system digitisation, and feeder line automation to minimise
the area of outages resulting from accidents.
In Taiwan, the introduction of substantial power generation capacity from renewable
sources with its inherently varying output requires dynamic complementing power
generating capacity. Smart power generation can be a key answer for addressing
much flexibility in output along with fast starting and stopping power generations. To
ensure a smooth energy transition, proven solutions and commercially available
technologies have become imperative for succeeding a stable and secure power
supply in Taiwan.
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
Table 4 Thermal Power Plants Renewal and Expansion Projects of Taipower
Source: Updated and compiled from Taipower, 2018
Dalin Power Plant Renewal Project
Units 1 and 2 have been in operation for more than 46 years and have been chosen for renewal and modification.
Taipower intend to install two, single ultra-super-critical pressure coal-fuelled units of 800 MW capacities. Unit 1 was
in commercial operation since 13 February 2018. Unit 2 was in grid integration since 20 February 2018
Linkou Power Plant Renewal and Expansion Project
Taipower intend to install three single ultra-supercritical pressure coal-Fuelled units with 800 MW capacities. Units 1
and 2 began commercial operation on October 6 2016 and March 24 2017 respectively. Unit 3 is scheduled to begin
commercial operation on July 1 2019.
Tongxiao Power Plant Renewal and Expansion Project
In conjunction with the government’s policy of prioritizing LNG generation, Taipower intend to replace the existing
generators that have been in operation for more than 50 years. Taipower intend to install three gas combined cycle
units with 892.6 MW capacities. Units 1, 2 and 3 were originally scheduled for commercial operation in July 2017,
January 2018 and July 2018 respectively. However, progress on the construction of the ocean pipeline was adversely
affected by climate and bad weather. The commercial operation was rescheduled. Taipower submitted a new
commercial operation schedule as follows: new unit 1 –already in commercial operation since 27 February 2018, new
unit 2 – 31 January 2019 and new unit 3 – 15 March 2019.
Datan Power Plant Combined Cycle Generation Unit Construction Project
Taipower planned to install combined cycle units with total a capacity of between 2.88-3.168 GW at the existing site
(the 3 additional units will be sufficient to reach the intended installed capacity). The three units will be scheduled to
begin commercial operations in July 2022, January 2023, July 2023 and July 2023, respectively.
Installation of a New Combined Gas Cycle Unit (Unit 7) at Datan Power Plant – phase 1 Gas Simple Cycle
The growth in domestic power consumption and disruption of nuclear power units has led to a gap in power supply
that could have directly lead to power shortages in 2017. In accordance with the resolutions and instructions of the
“MOEA power supply stabilisation coordination meeting” and “Short-term power stability solution report”, Taipower has
initiated an emergency power generation plan. Within the capacity that was approved in the environmental impact for
“Addition of gas combined cycle unit installation at Datan power plant project”, Taipower has completed the early
installation of two phase 1 gas simple cycle units (300 MW per unit) at the designated site with a total installed capacity
of 600 MW. Taipower run in All-Turnkey mode for the first time. The project was contingent on a very tight schedule. It
was submitted to the Chairman for review in October 2016 and later approved by the Executive Yuan on 18 November
2016 for bidding to be implemented. The two units were integrated into the grid in August and September of 2017
respectively. They were ready for dispatch in September and October of 2017 and their efficiency tests were completed
in October and November of 2017. The MOEA consented to the renewal of the license on 28 March 2018 so that the
#7 simple cycle unit could begin commercial operation.
Shenao Power Plant Renewal and Expansion Project
To make up for the power gap in the north and stabilise the regional power supply, Taipower planned the installation
of two single ultra-supercritical pressure coal-fuelled units with 600 MW capacities at the power plant. The two units
are scheduled to begin commercial operations in July 2025 and July 2026, respectively. The report analysing the
differences between the pre and post development on environments for this project was reviewed, revised and
approved during the environment assessment meeting held by the EPA on 14 March 2018. (EPA has yet to issue the
documents for consent). On 12 October 2018, the Premier of Executive Yuan announced that Shenao Project is on
New gas Unit Installation Project at the Taichung Power Plant
The plan involves the installation of two gas combined cycle units at the vacant lot on the south side of generators
No.9 and 10 at Taichung power plant. Each unit has an approximate installed capacity of between 1GW-1.3GW, with
a combined installed capacity of 2-2.6 GW. The two units are scheduled for commercial operations in March 2024 and
January 2025, respectively. The project was approved by Taipower’s board of directors’ meeting at the end of
September 2017, and was submitted to the MOEA and approved by the Executive Yuan on 14 March 2018. Presently,
Taipower is in the process of conducting open bidding for technical service procurement for the LNG receiving terminal
and the construction of the gas turbine unit for this project.
Xiehe Power Plant Overhaul Project
Four existing units of fuel oil generators at Xiehe power plant have been scheduled for decommissioning starting from
2019. The facility will undergo renewal into a gas power plant with two units of 1-1.3 GW gas combined cycle
generators, complete with a supplementary LNG receiving terminal to supply the gas for the units. The first unit is
expected to enter commercial operation in July 2025 and the second unit is scheduled to begin commercial operation
in July 2030.
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
3.2 Energy from Waste
In contrast with conventional power plants that use fossil fuels such as coal or natural
gas to generate power, energy from waste (EfW), on the other hand, treat waste and
at the same time produce electricity. Wastes are first incinerated in furnace to heat
boilers that create steams and steams drive a turbine to generate power. Energy from
waste can well reduce Taiwan’s dependence on imported fossil fuels. The power
produced from EfW plants also has an additional benefit to reduce CO₂ emissions. The
rationale behind is that if those power were not generated from waste, they would have
to be replaced and generated by other fossil fuelled power plants and hence EfW emits
more CO₂.
The first incinerator in Taiwan was built in 1984. Energy from waste tends to coexist
with high recycling. It is a known fact that countries with exemplary recycling rates also
have relatively high-energy recovery rates from waste. When Taiwan first engaged
energy from waste, the waste separation rate in Taiwan was unsatisfactory. Failure to
separate non-combustible waste such as metal and glass diminished the caloric value
of waste. A great portion of waste consisted of organic waste with a high moisture
content and low caloric value. Since then, Taiwan had quite successfully developed
recycling policies and the caloric value of the remaining waste rose, allowing for more
efficient electricity generation.
So far, Taiwan has over 20 years of experience in recycling and it has reached an
industrial waste recycling rate of 80% and a general waste recycling rate of over 60%
in 2017. The major step towards effective recycling was the Four-in-One Resource
Recycling Plan established in 1997 to better connect all parties involved in regulated
recyclable waste collection channels, including community residents, recyclers and
collectors, local governments, and the newly established Recycling Fund. Through the
incentives associated with the Fund, the Four-in-One Resource Recycling Plan has
increased recycling rates and successfully reduced the quantity of solid waste for
Another important step is the mandatory waste sorting commenced in 2005. Household
waste is required to be separated into three categories of resources, kitchen waste,
and garbage in Taiwan. In some counties, cities, or regions, per-bag trash collection
fees were also instigated. The successful waste management and regulations
contribute to waste reduction, sorting, recycling, and reuse. Taiwan’s recycling rates
are now only fell behind to Germany and Austria.
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
Figure 2 Waste Disposal Process and Management in Taiwan (2017)
Source: Environmental Protection Administration, 2018
There have been a total of 24 incinerators built in Taiwan. In 2017, Taiwanese EfW
facilities generated over 3,187,515kWh of electricity from 6,266,855tons of Incinerated
waste. EfW accounted for 1.24% of the total power generation in Taiwan. Waste
treatment incinerator technology and energy from waste technology are highly
specialised. Governments around the world tend to employ mature technologies that
have already proven to be effective waste management solutions. EfW facilities in
Taiwan largely rely on patented technology and equipment imported from industrialised
countries. Current EfW facilities in Taiwan are shown in Table 5. The full details and
the list of companies and organisations involved in EfW can be found in Appendix IV
and V respectively.
For the development of EfW, Taiwan intend to leverage international technology with
nascent EfW industry. Companies are expected to have experience cooperating with
governments to improve local understanding of waste incineration technology and the
impact it will have on their community and more importantly to help further develop
Taiwan’s domestic EfW industry. Any foreign company or local-foreign partnership is
encouraged to participate in Taiwan.
In an attempt to improve the efficiency of old incinerators and to diversify waste
treatment options, the EPA deployed the Diversified Waste Treatment Plan in 2017. It
is to be implemented over six years (from 2017 to 2022) with a budget of NT$15.342
billion from the central and local governments. According to the Diversified Waste
Treatment Plan, there are NT$9 billion allocated for the upgrading of incinerators and
Total waste in 2017:
27.23 million metric
General waste
million metric tons
Other :3.09 miilion
metric tons (40%)
Landfill (1%)
Incineration (39%)
waste:4.18 million
metric tons (53%)
Recycling and
Reused (60%)
Food wasted:0.55
million metric tons
Industrial waste
generated: 19.36
million metric tons
Industry 87.93%
Medical 0.54%
Aguriculture 0.86%
Resuded (80%)
Disposal (16%)
Exported (0.07%)Traffic 0.22%
Education 0.03%
National defense
Others 1.73%
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
related treatment facilities, and for integrating overseas experiences with newly
developed technology.
The total of eleven incinerators will be given improvement projects. The improvement
projects involve EPA, local governments, operators, and supervising units to resolve
overall equipment upgrades and needed construction for incinerators. So far, seven
incinerators were given improvement projects in Chiayi County, Chiayi City, Kaohsiung
City, Hsinchu City, Tainan City, and Pingtung County. To increase the efficiency of
waste utilisation further, another NT$3.7 billion of the Plan are spent on innovative
technologies, such as mechanical biological treatment, gasification, centralised
anaerobic digestion, and dehydration and highly effective decentralised composting.
Figure 3 Diversified Waste Treatment Strategy Flowchart
Source: Environmental Protection Administration, 2018
In addition, a NT$1.8 billion EPA project is established to promote regional waste
reutilisation facilities in Taiwan from 2017 to 2022. This project aims to install at least
three food waste bioenergy plants to generate 32.92GWh of power. It will create a total
revenue of more than NT$131.92 million from electricity sales and achieve a carbon
emissions reduction by 17,400 metric tons per year. The capacity processed of kitchen
waste disposal is anticipated to increase to 180,000 tons per year.
Waipu Green Energy Eco Park was the first bioenergy plant founded by the project on
24 October 2017 in Taichung City, with a trial run in November 2018. Waipu Green
Energy Eco Park was first to use methane produced from kitchen waste to generate
electricity and manufacture organic fertiliser. The plant can process 54,000tons of food
waste annually and produce over 8.87GWh of power. There is also a gasification
generator installed in the Ecopark using rice straw as feed. It can process 50,000tons
of rice straw and generate 24.9GWh of power in total.
Bioenergy plants have great aspects in Taiwan especially with the recent threat of
African swine fever that kitchen waste are not permitted using as pig feed by local
governments. With the increasing amount of kitchen waste needed to process and the
demand for facilities surge, waste to biogas energy not only putting the concept of a
Landfill (waste
Urban waste Thermal treatment
Ash resource
Biological treatment
Mechanical &
bilogical treatment
/efficient compost
Anaerobic Digestion
Incineration plant pollution reduction
and upgrading technology
Research and development technology
Circular Economy Facilities
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
circular economy in energy into practice, but also expanding Taiwan’s green energy
industry to create more business opportunities.
Table 5 Incinerators and Waste to Energy Facilities in Taiwan (2017)
Refuse Incineration Plant
Technical Consultant
of Civil, Mechanical &
Successful Bidder of
Civil, Mechanical &
Operation &
Keelung City Refuse
Resource Recovery Plant
188,778.48 116,515.15 Ebara 15.8 CTCI Corporation
Great Honor
Sino Environmental
Services Corporation
Beitou Refuse Incineration
401,625.92 188,608.08 Von Roll 48 Sinotech Engineering
Beitou Refuse
Incineration Plant
Mucha Refuse Incineration
242,483.76 79,907.61 Takuma 13.5
Sinotech Engineering
(Japan)Takuma -
Mucha Refuse
Incineration Plant
Neihu Refuse Incineration
155,982.71 34,789.44 Takuma 6
Sinotech Engineering
(Japan)Takuma -
Neihu Refuse
Incineration Plant
Hsintien Refuse
Incineration Plant
197,556.90 74,052.60 Martin 14.6 Fichtner Pacific
Heavy Industries
Sinotech Engineering
Onyx Ta-Ho
Shulin Refuse Incineration
298,807.70 133,408.30 Martin 22.3 Fichtner Pacific
Heavy Industries
Sinotech Engineering
Onyx Ta-Ho
Bali Refuse Incineration
407,509.28 250,049.24 Volund 35.8
Fichtner Pacific
Chung Hsin Electric &
Machinery Mfg. Corp.
Sinotech Engineering
Onyx Ta-Ho
Taoyuan City Refuse
Incineration Plant
440,703.92 270,666.50 Lurgi Lenrjes 35.1 Sinotech Engineering
(Germany) Lurgi
Lentjes Gmbh
Hsin Yung Enterprise
Corporation Sino
Services Corporation
Letzer Refuse Incineration
209,904.13 108,598.95 Martin 14.7 Sinotech Engineering
Heavy Industries
Sinotech Engineering
Onyx Ta-Ho
Hsinchu City EPB
Incinerator Plant
234,938.81 147,532.47 Volund 23.7 Fichtner Pacific
Chung Hsin Electric &
Machinery Mfg. Corp.
Yung Fu
Miaoli County Refuse
Incineration Plant
167,628.47 95,033.37 Martin 11.8 Fichtner Pacific
Fortune Energy
Sinotech Engineering
Fortune Energy
Services Corporation
Taichung City Refuse
Incineration Plant
216,437.74 80,526.21 Volund 13 Sinotech Engineering
Sinotech Engineering
Onyx Ta-Ho
Houli Recycling Plant 288,445.48 172,032.20 Von Roll 22.6 Sinotech Engineering
Hitachi Zosen
Sugar Corporation
Sinotech Engineering
Sino Environmental
Services Corporation
Wurih Recycling Plant 299,055.21 176,094.51 Martin 22.6
Taiwan Electronical
and Mechanical
Engineering Service
Leading Energy
Sinotech Engineering
Leading Energy
Services Corporation
Hsichou Refuse
Incineration Plant
281,093.67 144,169.10 Von Roll 22.6
Sinotech Engineering
Hitachi Zosen
Sugar Corporation
Sinotech Engineering
CPC Corporation,
Chiayi City Refuse
Incineration Plant
75,440.29 19,341.35 Volund 2.3
Sinotech Engineering
Chung Hsin Electric &
Machinery Mfg.
Onyx Ta-Ho
Lutsao Refuse Incineration
281,600.21 168,887.20 Takuma 25
Sinotech Engineering
/China Steel
BT Engineering
Onyx Ta-Ho
Tainan Refuse Incineration
197,946.05 83,150.16 Volund 14.3 CECI Engineering
Chung Hsin Electric &
Machinery Mfg.
Cosmos International
Planning & Design
Sino Environmental
Services Corporation
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
Source Environmental Protection Administration, 2018
Yong Kang Waste Recycling
(Incineration) plant
289,757.42 135,770.91 Steinmuller 22.5 CTCI Corporation
CPC Corporation,
Cosmos International
Planning & Design
Onyx Ta-Ho
Central District Waste
Management Plant,
Kaohsiung City
224,688.49 70,202.87 DBA 25.5 CECI Engineering
Tuntex Distinct
(Germany) DBA
Central District Waste
Management Plant,
Kaohsiung City
Southern District Waste
Management Plant,
Kaohsiung City
364,932.21 188,584.80 Martin 49
Sinotech Engineering
CTCI Corporation/
Southern District
Waste Management
Plant, Kaohsiung City
Renwu Incineration Plant 420,963.01 252,167.10 Martin 36.5
Sinotech Engineering
Heavy Industries
/CTCI Corporation
Sinotech Engineering
(Hong Kong) SITA
Waste Service
Gangshan Incineration
225,867.21 120,867.80 Takuma 38
Sinotech Engineering
/China Steel
Sinotech Engineering
Taiwan Sugar
Kandin Refuse Incineration
154,707.52 76,559.70 KHI 22.5 CTCI Corporation
Heavy Industries
Sinotech Engineering
Taiwan Sugar
Total 6,266,854.59 3,187,515.62
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
3.3 Nuclear Waste Disposal
Nuclear power in Taiwan accounts for 5,144MW of installed capacity by means of three
operating plants and six reactor unites, which makes up around 10.34% of the national
power capacity, and 8.3% of the electricity generation as of 2017. Construction of the
first nuclear power plant began in 1972 and all plants are operated by the state-run
Taiwan Power Company (Taipower). The No. 1 and No. 2 units on the First (Chinshan)
Nuclear Power Plant and the No. 1 and No. 2 units on the Second (Kuosheng) Nuclear
Power Plant are situated in New Taipei and those two plants both employed General
Electric boiling water reactors (BWR) technology. The No. 1 and No. 2 units on the
Third (Maanshan) Nuclear Power Plant is in Pingtung County with Westinghouse
pressurised water reactors (PWR) technology. Construction of the Fourth (Lungmen)
Nuclear Power Plant in New Taipei using two 1350MW units of Advanced Boiling Water
Reactors (ABWR) technology began in 1999 but it has encountered public opposition
with political, legal and regulatory delays. Currently, the completed No. 1 unit was
mothballed in July 2015, while construction of No. 2 unit was suspended in April 2014.
The only nuclear waste storage facility was built in 1982 offshore of Taiwan at the
Southern tip of Lanyu or a.k.a. Orchid Island in Taitung County to receive low level
nuclear waste from Taipower's three operational nuclear power plants. The storage
site consists of 23 trenches and holds 100,277 drums of solidified low-level nuclear
waste. Lanyu is a remote island and inhabited mostly by indigenous people. There has
been strong resistance from local community since the protest in 2002. Taipower
initially promised to remove the nuclear waste from Lanyu by the end of 2002. So far,
the relocation from Lanyu is still not in motion. Taipower has only announced several
potential sites including uninhabited islands near Keelung, as well as Kinmen, Penghu
and Matsu counties. Taipower has also been exploring the possibilities of overseas
final nuclear waste storage sites. Nonetheless, the means to store in an abandoned
North Korean coal mine or in Russia and Mainland China have all being raised
concerns and further complicated politically.
Due to the problematic natural of nuclear waste storage and disposal in Taiwan, all
nuclear waste has to be stored at its own power plant facilities. To further obscure the
mater, the unit 1 of Chinshan NPP1was scheduled to decommission on 5 December
2018. The dry storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) for decommissioning of NPP1 is
becoming a pressing affair. The decommissioning plan of NPP1 was approved by the
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) in 2017 and, by law, the decommissioning permit
for Chinshan NPP1 will be granted by the AEC once the environmental impact
assessment is approved by the Environmental Protection Administration. However,
even it has already passed the scheduled decommissioning dateline; Taipower has not
received an approval from the EPA. Furthermore, the local New Taipei City
government has not issued a permit to use the already constructed outdoor SNF dry
storage facility at the plant because the site failed to meet the city’s soil and water
conservation requirements.
The public sentiment towards to nuclear waste storage has been negative in Taiwan.
The root of this negative sentiment is that, without any concreate solution for the final
nuclear waste disposal, local residence and the public will always fear that any
intermediate storage site might be indefinitely in their neighbourhood. It is estimated
that around 5,000 tons uranium of spent nuclear fuel will be generated by three
operational nuclear power plants for 40 years of service (see Table 6). Nuclear waste
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
disposal is a problem that cannot be overlooked. Finding a final resting place for
nuclear waste is the top priority for Taiwan.
Table 6 Spent Nuclear Fuel Generated for 40 Years of Operation
Power Plant
Fuel element
Unit 1 fuel
Unit 2 fuel
Six units total
uranium weight
NPP1 (BWR) 178.5 3,694 3,652
NPP2 (BWR) 178.5 5,580 5,676
417.5 1,894 1,921
Source: Lee, A (2017), Spent Nuclear Fuel Final Disposal Management in Taiwan, 6th East Asia Forum on
Radwaste Management Conference, November 27-29, 2017, Osaka, Japan
The government and Taipower have considered sending spent fuel to abroad for
reprocessing as well. In February 2015, Taipower started to explore the feasibility of
overseas reprocessing of SNF by announcing a tender of reprocessing 1200 BWR fuel
assemblies. Nonetheless, the relevant budget for oversea reprocessing was
suspended under a parliamentary budget review.
Another mean to the final nuclear waste disposal is geological repository in granite. To
follow the exemplariness of Finland and Sweden, Taiwan decided to give priority to
assessing granite-based locations for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste. If all
goes well, the geological repository is envisaged to operate in 2055. The final disposal
plan contains in several stages as shown in Figure 4. By the end of 2017, Taipower
had submitted a Technical Feasibility Assessment Report of the repository project
requested by the AEC. To ensure that domestic final repository technology capacity is
in accordance with international standards, the 2017 report was under a process of
international peer review and Sweden’s SKB was invited for the process.
Currently, the plan is in its second stage of selecting candidate sites for the SNF final
disposal by the end of 2028. Given areas such as near active geological faults,
volcanoes and water catchments are ruled out, only one-eighth of Taiwan’s total land
area can host nuclear waste disposal sites. The potential candidates can only be
limited to a very small part of Taiwan. Once candidate sites identified, the next stage
is to conduct detailed site investigation and testing from 2029 to 2038, and submit
repository design and license applications during 2039-2044. Subject to regulatory
approvals being granted, it is expected that construction will start in 2045, with first
emplacements of nuclear waste in 2055.
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
Figure 4 Final Disposal Plan in Five Stages
Source: Taipower, 2018 and Lee (2017)
Even the geological repository plan for final disposal is in order, there are still certain
pressing issues need to be addressed prior to 2055 such as the relocation of nuclear
waste from Lanyu and the dry storage facilities of spent nuclear fuel for
decommissioning. One of the pre-2055 resolutions is to build a centralised intermediate
storage facility similar to the Dutch COVRA (the Central Organisation for Radioactive
Waste) in Vlissingen. Therefore, Taipower are able to store low and high level nuclear
waste from three operational nuclear power plants and relocate waste from Lanyu to a
centralised secure facility until final disposal of geological repository is realised.
However, the location for such facility is not attained so far.
Whether to use nuclear power is clearly disputed and divided in the island,
nevertheless, a negative sentiment towards to nuclear waste is somehow unanimous
in Taiwan. Taiwan have exhausted all the possible means to deal with nuclear waste
disposal. International cooperation in nuclear waste management has become crucial
in Taiwan. Despite the challenges ahead, the silver lining is that Taipower have been
allocating fund for nuclear energy back-end operations of final waste disposal and
decommissioning since 1987. Based on user-pay principal, a fee of NT$0.17 is
accumulated to the Nuclear Back-end Fund on every kWh of nuclear generated power.
The fund is managed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and NT$318.172 billion has
been accumulated according to the latest figure in November 2018.
Candidate Site Selection and Approval
Detail Site Investigation and Testing
Repository design and Safety analysis Assessment
Repository Construction
Repository operation
test, Apply and get
operation license
Safety Analysis Report for
construction license application,
Get construction license
Site Feasibility Report, Site Environmental
Impact Statement
Survey and evaluate candidate site area and recommend priority
site for detailed investigation, Establish performance/safety
assessment technology of candidate site
Characterise and evaluate host rock and recommend candidate site survey area
Establish performance/safety assessment technology of potential host rock
The Technical Feasibility Assessment Report on SNFDSNFD Preliminary Technical Feasibility Assessment Report (SNFD 2009 report)
Potential Host Rock
Characterisation and Evaluation
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
4. Opportunities and Implications for Finland
When the elected government took office in May 2016, the national energy transition
was initiated in Taiwan and the new energy policy vision is to establish a low-carbon,
sustainable, stable, high quality and economically efficient energy system in Taiwan.
Under the mandate of energy transition, the government pledged a bold goal that
aiming at achieving 20% of renewable energy, 50% of LNG, and 30% of coral for its
energy-mix portfolio in 2025 while phasing out the nuclear power generation
The grand vision of energy transition towards 2025 is a giant leap for Taiwan and this
also represents immense international collaboration opportunities for industrial
developed countries. The energy development in transition period is solely policy
driven and areas such as smart power generation, energy from waste, and nuclear
waste disposal are heavily reply on government budgets, policy incentives, and state-
run utility company’s facilitation.
The energy cooperation between Finland and Taiwan require some top-down
approach. The government-to-government bilateral platform can serve as an
enablement by setting up mutually beneficial targets of energy cooperation in research,
development and innovation to lay the foundations of further industrial cooperation and
trade expansion. To diffuse any fruitful outcome, information on energy cooperation
and potential markets should effectively channel to Finnish private sectors.
Furthermore, having some kind of association (e.g. chamber of commerce) to
represent common Finnish business interests in Taiwan could also be desirable.
The energy transition In Taiwan will introduce substantial power generation capacity
from renewable sources. Renewable energy such as solar and wind comes with the
inherited limitation of varying output and smart power generation can be an answer of
delivering dynamic complementing power generating capacity with superior energy
efficiency and operational and fuel flexibility. There are several major projects in
Taipower’s long-term power development plan that will construct new power plants as
well as renew and expand old facilities until 2028. There is a great market potential to
promote well-proven solutions and commercially available technologies for Taiwan’s
benefit. The bilateral energy cooperation in smart power generation can expedite
Taiwan to accomplish more effective grid management and better system resilience
while ensuring a smooth energy transition and sable power supply.
Energy from waste is a type of renewable energy and energy from waste accounted
1.24% of the total power generation in Taiwan. For the six-year development from 2017
to 2022, Taiwan allocated NT$9 billion for the upgrading of 11 incinerators and related
treatment facilities. Further NT$3.7 billion are spent on innovative technologies, such
as mechanical biological treatment, gasification, centralised anaerobic digestion, and
dehydration and highly effective decentralised composting. Another NT$1.8 billion is
aiming to install at least three food waste bioenergy plants. EfW technologies are highly
specialised and EfW facilities in Taiwan mainly depend on patented technology and
equipment imported from industrialised countries. Taiwanese government encourage
foreign entity to participate under the pre-context that it will help to integrate overseas
experiences with newly developed technology to further advance the nascent EfW
industry in Taiwan. Therefore, local-foreign partnerships or cooperation can cultivate
and realise the EfW opportunities in Taiwan.
Whether to use nuclear power is clearly disputed and divided in the island,
nevertheless, a negative sentiment towards to nuclear waste is somehow unanimous
Future Watch – Strategy Brief
in Taiwan. It is estimated that around 5,000tons uranium of spent nuclear fuel will be
generated for the 40-year operation life along with other low-level nuclear waste.
Nuclear waste disposal in Taiwan is a problem that the government cannot overlook.
Taiwan have exhausted all possible means and the most viable long-term and mid-
term solutions are the geological repository in granite and a centralised intermediate
storage facility respectively. For the nuclear waste storage and disposal, Taiwan
require overseas exemplariness and expertise. International cooperation in nuclear
waste management is imperative in Taiwan. The bilateral cooperation with Finland can
prove to be beneficial in various aspects of assessment, evaluation, investigation,
safety analysis, and construction for nuclear waste management in Taiwan.
Appendix I: Guidelines on Energy Development
能源發展綱領 Guidelines on Energy Development
April 2017
壹、前言 I. Preface
In the key era of global energy transition,
green and low carbon energy development would
play a crucial role in leading the third industrial
revolution. Energy is the source of momentum
which stimulates economic growth, and the
green energy development is even the new
engine which drives economic development.
化石能源依存度高,面對2015 年立法通過「溫
化綱要公約第 21 次締約方大會(COP21)通過
之「巴黎協定」(Paris Agreement)等溫室氣體
Consider the shortage of self-produced
energy and the dependency on imported and
fossil fuel energy as high as 98% in Taiwan, the
“Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management
Act” promulgated in 2015 and Paris Agreement
reached in UNFCCC COP21, Taiwan is bound to
follow the trend of energy transition and seize
this opportunity for green growth. However, the
energy security is linked to national security, the
rational mixes of all forms of energy at various
stages must be planned during transition process
under the premise of ensuring stability and
security for national energy supply. Information
openness, public participation, and
communication on policy risks must all be
strengthened in order to ensure smooth process
of energy transition and implementation of
fairness and justice. To this end, the core values
of Taiwan’s national energy policies would be
based on the common governance and balanced
development in four major aspects which include
“Energy Security”, “Green Economy”,
“Environmental Sustainability” and “Social
Equity” so as to foster the sustainable energy
性,且於2002 年所通過之「環境基本法」已
As there have been three major nuclear
disasters in the world and Taiwan is facing the
issues of nuclear waste disposal, the position of
nuclear power generation has been re-examined
by the government, and the necessity of
achieving nuclear-free homeland as soon as
達成2025 年非核家園目標。
possible has been recognized. The “Basic
Environment Act” promulgated in 2002 has
shown that the government is bound to set a plan
in order to reach the target of nuclear-free
homeland. Therefore, the resources devoted
should be increased, and the energy transition
including energy saving, energy exploration,
energy storage, and smart system integration has
to be comprehensively accelerated so as to
reduce the share of nuclear power generation and
achieve the target of nuclear-free homeland by
The guidelines serve as the superior policy
guidance for national energy development,
energy policy programs, standards and action
plans. The implementation of Regulations
Governing the Assessment of Energy
Development and Utilization, and formulation of
energy development policies are also based on
the guidelines.
貳、法源依據 II. Source of Law
本綱領依「能源管理法」第1 條第2 項
The guidelines are based on the Paragraph 2
of Article 1 in “ Energy Administration Act”.
參、發展目標 III. Development Objectives
會公平之均衡發展,期達成2025 年非核家園
Ensure balanced development in energy
security, green economy, environmental
sustainability, and social equity so that the target
of nuclear-free homeland can be achieved by
2025 and the sustainable development in energy
can be attained.
一、能源安全 1. Energy Security
Take advantages of all forms of energies,
enhance energy autonomy and ensure energy
diversity, establish distributed energy,
optimize energy supply structure, promote
preliminary assessment in energy planning
and management so that the energy efficiency
can be increased and a stable, affordable, and
low-risk energy supply-demand system can be
二、綠色經濟 2. Green Economy
Strengthen the comprehensive
development of energy saving, energy
exploration, energy storage, and smart
systems integration, incorporate regional
resources characteristics with talent
advantages, and enhance international linkage
in order to foster technological innovation
with R&D and increase local job opportunities
for the creation of momentum in green
三、環境永續 3. Environmental Sustainability
Reduce the intensity of greenhouse gas
emissions from energy systems and improve
air quality, take the regional environment into
account during construction of energy
facilities, and complete the decommission
works of existing nuclear power plants and
improve back-end disposal and management
for nuclear power in order to create clean
energy system and healthy living
四、社會公平 4. Social Equity
Fulfill the spirit of energy empowerment,
construct an energy market environment with
fair competition, and strengthen policy
communication and public participation in
order to ensure equity within and across
generations and realize energy democracy and
肆、綱要方針 IV. Guiding Principles
一、能源安全 1. Energy Security
(一)需求面強化節能 (1) Strengthen Energy Saving on the
Demand Side
⚫ Adopt the new economic development
model of “Innovation, Employment, and
Equitable Distribution” in order to
continue with optimization and transition
of industrial structure.
⚫ Implement the preliminary management
on energy use for large-scale investment
on production plans, adopt best available
commercialized technology in order to
enhance the energy efficiency.
⚫ Expand the implementation of energy
audit, deploy energy management
system, raise the energy efficiency
standards for vehicles and equipment,
and enhance energy efficiencies of
industrial, transportation, residential and
commercial sectors via R&D and
demonstration application in energy
saving technologies while providing
proper energy saving incentives.
⚫ Strengthen energy saving design related
regulations for new buildings, encourage
energy saving improvement among
existing buildings, raise building energy
saving standards, improve the
transparency of buildings’ energy
consumption information and promote its
application in market to reach the target
of net-zero energy buildings and
⚫ Promote voluntary energy saving
measures via government’s taking the
lead, industrial response and public
participation; regulate the energy
consumption behaviors and activities to
avoid waste in order to fully achieve
energy-saving production, consumption,
and living modes.
⚫ Integrate energy saving, energy
management, and energy storage,
strengthen the demand response,
disseminate the load management
measures such as Time-of-Use Rates, and
introduce innovative business models to
increase the users’ participation so that
the peak-load demand can be curbed.
7.規範電業推動節能義務與配套機制。 ⚫ Regulate the obligations of promoting
energy saving and complementary
mechanisms for power industry.
(二)供給面多元自主低碳 (2) Diversification, Energy Autonomy, and
Low Carbon on the Supply Side
1.建構效率化、自主化、多元化的能源組 ⚫ Establish efficient, autonomous, and
diversified energy mix and construct the
reasonable structure for each stage of
energy transition based on the
characteristics of all forms of energy;
strengthen energy security early warning
and emergency response mechanism in
order to ensure stability and security in
energy supply.
⚫ Grasp the potential of self-produced
energy, promote international energy
development and technological
cooperation, encourage industries and
business to be aggressively involved in
domestic and overseas energy
development, and explore various energy
supply channels in order to increase the
share of self-produced energy.
⚫ Ensure the stability of energy import
channels, and decentralize the sources
and approaches in energy procurement in
order to reduce the risks of imported
energy supply.
⚫ Expand the installation of renewable
energy, strengthen the incentives for
green energy development, establish the
friendly environment for renewable
energy development, take the
environmental and ecological protection
into account, and encourage the
installation of distributed power which
will contribute to the regional balance of
supply and demand so as to accelerate the
development of renewable energy.
⚫ Promote the technological development
and application of alternatives to fossil
fuel energy in order to reduce
dependency on fossil fuel energy.
⚫ Expand the use of natural gas, construct
natural gas receiving Terminals,
transmission and storage facilities,
establish safety stock mechanism in order
to enhance the supply and security of low
carbon energy.
⚫ Introduce clean coal and carbon
reduction related technologies based on
technological progress assessment, and
enhance the efficiency of coal-fired
power generation in order to reduce the
carbon emissions from coal consumption.
⚫ Improve the efficiency of power plants,
regulate new power plants to adopt the
commercialized best available
technology, and make good use of the
potential of co-generation system in
terms of the compliance with power
dispatching in order to stabilize power
supply and to ensure power quality.
(三)系統面整合智慧化 (3) Smart System Integration
⚫ Determine the total supply based on
reasonable demand, manage energy
demand based on limited supply capacity,
implement the preliminary energy
management in accordance with energy
supply capacity by periods and by areas
while ensuring stability and security of
energy supply in order to achieve the
balance of regional energy supply and
demand and promote integration of
regional energy and resources in order to
enhance the overall utilization efficiency
of energy and resources.
⚫ Actively deploy smart meters and
promote overall improvement of regional
power transmission and distribution
systems, foster system integration
application via Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) and
Internet of Things (IoT) in order to
enhance the capability and quality of
service; strengthen green power output
forecast and on-grid control in order to
ensure the priority access to the grid for
green power.
⚫ Promote the deployment of all types of
energy storage systems matching the
schedule of commercialization in energy
定性。 storage technologies in order to improve
the reliability and stability of power grid.
⚫ Adjust power dispatching model under
the premise of stabilizing power supply
while taking environmental protection
into account.
⚫ Conduct sound safety management for
energy production, transmission and
storage facilities, and conduct safety
inspections in order to maintain public
二、綠色經濟 2. Green Economy
(一)打造綠能產業生態系 (1) Construct Green Energy Industrial
Ecological System
⚫ Construct sound regulatory incentives,
land acquisition, financing mechanism,
peripheral services, and infrastructure
required for the development in green
energy industry in order to create a high
quality environment for industry
⚫ Support industries via domestic green
energy demand, select key industries,
integrate and utilize existing industrial
advantages to promote cross-industry
integration, establish new green energy
industry chain from parts to system, and
form green energy industrial ecological
system with global competitiveness in
order to explore global green energy
business opportunities.
⚫ Cultivate quality manpower for green
energy industries, and vitalize domestic
and global network for green energy
human resources so as to strengthen
development of domestic green energy
⚫ Establish environmental costs pricing
mechanism through policy tools or
market mechanisms such as cap and
trade, and create new green service
economy in order to foster green
production and green energy investment.
(二)普及綠能在地應用 (2) Promote Regional Green Energy
⚫ Apply characteristics of regional
resources, develop local green energy
application plan and demonstration sites
by integrating industry and academic
institutes in order to drive the
development of local green energy
industry and create local job
⚫ Cultivate local industry in conjunction
with local features in order to enhance the
willingness among local businesses to
participate in green energy application
⚫ Integrate the development of smart city
and agricultural villages in conjunction
with opportunities of IoT development in
order to cultivate localized industrial
green services and overall export sales
(三)創新綠能減碳科技 (3) Innovate in Green Energy and Carbon
Reduction Technologies
⚫ Unite enterprises, corporations, and
schools to orient toward advanced energy
technologies R&D capacity while
strengthening key advanced energy
technologies and global patent layout,
introduce demonstration of advanced
energy in coordination with development
progress, and foster industrial innovation
and competitiveness via technologies
transfer or resources sharing.
⚫ Strengthen the technologies R&D and
deployment of energy storage and smart
grid, accelerate the development of cloud
intelligent energy management system,
and guide the development of R&D
capacity by market demand in order to
establish business models and core
⚫ Strengthen international connection, and
aggressively cooperate with countries
which are equipped with global leading
technologies in order to enhance green
innovative capacity.
三、環境永續 3. Environmental Sustainability
(一)維護空氣品質 (1) Maintain Air Quality
⚫ Take the cap of total emissions from air
pollutant as the basis for the planning of
new power plants, and consider the
improvement of air pollution control
equipment according to pollutant load in
each region and across all regions so as to
promote environmental sustainability,
improve air quality, and reduce the health
risks for the public.
⚫ Strengthen and consider the
responsibilities of local air pollution
governance on the premise of ensuring
stable energy supply in order to improve
regional and cross-regions air quality and
ensure public health.
(二)規劃適當區位 (2) Select Appropriate Site
The resource endowments and
environmental protection should be taken
into account during the construction of
energy facility in order to avoid or reduce
the impacts on environmentally sensitive
(三)溫室氣體減量 (3) Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction
⚫ Determine the periodic regulatory goal of
greenhouse gas emissions for energy
sector in accordance with international
convention resolutions related to climate
change and situations of international
climate negotiations under the principles
of maintaining the domestic industrial
competitiveness and taking the cost
benefit into account in order to balance
economic development and
environmental sustainability.
⚫ Control the greenhouse gas emissions by
energy industries, assess the potential for
emissions reduction, and promote low
步降低單位燃料使用之溫室氣體排放。 carbon energy structure in order to
gradually reduce the greenhouse gas
emissions per unit of fuel consumption.
⚫ Incentivize energy users in reducing
emissions, encourage comprehensive and
continual emissions reduction actions by
planning for flexible carbon reduction
mechanisms such as rewards, offset, or
regulations for different types of energy
users by stages.
(四)達成非核家園 (4) Reaching Target of Nuclear-Free
⚫ Promote the decommissioning of existing
nuclear power plants under the three
major principles which include assuring
public’s right to know, participation of
local communities, and adoption of
internationally best practices.
⚫ Strengthen security supervision of
nuclear power plants in accordance with
international nuclear energy standards
while improving the preparation and
emergency response for nuclear accidents
and composite disasters.
⚫ Properly plan for the short-term, mid-
term, and long-term management and
disposal policies for high level and low
level radioactive wastes based on the
principle of openness and transparency,
and amend and formulate laws and
regulations related to final disposal.
⚫ Review the tariff and utilization for
Nuclear Backend Fund while
establishing dedicated institution to be
responsible for the nuclear waste
(五)建構低碳環境 (5) Establish a Low Carbon Environment
⚫ Establish a low carbon living
environment and circular society,
promote low carbon community
renovation plan and national energy
saving carbon reduction movement in
order to accelerate the transition to a low
carbon society.
⚫ Accelerate the construction of green
transportation network, the introduction
of smart transportation system, and the
promotion of low carbon energy saving
vehicles in order to establish a human-
oriented, safe, and highly efficient green
energy low carbon transportation
⚫ Integrate local government, utilize local
resources to create low carbon
cities/villages, construct an energy saving
carbon reduction living environment,
change the urban texture and reduce heat
island effect in order to broaden the
horizon of low carbon governance.
四、社會公平 4. Social Equity
(一)促進能源民主與正義 (1) Promote Energy Democracy and
⚫ Establish mechanisms and incentives for
public participation and risks
communication in order to guide the
private sectors to jointly participate
energy transition.
⚫ Introduce the participatory governance
approach to energy policy making,
formulate and implement energy policies
based on diversified participation,
implement information openness and
transparency so as to facilitate procedural
⚫ Government administration should
contribute to equity within and across
generations while assuring the basic
energy services for vulnerable groups and
the equity and justice in energy use in
order to avoid energy poverty and
facilitate sustainable energy
(二)能源市場革新 (2) Energy Market Reform
⚫ Promote the domestic power industry
reform by phases under the premise of
stable power supply with the goal of
“Diversified Supply, Equity in Usage,
and Freedom of Choice”, facilitate fair,
competitive and reasonable operation of
power industry, and adjust the
performance indicators of state-owned
business following the direction of
energy transition in order to protect the
users’ rights and interests while
increasing social well-being.
⚫ Promote rationalization in energy prices,
establish an energy price adjusting
mechanism with transparency and
openness, and reflect the internal and
external energy costs effectively by
introducing green tax or other policy
tools so as to comply with the user-pay
伍、政策配套 V. Complementary Policies
1. Complete Legislation and Regulation for
Energy Transition
Provide all sectors the market structure and
regulatory basis required for energy
transition; promote the development of
green finance in order to create the financial
environment for improving green energy
2. Comprehensive Low Carbon
The energy saving and carbon reduction
concepts should be incorporated in the
administration plans, infrastructures,
regional planning plans, and industrial
development plans of central and local
governments; the regional energy
governance should be promoted by central
and local governments based on the
characteristics for each locality in order to
deepen the low carbon administration.
3. Diversified Complementary Mechanisms
Utilize diversified complementary
mechanisms such as rewards, consultation,
control, financing, or other necessary
complementary measures in order to
accelerate the policy implementation.
4. Climate Change Adaption
Assess the potential risks of energy supply
systems and facilities in responding to
climate change while planning for adaptation
strategies and actions in order to strengthen
the climate adaptation resilience.
5. Deepen Communication and Education
on Energy Risks
Cultivate energy talents from technology and
social science backgrounds, promote
bilateral and diversified communication and
awareness in energy risks, strengthen the
communication, R&D, and implementation
of social innovation, enhance national
energy education propaganda, and improve
the national awareness of energy transition
in order to establish the living and culture
which take energy saving and carbon
reduction as the cores.
陸、推動機制 VI. Promotion Mechanisms
執行報告,每5 年定期檢討。
Formulate White Paper for energy
transition, plan for the objectives, concrete
measures, and policy tools for future energy
development, submit annual accomplishment
report to summarize the achievements, and
conduct periodic review for every five years.
Appendix II: Taipower’s Power Plants and Power Grid
Installed Capacity over 50 MW Thermal Wind
EHV transformer station
Installed Capacity under 50 MW
Nuclear Solar
Primary substation
Hydro Geothermal
345KV Transmission lines
Pumped Hydro IPP
161 KV transmission lines
Source: Reproduction from the 2018 Taiwan Power Company Sustainability Report
Appendix III: Thermal Power Plans of Taipower (2017)
Type of Energy
Power plant/power station name
Unit of power
Installed capacity(kW)
Gross power generation (kWh)
Capacity factor(%)
Maximum output value(%)
Operating year
Retirement year
Power structure
Generation engine
Coal-Fuelled 林口電廠 Linkou Power Plant #1 800,000 6,095,795,247 86.98 91.89 106.24 2016 Base load power Steam
Coal-Fuelled 林口電廠 Linkou Power Plant #2 800,000 6,429,193,364 91.74 96.48 110.27 2017 Base load power Steam
Coal-Fuelled 大林電廠 Dalin Power Plant #1 800,000 907,081,000 25.46 - 110.00 2018 Base load power Steam
Coal-Fuelled 興達電廠 Xingda Power Plant #1 500,000 4,097,715,600 93.56 94.93 101.86 1982 2023 Base load power Steam
Coal-Fuelled 興達電廠 Xingda Power Plant #2 500,000 3,193,304,400 72.91 73.26 102.96 1983 2023 Base load power Steam
Coal-Fuelled 興達電廠 Xingda Power Plant #3 550,000 4,676,226,500 97.06 97.91 101.60 1985 2024 Base load power Steam
Coal-Fuelled 興達電廠 Xingda Power Plant #4 550,000 3,747,866,100 77.79 76.78 103.80 1986 2024 Base load power Steam
Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #1 550,000 2,973,403,000 61.71 61.46 102.91 1991 2022 Base load power Steam
Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #2 550,000 4,618,400,000 95.86 95.59 102.55 1991 2025 Base load power Steam
Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #3 550,000 4,841,176,000 100.48 99.27 102.91 1992 2025 Base load power Steam
Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #4 550,000 4,866,802,000 101.01 99.64 104.00 1992 2022 Base load power Steam
Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #5 550,000 4,219,117,000 87.57 88.12 100.91 1996 Base load power Steam
Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #6 550,000 3,996,571,000 82.95 84.28 101.82 1996 Base load power Steam
Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #7 550,000 4,775,421,000 99.12 99.35 100.73 1996 Base load power Steam
Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #8 550,000 4,722,044,000 98.01 98.33 101.09 1997 Base load power Steam
Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #9 550,000 4,431,175,000 91.97 93.48 104.36 2005 Base load power Steam
Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #10 550,000 4,714,452,000 97.85 98.30 100.55 2006 Base load power Steam
Oil-Fuelled 大林電廠 Dalin Power Plant #3 - 345,920,000 11.51 98.97 82.67 1985 2017 Load following power Steam
Oil-Fuelled 大林電廠 Dalin Power Plant #4 - 373,828,000 12.44 96.04 83.47 1986 2017 Load following power Steam
Oil-Fuelled 協和電廠 Xiehe Power Plant #1 500,000 2,120,063,000 48.40 83.42 81.30 1977 2019 Load following power Steam
Oil-Fuelled 協和電廠 Xiehe Power Plant #2 500,000 2,297,704,000 52.46 81.24 90.40 1977 2019 Load following power Steam
Oil-Fuelled 協和電廠 Xiehe Power Plant #3 500,000 2,859,837,000 65.29 94.36 102.32 1980 2024 Load following power Steam
Oil-Fuelled 協和電廠 Xiehe Power Plant #4 500,000 2,519,173,000 57.52 87.35 97.57 1985 2024 Load following power Steam
Oil-Fuelled 協和電廠 Xiehe Power Plant Zhushan 29,720 57,820,677 21.14 81.19 40.81 - Remote island power Diesel
Oil-Fuelled 尖山電廠 Jianshan Power Plant Penghu 129,772 389,942,936 34.3 94.21 60.72 - Remote island power Diesel
Oil-Fuelled 塔山電廠 Tashan Power Plant Kinmen 90,992 307,581,015 38.59 88.68 76.41 - Remote island power Diesel
Oil-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant Taichung GAS 280,000 98,769,000 4.03 95.58 22.86 2000 Peaking power Gas Turbine
Oil-Fuelled 琉球 Liuqiu 1,500 21,920 0.17 100 36.57 - Remote island power Diesel
Oil-Fuelled 綠島 Ludao 10,000 18,121,420 20.69 100 47.17 - Remote island power Diesel
Oil-Fuelled 蘭嶼 Lanyu 6,000 16,418,083 31.24 100 59.66 - Remote island power Diesel
Oil-Fuelled 七美 Cimei 4,000 7,886,881 22.51 90.66 40.38 - Remote island power Diesel
Oil-Fuelled 望安 Wangan 4,000 8,005,004 22.85 94.94 39.55 - Remote island power Diesel
Oil-Fuelled 虎井 Hujing 600 1,333,963 25.38 97.26 40.33 - Remote island power Diesel
Oil-Fuelled 馬祖 Matzu 1,3564 20,867,615 17.56 93.38 33.60 - Remote island power Diesel
LNG-Fuelled 大林電廠 Dalin Power Plant #5 500,000 2,793,176,000 63.77 81.88 99.40 1974 2019 Load following power Steam
LNG-Fuelled 大林電廠 Dalin Power Plant #6 550,000 4,369,441,000 90.69 98.04 101.27 1994 Load following power Steam
LNG-Fuelled 通霄電廠 Tongxia Power Plant old#1 - 1,064,308,000 56.43 98.07 97.87 1992 2017 Load following power Combine Cycle
LNG-Fuelled 通霄電廠 Tongxia Power Plant old#2 - 1,243,310,000 65.92 95.41 97.49 1992 2017 Load following power Combine Cycle
LNG-Fuelled 通霄電廠 Tongxia Power Plant old#3 - 683,497,000 37.96 98.12 94.41 2000 2017 Load following power Combine Cycle
LNG-Fuelled 通霄電廠 Tongxia Power Plant #4 386,000 3,077,838,000 91.02 96.65 105.44 1992 2020 Load following power Combine Cycle
LNG-Fuelled 通霄電廠 Tongxia Power Plant #5 386,000 2,874,090,000 85.00 92.65 107.25 1992 2020 Load following power Combine Cycle
Future Watch: Taiwan energy policy shift and its future aspects
Future Watch: Taiwan energy policy shift and its future aspects
Future Watch: Taiwan energy policy shift and its future aspects
Future Watch: Taiwan energy policy shift and its future aspects
Future Watch: Taiwan energy policy shift and its future aspects
Future Watch: Taiwan energy policy shift and its future aspects
Future Watch: Taiwan energy policy shift and its future aspects
Future Watch: Taiwan energy policy shift and its future aspects

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Future Watch: Taiwan energy policy shift and its future aspects

  • 1. Future Watch – Strategy Brief Taiwan Energy Policy Shift and Its Future Aspects Opportunities in the Energy Transition in Taiwan February 2019
  • 2. Future Watch – Strategy Brief At Business Finland, we create new growth by supporting companies to go global, as well as funding innovations. Our top experts speed up the identification of business opportunities around the world and help transform them into global success stories. Future Watch is part of TF Market opportunities service and it provides actionable insights from our global network for Finnish businesses and stakeholders. More information at www.marketopportunities.fi Contact information Yhteystiedot dfasdf Teppo Turkki Counsellor for Science, Technology and Innovation Business Finland, Tokyo Embassy of Finland, Tokyo Japan 3-5-39 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku Tokyo 106-8561, Japan +81 80 4149 1958 (Japani) +358 500 506 810 (Finland) teppo.turkki@businessfinland.fi Dr. Daw Ma Research Fellow Chun Hua Institution for Economic Research, Taiwan daw_ma@cier.edu.tw
  • 3. Future Watch – Strategy Brief A new policy on energy transition was commenced in Taiwan to phase out nuclear power and to introduce substantial power generation capacity from renewable sources by 2025. This transition of energy source and structure represents not only great challenges for Taiwan but also immense business opportunities for industrial developed countries. 1 The energy development of Taiwan in transition period is policy driven. Therefore, Taiwan’s energy development, relevant policies and trends of energy transformation merit a comprehensive update to depict future aspects of the transition. The bilateral energy cooperation between Finland and Taiwan in areas of smart power generation, energy from waste, and nuclear waste disposal can be mutually beneficial. Information and analysis are provided in this report for Finnish stakeholders to identify market potential and cooperation opportunities. 1 Energy Policy Shift and Its Future Aspects in Taiwan: Opportunities in Energy Transition Foreword
  • 4. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 4 1. Foreword 3 2. Energy Policy Change in Taiwan and its Future Aspects 2 2.1 Nuclear Phasing out to Renewable Energy 2 2.2 Energy Policy Implementation in Circular Economy 6 3. Opportunities in Energy Source Transition 9 3.1 Smart Power Generation Solutions 9 3.2 Energy from Waste 13 3.3 Nuclear Waste Disposal 18 4. Opportunities and Implications for Finland 21 Appendix I: Guidelines on Energy Development 23 Appendix II: Taipower’s Power Plants and Power Grid 36 Appendix III: Thermal Power Plans of Taipower (2017) 37 Appendix IV: Refuse Incineration and Energy from Waste Plants in Taiwan (2017) 39 Appendix V: Companies and Organisations Listed in Table 5 42 Table of Content
  • 5. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 5 2. Energy Policy Change in Taiwan and its Future Aspects 2.1 Nuclear Phasing out to Renewable Energy After the newly elected government took office in May 2016, the national energy transition was initiated according to the notion of “nuclear-free homeland and sustainable Taiwan” pledged by President Tsai Ing-wen. The new vision is to establish a low-carbon, sustainable, stable, high quality and economically efficient energy system in Taiwan. The goal of this new vision is aiming at achieving a nuclear energy free Taiwan and an expansion of renewable energy generations. To follow the government’s mandate of national energy transition of phasing out nuclear to renewable energy, the Executive Yuan approved the Guidelines on Energy Development on 24 April 2017 to lay down the foundation for Taiwan's energy transition development framework, supporting policies, and promotion mechanisms. Another ambitious goal of the government was to achieve ending the use of nuclear power in Taiwan by 2025. However, the 2025 dateline was scraped by a referendum in 2018.2 The dependency on imported fossil fuel energy is as high as 98% in Taiwan. The rationality for energy development in the transition period must under the premise of ensuring stability and security for national energy supply. The Guidelines on Energy Development is the administration’s key framework to their new and striving vision in energy policy in Taiwan. Under the guidelines, Information openness, public participation, and communication on policy risks must all be strengthened in order to ensure smooth process of energy transition and implementation of fairness and justice. The energy development will take the balance of energy security, green economy, environmental sustainability, and social equity into consideration in order to accomplish the pledged free of nuclear power and the sustainable development in energy. The official released details of Guidelines on Energy Development are shown in Appendix I. In 2017, the ratio of all types of power source in Taiwan to total installed capacity was 10.34% from nuclear energy, 10.60% from renewable energy, 37.07% from Coal, and 30.59% from liquefied natural gas (LNG). The total power generation was 270,300 gigawatt/hour (GWh) in 2017. For the outlook of energy-mix portfolio that the government pledged for 2025, while the nuclear power generation phasing out, renewable energy will reach to 20% of the total power generation in 2025 comparing to 4.59% in 2017. There will be also an increase of LNG power generation from 34.56% in 2017 to 50% in 2025, and a reduction of coal-fuelled power generation from 46.59% 2 The Legislative Yuan on January 11, 2017 passed the amendment to the Electricity Act. In this amendment, Article 95-1 clearly states that all nuclear power plants will be shut down before the year 2025. In a referendum vote on November 24 2018, a majority of voters supported to eliminate the mandated deadline for ending the use of nuclear power in Taiwan. In wake of referendum outcome, the government scraps the 2025 nuclear-free deadline and announced that the plan for a non-nuclear homeland will nevertheless remain the government's goal in the foreseeable future and the government will continue the active development of renewable energy.
  • 6. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 6 in 2017 to 30% in 2025. The latest statistic of installed capacity and power generation by energy source from Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affair are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Energy Structure of Power by Source in 2017 Source: Energy Statistics Handbook 2017, Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2018. Sable power supply during the energy transition period is most concerned for all electricity consumers such as households, industries, and commences. Hence, it is becoming the top priority for the administration to provide a stable power supply. Multiple and diversified energy generation is crucial to ensure a reliable energy supply in the transition period. To speed the development of the emerging green energy industry and achieve the goal of a nuclear-free homeland, the government is presently engaged in a full-blown endeavour to promote energy transformation. To achieve the proposed energy-mix portfolio in 2025, the government has drawn up targets on the year-to-year power generation shares as shown in Table 2. Table 2 Power Generation Structure in Energy Transition Period from 2018 to 2025 YEAR 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Total power generation in Taiwan (GWh) 268,000 269,100 270,700 272,500 273,800 274,800 276,200 277,400 Energy Source (%) Renewable 7% 8% 9% 11% 13% 15% 17% 20% LNG 35% 36% 36% 35% 37% 43% 46% 49% Coal 44% 43% 43% 43% 41% 33% 30% 29% Nuclear 9% 9% 9% 8% 6% 6% 4% 1% others 5% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 1% Note: All figures shown are estimates from BOE in 2017 and “other” includes oil fuelled power generation and pumped hydro Source: The 2017 National Power Resources Supply and Demand Report, Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2018 During the energy transition period to 2025, the government devises a net increase of 8.9 gigawatts (GW) in LNG generating capacity, alongside increases of 1GW in coal- fuelled power, 20GW in solar power and 6.7GW in wind power. The thermal power generation projects (LNG and Coral) that the government proposed for the transition period will be detailed in Section 3.1. By 2025, Taiwan will need to increase approximately 27GW of capacity from renewable energy sources to achieve the target of 20% in their energy mix. In order to increase the share of renewable energy generation capacity, Taiwan intend to increase the solar PV installed capacity to the targets of 6.5GW by 2020 and 20GW by 2025 and it is projected that the growth of production value throughout the entire 2017 Pumped Hydro Coal Fuel Oil LNG Nuclear Renewable Energy Sub Total Hydro Solar PV Wind Biomass Waste Installed Capacity (%) 5.23 37.07 6.17 30.59 10.34 10.60 4.20 3.55 1.39 0.20 1.26 Power Generation (%) 1.23 46.59 4.72 34.56 8.30 4.59 2.02 0.63 0.64 0.07 1.24
  • 7. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 7 solar power industry supply chain will reach to NT$210 billion3. Rooftop and ground- mounted systems are crucial for the great leap. The goal for rooftop systems is aimed to be deployed on public buildings, factories, agricultural facilities and buildings in general. The ground-mounted systems are targeted to be deployed on salt industry lands, unfavourable farming lands, inland waters and landfills. Rooftop and ground- mounted PV systems will account for 3GW and 17GW respectively if the objective of total 20GW by 2025 can be ever achieved. Between July 2016 and June 2018, Taiwan had formulated the Solar PV Two-Year Promotion Project in order to increase 1.52GW of installed capacity. The project had reached 1.7GW capacity, which is exceeding the original planned 1.52GW. To further encourage rooftop solar PV systems, the Green Energy Roofs Project was announced in 2018. With this project, local governments are working with private sector firms seeking to support households in the designated areas of Taichung, Tainan, Chiayi, Yunlin, Changhua and Pingtung to install solar panels under supervision of its local government. The objective of the Green Energy Roofs Project is to reach 3GW of solar roof top energy by 2020. The endeavours for wind power started with the kick-off of the 4-year Wind Power Promotion Plan on 1 June 2017. It is aimed to increase Taiwan’s installed wind turbine capacity to 1.33GW by 2020 and this will serve as a near-term milestone toward reaching a total installed wind power capacity of 6.7GW in 2025 (including 1.2GW of onshore wind power and 5.5GW of offshore wind power4). The immediate goal of onshore wind power is to install 814 megawatts (MW) capacity by 2020. Priority will be given to assist to proactive local governments and promote the more viable sites for land-based wind power installations. The initiative of offshore wind power development is “Demonstration first, and then Zones of Potential, and finally Zonal Development”. The approach is to assist the completion of installations at demo incentive sites and potential sites. Offshore wind infrastructure such as wind turbine installation piers, submerged platforms, operation and maintenance ports and piers, and power transmission and distribution grids are prioritised and fast-tracked. By encouraging collaboration with foreign companies, the government hope to combine international technological and system integration capabilities with local industrial expertise in order to create an excellent wind power sector at home. The period from April 2018 to June 2018 was to commission two batches of offshore wind turbines. The first batch of offshore sites had been selected and the bidding by contractors was awarded on April 30, 2018. Seven developers were selected with 10 offshore wind farms. The total grid capacity of 0.5GW was allocated for the year 2020, and 3GW for year 2021 to 2025. The result of second batch bidding was announced on 22 June 2018. 2GW (1.664GW was the final figure) in offshore wind capacity was awarded to Danish wind energy developer Ørsted and Canadian independent power producer Northland Power. The government also announced that all of the 5.5 GW offshore wind grid capacity for 2025 3 1 Euro is about NT$35 4 The initial plan to install 3GW of offshore wind power by 2025 was raised by the Ministry of Economic Affairs to 5.5GW in 2018 for the reasons of energy security and industrial development needs.
  • 8. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 8 goal has been allocated to specific developers and timelines. The 5.5GW development project has successfully attracted foreign companies to invest in Taiwan, in the meantime, the experience and technology accumulated from international collaborations will assist basic infrastructure, nurture domestic wind power industry, and build an entire ecosystem for wind power in Taiwan. Another significant law for the national energy transition is the Renewable Energy Development Act, which is currently under legislative review. This Act will permit for the liberalisation of the green energy market in Taiwan and potentially broken the state- owned Taipower’s electricity supply monopoly. In addition, it will facilitate the development of small hydropower and geothermal energy. There will also be a deregulation on micro green power facilities. The municipal or county-level authorities can directly prove any green power facility below 2,000 kilowatts (kW) and hence simplify the application process and improving efficiency. The Act will furthermore require that business users who consume over 800kW would be compelled to get 10% of the electricity from renewable energy sources.
  • 9. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 9 2.2 Energy Policy Implementation in Circular Economy “Circular economy” is indeed a self-descriptive term. Unlike a traditional linear economy follows a singular path from production via usage to disposal. A circular economy aims to create a cycle where that used goods and materials are put back into production or usage. The objective of the circular economy is to manage resources in the most efficient manner and hence slowing, closing and narrowing the loops of material and energy. Natural resources are insufficient in Taiwan. There are 70% of natural resources rely on foreign imports. Considerable amounts of metal ores (100%), non-metallic ores (23.5%), fossil fuels (99.8%), and biomass (66.1%) are all imported and this resource supply dependency results in substantial economic burden in Taiwan. Due to the geographical condition for being an island, the environmental carrying capacity is also very limited. Taiwan’s lack in natural resources has not only challenged Taiwan’s industrial development, but also render circular economy an essential to survive. The circular economy is an economic process that is focused on increasing resource efficiency and reducing environmental impact at every stage of the product and service lifecycle. In the presidential inaugural speech on May 20, 2016 of Tsai Ing-wen, she addressed that “let Taiwan move to a circular economy and convert waste into renewable resources”. Together with the mandate on national energy transition, circular economy and green energy are thus the government’s top initiatives in Taiwan. The implementation of combined policy initiatives under the current administration is to advocate a shift from fossil fuels to the use of renewable energy, raising efficiency in resource/energy use, and emphasise the role of waste as resources such as energy. Waste is, in fact, misdirected resources. One of the primary ways to achieve this is through recycling more waste. To establish an economy for sustainable use of resources, Taiwanese government already promulgated the Resource Recycling Act on 3 July 2002. To better serve the circular economy initiative, the current administration has hence devised the 2018 to 2020 Resource Recycling and Recovery Plan as a major instrument to implement a circular economy through regulatory, technological and control mechanisms. The Plan was drawn up by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) and it has joined forces with other Ministries and government agencies to promote waste recycling and build society around the circular economy. The aim for circular economy in energy is to achieve a sustainable economy, low in carbon, efficient in the use of resources. Policies that support green energy and energy saving are the key for this objective in Taiwan. Taiwan have done in a great length to promote efficiency in the use of energy and the transition from fossil fuels to the use of renewable energy. When the administration took office in May 2016, a bold pledge was made to increase the share of renewable energy generation capacity up to 20% by 2025. Various policies were followed and promulgated such as the flagship projects of 4-year Wind Power Promotion Plan and Solar PV Two-Year Promotion Project. The discussions and policy implementations for national energy transition to renewable was exhibited in Section 2.1.
  • 10. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 10 Raising efficiency in the use of resources such as energy is an essential element of circular economy. Smart energy efficiency is likewise a vital part of the energy transition initiative as outlined in the Guidelines on Energy Development (see Appendix I). To strengthen energy saving on the demand side, the government encourage voluntary energy saving and regulate the energy consumption behaviours and activities to avoid waste. Taiwan also prompt related regulations on energy saving design for new buildings and encourage energy saving improvement among existing buildings. Furthermore, the government actively deploy smart meters and promote overall improvement of regional power transmission. Owing to the value-added application of smart meters, the real-time electricity consumption of various electrical appliances can be obtained and time-based electricity prices, demand bidding and other supporting measures to encourage users to voluntarily save energy can be attained to achieve smart energy-saving goals. The proposed target is to install 200,000 smart meters by the end of 2018 and a total of 3million smart meters by 2024. Waste is not a waste but resources. Turing waste into resources or, even more importantly, energy generation is the priority to implement circular economy in energy. Energy recovery and recycling are imperative in waste management. Energy from waste (EfW) is the main method for recovering energy from non-recyclable waste through combustion. Waste disposal in Taiwan has gradually headed toward energy production and resource reutilisation. The first incinerator was built in 1984 in Taiwan. There have been a total of 24 incinerators built and they all possess the ability to generate power. To furthermore boost energy recovery from waste, Taiwan need to first address challenges in waste management of the declining efficiency of incinerators as they approach the end of their service lives and inadequate diversified disposal channels for kitchen waste. One of the major circular economy initiative in energy is from the EPA. In an attempt to improve the efficiency of old incinerators and to diversify waste treatment options, the EPA presented in the Legislative Yuan the Diversified Waste Treatment Plan on July 2017. It is to be implemented over six years (from 2017 to 2022) with a budget of NT$15.342 billion from the central and local governments. The Plan includes measures for integrating new technology in incinerators and extending their services, setting up three bioenergy plants fuelled by kitchen waste, and promoting reuse of bottom ash from incinerators. This is a major step to realise the insightful and integrating vision of new-generation waste disposal in Taiwan. It is hoped that these steps will increase daily waste treatment capacity, lower carbon emissions, and helping to build a circular economy. For more details of Diversified Waste Treatment Plan, please refer to Section 3.2.
  • 11. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 11 Figure 1 Policy Framework of Recycling and Sustainable Use of Resources Source: Environmental Protection Administration, 2018 The current administration has included the circular economy in the “five plus two innovative industries” policy. The circular economy by itself is not actually a new industry but indeed a concept that needs to be integrated into all industries. The Program for Application to Set Up in New Materials Cycling Industrial Parks and Nationwide Dedicated Sites for Circular Economy Pilot Projects was announced in conjunction with the 5+2 Innovative Industries development program by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Given the advantage of Taiwan’s comprehensive industrial clusters, the government establish a pilot materials cycling industrial park at Dalin Pu in Kaohsiung City as the site for the development of new materials to promote research and development of high-value-added new green materials. In addition, a number of test sites for circular economy experimental projects were launched with the intention of island-wide dissemination. Examples such as the Kaohsiung Linhai Industrial Park were chosen to focus on the integration of energy and resources in the metal manufacturing, chemical and shipbuilding industries. Recycling organic wastes for renewable energy Recovering precious metals for reuse Creating reuse value with recycling technology Turning wastes into renewable resources Raw materials Economy Turning inorganic wastes into cement additives and construction materials Waste Consumption Less raw materials used With less waste produced
  • 12. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 12 3. Opportunities in Energy Source Transition 3.1 Smart Power Generation Solutions When investing in new power plants, companies and policy makers are confronted with enormous tasks. On one hand, they are aiming of achieving a secure, affordable and clean electricity supply. On the other, they are trying to minimise the uncertainties about fuel availability, emission limits and future power consumptions at the same time. Furthermore, power stations tend to have a technical life of 40 to 50 years and decisions made about technology and solution employed at present will have an irreversible consequence over many decades to come. The investment decisions of power industry have become even more complicated if renewable energy sources are extensively introduced to the grid that can be likely to upset the delicate balancing of power production and power demand. All the given conditions require solutions to optimise power generation and the current trend in global power industry is to develop smart power. This allows energy providers to achieve more effective management and better system resilience. The current mandate of energy transition in Taiwan can never exist without ensuring a secure and stable power supply. Any well proven solution for smart power generation to achieve greater energy efficiency with operational and fuel flexibility and the ability to integrate renewables such as wind and solar power into the grid will be a necessity for Taiwan to warrant a smooth energy transition. For the energy-mix portfolio that the government pledged for 2025, Taipower has drawn up the future power development plan to adhere to the government’s energy policies of adjusting Taiwan’s energy generation structure. Table 3 is constructed based on the Long Term Power Development Plan released in the first half of 2018 by Taipower. For the current Taipower’s power plants and power grid, please see Appendix II. For information on the thermal power plans in Taipower, please refer to Appendix III. According to the development plan, Taipower will construct new power plants while replacing old facilities with new units and the expansion of natural gas power generation. Taipower intends to upgrade and expand existing facilities with high- efficiency combined cycle gas-fuelled units and high-efficiency ultra-supercritical coal- fuelled units. Coal power generation still remains an important component of base-load power in Taiwan. In the projected 2025 energy-mix portfolio, coral will account 30% of the total power sources. The ongoing projects of Linkou and Dalin plants have adopted high-efficiency super-critical pressure coal-fuelled units. Once these new units become operational, they will improve Taipower’s overall energy efficiency and effectively reduce pollutions.
  • 13. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 13 Table 3 Taipower’s Long Term Power Development Plan (Amended in Jan. 2018) Note: 1. Figures in 2016 are the actual value. 2. “Hydro/Other Renewable” include pumped hydro, hydro, solar PV, wind, biomass, and waste. 3. Some thermal power plants in remote islands are not included in “Thermal Power Plant” 4. On 12 October 2018, the Premier of Executive Yuan announced that Shenao Project is on halt. 5. Due to the referendum on November 2018, the scheduled decommissions on NPP2 and NPP3 might subject to change. Source: The 2017 Long Term Power Development Plan, Taipower, 2018 Year Hydro / Other Renewable*2 and Installed Capacity (MW) Thermal Power Plant Project*3 Installed Capacity (MW) Nuclear Power Plant Project*5 and Installed Capacity (MW)Coal Fuel Oil LNG 2016*1 6923 11497 3323 15245 5144 2017 Linkou new #2 800 (Dalin #3,#4 retire ) -750 (Tongxiao CC#1~#3 retire) -764 Datan CC#7-GT 600 2018 Tongxiao CC#1 893 (NPP1#1 retire) -636 Dalin new #1,#2 1600 2019 Solar PV #3 100 Tongxiao CC#2 893 (NPP1#2 retire) -636 Solar PV #4 12 Linkou new #3 800 Solar PV #5 150 Kinmen Tashan #9,#10 22 Penghu Wind 33 (Xiehe #1,#2 retire) -1000 (Dalin #5 retire) -500 2020 Wind #5 36 Tongxiao CC#3 893Green Island Geothermal 2 Solar PV #2 11 (Tongxiao CC#4,#5 retire) -772Offshore Wind #1 110 Liyutan Hydro 4 2021 Hushan Hydro 2 Datan CC#7-ST 400 (NPP2 #1 retire) -985 Jiji Hydro 4 2022 Datan CC#8 1000 (Taichung GT#1,#4 retire) -140 2023 Hydro #1,#2 20 Xingda new CC#1 1300 (NPP2 #2 retire) -985 Wind #6 80 (Xingda #1,#2 retire) -1000 2024 Solar PV #6 230 Taichung CC#1*4 1300 (NPP3#1 retire) -951 DatanCC#9 1000 Xingda newCC#2 1300 (Xingda #3,#4 retire) -1100 (Xiehe#3,#4 retire) -1000 2025 Geothermal #1 48 Taichung CC#2 1300 (NPP3#2 retire) -951 Shenao new #1*4 600 Xiehe new CC#1 1300 (Taichung GT#2,#3 retire) -140 2026 Wind #7 70 Xingda new CC#3 1300 Penghu Offshore Wind 140 Shenao new #2*4 600 Offshore Wind #2 720 (Xingda new CC#1~#3 retire) -1336 2027 Tongxiao CC#4 1100 (Xingda new CC#4,#5 retire) -890 2028 Wanli Hydro 49 Tongxiao CC#5 1100Geothermal #2 50 Solar PV #7 350
  • 14. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 14 To raise power generation efficiency and reduce generation costs while complying with the government’s policies of energy diversification, energy conservation and carbon reduction, Taipower have also devised various projects to replace old units with high- efficiency generation units. Table 4 shows existing renewal and expansion projects for thermal power plants in Taipower. All projects are natural gas fuelled units with the exception of Dalin, Linkou and Shenao Projects that are coal-fuelled units. The approximate investment values of the renewal and expansion projects as follow: NT$ 104 billion Dalin Power Plant Renewal Project NT$ 152.5 billion Linkou Power Plant Renewal and Expansion Project NT$ 79.557 billion Tongxiao Power Plant Renewal and Expansion Project NT$ 110.5 billion Datan Power Plant Combined Cycle Generation Unit Construction Project NT$ 9.5 billion Installation of a New Combined Gas Cycle Unit (Unit 7) at Datan Power Plant – phase 1 Gas Simple Cycle Unit NT$ 104.9 billion Shenao Power Plant Renewal and Expansion Project NT$ 118.1 billion New gas Unit Installation Project at the Taichung Power Plant Unspecific value Xiehe Power Plant Overhaul Project To further smart power development, Taipower have recognised four main aspects of smart generation and dispatch, smart transmission, smart distribution and smart services. Measures are developed for Taipower to achieve real-time monitoring of power status and improve situation handling, power supply capacities and efficiency. Those measures are such as online ES monitoring, the installation of CB status and discharge trend diagnostic systems, the utilisation of special protection systems for continual monitoring, relay system digitisation, and feeder line automation to minimise the area of outages resulting from accidents. In Taiwan, the introduction of substantial power generation capacity from renewable sources with its inherently varying output requires dynamic complementing power generating capacity. Smart power generation can be a key answer for addressing much flexibility in output along with fast starting and stopping power generations. To ensure a smooth energy transition, proven solutions and commercially available technologies have become imperative for succeeding a stable and secure power supply in Taiwan.
  • 15. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 15 Table 4 Thermal Power Plants Renewal and Expansion Projects of Taipower Source: Updated and compiled from Taipower, 2018 Dalin Power Plant Renewal Project Units 1 and 2 have been in operation for more than 46 years and have been chosen for renewal and modification. Taipower intend to install two, single ultra-super-critical pressure coal-fuelled units of 800 MW capacities. Unit 1 was in commercial operation since 13 February 2018. Unit 2 was in grid integration since 20 February 2018 Linkou Power Plant Renewal and Expansion Project Taipower intend to install three single ultra-supercritical pressure coal-Fuelled units with 800 MW capacities. Units 1 and 2 began commercial operation on October 6 2016 and March 24 2017 respectively. Unit 3 is scheduled to begin commercial operation on July 1 2019. Tongxiao Power Plant Renewal and Expansion Project In conjunction with the government’s policy of prioritizing LNG generation, Taipower intend to replace the existing generators that have been in operation for more than 50 years. Taipower intend to install three gas combined cycle units with 892.6 MW capacities. Units 1, 2 and 3 were originally scheduled for commercial operation in July 2017, January 2018 and July 2018 respectively. However, progress on the construction of the ocean pipeline was adversely affected by climate and bad weather. The commercial operation was rescheduled. Taipower submitted a new commercial operation schedule as follows: new unit 1 –already in commercial operation since 27 February 2018, new unit 2 – 31 January 2019 and new unit 3 – 15 March 2019. Datan Power Plant Combined Cycle Generation Unit Construction Project Taipower planned to install combined cycle units with total a capacity of between 2.88-3.168 GW at the existing site (the 3 additional units will be sufficient to reach the intended installed capacity). The three units will be scheduled to begin commercial operations in July 2022, January 2023, July 2023 and July 2023, respectively. Installation of a New Combined Gas Cycle Unit (Unit 7) at Datan Power Plant – phase 1 Gas Simple Cycle Unit The growth in domestic power consumption and disruption of nuclear power units has led to a gap in power supply that could have directly lead to power shortages in 2017. In accordance with the resolutions and instructions of the “MOEA power supply stabilisation coordination meeting” and “Short-term power stability solution report”, Taipower has initiated an emergency power generation plan. Within the capacity that was approved in the environmental impact for “Addition of gas combined cycle unit installation at Datan power plant project”, Taipower has completed the early installation of two phase 1 gas simple cycle units (300 MW per unit) at the designated site with a total installed capacity of 600 MW. Taipower run in All-Turnkey mode for the first time. The project was contingent on a very tight schedule. It was submitted to the Chairman for review in October 2016 and later approved by the Executive Yuan on 18 November 2016 for bidding to be implemented. The two units were integrated into the grid in August and September of 2017 respectively. They were ready for dispatch in September and October of 2017 and their efficiency tests were completed in October and November of 2017. The MOEA consented to the renewal of the license on 28 March 2018 so that the #7 simple cycle unit could begin commercial operation. Shenao Power Plant Renewal and Expansion Project To make up for the power gap in the north and stabilise the regional power supply, Taipower planned the installation of two single ultra-supercritical pressure coal-fuelled units with 600 MW capacities at the power plant. The two units are scheduled to begin commercial operations in July 2025 and July 2026, respectively. The report analysing the differences between the pre and post development on environments for this project was reviewed, revised and approved during the environment assessment meeting held by the EPA on 14 March 2018. (EPA has yet to issue the documents for consent). On 12 October 2018, the Premier of Executive Yuan announced that Shenao Project is on halt. New gas Unit Installation Project at the Taichung Power Plant The plan involves the installation of two gas combined cycle units at the vacant lot on the south side of generators No.9 and 10 at Taichung power plant. Each unit has an approximate installed capacity of between 1GW-1.3GW, with a combined installed capacity of 2-2.6 GW. The two units are scheduled for commercial operations in March 2024 and January 2025, respectively. The project was approved by Taipower’s board of directors’ meeting at the end of September 2017, and was submitted to the MOEA and approved by the Executive Yuan on 14 March 2018. Presently, Taipower is in the process of conducting open bidding for technical service procurement for the LNG receiving terminal and the construction of the gas turbine unit for this project. Xiehe Power Plant Overhaul Project Four existing units of fuel oil generators at Xiehe power plant have been scheduled for decommissioning starting from 2019. The facility will undergo renewal into a gas power plant with two units of 1-1.3 GW gas combined cycle generators, complete with a supplementary LNG receiving terminal to supply the gas for the units. The first unit is expected to enter commercial operation in July 2025 and the second unit is scheduled to begin commercial operation in July 2030.
  • 16. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 16 3.2 Energy from Waste In contrast with conventional power plants that use fossil fuels such as coal or natural gas to generate power, energy from waste (EfW), on the other hand, treat waste and at the same time produce electricity. Wastes are first incinerated in furnace to heat boilers that create steams and steams drive a turbine to generate power. Energy from waste can well reduce Taiwan’s dependence on imported fossil fuels. The power produced from EfW plants also has an additional benefit to reduce CO₂ emissions. The rationale behind is that if those power were not generated from waste, they would have to be replaced and generated by other fossil fuelled power plants and hence EfW emits more CO₂. The first incinerator in Taiwan was built in 1984. Energy from waste tends to coexist with high recycling. It is a known fact that countries with exemplary recycling rates also have relatively high-energy recovery rates from waste. When Taiwan first engaged energy from waste, the waste separation rate in Taiwan was unsatisfactory. Failure to separate non-combustible waste such as metal and glass diminished the caloric value of waste. A great portion of waste consisted of organic waste with a high moisture content and low caloric value. Since then, Taiwan had quite successfully developed recycling policies and the caloric value of the remaining waste rose, allowing for more efficient electricity generation. So far, Taiwan has over 20 years of experience in recycling and it has reached an industrial waste recycling rate of 80% and a general waste recycling rate of over 60% in 2017. The major step towards effective recycling was the Four-in-One Resource Recycling Plan established in 1997 to better connect all parties involved in regulated recyclable waste collection channels, including community residents, recyclers and collectors, local governments, and the newly established Recycling Fund. Through the incentives associated with the Fund, the Four-in-One Resource Recycling Plan has increased recycling rates and successfully reduced the quantity of solid waste for disposal. Another important step is the mandatory waste sorting commenced in 2005. Household waste is required to be separated into three categories of resources, kitchen waste, and garbage in Taiwan. In some counties, cities, or regions, per-bag trash collection fees were also instigated. The successful waste management and regulations contribute to waste reduction, sorting, recycling, and reuse. Taiwan’s recycling rates are now only fell behind to Germany and Austria.
  • 17. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 17 Figure 2 Waste Disposal Process and Management in Taiwan (2017) Source: Environmental Protection Administration, 2018 There have been a total of 24 incinerators built in Taiwan. In 2017, Taiwanese EfW facilities generated over 3,187,515kWh of electricity from 6,266,855tons of Incinerated waste. EfW accounted for 1.24% of the total power generation in Taiwan. Waste treatment incinerator technology and energy from waste technology are highly specialised. Governments around the world tend to employ mature technologies that have already proven to be effective waste management solutions. EfW facilities in Taiwan largely rely on patented technology and equipment imported from industrialised countries. Current EfW facilities in Taiwan are shown in Table 5. The full details and the list of companies and organisations involved in EfW can be found in Appendix IV and V respectively. For the development of EfW, Taiwan intend to leverage international technology with nascent EfW industry. Companies are expected to have experience cooperating with governments to improve local understanding of waste incineration technology and the impact it will have on their community and more importantly to help further develop Taiwan’s domestic EfW industry. Any foreign company or local-foreign partnership is encouraged to participate in Taiwan. In an attempt to improve the efficiency of old incinerators and to diversify waste treatment options, the EPA deployed the Diversified Waste Treatment Plan in 2017. It is to be implemented over six years (from 2017 to 2022) with a budget of NT$15.342 billion from the central and local governments. According to the Diversified Waste Treatment Plan, there are NT$9 billion allocated for the upgrading of incinerators and Total waste in 2017: 27.23 million metric tons General waste generated:7.87 million metric tons (29%) Other :3.09 miilion metric tons (40%) Landfill (1%) Incineration (39%) Recyclable waste:4.18 million metric tons (53%) Recycling and Reused (60%) Food wasted:0.55 million metric tons (7%) Industrial waste generated: 19.36 million metric tons (71%) Industry 87.93% Medical 0.54% Construction 8.68% Aguriculture 0.86% Resuded (80%) Disposal (16%) Exported (0.07%)Traffic 0.22% Education 0.03% National defense 0.01% Others 1.73%
  • 18. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 18 related treatment facilities, and for integrating overseas experiences with newly developed technology. The total of eleven incinerators will be given improvement projects. The improvement projects involve EPA, local governments, operators, and supervising units to resolve overall equipment upgrades and needed construction for incinerators. So far, seven incinerators were given improvement projects in Chiayi County, Chiayi City, Kaohsiung City, Hsinchu City, Tainan City, and Pingtung County. To increase the efficiency of waste utilisation further, another NT$3.7 billion of the Plan are spent on innovative technologies, such as mechanical biological treatment, gasification, centralised anaerobic digestion, and dehydration and highly effective decentralised composting. Figure 3 Diversified Waste Treatment Strategy Flowchart Source: Environmental Protection Administration, 2018 In addition, a NT$1.8 billion EPA project is established to promote regional waste reutilisation facilities in Taiwan from 2017 to 2022. This project aims to install at least three food waste bioenergy plants to generate 32.92GWh of power. It will create a total revenue of more than NT$131.92 million from electricity sales and achieve a carbon emissions reduction by 17,400 metric tons per year. The capacity processed of kitchen waste disposal is anticipated to increase to 180,000 tons per year. Waipu Green Energy Eco Park was the first bioenergy plant founded by the project on 24 October 2017 in Taichung City, with a trial run in November 2018. Waipu Green Energy Eco Park was first to use methane produced from kitchen waste to generate electricity and manufacture organic fertiliser. The plant can process 54,000tons of food waste annually and produce over 8.87GWh of power. There is also a gasification generator installed in the Ecopark using rice straw as feed. It can process 50,000tons of rice straw and generate 24.9GWh of power in total. Bioenergy plants have great aspects in Taiwan especially with the recent threat of African swine fever that kitchen waste are not permitted using as pig feed by local governments. With the increasing amount of kitchen waste needed to process and the demand for facilities surge, waste to biogas energy not only putting the concept of a Landfill (waste regenertaion) Urban waste Thermal treatment Incineration upgrade Ash resource Gasification Pyrolysis Biological treatment Mechanical & bilogical treatment (MBT) Compost/dehydrate /efficient compost Anaerobic Digestion Incineration plant pollution reduction and upgrading technology Research and development technology Circular Economy Facilities
  • 19. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 19 circular economy in energy into practice, but also expanding Taiwan’s green energy industry to create more business opportunities. Table 5 Incinerators and Waste to Energy Facilities in Taiwan (2017) Refuse Incineration Plant Waste Incinerated (Tons) Power Generated (kWh) Incinerator Type Installed Capacity (MW) Technical Consultant of Civil, Mechanical & Electronic Engineering Successful Bidder of Civil, Mechanical & Electronic Engineering Operation Management Supervision Organisations Operation & Maintenance Organisations Keelung City Refuse Resource Recovery Plant 188,778.48 116,515.15 Ebara 15.8 CTCI Corporation (Japan)Ebara Corporation Great Honor Engineering Corporation Sino Environmental Services Corporation Beitou Refuse Incineration Plant 401,625.92 188,608.08 Von Roll 48 Sinotech Engineering Consultants (Japan)Marubeni Corporation - Beitou Refuse Incineration Plant Mucha Refuse Incineration Plant 242,483.76 79,907.61 Takuma 13.5 Sinotech Engineering Consultants (Japan)Takuma - Mucha Refuse Incineration Plant Neihu Refuse Incineration Plant 155,982.71 34,789.44 Takuma 6 Sinotech Engineering Consultants (Japan)Takuma - Neihu Refuse Incineration Plant Hsintien Refuse Incineration Plant 197,556.90 74,052.60 Martin 14.6 Fichtner Pacific Engineers (Japan)Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Sinotech Engineering Services Onyx Ta-Ho Environmental Services Shulin Refuse Incineration Plant 298,807.70 133,408.30 Martin 22.3 Fichtner Pacific Engineers (Japan)Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Sinotech Engineering Services Onyx Ta-Ho Environmental Services Bali Refuse Incineration Plant 407,509.28 250,049.24 Volund 35.8 Fichtner Pacific Engineers Chung Hsin Electric & Machinery Mfg. Corp. Sinotech Engineering Services Onyx Ta-Ho Environmental Services Taoyuan City Refuse Incineration Plant 440,703.92 270,666.50 Lurgi Lenrjes 35.1 Sinotech Engineering Consultants (Germany) Lurgi Lentjes Gmbh -- Hsin Yung Enterprise Corporation Sino Environmental Services Corporation Letzer Refuse Incineration Plant 209,904.13 108,598.95 Martin 14.7 Sinotech Engineering Consultants (Japan)Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Sinotech Engineering Services Onyx Ta-Ho Environmental Services Hsinchu City EPB Incinerator Plant 234,938.81 147,532.47 Volund 23.7 Fichtner Pacific Engineers Chung Hsin Electric & Machinery Mfg. Corp. Cambridge Engineering Consultants Yung Fu Miaoli County Refuse Incineration Plant 167,628.47 95,033.37 Martin 11.8 Fichtner Pacific Engineers Fortune Energy Corporation/CTCI Corporation Sinotech Engineering Services Fortune Energy Corporation/Sino Environmental Services Corporation Taichung City Refuse Incineration Plant 216,437.74 80,526.21 Volund 13 Sinotech Engineering Consultants (Japan)NKK Corporation Sinotech Engineering Services Onyx Ta-Ho Environmental Services Houli Recycling Plant 288,445.48 172,032.20 Von Roll 22.6 Sinotech Engineering Consultants Hitachi Zosen Corporation/Taiwan Sugar Corporation Sinotech Engineering Services Sino Environmental Services Corporation Wurih Recycling Plant 299,055.21 176,094.51 Martin 22.6 Taiwan Electronical and Mechanical Engineering Service Leading Energy Corporation/CTCI Corporation Sinotech Engineering Services Leading Energy Corporation/Sino Environmental Services Corporation Hsichou Refuse Incineration Plant 281,093.67 144,169.10 Von Roll 22.6 Sinotech Engineering Consultants Hitachi Zosen Corporation/Taiwan Sugar Corporation Sinotech Engineering Services CPC Corporation, Taiwan Chiayi City Refuse Incineration Plant 75,440.29 19,341.35 Volund 2.3 Sinotech Engineering Consultants Chung Hsin Electric & Machinery Mfg. Corp./(Denmark) Volund Cambridge Engineering Consultants Onyx Ta-Ho Environmental Services Lutsao Refuse Incineration Plant 281,600.21 168,887.20 Takuma 25 Sinotech Engineering Consultants (Japan)Takuma /China Steel Corporation BT Engineering Corporation Onyx Ta-Ho Environmental Services Tainan Refuse Incineration Plant 197,946.05 83,150.16 Volund 14.3 CECI Engineering Consultants Chung Hsin Electric & Machinery Mfg. Corp./(Denmark) Volund Cosmos International Planning & Design Consultants Sino Environmental Services Corporation
  • 20. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 20 Source Environmental Protection Administration, 2018 Yong Kang Waste Recycling (Incineration) plant 289,757.42 135,770.91 Steinmuller 22.5 CTCI Corporation CPC Corporation, Taiwan Cosmos International Planning & Design Consultants Onyx Ta-Ho Environmental Services Central District Waste Management Plant, Kaohsiung City 224,688.49 70,202.87 DBA 25.5 CECI Engineering Consultants Tuntex Distinct Corporation/ (Germany) DBA - Central District Waste Management Plant, Kaohsiung City Southern District Waste Management Plant, Kaohsiung City 364,932.21 188,584.80 Martin 49 Sinotech Engineering Consultants CTCI Corporation/ (Germany)MARTIN Gmbh - Southern District Waste Management Plant, Kaohsiung City Renwu Incineration Plant 420,963.01 252,167.10 Martin 36.5 Sinotech Engineering Consultants (Japan)Mitsubishi Heavy Industries /CTCI Corporation Sinotech Engineering Consultants (Hong Kong) SITA Waste Service Gangshan Incineration Plant 225,867.21 120,867.80 Takuma 38 Sinotech Engineering Consultants (Japan)Takuma /China Steel Corporation Sinotech Engineering Consultants Taiwan Sugar Corporation Kandin Refuse Incineration Plant 154,707.52 76,559.70 KHI 22.5 CTCI Corporation (Japan)Kawasaki Heavy Industries Sinotech Engineering Services Taiwan Sugar Corporation Total 6,266,854.59 3,187,515.62
  • 21. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 21 3.3 Nuclear Waste Disposal Nuclear power in Taiwan accounts for 5,144MW of installed capacity by means of three operating plants and six reactor unites, which makes up around 10.34% of the national power capacity, and 8.3% of the electricity generation as of 2017. Construction of the first nuclear power plant began in 1972 and all plants are operated by the state-run Taiwan Power Company (Taipower). The No. 1 and No. 2 units on the First (Chinshan) Nuclear Power Plant and the No. 1 and No. 2 units on the Second (Kuosheng) Nuclear Power Plant are situated in New Taipei and those two plants both employed General Electric boiling water reactors (BWR) technology. The No. 1 and No. 2 units on the Third (Maanshan) Nuclear Power Plant is in Pingtung County with Westinghouse pressurised water reactors (PWR) technology. Construction of the Fourth (Lungmen) Nuclear Power Plant in New Taipei using two 1350MW units of Advanced Boiling Water Reactors (ABWR) technology began in 1999 but it has encountered public opposition with political, legal and regulatory delays. Currently, the completed No. 1 unit was mothballed in July 2015, while construction of No. 2 unit was suspended in April 2014. The only nuclear waste storage facility was built in 1982 offshore of Taiwan at the Southern tip of Lanyu or a.k.a. Orchid Island in Taitung County to receive low level nuclear waste from Taipower's three operational nuclear power plants. The storage site consists of 23 trenches and holds 100,277 drums of solidified low-level nuclear waste. Lanyu is a remote island and inhabited mostly by indigenous people. There has been strong resistance from local community since the protest in 2002. Taipower initially promised to remove the nuclear waste from Lanyu by the end of 2002. So far, the relocation from Lanyu is still not in motion. Taipower has only announced several potential sites including uninhabited islands near Keelung, as well as Kinmen, Penghu and Matsu counties. Taipower has also been exploring the possibilities of overseas final nuclear waste storage sites. Nonetheless, the means to store in an abandoned North Korean coal mine or in Russia and Mainland China have all being raised concerns and further complicated politically. Due to the problematic natural of nuclear waste storage and disposal in Taiwan, all nuclear waste has to be stored at its own power plant facilities. To further obscure the mater, the unit 1 of Chinshan NPP1was scheduled to decommission on 5 December 2018. The dry storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) for decommissioning of NPP1 is becoming a pressing affair. The decommissioning plan of NPP1 was approved by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) in 2017 and, by law, the decommissioning permit for Chinshan NPP1 will be granted by the AEC once the environmental impact assessment is approved by the Environmental Protection Administration. However, even it has already passed the scheduled decommissioning dateline; Taipower has not received an approval from the EPA. Furthermore, the local New Taipei City government has not issued a permit to use the already constructed outdoor SNF dry storage facility at the plant because the site failed to meet the city’s soil and water conservation requirements. The public sentiment towards to nuclear waste storage has been negative in Taiwan. The root of this negative sentiment is that, without any concreate solution for the final nuclear waste disposal, local residence and the public will always fear that any intermediate storage site might be indefinitely in their neighbourhood. It is estimated that around 5,000 tons uranium of spent nuclear fuel will be generated by three operational nuclear power plants for 40 years of service (see Table 6). Nuclear waste
  • 22. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 22 disposal is a problem that cannot be overlooked. Finding a final resting place for nuclear waste is the top priority for Taiwan. Table 6 Spent Nuclear Fuel Generated for 40 Years of Operation Nuclear Power Plant Fuel element weight (kgU/bundle) Unit 1 fuel assemblies Unit 2 fuel assemblies Six units total uranium weight (kgU) Chinshan NPP1 (BWR) 178.5 3,694 3,652 4,913,220 Kuosheng NPP2 (BWR) 178.5 5,580 5,676 Maanshan NPP3 (PWR) 417.5 1,894 1,921 Source: Lee, A (2017), Spent Nuclear Fuel Final Disposal Management in Taiwan, 6th East Asia Forum on Radwaste Management Conference, November 27-29, 2017, Osaka, Japan The government and Taipower have considered sending spent fuel to abroad for reprocessing as well. In February 2015, Taipower started to explore the feasibility of overseas reprocessing of SNF by announcing a tender of reprocessing 1200 BWR fuel assemblies. Nonetheless, the relevant budget for oversea reprocessing was suspended under a parliamentary budget review. Another mean to the final nuclear waste disposal is geological repository in granite. To follow the exemplariness of Finland and Sweden, Taiwan decided to give priority to assessing granite-based locations for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste. If all goes well, the geological repository is envisaged to operate in 2055. The final disposal plan contains in several stages as shown in Figure 4. By the end of 2017, Taipower had submitted a Technical Feasibility Assessment Report of the repository project requested by the AEC. To ensure that domestic final repository technology capacity is in accordance with international standards, the 2017 report was under a process of international peer review and Sweden’s SKB was invited for the process. Currently, the plan is in its second stage of selecting candidate sites for the SNF final disposal by the end of 2028. Given areas such as near active geological faults, volcanoes and water catchments are ruled out, only one-eighth of Taiwan’s total land area can host nuclear waste disposal sites. The potential candidates can only be limited to a very small part of Taiwan. Once candidate sites identified, the next stage is to conduct detailed site investigation and testing from 2029 to 2038, and submit repository design and license applications during 2039-2044. Subject to regulatory approvals being granted, it is expected that construction will start in 2045, with first emplacements of nuclear waste in 2055.
  • 23. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 23 Figure 4 Final Disposal Plan in Five Stages Source: Taipower, 2018 and Lee (2017) Even the geological repository plan for final disposal is in order, there are still certain pressing issues need to be addressed prior to 2055 such as the relocation of nuclear waste from Lanyu and the dry storage facilities of spent nuclear fuel for decommissioning. One of the pre-2055 resolutions is to build a centralised intermediate storage facility similar to the Dutch COVRA (the Central Organisation for Radioactive Waste) in Vlissingen. Therefore, Taipower are able to store low and high level nuclear waste from three operational nuclear power plants and relocate waste from Lanyu to a centralised secure facility until final disposal of geological repository is realised. However, the location for such facility is not attained so far. Whether to use nuclear power is clearly disputed and divided in the island, nevertheless, a negative sentiment towards to nuclear waste is somehow unanimous in Taiwan. Taiwan have exhausted all the possible means to deal with nuclear waste disposal. International cooperation in nuclear waste management has become crucial in Taiwan. Despite the challenges ahead, the silver lining is that Taipower have been allocating fund for nuclear energy back-end operations of final waste disposal and decommissioning since 1987. Based on user-pay principal, a fee of NT$0.17 is accumulated to the Nuclear Back-end Fund on every kWh of nuclear generated power. The fund is managed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and NT$318.172 billion has been accumulated according to the latest figure in November 2018. Repository Operation Candidate Site Selection and Approval Detail Site Investigation and Testing Repository design and Safety analysis Assessment Repository Construction Repository operation test, Apply and get operation license Safety Analysis Report for construction license application, Get construction license Site Feasibility Report, Site Environmental Impact Statement Survey and evaluate candidate site area and recommend priority site for detailed investigation, Establish performance/safety assessment technology of candidate site Characterise and evaluate host rock and recommend candidate site survey area Establish performance/safety assessment technology of potential host rock The Technical Feasibility Assessment Report on SNFDSNFD Preliminary Technical Feasibility Assessment Report (SNFD 2009 report) Potential Host Rock Characterisation and Evaluation
  • 24. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 24 4. Opportunities and Implications for Finland When the elected government took office in May 2016, the national energy transition was initiated in Taiwan and the new energy policy vision is to establish a low-carbon, sustainable, stable, high quality and economically efficient energy system in Taiwan. Under the mandate of energy transition, the government pledged a bold goal that aiming at achieving 20% of renewable energy, 50% of LNG, and 30% of coral for its energy-mix portfolio in 2025 while phasing out the nuclear power generation The grand vision of energy transition towards 2025 is a giant leap for Taiwan and this also represents immense international collaboration opportunities for industrial developed countries. The energy development in transition period is solely policy driven and areas such as smart power generation, energy from waste, and nuclear waste disposal are heavily reply on government budgets, policy incentives, and state- run utility company’s facilitation. The energy cooperation between Finland and Taiwan require some top-down approach. The government-to-government bilateral platform can serve as an enablement by setting up mutually beneficial targets of energy cooperation in research, development and innovation to lay the foundations of further industrial cooperation and trade expansion. To diffuse any fruitful outcome, information on energy cooperation and potential markets should effectively channel to Finnish private sectors. Furthermore, having some kind of association (e.g. chamber of commerce) to represent common Finnish business interests in Taiwan could also be desirable. The energy transition In Taiwan will introduce substantial power generation capacity from renewable sources. Renewable energy such as solar and wind comes with the inherited limitation of varying output and smart power generation can be an answer of delivering dynamic complementing power generating capacity with superior energy efficiency and operational and fuel flexibility. There are several major projects in Taipower’s long-term power development plan that will construct new power plants as well as renew and expand old facilities until 2028. There is a great market potential to promote well-proven solutions and commercially available technologies for Taiwan’s benefit. The bilateral energy cooperation in smart power generation can expedite Taiwan to accomplish more effective grid management and better system resilience while ensuring a smooth energy transition and sable power supply. Energy from waste is a type of renewable energy and energy from waste accounted 1.24% of the total power generation in Taiwan. For the six-year development from 2017 to 2022, Taiwan allocated NT$9 billion for the upgrading of 11 incinerators and related treatment facilities. Further NT$3.7 billion are spent on innovative technologies, such as mechanical biological treatment, gasification, centralised anaerobic digestion, and dehydration and highly effective decentralised composting. Another NT$1.8 billion is aiming to install at least three food waste bioenergy plants. EfW technologies are highly specialised and EfW facilities in Taiwan mainly depend on patented technology and equipment imported from industrialised countries. Taiwanese government encourage foreign entity to participate under the pre-context that it will help to integrate overseas experiences with newly developed technology to further advance the nascent EfW industry in Taiwan. Therefore, local-foreign partnerships or cooperation can cultivate and realise the EfW opportunities in Taiwan. Whether to use nuclear power is clearly disputed and divided in the island, nevertheless, a negative sentiment towards to nuclear waste is somehow unanimous
  • 25. Future Watch – Strategy Brief 25 in Taiwan. It is estimated that around 5,000tons uranium of spent nuclear fuel will be generated for the 40-year operation life along with other low-level nuclear waste. Nuclear waste disposal in Taiwan is a problem that the government cannot overlook. Taiwan have exhausted all possible means and the most viable long-term and mid- term solutions are the geological repository in granite and a centralised intermediate storage facility respectively. For the nuclear waste storage and disposal, Taiwan require overseas exemplariness and expertise. International cooperation in nuclear waste management is imperative in Taiwan. The bilateral cooperation with Finland can prove to be beneficial in various aspects of assessment, evaluation, investigation, safety analysis, and construction for nuclear waste management in Taiwan.
  • 26. 26 Appendix I: Guidelines on Energy Development 能源發展綱領 Guidelines on Energy Development April 2017 壹、前言 I. Preface 全球正處在能源轉型的關鍵時代,綠色 低碳能源發展將扮演著引領第三次工業革命 的關鍵角色,能源不只是推動經濟成長的動 力來源,綠色能源發展更是驅動經濟發展的 新引擎。 In the key era of global energy transition, green and low carbon energy development would play a crucial role in leading the third industrial revolution. Energy is the source of momentum which stimulates economic growth, and the green energy development is even the new engine which drives economic development. 衡量臺灣自有能源匱乏,98%依賴進口, 化石能源依存度高,面對2015 年立法通過「溫 室氣體減量及管理法」與因應聯合國氣候變 化綱要公約第 21 次締約方大會(COP21)通過 之「巴黎協定」(Paris Agreement)等溫室氣體 減量相關規範,我國必須順應這波能源轉型 浪潮,掌握綠色成長的契機。惟能源安全涉及 國家安全,轉型過程中需以確保國家能源供 應穩定與安全為前提,規劃各類能源在各階 段的合理結構,並加強資訊公開、公眾參與及 政策風險溝通,以確保能源轉型過程順利與 公平正義之落實。為此,我國能源政策的核心 價值應兼顧「能源安全」、「綠色經濟」、「環境 永續」與「社會公平」四大面向的共同治理與 均衡並進,以促進能源永續發展。 Consider the shortage of self-produced energy and the dependency on imported and fossil fuel energy as high as 98% in Taiwan, the “Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act” promulgated in 2015 and Paris Agreement reached in UNFCCC COP21, Taiwan is bound to follow the trend of energy transition and seize this opportunity for green growth. However, the energy security is linked to national security, the rational mixes of all forms of energy at various stages must be planned during transition process under the premise of ensuring stability and security for national energy supply. Information openness, public participation, and communication on policy risks must all be strengthened in order to ensure smooth process of energy transition and implementation of fairness and justice. To this end, the core values of Taiwan’s national energy policies would be based on the common governance and balanced development in four major aspects which include “Energy Security”, “Green Economy”, “Environmental Sustainability” and “Social Equity” so as to foster the sustainable energy development. 在全球歷經三次重大核災事件,及國內 面臨核廢料處理議題下,我國重新檢視核能 發電的定位,體認儘速達成非核家園的必要 性,且於2002 年所通過之「環境基本法」已 明定政府應訂定計畫,逐步達成非核家園目 As there have been three major nuclear disasters in the world and Taiwan is facing the issues of nuclear waste disposal, the position of nuclear power generation has been re-examined by the government, and the necessity of achieving nuclear-free homeland as soon as
  • 27. 27 標之政策方針,爰應積極增加資源投入,全面 加速推動包含節能、創能、儲能及智慧系統整 合之能源轉型,以逐步降低核能發電占比,期 達成2025 年非核家園目標。 possible has been recognized. The “Basic Environment Act” promulgated in 2002 has shown that the government is bound to set a plan in order to reach the target of nuclear-free homeland. Therefore, the resources devoted should be increased, and the energy transition including energy saving, energy exploration, energy storage, and smart system integration has to be comprehensively accelerated so as to reduce the share of nuclear power generation and achieve the target of nuclear-free homeland by 2025. 本綱領定位為國家能源發展之上位綱要 原則,除作為國家能源相關政策計畫、準則及 行動方案訂定之政策方針,並據以落實推動 能源開發及使用評估準則及研擬能源開發政 策。 The guidelines serve as the superior policy guidance for national energy development, energy policy programs, standards and action plans. The implementation of Regulations Governing the Assessment of Energy Development and Utilization, and formulation of energy development policies are also based on the guidelines. 貳、法源依據 II. Source of Law 本綱領依「能源管理法」第1 條第2 項 規定訂定。 The guidelines are based on the Paragraph 2 of Article 1 in “ Energy Administration Act”. 參、發展目標 III. Development Objectives 確保能源安全、綠色經濟、環境永續及社 會公平之均衡發展,期達成2025 年非核家園 目標,實現能源永續發展。 Ensure balanced development in energy security, green economy, environmental sustainability, and social equity so that the target of nuclear-free homeland can be achieved by 2025 and the sustainable development in energy can be attained. 一、能源安全 1. Energy Security 有效運用各類能源優勢,積極增加能 源自主性與確保能源多元性,布建分散式 能源,優化能源供給結構,推動能源先期 管理及提升能源使用效率,以建構穩定、 可負擔及低風險之能源供需體系。 Take advantages of all forms of energies, enhance energy autonomy and ensure energy diversity, establish distributed energy, optimize energy supply structure, promote preliminary assessment in energy planning and management so that the energy efficiency can be increased and a stable, affordable, and low-risk energy supply-demand system can be constructed. 二、綠色經濟 2. Green Economy
  • 28. 28 強化節能、創能、儲能與智慧系統整合 之全方位發展,結合區域資源特性與人才 優勢,並強化國際連結,以綠能帶動科技 創新研發與在地就業機會,創造綠色成長 動能。 Strengthen the comprehensive development of energy saving, energy exploration, energy storage, and smart systems integration, incorporate regional resources characteristics with talent advantages, and enhance international linkage in order to foster technological innovation with R&D and increase local job opportunities for the creation of momentum in green growth. 三、環境永續 3. Environmental Sustainability 降低能源系統溫室氣體排放密集度並 改善空氣品質,落實能源設施布建應納入 區域環境考量,完成既有核電廠除役並完 善核能發電後端處置營運,以打造潔淨能 源體系與健康生活環境。 Reduce the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from energy systems and improve air quality, take the regional environment into account during construction of energy facilities, and complete the decommission works of existing nuclear power plants and improve back-end disposal and management for nuclear power in order to create clean energy system and healthy living environment. 四、社會公平 4. Social Equity 落實能源賦權精神,建構公平競爭的 能源市場環境,並強化政策溝通與公眾參 與,以確保世代內與跨世代公平,實現能 源民主與正義。 Fulfill the spirit of energy empowerment, construct an energy market environment with fair competition, and strengthen policy communication and public participation in order to ensure equity within and across generations and realize energy democracy and justice. 肆、綱要方針 IV. Guiding Principles 一、能源安全 1. Energy Security (一)需求面強化節能 (1) Strengthen Energy Saving on the Demand Side 1.採行「創新、就業、分配」之新經濟發 展模式,以持續推動產業結構優化轉 型。 ⚫ Adopt the new economic development model of “Innovation, Employment, and Equitable Distribution” in order to continue with optimization and transition of industrial structure. 2.落實大型投資生產計畫之能源使用先 期管理,規劃採用商業化最佳可行技 術,以提升能源使用效率。 ⚫ Implement the preliminary management on energy use for large-scale investment on production plans, adopt best available commercialized technology in order to
  • 29. 29 enhance the energy efficiency. 3.擴大能源查核與導入能源管理系統,提 高車輛與設備器具等能源效率標準,透 過節能技術研發與示範應用,並提供適 當誘因引導節能,以提升工業、運輸及 住商各部門能源效率。 ⚫ Expand the implementation of energy audit, deploy energy management system, raise the energy efficiency standards for vehicles and equipment, and enhance energy efficiencies of industrial, transportation, residential and commercial sectors via R&D and demonstration application in energy saving technologies while providing proper energy saving incentives. 4.強化新建築節約能源設計規範,鼓勵既 有建築進行節能改善,並提高建築節約 能源標準。推動建築能源資訊透明與活 化市場機制,以達成淨零耗能之建築、 社區為目標。 ⚫ Strengthen energy saving design related regulations for new buildings, encourage energy saving improvement among existing buildings, raise building energy saving standards, improve the transparency of buildings’ energy consumption information and promote its application in market to reach the target of net-zero energy buildings and communities. 5.透過政府帶頭、產業響應、全民參與, 推動自願性節能措施,並規範浪費能源 之行為與活動,以全面落實節能之生 產、消費與生活模式。 ⚫ Promote voluntary energy saving measures via government’s taking the lead, industrial response and public participation; regulate the energy consumption behaviors and activities to avoid waste in order to fully achieve energy-saving production, consumption, and living modes. 6.整合節能、能源管理與儲能,強化電力 需量反應、普及時間電價等負載管理措 施,並導入創新商業模式,增加用戶參 與機會,以抑低尖峰負載需求。 ⚫ Integrate energy saving, energy management, and energy storage, strengthen the demand response, disseminate the load management measures such as Time-of-Use Rates, and introduce innovative business models to increase the users’ participation so that the peak-load demand can be curbed. 7.規範電業推動節能義務與配套機制。 ⚫ Regulate the obligations of promoting energy saving and complementary mechanisms for power industry. (二)供給面多元自主低碳 (2) Diversification, Energy Autonomy, and Low Carbon on the Supply Side 1.建構效率化、自主化、多元化的能源組 ⚫ Establish efficient, autonomous, and
  • 30. 30 合,善用各類能源特性配置能源轉型各 階段合理結構;強化能源安全預警及緊 急應變機制,以確保能源供給穩定安 全。 diversified energy mix and construct the reasonable structure for each stage of energy transition based on the characteristics of all forms of energy; strengthen energy security early warning and emergency response mechanism in order to ensure stability and security in energy supply. 2.掌握自產能源潛能,推動國際能源開發 與技術合作,獎勵業者積極參與海內外 能源開發,拓展各類能源供給管道,以 增加自主能源比重。 ⚫ Grasp the potential of self-produced energy, promote international energy development and technological cooperation, encourage industries and business to be aggressively involved in domestic and overseas energy development, and explore various energy supply channels in order to increase the share of self-produced energy. 3.確保能源進口管道的穩定性,分散能源 採購來源與方式,以降低進口能源供應 風險。 ⚫ Ensure the stability of energy import channels, and decentralize the sources and approaches in energy procurement in order to reduce the risks of imported energy supply. 4.擴大再生能源設置,強化綠能發展誘 因,建構再生能源友善發展環境,兼顧 環境生態保護,鼓勵有助區域供需均衡 之分散式電源設置,以促進再生能源加 速發展。 ⚫ Expand the installation of renewable energy, strengthen the incentives for green energy development, establish the friendly environment for renewable energy development, take the environmental and ecological protection into account, and encourage the installation of distributed power which will contribute to the regional balance of supply and demand so as to accelerate the development of renewable energy. 5.推動替代化石能源之技術發展與應用, 以降低對化石能源的依賴。 ⚫ Promote the technological development and application of alternatives to fossil fuel energy in order to reduce dependency on fossil fuel energy. 6.擴大天然氣使用,並布建天然氣接收站 與輸儲設備及建立安全存量機制,以提 高低碳能源供給與安全。 ⚫ Expand the use of natural gas, construct natural gas receiving Terminals, transmission and storage facilities, establish safety stock mechanism in order to enhance the supply and security of low carbon energy.
  • 31. 31 7.視技術進展評估導入淨煤及減碳相關 技術,提高燃煤發電效率,減少煤炭利 用之碳排放。 ⚫ Introduce clean coal and carbon reduction related technologies based on technological progress assessment, and enhance the efficiency of coal-fired power generation in order to reduce the carbon emissions from coal consumption. 8.提高發電廠效率,規範新電廠採用商業 化最佳可行技術,並善用汽電共生系統 配合調度供電之潛力,以穩定電力供應 及確保供電品質。 ⚫ Improve the efficiency of power plants, regulate new power plants to adopt the commercialized best available technology, and make good use of the potential of co-generation system in terms of the compliance with power dispatching in order to stabilize power supply and to ensure power quality. (三)系統面整合智慧化 (3) Smart System Integration 1.以合理需求訂定供給總量,以有限供給 能力管理能源需求,在確保能源供應穩 定安全原則下,落實分期分區供給容量 之能源先期管理,促進區域能源供需均 衡,並推動區域能資源整合,以提升整 體能資源運用效能。 ⚫ Determine the total supply based on reasonable demand, manage energy demand based on limited supply capacity, implement the preliminary energy management in accordance with energy supply capacity by periods and by areas while ensuring stability and security of energy supply in order to achieve the balance of regional energy supply and demand and promote integration of regional energy and resources in order to enhance the overall utilization efficiency of energy and resources. 2.積極布建智慧電表與推動區域輸配電 系統整體改善,利用資通訊、物聯網等 技術促進系統整合應用,以提升服務能 力與品質;加強綠電輸出預測與併網控 制,以確保綠電優先併網。 ⚫ Actively deploy smart meters and promote overall improvement of regional power transmission and distribution systems, foster system integration application via Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Internet of Things (IoT) in order to enhance the capability and quality of service; strengthen green power output forecast and on-grid control in order to ensure the priority access to the grid for green power. 3.配合儲能技術商業化時程,推動各類型 儲能系統布建,以提升電網可靠度及穩 ⚫ Promote the deployment of all types of energy storage systems matching the schedule of commercialization in energy
  • 32. 32 定性。 storage technologies in order to improve the reliability and stability of power grid. 4.在確保電力穩定供應下,調整電力調度 模式,將環保納入考量。 ⚫ Adjust power dispatching model under the premise of stabilizing power supply while taking environmental protection into account. 5.健全能源之生產、運輸及儲存等相關設 施之安全管理,並落實查核制度,以維 護公共安全。 ⚫ Conduct sound safety management for energy production, transmission and storage facilities, and conduct safety inspections in order to maintain public safety. 二、綠色經濟 2. Green Economy (一)打造綠能產業生態系 (1) Construct Green Energy Industrial Ecological System 1.完善綠能產業發展所需之法規獎勵、土 地取得、融資機制、周邊服務與基礎建 設等,以營造優質產業發展環境。 ⚫ Construct sound regulatory incentives, land acquisition, financing mechanism, peripheral services, and infrastructure required for the development in green energy industry in order to create a high quality environment for industry development. 2.以國內綠能需求扶植產業,擇定重點產 業,整合運用既有產業優勢,推動跨業 整合,從零件走向系統,建立新綠能產 業鏈,形成具全球競爭力的綠色能源產 業生態系,以拓展全球綠能商機。 ⚫ Support industries via domestic green energy demand, select key industries, integrate and utilize existing industrial advantages to promote cross-industry integration, establish new green energy industry chain from parts to system, and form green energy industrial ecological system with global competitiveness in order to explore global green energy business opportunities. 3.培育綠能產業高素質人力,活絡國內外 綠能人才流通管道,以厚植國內綠能產 業發展能量。 ⚫ Cultivate quality manpower for green energy industries, and vitalize domestic and global network for green energy human resources so as to strengthen development of domestic green energy industry. 4.透過總量管制與排放交易制度等政策 工具或市場機制,建構環境成本定價機 制,創造新的綠色服務經濟,以促進綠 色生產及綠能投資。 ⚫ Establish environmental costs pricing mechanism through policy tools or market mechanisms such as cap and trade, and create new green service economy in order to foster green production and green energy investment.
  • 33. 33 (二)普及綠能在地應用 (2) Promote Regional Green Energy Application 1.運用區域資源特性,結合產業及學研機 構,發展地方型綠能應用計畫與示範場 域,以帶動地域綠能產業發展及創造在 地就業。 ⚫ Apply characteristics of regional resources, develop local green energy application plan and demonstration sites by integrating industry and academic institutes in order to drive the development of local green energy industry and create local job opportunities. 2.結合在地特色,培植產業在地化,以提 升地方參與綠能應用發展意願。 ⚫ Cultivate local industry in conjunction with local features in order to enhance the willingness among local businesses to participate in green energy application development. 3.結合智慧城市與農村發展,接軌物聯網 發展契機,以培植產業在地化綠能服務 及整體輸出拓銷能力。 ⚫ Integrate the development of smart city and agricultural villages in conjunction with opportunities of IoT development in order to cultivate localized industrial green services and overall export sales capability. (三)創新綠能減碳科技 (3) Innovate in Green Energy and Carbon Reduction Technologies 1.結合企業、法人及學校,以目標導向精 進能源科技研發能量,同時加強前瞻能 源關鍵技術與全球專利布局,配合發展 進程導入前瞻能源示範,並透過技術移 轉或資源共享,以促進產業創新與競爭 力。 ⚫ Unite enterprises, corporations, and schools to orient toward advanced energy technologies R&D capacity while strengthening key advanced energy technologies and global patent layout, introduce demonstration of advanced energy in coordination with development progress, and foster industrial innovation and competitiveness via technologies transfer or resources sharing. 2.強化儲能與智慧電網技術研發與布建, 加速發展雲端智慧化能源管理系統,由 市場需求引導研發能量發展,以建構商 業模式及核心能力。 ⚫ Strengthen the technologies R&D and deployment of energy storage and smart grid, accelerate the development of cloud intelligent energy management system, and guide the development of R&D capacity by market demand in order to establish business models and core competence. 3.強化國際連結,積極與全球技術領先國 家合作接軌,以提升綠色創新能量。 ⚫ Strengthen international connection, and aggressively cooperate with countries
  • 34. 34 which are equipped with global leading technologies in order to enhance green innovative capacity. 三、環境永續 3. Environmental Sustainability (一)維護空氣品質 (1) Maintain Air Quality 1.電廠興建規劃時,將空氣污染物排放總 量管制列為規劃基礎,並依區域與跨域 污染物負荷程度,考量污染防制設備提 升,以促進環境永續與空氣品質改善, 降低民眾健康風險。 ⚫ Take the cap of total emissions from air pollutant as the basis for the planning of new power plants, and consider the improvement of air pollution control equipment according to pollutant load in each region and across all regions so as to promote environmental sustainability, improve air quality, and reduce the health risks for the public. 2.確保能源穩定供應之前提下,強化及考 量地方空氣污染治理權責,以促進區域 與跨域空氣品質提升及確保公共健康。 ⚫ Strengthen and consider the responsibilities of local air pollution governance on the premise of ensuring stable energy supply in order to improve regional and cross-regions air quality and ensure public health. (二)規劃適當區位 (2) Select Appropriate Site 能源設施布建時應考量區位資源 條件與環境保護,以避免或降低對環境 敏感地區之衝擊。 The resource endowments and environmental protection should be taken into account during the construction of energy facility in order to avoid or reduce the impacts on environmentally sensitive areas. (三)溫室氣體減量 (3) Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction 1.參考氣候變遷相關國際公約決議事項 及國際氣候談判情勢,並在維護我國產 業競爭力及考量成本效益等原則下,訂 定能源部門溫室氣體階段管制目標,以 兼顧經濟發展與環境永續。 ⚫ Determine the periodic regulatory goal of greenhouse gas emissions for energy sector in accordance with international convention resolutions related to climate change and situations of international climate negotiations under the principles of maintaining the domestic industrial competitiveness and taking the cost benefit into account in order to balance economic development and environmental sustainability. 2.掌握能源產業溫室氣體排放量及評估 減量潛力,推動能源結構低碳化,以逐 ⚫ Control the greenhouse gas emissions by energy industries, assess the potential for emissions reduction, and promote low
  • 35. 35 步降低單位燃料使用之溫室氣體排放。 carbon energy structure in order to gradually reduce the greenhouse gas emissions per unit of fuel consumption. 3.強化能源用戶減量誘因,依不同類型能 源用戶規劃階段性減碳之獎勵、抵換或 管制等彈性機制,以鼓勵全面持續性的 減量行動。 ⚫ Incentivize energy users in reducing emissions, encourage comprehensive and continual emissions reduction actions by planning for flexible carbon reduction mechanisms such as rewards, offset, or regulations for different types of energy users by stages. (四)達成非核家園 (4) Reaching Target of Nuclear-Free Homeland 1.在確保公眾知情權、在地社區參與、採 用國際最佳可行措施等三大原則下,推 動既有核電廠除役。 ⚫ Promote the decommissioning of existing nuclear power plants under the three major principles which include assuring public’s right to know, participation of local communities, and adoption of internationally best practices. 2.比照國際核能標準,加強核電廠安全監 管,並強化核子事故與複合式災害整備 與應變能力。 ⚫ Strengthen security supervision of nuclear power plants in accordance with international nuclear energy standards while improving the preparation and emergency response for nuclear accidents and composite disasters. 3.基於公開透明原則妥善規劃短中長期 高、低階放射性廢棄物管理與處置政 策,以及最終處置相關法規之修正與研 擬。 ⚫ Properly plan for the short-term, mid- term, and long-term management and disposal policies for high level and low level radioactive wastes based on the principle of openness and transparency, and amend and formulate laws and regulations related to final disposal. 4.適時檢討核能發電後端營運基金徵收 額度與運用辦法,同時建立專責機構負 責推動與執行,以確保核廢料處理之落 實。 ⚫ Review the tariff and utilization for Nuclear Backend Fund while establishing dedicated institution to be responsible for the nuclear waste disposal. (五)建構低碳環境 (5) Establish a Low Carbon Environment 1.建構低碳生活環境及低碳循環型社會, 推動社區低碳改造計畫及全民節能減 碳生活運動,以加速低碳社會轉型。 ⚫ Establish a low carbon living environment and circular society, promote low carbon community renovation plan and national energy saving carbon reduction movement in order to accelerate the transition to a low
  • 36. 36 carbon society. 2.加速綠色運輸路網建置、智慧運輸系統 導入,及低碳節能運具之推廣使用,以 建構人本、安全、高效率之綠能低碳交 通環境。 ⚫ Accelerate the construction of green transportation network, the introduction of smart transportation system, and the promotion of low carbon energy saving vehicles in order to establish a human- oriented, safe, and highly efficient green energy low carbon transportation environment. 3.整合地方政府,利用在地資源,打造低 碳城鄉,營造節能減碳居住環境及改變 都市紋理減少熱島效應,以擴大低碳施 政廣度。 ⚫ Integrate local government, utilize local resources to create low carbon cities/villages, construct an energy saving carbon reduction living environment, change the urban texture and reduce heat island effect in order to broaden the horizon of low carbon governance. 四、社會公平 4. Social Equity (一)促進能源民主與正義 (1) Promote Energy Democracy and Justice 1.建立能源領域公眾參與、風險溝通機制 及誘因,以引導民間共同參與能源轉 型。 ⚫ Establish mechanisms and incentives for public participation and risks communication in order to guide the private sectors to jointly participate energy transition. 2.推動參與式能源治理,能源政策研擬與 實踐應秉持多元參與,落實資訊公開透 明以促進程序正義。 ⚫ Introduce the participatory governance approach to energy policy making, formulate and implement energy policies based on diversified participation, implement information openness and transparency so as to facilitate procedural justice. 3.政府施政應促進世代內與跨世代公平, 確保弱勢族群獲得基本能源服務,兼顧 能源使用之公平正義,以避免能源貧 窮,促進能源永續發展。 ⚫ Government administration should contribute to equity within and across generations while assuring the basic energy services for vulnerable groups and the equity and justice in energy use in order to avoid energy poverty and facilitate sustainable energy development. (二)能源市場革新 (2) Energy Market Reform 1.在電力穩定供應前提下,以「多元供給、 公平使用、自由選擇」為目標,分階段 ⚫ Promote the domestic power industry reform by phases under the premise of stable power supply with the goal of
  • 37. 37 推動我國電業改革,促進電業公平競爭 及合理經營,並調整國營事業之績效指 標符合能源轉型方向,以保障用戶權 益,增進社會福祉。 “Diversified Supply, Equity in Usage, and Freedom of Choice”, facilitate fair, competitive and reasonable operation of power industry, and adjust the performance indicators of state-owned business following the direction of energy transition in order to protect the users’ rights and interests while increasing social well-being. 2.推動能源價格合理化,建立透明公開之 能源價格調整機制,並藉由導入綠色稅 制或其他政策工具,以有效反映能源內 部及外部成本,符合使用者付費原則。 ⚫ Promote rationalization in energy prices, establish an energy price adjusting mechanism with transparency and openness, and reflect the internal and external energy costs effectively by introducing green tax or other policy tools so as to comply with the user-pay principle. 伍、政策配套 V. Complementary Policies 一、完善能源轉型法制:提供各部門能源 轉型所需市場結構與法制基礎;推動 綠色金融發展,以營造推升綠能經濟 之金融環境。 1. Complete Legislation and Regulation for Energy Transition Provide all sectors the market structure and regulatory basis required for energy transition; promote the development of green finance in order to create the financial environment for improving green energy economy. 二、全面低碳施政:中央與地方施政計畫、 基礎建設、區域規劃、產業發展規劃應 納入節能減碳思維;依區域特性,由中 央與地方共同推動區域能源治理,以 深化低碳施政。 2. Comprehensive Low Carbon Administration The energy saving and carbon reduction concepts should be incorporated in the administration plans, infrastructures, regional planning plans, and industrial development plans of central and local governments; the regional energy governance should be promoted by central and local governments based on the characteristics for each locality in order to deepen the low carbon administration. 三、多元配套機制:運用多元之獎勵、輔 導、管制、融資或其他必要之配套措 施,以加速政策落實。 3. Diversified Complementary Mechanisms Utilize diversified complementary mechanisms such as rewards, consultation, control, financing, or other necessary complementary measures in order to
  • 38. 38 accelerate the policy implementation. 四、氣候變遷調適:因應氣候變遷,評估 能源供給體系及設施之潛在風險,並 規劃調適策略與行動,以強化氣候調 適韌性。 4. Climate Change Adaption Assess the potential risks of energy supply systems and facilities in responding to climate change while planning for adaptation strategies and actions in order to strengthen the climate adaptation resilience. 五、深化能源風險溝通與教育:培育能源 之科技與社會人才,推動雙向、多元之 能源風險溝通與認知,強化社會創新 之溝通研發與實踐,並加強全民能源 教育宣導,提升國民能源轉型認知,建 立以節能減碳為核心之生活文化。 5. Deepen Communication and Education on Energy Risks Cultivate energy talents from technology and social science backgrounds, promote bilateral and diversified communication and awareness in energy risks, strengthen the communication, R&D, and implementation of social innovation, enhance national energy education propaganda, and improve the national awareness of energy transition in order to establish the living and culture which take energy saving and carbon reduction as the cores. 陸、推動機制 VI. Promotion Mechanisms 訂定能源轉型白皮書,規劃未來能源發 展目標、具體推動措施及政策工具,每年提出 執行報告,每5 年定期檢討。 Formulate White Paper for energy transition, plan for the objectives, concrete measures, and policy tools for future energy development, submit annual accomplishment report to summarize the achievements, and conduct periodic review for every five years.
  • 39. 39 Appendix II: Taipower’s Power Plants and Power Grid Installed Capacity over 50 MW Thermal Wind EHV transformer station Installed Capacity under 50 MW Nuclear Solar Primary substation Hydro Geothermal 345KV Transmission lines Pumped Hydro IPP 161 KV transmission lines Source: Reproduction from the 2018 Taiwan Power Company Sustainability Report
  • 40. 40 Appendix III: Thermal Power Plans of Taipower (2017) Type of Energy 能源別 Power plant/power station name 電廠/發電站名稱 Unit of power 機組別 Installed capacity(kW) 裝置容量 Gross power generation (kWh) 毛發電量 Capacity factor(%) 容量因數 Availability(%) 可用率 Maximum output value(%) 最大出力值 Operating year 運轉日期 Retirement year 除役日期 Power structure 電源結構 Generation engine 發電機組 Coal-Fuelled 林口電廠 Linkou Power Plant #1 800,000 6,095,795,247 86.98 91.89 106.24 2016 Base load power Steam Coal-Fuelled 林口電廠 Linkou Power Plant #2 800,000 6,429,193,364 91.74 96.48 110.27 2017 Base load power Steam Coal-Fuelled 大林電廠 Dalin Power Plant #1 800,000 907,081,000 25.46 - 110.00 2018 Base load power Steam Coal-Fuelled 興達電廠 Xingda Power Plant #1 500,000 4,097,715,600 93.56 94.93 101.86 1982 2023 Base load power Steam Coal-Fuelled 興達電廠 Xingda Power Plant #2 500,000 3,193,304,400 72.91 73.26 102.96 1983 2023 Base load power Steam Coal-Fuelled 興達電廠 Xingda Power Plant #3 550,000 4,676,226,500 97.06 97.91 101.60 1985 2024 Base load power Steam Coal-Fuelled 興達電廠 Xingda Power Plant #4 550,000 3,747,866,100 77.79 76.78 103.80 1986 2024 Base load power Steam Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #1 550,000 2,973,403,000 61.71 61.46 102.91 1991 2022 Base load power Steam Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #2 550,000 4,618,400,000 95.86 95.59 102.55 1991 2025 Base load power Steam Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #3 550,000 4,841,176,000 100.48 99.27 102.91 1992 2025 Base load power Steam Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #4 550,000 4,866,802,000 101.01 99.64 104.00 1992 2022 Base load power Steam Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #5 550,000 4,219,117,000 87.57 88.12 100.91 1996 Base load power Steam Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #6 550,000 3,996,571,000 82.95 84.28 101.82 1996 Base load power Steam Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #7 550,000 4,775,421,000 99.12 99.35 100.73 1996 Base load power Steam Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #8 550,000 4,722,044,000 98.01 98.33 101.09 1997 Base load power Steam Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #9 550,000 4,431,175,000 91.97 93.48 104.36 2005 Base load power Steam Coal-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant #10 550,000 4,714,452,000 97.85 98.30 100.55 2006 Base load power Steam Oil-Fuelled 大林電廠 Dalin Power Plant #3 - 345,920,000 11.51 98.97 82.67 1985 2017 Load following power Steam Oil-Fuelled 大林電廠 Dalin Power Plant #4 - 373,828,000 12.44 96.04 83.47 1986 2017 Load following power Steam Oil-Fuelled 協和電廠 Xiehe Power Plant #1 500,000 2,120,063,000 48.40 83.42 81.30 1977 2019 Load following power Steam Oil-Fuelled 協和電廠 Xiehe Power Plant #2 500,000 2,297,704,000 52.46 81.24 90.40 1977 2019 Load following power Steam Oil-Fuelled 協和電廠 Xiehe Power Plant #3 500,000 2,859,837,000 65.29 94.36 102.32 1980 2024 Load following power Steam Oil-Fuelled 協和電廠 Xiehe Power Plant #4 500,000 2,519,173,000 57.52 87.35 97.57 1985 2024 Load following power Steam Oil-Fuelled 協和電廠 Xiehe Power Plant Zhushan 29,720 57,820,677 21.14 81.19 40.81 - Remote island power Diesel Oil-Fuelled 尖山電廠 Jianshan Power Plant Penghu 129,772 389,942,936 34.3 94.21 60.72 - Remote island power Diesel Oil-Fuelled 塔山電廠 Tashan Power Plant Kinmen 90,992 307,581,015 38.59 88.68 76.41 - Remote island power Diesel Oil-Fuelled 台中電廠 Taichung Power Plant Taichung GAS 280,000 98,769,000 4.03 95.58 22.86 2000 Peaking power Gas Turbine Oil-Fuelled 琉球 Liuqiu 1,500 21,920 0.17 100 36.57 - Remote island power Diesel Oil-Fuelled 綠島 Ludao 10,000 18,121,420 20.69 100 47.17 - Remote island power Diesel Oil-Fuelled 蘭嶼 Lanyu 6,000 16,418,083 31.24 100 59.66 - Remote island power Diesel Oil-Fuelled 七美 Cimei 4,000 7,886,881 22.51 90.66 40.38 - Remote island power Diesel Oil-Fuelled 望安 Wangan 4,000 8,005,004 22.85 94.94 39.55 - Remote island power Diesel Oil-Fuelled 虎井 Hujing 600 1,333,963 25.38 97.26 40.33 - Remote island power Diesel Oil-Fuelled 馬祖 Matzu 1,3564 20,867,615 17.56 93.38 33.60 - Remote island power Diesel LNG-Fuelled 大林電廠 Dalin Power Plant #5 500,000 2,793,176,000 63.77 81.88 99.40 1974 2019 Load following power Steam LNG-Fuelled 大林電廠 Dalin Power Plant #6 550,000 4,369,441,000 90.69 98.04 101.27 1994 Load following power Steam LNG-Fuelled 通霄電廠 Tongxia Power Plant old#1 - 1,064,308,000 56.43 98.07 97.87 1992 2017 Load following power Combine Cycle LNG-Fuelled 通霄電廠 Tongxia Power Plant old#2 - 1,243,310,000 65.92 95.41 97.49 1992 2017 Load following power Combine Cycle LNG-Fuelled 通霄電廠 Tongxia Power Plant old#3 - 683,497,000 37.96 98.12 94.41 2000 2017 Load following power Combine Cycle LNG-Fuelled 通霄電廠 Tongxia Power Plant #4 386,000 3,077,838,000 91.02 96.65 105.44 1992 2020 Load following power Combine Cycle LNG-Fuelled 通霄電廠 Tongxia Power Plant #5 386,000 2,874,090,000 85.00 92.65 107.25 1992 2020 Load following power Combine Cycle