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Charles Darwin
creative thinking driving business


The FortuneWest
FortuneWest provides an end-to-end, multi-
disciplinary service that covers all the critical
sales and marketing functions that affect
the revenues and profitability of a company
or organisation.
For more than twenty years, FortuneWest has
provided business development consulting,
marketing, design and sales improvement
services to UK and international enterprises
and pioneering SMEs.


Helping your
customers buy
For any company to thrive, it is necessary to get the business and sales strategy
right, together with dependent issues such as pricing, procurement, resource
support and negotiation. FortuneWest helps define and support your strategies
to ensure that you approach your current or potential markets as efficiently and
effectively as possible. From sales structure and culture, to value propositions and
market reach, FortuneWest’s customers are in the strongest possible position to
make the most of opportunities.
With experience in many market sectors, FortuneWest is able to work quickly in
order to produce reliable and actionable intelligence. Our objective is to move as
quickly as possible to revenue generation and deliver results for our customers.
You will benefit from an effective strategy that translates into intelligent market
mapping, influencial sales propositions, bigger brand, informed design and
communications, unique content, a better customer journey, and, ultimately,
increased revenues and margins.
Creative thinking
driving business
FortuneWest is as creative in its sales strategies as it is in its design and marketing
concepts. We invite you take advantage of a multi-disciplinary agency that will not
only help your company stand out from the crowd with a great brand and sharp
value propositions, but also to maximise your strengths, accelerate sales and meet
your business objectives.


marketing Aligning Sales
and Marketing
The sales journey for a customer is not one driven by what we
might like to define as marketing and then sales, but by a continual
five-step process from Unaware through to Purchase. Seamlessly
integrating the different stages of a sales journey for the customer
makes it a lot easier for them to buy from start to finish.
At FortuneWest we have helped many of our customers refine
their own sales journey to align sales and marketing. In addition to
the headline result of achieving more sales, the benefits can be far
reaching, reducing the cost of sale, directly tying marketing activity
to sales performance and increasing profitability.


A taste of the
Fortunewest difference:
proprietary methodologies
To command your market you have to look both interesting and safe
Buyers first look for “Interesting”. What strikes the buyer, in their consideration phase, as
interesting could include factors such as innovative technology, a special offer or even healthy
company finances.
However, as time passes, and as the buyer moves steadily closer to making a commitment
to purchase, another impulse starts to come to the fore: Is it safe? Buyers also want “Safe”.
Convincing answers are needed to questions such as: Who else is using it? Is the vendor
credible? How does this product compare with others? Is there a warranty? Is the company
financially healthy? And more!
Sales are lost when your company or product is not convincingly interesting and safe.
FortuneWest implements the appropriate balance of interesting and safe messaging throughout
the lifecycle of a sale. FortuneWest safe initiatives are designed to convey predictable outcomes
and a tangible view of the future to make buyers feel safer.
yer’s last thought - SAFE
- Buyer’s first thought Buyer’s last thought -INTERESTING SAFE
- Buyer’s first thoughtINTERESTING
er’s last thought - SAFE
- Buyer’s first thought Buyer’s last thought -INTERESTING SAFE
- Buyer’s first thoughtINTERESTING


The power of brand
to increase margins
and value of your
If product is King and customer service is Queen, marketing is Emperor. How you
present your company and its products to market, how well you communicate
with your audience, and how you invest in your customer’s experience will
determine your success.
But first: generate market intelligence to create
winning strategies and make the most of your sales
and marketing programmes
Winning business strategies, crafty marketing plans and natty designs do not
suddenly emerge from a void, no matter if some talented soul occasionally
dreams up a great creative idea overnight!
To help you make the most of your business development and marketing
programmes, FortuneWest has a number of research and market mapping
programmes, to ensure your business development activity will generate a full
return on investment. Discovery > Insight > Experience > Connect > Ignite


Spot the difference


Identity / Brand
Be unique, get noticed
Route One
The Discovery programme
is a Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, Threats (SWOT)
analysis of your business’
capability, marketing channels,
the competitive landscape
and new business funnel.
The outcome is a detailed
report that includes practical
recommendations on how to
improve sales.
InSight is a radical new
listening approach to
customer and market
research. You get priceless
insight into customers’ or
partners’ true feelings, needs
and wants. InSight eliminates
guesswork and helps you to
shape effective brand and
sales messages, to attract,
win and retain more business.
FW research, analyse and
report how our clients present
themselves to their customers
and prospects compared to the
market sector. Connect is about
creating the right engagement
tools to meet your customers’
needs and expectations.
FortuneWest creates the
resources to influence your
Understand the customer
journey before developing
the route. Create effective
customer buying journeys
that contain great
experiences, from first to
last. When your buyers feel
constantly welcome, they
turn from passing shoppers
into customers and loyal
To align marketing to sales,
and take prospects from being
unaware of your company and
products to the point of purchase,
requires a structured approach.
Following an intuitive sales
review FW help you understand
touchpoints on the sales timeline
to ensure that no sales fall
through potential gaps.
Digital resources
Websites - multimedia assets
Corporate resources
Brochures - presentations
Product / service resources
Evidence - datasheet - case study
Sales support
Presentations - remote - in person
Content resources
Copy - content - graphics - video
Sales team development
Coaching - support
Profiled campaigns
e-marketing - mail - phone
Print - digital ads
SEO / inbound
Online content
Event promotion
Partner programmes
Sales channel development
Client support
Hands-on help - project management
FortuneWest provides a full range of strategic business and marketing services
to help UK, international companies and investors to achieve growth.
Multi-disciplinary SWOT Why customers buy Thrilling journeys Engagement tools Effective sales


Creating the right assets
to help buyers on their
5-step sales journey
FortuneWest helps companies improve marketing strategy by
identifying when, how and why the market looks for products, to
improve sales by making it easier for prospects to decide and buy.
The way people buy has fundamentally changed in recent years and people resist overt sales
techniques. You will find it refreshing to adopt a simple, practical approach to marketing and
its relationship with sales.
An objective for any company is to become well known within its sphere of influence, whether
regional, national or international. A company also needs to build understanding of its purpose,
capability, products and services, which cannot be achieved in‘one hit’.
FortuneWest helps its customers take prospects from being UNAWARE of who you are and
what you do, to a state where they are AWARE of your company or product names. Next, we
create information or persuasion that is required for COMPREHENSION, to help someone
to understand what it is you do and why? Different tactics again are required to generate
CONVICTION that you are the right supplier to meet their needs, and more yet to reach the
point where they PURCHASE?
Each of these steps in a prospect’s relationship with you is different and requires a marketing
strategy that moves them from one stage to the next. Marketing and sales must work together to
facilitate the prospect’s progress from unknown person to customer, from unaware to purchase.


the tree
Aligning marketing
to new sales
Touch Point
Hooked (or not )


Something interesting...
FortuneWest provides a full range
of marketing and design services
l	 Brand creation and corporate identity
l	 Sales and promotional campaigns from concept to delivery
l	 Company literature, corporate communications
l	 Digital media, website (SEO) and interactive design services
l	 Copy writing, content generation
l	 Product design and product branding
l	 Video, 3D animation, photography and illustration
l	 Packaging design, point of sale and display
l	 Events and exhibitions
l	 Transcreation services & translation in over 20 languages
l	 Creative sales programmes


...something safe
FortuneWest’s Route One programme
provides an outsourced sales and
marketing function with multiple skills
that works as part of your team
For years traditional marketing has struggled to deliver effective results from
limited budgets as modern marketing requires having a diverse set of skills
not found in individuals or smaller teams.
Route One is an engagement methodology designed by sales and
marketing professionals to give you the type of business direction and
results you always wanted but at a fraction of the costs traditionally
associated with staffing and funding an in-house sales-marketing
As a Route One customer you will be able to see completed work,
work in progress and planned activity across all marketing disciplines in
Smartsheets. Roles, responsibilities and actions are all visible via this easy-to-
use online project management tool.


Recent engagement programmes include:
Document management software.
Project Scope
To conduct InSight with historical clients
and partners; create new identity after
Document Logistix breakaway from parent group; review sales opportunity in a
crowded‘me too’product sector; and work with sales team to understand opportunity.
To rebrand DLX web site, sales and support material, US and UK.To make an immediate
sales impact via campaign sites and multi-touch digital marketing campaigns to profiled
industry sectors.To support sales team lead generation and nurture programmes.
Introduce PR as a function of pull marketing and leadership aspirations.
Leading manufacturer of connectivity
and networking hardware.
Project Scope
Packaging design, JV product launches,
localise US product packaging, GUIs, guides
and warranties in twenty languages for more than 100 products. All translation, pan-
Europe country manager liaison, production liaison (Taiwan); quality control and
asset management in-house.
Ensure speed, quality, consistency and cost effectiveness of projects, with manageed
hand-over to production suppliers. Maintain glossary for speed and consistency of
asset revisions.


Select client list:
During 20 years in business we have worked with many organisations from owner
managed to global corporates. including:
UK-based company with strategic
growth plans.
Project Scope
To help fifth generation of Bournes
family board members to re-structure company and become marketing-led to deliver
discreet removals and relocation services. Following customer Insight programme,
to modernise brand and extend market reach in combination with global delivery
partners and new sales team.
To grow four company divisions and increase
revenue via a blend of push and pull marketing
activity, incorporating web optimisation, direct
marketing, PR, events, demand generation and
field sales support.


Fortune West Limited
Cyber House
Molly Millars Lane
United Kingdom
RG41 2PX
t: +44 (0)118 979 0005
w: fortunewest.co.uk
Charles Darwin

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  • 1. “IT IS NOTTHE STRONGEST OF THE SPECIES THAT SURVIVE, NORTHE MOST INTELLIGENT, BUTTHE ONE MOST RESPONSIVETO CHANGE” Charles Darwin creative thinking driving business creative thinking driving business
  • 2. The FortuneWest multi-disciplinary difference FortuneWest provides an end-to-end, multi- disciplinary service that covers all the critical sales and marketing functions that affect the revenues and profitability of a company or organisation. For more than twenty years, FortuneWest has provided business development consulting, marketing, design and sales improvement services to UK and international enterprises and pioneering SMEs.
  • 3. Helping your customers buy For any company to thrive, it is necessary to get the business and sales strategy right, together with dependent issues such as pricing, procurement, resource support and negotiation. FortuneWest helps define and support your strategies to ensure that you approach your current or potential markets as efficiently and effectively as possible. From sales structure and culture, to value propositions and market reach, FortuneWest’s customers are in the strongest possible position to make the most of opportunities. With experience in many market sectors, FortuneWest is able to work quickly in order to produce reliable and actionable intelligence. Our objective is to move as quickly as possible to revenue generation and deliver results for our customers. You will benefit from an effective strategy that translates into intelligent market mapping, influencial sales propositions, bigger brand, informed design and communications, unique content, a better customer journey, and, ultimately, increased revenues and margins. Creative thinking driving business FortuneWest is as creative in its sales strategies as it is in its design and marketing concepts. We invite you take advantage of a multi-disciplinary agency that will not only help your company stand out from the crowd with a great brand and sharp value propositions, but also to maximise your strengths, accelerate sales and meet your business objectives.
  • 4. sales marketing Aligning Sales and Marketing The sales journey for a customer is not one driven by what we might like to define as marketing and then sales, but by a continual five-step process from Unaware through to Purchase. Seamlessly integrating the different stages of a sales journey for the customer makes it a lot easier for them to buy from start to finish. At FortuneWest we have helped many of our customers refine their own sales journey to align sales and marketing. In addition to the headline result of achieving more sales, the benefits can be far reaching, reducing the cost of sale, directly tying marketing activity to sales performance and increasing profitability.
  • 5. A taste of the Fortunewest difference: proprietary methodologies To command your market you have to look both interesting and safe Buyers first look for “Interesting”. What strikes the buyer, in their consideration phase, as interesting could include factors such as innovative technology, a special offer or even healthy company finances. However, as time passes, and as the buyer moves steadily closer to making a commitment to purchase, another impulse starts to come to the fore: Is it safe? Buyers also want “Safe”. Convincing answers are needed to questions such as: Who else is using it? Is the vendor credible? How does this product compare with others? Is there a warranty? Is the company financially healthy? And more! Sales are lost when your company or product is not convincingly interesting and safe. FortuneWest implements the appropriate balance of interesting and safe messaging throughout the lifecycle of a sale. FortuneWest safe initiatives are designed to convey predictable outcomes and a tangible view of the future to make buyers feel safer. yer’s last thought - SAFE PURCHASE TIME SALES LOST HERE SALES - Buyer’s first thought Buyer’s last thought -INTERESTING SAFE PURCHASE TIME - Buyer’s first thoughtINTERESTING PURCHASE er’s last thought - SAFE PURCHASE TIME SALES LOST HERE SALES - Buyer’s first thought Buyer’s last thought -INTERESTING SAFE PURCHASE TIME - Buyer’s first thoughtINTERESTING PURCHASE
  • 6. The power of brand to increase margins and value of your company If product is King and customer service is Queen, marketing is Emperor. How you present your company and its products to market, how well you communicate with your audience, and how you invest in your customer’s experience will determine your success. But first: generate market intelligence to create winning strategies and make the most of your sales and marketing programmes Winning business strategies, crafty marketing plans and natty designs do not suddenly emerge from a void, no matter if some talented soul occasionally dreams up a great creative idea overnight! To help you make the most of your business development and marketing programmes, FortuneWest has a number of research and market mapping programmes, to ensure your business development activity will generate a full return on investment. Discovery > Insight > Experience > Connect > Ignite
  • 8. Identity / Brand Be unique, get noticed Route One Discovery 1 The Discovery programme is a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis of your business’ capability, marketing channels, the competitive landscape and new business funnel. The outcome is a detailed report that includes practical recommendations on how to improve sales. InSight 2 InSight is a radical new listening approach to customer and market research. You get priceless insight into customers’ or partners’ true feelings, needs and wants. InSight eliminates guesswork and helps you to shape effective brand and sales messages, to attract, win and retain more business. Connect 4 FW research, analyse and report how our clients present themselves to their customers and prospects compared to the market sector. Connect is about creating the right engagement tools to meet your customers’ needs and expectations. FortuneWest creates the resources to influence your markets. Experience 3 Understand the customer journey before developing the route. Create effective customer buying journeys that contain great experiences, from first to last. When your buyers feel constantly welcome, they turn from passing shoppers into customers and loyal advocates. Ignite 5 To align marketing to sales, and take prospects from being unaware of your company and products to the point of purchase, requires a structured approach. Following an intuitive sales review FW help you understand touchpoints on the sales timeline to ensure that no sales fall through potential gaps. CREATE DEPLOY CONSULT Digital resources Websites - multimedia assets Corporate resources Brochures - presentations Product / service resources Evidence - datasheet - case study Sales support Presentations - remote - in person Content resources Copy - content - graphics - video Sales team development Coaching - support Profiled campaigns e-marketing - mail - phone Advertising Print - digital ads SEO / inbound Online content Event promotion Exhibition/conference Partner programmes Sales channel development Client support Hands-on help - project management FortuneWest provides a full range of strategic business and marketing services to help UK, international companies and investors to achieve growth. Multi-disciplinary SWOT Why customers buy Thrilling journeys Engagement tools Effective sales
  • 9. Creating the right assets to help buyers on their 5-step sales journey FortuneWest helps companies improve marketing strategy by identifying when, how and why the market looks for products, to improve sales by making it easier for prospects to decide and buy. The way people buy has fundamentally changed in recent years and people resist overt sales techniques. You will find it refreshing to adopt a simple, practical approach to marketing and its relationship with sales. An objective for any company is to become well known within its sphere of influence, whether regional, national or international. A company also needs to build understanding of its purpose, capability, products and services, which cannot be achieved in‘one hit’. FortuneWest helps its customers take prospects from being UNAWARE of who you are and what you do, to a state where they are AWARE of your company or product names. Next, we create information or persuasion that is required for COMPREHENSION, to help someone to understand what it is you do and why? Different tactics again are required to generate CONVICTION that you are the right supplier to meet their needs, and more yet to reach the point where they PURCHASE? Each of these steps in a prospect’s relationship with you is different and requires a marketing strategy that moves them from one stage to the next. Marketing and sales must work together to facilitate the prospect’s progress from unknown person to customer, from unaware to purchase.
  • 10. Shaking the tree Aligning marketing to new sales prospects Touch Point Measurement Prospect Progression Proposals KPIs Hooked (or not ) marketing sales
  • 11. Something interesting... FortuneWest provides a full range of marketing and design services l Brand creation and corporate identity l Sales and promotional campaigns from concept to delivery l Company literature, corporate communications l Digital media, website (SEO) and interactive design services l Copy writing, content generation l Product design and product branding l Video, 3D animation, photography and illustration l Packaging design, point of sale and display l Events and exhibitions l Transcreation services & translation in over 20 languages l Creative sales programmes
  • 12. ...something safe FortuneWest’s Route One programme provides an outsourced sales and marketing function with multiple skills that works as part of your team For years traditional marketing has struggled to deliver effective results from limited budgets as modern marketing requires having a diverse set of skills not found in individuals or smaller teams. Route One is an engagement methodology designed by sales and marketing professionals to give you the type of business direction and results you always wanted but at a fraction of the costs traditionally associated with staffing and funding an in-house sales-marketing department. As a Route One customer you will be able to see completed work, work in progress and planned activity across all marketing disciplines in Smartsheets. Roles, responsibilities and actions are all visible via this easy-to- use online project management tool.
  • 13. Portfolio... Recent engagement programmes include: Document management software. Project Scope To conduct InSight with historical clients and partners; create new identity after Document Logistix breakaway from parent group; review sales opportunity in a crowded‘me too’product sector; and work with sales team to understand opportunity. Objectives To rebrand DLX web site, sales and support material, US and UK.To make an immediate sales impact via campaign sites and multi-touch digital marketing campaigns to profiled industry sectors.To support sales team lead generation and nurture programmes. Introduce PR as a function of pull marketing and leadership aspirations. Leading manufacturer of connectivity and networking hardware. Project Scope Packaging design, JV product launches, localise US product packaging, GUIs, guides and warranties in twenty languages for more than 100 products. All translation, pan- Europe country manager liaison, production liaison (Taiwan); quality control and asset management in-house. Objectives Ensure speed, quality, consistency and cost effectiveness of projects, with manageed hand-over to production suppliers. Maintain glossary for speed and consistency of asset revisions.
  • 14. Select client list: During 20 years in business we have worked with many organisations from owner managed to global corporates. including: UK-based company with strategic growth plans. Project Scope To help fifth generation of Bournes family board members to re-structure company and become marketing-led to deliver discreet removals and relocation services. Following customer Insight programme, to modernise brand and extend market reach in combination with global delivery partners and new sales team. Objectives To grow four company divisions and increase revenue via a blend of push and pull marketing activity, incorporating web optimisation, direct marketing, PR, events, demand generation and field sales support.
  • 15. Fortune West Limited Cyber House Molly Millars Lane Wokingham Berkshire United Kingdom RG41 2PX t: +44 (0)118 979 0005 w: fortunewest.co.uk “IT IS NOTTHE STRONGEST OF THE SPECIESTHAT SURVIVE, NORTHE MOST INTELLIGENT, BUTTHE ONE MOST RESPONSIVETO CHANGE” Charles Darwin