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Gamsat Essay Marking OnlineGamsat Essay Marking Online
Zachary Rowe Research Paper
Zach Rowe
Biology, Block 6
13 May 2016
Alaska climate change and decreasing in population My name is Zachary Rowe, I am going to
talk about the global warming weather effects in Alaska and how it has affected the population of
various living animal species. The number of large predators living in the southern Beaufort Sea
of Alaska has decreased from 1,500 animals in 2001, to just under 900 in 2010. As the species are
decreasing in numbers, they are now listed as vulnerable by the International Union for the
Conservation of Nature. Another problem in 2013, a report by the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration have seen a decline in reindeer inside Alaskan boundaries. These aren
t the only species whose populations has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have observed that approximately one
million reindeer were alive in 2000, now in 2013 only 700,000 units remain. Also, scientists have
recorded that many ranging deer herds are significantly smaller than they have been in the past
several recorded years. In 2012 the International Fund of Wildlife s according to the national
geographic Jeff Flocked said, There has been roughly a 60 percent decline from historical high
levels, and that the decline was caused by suspected climate change . Researchers in Finland have
found that the grazing of a reindeer could help prevent solar heat absorption, which in the result;
can lead to climate change temperature swings. Scientists have also found out that in areas where
reindeer don t graze there are higher levels of heat radiation. Wooded areas are showing that the
levels of shrubs and trees have also absorbed heat. Swedish scientists has found that reindeer can
also prevent the climate change caused of a spread of invasive species in the Arctic Tundra. A study
from Redlist Industrial Development and Human Activity shows that poaching animals are also
major threats to the reindeers
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Aeruginosa Case Studies
aeruginosa is a Gram negative bacterium capable of surviving in a wide range of environments. It
is an opportunistic pathogen and it is commonly associated with nosocomial infections and
infections of severely burned individuals, and are a leading cause of death in severe respiratory
infections1. In particular, P. aeruginosa is the leading cause of chronic pulmonary infections and
mortality in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients2. Infections with P. aeruginosa are difficult to eradicate,
due to their high levels of antibiotic resistanceand growth in biofilms3.
Bacterial communication occurs through a well developed system termed the quorum sensing (QS)
system. QS system is the regulation of gene expression in response to fluctuations in cell population
density. Quorum sensing bacteria produce and release chemical signal molecules called autoinducers
that increase in concentration as a function of cell density. Cell cell communication via
autoinducers occurs both within and between ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
aeruginosa12. Analysis of patients sputa revealed the presence of both lasI and lasR transcripts13.
Other studies upon different animal models of P. aeruginosa infections including the thermally
injured mouse model and the mouse models of acute and chronic lung infections revealed the
importance of QS in the virulence of P. aeruginosa 14,15,16,17. These studies compared the
virulence of P. aeruginosa mutants that carried deletions within QS genes with that of their parent
strain. They showed that the mortality rate among thermally injured mice infected with QS mutants
was significantly lower than that in mice infected with the parent strain. In addition, the mutants
were significantly defective in their ability to spread either locally within the thermally injured skin
or systemically within the bodies of the thermally injured/infected
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The Acts of Racism In The 20th Century Essay
The Act s of Racism In The 20th Century nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Langston Hughes and
Maya Angelou were very well known authors of the early 20th century. Most of their writings
were concerned with racism and equality. During that time period there was much evidence that
African Americans had been treated unfairly, unjustly, and as if they had been beneath the whites.
Segregation of schools, churches, bathrooms, and stores were only a few of the many things
wrong with this ere. Racism was very apparent in the two short stories Graduation and One
Friday Morning . In one of these, a young girl is put down because of the color of her skin, and in
the other, a whole class and audience were made to feel lower than they should have.... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;She was treated very differently, and this caused her to have a
different outlook on the atmosphere in which she was living. The scholarship being taken away
from her, for this reason was unfortunate because she had worked hard to be recognized in the
contest, and had succeeded in winning it, only to have it taken away form her because she was
not a young white girl. Her friends and her mother were expecting to hear a wonderful surprise
from her in her speech at the assembly. Racism came into play because this was the reason why
she did not receive the scholarship. Embarrassment also came into play because she had to go
through all of that public humiliation. At first her situation was a positive one and then it
became negative because of the ignorance of a few shallow white supremacists. nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;In Maya Angelou s short story Graduation racism was also evident in many
ways. The story started off happy, and then it had a very sad ending.. A group of eighth graders
at an all black school were anticipating their graduation. They could hardly wait for it. The whole
town was excited. This was a very big deal, and a lot of people had been looking forward to it.
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;The day had finally arrived, and everyone was seated in their chairs
at the ceremony waiting for the speaker. His name was Mr. Donleavy. He was a white male, and
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Southwest Airlines And Lincoln Electric Company
About Southwest Airlines and Lincoln Electric Company: (Questions 1.a and 1.b):
a. What are the objectives of each company s approach to benefits and services? I believe that the
first step here is to go through the actual approach of Southwest Airlines and Lincoln Electric
Company in respect to the workers benefits and services. Nevertheless, both these particular
companies do in fact have complete dissimilar approaches to motivate and encourage their
workers. Here is a few examples that Lincoln Electric Company believes in:
They believe in making consumers feel accountable to the actual success of the company, which can
be done by connecting the compensation of the workers to the achievement of the company as a
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Lincoln Electric Company also believed in a lean labor force to lessen workers hours as the
demand dropped and then compensated for that with overtime hours in periods of busy demand,
where the workers could make more wages.
Here are examples of Southwest Airlines approach to motivating and encouraging the workers that
was in fact more than just financial benefits.
For instance, Southwest Airlines believe that the payment in salary would bring the workers to
work on time, make them work for their allotted time. However, the problem was what how to
make their workers enjoy the work they do each day and be satisfied about it. So, Southwest felt as
if the only means to do so was to stimulate motivation and accordance with the company as a
whole. Also, Southwest made their company a better place in which to work in that would draw
attention to the workers and keep them content/satisfied as well.
Southwest Airlines felt as if the workers who actually went out of their way to aid customers, did
in fact, deserve a public praise or hand shake. So each and every month Southwest s magazine
Spirit would printout a story or article of one special worker who went out of their way to deliver
the best/exceptional customer satisfaction.
It also has the greater number of Couples working in any company, which made the company more
like a complete family.
b. how well do the benefits
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Business Manager Is An Individual Imposed With The Running...
A business manager is an individual imposed with the running of a business. A business manager
ensures that the strategies proposed are implemented to the benefit of the company. Managers
organize and coordinate the execution of tasks, monitor their implementation, and motivate
employees. With these activities, they seek to meet the organization s goals: to maintain and
increase productivity and profits, to meet the changing and more specific customer needs, and to
introduce technological changes in the work process.
I have always been interested in business management. I am getting my Associate degree at Salt
Lake Community College, and then transferring to Business school. With an associate s degree in
business, I will qualify for entry ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Bachelor s degree programs in business administration equip students with management skills that
can apply to all industries and business settings ( What Are the Requirements to Become a
Business Manager? ). I may increase my chances of employment and advancement by earning a
master s degree in business administration or another closely related field. Administrative service
managers with a master s degree may benefit from greater job opportunities and promotion to upper
level positions.
Nearly 94 percent of all business management majors found jobs after graduation, with 90 percent
of that number landing in full time positions. About 26 percent ended up in management, 18
percent in sales, 15 percent in office work and 10 percent in finance (Locsin). I believe that
business skills are crucial for the development of any career. Formal or not, business skills are a
commitment for anyone who wants to succeed. Management skills are crucial to running a
business; a business administration background can apply to almost any industry within the
business world.
Those who study business management develop the leadership and administrative skills to run their
own business, a company department or an entire corporation (Locsin).
I was able to interview Kenneth Smuin, an operations manager at the IntegraCore. I used to work
for the
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Public Health Assumptions
The preconception and assumption that I have about people and the world strongly affects how I
interact and approach the problems that I may face in the research world. I have learned that the
environment I grew up in, the training I have had the people, the religion I believe in and the
people I interact with all have a substantial impact on my the view of public health and research.
Besides, my nationality, my age, gender, and sexual orientation all strongly affect the way I
approach issues sometimes, and this can be explicit or inexplicit. It is important that, as a public
health practitioner, I understand the biases that my personal history brings to public health
research. Also, the way I view the world is different from how other people... Show more content on
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Statistical significance and p values are important for the kind of audience I that may be interested
in my research and the kind of problem that I want to study. However, after doing some deep
reflections about my preconceptions and assumptions, I realize that the world is experienced
differently. Therefore, it is important that scholars in public health appreciate this reality and should
be able to relate with different epistemology in social research. Furthermore, I know that sometimes
the challenges to improving health care, for example, are not found in the statistical significance of
data. For instance, after the construction of a health centre within the community, government
evaluation revealed that delivery under a skilled health worker was still low in the community.
Under such situations, I can only improve outcome if my intention is to understand the meaning
that the community attaches to childbirth. On the other hand, a positivist approach could easily be
used to improve policy because of the statistical significance. Also, research based in this area
quickly attracts funding from governments (Scotland,
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The Moonstone Religion
The Moonstone written by Wilkie Collins is a superb read. The titular object is the main focus
of the novel. The Moonstone s whereabouts are unknown for much of the novel. Several
detectives including Superintendent Seagrave and Sergeant Cuff try to solve the case. While
there are differences between the First Narrative of the First Period by Gabriel Betteredge and
the First Narrative of the Second Period written by Drusilla Clack, I think many of the elements
remain the same. Christianity is a theme throughout the book. The inferiority of women is a
sexist idea in both narratives as well. Finally, both narrators have genuine concern for Rachel.
Christianity is so important in this book as a whole because the narrators leading up to page 263
constantly bring up things from that religion. Miss Clack sort of rides a high horse too, as she
tries to encourage others to accept Christianity. She has a sense of Christian duty and an idea of
what is worthy of a Christian Englishwoman (239, 241). Her devotion even goes to the point that
Rachel interprets something Miss Clack said as suggesting that Rachel s mother went to hell
(261 262). While some of her ideas may be rooted in reality, some of her other ways of thinking are
arguably delusional. For instance, she calls herself a Christian persecuted by the world (263). Not
only does she feel... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is shown when Betteredge flat out narrates that he regards any other opinion of Rachel
other than that of Rachel s mother with a lofty contempt (177). He also believes in Rachel s
innocence and tries to defend her from Sergeant Cuff s scrutiny (177, 178). As for Miss Clack,
she clearly says to Rachel when she is getting ready to move in with Mr. Bruff that I can t part with
you! (261). She tries to get Rachel to live with her, even resorting to bringing up Christianity and
hinting to Rachel that Rachel s mother may not have went to heaven (261,
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Differences Between Science And Pseudoscience
Chapter 1:
1.1.hypothesis is a tentative prediction or proposal which is has not been validated. Only once the
hypothesis has been rigorously tested by scientists can it be elevated to the status of a scientific
theory or law.
1.2.The scientific method can not be used to deny or prove the existence of God due to there not
being supported facts to answer questions that are asked. It is also very broad.
1.3. Controlled Experiments allows scientists to construct a situation so that only one variable is
present. They are necessary to support a hypothesis because you form your questions and
hypothesis off of the different experiment groups.
1.4.Make observation, ask questions, form hypothesis, test hypothesis, draw conclusion, Develop
new ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
1.8.Unique Structural organization, metabolic processes, generative process, responsive processes,
control processes
1.9.Regulation involves altering the rate of processes. Coordination occurs at several levels within
an organism and also occurs at the organism level.
Chapter #3:
2.1.The primary difference between organic compounds and inorganic compounds is that organic
compounds always contain carbon while most inorganic compounds do not contain carbon.
2.2.The property of Catenation and its electronegativity
2.3. Simple Sugars glucose and Fructose, Complex sugars glycogen and cellulose
2.4. Hydrogen, Oxygen, and carbon
2.5. 1. Primary: refers to the unique sequence of amino acids in the protein. All proteins have a
special sequence of amino acids, this sequence is derived from the cell s DNA.
2. Secondary : the coiling or bending of the polypeptide into sheets is referred to the protein s
secondary structure. alpha helix or a beta pleated sheet are the basic forms of this level. They can
exist separately or jointly in a protein.
3. Tertiary: The folding back of a molecule upon itself and held together by disulfide bridges and
hydrogen bonds. This adds to the protein s stability.
4. Quaternary: Complex structure formed by the interaction of 2 or more polypeptide chains.
2.6 Structural protiens: maintaining the shape of cells and organisms. Regulator Protiens: Help
determine what activities will occur in the
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A Brief Note On Seismic Hazard Analysis On The Event Of A...
Summary of proposed research
Seismic hazard analysis is an important tool in mitigating risks in the event of a disastrous seismic
event like an earthquake. This can be done by studying the behaviour of the soil in locations that
are within seismically active regions using several geophysical methods. This project employs the
use the cost effective microtremor method in studying the site response in Kathmandu, Nepal,
following the April 25, 2015 M7.8 Gorkha. Analysis of the field data will yield information that
could be used by the Government and people of Kathmandu, Nepal, in reviewing their building
construction codes and other policies to minimize casualties in the event of an earthquake. This is
very important considering the location of Kathmandu which is within the seismically active
Statement of the problem
Kathmandu lies within the tectonically active Himalayan mountain range, which is a continental
continental convergent boundary. Kathmandu is located in an approximately 500 m deep
sedimentary basin, which is likely to amplify earthquake shaking (Paudyal et al, 2012). More
than 9000 people were killed and about 22000 injured in Nepal during the magnitude 7.8 Gorkha
earthquake on April 25, 2015, and the M 7.3 aftershock on May 12, 2015, (Nepal National
Planning Commission, 2015). Over 500,000 buildings were either damaged or completely
destroyed during the event with the damages estimated to exceed $6.7 billion (USD) (Nepal
National Planning
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What Is An Operating System Essay
Operating Systems What is an operating system The operating system is responsible for
controlling all of the tasks and processes. Operating systems consists of a collection of programs,
with each having a specific task allocated to it. These programs are designed to make the
computer system run as efficiently as possible. The most commonly used operating systems are
Mac OS, Windows and Linux. What Operating systems do В· Allow users to interact with the
machine (e.g. selecting programs). В· Allocate space in memory for programs. В· Run
programs (transfer instructions for memory to processor then executing them). В· Manage the
storing of data. В· Management of input/output devices. Difference Operating Systems
Windows Windows is the most widely used Operating System in the world, It s initial
introduction was in 1981 as a command line interface; the GUI (graphical user interface) was
introduced in 1985 and has seen 26 different versions. Mac OS In 1984 Apple released its first OS,
which became known as Mac OS as of 1997. The original OS was a fork of Apples older OS Lisa
which was, at the time, extremely advanced. Linux Linux began in 1991 as a personal project by
Lines Torvalds, he set out to create a new, free Operating System. Since then it has grown from an
OS containing a few C files to having over 18 million lines of source code and available under the
GNU General Public License. The GNU license guarantees that
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The Medicinal Purposes of Garlic Essay
One claim where additional research is being done on is the affect of garlic on cardiovascular
disease (CVD). According to the American Heart Association, one in every three American adults
has one or more types of CVD. The most common types of CVDs include high blood pressure,
coronary heart disease, heart failure and stroke. CVD has been the number one cause of death in
America since 1900, with the exception of 1918. On average, 2,300 Americans die each day from
some type of CVD (American Heart Association, 2010). Through different trials and tests, Garlic
has been found to help provide protection against various CVDs, which based on the statistics, can
help hundreds of thousands of people in America. Garlic has been found to lower... Show more
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One study showed that garlic was able to reverse the buildup of fat and begin to clear the arteries.
However, for these results a large amount of garlic was needed to be consumed and over a lengthy
period of time (Fulder, 1997).
While studying animals, a scientist by the name of David Kritchevsky at the Wistar Institute in
Philadelphia, concluded that garlic reduced the cholesterols levels in the body by slowing down the
catalyst in the liver, which ultimately decreases the amount of cholesterol that is actually being
produced. One study which supports this conclusion was done by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture. In this study, pigs were fed their normal diet with the addition of garlic extract. The
LDL cholesterol fell by half, the HDL cholesterol increased by 20 percent, and the production of
fats in the liver also was reduced by half (Fulder, 1997). These studies performed on animals
proved garlic to be effective, but the real tests are the ones done on humans; those are the ones
which are more convincing.
In fact, multiple studies have been conducted on humans and have come to similar conclusions
about the effectiveness of garlic on cardiovascular disease prevention. In the late 1970s, several
studies were done testing the use of raw garlic consumption. Healthy subjects along with individuals
with ischemic heart disease consumed raw garlic for two to three months. The results showed a
reduction in blood cholesterol and triglyceride
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Judges Are Judges Vulnerable To Biases
Even though it is hard for people to admit, judges can fall prey to biases. After several studies,
researchers use the term cognitive biases to categorize the group of decision errors that can be
made by judges. Researchers have found that judges appear to be similar to juries in their inability
to disregard legally prejudicial and impermissible facts when deciding on a verdict. Three types of
cognitive biasesor illusions have been identified as those which trail judges are most vulnerable.
These include anchoring, hindsight bias, and egocentric biases. These will all be explained further,
including examples. The first type of bias is anchoring, which is very common among civil cases. It
involves giving excessive weight to the initial starting value, the... Show more content on
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This is the tendency to change a previous judgment or decision in the direction of newly
provided information. This is one of the most common errors in everyday human judgement and
prediction. Legal scholars have noted that it is rare to expect people to predict the outcome of
past events in real life. However, people in law are asked to make the type of judgment quite
often. Since courts usually evaluate events after they have happened, judges are extremely
vulnerable to hindsight bias. Researchers note that judges could not help but rely on information
that was not available before a relevant event took place, but that later became available. The
susceptibility to hindsight bias is troubling because judges are frequently expected to suppress
their knowledge of some set of facts before making decisions. An example of this bias can be
seen from exactly this. Judges are to ignore their knowledge of the outcome of a police search for
purposes of determining whether the officers had probable cause to conduct said search. If the
evidence found during the search was damning, this could prove to be incredibly difficult for the
judge to write off when making their
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The First Theories Of Deism In Christianity
The terms deism and theism were used interchangeably. The custom has been to use the words in a
mutually exclusive sense. A number of quite divergent theological and philosophical positions are
now indicated by the term deism. They resemble one another in that all reject one or more of the
traditional Christian theses concerning the relationship that exits between Godand universe. Deismis
a theological position which accepted the supreme being as the source of finite existence, but
denied the supernatural element in Christianity, as well as rejecting Christian revelation as the
only way to salvation. Many different theories of deism that ruled the world. The first theory of
deism is God created this universe, that all things in the universe, are directed by divine
providence; and that there is a life after death in which God will reward the good and punish the
evil (Carson). Divine revelation is rejected, and it is maintained that man must depend upon his
reason alone to give him some knowledge of the existence and nature of God and of man s moral
duties. The second theory of deism is the man is either rewarded or punished in his life; there is no
future life (Carson). It asserts that whatever happiness or sorrow man experience before his final
annihilation in death has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The strongest element contributing to the development of deistic thought was the rise of many new
scientists discoveries (Carson). Discoveries made it imperative for Europeans to change their basic
idea of the universe. One contribution to the development of deism was many written accounts of
travels to unknown lands (Carson). Explorers and travelers had come upon people who had no
contact with Christianity, but who seemed nonetheless to have highly developed systems of
morality and admirable religious principles. The deists argued from this that human reason was
sufficient to establish religion and
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Nuclear Bombs Should Be Banned
My opinion about nuclear bombs is that we shouldn t have them because one of the bombs could
go into the wrong hands. China and India a No first use were they won t use their atomic bomb
unless someone else attacks. Russia will only use their atomic bomb unless someone Russian
federation is under a threat. Israel said that they don t have a nuclear weapon. None of the countries
want to be the first to use their atomic bomb. Some of the scientists that helped with the atomic
bomb told the US and other countries told them that the atomic bomb was going to be bad in the
first place. I agree that we shouldn t have atomic bombs Because well there are a lot of reasons
but one is one of the bombs could get into the wrong hands and they could have someone help
them make more and figure out and it could end up in a disaster.... Show more content on
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Russia has 7,000 atomic bombs the U.S has 6,800 bombs. The U.S and Russia are close to
atomic bombs but there are other countries France has 300 China has 260 UK has 215 Pakistan
has 130 India has 120 Israel has 80 and North Korea has 15 bombs. All together we have 14,900
nuclear bombs altogether. Nine countries cover that many atomic bombs.
Back in 1945 was the first atomic bomb called the Enola Gay dropped on Hiroshima at 8:16 in
Japanese time called approximately 80,000 people were killed and 35,000 people were injured.
The bombs today could probably cover Montana Colorado Washington. The number of buildings
that got destroyed was 60,000 to 90,000 buildings. Some of the people that were really close to
the atomic bomb the and if they were close to the wall it made an imprint on the wall of the
person. One of the pictures that I was looking at the person had a cane and u can see it really
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Mount Holiday Case Study
I chose Mt Holiday as my business to review. Mt Holiday is a 58 acre non profit ski resort and
outdoor adventure destination in Michigan that was founded in 1948.
The Mission Statement of Mt. Holiday:
Our mission is to provide educational and outdoor recreational activities in a safe, clean and inviting
environment for people of all ages, through sound business and management practices. We are
committed to ensuring the community enjoys four seasons of outdoor recreation.
Mt. Holiday began as a ski run on State owned land, and ended up in the hands of Mt. Holiday,
Inc.: a non profit corporation that was formed by a volunteer group to rescue the property from
being sold and developed. The group was tasked with raising $1.5 million
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Converse College Essay
Converse College is a private college that realized that high tuitions were creating serious problems
for current and potential students to enroll in private colleges. Therefore, Converse was given the
task of motivating middle class students to have the experience of studying in private schools.
CHOICE 1: Reset tuition to a significantly lower price for traditional undergraduate students.
Being pioneers in this new business model is an attractive opportunity to stand out from the crowd
as the steady increase in the tuitions in higher educations is a national concern. Therefore, more
students and prospects may be interested in Converse College.
Based on the forecast of increase in tuition fees that Converse College has established, students
could be able to save a considerable amount after a few years. Therefore students would ... Show
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Certainly, when frizzing student s tuition, they and their families would be sure that their tuition
would not face annual increases.
In addition, this proposal would be attractive to students and cause increased enrollment of middle
class students.
A disadvantage is that this proposal is a short term solution to a long term problem. Since the
school has increases in operating costs every year. Therefore, the college has to generate additional
profits to offset these costs.
In addition, future generations would suffer from even higher fees because operating costs would
still require payment. Therefore the cycle of annual tuition increases would start again but now in a
more accelerated manner.
CHOICE 3: Provide students with Loan Repayment Program (LRP), which guarantees that any
student without employment after college would have her loans covered by an insurance policy.
This program would alleviate the financial burden for graduate students who have difficulty finding
work and paying their
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The Mongol Invasions
Trade and travel played a large part in the cultural development nations and gave people an
incentive to interact with one another. The Mongol invasions seemed too led to mass
destruction, but by the end of the Mongol conquest a new order had been laid in place. This
order let to greater communication which opened the trade routes and encouraged travel from
Eurasia to Africa. As more trade routes opened a diffusion of knowledge occurred spreading
technologies along the trade routes. However Technology wasn t the only thing spread along the
trade routes, diseases were also spread causing mass death tolls. The drive to have better trade
routes encouraged exploration and the discovery of the Americas. By the year 1000 the Mongol
invasion and conquest was complete. The leaders Mongol leaders set out to create a better system
of communication. The new order that the Mongol Lords brought also incouraged... Show more
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These large continents offered not only more resources for trading, but also land for the taking.
The trade route now had a whole new world to influence. The Europeans set out to make this
land a reflection of their own beliefs and customs, while profiting from the land itself. These
trade routes created a highway that for the first time really connected the people of the world.
Once the Europeans had a trade route established they began to trade in earnest with the coastal
area of Africa. Those goods imported to Africa in greatest volumes included cloth, iron and
copper in raw and worked form, and cowry shells used by local populations as currency (Bortolot).
The European traders then took the goods they had gotten from the African market home to sell.
The trade ships would return to their nations loaded with carvings, spices, and ivory. They would
sell these exotic fares for a goodly sum and then start the process
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Personal Statement On Psychosocial Assessment
Psychosocial Assessment As I arrive into the office the receptionist informs me that my new
client has arrived. I greet him and ask him to follow me. In the office I introduce myself and ask
him how he is doing today. He seems to have a positive outlook on things. I inform him that his
visit today will take no more than an hour. First and foremost I have him read and sign off the
consent form. Next I inform the client about privacy and confidentially. I also let him know it is
okay to stop me and ask any questions. Lastly, although he has allowed his previous therapist to
share his chart with me, I confirm with him once again if it is okay for me to take a look. The
client agrees and I begin to conduct his assessment. I.Identifying Data Pat Solitano Jr. is a 28
year old Caucasian male who is estranged from his wife Nikki. He was a former high school
teacher. Pat has been referred to L.P. Psychotherapy by his former therapist Dr. Cliff. II.Chief
Complaint The client is already aware of his condition and wants to get better for his wife Nikki.
He hates his illness and wants to control it but refuses to continue taking his medication. Pat states
that the medication makes him feel foggy. III.History of Present Illness The client was not
diagnosed with any disorder until after the onset of a negative life event. Pat had arrived home
from work one day and heard his wedding song playing. As he was walking, he saw his wife s
clothes trailing to the bathroom. Then he sees
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Collinsvilles Narrative
It was the first day of fall in Collinsville, Illinois and the leaves were gently falling to the ground.
The house was filled with lots of noise and the kids wanted to go outside and play in the leaves,
but they couldn t play in the leaves until they ate lunch. It was the perfect day to play outside.
They finished eating and ran out to enjoy the weather. They played in the leaves as long as they
could until they found a snake in their leaf pile. The kids screamed in terror but the snake just
slithered away with its tongue hanging out and hissing at the kids. It started to get dark and the the
kids still played outside until the kids heard the creepy coyotes howling in the dark woods.
Sarah ran inside and hid under her bed. John ran as fast as a lighting bolt to the door. Jim just
stood outside until more coyotes came out the woods and he was inside in a second. The kids were
all screaming.
There are coyotes outside! ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He looked around, he knew that there was no coyotes and went out a little further heard growling
noises. He turned around and the coyotes were blocking the door. He was surrounded by coyotes
and then he started running to the barn. He could barely see, the only light was the candles sitting
on the wooden porch hanging from the ceiling. The house was really far away when he looked back.
Once he got to the barn, he shut the barn door and climbed the ladder to the second floor.
Meanwhile, the whole family was sound asleep. He heard the coyotes scratching at the door and
he got worried. What if they tear a hole in the door and get through? He thought he would have to
stay there the whole night so he started to scream for help. No one even woke up because he was
too far away from the house. Once it got to the morning, the coyotes were gone. His mom came to
check the barn because she checked the whole house searching for him. She found him in the
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Lack of Morality in War Depicted in Tim O Brien s The...
Tim O Brien s book The Things They Carried epitomizes the degradation of morals that war
produces. This interpretation is personified in the characters who gradually blur the line dividing
right and wrong as the motives for war itself become unclear. The morality of soldiers and the
purpose of war are tied also to the truth the soldiers must tell themselves in order to participate in
the gruesome and random killing which is falsely justified by the U.S government. The lack of
purpose in the Vietnam Warpermanently altered the soldier s perspective of how to react to
situations and in most cases they turned to violence to express their frustration. The men s mission
was plainly described by O Brien, stating If you weren t humping, you... Show more content on
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Though the men reacted in violent ways in different situations, O Brian s violent act was
something that stayed with him for the rest of his life and completely changed who he was as a
person. The Man I Killed describes in detail the man and his life Tim O Brien killed on a path in
the jungle, even though he obviously did not know the man s personal background, but
mimicked it after his own. This description shows O Brien s life came to an end at his first act of
violence, mirrored in the loss of the man s life. After O Brien s incident on the pathway, he
became cold and exemplified this new disposition after Jorgenson almost allowed O Brien to die
from a bullet wound, and in turn O Brien needed pay back by scaring him in the middle of the
night. The war may have physically killed many, but in this sense it damaged every soldier mentally.
When truth became distorted by the ambiguous or absent motive for war, the soldiers needed to
make up their own truths in order to keep sane enough to live through the senselessness and fear.
Along with the fact that O Brien s boyhood died after killing the man in the path, his conception of
truth died as well. He examines this fact when his daughter Kathleen asks him, Daddy tell the truth,
did you ever kill anybody? and O Brien ponders this stating, And I can say, honestly, Of course not.
Or I can
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What I Learned About Leadership From Nelson Mandela
What I Learned about Leadership from Nelson Mandela .
Larissa Carter
Administrative Leadership PA562
Instructor: John Nesbitt
May 2, 2015
Number of Words w/o Footnotes: 2111 Spell/Grammar Checked: Y Number of Fnotes/Sources
Citations: 34 Sources Number of Sources: 12 Style Manual: Chicago Style Format
Introduction on Leadership of Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela was the first Black President of
South Africa that helped end
Apartheid in South Africa. As stated, his political activity started when the apartheid policy of
racial segregation won the elections (Nelson Mandela Leadership 2015). When he began to realize
nonviolence would not suffice, he resorted to guerrilla warfare to achieve his means.
As stated, United States deemed Mandela as a terrorist and refused him entry (Nelson Mandela
Leadership 2015). Nelson Mandela demonstrated The Five Practices Exemplary Leadership by
Kouzes and Posner which are the best leadership experiences (Kouzes and Posner 2007, 14).
Background of Nelson Mandela The history of Nelson Mandela states, after being on the run for
17 months, he was captured and imprisoned for 27 years, and he was released on February 11,
1990 (Nelson
Mandela Leadership 2015). It states South Africa s
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Compare And Contrast Judaism And Monotheism
Pharisees: spiritual grandparents of rabbinic Judaism. They believed that God controlled all things,
yet decisions made by individuals also contributed to the course of a person s life. Also, they
believed in the resurrection and the award/punishment in the afterlife notion.
Reform Judaism: the more liberal, progressive, modern thinking sect of Jews. The reformers began
by reforming the prayer service to bring it into line with Western sensibilities. They also began to
reexamine the underpinnings of Judaism, the meaning of the Torah, reward and punishment of the
afterlife, the meaning end of time, and the role of Jews in the integrated world. Reform Judaism
wants to more tolerant of non Jewish religions as well.
Monotheism: this means the belief that there is only one God. Monotheism is present within all
three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). Monotheism should be a source of
unity for all three of the Abrahamic religions. It should provide an opportunity to unite among all
three religions. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is also the study of who Christ was, and his life. There are many questions brought up on this
topic, like was he God, human, spiritual being etc. Jesus Christ for some people was a real person
in Christianity and other Abrahamic religions. Other religions believed that Jesus wasn t an actual
person, they believe that Jesus is a spiritual being that we should look upon for guidance.
Mishnah: is the commentary on how to apply the Torah to everyday life. The Mishnah has major
connections to the Bible, Torah, and the Talmud. The Mishnah is one of the most important written
documents in the Jewish
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Covetousness Of God In Amadeus
Moreover, Mozart s music in Amadeus is attributed to survey intricate relationship between God
and humans. Through Salieri s powerful jealousy of Mozart s music and his intense blame on
God, the movie proposes the issue of human s incomplete belief in God and the question about
the existence of God. Salieri, in the beginning part of the movie, is presented as the profoundly
religious human. He believes that God grants his faithful wish to be a successful composer so he
tries to devote to his God earnestly. However, after the appearance of Mozart in his life, Salieri
starts to distrust God and commit blasphemy. Throughout the movie, Salieri s strong covetousness
of Mozart s talent and his blame on God who only gives his gift not to his honest son but to an
obscene child, Mozart, are... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Larry D. Bouchard states that even if Salieri could not create the voice of god, he was the
musician with ears for listening to the voice of god truly. (207) However, Salieri in Amadeusdoes
not realize his own talent and only abominates Mozart and God. Salieri s emotion of detestation
for God resulted from the severe jealousy of Mozart leads him to revenge for God and to break
officially his tie with God in the end. The revenge for God and his incarnation Mozart begins in
the scene that Constanze the wife of Mozart visits Salieri again in a late night to request his
recommendation for her husband to teach Princess Elizabeth. In the movie, when Constanze takes
off her dress for a trade with Salieri, the tune of Mass in C Minor K. 427, Kyrie whose lyrics mean
Lord have mercy upon us is played. The music inserted in the scene brings an ironical effect on the
movie because the scene is the very moment that Salieri commits his blasphemy for the first time
by raping the wife of
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Polykleitos’ Bearer and Laocoon and His Sons Essay
Polykleitos Bearer and Laocoon and His Sons
Polykleitos is a Roman statue. It is made out of marble and it is 6 feet 6 inches tall. The statue is
of a male who looks to be athletic someone who works out. The statue is standing in a contrapuntal
position; it has its left leg slightly bent witch causes his foot not to be flat on the platform under
him. That position helps the statue stay balance. It is not rigid. The statue has no facial
expression. It is serious. It eyes are deep and expressionless. The statue s head is facing to the left.
His right arm is bent half way and his hands are balled up into a fist his hips are leaning towards the
left side to help give him balance. His left arm is straight down by his side. It ... Show more content
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There is an exception to this and that is his shins. His shin is very exaggerated. It is very
elongated. The tip of his shins is square like. It sort of reminds me of an elephant s trunk. As far
as clothing goes he seams to be wearing a cloth that is tied on his head. This makes his head
appear almost square like. Due to the cloth he has on his head it makes it seam as if he has long hair.
Queen Khamerembty II, which is his wife, is standing in a more naturalistic position. She is not
as rigid as he is. She seams more relaxed. Her right is somewhere behind his back and her left
arm is bend at her elbow and she is holding his Mankaure s left arm. She has on a blouse and a
long skirt almost up to her ankles. The clothing that she is wearing is tight fitting to the body. The
shapes of her body especially the genital area and the stomach is very well outlined so that you are
able to distinguish their shapes and sizes.
In contrast Kuya preaching is made out of wood and it is a single male. It is 46 inches tall. He
has no hair on his head if you just concentrate on his face it look as if he is deep in thought or
meditating. His face also shows the sign of aging. He has six little Buddha s coming out of his
mouth. On the left hand he has a walking stick. One of his knees is straight. If you look at his
cloths they are not straight on his body. He is standing in a contrapuntal position. His legs are spread
apart. This man was a munk and
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Al-Qaeda Essay
The second phase: Planning to establish Al Qaeda had began in Saudi Arabia at the beginning of
the nineties of the last century, and it was remarkable there were some operations of Al Qaeda
organization before actually inception., such as:
In 1995, car bomb attack on Vinnell Corporation Office led to the deaths of six people, including
five Americans.
In 1996, The building is inhabited by US soldiers in Khobar as a result 19 dead and about 500
wounded, that was a coordination between al Qaida and the Saudi Shiite Hezbollah in Eastern
Province. the organization cells had been formed at the beginning of two groups. The first group
who had trained in Afghanistan camps and participated in the fighting. The second group who did
not take up arms after, and they were unable to visit Afghanistan at ... Show more content on
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The beginnings of its foundation was back to the founder of ISIS Abu Musab al Zarqawi. He was
a Jordanian who went to Afghanistan in 1989 to participate in the defeat of the Soviet Union. When
Zarqawi returned to Jordan, he became aspired to create a caliphate and defections from Al Qaeda.
Zarqawi took advantage of the Islamist character to attract young people and increase followers.
Zarqawi convinced that the killing of Shiites and stimulated a civil war between Shiites and
Sunnis would restore the prestige and glory of the Islamic caliphate. Zarqawi was looked at first to
get rid of the US presence in Iraq, therefore he carried out several attacks with supporting from
Syria and Iran. The aim of the attack on the US forces is a attractive factor for his supporters and
prove the sincerity of his intentions. He announced his rebellion against al Qaeda after bin Laden s
objection to some of his policy pursued in Iraq and that it will undermine the strength of Al Qaeda.
He announced his defection and formed the organization of so called
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Certified Financial Planner
Certified Financial planner Being a certified financial planner is not for everyone, this title is
considered a professional title in the financial planning field (Certified Financial Planner Salary).
Certified Financial Planners have many tasks. They document and revise financial plans for
clients and identify client s financial goals, concerns, and opportunities. Financial planners must
be very reliable, so clients will have the confidence to invest their money in that person (Otts,
Chip). The profession of a certified financial planner is a growing career field that is desperate
for eager students to care for the financial needs of individuals within our country, and after
interviewing an actual financial planner I realized how passionate about the career field. In order
to become a certified financial planner, there are certain education and examination requirements
that prospective financial planners must pass. The prospective financial planner must hold a
bachelor s degree or higher from an accredited college or university. They must also complete
college level coursework through a program that is registered with the CFP Board. This program
must address the major financial planning areas identified by CFP Board s most recent Job
Analysis Study (CFP Board Education Requirement). After completing certain... Show more content
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I would say the main pros of my job are flexibility, the happiness of helping people, and the salary,
state Chip Otts. The work hours of a certified financial planner vary, but the most common hours are
from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Although, the average financial planner has extreme flexibility during
those set hours. For example, most financial planners work through appointments (Otts, Chip).
They set appointments that work into there schedule. This gives people the ability to spend time
with there families, attend important events, and to be involved in their children s lives (Otts,
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Savage Reservation In Brave New World
Both Brave New World and The Dispossessed have different takes on utopia, a place or state of
ideal perfection and excellence. However, the savage reservation in Brave New World has a lack
of government, which allows for the people there to freely decide how they would wish to live,
unlike the World State or Anarres in The Dispossessed. The World State and Anarres have
controlling governments that monitors all ideas to decide if they are considered dangerous to the
society and regulates the opinions of the people.The savage reservation in Aldous Huxleys Brave
New Worldis more utopian than both the modern World State and Ursula Le Guin s communist
planet of Anarres from The Dispossessed because it maximizes freedom while minimizing the
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People at the savage reservation are less controlled because their culture and society is less
structured due to its small size. The general leader has less to worry about when leading a small
group rather than a large population in terms of riots, wars, and revolutions, therefore major control
is unnecessary. In the World State however, the population is immense because of their method of
creating babies in test tubes. To sustain peace, happiness, and the feeling of utopia, the government
uses its control to give everyone in the same class the same opinion. This is done through
conditioning, which includes forcing babies to associate electric shocks to certain items and
hypnopædia. In the beginning of the book, the Director says The child s mind is these
suggestions, and the sum of the suggestions is the child s mind... but all these suggestions are
our suggestions! (Huxley 29) when describing why hypnopædia is used on the children as they
grow up. This quote shows how the government s opinions are forced into the entire population s
head as they grow up and that they are proud to be controlling their minds. This method may
prevent wars over different beliefs and make everyone satisfied that they are in their assigned
social class, but it also takes away individuality and freedom. Anarres is also heavily populated,
so the Odonians are taught to believe that the people on Urras are corrupt and evil to keep them
from wanting to leave Anarres or make contact with Urras. The extent of this belief is seen when
Shevek explains why he might not return from Urras by stating, Anybody outside Defense could
make explosives with blasting powder and blow up the ship on the ground. Or, more likely, attack
me once I was outside the ship. (Le Guin 378). The people of Anarres think that Urras is so
malicious that a fellow Odonian would not be
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The Second Oldest After The Westin
The Sheraton name is a long standing brand under Starwood hotels and is currently the second
oldest after the Westin. The headquarters for Sheraton hotels is located in White Plains, New
York, but was founded in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1937. Ernest Henderson and Robert
Moore adapted to the name Sheraton Hotel after acquiring an earlier hotel with that same name.
According to them, their was a large lit sign on the roof that bore this name, but it was too heavy
to move and too expensive to change and so from there on they decided to call all future hotels,
Sheraton. By 1939, three hotels had been established by Henderson and Moore and more wore
opening up on the east coast at a rapid past. In 1945, the Sheraton hotel chain... Show more content
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The hotel has eight meeting rooms, including 15,000 feet of function space, and is great for any
event. The staff here can help anyone throw an amazing event that is tailored to all their needs.
Also, in order to stay connected there are personal computers in the Smart Rooms with High
Speed Internet Access. After a long day working or sightseeing it is also nice to come back and
relax in one of the six hundred guest rooms and suites. A great night sleep is sure to satisfy
anyone, especially when soft duvets, crisp cotton sheets, and down pillows of the Sheraton Sweet
Sleeper Bed are provided. Here at the Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel it is easy to enjoy all the
comforts of home. In regards to my observations on the company s structure observed and
experienced, I have noticed many factors inherent to Chinese business, much different than those in
the United States. Noticeably, there is clearly a hierarchy in order. Everyone reports to their own
manager and that manager reports to their manager and so on until they reach the general manager.
For example, there was this one incident where one guest wanted his old room rate, but was soon
informed that he had to make prior arrangements in order to receive it again. Unfortunately, since he
did not make prior arrangements this time the guest became very angry and started yelling at the
front desk staff.
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The Four Gospels Research Paper
The Four Gospels Reflection Paper I believe it was important to have the word from the four
Gospels. Each Gospel highlighted different events of Jesus life. Matthew portrays Jesus as the son
of David and is mostly speaking to the Jews. Mark shows Jesus as the son of Man and starts with
the beginning of His ministry. Luke tells about Jesuslife from birth all the way to His death and
ascension. Finally, John writes as an eyewitness of Jesus life and shows Him as the Son of God.
Without having the four Gospels, we wouldn t have a true picture of Jesus life. The Gospelof
Matthew starts from the beginning of Jesus s life. Gundry (2012) states, The Gospel starts with
the nativity of Jesus (chapters 1 2). The rest of the Gospel takes up primarily Marcan narrative
(usually condensed) and inserts five discourses of Jesus... (p. 188). The book was written to show
Jesus teaching, however, Gundry (2012) suggests a stronger reason. ...the Gospel gives a much
stronger impression of having been written to strengthen the Jewish Christians in their suffering of
persecution, to warn them against laxity and apostasy, and to urge them to use their persecution as
an opportunity for the evangelism of all nations (p. 189). The Gospel of Matthewalso traces Jesus
genealogy from Abraham, referencing Jesus as the son of David in chapter 1. Even... Show more
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240). The book of John tells us information not found in Matthew. Gundry states these as, ...several
hymns and an account of John the Baptist s birth as well as Jesus birth (p. 241). Luke is the only
Gospel that describes Jesus ascension. When he had led them out of the vicinity of Bethany, he
lifted up his hands and blessed them. While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up
into heaven (Luke
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Blessed Be Research Paper
Blessed Be originates from The Five Fold Kiss , a ritual created by the found of Wicca, Gerald
Gardner, as the main Initiation Rite. It is commonly done during dedication and initiation rites.
The Five Fold Kiss ritual involves kissing five parts of the body and performed within a circle,
each kiss given is accompanied by a blessing. Blessed Be is used to grant the blessings of the
deity onto a person in a sacred way, asking the powers that be to invoke a person in countless
religions. Like countless many, I simply assumed that the term Blessed Be was a form of
granting blessing upon another person as we departed from one another; no different than
saying Good bye , but now I understand that it has a higher meaning than that. I do not use it in
my life at the moment as I am still learning and growing, but feel it may be used in future rituals
that I may either take part in or do myself. It is a term that I will only use when absolutely
necessary to ask the deities to bless someone or it is needed for myself during a ritual or casting.
I know now it is not something to be taken lightly. The term is used today by many Pagans and
Wiccans in their practices. Misinformed people may use it in terms as described above, to bless
someone in departure, as in saying Good bye . Though it is often used to call forth energies of the
Gods and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is also good to know where the term originated from as The Five Fold Kiss truly seems to be a
ritual that blesses the person with each kiss to specific body parts. I also found it interesting how,
when thinking about it or picturing it, the kisses are done to form an invisible shape of the
pentagram. When wishing to get involved with something or learn something new, I feel like it is
always a good thing to know where things originate from, even if it is just the
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Curricular Birds Response
How does feeing behavior change in the instance a threating noise is made, such as the call of a
predatory bird? Will the feeding birds habituate to a predator s call over time? What about
woodland birds vs. more urban birds?
Dependent Variable: (two measured variables) Duration of time birds stay away from nest (how
long does it take for the first bird to come back) and how many birds left and ran after the
presentation of the sound, how many birds come to feed after: 1 min, 2 min,
If the birds are presented with a potentially alarming stimulus such as the call of a predatory bird
or the sound of a loud bell, they will initially fly away and take shelter. Overtime, birds will start to
habituate to this sound, and will be less likely to fly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Once all birds have been counted I will play the sound and note the actions of the birds (freeze or
flee) along with noting the number of birds that have left and the number that stayed at the
feeder. I will then measure the number of birds feeding over a 10 minute period (how many
birds are feeding at 1 min mark, 2 min mark, 3 min mark...etc.). At the end of the 10 minute
period, I will replay the sound and repeat the process 5 more times. In addition to tallying the
number of birds present I will measure how long it took for the first bird to come back to the feeder.
I will do each condition for a total of 3 5 times (occurring once every other day), over a one hour
per day. Each trial will be 10 minutes long, with the next occurring immediately at the end of the
previous one. A total of 6 trials will be conducted per day. I will leave at least one week in
between conditions (bell vs predator call) to account for any habituation.
I will compare all trails with one another to see if there are any differences. I will also compare
the responses of birds in a natural woodland setting to that of birds in a more urban setting. Then I
will use both conditions to see if the birds were responding to just the presentation of a loud sound,
or were responding to the threating call, giving me the ability to determine if the birds can make a
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Essay On LED Lighting
Opposite to some popular wisdom, retail stores are not dead, and they will not be replaced by
online operations. People (who use a product or service) continue to spend money at retail
establishments, if for no other reason than to see the physical products that they might later order
online. The store s goal in this competitive (surrounding conditions) is to make the retail outlet and
its products so attractive that the (related to people who use a product or service) (instances of
buying things for money) the product right then and there, rather than ordering it electronically.
LED lighting for retail outlets has made strong toward this goal.
Large retail stores in the past depended ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A store can install a variety of LED lighting options to backlight products or to create indirect or
quiet lighting in different parts of a store. Display cases for smaller items, such as jewelry of
personal fashion can be lit with brighter LED s that draw attention to fine patterns and textures.
Since LED lights operate at low temperatures and without creating the excess heat that is just like
traditional display case lighting, the store s products that are bought and sold will not be harmed
by any excess warmth in display cases.
Many stores operate on thin (how much money is being made), which forces them to reduce
operating costs wherever possible. LED lighting for retail has the possible ability to reduce a
retail store s electrical utility costs by more than half. Modern LED lighting is so (producing a
lot with very little waste) that it can create the same or better lighting as a traditional lighting
fixture with less than half of the electrical energy input. LED bulbs also last longer than other
forms of lighting, and the store s lighting maintenance costs will be reduced. LED lighting for
retail therefore has the possible ability to increase a store s sales and to reduce overhead costs, all
of which gives directly to a store s (money made/good things received).
Stores that operate stand alone locations that are separate from large malls and other shopping
outlets can make their stores more inviting with bright exterior LED lighting. A shopper will
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The Pros And Cons Of North Stradbroke Island
North Stradbroke Island (NSI), also known as Minjerribah to its indigenous people, the
Quandamooka people, is the second largest island in the world, covering an area of 275.2 km2.
The island has a wide range of ecosystems including open beaches, frontal dunes, rocky
headlands, mangroves, and tidal swamps (Stradbrokeisland.com, 2018). On the island, the sand
mining company, Sibelco, are to close their operation on NSI in 1919. This decision has been
made through the exploration of advantages and disadvantages of undertaking sand mining on
NSI, as well as alternative sources of economic income and planning replacement employment.
When making the decision to close Sibelco s sand mining on the island, it was important to
remain mindful to the natives of the island and their ideals, traditions and sacred land. In
considering all of these factors, it is most ideal for Sibelco s sand mining operations on NSI to close.
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Sibelco sand mining company was founded in 1872 and have become a multinational business.
They use raw materials from the environment to provide solutions for society and support the cradle
to cradle loop (Sibelco, 2018). Cradle to cradle is a sustainable business strategy that mimics the
regenerative cycle of nature in which waste is reused (Winston, n.d.). Sibelco utilises the cradle to
cradle loop in order to maintain environmental mindfulness whilst working closely with local
authorities and optimising their operational performance, ensuring the smallest amount of
disruption (Sibelco,
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Nelson Mandela, A Brief History and Impact
MEETING THE GREAT MAN Nelson Mandela 1918 2013 I have fought against white
domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a
democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal
opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal
for which I am prepared to die. Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918 in a royal family of a
tribe in a South African village in Mvezo, Thembu. Ever since he was a child, he would listen to
the resistance war stories from his elders and dreamt with contributing to the cause of liberating his
people. It was this way that he found the passion which, through the years, would... Show more
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After a democratic poll, they began preparations for an armed fight, creating The Umkhonto we
Sizwe (Spear of the nation) also known as MK, a group of fighters that believed South Africa
belonged to everyone who lived there, and not just for a group of black and white people. Real
leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people. With the name David
Motsomayi, on January 11, 1962, Nelson Mandela left South Africa secretly. He traveled
through Africa and United Kingdom to gain support for the armed battle, but he was detained by
two guards from Howick on August 5 when he was returning from KwaZuu Natal. He had to
complete a 5 year sentence for leaving the country illegally and for promoting strikes among the
people. Even when Mandela was incarcerated, his colleagues were giving the movement pushes;
but on January 1963, the police found an ANC secret hideout in Rivona, where planning
documents for the guerrilla were found; that s why, on that year, Mandela and some colleagues
faced a trial known as the Rivona trial where he was sentenced for the rest of his life. Before
entering jail, he had the opportunity to transmit to their people the integrity behind his actions: I
always expected my life would give me the opportunity to serve my people and make my humble
contribution to the cause. This is what motivated me to
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Marie Maynard Daly Research Paper
Marie Maynard Daly was an american biochemist. She was the first black american in america to
have ph.D in chemistry. She use to go to Columbia University in 1947. She was born in 1921 and
died in 2003.Daly worked as a physical science instructor at Howard University from 1947 to 1948
while simultaneously conducting research under the direction of Herman Branson. After being
awarded an American Cancer Society grant to support her postdoctoral research, she joined Dr. A.
E. Mirsky at the Rockefeller Institute, where they studied the cellnucleus. While at the Rockefeller
Institute, Daly studied the nuclei of tissues to determine the base compositions of the deoxypentose
nucleic acids present. Additionally she explored the role of cytoplasmic
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Patrick Reed Research Paper
The world is infatuated with celebrities and people of power. Whether the person is the President
of the United States or Kim Kardashian, everyone has the dream of having dinner with someone
of high social class. All of the magazine cover in the checkout lane of Publix have pictures of
celebrities or athletes on them. There are so many celebrities that I would like to have a
conversation with; however, the person that I chose to meet is PGA Tourplayer Patrick Reed. He is
my favorite pro golfer and has been since he turned pro in 2011. He is an amazing golfer and even
better person. I want to have dinner with Patrick because he attended a state college, is a
successful PGA Tour player, and was a member of the Ryder cup team. The first reason why I
incline to have dinner with Patrick Reed is that he attended a state college instead of a Big 10
college with a good golfteam. Patrick was able to get good grades while continuing his golf career
at the same time. At the dinner table, I would ask him how maintained both grades and golf at the
same time. Patrick Reed not only maintained his skills while going to college, but strengthened his
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I want to have this dinner with Patrick because it is My dream to become a PGA Tour player as
well. This would give me the opportunity to ask Patrick Reed all about the steps to becoming a
professional. The most important thing that must be asked about his practice schedule. I need
to find out what his practice routine was when he was trying to become a pro and ask if his
routine has changed any since he became a pro. Finding out what his favorite part about being a
successful golfer would be a privilege. Then I desire to ask Patrick what his least favorite part
about being a celebrity is. I am going to ask Patrick Reed what it is like warming up at a PGA
Tour event, or ask how it feels to make the tournament winning putt on the last
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Stereotypes In Aziz Ansari s Master Of None
The Netflix original Master of None in its 10 episodes covers substantial ground from first
generation children in America and women s rights to the struggle for people of color,
specifically of Asian decent. With a plethora of shows that just can t seem to integrate an array
of people from various walks of life, with varied opinions, personalities, and beliefs, Master of
None stands alone. It s a breath of fresh air and a rainbow of colors, experiences, upbringings, and
genders. Could this series be the beginning of a much needed shift in televisionand art?
Getting to know each character is a pleasure. The main character Dev played by Aziz Ansari is a
first generation Asian American young adult embarking on his early thirties. He s conflicted about
his career goals, his relationship aspirations, his future, and his life in general. He somewhat
coincidentally gets into acting and through royalties and consistent work makes a decent living.
But like many working people, Dev just isn t sure he s fulfilled in his field. He s not convinced it s
truly his calling or passion. Throughout the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They add comic relief with their quick and witty banter. Denise offers a moral compass while
Arnold offers a free and unusual spirit. Brian too is a first generation Asian American. Dev and
Brian are able to connect, understanding the intricacies and dynamics of parents who immigrated
and gave up so much to make a better life for their families. We watch flashbacks of both Dev and
Brian s parents moving to America. We see the dreams they had, the things they wanted to do with
their lives. Quickly it becomes evident the true sacrifice and the deep and inevitable struggle.
Because their parents succeeded, Brian and Dev live a very different and better life. With this
comes the sometimes neglectful and irked demeanor of kids that don t fully understand their
parents and their reasons for doing things taking them a bit for
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Visual Exploration Of Video Games
Through the course of the English 1102 Folklore In Video Games class, I not only gained
exposure to the analytic exploration of video games, but developed as a reader, writer, and
presenter. While playing video games in an English class was a refreshingly different experience,
learning how to analyze these games and showcase my knowledge through multimodal projects and
presentations were the major takeaways from this course. Additionally, the included artifacts
emphasized both individual responsibility and teamwork. As a result I was able to become a
competent individual worker as well as a responsible collaborator. The multimodal nature of the
artifacts developed my existing skills and brought me out of my comfort zone of traditional... Show
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The peer review process was critical towards the improvement of my work. For the first artifact,
which was the standard essay, I drafted the essay and received feedback on my thesis via email
from my professor Dr. Addcox as well as my roommate. The changes suggested to me clarified
my paper and strengthened my argument. It was in my second artifact however that I realized
the importance of getting an outside opinion on my work. For this assignment I had to create a
new storyline for a video game we played in class. The storyline we created had to be a
branching narrative and under the pressure of developing my own storyline my storyline was not
a proper branching narrative. After developing my first draft, I had a collaborative conference
with my professor (Dr. Addcox), where I received feedback which helped me incorporate a
branching narrative structure into my idea. I then had a comprehensive peer review session with a
classmate, which allowed me to refine my storyline and improve upon details.
The first two artifacts that were individually completed taught me how to work with discipline
over a period of time, something that I had not often done in high school. For the first assignment
a blog post based on a short reading had to be converted into a polished essay. While this seemed
like a simple task, I had to re read the short story to develop a purposeful thesis and had to add
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The Long Term And Short Term Memory
According to philosopher psychologist William James, memory is a generalized concept that
encompasses the long term and short term memory. Kendra Cherry, psychologist expert, defines
long term memory as storage of information over an extended period. (Cherry n.d.) An individual s
long term memory is structured by a semi permanent chemical and the anatomical hippocampus.
The hippocampus is in the center of both hemispheres of the brain and works in accordance with
the amygdala to allow information to be imported to form memories. In relation to her research of
the long term memory, Cherry also provided information on the characterization of the short
memory which is described as, the primary or active memory that presently takes in information.
(Cherry n.d.) The thalamus is a large portion of a dual lobed mass of matter that is located under the
cerebral cortex. An individual s brain goes through three stages of the retention of information
which are: encoding, storage, and retrieval. Our brain codes information in three methods which is
through visual, acoustic, and semantic simulation. Encoding means that certain signals are sent to
the brain. Storage means that the brain is maintaining information over time. Information is
received through the working memory that consist of auditory memory and spatial memory.
(Morrin, n.d) Spatial memory captures the visual aspects of the information being presented to the
There are two types of rehearsals: maintenance
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Why Is Field Artillery Important
Field Artillery traces its history back to 1775. However, artillery as we know it today is a proud
profession that traces its origins and honorable traditions to centuries before the birth of Christ
(Unknown). In the 18th century Frederick the Great of Prussia began mounting cannoneers on the
backs of horses. This in turn gave the Field Artillery great mobility and the ability to accompany
cavalry. With the development of trucks, horse artillery and horse drawn artillery evolved into the
towed artillery, as we know today (Unknown). The American field artillery has answered the call to
arms in every major war and conflict, evolving our technology, equipment, and cannoneers to
employ these changes in battle. The American Field Artillery was born November 17, 1775, when
Henry Knox, a 26 year old self taught artilleryman, appointed to Chief of the Continental Artillery
(Unknown). In August of 1775, a New York militia company on Manhattan Island confiscated 21
original nine pounders. Fifty nine cannons were on Dorchester Heights and Nook s Hill
overlooking Boston by March 2 1776. General Washington ordered the bombardment of the city,
and thus began the traditions of the American Field Artillery (Unknown). The remaining action
seen during the Revolutionary War was the final... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Americans used artillery in several ground engagements when fighting the bulk of the War at
sea. The artillery during this time consisted mostly of six pounders. Large caliber size howitzers
reduced to 12, 18 and 24 pounders in 1824. Secretary of War Joel Roberts Poinsett directed the
establishment of an artillery training camp at Camp Washington and later established four light
batteries; one for each of the four artillery regiments at the time. Major Ringgold s battery, the
fourth light battery, was equipped with the new light 6 pounder and was the only true horse artillery
in the service
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Slowpitch Softball Bat Research Papers
Choosing The Finest Slowpitch Softball Bat Perhaps your slowpitch softball team get far in the
last tournament as you had hoped for, or did not make it this year. You definitely don t want that
to occur next year! The good news is, it does not have to. Don t let them. The response to
becoming a fantastic team may be as easy as getting a brand new one and eliminating that used
slowpitch softball bat. Selecting a brand new softball bat isn t easy, but it does take a little
research. Don t just walk into Walmart and pick up a $20 no name bat and call it a day. That
would be an enormous mistake if you are looking to improve your team s play and swing for the
fence. Today, softball bat technology has went to a fresh level. It is incredible at how much
technology has come with softball equipment. You must stay on top of this technology if... Show
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The Worth Mayhem softball bat is certainly one of its top models, with a retail cost of $299. The
most recent slowpitch softball bat from Worth is the Jeff Hall Mayhem M7 model that is new.
Brand new for 2007 this bat is an incredibly limited edition model with only 2,000 being available
for distribution. The bat features an even bigger sweet spot than the regular Mayhem model of it
s. Miken is another of the top producers of softball equipment. The slowpitch softball bat that is
certainly receiving the most attention is their FREAK model. Retailing for around $299, the
FREAK offers a 13.5 barrel, plus it s designed to hit the ball LONG and over the fence! All top of
the line Miken bats include the E Flex ESD (Extended Sweet Spot) technology. They have been
also end loaded, which gives maximum space. Plus, the ADDICT additionally includes a thinner
bat manage for even more control. The knob is coated with their X Tack coating for added control.
You will do your team well by choosing among the Miken version
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Hairstyling Research Paper
Vintage Hairstyling
It is always said that old is gold and this saying can be rightly proved by vintage hairstyling,
which is so much in demand now days. Vintage hairstyles are the hairstyles from 190 s era. The
hairstyles in those years were so smart and subtle that women and men from all across the world
are opting for them instead of new hairstyles of current era. Vintage type hairstyles include styling
your hair in a way that they are not messy at all. Any vintage style that you would see has hair set
properly and no frizz or loose hair is there.
Vintage hairstyling is not that easy and one needs to have a professional hairstylist to achieve any
vintage hairstyle. There are many styles that you can go for and create a different look altogether.
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Quotes In The Count Of Monte Cristo
God will give me justice one of the line in the story the Count of Monte Cristo that mark into my
The story is about a man named Edmond Dantes who is punished to a crime that he didn t omit.
He suffers from about 13 years of imprisonment, because of his ignorance he wasn t able to fight
for his right. I admire his braveness inside the jail, his faith in God even though he become weak
and starting to lost his faith in God when time comes that he already lost his hope that God will
save him and give him justice. Because of his ignorance he can t do nothing but to just go with the
flow of his life, but God is really good, because Edmond meet this man a priest who help him know
different things, teach him all his knowledge for Edmond to
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Skin Color In Thomas Mann s Bag !
I go into public places knowing that I stand out because of my skin color, the way I dress, and
where I come from How do you feel when you go into a public place? I don t feel safe around
people who are racist or feel some type of way towards other races. When you see people looking
at you funny, how do you feel? I never thought being black was a crime or a danger to the public,
your skin color shouldn t define who you are.Our status more times than not, is defined by what
we look like, how we dress, and where we come from. How does how you look, dress, and where
you come from define your role in society? For example, status presents itself along with all
people and things. Your role in society defines who you are and how people treat you. In the
story BANG! , Mann undergoes the role of a young black man that is scared of his own people.
Mann s brother passed away from a man chasing someone with a gun, Mann has been
traumatized ever since. I can t walk on the porch, I can t go into his room. Mann can t even think
the same due to the death of his brother. The book BANG! is only a small look on the role played
by black people in the real world.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I ve been judged at a predominately white school because I am black and was treated at a lower
standard than everyone else. I am black, so I don t belong in a good school. We are all human and
we all survive the same way meaning we should all be held to the same standard. I also can t get
a 4.0 gpa and I can t wear clothes that are expensive without doing something illegal to buy it. I
feel like anyone of any skin color or gender should be treated the same and held to the same
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Antisemitism and the Gentleman s Agreement
Anti Semitism and the Gentleman s Agreement
Cultural diversity includes opinions, appearances, values, and beliefs, as well as the categories of
race, ethnicity, social class, gender, sexual orientation, and disability (Koppelman, 2011). One
method of understanding cultural diversity is through films. Films are often used as vehicles to
reveal, discuss, and explore relationships, conflicts, lessons, and/or history. In an attempt to
analyze the cultural diversity portrayed in a film, I have chosen to watch and analyze Gentleman s
Agreement . The analysis of the film will take place in four parts: (1) conflict between minority
and majority groups; (2) film s perspective in approach to the problem of anti semitism; (3) ... Show
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Wales response was: Of course, you know it will be Yes to the Green and No to the Greenbergs.
This statement serves as the basis for establishing the conflict to be exposed.
In addition to beginning and exacerbating conflicts, labeling can occur informally and formally.
Informal labels are utilized by an individual or group of individuals to establish a means of
identification for another individual or group of individuals. Formal labels are established by
institutions, such as academia and government, as a means to identify an individual or group of
individuals possessing similar characteristics.
A label has the power to define the individual or group of individuals being identified. That power
is equal to control (Koppelman, 2011). Both can have a positive or negative effect. Unfortunately,
the labels used by the majority are meant to have a negative effect. In fact, the labels are meant to
demean and hurt as much as possible. They are so negative that there seems to be the intent to
drive the labeled individual and/or group away, so they are no longer present and able to interact
with the majority.
Within the context of the movie, the minority group referred to themselves as Jewish or Jews. When
used to describe one s self, I believe that the intent was to refer to one s ethnicity, nationality, and/or
religion, because they are strongly interrelated. Typically, the majority group labels itself in a way
that clearly indicates
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Advantages Of Pairee Machine
In order to compete with the growing sectors in manufacturing industries, the manufactures must
frequently looks for the cost reduction ways while enhancing the quality of product and increasing
through put. The company should have the ability to adopt the fluctuation in marketplace. It can be
possible by automation. The machineries, process in industries are subjected to automatic control
with use of various control system called automation. It have various application in steering and
stabilization of ships, aircraft and various machining operations. The most advantages using
automation is it saves the labor. The advancement in industries leads to use of feedback control
system, usually continuous which includes taking measurements using a sensor and making the
adjustments to keep the measured variable within a set range Automation has been achieved by
various means including mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic and computers usually in
Due to the automation and innovative technologies a tough competition increasing between
manufacturing industries. These are now much concerned with their profitability and productivity.
The researchers believe that reduction of time and cost of product and increasing quality of
production are very important aspects in achieving ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Pairee SPM was ordered and brought to the Rane (madras), pvt. Limited, Ambattur branch,
Chennai in 1997 from Pairee machine tools private ltd. As the name itself states it s a special
purpose machine designed to perform Milling, Boring and drilling operations. During the year
2000 the machine was transferred to Rane (madras) Mysore branch as the steering gear box housing
component requires some operation in sequence eliminate the procuring of new machine which
cost to the company and also the machine can be modified as per the
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The Improvisational Brain By Amanda Martinez
Learning to create music or a speech spontaneously is not an easy task. Any professional musician
will say that improvisation is not as easy as just making it up as one goes along. In fact, the
musicians that make improvisation look simple are the ones who have put in countless hours of
time and study to make it look effortless. The Improvisational Brainby Amanda Martinez tells
about a neuroscientist that studied the science behind how the brain works in order to improvise.
In order to be able to be a good improviser, one must learn to shut down the dorsolateral prefrontal
cortex and let the creativity and skill take over. What about those that have limited ability? Should
they learn to improvise as well? One would argue that it is not important to learn to improvise,
whether it be musicor otherwise. However, improvising can give a person a sense of freedom from
the ordinary. This notion of trying to tell your own story, without the constraints of caring how well
it s going as you re saying it, was really pretty intriguing (Martinez p. 7). Although many struggle
being able to shut down the part of your brain that allows one to improvise, it is important to teach
children and adults alike how to improvise because it teaches creativity, divergent thinking, and
encourages better communication skills.
Improvising is defined by Merriam Webster dictionary as, to make, invent, or arrange offhand. A
classical pianist, Robert Levin said of improvisation, It s an act of
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HIPAA Discussion Paper
HIPPA Discussion What is the definition of HIPAA? HIPAA is an acronym that stands for the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It is a US law designed to provide privacy
standards to protect patients medical records, as well as other health information provided to Health
Plans, Doctors, Hospitals, and other healthcare providers (Medicinenet.com, 2017). Developed by
the Department of Health and Human Services, this program was designed to give patients better
access to their medical records and more control and how those records are distributed. What forms
of communication are protected with HIPAA guidelines? All forms of communication related to the
patient s information are protected. Those forms of communication may include any information
that is transmitted by computer or other electronic means, telephone, fax, written documentation,
audio recordings (such as telephone voice messages) or other oral communication. This protection
extends to health billing information as well. All healthcare providers and insurance providers are
bound to this privacy act. (Secretary H. O. 2017) What are the exceptions... Show more content on
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This is especially necessary if the patient is incapacitated and doing so is in the best interest of the
patient. In addition, the Privacy Rule does not prevent reporting of child abuse. Child abuse or
neglect is to be reported to the appropriate government authorities and does not conflict with HIPAA
guidelines. Another exception would be when it is necessary to comply with law enforcement for
specific medical information requests, such as an emergency request for information during a
possible bioterrorism
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Theme Of Power And Control In Macbeth
Michael Shlenskiy
Ms. Wickens
ENG2D1 05
May 25th, 2016 Foul Minds
When an individual is consumed with horrorful ambition, it causes the most unimaginable sorrow
to not only themselves but those around them. In William Shakespeare s Macbeth, the necessity of
power and control brings out the inner monster in various characters, forming the theme of
appearance vs reality. Commitments based on greed for power leads to demise, betrayal and life
changing lies, though nothing comes out well with these dark desires. The vast amount of trickery,
fraud, and betrayal could only be done by Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, and the three witches as they
are willing to live a life filled with the uncontrollable desire for power.
To begin with, Lady Macbeth s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Rather than being crowned king with respect and using the power to benefit others around him,
he does the exact opposite. To gain all power and respect, Macbeth knows he has to eliminate all
his obstacles which would include his most loyal and best friend, Banquo. As a result, after
Macbeth decides that Banquo is just another pilon that he will need to surpass, he decides, It is
concluded. Banquo, thy soul s flight, /if it finds heaven, must find it out tonight (III.I.162 163).
Macbeth, being loyal and supportive to Banquo all his life, completely betrays their friendship
for his own benefit, revealing the self centered and greedy person Macbeth has become. In
similarity, after Macbeth discovers Duncan s eldest son, Malcolm, heir to the throne, jealousy
rises in his blood, causing him to overturn this situation with the murder of King Duncan.
Macbeth becomes aware of the horrifying deed he s about to do, so he announces, Stars hide
your fires, let not light see my dark and deep desires. The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be
which the eye fears when it is done, not to see (l.lV.11). This quotation exemplifies how the use
of deception by Macbeth is used for truly evil purposes. Due to the horrible desires of Macbeth, he
believes no one, not even himself should witness the task he is about to do. Despite the fact of
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth tricking the whole kingdom
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Polio ( Poliomyelitis ) Is A Contagious Illness Caused By...
Polio (Poliomyelitis) is a very contagious illness caused by the poliovirus. The poliovirus affects
the central nervous system, and is known and feared for causing paralysis (CDC, 2015). The
virus is contracted orally (through the mouth), from fecal matter (CDC, 2015): It first goes to
the throat and digestive system (CDC, 2015). Next it enters the lymphatic system, the
bloodstream and finally the Central Nervous System (CNS), were it can cause paralysis due to
damage/destruction of the motor neurons (CDC, 2015). Only people carry the poliovirus, and
it only affects humans (CDC, 2015) No cure, only prevention (CDC, 2015). Once someone has
been in contact with the virus, it can take anywhere from 3 to 35 days to notice symptoms
(NYSDOH, 2014). Most people who contract polio do not get sick (they don t show
symptoms), but they can still pass the virus through stool and spread it to other individuals
(NYSDOH, 2014). Of the individuals who contract polio, only 4 5% get the following
symptoms: headaches, fever, nausea, vomiting, and muscle weakness (NYSDOH, 2014). 1 2%
of people with polio develop severe muscle pain and stiffness in the neck and back (NYSDOH,
2014). Paralysis caused by polio is very rare, of the total amount of individuals who contract the
virus, less than 1% become paralyzed (NYSDOH, 2014). Polio was not addressed as a serious
issue in Nigeria until the mid 1900 s (Renne, 2010). When Europeans (white people) in Nigeria
began contracting the virus,
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Digital Evidence In The Courtroom
The concept I will take from this class that I thought was important, is the concept of
admissibility. Admissibility defines how safe is the evidence collected for trial and presented
in front of a jury, and would the evidence be sound enough when making a decision in a case (
Casey, 2011, p.56). How evidence is collected and analyze and stored are some of the factors that
can have an influence on the evidence in a case. The course Book Digital Evidence and
Computer Crime, Chapter 3, Digital Evidence in the Courtroom by Eugene Casey provides an
example of a case that was presented in Maryland. In 2007. The Magistrate was conveying over a
case about the legitimacy of email. The Judgedid not allow the emails because in his view these are
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Bayesian network modeling is used to calculate the analysts judgment on the certainty of evidence
(Changwei, Singhal, Wijesekera, 2014).
Bayesian probabilities ranks the submission of evidence from the highest to lowest degree of
(1) Beyond any doubt (100%)
(2) Beyond a reasonable doubt ( 99%),
(3) Clear and convincing evidence (90 99%)
(4) Clear showing (80 90%)
(5) Substantial and credible evidence (67 80%)
(6) Preponderance of the evidence (50 67%)
(7) Clear indication (33 50%) (8) Probable cause: reasonable grounds for belief (10 33%) (9)
Reasonable, articulable grounds for suspicious (1 10%)
(10) No reasonable grounds for suspicion ( 1%)
This second method is a scientific or systematic approach method in analyzing evidence. However,
this method is not use in a civil hearing or a court of law. In conclusion, the course provided many
concepts that can be used or introduce in a case by case analysis. The one point that is common
throughout the course readings is the extraction of fact from hearsay when determining the
integrity of evidence presented in court or civil
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Electronic Monitoring System For The Correctional Facilities
The concept of Electronic Monitoring offenders was first originated by Dr. Robert Schweitzgebel
in the 1960s when he while a Harvard University designed a trial product of an electronic
monitoring system. Even though Dr. Schweitzgebel made this invention in the 1960s; however, it
took many years to have the system been used by the departments of correction. At first, the intent
of Dr. Schweitzgebel was to allow the population of the correctional facilities to not be saturated
by many people at once and to rehabilitate those whose self esteem suffered from losing their
liberties and free will. The objectives of this system or alternative was intended to reduce the
amount of money the tax payers were paying to house inmates in the... Show more content on
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Review of Literature:
This futuristic alternative to monitored perpetrators was first initiated in the State of Massachusetts
which in 2005 began using the full GPS bracelet (The Office of Commissioner of Probation, 2014).
Electronic monitoring provides the governments with an alternative to prevent the overcrowding of
correctional facilities within a country. At the same time it provides the governments with
additional ways to counter attack the ways the criminal justice system can deal with perpetrators
after court proceedings are completed. The idea is to work out a way to keep a given community
safely, but at the same time to give the perpetrators with an opportunity to be able to rehabilitate and
to better themselves and becoming a productive member of the community and their families.
The government states that electronic monitoring still is way inexpensive than housing a
perpetrator in a correctional facility. However, when the government takes into consideration all the
pieces involving the monitoring of a person within a jurisdiction and all the pieces needed to make
this happen then it can be quiet expensive monetarily and with safety concerns. Can the government
accurately supervise a
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Gamsat Essay Marking Online. Online assignment writing service.
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  • 2. Zachary Rowe Research Paper Zach Rowe Hawkins Biology, Block 6 13 May 2016 Alaska climate change and decreasing in population My name is Zachary Rowe, I am going to talk about the global warming weather effects in Alaska and how it has affected the population of various living animal species. The number of large predators living in the southern Beaufort Sea of Alaska has decreased from 1,500 animals in 2001, to just under 900 in 2010. As the species are decreasing in numbers, they are now listed as vulnerable by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Another problem in 2013, a report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have seen a decline in reindeer inside Alaskan boundaries. These aren t the only species whose populations has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have observed that approximately one million reindeer were alive in 2000, now in 2013 only 700,000 units remain. Also, scientists have recorded that many ranging deer herds are significantly smaller than they have been in the past several recorded years. In 2012 the International Fund of Wildlife s according to the national geographic Jeff Flocked said, There has been roughly a 60 percent decline from historical high levels, and that the decline was caused by suspected climate change . Researchers in Finland have found that the grazing of a reindeer could help prevent solar heat absorption, which in the result; can lead to climate change temperature swings. Scientists have also found out that in areas where reindeer don t graze there are higher levels of heat radiation. Wooded areas are showing that the levels of shrubs and trees have also absorbed heat. Swedish scientists has found that reindeer can also prevent the climate change caused of a spread of invasive species in the Arctic Tundra. A study from Redlist Industrial Development and Human Activity shows that poaching animals are also major threats to the reindeers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Aeruginosa Case Studies aeruginosa is a Gram negative bacterium capable of surviving in a wide range of environments. It is an opportunistic pathogen and it is commonly associated with nosocomial infections and infections of severely burned individuals, and are a leading cause of death in severe respiratory infections1. In particular, P. aeruginosa is the leading cause of chronic pulmonary infections and mortality in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients2. Infections with P. aeruginosa are difficult to eradicate, due to their high levels of antibiotic resistanceand growth in biofilms3. Bacterial communication occurs through a well developed system termed the quorum sensing (QS) system. QS system is the regulation of gene expression in response to fluctuations in cell population density. Quorum sensing bacteria produce and release chemical signal molecules called autoinducers that increase in concentration as a function of cell density. Cell cell communication via autoinducers occurs both within and between ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... aeruginosa12. Analysis of patients sputa revealed the presence of both lasI and lasR transcripts13. Other studies upon different animal models of P. aeruginosa infections including the thermally injured mouse model and the mouse models of acute and chronic lung infections revealed the importance of QS in the virulence of P. aeruginosa 14,15,16,17. These studies compared the virulence of P. aeruginosa mutants that carried deletions within QS genes with that of their parent strain. They showed that the mortality rate among thermally injured mice infected with QS mutants was significantly lower than that in mice infected with the parent strain. In addition, the mutants were significantly defective in their ability to spread either locally within the thermally injured skin or systemically within the bodies of the thermally injured/infected ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. The Acts of Racism In The 20th Century Essay The Act s of Racism In The 20th Century nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou were very well known authors of the early 20th century. Most of their writings were concerned with racism and equality. During that time period there was much evidence that African Americans had been treated unfairly, unjustly, and as if they had been beneath the whites. Segregation of schools, churches, bathrooms, and stores were only a few of the many things wrong with this ere. Racism was very apparent in the two short stories Graduation and One Friday Morning . In one of these, a young girl is put down because of the color of her skin, and in the other, a whole class and audience were made to feel lower than they should have.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;She was treated very differently, and this caused her to have a different outlook on the atmosphere in which she was living. The scholarship being taken away from her, for this reason was unfortunate because she had worked hard to be recognized in the contest, and had succeeded in winning it, only to have it taken away form her because she was not a young white girl. Her friends and her mother were expecting to hear a wonderful surprise from her in her speech at the assembly. Racism came into play because this was the reason why she did not receive the scholarship. Embarrassment also came into play because she had to go through all of that public humiliation. At first her situation was a positive one and then it became negative because of the ignorance of a few shallow white supremacists. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;In Maya Angelou s short story Graduation racism was also evident in many ways. The story started off happy, and then it had a very sad ending.. A group of eighth graders at an all black school were anticipating their graduation. They could hardly wait for it. The whole town was excited. This was a very big deal, and a lot of people had been looking forward to it. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;The day had finally arrived, and everyone was seated in their chairs at the ceremony waiting for the speaker. His name was Mr. Donleavy. He was a white male, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Southwest Airlines And Lincoln Electric Company About Southwest Airlines and Lincoln Electric Company: (Questions 1.a and 1.b): a. What are the objectives of each company s approach to benefits and services? I believe that the first step here is to go through the actual approach of Southwest Airlines and Lincoln Electric Company in respect to the workers benefits and services. Nevertheless, both these particular companies do in fact have complete dissimilar approaches to motivate and encourage their workers. Here is a few examples that Lincoln Electric Company believes in: They believe in making consumers feel accountable to the actual success of the company, which can be done by connecting the compensation of the workers to the achievement of the company as a whole. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lincoln Electric Company also believed in a lean labor force to lessen workers hours as the demand dropped and then compensated for that with overtime hours in periods of busy demand, where the workers could make more wages. Here are examples of Southwest Airlines approach to motivating and encouraging the workers that was in fact more than just financial benefits. For instance, Southwest Airlines believe that the payment in salary would bring the workers to work on time, make them work for their allotted time. However, the problem was what how to make their workers enjoy the work they do each day and be satisfied about it. So, Southwest felt as if the only means to do so was to stimulate motivation and accordance with the company as a whole. Also, Southwest made their company a better place in which to work in that would draw attention to the workers and keep them content/satisfied as well. Southwest Airlines felt as if the workers who actually went out of their way to aid customers, did in fact, deserve a public praise or hand shake. So each and every month Southwest s magazine Spirit would printout a story or article of one special worker who went out of their way to deliver the best/exceptional customer satisfaction. It also has the greater number of Couples working in any company, which made the company more like a complete family. b. how well do the benefits ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Business Manager Is An Individual Imposed With The Running... A business manager is an individual imposed with the running of a business. A business manager ensures that the strategies proposed are implemented to the benefit of the company. Managers organize and coordinate the execution of tasks, monitor their implementation, and motivate employees. With these activities, they seek to meet the organization s goals: to maintain and increase productivity and profits, to meet the changing and more specific customer needs, and to introduce technological changes in the work process. I have always been interested in business management. I am getting my Associate degree at Salt Lake Community College, and then transferring to Business school. With an associate s degree in business, I will qualify for entry ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bachelor s degree programs in business administration equip students with management skills that can apply to all industries and business settings ( What Are the Requirements to Become a Business Manager? ). I may increase my chances of employment and advancement by earning a master s degree in business administration or another closely related field. Administrative service managers with a master s degree may benefit from greater job opportunities and promotion to upper level positions. Nearly 94 percent of all business management majors found jobs after graduation, with 90 percent of that number landing in full time positions. About 26 percent ended up in management, 18 percent in sales, 15 percent in office work and 10 percent in finance (Locsin). I believe that business skills are crucial for the development of any career. Formal or not, business skills are a commitment for anyone who wants to succeed. Management skills are crucial to running a business; a business administration background can apply to almost any industry within the business world. Those who study business management develop the leadership and administrative skills to run their own business, a company department or an entire corporation (Locsin). I was able to interview Kenneth Smuin, an operations manager at the IntegraCore. I used to work for the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Public Health Assumptions The preconception and assumption that I have about people and the world strongly affects how I interact and approach the problems that I may face in the research world. I have learned that the environment I grew up in, the training I have had the people, the religion I believe in and the people I interact with all have a substantial impact on my the view of public health and research. Besides, my nationality, my age, gender, and sexual orientation all strongly affect the way I approach issues sometimes, and this can be explicit or inexplicit. It is important that, as a public health practitioner, I understand the biases that my personal history brings to public health research. Also, the way I view the world is different from how other people... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Statistical significance and p values are important for the kind of audience I that may be interested in my research and the kind of problem that I want to study. However, after doing some deep reflections about my preconceptions and assumptions, I realize that the world is experienced differently. Therefore, it is important that scholars in public health appreciate this reality and should be able to relate with different epistemology in social research. Furthermore, I know that sometimes the challenges to improving health care, for example, are not found in the statistical significance of data. For instance, after the construction of a health centre within the community, government evaluation revealed that delivery under a skilled health worker was still low in the community. Under such situations, I can only improve outcome if my intention is to understand the meaning that the community attaches to childbirth. On the other hand, a positivist approach could easily be used to improve policy because of the statistical significance. Also, research based in this area quickly attracts funding from governments (Scotland, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. The Moonstone Religion The Moonstone written by Wilkie Collins is a superb read. The titular object is the main focus of the novel. The Moonstone s whereabouts are unknown for much of the novel. Several detectives including Superintendent Seagrave and Sergeant Cuff try to solve the case. While there are differences between the First Narrative of the First Period by Gabriel Betteredge and the First Narrative of the Second Period written by Drusilla Clack, I think many of the elements remain the same. Christianity is a theme throughout the book. The inferiority of women is a sexist idea in both narratives as well. Finally, both narrators have genuine concern for Rachel. Christianity is so important in this book as a whole because the narrators leading up to page 263 constantly bring up things from that religion. Miss Clack sort of rides a high horse too, as she tries to encourage others to accept Christianity. She has a sense of Christian duty and an idea of what is worthy of a Christian Englishwoman (239, 241). Her devotion even goes to the point that Rachel interprets something Miss Clack said as suggesting that Rachel s mother went to hell (261 262). While some of her ideas may be rooted in reality, some of her other ways of thinking are arguably delusional. For instance, she calls herself a Christian persecuted by the world (263). Not only does she feel... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is shown when Betteredge flat out narrates that he regards any other opinion of Rachel other than that of Rachel s mother with a lofty contempt (177). He also believes in Rachel s innocence and tries to defend her from Sergeant Cuff s scrutiny (177, 178). As for Miss Clack, she clearly says to Rachel when she is getting ready to move in with Mr. Bruff that I can t part with you! (261). She tries to get Rachel to live with her, even resorting to bringing up Christianity and hinting to Rachel that Rachel s mother may not have went to heaven (261, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Differences Between Science And Pseudoscience Chapter 1: 1.1.hypothesis is a tentative prediction or proposal which is has not been validated. Only once the hypothesis has been rigorously tested by scientists can it be elevated to the status of a scientific theory or law. 1.2.The scientific method can not be used to deny or prove the existence of God due to there not being supported facts to answer questions that are asked. It is also very broad. 1.3. Controlled Experiments allows scientists to construct a situation so that only one variable is present. They are necessary to support a hypothesis because you form your questions and hypothesis off of the different experiment groups. 1.4.Make observation, ask questions, form hypothesis, test hypothesis, draw conclusion, Develop new ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 1.8.Unique Structural organization, metabolic processes, generative process, responsive processes, control processes 1.9.Regulation involves altering the rate of processes. Coordination occurs at several levels within an organism and also occurs at the organism level. Chapter #3: 2.1.The primary difference between organic compounds and inorganic compounds is that organic compounds always contain carbon while most inorganic compounds do not contain carbon. 2.2.The property of Catenation and its electronegativity 2.3. Simple Sugars glucose and Fructose, Complex sugars glycogen and cellulose 2.4. Hydrogen, Oxygen, and carbon 2.5. 1. Primary: refers to the unique sequence of amino acids in the protein. All proteins have a special sequence of amino acids, this sequence is derived from the cell s DNA. 2. Secondary : the coiling or bending of the polypeptide into sheets is referred to the protein s secondary structure. alpha helix or a beta pleated sheet are the basic forms of this level. They can exist separately or jointly in a protein. 3. Tertiary: The folding back of a molecule upon itself and held together by disulfide bridges and hydrogen bonds. This adds to the protein s stability. 4. Quaternary: Complex structure formed by the interaction of 2 or more polypeptide chains. 2.6 Structural protiens: maintaining the shape of cells and organisms. Regulator Protiens: Help determine what activities will occur in the
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  • 11. A Brief Note On Seismic Hazard Analysis On The Event Of A... Summary of proposed research Seismic hazard analysis is an important tool in mitigating risks in the event of a disastrous seismic event like an earthquake. This can be done by studying the behaviour of the soil in locations that are within seismically active regions using several geophysical methods. This project employs the use the cost effective microtremor method in studying the site response in Kathmandu, Nepal, following the April 25, 2015 M7.8 Gorkha. Analysis of the field data will yield information that could be used by the Government and people of Kathmandu, Nepal, in reviewing their building construction codes and other policies to minimize casualties in the event of an earthquake. This is very important considering the location of Kathmandu which is within the seismically active Himalayas. Statement of the problem Kathmandu lies within the tectonically active Himalayan mountain range, which is a continental continental convergent boundary. Kathmandu is located in an approximately 500 m deep sedimentary basin, which is likely to amplify earthquake shaking (Paudyal et al, 2012). More than 9000 people were killed and about 22000 injured in Nepal during the magnitude 7.8 Gorkha earthquake on April 25, 2015, and the M 7.3 aftershock on May 12, 2015, (Nepal National Planning Commission, 2015). Over 500,000 buildings were either damaged or completely destroyed during the event with the damages estimated to exceed $6.7 billion (USD) (Nepal National Planning ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. What Is An Operating System Essay Operating Systems What is an operating system The operating system is responsible for controlling all of the tasks and processes. Operating systems consists of a collection of programs, with each having a specific task allocated to it. These programs are designed to make the computer system run as efficiently as possible. The most commonly used operating systems are Mac OS, Windows and Linux. What Operating systems do В· Allow users to interact with the machine (e.g. selecting programs). В· Allocate space in memory for programs. В· Run programs (transfer instructions for memory to processor then executing them). В· Manage the storing of data. В· Management of input/output devices. Difference Operating Systems Windows Windows is the most widely used Operating System in the world, It s initial introduction was in 1981 as a command line interface; the GUI (graphical user interface) was introduced in 1985 and has seen 26 different versions. Mac OS In 1984 Apple released its first OS, which became known as Mac OS as of 1997. The original OS was a fork of Apples older OS Lisa which was, at the time, extremely advanced. Linux Linux began in 1991 as a personal project by Lines Torvalds, he set out to create a new, free Operating System. Since then it has grown from an OS containing a few C files to having over 18 million lines of source code and available under the GNU General Public License. The GNU license guarantees that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Medicinal Purposes of Garlic Essay One claim where additional research is being done on is the affect of garlic on cardiovascular disease (CVD). According to the American Heart Association, one in every three American adults has one or more types of CVD. The most common types of CVDs include high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, heart failure and stroke. CVD has been the number one cause of death in America since 1900, with the exception of 1918. On average, 2,300 Americans die each day from some type of CVD (American Heart Association, 2010). Through different trials and tests, Garlic has been found to help provide protection against various CVDs, which based on the statistics, can help hundreds of thousands of people in America. Garlic has been found to lower... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One study showed that garlic was able to reverse the buildup of fat and begin to clear the arteries. However, for these results a large amount of garlic was needed to be consumed and over a lengthy period of time (Fulder, 1997). While studying animals, a scientist by the name of David Kritchevsky at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, concluded that garlic reduced the cholesterols levels in the body by slowing down the catalyst in the liver, which ultimately decreases the amount of cholesterol that is actually being produced. One study which supports this conclusion was done by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In this study, pigs were fed their normal diet with the addition of garlic extract. The LDL cholesterol fell by half, the HDL cholesterol increased by 20 percent, and the production of fats in the liver also was reduced by half (Fulder, 1997). These studies performed on animals proved garlic to be effective, but the real tests are the ones done on humans; those are the ones which are more convincing. In fact, multiple studies have been conducted on humans and have come to similar conclusions about the effectiveness of garlic on cardiovascular disease prevention. In the late 1970s, several studies were done testing the use of raw garlic consumption. Healthy subjects along with individuals with ischemic heart disease consumed raw garlic for two to three months. The results showed a reduction in blood cholesterol and triglyceride ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Judges Are Judges Vulnerable To Biases Even though it is hard for people to admit, judges can fall prey to biases. After several studies, researchers use the term cognitive biases to categorize the group of decision errors that can be made by judges. Researchers have found that judges appear to be similar to juries in their inability to disregard legally prejudicial and impermissible facts when deciding on a verdict. Three types of cognitive biasesor illusions have been identified as those which trail judges are most vulnerable. These include anchoring, hindsight bias, and egocentric biases. These will all be explained further, including examples. The first type of bias is anchoring, which is very common among civil cases. It involves giving excessive weight to the initial starting value, the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is the tendency to change a previous judgment or decision in the direction of newly provided information. This is one of the most common errors in everyday human judgement and prediction. Legal scholars have noted that it is rare to expect people to predict the outcome of past events in real life. However, people in law are asked to make the type of judgment quite often. Since courts usually evaluate events after they have happened, judges are extremely vulnerable to hindsight bias. Researchers note that judges could not help but rely on information that was not available before a relevant event took place, but that later became available. The susceptibility to hindsight bias is troubling because judges are frequently expected to suppress their knowledge of some set of facts before making decisions. An example of this bias can be seen from exactly this. Judges are to ignore their knowledge of the outcome of a police search for purposes of determining whether the officers had probable cause to conduct said search. If the evidence found during the search was damning, this could prove to be incredibly difficult for the judge to write off when making their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The First Theories Of Deism In Christianity The terms deism and theism were used interchangeably. The custom has been to use the words in a mutually exclusive sense. A number of quite divergent theological and philosophical positions are now indicated by the term deism. They resemble one another in that all reject one or more of the traditional Christian theses concerning the relationship that exits between Godand universe. Deismis a theological position which accepted the supreme being as the source of finite existence, but denied the supernatural element in Christianity, as well as rejecting Christian revelation as the only way to salvation. Many different theories of deism that ruled the world. The first theory of deism is God created this universe, that all things in the universe, are directed by divine providence; and that there is a life after death in which God will reward the good and punish the evil (Carson). Divine revelation is rejected, and it is maintained that man must depend upon his reason alone to give him some knowledge of the existence and nature of God and of man s moral duties. The second theory of deism is the man is either rewarded or punished in his life; there is no future life (Carson). It asserts that whatever happiness or sorrow man experience before his final annihilation in death has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The strongest element contributing to the development of deistic thought was the rise of many new scientists discoveries (Carson). Discoveries made it imperative for Europeans to change their basic idea of the universe. One contribution to the development of deism was many written accounts of travels to unknown lands (Carson). Explorers and travelers had come upon people who had no contact with Christianity, but who seemed nonetheless to have highly developed systems of morality and admirable religious principles. The deists argued from this that human reason was sufficient to establish religion and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Nuclear Bombs Should Be Banned My opinion about nuclear bombs is that we shouldn t have them because one of the bombs could go into the wrong hands. China and India a No first use were they won t use their atomic bomb unless someone else attacks. Russia will only use their atomic bomb unless someone Russian federation is under a threat. Israel said that they don t have a nuclear weapon. None of the countries want to be the first to use their atomic bomb. Some of the scientists that helped with the atomic bomb told the US and other countries told them that the atomic bomb was going to be bad in the first place. I agree that we shouldn t have atomic bombs Because well there are a lot of reasons but one is one of the bombs could get into the wrong hands and they could have someone help them make more and figure out and it could end up in a disaster.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Russia has 7,000 atomic bombs the U.S has 6,800 bombs. The U.S and Russia are close to atomic bombs but there are other countries France has 300 China has 260 UK has 215 Pakistan has 130 India has 120 Israel has 80 and North Korea has 15 bombs. All together we have 14,900 nuclear bombs altogether. Nine countries cover that many atomic bombs. Back in 1945 was the first atomic bomb called the Enola Gay dropped on Hiroshima at 8:16 in Japanese time called approximately 80,000 people were killed and 35,000 people were injured. The bombs today could probably cover Montana Colorado Washington. The number of buildings that got destroyed was 60,000 to 90,000 buildings. Some of the people that were really close to the atomic bomb the and if they were close to the wall it made an imprint on the wall of the person. One of the pictures that I was looking at the person had a cane and u can see it really ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Mount Holiday Case Study I chose Mt Holiday as my business to review. Mt Holiday is a 58 acre non profit ski resort and outdoor adventure destination in Michigan that was founded in 1948. The Mission Statement of Mt. Holiday: Our mission is to provide educational and outdoor recreational activities in a safe, clean and inviting environment for people of all ages, through sound business and management practices. We are committed to ensuring the community enjoys four seasons of outdoor recreation. Mt. Holiday began as a ski run on State owned land, and ended up in the hands of Mt. Holiday, Inc.: a non profit corporation that was formed by a volunteer group to rescue the property from being sold and developed. The group was tasked with raising $1.5 million ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Converse College Essay Converse College is a private college that realized that high tuitions were creating serious problems for current and potential students to enroll in private colleges. Therefore, Converse was given the task of motivating middle class students to have the experience of studying in private schools. CHOICE 1: Reset tuition to a significantly lower price for traditional undergraduate students. PROS: Being pioneers in this new business model is an attractive opportunity to stand out from the crowd as the steady increase in the tuitions in higher educations is a national concern. Therefore, more students and prospects may be interested in Converse College. Based on the forecast of increase in tuition fees that Converse College has established, students could be able to save a considerable amount after a few years. Therefore students would ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... PROS: Certainly, when frizzing student s tuition, they and their families would be sure that their tuition would not face annual increases. In addition, this proposal would be attractive to students and cause increased enrollment of middle class students. CONS: A disadvantage is that this proposal is a short term solution to a long term problem. Since the school has increases in operating costs every year. Therefore, the college has to generate additional profits to offset these costs. In addition, future generations would suffer from even higher fees because operating costs would still require payment. Therefore the cycle of annual tuition increases would start again but now in a more accelerated manner. CHOICE 3: Provide students with Loan Repayment Program (LRP), which guarantees that any student without employment after college would have her loans covered by an insurance policy. PROS: This program would alleviate the financial burden for graduate students who have difficulty finding work and paying their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Mongol Invasions Trade and travel played a large part in the cultural development nations and gave people an incentive to interact with one another. The Mongol invasions seemed too led to mass destruction, but by the end of the Mongol conquest a new order had been laid in place. This order let to greater communication which opened the trade routes and encouraged travel from Eurasia to Africa. As more trade routes opened a diffusion of knowledge occurred spreading technologies along the trade routes. However Technology wasn t the only thing spread along the trade routes, diseases were also spread causing mass death tolls. The drive to have better trade routes encouraged exploration and the discovery of the Americas. By the year 1000 the Mongol invasion and conquest was complete. The leaders Mongol leaders set out to create a better system of communication. The new order that the Mongol Lords brought also incouraged... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These large continents offered not only more resources for trading, but also land for the taking. The trade route now had a whole new world to influence. The Europeans set out to make this land a reflection of their own beliefs and customs, while profiting from the land itself. These trade routes created a highway that for the first time really connected the people of the world. Once the Europeans had a trade route established they began to trade in earnest with the coastal area of Africa. Those goods imported to Africa in greatest volumes included cloth, iron and copper in raw and worked form, and cowry shells used by local populations as currency (Bortolot). The European traders then took the goods they had gotten from the African market home to sell. The trade ships would return to their nations loaded with carvings, spices, and ivory. They would sell these exotic fares for a goodly sum and then start the process ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Personal Statement On Psychosocial Assessment Psychosocial Assessment As I arrive into the office the receptionist informs me that my new client has arrived. I greet him and ask him to follow me. In the office I introduce myself and ask him how he is doing today. He seems to have a positive outlook on things. I inform him that his visit today will take no more than an hour. First and foremost I have him read and sign off the consent form. Next I inform the client about privacy and confidentially. I also let him know it is okay to stop me and ask any questions. Lastly, although he has allowed his previous therapist to share his chart with me, I confirm with him once again if it is okay for me to take a look. The client agrees and I begin to conduct his assessment. I.Identifying Data Pat Solitano Jr. is a 28 year old Caucasian male who is estranged from his wife Nikki. He was a former high school teacher. Pat has been referred to L.P. Psychotherapy by his former therapist Dr. Cliff. II.Chief Complaint The client is already aware of his condition and wants to get better for his wife Nikki. He hates his illness and wants to control it but refuses to continue taking his medication. Pat states that the medication makes him feel foggy. III.History of Present Illness The client was not diagnosed with any disorder until after the onset of a negative life event. Pat had arrived home from work one day and heard his wedding song playing. As he was walking, he saw his wife s clothes trailing to the bathroom. Then he sees ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Collinsvilles Narrative It was the first day of fall in Collinsville, Illinois and the leaves were gently falling to the ground. The house was filled with lots of noise and the kids wanted to go outside and play in the leaves, but they couldn t play in the leaves until they ate lunch. It was the perfect day to play outside. They finished eating and ran out to enjoy the weather. They played in the leaves as long as they could until they found a snake in their leaf pile. The kids screamed in terror but the snake just slithered away with its tongue hanging out and hissing at the kids. It started to get dark and the the kids still played outside until the kids heard the creepy coyotes howling in the dark woods. Sarah ran inside and hid under her bed. John ran as fast as a lighting bolt to the door. Jim just stood outside until more coyotes came out the woods and he was inside in a second. The kids were all screaming. There are coyotes outside! ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He looked around, he knew that there was no coyotes and went out a little further heard growling noises. He turned around and the coyotes were blocking the door. He was surrounded by coyotes and then he started running to the barn. He could barely see, the only light was the candles sitting on the wooden porch hanging from the ceiling. The house was really far away when he looked back. Once he got to the barn, he shut the barn door and climbed the ladder to the second floor. Meanwhile, the whole family was sound asleep. He heard the coyotes scratching at the door and he got worried. What if they tear a hole in the door and get through? He thought he would have to stay there the whole night so he started to scream for help. No one even woke up because he was too far away from the house. Once it got to the morning, the coyotes were gone. His mom came to check the barn because she checked the whole house searching for him. She found him in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Lack of Morality in War Depicted in Tim O Brien s The... Tim O Brien s book The Things They Carried epitomizes the degradation of morals that war produces. This interpretation is personified in the characters who gradually blur the line dividing right and wrong as the motives for war itself become unclear. The morality of soldiers and the purpose of war are tied also to the truth the soldiers must tell themselves in order to participate in the gruesome and random killing which is falsely justified by the U.S government. The lack of purpose in the Vietnam Warpermanently altered the soldier s perspective of how to react to situations and in most cases they turned to violence to express their frustration. The men s mission was plainly described by O Brien, stating If you weren t humping, you... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Though the men reacted in violent ways in different situations, O Brian s violent act was something that stayed with him for the rest of his life and completely changed who he was as a person. The Man I Killed describes in detail the man and his life Tim O Brien killed on a path in the jungle, even though he obviously did not know the man s personal background, but mimicked it after his own. This description shows O Brien s life came to an end at his first act of violence, mirrored in the loss of the man s life. After O Brien s incident on the pathway, he became cold and exemplified this new disposition after Jorgenson almost allowed O Brien to die from a bullet wound, and in turn O Brien needed pay back by scaring him in the middle of the night. The war may have physically killed many, but in this sense it damaged every soldier mentally. When truth became distorted by the ambiguous or absent motive for war, the soldiers needed to make up their own truths in order to keep sane enough to live through the senselessness and fear. Along with the fact that O Brien s boyhood died after killing the man in the path, his conception of truth died as well. He examines this fact when his daughter Kathleen asks him, Daddy tell the truth, did you ever kill anybody? and O Brien ponders this stating, And I can say, honestly, Of course not. Or I can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. What I Learned About Leadership From Nelson Mandela What I Learned about Leadership from Nelson Mandela . Larissa Carter Administrative Leadership PA562 Instructor: John Nesbitt May 2, 2015 Number of Words w/o Footnotes: 2111 Spell/Grammar Checked: Y Number of Fnotes/Sources Citations: 34 Sources Number of Sources: 12 Style Manual: Chicago Style Format Introduction on Leadership of Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela was the first Black President of South Africa that helped end Apartheid in South Africa. As stated, his political activity started when the apartheid policy of racial segregation won the elections (Nelson Mandela Leadership 2015). When he began to realize nonviolence would not suffice, he resorted to guerrilla warfare to achieve his means. As stated, United States deemed Mandela as a terrorist and refused him entry (Nelson Mandela Leadership 2015). Nelson Mandela demonstrated The Five Practices Exemplary Leadership by Kouzes and Posner which are the best leadership experiences (Kouzes and Posner 2007, 14). Background of Nelson Mandela The history of Nelson Mandela states, after being on the run for 17 months, he was captured and imprisoned for 27 years, and he was released on February 11, 1990 (Nelson Mandela Leadership 2015). It states South Africa s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Compare And Contrast Judaism And Monotheism Pharisees: spiritual grandparents of rabbinic Judaism. They believed that God controlled all things, yet decisions made by individuals also contributed to the course of a person s life. Also, they believed in the resurrection and the award/punishment in the afterlife notion. Reform Judaism: the more liberal, progressive, modern thinking sect of Jews. The reformers began by reforming the prayer service to bring it into line with Western sensibilities. They also began to reexamine the underpinnings of Judaism, the meaning of the Torah, reward and punishment of the afterlife, the meaning end of time, and the role of Jews in the integrated world. Reform Judaism wants to more tolerant of non Jewish religions as well. Monotheism: this means the belief that there is only one God. Monotheism is present within all three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). Monotheism should be a source of unity for all three of the Abrahamic religions. It should provide an opportunity to unite among all three religions. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is also the study of who Christ was, and his life. There are many questions brought up on this topic, like was he God, human, spiritual being etc. Jesus Christ for some people was a real person in Christianity and other Abrahamic religions. Other religions believed that Jesus wasn t an actual person, they believe that Jesus is a spiritual being that we should look upon for guidance. Mishnah: is the commentary on how to apply the Torah to everyday life. The Mishnah has major connections to the Bible, Torah, and the Talmud. The Mishnah is one of the most important written documents in the Jewish ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Covetousness Of God In Amadeus Moreover, Mozart s music in Amadeus is attributed to survey intricate relationship between God and humans. Through Salieri s powerful jealousy of Mozart s music and his intense blame on God, the movie proposes the issue of human s incomplete belief in God and the question about the existence of God. Salieri, in the beginning part of the movie, is presented as the profoundly religious human. He believes that God grants his faithful wish to be a successful composer so he tries to devote to his God earnestly. However, after the appearance of Mozart in his life, Salieri starts to distrust God and commit blasphemy. Throughout the movie, Salieri s strong covetousness of Mozart s talent and his blame on God who only gives his gift not to his honest son but to an obscene child, Mozart, are... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Larry D. Bouchard states that even if Salieri could not create the voice of god, he was the musician with ears for listening to the voice of god truly. (207) However, Salieri in Amadeusdoes not realize his own talent and only abominates Mozart and God. Salieri s emotion of detestation for God resulted from the severe jealousy of Mozart leads him to revenge for God and to break officially his tie with God in the end. The revenge for God and his incarnation Mozart begins in the scene that Constanze the wife of Mozart visits Salieri again in a late night to request his recommendation for her husband to teach Princess Elizabeth. In the movie, when Constanze takes off her dress for a trade with Salieri, the tune of Mass in C Minor K. 427, Kyrie whose lyrics mean Lord have mercy upon us is played. The music inserted in the scene brings an ironical effect on the movie because the scene is the very moment that Salieri commits his blasphemy for the first time by raping the wife of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Polykleitos’ Bearer and Laocoon and His Sons Essay Polykleitos Bearer and Laocoon and His Sons Polykleitos is a Roman statue. It is made out of marble and it is 6 feet 6 inches tall. The statue is of a male who looks to be athletic someone who works out. The statue is standing in a contrapuntal position; it has its left leg slightly bent witch causes his foot not to be flat on the platform under him. That position helps the statue stay balance. It is not rigid. The statue has no facial expression. It is serious. It eyes are deep and expressionless. The statue s head is facing to the left. His right arm is bent half way and his hands are balled up into a fist his hips are leaning towards the left side to help give him balance. His left arm is straight down by his side. It ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is an exception to this and that is his shins. His shin is very exaggerated. It is very elongated. The tip of his shins is square like. It sort of reminds me of an elephant s trunk. As far as clothing goes he seams to be wearing a cloth that is tied on his head. This makes his head appear almost square like. Due to the cloth he has on his head it makes it seam as if he has long hair. Queen Khamerembty II, which is his wife, is standing in a more naturalistic position. She is not as rigid as he is. She seams more relaxed. Her right is somewhere behind his back and her left arm is bend at her elbow and she is holding his Mankaure s left arm. She has on a blouse and a long skirt almost up to her ankles. The clothing that she is wearing is tight fitting to the body. The shapes of her body especially the genital area and the stomach is very well outlined so that you are able to distinguish their shapes and sizes. In contrast Kuya preaching is made out of wood and it is a single male. It is 46 inches tall. He has no hair on his head if you just concentrate on his face it look as if he is deep in thought or meditating. His face also shows the sign of aging. He has six little Buddha s coming out of his mouth. On the left hand he has a walking stick. One of his knees is straight. If you look at his cloths they are not straight on his body. He is standing in a contrapuntal position. His legs are spread apart. This man was a munk and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Al-Qaeda Essay The second phase: Planning to establish Al Qaeda had began in Saudi Arabia at the beginning of the nineties of the last century, and it was remarkable there were some operations of Al Qaeda organization before actually inception., such as: In 1995, car bomb attack on Vinnell Corporation Office led to the deaths of six people, including five Americans. In 1996, The building is inhabited by US soldiers in Khobar as a result 19 dead and about 500 wounded, that was a coordination between al Qaida and the Saudi Shiite Hezbollah in Eastern Province. the organization cells had been formed at the beginning of two groups. The first group who had trained in Afghanistan camps and participated in the fighting. The second group who did not take up arms after, and they were unable to visit Afghanistan at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The beginnings of its foundation was back to the founder of ISIS Abu Musab al Zarqawi. He was a Jordanian who went to Afghanistan in 1989 to participate in the defeat of the Soviet Union. When Zarqawi returned to Jordan, he became aspired to create a caliphate and defections from Al Qaeda. Zarqawi took advantage of the Islamist character to attract young people and increase followers. Zarqawi convinced that the killing of Shiites and stimulated a civil war between Shiites and Sunnis would restore the prestige and glory of the Islamic caliphate. Zarqawi was looked at first to get rid of the US presence in Iraq, therefore he carried out several attacks with supporting from Syria and Iran. The aim of the attack on the US forces is a attractive factor for his supporters and prove the sincerity of his intentions. He announced his rebellion against al Qaeda after bin Laden s objection to some of his policy pursued in Iraq and that it will undermine the strength of Al Qaeda. He announced his defection and formed the organization of so called ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Certified Financial Planner Certified Financial planner Being a certified financial planner is not for everyone, this title is considered a professional title in the financial planning field (Certified Financial Planner Salary). Certified Financial Planners have many tasks. They document and revise financial plans for clients and identify client s financial goals, concerns, and opportunities. Financial planners must be very reliable, so clients will have the confidence to invest their money in that person (Otts, Chip). The profession of a certified financial planner is a growing career field that is desperate for eager students to care for the financial needs of individuals within our country, and after interviewing an actual financial planner I realized how passionate about the career field. In order to become a certified financial planner, there are certain education and examination requirements that prospective financial planners must pass. The prospective financial planner must hold a bachelor s degree or higher from an accredited college or university. They must also complete college level coursework through a program that is registered with the CFP Board. This program must address the major financial planning areas identified by CFP Board s most recent Job Analysis Study (CFP Board Education Requirement). After completing certain... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I would say the main pros of my job are flexibility, the happiness of helping people, and the salary, state Chip Otts. The work hours of a certified financial planner vary, but the most common hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Although, the average financial planner has extreme flexibility during those set hours. For example, most financial planners work through appointments (Otts, Chip). They set appointments that work into there schedule. This gives people the ability to spend time with there families, attend important events, and to be involved in their children s lives (Otts, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Savage Reservation In Brave New World Both Brave New World and The Dispossessed have different takes on utopia, a place or state of ideal perfection and excellence. However, the savage reservation in Brave New World has a lack of government, which allows for the people there to freely decide how they would wish to live, unlike the World State or Anarres in The Dispossessed. The World State and Anarres have controlling governments that monitors all ideas to decide if they are considered dangerous to the society and regulates the opinions of the people.The savage reservation in Aldous Huxleys Brave New Worldis more utopian than both the modern World State and Ursula Le Guin s communist planet of Anarres from The Dispossessed because it maximizes freedom while minimizing the power... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People at the savage reservation are less controlled because their culture and society is less structured due to its small size. The general leader has less to worry about when leading a small group rather than a large population in terms of riots, wars, and revolutions, therefore major control is unnecessary. In the World State however, the population is immense because of their method of creating babies in test tubes. To sustain peace, happiness, and the feeling of utopia, the government uses its control to give everyone in the same class the same opinion. This is done through conditioning, which includes forcing babies to associate electric shocks to certain items and hypnopГ¦dia. In the beginning of the book, the Director says The child s mind is these suggestions, and the sum of the suggestions is the child s mind... but all these suggestions are our suggestions! (Huxley 29) when describing why hypnopГ¦dia is used on the children as they grow up. This quote shows how the government s opinions are forced into the entire population s head as they grow up and that they are proud to be controlling their minds. This method may prevent wars over different beliefs and make everyone satisfied that they are in their assigned social class, but it also takes away individuality and freedom. Anarres is also heavily populated, so the Odonians are taught to believe that the people on Urras are corrupt and evil to keep them from wanting to leave Anarres or make contact with Urras. The extent of this belief is seen when Shevek explains why he might not return from Urras by stating, Anybody outside Defense could make explosives with blasting powder and blow up the ship on the ground. Or, more likely, attack me once I was outside the ship. (Le Guin 378). The people of Anarres think that Urras is so malicious that a fellow Odonian would not be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Second Oldest After The Westin The Sheraton name is a long standing brand under Starwood hotels and is currently the second oldest after the Westin. The headquarters for Sheraton hotels is located in White Plains, New York, but was founded in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1937. Ernest Henderson and Robert Moore adapted to the name Sheraton Hotel after acquiring an earlier hotel with that same name. According to them, their was a large lit sign on the roof that bore this name, but it was too heavy to move and too expensive to change and so from there on they decided to call all future hotels, Sheraton. By 1939, three hotels had been established by Henderson and Moore and more wore opening up on the east coast at a rapid past. In 1945, the Sheraton hotel chain... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The hotel has eight meeting rooms, including 15,000 feet of function space, and is great for any event. The staff here can help anyone throw an amazing event that is tailored to all their needs. Also, in order to stay connected there are personal computers in the Smart Rooms with High Speed Internet Access. After a long day working or sightseeing it is also nice to come back and relax in one of the six hundred guest rooms and suites. A great night sleep is sure to satisfy anyone, especially when soft duvets, crisp cotton sheets, and down pillows of the Sheraton Sweet Sleeper Bed are provided. Here at the Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel it is easy to enjoy all the comforts of home. In regards to my observations on the company s structure observed and experienced, I have noticed many factors inherent to Chinese business, much different than those in the United States. Noticeably, there is clearly a hierarchy in order. Everyone reports to their own manager and that manager reports to their manager and so on until they reach the general manager. For example, there was this one incident where one guest wanted his old room rate, but was soon informed that he had to make prior arrangements in order to receive it again. Unfortunately, since he did not make prior arrangements this time the guest became very angry and started yelling at the front desk staff. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Four Gospels Research Paper The Four Gospels Reflection Paper I believe it was important to have the word from the four Gospels. Each Gospel highlighted different events of Jesus life. Matthew portrays Jesus as the son of David and is mostly speaking to the Jews. Mark shows Jesus as the son of Man and starts with the beginning of His ministry. Luke tells about Jesuslife from birth all the way to His death and ascension. Finally, John writes as an eyewitness of Jesus life and shows Him as the Son of God. Without having the four Gospels, we wouldn t have a true picture of Jesus life. The Gospelof Matthew starts from the beginning of Jesus s life. Gundry (2012) states, The Gospel starts with the nativity of Jesus (chapters 1 2). The rest of the Gospel takes up primarily Marcan narrative (usually condensed) and inserts five discourses of Jesus... (p. 188). The book was written to show Jesus teaching, however, Gundry (2012) suggests a stronger reason. ...the Gospel gives a much stronger impression of having been written to strengthen the Jewish Christians in their suffering of persecution, to warn them against laxity and apostasy, and to urge them to use their persecution as an opportunity for the evangelism of all nations (p. 189). The Gospel of Matthewalso traces Jesus genealogy from Abraham, referencing Jesus as the son of David in chapter 1. Even... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 240). The book of John tells us information not found in Matthew. Gundry states these as, ...several hymns and an account of John the Baptist s birth as well as Jesus birth (p. 241). Luke is the only Gospel that describes Jesus ascension. When he had led them out of the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them. While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven (Luke ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Blessed Be Research Paper Blessed Be originates from The Five Fold Kiss , a ritual created by the found of Wicca, Gerald Gardner, as the main Initiation Rite. It is commonly done during dedication and initiation rites. The Five Fold Kiss ritual involves kissing five parts of the body and performed within a circle, each kiss given is accompanied by a blessing. Blessed Be is used to grant the blessings of the deity onto a person in a sacred way, asking the powers that be to invoke a person in countless religions. Like countless many, I simply assumed that the term Blessed Be was a form of granting blessing upon another person as we departed from one another; no different than saying Good bye , but now I understand that it has a higher meaning than that. I do not use it in my life at the moment as I am still learning and growing, but feel it may be used in future rituals that I may either take part in or do myself. It is a term that I will only use when absolutely necessary to ask the deities to bless someone or it is needed for myself during a ritual or casting. I know now it is not something to be taken lightly. The term is used today by many Pagans and Wiccans in their practices. Misinformed people may use it in terms as described above, to bless someone in departure, as in saying Good bye . Though it is often used to call forth energies of the Gods and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is also good to know where the term originated from as The Five Fold Kiss truly seems to be a ritual that blesses the person with each kiss to specific body parts. I also found it interesting how, when thinking about it or picturing it, the kisses are done to form an invisible shape of the pentagram. When wishing to get involved with something or learn something new, I feel like it is always a good thing to know where things originate from, even if it is just the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Curricular Birds Response How does feeing behavior change in the instance a threating noise is made, such as the call of a predatory bird? Will the feeding birds habituate to a predator s call over time? What about woodland birds vs. more urban birds? Dependent Variable: (two measured variables) Duration of time birds stay away from nest (how long does it take for the first bird to come back) and how many birds left and ran after the presentation of the sound, how many birds come to feed after: 1 min, 2 min, If the birds are presented with a potentially alarming stimulus such as the call of a predatory bird or the sound of a loud bell, they will initially fly away and take shelter. Overtime, birds will start to habituate to this sound, and will be less likely to fly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once all birds have been counted I will play the sound and note the actions of the birds (freeze or flee) along with noting the number of birds that have left and the number that stayed at the feeder. I will then measure the number of birds feeding over a 10 minute period (how many birds are feeding at 1 min mark, 2 min mark, 3 min mark...etc.). At the end of the 10 minute period, I will replay the sound and repeat the process 5 more times. In addition to tallying the number of birds present I will measure how long it took for the first bird to come back to the feeder. I will do each condition for a total of 3 5 times (occurring once every other day), over a one hour per day. Each trial will be 10 minutes long, with the next occurring immediately at the end of the previous one. A total of 6 trials will be conducted per day. I will leave at least one week in between conditions (bell vs predator call) to account for any habituation. I will compare all trails with one another to see if there are any differences. I will also compare the responses of birds in a natural woodland setting to that of birds in a more urban setting. Then I will use both conditions to see if the birds were responding to just the presentation of a loud sound, or were responding to the threating call, giving me the ability to determine if the birds can make a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Essay On LED Lighting THE EFFECTS OF ALBEDO LED LIGHTING ON RETAIL SPACES Opposite to some popular wisdom, retail stores are not dead, and they will not be replaced by online operations. People (who use a product or service) continue to spend money at retail establishments, if for no other reason than to see the physical products that they might later order online. The store s goal in this competitive (surrounding conditions) is to make the retail outlet and its products so attractive that the (related to people who use a product or service) (instances of buying things for money) the product right then and there, rather than ordering it electronically. LED lighting for retail outlets has made strong toward this goal. Large retail stores in the past depended ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A store can install a variety of LED lighting options to backlight products or to create indirect or quiet lighting in different parts of a store. Display cases for smaller items, such as jewelry of personal fashion can be lit with brighter LED s that draw attention to fine patterns and textures. Since LED lights operate at low temperatures and without creating the excess heat that is just like traditional display case lighting, the store s products that are bought and sold will not be harmed by any excess warmth in display cases. Many stores operate on thin (how much money is being made), which forces them to reduce operating costs wherever possible. LED lighting for retail has the possible ability to reduce a retail store s electrical utility costs by more than half. Modern LED lighting is so (producing a lot with very little waste) that it can create the same or better lighting as a traditional lighting fixture with less than half of the electrical energy input. LED bulbs also last longer than other forms of lighting, and the store s lighting maintenance costs will be reduced. LED lighting for retail therefore has the possible ability to increase a store s sales and to reduce overhead costs, all of which gives directly to a store s (money made/good things received). Stores that operate stand alone locations that are separate from large malls and other shopping outlets can make their stores more inviting with bright exterior LED lighting. A shopper will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Pros And Cons Of North Stradbroke Island North Stradbroke Island (NSI), also known as Minjerribah to its indigenous people, the Quandamooka people, is the second largest island in the world, covering an area of 275.2 km2. The island has a wide range of ecosystems including open beaches, frontal dunes, rocky headlands, mangroves, and tidal swamps (Stradbrokeisland.com, 2018). On the island, the sand mining company, Sibelco, are to close their operation on NSI in 1919. This decision has been made through the exploration of advantages and disadvantages of undertaking sand mining on NSI, as well as alternative sources of economic income and planning replacement employment. When making the decision to close Sibelco s sand mining on the island, it was important to remain mindful to the natives of the island and their ideals, traditions and sacred land. In considering all of these factors, it is most ideal for Sibelco s sand mining operations on NSI to close. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sibelco sand mining company was founded in 1872 and have become a multinational business. They use raw materials from the environment to provide solutions for society and support the cradle to cradle loop (Sibelco, 2018). Cradle to cradle is a sustainable business strategy that mimics the regenerative cycle of nature in which waste is reused (Winston, n.d.). Sibelco utilises the cradle to cradle loop in order to maintain environmental mindfulness whilst working closely with local authorities and optimising their operational performance, ensuring the smallest amount of disruption (Sibelco, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Nelson Mandela, A Brief History and Impact MEETING THE GREAT MAN Nelson Mandela 1918 2013 I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die. Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918 in a royal family of a tribe in a South African village in Mvezo, Thembu. Ever since he was a child, he would listen to the resistance war stories from his elders and dreamt with contributing to the cause of liberating his people. It was this way that he found the passion which, through the years, would... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After a democratic poll, they began preparations for an armed fight, creating The Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the nation) also known as MK, a group of fighters that believed South Africa belonged to everyone who lived there, and not just for a group of black and white people. Real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people. With the name David Motsomayi, on January 11, 1962, Nelson Mandela left South Africa secretly. He traveled through Africa and United Kingdom to gain support for the armed battle, but he was detained by two guards from Howick on August 5 when he was returning from KwaZuu Natal. He had to complete a 5 year sentence for leaving the country illegally and for promoting strikes among the people. Even when Mandela was incarcerated, his colleagues were giving the movement pushes; but on January 1963, the police found an ANC secret hideout in Rivona, where planning documents for the guerrilla were found; that s why, on that year, Mandela and some colleagues faced a trial known as the Rivona trial where he was sentenced for the rest of his life. Before entering jail, he had the opportunity to transmit to their people the integrity behind his actions: I always expected my life would give me the opportunity to serve my people and make my humble contribution to the cause. This is what motivated me to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Marie Maynard Daly Research Paper Marie Maynard Daly was an american biochemist. She was the first black american in america to have ph.D in chemistry. She use to go to Columbia University in 1947. She was born in 1921 and died in 2003.Daly worked as a physical science instructor at Howard University from 1947 to 1948 while simultaneously conducting research under the direction of Herman Branson. After being awarded an American Cancer Society grant to support her postdoctoral research, she joined Dr. A. E. Mirsky at the Rockefeller Institute, where they studied the cellnucleus. While at the Rockefeller Institute, Daly studied the nuclei of tissues to determine the base compositions of the deoxypentose nucleic acids present. Additionally she explored the role of cytoplasmic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Patrick Reed Research Paper The world is infatuated with celebrities and people of power. Whether the person is the President of the United States or Kim Kardashian, everyone has the dream of having dinner with someone of high social class. All of the magazine cover in the checkout lane of Publix have pictures of celebrities or athletes on them. There are so many celebrities that I would like to have a conversation with; however, the person that I chose to meet is PGA Tourplayer Patrick Reed. He is my favorite pro golfer and has been since he turned pro in 2011. He is an amazing golfer and even better person. I want to have dinner with Patrick because he attended a state college, is a successful PGA Tour player, and was a member of the Ryder cup team. The first reason why I incline to have dinner with Patrick Reed is that he attended a state college instead of a Big 10 college with a good golfteam. Patrick was able to get good grades while continuing his golf career at the same time. At the dinner table, I would ask him how maintained both grades and golf at the same time. Patrick Reed not only maintained his skills while going to college, but strengthened his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I want to have this dinner with Patrick because it is My dream to become a PGA Tour player as well. This would give me the opportunity to ask Patrick Reed all about the steps to becoming a professional. The most important thing that must be asked about his practice schedule. I need to find out what his practice routine was when he was trying to become a pro and ask if his routine has changed any since he became a pro. Finding out what his favorite part about being a successful golfer would be a privilege. Then I desire to ask Patrick what his least favorite part about being a celebrity is. I am going to ask Patrick Reed what it is like warming up at a PGA Tour event, or ask how it feels to make the tournament winning putt on the last ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Stereotypes In Aziz Ansari s Master Of None The Netflix original Master of None in its 10 episodes covers substantial ground from first generation children in America and women s rights to the struggle for people of color, specifically of Asian decent. With a plethora of shows that just can t seem to integrate an array of people from various walks of life, with varied opinions, personalities, and beliefs, Master of None stands alone. It s a breath of fresh air and a rainbow of colors, experiences, upbringings, and genders. Could this series be the beginning of a much needed shift in televisionand art? Getting to know each character is a pleasure. The main character Dev played by Aziz Ansari is a first generation Asian American young adult embarking on his early thirties. He s conflicted about his career goals, his relationship aspirations, his future, and his life in general. He somewhat coincidentally gets into acting and through royalties and consistent work makes a decent living. But like many working people, Dev just isn t sure he s fulfilled in his field. He s not convinced it s truly his calling or passion. Throughout the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They add comic relief with their quick and witty banter. Denise offers a moral compass while Arnold offers a free and unusual spirit. Brian too is a first generation Asian American. Dev and Brian are able to connect, understanding the intricacies and dynamics of parents who immigrated and gave up so much to make a better life for their families. We watch flashbacks of both Dev and Brian s parents moving to America. We see the dreams they had, the things they wanted to do with their lives. Quickly it becomes evident the true sacrifice and the deep and inevitable struggle. Because their parents succeeded, Brian and Dev live a very different and better life. With this comes the sometimes neglectful and irked demeanor of kids that don t fully understand their parents and their reasons for doing things taking them a bit for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Visual Exploration Of Video Games Through the course of the English 1102 Folklore In Video Games class, I not only gained exposure to the analytic exploration of video games, but developed as a reader, writer, and presenter. While playing video games in an English class was a refreshingly different experience, learning how to analyze these games and showcase my knowledge through multimodal projects and presentations were the major takeaways from this course. Additionally, the included artifacts emphasized both individual responsibility and teamwork. As a result I was able to become a competent individual worker as well as a responsible collaborator. The multimodal nature of the artifacts developed my existing skills and brought me out of my comfort zone of traditional... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The peer review process was critical towards the improvement of my work. For the first artifact, which was the standard essay, I drafted the essay and received feedback on my thesis via email from my professor Dr. Addcox as well as my roommate. The changes suggested to me clarified my paper and strengthened my argument. It was in my second artifact however that I realized the importance of getting an outside opinion on my work. For this assignment I had to create a new storyline for a video game we played in class. The storyline we created had to be a branching narrative and under the pressure of developing my own storyline my storyline was not a proper branching narrative. After developing my first draft, I had a collaborative conference with my professor (Dr. Addcox), where I received feedback which helped me incorporate a branching narrative structure into my idea. I then had a comprehensive peer review session with a classmate, which allowed me to refine my storyline and improve upon details. The first two artifacts that were individually completed taught me how to work with discipline over a period of time, something that I had not often done in high school. For the first assignment a blog post based on a short reading had to be converted into a polished essay. While this seemed like a simple task, I had to re read the short story to develop a purposeful thesis and had to add ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Long Term And Short Term Memory According to philosopher psychologist William James, memory is a generalized concept that encompasses the long term and short term memory. Kendra Cherry, psychologist expert, defines long term memory as storage of information over an extended period. (Cherry n.d.) An individual s long term memory is structured by a semi permanent chemical and the anatomical hippocampus. The hippocampus is in the center of both hemispheres of the brain and works in accordance with the amygdala to allow information to be imported to form memories. In relation to her research of the long term memory, Cherry also provided information on the characterization of the short memory which is described as, the primary or active memory that presently takes in information. (Cherry n.d.) The thalamus is a large portion of a dual lobed mass of matter that is located under the cerebral cortex. An individual s brain goes through three stages of the retention of information which are: encoding, storage, and retrieval. Our brain codes information in three methods which is through visual, acoustic, and semantic simulation. Encoding means that certain signals are sent to the brain. Storage means that the brain is maintaining information over time. Information is received through the working memory that consist of auditory memory and spatial memory. (Morrin, n.d) Spatial memory captures the visual aspects of the information being presented to the subject. There are two types of rehearsals: maintenance ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Why Is Field Artillery Important Field Artillery traces its history back to 1775. However, artillery as we know it today is a proud profession that traces its origins and honorable traditions to centuries before the birth of Christ (Unknown). In the 18th century Frederick the Great of Prussia began mounting cannoneers on the backs of horses. This in turn gave the Field Artillery great mobility and the ability to accompany cavalry. With the development of trucks, horse artillery and horse drawn artillery evolved into the towed artillery, as we know today (Unknown). The American field artillery has answered the call to arms in every major war and conflict, evolving our technology, equipment, and cannoneers to employ these changes in battle. The American Field Artillery was born November 17, 1775, when Henry Knox, a 26 year old self taught artilleryman, appointed to Chief of the Continental Artillery (Unknown). In August of 1775, a New York militia company on Manhattan Island confiscated 21 original nine pounders. Fifty nine cannons were on Dorchester Heights and Nook s Hill overlooking Boston by March 2 1776. General Washington ordered the bombardment of the city, and thus began the traditions of the American Field Artillery (Unknown). The remaining action seen during the Revolutionary War was the final... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Americans used artillery in several ground engagements when fighting the bulk of the War at sea. The artillery during this time consisted mostly of six pounders. Large caliber size howitzers reduced to 12, 18 and 24 pounders in 1824. Secretary of War Joel Roberts Poinsett directed the establishment of an artillery training camp at Camp Washington and later established four light batteries; one for each of the four artillery regiments at the time. Major Ringgold s battery, the fourth light battery, was equipped with the new light 6 pounder and was the only true horse artillery in the service ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Slowpitch Softball Bat Research Papers Choosing The Finest Slowpitch Softball Bat Perhaps your slowpitch softball team get far in the last tournament as you had hoped for, or did not make it this year. You definitely don t want that to occur next year! The good news is, it does not have to. Don t let them. The response to becoming a fantastic team may be as easy as getting a brand new one and eliminating that used slowpitch softball bat. Selecting a brand new softball bat isn t easy, but it does take a little research. Don t just walk into Walmart and pick up a $20 no name bat and call it a day. That would be an enormous mistake if you are looking to improve your team s play and swing for the fence. Today, softball bat technology has went to a fresh level. It is incredible at how much technology has come with softball equipment. You must stay on top of this technology if... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Worth Mayhem softball bat is certainly one of its top models, with a retail cost of $299. The most recent slowpitch softball bat from Worth is the Jeff Hall Mayhem M7 model that is new. Brand new for 2007 this bat is an incredibly limited edition model with only 2,000 being available for distribution. The bat features an even bigger sweet spot than the regular Mayhem model of it s. Miken is another of the top producers of softball equipment. The slowpitch softball bat that is certainly receiving the most attention is their FREAK model. Retailing for around $299, the FREAK offers a 13.5 barrel, plus it s designed to hit the ball LONG and over the fence! All top of the line Miken bats include the E Flex ESD (Extended Sweet Spot) technology. They have been also end loaded, which gives maximum space. Plus, the ADDICT additionally includes a thinner bat manage for even more control. The knob is coated with their X Tack coating for added control. You will do your team well by choosing among the Miken version ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Hairstyling Research Paper Vintage Hairstyling It is always said that old is gold and this saying can be rightly proved by vintage hairstyling, which is so much in demand now days. Vintage hairstyles are the hairstyles from 190 s era. The hairstyles in those years were so smart and subtle that women and men from all across the world are opting for them instead of new hairstyles of current era. Vintage type hairstyles include styling your hair in a way that they are not messy at all. Any vintage style that you would see has hair set properly and no frizz or loose hair is there. Vintage hairstyling is not that easy and one needs to have a professional hairstylist to achieve any vintage hairstyle. There are many styles that you can go for and create a different look altogether. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Quotes In The Count Of Monte Cristo God will give me justice one of the line in the story the Count of Monte Cristo that mark into my mind. The story is about a man named Edmond Dantes who is punished to a crime that he didn t omit. He suffers from about 13 years of imprisonment, because of his ignorance he wasn t able to fight for his right. I admire his braveness inside the jail, his faith in God even though he become weak and starting to lost his faith in God when time comes that he already lost his hope that God will save him and give him justice. Because of his ignorance he can t do nothing but to just go with the flow of his life, but God is really good, because Edmond meet this man a priest who help him know different things, teach him all his knowledge for Edmond to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Skin Color In Thomas Mann s Bag ! I go into public places knowing that I stand out because of my skin color, the way I dress, and where I come from How do you feel when you go into a public place? I don t feel safe around people who are racist or feel some type of way towards other races. When you see people looking at you funny, how do you feel? I never thought being black was a crime or a danger to the public, your skin color shouldn t define who you are.Our status more times than not, is defined by what we look like, how we dress, and where we come from. How does how you look, dress, and where you come from define your role in society? For example, status presents itself along with all people and things. Your role in society defines who you are and how people treat you. In the story BANG! , Mann undergoes the role of a young black man that is scared of his own people. Mann s brother passed away from a man chasing someone with a gun, Mann has been traumatized ever since. I can t walk on the porch, I can t go into his room. Mann can t even think the same due to the death of his brother. The book BANG! is only a small look on the role played by black people in the real world.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I ve been judged at a predominately white school because I am black and was treated at a lower standard than everyone else. I am black, so I don t belong in a good school. We are all human and we all survive the same way meaning we should all be held to the same standard. I also can t get a 4.0 gpa and I can t wear clothes that are expensive without doing something illegal to buy it. I feel like anyone of any skin color or gender should be treated the same and held to the same ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Antisemitism and the Gentleman s Agreement Anti Semitism and the Gentleman s Agreement Cultural diversity includes opinions, appearances, values, and beliefs, as well as the categories of race, ethnicity, social class, gender, sexual orientation, and disability (Koppelman, 2011). One method of understanding cultural diversity is through films. Films are often used as vehicles to reveal, discuss, and explore relationships, conflicts, lessons, and/or history. In an attempt to analyze the cultural diversity portrayed in a film, I have chosen to watch and analyze Gentleman s Agreement . The analysis of the film will take place in four parts: (1) conflict between minority and majority groups; (2) film s perspective in approach to the problem of anti semitism; (3) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Wales response was: Of course, you know it will be Yes to the Green and No to the Greenbergs. This statement serves as the basis for establishing the conflict to be exposed. In addition to beginning and exacerbating conflicts, labeling can occur informally and formally. Informal labels are utilized by an individual or group of individuals to establish a means of identification for another individual or group of individuals. Formal labels are established by institutions, such as academia and government, as a means to identify an individual or group of individuals possessing similar characteristics. A label has the power to define the individual or group of individuals being identified. That power is equal to control (Koppelman, 2011). Both can have a positive or negative effect. Unfortunately, the labels used by the majority are meant to have a negative effect. In fact, the labels are meant to demean and hurt as much as possible. They are so negative that there seems to be the intent to drive the labeled individual and/or group away, so they are no longer present and able to interact with the majority. Within the context of the movie, the minority group referred to themselves as Jewish or Jews. When used to describe one s self, I believe that the intent was to refer to one s ethnicity, nationality, and/or religion, because they are strongly interrelated. Typically, the majority group labels itself in a way that clearly indicates ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Advantages Of Pairee Machine INTRODUCTION In order to compete with the growing sectors in manufacturing industries, the manufactures must frequently looks for the cost reduction ways while enhancing the quality of product and increasing through put. The company should have the ability to adopt the fluctuation in marketplace. It can be possible by automation. The machineries, process in industries are subjected to automatic control with use of various control system called automation. It have various application in steering and stabilization of ships, aircraft and various machining operations. The most advantages using automation is it saves the labor. The advancement in industries leads to use of feedback control system, usually continuous which includes taking measurements using a sensor and making the adjustments to keep the measured variable within a set range Automation has been achieved by various means including mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic and computers usually in combination. Due to the automation and innovative technologies a tough competition increasing between manufacturing industries. These are now much concerned with their profitability and productivity. The researchers believe that reduction of time and cost of product and increasing quality of production are very important aspects in achieving ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Pairee SPM was ordered and brought to the Rane (madras), pvt. Limited, Ambattur branch, Chennai in 1997 from Pairee machine tools private ltd. As the name itself states it s a special purpose machine designed to perform Milling, Boring and drilling operations. During the year 2000 the machine was transferred to Rane (madras) Mysore branch as the steering gear box housing component requires some operation in sequence eliminate the procuring of new machine which cost to the company and also the machine can be modified as per the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. The Improvisational Brain By Amanda Martinez Learning to create music or a speech spontaneously is not an easy task. Any professional musician will say that improvisation is not as easy as just making it up as one goes along. In fact, the musicians that make improvisation look simple are the ones who have put in countless hours of time and study to make it look effortless. The Improvisational Brainby Amanda Martinez tells about a neuroscientist that studied the science behind how the brain works in order to improvise. In order to be able to be a good improviser, one must learn to shut down the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and let the creativity and skill take over. What about those that have limited ability? Should they learn to improvise as well? One would argue that it is not important to learn to improvise, whether it be musicor otherwise. However, improvising can give a person a sense of freedom from the ordinary. This notion of trying to tell your own story, without the constraints of caring how well it s going as you re saying it, was really pretty intriguing (Martinez p. 7). Although many struggle being able to shut down the part of your brain that allows one to improvise, it is important to teach children and adults alike how to improvise because it teaches creativity, divergent thinking, and encourages better communication skills. Improvising is defined by Merriam Webster dictionary as, to make, invent, or arrange offhand. A classical pianist, Robert Levin said of improvisation, It s an act of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. HIPAA Discussion Paper HIPPA Discussion What is the definition of HIPAA? HIPAA is an acronym that stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It is a US law designed to provide privacy standards to protect patients medical records, as well as other health information provided to Health Plans, Doctors, Hospitals, and other healthcare providers (Medicinenet.com, 2017). Developed by the Department of Health and Human Services, this program was designed to give patients better access to their medical records and more control and how those records are distributed. What forms of communication are protected with HIPAA guidelines? All forms of communication related to the patient s information are protected. Those forms of communication may include any information that is transmitted by computer or other electronic means, telephone, fax, written documentation, audio recordings (such as telephone voice messages) or other oral communication. This protection extends to health billing information as well. All healthcare providers and insurance providers are bound to this privacy act. (Secretary H. O. 2017) What are the exceptions... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is especially necessary if the patient is incapacitated and doing so is in the best interest of the patient. In addition, the Privacy Rule does not prevent reporting of child abuse. Child abuse or neglect is to be reported to the appropriate government authorities and does not conflict with HIPAA guidelines. Another exception would be when it is necessary to comply with law enforcement for specific medical information requests, such as an emergency request for information during a possible bioterrorism ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Theme Of Power And Control In Macbeth Michael Shlenskiy Ms. Wickens ENG2D1 05 May 25th, 2016 Foul Minds When an individual is consumed with horrorful ambition, it causes the most unimaginable sorrow to not only themselves but those around them. In William Shakespeare s Macbeth, the necessity of power and control brings out the inner monster in various characters, forming the theme of appearance vs reality. Commitments based on greed for power leads to demise, betrayal and life changing lies, though nothing comes out well with these dark desires. The vast amount of trickery, fraud, and betrayal could only be done by Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, and the three witches as they are willing to live a life filled with the uncontrollable desire for power. To begin with, Lady Macbeth s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Rather than being crowned king with respect and using the power to benefit others around him, he does the exact opposite. To gain all power and respect, Macbeth knows he has to eliminate all his obstacles which would include his most loyal and best friend, Banquo. As a result, after Macbeth decides that Banquo is just another pilon that he will need to surpass, he decides, It is concluded. Banquo, thy soul s flight, /if it finds heaven, must find it out tonight (III.I.162 163). Macbeth, being loyal and supportive to Banquo all his life, completely betrays their friendship for his own benefit, revealing the self centered and greedy person Macbeth has become. In similarity, after Macbeth discovers Duncan s eldest son, Malcolm, heir to the throne, jealousy rises in his blood, causing him to overturn this situation with the murder of King Duncan. Macbeth becomes aware of the horrifying deed he s about to do, so he announces, Stars hide your fires, let not light see my dark and deep desires. The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be which the eye fears when it is done, not to see (l.lV.11). This quotation exemplifies how the use of deception by Macbeth is used for truly evil purposes. Due to the horrible desires of Macbeth, he believes no one, not even himself should witness the task he is about to do. Despite the fact of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth tricking the whole kingdom ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Polio ( Poliomyelitis ) Is A Contagious Illness Caused By... Polio (Poliomyelitis) is a very contagious illness caused by the poliovirus. The poliovirus affects the central nervous system, and is known and feared for causing paralysis (CDC, 2015). The virus is contracted orally (through the mouth), from fecal matter (CDC, 2015): It first goes to the throat and digestive system (CDC, 2015). Next it enters the lymphatic system, the bloodstream and finally the Central Nervous System (CNS), were it can cause paralysis due to damage/destruction of the motor neurons (CDC, 2015). Only people carry the poliovirus, and it only affects humans (CDC, 2015) No cure, only prevention (CDC, 2015). Once someone has been in contact with the virus, it can take anywhere from 3 to 35 days to notice symptoms (NYSDOH, 2014). Most people who contract polio do not get sick (they don t show symptoms), but they can still pass the virus through stool and spread it to other individuals (NYSDOH, 2014). Of the individuals who contract polio, only 4 5% get the following symptoms: headaches, fever, nausea, vomiting, and muscle weakness (NYSDOH, 2014). 1 2% of people with polio develop severe muscle pain and stiffness in the neck and back (NYSDOH, 2014). Paralysis caused by polio is very rare, of the total amount of individuals who contract the virus, less than 1% become paralyzed (NYSDOH, 2014). Polio was not addressed as a serious issue in Nigeria until the mid 1900 s (Renne, 2010). When Europeans (white people) in Nigeria began contracting the virus, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Digital Evidence In The Courtroom The concept I will take from this class that I thought was important, is the concept of admissibility. Admissibility defines how safe is the evidence collected for trial and presented in front of a jury, and would the evidence be sound enough when making a decision in a case ( Casey, 2011, p.56). How evidence is collected and analyze and stored are some of the factors that can have an influence on the evidence in a case. The course Book Digital Evidence and Computer Crime, Chapter 3, Digital Evidence in the Courtroom by Eugene Casey provides an example of a case that was presented in Maryland. In 2007. The Magistrate was conveying over a case about the legitimacy of email. The Judgedid not allow the emails because in his view these are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bayesian network modeling is used to calculate the analysts judgment on the certainty of evidence (Changwei, Singhal, Wijesekera, 2014). Bayesian probabilities ranks the submission of evidence from the highest to lowest degree of certainty; (1) Beyond any doubt (100%) (2) Beyond a reasonable doubt ( 99%), (3) Clear and convincing evidence (90 99%) (4) Clear showing (80 90%) (5) Substantial and credible evidence (67 80%) (6) Preponderance of the evidence (50 67%) (7) Clear indication (33 50%) (8) Probable cause: reasonable grounds for belief (10 33%) (9) Reasonable, articulable grounds for suspicious (1 10%) (10) No reasonable grounds for suspicion ( 1%) This second method is a scientific or systematic approach method in analyzing evidence. However, this method is not use in a civil hearing or a court of law. In conclusion, the course provided many concepts that can be used or introduce in a case by case analysis. The one point that is common throughout the course readings is the extraction of fact from hearsay when determining the integrity of evidence presented in court or civil ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Electronic Monitoring System For The Correctional Facilities The concept of Electronic Monitoring offenders was first originated by Dr. Robert Schweitzgebel in the 1960s when he while a Harvard University designed a trial product of an electronic monitoring system. Even though Dr. Schweitzgebel made this invention in the 1960s; however, it took many years to have the system been used by the departments of correction. At first, the intent of Dr. Schweitzgebel was to allow the population of the correctional facilities to not be saturated by many people at once and to rehabilitate those whose self esteem suffered from losing their liberties and free will. The objectives of this system or alternative was intended to reduce the amount of money the tax payers were paying to house inmates in the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Review of Literature: This futuristic alternative to monitored perpetrators was first initiated in the State of Massachusetts which in 2005 began using the full GPS bracelet (The Office of Commissioner of Probation, 2014). Electronic monitoring provides the governments with an alternative to prevent the overcrowding of correctional facilities within a country. At the same time it provides the governments with additional ways to counter attack the ways the criminal justice system can deal with perpetrators after court proceedings are completed. The idea is to work out a way to keep a given community safely, but at the same time to give the perpetrators with an opportunity to be able to rehabilitate and to better themselves and becoming a productive member of the community and their families. The government states that electronic monitoring still is way inexpensive than housing a perpetrator in a correctional facility. However, when the government takes into consideration all the pieces involving the monitoring of a person within a jurisdiction and all the pieces needed to make this happen then it can be quiet expensive monetarily and with safety concerns. Can the government accurately supervise a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...