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Gandhian Thoughts and Human Welfare
Gandhian Model of Rural Development
Chief Editor of Research Nepal Journal of Development Studies
Visiting Assistant Professor CDRD TU, Kathmandu Nepal
25th August 2020
Webinar Presentation on
Delhi University
Department of Anthropology
• Understanding God
• Gandhi, God and truth
• Gandhian Model of Rural Development
• Gandhian Vision mission of Life
• Gandhian Philosophy in Nepal
• Recommendations
• Conclusion
The Origination of Gandhian Thought
• Universalism : (ब्रह्माण्डवाद)
Universalism is the norms and values
accepted by the entire Universe
The common acceptance of the people of
the Universe
The Universal Truths are the Gandhian
Whatever we see: Born, Live, and Die
Truth is God – God is Truth
Born = Generation is Generated by the
Live = Operation is Operated by the
Die = Destruction is Destructed by the
The Function of God
• Generator
• Operator
• Destructor
• Knowledge
• Wealth
• Power
Functions of the Truth
• Generator has to function for Generation
• Operator has to function for Operation
• Destructor has to function for Destruction
• No Interruption at all in functions
• Body, Soul and Mind
• Morality
No Interruption
• Human should be a complete Human (Human Right)
• Nature should be a complete Nature (Sustainable Development)
• Animal should be a complete Animal (Animal Right)
Human Greed is the Problem
Greed Comes from Ignorance
• Ignorance- अज्ञान – अववद्या creates Illusion – माया – भ्रम
• Illusion creates Attachments
• Attachments create Lust
• Lust creates Greed
• Greed Creates Violence
From the mode of goodness, real knowledge develops; from
the mode of passion, grief develops; and from the mode of
ignorance, foolishness, madness and illusion develop(14.17
The Truth is GOD in Bhagawad Geeta
• Geeta is the song of GOD
• Geeta is not religious text book
• Geeta is for every human being
• Geeta is the course or syllabus of human life
• It Guides on: God, Kala, Karma, Gyan, Gun, Prakriti, and Soul
• It Guides on Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moxya of human life
• That is why Geeta was the guide book of Gandhi
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
• Born in 1869 in Gujrat in 2nd October
• Studied in London (Kingdom of 65
nations around the Globe or City of
• An Advocate/ Barester
• Champaran Movement
• Harijan Movement
• A true freedom fighter
• A true devotee of GOD
• A Saint, Mahatma
Mahatma Gandhi is
His Life is his Message is Rural Sustainable
• God is Truth = Experimented with Truth
• Seek truth in every action
• Respect Humanity
• Worship Natural Resources
• Satyagraha
• Nonviolence
• Fasting
• Anti consumerism and anti modernity
Rural Development
Gandhian model of rural development
Rural Development
Gandhian Model of Rural Development
“Gandhi’s approach to India’s rural development was holistic and
people-centred. It was rooted in his conviction in the tenets of truth,
non-violence and the goodness of human-beings”.
• India lives in her seven and half lakhs of villages
• If village perishes, India will perish too
• Charkha Khadi – promotion of Local Indigenous technology
• Charkha was boon to Nepal – Nepal is the land of sheep wool
• Non Capitalistic Mode of Production
Gandhian Model of Rural Development
“My ideal village will contain intelligent human beings. They will not
live in dirt and darkness as animals. Men and women will be free and
able to hold their own against anyone in the world. There will be
neither plague nor cholera nor small pox, none will be idle, no one will
wallow in luxury. Everyone will have to contribute his quota of manual
labor. It is possible to envisage railways, post and telegraphs and the
- MK Gandhi
That Means a village must have:
Village Trust = Trusteeship = Service= Devotion of Life= Meaning of Life
Intelligent human Being – Vidhya- Education
New Training – Shixa- Education
Cooperation – Village Cooperatives, self suficiency
Local Governance – Swaraj
Local Production – Khadi, Swadeshi, Charkha Movement
Non Violence- Ahimsa, vegetarian, Silent disobedience
Bread Labor- kam karo to khao aur lao nahi to nahi tum jo bhi ho
Health- Sound Body, soul, and Mind- Meditation
Education- Moral science- Body and spiritual Growth
"God has given everyone the capacity to work and earn more
than his daily bread and whatsoever is ready to use that
capacity is sure to find work”
Even Lawyers, Engineers, Scientists, Professors, Poets and Playwrights
will have to perform physical labor apart from their intellectual labor to
earn their upkeep.
They will not demand any payment or compensation for their
intellectual labor, it serves only to satisfy intellectual or the soul.
Forget the Greed
Gandhi's Focus on Rural Development
• The 18-point Constructive Program
• 1. Communal Unity, 2. Removal of Untouchability, 3. Prohibition on
alcohol, 4. Khadi, 5. Other Village industries, 6. Village sanitation, 7.
New or basic education, 8. Adult education, 9. Women, 10.
Education in health and hygiene, 11. Provincial languages, 12.
National language, 13. Economic equality, 14. Kisans, 15. Labor, 16.
Adivasies, 17. Lepers, 18. Students
Goals of Life and Contradiction with
Moxya- Enlightenment
Less Consumption
Cottage Industry
Sustainable livelihood
Environment Protection
Simple living high thinking
Spiritual conscious material
• Economic Development
• More Consumption
• Mass production
• More Production, Profit, Wealth
• Industrialization
• Globalization, Privatization, and
liberalization, of Market
• Core Science
Objectives of Human Development
• Moxya = Liberated Life = Changed Life= Development
• No discrimination, No Hunger, No Violence, No disease, = Only Truth
• Happy life, Free Life, Good Health and environment, Friendly
Communal Relationships = Only Truth
• Ram Rajya= Good Governance = Only Truth
• Rural Development = Development of Rural Resources
= Development of Rural human and natural resources
Gandhian Model Of Rural Development
• Rural Development = Development of (Economy, Society, Environment)
in village
• Rural Development = Development of ( Income, Employment, GDP,
Health, Education, Optimum Utilization of Natural Resources) in Village
Socio economic and environmental development lead to:
Dharma (Good Social status), Artha (Good Economic Status), Kama
(Good Family Status), Moxya (Very Good Status) qualitatively as well as
quantitatively, or spiritually and materially.
Gandhism in Nepal
• BP Koirala, Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, and Manamohan Adhikari
• Land of wool
• Land of Pashupatinath(80% Vedic, 10 % Boudhists, and 10% others 30 lakh)
• Land of Buddha- Light of Asia- Emblem of world Peace- Truth and Ahimsa
• Head of the world – Mt. Everest
• Charkha Movement in Nepal
• Tulsi Meher Shrestha was the founder of the first social organization in
Nepal, which was initially named “Shree Chandra Kamdhenu Charkha
Pracharak Mahaguthi” established in 1927 AD (Baisakh 1st 1983BS). It is
the pioneer organization in Nepal established to protect and uplift
untouchables, helpless, neglected and distressed people in general and
destitute women in particular. He followed Gandhian philosophy.
India can request
• Amaratya Sen – Revise the capability approach and social choice theory
• Kailash Satyarthi- develop a new model of social welfare trusteeship for
the development of women and children
• Abhijit Vinayak Venerji – can develop an economic model
• Noval Yuwa Harari of Israel – Young professor of Anthropology- Good
friend of India- can develop at least a global paper on Gandhi.
• Many others
Develop a “Gandhian Model of Sustainable Development”
Alternative to Mass Production
• Entire 7.5 lakh villages can be developed as a rural tourism hub
• Indian culture, lifestyle, the smiley people – Incredible India !
• Amual dairy cooperative, Van Gujjars in new Journey of India - Development
of like such organizations- India can learn from Community managed
Irrigation system, Local Government and Community Development Program
and Community forestry from Nepal. Gramin Bank from Bangladesh, Gal
Oya and SANASA Programs of Sri Lanka, Happiness Index of Bhutan, Aga
Khan rural support from Pakistan, Samuel Undung from South Korea, Rural
Reconstruction Program of Deng Xau Ping of China are the best model of
Rural Development. All these programs are designed for the services of the
people as prescribed by Gandhi.
• Swachchha Bharat – Self-help- 138 crores population
Life changing quotes of Gandhi
• Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in
• I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. Nobody
can hurt me without my permission.
• A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes.
• An ounce of practice is worth a thousand words.
• The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
• In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
• Love is the strongest force the world possesses
• Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong
1. Acknowledgements to the economic Modernization and Globalization
2. Welcome the Sustainable Development
3. Good Governance at Grass root level of Panchayat/Palika
4. Replacement of the philosophies and theories, developed on the base of modernity by
the philosophies and theories of Sustainable Development in Education System
5. Moral Education (Meaning of GOD and Truth from Veda, Quran, Tripitak, Bible, etc)
6. Swachha Bharat by the active participation of people
7. Meaningful trusteeship (NGOs) and service to the people by the people
8. Nai Talim to the Media on Positive Mode of Reporting on Sustainable Rural
Development is simply a journey toward Truth, Morality, and Non Violence for The
GODLY Happiness, Peace, and Prosperity of Human Kind.
• Gandhi wanted India to travel east, but India decided to travel west at the time of
60’s decade of Modernity, but sustainable development has changed the direction
and global development is in right path on the era of Sustainable Development
• The Gandhian model is relevant for bringing about equitable and sustainable rural
• Basudhaiba Kutumbakam: India must take an initiation to make friendly relationship
among Neighboring countries because Neighbors cannot be Replaced. India can lead
the world uniting India, China and Pakistan in Kashmir. Kashmir is an opportunity to
Modi Government.
• In Nepal: Modi Government has to make a remarkable Bihar in the Birth Place of Lord
Buddha in Lumbini to assure the people that Buddha was born in Nepal.
• India must initiate bilateral talk with Nepal on the issue of Lipulek Limpiyadhura
• The entire discussion is based on
TRUTH and ETERNITY explained in Oriental Civilization
What I achieved, achieve from the mother
nature and leaving it all to her !!
Interaction Please
• Chief Editor: Research Nepal Journal
of Development Studies
• Assistant Professor: Central
Department of Rural Development,
Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu
• Email: bpb222@yahoo.com
• Please Keep in touch
• Jay Shree Ram !

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Gandhian model of rural development

  • 1. Gandhian Thoughts and Human Welfare Gandhian Model of Rural Development By Dr. BP BADAL Chief Editor of Research Nepal Journal of Development Studies Visiting Assistant Professor CDRD TU, Kathmandu Nepal bpb222@yahoo.com 25th August 2020 Webinar Presentation on Delhi University Department of Anthropology
  • 2. Outline • Understanding God • Gandhi, God and truth • Gandhian Model of Rural Development • Gandhian Vision mission of Life • Gandhian Philosophy in Nepal • Recommendations • Conclusion
  • 3. The Origination of Gandhian Thought • Universalism : (ब्रह्माण्डवाद) Universalism is the norms and values accepted by the entire Universe The common acceptance of the people of the Universe The Universal Truths are the Gandhian Truths Whatever we see: Born, Live, and Die
  • 4. Truth is God – God is Truth Born = Generation is Generated by the Generator Live = Operation is Operated by the Operator Die = Destruction is Destructed by the Destroyer
  • 5. The Function of God • Generator • Operator • Destructor • Knowledge • Wealth • Power Generator Knowledge OperatorDestructor PowerWealth
  • 6. Functions of the Truth • Generator has to function for Generation • Operator has to function for Operation • Destructor has to function for Destruction • No Interruption at all in functions • Body, Soul and Mind • Morality
  • 7. No Interruption • Human should be a complete Human (Human Right) • Nature should be a complete Nature (Sustainable Development) • Animal should be a complete Animal (Animal Right)
  • 8. Human Greed is the Problem Greed Comes from Ignorance • Ignorance- अज्ञान – अववद्या creates Illusion – माया – भ्रम • Illusion creates Attachments • Attachments create Lust • Lust creates Greed • Greed Creates Violence From the mode of goodness, real knowledge develops; from the mode of passion, grief develops; and from the mode of ignorance, foolishness, madness and illusion develop(14.17 Bhagavad-Geeta).
  • 9. The Truth is GOD in Bhagawad Geeta • Geeta is the song of GOD • Geeta is not religious text book • Geeta is for every human being • Geeta is the course or syllabus of human life • It Guides on: God, Kala, Karma, Gyan, Gun, Prakriti, and Soul • It Guides on Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moxya of human life • That is why Geeta was the guide book of Gandhi
  • 10. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi • Born in 1869 in Gujrat in 2nd October • Studied in London (Kingdom of 65 nations around the Globe or City of Royalists) • An Advocate/ Barester • Champaran Movement • Harijan Movement • A true freedom fighter • A true devotee of GOD • A Saint, Mahatma • FATHER OF INDIA
  • 12. His Life is his Message is Rural Sustainable Development • God is Truth = Experimented with Truth • Seek truth in every action • Respect Humanity • Worship Natural Resources • Satyagraha • Nonviolence • Fasting • Anti consumerism and anti modernity Rural Development
  • 15. Gandhian Model of Rural Development “Gandhi’s approach to India’s rural development was holistic and people-centred. It was rooted in his conviction in the tenets of truth, non-violence and the goodness of human-beings”. • India lives in her seven and half lakhs of villages • If village perishes, India will perish too • Charkha Khadi – promotion of Local Indigenous technology • Charkha was boon to Nepal – Nepal is the land of sheep wool • Non Capitalistic Mode of Production
  • 16. Gandhian Model of Rural Development “My ideal village will contain intelligent human beings. They will not live in dirt and darkness as animals. Men and women will be free and able to hold their own against anyone in the world. There will be neither plague nor cholera nor small pox, none will be idle, no one will wallow in luxury. Everyone will have to contribute his quota of manual labor. It is possible to envisage railways, post and telegraphs and the like” - MK Gandhi
  • 17. That Means a village must have: Village Trust = Trusteeship = Service= Devotion of Life= Meaning of Life Intelligent human Being – Vidhya- Education New Training – Shixa- Education Cooperation – Village Cooperatives, self suficiency Local Governance – Swaraj Local Production – Khadi, Swadeshi, Charkha Movement Non Violence- Ahimsa, vegetarian, Silent disobedience Bread Labor- kam karo to khao aur lao nahi to nahi tum jo bhi ho Health- Sound Body, soul, and Mind- Meditation Education- Moral science- Body and spiritual Growth
  • 18. "God has given everyone the capacity to work and earn more than his daily bread and whatsoever is ready to use that capacity is sure to find work” Even Lawyers, Engineers, Scientists, Professors, Poets and Playwrights will have to perform physical labor apart from their intellectual labor to earn their upkeep. They will not demand any payment or compensation for their intellectual labor, it serves only to satisfy intellectual or the soul. Forget the Greed
  • 19. Gandhi's Focus on Rural Development • The 18-point Constructive Program • 1. Communal Unity, 2. Removal of Untouchability, 3. Prohibition on alcohol, 4. Khadi, 5. Other Village industries, 6. Village sanitation, 7. New or basic education, 8. Adult education, 9. Women, 10. Education in health and hygiene, 11. Provincial languages, 12. National language, 13. Economic equality, 14. Kisans, 15. Labor, 16. Adivasies, 17. Lepers, 18. Students
  • 20. Goals of Life and Contradiction with Modernity Gandhi Moxya- Enlightenment Less Consumption Cottage Industry Sustainable livelihood Environment Protection Simple living high thinking Spiritual conscious material Science Modernism • Economic Development • More Consumption • Mass production • More Production, Profit, Wealth • Industrialization • Globalization, Privatization, and liberalization, of Market • Core Science
  • 21. Objectives of Human Development • Moxya = Liberated Life = Changed Life= Development • No discrimination, No Hunger, No Violence, No disease, = Only Truth • Happy life, Free Life, Good Health and environment, Friendly Communal Relationships = Only Truth • Ram Rajya= Good Governance = Only Truth • Rural Development = Development of Rural Resources = Development of Rural human and natural resources
  • 22. Gandhian Model Of Rural Development • Rural Development = Development of (Economy, Society, Environment) in village • Rural Development = Development of ( Income, Employment, GDP, Health, Education, Optimum Utilization of Natural Resources) in Village Socio economic and environmental development lead to: Dharma (Good Social status), Artha (Good Economic Status), Kama (Good Family Status), Moxya (Very Good Status) qualitatively as well as quantitatively, or spiritually and materially.
  • 23. Gandhism in Nepal • BP Koirala, Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, and Manamohan Adhikari • Land of wool • Land of Pashupatinath(80% Vedic, 10 % Boudhists, and 10% others 30 lakh) • Land of Buddha- Light of Asia- Emblem of world Peace- Truth and Ahimsa • Head of the world – Mt. Everest • Charkha Movement in Nepal • Tulsi Meher Shrestha was the founder of the first social organization in Nepal, which was initially named “Shree Chandra Kamdhenu Charkha Pracharak Mahaguthi” established in 1927 AD (Baisakh 1st 1983BS). It is the pioneer organization in Nepal established to protect and uplift untouchables, helpless, neglected and distressed people in general and destitute women in particular. He followed Gandhian philosophy.
  • 24. India can request • Amaratya Sen – Revise the capability approach and social choice theory • Kailash Satyarthi- develop a new model of social welfare trusteeship for the development of women and children • Abhijit Vinayak Venerji – can develop an economic model • Noval Yuwa Harari of Israel – Young professor of Anthropology- Good friend of India- can develop at least a global paper on Gandhi. • Many others Develop a “Gandhian Model of Sustainable Development”
  • 25. Alternative to Mass Production • Entire 7.5 lakh villages can be developed as a rural tourism hub • Indian culture, lifestyle, the smiley people – Incredible India ! • Amual dairy cooperative, Van Gujjars in new Journey of India - Development of like such organizations- India can learn from Community managed Irrigation system, Local Government and Community Development Program and Community forestry from Nepal. Gramin Bank from Bangladesh, Gal Oya and SANASA Programs of Sri Lanka, Happiness Index of Bhutan, Aga Khan rural support from Pakistan, Samuel Undung from South Korea, Rural Reconstruction Program of Deng Xau Ping of China are the best model of Rural Development. All these programs are designed for the services of the people as prescribed by Gandhi. • Swachchha Bharat – Self-help- 138 crores population
  • 26. Life changing quotes of Gandhi • Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. • I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. Nobody can hurt me without my permission. • A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes. • An ounce of practice is worth a thousand words. • The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. • In a gentle way, you can shake the world. • Love is the strongest force the world possesses • Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong
  • 27. Recommendations 1. Acknowledgements to the economic Modernization and Globalization 2. Welcome the Sustainable Development 3. Good Governance at Grass root level of Panchayat/Palika 4. Replacement of the philosophies and theories, developed on the base of modernity by the philosophies and theories of Sustainable Development in Education System 5. Moral Education (Meaning of GOD and Truth from Veda, Quran, Tripitak, Bible, etc) 6. Swachha Bharat by the active participation of people 7. Meaningful trusteeship (NGOs) and service to the people by the people 8. Nai Talim to the Media on Positive Mode of Reporting on Sustainable Rural Development Development is simply a journey toward Truth, Morality, and Non Violence for The GODLY Happiness, Peace, and Prosperity of Human Kind.
  • 28. Conclusions • Gandhi wanted India to travel east, but India decided to travel west at the time of 60’s decade of Modernity, but sustainable development has changed the direction and global development is in right path on the era of Sustainable Development • The Gandhian model is relevant for bringing about equitable and sustainable rural development • Basudhaiba Kutumbakam: India must take an initiation to make friendly relationship among Neighboring countries because Neighbors cannot be Replaced. India can lead the world uniting India, China and Pakistan in Kashmir. Kashmir is an opportunity to Modi Government. • In Nepal: Modi Government has to make a remarkable Bihar in the Birth Place of Lord Buddha in Lumbini to assure the people that Buddha was born in Nepal. • India must initiate bilateral talk with Nepal on the issue of Lipulek Limpiyadhura • The entire discussion is based on TRUTH and ETERNITY explained in Oriental Civilization
  • 29. What I achieved, achieve from the mother nature and leaving it all to her !!
  • 30. Interaction Please Dr. BP BADAL • Chief Editor: Research Nepal Journal of Development Studies • Assistant Professor: Central Department of Rural Development, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu Nepal • Email: bpb222@yahoo.com • Please Keep in touch • Jay Shree Ram !