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Christopher Cannon, Adam Davis, Lu Mei,   Marketing 300
   Daniel Montgomery & Chloe Zhang        Presentation
   Bridging the Gap in History

   Current Big Picture Analysis

   New Big Picture Analysis

   Questions & Discussion
Bridging the “Gap” in History
   1969 in San Francisco

   “The Perfect Fitting Jean”

   Levi to Gap jeans

   Foreign Expansion

                                 Doris and Don Fisher, Gap Founders
Gap Stock Troubles

   Gap, Inc.’s stock troubles since 2010. Source: finance.yahoo.com
Gap Inc.
What Do Consumers Think?

When you think of Gap,          When I go to Gap, I
 what comes to mind?            buy ___________.
  Men and women in 30s vs.             Khakis
                                      Blue jeans
  Middleclass vs. inexpensive
                                     Dress shirts
        Boring vs. style

       Classic vs. class              Sweaters
Other Survey Results

Why do you shop at Gap?

• Simple, natural color, timeless clothing, only for jeans

Why don’t you shop at Gap?

• Clothes do not fit me, baggy, boring, plain, no bargains

                          Range:                Avg. low:
     Age                  12-20                   16
    Range                 Range:               Avg. high:
                          25-60                   44
Current Big Picture

Business     Entity   Competence   Goals


Source of

  STP       Segment     Target     Position

 Execute    Product      Price      Place     Promotion
Business Objective

               • Gap brand, a part of Gap Inc.
   Entity      • Domestic Division

   Core    • Ability to create classic clothing

               • Regain position and relevance in the
   Goals       • Reduce dependence at home and
                 expand internationally
Marketing Objective & Source of Volume


• Focus on minorities
• Focus on 25-30 year olds

Steal Share

• Designer jeans
Segmenting, Targeting & Positioning

            • Males & Females
Segment     • 25-35 years old

Target      • Tangella Jones

            • GAP is an affordable yet
Position      classic clothing style
Meet Tangella Jones

    Tangella Jones

• 27 years old
• Graduated from the University
  of Michigan's Ross School of
• HR personnel consultant for a
  large firm
• Lives in a trendy one-bedroom
  flat in downtown Chicago
• Passionate socialite
Current Ad Campaign
   1969 Premium Jeans Campaign
   “Start a conversation about the brand”
   Commercials: give a behind-the-scenes feel to the
    design process, emphasize the brand’s Los Angeles
   Purpose: show that Gap makes cheaper alternatives
    to high-end designer jeans
Ad Clip for 1969 Premium Jeans
Current 5-box Position

                        Gap makes        Gap’s clothing is
Gap jeans are too        cheaper           as good as
 boring to wear       alternatives to    clothing from a
                      high-end jeans    designer company

When I want high-                       When I want jeans
  end designer                           from a designer
 clothing, I’ll buy                      label, I will buy
   them from a                          ones that are just
designer company                           as good from
Execution: The 4 P’s

       Product         Price
       • Trendy        • Upper
         clothing        middle

       Place           Promotion
       • Closing       • 1969
         U.S. stores     Jeans
Summary of Current Big Picture
Business     Entity   Competence   Goals


Source of

  STP       Segment     Target     Position

 Execute    Product      Price      Place     Promotion
Flaws with Acquisition
   Survey Responses
                        Range:          Avg. low:
            Age         12-20             16
           Range        Range:          Avg. high:
                        25-60              44
   Instead of targeting the younger range of its 25-35
    year old demographic…
     Itshould be targeting the older demographics of 30-45
      year olds.
Flaws with Acquisition
          Attempting acquisition while closing stores
            In  order to reduce dependence at home, Gap have
               decided to close 21% of their domestic Gap stores
                                           Closing Gap Stores


                                                               Gap stores to close by
                                   79%                         Gap stores to remain open

            Should    be focusing on retaining current customer base
               while closing down its stores
Source: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204002304576628953628772370.html?mod=dist_smartbrief
Flaws with Steal Share
   Gap is not a designer brand
       Gap  represents the “central anchor division” with “extensive
       selections of classically-styled, high quality, casual apparel
       at moderate price points”
New Marketing Strategy: R & SD

Retention                Stimulate Demand
 Retain current          New ad campaign
  customer base           New commercial
  instead of targeting     design
  younger audience
 Target Change to
  30-45 years
Changing Targets: New

           Shirley Wilson

          • 38 years old
          • Married for 12 years
          • Mother of two teenage boys
          • Works part-time as a real
            estate agent
          • When she is not busy with her
            children, enjoys spending time
            with her friends
          • Does not have much time to shop
            but still likes to look put-together
New 5-box Position

Gap’s clothing is        Gap offers           Gap has options
                       affordable and
mainly for teens                               for my entire
                     essential clothing for
and young adults      an adult wardrobe

I’m not interested                            When I want new
  in Gap clothing                             clothes, I shop at
for my wardrobe                                     Gap
New Ad Campaign
   Bring back what Gap is remembered as
   “Back to Basics”
     Blue   jeans and white tees
Commercials: New Suggestions
   Gap has featured over 308 celebrities of various
    stature in their campaigns

   New celebrity endorsers:
   Brad Pitt and Angelia Jolie
     Family-oriented
     Older audience
Foreign Market Strategy
   Continue Acquisition Strategy
       International growth seems promising

       In April 2011, Gap, Inc. decided to combine their
        international operations into one division

       Plan to expand their number of Chinese stores from 6 to 45
        by the end of 2012 as well as open a few stores in Italy
A “Gap” in the Market
Gap, Inc. Q3 (2011) sales by division                      Gap, Inc. Q3 (2011) Sales by Division
         (United States only)                                          (worldwide)

                           Gap                              18%                      Gap
                34%                                                         40%

                           Old Navy                                                  Old Navy

                           Banana Republic                  38%                      Banana Republic

                           Other                                                     Other
                           (Piperlime, Athleta, wholesal                             (Piperlime, Athleta, wholesal
                           e & franchise)                                            e & franchise)

Sales in millions                                          Sales in millions
• Gap: $819                                                • Gap: $1,419
• Old Navy: $1105,                                         • Old Navy: $1,383
• Banana Republic: $495                                    • Banana Republic: $634
• Other: negligible                                        • Other: $149

                  Source: http://www.gapinc.com/content/dam/gapincsite/documents/GPS_Quarterly_Sales.pdf
Summary of Current Big Picture
Business     Entity   Competence   Goals


Source of

  STP       Segment     Target     Position

 Execute    Product      Price      Place     Promotion

More Related Content

Gap Marketing Presentation

  • 1. Christopher Cannon, Adam Davis, Lu Mei, Marketing 300 Daniel Montgomery & Chloe Zhang Presentation
  • 2. Agenda  Bridging the Gap in History  Current Big Picture Analysis  New Big Picture Analysis  Questions & Discussion
  • 3. Bridging the “Gap” in History  1969 in San Francisco  “The Perfect Fitting Jean”  Levi to Gap jeans  Foreign Expansion Doris and Don Fisher, Gap Founders
  • 4. Gap Stock Troubles Gap, Inc.’s stock troubles since 2010. Source: finance.yahoo.com
  • 6. What Do Consumers Think? When you think of Gap, When I go to Gap, I what comes to mind? buy ___________. Men and women in 30s vs. Khakis youthful Blue jeans Middleclass vs. inexpensive Dress shirts Boring vs. style T-shirts Classic vs. class Sweaters
  • 7. Other Survey Results Why do you shop at Gap? • Simple, natural color, timeless clothing, only for jeans Why don’t you shop at Gap? • Clothes do not fit me, baggy, boring, plain, no bargains Range: Avg. low: Age 12-20 16 Range Range: Avg. high: 25-60 44
  • 8. Current Big Picture Business Entity Competence Goals Objective Marketing Objective Source of Volume STP Segment Target Position Execute Product Price Place Promotion
  • 9. Business Objective • Gap brand, a part of Gap Inc. Entity • Domestic Division Core • Ability to create classic clothing Competence • Regain position and relevance in the market Goals • Reduce dependence at home and expand internationally
  • 10. Marketing Objective & Source of Volume Acquisition • Focus on minorities • Focus on 25-30 year olds Steal Share • Designer jeans
  • 11. Segmenting, Targeting & Positioning • Males & Females Segment • 25-35 years old Target • Tangella Jones • GAP is an affordable yet Position classic clothing style
  • 12. Meet Tangella Jones Tangella Jones • 27 years old • Graduated from the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business • HR personnel consultant for a large firm • Lives in a trendy one-bedroom flat in downtown Chicago • Passionate socialite
  • 13. Current Ad Campaign  1969 Premium Jeans Campaign  “Start a conversation about the brand”  Commercials: give a behind-the-scenes feel to the design process, emphasize the brand’s Los Angeles heritage  Purpose: show that Gap makes cheaper alternatives to high-end designer jeans
  • 14. Ad Clip for 1969 Premium Jeans
  • 15. Current 5-box Position Gap makes Gap’s clothing is Gap jeans are too cheaper as good as boring to wear alternatives to clothing from a high-end jeans designer company When I want high- When I want jeans end designer from a designer clothing, I’ll buy label, I will buy them from a ones that are just designer company as good from Gap
  • 16. Execution: The 4 P’s Product Price • Trendy • Upper clothing middle class Place Promotion • Closing • 1969 U.S. stores Jeans
  • 17. Summary of Current Big Picture Business Entity Competence Goals Objective Marketing Objective Source of Volume STP Segment Target Position Execute Product Price Place Promotion
  • 18. Flaws with Acquisition  Survey Responses Range: Avg. low: Age 12-20 16 Range Range: Avg. high: 25-60 44  Instead of targeting the younger range of its 25-35 year old demographic…  Itshould be targeting the older demographics of 30-45 year olds.
  • 19. Flaws with Acquisition  Attempting acquisition while closing stores  In order to reduce dependence at home, Gap have decided to close 21% of their domestic Gap stores Closing Gap Stores 21% Gap stores to close by 2013 79% Gap stores to remain open  Should be focusing on retaining current customer base while closing down its stores Source: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204002304576628953628772370.html?mod=dist_smartbrief
  • 20. Flaws with Steal Share  Gap is not a designer brand  Gap represents the “central anchor division” with “extensive selections of classically-styled, high quality, casual apparel at moderate price points”
  • 21. New Marketing Strategy: R & SD Retention Stimulate Demand  Retain current  New ad campaign customer base  New commercial instead of targeting design younger audience  Target Change to 30-45 years
  • 22. Changing Targets: New Shirley Wilson • 38 years old • Married for 12 years • Mother of two teenage boys • Works part-time as a real estate agent • When she is not busy with her children, enjoys spending time with her friends • Does not have much time to shop but still likes to look put-together
  • 23. New 5-box Position Gap’s clothing is Gap offers Gap has options affordable and mainly for teens for my entire essential clothing for and young adults an adult wardrobe wardrobe I’m not interested When I want new in Gap clothing clothes, I shop at for my wardrobe Gap
  • 24. New Ad Campaign  Bring back what Gap is remembered as  “Back to Basics”  Blue jeans and white tees
  • 25. Commercials: New Suggestions  Gap has featured over 308 celebrities of various stature in their campaigns  New celebrity endorsers:  Brad Pitt and Angelia Jolie  Family-oriented  Older audience
  • 26. Foreign Market Strategy  Continue Acquisition Strategy  International growth seems promising  In April 2011, Gap, Inc. decided to combine their international operations into one division  Plan to expand their number of Chinese stores from 6 to 45 by the end of 2012 as well as open a few stores in Italy
  • 27. A “Gap” in the Market Gap, Inc. Q3 (2011) sales by division Gap, Inc. Q3 (2011) Sales by Division (United States only) (worldwide) 0% 4% Gap 18% Gap 20% 34% 40% Old Navy Old Navy Banana Republic 38% Banana Republic 46% Other Other (Piperlime, Athleta, wholesal (Piperlime, Athleta, wholesal e & franchise) e & franchise) Sales in millions Sales in millions • Gap: $819 • Gap: $1,419 • Old Navy: $1105, • Old Navy: $1,383 • Banana Republic: $495 • Banana Republic: $634 • Other: negligible • Other: $149 Source: http://www.gapinc.com/content/dam/gapincsite/documents/GPS_Quarterly_Sales.pdf
  • 28. Summary of Current Big Picture Business Entity Competence Goals Objective Marketing Objective Source of Volume STP Segment Target Position Execute Product Price Place Promotion

Editor's Notes

  1. Chris
  2. Chris
  3. Chris
  4. Chris
  5. Chris
  6. Chris
  7. Chris – 34 results
  8. Adam
  9. Adam
  10. Adam
  11. Adam
  12. Chloe
  13. Dan
  14. Dan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER-iKU0pntY&feature=player_embedded#t=0m53s
  15. Dan
  16. Adam
  17. Adam
  18. Lu
  19. Lu
  20. Lu
  21. Chloe
  22. Chloe
  23. Adam
  24. Chloe
  25. Chloe
  26. Lu - Gap has seen 16% growth in the international market in the first half of 2011Based out of London, EnglandAttempt to lessen its hold of the United States market and gain a larger share of the $1.4 trillion global apparel retail market
  27. Chris
  28. Adam