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Gender Roles Essays
Writing an essay on the topic of "Gender Roles" can be both challenging and enlightening. The
difficulty arises from the vastness and complexity of the subject matter, as gender roles
encompass a wide range of societal, cultural, historical, and individual dimensions. Tackling this
topic requires a deep understanding of various disciplines, including sociology, psychology,
anthropology, and history.
One of the challenges lies in navigating through the evolving nature of gender roles. Societal
norms and expectations regarding gender have transformed over time, making it essential to
delve into the historical context while also addressing contemporary issues. Additionally, the
intersectionality of gender with other aspects such as race, class, and sexuality adds layers of
complexity, making it necessary to approach the topic with sensitivity and nuance.
Furthermore, the debate surrounding gender roles is often intertwined with cultural beliefs,
traditions, and power structures. Analyzing and critiquing these elements can be intellectually
demanding, requiring a thorough exploration of diverse perspectives and scholarly viewpoints.
The writer must navigate through the potential biases inherent in societal narratives to present a
well-rounded and impartial analysis.
Moreover, the essay should be well-researched, drawing on a variety of academic sources,
studies, and real-life examples to support the arguments. The inclusion of relevant statistics, case
studies, and expert opinions adds credibility to the essay and enhances the overall quality of the
Crafting an effective essay on gender roles also involves addressing the intricacies of language
and terminology. Ensuring the use of inclusive and respectful language is paramount to fostering
a positive and unbiased discussion. The writer must be mindful of how language can perpetuate
or challenge existing gender stereotypes.
In conclusion, writing an essay on gender roles requires not only a comprehensive understanding
of the topic but also the ability to navigate through its multifaceted nature. It demands critical
thinking, research skills, and a nuanced approach to capture the dynamic aspects of gender
relations. While challenging, such essays offer an opportunity for personal and academic growth
by encouraging the exploration of diverse perspectives.
For assistance with essays on a variety of topics, including gender roles and more, consider
exploring the services available at HelpWriting.net. They offer professional support for
academic writing, ensuring quality and reliability in your assignments.
Gender Roles Essays Gender Roles Essays


Analysis Of Medieval People By Erika
Excellent overall summary of the book Medieval People and how the concept of
time was important to them. In this book, it depicts how the world differs from era
to era when it comes to servants, colony, and masters. The life of a servant, as
opposed to a noble, was vast. It was a life of self sufficiency, and they were
producing everything at home, most houses were small with thatched roofs and
most shared a common life in the work of the fields. It is said that peasants, besides
Sundays, enjoyed from eight weeks to a half a year free from work because of the
backbreaking nature. In the Middle Ages time was counted from sunrise, one hour
after sunrise they would call the first hour prime. (Power, 1924) Many events
happened at


Kaffir Lime Research Paper
Kaffir lime leaf and clove are the medicinal plants that are widely used in
aromatherapy and aromatic foods. Because kaffir lime leaf essential oil has properties
that help to relax, refresh and antioxidant as well. In the clove oil has properties that
help relax the flatulence and help the blood circulation. Today, we find that
consumers pay attention to health. It is found that drinking too much teacan cause
constipation. In addition, we found that when the ancient tea, the smell is very
little. This research is interested in the development of new flavors. It is in the form
of an edible oil storage film. The essential oil is stored as a micro particle sized.
Inserted in the film polymer structure by means of casting. The purpose is to use


What Are The Characteristics Of The Dutch Republic
In this time, the Dutch Republic will let you publish any book and will let anyone
say what they think no matter if it is against the government or anyone or anything.
That is a trait of the Dutch Republic that no other country would let that happen, they
will probably kill the person that published a controversial book if anyone did so out
of the Dutch republic. The Dutch are also very open to new ideas and opinions, like
the ideas that the Earth orbits the Sun and that the Earth is round. Also the Dutch
really like painting, science and basically learning, they are open to any idea and
will try to come up with their own ideas too and try to help each other with their
ideas. They are also a very supporting community, especially in the science... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Also there are lots of artists like the Golden Boy Rembrandt and lots more, but a
very big difference between our artists and the artists in France is that our artists can
paint for more people not only the church, they could paint for the Regenten or for
people with enough money to pay them, of course that doesn t assure you to become
some kind of superstar for appearing in a Rembrandt painting because you might not
appear in the front or even be seen. The Dutch Republic is also widely known for the
smartness and intelligence of the Dutch and their people, they most probably have a
very high IQ :). They are very smart because they really like learning and they learn
a lot and their intelligence and open mindedness makes them learn faster and more
things in the same time as other people might learn half what they learn in the same
time because they are really open minded and they are also very intelligent and
creative. Also people really like each other in the Dutch Republic and they get really
well with each other, they don t care if they are jewish or muslim or christian or of
any religion, they treat them the same way as they treat their


Surviving Female Gender Roles
Surviving Female Gender Roles What defines being feminine will vary with each
culture, but two archetypes: passive homemaker and liberal feminist have existed for
centuries as one will see in two Japanese stories written in the 17th century. In The
Love Suicides at Amijima, readers see the social chains that bind a submissive woman
to her societal duties. On the other hand, in Tales of Sensuous Women, readers are
shown a complete opposite archetype where women find ways to circumvent the
social expectations that have been imposed upon them. Although four hundred or so
years have passed since these stories were written, modern women these days still
have a number of societal restrictions that make them less liberated than their male...
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Readers of The Love Suicides at Amijima would not be able to see multi faceted
female characters as these in Life of a Sensuous Woman. Readers would only see
female characters who blindly support the endeavors of the men in their lives. The
women in Tales of Sensuous Women are less confined by circumstance but 17th
century Japanese people would have preferred the obedient and submissive female
as opposed to one who had a mind of her own. The feminist movement that
guaranteed a female s civil rights through law has increased the number of rights
given to them. In the 21st century, society believes that a female who fits the
homemaker archetype should be more adventurous while a female who fits the
liberated, free loving archetype should be more restrained. Society accepts from
women, a balance between the two archetypes which brings up the question of how
social norms or gender roles are created and who enforces these roles. Does Koharu
and Osan s passiveness stem from physical weakness or were they brought up in a
way that made them act this way? They re behavior as supporter is restrictive and
shameful in the sense that they are second class citizens. For the liberated women, is
life for them simply seducing men and robbing them of virility? Almost each
protagonist at the end feels emotionally empty when she reminisces her sexually


Observation Of Water In Sycamore Creek
On a still, warm morning our class set out on a hike to collect water and soil
samples to explore. Our water sample was collected from the first portion of
Sycamore Creek located on the Los Penasquitos Trail in Sorrento Valley.
Collecting 6 in. deep into the creek, we wanted to ensure that the sample in the
plastic test tube included soil, algae and vegetation from the floor. The sample was
allowed to sit uncapped and covered with a layer of film for 24+ hours before
microscopic observation occurred. Expectedly, the soil and a variety of dense
particles settled to the bottom of the test tube. Using a pipette we drew water from
the center of the sample, but making sure not to draw up any soil. Three separate
slides were prepared, each


Mitch Albom s Tuesdays With Morrie
Tuesdays with Morrie is a about a young man and his old college professor, Morrie
Schwartz, who got reacquainted after many years of lost contact. It all starts with
Mitch Albom, one of Morrie s pupils, who graduated from Brandeis University.
Mitch had given a briefcase to his instructor, Morrie, to remember their long history
together. They had promised to keep in touch, but failed to honor their promise.
After graduation, Mitch had decided that he wanted to be a musician and that this
was how he was going to make his living. But after many failed music attempts,
Mitch decided that he would become a journalist. It was not only his failed music
career which gave him the idea of changing his career path, but also his uncle s death
from pancreatic cancer.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During this time, Morrie had been diagnosed with Lou Gherig s disease, better
known as ALS. Morrie had some time to lament about the horrible news, but soon
got back on his feet. He started writing down his philosophical teachings and his
loved one got them published in the Boston Globe. CNN loved the writing so much
that Nightline decided to have a live interview with Morrie. Coincidently, Mitch was
flipping through the channels and found Morrie s live interview. Mitch couldn t
believe that it was him and decided that he wanted to get back in touch with his
professor. They had a total of thirteen and a half Tuesdays before Morrie passed away.
Within those many meetings on Tuesdays, Morrie had taught Mitch many life lessons
that helped him become a better individual lessons about the present, family, and


The History Of Immunostaining Methods
The history of immunostaining methods began when Marrack produced reagents
against typhus and cholera microorganisms, using a red stain conjugated to benzidin
tetraedro (1) However, Professor Albert H. Coons from Harvard School of Medicine
first introduces immunofluorescence. Coons initial attempts to label antibodies were
unsuccessful as the labels were not visible enough under the microscope. In the early
nineteen forties Coons, Creech, Jones and Berliner succeeded in tagging antibodies
(2). These antibodies were used to detect foreign antigens in tissues. This involved
using a single fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) labeled anti pneumococcal antibody
to find pneumococcal antigens in mice injected with large numbers of pneumococci
In 1959 Singer used an electron dense protein in order to achieve ultrastructural
localisation. The protein ferritin was used to tag an antibody because fluorescein
lacks electron opacity. Electron microscopy could be used in immunohistochemistry
as a result of this as the presence of iron in the protein makes it electron dense (1). In
1965 Sternberger used uranium to develop the first electron opaque heavy metal
technique for ultrastructural localisation (3). Owing to the large molecular size of
ferritin, ferritin labeled antibody penetrates tissues poorly also heavy metal labeled
antibody has provided insufficient increase in contrast at the sites of antigen antibody
reactions to be useful. Subsequently, the introduction of enzymes as


Marketing Case Study a New Joe on the Block Essay
Written Assignment 1: A New Joe on the Block
November 4, 2011
[Question 1]
In my opinion, there are two top key decisions that Joe faces in regards to his
situation. The first key decision is determining the basis for which Joe will model his
coffee shop after. With supporting evidence from research, he must determine which
indicators on taste/experience/price/etc. will ultimately establish his positioning in
the competitive market. This is an important decision because it narrows the scope of
his coffee shop s situation and will aid him in taking the necessary steps towards
determining key factors for success.
The second key decision that Joe encounters is whether or not he should enlist the
help of a marketing research ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
consumer preferences.
The second major flaw in the coffee taste studies is the existence of external
variables. It is evident that the first and third studies had underlying variables that
may have significantly affected their outcomes. The first study notes that the author
of this study personally purchased coffee to go at four places, took them to his
office, tasted them, made notes and drew conclusions (pg. 63). This indicates a major
flaw of this particular study because the time frames for which each cup of coffee
was obtained and then consumed are inconsistent.
The third study also indicates the existence of possible external variables given the
location in which it was conducted. According to the text, the researchers stood
outside a small organic specialty shop and interviewed 100 customers as they exited
the shop (pg. 63). Based on the choice of location, it can be argued that the results of
this study mainly coincide with the preferences of consumers with a high interest in
organic products.
[Question 4]
Given the situation, a determination can be made about its relation to each of the first
three steps in the marketing research process. At this point, Joe has already
undertaken some actions that are consistent with the defining research objectives
step. The first thing that Joe has done is define his situational problem. Although it
appears to be lacking in content and clarity, he recognizes that a great deal of
research in


Tay-Sachs Syndrome
Some of the general symptoms of the disease can be characterized by hind limb
spasticity, weight loss, tremors, abnormal posture with lordosis, and possibility of
visual impairment. Muscle weakness, clasping of the limbs, and myoclonic twitches
of the head that can be onset late in the disease. Research of the GM2 ganglioside
has revealed that storage of the fatty substance varies a large
Tay Sachs Disease2 amount in different regions, but the majority resides in the
pyriform cortex, hippocampus (CA3 field, subiculum), amygdala, hypothalamus
(paraventricular supraoptic, ventromedial and arcuate nuclei, and mammillary body),
and the somatosensory cortex (layer V). Most symptoms of the disease often display
the first signs of the disease at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are multiple treatment options including medication, respiratory care, feeding
tubes and physical therapy. Some medications are available and can help with
seizures. Both respiratory care and feeding tubes help to avoid infections of the
lungs. Breathing problems and mucus build up are common symptoms of Tay Sachs.
Physical therapy is very
Tay Sachs Disease3 effective at keeping movement within the joints possible and
helps to relieve stiffness of the patients ( Tay Sachs disease , 2016). There are a few
experimental treatments developing. The first is Tay Sachs Gene Therapy, this
treatment includes introducing genes into diseased cells to try and correcting the
mutations such as lysosomal defects (Cachon Gonzlez, et al., 226. Effective Gene
Therapy in an Authentic Mouse Model of Tay Sachs Related Diseases , 2006). Cross
correction mechanism is the proposed mechanism of action.
Social, Political, Economic


Mental Health And Poverty
What is the relevance of mental health for economic development in low and middle
income situations? Why do you think we should think about mental health when we
talk about poverty? Is there any connection between mental health and poverty? There
is a consistent pattern that, despite varieties in the way in which povertyis defined,
there is a consistent truth that people who live in lower economic situations and in
poverty have increased riskfor mental healthproblems. This doesn t mean that all
poor people have mental health problems neither does it mean that the rich don t
have problems, but what it does mean is that the risk for developing a mental health
problem is much greater in people who are poorer. The social and economic risk
factors combined with genetic risk factors to lead to the creation of a mental illness
in a particular individual.
The first part of the equation is to determine which comes first, does poverty lead
to depression or does depression lead to poverty? There are two ways to link
mental illness and poverty. The first being that people who live within poverty have
increased risk for mental illness because they live with a constant stress of
insecurity related to food, security, income, less social support networks, more
exposure to violence and crime, and also have increased prevalence of other health
conditions. All of this leads to an increased prevalence in mental illness. On the other
hand there are people who live with a mental illness, who


Notes on Investment Test
Chapter 7 Test Review
Problem 7 1
Bond valuation
Callaghan Motors bonds have 5 years remaining to maturity. Interest is paid annually,
they have a $1,000 par value, the coupon interest rate is 6.5%, and the yield to
maturity is 11%. What is the bond s current market price? Round your answer to the
nearest cent.
Annual Interest Payment = Par Value * Coupon Rate $1,000 * 6.5%= 65
Financial Calculator
N= 5
I/YR= 11%
PMT= 65
FV= $1,000 Find PV?
Bond s Current Market Price= 833.68
Problem7 2
Yield to maturity and future price
A bond has a $1,000 par value, 12 years to maturity, and a 9% annual coupon and
sells for $1,110.
a. What is its yield to maturity (YTM)? Round your answer to two decimal places.
Par Value= $1,000... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Round your answer to the nearest cent.
Bond S: Change N = 1, PV = ? PV = $1,018.35
5) What will the value of the Bond L be if the going interest rate is 12%? Round your
answer to the nearest cent. 12%: Bond L: From Bond S inputs, change N = 17 and I
/YR = 12%, PV = ?, PV = $928.80
6) What will the value of the Bond S be if the going interest rate is 12%? Round
your answer to the nearest cent.
Bond S: Change N = 1, PV =? PV = $991.07
Why does the longer term bond s price vary more than the price of the shorter term
bond when interest rates change?
I. Long term bonds have greater interest rate risk then do short term bonds.


Problem 7 8
Yield to call
Seven years ago the Singleton Company issued 20 year bonds with a 11% annual
coupon rate at their $1,000 par value. The bonds had a 6% call premium, with 5
years of call protection. Today Singleton called the bonds.
A. Compute the realized rate of return for an investor who purchased the bonds when
they were issued and held them until they were called. Round your answer to two
decimal places.
Par Value= $1,000 *6%= 60+1000= 1,060
Coupon Rate= 11% Bond Price= 1000
No of Years= 7
Semiannual Interest Payment= 1,000 * 11%= 110 Financial Calculator
N= 7
I/YR= ?
PMT= 110
FV= 1,060
YTM = 11.60%
B. Explain why the investor should or should not be happy that Singleton called them.
Since the bonds have been called, interest rates must have


Sammy Quit His Job Analysis
Who is Sammy? Why he quit his job at the grocery store? Sammy is a nineteenth
year old young man who works as a cashier at A P grocery store in a small
town.Also, Sammy can be described in many ways,he is very open mind it person
when it come to customer around him. He seems not interesting at his job that he
have very for long time, when he saw three girls with they bathing suit by the beach
it caught is attention. The purpose of Sammy s quit his job because the manager
insulted the girls inside the store and Sammy have a judgmental attitude toward him.
First it all, Sammy decide to quit his job because of his boss, Lengel has insulted the
girls inside the store. Sammy feel unsuspected hero when he defend the girls to the
manager. For example,


Meaning Of Music In Chicago
What is music? Music in the dictionary means an art of sound in time that expresses
ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody,
harmony, and color; the tones or sounds employed, occurring in single line (melody)
or multiple lines (harmony), and sounded or to be sounded by one or more voices or
instruments, or both. Musicin essences has a versatile aspect that cannot be defined
to real musicians as the quoted definition from the dictionary. The real definition of
music is what every single individual who listens, plays, or sings it can describe
what music is to them and the true meaning of it. Understanding what music is to
everyone is key to unlocking the reasons of why there are so many genres of music...
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Rich was born and raised here in Chicago on the south side; and is twenty four
years old, and has three other siblings. Rich has a unique gift of being able to play
the guitar, drums, and also sings in English and Spanish for his band. The band
consists of three other members who have also been raised on the Chicago south
side. He like everyone else in the band have their respective daytime jobs or
according to Rich, the we haven t made it yet jobs, while pursing their goals of
being able to be known by everyone in and around the Indi rock scene. In my
interview many questions about the sub genre of Indi rock were answered through
choice of selection of what I wanted to know about Indi rock. From this interview I
was able to derive my research question and further purse knowledge on the topic,
which led me to research the Indi rock scene in Mexico, and here in


Essay Rock the Ages
Form 1065 Print or type. U.S. Return of Partnership Income For calendar year
2011, or tax year beginning , ending . OMB No. 1545 0099 Department of the
Treasury Internal Revenue Service See separate instructions. Name of partnership
D Employer identification number A Principal business activity Music Agency B
Principal product or service ROCK the Ages, LLC Number, street, and room or
suite no. If a P.O. box, see the instructions. 55 5555555 E Date business started
Agent/Mgmt Services C Business code number 6102 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite
2100 City or town State ZIP code 1/1/2000 F Total assets (see the instructions)
711410 G Check applicable boxes: Los Angeles (1) X Initial return (6)... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
. . . . . . . . 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Retirement plans, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Employee benefit programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Other deductions (attach statement) . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760,000 . . . . . 20 . . . 21 Total deductions. Add the
amounts shown in the far right column for lines 9 through 20 . . . . . . 21 . . . .
3,648,000 . . . . . . . . . 22 Ordinary business income (loss). Subtract line 21 from line 8
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 . . . .1,152,000. . . . . . . . . Under penalties of perjury, I declare
that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and
statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and
complete. Declaration of preparer (other than general partner or limited liability
company member manager) is based on all information of which preparer has any
knowledge. May the IRS discuss this return with the preparer shown below (see
instructions)? Yes No Sign Here Deductions (see the instructions for limitations)
Income X Signature of general partner or limited liability company member manager
Print/Type preparer s name Preparer s signature Date Date Check if self employed
Firm s EIN Phone no. State ZIP code Form 1065 (2011) PTIN Paid Preparer Use


The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test
From what does the self originate? For ages, humans have pondered the nature of
their personalities. Several theories have been presented over the years, One implies
that a person s traits are determined at birth and that one s personality may be
ingrained into their very DNA; while another sates that the environment in which the
subject is in affects their characteristics far more than any deep seated traits. This
question, as well as many others, are topics that are brought to exhibition in Tom
Wolfe s book The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test
. Set in the late 1960 s, Wolfe tells the
true story Ken Keseyand his band of followers, the Merry Pranksters, who brought the
psychedelic drug movement to the forefront of American culture.... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was at this point they purchase an old school bus. This bus would be painted in
Day Glo and named Further and become synonomous with Kesey and the poster
child for the psychedelic movement. On the trip to New York, the group films their
LSD fueled adventures which they would title as The Movie and use it as a symbol
of their movement to illustrate that you were either apart of it or you were not.
Upon Kesey s return to California, he is greeted in high regard as he is being seen
as the leader of this rising new counter culture movement. He is picked to give
seminars on what he is doing and to teach people how to live in the now. Following
their return from the seminars, the Pranksters are raided by the police and cleaned
out of all of their drugs. The following media frenzy cause the group to rise to
prominence of the counter culture movement. It was after this that Kesey befriends
the Hell s Angels motorcycle gang and even begins leading retreats of church
leaders. Some begin to think that the Prankster s movement is mimicking a new
religious movement and even begin to refer to Ken as The Prophet Kesey. Kesey
begin hosting Acid Tests which were massive parties where everyone would take
acid and attempt to discover themselves. These became instantly popular and take off
immediately, but just as they are picking up steam, Kesey is arrested by the police for


Hypertension Medication
Modeling the Determinant of Access to Hypertension Medication: Using a
Multinomial Logistic Regression
The main objective of the study was to understand the general influence to people
diagnosed with high blood pressure not being able to seek help from a healthcare
provider due to costs. This paper analyzes findings from five different groups of
audiences, belonging to diverse cultures and further the relationship between income
and hypertension. The results showed that lowВ income individuals were susceptible
to issues of high blood pressure with focus on the effects of prescription to the general
health. Additionally, the study looked at the demographic factor education and sex to
the patient s ability to control their hypertension. ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
From the researches, it is common wisdom that uninsured adults reported overall
health, compared to the individuals who were enrolled in medical insurance facilities
like the Medicaid. They are less likely to report multiple health conditions. However,
the reason behind the number of uninsured individuals reporting less issues of
hypertension is the fact that most of these issues go unnoticed. These conditions were
more likely undiagnosed and uncontrolled. The research found out that about 80% of
the uninsured adults had an uncontrolled condition, compared to the 63.4% of the
insured adults. This shows that technically, uninsured adults had more issues with
hypertension, only that they were not diagnosed and their conditions are not


How Placebos Can Be Effective Method Of Treatment
Knowing that placebos can be an effective method of treatment, Espay et al. (2015)
wanted to see if the price of a placebo would alter its effectiveness. The researchers
conducted a double blind study with twelve patients with moderate to severe
Parkinson s disease. The participants were told that they would be receiving two new
injectable dopamine agonists which, despite their large difference in price ($100 and
$1,500) were thought to be equally effective. Participants were further told that the
purpose of the study was to support that the two new medications were indeed equal
in their effectiveness. The study was conducted with a counterbalanced design, such
that half the group would take the cheap medication first and the expensive
medication second, and vice versa. Participants were told that they would receive the
second medication four hours after the first, which would allow enough time for the
effects of the first medication to wear off. Participants completed the Unified
Parkinson s Disease Rating Scale, the Purdue Pegboard Test, and a tapping task
before and after the administration of each medication. Results revealed improved
motor function after the administration of both placebos. However, the benefit was
greater when participants were first randomized to the expensive placebo. These
findings not only support the placebo effect in Parkinson s patients, but also suggest
that the perception of cost has the capability of influencing motor function in


Essay about Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Life in the early 1900 s wasn t easy. Competition for jobs was at an all time high,
especially in New York City. Immigrants were flooding in and needed to find work
fast, even if that meant in the hot, overcrowded conditions of garment factories.
Conditions were horrid and disaster was inevitable, and disaster did strike in
March, 1911. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York set on fire, killing 146
workers. This is an important event in US history because it helped accomplish the
tasks unions and strikes had tried to accomplish years earlier, It improved working
conditions in factories nationwide and set new safety laws and regulations so that
nothing as catastrophic would happen again. The workplace struggles became public
after... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Wages were very low for the amount of work people were expected to do. People
would only make anywhere from $1.25 $1.50 for the entire 10 12 hour workday.
Not only were these wages extremely low, but employees often lived in expensive
company housing which left barely any money for the other necessities of life.
Nobody was satisfied with the wages during this time period but another struggle
was the long hours. People worked 60 80 hour work weeks in the hot overcrowded
factories, only doing one monotonous job. Lastly, the boss was very distant from
the work crowd and there was little to no contact between the two groups. Also, the
workers were very controlled by the foreman. The doors were locked on all floors
to prevent theft during the day and bathroom breaks would be monitored by a floor
manager. Overall, during the late 1800 s everyone was overworked and underpaid
and this led to many troubles as years went on. Everyone was frustrated with work
conditions and this led to the formations of unions around the country. The Knights
of Labor was a very popular union that led the first major strike in the United
States. The year was 1885 and Jay Gould s Missouri Pacific Railroad was the target.
The owner, Jay Gould, had recently cut wages drastically and fired union members.
The Knights led the strike and eventually succeeded to improve wages for the railroad
workers. With this great accomplishment the Knights gained


Analysis Of The Book Scoops
This odd creature approaches, scoops Becky up with one hand, and holds her up
so he can look at her better. His hand wraps easily around her. He brings her closer to
his face and sticks his tongue out to lap up her juices. It is so large it covers her
entire pussy. Her clit throbs with need and she clinches in spasms of need.
Dawng brings her back to investigate her more. He pushes at her entrance with a
finger. Becky moans with anticipation. The finger enters her and he twists it around
inside of her. He shoves roughly deep into her. He callously shoves a second finger
into her. She screams in pain, but still she bucks up against his hand trying to get
more. Strongly orgasming, she soon coats his fingers with her juices.
Dawng pulls his fingers out of her quickly and forces one into her anus. He works
on her, thrusting with his finger vigorously. The pain is intense but she cannot
help her body s responses. She arches up to give better access to her anus. Holding
her tight, he picks up speed. He rapidly shoves his finger repeatedly into her. She
feels her asshole stretching; it has to be tearing, when he forces a second finger
alongside the first one. It is too much for her, the intense pain only succeeds in
arousing her more. Her screams of pain go unheeded as Dawng fiercely shoves and
twists his fingers in her ass. The monster flips Becky over on her stomach. The
fingers seem to work even more powerfully. Becky screeches as she orgasms again.


The Eleusinian Mysteries Of Ancient Greece
The Eleusinian Mysteries
Religion is interwoven in the social, cultural and economic life of all civilisations
and Ancient Greece was no exception. Typically, most religion in Ancient Greece was
civic in nature, however, in the fifth century B.C., mystery religions began to gain
popularity. Shrouded in secrecy, the mystery religions provided a more personal
approach to religion, fascinating initiates and capturing the imagination of the Greek
populace. The most popular of these mystery cults was the cult of Demeter, a
veneration established in Eleusis around 1500 B.C. The Eleusinian mysteries were the
earliest and most celebrated mysteries in classical antiquity (Karoglou, 2013). These,
through their appeal to initiates, played a pivotal ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The Homeric Hymn to Demeter, coupled with the surviving evidence, allows
modern historians to paint a consistent portrait of the Eleusinian mysteries. The
Hymn to Demeter was composed in Attica no later than the 7th century B.C. and
served for centuries thereafter as the canonical hymn of the Eleusinian Mysteries
(Nilsson, 2016). The anonymously transcribed source tells the tale of Persephone s
abduction by Hades, God of the underworld (Sailors, 2007). The Hymn reveals the
significance of seasonal elements within the Mystery cult. The fact that the
Persephone, upon negotiation with Hades, dwells two thirds of the year in the
upper world is manifestly connected to vegetation (Nilsson, 2016). This too is
connected to the annual festival which takes place in the middle of the Greek
month Boedromion (October), a winter month. In the 6th century B.C., Herodotus,
the father of Greek history, wrote: Every year the Athenians celebrate the festival
in honour of the Mother and the Maid, and anyone who wishes, from all of Athens
or elsewhere, may be initiated into the Mysteries (Keller, 2009). Therefore, it is
revealed that the great procession from Athens to Eleusis, along the sacred way, was
held in order to appease Demeter for a prosperous summer (Burkert, 1985). Except
for the date of this procession, little is known of the rites of


Comparison Of Anne Of The Green Gables
To begin with, the primary aim of this research paper is to investigate the
similarities of Lucy Maud Montgomery with the main protagonist of her book,
Anne of Green Gables. This will be accomplished by looking back at the early life
of the author, her childhood, and the hardships that she had overcame. Also,
several works that had interpreted and analyzed Montgomery s life had a
substantial contribution to this research paper. The novel Anne of the Green
Gables was written by Lucy Maud Montgomery in the year 1908. In particular, the
Anne of the Green Gables was held as a children s novel. The story followed the
life and journey of Anne Shirley, an 11 year old orphan child. Notably, the novel had
touched the hearts of many people across the globe, thus it is unquestionable when a
mini series adaptation of the novel was released in many... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Actually, it was co authored by Benjamin Lefebvre. The book tackles the way the
book had dominated the Canadian readers and their perception on the hidden
meanings that exists in the Anne of the Green Gables. Additionally, Ned Bustard s
book titled Anne of Green Gables Comprehension Guide contains method of
dissecting the novel penned by Montgomery. As a matter of fact, several authors
had taken a special interest in the life story of Lucy Maud Montgomery. The works
of these authors are vital in the comparative analysis of Anne Shirley and
Montgomery. An example of this is the book Lucy Maud Montgomery: The Gift of
Wings that was written by Mary Henley Rubio. In addition, Catherine Andronik had
fancied Montgomery s remarkable life journey, thus, giving her the motivation to
pen the Kindred Spirit: A biography of L. M Montgomery, Creator of Anne of Green
Gables. Another is the Wheel of Things: The Biography of L.M. Montgomery by


Principle Foundation of the European Union
The European Union (EU) was founded on the principles of liberty, democracy,
respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law .
Democracy can be interpreted in different ways, for it means the power of the
people where the public decide who they want as they leader by a majority vote
system who represents the views of the people. Lisbon Treaty gave these rights the
force of law therefore these rights are not to be violated by member states and must
maintain a healthy baseline of democracy. Many academics have argued that the
EU is suffering from a democratic deficit due to the Euopean not having enough
power and for other reasons which will be discussed. I will discuss the observation
of Joseph Weilers standard version of the democratic deficit and analyze the
strengths and weaknesses of his argument. This essay will examine the reasons
why many academics and authors believe there is a democratic deficit. Further
discussions will point to renowned intellectuals who reject the idea of democratic
deficit , such as Professor Andrew Moravcsik and Proffesor Giandomencio Majone
who both refute the idea that the EU lacks democratic accountability for different
reason which will be discussed in detail. My conclusion will include my belief that
the EU does suffer from a democratic deficit and this will be supported by the
powerful evidence that will be stated throughout this essay. Title II Article 10 of the
Post Lisbon Consolidated Treaty of the


Analysis Of My Father s Axe
My Father s Axe , In the Park , and Her Kind Identity Analysis Weland La
The composer of My Father s Axe, Tim Winton, explores the universal themes of male
identity in the modern age, throughout his short story. He utilises many relatable
scenarios throughout his short story which conveys the stereotypical male identity in
today s society. Jamie says he doesn t know where the axe is and I believe him; he
won t chop wood anymore. Elaine hasn t seen it; it s men s business, she says . The
composer is establishing the notion of an axe being a tool which is typically related
to the male gender. Tim Winton symbolises the axe as a tool which requires great
physical strength, a trait which the male identity are often expected to possess.
The composer also depicts the male identity as the person who is solely
responsible for the functionality of a family, He left me with the responsibility of
fueling the home and My mother called me the man of the house . I saw my father
ball his handkerchief up and bite on it to muffle his sobs . The composer s use of
imagery visualises the father s attempts to hide his tears. This portrays the male
identity as generally being subconscious of their emotions. Crying is an action often
stereotypically represented as a weakness found mainly in the female identity, and not
the male counterpart, therefore men often try to hide these feminine feelings to retain
their sense of masculinity. This notion suggest


Eating Habits And Culinary Practices
Food ways can be defined as: the eating habits and culinary practices of a people,
region, or historical period. My daily food ways consist of having three main
course meals throughout the day; Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. My current food
ways are based off what is available at the Lawrence dining hall and Sykes dining
hall. For breakfast I tend to always have the same foods every day, either being an
omelet, cereal, yogurt with granola, and the occasional banana. Considering being
a college student it s hard to come by a variety of foods you can have for breakfast
especially when you re in a rush to your next class. Lunch has become quite the
difficulty to keep on a regular schedule with my classes all being back to back
during lunch time. But, on the days I do have time for lunch I always have a big
bowl of salad consisting of some leafy greens, onions, celery, carrots, croutons, and
all topped with my favorite dressing balsamic vinaigrette. Dinnertime is my favorite
time of the day to eat because it s right after practice and everyone from the team is
all siting together scarfing down dishes after dishes of foodto replenish our staving
stomachs after a long practice. At dinner time, I always make sure to eat a protein
source and heavy carbohydrate to refuel my body so depending on what is
available I ll always have a wheat Italian sandwich wrap with some pasta. I also
make sure to have some fruit along with a small side salad. At the end of dinner,
depending on the


The Importance Of Perseverance
Dictionary.com defines perseverance as Steady persistence in a course of action, a
purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or
discouragement. My aunt, Tracy, is a perfect example of someone who has this
quality. She has been through so many hard times in her life but she always
manages to find positivity and overcome difficult situations. Three years ago, I
went over to my aunt s tiny country house in Fort Worth for Thanksgiving, and my
Aunt Tracy burnt the turkey to a crisp. Everyone was trying to comfort her, but this
wasn t going to stop her from cooking us the most magnificent golden turkey in the
world. Absolutely not, I m not going to let our Thanksgiving be ruined because of
my huge mistake, my aunt said cheerfully. Aunt Tracy and I jumped in the car, the
engine roared, and we drove the speed of light to a bunch of stores looking for one
that still had a turkey left, but it seemed like an eternity before we found one.
When we finally found a store that had a turkey, you could hear the sound of panic
in people s voices because they needed last minute ingredients and the pitter patter
of people s feet running all around the store. When we spotted a turkey at the end of
the store my aunt sprinted towards it, grabbed it, and held it close to her chest as if
someone was going to steal it. After we bought the turkey we drove quickly all the
way home and had such a lovely conversation, filled with laughs, even though my
Aunt was in such


Make or Buy Analysis Essay
Sam Johnson is the owner of a medium size electronics company, Integrated
Electronics Manufacturing (IEM), which produces high grade electronic modules
used by several major electronics manufacturers to produce a variety of military
and commercial telecommunications devices such as aircraft radios, navigational
equipment, land based satellite receivers, and other items. IEM has 60 employees.
Normally, IEM purchases electronic parts such as resistors, capacitors, circuit
boards and enclosures from several different suppliers and assembles the modules in
its own facility. Some of the parts, like circuit boards and enclosures, are built to
IEM engineer s specifications while others are off the shelf . The engineers have
come up with a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The equipment is normally used to manufacture prototype boards, so its full
capacity is never used. Since this new circuit board will not be manufactured in
very large quantities, the machine will suffice, although some additional add ons
as well as supplies will be needed to produce this particular board. There is a 20%
chance that equipment failure may cause a significant problem and, if it does, the
impact is estimated at $50,000. Here s the data: |Production Item |Data |
|Equipment Add On s (one time) |$17,500 | |Monthly Equipment Maintenance (or
fraction) |$3,000 | |Daily Operating Expense |$400 | |Material Cost per 100 boards (or
fraction) |$4,200 | |Mask Preparation |$25,000 | |Labor Cost per Day |$572 | |Scrap
(Completed boards that fail QA) |10% | |Daily Production Capacity (designed
capacity) |25 | |Boards to be Produced |4,000 | |Work Days Per


Why Is Stormwater Harmful To The Chesapeake Bay
Why is stormwater harmful to the Chesapeake Bay? Storm water is harmful because
as it travels it picks up pollutants like fertilizers, sediments, and litter. All of this
waste can end up going into streams and rivers. It is destructive for the ecosystems,
but there are ways to help prevent this from happening.
Storm water moves it s way across streets, sidewalks, and lawns. As it travels it picks
up pollutants such as fertilizer, pet waste, sediment, and other chemicals that may be
on the ground. This waste can find its way into the streams and rivers. These may
create dead zones that kill marine life. Dead zones are hypoxic areas in bodies of
water caused by nutrient pollution from runoff. The sediment that comes along with
the water ends up blocking sunlight from reaching underwater grass and suffocates
shellfish. Depending on how fast the water is going, it can flood certain areas like
urban, suburban, forests, and wetlands. Water tends to travel faster on surfaces that
are impervious.
Impervious surfaces are a problem because they don t let the water seep through.
The water travels over top these surfaces because they are solid. Paved roads,
sidewalks, patios, and roofs are all impervious. This is harmful because the storm
water builds up speed on impervious surfaces and can cause flooding. They also alter
the amount of precipitation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The runoff carries pollutants such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediments into the
Bay. In urban areas the standard city block creates five times more runoff than a
forested area. About 30% of runoff in an urban area is evaporated, 55% stays
runoff, and the other 15% soaks into the land with a variation of deep and shallow
infiltration. About 40% of runoff in a forest evaporates, 10% stays runoff, and the
extra 50% seeps into the ground with a variation of deep and shallow infiltration. The
runoff is actually the fastest growing source of pollution for the Chesapeake


Essay On Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis
What is rheumatoid arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis is a very common type of inflammatory joint disease that
results in pain and swelling in the joints, especially the hands and wrists. The disease
is mostly seen in middle aged women (peaks between 30 and 50 years). It can lead to
significant joint destruction and immobility if treatment is not initiated early in
patients with severe disease.
Since this is such a common condition and may affect quality of life, it is important
to become educated about its causes, diagnosis, and treatment. By the end of this
article, you will be able to answer the following important questions:
What causes rheumatoid arthritis?
How common is rheumatoid arthritis?
What are the symptoms ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
How is rheumatoid arthritis treated?
What causes rheumatoid arthritis?
The origin of rheumatoid arthritis has not been fully elucidated, but experts believe
the condition occurs in patients with a genetic predisposition and exposure to certain
environmental factors. Risk factors include family history, smoking history, female
gender, and older age.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of autoimmune disease these diseases are characterized
by the inappropriate activation of the immune response against normal tissues in the
body. This leads to tissue and joint inflammation, especially in the hands and wrists.
Inflammation causes joint stiffness, immobility, and pain long term inflammation can
lead to scarring and bone destruction.
How common is rheumatoid arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common inflammatory joint conditions and
often requires referral to a rheumatologist (medical joint specialist). It currently
affects approximately 1.3 million Americans, which makes up about 1% of the
United States population. The condition is most frequently seen in women aged 30 50.
What are the symptoms and signs of rheumatoid arthritis?
The most common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis


Marco Leone Research Paper
In New York City a salaryman Marco Leone lives a normal life. He works like any
other person. He puts up with abuse from his boss just to pay his bills. Weeks later
the office he had been working for the past seven years had a budget cut and
people were going to get laid off. Marco s boss calls him into his office to tell him
the bad news, he was getting laid off. One of the employees who didn t get laid off
was a twenty year old woman who had just started there and all the higher ups like
her. Five months after getting laid off Marco is in a tuff stop he has multiple bills
due and he can t get a loan due to the loans he got to pay off his rent months ago. He
s been looking for a job since he got laid off but hasn t had any luck finding one.
The reason he hasn t had any luck was because of his last name. The Leone crime
family is a notorious crime syndicate that controls most of New York. His only
connection to the crime family is his great great grandfather who was cousins with
the late Don Leone. After a rough day of trying to find a job, he goes to a bar
where he meets his Cousin Leo Lupiz who he hasn t seen in years. After some
catching up. Marco tells Leo about his current situation Leo tell Marco he has a job
that he could use help with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Marco hadn t really told anyone that he s not an actual member of the Leone
family but that last name was protecting him in there so he was fine with people
thinking he was a member. Marco went to his usual spot in the cafeteria. A new
guy who just transferred in was making a ruckus. I was a made member of the
Leone family you guys better respect me! . Oh yea, then why don t you ask him
and inmate said with looking in Marcos direction. The short jumps up and goes get
in Marco s face Who re you supposed to be? he said. Marco was nervous because if
this guy was an actual member he would expose him and that will be the end of his


Piaget s Four Stages Of Development
There are four different stages in Piaget s Stages of Development. The first stage
of Piaget is oftenly within the age range of zero to two years and it is called the
Sensorimotor Stage. This stage is the stage where children are learning more about
what is around them and they learn about touches, tastes, smells, sounds, and what
they see. They are also always moving and interested in everything around them. In
this first stage babies also don t know the permanence of objects and think that if
they can t see something or that it went missing that it disappeared. An example of
this stage is: a baby is crawling and touching everything it sees and tries to put it in
its mouth. The second stage of Piaget s Stages of Development is usually within the
age range of two to seven years and it is known as the Preoperational... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The moral of this second stage is independence and the negative outcome is shame.
An example of this stages negative outcome is a child always being criticized and
developing a low self esteem. The third stage of Erikson s Psychosocial
Development happens at around the age range of three to five and it deals with
initiative versus guilt. The moral of this third stage is purpose and the negative
outcome is guilt and this can be triggered by being overly criticized. An example of
this stages negative outcome is a child feeling guilty for the things they have done
and having a really low self esteem because they are constantly always being overly
condemned. The fourth stage of Erikson s Psychosocial Development happens at
around the ages of six to twelve and it deals with industry versus inferiority. The
moral of this fourth stage is pride and the negative outcome is inferiority. An
example of this stages virtue is a child receiving positive feedback all the time from
their parents and feeling like they are valuable to


Biodiversity And Its Effects On The Environment
The sky is dyed red by the flames engulfing the forest. As water floods the land,
what little is left is quickly washed away. Those that would normally resist such
disasters are gone. There are much fewer species in our world than there was a long
time ago because the world s biodiversity is in a deplorable state. As more and more
companies access and exploit natural resources at a rate which the land cannot
compensate, more and more organisms are disappearing from the planet. Although
some may believe that the companies actions have no effect on the environment, it
cannot be denied that many species are endangered or already extinct because of their
actions; companies indirectly and directly affect the biodiversityin the world.
Biodiversity is the number of species of plants, animals, microorganism, and
ecosystems in a given region. As all species are somehow related and codependent on
one another, biodiversity plays an important role in the survival of many species.
Each organism, no matter how small has an important part in natural sustainability,
ecosystems, and species variety. Animals which live in the waters help to preserve
water reservoirs and lakes, while trees help prevent soil erosion and recycles nutrient.
Many organisms help break down the pollution that humans have spread. In the case
of any natural disasters, they are able to compensate and quickly help the
environment recover. When their natural habitats are removed though, they are
forced into extinction


Windows Nt vs Unix as an Operating System
Windows NT vs Unix As An Operating System
In the late 1960s a combined project between researchers at MIT, Bell Labs and
General Electric led to the design of a third generation of computer operating system
known as MULTICS (MULTiplexed Information and Computing Service). It was
envisaged as a computer utility, a machine that would support hundreds of
simultaneous timesharing users. They envisaged one huge machine providing
computing power for everyone in Boston. The idea that machines as powerful as
their GE 645 would be sold as personal computers costing only a few thousand
dollars only 20 years later would have seemed like science fiction to them.
However MULTICS proved more difficult than imagined to implement and Bell Labs
withdrew ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Most of these systems were (and still are) neither source nor binary compatible with
one another, and most are hardware specific.
With the emergence of RISC technology and the breakup of AT T, the UNIXsystems
category began to grow significantly during the 1980s. The term open systems was
coined. Customers began demanding better portability and interoperability between
the many incompatible UNIX variants. Over the years, a variety of coalitions (e.g.
UNIX International) were formed to try to gain control over and consolidate the
UNIX systems category, but their success was always limited.
Gradually, the industry turned to standards as a way of achieving the portability and
interoperability benefits that customers wanted. However, UNIX standards and
standards organisations proliferated (just as vendor coalitions had), resulting in more
confusion and aggravation for UNIX customers.
The UNIX systems category is primarily an application driven systems category, not
an operating systems category. Customers choose an application first for example, a
high end CAD package then find out which different systems it runs on, and select
one. The final selection involves a variety of criteria, such as price/performance,
service, and support. Customers generally don t choose UNIX itself, or which UNIX
variant they want. UNIX just comes with the package when they buy a system to run
their chosen


Romeo And Juliet 14th Century Essay
High schools everywhere read Romeo and Juliet every year. It s a part of our
curriculum but should it be? The answer is no, it shouldn t be. Teenages don t
want to read a story that was written over four hundred years ago and barely legible.
Most kids like to read stories that they can relate to, not some unrealistic story
about the fourteenth century. Also throughout the book there are sexual
references that bring out the immaturity in people. The majority of people don t
find Romeo and Juliet interesting anymore, so why should we force them to read
it? As time passes, language changes. The trouble is that most schoolchildren today
don t like him and don t get it. And this isn t their fault. (Robshaw 401) Romeo and
Juliet was set in the fourteenth century, which explains why it s so different from
how we talk now. The way Shakespeare wrote it was difficult to understand what he
was was saying. Instead we have to stop what we are reading to research what it
means on No Fear Shakespeare. People want to be able to understand what they are
reading. Going back and forth from the two can be annoying, we tend to lose
interest after a while. It s obvious that Shakespeare s play isn t from our time
period, especially the way they act. When we read stories we want to be able to the
relate the character... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The play has many different types of figurative language. For example shakespeare
use dramatic irony when Romeo thinks Juliet killed herself but we know she she
was just sleeping. Shakespeare s also includes many important themes. One of the
main theme is teenagers can t make big life changing decision. Romeo and Juliet
killed themselves because they thought there was only one way to fix the problem
that was created. Although Romeo and Juliet has many figurative language and
themes, it still doesn t help us in our future, unless you re a english teacher. When
will we ever need to know Shakespeare s


The Works Of The Opera Billy Budd, The Handsome Sailor
There are two possible fates we each face in life. We either forget our mistakes or
carry them on our shoulders forever. This burden has evolved into a common theme
for operas, novels and other pieces of literature. For instance, Benjamin Britten uses
this motif as a threshold for his opera Billy Budd. He explores the hunting troubles
of captain Edward Fairfax Vere by setting up a narration on retrospect of the hanging
of Billy Budd, the handsome sailor . Inspired by Herman Melvilles novel, the opera
became well known. In effect, in 1997 John Dexter directed one of the
performances in the Metropolitan Opera. The story begins with captain Vere as an
old man who narrates in retrospect the story of Billy Budd on his ship the
Indomitable. Billy, the handsome sailor, kills the master at arms, Claggart, and is,
therefore, condemned to death by law. Vere decides not to influence Billy s verdict
and simply hears out what the other three highly ranked sailors have to say. Despite
the captain being against the ruling, Billy has to be hanged in order to follow the
laws and avoid mutiny from the ship s crew. The narration proceeds with Billy s
waiting for his hanging and the execution itself. By the end of the account, Vere
asserts that he has accepted Billy s death. It can be easy to believe this assumption,
but nothing could be further from the truth. Captain Vere has not come to terms with
this episode of his life, neither should he.
Vere is still plagued by this chapter of his


Android Assignment
Are you a developer and able to create android apps ?
Have you ever wondered how to ??
upload your app to google play
here is a detailed step by step guide how to upload an app to google play store .
First of all you need to Register for Google Play :
Before publishing you have to Register at Google Play publisher this is not gonna
take more than few minutes , please keep in mind that you will be charged a $25 to
register .
If you are going to sell app you will need to go for that step :
You need to get a google wallet merchant account to do that follow that small guide .
Getting ready to publish the app :
you should get that list of items prepared before start publishing your app :
Your android app as (.apk) file and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Once you complete this step, you ll see a check mark listed beside APK along the
left hand side of the screen. Now we go to prepare your store listing.
Store listing :
The Store Listing controls what your users will see when they find your application
in Google Play. The available listing details can be found in Google s uploading
applications help topic.
Now you need to enter your title, description, icon, screenshots, categorization,
contact details, and privacy policy. some of these items are required, while others are
optional. When you re finished, click the save button.
If you ve entered all of the required information, you ll see a checkmark listed beside
the Store Listing along the left hand side of the screen.
Distribution amp; Pricing :
Here you define the pricing details for your app (free or paid), where should it be
available, and consent options.
After finishing, save your changes and if you ve entered all of the required
information, it will show a checkmark next to Pricing amp; Distribution along the left
hand side.


Now the app is ready to be published :
if everything went ok , a Publish this app button will be enabled on the page. Your
application will appear in the store in a few hours (but could take longer). If you ve
included AdMob in your app, don t forget to link your app which you can normally
do about 24 hours after it s been published.
What if you needed to edit your listing later :
If you want


The Roles Of Women In The Roaring 20 s
Women in the Roaring 20 s Women s fashion was a social controversy in the 1920 s.
This controversy was influenced by women s clothing, swimwear, hairstyles, makeup,
and attitude alone. This attire and new found character traits added a certain attitude
and confidence to these women, starting what would eventually be remembered as a
Before the 1920 s, women s attire was considered fairly modern. Women would have
worn clothing with more of a silhouette than clothing that was loose and flowy. The
length of their dresses never revealed more of their leg than just their ankle. Women
received bad reputations when showing their knees or even their calfs. Women in
the 1920 s also had a different ideal figure than most women do today. The body
types women wanted to achieve also transformed into a more feminine look. This
look consisted of low bust lines, higher hems lines, and showing off more curves than
ever before. These women became unapologetically fearless. However, none of these
changes happened over night. It took a strong influence from something or someone
in order acquire the changes that all women wanted to have. The only problem was


Buffalo Springfield For What It s Worth Analysis
Buffalo Springfield For What It s Worth There are many musicians who are
remembered for their songs which are still played in concerts all around the world.
Stephen Stills of Buffalo Springfield also made his composition For what it s worth
in 1966 which is considered as the most combative and idealistic hymn from the
sixties. Stephen recorded this song with whole band which becomes so famous due
to the simplicity of its lyrics and signing style. This song is also known as protest
song as it has a history related to it. This song is used by youngsters in 1967 during
their protest for motivating people to stand for their rights. This song played an
important role in anti government protests during sixties when there were
countrywide protests... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The setting of electric guitar, acoustic guitar and slow beat of dream make a unique
combination with conversational vocals. There is something happening here this
starting verse of song attracted the listeners and created a sense of suspense. The
classical music was according to the lyrics as music of the song can crate suspense
without lyrics. The intensity of music increases slowly while the pace is sedate with
low volume. Addition of music of electric guitar doesn t indicate something
happening indeed. In the last verses of song, the intensity of music was increased
with descending background vocal. In last part of the song, there was continuous
guitar music with some distortion which represents the destruction potential and
chaos being unleashed. The music of this song is not to loud and aggressive and the
musician used two guitar chords. This helps them to deliver the message of song with


The Medical Use Of Marijuana
Legislative Policy Brief
Regarding the Medical Use of Cannabis
HB 153: Medical Cannabis
Valerie Moore
The Ohio State University
College of Nursing
Autumn, 2014
Legislative Policy Brief: Ohio HB 153
General Information
The use of Cannabis (Marijuana) for medical treatment is gaining momentum across
the United States. Currently twenty three states and the District of Columbia have
passed bills legalizing medical marijuana for treatment of cancer, AIDS, PTSD,
neuromuscular disease and various other health issues (Medical Marijuana Pros and
Cons, 2014). On May 3, 2013, Representative Robert Hagan (Democrat Youngstown)
introduced HB 153 ( a reintroduction of HB 214 to the 129th Ohio General
Assembly) to the 130th Ohio General Assembly to legalize medical marijuana for
patients and provision for statutory protection regarding medical use of marijuana
(Ohio Legislative Service Commission, 2014).
Bill Number, Titles and Primary Sponsor
HB No. 153 Representatives Robert Hagan (Democrat Youngstown), Mike Foley
(Democrat Cleveland), and Dan Ramos (Democrat Lorain). The short title of this bill
is MEDICAL CANNABIS Regarding the medical use of cannabis . The formal title
is as follows: To amend sections 2925.02, 2925.03, 2925.04, 2925.11, 2925.14, and
3781.32 and to enact sections 2925.43, 2925.44, 2925.45, 2925.46, 3728.01,
3728.02, 3728.03, 3728.04, 3728.05, 3728.06, 3728.08, 3728.09, 3728.10, 3728.11,
3728.12, 3728.13, 3728.14, 3728.15, 3728.16,


Essay On Multiferroic Materials
With advent of scientific research and technological interest, multiferroic materials
have drawn much attention for foundational physics, technological application in
possible miniaturization and integration for multifunctional devices (e.g. magnetic
field sensors, multiple state memory element, transducers, actuators, broadband
magnetic sensors, non volatile memory elements, oscillators, phase shifters, electric
field controlled ferromagnetic resonance devices, switching devices, modulation of
amplitudes, filters, waveguides, spin wave generation, energy harvesters, magnetic
recording read heads, random access memories, RF resonators, tunable inductors, and
ME antennas) [1 11]. The most intriguing characteristic of multiferroic materials...
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Since the inception of the concept of product property, proposed by Von Van
Suchetelene, [37] multiferroic composites becomes the alterative way to overcome
the limitations of the single phase multiferroic ME materials. In composite systems,
the functional properties are resulted from the constituent phase and their reciprocal
interactions as synergy effects. Ciomaga et al. [38] have identified three types of
synergy effects such as: (i) sum property, which represents the weighted sum of the
components contributions of the constituent phases; (ii) combination property, which
denotes an effect in which the amplitude of the property is higher in the composite
than in the end compounds at given compositions or under specific circumstances,
(iii) product property, which represents the effects present in the composites instead
of the individual phases. The sum and combination properties usually describe the
average or enhancement of effects that have already present in the parent phases and
on the other hand, the product property only ascribes the novel phenomena that have
emerged from the reciprocal interaction among the individual phases. In general, the
functional properties of ME composites are consist of sum property (i.e.
magnetization) and product property (i.e. ME effect). In 1978 Boomgaard and Born
[39] postulated the following concept for obtaining the high magnetoelectric voltage
coefficient for practical device


Morrie Short Story Summary
The primary story arc takes place over the course of 14 weeks in the late summer
and fall of 1995, beginning when the narrator Mitch discovers that Morrie, his
beloved sociology professor from college, is dying from ALS. When Mitch s
newspaper union strikes, putting him out of work for an extended period, Mitch
travels each week on Tuesday from his home in Detroit to Morrie s home outside
Boston for what he calls his final class with Morrie. His final thesis is the full,
completed book.
Morrie grew up in New York and his family was very poor. When he was nine, his
mother fell ill and died, which haunted Morrie throughout the rest of his life. His
father, Charlie, was not an affectionate man, and Morrie struggled through the next
two years until his father remarried. Eva, his stepmother, was kind and loving. She
gave Morrie both the love he so desperately desired, and instilled in him a love for
education. After a failed attempt by Morrie s father to get him a job in a fur factory,
Morrie decided to become a teacher.
At the beginning of each chapter, Mitch shares the story of his relationship with
Morrie during his college days. Mitch began college in 1976 at Brandeis University,
and met Morrie in his first sociology class. Mitch was one of the youngest students,
which he compensated for by acting very tough. Morrie, however, treated him with
compassion and kindness, and the two developed a very trusting teacher/student
relationship. Morrie convinced Mitch to write an


Simulation-Based Nursing Education Is An Increasingly
Simulation based nursing education is an increasingly popular academic approach.
Structured facilitated debriefing is an important strategy to engage students in
learning and is essential in simulation training. Further research is warranted to fully
understand the impact of the method in nurse education. It provides students with
opportunities to practice their clinical and decision making skills through various real
life situational experiences. However, simulation approaches fall along a scale
ranging from low fidelity to high fidelity simulation. Debriefing approaches
connected with the simulation in the healthcare field aim to improve the
performance, learning experience, and patient results. Regardless of whether you are
a med... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The sources were retrieved from Tennessee State University database online. The
Effectiveness of simulation based nursing education depending on fidelity: a meta
analysis article was published in 2016. The article suggests simulation based nursing
education provides students with the opportunities to practice their clinical and
decision making skills through real life experiences. The second article, using
simulation learning through academic practice partnership to promote transition to
clinical practice suggests exploring the effect of an advanced simulation education
program on nursing students. The third article, development of a post simulation
debriefing intervention to prepare nurses and nursing students to care for
deteriorating patients suggests nurses need to be prepared to recognize signs and
symptoms of patient deterioration so they can obtain support from appropriate
respondents and initiate help when needed. The last source, the effectiveness of
simulation debriefing in health professional education suggests to using debriefing
for the purpose of simulation based learning for health professionals.
`Majority of the articles had the same objectives as the systematic review. The articles
suggest that debriefing should be used in health professional education. Studies
included nursing students that will soon graduate from nursing school. The designs
include randomized


Queen Of Mtsensk By Alexander Pushkin
It has been often said that Alexander Pushkin was one of the most influential
Russian writers in his era and many Russian writers were inspired by him. In
Alexander Pushkin s Queen of Spades and Nikolai Leskov s The Lady Macbeth of
Mtsensk there are strikingly clear similarities and contrasts between the characters,
theme and plot construction, which shows the direct influence of Pushkin on Leskov
s writing while still illustrated Leskov s own literary voice. The two main characters
within the two stories have similar characteristics that lead to their downfalls, but for
two completely different reasons. The main characterin the Queen of Spades is
Hermann, a common man in the working class, who throughout the short story
becomes obsessed with the idea of using playing cards to give him the chance to
become rich and rise in social class. Throughout the story it is obvious that Hermann
has an obsession not exactly with the playing cardthemselves but with the idea of
getting rich and moving up in social rank by using the playing cards. Through the
whole story Hermann takes very methodically planned steps to bring him closer to
becoming rich without the risk of actually gambling his money. The steps are
illustrated when Hermann tricks Lizaveta into believing he loves her by writing her
letters and visiting her outside her window, just so he can have the chance to attack
the countess, she holds the secret to the cards (Pushkin 226 232). Throughout the
course of the


Johnny Cupcakes, a Multi-Million Dollar Clothing Brand
Johnny Cupcakes
Chelsea LaRese
Johnny Cupcakes is a multi million dollar clothing brand. The brand was founded
in 2001 by Johnny Earle. One of Johnny s acquired nicknames was Johnny
cupcakes. He thought it would be funny to make a couple random shirts that said
Johnny Cupcakes on them for the fun of it (Earle, 2012). After massive interest in
these shirts, he decided to continue to make more and change up the designs. In
2001, Johnny stated, the band I was in, On Broken Wings, finally got signed to a
record label and we began to tour full time (Earle, 2012). This opened up Johnny and
his t shirts to a larger crowd of customers in different parts of the country. This
boosted the brand s popularity and Johnny decided ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
People not only crave exclusiveness, but will pay top dollar for it. Because they re
collectibles and not just apparel, customers are willing to pay $60 for a Johnny
Cupcakes shirt and even stand in line for a new release like kids waiting for concert
tickets (Spaeder 2007). This exclusiveness plays off of our cultures social classes.
Most Americans want to be in a better social class. Exclusiveness is a trait that is
common in the highest of classes. The limited edition shirts not only sets the
standards for someone s social status, but also keeps inventory at a low, making
sure the products that are produced are sold. Having limited edition shirts erases
much of the risks and fears of the changing trends of JC s market. Since there are
only a handful of the shirts available, they are long gone before the design and style
gets soggy. Also, this allows the company to be very flexible with the changing
The two major internal factors that impact the organization are how they enhance
the customer experience and their product packaging. These are two very important
factors that help create the Johnny Cupcakes brand. They are part of the JC culture
and without them, the brand wouldn t be what it is today. Part of the customer
experience lies in JC s three retail store locations. They re set up just like bakeries,
complete with glass display shelves, employees wearing aprons and the smell of


How Did the Dinosaurs Die and Will It Affect Humans in
Four and a half billion years ago, the debris and dust left from the formation of the
sun coalesced to form our home planet. 3.5 billion years ago, the first living
organisms appeared on Earth. About 230 million years ago, Dinosaurs diverged
from their Archosaurs ancestors during the middle to late Triassic period. For 160
million years they have dominated our planet. They are dubbed the most successful
species to have lived on Earth. However, 65 million years ago, the most recent
mass extinction seemed to have caused all of them to die off. What caused the
demise of the dinosaurs and 60% of life on Earth at the time? How did it affect life
on Earth afterwards? Are all of the Dinosaurs dead? Will this happen to humans in the
near future?... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
None was found. Luis Alvarez was a Nobel Prize winning physicist, inventor and
pioneer in the field of radiation and nuclear research. He and his son, noted
geologist Walter Alvarez, were conducting research in Italy when they discovered a
centimeter thick layer of iridium enriched clay at the K T boundary. Iridium is rare
on earth, but more common in space. The Alvarezes published their findings in
1981, postulating that the thin layer of iridium was deposited following the impact
of a large meteor, comet or asteroid with the earth. Furthermore, this bolide impact
(the meteor, comet or asteroid colliding with the earth s surface) could have caused
the extinction of the dinosaurs. At the time, the Alvarez theory was so farfetched
from prevailing hypotheses that it was derided. Slowly, other scientists began
finding iridium evidence at various places around the globe that corroborated the
Alvarez theory. There was, however, no smoking gun in the form of an impact site.
Then in 1991, a massive meteor crater 110 miles in diameter was discovered on the
edge of the YucatГЎn Peninsula, extending into the Gulf of Mexico. The Chicxulub
Crater, as it was dubbed, was named for a nearby village. Scientists believe the
bolide that formed it was roughly 6 miles in diameter, struck the earth at 40,000
miles per hour and released 2 million times more


Summary Of Appiah s Death Of The Duel
In the first half of Death of the Duel, Appiah begins by providing the details of a
duel between two prominent British government officials, using the specific
example as a jumping point to discuss the general idea of dueling. The form of
honor being represented in this case is that of reputation and the maintenance of
regard from the general public. This concept of honor as a form of social standing
is interesting because it subverts Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs and many other
psychological theories that try to map out human instinct which places safety and
security in higher regard than it does esteem or ego. In the case of the duel, honor is
considered the highest human need, even above life itself if one considers the death
toll, although that mainly applies to the aristocratic class, who had most of their basic
needs taken care of already. In the case of dueling, the society at the time seemed to
conflate the ideas of respect and honor, assuming that the characteristic of
honorability automatically entitled one to respect from peers and lower classes.
Appiah, however, distinguishes the two by noting that honor is the individual... Show
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While Appiah believes there is only pride in doing things out of the ordinary, I
believe that it also takes courage and honor to follow honor codes in everyday
circumstances. Being honorable is difficult sin a world where honorable behavior,
contrary to Appiah s belief, is not actually standard behavior. For example, a student
witnesses two bullies harassing another student and steps in to stop them. While this
might be fairly standard honorable behavior, that does not mean the student shouldn t
feel proud of their actions and the courage they took. The pride doesn t detract from
the previously honorable actions. In his argument, Appiah seems to conflate the idea
of pride personal satisfaction with vanity and the need to boost reputation, which I
hold to be two separate


Rose Quartz Research Paper
Rose quartz is a mineral composed of oxygen and silicon with the chemical formula
SiO2. It is a 7 on Mohs scale of hardness just like any other quartz.Its central gravity
is 2.63 2.65. Rose quartz transparency is translucent to transparent. Rose quartz has a
vitreous luster and its mineral class is quartz.It is the most abundant mineral found on
earth mostly found in the earth s crust.(https://www.crystalvaults.com/crystal
encyclopedia/rose quartz) Quartz is the most abundant single mineral on earth. It
makes up about 12% of the earth s crust, occurring in a wide variety of igneous,
metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.Quartz varieties are commonly separated into
two groups based on the size of the individual grains or crystals. Macrocrystalline
quartz in which individual crystals are distinguishable with the naked eye, and
cryptocrystalline quartz in which the individual crystals are too small to be easily
distinguishable under the light microscope. Some of the verities of the
Macrocrystalline quartz are... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is commercially mined in Madagascar, South Africa, Namibia, U.S.A.(South
Dakota) , and Brazil. Rose quartz found in madagascar usually have very large
crystals and are extremely deeply colored.In South Dakota, rose quartz is found in
pegmatites in the Southern Black Hills area. These pegmatites are associated with the
Harney Peak granite mass (which is now exposed at the surface of the earth because
of erosion). The pegmatite formed in this part of south dakota is estimated to be
over 1,700 million years old. When rose quartz forms it is usually crystalline which
means that the crystals are very large. Rose quartz forms when magma is pushed up
to the surface of the earth and begins to cool and crystallize. The reason that rose
quartz crystals often become so large is because the crystals do not stop forming
until the magma has completely cooled which sometimes make the crystals grow to
very large


Arinze Nwagwu Essay
Assignment 1 2
Curriculum Development for Inclusive Practice
The contexts in which education and training are provided 3 6
In the lifelong learning sector
Theories, Principles and Models of Curriculum Design on Inclusive learning and 7 11
Teaching in our learning environment. References 12
1. Understand contexts in which education and training are provided in the lifelong
learning sector
Kelly, A.V. (2004) Defines curriculum as all the learning which is planned and
guided by the school, weather it is carried out in a group or individually, inside or
This definition ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is an attempt to describe the work observed in classrooms. Finally, within limits, a
recipe can be varied according to taste so can a curriculum.
Stenhouse shifted the ground a little bit here. He was not saying that curriculum is
the process, but rather the means by which the experience of attempting to put an
educational proposal into practice is made available.
When we come to think about this way of approaching curriculum, a number of
possible problems do arise. The first is a problem for those who want some greater
degree of uniformity in what is taught. This approach to the theory of curriculum,
because it places meaning making and thinking at its core and treats learners as
subjects rather than objects, can lead to very different means being employed in
classrooms and a high degree of variety in content. As Stenhouse comments, the
process model is essentially a critical model, not a marking model.
The major weakness and strength of the process model is that it rests upon the quality
of teachers; also the approach is dependent upon the cultivation of wisdom and
meaning making in the classroom. If the teacher is not up to this, then there will be
severe limitations on what can happen educationally.
There have been some attempts to overcome this problem by developing materials
and curriculum packages that focus more closely on the process of discovery or
problem solving , for example in science. But there


Henry David Thoreau Summary
Thoreau from the beginning, showed how tight he was with his money and how
much he valued what he had even if it wasn t much. Throughout this paper he tells
of his work he finds, the money he makes and how wisely he spends it. He often
thought that men who worked in the labor industry were making a mistake, that
they worked endlessly for so long they were basically machines. Henry reaches out
to his readers and lets them know that no matter how poor they start out that there s
always a light at the end of the tunnel as long as you re willing to work hard and
spend your money wisely.
Thoreau believed that public opinion was weak compared to or own private opinion.
Also, that what a man thinks of himself determined their own fate, and that one
generation after the next abandons what s been learned from the hard working
generation before. He started out doing simple outdoor work like helping with snow
storms, rain storms, watering of plants, all while minding his own business. Thoreau
made a decent allowance with these jobs but he sought out something more stating
However, I have not set my heart on that. Henry David Thoreau, Economy, 11.
Henry then began observing his fellow community on their work ethic and their
techniques and decided he needed to start a business himself. His plan was to not
live cheaply but not expensively either and to invest in the native products there and
face as few obstacles as possible to achieve the maximum accomplishments. He
believed acquiring


The Egyptian Of Ancient Egyptian Society
Ancient Egyptian society reflected many things like the pyramids that it built.
They placed the pharaoh at the top, but he relied on a group of officials, priests,
and nobles to administer his kingdom. All of these people were assisted with
scribes, which is a writing system that was used, perhaps adapted from Mesopotamia
or created independently. The eldest known hieroglyphic writings date back to the
3rd millennium B.C. though the script must have been created way before that.
Egyptian scribes created two different writing systems: they created what is known
today as hieroglyphs to use as a way to communicate and record things through
engraving important political and religious texts on stones or writing them on
papyrus that was made from reeds growing along the Nile, and a more simple
system called hieratic which allowed scribes to be written more quickly and was
used for documentation of daily life. Students would learn how to write hieratic first,
and those who had families with high aspirations or who were well off took the time
to continue and learn hieroglyphics. It underwent no major change until 390 A.D.
when Egypt was dominated by Rome, although over the centuries the number of signs
dramatically increased from approximately seven hundred to around five thousand.
How was hieroglyphics developed? According to the Ancient Egyptians, it was the
God Thoth who created writing and then bestowed it as a gift on humankind. The
Egyptians needed a way to communicate,


Essay On Cast In Situ Concrete
This technique is usually done after the earthquake or any disaster has affect the
building so to strengthening the structure this technique is fallowed. In this
techniques commonly steel and cement are used.
Conventional cast in situ concrete
The conventional cast in suit concrete is done usually repair and strengthing works in
the cases where due to the change in volume or shrinkage of the convection cement
based concrete, causing unsatisfactory results. The change in volume results in loss
of good contact between the new concrete and the old element preventing sound
transfer of stress at the contact surface. In order to improve bond characteristics and
minimize the shrinkage, it is recommended to use higher strength concrete with low
... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This method can be applied vertically, inclined, and over head surfaces with minimum
or without formwork. Generally the materials used in this method are same as
conventional mortar, and reinforcement are welded fabric and deformed bars tacked
onto surface.
Shotcrete process is carried out either by these two processes: a) Wet process b) Dry
a) Wet process: In the wet process mixture of cement and aggregate premixed with
water and the pump pushes the mixture through the hose and nozzle. Compressed air
is introduced at nozzle to increase the velocity of application.
b) Dry process: In dry mix process, compressed air propels premixed mortar and
damp aggregate and at the nozzle end water is added through a separate hose. The
dry mix and water through the second hose are projected on to a prepared surface.
Surface preparation before shotcreting involves a thorough cleaning and removing
all loose aggregate and roughening the existing concreting surface for improved
bond. Shotcrete frequently has high shrinkage characteristics and measures to
prevent cracks using adequate reinforcement and proper curing is always necessary.
The shotcrete surface can be lift as sprayed which is somewhat rough. If a smoother
surface is required, a thin layer can be sprayed on the hardened shotcrete and then
reworked and finished to the required texture or plaster can be applied.


Essay about Answers to End-of Chapter Questions and
ANSWERS TO End of chapter QUESTIONS AND exercises Answers to Questions
for Review 1.(Explicit and Implicit Costs) Amos McCoy is currently raising corn
on his 100 acre farm and earning an accounting profit of $100 per acre. However, if
he raised soybeans, he could earn $200 per acre. Is he currently earning an economic
profit? Why or why not? Amos McCoy is not currently making an economic profit,
despite the fact that he is making an accounting profit. This is so, because the
accounting profit calculation does not take into account an important implicit cost the
opportunity cost of not raising soybeans. Actually, McCoy is experiencing an
economic loss. According to our theory, he should get out of the corn business and
begin... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Accounting profit = $25 million; economic loss = $5 million c.Accounting profit =
$10 million; economic loss = $10 million d.Accounting loss = $25,000; economic
loss = $75,000 4.(Alternative Measures of Profit) Why is it reasonable to think of
normal profit as a type of cost to the firm? Recall that firms produce output using
four kinds of resources natural resources, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial ability.
The owner of the firm supplies some of the resources that the firm employs.
Normal profit is the return to the entrepreneurial ability and other resources
supplied by the firm s owners. If this profit is not as large as those individuals
could earn in their best alternative situation, they will switch the resources to that
alternative. So, we can think of normal profit as being the minimum return, or cost,
that is necessary to keep the firm running. 5.(Short Run Versus Long Run) What
distinguishes a firm s short run period from its long run period? In the short run, at
least one of the firm s resources is fixed, usually the size of the firm. In the long
run, all the resources are variable. That is, the quantities of all resources can change
to alter the firm s level of output, including the size of the firm. 6.(Law of
Diminishing Marginal Returns) As a farmer, you must decide how many times during
the year to plant a new crop. Also, you


Our Lives are Crowded with Products
Nowadays markets are crowded with products of different types and needs.
Companies produce tons of food and clothes, and thousand of cars every day. New
models of products are issuing faster than previous generation of it becomes old. For
example, Apple Corporation issues new iPhones every year despite of the fact that
previous models are still good for use. This huge amount of new products requires a
huge amount of advertising. As a consequence, our everyday life is surrounded with
different kinds of advertising. We see ad on the streets when we walk out our dog,
we see listen it on the radio while driving our cars coming back from a job, we see
it in our favorite magazines and newspapers. A flow of advertising from all sources
of media bombards our attention. Big corporations claim that they know what
product is better for us. They manipulate our feelings; by playing with people desire
of financial success, social power and, the most important, freedom and
independence. This can be seen by analyzing a random advertising from a random
magazine. In this advertisement in TIME magazine, TOYOTA targets young adults,
middle working class professionals, who want fast and powerful car without
spending much money on gas. It appeals to audience s desire by repeating TOYATA
s brand and through direct and indirect messages conveyed by words and images.
TOYOTA Camryad targets men or women in the age range between eighteen and,
probably, middle or late twentieth who wants ride fast,


The Diet Of The Atkins Diet
A physician by the name of Robert Atkins started the Atkins Diet in 1972 after he
stumbled upon a study he read in the Journal of the American Medical Association
about weight reduction through the elimination of sugar and starch. At the time he
was overweight and decided to implement this study into his own life and ended up
losing a significant amount of weight. This led him to promoting the diet in his own
series of books. The overall premise of the diet is to start with limiting the number of
carbohydrates being consumed while eating as much fat and protein you want. Then,
gradually increasing the amount of healthy carbohydrates consumed. There are 4
phases to the Atkins diet: Induction, Ongoing Weight Loss, Pre Maintenance, and...
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The second phase of the Atkins diet is Ongoing Weight Loss where you slowly
increase the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. Essentially you add 5 grams of
carbs to your diet every week until you reach a point where you aren t gaining or
losing weight (Atkins, 2002). The third phase of the diet is Pre Maintenance in which
carbohydrate intake is slightly increased again. However, this time the increase is
significant enough that the body is no longer in a state of ketosis. The key here is to
find a maximum level of carbohydrates you can consume without gaining weight
(Atkins, 2002). Lifetime Maintenance is the final phase of the Atkins diet. In this
phase you are expected to carry out the habits acquired from the previous phases. If
you find yourself gaining weight again then you can revert back to one of the
previous phases. This is a permanent lifestyle you need to adapt in order to carry on
with the progress you made so far (Atkins, 2002). The main reason we are limiting
carbohydrates in the first place is to control the release of insulin by the pancreas.
Carbohydrates are responsible for raising insulin levels, which in turn promotes
glucose uptake by the cells. On the other hand, insulin initiates a pathway that inhibits
fat breakdown and at the same time promotes synthesis of fatty acid, cholesterol, and
glycogen. Therefore, elevated levels of insulin are associated with cardiovascular


Read And Write Culture
In twenty years from now in the year, 2035, the relationship of organizing to
computing may change in ways where open source software may be more free in
the future and virtual organizations may become more prominent. Several social
forces can be said to drive these dynamics as impacting the reproduction of
organizing patterns in a certain way. First, the idea of the Read Only versus the
Read and Write Culture as inspired by Lawrence Lessig proposes a need for proper
regulation of the read only while still encouraging the read and write. This idea will
be seen more within the future as more and more development of the Remix culture
begins to develop in not only music, but also in ideas. Next, virtual organizations will
also grow as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Socio technical meaning that there is a recognition of the interaction that is made
between people and technology in the workplaces. The NSF defines this new work
culture as being dispersed geographically, but still able to remain as one unit through
the use of the Internet. They themselves focus more into virtual organizations because
they find that in the current age they have become necessary to widen learning and
their knowledge base. According to their article, virtual organizations can enable and
enhance scientific, engineering, and education production and innovation (NSF). The
social and technical interactions are creating this alternative form of organizing
which allows for the change from the formal structure of human organizing to
something much more loose, and yet, still


Gender Roles Essays.pdf


Gender Roles Essays.pdf


Gender Roles Essays.pdf


Gender Roles Essays.pdf

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Gender Roles Essays.pdf

  • 1. Gender Roles Essays Writing an essay on the topic of "Gender Roles" can be both challenging and enlightening. The difficulty arises from the vastness and complexity of the subject matter, as gender roles encompass a wide range of societal, cultural, historical, and individual dimensions. Tackling this topic requires a deep understanding of various disciplines, including sociology, psychology, anthropology, and history. One of the challenges lies in navigating through the evolving nature of gender roles. Societal norms and expectations regarding gender have transformed over time, making it essential to delve into the historical context while also addressing contemporary issues. Additionally, the intersectionality of gender with other aspects such as race, class, and sexuality adds layers of complexity, making it necessary to approach the topic with sensitivity and nuance. Furthermore, the debate surrounding gender roles is often intertwined with cultural beliefs, traditions, and power structures. Analyzing and critiquing these elements can be intellectually demanding, requiring a thorough exploration of diverse perspectives and scholarly viewpoints. The writer must navigate through the potential biases inherent in societal narratives to present a well-rounded and impartial analysis. Moreover, the essay should be well-researched, drawing on a variety of academic sources, studies, and real-life examples to support the arguments. The inclusion of relevant statistics, case studies, and expert opinions adds credibility to the essay and enhances the overall quality of the content. Crafting an effective essay on gender roles also involves addressing the intricacies of language and terminology. Ensuring the use of inclusive and respectful language is paramount to fostering a positive and unbiased discussion. The writer must be mindful of how language can perpetuate or challenge existing gender stereotypes. In conclusion, writing an essay on gender roles requires not only a comprehensive understanding of the topic but also the ability to navigate through its multifaceted nature. It demands critical thinking, research skills, and a nuanced approach to capture the dynamic aspects of gender relations. While challenging, such essays offer an opportunity for personal and academic growth by encouraging the exploration of diverse perspectives. For assistance with essays on a variety of topics, including gender roles and more, consider exploring the services available at HelpWriting.net. They offer professional support for academic writing, ensuring quality and reliability in your assignments. Gender Roles Essays Gender Roles Essays
  • 2. Analysis Of Medieval People By Erika Erika, Excellent overall summary of the book Medieval People and how the concept of time was important to them. In this book, it depicts how the world differs from era to era when it comes to servants, colony, and masters. The life of a servant, as opposed to a noble, was vast. It was a life of self sufficiency, and they were producing everything at home, most houses were small with thatched roofs and most shared a common life in the work of the fields. It is said that peasants, besides Sundays, enjoyed from eight weeks to a half a year free from work because of the backbreaking nature. In the Middle Ages time was counted from sunrise, one hour after sunrise they would call the first hour prime. (Power, 1924) Many events happened at
  • 3. Kaffir Lime Research Paper Kaffir lime leaf and clove are the medicinal plants that are widely used in aromatherapy and aromatic foods. Because kaffir lime leaf essential oil has properties that help to relax, refresh and antioxidant as well. In the clove oil has properties that help relax the flatulence and help the blood circulation. Today, we find that consumers pay attention to health. It is found that drinking too much teacan cause constipation. In addition, we found that when the ancient tea, the smell is very little. This research is interested in the development of new flavors. It is in the form of an edible oil storage film. The essential oil is stored as a micro particle sized. Inserted in the film polymer structure by means of casting. The purpose is to use
  • 4. What Are The Characteristics Of The Dutch Republic In this time, the Dutch Republic will let you publish any book and will let anyone say what they think no matter if it is against the government or anyone or anything. That is a trait of the Dutch Republic that no other country would let that happen, they will probably kill the person that published a controversial book if anyone did so out of the Dutch republic. The Dutch are also very open to new ideas and opinions, like the ideas that the Earth orbits the Sun and that the Earth is round. Also the Dutch really like painting, science and basically learning, they are open to any idea and will try to come up with their own ideas too and try to help each other with their ideas. They are also a very supporting community, especially in the science... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also there are lots of artists like the Golden Boy Rembrandt and lots more, but a very big difference between our artists and the artists in France is that our artists can paint for more people not only the church, they could paint for the Regenten or for people with enough money to pay them, of course that doesn t assure you to become some kind of superstar for appearing in a Rembrandt painting because you might not appear in the front or even be seen. The Dutch Republic is also widely known for the smartness and intelligence of the Dutch and their people, they most probably have a very high IQ :). They are very smart because they really like learning and they learn a lot and their intelligence and open mindedness makes them learn faster and more things in the same time as other people might learn half what they learn in the same time because they are really open minded and they are also very intelligent and creative. Also people really like each other in the Dutch Republic and they get really well with each other, they don t care if they are jewish or muslim or christian or of any religion, they treat them the same way as they treat their
  • 5. Surviving Female Gender Roles Surviving Female Gender Roles What defines being feminine will vary with each culture, but two archetypes: passive homemaker and liberal feminist have existed for centuries as one will see in two Japanese stories written in the 17th century. In The Love Suicides at Amijima, readers see the social chains that bind a submissive woman to her societal duties. On the other hand, in Tales of Sensuous Women, readers are shown a complete opposite archetype where women find ways to circumvent the social expectations that have been imposed upon them. Although four hundred or so years have passed since these stories were written, modern women these days still have a number of societal restrictions that make them less liberated than their male... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Readers of The Love Suicides at Amijima would not be able to see multi faceted female characters as these in Life of a Sensuous Woman. Readers would only see female characters who blindly support the endeavors of the men in their lives. The women in Tales of Sensuous Women are less confined by circumstance but 17th century Japanese people would have preferred the obedient and submissive female as opposed to one who had a mind of her own. The feminist movement that guaranteed a female s civil rights through law has increased the number of rights given to them. In the 21st century, society believes that a female who fits the homemaker archetype should be more adventurous while a female who fits the liberated, free loving archetype should be more restrained. Society accepts from women, a balance between the two archetypes which brings up the question of how social norms or gender roles are created and who enforces these roles. Does Koharu and Osan s passiveness stem from physical weakness or were they brought up in a way that made them act this way? They re behavior as supporter is restrictive and shameful in the sense that they are second class citizens. For the liberated women, is life for them simply seducing men and robbing them of virility? Almost each protagonist at the end feels emotionally empty when she reminisces her sexually
  • 6. Observation Of Water In Sycamore Creek On a still, warm morning our class set out on a hike to collect water and soil samples to explore. Our water sample was collected from the first portion of Sycamore Creek located on the Los Penasquitos Trail in Sorrento Valley. Collecting 6 in. deep into the creek, we wanted to ensure that the sample in the plastic test tube included soil, algae and vegetation from the floor. The sample was allowed to sit uncapped and covered with a layer of film for 24+ hours before microscopic observation occurred. Expectedly, the soil and a variety of dense particles settled to the bottom of the test tube. Using a pipette we drew water from the center of the sample, but making sure not to draw up any soil. Three separate slides were prepared, each
  • 7. Mitch Albom s Tuesdays With Morrie Tuesdays with Morrie is a about a young man and his old college professor, Morrie Schwartz, who got reacquainted after many years of lost contact. It all starts with Mitch Albom, one of Morrie s pupils, who graduated from Brandeis University. Mitch had given a briefcase to his instructor, Morrie, to remember their long history together. They had promised to keep in touch, but failed to honor their promise. After graduation, Mitch had decided that he wanted to be a musician and that this was how he was going to make his living. But after many failed music attempts, Mitch decided that he would become a journalist. It was not only his failed music career which gave him the idea of changing his career path, but also his uncle s death from pancreatic cancer.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During this time, Morrie had been diagnosed with Lou Gherig s disease, better known as ALS. Morrie had some time to lament about the horrible news, but soon got back on his feet. He started writing down his philosophical teachings and his loved one got them published in the Boston Globe. CNN loved the writing so much that Nightline decided to have a live interview with Morrie. Coincidently, Mitch was flipping through the channels and found Morrie s live interview. Mitch couldn t believe that it was him and decided that he wanted to get back in touch with his professor. They had a total of thirteen and a half Tuesdays before Morrie passed away. Within those many meetings on Tuesdays, Morrie had taught Mitch many life lessons that helped him become a better individual lessons about the present, family, and
  • 8. The History Of Immunostaining Methods The history of immunostaining methods began when Marrack produced reagents against typhus and cholera microorganisms, using a red stain conjugated to benzidin tetraedro (1) However, Professor Albert H. Coons from Harvard School of Medicine first introduces immunofluorescence. Coons initial attempts to label antibodies were unsuccessful as the labels were not visible enough under the microscope. In the early nineteen forties Coons, Creech, Jones and Berliner succeeded in tagging antibodies (2). These antibodies were used to detect foreign antigens in tissues. This involved using a single fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) labeled anti pneumococcal antibody to find pneumococcal antigens in mice injected with large numbers of pneumococci (1). In 1959 Singer used an electron dense protein in order to achieve ultrastructural localisation. The protein ferritin was used to tag an antibody because fluorescein lacks electron opacity. Electron microscopy could be used in immunohistochemistry as a result of this as the presence of iron in the protein makes it electron dense (1). In 1965 Sternberger used uranium to develop the first electron opaque heavy metal technique for ultrastructural localisation (3). Owing to the large molecular size of ferritin, ferritin labeled antibody penetrates tissues poorly also heavy metal labeled antibody has provided insufficient increase in contrast at the sites of antigen antibody reactions to be useful. Subsequently, the introduction of enzymes as
  • 9. Marketing Case Study a New Joe on the Block Essay Written Assignment 1: A New Joe on the Block November 4, 2011 [Question 1] In my opinion, there are two top key decisions that Joe faces in regards to his situation. The first key decision is determining the basis for which Joe will model his coffee shop after. With supporting evidence from research, he must determine which indicators on taste/experience/price/etc. will ultimately establish his positioning in the competitive market. This is an important decision because it narrows the scope of his coffee shop s situation and will aid him in taking the necessary steps towards determining key factors for success. The second key decision that Joe encounters is whether or not he should enlist the help of a marketing research ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... consumer preferences. The second major flaw in the coffee taste studies is the existence of external variables. It is evident that the first and third studies had underlying variables that may have significantly affected their outcomes. The first study notes that the author of this study personally purchased coffee to go at four places, took them to his office, tasted them, made notes and drew conclusions (pg. 63). This indicates a major flaw of this particular study because the time frames for which each cup of coffee was obtained and then consumed are inconsistent. The third study also indicates the existence of possible external variables given the location in which it was conducted. According to the text, the researchers stood outside a small organic specialty shop and interviewed 100 customers as they exited the shop (pg. 63). Based on the choice of location, it can be argued that the results of this study mainly coincide with the preferences of consumers with a high interest in organic products. [Question 4] Given the situation, a determination can be made about its relation to each of the first three steps in the marketing research process. At this point, Joe has already undertaken some actions that are consistent with the defining research objectives step. The first thing that Joe has done is define his situational problem. Although it appears to be lacking in content and clarity, he recognizes that a great deal of research in
  • 10. Tay-Sachs Syndrome Some of the general symptoms of the disease can be characterized by hind limb spasticity, weight loss, tremors, abnormal posture with lordosis, and possibility of visual impairment. Muscle weakness, clasping of the limbs, and myoclonic twitches of the head that can be onset late in the disease. Research of the GM2 ganglioside has revealed that storage of the fatty substance varies a large Tay Sachs Disease2 amount in different regions, but the majority resides in the pyriform cortex, hippocampus (CA3 field, subiculum), amygdala, hypothalamus (paraventricular supraoptic, ventromedial and arcuate nuclei, and mammillary body), and the somatosensory cortex (layer V). Most symptoms of the disease often display the first signs of the disease at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are multiple treatment options including medication, respiratory care, feeding tubes and physical therapy. Some medications are available and can help with seizures. Both respiratory care and feeding tubes help to avoid infections of the lungs. Breathing problems and mucus build up are common symptoms of Tay Sachs. Physical therapy is very Tay Sachs Disease3 effective at keeping movement within the joints possible and helps to relieve stiffness of the patients ( Tay Sachs disease , 2016). There are a few experimental treatments developing. The first is Tay Sachs Gene Therapy, this treatment includes introducing genes into diseased cells to try and correcting the mutations such as lysosomal defects (Cachon Gonzlez, et al., 226. Effective Gene Therapy in an Authentic Mouse Model of Tay Sachs Related Diseases , 2006). Cross correction mechanism is the proposed mechanism of action. Social, Political, Economic
  • 11. Mental Health And Poverty What is the relevance of mental health for economic development in low and middle income situations? Why do you think we should think about mental health when we talk about poverty? Is there any connection between mental health and poverty? There is a consistent pattern that, despite varieties in the way in which povertyis defined, there is a consistent truth that people who live in lower economic situations and in poverty have increased riskfor mental healthproblems. This doesn t mean that all poor people have mental health problems neither does it mean that the rich don t have problems, but what it does mean is that the risk for developing a mental health problem is much greater in people who are poorer. The social and economic risk factors combined with genetic risk factors to lead to the creation of a mental illness in a particular individual. The first part of the equation is to determine which comes first, does poverty lead to depression or does depression lead to poverty? There are two ways to link mental illness and poverty. The first being that people who live within poverty have increased risk for mental illness because they live with a constant stress of insecurity related to food, security, income, less social support networks, more exposure to violence and crime, and also have increased prevalence of other health conditions. All of this leads to an increased prevalence in mental illness. On the other hand there are people who live with a mental illness, who
  • 12. Notes on Investment Test Chapter 7 Test Review Problem 7 1 Bond valuation Callaghan Motors bonds have 5 years remaining to maturity. Interest is paid annually, they have a $1,000 par value, the coupon interest rate is 6.5%, and the yield to maturity is 11%. What is the bond s current market price? Round your answer to the nearest cent. Annual Interest Payment = Par Value * Coupon Rate $1,000 * 6.5%= 65 Financial Calculator N= 5 I/YR= 11% PMT= 65 FV= $1,000 Find PV? Bond s Current Market Price= 833.68 Problem7 2 Yield to maturity and future price A bond has a $1,000 par value, 12 years to maturity, and a 9% annual coupon and sells for $1,110. a. What is its yield to maturity (YTM)? Round your answer to two decimal places. Par Value= $1,000... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Round your answer to the nearest cent. Bond S: Change N = 1, PV = ? PV = $1,018.35 5) What will the value of the Bond L be if the going interest rate is 12%? Round your answer to the nearest cent. 12%: Bond L: From Bond S inputs, change N = 17 and I /YR = 12%, PV = ?, PV = $928.80 6) What will the value of the Bond S be if the going interest rate is 12%? Round your answer to the nearest cent. Bond S: Change N = 1, PV =? PV = $991.07 B. Why does the longer term bond s price vary more than the price of the shorter term bond when interest rates change? I. Long term bonds have greater interest rate risk then do short term bonds.
  • 13. Problem 7 8 Yield to call Seven years ago the Singleton Company issued 20 year bonds with a 11% annual coupon rate at their $1,000 par value. The bonds had a 6% call premium, with 5 years of call protection. Today Singleton called the bonds. A. Compute the realized rate of return for an investor who purchased the bonds when they were issued and held them until they were called. Round your answer to two decimal places. Par Value= $1,000 *6%= 60+1000= 1,060 Coupon Rate= 11% Bond Price= 1000 No of Years= 7 Semiannual Interest Payment= 1,000 * 11%= 110 Financial Calculator N= 7 I/YR= ? PMT= 110 FV= 1,060 PV=1000 YTM = 11.60% B. Explain why the investor should or should not be happy that Singleton called them. Since the bonds have been called, interest rates must have
  • 14. Sammy Quit His Job Analysis Who is Sammy? Why he quit his job at the grocery store? Sammy is a nineteenth year old young man who works as a cashier at A P grocery store in a small town.Also, Sammy can be described in many ways,he is very open mind it person when it come to customer around him. He seems not interesting at his job that he have very for long time, when he saw three girls with they bathing suit by the beach it caught is attention. The purpose of Sammy s quit his job because the manager insulted the girls inside the store and Sammy have a judgmental attitude toward him. First it all, Sammy decide to quit his job because of his boss, Lengel has insulted the girls inside the store. Sammy feel unsuspected hero when he defend the girls to the manager. For example,
  • 15. Meaning Of Music In Chicago What is music? Music in the dictionary means an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color; the tones or sounds employed, occurring in single line (melody) or multiple lines (harmony), and sounded or to be sounded by one or more voices or instruments, or both. Musicin essences has a versatile aspect that cannot be defined to real musicians as the quoted definition from the dictionary. The real definition of music is what every single individual who listens, plays, or sings it can describe what music is to them and the true meaning of it. Understanding what music is to everyone is key to unlocking the reasons of why there are so many genres of music... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Rich was born and raised here in Chicago on the south side; and is twenty four years old, and has three other siblings. Rich has a unique gift of being able to play the guitar, drums, and also sings in English and Spanish for his band. The band consists of three other members who have also been raised on the Chicago south side. He like everyone else in the band have their respective daytime jobs or according to Rich, the we haven t made it yet jobs, while pursing their goals of being able to be known by everyone in and around the Indi rock scene. In my interview many questions about the sub genre of Indi rock were answered through choice of selection of what I wanted to know about Indi rock. From this interview I was able to derive my research question and further purse knowledge on the topic, which led me to research the Indi rock scene in Mexico, and here in
  • 16. Essay Rock the Ages Form 1065 Print or type. U.S. Return of Partnership Income For calendar year 2011, or tax year beginning , ending . OMB No. 1545 0099 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service See separate instructions. Name of partnership D Employer identification number A Principal business activity Music Agency B Principal product or service ROCK the Ages, LLC Number, street, and room or suite no. If a P.O. box, see the instructions. 55 5555555 E Date business started Agent/Mgmt Services C Business code number 6102 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2100 City or town State ZIP code 1/1/2000 F Total assets (see the instructions) 711410 G Check applicable boxes: Los Angeles (1) X Initial return (6)... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... . . . . . . . . 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Retirement plans, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Employee benefit programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Other deductions (attach statement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760,000 . . . . . 20 . . . 21 Total deductions. Add the amounts shown in the far right column for lines 9 through 20 . . . . . . 21 . . . . 3,648,000 . . . . . . . . . 22 Ordinary business income (loss). Subtract line 21 from line 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 . . . .1,152,000. . . . . . . . . Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than general partner or limited liability company member manager) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge. May the IRS discuss this return with the preparer shown below (see instructions)? Yes No Sign Here Deductions (see the instructions for limitations) Income X Signature of general partner or limited liability company member manager Print/Type preparer s name Preparer s signature Date Date Check if self employed Firm s EIN Phone no. State ZIP code Form 1065 (2011) PTIN Paid Preparer Use Only (HTA) SELF PREPARED RETURN
  • 17. The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test From what does the self originate? For ages, humans have pondered the nature of their personalities. Several theories have been presented over the years, One implies that a person s traits are determined at birth and that one s personality may be ingrained into their very DNA; while another sates that the environment in which the subject is in affects their characteristics far more than any deep seated traits. This question, as well as many others, are topics that are brought to exhibition in Tom Wolfe s book The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test . Set in the late 1960 s, Wolfe tells the true story Ken Keseyand his band of followers, the Merry Pranksters, who brought the psychedelic drug movement to the forefront of American culture.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was at this point they purchase an old school bus. This bus would be painted in Day Glo and named Further and become synonomous with Kesey and the poster child for the psychedelic movement. On the trip to New York, the group films their LSD fueled adventures which they would title as The Movie and use it as a symbol of their movement to illustrate that you were either apart of it or you were not. Upon Kesey s return to California, he is greeted in high regard as he is being seen as the leader of this rising new counter culture movement. He is picked to give seminars on what he is doing and to teach people how to live in the now. Following their return from the seminars, the Pranksters are raided by the police and cleaned out of all of their drugs. The following media frenzy cause the group to rise to prominence of the counter culture movement. It was after this that Kesey befriends the Hell s Angels motorcycle gang and even begins leading retreats of church leaders. Some begin to think that the Prankster s movement is mimicking a new religious movement and even begin to refer to Ken as The Prophet Kesey. Kesey begin hosting Acid Tests which were massive parties where everyone would take acid and attempt to discover themselves. These became instantly popular and take off immediately, but just as they are picking up steam, Kesey is arrested by the police for
  • 18. Hypertension Medication Modeling the Determinant of Access to Hypertension Medication: Using a Multinomial Logistic Regression ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to understand the general influence to people diagnosed with high blood pressure not being able to seek help from a healthcare provider due to costs. This paper analyzes findings from five different groups of audiences, belonging to diverse cultures and further the relationship between income and hypertension. The results showed that lowВ income individuals were susceptible to issues of high blood pressure with focus on the effects of prescription to the general health. Additionally, the study looked at the demographic factor education and sex to the patient s ability to control their hypertension. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From the researches, it is common wisdom that uninsured adults reported overall health, compared to the individuals who were enrolled in medical insurance facilities like the Medicaid. They are less likely to report multiple health conditions. However, the reason behind the number of uninsured individuals reporting less issues of hypertension is the fact that most of these issues go unnoticed. These conditions were more likely undiagnosed and uncontrolled. The research found out that about 80% of the uninsured adults had an uncontrolled condition, compared to the 63.4% of the insured adults. This shows that technically, uninsured adults had more issues with hypertension, only that they were not diagnosed and their conditions are not
  • 19. How Placebos Can Be Effective Method Of Treatment Knowing that placebos can be an effective method of treatment, Espay et al. (2015) wanted to see if the price of a placebo would alter its effectiveness. The researchers conducted a double blind study with twelve patients with moderate to severe Parkinson s disease. The participants were told that they would be receiving two new injectable dopamine agonists which, despite their large difference in price ($100 and $1,500) were thought to be equally effective. Participants were further told that the purpose of the study was to support that the two new medications were indeed equal in their effectiveness. The study was conducted with a counterbalanced design, such that half the group would take the cheap medication first and the expensive medication second, and vice versa. Participants were told that they would receive the second medication four hours after the first, which would allow enough time for the effects of the first medication to wear off. Participants completed the Unified Parkinson s Disease Rating Scale, the Purdue Pegboard Test, and a tapping task before and after the administration of each medication. Results revealed improved motor function after the administration of both placebos. However, the benefit was greater when participants were first randomized to the expensive placebo. These findings not only support the placebo effect in Parkinson s patients, but also suggest that the perception of cost has the capability of influencing motor function in
  • 20. Essay about Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Life in the early 1900 s wasn t easy. Competition for jobs was at an all time high, especially in New York City. Immigrants were flooding in and needed to find work fast, even if that meant in the hot, overcrowded conditions of garment factories. Conditions were horrid and disaster was inevitable, and disaster did strike in March, 1911. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York set on fire, killing 146 workers. This is an important event in US history because it helped accomplish the tasks unions and strikes had tried to accomplish years earlier, It improved working conditions in factories nationwide and set new safety laws and regulations so that nothing as catastrophic would happen again. The workplace struggles became public after... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Wages were very low for the amount of work people were expected to do. People would only make anywhere from $1.25 $1.50 for the entire 10 12 hour workday. Not only were these wages extremely low, but employees often lived in expensive company housing which left barely any money for the other necessities of life. Nobody was satisfied with the wages during this time period but another struggle was the long hours. People worked 60 80 hour work weeks in the hot overcrowded factories, only doing one monotonous job. Lastly, the boss was very distant from the work crowd and there was little to no contact between the two groups. Also, the workers were very controlled by the foreman. The doors were locked on all floors to prevent theft during the day and bathroom breaks would be monitored by a floor manager. Overall, during the late 1800 s everyone was overworked and underpaid and this led to many troubles as years went on. Everyone was frustrated with work conditions and this led to the formations of unions around the country. The Knights of Labor was a very popular union that led the first major strike in the United States. The year was 1885 and Jay Gould s Missouri Pacific Railroad was the target. The owner, Jay Gould, had recently cut wages drastically and fired union members. The Knights led the strike and eventually succeeded to improve wages for the railroad workers. With this great accomplishment the Knights gained
  • 21. Analysis Of The Book Scoops This odd creature approaches, scoops Becky up with one hand, and holds her up so he can look at her better. His hand wraps easily around her. He brings her closer to his face and sticks his tongue out to lap up her juices. It is so large it covers her entire pussy. Her clit throbs with need and she clinches in spasms of need. Dawng brings her back to investigate her more. He pushes at her entrance with a finger. Becky moans with anticipation. The finger enters her and he twists it around inside of her. He shoves roughly deep into her. He callously shoves a second finger into her. She screams in pain, but still she bucks up against his hand trying to get more. Strongly orgasming, she soon coats his fingers with her juices. Dawng pulls his fingers out of her quickly and forces one into her anus. He works on her, thrusting with his finger vigorously. The pain is intense but she cannot help her body s responses. She arches up to give better access to her anus. Holding her tight, he picks up speed. He rapidly shoves his finger repeatedly into her. She feels her asshole stretching; it has to be tearing, when he forces a second finger alongside the first one. It is too much for her, the intense pain only succeeds in arousing her more. Her screams of pain go unheeded as Dawng fiercely shoves and twists his fingers in her ass. The monster flips Becky over on her stomach. The fingers seem to work even more powerfully. Becky screeches as she orgasms again. Her
  • 22. The Eleusinian Mysteries Of Ancient Greece The Eleusinian Mysteries Religion is interwoven in the social, cultural and economic life of all civilisations and Ancient Greece was no exception. Typically, most religion in Ancient Greece was civic in nature, however, in the fifth century B.C., mystery religions began to gain popularity. Shrouded in secrecy, the mystery religions provided a more personal approach to religion, fascinating initiates and capturing the imagination of the Greek populace. The most popular of these mystery cults was the cult of Demeter, a veneration established in Eleusis around 1500 B.C. The Eleusinian mysteries were the earliest and most celebrated mysteries in classical antiquity (Karoglou, 2013). These, through their appeal to initiates, played a pivotal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Homeric Hymn to Demeter, coupled with the surviving evidence, allows modern historians to paint a consistent portrait of the Eleusinian mysteries. The Hymn to Demeter was composed in Attica no later than the 7th century B.C. and served for centuries thereafter as the canonical hymn of the Eleusinian Mysteries (Nilsson, 2016). The anonymously transcribed source tells the tale of Persephone s abduction by Hades, God of the underworld (Sailors, 2007). The Hymn reveals the significance of seasonal elements within the Mystery cult. The fact that the Persephone, upon negotiation with Hades, dwells two thirds of the year in the upper world is manifestly connected to vegetation (Nilsson, 2016). This too is connected to the annual festival which takes place in the middle of the Greek month Boedromion (October), a winter month. In the 6th century B.C., Herodotus, the father of Greek history, wrote: Every year the Athenians celebrate the festival in honour of the Mother and the Maid, and anyone who wishes, from all of Athens or elsewhere, may be initiated into the Mysteries (Keller, 2009). Therefore, it is revealed that the great procession from Athens to Eleusis, along the sacred way, was held in order to appease Demeter for a prosperous summer (Burkert, 1985). Except for the date of this procession, little is known of the rites of
  • 23. Comparison Of Anne Of The Green Gables To begin with, the primary aim of this research paper is to investigate the similarities of Lucy Maud Montgomery with the main protagonist of her book, Anne of Green Gables. This will be accomplished by looking back at the early life of the author, her childhood, and the hardships that she had overcame. Also, several works that had interpreted and analyzed Montgomery s life had a substantial contribution to this research paper. The novel Anne of the Green Gables was written by Lucy Maud Montgomery in the year 1908. In particular, the Anne of the Green Gables was held as a children s novel. The story followed the life and journey of Anne Shirley, an 11 year old orphan child. Notably, the novel had touched the hearts of many people across the globe, thus it is unquestionable when a mini series adaptation of the novel was released in many... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Actually, it was co authored by Benjamin Lefebvre. The book tackles the way the book had dominated the Canadian readers and their perception on the hidden meanings that exists in the Anne of the Green Gables. Additionally, Ned Bustard s book titled Anne of Green Gables Comprehension Guide contains method of dissecting the novel penned by Montgomery. As a matter of fact, several authors had taken a special interest in the life story of Lucy Maud Montgomery. The works of these authors are vital in the comparative analysis of Anne Shirley and Montgomery. An example of this is the book Lucy Maud Montgomery: The Gift of Wings that was written by Mary Henley Rubio. In addition, Catherine Andronik had fancied Montgomery s remarkable life journey, thus, giving her the motivation to pen the Kindred Spirit: A biography of L. M Montgomery, Creator of Anne of Green Gables. Another is the Wheel of Things: The Biography of L.M. Montgomery by Mollie
  • 24. Principle Foundation of the European Union The European Union (EU) was founded on the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law . Democracy can be interpreted in different ways, for it means the power of the people where the public decide who they want as they leader by a majority vote system who represents the views of the people. Lisbon Treaty gave these rights the force of law therefore these rights are not to be violated by member states and must maintain a healthy baseline of democracy. Many academics have argued that the EU is suffering from a democratic deficit due to the Euopean not having enough power and for other reasons which will be discussed. I will discuss the observation of Joseph Weilers standard version of the democratic deficit and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of his argument. This essay will examine the reasons why many academics and authors believe there is a democratic deficit. Further discussions will point to renowned intellectuals who reject the idea of democratic deficit , such as Professor Andrew Moravcsik and Proffesor Giandomencio Majone who both refute the idea that the EU lacks democratic accountability for different reason which will be discussed in detail. My conclusion will include my belief that the EU does suffer from a democratic deficit and this will be supported by the powerful evidence that will be stated throughout this essay. Title II Article 10 of the Post Lisbon Consolidated Treaty of the
  • 25. Analysis Of My Father s Axe My Father s Axe , In the Park , and Her Kind Identity Analysis Weland La The composer of My Father s Axe, Tim Winton, explores the universal themes of male identity in the modern age, throughout his short story. He utilises many relatable scenarios throughout his short story which conveys the stereotypical male identity in today s society. Jamie says he doesn t know where the axe is and I believe him; he won t chop wood anymore. Elaine hasn t seen it; it s men s business, she says . The composer is establishing the notion of an axe being a tool which is typically related to the male gender. Tim Winton symbolises the axe as a tool which requires great physical strength, a trait which the male identity are often expected to possess. The composer also depicts the male identity as the person who is solely responsible for the functionality of a family, He left me with the responsibility of fueling the home and My mother called me the man of the house . I saw my father ball his handkerchief up and bite on it to muffle his sobs . The composer s use of imagery visualises the father s attempts to hide his tears. This portrays the male identity as generally being subconscious of their emotions. Crying is an action often stereotypically represented as a weakness found mainly in the female identity, and not the male counterpart, therefore men often try to hide these feminine feelings to retain their sense of masculinity. This notion suggest
  • 26. Eating Habits And Culinary Practices Food ways can be defined as: the eating habits and culinary practices of a people, region, or historical period. My daily food ways consist of having three main course meals throughout the day; Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. My current food ways are based off what is available at the Lawrence dining hall and Sykes dining hall. For breakfast I tend to always have the same foods every day, either being an omelet, cereal, yogurt with granola, and the occasional banana. Considering being a college student it s hard to come by a variety of foods you can have for breakfast especially when you re in a rush to your next class. Lunch has become quite the difficulty to keep on a regular schedule with my classes all being back to back during lunch time. But, on the days I do have time for lunch I always have a big bowl of salad consisting of some leafy greens, onions, celery, carrots, croutons, and all topped with my favorite dressing balsamic vinaigrette. Dinnertime is my favorite time of the day to eat because it s right after practice and everyone from the team is all siting together scarfing down dishes after dishes of foodto replenish our staving stomachs after a long practice. At dinner time, I always make sure to eat a protein source and heavy carbohydrate to refuel my body so depending on what is available I ll always have a wheat Italian sandwich wrap with some pasta. I also make sure to have some fruit along with a small side salad. At the end of dinner, depending on the
  • 27. The Importance Of Perseverance Dictionary.com defines perseverance as Steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. My aunt, Tracy, is a perfect example of someone who has this quality. She has been through so many hard times in her life but she always manages to find positivity and overcome difficult situations. Three years ago, I went over to my aunt s tiny country house in Fort Worth for Thanksgiving, and my Aunt Tracy burnt the turkey to a crisp. Everyone was trying to comfort her, but this wasn t going to stop her from cooking us the most magnificent golden turkey in the world. Absolutely not, I m not going to let our Thanksgiving be ruined because of my huge mistake, my aunt said cheerfully. Aunt Tracy and I jumped in the car, the engine roared, and we drove the speed of light to a bunch of stores looking for one that still had a turkey left, but it seemed like an eternity before we found one. When we finally found a store that had a turkey, you could hear the sound of panic in people s voices because they needed last minute ingredients and the pitter patter of people s feet running all around the store. When we spotted a turkey at the end of the store my aunt sprinted towards it, grabbed it, and held it close to her chest as if someone was going to steal it. After we bought the turkey we drove quickly all the way home and had such a lovely conversation, filled with laughs, even though my Aunt was in such
  • 28. Make or Buy Analysis Essay Sam Johnson is the owner of a medium size electronics company, Integrated Electronics Manufacturing (IEM), which produces high grade electronic modules used by several major electronics manufacturers to produce a variety of military and commercial telecommunications devices such as aircraft radios, navigational equipment, land based satellite receivers, and other items. IEM has 60 employees. Normally, IEM purchases electronic parts such as resistors, capacitors, circuit boards and enclosures from several different suppliers and assembles the modules in its own facility. Some of the parts, like circuit boards and enclosures, are built to IEM engineer s specifications while others are off the shelf . The engineers have come up with a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The equipment is normally used to manufacture prototype boards, so its full capacity is never used. Since this new circuit board will not be manufactured in very large quantities, the machine will suffice, although some additional add ons as well as supplies will be needed to produce this particular board. There is a 20% chance that equipment failure may cause a significant problem and, if it does, the impact is estimated at $50,000. Here s the data: |Production Item |Data | |Equipment Add On s (one time) |$17,500 | |Monthly Equipment Maintenance (or fraction) |$3,000 | |Daily Operating Expense |$400 | |Material Cost per 100 boards (or fraction) |$4,200 | |Mask Preparation |$25,000 | |Labor Cost per Day |$572 | |Scrap (Completed boards that fail QA) |10% | |Daily Production Capacity (designed capacity) |25 | |Boards to be Produced |4,000 | |Work Days Per
  • 29. Why Is Stormwater Harmful To The Chesapeake Bay Why is stormwater harmful to the Chesapeake Bay? Storm water is harmful because as it travels it picks up pollutants like fertilizers, sediments, and litter. All of this waste can end up going into streams and rivers. It is destructive for the ecosystems, but there are ways to help prevent this from happening. Storm water moves it s way across streets, sidewalks, and lawns. As it travels it picks up pollutants such as fertilizer, pet waste, sediment, and other chemicals that may be on the ground. This waste can find its way into the streams and rivers. These may create dead zones that kill marine life. Dead zones are hypoxic areas in bodies of water caused by nutrient pollution from runoff. The sediment that comes along with the water ends up blocking sunlight from reaching underwater grass and suffocates shellfish. Depending on how fast the water is going, it can flood certain areas like urban, suburban, forests, and wetlands. Water tends to travel faster on surfaces that are impervious. Impervious surfaces are a problem because they don t let the water seep through. The water travels over top these surfaces because they are solid. Paved roads, sidewalks, patios, and roofs are all impervious. This is harmful because the storm water builds up speed on impervious surfaces and can cause flooding. They also alter the amount of precipitation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The runoff carries pollutants such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediments into the Bay. In urban areas the standard city block creates five times more runoff than a forested area. About 30% of runoff in an urban area is evaporated, 55% stays runoff, and the other 15% soaks into the land with a variation of deep and shallow infiltration. About 40% of runoff in a forest evaporates, 10% stays runoff, and the extra 50% seeps into the ground with a variation of deep and shallow infiltration. The runoff is actually the fastest growing source of pollution for the Chesapeake
  • 30. Essay On Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis What is rheumatoid arthritis? Rheumatoid arthritis is a very common type of inflammatory joint disease that results in pain and swelling in the joints, especially the hands and wrists. The disease is mostly seen in middle aged women (peaks between 30 and 50 years). It can lead to significant joint destruction and immobility if treatment is not initiated early in patients with severe disease. Since this is such a common condition and may affect quality of life, it is important to become educated about its causes, diagnosis, and treatment. By the end of this article, you will be able to answer the following important questions: What causes rheumatoid arthritis? How common is rheumatoid arthritis? What are the symptoms ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How is rheumatoid arthritis treated? What causes rheumatoid arthritis? The origin of rheumatoid arthritis has not been fully elucidated, but experts believe the condition occurs in patients with a genetic predisposition and exposure to certain environmental factors. Risk factors include family history, smoking history, female gender, and older age. Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of autoimmune disease these diseases are characterized by the inappropriate activation of the immune response against normal tissues in the body. This leads to tissue and joint inflammation, especially in the hands and wrists. Inflammation causes joint stiffness, immobility, and pain long term inflammation can lead to scarring and bone destruction. How common is rheumatoid arthritis? Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common inflammatory joint conditions and often requires referral to a rheumatologist (medical joint specialist). It currently affects approximately 1.3 million Americans, which makes up about 1% of the United States population. The condition is most frequently seen in women aged 30 50. What are the symptoms and signs of rheumatoid arthritis? The most common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
  • 31. Marco Leone Research Paper In New York City a salaryman Marco Leone lives a normal life. He works like any other person. He puts up with abuse from his boss just to pay his bills. Weeks later the office he had been working for the past seven years had a budget cut and people were going to get laid off. Marco s boss calls him into his office to tell him the bad news, he was getting laid off. One of the employees who didn t get laid off was a twenty year old woman who had just started there and all the higher ups like her. Five months after getting laid off Marco is in a tuff stop he has multiple bills due and he can t get a loan due to the loans he got to pay off his rent months ago. He s been looking for a job since he got laid off but hasn t had any luck finding one. The reason he hasn t had any luck was because of his last name. The Leone crime family is a notorious crime syndicate that controls most of New York. His only connection to the crime family is his great great grandfather who was cousins with the late Don Leone. After a rough day of trying to find a job, he goes to a bar where he meets his Cousin Leo Lupiz who he hasn t seen in years. After some catching up. Marco tells Leo about his current situation Leo tell Marco he has a job that he could use help with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Marco hadn t really told anyone that he s not an actual member of the Leone family but that last name was protecting him in there so he was fine with people thinking he was a member. Marco went to his usual spot in the cafeteria. A new guy who just transferred in was making a ruckus. I was a made member of the Leone family you guys better respect me! . Oh yea, then why don t you ask him and inmate said with looking in Marcos direction. The short jumps up and goes get in Marco s face Who re you supposed to be? he said. Marco was nervous because if this guy was an actual member he would expose him and that will be the end of his
  • 32. Piaget s Four Stages Of Development There are four different stages in Piaget s Stages of Development. The first stage of Piaget is oftenly within the age range of zero to two years and it is called the Sensorimotor Stage. This stage is the stage where children are learning more about what is around them and they learn about touches, tastes, smells, sounds, and what they see. They are also always moving and interested in everything around them. In this first stage babies also don t know the permanence of objects and think that if they can t see something or that it went missing that it disappeared. An example of this stage is: a baby is crawling and touching everything it sees and tries to put it in its mouth. The second stage of Piaget s Stages of Development is usually within the age range of two to seven years and it is known as the Preoperational... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The moral of this second stage is independence and the negative outcome is shame. An example of this stages negative outcome is a child always being criticized and developing a low self esteem. The third stage of Erikson s Psychosocial Development happens at around the age range of three to five and it deals with initiative versus guilt. The moral of this third stage is purpose and the negative outcome is guilt and this can be triggered by being overly criticized. An example of this stages negative outcome is a child feeling guilty for the things they have done and having a really low self esteem because they are constantly always being overly condemned. The fourth stage of Erikson s Psychosocial Development happens at around the ages of six to twelve and it deals with industry versus inferiority. The moral of this fourth stage is pride and the negative outcome is inferiority. An example of this stages virtue is a child receiving positive feedback all the time from their parents and feeling like they are valuable to
  • 33. Biodiversity And Its Effects On The Environment The sky is dyed red by the flames engulfing the forest. As water floods the land, what little is left is quickly washed away. Those that would normally resist such disasters are gone. There are much fewer species in our world than there was a long time ago because the world s biodiversity is in a deplorable state. As more and more companies access and exploit natural resources at a rate which the land cannot compensate, more and more organisms are disappearing from the planet. Although some may believe that the companies actions have no effect on the environment, it cannot be denied that many species are endangered or already extinct because of their actions; companies indirectly and directly affect the biodiversityin the world. Biodiversity is the number of species of plants, animals, microorganism, and ecosystems in a given region. As all species are somehow related and codependent on one another, biodiversity plays an important role in the survival of many species. Each organism, no matter how small has an important part in natural sustainability, ecosystems, and species variety. Animals which live in the waters help to preserve water reservoirs and lakes, while trees help prevent soil erosion and recycles nutrient. Many organisms help break down the pollution that humans have spread. In the case of any natural disasters, they are able to compensate and quickly help the environment recover. When their natural habitats are removed though, they are forced into extinction
  • 34. Windows Nt vs Unix as an Operating System Windows NT vs Unix As An Operating System In the late 1960s a combined project between researchers at MIT, Bell Labs and General Electric led to the design of a third generation of computer operating system known as MULTICS (MULTiplexed Information and Computing Service). It was envisaged as a computer utility, a machine that would support hundreds of simultaneous timesharing users. They envisaged one huge machine providing computing power for everyone in Boston. The idea that machines as powerful as their GE 645 would be sold as personal computers costing only a few thousand dollars only 20 years later would have seemed like science fiction to them. However MULTICS proved more difficult than imagined to implement and Bell Labs withdrew ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most of these systems were (and still are) neither source nor binary compatible with one another, and most are hardware specific. With the emergence of RISC technology and the breakup of AT T, the UNIXsystems category began to grow significantly during the 1980s. The term open systems was coined. Customers began demanding better portability and interoperability between the many incompatible UNIX variants. Over the years, a variety of coalitions (e.g. UNIX International) were formed to try to gain control over and consolidate the UNIX systems category, but their success was always limited. Gradually, the industry turned to standards as a way of achieving the portability and interoperability benefits that customers wanted. However, UNIX standards and standards organisations proliferated (just as vendor coalitions had), resulting in more confusion and aggravation for UNIX customers. The UNIX systems category is primarily an application driven systems category, not an operating systems category. Customers choose an application first for example, a high end CAD package then find out which different systems it runs on, and select one. The final selection involves a variety of criteria, such as price/performance, service, and support. Customers generally don t choose UNIX itself, or which UNIX variant they want. UNIX just comes with the package when they buy a system to run their chosen
  • 35. Romeo And Juliet 14th Century Essay High schools everywhere read Romeo and Juliet every year. It s a part of our curriculum but should it be? The answer is no, it shouldn t be. Teenages don t want to read a story that was written over four hundred years ago and barely legible. Most kids like to read stories that they can relate to, not some unrealistic story about the fourteenth century. Also throughout the book there are sexual references that bring out the immaturity in people. The majority of people don t find Romeo and Juliet interesting anymore, so why should we force them to read it? As time passes, language changes. The trouble is that most schoolchildren today don t like him and don t get it. And this isn t their fault. (Robshaw 401) Romeo and Juliet was set in the fourteenth century, which explains why it s so different from how we talk now. The way Shakespeare wrote it was difficult to understand what he was was saying. Instead we have to stop what we are reading to research what it means on No Fear Shakespeare. People want to be able to understand what they are reading. Going back and forth from the two can be annoying, we tend to lose interest after a while. It s obvious that Shakespeare s play isn t from our time period, especially the way they act. When we read stories we want to be able to the relate the character... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The play has many different types of figurative language. For example shakespeare use dramatic irony when Romeo thinks Juliet killed herself but we know she she was just sleeping. Shakespeare s also includes many important themes. One of the main theme is teenagers can t make big life changing decision. Romeo and Juliet killed themselves because they thought there was only one way to fix the problem that was created. Although Romeo and Juliet has many figurative language and themes, it still doesn t help us in our future, unless you re a english teacher. When will we ever need to know Shakespeare s
  • 36. The Works Of The Opera Billy Budd, The Handsome Sailor There are two possible fates we each face in life. We either forget our mistakes or carry them on our shoulders forever. This burden has evolved into a common theme for operas, novels and other pieces of literature. For instance, Benjamin Britten uses this motif as a threshold for his opera Billy Budd. He explores the hunting troubles of captain Edward Fairfax Vere by setting up a narration on retrospect of the hanging of Billy Budd, the handsome sailor . Inspired by Herman Melvilles novel, the opera became well known. In effect, in 1997 John Dexter directed one of the performances in the Metropolitan Opera. The story begins with captain Vere as an old man who narrates in retrospect the story of Billy Budd on his ship the Indomitable. Billy, the handsome sailor, kills the master at arms, Claggart, and is, therefore, condemned to death by law. Vere decides not to influence Billy s verdict and simply hears out what the other three highly ranked sailors have to say. Despite the captain being against the ruling, Billy has to be hanged in order to follow the laws and avoid mutiny from the ship s crew. The narration proceeds with Billy s waiting for his hanging and the execution itself. By the end of the account, Vere asserts that he has accepted Billy s death. It can be easy to believe this assumption, but nothing could be further from the truth. Captain Vere has not come to terms with this episode of his life, neither should he. Vere is still plagued by this chapter of his
  • 37. Android Assignment Are you a developer and able to create android apps ? Have you ever wondered how to ?? upload your app to google play here is a detailed step by step guide how to upload an app to google play store . First of all you need to Register for Google Play : Before publishing you have to Register at Google Play publisher this is not gonna take more than few minutes , please keep in mind that you will be charged a $25 to register . If you are going to sell app you will need to go for that step : You need to get a google wallet merchant account to do that follow that small guide . Getting ready to publish the app : you should get that list of items prepared before start publishing your app : Your android app as (.apk) file and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once you complete this step, you ll see a check mark listed beside APK along the left hand side of the screen. Now we go to prepare your store listing. Store listing : The Store Listing controls what your users will see when they find your application in Google Play. The available listing details can be found in Google s uploading applications help topic. Now you need to enter your title, description, icon, screenshots, categorization, contact details, and privacy policy. some of these items are required, while others are optional. When you re finished, click the save button. If you ve entered all of the required information, you ll see a checkmark listed beside the Store Listing along the left hand side of the screen. Distribution amp; Pricing : Here you define the pricing details for your app (free or paid), where should it be available, and consent options. After finishing, save your changes and if you ve entered all of the required information, it will show a checkmark next to Pricing amp; Distribution along the left hand side.
  • 38. Now the app is ready to be published : if everything went ok , a Publish this app button will be enabled on the page. Your application will appear in the store in a few hours (but could take longer). If you ve included AdMob in your app, don t forget to link your app which you can normally do about 24 hours after it s been published. What if you needed to edit your listing later : If you want
  • 39. The Roles Of Women In The Roaring 20 s Women in the Roaring 20 s Women s fashion was a social controversy in the 1920 s. This controversy was influenced by women s clothing, swimwear, hairstyles, makeup, and attitude alone. This attire and new found character traits added a certain attitude and confidence to these women, starting what would eventually be remembered as a revolution. Before the 1920 s, women s attire was considered fairly modern. Women would have worn clothing with more of a silhouette than clothing that was loose and flowy. The length of their dresses never revealed more of their leg than just their ankle. Women received bad reputations when showing their knees or even their calfs. Women in the 1920 s also had a different ideal figure than most women do today. The body types women wanted to achieve also transformed into a more feminine look. This look consisted of low bust lines, higher hems lines, and showing off more curves than ever before. These women became unapologetically fearless. However, none of these changes happened over night. It took a strong influence from something or someone in order acquire the changes that all women wanted to have. The only problem was that
  • 40. Buffalo Springfield For What It s Worth Analysis Buffalo Springfield For What It s Worth There are many musicians who are remembered for their songs which are still played in concerts all around the world. Stephen Stills of Buffalo Springfield also made his composition For what it s worth in 1966 which is considered as the most combative and idealistic hymn from the sixties. Stephen recorded this song with whole band which becomes so famous due to the simplicity of its lyrics and signing style. This song is also known as protest song as it has a history related to it. This song is used by youngsters in 1967 during their protest for motivating people to stand for their rights. This song played an important role in anti government protests during sixties when there were countrywide protests... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The setting of electric guitar, acoustic guitar and slow beat of dream make a unique combination with conversational vocals. There is something happening here this starting verse of song attracted the listeners and created a sense of suspense. The classical music was according to the lyrics as music of the song can crate suspense without lyrics. The intensity of music increases slowly while the pace is sedate with low volume. Addition of music of electric guitar doesn t indicate something happening indeed. In the last verses of song, the intensity of music was increased with descending background vocal. In last part of the song, there was continuous guitar music with some distortion which represents the destruction potential and chaos being unleashed. The music of this song is not to loud and aggressive and the musician used two guitar chords. This helps them to deliver the message of song with soft
  • 41. The Medical Use Of Marijuana Legislative Policy Brief Regarding the Medical Use of Cannabis HB 153: Medical Cannabis Valerie Moore The Ohio State University College of Nursing N7500 Autumn, 2014 Legislative Policy Brief: Ohio HB 153 General Information The use of Cannabis (Marijuana) for medical treatment is gaining momentum across the United States. Currently twenty three states and the District of Columbia have passed bills legalizing medical marijuana for treatment of cancer, AIDS, PTSD, neuromuscular disease and various other health issues (Medical Marijuana Pros and Cons, 2014). On May 3, 2013, Representative Robert Hagan (Democrat Youngstown) introduced HB 153 ( a reintroduction of HB 214 to the 129th Ohio General Assembly) to the 130th Ohio General Assembly to legalize medical marijuana for patients and provision for statutory protection regarding medical use of marijuana (Ohio Legislative Service Commission, 2014). Bill Number, Titles and Primary Sponsor HB No. 153 Representatives Robert Hagan (Democrat Youngstown), Mike Foley (Democrat Cleveland), and Dan Ramos (Democrat Lorain). The short title of this bill is MEDICAL CANNABIS Regarding the medical use of cannabis . The formal title is as follows: To amend sections 2925.02, 2925.03, 2925.04, 2925.11, 2925.14, and 3781.32 and to enact sections 2925.43, 2925.44, 2925.45, 2925.46, 3728.01, 3728.02, 3728.03, 3728.04, 3728.05, 3728.06, 3728.08, 3728.09, 3728.10, 3728.11, 3728.12, 3728.13, 3728.14, 3728.15, 3728.16,
  • 42. Essay On Multiferroic Materials With advent of scientific research and technological interest, multiferroic materials have drawn much attention for foundational physics, technological application in possible miniaturization and integration for multifunctional devices (e.g. magnetic field sensors, multiple state memory element, transducers, actuators, broadband magnetic sensors, non volatile memory elements, oscillators, phase shifters, electric field controlled ferromagnetic resonance devices, switching devices, modulation of amplitudes, filters, waveguides, spin wave generation, energy harvesters, magnetic recording read heads, random access memories, RF resonators, tunable inductors, and ME antennas) [1 11]. The most intriguing characteristic of multiferroic materials... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since the inception of the concept of product property, proposed by Von Van Suchetelene, [37] multiferroic composites becomes the alterative way to overcome the limitations of the single phase multiferroic ME materials. In composite systems, the functional properties are resulted from the constituent phase and their reciprocal interactions as synergy effects. Ciomaga et al. [38] have identified three types of synergy effects such as: (i) sum property, which represents the weighted sum of the components contributions of the constituent phases; (ii) combination property, which denotes an effect in which the amplitude of the property is higher in the composite than in the end compounds at given compositions or under specific circumstances, (iii) product property, which represents the effects present in the composites instead of the individual phases. The sum and combination properties usually describe the average or enhancement of effects that have already present in the parent phases and on the other hand, the product property only ascribes the novel phenomena that have emerged from the reciprocal interaction among the individual phases. In general, the functional properties of ME composites are consist of sum property (i.e. magnetization) and product property (i.e. ME effect). In 1978 Boomgaard and Born [39] postulated the following concept for obtaining the high magnetoelectric voltage coefficient for practical device
  • 43. Morrie Short Story Summary The primary story arc takes place over the course of 14 weeks in the late summer and fall of 1995, beginning when the narrator Mitch discovers that Morrie, his beloved sociology professor from college, is dying from ALS. When Mitch s newspaper union strikes, putting him out of work for an extended period, Mitch travels each week on Tuesday from his home in Detroit to Morrie s home outside Boston for what he calls his final class with Morrie. His final thesis is the full, completed book. Morrie grew up in New York and his family was very poor. When he was nine, his mother fell ill and died, which haunted Morrie throughout the rest of his life. His father, Charlie, was not an affectionate man, and Morrie struggled through the next two years until his father remarried. Eva, his stepmother, was kind and loving. She gave Morrie both the love he so desperately desired, and instilled in him a love for education. After a failed attempt by Morrie s father to get him a job in a fur factory, Morrie decided to become a teacher. At the beginning of each chapter, Mitch shares the story of his relationship with Morrie during his college days. Mitch began college in 1976 at Brandeis University, and met Morrie in his first sociology class. Mitch was one of the youngest students, which he compensated for by acting very tough. Morrie, however, treated him with compassion and kindness, and the two developed a very trusting teacher/student relationship. Morrie convinced Mitch to write an
  • 44. Simulation-Based Nursing Education Is An Increasingly Popular Simulation based nursing education is an increasingly popular academic approach. Structured facilitated debriefing is an important strategy to engage students in learning and is essential in simulation training. Further research is warranted to fully understand the impact of the method in nurse education. It provides students with opportunities to practice their clinical and decision making skills through various real life situational experiences. However, simulation approaches fall along a scale ranging from low fidelity to high fidelity simulation. Debriefing approaches connected with the simulation in the healthcare field aim to improve the performance, learning experience, and patient results. Regardless of whether you are a med... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The sources were retrieved from Tennessee State University database online. The Effectiveness of simulation based nursing education depending on fidelity: a meta analysis article was published in 2016. The article suggests simulation based nursing education provides students with the opportunities to practice their clinical and decision making skills through real life experiences. The second article, using simulation learning through academic practice partnership to promote transition to clinical practice suggests exploring the effect of an advanced simulation education program on nursing students. The third article, development of a post simulation debriefing intervention to prepare nurses and nursing students to care for deteriorating patients suggests nurses need to be prepared to recognize signs and symptoms of patient deterioration so they can obtain support from appropriate respondents and initiate help when needed. The last source, the effectiveness of simulation debriefing in health professional education suggests to using debriefing for the purpose of simulation based learning for health professionals. `Majority of the articles had the same objectives as the systematic review. The articles suggest that debriefing should be used in health professional education. Studies included nursing students that will soon graduate from nursing school. The designs include randomized
  • 45. Queen Of Mtsensk By Alexander Pushkin It has been often said that Alexander Pushkin was one of the most influential Russian writers in his era and many Russian writers were inspired by him. In Alexander Pushkin s Queen of Spades and Nikolai Leskov s The Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk there are strikingly clear similarities and contrasts between the characters, theme and plot construction, which shows the direct influence of Pushkin on Leskov s writing while still illustrated Leskov s own literary voice. The two main characters within the two stories have similar characteristics that lead to their downfalls, but for two completely different reasons. The main characterin the Queen of Spades is Hermann, a common man in the working class, who throughout the short story becomes obsessed with the idea of using playing cards to give him the chance to become rich and rise in social class. Throughout the story it is obvious that Hermann has an obsession not exactly with the playing cardthemselves but with the idea of getting rich and moving up in social rank by using the playing cards. Through the whole story Hermann takes very methodically planned steps to bring him closer to becoming rich without the risk of actually gambling his money. The steps are illustrated when Hermann tricks Lizaveta into believing he loves her by writing her letters and visiting her outside her window, just so he can have the chance to attack the countess, she holds the secret to the cards (Pushkin 226 232). Throughout the course of the
  • 46. Johnny Cupcakes, a Multi-Million Dollar Clothing Brand Johnny Cupcakes Chelsea LaRese Johnny Cupcakes is a multi million dollar clothing brand. The brand was founded in 2001 by Johnny Earle. One of Johnny s acquired nicknames was Johnny cupcakes. He thought it would be funny to make a couple random shirts that said Johnny Cupcakes on them for the fun of it (Earle, 2012). After massive interest in these shirts, he decided to continue to make more and change up the designs. In 2001, Johnny stated, the band I was in, On Broken Wings, finally got signed to a record label and we began to tour full time (Earle, 2012). This opened up Johnny and his t shirts to a larger crowd of customers in different parts of the country. This boosted the brand s popularity and Johnny decided ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People not only crave exclusiveness, but will pay top dollar for it. Because they re collectibles and not just apparel, customers are willing to pay $60 for a Johnny Cupcakes shirt and even stand in line for a new release like kids waiting for concert tickets (Spaeder 2007). This exclusiveness plays off of our cultures social classes. Most Americans want to be in a better social class. Exclusiveness is a trait that is common in the highest of classes. The limited edition shirts not only sets the standards for someone s social status, but also keeps inventory at a low, making sure the products that are produced are sold. Having limited edition shirts erases much of the risks and fears of the changing trends of JC s market. Since there are only a handful of the shirts available, they are long gone before the design and style gets soggy. Also, this allows the company to be very flexible with the changing market. The two major internal factors that impact the organization are how they enhance the customer experience and their product packaging. These are two very important factors that help create the Johnny Cupcakes brand. They are part of the JC culture and without them, the brand wouldn t be what it is today. Part of the customer experience lies in JC s three retail store locations. They re set up just like bakeries, complete with glass display shelves, employees wearing aprons and the smell of vanilla
  • 47. How Did the Dinosaurs Die and Will It Affect Humans in the... Four and a half billion years ago, the debris and dust left from the formation of the sun coalesced to form our home planet. 3.5 billion years ago, the first living organisms appeared on Earth. About 230 million years ago, Dinosaurs diverged from their Archosaurs ancestors during the middle to late Triassic period. For 160 million years they have dominated our planet. They are dubbed the most successful species to have lived on Earth. However, 65 million years ago, the most recent mass extinction seemed to have caused all of them to die off. What caused the demise of the dinosaurs and 60% of life on Earth at the time? How did it affect life on Earth afterwards? Are all of the Dinosaurs dead? Will this happen to humans in the near future?... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... None was found. Luis Alvarez was a Nobel Prize winning physicist, inventor and pioneer in the field of radiation and nuclear research. He and his son, noted geologist Walter Alvarez, were conducting research in Italy when they discovered a centimeter thick layer of iridium enriched clay at the K T boundary. Iridium is rare on earth, but more common in space. The Alvarezes published their findings in 1981, postulating that the thin layer of iridium was deposited following the impact of a large meteor, comet or asteroid with the earth. Furthermore, this bolide impact (the meteor, comet or asteroid colliding with the earth s surface) could have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. At the time, the Alvarez theory was so farfetched from prevailing hypotheses that it was derided. Slowly, other scientists began finding iridium evidence at various places around the globe that corroborated the Alvarez theory. There was, however, no smoking gun in the form of an impact site. Then in 1991, a massive meteor crater 110 miles in diameter was discovered on the edge of the YucatГЎn Peninsula, extending into the Gulf of Mexico. The Chicxulub Crater, as it was dubbed, was named for a nearby village. Scientists believe the bolide that formed it was roughly 6 miles in diameter, struck the earth at 40,000 miles per hour and released 2 million times more
  • 48. Summary Of Appiah s Death Of The Duel In the first half of Death of the Duel, Appiah begins by providing the details of a duel between two prominent British government officials, using the specific example as a jumping point to discuss the general idea of dueling. The form of honor being represented in this case is that of reputation and the maintenance of regard from the general public. This concept of honor as a form of social standing is interesting because it subverts Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs and many other psychological theories that try to map out human instinct which places safety and security in higher regard than it does esteem or ego. In the case of the duel, honor is considered the highest human need, even above life itself if one considers the death toll, although that mainly applies to the aristocratic class, who had most of their basic needs taken care of already. In the case of dueling, the society at the time seemed to conflate the ideas of respect and honor, assuming that the characteristic of honorability automatically entitled one to respect from peers and lower classes. Appiah, however, distinguishes the two by noting that honor is the individual... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While Appiah believes there is only pride in doing things out of the ordinary, I believe that it also takes courage and honor to follow honor codes in everyday circumstances. Being honorable is difficult sin a world where honorable behavior, contrary to Appiah s belief, is not actually standard behavior. For example, a student witnesses two bullies harassing another student and steps in to stop them. While this might be fairly standard honorable behavior, that does not mean the student shouldn t feel proud of their actions and the courage they took. The pride doesn t detract from the previously honorable actions. In his argument, Appiah seems to conflate the idea of pride personal satisfaction with vanity and the need to boost reputation, which I hold to be two separate
  • 49. Rose Quartz Research Paper Rose quartz is a mineral composed of oxygen and silicon with the chemical formula SiO2. It is a 7 on Mohs scale of hardness just like any other quartz.Its central gravity is 2.63 2.65. Rose quartz transparency is translucent to transparent. Rose quartz has a vitreous luster and its mineral class is quartz.It is the most abundant mineral found on earth mostly found in the earth s crust.(https://www.crystalvaults.com/crystal encyclopedia/rose quartz) Quartz is the most abundant single mineral on earth. It makes up about 12% of the earth s crust, occurring in a wide variety of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.Quartz varieties are commonly separated into two groups based on the size of the individual grains or crystals. Macrocrystalline quartz in which individual crystals are distinguishable with the naked eye, and cryptocrystalline quartz in which the individual crystals are too small to be easily distinguishable under the light microscope. Some of the verities of the Macrocrystalline quartz are... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is commercially mined in Madagascar, South Africa, Namibia, U.S.A.(South Dakota) , and Brazil. Rose quartz found in madagascar usually have very large crystals and are extremely deeply colored.In South Dakota, rose quartz is found in pegmatites in the Southern Black Hills area. These pegmatites are associated with the Harney Peak granite mass (which is now exposed at the surface of the earth because of erosion). The pegmatite formed in this part of south dakota is estimated to be over 1,700 million years old. When rose quartz forms it is usually crystalline which means that the crystals are very large. Rose quartz forms when magma is pushed up to the surface of the earth and begins to cool and crystallize. The reason that rose quartz crystals often become so large is because the crystals do not stop forming until the magma has completely cooled which sometimes make the crystals grow to very large
  • 50. Arinze Nwagwu Essay DTLLS UNIT 7 Assignment 1 2 Curriculum Development for Inclusive Practice ARINZE NWAGWU ContentPages The contexts in which education and training are provided 3 6 In the lifelong learning sector Theories, Principles and Models of Curriculum Design on Inclusive learning and 7 11 Teaching in our learning environment. References 12 1. Understand contexts in which education and training are provided in the lifelong learning sector Kelly, A.V. (2004) Defines curriculum as all the learning which is planned and guided by the school, weather it is carried out in a group or individually, inside or outside. This definition ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is an attempt to describe the work observed in classrooms. Finally, within limits, a recipe can be varied according to taste so can a curriculum. Stenhouse shifted the ground a little bit here. He was not saying that curriculum is the process, but rather the means by which the experience of attempting to put an educational proposal into practice is made available. When we come to think about this way of approaching curriculum, a number of possible problems do arise. The first is a problem for those who want some greater degree of uniformity in what is taught. This approach to the theory of curriculum, because it places meaning making and thinking at its core and treats learners as subjects rather than objects, can lead to very different means being employed in classrooms and a high degree of variety in content. As Stenhouse comments, the process model is essentially a critical model, not a marking model. The major weakness and strength of the process model is that it rests upon the quality of teachers; also the approach is dependent upon the cultivation of wisdom and meaning making in the classroom. If the teacher is not up to this, then there will be severe limitations on what can happen educationally. There have been some attempts to overcome this problem by developing materials and curriculum packages that focus more closely on the process of discovery or problem solving , for example in science. But there
  • 51. Henry David Thoreau Summary Thoreau from the beginning, showed how tight he was with his money and how much he valued what he had even if it wasn t much. Throughout this paper he tells of his work he finds, the money he makes and how wisely he spends it. He often thought that men who worked in the labor industry were making a mistake, that they worked endlessly for so long they were basically machines. Henry reaches out to his readers and lets them know that no matter how poor they start out that there s always a light at the end of the tunnel as long as you re willing to work hard and spend your money wisely. Thoreau believed that public opinion was weak compared to or own private opinion. Also, that what a man thinks of himself determined their own fate, and that one generation after the next abandons what s been learned from the hard working generation before. He started out doing simple outdoor work like helping with snow storms, rain storms, watering of plants, all while minding his own business. Thoreau made a decent allowance with these jobs but he sought out something more stating However, I have not set my heart on that. Henry David Thoreau, Economy, 11. Henry then began observing his fellow community on their work ethic and their techniques and decided he needed to start a business himself. His plan was to not live cheaply but not expensively either and to invest in the native products there and face as few obstacles as possible to achieve the maximum accomplishments. He believed acquiring
  • 52. The Egyptian Of Ancient Egyptian Society Ancient Egyptian society reflected many things like the pyramids that it built. They placed the pharaoh at the top, but he relied on a group of officials, priests, and nobles to administer his kingdom. All of these people were assisted with scribes, which is a writing system that was used, perhaps adapted from Mesopotamia or created independently. The eldest known hieroglyphic writings date back to the 3rd millennium B.C. though the script must have been created way before that. Egyptian scribes created two different writing systems: they created what is known today as hieroglyphs to use as a way to communicate and record things through engraving important political and religious texts on stones or writing them on papyrus that was made from reeds growing along the Nile, and a more simple system called hieratic which allowed scribes to be written more quickly and was used for documentation of daily life. Students would learn how to write hieratic first, and those who had families with high aspirations or who were well off took the time to continue and learn hieroglyphics. It underwent no major change until 390 A.D. when Egypt was dominated by Rome, although over the centuries the number of signs dramatically increased from approximately seven hundred to around five thousand. How was hieroglyphics developed? According to the Ancient Egyptians, it was the God Thoth who created writing and then bestowed it as a gift on humankind. The Egyptians needed a way to communicate,
  • 53. Essay On Cast In Situ Concrete This technique is usually done after the earthquake or any disaster has affect the building so to strengthening the structure this technique is fallowed. In this techniques commonly steel and cement are used. Conventional cast in situ concrete The conventional cast in suit concrete is done usually repair and strengthing works in the cases where due to the change in volume or shrinkage of the convection cement based concrete, causing unsatisfactory results. The change in volume results in loss of good contact between the new concrete and the old element preventing sound transfer of stress at the contact surface. In order to improve bond characteristics and minimize the shrinkage, it is recommended to use higher strength concrete with low ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This method can be applied vertically, inclined, and over head surfaces with minimum or without formwork. Generally the materials used in this method are same as conventional mortar, and reinforcement are welded fabric and deformed bars tacked onto surface. Shotcrete process is carried out either by these two processes: a) Wet process b) Dry process a) Wet process: In the wet process mixture of cement and aggregate premixed with water and the pump pushes the mixture through the hose and nozzle. Compressed air is introduced at nozzle to increase the velocity of application. b) Dry process: In dry mix process, compressed air propels premixed mortar and damp aggregate and at the nozzle end water is added through a separate hose. The dry mix and water through the second hose are projected on to a prepared surface. Surface preparation before shotcreting involves a thorough cleaning and removing all loose aggregate and roughening the existing concreting surface for improved bond. Shotcrete frequently has high shrinkage characteristics and measures to prevent cracks using adequate reinforcement and proper curing is always necessary. The shotcrete surface can be lift as sprayed which is somewhat rough. If a smoother surface is required, a thin layer can be sprayed on the hardened shotcrete and then reworked and finished to the required texture or plaster can be applied. The
  • 54. Essay about Answers to End-of Chapter Questions and Exercises ANSWERS TO End of chapter QUESTIONS AND exercises Answers to Questions for Review 1.(Explicit and Implicit Costs) Amos McCoy is currently raising corn on his 100 acre farm and earning an accounting profit of $100 per acre. However, if he raised soybeans, he could earn $200 per acre. Is he currently earning an economic profit? Why or why not? Amos McCoy is not currently making an economic profit, despite the fact that he is making an accounting profit. This is so, because the accounting profit calculation does not take into account an important implicit cost the opportunity cost of not raising soybeans. Actually, McCoy is experiencing an economic loss. According to our theory, he should get out of the corn business and begin... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Accounting profit = $25 million; economic loss = $5 million c.Accounting profit = $10 million; economic loss = $10 million d.Accounting loss = $25,000; economic loss = $75,000 4.(Alternative Measures of Profit) Why is it reasonable to think of normal profit as a type of cost to the firm? Recall that firms produce output using four kinds of resources natural resources, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial ability. The owner of the firm supplies some of the resources that the firm employs. Normal profit is the return to the entrepreneurial ability and other resources supplied by the firm s owners. If this profit is not as large as those individuals could earn in their best alternative situation, they will switch the resources to that alternative. So, we can think of normal profit as being the minimum return, or cost, that is necessary to keep the firm running. 5.(Short Run Versus Long Run) What distinguishes a firm s short run period from its long run period? In the short run, at least one of the firm s resources is fixed, usually the size of the firm. In the long run, all the resources are variable. That is, the quantities of all resources can change to alter the firm s level of output, including the size of the firm. 6.(Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns) As a farmer, you must decide how many times during the year to plant a new crop. Also, you
  • 55. Our Lives are Crowded with Products Nowadays markets are crowded with products of different types and needs. Companies produce tons of food and clothes, and thousand of cars every day. New models of products are issuing faster than previous generation of it becomes old. For example, Apple Corporation issues new iPhones every year despite of the fact that previous models are still good for use. This huge amount of new products requires a huge amount of advertising. As a consequence, our everyday life is surrounded with different kinds of advertising. We see ad on the streets when we walk out our dog, we see listen it on the radio while driving our cars coming back from a job, we see it in our favorite magazines and newspapers. A flow of advertising from all sources of media bombards our attention. Big corporations claim that they know what product is better for us. They manipulate our feelings; by playing with people desire of financial success, social power and, the most important, freedom and independence. This can be seen by analyzing a random advertising from a random magazine. In this advertisement in TIME magazine, TOYOTA targets young adults, middle working class professionals, who want fast and powerful car without spending much money on gas. It appeals to audience s desire by repeating TOYATA s brand and through direct and indirect messages conveyed by words and images. TOYOTA Camryad targets men or women in the age range between eighteen and, probably, middle or late twentieth who wants ride fast,
  • 56. The Diet Of The Atkins Diet A physician by the name of Robert Atkins started the Atkins Diet in 1972 after he stumbled upon a study he read in the Journal of the American Medical Association about weight reduction through the elimination of sugar and starch. At the time he was overweight and decided to implement this study into his own life and ended up losing a significant amount of weight. This led him to promoting the diet in his own series of books. The overall premise of the diet is to start with limiting the number of carbohydrates being consumed while eating as much fat and protein you want. Then, gradually increasing the amount of healthy carbohydrates consumed. There are 4 phases to the Atkins diet: Induction, Ongoing Weight Loss, Pre Maintenance, and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The second phase of the Atkins diet is Ongoing Weight Loss where you slowly increase the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. Essentially you add 5 grams of carbs to your diet every week until you reach a point where you aren t gaining or losing weight (Atkins, 2002). The third phase of the diet is Pre Maintenance in which carbohydrate intake is slightly increased again. However, this time the increase is significant enough that the body is no longer in a state of ketosis. The key here is to find a maximum level of carbohydrates you can consume without gaining weight (Atkins, 2002). Lifetime Maintenance is the final phase of the Atkins diet. In this phase you are expected to carry out the habits acquired from the previous phases. If you find yourself gaining weight again then you can revert back to one of the previous phases. This is a permanent lifestyle you need to adapt in order to carry on with the progress you made so far (Atkins, 2002). The main reason we are limiting carbohydrates in the first place is to control the release of insulin by the pancreas. Carbohydrates are responsible for raising insulin levels, which in turn promotes glucose uptake by the cells. On the other hand, insulin initiates a pathway that inhibits fat breakdown and at the same time promotes synthesis of fatty acid, cholesterol, and glycogen. Therefore, elevated levels of insulin are associated with cardiovascular disease.
  • 57. Read And Write Culture In twenty years from now in the year, 2035, the relationship of organizing to computing may change in ways where open source software may be more free in the future and virtual organizations may become more prominent. Several social forces can be said to drive these dynamics as impacting the reproduction of organizing patterns in a certain way. First, the idea of the Read Only versus the Read and Write Culture as inspired by Lawrence Lessig proposes a need for proper regulation of the read only while still encouraging the read and write. This idea will be seen more within the future as more and more development of the Remix culture begins to develop in not only music, but also in ideas. Next, virtual organizations will also grow as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Socio technical meaning that there is a recognition of the interaction that is made between people and technology in the workplaces. The NSF defines this new work culture as being dispersed geographically, but still able to remain as one unit through the use of the Internet. They themselves focus more into virtual organizations because they find that in the current age they have become necessary to widen learning and their knowledge base. According to their article, virtual organizations can enable and enhance scientific, engineering, and education production and innovation (NSF). The social and technical interactions are creating this alternative form of organizing which allows for the change from the formal structure of human organizing to something much more loose, and yet, still