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Jemimah Njuki

International Women’s Day, ILRI, Nairobi, 8 March 2012
   Gender: Refers to the socially       Gender Mainstreaming: Is a
    constructed roles and status          strategy for making
    of women and men, girls and           women's, as well as men's,
    boys. It is a set of culturally       concerns and experiences
    specific characteristics              an integral dimension in the
    defining the social behaviour         design, implementation,
    of women and men, boys                monitoring and evaluation
    and girls, and the                    of policies and programmes
    relationships between them.           in all political, economic
                                          and social spheres so that
                                          women and men benefit
                                          equally and inequality is not
Strategy and plan of action for mainstreaming gender in ILRI
F e m a le S h a r e o f t h e A g r ic u lt u r a l L a b o u r F o r c e

Women, on average, comprise 43% of the agricultural labour force in developing
countries and account for an estimated two-thirds of the world's 600 million poor
livestock keepers.

                                                                         FAO and Farming First 2012
A c c e s s t o E x t e n s io n
S e r v ic e s
Because of cultural attitudes,
discrimination and a lack of
recognition for their role in food
production, women enjoy limited
to no benefits from extension
and training in new crop
varieties and technologies.

                FAO and Farming First 2012
G e n d e r Yie ld G a p
The vast majority of studies
suggest that women are just
as efficient as men and would
achieve the same yields if
they had equal access to
productive resources and
services. Bridging this gender
yield gap would boost food
and nutrition security globally.

           FAO and Farming First 2012
A c c e s s to M a rk e ts
Increasing women's share of
household income has broad
benefits to improved rural
livelihoods. Improving
transportation and infrastructure
constraints and encouraging rural
women's participation in farmer
organisations and cooperatives can
help both to achieve economies of
scale in access to markets as well
as reducing isolation and building
confidence, leadership and security.

                FAO and Farming First 2012
Strategy and plan of action for mainstreaming gender in ILRI
Strategy and plan of action for mainstreaming gender in ILRI
   To enable ILRI to have a systematic approach to
    promoting gender equality / equity at institutional and
    research level.

   To define the role that ILRI will play in stimulating and
    facilitating efforts, both in-house and with partners at the
    national, regional and global levels, to overcome
    constraints and take advantage of opportunities to
    promote gender equality and equity within the livestock
    sub sector

   It is a reflection of the increasing awareness that gender
    equality and equity are important prerequisites for
    agricultural growth and sustainable development.
   Previous efforts in integrating gender in ILRI
    proposals—often not carried through to
    implementation, monitoring and evaluation

   Lack of clarity on where responsibility and
    accountability for integration of gender in
    projects and programs lies.

   Even where there is willingness to integrate
    gender, the practical skills and guidelines for
    doing so, are usually lacking—often leading to
    gender “paragraphs”
   To increase the quality, efficiency and impacts of
    ILRI’s work in livestock development.

   To promote equality of opportunity and equity in
    outcomes between women and men in the livestock
    sub-sector at local, national, regional, and global

   To ensure that human equality, equity and rights
    are respected across gender, that there is good
    gender representation in ILRI staffing, decision
    making positions and there is active and balanced
    participation by both women and men in ILRI’s
    policies and work.
Strategy and plan of action for mainstreaming gender in ILRI
Strategy and plan of action for mainstreaming gender in ILRI
Using the Project Cycle

   Integration of gender into
    projects, programs and
    activities should use the
    project cycle to ensure
    that gender is integrated
    in all key points of the

   An easy and practical way
    of integrating gender in
    projects /programmes         Figure 1: The Project Cycle
Seven critical areas in which projects, programmes should integrate
                  gender within the project cycle..
Strategy and plan of action for mainstreaming gender in ILRI
Integrating gender in ILRI’s organizational
structure and culture
Strategy and plan of action for mainstreaming gender in ILRI
Three Key Areas
i. Documenting existing evidence on livestock
    Review of evidence on Gender and Livestock to
     inform targeting and research

• Systematizing collection of gender
  disaggregated data on productivity, value
  chains, livelihoods
   Develop key gender and livelihood indicators for use
     in M&E and Impact Assessment in all ILRI programs
     and project.

v. Strategic research on gender and livestock
   Current priorities (based on CRPs)
    Gender and value chains
    Gender and livestock technology development
    Gender and assets
    Gender, livestock, nutrition and health
    Gender and climate change
Strategy and plan of action for mainstreaming gender in ILRI
   Research partnerships
    ◦ International: IFPRI, ICRW, UN women, FAO
    ◦ Regional /National: ASARECA, NARS, Universities
   Implementation partnerships
    ◦ Mainly with NGOs
   Information dissemination and
    ◦ Electronic (blogs etc)
    ◦ Networks (Gender and Livestock Network,
      Gender and Agriculture Network)
    ◦ Biennial conference
    ◦ Online gender and agriculture journal
Objective 1: To promote             Objective 2: To increase the       Objective 3: To ensure that
equality of opportunity and         quality, efficiency and            human equality, equity and
outcomes between women              impacts of ILRIs work in           rights are respected across
and men in the livestock            livestock development              gender, that there is good
sub-sector                                                             gender representation in
                                                                       ILRI staffing….
A narrowing of gender               The extent to which women are      Integration of gender-related
disparities in the adoption of      involved in the livestock sector   indicators in ILRI’s performance
livestock technologies, access to   and in ILRI programs in terms of   evaluation and reward systems
services, information and inputs    decision making, production,
                                    marketing, or processing is in     Increased number of women
A narrowing of gender               proportion to their numbers in     participating in science in ILRI
disparities in outcomes             the sector                         and partner institutions, and
including nutrition status, asset                                      advancing to leadership
ownership, and intra-household      Increased availability of sex      positions (and to exceed 30%)
decision making                     disaggregated data for decision
Improved gender equity in           making in livestock for ILRI,      The extent to which ILRI policies
access to and control of benefits   other CGIAR centres and            and programs are gender
from livestock and associated       partners                           responsive
resources and interventions
                                    Increased capacity and expertise
                                    to develop and implement
                                    gender responsive agricultural
                                    innovations, especially for
                                    smallholders by ILRI staff and
Should gender be a specific focus of work or can
we assume that our work will lead to equitable
outcomes for men, women and other
marginalized groups? How can we more
effectively mainstream gender in our work?  

Who should have the responsibility for integrating
gender in our work? How do we ensure
accountability by staff for gender outcomes from
our research and other work at ILRI?

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Strategy and plan of action for mainstreaming gender in ILRI

  • 1. Jemimah Njuki International Women’s Day, ILRI, Nairobi, 8 March 2012
  • 2. Gender: Refers to the socially  Gender Mainstreaming: Is a constructed roles and status strategy for making of women and men, girls and women's, as well as men's, boys. It is a set of culturally concerns and experiences specific characteristics an integral dimension in the defining the social behaviour design, implementation, of women and men, boys monitoring and evaluation and girls, and the of policies and programmes relationships between them. in all political, economic and social spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated.
  • 4. F e m a le S h a r e o f t h e A g r ic u lt u r a l L a b o u r F o r c e Women, on average, comprise 43% of the agricultural labour force in developing countries and account for an estimated two-thirds of the world's 600 million poor livestock keepers. FAO and Farming First 2012
  • 5. A c c e s s t o E x t e n s io n S e r v ic e s Because of cultural attitudes, discrimination and a lack of recognition for their role in food production, women enjoy limited to no benefits from extension and training in new crop varieties and technologies. FAO and Farming First 2012
  • 6. G e n d e r Yie ld G a p The vast majority of studies suggest that women are just as efficient as men and would achieve the same yields if they had equal access to productive resources and services. Bridging this gender yield gap would boost food and nutrition security globally. FAO and Farming First 2012
  • 7. A c c e s s to M a rk e ts Increasing women's share of household income has broad benefits to improved rural livelihoods. Improving transportation and infrastructure constraints and encouraging rural women's participation in farmer organisations and cooperatives can help both to achieve economies of scale in access to markets as well as reducing isolation and building confidence, leadership and security. FAO and Farming First 2012
  • 10. To enable ILRI to have a systematic approach to promoting gender equality / equity at institutional and research level.  To define the role that ILRI will play in stimulating and facilitating efforts, both in-house and with partners at the national, regional and global levels, to overcome constraints and take advantage of opportunities to promote gender equality and equity within the livestock sub sector  It is a reflection of the increasing awareness that gender equality and equity are important prerequisites for agricultural growth and sustainable development.
  • 11. Previous efforts in integrating gender in ILRI proposals—often not carried through to implementation, monitoring and evaluation  Lack of clarity on where responsibility and accountability for integration of gender in projects and programs lies.  Even where there is willingness to integrate gender, the practical skills and guidelines for doing so, are usually lacking—often leading to gender “paragraphs”
  • 12. To increase the quality, efficiency and impacts of ILRI’s work in livestock development.  To promote equality of opportunity and equity in outcomes between women and men in the livestock sub-sector at local, national, regional, and global levels.  To ensure that human equality, equity and rights are respected across gender, that there is good gender representation in ILRI staffing, decision making positions and there is active and balanced participation by both women and men in ILRI’s policies and work.
  • 15. Using the Project Cycle  Integration of gender into projects, programs and activities should use the project cycle to ensure that gender is integrated in all key points of the project.  An easy and practical way of integrating gender in projects /programmes Figure 1: The Project Cycle
  • 16. Seven critical areas in which projects, programmes should integrate gender within the project cycle..
  • 18. Integrating gender in ILRI’s organizational structure and culture
  • 20. Three Key Areas i. Documenting existing evidence on livestock  Review of evidence on Gender and Livestock to inform targeting and research • Systematizing collection of gender disaggregated data on productivity, value chains, livelihoods  Develop key gender and livelihood indicators for use in M&E and Impact Assessment in all ILRI programs and project. v. Strategic research on gender and livestock Current priorities (based on CRPs)  Gender and value chains  Gender and livestock technology development  Gender and assets  Gender, livestock, nutrition and health  Gender and climate change
  • 22. Research partnerships ◦ International: IFPRI, ICRW, UN women, FAO ◦ Regional /National: ASARECA, NARS, Universities  Implementation partnerships ◦ Mainly with NGOs  Information dissemination and communication ◦ Electronic (blogs etc) ◦ Networks (Gender and Livestock Network, Gender and Agriculture Network) ◦ Biennial conference ◦ Online gender and agriculture journal
  • 23. Objective 1: To promote Objective 2: To increase the Objective 3: To ensure that equality of opportunity and quality, efficiency and human equality, equity and outcomes between women impacts of ILRIs work in rights are respected across and men in the livestock livestock development gender, that there is good sub-sector gender representation in ILRI staffing…. A narrowing of gender The extent to which women are Integration of gender-related disparities in the adoption of involved in the livestock sector indicators in ILRI’s performance livestock technologies, access to and in ILRI programs in terms of evaluation and reward systems services, information and inputs decision making, production, marketing, or processing is in Increased number of women A narrowing of gender proportion to their numbers in participating in science in ILRI disparities in outcomes the sector and partner institutions, and including nutrition status, asset advancing to leadership ownership, and intra-household Increased availability of sex positions (and to exceed 30%) decision making disaggregated data for decision Improved gender equity in making in livestock for ILRI, The extent to which ILRI policies access to and control of benefits other CGIAR centres and and programs are gender from livestock and associated partners responsive resources and interventions Increased capacity and expertise to develop and implement gender responsive agricultural innovations, especially for smallholders by ILRI staff and partners
  • 24. Should gender be a specific focus of work or can we assume that our work will lead to equitable outcomes for men, women and other marginalized groups? How can we more effectively mainstream gender in our work?   Who should have the responsibility for integrating gender in our work? How do we ensure accountability by staff for gender outcomes from our research and other work at ILRI?

Editor's Notes

  1. For the last one a half years, an informal gender task force has been developing a gender strategy for the institute. This strategy has been shared with staff, with the management committee, the research management committee and has also been presented to the Board of Trustees. It has benefited from inputs from these teams It is a very unique day to be presenting this strategy as it befits the theme of the day—empower rural women-end poverty and hunger I am privileged this afternoon to be able to present this strategy to you, and as many of you are aware, this will be my last institutional role as a leader of the gender research at ILRI. I will be counting on you to keep the passion for having impact on rural women and men burning in ILRI
  2. First to start with 2 basic definitions so that we are all on the same page
  3. I would like to give you a glimpse of some of the key gender issues in agriculture development that we have to address, and address very urgently if we are to end hunger and poverty in the areas where we work…
  4. We can not afford to ignore women…
  5. Despite this, we see gender disparities in several areas: I will just highlight a few.. Access to extension services –Female farmers receive only 5% of all agricultural extension and only 15% of women extension agents are women, despite evidence that women extension workers are more likely to reach women Only 10% of total aid for agriculture, forestry and fishing is going to women
  6. As a result of these disparities: There is a 20-30% yield gap between men and women farmers –This is not due to the fact that women are less effient. It is a result of resource differences. If women were to access the same resources as men have, we would close this yield gap and raise agricultural output by 2.5 to 4% This increase in output, would feed an additional 100-150M—That is we would have 100-150M less hungry people in the world
  7. This and increasing income and resources under women, would also have profound effects on other poverty indicators An increase to a woman’s income of USD 10 achieves the same nutrition and health for the family as increase to a man’s income of USD 110 Increasing access to markets and the income under the management of women has to be a key priority
  8. Livestock is an important asset for rural households and for women. In studies we have conducted in Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique, despite low ownership of livestock by women (9% of ownership of cattle in Kenya, 6% in Tanzania), livestock comprises up to 60% of women’s assets… Women are important for livestock, providing labour to livestock production in different systems Yet as in agriculture, they face numerous constraints: Lower access to markets, access to improved technologies, low ownership of livestock assets..constraints that ILRI should focus on and can have an impact on.
  9. We have made progress in ILRI
  10. So to our gender strategy….why ? To have a systematic approach to integrating gender in our work in ILRI To define a role for ILRI in promoting gender equality in the livestock subsector—Its not just about ILRI itself but what role it plays with partners
  11. 4 leverage points that I believe are critical—More leverage points will continue to be identified…
  12. We have to systematically integrate gender into our work An important framework is gender in the project cyel