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Tack on
General quiz 3
Quiz Club's
Its name has taken a generic meaning
and has come to be associated with
great wealth. Gemologists use this
classification to denote a diamond
with a complete lack of nitrogen;
"........" material is also referred to as
Connect the picture to Hyderabad's geography
He is king Muchukunda, who slept in a cave nearAnanthagiri,
Telangana for thousands of years after fighting sleeplessly against
asuras on the side of devas. River enriching from that cave was
named after him and then changes its name before it enters the city
of Hyderabad as Musi.
“Muchukunda/Musi River”
Orange - Violet
Blue-green at centre, brown-purple at 2 sides
Stone Grey
Indian Currency Notes
The event occurred during 2001-02 India Pakistan
standoff, General Simon Worden of the the US air
force and many other observers belived that if that
event had occurred closer to Pakistan or India, it
could have sparked a nuclear war between the two
What event ?
The 2002 Eastern Mediterranean Event was a high-energy
upper atmosphere explosion over the Mediterranean Sea,
between Libya and Crete on June 6, 2002. This explosion,
similar in power to a small atomic bomb, has been related
to a small asteroid undetected while approaching Earth.
The object disintegrated in an air burst impact and no
meteorite fragments were recovered. The air burst
occurred over the sea.
What/where can we see these?
Both Buddhist and Jain texts mention a legend about how
“Prince” got his name. They state that “Emperor’s”
“Minister” used to mix small doses of poison in the emperor's
food to build his immunity against possible poisoning
attempts. One day, Emperor, not knowing about the poison,
shared his food with his pregnant wife. The queen was 7 days
away from delivery. Realising that she was going to die,
minister decided to save the unborn child. He cut off the
queen's head and cut open her belly with a sword to take out
the foetus. Over the next 7 days, he placed a foetus in the belly
of a goat freshly killed each day. After seven days, “Prince” was
born. Prince was named ______, because his body was spotted
with drops of goat's blood
Id the Emperor, minister & the Prince
Chandragupta, Chanakya & Bindusara
“____’s logo is actually a
mirror image of the word
'oil,' reflecting in a way
company's journey from oil
drilling to data mining.”
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
What is the name of
these towers being
erected at Pune since
These may turnout out
play crucial role in
relations after
November 8th 2016
Trump Towers
Which Indian state’s tourism department’s
campaign goes as “Kohinoor Of India”
Andhra Pradesh
Its first summit was convened at Belgrade, Yugoslavia(1961)
Only Indian Prime minister who skipped one of these
summits in 1979 was Charan singh because of his illness
and the second one to skip is Narendra Modi, because he
believes that the movement is irrelevant in the present day
Present summit is being held at Porlamar, Venezuela(13-18 Sept
What is being discussed here?
Non Alignment Movement
It was inaugurated in 1999, initial owners where British
airways and the Marks Barfeild family
In 2006 it was taken over by Tussads and then by Merlin
In September 2015 Coca-Cola signed an agreement to sponsor
it for two years, starting from January 2015. On the day of the
announcement, the it was lit in red.
Clue on next slide
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
Dennis Hope, an American entrepreneur,
sells real estate. In 1980, he started his own
business,. As of 2009 Hope claimed to have
sold 2.5M acre plots of X, for around US$20
per acre. He allocates land to be sold by
closing his eyes and randomly pointing to a
map of the X. He claims two former US
presidents as customers, stating Jimmy
Carter and Ronald Reagan had aides
purchase them plots of X.
Lands on Moon
Some among the numerous jobs he tried his hands on
include :
• Teaching assistant at Brigham Young University for a
semester Chief resident paediatrician in a Georgia hospital
• Attorney at Louisiana State Attorney General's office
• Pilot at PanAm airways
• U.S. Bureau of Prisons agent
• He is currently a consultant and lecturer for the FBI
academy and field offices.
• And also CEO of …….. & Associates, a financial fraud
consultancy company
Who am I talking about ?
(Clue on next slide)
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
...... was born to a great sage, Vishrava and his wife,
the daitya princess Kaikesi. People of Bisrakh
village in Uttar Pradesh claim that their village was
named after Vishrava and that ...... was born there.
The word …… means roaring opposite of
Vaiśravaṇa(God of Wealth)
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
Whose bird?
Udna Hai.Aaj.Abhi.
Future Group
What made this controversial ?
Onam is celebrated in kerala on the same day .
It is believed that King Bali visits kerala on this day
The WHO recommended the use of the …… in
1986, but in 200 an international consensus
report on oral hygiene concluded that further
research was needed to document the effect of
Circumcision(Khitan),Applying perfume(attar),
……(arak) and Marriage(nikkha) were common
practices among all the prophets(david, jesus,
abraham, mohammed etc.,)
Ramanagara, a town dear Bengaluru also known as
Shamserabad at the ruling time of Tippu Sultan. It was
then called Closepet, after Sir Barry Close (1756–1813)
in pre-Independence times
Ramanagara is also famous for some of the world's
oldest granite outcrops. The hill Ramadevarabetta,
along with Savandurga was one of the shooting
locations for David Lean's A Passage to India. Small
door like grottoes were made in the rock to resemble
caves.It was also in this region that the path-breaking,
movie …… was shot
Old logo of?
Ernst & Young
Whose new logo?
minimalist posters.
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
Forrest Gump
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
Absolut Vodka
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General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
These started around 1950’s for revenue
generation as a simple profit sharing agreement
between Indian Railways and some private
companies. western railways generated 26 lakhs
in 2001 and 19 lakhs in 2010 but collection
plummeted to RS 1.71 lakhs in 2012. As train
frequency improves there is now little hope for
their survival . What are we talking about?
Weighing machines
Engineering student’s favourite logo ?
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
Id the place
6 clues
........ was founded by Lt. Frederick
Young of East India Company. Lt.
Young came here for the sole purpose of
bagging some game.
He was so enamoured by the
beauty that he decided to build a
hunting lodge (shooting box) at a
place (named after an animal's
body part) along with FJ Shore, Jt.
Magistrate of the adjoining town
in 1823.
In 1832 ......... was the intended terminus of the Great
Trigonometric Survey of India that began at the
southern tip of India. Although unsuccessful, the
Surveyor General of India at the time, George Everest
wanted to have the new office of the Survey of India
based in ..........
In 1850 the first beer brewery in India was built here
This was one of the places in India where Indians were not
allowed to enter during British raj
Motilal Nehru, deliberately broke this rule every day whenever
he was here and would pay the fine. This was the favourite
holiday spot for Nehru family
During the 1959
Tibetan Rebellion, the
Central Tibetan
Administration of the
14th Dalai Lama was at
first established in
……… before being
moved to its present
location in Dharamsala
The name ……… is often attributed to a derivation of
'mansoor'(Coriaria nepalensis), a shrub which is indigenous to the
It was first expected on August 29,
Then postponed to July 25, 2004
Again postponed to April 21, 2011
Its again postponed to an
unspecified date in October 2017
What was postponed due to lack of technology needed ?
Judgement day - Terminator
A Double Life
Connect person
Aleque Padamsi
Genesis is the Luxury brand launched in 2015 by which Korean
giant ?
“Hövding” in Swedes means
chief ‘headman’.
What does this company
produce ?
Airbag Helmets. Inflates when it senses danger
Earl R.Dean
Connect - Coca Cola contour bottle
X, introduced in 1982, was one of the "newest"
______ that managed to plant its roots deep into
the global confectionery market, especially in
To Chinese, the gold wrapper(associated with good
fortune and wealth) and delicate packaging
appeared luxurious and exotic, giving it some
meaning which is highly important to the Chinese.
The parent company of X has been described as
"one of the world's most secretive firms"
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
…….. was born in Nottingghamshire, in 1661,
where his father had a small estate.
He was a surgeon before truing becoming captain of
the ship
prior to his most famous voyages he is described as
having traveled to The Levant and later to East &
West Indies.
His remarkable travels begin in 1699 and end in
1715, having changed his personality to that of a
recluse(mostly due to his voyage to the country of
He has written his memories five years following his
last return to England
His third voyage was to Laputa, Balnibarbi,
Lunggnagg, Glubbudbrib & Japan(5 August 1706
- 16 April 1710)
His second Voyage was to Brobdingnag(20 June
1702 - 3 June 1706)
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
His first and most famous Voyage was on 4 May
1699 to the Country Of Lilliput
Lemuel Gulliver
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
Long years ago we made a tryst with
destiny, and now that time comes when
we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly
or in full measure, but very
What comes next ?
This is the first line of “Tryst with Destiny”
At the stroke of midnight hour, when
world sleeps, India will awake to life and
freedom. A moment comes, which comes
but rarely in history, when we step out
from the old to new, when an age ends,
and when the soul of a nation, long
suppressed, finds utterance………
Answer : Nehru’s speech at the stroke of midnight hour
Fruit juices by whom?
During 1348 to 1359 black death has wiped out almost
30% of European population and significant %age in
The original document from 1377, at Archives of
Dubrovnik, states that before entering the city, vessels
had to spend 30 days in a restricted place waiting to
see whether the symptoms of Black Death would
develop. Later, isolation was prolonged to 40 days
Later in 1962 President Kennedy used this word instead
of “Blockade”, during cuban missile crisis
Which word?
Qaranta(40) in French
A small Spanish town was named after a
Berber warrior “Tarif-ibn-Malik” as Tarifa.
This town was the first in world to charge the
merchants for using their docks
Which english word is derived from here?
When the Babri Mosque was demolished in
1992, the Government of India asked the
Rajputana Rifles to go to Ayodhya and control
the situation there. For the first time in history, a
regiment refused to follow the government order
citing a very strange but valid reason. What was
the reason given by Rajputana Rifles for not
obeying government's order?
Their battle cry was "Raja Ram Chandra ki Jai"
Whose private investment firm ?
Michael Saul Dell
Funda ?
Businessmen who came back to take back the
leadership of their respective companies
Dell, Tata, Infosys(Narayan Murthy), Bloomberg
Thousands of women left work at
2:38 p.m. in Iceland during October
2016 to protest the gender pay gap in
the country
What was the fund behind 2:38 pm
In Iceland,Women earn 14 to 18%
less than men, which means on an
average eight hour work day,
women are essentially working for
free after 2:38 p.m
Since the kingdom was found in 1932,
Saudi adopted Hijri calendar, but in 2016
they shifted to the Western Gregorian
calendar , bringing the oil-rich kingdom in
line with many of its energy customers.
What was the reason for this shift ?
The Islamic lunar calendar is actually 11
days shorter than the 365-day solar year,
which will actually save the kingdom
money by cutting salary days for many
public servants.
This company was founded in 1915 by Afrikaner
National Pers as publisher & printer on newspapers and
In 1985 the company launched pay TV system M-Net,
which brought about great reputation and the company
has grown into one of the largest media houses in the
In 1998 the Nasionale Pers officially changed its name to
This has grown out to be a investment firm after its
sucesslful investments in some internet startup which
include Tancent, facebook, Pay-U, Ibibo, Groupon,
Zynga etc.,
This day was selected so that it doesn't interfere with
the Biblical Sabbath or with market day, which was
on Wednesday in many towns
The period between this day & 1st Wednesday of
December is always 29 days
There are many demands & petitions to change the
day to the Veterans Day which is a public holiday, in
an even year
What is this about ?
"the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the
month of November in an even year"
The US Election day
When & where
did we see
Interstellar - IAF drone
hacking scene
In his book “Imagining India”,
Nandan Nilekani writes about the
change in election promises from the
roti, kapda, makan rhetoric of the
1970’s to the slogans around
infrastructure, which were famously
called as “BSP” promise
What does BSP stand for?
Bijli, Sadak, Pani
Commemorative coins round
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
International Labour Organisation
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General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
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General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
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General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
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General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
The present name was decided during the
second round of name hunt during 1963,
proposed by an IIM student.
Actually the first round of the name hunt
gave an apt name, but it was dropped
because it also happened to be the name of
the then Congress president, who later
rejected the offer of prime ministership after
Nehru’s death
Id leader’s name, product, 1st proposed name & 2nd one
1st Proposal Kamaraj
2nd - Nirodh
Congress President’s name - K Kamaraj
This originally belonged to Sir Syed Ahmad
Khan, a 19th century leader and educationist.
At the house-warming party, Sir William Moor
hoped that this large palatial home in Civil
Lines of the city which was capital of India for
a day would become the cement holding
together the British Empire in India. But, the
house was bought by an Indian nationalist in
1900, and went on to become a centre for
Indian National Movement
Id the leader and place
• Panchmukhi Hanuman Mandir, Old quarters of Soldier
• Kalka Devi Cave
• Katas Raj temple
• Hinglaj Mata Mandir
• Kashmir Sharada Peeth
• Lava Temple
• Valmiki Mandri
It was the capital of the Trigarta Kingdom at the
time of the Mahabharata war, ruled by the Katoch
Rajput Dynasty. It had various names over the
years. It was originally called Kashyapapura after
a sage named Kashyapa. Other names were
Hamsapura, Vegapura, Sambapura after the son of
Krishna(samba) who built a famous Sun Temple in
the region.The current name of this place has been
derived from the Sanskrit name of the temple Mula
- Sthana.This place has frequently been a site of
conflict due to its location on a major invasion
route between South Asia and Central Asia
Western India plywood company ltd., has innovated
a process(during Nov2016) to recycle a very strong
pulp from .................. into hardboard.
Because................ was in excess supply, and
engineers at the company decided make some profits
out of it
DEMONETISED 500 & 1000
Italian auto brand Piaggio launched “Vespa 946 ……. …… Edition”
priced at 12lakhs to mark the 40th anniversary of the fashion
brand ……
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
Name of this spider ?
Eriovixia gryffindori
It was originally composed in Telugu
language by writer Pydimarri Venkata
Subba Rao in 1962. It was first read
out in a school in Visakhapatnam in
1963 and was subsequently translated
into various regional languages.
Subbarao himself is thought to have
been unaware of its status as the
___________. Apparently, he came to
know about this when his
granddaughter was reading it from
her textbook
Indian National Pledge
Who/what is inspiration for this cafe at Melbourne, The cafe’s
website also features a sapphire ring-shaped mouse pointer
when you open its webpage
Kate Middelton
Which brand launched this collection of jewellery named “Eye Of
The CHEETAH” priced at 13 lakhs
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
Whose seal?
• This organisation was
fi r s t p r o p o s e d b y
M.N.Roy in 1934
• Recognised by British in
1940, under August offer
• I m p l e m e n t e d u n d e r
cabinet mission of 1946
General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club
The Portuguese gained control over the region via
Treaty of Bassein & were actively involved in the
growth of their Roman Catholic religious orders in
this region.They called the islands by various
names. The English were in constant struggle with
the Portuguese for hegemony over the region, as
they recognised its strategic natural harbour and its
natural isolation from land-attacks
Region was given to Britain in 1661 as part of the
Portuguese Princess Catherine of Braganza's
dowry to Charles II of England.
Which region ?
Bombaim / Bombay / Mumbai
_________________ has been under consideration since the
Tokyo conference of the International Council for Bird
Preservation held in May 1960.
This matter was taken up by the Indian Board for Wild Life
Some of the other birds considered for the honour were the
Great Indian Bustard, the Sarus crane, the “Garuda” and
the Swan, the strongest contender being the Great Indian
Selection of national bird
Thats All Folks !

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General Quiz 3.0 - Tack On Quiz Club

  • 1. Tack on General quiz 3 Quiz Club's
  • 2. Its name has taken a generic meaning and has come to be associated with great wealth. Gemologists use this classification to denote a diamond with a complete lack of nitrogen; "........" material is also referred to as "2A"
  • 4. Connect the picture to Hyderabad's geography
  • 5. He is king Muchukunda, who slept in a cave nearAnanthagiri, Telangana for thousands of years after fighting sleeplessly against asuras on the side of devas. River enriching from that cave was named after him and then changes its name before it enters the city of Hyderabad as Musi. “Muchukunda/Musi River”
  • 6. CONNECT Blue Green Orange - Violet Red-Orange Violet Blue-green at centre, brown-purple at 2 sides Stone Grey Magenta
  • 8. The event occurred during 2001-02 India Pakistan standoff, General Simon Worden of the the US air force and many other observers belived that if that event had occurred closer to Pakistan or India, it could have sparked a nuclear war between the two countries. What event ?
  • 9. ASTEROID EXPLOSION The 2002 Eastern Mediterranean Event was a high-energy upper atmosphere explosion over the Mediterranean Sea, between Libya and Crete on June 6, 2002. This explosion, similar in power to a small atomic bomb, has been related to a small asteroid undetected while approaching Earth. The object disintegrated in an air burst impact and no meteorite fragments were recovered. The air burst occurred over the sea.
  • 10. What/where can we see these?
  • 12. Both Buddhist and Jain texts mention a legend about how “Prince” got his name. They state that “Emperor’s” “Minister” used to mix small doses of poison in the emperor's food to build his immunity against possible poisoning attempts. One day, Emperor, not knowing about the poison, shared his food with his pregnant wife. The queen was 7 days away from delivery. Realising that she was going to die, minister decided to save the unborn child. He cut off the queen's head and cut open her belly with a sword to take out the foetus. Over the next 7 days, he placed a foetus in the belly of a goat freshly killed each day. After seven days, “Prince” was born. Prince was named ______, because his body was spotted with drops of goat's blood Id the Emperor, minister & the Prince
  • 14. “____’s logo is actually a mirror image of the word 'oil,' reflecting in a way company's journey from oil drilling to data mining.”
  • 16. What is the name of these towers being erected at Pune since 2011. These may turnout out play crucial role in Indo-American relations after November 8th 2016
  • 18. Which Indian state’s tourism department’s campaign goes as “Kohinoor Of India”
  • 20. Its first summit was convened at Belgrade, Yugoslavia(1961) Only Indian Prime minister who skipped one of these summits in 1979 was Charan singh because of his illness and the second one to skip is Narendra Modi, because he believes that the movement is irrelevant in the present day Present summit is being held at Porlamar, Venezuela(13-18 Sept 2016) What is being discussed here?
  • 22. It was inaugurated in 1999, initial owners where British airways and the Marks Barfeild family In 2006 it was taken over by Tussads and then by Merlin Entertainments In September 2015 Coca-Cola signed an agreement to sponsor it for two years, starting from January 2015. On the day of the announcement, the it was lit in red. Clue on next slide
  • 25. Dennis Hope, an American entrepreneur, sells real estate. In 1980, he started his own business,. As of 2009 Hope claimed to have sold 2.5M acre plots of X, for around US$20 per acre. He allocates land to be sold by closing his eyes and randomly pointing to a map of the X. He claims two former US presidents as customers, stating Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan had aides purchase them plots of X.
  • 27. Some among the numerous jobs he tried his hands on include : • Teaching assistant at Brigham Young University for a semester Chief resident paediatrician in a Georgia hospital • Attorney at Louisiana State Attorney General's office • Pilot at PanAm airways • U.S. Bureau of Prisons agent • He is currently a consultant and lecturer for the FBI academy and field offices. • And also CEO of …….. & Associates, a financial fraud consultancy company Who am I talking about ? (Clue on next slide)
  • 30. ...... was born to a great sage, Vishrava and his wife, the daitya princess Kaikesi. People of Bisrakh village in Uttar Pradesh claim that their village was named after Vishrava and that ...... was born there. The word …… means roaring opposite of Vaiśravaṇa(God of Wealth)
  • 32. + = ?
  • 36. What made this controversial ?
  • 37. Onam is celebrated in kerala on the same day . It is believed that King Bali visits kerala on this day
  • 38. The WHO recommended the use of the …… in 1986, but in 200 an international consensus report on oral hygiene concluded that further research was needed to document the effect of …… Circumcision(Khitan),Applying perfume(attar), ……(arak) and Marriage(nikkha) were common practices among all the prophets(david, jesus, abraham, mohammed etc.,)
  • 40. Ramanagara, a town dear Bengaluru also known as Shamserabad at the ruling time of Tippu Sultan. It was then called Closepet, after Sir Barry Close (1756–1813) in pre-Independence times Ramanagara is also famous for some of the world's oldest granite outcrops. The hill Ramadevarabetta, along with Savandurga was one of the shooting locations for David Lean's A Passage to India. Small door like grottoes were made in the rock to resemble caves.It was also in this region that the path-breaking, movie …… was shot
  • 67. These started around 1950’s for revenue generation as a simple profit sharing agreement between Indian Railways and some private companies. western railways generated 26 lakhs in 2001 and 19 lakhs in 2010 but collection plummeted to RS 1.71 lakhs in 2012. As train frequency improves there is now little hope for their survival . What are we talking about?
  • 71. Id the place 6 clues
  • 72. ........ was founded by Lt. Frederick Young of East India Company. Lt. Young came here for the sole purpose of bagging some game.
  • 73. He was so enamoured by the beauty that he decided to build a hunting lodge (shooting box) at a place (named after an animal's body part) along with FJ Shore, Jt. Magistrate of the adjoining town in 1823.
  • 74. In 1832 ......... was the intended terminus of the Great Trigonometric Survey of India that began at the southern tip of India. Although unsuccessful, the Surveyor General of India at the time, George Everest wanted to have the new office of the Survey of India based in .......... In 1850 the first beer brewery in India was built here
  • 75. This was one of the places in India where Indians were not allowed to enter during British raj Motilal Nehru, deliberately broke this rule every day whenever he was here and would pay the fine. This was the favourite holiday spot for Nehru family
  • 76. During the 1959 Tibetan Rebellion, the Central Tibetan Administration of the 14th Dalai Lama was at first established in ……… before being moved to its present location in Dharamsala
  • 77. The name ……… is often attributed to a derivation of 'mansoor'(Coriaria nepalensis), a shrub which is indigenous to the area.
  • 79. It was first expected on August 29, 1997 Then postponed to July 25, 2004 Again postponed to April 21, 2011 Its again postponed to an unspecified date in October 2017 What was postponed due to lack of technology needed ?
  • 80. Judgement day - Terminator Skynet
  • 83. Genesis is the Luxury brand launched in 2015 by which Korean giant ?
  • 85. “Hövding” in Swedes means chief ‘headman’. What does this company produce ?
  • 86. Airbag Helmets. Inflates when it senses danger
  • 89. X, introduced in 1982, was one of the "newest" ______ that managed to plant its roots deep into the global confectionery market, especially in China. To Chinese, the gold wrapper(associated with good fortune and wealth) and delicate packaging appeared luxurious and exotic, giving it some meaning which is highly important to the Chinese. The parent company of X has been described as "one of the world's most secretive firms"
  • 92. …….. was born in Nottingghamshire, in 1661, where his father had a small estate. He was a surgeon before truing becoming captain of the ship prior to his most famous voyages he is described as having traveled to The Levant and later to East & West Indies.
  • 93. His remarkable travels begin in 1699 and end in 1715, having changed his personality to that of a recluse(mostly due to his voyage to the country of Houyhnhnms) He has written his memories five years following his last return to England
  • 94. His third voyage was to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Lunggnagg, Glubbudbrib & Japan(5 August 1706 - 16 April 1710) His second Voyage was to Brobdingnag(20 June 1702 - 3 June 1706)
  • 96. His first and most famous Voyage was on 4 May 1699 to the Country Of Lilliput
  • 100. Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now that time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. What comes next ? This is the first line of “Tryst with Destiny”
  • 101. At the stroke of midnight hour, when world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance……… Answer : Nehru’s speech at the stroke of midnight hour
  • 102. Fruit juices by whom?
  • 104. During 1348 to 1359 black death has wiped out almost 30% of European population and significant %age in Asia The original document from 1377, at Archives of Dubrovnik, states that before entering the city, vessels had to spend 30 days in a restricted place waiting to see whether the symptoms of Black Death would develop. Later, isolation was prolonged to 40 days Later in 1962 President Kennedy used this word instead of “Blockade”, during cuban missile crisis Which word?
  • 106. A small Spanish town was named after a Berber warrior “Tarif-ibn-Malik” as Tarifa. This town was the first in world to charge the merchants for using their docks Which english word is derived from here?
  • 107. Tariff
  • 108. When the Babri Mosque was demolished in 1992, the Government of India asked the Rajputana Rifles to go to Ayodhya and control the situation there. For the first time in history, a regiment refused to follow the government order citing a very strange but valid reason. What was the reason given by Rajputana Rifles for not obeying government's order?
  • 109. Their battle cry was "Raja Ram Chandra ki Jai"
  • 113. Businessmen who came back to take back the leadership of their respective companies Dell, Tata, Infosys(Narayan Murthy), Bloomberg
  • 114. Thousands of women left work at 2:38 p.m. in Iceland during October 2016 to protest the gender pay gap in the country What was the fund behind 2:38 pm
  • 115. In Iceland,Women earn 14 to 18% less than men, which means on an average eight hour work day, women are essentially working for free after 2:38 p.m
  • 116. Since the kingdom was found in 1932, Saudi adopted Hijri calendar, but in 2016 they shifted to the Western Gregorian calendar , bringing the oil-rich kingdom in line with many of its energy customers. What was the reason for this shift ?
  • 117. The Islamic lunar calendar is actually 11 days shorter than the 365-day solar year, which will actually save the kingdom money by cutting salary days for many public servants.
  • 118. This company was founded in 1915 by Afrikaner National Pers as publisher & printer on newspapers and magazines. In 1985 the company launched pay TV system M-Net, which brought about great reputation and the company has grown into one of the largest media houses in the world. In 1998 the Nasionale Pers officially changed its name to ……. This has grown out to be a investment firm after its sucesslful investments in some internet startup which include Tancent, facebook, Pay-U, Ibibo, Groupon, Zynga etc.,
  • 120. This day was selected so that it doesn't interfere with the Biblical Sabbath or with market day, which was on Wednesday in many towns The period between this day & 1st Wednesday of December is always 29 days There are many demands & petitions to change the day to the Veterans Day which is a public holiday, in an even year What is this about ?
  • 121. "the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November in an even year" The US Election day
  • 122. When & where did we see this?
  • 123. Interstellar - IAF drone hacking scene
  • 124. In his book “Imagining India”, Nandan Nilekani writes about the change in election promises from the roti, kapda, makan rhetoric of the 1970’s to the slogans around infrastructure, which were famously called as “BSP” promise What does BSP stand for?
  • 157. The present name was decided during the second round of name hunt during 1963, proposed by an IIM student. Actually the first round of the name hunt gave an apt name, but it was dropped because it also happened to be the name of the then Congress president, who later rejected the offer of prime ministership after Nehru’s death Id leader’s name, product, 1st proposed name & 2nd one
  • 158. 1st Proposal Kamaraj 2nd - Nirodh Congress President’s name - K Kamaraj
  • 159. This originally belonged to Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, a 19th century leader and educationist. At the house-warming party, Sir William Moor hoped that this large palatial home in Civil Lines of the city which was capital of India for a day would become the cement holding together the British Empire in India. But, the house was bought by an Indian nationalist in 1900, and went on to become a centre for Indian National Movement Id the leader and place
  • 161. • Panchmukhi Hanuman Mandir, Old quarters of Soldier Bazaar • Kalka Devi Cave • Katas Raj temple • Hinglaj Mata Mandir • Kashmir Sharada Peeth • Lava Temple • Valmiki Mandri Connect
  • 163. It was the capital of the Trigarta Kingdom at the time of the Mahabharata war, ruled by the Katoch Rajput Dynasty. It had various names over the years. It was originally called Kashyapapura after a sage named Kashyapa. Other names were Hamsapura, Vegapura, Sambapura after the son of Krishna(samba) who built a famous Sun Temple in the region.The current name of this place has been derived from the Sanskrit name of the temple Mula - Sthana.This place has frequently been a site of conflict due to its location on a major invasion route between South Asia and Central Asia
  • 164. Multan
  • 165. Western India plywood company ltd., has innovated a process(during Nov2016) to recycle a very strong pulp from .................. into hardboard. Because................ was in excess supply, and engineers at the company decided make some profits out of it
  • 166. DEMONETISED 500 & 1000 NOTES
  • 167. Italian auto brand Piaggio launched “Vespa 946 ……. …… Edition” priced at 12lakhs to mark the 40th anniversary of the fashion brand ……
  • 169. Name of this spider ?
  • 171. It was originally composed in Telugu language by writer Pydimarri Venkata Subba Rao in 1962. It was first read out in a school in Visakhapatnam in 1963 and was subsequently translated into various regional languages. Subbarao himself is thought to have been unaware of its status as the ___________. Apparently, he came to know about this when his granddaughter was reading it from her textbook
  • 173. Who/what is inspiration for this cafe at Melbourne, The cafe’s website also features a sapphire ring-shaped mouse pointer when you open its webpage
  • 175. Which brand launched this collection of jewellery named “Eye Of The CHEETAH” priced at 13 lakhs
  • 177. Whose seal? • This organisation was fi r s t p r o p o s e d b y M.N.Roy in 1934 • Recognised by British in 1940, under August offer • I m p l e m e n t e d u n d e r cabinet mission of 1946
  • 179. The Portuguese gained control over the region via Treaty of Bassein & were actively involved in the growth of their Roman Catholic religious orders in this region.They called the islands by various names. The English were in constant struggle with the Portuguese for hegemony over the region, as they recognised its strategic natural harbour and its natural isolation from land-attacks Region was given to Britain in 1661 as part of the Portuguese Princess Catherine of Braganza's dowry to Charles II of England. Which region ?
  • 180. Bombaim / Bombay / Mumbai
  • 181. _________________ has been under consideration since the Tokyo conference of the International Council for Bird Preservation held in May 1960. This matter was taken up by the Indian Board for Wild Life Some of the other birds considered for the honour were the Great Indian Bustard, the Sarus crane, the “Garuda” and the Swan, the strongest contender being the Great Indian Bustard