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QM: Anshuman Agrawal
Date: 22.01.2022
• 30 Questions in total
• Round 1: Written Round (4 Qs)
• Round 2: Dries (10 Qs clockwise)
• Round 3: Written Round (6 Qs)
• Round 4: Dries (10 Qs anti-clockwise)
• QM’s decision is final and binding
ROUND 1: Written Round
• 4 Questions
• Questions based on the Etymology of Culinary Items
• +5 for each correct answer
• Bonus +5 for getting a full house
• In each case give me the name of the entity associated with given
• The origin for the name of this spice is largely unknown. However,
there have been a few findings tracing this word to az-zarafan
through Old French and Latin.
• What is this patriotic spice talked about here?
• The name of this spice is said to have been originated from a term
in an ancient Mesopotamian language meaning oil plant.
• Probably the oldest known substance to humanity from this
category, it also lends its name to an educational program known
to open up a lot of lessons for kids.
• ID this very commonly used spice.
• Multiple origins for the name of this entity have been put forth.
One of them being from a similar sounding Latin word which is
often confused for the name of a magical creature since this
entity acted as an antidote for its venom.
• Another origin comes from the Greek term _________ phuton
owing to its use in the production of royal perfumes.
• What is this aromatic entity in question?
• This spice is obtained from the outer dry husk of another
commonly available spice. It’s said to originate from the French
word _____, by just dropping the final letter.
• Another origin is said to arise from a Latin word describing it as a
spicy red bark owing to its appearance.
• ID the spice talked about here.
• The origin for the name of this spice is largely unknown. However,
there have been a few findings tracing this word to az-zarafan
through Old French and Latin.
• What is this patriotic spice talked about here?
• Saffron
• The name of this spice is said to have been originated from a term
in an ancient Mesopotamian language meaning oil plant.
• Probably the oldest known substance to humanity from this
category, it also lends its name to an educational program known
to open up a lot of lessons for kids.
• ID this very commonly used spice.
• Sesame
• Multiple origins for the name of this entity have been put forth.
One of them being from a similar sounding Latin word which is
often confused for the name of a magical creature since this
entity acted as an antidote for its venom.
• Another origin comes from the Greek term _________ phuton
owing to its use in the production of royal perfumes.
• What is this aromatic entity in question?
• Basil
• This spice is obtained from the outer dry husk of another
commonly available spice. It’s said to originate from the French
word _____, by just dropping the final letter.
• Another origin is said to arise from a Latin word describing it as a
spicy red bark owing to its appearance.
• ID the spice talked about here.
• Mace
ROUND 2: Clockwise Dries
• 10 Questions
• +10/0 on the bounce
• +10/-5 on the pounce
• Headbangers Merchanise is an online marketplace for metalheads
to buy merch based on metal bands artwork, album covers etc. ,
as well as some original designs by the website itself. One such
design sparked the ire of another company (totally unrelated to
HM) who ordered it to be taken down?
• Which company was offended by the design?
General Quiz
• Parle - G
• A 2008 test match between India and Australia in New Delhi was
held up for a while because of a swarm of bees.
• There were funny scenes throughout the field with several
newspapers and websites mocking this incident.
• ESPN Cricinfo appropriately titled this incident ______ ____ _____
after the venue. Describing this incident which no one saw
coming, they quoted “All in all, what a ___-___”.
• FITB(5 each).
• Beeroz Shah Kotla
• Bee-mer
• Known to be one of the most influential chemical engineers of all
time, X along with another famous chemist Y is responsible for
developing a process owing to which there's enough food for
Earth's population today.
• X was responsible for scaling-up this catalytic reaction developed
by Y and the resulting process was the first industrial process to
employ the use of high pressure for a chemical reaction.
• Give me X and Y or the namesake process talked about here.
• Carl Bosch
• Fritz Haber
• Bosch – Haber process
• The image on the next slide is that of a lady delivering a Ted talk
wherein she speaks about the role of algorithms, image processing
and astronomy to bring about something for the first time ever.
She is a PhD student at MIT. The main subject of this Ted talk has
been brought into life for the first time at the end of the previous
decade and this lady has received the most credits for the same.
• So I need you to ID her and what is she talking about?
General Quiz
• Katie Bouman
• Image of a Black Hole
• A Japanese company decided to keep an incentive for its
employees as a way for them to refrain from a habit. Employees
not indulging in that habit complained that this activity
(frequently done in breaks) was leading to drop in productivity
and affecting the company. Therefore, these employees were
awarded something to normalize the situation.
• What habit is being referred here and what was the incentive
awarded by this company?
• Smoking Breaks
• ________ is also referred to as an underwater version of a
commonly played sport. This sport involves the manoeuvre of a
puck on the bottom of the swimming pool with a stick towards the
opposition’s goal.
• The fact that players are required to hold their breath underwater
lends this sport a name which is essentially a letter added to the
name of an aquatic creature.
• Taking note of the action taking place in the game, give me the
name of this sport.
• Octopush
• The origins of this company is known to have been through the
founder’s dream of seeing his girlfriend’s face instantly while
dozing off on his way to meet her. Having seen the British PM and
his cabinet use his application, he revolutionized it to such an
extent that it would become synonymous to an activity during the
• However, they faced severe significant backlash after banning the
accounts of a few activists planning a remembrance for an
incident that occurred almost 3 decades ago, due to pressure from
the founder’s parent country’s government.
• Which company is this? For what incident was the remembrance
being planned?
Tiananmen Square Massacre
• The Vulnerability to Resilience (V2R) program in Bangladesh ran
from 2013 to 2016, with the aim of helping villagers create
sustainable livelihoods and reduce disaster risk.
• One of the initiatives under this program paid for farmers to
replace one of their conventional food products with another one,
the latter having a higher chance of dodging the risk of dying in
• Name the conventional food product (5) and its replacement (5).
• Chicken
• Ducks
• The Indian Ocean Dipole is a climate phenomenon caused by a
temperature gradient in the sea water from West to East. It can
be positive, negative or neutral.
• In the final quarter of 2019, the positive phase of this dipole
became the strongest in 60 decades and led to 2 very extreme
climate conditions on both ends, causing severe damage to life
and property.
• Think about the consequences of this strong positive phase and
give me the 2 extreme incidents which took place as a result of
• Floods in Eastern Africa
• Forest Fires in Australia
• _____ and _______ is the first novel in a trilogy set in British India
in a fictional town, published in 1935.
• The novel was initially named _____, the ____ courtesy of
probably the most famous extract from the book, involving
cricket. This is where the protagonist gets called by the name of a
famous cricketer thanks to to his exceptional bowling.
• This cricketer was named the Bowler of The Year, in the mid 1920s
by Wisden and is known to be the inventor of modern day seam
• ID this very famous novel.
• Swami and Friends (initially named as Swami, the Tate by
ROUND 3: Written Round
• 6 Questions
• +5 for each correct answer
• +10/-5 on stakes
• Questions are based on Badly Explained Movie Plots
• Just identify the movie they’re associated with
ROUND 4: Anti-Clockwise Dries
• 10 Questions
• +10/0 on the bounce
• +10/-5 on the pounce
• ______ ________ is a very gentlemanly ritual of this sport that is
believed to have started in 1931 when England were beaten by
France and the French made a request to the English at the end of
the game and the English obliged. In the words of Clint Mathis of
the United States, “It’s just a sign of respect. You’re out there
trying to kick each other and kill each other, but when the game’s
said and done, it’s back to being friends”.
• Which ritual am I talking about which also takes place in other
sports but is mostly central to this sport ?
• Jersey Swapping
• ___ ___ ___ ___ is considered a scam when it comes to the
markets. Some people describe it as “A thinly veiled attempt to
convince a customer to buy more than one at a time”. Customers
think they will get a bang for their buck when they see this small
keyword often attached with this phrase.
• This keyword works like enchantment to the eyes of the customer
and the customer often ends up buying more than what they
intend to by paying more price than is expected from the deal.
• Which deal am I talking about ?
• A certain section of a minority group in Greece protested after one of its
largest newspaper, Ta Nea published a caricature of the outspoken former
far-left finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, wearing a giant black skullcap,
hunched over a ledger counting bags and coins of gold after it was revealed
that he had been paid thousands of euros for interviews and speaking fees.
• Which was this rather despicable literary character that Varoufakis was
portrayed as by the newspaper?
General Quiz
• Shylock from The Merchant of Venice
• X was a very useful medical substance in 15th century Europe. It
could be consumed(both as solid and liquid) for curing nausea and
even applied on wounds.
• Consuming it could be one of the earliest known examples of
cannibalism. It was made out of something which ancient Egypt
was very famous for .
• Give me X and/or what was it made of.
• Mummia/ Mummy brown/ Powdering human Mummies
• To celebrate the 50th anniversary of a particular entity, an
automobile manufacturer re-released their version of it at the end
of the last decade with a modification.
• The manufacturer removed the central feature of this entity and
“fixed” the positioning of something in the background in order to
market their newly introduced technology.
• What famous entity from pop culture is being talked about here?
• What technology has been marketed this way?/ What modification
was performed by this manufacturer? (5)
• Abbey Road Album by The
• Park – Assist/ VW Beetle
parked correctly in the
• This practice among Australians, is said to have originated from a
brothel in Chicago and passed on to German soldiers in WW1 and
now to the present day.
• This frothy tradition was done initially as a sign of good luck
before wars and also for recreation and celebration as observed in
the modern day.
• According to an Oz chad, it’s better to have when it’s sparkling
cold so that it hides the flavour of the sweat involved in it.
• What practice is it that I am talking about here?
• Shoey/ Drinking from shoes
• The design has been divided into 4 quadrants of alternating colors.
The first quadrant contains the national emblem (from Sarnath),
the second contains an image of an elephant (taken from a Ajanta
cave painting), the third quadrant contains scales representing
justice (from the Red Fort) and finally an image of lotus vase
(again from Sarnath).
• Where can this design be seen?
Presidential Flag
• Peggy Fleming’s 1968 figure skating gold in the Winter Olympics
was the USA’s first gold in this sport in the Olympics after a 1961
incident in Belgium.
• The USA had dominated the sport post World War II but this aerial
incident left everyone in shock.
• Following this incident, US Figure Skating executives would also
issue a mandate which applies even today to avoid any such
disaster in the future.
• What was the mandate issued as a result of this disaster?
• No team traveling to an international competition would ever be
allowed to fly together again.
• Incident: Sabena flight 548 crash in Brussels airport which killed
the entire US figure skating team heading to the World
Championship in Prague
• This meme consists of a still from a classic 2012 movie where the
character is just about to take something after smiling shamelessly
at what they just said.
• The facial expression of the character is often used to depict
someone’s despicable behaviour or even someone’s reaction after
pranking another person, showing ridicule and presenting them as
the OG.
• Which meme has been described here?
• Douwe Egberts introduced a new style of coffee vending machines
in July, 2013. It installed the first of its kind at the O.R. Tambo
International Airport, Johannesburg.
• Passengers at the airport had to do something fittingly in front of
the machine in order to get a free coffee dispensed from it. The
machine was named “Bye Bye Red Eye”.
• What were the passengers expected to do in front of the machine?
• Passengers were expected to yawn as the machine used facial
recognition system to detect it.
General Quiz

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General Quiz

  • 1. GENERAL QUIZ QM: Anshuman Agrawal Date: 22.01.2022 IIT KHARAGPUR QUIZ CLUB
  • 2. RULES • 30 Questions in total • Round 1: Written Round (4 Qs) • Round 2: Dries (10 Qs clockwise) • Round 3: Written Round (6 Qs) • Round 4: Dries (10 Qs anti-clockwise) • QM’s decision is final and binding
  • 4. ROUND 1: Written Round • 4 Questions • Questions based on the Etymology of Culinary Items • +5 for each correct answer • Bonus +5 for getting a full house • In each case give me the name of the entity associated with given etymology
  • 5. Q.1 • The origin for the name of this spice is largely unknown. However, there have been a few findings tracing this word to az-zarafan through Old French and Latin. • What is this patriotic spice talked about here?
  • 6. Q.2 • The name of this spice is said to have been originated from a term in an ancient Mesopotamian language meaning oil plant. • Probably the oldest known substance to humanity from this category, it also lends its name to an educational program known to open up a lot of lessons for kids. • ID this very commonly used spice.
  • 7. Q.3 • Multiple origins for the name of this entity have been put forth. One of them being from a similar sounding Latin word which is often confused for the name of a magical creature since this entity acted as an antidote for its venom. • Another origin comes from the Greek term _________ phuton owing to its use in the production of royal perfumes. • What is this aromatic entity in question?
  • 8. Q.4 • This spice is obtained from the outer dry husk of another commonly available spice. It’s said to originate from the French word _____, by just dropping the final letter. • Another origin is said to arise from a Latin word describing it as a spicy red bark owing to its appearance. • ID the spice talked about here.
  • 10. Q.1 • The origin for the name of this spice is largely unknown. However, there have been a few findings tracing this word to az-zarafan through Old French and Latin. • What is this patriotic spice talked about here?
  • 13. Q.2 • The name of this spice is said to have been originated from a term in an ancient Mesopotamian language meaning oil plant. • Probably the oldest known substance to humanity from this category, it also lends its name to an educational program known to open up a lot of lessons for kids. • ID this very commonly used spice.
  • 16. Q.3 • Multiple origins for the name of this entity have been put forth. One of them being from a similar sounding Latin word which is often confused for the name of a magical creature since this entity acted as an antidote for its venom. • Another origin comes from the Greek term _________ phuton owing to its use in the production of royal perfumes. • What is this aromatic entity in question?
  • 19. Q.4 • This spice is obtained from the outer dry husk of another commonly available spice. It’s said to originate from the French word _____, by just dropping the final letter. • Another origin is said to arise from a Latin word describing it as a spicy red bark owing to its appearance. • ID the spice talked about here.
  • 22. ROUND 2: Clockwise Dries • 10 Questions • +10/0 on the bounce • +10/-5 on the pounce
  • 23. Q.1 • Headbangers Merchanise is an online marketplace for metalheads to buy merch based on metal bands artwork, album covers etc. , as well as some original designs by the website itself. One such design sparked the ire of another company (totally unrelated to HM) who ordered it to be taken down? • Which company was offended by the design?
  • 27. Q.2 • A 2008 test match between India and Australia in New Delhi was held up for a while because of a swarm of bees. • There were funny scenes throughout the field with several newspapers and websites mocking this incident. • ESPN Cricinfo appropriately titled this incident ______ ____ _____ after the venue. Describing this incident which no one saw coming, they quoted “All in all, what a ___-___”. • FITB(5 each).
  • 29. ANSWER • Beeroz Shah Kotla • Bee-mer
  • 30. Q.3 • Known to be one of the most influential chemical engineers of all time, X along with another famous chemist Y is responsible for developing a process owing to which there's enough food for Earth's population today. • X was responsible for scaling-up this catalytic reaction developed by Y and the resulting process was the first industrial process to employ the use of high pressure for a chemical reaction. • Give me X and Y or the namesake process talked about here.
  • 32. ANSWER • Carl Bosch • Fritz Haber • Bosch – Haber process
  • 33. Q.4 • The image on the next slide is that of a lady delivering a Ted talk wherein she speaks about the role of algorithms, image processing and astronomy to bring about something for the first time ever. She is a PhD student at MIT. The main subject of this Ted talk has been brought into life for the first time at the end of the previous decade and this lady has received the most credits for the same. • So I need you to ID her and what is she talking about?
  • 36. ANSWER • Katie Bouman • Image of a Black Hole
  • 37. Q.5 • A Japanese company decided to keep an incentive for its employees as a way for them to refrain from a habit. Employees not indulging in that habit complained that this activity (frequently done in breaks) was leading to drop in productivity and affecting the company. Therefore, these employees were awarded something to normalize the situation. • What habit is being referred here and what was the incentive awarded by this company?
  • 40. Q.6 • ________ is also referred to as an underwater version of a commonly played sport. This sport involves the manoeuvre of a puck on the bottom of the swimming pool with a stick towards the opposition’s goal. • The fact that players are required to hold their breath underwater lends this sport a name which is essentially a letter added to the name of an aquatic creature. • Taking note of the action taking place in the game, give me the name of this sport.
  • 43. Q.7 • The origins of this company is known to have been through the founder’s dream of seeing his girlfriend’s face instantly while dozing off on his way to meet her. Having seen the British PM and his cabinet use his application, he revolutionized it to such an extent that it would become synonymous to an activity during the pandemic. • However, they faced severe significant backlash after banning the accounts of a few activists planning a remembrance for an incident that occurred almost 3 decades ago, due to pressure from the founder’s parent country’s government. • Which company is this? For what incident was the remembrance being planned?
  • 46. Q.8 • The Vulnerability to Resilience (V2R) program in Bangladesh ran from 2013 to 2016, with the aim of helping villagers create sustainable livelihoods and reduce disaster risk. • One of the initiatives under this program paid for farmers to replace one of their conventional food products with another one, the latter having a higher chance of dodging the risk of dying in floods. • Name the conventional food product (5) and its replacement (5).
  • 49. Q.9 • The Indian Ocean Dipole is a climate phenomenon caused by a temperature gradient in the sea water from West to East. It can be positive, negative or neutral. • In the final quarter of 2019, the positive phase of this dipole became the strongest in 60 decades and led to 2 very extreme climate conditions on both ends, causing severe damage to life and property. • Think about the consequences of this strong positive phase and give me the 2 extreme incidents which took place as a result of this.
  • 51. ANSWER • Floods in Eastern Africa • Forest Fires in Australia
  • 52. Q.10 • _____ and _______ is the first novel in a trilogy set in British India in a fictional town, published in 1935. • The novel was initially named _____, the ____ courtesy of probably the most famous extract from the book, involving cricket. This is where the protagonist gets called by the name of a famous cricketer thanks to to his exceptional bowling. • This cricketer was named the Bowler of The Year, in the mid 1920s by Wisden and is known to be the inventor of modern day seam bowling. • ID this very famous novel.
  • 54. ANSWER • Swami and Friends (initially named as Swami, the Tate by R.K.Narayan)
  • 55. ROUND 3: Written Round • 6 Questions • +5 for each correct answer • +10/-5 on stakes • Questions are based on Badly Explained Movie Plots • Just identify the movie they’re associated with
  • 56. Q.1
  • 57. Q.2
  • 58. Q.3
  • 59. Q.4
  • 60. Q.5
  • 61. Q.6
  • 63. Q.1
  • 66. Q.2
  • 69. Q.3
  • 72. Q.4
  • 75. Q.5
  • 78. Q.6
  • 81. ROUND 4: Anti-Clockwise Dries • 10 Questions • +10/0 on the bounce • +10/-5 on the pounce
  • 82. Q.1 • ______ ________ is a very gentlemanly ritual of this sport that is believed to have started in 1931 when England were beaten by France and the French made a request to the English at the end of the game and the English obliged. In the words of Clint Mathis of the United States, “It’s just a sign of respect. You’re out there trying to kick each other and kill each other, but when the game’s said and done, it’s back to being friends”. • Which ritual am I talking about which also takes place in other sports but is mostly central to this sport ?
  • 85. Q.2 • ___ ___ ___ ___ is considered a scam when it comes to the markets. Some people describe it as “A thinly veiled attempt to convince a customer to buy more than one at a time”. Customers think they will get a bang for their buck when they see this small keyword often attached with this phrase. • This keyword works like enchantment to the eyes of the customer and the customer often ends up buying more than what they intend to by paying more price than is expected from the deal. • Which deal am I talking about ?
  • 88. Q.3 • A certain section of a minority group in Greece protested after one of its largest newspaper, Ta Nea published a caricature of the outspoken former far-left finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, wearing a giant black skullcap, hunched over a ledger counting bags and coins of gold after it was revealed that he had been paid thousands of euros for interviews and speaking fees. • Which was this rather despicable literary character that Varoufakis was portrayed as by the newspaper?
  • 91. ANSWER • Shylock from The Merchant of Venice
  • 92. Q.4 • X was a very useful medical substance in 15th century Europe. It could be consumed(both as solid and liquid) for curing nausea and even applied on wounds. • Consuming it could be one of the earliest known examples of cannibalism. It was made out of something which ancient Egypt was very famous for . • Give me X and/or what was it made of.
  • 94. ANSWER • Mummia/ Mummy brown/ Powdering human Mummies
  • 95. Q.5 • To celebrate the 50th anniversary of a particular entity, an automobile manufacturer re-released their version of it at the end of the last decade with a modification. • The manufacturer removed the central feature of this entity and “fixed” the positioning of something in the background in order to market their newly introduced technology. • What famous entity from pop culture is being talked about here? (5) • What technology has been marketed this way?/ What modification was performed by this manufacturer? (5)
  • 97. ANSWER • Abbey Road Album by The Beatles • Park – Assist/ VW Beetle parked correctly in the background
  • 98. Q.6 • This practice among Australians, is said to have originated from a brothel in Chicago and passed on to German soldiers in WW1 and now to the present day. • This frothy tradition was done initially as a sign of good luck before wars and also for recreation and celebration as observed in the modern day. • According to an Oz chad, it’s better to have when it’s sparkling cold so that it hides the flavour of the sweat involved in it. • What practice is it that I am talking about here?
  • 101. Q.7 • The design has been divided into 4 quadrants of alternating colors. The first quadrant contains the national emblem (from Sarnath), the second contains an image of an elephant (taken from a Ajanta cave painting), the third quadrant contains scales representing justice (from the Red Fort) and finally an image of lotus vase (again from Sarnath). • Where can this design be seen?
  • 104. Q.8 • Peggy Fleming’s 1968 figure skating gold in the Winter Olympics was the USA’s first gold in this sport in the Olympics after a 1961 incident in Belgium. • The USA had dominated the sport post World War II but this aerial incident left everyone in shock. • Following this incident, US Figure Skating executives would also issue a mandate which applies even today to avoid any such disaster in the future. • What was the mandate issued as a result of this disaster?
  • 106. ANSWER • No team traveling to an international competition would ever be allowed to fly together again. • Incident: Sabena flight 548 crash in Brussels airport which killed the entire US figure skating team heading to the World Championship in Prague
  • 107. Q.9 • This meme consists of a still from a classic 2012 movie where the character is just about to take something after smiling shamelessly at what they just said. • The facial expression of the character is often used to depict someone’s despicable behaviour or even someone’s reaction after pranking another person, showing ridicule and presenting them as the OG. • Which meme has been described here?
  • 109. ANSWER
  • 110. Q.10 • Douwe Egberts introduced a new style of coffee vending machines in July, 2013. It installed the first of its kind at the O.R. Tambo International Airport, Johannesburg. • Passengers at the airport had to do something fittingly in front of the machine in order to get a free coffee dispensed from it. The machine was named “Bye Bye Red Eye”. • What were the passengers expected to do in front of the machine?
  • 112. ANSWER • Passengers were expected to yawn as the machine used facial recognition system to detect it.