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Pounce Billo Pounce

   +10,-10 for pounce
 +10 for direct and pass
Connect the two songs
• The Day the Music Died
The French Connection.
   • Maurice X was the chief structural
     engineer of the Eiffel Tower, for
     which Gustave Eiffel is often
     erroneously given credit. One of his
     descendants later found fame in
     India. Give me the name of the
General Quiz Meet Mains
Reelin in the years
• Rolling Stone called them the perfect musical anti-heroes of
  the 70s. The band's music is characterized by complex jazz-
  influenced structures and harmonies played by X and Y
  along with a revolving cast of rock and pop studio
  musicians. They toured from 1972 to 1974, but in 1975
  became a purely studio-based act. The late 1970s saw the
  group release a series of moderately successful singles and
  albums. They disbanded in 1981, and throughout most of
  the next decade X and Y remained largely inactive in the
  music world. n 1993, the group resumed playing live
  concerts; later it released two albums of new material.
  They have sold more than 30 million albums worldwide and
  were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in March
  2001. Name the band.
• Steely Dan
An Urban Legend?
•   The four Goldberg brothers, Lowell, Norman, Hiram, and Max, invented and developed the
    first automobile air-conditioner. On July 17, 1946, the temperature in Detroit was 97 degrees.
    The four brothers walked into old man Henry Ford's office and sweet-talked his secretary into
    telling him that four gentlemen were there with the most exciting innovation in the auto
    industry since the electric starter.

    Henry was curious and invited them into his office. They refused and instead asked that he
    come out to the parking lot to their car. They persuaded him to get into the car, which was
    about 130 degrees, turned on the air conditioner, and cooled the car off immediately. The old
    man got very excited and invited them back to the office, where he offered them $3 million
    for the patent.

    The brothers refused, saying they would settle for $2 million, but they wanted the
    recognition by having a label, 'The Goldberg Air-Conditioner,' on the dashboard of each car in
    which it was installed. Now old man Ford was more than just a little anti-Semitic, and there
    was no way he was going to put the Goldberg's name on two million Fords.

    They haggled back and forth for about two hours and finally agreed on something. What was
    their agreement?
• The controls Hi, Lo, Max, Norm on the ACs in
  Ford Cars
The Expendables
• There is a recurring phenomenon amongst
  henchmen in many movies and has been
  dubbed X. No matter how notoriously
  dangerous an antagonistic group may be, they
  cannot seem to injure/kill anyone who may be
  vital to the plot. We have seen this in Kill Bill,
  Crouching Tiger, James Bond and many other
  movies. What is this effect called?
• The Stormtrooper Effect
The Man from Earth
• This is a 2007 science fiction film about a retiring
  University Professor who claims to be a cro-magnon
  who has survived for 14,000 years. The entire film is
  set in the professor's house during his farewell party,
  with the plot advancing through intellectual arguments
  between Oldman and his fellow faculty members.
  The film was made on a budget of $200,000, and was
  screened at many film festivals. However something
  related to the distribution of the film is unique, with
  the producers actually thanking a particular
  community/group. What is unique?
• P2P network users
Who said it?
I am not attracted to straight angles or to the
straight line, hard and inflexible, created by
man. I am attracted to free-flowing, sensual
curves. The curves that I find in the mountains
of my country, in the sinuousness of its rivers, in
the waves of the ocean, and on the body of the
beloved woman. Curves make up the entire
Universe, the curved Universe of Einstein.
• Oscar Neyemer
The Cold War
    X's book The Cold War brought the phrase to common
    currency to describe the political situation post World War
    II. He was twice awarded the Pulitzer Prize(1958 and 1962)
    for his syndicated newspaper column, Today and
    X was an informal adviser to several presidents, and was
    awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom on September
    14, 1964 by President Lyndon B, Johnson. He however later
    had a feud with the President over his handling of the
    Vietnam War. X's reputation was so high that a Democrat
    senator from Idaho who voted against Johnson(a Democrat
    President) reasoned that he agreed with X.
    Who is X?
• Walter Lippman
Sahi me? Ye sab?

• The End of the Affair is a novel by British writer
  Graham Greene, published in 1951. The novelist
  whose works explore the ambivalent moral and
  political issues of the modern world, loosely
  based the book on his affair with Lady Catherine
  Walston, and is set during and just after World
  War II.
  The book recently gained attention in India,
  because of something many speculate is loosely
  based on the novel. What?
• Jab Tak Hai Jaan is supposed to be based on
Seriously Black
• X was a 1979 seven-part drama spy miniseries for the
  BBC. It is the television adaption of the 1974 novel of
  the same name by Y.
  Starring Alec Guinness in the lead role, the main
  credits feature a matryoshka doll progressively
  revealing a doll looking more irate than the previous,
  with the final doll being faceless, an allusion to
  Winston Churchill's describing Russia as "A riddle,
  wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma."
  The miniseries was remade into a film in 2011, and
  earned Z his first Oscar nomination, before which he
  was widely described as "the best actor not to have
  been nominated for an Oscar." Give X, Y and Z
• Tinker Tailer Soldier Spy, John Le Carre, Gary
The Sopranos is Epic
• Bugsy Siegel was an American gangster associated with the Genovese
  Crime Family. Siegel with associates Meyer Lansky, Lucky Luciano and
  Frank Costello formed Murder, Inc.; credited with carrying out many
  contract killings across US.
  His desire to be a legitimate businessman led him to gain ownership over
  the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas. He spent extravagantly on his new 93-
  room Hotel, thereby incurring the displeasure of mob bosses.
  On June 20, 1947, Siegel was shot in the head, twice. Although there is a
  general misconception that he was shot through the eye, in fact his left
  eye was blown out of its socket by the overpressure created by the bullet's
  striking and passing through Siegel's skull.
  The misconception was propagated by the murder of a film character
  based on Siegel, in a Gangster Classic. Name the Character and the film.
• Moe Greene, Godfather
Loose Ends
• Born in 1959, this poet has published four poetry
  collections. Gemini(1992), Apocalypso(1997),
  English(2004) and These Errors are Correct(2008).
  In 2006 he told The Hindu that he had been an
  alcoholic and an addict for almost two decades:
  "I spent most of that time sitting in bars, getting
  very drunk, talking about writers and writing. And
  never writing. It was a colossal waste. I feel very
  fortunate that I got a second chance."
  Who am I talking about? And why has he recently
  become famous?
• Jeet Thayil, Narcopolis
Yep, he is the man
• X is a British mathematician and a Royal Society Research
  Professor at Oxford University, specializing in Number
  Theory. X discovered ______ when he found a book about
  it at 10 years of age. He was puzzled by the fact that the
  statement was so simple that he, a ten-year old could
  understand it. He started working on the statement since
  1986, in relative secrecy, and came out with a final solution
  in 1993. It turned out, however, that this solution had a
  fundamental gap, to circumvent which took X another year.
  He announced the final solution in 1995, and the solution
  has withstood the scrutiny of mathematicians for over 17
  years now. Simon Singh wrote a book, titled _____, which
  chronicled attempts to find solutions to _____ since the
  time it was first stated. Give X and the blank.
• Andrew Wiles, Fermat’s Last Theorem
Greed is good
• X is an American business magnate and head of the high-
  yield bond department of Drexel Burnham Lambert, till his
  indictment in 1989 on 98 counts of racketeering and
  securities fraud, and was convicted on 6 counts of
  securities violations. At Drexel, his compensation exceeded
  $ 1 billion over a four year period, and as of 2010 he had a
  net worth of $ 2 billion, making him the 488th richest man
  in the world. Drexel went bankrupt in 1990.
  Critics cite X as the epitome of wall street greed in the
  1980s, and nicknamed him Junk Bond King. The character
  of Gordon Gekko is acknowledged to be partly inspired by
• Ivan Boesky
Them Italians
• This is an Italian neo-realist film, co-written and
  directed by Federico Fellini. The film portrays the
  journey of the two main characters, the brutish
  strong man Zampano (played by Anthony Quinn)
  and a naive young woman Gelsomina (played by
  Giulietta Massina) whom he buys from her
  mother and takes to see the world as part of his
  travelling show. The film won the inaugural
  academy award for best foreign film in 1956. Bob
  Dylan has cited the influence of the film on his
  song Mr. Tambourine Man.
• La Strada
One awesome movie
• Pulp Fiction
One dreadful movie.
• This lake is an endorheic lake in the Himalayas
  situated at a height of 4,350 m. Its
  circumference is 134 km, and its maximum
  width is 5km. The lake passes through the
  India-China border and requires an inner line
  Permit for travel from Leh, which is a five-hour
  drive. The lake entered into popular culture
  when it was the site for the final scene in the
  Bollywood blockbuster Three Idiots. Name the
• Pangong Lake
Mains Round III
1. Connect
2. Connect
3. Connect
•   Silkwood             Mulholland Drive
•   Gia                  Brokeback Mountain
•   Monster's Ball       Eyes Wide Shut
•   The Wrestle          On the Road
•   Monster              The Sessions
•   Lawless              The Accused
•   Boys Don't Cry       Vanilla Sky
•   Heavenly Creatures   Jude
•   Hamlet               Titanic
•   Iris                 Little Children
•   The Reader
• In 533 AD, a gentleman called Mercurius did
  something because he felt that his name was
  inappropriate for his profession. His actions
  were also followed by a number of others who
  came after him (and is a tradition that is
  followed to this day). What did he do?
5. ID X.
• The ________ is an oil painting by Thomas
  Gainsborough. An outfit of a character in the movie X
  was chosen based on the outfit worn by the person in
  the painting.
• German director Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau's debut
  movie was called Der Knabe in Blau, which was
  inspired by the painting. Murnau innovated a
  technique to get shots from cameras in motion
  enabling them to use pan shots, tracking shots, tilts,
  crane shots etc.
• This technique was called the 'Y' technique, which has
  partly inspired the name for X.
6. Meaning of this pic.
• What innovative technique was used for the
  first time in the following dialogue ?

• Video link :
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjeRCsouf
     A song and video in which various high profile musicians are
     mocked for endorsing brands such as Pepsi and Michelob -
     MTV placed a station-wide ban on the video due to "problems
     with trademark infringement." In response, X offered to re-shoot
     the video; however, MTV claimed the lyrics were just as

     Furious, he wrote the following open letter to the station's

     6th July, 1988

     MTV, you spineless twerps. You refuse to play “Y" because you're
     afraid to offend your sponsors. What does the "M" in MTV stand
     for: music or money? Long live rock and roll.

     X and Y?

 What is special about this picture?
• Penthouse founder and publisher Bob Guccione
  agreed to finance the project on two conditions: that
  the film would be transformed into a flamboyant,
  luxurious spectacle akin to Hollywood's sword-and-
  sandal epics of the 1950s and 1960s, and that extra sex
  and nudity would be added to the script in order to
  promote Guccione's magazine.
• Roger Ebert gave it a rare zero stars rating, calling it
  "sickening, utterly worthless, shameful trash.“ It is one
  of only three films Ebert ever walked out of ("two
  hours into its 170 minute length"), the other two
  being Tru Loved and Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
      • A painting by Raja
        Ravi Verma
        which marks the
        begginning of the
        epic mahabharata.
      • Who are they ?
• The name “Amiya Productions” was based on
   names of X and Y as production partners.
• It came into existence when Z was in financial
   crisis and both X and Y supported it by
   becoming producers. The credits though
   featured Pawan Kumar (X’s then Secretary) &
   Sushila Kamath
  (Hrishida’s Chief Assistant Director, assisted in
Z too) as producers.
• Y won the national award for best female
  singer for the film Abosheshe in year 2012.
• Y became popular after playing X in the hit
  television series.
• Y is among the Panch-Kanyas (five virgins) of
  ancient indian texts. Ahalya, Tara, Mandodari,
  Kunti, X
• X was the grandson ofAbhimanyu and the great-
  grandson of Arjuna, the valiant warrior hero of
  the Mahabharata.
• According to legend, his father Parikshit, the lone
  descendant of the House of Pandu, had died of
  snakebite. He had been cursed by a sage to die so.
• X bore a deep grudge against the serpents for this act,
  and thus decided to wipe them out altogether. He
  attempted this by performing a great Sarpa satra - a
  sacrifice that would destroy all living serpents.
• Who is X?
• Born Harikrishna Giri Goswami, As a youth, admired Dilip
  Kumar, and decided to name himself X after Dilip's
  character in Shabnam (1949).
• X once told :

  In my childhood days, I went to watch a movie with my
  mother, in which the hero dies at the end. The next movie I
  watched had the same hero. When I asked my mother that
  how could a dead person come back in movie again she
  told me that the hero never dies and that day I decided to
  become a hero.
15. ID X and Y.
• X’s book (a political fable) Y is based on Marxian
  philosophy. A Pink Floyd album, written by
  Walters is loosely based on Y. Whereas the
  novella focuses on Stalinism, the album is a
  critique of capitalism. The album was developed
  from a collection of unrelated songs into a
  concept which, in the words of author Glenn
  Povey, "described the apparent social and moral
  decay of society, likening the human condition to
  that of mere animals”.
16. Connect
The Taste of India

•   10 questions, differential scoring round
•   1,2 teams answer, 15 points
•   3,4 teams answer, 10 points
•   5,6 teams answer, 5 points
General Quiz Meet Mains
General Quiz Meet Mains
General Quiz Meet Mains
General Quiz Meet Mains
General Quiz Meet Mains

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General Quiz Meet Mains

  • 1. Pounce Billo Pounce +10,-10 for pounce +10 for direct and pass
  • 3. • The Day the Music Died
  • 4. The French Connection. • Maurice X was the chief structural engineer of the Eiffel Tower, for which Gustave Eiffel is often erroneously given credit. One of his descendants later found fame in India. Give me the name of the descendant.
  • 6. Reelin in the years • Rolling Stone called them the perfect musical anti-heroes of the 70s. The band's music is characterized by complex jazz- influenced structures and harmonies played by X and Y along with a revolving cast of rock and pop studio musicians. They toured from 1972 to 1974, but in 1975 became a purely studio-based act. The late 1970s saw the group release a series of moderately successful singles and albums. They disbanded in 1981, and throughout most of the next decade X and Y remained largely inactive in the music world. n 1993, the group resumed playing live concerts; later it released two albums of new material. They have sold more than 30 million albums worldwide and were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in March 2001. Name the band.
  • 8. An Urban Legend? • The four Goldberg brothers, Lowell, Norman, Hiram, and Max, invented and developed the first automobile air-conditioner. On July 17, 1946, the temperature in Detroit was 97 degrees. The four brothers walked into old man Henry Ford's office and sweet-talked his secretary into telling him that four gentlemen were there with the most exciting innovation in the auto industry since the electric starter. Henry was curious and invited them into his office. They refused and instead asked that he come out to the parking lot to their car. They persuaded him to get into the car, which was about 130 degrees, turned on the air conditioner, and cooled the car off immediately. The old man got very excited and invited them back to the office, where he offered them $3 million for the patent. The brothers refused, saying they would settle for $2 million, but they wanted the recognition by having a label, 'The Goldberg Air-Conditioner,' on the dashboard of each car in which it was installed. Now old man Ford was more than just a little anti-Semitic, and there was no way he was going to put the Goldberg's name on two million Fords. They haggled back and forth for about two hours and finally agreed on something. What was their agreement?
  • 9. • The controls Hi, Lo, Max, Norm on the ACs in Ford Cars
  • 10. The Expendables • There is a recurring phenomenon amongst henchmen in many movies and has been dubbed X. No matter how notoriously dangerous an antagonistic group may be, they cannot seem to injure/kill anyone who may be vital to the plot. We have seen this in Kill Bill, Crouching Tiger, James Bond and many other movies. What is this effect called?
  • 12. The Man from Earth • This is a 2007 science fiction film about a retiring University Professor who claims to be a cro-magnon who has survived for 14,000 years. The entire film is set in the professor's house during his farewell party, with the plot advancing through intellectual arguments between Oldman and his fellow faculty members. The film was made on a budget of $200,000, and was screened at many film festivals. However something related to the distribution of the film is unique, with the producers actually thanking a particular community/group. What is unique?
  • 14. Who said it? I am not attracted to straight angles or to the straight line, hard and inflexible, created by man. I am attracted to free-flowing, sensual curves. The curves that I find in the mountains of my country, in the sinuousness of its rivers, in the waves of the ocean, and on the body of the beloved woman. Curves make up the entire Universe, the curved Universe of Einstein.
  • 16. The Cold War • X's book The Cold War brought the phrase to common currency to describe the political situation post World War II. He was twice awarded the Pulitzer Prize(1958 and 1962) for his syndicated newspaper column, Today and Tomorrow. X was an informal adviser to several presidents, and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom on September 14, 1964 by President Lyndon B, Johnson. He however later had a feud with the President over his handling of the Vietnam War. X's reputation was so high that a Democrat senator from Idaho who voted against Johnson(a Democrat President) reasoned that he agreed with X. Who is X?
  • 18. Sahi me? Ye sab? • The End of the Affair is a novel by British writer Graham Greene, published in 1951. The novelist whose works explore the ambivalent moral and political issues of the modern world, loosely based the book on his affair with Lady Catherine Walston, and is set during and just after World War II. The book recently gained attention in India, because of something many speculate is loosely based on the novel. What?
  • 19. • Jab Tak Hai Jaan is supposed to be based on this.
  • 20. Seriously Black • X was a 1979 seven-part drama spy miniseries for the BBC. It is the television adaption of the 1974 novel of the same name by Y. Starring Alec Guinness in the lead role, the main credits feature a matryoshka doll progressively revealing a doll looking more irate than the previous, with the final doll being faceless, an allusion to Winston Churchill's describing Russia as "A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma." The miniseries was remade into a film in 2011, and earned Z his first Oscar nomination, before which he was widely described as "the best actor not to have been nominated for an Oscar." Give X, Y and Z
  • 21. • Tinker Tailer Soldier Spy, John Le Carre, Gary Oldman
  • 22. The Sopranos is Epic • Bugsy Siegel was an American gangster associated with the Genovese Crime Family. Siegel with associates Meyer Lansky, Lucky Luciano and Frank Costello formed Murder, Inc.; credited with carrying out many contract killings across US. His desire to be a legitimate businessman led him to gain ownership over the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas. He spent extravagantly on his new 93- room Hotel, thereby incurring the displeasure of mob bosses. On June 20, 1947, Siegel was shot in the head, twice. Although there is a general misconception that he was shot through the eye, in fact his left eye was blown out of its socket by the overpressure created by the bullet's striking and passing through Siegel's skull. The misconception was propagated by the murder of a film character based on Siegel, in a Gangster Classic. Name the Character and the film.
  • 23. • Moe Greene, Godfather
  • 24. Loose Ends • Born in 1959, this poet has published four poetry collections. Gemini(1992), Apocalypso(1997), English(2004) and These Errors are Correct(2008). In 2006 he told The Hindu that he had been an alcoholic and an addict for almost two decades: "I spent most of that time sitting in bars, getting very drunk, talking about writers and writing. And never writing. It was a colossal waste. I feel very fortunate that I got a second chance." Who am I talking about? And why has he recently become famous?
  • 25. • Jeet Thayil, Narcopolis
  • 26. Yep, he is the man • X is a British mathematician and a Royal Society Research Professor at Oxford University, specializing in Number Theory. X discovered ______ when he found a book about it at 10 years of age. He was puzzled by the fact that the statement was so simple that he, a ten-year old could understand it. He started working on the statement since 1986, in relative secrecy, and came out with a final solution in 1993. It turned out, however, that this solution had a fundamental gap, to circumvent which took X another year. He announced the final solution in 1995, and the solution has withstood the scrutiny of mathematicians for over 17 years now. Simon Singh wrote a book, titled _____, which chronicled attempts to find solutions to _____ since the time it was first stated. Give X and the blank.
  • 27. • Andrew Wiles, Fermat’s Last Theorem
  • 28. Greed is good • X is an American business magnate and head of the high- yield bond department of Drexel Burnham Lambert, till his indictment in 1989 on 98 counts of racketeering and securities fraud, and was convicted on 6 counts of securities violations. At Drexel, his compensation exceeded $ 1 billion over a four year period, and as of 2010 he had a net worth of $ 2 billion, making him the 488th richest man in the world. Drexel went bankrupt in 1990. Critics cite X as the epitome of wall street greed in the 1980s, and nicknamed him Junk Bond King. The character of Gordon Gekko is acknowledged to be partly inspired by X.
  • 30. Them Italians • This is an Italian neo-realist film, co-written and directed by Federico Fellini. The film portrays the journey of the two main characters, the brutish strong man Zampano (played by Anthony Quinn) and a naive young woman Gelsomina (played by Giulietta Massina) whom he buys from her mother and takes to see the world as part of his travelling show. The film won the inaugural academy award for best foreign film in 1956. Bob Dylan has cited the influence of the film on his song Mr. Tambourine Man.
  • 34. One dreadful movie. • This lake is an endorheic lake in the Himalayas situated at a height of 4,350 m. Its circumference is 134 km, and its maximum width is 5km. The lake passes through the India-China border and requires an inner line Permit for travel from Leh, which is a five-hour drive. The lake entered into popular culture when it was the site for the final scene in the Bollywood blockbuster Three Idiots. Name the lake.
  • 39. 3. Connect • Silkwood Mulholland Drive • Gia Brokeback Mountain • Monster's Ball Eyes Wide Shut • The Wrestle On the Road • Monster The Sessions • Lawless The Accused • Boys Don't Cry Vanilla Sky • Heavenly Creatures Jude • Hamlet Titanic • Iris Little Children • The Reader
  • 40. 4. • In 533 AD, a gentleman called Mercurius did something because he felt that his name was inappropriate for his profession. His actions were also followed by a number of others who came after him (and is a tradition that is followed to this day). What did he do?
  • 41. 5. ID X. • The ________ is an oil painting by Thomas Gainsborough. An outfit of a character in the movie X was chosen based on the outfit worn by the person in the painting. • German director Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau's debut movie was called Der Knabe in Blau, which was inspired by the painting. Murnau innovated a technique to get shots from cameras in motion enabling them to use pan shots, tracking shots, tilts, crane shots etc. • This technique was called the 'Y' technique, which has partly inspired the name for X.
  • 42. 6. Meaning of this pic.
  • 43. 7. • What innovative technique was used for the first time in the following dialogue ? • Video link : • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjeRCsouf II
  • 44. 8. A song and video in which various high profile musicians are mocked for endorsing brands such as Pepsi and Michelob - MTV placed a station-wide ban on the video due to "problems with trademark infringement." In response, X offered to re-shoot the video; however, MTV claimed the lyrics were just as problematic. Furious, he wrote the following open letter to the station's executives. 6th July, 1988 MTV, you spineless twerps. You refuse to play “Y" because you're afraid to offend your sponsors. What does the "M" in MTV stand for: music or money? Long live rock and roll. X and Y?
  • 45. 9. What is special about this picture?
  • 46. 10. • Penthouse founder and publisher Bob Guccione agreed to finance the project on two conditions: that the film would be transformed into a flamboyant, luxurious spectacle akin to Hollywood's sword-and- sandal epics of the 1950s and 1960s, and that extra sex and nudity would be added to the script in order to promote Guccione's magazine. • Roger Ebert gave it a rare zero stars rating, calling it "sickening, utterly worthless, shameful trash.“ It is one of only three films Ebert ever walked out of ("two hours into its 170 minute length"), the other two being Tru Loved and Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
  • 47. 11. • A painting by Raja Ravi Verma depicting characters/event which marks the begginning of the epic mahabharata. • Who are they ?
  • 48. 12. • The name “Amiya Productions” was based on names of X and Y as production partners. • It came into existence when Z was in financial crisis and both X and Y supported it by becoming producers. The credits though featured Pawan Kumar (X’s then Secretary) & Sushila Kamath (Hrishida’s Chief Assistant Director, assisted in Z too) as producers.
  • 49. 13. • Y won the national award for best female singer for the film Abosheshe in year 2012. • Y became popular after playing X in the hit television series. • Y is among the Panch-Kanyas (five virgins) of ancient indian texts. Ahalya, Tara, Mandodari, Kunti, X
  • 50. 14. • X was the grandson ofAbhimanyu and the great- grandson of Arjuna, the valiant warrior hero of the Mahabharata. • According to legend, his father Parikshit, the lone descendant of the House of Pandu, had died of snakebite. He had been cursed by a sage to die so. • X bore a deep grudge against the serpents for this act, and thus decided to wipe them out altogether. He attempted this by performing a great Sarpa satra - a sacrifice that would destroy all living serpents. • Who is X?
  • 51. 15. • Born Harikrishna Giri Goswami, As a youth, admired Dilip Kumar, and decided to name himself X after Dilip's character in Shabnam (1949). • X once told : In my childhood days, I went to watch a movie with my mother, in which the hero dies at the end. The next movie I watched had the same hero. When I asked my mother that how could a dead person come back in movie again she told me that the hero never dies and that day I decided to become a hero.
  • 52. 15. ID X and Y. • X’s book (a political fable) Y is based on Marxian philosophy. A Pink Floyd album, written by Walters is loosely based on Y. Whereas the novella focuses on Stalinism, the album is a critique of capitalism. The album was developed from a collection of unrelated songs into a concept which, in the words of author Glenn Povey, "described the apparent social and moral decay of society, likening the human condition to that of mere animals”.
  • 54. The Taste of India • 10 questions, differential scoring round • 1,2 teams answer, 15 points • 3,4 teams answer, 10 points • 5,6 teams answer, 5 points
  • 55. who?
  • 56. WHO?
  • 57. WHo?
  • 58. WHO?

Editor's Notes

  1. Warren Buffet is the oracle/wizard of Omaha. Others are Juno, Utah, Gold, Sword.
  2. RahulDravid’s ODI Victims
  3. Seth Macfarlene’s song at the Academy Awards, 2013.
  4. Change of name for papal ascendancy.
  5. The Man in Blue, Django Unchained, The Unchained Technique.
  6. Palmerston was the British PM. He wasnt taking sides between Lincoln and Jefferson Davis.
  7. Cooper’s dream, Twin Peaks, David Lynch
  8. Neil Young
  9. First left handed camera, Stanley Kubric
  10. Caligula
  11. Shantanu and Satyavati
  12. Amitabh, Jaya Bachchan,
  13. Janmejaya
  14. George Orwell, Animal Farm, Animals
  15. MirzaGhalib