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AIP Conference Proceedings 2213, 020024 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0000099 2213, 020024
© 2020 Author(s).
Geo-database production of digital land
use map using remote sensing and GIS
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2213, 020024 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0000099
Published Online: 25 March 2020
Adnan Muttasher Hamid, Mohammed Kareem Sameer, and Nidaa Nuaman Mageed
Geo-Database Production of Digital Land Use Map Using
Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
Adnan Muttasher Hamid a)
,Mohammed Kareem Sameerb)
and Nidaa
Nuaman Mageed
Technical Institute of Anbar, Middle Technical University, Iraq
Corresponding Email: a)
Abstract. With the advent of new technologies, cartographic process, digital map generalization and procedures are being
developed to help the production of a digital map. Also, the requirements of different map users for the integration of raster
data, like satellite images, in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have become widely used. The resolution and
characteristics of satellite images are useful to visual interpretation and feature analysis. The digital map is a symbolic
computer representation of the earth's surface linked to coordinate system, this system allows the users in controlling on the
scale when printing maps, which are produced from spatial data sources represented by: scanning the topographic map and
processing by many programs like AutoCAD, Google Earth and GPS data. Also, the satellite image can be processed by
ERDAS imagine software. The numbering process for maps and aerial images comes within the data collection, input, and
processing phase in GIS project. These numbering, and processing operations are not straightforward, but require the
processing, adjustment or correction of maps and aerial coordinates. The implementation of a physical data model results
in the creation of a database. Depending on its intended purposes, a database may be of different sizes and varying
complexity. It may be created and managed manually or by computer, which is called DBMS. Functionally, a "DBMS" is
a collection of software which support the process, defining, constructing and manipulating the database for various
applications. All features are related to database contained their metadata and spatial data. The databases help greatly to
accelerate accessing the data. Instead of waste the time and effort in searching, these data are collecting, storing and
analyzing to use it for future studies. The databases facilitated the process of modifying the data and contributed significantly
to the necessary updating process, in addition to facilitating the processes of humping or adding. However, databases are
used to answer any question or query at any time especially that related to the data stored within these rules. Finally,
databases also assist to form and collect huge amount of data hierarchically for facilely organization and recovery. It will
be the basis for the future projects of the study area.
Geographic Information Systems occupy a prominent place in the geographical landscape. The technical
development in this field has helped to benefit from these systems in the representation of natural and human
geographical phenomena and facilitate dealing with them on the map in a way that allows addition, deletion, display,
or concealment of some components of the map or its geographical contents, on selected data enables the user of the
map to display the geographical phenomenon represented by the dynamic information systems (Dynamic Maps),
unlike paper maps that do not achieve that characteristic. Therefore, the need to see and deal with many natural and
human geographies is a compelling reason to employ these systems to monitor these phenomena and plan their
management from a geographical perspective aimed at understanding the geographical composition of these
phenomena and focusing on understanding their relationship. Especially since the abundance of geographical
information surrounding the human environment and the difficulty of managing it in traditional ways has given this
2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering & Science (IConMEAS 2019)
AIP Conf. Proc. 2213, 020024-1–020024-9; https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0000099
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1964-3/$30.00
type of technology a prominent role in facilitating the monitoring of information and the ease of dealing with it with
some precision, speed and modernization.
The rapid development in GIS and RS technologies, the mapping of groundwater potential zones within each
geological unit has become an easy process by using Geographic information system, (GIS) which may be used to
store, process and show spatial information as an image or map format that contain characteristic as database [1].
The primary component of a GIS is: its information database. This database is sophisticated by taking information
from various sources like topographical maps, thematic maps, and cadastral maps, in equivalent form, distantly sensed
images in digital form and so on. Whatsoever may be the basis of information, they essential to be combined into a
common projection and recording. The general method of changing the analog data like map to numerical form is
either by manual digitization or by scanning. The usage of remotely sensed 'data which is existing in digital form for
preserving the dynamicity of the database for GIS, has been used so wide [2].
The maps are used in many countries to represent their environment and used to show the measurements such as
distances, directions and measurement of areas and show clusters and patterns, geographic relations for all features.
Maps are also used for navigation and communication in the public and private sectors. The discovering of computers
was useful in storing numbers and text, with complex of maps and large data storage capacity required for digital
mapping and fast computing resources. Traditionally, maps are affected by weather conditions and time factors with
less of scale accuracy. In last few years, many database management systems (DBMSs) have been effectively
developed with support for spatial and geo-spatial applications, recognize that a series of data entrances are points and
inserting them as such (i.e. using a 3D point data type) that enable us to potentially benefit from spatial indexing and
geometric search operations within the database. Nevertheless, modern DBMSs still lack developed functionality and
dynamic applications essential for analysis of large spatial data. [3]. The digital map data holdings in many sections
developed over the last few years. Generally concentrating on the local area, areas of specific research interest, or
zones where field and project work are executed on a regular basis, existing digital data may have been digitized in-
house from paper maps, or bought from a third party under some licensing contract.
Land use refers to the actions of human being especially related to particular part of the land. The land use is
considered a fundamental component for styling and considerate the earth as a system. It’s a simple explanation of
utilizing the land for all human activity.
The land use diversity displays the necessity, to merge the saving process with the preparation and development
process. An integrated planning process must be well-defined which considers the reality as the user imagined, such
that “process” is formed with the user’s anticipation providing the ‘pointers’. This interface of planning has to be
resilient and transparent to conform the change in perception or values through time, rather than setting out hard
parameters or form constraints [4]. There are many previous studies dealt with the nature of land and data sources such
as the problems of land management, is further of explanation by absence of a uniform system for land administration
in the different states of the Federation due to the process of the land use act, thus each state has its own system and
methods for land administration. Geographic Information System (GIS) therefore appeared as a solid, reliable and
multilateral technology that may be used in handling land records. Although GIS has been used widely in an
environmental resources management, it has a limit usage in land administration mostly in development of countries.
[5]. The Base Map is considering the basis for many planning cities and most significant of the documents because it
is a register of public and private property as well as in the process of modernization and growth of urban planning.
This research displays how to prepare the traditional map and converts to digital base map by using optical scanning
tool and then drew by AutoCAD and satellite imagery. Accuracy in the presenting of this map relies effectively on
paper map painted by hand "as well as the accuracy of satellite images used for the signing and the collection of these
maps as we have observed more precise digital maps produced at the satellite images collected with high accuracy''
[6]. Another work that started in Dubai by using Geographic Information System at Dubai Municipality in (1991) as a
system for keeping maps (CAD System) which was used for the work of surveying and mapping, charts and NOC.
Those results commensurate with the nature of the work and facilitated adds value reflected on productivity and so
increase and improve the quality and reduce the expenditure on long-term, targeted project in its infancy working on
data collection and planning and geodetic data producers such as surveyors and workers to draw charts. With the
completion of the introduction of paper charts in the system 1992, and currently expanding to include (250) User in
various departments, mostly from the technical departments. Then in 1995, this system was used in planning in
determining land use and urban characteristics. [7].
The Technical Institute as an educational foundation has developmental activities such as buildings, laboratories
and many other industrial activities especially that is related to an engineering department like mechanical and machine
departments. At 2014, as a result of the military operation and the terrorists who occupied the city and destroyed all its
features and the Institute was one of those destroyed landmarks. Also the loss of all paper charts and maps during that
destruction and the absence of any digital scheme or database that could be the basis for this study, the difficult access
to the area of interest prevent to count the destroyed buildings in the Institute because of the ballistics and war debris
located in the study site. All these reasons were obstacles to do this study. This study aims to produce and update the
digital map for Technical Institute of Anbar and linked it to geographic databases to be the basis for the future studies.
The Technical Institute of Anbar is located in Iraq, 18 kilometers (11 mi) Northern of Fallujah city. The institute
was established in 1977. It’s lying on an Iraqi map with coordinates (33° 25' 36.89" N, 43° 39' 52.45" E) as shown
in Fig.1.
FIGURE 1. Area of Interest.
The experimental method over the appropriateness of the curriculum of study in the research process, and of course
it depends on the nature of the research, the objective, the quantity and quality of the available data with the nature of
the problem.
This research deals with practical application to create a map using geographic information systems (Esri Software
ArcGIS) and then linked to geographic database.
The process of digitizing the maps and satellite image comes within the collection phase and the introduction of
data processing in the project of GIS. As well as the processing of digital maps available. Numbering operations and
the processing of these are not directly, but it needs to adjust or processing operations or correct coordinates of maps
and satellite image. Any map or satellite image not associated with coordinate system or its coordinates incorrect or
inaccurate have no value at all in the geographic information systems and should re-link system coordinates or adjust
the coordinates to be true coordinates, when we add any scanned map or satellite image (JPEG, Tiff… etc..) non setting
coordinates to the arc map software, it puts them in a random place and falls coordinates and far from the real place.
1. Attribute data collected by the survey
2. Satellite Imagery
1. ARC GIS version.10.3, Arc Map
2. Microsoft Office version 2016
3. Google Earth Pro
4. GPS Receiver Model, Garmin 64S.
FIGURE 2. Research Methodology
1. Spatial data that are meaning features coordinate or location of any feature represented on the satellite image. The
satellite image is simply a picture taken by satellite to observe the earth’s surface, the satellite image has some elements
such as shape, location, size and color that is very useful for visual interpretation.
2. Attribute data is qualitative data that can be enumerated for recording and analysis. It’s simply characteristic for
feature and linked within the digital map as a file called geodatabase, every feature taken specific value as encoding,
its simply give information for spatial data.
The digitization refers to conversion from digital raster image to digital vector data, which is often called raster to
vector (R2V) conversion. Vectorization is not very easy as compared with rasterization, because vector format requires
topological structure. The raster images which are displayed on a computer screen are traced with the vector
point/line/polygon in different data layers. The Advantage of this process is zooming facility gives higher accuracy,
image processing techniques can be applied on the raster images to remove the errors or enhance the image [8]. The
vector data (point / line / polygon) are assigned to the geographic identifiers (geographic coordinates), which called
Geo-coding process that is generating points from a textual table in with at least two fields contain longitudinal and
latitudinal coordinates and this is a simple method of geocoding. By using vector points and textual coordinates to plot
the locations on the map. This method helps to create very precise cartographic definitions of property. In Fig 3 the
geo-referencing process of how to rectify satellite image according to the corrected coordinates.
FIGURE. 3. Geo-Referencing coordinates.
The present study shows the importance of digital map over the topographic sheet or traditional pictures, maps
which showing only the major levels of classification with less accuracy, but on the other hand, we can easily assess
how the current trends of GIS, remote sensing and GPS helps to the societies in all most all facets of life whether it is
developing regarding land use/land cover, planning, or any project management. The spatial mapping of geographic
information systems (GIS) allows for a lot of statistical information represented on the maps of many human activities
in the environment in which they live, and thus becomes a visual means of explaining the phenomena associated with
the map,
This Study Produced a Digital Map of Technical Institute of Anbar, Including the Following
1- Create a new geographic database contains on social and service data.
2- Employ GIS software to produce all the maps needed by planners and researchers and decision makers, according
to the built database.
3- For increasing, the accuracy of digital map produced prefers to use modern of satellite images.
4- The benefits from geographic information system (GIS) in converting the topographic map into digital form, aid
in the interpreting, featuring and covering processes.
5- The total area covered by the different classes as shown in following Table (1)
) Percentage%
1 Destroyed buildings 7611.237 2.56
2 Service buildings 17100.2 5.74
3 Green area 22150 7.44
4 Sports stadiums 2110.50 0.71
5 Mosque 164 0.06
6 Unused land 238954.063 80.31
7 Hostel of staff 9450 3.18
Total 297540 100
The above table describes the total area coverage in the study area, where land use area coverage is about 20 % of
the institute i.e. Destroyed buildings cover Deanship of the Institute, building of scientific sections, sport hall and
hostel followed by the remaining 80 % by land covers which covers unused land. The all required thematic maps
produced in GIS environment are shown below for better understanding the study and the distribution of the area
interest with respect to objective to create Digital Base Map.
FIGURE 4. Feature attributes
FIGURE. 5. Geo-database table
FIGURE 6. Site plan on satellite image.
FIGURE.7. Final digital map.
A comparison between the methods for the production of digital map in terms of quantity and accuracy you see in
the process of producing maps that deletions and generalization and displacement carried out by the department of
cartographic aims to produce a clear map do not overlap where the landmarks not obscures each other without affecting
these processes on the standard precision required to carry out the measurements of the various parameters that
comprise the map. The remains of generalization and displacement mentioned acceptable as long as committed to the
specifications set for the scales contained different GIS programs. The process of transition from a paper map to digital
map led to the emergence of voices calling for the direct production of digital maps of the information collected by
various modern survey devices (DGPS, Satellite image) and reduce dependence on production issued by the
department of cartography.
The objective of this research is to display the potential and effectiveness of geographic information systems in
converting satellite image data and then produce printed or digital Map without having to cartographic process and
what caused the decline in the accuracy of the information because of generalization and displacement and deletion.
The most important findings of the research show that the modern of geographical techniques and new software
had provided at the possibility of dealing with geographic data networks and management system (GDBS) very
efficiently. Processes that produce digital maps have special tools within these software packages, especially statistical
analysis and mathematical tools, which can be, used in the analysis of satellite data with raster type through output its
research of outcomes of maps and graphs. High résolution satellite data help to investigate the visual interpretation and
generate information data sets for production map.
The availability of a digital cartographic database, designed with built-in graphical flexibility, and the development
of computer assisted techniques has greatly influenced the character of the map production flow. Such production, as
it is presently configured, results from a fusion of manual, photomechanical, interactive graphics, and digital
techniques. It is hoped that as a truly automated map production system emerges, new efficiencies unattainable by
traditional cartographic means will be realized, and the ultimate goals of efficient production and effective map
communication will be better served. We get a new digital base map of the study area and relate it to the database. The
dependence on information systems to show the features contained in the satellite image has led to an increase in
accuracy as well as how the phenomena represented on the map. Also the advantage of geographic information systems
in the conversion of topographic maps to digital form, helps to processes of inquiry and manifesting concealment.
1. R. AL-Ruzouq, A. Shanableh and T. Merabtene. "The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote
Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences", (36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment,
2015), pp.581
2. M. A. Reddy, “Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems”, Fourth Edition (Hyderabad. India: BS
publications. 2012).
3. S. Zlatanova, P. Nourian, R. Gonçalves. “Global Geospatial Information and High Resolution Global Land
Cover/Land Use Mapping”, (ISPRS WG IV/2 Workshop, 2016), pp.46
4. S. Gopi, R. Sathikumar and N. Madhu, “Advanced Surveying “(New Delhi, India: Pearson Education. 2014).
5. G. lgbe Akeh and Alfred D. Mshelia, MOJ Ecology & Environmental Science journal 1, 1-2 (2016).
6. A. Haq Hadi A. Ali, "The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering D, 711 – 736 (2009).
7. Al-Zafeen, Mohammad Abdullah and Manal Mohammed, “Geographic information system for Dubai
Municipality” (the seventh seminar of the Islamic capitals and cities organization in GIS applications, 2001)
8. Basudeb Bhatta,“Remote Sensing and GIS”, second edition (New Delhi, India: Oxford university press, 2011).

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  • 1. AIP Conference Proceedings 2213, 020024 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0000099 2213, 020024 © 2020 Author(s). Geo-database production of digital land use map using remote sensing and GIS techniques Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2213, 020024 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0000099 Published Online: 25 March 2020 Adnan Muttasher Hamid, Mohammed Kareem Sameer, and Nidaa Nuaman Mageed
  • 2. Geo-Database Production of Digital Land Use Map Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques Adnan Muttasher Hamid a) ,Mohammed Kareem Sameerb) and Nidaa Nuaman Mageed Technical Institute of Anbar, Middle Technical University, Iraq Corresponding Email: a) adnan_m61@yahoo.com b) aljocker82@gmail.com Abstract. With the advent of new technologies, cartographic process, digital map generalization and procedures are being developed to help the production of a digital map. Also, the requirements of different map users for the integration of raster data, like satellite images, in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have become widely used. The resolution and characteristics of satellite images are useful to visual interpretation and feature analysis. The digital map is a symbolic computer representation of the earth's surface linked to coordinate system, this system allows the users in controlling on the scale when printing maps, which are produced from spatial data sources represented by: scanning the topographic map and processing by many programs like AutoCAD, Google Earth and GPS data. Also, the satellite image can be processed by ERDAS imagine software. The numbering process for maps and aerial images comes within the data collection, input, and processing phase in GIS project. These numbering, and processing operations are not straightforward, but require the processing, adjustment or correction of maps and aerial coordinates. The implementation of a physical data model results in the creation of a database. Depending on its intended purposes, a database may be of different sizes and varying complexity. It may be created and managed manually or by computer, which is called DBMS. Functionally, a "DBMS" is a collection of software which support the process, defining, constructing and manipulating the database for various applications. All features are related to database contained their metadata and spatial data. The databases help greatly to accelerate accessing the data. Instead of waste the time and effort in searching, these data are collecting, storing and analyzing to use it for future studies. The databases facilitated the process of modifying the data and contributed significantly to the necessary updating process, in addition to facilitating the processes of humping or adding. However, databases are used to answer any question or query at any time especially that related to the data stored within these rules. Finally, databases also assist to form and collect huge amount of data hierarchically for facilely organization and recovery. It will be the basis for the future projects of the study area. INTRODUCTION Geographic Information Systems occupy a prominent place in the geographical landscape. The technical development in this field has helped to benefit from these systems in the representation of natural and human geographical phenomena and facilitate dealing with them on the map in a way that allows addition, deletion, display, or concealment of some components of the map or its geographical contents, on selected data enables the user of the map to display the geographical phenomenon represented by the dynamic information systems (Dynamic Maps), unlike paper maps that do not achieve that characteristic. Therefore, the need to see and deal with many natural and human geographies is a compelling reason to employ these systems to monitor these phenomena and plan their management from a geographical perspective aimed at understanding the geographical composition of these phenomena and focusing on understanding their relationship. Especially since the abundance of geographical information surrounding the human environment and the difficulty of managing it in traditional ways has given this 2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering & Science (IConMEAS 2019) AIP Conf. Proc. 2213, 020024-1–020024-9; https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0000099 Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1964-3/$30.00 020024-1
  • 3. type of technology a prominent role in facilitating the monitoring of information and the ease of dealing with it with some precision, speed and modernization. The rapid development in GIS and RS technologies, the mapping of groundwater potential zones within each geological unit has become an easy process by using Geographic information system, (GIS) which may be used to store, process and show spatial information as an image or map format that contain characteristic as database [1]. The primary component of a GIS is: its information database. This database is sophisticated by taking information from various sources like topographical maps, thematic maps, and cadastral maps, in equivalent form, distantly sensed images in digital form and so on. Whatsoever may be the basis of information, they essential to be combined into a common projection and recording. The general method of changing the analog data like map to numerical form is either by manual digitization or by scanning. The usage of remotely sensed 'data which is existing in digital form for preserving the dynamicity of the database for GIS, has been used so wide [2]. The maps are used in many countries to represent their environment and used to show the measurements such as distances, directions and measurement of areas and show clusters and patterns, geographic relations for all features. Maps are also used for navigation and communication in the public and private sectors. The discovering of computers was useful in storing numbers and text, with complex of maps and large data storage capacity required for digital mapping and fast computing resources. Traditionally, maps are affected by weather conditions and time factors with less of scale accuracy. In last few years, many database management systems (DBMSs) have been effectively developed with support for spatial and geo-spatial applications, recognize that a series of data entrances are points and inserting them as such (i.e. using a 3D point data type) that enable us to potentially benefit from spatial indexing and geometric search operations within the database. Nevertheless, modern DBMSs still lack developed functionality and dynamic applications essential for analysis of large spatial data. [3]. The digital map data holdings in many sections developed over the last few years. Generally concentrating on the local area, areas of specific research interest, or zones where field and project work are executed on a regular basis, existing digital data may have been digitized in- house from paper maps, or bought from a third party under some licensing contract. Land use refers to the actions of human being especially related to particular part of the land. The land use is considered a fundamental component for styling and considerate the earth as a system. It’s a simple explanation of utilizing the land for all human activity. The land use diversity displays the necessity, to merge the saving process with the preparation and development process. An integrated planning process must be well-defined which considers the reality as the user imagined, such that “process” is formed with the user’s anticipation providing the ‘pointers’. This interface of planning has to be resilient and transparent to conform the change in perception or values through time, rather than setting out hard parameters or form constraints [4]. There are many previous studies dealt with the nature of land and data sources such as the problems of land management, is further of explanation by absence of a uniform system for land administration in the different states of the Federation due to the process of the land use act, thus each state has its own system and methods for land administration. Geographic Information System (GIS) therefore appeared as a solid, reliable and multilateral technology that may be used in handling land records. Although GIS has been used widely in an environmental resources management, it has a limit usage in land administration mostly in development of countries. [5]. The Base Map is considering the basis for many planning cities and most significant of the documents because it is a register of public and private property as well as in the process of modernization and growth of urban planning. This research displays how to prepare the traditional map and converts to digital base map by using optical scanning tool and then drew by AutoCAD and satellite imagery. Accuracy in the presenting of this map relies effectively on paper map painted by hand "as well as the accuracy of satellite images used for the signing and the collection of these maps as we have observed more precise digital maps produced at the satellite images collected with high accuracy'' [6]. Another work that started in Dubai by using Geographic Information System at Dubai Municipality in (1991) as a system for keeping maps (CAD System) which was used for the work of surveying and mapping, charts and NOC. Those results commensurate with the nature of the work and facilitated adds value reflected on productivity and so increase and improve the quality and reduce the expenditure on long-term, targeted project in its infancy working on data collection and planning and geodetic data producers such as surveyors and workers to draw charts. With the completion of the introduction of paper charts in the system 1992, and currently expanding to include (250) User in various departments, mostly from the technical departments. Then in 1995, this system was used in planning in determining land use and urban characteristics. [7]. The Technical Institute as an educational foundation has developmental activities such as buildings, laboratories and many other industrial activities especially that is related to an engineering department like mechanical and machine departments. At 2014, as a result of the military operation and the terrorists who occupied the city and destroyed all its 020024-2
  • 4. features and the Institute was one of those destroyed landmarks. Also the loss of all paper charts and maps during that destruction and the absence of any digital scheme or database that could be the basis for this study, the difficult access to the area of interest prevent to count the destroyed buildings in the Institute because of the ballistics and war debris located in the study site. All these reasons were obstacles to do this study. This study aims to produce and update the digital map for Technical Institute of Anbar and linked it to geographic databases to be the basis for the future studies. CASE STUDY The Technical Institute of Anbar is located in Iraq, 18 kilometers (11 mi) Northern of Fallujah city. The institute was established in 1977. It’s lying on an Iraqi map with coordinates (33° 25' 36.89" N, 43° 39' 52.45" E) as shown in Fig.1. FIGURE 1. Area of Interest. METHODOLOGY The experimental method over the appropriateness of the curriculum of study in the research process, and of course it depends on the nature of the research, the objective, the quantity and quality of the available data with the nature of the problem. This research deals with practical application to create a map using geographic information systems (Esri Software ArcGIS) and then linked to geographic database. The process of digitizing the maps and satellite image comes within the collection phase and the introduction of data processing in the project of GIS. As well as the processing of digital maps available. Numbering operations and the processing of these are not directly, but it needs to adjust or processing operations or correct coordinates of maps and satellite image. Any map or satellite image not associated with coordinate system or its coordinates incorrect or inaccurate have no value at all in the geographic information systems and should re-link system coordinates or adjust the coordinates to be true coordinates, when we add any scanned map or satellite image (JPEG, Tiff… etc..) non setting coordinates to the arc map software, it puts them in a random place and falls coordinates and far from the real place. DATA AND SOFTWARE DATA USED 1. Attribute data collected by the survey 2. Satellite Imagery 020024-3
  • 5. SOFTWARE USED 1. ARC GIS version.10.3, Arc Map 2. Microsoft Office version 2016 3. Google Earth Pro 4. GPS Receiver Model, Garmin 64S. FIGURE 2. Research Methodology DATA COLLECTION THE DATA USED IN GIS DIVIDED INTO TWO TYPES: 1. Spatial data that are meaning features coordinate or location of any feature represented on the satellite image. The satellite image is simply a picture taken by satellite to observe the earth’s surface, the satellite image has some elements such as shape, location, size and color that is very useful for visual interpretation. 2. Attribute data is qualitative data that can be enumerated for recording and analysis. It’s simply characteristic for feature and linked within the digital map as a file called geodatabase, every feature taken specific value as encoding, its simply give information for spatial data. DIGITIZING The digitization refers to conversion from digital raster image to digital vector data, which is often called raster to vector (R2V) conversion. Vectorization is not very easy as compared with rasterization, because vector format requires topological structure. The raster images which are displayed on a computer screen are traced with the vector point/line/polygon in different data layers. The Advantage of this process is zooming facility gives higher accuracy, image processing techniques can be applied on the raster images to remove the errors or enhance the image [8]. The vector data (point / line / polygon) are assigned to the geographic identifiers (geographic coordinates), which called Geo-coding process that is generating points from a textual table in with at least two fields contain longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates and this is a simple method of geocoding. By using vector points and textual coordinates to plot the locations on the map. This method helps to create very precise cartographic definitions of property. In Fig 3 the geo-referencing process of how to rectify satellite image according to the corrected coordinates. 020024-4
  • 6. FIGURE. 3. Geo-Referencing coordinates. RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS RESULTS The present study shows the importance of digital map over the topographic sheet or traditional pictures, maps which showing only the major levels of classification with less accuracy, but on the other hand, we can easily assess how the current trends of GIS, remote sensing and GPS helps to the societies in all most all facets of life whether it is developing regarding land use/land cover, planning, or any project management. The spatial mapping of geographic information systems (GIS) allows for a lot of statistical information represented on the maps of many human activities in the environment in which they live, and thus becomes a visual means of explaining the phenomena associated with the map, This Study Produced a Digital Map of Technical Institute of Anbar, Including the Following 1- Create a new geographic database contains on social and service data. 2- Employ GIS software to produce all the maps needed by planners and researchers and decision makers, according to the built database. 3- For increasing, the accuracy of digital map produced prefers to use modern of satellite images. 4- The benefits from geographic information system (GIS) in converting the topographic map into digital form, aid in the interpreting, featuring and covering processes. 5- The total area covered by the different classes as shown in following Table (1) 020024-5
  • 7. TABLE 1. LAND USE / LAND COVER STATISTICS NO. CLASS AREA(m2 ) Percentage% 1 Destroyed buildings 7611.237 2.56 2 Service buildings 17100.2 5.74 3 Green area 22150 7.44 4 Sports stadiums 2110.50 0.71 5 Mosque 164 0.06 6 Unused land 238954.063 80.31 7 Hostel of staff 9450 3.18 Total 297540 100 The above table describes the total area coverage in the study area, where land use area coverage is about 20 % of the institute i.e. Destroyed buildings cover Deanship of the Institute, building of scientific sections, sport hall and hostel followed by the remaining 80 % by land covers which covers unused land. The all required thematic maps produced in GIS environment are shown below for better understanding the study and the distribution of the area interest with respect to objective to create Digital Base Map. FIGURE 4. Feature attributes 020024-6
  • 8. FIGURE. 5. Geo-database table FIGURE 6. Site plan on satellite image. 020024-7
  • 9. FIGURE.7. Final digital map. DISCUSSIONS A comparison between the methods for the production of digital map in terms of quantity and accuracy you see in the process of producing maps that deletions and generalization and displacement carried out by the department of cartographic aims to produce a clear map do not overlap where the landmarks not obscures each other without affecting these processes on the standard precision required to carry out the measurements of the various parameters that comprise the map. The remains of generalization and displacement mentioned acceptable as long as committed to the specifications set for the scales contained different GIS programs. The process of transition from a paper map to digital map led to the emergence of voices calling for the direct production of digital maps of the information collected by various modern survey devices (DGPS, Satellite image) and reduce dependence on production issued by the department of cartography. CONCLUSIONS The objective of this research is to display the potential and effectiveness of geographic information systems in converting satellite image data and then produce printed or digital Map without having to cartographic process and what caused the decline in the accuracy of the information because of generalization and displacement and deletion. The most important findings of the research show that the modern of geographical techniques and new software had provided at the possibility of dealing with geographic data networks and management system (GDBS) very efficiently. Processes that produce digital maps have special tools within these software packages, especially statistical analysis and mathematical tools, which can be, used in the analysis of satellite data with raster type through output its research of outcomes of maps and graphs. High résolution satellite data help to investigate the visual interpretation and generate information data sets for production map. The availability of a digital cartographic database, designed with built-in graphical flexibility, and the development of computer assisted techniques has greatly influenced the character of the map production flow. Such production, as it is presently configured, results from a fusion of manual, photomechanical, interactive graphics, and digital techniques. It is hoped that as a truly automated map production system emerges, new efficiencies unattainable by 020024-8
  • 10. traditional cartographic means will be realized, and the ultimate goals of efficient production and effective map communication will be better served. We get a new digital base map of the study area and relate it to the database. The dependence on information systems to show the features contained in the satellite image has led to an increase in accuracy as well as how the phenomena represented on the map. Also the advantage of geographic information systems in the conversion of topographic maps to digital form, helps to processes of inquiry and manifesting concealment. REFERENCES 1. R. AL-Ruzouq, A. Shanableh and T. Merabtene. "The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences", (36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 2015), pp.581 2. M. A. Reddy, “Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems”, Fourth Edition (Hyderabad. India: BS publications. 2012). 3. S. Zlatanova, P. Nourian, R. Gonçalves. “Global Geospatial Information and High Resolution Global Land Cover/Land Use Mapping”, (ISPRS WG IV/2 Workshop, 2016), pp.46 4. S. Gopi, R. Sathikumar and N. Madhu, “Advanced Surveying “(New Delhi, India: Pearson Education. 2014). 5. G. lgbe Akeh and Alfred D. Mshelia, MOJ Ecology & Environmental Science journal 1, 1-2 (2016). 6. A. Haq Hadi A. Ali, "The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering D, 711 – 736 (2009). 7. Al-Zafeen, Mohammad Abdullah and Manal Mohammed, “Geographic information system for Dubai Municipality” (the seventh seminar of the Islamic capitals and cities organization in GIS applications, 2001) 8. Basudeb Bhatta,“Remote Sensing and GIS”, second edition (New Delhi, India: Oxford university press, 2011). 020024-9