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National German
Volume 17
43. International
Chemistry Olympiad
Turkey 2011
Chemistry Olmpiad 2011
To become a member of the German IChO-team you have to be success-
ful in four rounds of a national competition which is lead by PD Dr. Sabine
The problems to be solved in the 1st
round are sent to all high schools. To
solve the problems the students may use all resources available. e.g.
textbooks etc.
All those students who solve about 70% of the tasks correctly will receive
the problems of the 2nd
round, which are to be solved in the same way as
mentioned above. These problems are the most difficult ones in the whole
The top 60 of the participants of the 2nd
round are invited to the 3rd
round, a one-week chemistry camp. Besides lectures and excursions to
chemical plants or universities there are two written theoretical tests of 5
hours each.
The top 15 of the 3rd
round are the participants of the 4th
round, a one-
week practical training. There are two written five-hour tests - one theo-
retical and one practical - under the same conditions as at the IChO. Here
the team is selected.
In this booklet all problems of the selection procedure and their solutions
are collected. Future participants should use this booklet to become ac-
quainted with the problems of the competition. Therefore the solutions to
the problems given in this booklet are more detailed than the answers we
expect from the students in the competition.
In the appendix you find tables of historical interest.
Wolfgang Hampe
This booklet including the problems of the 43rd
IchO and the latest sta-
tistics is available as of September 2011 from
http://www.ipn.uni-kiel.de/abt_chemie/icho/icho.html (chapter:”Aufgaben”)
Chemistry Olympiad 2011
Part 1: The problems of the four rounds
Contact adresses ............................................................ 4
First round (problems solved at home) ..................... 6
Third round, test 1 (time 5 hours)........................................ 14
Third round, test 2 (time 5 hours)........................................ 25
Fourth round, theoretical test (time 5 hours)...................................... 35
Fourth round, practical test (time 5 hours) ....................................... 47
Part 2: The solutions to the problems of the four rounds
First round ............................................................ 52
Third round, test 1 ............................................................ 57
Third round, test 2 ............................................................ 65
Fourth round, theoretical test .......................................................... 74
Part 3: The problems of the IChO
Theoretical problems ........................................................... 89
Practical problems ............................................................ 102
Solutions to the theoretical problems ................................................ 111
Part 4: Appendix
Tables on the history of the IChO ................................................ 118
Chemistry Olmpiad 2011
Contact addresses:
IPN, University of Kiel. z.H. PD Dr. Sabine Nick tel: +49-431-880-3116
Olshausenstraße 62 fax: +49-431-880-5468
D-24098 Kiel E-mail: nick@ipn.uni-kiel.de
IPN, Universität Kiel, Dr. Stefan Schwarzer Tel: 0431-880-2158
Olshausenstraße 62 Fax: 0431-880-5468
D-24098 Kiel E-Mail: schwarzer@ipn.uni-kiel.de
IPN, University of Kiel. z.H. Monika Barfknecht tel: +49-431-880-3168
Olshausenstraße 62 fax: +49-431-880-5468
D-24098 Kiel E-mail: barfknecht@ipn.uni-kiel.de
Wolfgang Hampe tel: +49-431-79433
Habichtweg 11
D-24222 Schwentinental E-mail: Hampe@t-online.de
Association to promote the IChO
(Association of former participants and friends of the IChO)
Förderverein Chemie-Olympiade e.V. (FChO)
Dr. Timo Gehring tel: +49-171-543 55 38
Hauptstraße 59
D-65760 Eschborn E-mail: gehring@fcho.de
Internet : www.icho.de
Part 1
The problem set of the four rounds
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
First Round
Problem 1–1 Water
Water is a very special substance with a lot of unusual properties.
a) Draw the structural formula of water, write down the structural parameters
(such as bond angle, bond length) and mark the positive and negative partial
charges of the molecule with ’+ and ’’–.
The shape of the water molecule can be formally derived from a tetrahedron, yet
the H-O-H bond angle is considerably smaller than an ideal tetrahedron angle.
This phenomenon can be explained in a simplified way by the Valence Shell Elec-
tron-Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory.
b) Which assumptions are made in this theory? Use those assumptions which
apply to water to rationalize the diminished bond angle of water.
In the series of hydrogen chalcogenides the melting and the boiling tempera-
tures of water differ considerably from those of the hydrogen compounds of the
other elements of group 16 as water forms hydrogen bridge bonds O-H···O.
c) Show the preferential spatial shape of the hydrogen bridge bonds O-H···O.
Sketch a water dimer for thiws purpose.
d) Give the empirical formulae and the names of the hydrogen chalcogenides.
e) Which melting and boiling temperatures (in °C) should water in the series of
hydrogen chalcogenides show if their molar mass would be the only deter-
mining factor? Find the hypothetical melting and boiling temperatures of wa-
ter using a graph with a line of best fit.
Element S Se Te Po
Melting point (Mp.) of the hydrogen
compound in °C
-85.6 -65.7 -51.0 -36.1
Boiling point (Bp.) of the hydrogen
compound in °C
-60.3 -41.3 -2.3 35.3
Water shows a so-called density anomaly.
f) What does this mean? Which consequences arise from the density anomaly
in everyday life and in the environment? Give two examples!
Problems Round 1
Problem 1–2 Water Containing Substances
Many salts of metals form hydrates. The way water molecules are bound can be
very different. They can be split off more or less easily.
In aqueous solutions metal cations exist mostly as aqueous complexes.
a) Sketch the preferential coordination polyhedrons of [Cr(H2O)6]3+
An aqueous solution of Fe(III) chloride is acidic.
b) Give a simple explanation!
The splitting off of water molecules (dehydration) of hydrates can be analysed
by a thermogravimetric measurement. Using this method the change of mass of
a sample as a function of temperature is determined.
Nickel chloride was recrystallised in water, the solid filtered off and dried in air.
The thermogravimetric measurement of the solid shows the following TG-graph
(experimental mass losses):
30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
Temperatur / °C
c) Use the TG-graph to determine the formula of the compound which formed
after recrystallisation. Which compounds do you expect after the first and af-
ter the second step of the TG? Calculate the mass loss of each step and
compare the results with the experimental values of mass loss.
Temperature / °C
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Water can have a strong effect on the properties of materials, e.g. the water
content of a powder which is used to form tablets is crucial to their state, crum-
bly or solidified.
Therefore the determination of water content is very important in analytical
A very old procedure is the reaction of a water containing sample with calcium
carbide. The gas which forms in this reaction is led through an alkaline copper(I)
solution. The precipitate is filtered off, dried at maximal 100 °C and weighed.
d) Which gas forms in this reaction? Write the reaction equation.
e) Which compound forms when the gas is lead through the copper containing
solution? Write the reaction equation. Why should this method be used for
safety reasons only when small amounts of water shall be determined?
Karl Fischer published in 1935 a new method to determine water which with
small variations is still used today. He let the water containing sample react with
methanol, pyridine, sulfur dioxide and iodine following the equation
H2O + SO2 + 2 C5H5N + I2 SO3 + 2 HI · C5H5N.
The end point of the titration is reached when a permanent brown colour occurs.
f) Apply oxidation numbers to the atoms in all iodine and sulfur containing
compounds in the reaction equation above. What is the reason for the brown
colour at the end of the titration?
The reaction above turned out to proceed in two steps. In the first step sulfur
dioxide and methanol form an ester which then in a second step reacts with wa-
ter and iodine.
1. Step: SO2 + H3COH + C5H5N C5H5NH+
+ X
2. Step: X + H2O + I2 + 2 C5H5N Y + 2 C5H5NH+
+ 2 I–
g) Give the formulae of X and Y! What is the function of pyridine in this reac-
To determine the water content, a sample is added to sulfur dioxide and metha-
nol. The mixture is then titrated with a solution of iodine in alcohol.
As it is difficult to detect the end point visually nowadays the Karl-Fischer-
method is performed electrochemically. The titer is given in water equivalent in
Problems Round 1
The titer of a Karl-Fischer-solution is 4.8 mg/mL. In a special apparatus samples
of 10 g each of two cooking oils were analysed. The results of the titration are
given in the table below.
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4
A 1.65 mL 1.62 mL 1.41 mL 1.62 mL
B 1.45 mL 1.43 mL 1.44 mL 1.44 m
h) Calculate the mass percentage of water in each cooking oil.
Problem 1-3 Amino acids: Chemical Jack-of-all-Trades in Nature
In 1965 fortune provided assistance to the American chemist James M. Schlat-
ter. Schlatter had synthesized a compound A in the course of producing an an-
tiulcer drug candidate. He accidentally discovered its sweet taste when he licked
his finger, which had become contaminated with A. This was the hour of birth of
a well-known artificial sweetener with the following structure:
a) Mark all functional groups of A and write down their names. What is the
commonly known name of compound A.
A can be derived from a dipeptide which is formed by two naturally occurring
amino acids, phenyl alanine and B. Amino acid B is produced industrially in the
following way
OO O hv NH3
Anhydride C is hydrolysed to form D. When exposed to UV radiation D rearrang-
es to E. Addition of ammonia to E leads in an enzymatically catalysed reaction to
B, the wanted amino acid.
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
b) Give the structural formulae of B, D and E. Which are the trivial names of
these compounds?
c) In which stereochemical relationship is D with E?
d) Which purpose serves the enzymatic catalysis in the reaction of E to B?
In nature proteins are based on 23 amino acids and play an important role in
biochemistry. The great variety of proteins is due to the different properties of
the individual amino acids.
e) Assign a fitting statement to each of the following amino acids:
Glutamic acid contains an acid amide
Cysteine may form disulphide bridges
Glycine contains two stereogenic centres
Arginine contains an indole ring
Tryptophan is used as flavour enhancer
Alanine contains a saturated five-membered ring
Methionine contains four nitrogen atoms per molecule
Proline is achiral
Threonine forms by decarboxylation of compound B.
Asparagine plays a specific role in the film "Jurassic Park"
Lysine contains a thioether
Phenyl alanine, the second amino acid from which A can be derived, belongs to
the essential amino acids i.e. humans are not able to synthesize them. They
must be obtained through our diet.
In the human body phenyl alanine is used as a starting compound to form a lot
of important compounds such as the hormone adrenaline and another amino
acid F.
An elementary analysis of 100 mg of F results in the following combustion prod-
ucts: 219 mg of CO2, 54.8 mg of H2O and 7.73 mg of N2.
f) Determine the smallest possible empirical formula of F. Give the structural
formula and the name of F.
Problems Round 1
Many other creatures use amino acids as reagents to form among other things
highly complicated natural compounds e.g. the antibiotic G which is formed by
yeast. Its medical effect was also discovered by accident.
g) Which are the two amino acids to form G? Mark the corresponding fragments
by circling.
h) Give the name of G and the name of the group of compounds it belongs to.
The antibiotic G blocks the bacterial growth by inhibiting an enzyme important
for cell wall biosynthesis. Humans cells are surrounded only by a plasma mem-
brane and don’t have additional cell walls. Therefore they lack this enzyme. After
inhibition the enzyme looses the ability to crosslink polysaccharide chains with
peptides. Without crosslinking the cell wall is destabilized and the bacteria burst.
Proteins of all organisms are exclusively composed of L-amino acids. The bacte-
rial cell wall is one of the few examples of naturally occurring D-amino acids with
D-alanine in the above mentioned linker peptides.
i) Draw the Fischer projections of L-alanine and D-alanine and determine their
R,S stereochemical designations!
Hint: A to G are abbreviations of compounds, not codes of amino acids.
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Problems Round 3
Test 1 Göttingen 2011: Problems 3-01 to 3-10
Test 2 Göttingen 2011: Problems 3-11 to 3-20
time 5 hours.
your name write it on every answer sheet.
relevant calculations write them down into the appropriate boxes.
otherwise you will get no points
atomic masses use only the periodic table given.
constants use only the values given in the table.
answers only in the appropriate boxes of the answer
sheets, nothing else will be marked.
draft paper use the back of the pages of the problem
booklet, but everything written there will not
be marked.
problem booklet you may keep it.
Good Luck
Problems Round 3 test 1 + 2
Useful formulas and data
G = H - T·S G = - E·z·F G = - R·T·ln Kth
ΔUreaction = ΔHreaction + W
ln (Kp1/Kp2) =
- T2
p·V = n·R·T for ideal gases and osmotic pressure
Nernst equation : E = E0
·ln (cOx/cRed)
for metals E = E0
·ln (c(Mez+
for non-metals E = E0
·ln (c0
for hydrogen E = E0
TR 
·ln 2/10
c/)H(c 
with c
= 1 mol/L p
= 1.000∙10
rate laws 0. order c = co - k·t
1. order c = co· e
k t 1
2. order c-1
= k2·t + co
Arrhenius equation: k = A ∙e-Ea/(R∙T)
A pre-exponential factor.
Ea activation energy
Law of Lambert and Beer: E = ·c·d
 molar absorption coefficient
d length of the cuvette
c concentration
Henry’s law for dissolving gases in water (A(g) A(aq))
KH =
KH Henry constant
Energy of a photon E = h∙c/λ h Planck’s constant
c speed of light
λ wavelength
Speed of light c = 3.000∙108
Gas constant R = 8.314 JK-1
Faraday constant F = 96485 Cmol-1
Avogadro constant NA = 6.022·1023
Planck constant h = 6,6261∙10-34
= 1.000·105
Pa 1 atm = 1.013·105
Pa 1 bar = 1·105
1 Å = 10-10
A periodic table was provided
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Third Round Test 1
Problem 3-01 Multiple Choice
With one or more correct answers even if the question is written in singular
a) Which of the following compounds gives a basic solution when dissolved in
A Na2CO3 B Na2SO4 C NaCl D HCl E NH3
b) An aqueous solution contains only sodium ions (c = 0.5 mol/L), magnesium
ions (c = 1 mol/L) und nitrate ions. What is the concentration of the nitrate
A 1.5 mol/L B 2.0 mol/L C 2.5 mol/L D 3.0 mol/L E 4.0 mol/L
c) Which of the following elements has the largest third ionization energy?
d) Which of the following conversions are oxidations?
e) One and only one of the following compounds reacts with Na2Cr2O7 in an
acidic solution. Which one?
f) Which of the given compounds has the highest boiling point?
g) The bond angle O-Cl-O in ClO3
A 109.5°
B little more
than 109.5°
C a little less
than 109.5°
D 120°
E little more
than 120°
F a little less
than 120°
A B B C C N D Ca E Al
 VO2
B SO3  SO4
 NO3
D MnO4
 MnO2 E CrO2
 CrO4
Round 3 Test 1
Problem 3-02 Binary Hydrogen Compounds
Almost all elements form binary (i.e. consisting of two different elements) com-
pounds with hydrogen. However, these compounds differ strongly from each
other in the type of bonding and in their behaviour concerning redox reactions
and acid/base reactions in aqueous solutions.
a) In the following tables insert the formulae of the hydrogen compounds of the
elements of the 2nd
and 3rd
period of the periodic table of the elements.
Complete the missing indications in the tables (acid/base: consider the
Brönsted definition only)
Compound LiHs BeH2 BH3 (B2H6) CH4 NHt H2O HuF
State of aggregation s
Type of bonding ion/cov cov
Redox red n n ox
Acid/base b a n
Compound NaHv MgHw AlH3 SiHx PHy HzS HCl
State of aggregation
Type of bonding ion/cov cov
Redox ox
Acid/base b (a) n
State of aggregation (1013 hPa, 25 °C): s = solid, l = liquid, g = gaseous
Type of bond: cov = covalent, ion = ionic, met = metallic
Redox : red = reducing agent, ox = oxidizing agent, n = ambiguous
Acid/base (in aqueous solution): a = acid, b = base, n = ambiguous
b) How do the hydrogen compounds of the elements of the 2nd
period react with
oxygen? Write reaction equations!
c) How do the hydrogen compounds of the elements of the 2nd
period react with
water? Write reaction equations!
H 2.2
Li 0.97 Be 1.47 B 2.01 C 2.5 N 3.07 O 3.5 F 4.10
Na 1.01 Mg 1.23 Al 1.47 Si 1.74 P 2.06 S 2.44 Cl 2.83
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Problem 3-03 El Pozolero
A “gentleman“ with the nickname “El Pozolero“ acted on behalf of a Mexican
drug syndicate. He was arrested by the police in 2009.
He confessed that he had dissolved three dead bodies in a barrel filled with a
mixture of hot concentrated sulfuric and nitric acid.
This barrel was confiscated. It was important for the conservation of evidence
and the conviction in the following law suit to know how many victims had actu-
ally been dissolved.
As there were no other witnesses who could confirm the statement of the delin-
quent the content of the barrel had to be analysed to find its composition.
It was assumed that the dead bodies had a mean mass of 70 kg each and that
the human body contains about 6.0 g of phosphor per kg weight.
A sample of 100 mL was taken from the barrel which was filled with 4000 L of
the mixture.
a) Calculate the mass of phosphor in the 100 mL sample if actually only three
corpses had been dissolved.
In order to determine the amount of phosphor in the token sample molybdate
reagent was added in order to form ammonium molybdatophosphate
((NH4)3[P(Mo3O10)4]∙12 H2O) as precipitate. The first step of the reaction could
proceed similar to the chromate/dichromate reaction as polycondensation.
b) Write a reaction equation for the formation of a dimolybdato ion (Mo2O7
) in
an acidic solution with molybdato ions (MoO4
) as reagent using line dot
The precipitated ammonium molybdatophosphate was heated for several hours
to remove the water of hydration completely, and then it was heated to constant
weight: yield 4.2880 g of P2O5∙24 MoO3.
To get a blind a fresh mixture of hot concentrated sulfuric and nitric acid was
analysed. 100 mL of this mixture contained 0.0481 g of P2O5 24 MoO3.
c) Clarify how many residues of human bodies could be detected. Calculate the
number of persons who had fallen prey to “El Pozolero“.
Round 3 Test 1
Generally there are more possibilities to detect phosphor, e.g. precipitation reac-
tions with AgNO3, BaCl2 or ZrOCl2.
d) Write down the equations for these detecting reactions under the conditions
in the barrel.
Account for the stability of the generated compounds in the mixture in the
barrel. Which one is the most readily and which one the most sparingly solu-
ble compound. (Hint: Use the HSAB principle for argumentation)
Problem 3-04 Benzoic Acid
Benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) is used as a food preserva-
tive (represented by the E-number 210) for sausages,
ketchup, mustard, other sauces, margarine and a lot
of more products. It inhibits the growth of mold,
yeast and some bacteria. Benzoic acid is not danger-
ous to the human body as an accumulation is inhibit-
ed by catabolism to hippuric acid which is excreted.
Cowberries, cranberries and cloudberries are examples of berries which contain
relatively large amounts of benzoic acid. The preservative effect occurs when the
pH is below 5.
Give all results of this problem with three significant figures.
a) Write down the reaction equation of the protolysis of benzoic acid.
b) Calculate the pH value of a solution with c(benzoic acid) = 0.012 mol/L.
Ka(benzoic acid) = 6.31∙10-5
c) Determine the ratio of the concentrations of benzoate ions and benzoic acid
in fruit juices with pH = 4.00 and pH = 6.00, respectively.
d) At which pH value does a solution of benzoic acid have the best buffering
25 cm
of benzoic acid (c = 0.0150 mol/L) are added to 17 cm
of a solution of
sodium hydroxide (c = 0.0120 mol/L).
e) Calculate the pH of the resulting solution.
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Problem 3-05 Copper Sulfat Hydrates
1.36 g copper sulfate (contains no water of crystallization) are placed on a bal-
ance in an evacuated vessel at 25 °C. At this temperature water vapor is slowly
led in the vessel. Thereby the pressure increases to 1.5 kPa.
The correlation between the mass of the sample and the vapor pressure is
shown in the diagram below.
When point A is reached the pressure does not change for a certain time though
more water vapor is led in the vessel.
a) Account for the constancy of the pressure.
Different hydrates of copper sulfate (CuSO4 ∙x H2O) are stable at different pres-
sures of water vapor.
b) Calculate thevalues of x from the data of the diagram
Half way between C and E a point D is marked.
c) Which phase(s) exist at this point? Give the formula(e) and the composition
(in percentage of mass).
d) How does the diagram change when the temperature is increased, e.g. to
30 °C?
(replase comma (,) by point (.) in this diagram)
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5
Round 3 Test 1
Problem 3-06 Avogadro’s Number
Avogadro’s number NA can be determined in different ways. Let’s have a look on
two of these ways.
At first the determination is performed electrolytically in a school experiment.
Two copper electrodes are used to electrolyse dil. sulfuric acid (c = 0.50 mol/L).
a) Write the reactions at both the anode and cathode
Experimental results
decrease in electrode mass: 0.3554 g
constant current 0.601 A
time of electrolysis 1802 s
charge of an electron 1.602∙10-19
molar mass (Cu) 63.546 g/mol
b) Determine Avogadro’s number (result with 3 significant figures)!
The exact determination of the Avogadro constant is important for both, theoret-
ical and practical considerations. CODATA (Committee on Data for Science and
Technology) recommended in 2002 NA = 6.0221415 (10) mol-1
and in 2006 NA =
6.02214179 (30) mol-1
where the number in parenthesis represents one stand-
ard deviation in the last two digits.
One of the most accurate methods is using very pure silicon single crystals.
The density of pure silicon is ρ= 2.3290354 g/cm3
Silicon crystallises in the diamond lattice with a cubic unit cell having an edge
length of a = 543.10209 pm. There are 8 atoms in a unit cell.
The molar masses and abundances of the silicon isotopes are:
molar mass in g/mol abundance h in %
Si 27.976926 92.238328
Si 28.976494 4.6588057
Si 29.973770 3.1028663
c) Calculate the Avogadro constant NA based on these data. (result with 9 sig-
nificant figures)!
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Problem 3-07 Redox
There are elements which exist in different oxidation states in different com-
pounds. Performing redox reactions, these oxidation states can change.
Each redox reaction has a specific standard potential E0
. If you know some of
them it might be possible to determine others.
a) Determine the half-cell potential E0
of VO2
+ 4 H+(aq) / V2+
+ 2 H2O
Standard potentials:
/V(s)): E°1 = -1.20 V (VO2+
+ 2 H+
(aq) /V3+
+ H2O): E°2 = +0.34 V
/V(s)): E°3 = -0.89 V (VO2
+ 2 H+
(aq) /VO2+
+ H2O): E°4 = +1.00 V
You may write a cell reaction in different ways:
A + B 
C + D (1) with K1 and Eo
2 A + 2 B 
2 C + 2 D (2) with K2 and Eo
b) How differ the values of E° and K, respectively, of the presentations (1) and
(2)? Account for your answer.
You may use the standard potentials to determine the equilibrium constants of
redox reactions.
c) Determine the equilibrium constant at 298 K for
6 Fe2+
+ Cr2O7
+ 14 H3O+
6 Fe3+
+ 2 Cr3+
+ 21 H2O
Standard potentials:
E°5 (Cr2O7
+ 14 H3O+
/ 2 Cr3+
+ 21 H2O) = 1.33 V
E°6 (Fe3+
/ Fe2+
) = 0.770 V
Problem 3-08 A Dash of Lemon on the Fish
Certain members of the hawthorn family produce a smell which also comes from
fish. The fish smell can be hidden by lowering the pH value since the compound
is an organic base. This is probably one of the reasons why lemon is served with
The analysis of the smelling compound showed that it contains only carbon, hy-
drogen and nitrogen. Combustion of 0.125 g of the compound resulted in the
formation of 0.172 g of H2O and 0.279 g of CO2.
a) Determine the ratio of the amounts n(C):n(H):n(N).
Round 3 Test 1
b) Use the mass spectrum below to determine the molecular formula of the
compound. Show your reasoning.
There are 4 isomers with this molecular formula.
c) Draw their structures and give their names.
d) Which of the isomers of part c) has the following 1
H-NMR spectrum? Account
for your decision.
The boiling point of the 4 isomers of part c) is in the range from 2 °C to 48 °C.
e) State which isomer has the lowest boiling point and which the highest one.
Account for your decision.
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Problem 3-09 Aromatic or not?
a) Check whether the statements below are true or not.
Statements yes no
At rt* benzene is inert when combined with Br2, H2, acids and
Planar cyclic systems with 4n (n = 0, 1, 2, …) electrons are called
Non aromatic cyclic polyenes can form aromatic dianions and dica-
Aromatic carbon hydrates are referred to as arenes as well.
Nucleophilic aromatic substitutions proceed in a three-step mecha-
Benzene undergoes at 25 °C substitution reactions rather than ad-
dition reactions
Planar cyclic conjugated systems with 4n + 2 (n = 0, 1, 2, …) delo-
calized electrons are called aromatic
Losing aromaticity means that the aromatic smell of a compound is
lost by evaporating
(*rt = room temperature)
b) Mark those of the compounds A to L which are aromatic and antiaromatic,
Round 3 Test 1
Problem 3-10 Reactions of ? (Hydralin, Adronal)
Compound A serves as parent compound to form the compounds E1 and E2 as
well as F.
a) Complete the following reaction schema by giving the structural formulae of
A, D, E1 and E2.
Write the names of all the compounds A to E2.
Add the additionally needed reagents at the places marked with “?”.
Mark all stereogenic centres with a star (*).
(Hint: The compounds E1 and E2 form in a 1:1 ratio as trans-diols).
+E1 E2
b) What is the name of an equimolar mixture of E1 und E2? Assign R or S con-
figuration to the stereogenic centres of E1 and E2.
c) With A and the following chemicals compound F can be produced. Suggest a
way of synthesis as detailed as possible.
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Compound A, methylbenzoate (C8H8O2), maleic acid diethylester
(C8H12O4) and benzyl alcohol (C7H8O) were used in the past in de-
vices to draw up an account of fuel costs in flats let for rent. They
were directly affixed to the radiators and worked on the basis of
According to the climate conditions liquids with different boiling
points were used. The fuel bill was calculated on the basis of the
amount of the evaporated liquid.
d) Draw the structural formulae of the four compounds mentioned above.
Rank the compounds from 1 to 4 according to the height of their boiling
point (1: lowest bp., 4 highest bp.). Account for your decision.
If the ranking of two compounds is not clear give a short explanation.
Round 3 Test 2
Third Round Test 2
Problem 3-11 Multiple Choice
With one or more correct answers even if the question is written in singular
a) The complete electrolysis of 1 mol of water requires the following amount of
electric charge (F is the Faraday constant):
∙F C
∙F D 2∙F E 4∙F
b) Which formulae represent more than one compound?
A CH4O B C2H2Cl2 C Pt(NH3)2Cl2 D Cu(SO4)∙5H2O E C2H6O
c) When methylamine (CH3NH2) reacts with an excess of gaseous oxygen the
gases N2, O2 and CO2 form. Which amount of oxygen is necessary for a com-
plete reaction of 1 mol of methylamine?
A 2.25 mol O2 B 2.50 mol O2 C 3.00 mol O2 D 4.50 mol O2 E 4.75 mol O2
d) The ionic product of water at 45 °C is 4.0∙10-14
. Which is the pH-value of wa-
ter at this temperature?
A 6.7 B 6.4 C 7.0 D 7.3 E 13.4
e) Given the transition pH of some indicators. Which of them should be used if
a weak base is titrated with a strong acid?
A 2,4-Dinitrophenol:
B Bromothymol blue:
C Cresol red:
D Alizarin yellow:
f) Warfarin is a rat poison. How many stereogenic
centres are present in this molecule?
A 0 B 1 C 2 D 3 E 4
g) Which of the following reactions proceed with the largest rise in entropy?
(Reactants and products under standard conditions.)
A Br2(g) + Cl2(g)  2 BrCl(g) B 2 NO(g)  N2(g) + O2(g)
C 2 CO(g) + O2(g)  2 CO2(g) D H2O(g)  H2O(l)
E 2 H2O(l)  2 H2(g) + O2(g) F 2 Na(s) + Cl2(g)  2 NaCl(g)
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Problem 3-12 Gold
In 1940 the Hungarian chemist George de Hevesy dissolved the gold bearing
Nobel Prize Medals of Max von Laue and James Franck in a certain solution to
keep them from being confiscated by German authorities during the occupation
of Denmark.
After the war the „hidden“ gold was retrieved, delivered to the Royal Swedish
Academy of Sciences and the Nobel Foundation generously presented Laue and
Frank with new Nobel medals.
a) In which solution did George de Hevesy dissolve the medals?
Give the exact composition!
b) Write the reaction equations of the formation of the solvent and of the dis-
sol-ving process of gold.
Gold as one of the noblest metals dissolves only in this solvent because its disso-
lution is strongly favoured.
c) Give the reasons for this favouritism qualitatively (Tip: Au/Au3+
: E° =
There are different operations of exploitation to obtain gold. The oldest one is
the method of prospecting which is not used at large scale any longer. Nowadays
gold is produced by cyanidation of gold ore. Air is blown into and mixed with
gold containing sludge and potassium cyanide solution is added. At the end of
the process zinc powder is given into the mixture.
d) Write the reaction equations of the cyanidation and of the reaction when zinc
powder is added. Assume the formation of Au(I) in the cyanidation process!
A number of comon gold compounds were characterised in a first step as
gold(II) compounds, such as CsAuCl3. This assumption turned out to be wrong.
e) How do these gold(II) compounds really exist?
f) Suggest a structure of the compound CsAuCl3!
Hint: Assume a complex compound.
Round 3 Test 2
Problem 3-13
In the laboratory of a highschool the hydrochloric
acid fountain experiment is carried out with the
equipment shown in the picture.
A flask is filled with dry HCl gas. A drop of water is
added with the dropper. Then the tap is opened and
the water enters the flask like a fountain and fills it
totally. (p = 1.020∙105
Pa, T = 295 K)
a) Determine the pH of the solution at the end of
the experiment.
The same experiment was repeated with ammonia (pKb = 4.75) instead of HCl.
b) Determine again the pH value of the solution.
Problem 3-14
a) Write down the reaction equations together with additional needed reagents
for the following changes:
Mg(s)  MgO(s)  MgSO4(aq)  Mg(OH)2(s)  MgCl2(aq) 
MgCO3(s)  MgO(s)
In a chemical plant 90000 m3
/day of waste water with pH = 1.2 accumulate.
This solution is neutralised with CaCO3.
b) Calculate the mass of calcium carbonate needed and the volume of the gen-
erated carbon dioxide (25 °C, 1013 hPa).
Problem 3-15 Kinetics
The reaction 2 NO(g) + O2(g)  2 NO2(g) obeys the following rate equa-
tion: r = k∙c(NO)2
a) Explain how the rate of the reaction changes when the following concentra-
tion changes are made:
i. c(O2) is quadrupled,
ii. c(NO) is quadrupled,
iii. c(NO) is halved,
iv. c(O2) is halved and c(NO) is quadrupled,
v. c(NO) is halved and c(O2) is quadrupled.
dry HCl gas
glass tube
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
The initial rate of the above reaction remains the same when the temperature is
raised from 460 °C to 600 °C, with all the initial concentrations halved.
b) Determine the activation energy.
The first-order decay of a compound was followed spectrophotometrically (Lam-
bert-Beer law). After loading a solution with an initial concentration of c0 =
0.015 mol/dm3
into a cuvette with a path-length of d = 1.00 cm, its absorbance
A (at a wavelength where only this species absorbs light) was recorded as a
function of time:
t in s 0 20 40 60 80 100 125 150 175 200 250
A 0.141 0.111 0.084 0.069 0.051 0.047 0.031 0.023 0.015 0.013 0.007
c) Show graphically that the reaction is really of first order.
d) Determine the molar absorption coefficient ε.
e) Determine the initial rate and the rate constant k.
f) Calculate the half-life t12 from the rate constant.
(If you could not solve e) take k = 9.50∙10-3
g) Calculate the time required to consume 99 % and 99.99 %, respectively, of
the compound.
Problem 3-16 Silver Nitrate as an Explosive?
Tollens` reagent for detecting aldehydes is produced in the following way:
Drops of ammonia are added to an aqueous solution of silver nitrate. A puce
(brownish-red) residue (1) forms which dissolves when more ammonia is added
An aqueous solution of a compound which is to be tested for aldehyde groups is
heated up to 70 °C. Tollens` reagent is added. If the test is positive the solution
turns black and the walls of the container are covered by a shiny coating (3).
a) Suggest reaction equations which clarify the observations 1 to 3.
Use RCHO in your equations as formula of an aldehyde.
A German teacher worked with Tollens` reagent.
A short summary of an article in the German newspaper “Hamburger Abend-
blatt” reports what happened then:
Round 3 Test 2
“Large Scale Rescue Operation at a School in the town of Wedel.
A failed chemical experiment at a school in Wedel led to a night time large scale rescue
operation. During a lesson of chemistry silver nitrate was liberated followed by a defla-
gration, reported the local fire department. They informed that under certain circum-
stances silver nitrate might be flammable and explosive.
The teacher did not inform the fire department before the evening when he became anx-
ious of further reactions. Betwenn 10 pm and the next morning up to 60 firemen partial-
ly under breathing protection were employed to stop possible further reactions with oth-
er chemicals. At 0.30 am a special military unit usually defusing warfare agents was
alarmed. ... “
Fact is: If not used for a long time black-brown flocs form in Tollens` reagent.
b) Which chemical were they really dealing with? Account for your assumption
by a reaction equation.
Hint: The black-brown flocs contain more than 90 % of the mass of silver
and decompose exposed to friction or beats into its elements.)
An excess of Tollens` reagent has to be disposed. Copper sulfate, glucose, alu-
minium chloride, copper shavings, glucose, potassium iodide and ascorbic acid
are available.
c) Which of these substances is appropriate and which is not? Account for your
If potassium cyanide is added to an aqueous solution of silver nitrate silver cya-
nide is formed which in solid can be described at the same time as cyanide and
d) Which assembling should silver cyanide have in solid?
Draw an image of a possible arrangement of the components.
Silver fluoride is very soluble in water contrary to other silver halides. Similar
ionic radii of the two kinds of ions may be a reason.
The density of silver fluoride amounts to = 5.851 kg · m-3
. It crystallises in the
sodium chloride structure.
e) Describe the sodium chloride structure by drawing it.
f) Evaluate the ionic radii of both types of ions in silver fluoride by calculating.
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Problem 3-17 Electric Current from Sugar
A fuel cell is composed of two reaction vessels which contain, among others,
catalysers and an electrochemical cell as shown in the figure below:
In the beginning both reaction vessels contain VO2+
ions in a strongly acidic so-
In vessel 1 VO2+
is reduced to form V3+
, cane sugar is oxidised to CO2 and H2O.
In vessel 2 VO2+
is oxidised by oxygen to form VO2
The solutions of V3+
and VO2
are pumped into the half cells of the electrochemi-
cal cell. There they react as electrolytes at the inert electrodes. If an electrical
current is flowing VO2+
ions are formed again which are pumped back into the
reaction vessels.
a) Write down a balanced equation for the reaction in vessel 1.
b) Calculate the volume of the air (15 °C, 101 kPa) which is at least necessary
to be pumped into vessel 2 if in the same time 10 g of cane sugar in vessel 1
are consumed (air contains 20.95 % of volume oxygen).
Let us assume for the parts c) and d) that in the beginning VO2+
ions (c = 2.00
mol/L) are the only vanadium species present, that the vessels are of the same
size and that a temperature of 15 °C is retained.
c) Which cell potential do you expect if the VO2+
concentrations in both half cells
are halved?
Calculate ΔG° for the cell reactions as well as ΔG as a function of the con-
centrations of the vanadium species.
Equivalent amounts of cane sugar and air react in both vessels which are equal.
The cell potential amounts to 0.32 V.
Reaktionsgefäß 1 Reaktionsgefäß 2
Galv. Zelle
- +
Electrochemical Cell
Reaction vessel 2Reaction vessel 1
Solution of
cane sugar
 V3+
+ O2  VO2
Round 3 Test 2
d) Determine the concentrations of V
and VO2
, respectively, in the corre-
sponding half cells. (If you could not solve part c) use E°(cell) = + 0,65 V)
Standard potentials: VO2+
+ 2 H+
(aq) + e-
+ H2O E°1 = + 0.34 V
+ 2 H+
(aq) + e-
+ H2O E°2 = + 1.00 V
Problem 3-18 Synthetic Polymers
The analysis of a synthetic polymer leads to C3H6 as the empirical formula of the
On addition of benzoyl peroxide to this monomer a polymer forms.
Benzoyl peroxide
a) Record the single steps of the polymerisation
Write reaction equations for
i) initiation (two reaction equations)
ii) propagation (one reaction equation)
iii) termination (two reaction equations)
This polymerisation can lead to three different types of polymerisation products
with respect to the arrangement of the CH3-groups.
b) Draw a carbon-carbon backbone of six carbon atoms of the polymer for each
of the three types and show the spatial position of the substituents.
c) What is the effect of Ziegler-Natta catalysts in the field of polymer chemis-
d) Do you expect one of the three different types of compounds (from part b))
to rotate plane-polarized light? Explain.
In the industrial production proton donors play an important role, e.g. in the re-
action to form polyisobutene.
e) Give an equation for the initiation reaction and for the propagation reaction
of the formation of polyisobutene.
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
If different monomers are tested for their reactivity with respect towards cationic
polymerisation the following order is found:
hohe Reaktivität
f) Account for this order of reactivity of the monomers. Use the formation of
polyisobutene as an example.
g) Integrate isobutene in the above given order of increasing reactivity.
Problem 3-19 Reactions of Acid Halides
Acid halides are among the most reactive of carboxylic acid
derivates and can be converted into many other kinds of com-
a) Determine the reaction products A to F as well as X and Y which were pre-
pared from an acid halide.
+ C6H6
80 °C
A + X
+ H2O B + X
+ R'OH C + X
+ NH3 D + X
E + X
+ 2 R''MgCl
F + 2 Y
increasing reactivity
, , ,
Round 3 Test 2
Amide 1 Amide 2
The two amides shown in the drawing are
to be synthesised from an acid chloride
and an amine, respectively.
b) Find in the equations below the acid
chlorides 1 and 2, the amines 1 and 2
as well as U and V.
Säurechlorid (1) + Amin (1)
Säurechlorid (2) + Amin (2)
+ U + V
+ U + V
c) Give the IUPAC names of both amines.
Problem 3-20 Aldol Reactions
Aldol reactions take place between two cabonyl partners. One example is the
dimerisation of aldehydes and ketones.
a) Determine in the following examples the structural formulae of X, Y and Z.
2 X
Reaction a) iii leads to a racemate.
b) Mark all stereogenic centres in Z with a star (*).
Acid chloride (1) + Amine (1)
Acid chloride (2) + Amine (2)
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
If there is only one stereogenic centre, draw the structural formulae of both
enantiomers of Z. Assign R or S configuration to the enantiomers.
If there are more stereogenic centres, choose one of them and draw the
structural formulae of the R and S compound according to the chosen centre.
If doing so do not consider further stereogenic centres. Assign R or S config-
uration to the chosen centre.
(Instructions: in front of the paper plane
behind the paper plane)
Aldol reactions are catalysed by bases. The used carbonyl compound forms a
nucleophilic electron donor and an electrophilic electron acceptor.
c) Propose the reaction mechanism of the dimerisation of ethanal (H3CCHO)
catalysed by a base.
Consider the following steps:
step 1: Formation of an enolate ion
step 2: Nucleophilic addition
step 3: Formation of a neutral aldol
The product of an aldol reaction often reacts in a following step e.g. if the tem-
perature is increased. In this case water is eliminated (aldol condensation).
2 Acetaldehyd
T, OH
A + H2O
d) Draw the structural formula of A und write down its name. What is the rea-
son for the high stability of compound A?
e) Complete the following schema of an aldol reaction and aldol condensations.
2 B(1) + 2 B(2)
C(1,1) + C(1,2) C(2,1) + C(2,2)
– H2O – H2O
2 Acetaldehyde Aldol product
Problems Round 4 (theoretical)
Fourth Round (theoretical problems)
(A periodic table and the same list of formulae and data as in the third round were provided)
Problem 4–01 Nitrogen group – plain and easy
The formulae of the oxo acids and the oxides of the elements of group 15 can be
derived by an easy formalism:
The hydrogen atoms in the hydrogen compounds are step by step replaced by
OH groups. From the empirical formulae the ortho (rich in water) or the meta
(poor in water) forms are formed. The formulae of the oxides can be obtained by
a (formal) total cleavage of all water.
An example: If all hydrogen atoms in the phosphonium cation PH4
are replaced
by OH groups the empirical formula is P(OH)4
or H4PO4
, respectively. By sub-
traction of a proton (– H+
) you get H3PO4 (phosphoric acid)
a) Starting with the hydrogen compounds NH3 and AsH3 find the possible hy-
drogen-oxygen compounds of these elements using the formalism from the
paragraph above.
b) Draw the Lewis structures of all arsenic containing species. Take possible
isomers into account, too. Which molecular structures do you expect apply-
ing the VSEPR model?
The respective anhydride of an acid is formed by a (formal) total cleavage of all
water. Using phosphoric acid as an example you get
2 x H3PO4  H6P2O8 minus 3 x H2O  P2O5 (this is the anhydride of the
phosphoric acid, which exists as dimer P4O10).
c) Find all nitrogen oxides which may be formed by the (formal) combination of
all compounds containing nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen, found in a).
Problem 4-02 Electrochemistry of Silver Halides
The following experiment was performed in order to determine the solubility
product of silver bromide:
20.0 mL of a solution of potassium bromide ( c = 0.0100 mol/L) and 20.0 mL of
a solution of silver nitrate (c = 0,0100 mol/L) are mixed in a beaker. A calomel
reference electrode and an ion-selective silver electrode are dipped into the solu-
tion in the beaker. The potential between these electrodes is measured: 0,199 V.
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
a) Account for the fact that the silver electrode is the cathode in this galvanic
cell by a calculation.
b) Find the solubility product of silver bromide using the measured potential.
(aq) + e-
 Ag(s) E° = 0.800 V
calomel reference electrode E = 0.241 V
Ks(AgCl) 1.6·10-10
Ks(AgI) = 8,12·10-17
T = 298.15 K for the total problem
c) Calculate G for the reaction AgBr(s) Ag+
(aq) + Br-
using AgBr(s) + e-
 Ag(s) + Br-
(aq) E° = 0.071 V.
If silver ions are added to a solution of sodium iodide a precipitate of silver io-
dide with KL(AgI) = 8.12·10-17
d) Determine the standard potential of the reduction of AgI to Ag.
Problem 4-03 The Electron in the 1-D Box
The first major expansion of the chemical industry occurred in the 19th
particularly in the production of dyes.
In those days it was not understood why the compounds prepared were so high-
ly coloured. In the meantime quantum mechanics has developed a simple model
which gives an amazingly good explanation of the colouring.
Thereunder parts of some molecules can be considered as a 1-D box over which
the electrons are distributed. According to quantum mechanics these electrons
can be considered to be standing waves with the wavelength .
Each wavelength corresponds to a specific energy. When light is absorbed by a
molecule an electron makes a transition from a lower to a higher energy state.
For the energy difference E you find E = (c: speed of light, h: Planck’s
constant, : wavelength of the light absorbed). When this wavelength occurs in
the visible part of the spectrum (400 to 750 nm) the molecule appears coloured.
a) In the figure on the answer sheet the waves of the lowest energy electrons
have been drawn (g and ). Draw the wave of the next higher energy level.
b) Give a general expression for the possible wavelengths of the electron as a
function of the box length L.
Problems Round 4 (theoretical)
In the ”particle in a box“ model only the variation in the kinetic energy is con-
sidered (Ekin = ½ · m·v2
c) Show that the possible energies of electrons in a molecule are given by E =
(n: quantum number). Hint: momentum p = m·v = h/, m: mass of
electron, v: speed of electron).
d) Give an expression for the number z of possible energy states (orbitals) k (k
even) electrons in a conjugated system occupy in the ground state.
The retina of the human eye contains the light absorbing substance rhodopsin.
It contains a protein (opsin) with the substance retinal bound to it. The structure
of the molecule, together with the bond lengths, is given in the following figure.
1,50 1,20
Bond length in Angström (Å)
The C atoms 7 through 12 are in one plain. The curved arrows indicate that the
bonds C5-C6 (about 59°) and C13-C14 (about 39°) protrude from this plain.
e) Give the number k of delocalized electrons in the box between C7 and C12
and draw the energy scheme of them in ground level.
When the theory of the “particle in the box” is applied to the fragment C7
through C12 the answer for the absorption with the lowest energy is found to be
= 231 nm.
f) Determine the box length which is basis of this calculation. Which length in
the molecule is used as box length?Actually the absorption turns out to be at
380 nm.
g) Using the “particle in the box” model give a reason for this longer wave-
When retinal is bound to opsin to form rhodopsin the absorption turns out to be
at a wavelength over 550 nm.
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
If one wants to explain this with the “particle in the box” model some atoms
have to be forced into the plain.
h) Which is (are) this (these) atom(s)? Account for your decision by calculating
the exact wavelengths when additional relevant atoms are incorporated into
the conjugated system of the box. Calculate step by step (atom by atom).
List of constants:
c = 2.9979·108
h = 6.6261·10-34
m(electron) = 9.1094·10-31
Problem 4-04 A Deceptive Mineral - Apatite
Phosphorus is found in nature in apatite, a complex inorganic phosphate. The
mineral we are dealing with in this problem is composed of calcium phosphate,
calcium sulfate, calcium carbonate and calcium fluoride.
In preparation for the use as fertilizer apatite is processed to form water- soluble
calcium dihydrogen phosphate. In doing this a mixture of phosphoric acid and
sulfuric acid is added.
The elementary analysis of a sample of apatite gives the following results.
Thereby the content of the elements – except for fluorine – is given as the ratio
of their oxides.
CaO P2O5 SiO2 F SO3 CO2
Mass ratio 0.5269 0.3913 0.0274 0.0179 0.0323 0.0118
A sample of m0 of the mineral is given into 50.0 mL of a solution which contains
0.500 mol/L of phosphoric acid and 0.100 mol/L of sulfuric acid. The mixture is
totally evaporated at a temperature ≤ 60 °C under the hood. The yield is m1 of a
solid which is composed of gypsum (calcium sulfate dihydrate) and silicon diox-
a) Write down complete equations for all reactions in the reaction vessel.
Explain why the reaction is performed under a hood and at a temperature
≤ 60 °C.
b) Calculate the maximal theoretical mass m0 of apatite which can react with
the acid mixture used.
c) Which mass m1 is formed from the theoretical mass m0 calculated in b)?
Problems Round 4 (theoretical)
Problem 4-05 The Industrial Preparation of Hydrogen
Hydrogen can be prepared in an industrial process by heating hydrocarbons to-
gether with steam:
CH4(g) + H2O(g)  3 H2(g) + CO(g)
[In this problem you may assume that all these gases are ideal and that H and
S are independent of temperature.]
The equilibrium constants of this reaction at two different temperatures are
at 298.15 K Kp = 1.450·10-25
, at 1580 K Kp = 26640 .
a) Give the number of significant figures of results based on this data.
b) Determine H, S as well as G and Kp for this reaction at 1000 K.
There are 1,000 mol of CH4 and 1,000 mol H2O at 400 K in a sealed vessel of
constant volume. The total pressure is 1.600 bar.
The temperature is raised to 1100 K. At this temperature the equilibrium con-
stant is 28.50.
c) Calculate the pressure in the vessel when the equilibrium is reached.
Determine the amount of conversion (in %) of methane.
Performing the reaction with the same amount of reactants at 1100 K in a vessel
with constant pressure (1.600 bar) the amount of conversion of methane will not
have the same value.
d) How does the conversion change? Explain your statement.
In a reaction under these conditions the volume will change from Vbegin to
Vequilibrium = 1.750· Vbegin .
e) Determine the amount of conversion under these conditions.
f) How can CO be removed from a mixture of H2 and CO?
Problem 4-06 Silver in Photography - A Relic
Ten years ago the beneficiation of silver containing residue from the photo in-
dustry was of great commercial interest. Nowadays it does no longer play an
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
important role apart from some special applications. It was nearly totally pushed
aside in the course of the develoment of digital photography.
In the process of fixation of a developed photo the unexposed silver halide was
dissolved by complexation. Ag+
ions form with different ligands stable complexes
of the coordination number 2. Below you find the solubility product (Ksp) of silver
chloride and the complex-formation constants (KK) of some silver complexes.
Ksp(AgCl) 1.6·10-10
, T = 298.15 K in the total problem
Ligand KK
NH3 1.4·107
a) Write down the equations for the dissolving reactions with the three ligands.
b) Calculate the solubility of silver chloride in mol/L in the three complex solu-
tions. Assume that the concentration of the ligands in the solution which is
saturated with silver chloride is 0,100 mol/L in each case.
c) Which of the three fixatives was actually used? Account for your answer.
In the qualitative inorganic analysis complexation often inhibits the for-
mation of a desired precipitate. Silver is precipitated preferentially as chlo-
ride, however it may form the complex [AgCl2]-
if the concentration of Cl-
high enough.
20.0 mL of a solution of Ag+
(c = 0,100 mol/L) are treated with 100.0 mL of
hydrochloric acid (c = 6.00 mol/L).
d) Decide whether the formation of the silver complex [AgCl2]-
inhibits the pre-
cipitation of silver chloride. Account for your decision by a calculation.
Equilibrium constant Keq = 1.00·10-5
for AgCl(s) + Cl-
Problem 4-07 Kinetics
It is possible that the gas phase reaction between NO and O2 to give NO2 (2 NO
+ O2  2 NO2) proceeds via the following mechanism:
2 NO N2O2 (fast equilibrium)
Problems Round 4 (theoretical)
N2O2 + O2  2 NO2 (slow)
a) Derive a rate law such as
rate of formation of NO2 = = k · [NO]a
which is consistent with this mechanism and express k through the rate con-
stants given above.
To prove whether this reaction follows this rate law you have do perform exper-
iments. If the reaction takes place in a sealed container the total pressure will
change if the reaction proceeds. There are many devices which are capable of
measuring the pressure rather precisely. The difficulty is that you can measure
only the total pressure whereas you want to know the partial pressure (and
hence the concentration) of each of the species present.
For this reaction it is possible to relate the overall pressure to the required par-
tial pressures for instance if you start with a 2:1 mixture of NO2 and O2
n(NO):n(O2) = V(NO):V(O2) = 2:1 .
b) Show that under this condition the partial pressure of oxygen (p(O2)) can be
derived from the total pressure (ptotal) measured as
p(O2) = ptotal – 2/3·p0, total
p0, total: initial total pressure.
Denote in your calculation the initial partial pressure of oxygen as p0(O2),
the fall of this partial pressure as p.
The reaction above is thought to have the following rate law
= -k3·[NO]2
· [O2].
If the initial concentrations are again [NO]:[O2] = 2:1 you can simplify the rate
law and write it as a function of [O2].
c) Show that in this case the equation can be simplified to = -k3‘·[O2]x
Determine x and give the relation between k3 and k3‘.
d) Integrate this rate law to show that the concentration of O2 varies with time
in the following way: + 2 k3‘· t
The following data was obtained at 298 K for a mixture of NO and O2 in the ra-
tion 2:1:
t / s 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480
Pa 1.350 1.120 1.060 1.035 1.015 1.005 0.995 0.985 0.980
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
e) By plotting a suitable graph, show that this data is consistent with the rate
law found in c) and obtain a value of the rate constant k3‘, stating its units.
(You can either use the pressure directly as a unit of concentration or con-
vert the pressures to concentrations in mol/dm3
using the ideal gas law)
Problem 4-08 Stereospecific Reactions
a) By means of structures in chair conformation outline the following reaction
mechanism starting with -D-glucopyranose.
Give the name of the product D.
The reactant of the following reaction is a D-aldopentose M with the empirical
formula C5H10O5.
Oxidation of M with nitric acid leads to an optically inactive product N.
b) By means of Fischer projections sketch the reaction scheme.
Compound M reacts in the following way:
1. HCN
2. H2 (Pd-Kat)
3. H3O+
M O P+
Both compounds O and P are oxidized by nitric acid, too. Compound O gives an
optically active compound O’ while compound P forms an optically inactive prod-
uct P’.
c) Draw the Fischer projections of the compounds O and P.
(If there is more than one possibility for M choose one of them.)
Problems Round 4 (theoretical)
o-Aminobenzoic acid reacts with sodium nitride and sulfuric acid to form a dia-
zonium salt X.
NaNO2 /
The reaction of X with a base results in compound Y.
d) Draw the structural formulae of X and Y.
When compound Y is heated vigorously it reacts with cyclopentadiene (C5H6).
Compound Z is formed:
Y  U + W1 + W2
U + C5H6  [V] 
e) Draw the structural formulae of the intermediates U and V as well as of the
compounds W1 and W2. What is the name of the reaction between U and cy-
Problem 4-09 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
The following table shows a selection of chemical shifts δof 13
C in different
chemical surroundings.
Tab. 1: Chemical shift δof 13
C in ppm:
Aldehyde / Ketone 170 – 200
Alkene 100 – 150
Bromoalkane 25 - 65
Chloroalkane 35- 80
Methyl group 8 - 30
Nitrogen- / carbon compounds 30 - 65
The 13
C-NMR spectrum of dichloroacetic acid shows to signals, δ1 = 175 ppm and
δ2 = 65 ppm.
a) Assign the shifts δ1 and δ2 to the carbon atoms of dichloroacetic acid.
Ztransition state
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
A second 13
C NMR-spectrum of dichloroacetic acid shows the fine structure of the
b) What do you expect to observe? Explain!
KOH is added to 1-chloro-1-methylcyclohexane.
H3C Cl CH3 CH2
Produkt 1 Produkt 2
c) Use the 13
C NMR spectrum on the next page to determine which product is
formed. Rationalize your decision.
The following problems refer to 1
H NMR spectroscopy.
ppm Int.
134.03 411
121.26 900
30.21 995
25.44 1000
23.98 756
23.21 909
22.57 967
product 1 product 2
Problems Round 4 (theoretical)
d) How many signals do you expect in a 1
H-NMR spectrum of the following
compounds? Give a short explanation.
1. 2,3-Dimethyl-2-buten 2. 2-Methyl-2-buten.
The fine structures of 1
H NMR spectra of two compounds are detected:
(1) ClCH2 – CH2Cl und (2) CH3CH2Cl .
e) How many signals of compound (1) do you expect, how many of compound
(2)? Account for your decision.
Problem 4-10 Selected Syntheses
Synthesis 1
Sulfathiazole (compound F) can be synthesized in the following way:
HNO3 / H2SO4
H2 / Pt, C2H5OH
B + (H3CCO)2O
NH2+ E
NaOH / H2O
Compound D has the empirical formula C8H8O3NSCl.
a) Find the structural formulae of the compounds A to F. What is the function of
the reaction step B + (CH3CO)2O?
Synthesis 2
H – Ala – Ser – OH (alanylserine) reacts with Phenylisothiocyanate (PITC) under
weak basic conditions to form compound X. It is a nucleophilic addition of the
amino group to PITC.
pH = 8
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
b) Draw the structural formula of X.
The addition of acid leads to the formation of a ring Y and the elimination of ser-
/ H2O
Y + Serin
c) Draw the structural formula of Y.
d) What can this reaction be used for?
Problems Round 4 (practical)
Fourth Round (practical problems)
Problem 4-11 Synthesis and Analysis of Potassium Trioxlato-
ferrate(III)-Hydrate, K3[Fe(C2O4)3] · n H2O
In this experiment you are required to synthesize potassium trioxalatofer-
rate(III)-hydrate. Thereafter the exact content of water has to be found out by a
quantitative determination of the content of oxalate.
Safety precautions:
Wear eye protection and protective clothing!
100 mL beaker, 50 mL beakers for weighing in (2x), plastic bowl, vacuum pump,
suction flask, Büchner funnel with rubber seal, filter paper (2x) for Büchner fun-
nel, balanced and labeled 100 mL beaker for the product, volumetric flask (100
mL) with stopper, volumetric pipette (20 mL), pipette control, 50 mL measuring
cylinder, 300 mL conical beaker (wide mouth, 2x), spatula, burette (25 mL) with
funnel and clamp, stand with boss and clamps, magnetic stirrer plate with stir-
ring bar, glass rod, thermometer
Iron(III) chloride hexahydrate, FeCl3 · 6 H2O (5.3 g already weighed in in a
Potassium oxalate monohydrate, K2C2O4 · H2O (12.0 g already weighed in in a
Standard solution of potassium permanganate, c(KMnO4) = 0.02 mol/L
Sulfuric acid, w(H2SO4) = 25 %, (corrosive, C)
Sulfuric acid, c(H2SO4) = 1 mol/L, (corrosive, C)
Ethanol (highly flammable, R 11, harmful to health, Xn)
Demineralized water, Ice
Synthesis of potassium trioxalatoferrate(III)-hydrate:
Add a solution of 5.3 g (~ 20 mmol) FeCl3 · 6 H2O in 8 mL of water to a warm
(35 – 40 °C) solution of 12 g (~ 65 mmol) K2C2O4 · H2O in approx. 25 mL of wa-
ter. The mixture is cooled down in an ice bath to 0 °C and kept at this tempera-
ture until total crystallization.
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Decant the mother liquor and dissolve the salt in approx. 20 mL of warm (35 to
40 °C) water. Cool down again to 0 °C to crystallize the salt.
The solid has to be filtered off with the help of a Büchner funnel, at first washed
twice with 10 mL of ice water each time, then washed with 10 mL of ethanol.
Allow to stand at air until it is dry.
a) Determine the yield in % referring to iron(III) chloride hexahydrate. Assume
in this case that your product is existent without water of crystallization.
b) Give the equation of the formation reaction.
Determination of the content of oxalate in potassium trioxalatoferrate(III)-
hydrate with the help of potassium permanganate:
Approx. 0.6 g of the prepared product are accurately weighed in into a small
beaker and then completely transferred to a volumetric flask. By adding demin-
eralized water the salt dissolves. Then the flask has to be filled up to 100 mL.
The solution is mixed well to form your test solution.
20 mL of the test solution are transferred to a conical beaker with the help of the
volumetric pipette.
Add 10 mL of sulfuric acid (w(H2SO4) = 25 %).
The solution is filled up to approx. 100 mL, heated up to a temperature of 70 –
80 °C and then titrated with the standard solution of potassium permanganate
(c(KMnO4) = 0.02 mol/L) until it turns lightly pink.
c) Write down the equation for the reaction between oxalate und permanga-
d) Write down the mean consumption on the answer sheet and calculate the
mass concentration βin mg/L of oxalate in your test solution.
e) Calculate the water content on the basis of your titration results and give the
correct empirical formula.
f) Give your product in the labeled beaker to the lab assistant after you deter-
mined the yield and took away approx. 0.6 g in order to determine the water
content. Write the number of your beaker on the answer sheet.
Liquid substances and solutions have to be poured into the provided disposal
container. The filter papers can be given into the domestic waste.
Problems Round 4 (practical)
Problem 4-12 Cerimetric Determination of Nitrite
In this experiment the mass concentration of nitrite in a test solution has to be
determined. In this process cerium(IV) is reduced to cerium(III).
Safety precautions:
Wear eye protection and protective clothing!
The cerium containing standard solution is very acidic.
Precaution when working with conc. nitric acid.
Volumetric flask (100 mL) with stopper, volumetric pipette (20 mL), pipette
control, 250 mL beaker (2 x), spatula, 25 mL burette with funnel and clamp,
magnetic stirrer plate with stirring bar
Nitrite containing sample in a 100 mL volumetric flask
Standard solution of cerium(IV) sulfate, c(Ce(SO4)2) = 0.1 mol/L (titer: 1.024)
Conc. nitric acid, w(HNO3) = 65 % (corrosive, C)
Solution of ferroin, c([C36H24FeN6]SO4) = 0.025 mol/L
demineralized water
The test solution (100 mL volumetric flask) has to be filled up to exactly 100 mL
and mixed well.
20 mL of the standard solution of cerium(IV) sulfate are transferred to a 250 mL
beaker using a volumetric pipette. The solution is diluted with approx. 50 mL of
demineralized water and 5 mL of conc. nitric acid are added.
The solution is heated on the magnetic stirrer plate up to 50 °C.
The nitrite containing test solution is filled into the burette. The burette is low-
ered until its tip is just dipping into the solution of cerium sulfate.
Titrate with the test solution until the intense yellow colour of the solution of ce-
rium sulfate has nearly disappeared.
2 or 3 drops of the ferroin solution are added. Then the titration is slowly contin-
ued until the colour changes from blue-grey to slightly pink.
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Liquid substances and solutions have to be poured into the provided disposal
a) Write down the equation for the reaction of nitrite with cerium(IV) sulfate.
b) Write down the mean consumption on the answer sheet and calculate the
mass concentration βin mg/L of nitrite in your test solution.
Part 2
The answers to the problems of the four rounds
The solutions are more detailed than expected from the pupils. That may
facilitate their comprehension in case of mistakes.
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Answers Round 1
Solution to problem 1-1
96 pm
104,5° '+
b) The VSEPR theory is a model in chemistry used to predict the shape of individual molecules
based upon the extent of electron-pair electrostatic repulsion.
Atoms in a molecule are bound together by electron pairs. These are called bonding pairs.
More than one set of bonding pairs of electrons may bind any two atoms together (multiple
1. Electron pairs surrounding an atom mutually repel each other, and will therefore adopt an
arrangement that minimizes this repulsion. They will get as far apart from each other as
2. Lone pairs occupy more space than bonding electron pairs.
3. Double bonds occupy more space than single bonds.
4. The multiple electron pairs in a multiple bond are treated as though they were a single
5. Electronegative substituents attract electron pairs more strongly and diminish their re-
quired space.
The H2O molecule has four electron pairs in its valence shell: two lone pairs and two bond
pairs. The four electron pairs are spread so as to point roughly towards the apices of a tetra-
hedron. However, the bond angle between the two O-H bonds is only 104.5°, rather than the
109.5° of a regular tetrahedron, because the two lone pairs (whose density or probability en-
velopes lie closer to the oxygen nucleus) exert a greater mutual repulsion than the two bond
c) Linear, the angle O-H…O is near to 180°
d) H2O dihydrogen monooxide, water
H2S hydrogen sulfide, dihydrogen monosulfide, (mono)sulphane
H2Se hydrogen selenide, dihydrogen monoselenide. (mono)selane
H2Te hydrogen telluride, tellurium hydride
H2Po polonium hydride
96 pm
Answers Round 1
H2O H2S H2Se H2Te H2Po
Mp. in °C FpH2O -85.6 -65.7 -51.0 -36.1
Bp. in °C KpH2O -60.3 -41.3 -2.3 35.3
M in g/mol 18.01 34.08 80.98 129.62 211.02
(Note: 209 g/mol were used as molar mass of polonium.)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
-30 melting points
line of best fit
molar mass in g/mol
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
boiling points
line of best fit
molar mass in g/mol
Y = A + B ∙X
Melting point: Boiling point:
Mp = -90.82 °C + 0.274°C∙mol/g ∙M Bp = -80.78 °C + 0.5585°C∙mol/g ∙M
M = 18.01 g/mol
MpH2O = - 85.9 °C BpH2O = - 70.7 °C
Using Kelvin you get A = 182.33 K and 192.37 K respectively,
and 187.3 K and 202.4 K respectively.
f) Anomalies:
When freezing solid the density of water decreases. A bulking of about 9 % occurs.
In liquid water the density increases with increasing temperature up to 4 °C. Then it
decreases continuously with increasing temperature.
Examples of consequences:
 Closed vessels/pipes etc. which contain water/aqueous solutions may burst when
water is freezing.
 Erosion of rocks at deep temperatures.
 Damage to streets and pavement in winter time.
 Fish/other animals can survive in winter as water sinks down with a temperature of
4 °C.
 Ice floats on water.
 Water freezes from the top.
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Solution to problem 1-2
a) Chromium (III): Octahedron, Lithium(I): Tetrahedron
b) Iron(III) forms in an aqueous solution the aquo complex [Fe(H2O)6]3+
. The water
molecules may act as proton donors and so cause the acidic reaction
+ H2O [Fe(H2O)5(OH)]2+
+ H3O+
(Ks = 6∙10-3
and further steps of protolysis.
c) You may assume that at the end of the measurement the compound has lost all wa-
ter of crystallisation. Thus you can calculate the number of H2O per NiCl2 unit:
M(NiCl2) = 129.60 g/mol
Molar mass of the starting compound: M =
= 236.80 g/mol
Δ= (236.80 − 129.60) g/mol = 107.2 g/mol
Δrefers to 6 molecules of H2O (108.06 g/mol).
The compound which formed on recrystallisation is NiCl2 · 6 H2O
with M(NiCl2 · 6 H2O) = 237.68 g/mol
1. Step: NiCl2 · 2 H2O has formed
Loss of mass 30.09 % (experimental)
Loss of 4 H2O: [4 x M(H2O) / 237.68 g/mol] ∙100 % = 30.31 % (theo.)
2. Step: NiCl2 has formed
Loss of mass 15.18 % (experimental)
Loss of 2 H2O: [2 x M(H2O) / 237.68 g/mol] ∙100 % = 15.15 % (theo.)
d) Acetylene (ethine): CaC2 + 2 H2O Ca(OH)2 + H2C2
e) Copper acetylide forms. This compound is highly explosive and has to be handled
with maximal caution. Only small amounts should be synthesised.
2 [Cu(NH3)2]+
+ H2C2 Cu2C2 + 2 NH3 + 2 NH4
f) +IV, -II 0 +VI,-II +I,-I
H2O + SO2 + 2 C5H5N + I2 SO3 + 2 HI · C5H5N
At the end point additional iodine does no longer react. Thus the colour turns brown.
g) 1. Step: SO2 + H3COH + C5H5N C5H5NH+
+ –
2. Step: –
O2SOCH3 + H2O + I2 + 2 C5H5N –
O3SOCH3 + 2 C5H5NH+
+ 2 I–
Answers Round 1
Pyridine functions as a base and shifts the equilibrium towards the products. Fur-
thermore it’s a very good solvent of sulfur dioxide.
h) Sample 3 of oil A was ignored.
Average consumption of oil A: 1.63 mL, of oil B: 1.44 mL
Mass percentage of water =
∙100 % =
titernconsumptio 
∙100 %
Mass percentage of water in oil A =
mL/mg8.4mL63.1 
∙100 % = 0.078 %
Mass percentage of water in oil B =
mL/mg8.4mL44.1 
∙100 % = 0.069 %
Solution to problem 1-3
a) A is called „Aspartam“. Its molecule contains four functional groups:
Carboxyl group
Acid amide
D: Maleic acid E: Fumaric acid B: L-Aspartic acid
c) D and E are cis/trans isomers (E/Z isomers).
d) The reaction of E to B is catalysed by the enzyme L-aspartase. On the one hand it
controls the regioselectivity of the reaction with ammonia (i.e. it avoids the for-
mation of an ammonium salt or an acid amide). On the other hand this enzyme is
especially important because it controls the strereochemistry of this reaction: Only a
single product is formed, L-aspartic acid (Compound B).
e) Glutamic acid is used as flavour enhancer
Cysteine may form disulphide bridges
Glycine is achiral
Arginine contains four nitrogen atoms per molecule
Tryptophan contains an indole ring
Alanine forms by decarboxylation of compund B
Methionine contains a thioether
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Proline contains a saturated five-membered ring
Threonine contains two stereogenic centres
Asparagine contains an acid amide
Lysine plays a specific role in the film "Jurassic Park"
f) n(C)
 = 4.98 mmol
 = 6.08 mmol
 = 0.552 mmol
)O(m 
mol/g01.14mmol552.0mol/g01.1mmol08.6mol/g01.12mmol98.4mg100 
n(O) = 1.64 mmol
n(C) : N(H) : N(N) : N(O) = 4.98 : 6.08 : 0.552 : 1.64
= 9 : 11 : 1 : 3
Smallest empirical formula of F: (C9H11NO3), tyrosine
h) G is a penicillin which belongs to the β-lactam-antibiotics
(annulated rings or heterocycles correct , too).
(S) (R)
L-Alanine D-Alanine
Answers Round 3 Test 1
Answers Round 3 Test 1
Solution to problem 3-01
a) A, E b) C c) D d) C, E e) D f) B g) C
Solution to 3-02
Compound LiH BeH2 BH3 (B2H6) CH4 NH3 H2O HF
State of aggregation s s g g g l g*
Type of bonding ion/cov cov cov cov cov cov cov
Redox red red n red red n ox
Acid/base b b a n b n a
* g (>19.5 °C)
Compound NaH MgH2 AlH3 SiH4 PH3 H2S HCl
State of aggregation s s s g g g g
Type of bonding ion ion/cov cov cov cov cov cov
Redox red red red red red red ox
Acid/base b b b (a) n a a
b) 4 LiH + O2 2 Li2O + 2 H2
2 BeH2 + O2 2 BeO + 2 H2
2 BH3 (B2H6) + 3 O2 B2O3 + 3 H2O
CH4 + 2 O2 CO2 + 2 H2O
4 NH3 + 3 O2 2 N2 + 6 H2O
H2O + O2 no reaction
4 HF + O2 2 F2 + 2 H2O (Equilibrium on the side of the reactants)
c) NaH + H2O NaOH + H2
MgH2 + 2 H2O Mg(OH)2 + 2 H2
AlH3 + 3 H2O Al(OH)3 + 3 H2
SiH4 + 4 H2O H4SiO4 + 4 H2
PH3 + H2O PH4
+ OH–
(Equilibrium on the side of the reactants)
H2S + H2O HS
+ H3O
HCl + H2O Cl
+ H3O
Solution to problem 3-03
a) Content of phosphor of 1 person: 6.0 g ∙70 = 420 g
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Mass of phosphor in the barrel: 420 g / 4000 L
Mass of phosphor in 100 ml: 420 g ∙0.1 L / 4000 L = 10.5 mg
Mass of phosphor of 3 persons: 10.5 mg ∙3 = 31.5 mg
+ 2 H3O+ Mo
2 + 3 H2O
c) Actual mass of P2O5 · 24 MoO3:
4.2880 g – 0.0481 g = 4.2399 g
mass of phosphor in 100 ml solution
2 ∙M(P) ∙n(P2O5 ∙24 MoO3) = 2 ∙30.97 mg/mol ∙
m(P) 73.0 mg
number of victims
73.0 mg / 10.5 mg = 6.95 to match with 7 persons
d) Strongly acidic conditions: PO4
exists as H3PO4
AgNO3: 3 AgNO3 + H3PO4 Ag3(PO4) + 3 HNO3
BaCl2: 3 BaCl2 + 2 H3PO4 Ba3(PO4)2 + 3 HCl
ZrOCl2: 3 ZrOCl2 + 4 H3PO4 Zr3(PO4)4 + 6 HCl + 3 H2O
Ag3PO4: not stable: soft cation / hard anion; most readily soluble
Ba3(PO4)2: not stable: relatively soft cation / hard anion
Zr3(PO4)4: stable: hard cation / hard anion; most sparingly soluble
Solution to problem 3-04
a), b) C6H5COOH + H2O C6H5COO-
+ H3O+
Conc. at begin in mol/L 0.012 0 0
Conc. at equil. in mol/L 0.012-x x x
 x
+ 6.31∙10
x – 0.012∙6.31∙10
= 0
x1 = 8.39∙10
(x2<0) pH = 3.08
or with the approximation for weak acids:
pH = 1/2 · (pKs – lg [c0(C6H5COOH))/c
pH = ½ · (- lg(6.31·10
) – lg 0.012) = 3.06
Answers Round 3 Test 1
pH = 4:
= 0.631
pH =6: 
d) The best buffering ability against acids and bases occurs if
= 1
 pH = pKs pH = - lg 6.31∙10-5
= 4.20
e) n(benzoic acid) = 25∙10-3
∙0.0150 mol = 3.75∙10-4
n(sodium hydroxide) = 17∙10-3
∙0.0120 mol = 2.04∙10-4
benzoic acid exists in excess (Δ= 1.71∙10-4
mol) thus we can assume in the begin-
ning that all NaOH is reacted with benzoic acid to form benzoate anions.
c0(benzoic acid) =
= 4.07∙10
c0(benzoate anions) =
= 4.86∙10
Assuming the solution to be a buffer with approximately c = c0:
pH = pKs + lg pH = - lg(6.31·10-5
) + lg = 4.28
Exact calculation:
Whether protolysis of benzoic acid takes place can be derived from the fraction
Q =
)OH(c)anionsbenzoate(c 3
, Q =
= 1.19∙10-7
< Ks = 6.31∙10-5
 benzoic acid has to deprotonate.
+ H3O+
Conc. at begin in mol/L 4.07∙10-3
Conc. at equil. in mol/L 4.07∙10-3
-x 4.86∙10-3
+x x
 x2
+ 4.92∙10-3
x – 2.57∙10-7
= 0
x1 = 5.169∙10-5
(x2<0) pH = 4.29
Sollution to problem 3-05
a) 0.1 kPa is the pressure of water vapor of the first hydrate. incoming water vapor is
incorporated as water of crystallization. Thereby the pressure is not increased.
b) 1.36 g of CuSO4 are
= 8.52∙10
mol of CuSO4
Δm(A-B) = 0.15 g that are 8.33∙10
mol of H2O  x1 = 1
Δm(C-E) = Δm(F-G) = 2 ∙Δm(A-B)  x2 = 3 und x3 = 5
c) Δm(C-D) = Δm(D-E)
 an equimolar mixture of CuSO4 ∙H2O and CuSO4 ∙3 H2O is existent
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
M(CuSO4 ∙H2O) = 177.64 g/mol
M(CuSO4 ∙3 H2O) = 213.67 g/mol
CuSO4 ∙H2O:
∙100% = 45.4%
CuSO4 ∙3 H2O:
177.64 213.67
∙100% = 54.6%
d) The horizontal distances are prolonged (the equilibrium pressures rise), the mass
increase does not change.
Solution to problem 3-06
a) Anode: Cu  Cu2+
+ 2 e-
Cathode 2 H+
+ 2 e-
 H2
after a certain time at the cathode additionally Cu2+
+ 2 e-
 Cu
b) Current = 0.601∙1802 As, that are
amount of ionised copper n(Cu)=
number of electrons released during electrolysis 2∙NA∙n(Cu) = 2∙NA∙ mol
= 2∙NA∙ mol
NA =
NA = 6.04∙10
c) ρ=
NA =
8 [m(
Si) h(
Si) m(
Si) h(
Si) m(
Si) h(
with the given data NA = 6.02214091∙10
Solution to problem 3-07
a) The standard potentials are valid for half-cell reactions with the electron acceptor on
the left.
(1) V
+ 2 e
V(s) E°1 = - 1.20 V ΔG
1 = - 2E°1F
(2) VO
+ 2 H
(aq) + e
+ H2O E°2 = + 0.34 V ΔG
2 = - 1E°2F
(3) V
+ 3 e
V(s) E°3 = - 0.89 V ΔG
3 = - 3E°3F
(4) VO2
+ 2 H
(aq) + e
+ H2O E°4 = + 1.00 V ΔG
4 = - 1E°4F
(5) VO2
+ 4 H
(aq)+ 3 e
+ 2 H2O ΔG
5 = ΔG
4 + ΔG
2 - ΔG
1 + ΔG
5 = - 1F( E°4 + E°2 - 2E
1 + 3E
3) ΔG
5 = -1F1.07 V
5 = - 3FE°5 E°5 = ΔG
5/(- 3F) E°5 = 0.36 V
or more elegant
Answers Round 3 Test 1
1 ∙y + 2 ∙(- 1.20 V) = 3 ∙(- 0.89 V) Y = - 0.27 V
1 ∙1.00 V + 1 ∙0.34 V + 1 ∙(-0.27 V) = 3 ∙x x = 0.36 V
b) The standard potentials are valid for half-cell reactions with the standard concentra-
tion of 1 mol/L  E°1 = E°2
ΔG1 = - z∙F∙E°1 K1 = TR
EFz 0
e 
ΔG2 = - 2∙z∙F∙E°1 K2 = TR
EFz2 0
e 
= ( TR
EFz 0
e 
 K2 = K1
K1 =
K2 =
 K2 = K1
c) Cr2O7
+ 14 H3O+
+ 6 e- 
2 Cr3+
+ 21 H2O E°5 = 1.33 V ΔG°5 = -6∙F∙1.33 V
E°6 = 0.770 V ΔG°6 = -F∙0.770 V
6 Fe
+ Cr2O7
+ 14 H3O
6 Fe
+ 2 Cr
+ 21 H2O ΔG°R
ΔG°R = ΔG°5 – 6∙ΔG°6 ΔG°R = -6∙F∙0.56 V ΔG°R -324 kJ/mol
ΔG°R = - R∙T∙lnK lnK =
lnK 130.8
K 6.39∙10
Solution to problem 3-08
a) 0.172 g of H2O correspond to 0.172∙2/18 mol of H = 19.1∙10
mol of H,
that are 19.3∙10
g of H
0.279 g CO2 correspond to 0.279/44 mol of C = 6.34∙10
mol of C,
that are 76.1∙10
g of C
m(N) = (125 - 19.3 - 76.1) ∙10
g = 29.6∙10
g N correspond to 29.6∙10
/14 mol of N = 2.11∙10
mol of N
n(C):n(H):n(N) = 6.34 : 19.1 : 2.11 = 3.00 : 9.05 : 1 3 : 9 : 1
b) Molecular formula: (C3H9N)n with a molar mass of n∙59 g/mol.
There should exist a fragment with m/z > 59 if n>1. Such a fragment is not existent
 m/z = 59 and n = 1. Formula: C3H9N
c) H3C – CH2 – CH2 – NH2 1-Aminopropane
1.00 V 0.34 V - 1.20 V
- 0.89 V
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
N Ethyl-methylamine
d) The isomer is trimethylamine since the 1
H-NMR spectrum shows only equivalent pro-
tons (three CH3 groups), which are not coupling with one another (singlet) because
there is a nitrogen atom between them.
e) Lowest boiling temperature: Trimethylamine (smallest surface. lowest van der
Waals forces)
Highest boiling temperature: 1-Aminopropane (largest surface similar to ethyl-
methylamineand thus highest intermolecular attraction and
compared with ethyl-methylamine significant better possi-
bility to form hydrogen bridges)
Note specifying the boiling temperatures: Trimethylamine 2.87 °C
2-Aminopropane 32.4 °C
Ethylmethylamine 36.6 °C
1-Aminopropane 47.8 °C
Solution to problem 3-09
Statements yes no
At rt* benzene is inert when combined with Br2, H2, acids and KMnO4 x
Planar cyclic systems with 4n (n = 0, 1, 2, …) electrons are called anti-
Non aromatic cyclic polyenes can form aromatic dianions and dications x
Aromatic carbon hydrates are referred to as arenes as well. x
Nucleophilic aromatic substitutions proceed in a three-step mechanism x
Benzene undergoes at 25 °C substitution reactions rather than addition
Planar cyclic conjugated systems with 4n + 2 (n = 0, 1, 2, …) delocalized
electrons are called aromatic
Losing aromaticity means that the aromatic smell of a compound is lost by
Answers Round 3 Test 1
b) A: - B: antiaromatic C: aromatic
D: - E: - F: aromatic
G: aromatic H: - I: aromatic
J: aromatic K: antiaromatic L: aromatic
Solution to problem 3-10
Cyclohexanol Cyclohexene
(1,2,3,4-Tetrahydrobenzene) cis-1,2-
OsO4, H2O or
KMnO4, H2O, EtOH, MgSO4
Hydrolysis (catalysed by acids or bases)
H+ or OH-
Cyclohexane epoxide
E1/2 E2/1
b) Racemate, the absolute configuration of the stereogenic centres of E1 and E2 is giv-
en in a).
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
O+ Na-
Na +
d) The height of the boiling point depends on the molar mass and on the polarity of a
compound: “The higher the molar mass the higher the boiling point” and “The higher
polarity the higher the boiling point”.
Thus position 1 and 4 are fixed.
The positions of methylbenzoate and benzylalcohol are not clear. Benzylalcohol has a
lower molar mass but it can form hydrogen bonds. You cannot predict which influ-
ence prevails.
Bp.: 161 °C
Bp.: 199 °C
Malenic acid diethylester,
Bp.: 226 °C
Bp.: 206 °C
1 4
172.18 g/mol100.16 g/mol 136.15 g/mol 108.14 g/mol
2/3 3/2
Problems Round 3 Test 2
Answers of Round 3 Test 2
Solution to problem 3-11
a) D b) B, C, E c) A d) A e) A f) B g) E
Solution to problem 3-12
a) Aqua regia. Composition: 3 parts by volume of conc. hydrochloric acid and 1 part by
volume of nitric acid.
b) Formation of aqua regia: HNO3 + 3 HCl 2 H2O + NOCl + 2 Cl-
Dissolving of gold: 2 Au + 6 Cl
+ 2 Cl
2 [AuCl4]
c) The reason for the favouritism is the formation of the stable complex ion [AuCl4]-
This process decreases cAu3+ and thus the redox potential of (Au/Au3+
d) Addition of potassium cyanide solution:
2 Au + H2O + 0,5 O2 + 4 KCN 2 K[Au(CN)2] + 2 KOH
Addition of zinc powder:
2 K[Au(CN)2] + Zn K2[Zn(CN)4] + 2 Au
e) Gold(II) compounds exist as double compounds of gold(I) and gold(III), e.g.
CsAuCl3 Cs2[AuI
Au ClCl Au
Cl Cl
· AuCl4
]x [AuCl3
Solution to problem 3-13
n(HCl) = p∙V/(R∙T)
c(HCl) = n/V c(HCl) = p∙/(R∙T)
[1 Pa = 1 N/m2
= 1 Nm/m3
= 1 J/m3
c(HCl) =
c(HCl) = 41.6 mol/m3
c(HCl) = 0.0416 mol/L pH = 1.4
b) c0(NH3) = 0.0416 mol/L
NH3 + H2O 
+ OH-
Concentration in mol/L 0.0416-x x x
10- 4.75
+ x∙10- 4.75
- 10- 4.75
∙0.0416 = 0
x1 = 8.51∙10-4
(x2 = -8.69∙10-4
pOH = - lg 8.51∙10-4
= 3.07 pH = 10.9
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Solution to problem 3-14
a) 2 Mg (s) + O2 (g)  2 MgO (s)
MgO (s) + H2SO4 (aq)  MgSO4 (aq) + H2O (l)
MgSO4 (aq) + 2 NaOH (aq)  Mg(OH)2 (s) + Na2SO4 (aq)
Mg(OH)2 (s) + 2 HCl (aq)  MgCl2 (aq) + 2 H2O (l)
MgCl2 (aq) + Na2CO3 (aq)  MgCO3 (s) + 2 NaCl (aq)
MgCO3 (s)  MgO (s) + CO2 (g).
b) pH = 1.2  c(H3O
) = 0.063 mol/L
) = 0.063 mol∙L-1
∙90000 m3
) = 5.68∙106
n(CaCO3) = ½ ∙n(H3O+
) n(CaCO3) = 2.84∙106
m(CaCO3) = n(CaCO3)∙M(CaCO3)
m(CaCO3) = 2.84∙10
∙100.09 g m(CaCO3) = 284 t
n(CO2) = n(CaCO3)
V(CO2) =
V(CO2) 69,5∙103
Solution to problem 3-15
a) The rate will i increase by the factor 4,
ii increase by the factor 16,
iii decrease by the factor ¼,
iv increase by the factor 8,
v not change.
b) Halving all concentrations reduces the rate to 1/8 if the temperature is not changed.
If the rate remains constant if the temperature is raised, k must be increased by the
factor 8.
k = A ∙e-Ea/(R∙T)
ln k = ln A – Ea/(R∙T)
Ea = - R∙ln
12 T
 )-1
Ea = - R∙ln 8∙(
 )-1
Ea 79 kJ/mol
c) ln c = f(t) is a straight line for a reaction of 1. order. Since the absorbance is propor-
tional to the concentration you may plot ln A = f(t) and check whether it is a straight
t in s 0 20 40 60 80 100 125 150 175 200 250
A 0.141 0.111 0.084 0.069 0.051 0.047 0.031 0.023 0.015 0.013 0.007
ln A - 1.96 - 2.20 -2.48 - 2.67 - 2.98 - 3.06 - 3.47 - 3.77 - 4.20 - 4.34 - 4.96
Problems Round 3 Test 2
0 50 100 150 200 250
time in s
d) A = ε∙c∙d t = 0 s, c = 0.0150 mol/L, A = 0.141, d = 1 cm
 ε=
ε= 9.40 L∙mol
e) c20 = A20/(ε∙d) c20 = 0.111/(9.40 L∙mol
∙1 cm) c20 =0.0118 mol/L
c20 = c0∙e
 k = - ln(0.0118/0.0150) / 20 s k = 12.0∙10
Rate equaion: c(t) = 0.0150 mol/L ∙ ts100,12
e 
v = -dc/dt = -0.015 mol/L∙(- 12.0∙10-3
)∙ ts100,12 13
e  
vinitial = - dc/dt für t = 0 vinitial = 0.015 mol/L∙12.0∙10-3
vinitial = 1.8∙10-4
Solution to problem 3-16
a) (1) NH3 + H2O NH4
+ OH–
2 Ag+
+ 2 OH–
(2 AgOH) Ag2O + H2O
(2) Ag2O + 4 NH3 + H2O 2 [Ag(NH3)2]+
+ 2 OH–
(3) 2 [Ag(NH3)2]+
+ 2 OH–
+ RCHO 2 Ag + RCOOH + H2O
b) Silver nitride forms: 3 [Ag(NH3)2]+
Ag3N + 2 NH3 + 3 NH4
c) Not appropriate are copper sulfate and aluminium chloride. Copper sulfate would
decrease the ammonia concentration and thus favour the forming of silver nitride.
Aluminium chloride would form silver chloride which precipitates but is dissolved
again an ammine complex.
Appropriate are copper shavings, glucose, ascorbic acid and potassium iodide. Io-
dide anions form silver iodide which is insoluble under these conditions, the other
three chemicals reduce the silver ions.
The graph shows a straight line
ln A = - 0.0121∙t – 1.96.
Thus the rate law is of 1. order.
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
d) The cyanide ions form bridges between the metal centres. They bind with carbon
and with nitrogen to silver. A kind of chain structure is formed.
Ag C N Ag C N Ag C N
f) There are Z = 8 ·
/8 + 6 · ½ = 4 silver and the same amount of fluoride ions in a
unit cell with the edge length a.
= 5.85 kg · m-3
and 3
Z ·M(Ag) Z · M(F))
N · a
a = 3 322
cm10441.1 
 a = 5.243∙10-8
a = 2 x radius of silver ions + 2 x radius fluoride ions
 r = a/4 r = 131.1 pm
Solution to problem 3-17
a) C12H22O11 + 48 H3O+
+ 48 VO2+
 12 CO2 + 83 H2O + 48 V3+
or C12H22O11 + 48 H+
(aq) + 48 VO2+
 12 CO2 + 35 H2O + 48 V3+
b) 1 mol of cane sugar provides 48 mol of electrons, 1 mol of O2 consumes 4 mol of
 n(O2) = 1210 g/(342.3 g/mol) n(O2) = 0.351 mol
V(O2) = 0.351 mol 8.314 J/(Kmol) 288 K / (1.01105
Pa) = 8.321 L O2.
This corresponds to 8.311 L ∙100/20.95 = 39.72 L of air.
c) Under these conditions all relevant species have the concentration of 1 mol/L thus
you may use the standard potentials.
E°(cell) = E°2 – E°1 E°(cell) = + 0.66 V ( ΔG°(cell) = - 63.7 kJ/mol)
Für die Zellreaktion VO2
+ V3+ 
2 VO2+
E1 = 0.34 V +
and E2 = 1.00 V +
E(cell) = E2 – E1 = E°(cell) +
/(-F) (1)
Problems Round 3 Test 2
with ΔG = - 1FΔE ΔG(cell) = ΔG
(cell) -
with T = 288 K ΔG(cell) = - 63.7 kJ/mol – 2.39 kJ/mol
d) E(cell) = E°(cell) +
Let be c(VO2
) = c(V
) = x and c(VO
) = 2.00 mol/L – x:
E(cell) = E°(cell) + 
F(cell))E-(E(cell) o
= - 13.7
1.1210-6 6
x 
= 1.058·10-3
x = c(VO2
) = c(V
) = 2.1110
With E°(cell) = 0,65 V 8
= - 13.3 
= 1.292·10-3
x = c(VO2
) = c(V3+
) = 2.5810-3
Solution to problem 3-18
a) i) Initiation:
Radikal ( Ra)
Ra + H2C CHCH3 Ra CH2 CH(CH3) 
ii) Propagation:
Ra CH2 CH(CH3) + H2C CHCH3
Ra CH2 CH(CH3) CH2 CH(CH3)
iii) Termination:
Ra (CH2 CH(CH3))n CH2 CH(CH3)2
Ra (CH2 CH(CH3))n CH2 CH(CH3) (CH3)HC CH2 ((CH3)HC CH2)n Ra
radical ( Ra)
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
CH3 C+
Ra (CH2 CH(CH3))n CH2 CH(CH3)2
Ra (CH2 CH(CH3))n CH CH(CH3) + Ra (CH2 CH(CH3))n CH2 CH2(CH3)
Methyl groups on the same
side: isotactic
Methyl groups alternate regu-
larly on opposite sides:
Methyl groups randomly
orientated: atactic
c) 1. The resultant polymers are linear with practically no chain branching
2. The reaction is stereochemically controllable. Isotactic, syndiotactic and atactic
forms can be produced, depending on the catalyst system used.
d) No, the polymers are racemic.
e) Polymerisation of isobutene
f) In the polymerisation process cations are formed. They are stabilised by
electron rich substituents (S) such as CH3 groups or a phenyl ring. On
the other hand substituents such as halogens or a -COOCH3 group re-
move electrons and thus prevent the stabilisation of the polymer cation.
CH2 CHC6H5 > CH2 CHCH3 > CH2 CHCl > CH2 CHCO2CH3CH2 C(CH3)2 >
, , , ,
Problems Round 3 Test 2
Solution to problem 3-19
+ C6H6
80 °C
+ H2O
+ R'OH
+ NH3
+ 2 R''MgCl
+ 2
R'' R''
NHCH3 + H2O + NaCl
Säurechlorid (1) Amin (1)
+ H–N(CH2CH3)2 + H2O + NaCl
Säurechlorid (2) Amin (2)
c) Amide 1: N-Methylpropanamide
Amide 2: N,N-Diethylbenzamide
Acid chloride (1)
Acid chloride (2) Amine (2)
Amine (1)
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Solution to problem 3-20
a) i)
b) Enantiomere von Z
the left stereogenic centre
Priorities S-configuration R-Configuration
or the right stereogenic centre
Priorities S-Configuration R-Configuration
c) Step 1: Formation of the enolate ion
O –
Problems Round 3 Test 2
Step 2: Nucleophilic addition
Step 3: Formation of a neutral aldol
– OH
T, OH
+ H2O
2-Butenal is stable due to the conjugated double bond (,β-unsaturated).
+ 2
C(1,2) C(2,1)
– H2O – H2O
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
Answers Round 4 (theoretical)
Solution to problem 4-01
a) + b) NH3 NH2OH / H3NO
NH(OH)2 / H3NO2 / HNO / H2N2O2
N(OH)3 / H3NO3 / HNO2
AsH3 Name Structural formula Molecular structure
(distorted) tetrahedral
H trigonal pyramidal
AsH(OH)2 As
trigonal pyramidal
(distorted) tetrahedral
As(OH)3/ H3AsO3 As
H trigonal pyramidal
(distorted) tetrahedral
c) possible compounds:  H3NO,  H3NO2,  H3NO3
possible combinations:  +  H6N2O2 ./.
 +  H6N2O3 ./.
 +  H6N2O4 N2O
 +  H6N2O4 N2O
 +  H6N2O5 N2O2 (NO)
 +  H6N2O6 N2O3 (NO2 / NO, N2O4 / N2O2)
Solution to problem 4-02
a) The solubility of AgBr lies in the range between that of AgCl and AgI:
KL(AgCl) > KL(AgBr) > KL(AgI).
In a solution with a precipitate of AgI: c(Ag+
)  mol/L = 8.94·10-9
Answers Round 4 (theoretical)
in the respective half cell: E = E°(Ag
/Ag) + R·T·F
·ln .
E 0.800 V + 8.314 J·K-1
·298.15 K·(96485 C/mol)-1
·ln 8.94·10-9
E 0.324 V
) in a solution of AgBr> c(Ag
) in al solution of AgI
 E(AgBr half cell) > E(AgI half cell) > E(reference electrode)
The electrode with the higher potential is the cathode, so in this case the silver elec-
b) E = E(cathode) – E(anode)  E(cathode) = E + E(anode)
E(AgBr half cell) = 0.199 V + 0.241 V = 0.440 V
0.440 V = 0.800 V + R·T·F
·ln c(Ag
)/c° (c° = 1 mol/L)
) = c(Ag+
) = c(Br-
) = 8.21·10-7
KL(AgBr) = (8.21·10-7
= 6.74·10-13
c) AgBr(s) + e
 Ag(s) + Br
(aq) E = 0.071 V (1)
(aq) + e
 Ag(s) E = 0.800 V (2)
(1) – (2): AgBr(s)  Ag
(aq) + Br
(aq) E° = E - E = - 0.729 V
G° = - n·F·E° G° = - 96485 C/mol · (- 0.729 V) G° = 70.3 kJ
d) The half-cell potential of AgI(s) + e
 Ag(s) + I
(aq) under standard conditions
(i.e. c(I
) = 1 mol/L) is asked.
E°(AgI/Ag) = E°(Ag
/Ag) + R·T·F
·ln (c*(Ag
) = 1 mol/L  c*(Ag
) = KL(AgI)
E°(AgI/Ag) = 0.800 V + R·T·F
·ln 8.12·10
E°(AgI/Ag) = - 0.152 V
Solution to problem 4-03
b) L = n·
bzw. = für n = 1, 2, 3, …
c) E = ½ · m·v2
und m·v = h/ v2
 E = ½ mit = : E = q.e.d.
d) n = ½ · k
Solutions to the Theoretical Problems
e) k = 6
f) Transition with the lowest energy: n = 3  n = 4
E = (42
– 32
) = and E =
 L = with = 231 nm: L =
L = 7.00·10
m L = 7 Å = (1.34 + 2·1.35 + 2·1.48) Å ,
i.e. the sum of the bond lengths between the atoms C7 and C12.
g) The angles between C5-C6 and C13-C14 and the plane are 59° and 39°, respective-
ly. Only if they were 90° you could completely neglect the effect of the double bonds
between C5 and C6, C13 and C14 and C15 and O. The overlap still occurs (as the
angle is ≠ 90°) and makes the box bigger. A larger L leads to a larger wavelength.
h) = = = 3.30·10
Only C5 and C6 are forced into the plane:
L = (7.00 + 1.50 + 1.33) Å = 9.83 Å k = 8 = 354 nm
this is not sufficient as well as if only C13 and C14 are forced into the plane.
C5, C6, C13 und C14 are forced into the plane:
L = (9.83 + 1.48 + 1.35) Å = 12.66 Å k = 10 = 481 nm
 not enough.
C5, C6, C13, C14, C15 and O are forced into the plane:
L = (12.66 + 1.48 + 1.20) Å = 15.34 k = 12 = 597 nm
Experimentally 602 nm are found.
In accordance with this model the atoms C5 through O are forced into the plane.
Solution to problem 4-04
a) Ca3(PO4)2 + 4 H3PO4  3 Ca(H2PO4)2 (1)
Ca3(PO4)2 + 2 H2SO4 + 4 H2O  Ca(H2PO4)2 + 2 CaSO4 · 2 H2O (2)
(or Ca3(PO4)2 + 3 H2SO4 + 6 H2O  3 CaSO4 · 2 H2O + 2 H3PO4 (2‘)
n = 3
n = 2
n = 1
n = 4
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
German problems 2011
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German problems 2011

  • 1. National German Competition Volume 17 43. International Chemistry Olympiad Turkey 2011
  • 2. Chemistry Olmpiad 2011 4 Preface To become a member of the German IChO-team you have to be success- ful in four rounds of a national competition which is lead by PD Dr. Sabine Nick. The problems to be solved in the 1st round are sent to all high schools. To solve the problems the students may use all resources available. e.g. textbooks etc. All those students who solve about 70% of the tasks correctly will receive the problems of the 2nd round, which are to be solved in the same way as mentioned above. These problems are the most difficult ones in the whole competition. The top 60 of the participants of the 2nd round are invited to the 3rd round, a one-week chemistry camp. Besides lectures and excursions to chemical plants or universities there are two written theoretical tests of 5 hours each. The top 15 of the 3rd round are the participants of the 4th round, a one- week practical training. There are two written five-hour tests - one theo- retical and one practical - under the same conditions as at the IChO. Here the team is selected. In this booklet all problems of the selection procedure and their solutions are collected. Future participants should use this booklet to become ac- quainted with the problems of the competition. Therefore the solutions to the problems given in this booklet are more detailed than the answers we expect from the students in the competition. In the appendix you find tables of historical interest. Wolfgang Hampe This booklet including the problems of the 43rd IchO and the latest sta- tistics is available as of September 2011 from http://www.ipn.uni-kiel.de/abt_chemie/icho/icho.html (chapter:”Aufgaben”)
  • 3. Chemistry Olympiad 2011 3 Contents Part 1: The problems of the four rounds Contact adresses ............................................................ 4 First round (problems solved at home) ..................... 6 Third round, test 1 (time 5 hours)........................................ 14 Third round, test 2 (time 5 hours)........................................ 25 Fourth round, theoretical test (time 5 hours)...................................... 35 Fourth round, practical test (time 5 hours) ....................................... 47 Part 2: The solutions to the problems of the four rounds First round ............................................................ 52 Third round, test 1 ............................................................ 57 Third round, test 2 ............................................................ 65 Fourth round, theoretical test .......................................................... 74 Part 3: The problems of the IChO Theoretical problems ........................................................... 89 Practical problems ............................................................ 102 Solutions to the theoretical problems ................................................ 111 Part 4: Appendix Tables on the history of the IChO ................................................ 118
  • 4. Chemistry Olmpiad 2011 4 Contact addresses: IPN, University of Kiel. z.H. PD Dr. Sabine Nick tel: +49-431-880-3116 Olshausenstraße 62 fax: +49-431-880-5468 D-24098 Kiel E-mail: nick@ipn.uni-kiel.de IPN, Universität Kiel, Dr. Stefan Schwarzer Tel: 0431-880-2158 Olshausenstraße 62 Fax: 0431-880-5468 D-24098 Kiel E-Mail: schwarzer@ipn.uni-kiel.de IPN, University of Kiel. z.H. Monika Barfknecht tel: +49-431-880-3168 Olshausenstraße 62 fax: +49-431-880-5468 D-24098 Kiel E-mail: barfknecht@ipn.uni-kiel.de Wolfgang Hampe tel: +49-431-79433 Habichtweg 11 D-24222 Schwentinental E-mail: Hampe@t-online.de Association to promote the IChO (Association of former participants and friends of the IChO) Förderverein Chemie-Olympiade e.V. (FChO) Dr. Timo Gehring tel: +49-171-543 55 38 Hauptstraße 59 D-65760 Eschborn E-mail: gehring@fcho.de Internet : www.icho.de www.fcho.de
  • 5. Problems 5 Part 1 The problem set of the four rounds
  • 6. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 6 First Round Problem 1–1 Water Water is a very special substance with a lot of unusual properties. a) Draw the structural formula of water, write down the structural parameters (such as bond angle, bond length) and mark the positive and negative partial charges of the molecule with ’+ and ’’–. The shape of the water molecule can be formally derived from a tetrahedron, yet the H-O-H bond angle is considerably smaller than an ideal tetrahedron angle. This phenomenon can be explained in a simplified way by the Valence Shell Elec- tron-Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory. b) Which assumptions are made in this theory? Use those assumptions which apply to water to rationalize the diminished bond angle of water. In the series of hydrogen chalcogenides the melting and the boiling tempera- tures of water differ considerably from those of the hydrogen compounds of the other elements of group 16 as water forms hydrogen bridge bonds O-H···O. c) Show the preferential spatial shape of the hydrogen bridge bonds O-H···O. Sketch a water dimer for thiws purpose. d) Give the empirical formulae and the names of the hydrogen chalcogenides. e) Which melting and boiling temperatures (in °C) should water in the series of hydrogen chalcogenides show if their molar mass would be the only deter- mining factor? Find the hypothetical melting and boiling temperatures of wa- ter using a graph with a line of best fit. Element S Se Te Po Melting point (Mp.) of the hydrogen compound in °C -85.6 -65.7 -51.0 -36.1 Boiling point (Bp.) of the hydrogen compound in °C -60.3 -41.3 -2.3 35.3 Water shows a so-called density anomaly. f) What does this mean? Which consequences arise from the density anomaly in everyday life and in the environment? Give two examples!
  • 7. Problems Round 1 7 Problem 1–2 Water Containing Substances Many salts of metals form hydrates. The way water molecules are bound can be very different. They can be split off more or less easily. In aqueous solutions metal cations exist mostly as aqueous complexes. a) Sketch the preferential coordination polyhedrons of [Cr(H2O)6]3+ and [Li(H2O)4]+ . An aqueous solution of Fe(III) chloride is acidic. b) Give a simple explanation! The splitting off of water molecules (dehydration) of hydrates can be analysed by a thermogravimetric measurement. Using this method the change of mass of a sample as a function of temperature is determined. Nickel chloride was recrystallised in water, the solid filtered off and dried in air. The thermogravimetric measurement of the solid shows the following TG-graph (experimental mass losses): 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 50 60 70 80 90 100 Temperatur / °C Massenverlustmin% -30.09% -15.18% c) Use the TG-graph to determine the formula of the compound which formed after recrystallisation. Which compounds do you expect after the first and af- ter the second step of the TG? Calculate the mass loss of each step and compare the results with the experimental values of mass loss. LossofwaterΔmin% Temperature / °C
  • 8. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 8 Water can have a strong effect on the properties of materials, e.g. the water content of a powder which is used to form tablets is crucial to their state, crum- bly or solidified. Therefore the determination of water content is very important in analytical chemistry. A very old procedure is the reaction of a water containing sample with calcium carbide. The gas which forms in this reaction is led through an alkaline copper(I) solution. The precipitate is filtered off, dried at maximal 100 °C and weighed. d) Which gas forms in this reaction? Write the reaction equation. e) Which compound forms when the gas is lead through the copper containing solution? Write the reaction equation. Why should this method be used for safety reasons only when small amounts of water shall be determined? Karl Fischer published in 1935 a new method to determine water which with small variations is still used today. He let the water containing sample react with methanol, pyridine, sulfur dioxide and iodine following the equation H2O + SO2 + 2 C5H5N + I2 SO3 + 2 HI · C5H5N. The end point of the titration is reached when a permanent brown colour occurs. f) Apply oxidation numbers to the atoms in all iodine and sulfur containing compounds in the reaction equation above. What is the reason for the brown colour at the end of the titration? The reaction above turned out to proceed in two steps. In the first step sulfur dioxide and methanol form an ester which then in a second step reacts with wa- ter and iodine. 1. Step: SO2 + H3COH + C5H5N C5H5NH+ + X 2. Step: X + H2O + I2 + 2 C5H5N Y + 2 C5H5NH+ + 2 I– g) Give the formulae of X and Y! What is the function of pyridine in this reac- tion? To determine the water content, a sample is added to sulfur dioxide and metha- nol. The mixture is then titrated with a solution of iodine in alcohol. As it is difficult to detect the end point visually nowadays the Karl-Fischer- method is performed electrochemically. The titer is given in water equivalent in mg/mL.
  • 9. Problems Round 1 9 The titer of a Karl-Fischer-solution is 4.8 mg/mL. In a special apparatus samples of 10 g each of two cooking oils were analysed. The results of the titration are given in the table below. Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 A 1.65 mL 1.62 mL 1.41 mL 1.62 mL B 1.45 mL 1.43 mL 1.44 mL 1.44 m h) Calculate the mass percentage of water in each cooking oil. Problem 1-3 Amino acids: Chemical Jack-of-all-Trades in Nature In 1965 fortune provided assistance to the American chemist James M. Schlat- ter. Schlatter had synthesized a compound A in the course of producing an an- tiulcer drug candidate. He accidentally discovered its sweet taste when he licked his finger, which had become contaminated with A. This was the hour of birth of a well-known artificial sweetener with the following structure: A a) Mark all functional groups of A and write down their names. What is the commonly known name of compound A. A can be derived from a dipeptide which is formed by two naturally occurring amino acids, phenyl alanine and B. Amino acid B is produced industrially in the following way OO O hv NH3 enzymatische Katalyse C D E B H2O Anhydride C is hydrolysed to form D. When exposed to UV radiation D rearrang- es to E. Addition of ammonia to E leads in an enzymatically catalysed reaction to B, the wanted amino acid. enzymatic catalysis
  • 10. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 10 b) Give the structural formulae of B, D and E. Which are the trivial names of these compounds? c) In which stereochemical relationship is D with E? d) Which purpose serves the enzymatic catalysis in the reaction of E to B? In nature proteins are based on 23 amino acids and play an important role in biochemistry. The great variety of proteins is due to the different properties of the individual amino acids. e) Assign a fitting statement to each of the following amino acids: Glutamic acid contains an acid amide Cysteine may form disulphide bridges Glycine contains two stereogenic centres Arginine contains an indole ring Tryptophan is used as flavour enhancer Alanine contains a saturated five-membered ring Methionine contains four nitrogen atoms per molecule Proline is achiral Threonine forms by decarboxylation of compound B. Asparagine plays a specific role in the film "Jurassic Park" Lysine contains a thioether Phenyl alanine, the second amino acid from which A can be derived, belongs to the essential amino acids i.e. humans are not able to synthesize them. They must be obtained through our diet. In the human body phenyl alanine is used as a starting compound to form a lot of important compounds such as the hormone adrenaline and another amino acid F. An elementary analysis of 100 mg of F results in the following combustion prod- ucts: 219 mg of CO2, 54.8 mg of H2O and 7.73 mg of N2. f) Determine the smallest possible empirical formula of F. Give the structural formula and the name of F.
  • 11. Problems Round 1 11 Many other creatures use amino acids as reagents to form among other things highly complicated natural compounds e.g. the antibiotic G which is formed by yeast. Its medical effect was also discovered by accident. N O H N H O R S COOH G g) Which are the two amino acids to form G? Mark the corresponding fragments by circling. h) Give the name of G and the name of the group of compounds it belongs to. The antibiotic G blocks the bacterial growth by inhibiting an enzyme important for cell wall biosynthesis. Humans cells are surrounded only by a plasma mem- brane and don’t have additional cell walls. Therefore they lack this enzyme. After inhibition the enzyme looses the ability to crosslink polysaccharide chains with peptides. Without crosslinking the cell wall is destabilized and the bacteria burst. Proteins of all organisms are exclusively composed of L-amino acids. The bacte- rial cell wall is one of the few examples of naturally occurring D-amino acids with D-alanine in the above mentioned linker peptides. i) Draw the Fischer projections of L-alanine and D-alanine and determine their R,S stereochemical designations! Hint: A to G are abbreviations of compounds, not codes of amino acids.
  • 12. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 12 Problems Round 3 Test 1 Göttingen 2011: Problems 3-01 to 3-10 Test 2 Göttingen 2011: Problems 3-11 to 3-20 time 5 hours. your name write it on every answer sheet. relevant calculations write them down into the appropriate boxes. otherwise you will get no points atomic masses use only the periodic table given. constants use only the values given in the table. answers only in the appropriate boxes of the answer sheets, nothing else will be marked. draft paper use the back of the pages of the problem booklet, but everything written there will not be marked. problem booklet you may keep it. Good Luck
  • 13. Problems Round 3 test 1 + 2 13 Useful formulas and data G = H - T·S G = - E·z·F G = - R·T·ln Kth ΔUreaction = ΔHreaction + W ln (Kp1/Kp2) = R H0  ·(T1 -1 - T2 -1 ) p·V = n·R·T for ideal gases and osmotic pressure Nernst equation : E = E0 + Fz TR   ·ln (cOx/cRed) for metals E = E0 + Fz TR   ·ln (c(Mez+ /c0 )) for non-metals E = E0 + Fz TR   ·ln (c0 /c(NiMez- )) for hydrogen E = E0 + F TR  ·ln 2/10 2 0 )p/)H(p( c/)H(c  with c 0 = 1 mol/L p 0 = 1.000∙10 5 Pa rate laws 0. order c = co - k·t 1. order c = co· e k t 1 2. order c-1 = k2·t + co -1 Arrhenius equation: k = A ∙e-Ea/(R∙T) A pre-exponential factor. Ea activation energy Law of Lambert and Beer: E = ·c·d  molar absorption coefficient d length of the cuvette c concentration Henry’s law for dissolving gases in water (A(g) A(aq)) KH = ))g(A(p ))aq(A(c KH Henry constant Energy of a photon E = h∙c/λ h Planck’s constant c speed of light λ wavelength Speed of light c = 3.000∙108 ms-1 Gas constant R = 8.314 JK-1 mol-1 Faraday constant F = 96485 Cmol-1 Avogadro constant NA = 6.022·1023 mol-1 Planck constant h = 6,6261∙10-34 Js po = 1.000·105 Pa 1 atm = 1.013·105 Pa 1 bar = 1·105 Pa 1 Å = 10-10 m A periodic table was provided
  • 14. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 14 Third Round Test 1 Problem 3-01 Multiple Choice With one or more correct answers even if the question is written in singular a) Which of the following compounds gives a basic solution when dissolved in water? A Na2CO3 B Na2SO4 C NaCl D HCl E NH3 b) An aqueous solution contains only sodium ions (c = 0.5 mol/L), magnesium ions (c = 1 mol/L) und nitrate ions. What is the concentration of the nitrate ions? A 1.5 mol/L B 2.0 mol/L C 2.5 mol/L D 3.0 mol/L E 4.0 mol/L c) Which of the following elements has the largest third ionization energy? d) Which of the following conversions are oxidations? e) One and only one of the following compounds reacts with Na2Cr2O7 in an acidic solution. Which one? A CH3 O OH H3C B O C H3C OH CH3 C CH3 D CH3 H3C CH3 O C C CH2OHC CH3 CH3 E CH3 H3C CH2 O f) Which of the given compounds has the highest boiling point? A CH4 B CH3Br C CH3-CH3 D CH3F E C3H8 g) The bond angle O-Cl-O in ClO3 - is A 109.5° B little more than 109.5° C a little less than 109.5° D 120° E little more than 120° F a little less than 120° A B B C C N D Ca E Al A VO3 -  VO2 + B SO3  SO4 2- C NO2 -  NO3 - D MnO4 -  MnO2 E CrO2 -  CrO4 2-
  • 15. Round 3 Test 1 15 Problem 3-02 Binary Hydrogen Compounds Almost all elements form binary (i.e. consisting of two different elements) com- pounds with hydrogen. However, these compounds differ strongly from each other in the type of bonding and in their behaviour concerning redox reactions and acid/base reactions in aqueous solutions. a) In the following tables insert the formulae of the hydrogen compounds of the elements of the 2nd and 3rd period of the periodic table of the elements. Complete the missing indications in the tables (acid/base: consider the Brönsted definition only) Compound LiHs BeH2 BH3 (B2H6) CH4 NHt H2O HuF State of aggregation s Type of bonding ion/cov cov Redox red n n ox Acid/base b a n Compound NaHv MgHw AlH3 SiHx PHy HzS HCl State of aggregation Type of bonding ion/cov cov Redox ox Acid/base b (a) n Abbreviations: State of aggregation (1013 hPa, 25 °C): s = solid, l = liquid, g = gaseous Type of bond: cov = covalent, ion = ionic, met = metallic Redox : red = reducing agent, ox = oxidizing agent, n = ambiguous Acid/base (in aqueous solution): a = acid, b = base, n = ambiguous b) How do the hydrogen compounds of the elements of the 2nd period react with oxygen? Write reaction equations! c) How do the hydrogen compounds of the elements of the 2nd period react with water? Write reaction equations! Electronegativities: H 2.2 Li 0.97 Be 1.47 B 2.01 C 2.5 N 3.07 O 3.5 F 4.10 Na 1.01 Mg 1.23 Al 1.47 Si 1.74 P 2.06 S 2.44 Cl 2.83
  • 16. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 16 Problem 3-03 El Pozolero A “gentleman“ with the nickname “El Pozolero“ acted on behalf of a Mexican drug syndicate. He was arrested by the police in 2009. He confessed that he had dissolved three dead bodies in a barrel filled with a mixture of hot concentrated sulfuric and nitric acid. This barrel was confiscated. It was important for the conservation of evidence and the conviction in the following law suit to know how many victims had actu- ally been dissolved. As there were no other witnesses who could confirm the statement of the delin- quent the content of the barrel had to be analysed to find its composition. It was assumed that the dead bodies had a mean mass of 70 kg each and that the human body contains about 6.0 g of phosphor per kg weight. A sample of 100 mL was taken from the barrel which was filled with 4000 L of the mixture. a) Calculate the mass of phosphor in the 100 mL sample if actually only three corpses had been dissolved. In order to determine the amount of phosphor in the token sample molybdate reagent was added in order to form ammonium molybdatophosphate ((NH4)3[P(Mo3O10)4]∙12 H2O) as precipitate. The first step of the reaction could proceed similar to the chromate/dichromate reaction as polycondensation. b) Write a reaction equation for the formation of a dimolybdato ion (Mo2O7 2- ) in an acidic solution with molybdato ions (MoO4 2- ) as reagent using line dot structures. The precipitated ammonium molybdatophosphate was heated for several hours to remove the water of hydration completely, and then it was heated to constant weight: yield 4.2880 g of P2O5∙24 MoO3. To get a blind a fresh mixture of hot concentrated sulfuric and nitric acid was analysed. 100 mL of this mixture contained 0.0481 g of P2O5 24 MoO3. c) Clarify how many residues of human bodies could be detected. Calculate the number of persons who had fallen prey to “El Pozolero“.
  • 17. Round 3 Test 1 17 Generally there are more possibilities to detect phosphor, e.g. precipitation reac- tions with AgNO3, BaCl2 or ZrOCl2. d) Write down the equations for these detecting reactions under the conditions in the barrel. Account for the stability of the generated compounds in the mixture in the barrel. Which one is the most readily and which one the most sparingly solu- ble compound. (Hint: Use the HSAB principle for argumentation) Problem 3-04 Benzoic Acid Benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) is used as a food preserva- tive (represented by the E-number 210) for sausages, ketchup, mustard, other sauces, margarine and a lot of more products. It inhibits the growth of mold, yeast and some bacteria. Benzoic acid is not danger- ous to the human body as an accumulation is inhibit- ed by catabolism to hippuric acid which is excreted. Cowberries, cranberries and cloudberries are examples of berries which contain relatively large amounts of benzoic acid. The preservative effect occurs when the pH is below 5. Give all results of this problem with three significant figures. a) Write down the reaction equation of the protolysis of benzoic acid. b) Calculate the pH value of a solution with c(benzoic acid) = 0.012 mol/L. Ka(benzoic acid) = 6.31∙10-5 c) Determine the ratio of the concentrations of benzoate ions and benzoic acid in fruit juices with pH = 4.00 and pH = 6.00, respectively. d) At which pH value does a solution of benzoic acid have the best buffering ability? 25 cm 3 of benzoic acid (c = 0.0150 mol/L) are added to 17 cm 3 of a solution of sodium hydroxide (c = 0.0120 mol/L). e) Calculate the pH of the resulting solution.
  • 18. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 18 Problem 3-05 Copper Sulfat Hydrates 1.36 g copper sulfate (contains no water of crystallization) are placed on a bal- ance in an evacuated vessel at 25 °C. At this temperature water vapor is slowly led in the vessel. Thereby the pressure increases to 1.5 kPa. The correlation between the mass of the sample and the vapor pressure is shown in the diagram below. When point A is reached the pressure does not change for a certain time though more water vapor is led in the vessel. a) Account for the constancy of the pressure. Different hydrates of copper sulfate (CuSO4 ∙x H2O) are stable at different pres- sures of water vapor. b) Calculate thevalues of x from the data of the diagram Half way between C and E a point D is marked. c) Which phase(s) exist at this point? Give the formula(e) and the composition (in percentage of mass). d) How does the diagram change when the temperature is increased, e.g. to 30 °C? (replase comma (,) by point (.) in this diagram) 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,2 D CB HG FE A
  • 19. Round 3 Test 1 19 Problem 3-06 Avogadro’s Number Avogadro’s number NA can be determined in different ways. Let’s have a look on two of these ways. At first the determination is performed electrolytically in a school experiment. Two copper electrodes are used to electrolyse dil. sulfuric acid (c = 0.50 mol/L). a) Write the reactions at both the anode and cathode Experimental results decrease in electrode mass: 0.3554 g constant current 0.601 A time of electrolysis 1802 s Data charge of an electron 1.602∙10-19 C molar mass (Cu) 63.546 g/mol b) Determine Avogadro’s number (result with 3 significant figures)! The exact determination of the Avogadro constant is important for both, theoret- ical and practical considerations. CODATA (Committee on Data for Science and Technology) recommended in 2002 NA = 6.0221415 (10) mol-1 and in 2006 NA = 6.02214179 (30) mol-1 where the number in parenthesis represents one stand- ard deviation in the last two digits. One of the most accurate methods is using very pure silicon single crystals. The density of pure silicon is ρ= 2.3290354 g/cm3 . Silicon crystallises in the diamond lattice with a cubic unit cell having an edge length of a = 543.10209 pm. There are 8 atoms in a unit cell. The molar masses and abundances of the silicon isotopes are: molar mass in g/mol abundance h in % 28 Si 27.976926 92.238328 29 Si 28.976494 4.6588057 30 Si 29.973770 3.1028663 c) Calculate the Avogadro constant NA based on these data. (result with 9 sig- nificant figures)!
  • 20. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 20 Problem 3-07 Redox There are elements which exist in different oxidation states in different com- pounds. Performing redox reactions, these oxidation states can change. Each redox reaction has a specific standard potential E0 . If you know some of them it might be possible to determine others. a) Determine the half-cell potential E0 of VO2 + + 4 H+(aq) / V2+ + 2 H2O Standard potentials: (V2+ /V(s)): E°1 = -1.20 V (VO2+ + 2 H+ (aq) /V3+ + H2O): E°2 = +0.34 V (V3+ /V(s)): E°3 = -0.89 V (VO2 + + 2 H+ (aq) /VO2+ + H2O): E°4 = +1.00 V You may write a cell reaction in different ways: A + B   C + D (1) with K1 and Eo 1 2 A + 2 B   2 C + 2 D (2) with K2 and Eo 2 b) How differ the values of E° and K, respectively, of the presentations (1) and (2)? Account for your answer. You may use the standard potentials to determine the equilibrium constants of redox reactions. c) Determine the equilibrium constant at 298 K for 6 Fe2+ + Cr2O7 2- + 14 H3O+   6 Fe3+ + 2 Cr3+ + 21 H2O Standard potentials: E°5 (Cr2O7 2- + 14 H3O+ / 2 Cr3+ + 21 H2O) = 1.33 V E°6 (Fe3+ / Fe2+ ) = 0.770 V Problem 3-08 A Dash of Lemon on the Fish Certain members of the hawthorn family produce a smell which also comes from fish. The fish smell can be hidden by lowering the pH value since the compound is an organic base. This is probably one of the reasons why lemon is served with fish. The analysis of the smelling compound showed that it contains only carbon, hy- drogen and nitrogen. Combustion of 0.125 g of the compound resulted in the formation of 0.172 g of H2O and 0.279 g of CO2. a) Determine the ratio of the amounts n(C):n(H):n(N).
  • 21. Round 3 Test 1 21 b) Use the mass spectrum below to determine the molecular formula of the compound. Show your reasoning. There are 4 isomers with this molecular formula. c) Draw their structures and give their names. d) Which of the isomers of part c) has the following 1 H-NMR spectrum? Account for your decision. The boiling point of the 4 isomers of part c) is in the range from 2 °C to 48 °C. e) State which isomer has the lowest boiling point and which the highest one. Account for your decision. rel.Abundance
  • 22. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 22 Problem 3-09 Aromatic or not? a) Check whether the statements below are true or not. Statements yes no At rt* benzene is inert when combined with Br2, H2, acids and KMnO4 Planar cyclic systems with 4n (n = 0, 1, 2, …) electrons are called antiaromatic Non aromatic cyclic polyenes can form aromatic dianions and dica- tions Aromatic carbon hydrates are referred to as arenes as well. Nucleophilic aromatic substitutions proceed in a three-step mecha- nism Benzene undergoes at 25 °C substitution reactions rather than ad- dition reactions Planar cyclic conjugated systems with 4n + 2 (n = 0, 1, 2, …) delo- calized electrons are called aromatic Losing aromaticity means that the aromatic smell of a compound is lost by evaporating (*rt = room temperature) b) Mark those of the compounds A to L which are aromatic and antiaromatic, respectively. CH2 H2C N NH N HN H A B C D N N O E F S H N G H
  • 23. Round 3 Test 1 23 O I N Br Br Br J K L Problem 3-10 Reactions of ? (Hydralin, Adronal) Compound A serves as parent compound to form the compounds E1 and E2 as well as F. a) Complete the following reaction schema by giving the structural formulae of A, D, E1 and E2. Write the names of all the compounds A to E2. Add the additionally needed reagents at the places marked with “?”. Mark all stereogenic centres with a star (*). (Hint: The compounds E1 and E2 form in a 1:1 ratio as trans-diols). A OH OH ? ? +E1 E2 H3O+ B C ? D b) What is the name of an equimolar mixture of E1 und E2? Assign R or S con- figuration to the stereogenic centres of E1 and E2. c) With A and the following chemicals compound F can be produced. Suggest a way of synthesis as detailed as possible.
  • 24. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 24 Br NBr O O Na KOH O F, , ,A, 3-(Cyclohexoxy)cyclohexene Compound A, methylbenzoate (C8H8O2), maleic acid diethylester (C8H12O4) and benzyl alcohol (C7H8O) were used in the past in de- vices to draw up an account of fuel costs in flats let for rent. They were directly affixed to the radiators and worked on the basis of vaporisation. According to the climate conditions liquids with different boiling points were used. The fuel bill was calculated on the basis of the amount of the evaporated liquid. d) Draw the structural formulae of the four compounds mentioned above. Rank the compounds from 1 to 4 according to the height of their boiling point (1: lowest bp., 4 highest bp.). Account for your decision. If the ranking of two compounds is not clear give a short explanation.
  • 25. Round 3 Test 2 25 Third Round Test 2 Problem 3-11 Multiple Choice With one or more correct answers even if the question is written in singular a) The complete electrolysis of 1 mol of water requires the following amount of electric charge (F is the Faraday constant): A F B 3 4 ∙F C 2 3 ∙F D 2∙F E 4∙F b) Which formulae represent more than one compound? A CH4O B C2H2Cl2 C Pt(NH3)2Cl2 D Cu(SO4)∙5H2O E C2H6O c) When methylamine (CH3NH2) reacts with an excess of gaseous oxygen the gases N2, O2 and CO2 form. Which amount of oxygen is necessary for a com- plete reaction of 1 mol of methylamine? A 2.25 mol O2 B 2.50 mol O2 C 3.00 mol O2 D 4.50 mol O2 E 4.75 mol O2 d) The ionic product of water at 45 °C is 4.0∙10-14 . Which is the pH-value of wa- ter at this temperature? A 6.7 B 6.4 C 7.0 D 7.3 E 13.4 e) Given the transition pH of some indicators. Which of them should be used if a weak base is titrated with a strong acid? A 2,4-Dinitrophenol: 3,5 B Bromothymol blue: 7,0 C Cresol red: 8,0 D Alizarin yellow: 11,0 f) Warfarin is a rat poison. How many stereogenic centres are present in this molecule? A 0 B 1 C 2 D 3 E 4 g) Which of the following reactions proceed with the largest rise in entropy? (Reactants and products under standard conditions.) A Br2(g) + Cl2(g)  2 BrCl(g) B 2 NO(g)  N2(g) + O2(g) C 2 CO(g) + O2(g)  2 CO2(g) D H2O(g)  H2O(l) E 2 H2O(l)  2 H2(g) + O2(g) F 2 Na(s) + Cl2(g)  2 NaCl(g)
  • 26. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 26 Problem 3-12 Gold In 1940 the Hungarian chemist George de Hevesy dissolved the gold bearing Nobel Prize Medals of Max von Laue and James Franck in a certain solution to keep them from being confiscated by German authorities during the occupation of Denmark. After the war the „hidden“ gold was retrieved, delivered to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Nobel Foundation generously presented Laue and Frank with new Nobel medals. a) In which solution did George de Hevesy dissolve the medals? Give the exact composition! b) Write the reaction equations of the formation of the solvent and of the dis- sol-ving process of gold. Gold as one of the noblest metals dissolves only in this solvent because its disso- lution is strongly favoured. c) Give the reasons for this favouritism qualitatively (Tip: Au/Au3+ : E° = 1.50V). There are different operations of exploitation to obtain gold. The oldest one is the method of prospecting which is not used at large scale any longer. Nowadays gold is produced by cyanidation of gold ore. Air is blown into and mixed with gold containing sludge and potassium cyanide solution is added. At the end of the process zinc powder is given into the mixture. d) Write the reaction equations of the cyanidation and of the reaction when zinc powder is added. Assume the formation of Au(I) in the cyanidation process! A number of comon gold compounds were characterised in a first step as gold(II) compounds, such as CsAuCl3. This assumption turned out to be wrong. e) How do these gold(II) compounds really exist? f) Suggest a structure of the compound CsAuCl3! Hint: Assume a complex compound.
  • 27. Round 3 Test 2 27 Problem 3-13 In the laboratory of a highschool the hydrochloric acid fountain experiment is carried out with the equipment shown in the picture. A flask is filled with dry HCl gas. A drop of water is added with the dropper. Then the tap is opened and the water enters the flask like a fountain and fills it totally. (p = 1.020∙105 Pa, T = 295 K) a) Determine the pH of the solution at the end of the experiment. The same experiment was repeated with ammonia (pKb = 4.75) instead of HCl. b) Determine again the pH value of the solution. Problem 3-14 a) Write down the reaction equations together with additional needed reagents for the following changes: Mg(s)  MgO(s)  MgSO4(aq)  Mg(OH)2(s)  MgCl2(aq)  MgCO3(s)  MgO(s) In a chemical plant 90000 m3 /day of waste water with pH = 1.2 accumulate. This solution is neutralised with CaCO3. b) Calculate the mass of calcium carbonate needed and the volume of the gen- erated carbon dioxide (25 °C, 1013 hPa). Problem 3-15 Kinetics The reaction 2 NO(g) + O2(g)  2 NO2(g) obeys the following rate equa- tion: r = k∙c(NO)2 ∙c(O2). a) Explain how the rate of the reaction changes when the following concentra- tion changes are made: i. c(O2) is quadrupled, ii. c(NO) is quadrupled, iii. c(NO) is halved, iv. c(O2) is halved and c(NO) is quadrupled, v. c(NO) is halved and c(O2) is quadrupled. dry HCl gas dropper water watertap tapered glass tube
  • 28. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 28 The initial rate of the above reaction remains the same when the temperature is raised from 460 °C to 600 °C, with all the initial concentrations halved. b) Determine the activation energy. The first-order decay of a compound was followed spectrophotometrically (Lam- bert-Beer law). After loading a solution with an initial concentration of c0 = 0.015 mol/dm3 into a cuvette with a path-length of d = 1.00 cm, its absorbance A (at a wavelength where only this species absorbs light) was recorded as a function of time: t in s 0 20 40 60 80 100 125 150 175 200 250 A 0.141 0.111 0.084 0.069 0.051 0.047 0.031 0.023 0.015 0.013 0.007 c) Show graphically that the reaction is really of first order. d) Determine the molar absorption coefficient ε. e) Determine the initial rate and the rate constant k. f) Calculate the half-life t12 from the rate constant. (If you could not solve e) take k = 9.50∙10-3 s-1 ) g) Calculate the time required to consume 99 % and 99.99 %, respectively, of the compound. Problem 3-16 Silver Nitrate as an Explosive? Tollens` reagent for detecting aldehydes is produced in the following way: Drops of ammonia are added to an aqueous solution of silver nitrate. A puce (brownish-red) residue (1) forms which dissolves when more ammonia is added (2). An aqueous solution of a compound which is to be tested for aldehyde groups is heated up to 70 °C. Tollens` reagent is added. If the test is positive the solution turns black and the walls of the container are covered by a shiny coating (3). a) Suggest reaction equations which clarify the observations 1 to 3. Use RCHO in your equations as formula of an aldehyde. A German teacher worked with Tollens` reagent. A short summary of an article in the German newspaper “Hamburger Abend- blatt” reports what happened then:
  • 29. Round 3 Test 2 29 “Large Scale Rescue Operation at a School in the town of Wedel. A failed chemical experiment at a school in Wedel led to a night time large scale rescue operation. During a lesson of chemistry silver nitrate was liberated followed by a defla- gration, reported the local fire department. They informed that under certain circum- stances silver nitrate might be flammable and explosive. The teacher did not inform the fire department before the evening when he became anx- ious of further reactions. Betwenn 10 pm and the next morning up to 60 firemen partial- ly under breathing protection were employed to stop possible further reactions with oth- er chemicals. At 0.30 am a special military unit usually defusing warfare agents was alarmed. ... “ Fact is: If not used for a long time black-brown flocs form in Tollens` reagent. b) Which chemical were they really dealing with? Account for your assumption by a reaction equation. Hint: The black-brown flocs contain more than 90 % of the mass of silver and decompose exposed to friction or beats into its elements.) An excess of Tollens` reagent has to be disposed. Copper sulfate, glucose, alu- minium chloride, copper shavings, glucose, potassium iodide and ascorbic acid are available. c) Which of these substances is appropriate and which is not? Account for your decisions. If potassium cyanide is added to an aqueous solution of silver nitrate silver cya- nide is formed which in solid can be described at the same time as cyanide and isocyanide d) Which assembling should silver cyanide have in solid? Draw an image of a possible arrangement of the components. Silver fluoride is very soluble in water contrary to other silver halides. Similar ionic radii of the two kinds of ions may be a reason. The density of silver fluoride amounts to = 5.851 kg · m-3 . It crystallises in the sodium chloride structure. e) Describe the sodium chloride structure by drawing it. f) Evaluate the ionic radii of both types of ions in silver fluoride by calculating.
  • 30. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 30 Problem 3-17 Electric Current from Sugar A fuel cell is composed of two reaction vessels which contain, among others, catalysers and an electrochemical cell as shown in the figure below: In the beginning both reaction vessels contain VO2+ ions in a strongly acidic so- lution. In vessel 1 VO2+ is reduced to form V3+ , cane sugar is oxidised to CO2 and H2O. In vessel 2 VO2+ is oxidised by oxygen to form VO2 + . The solutions of V3+ and VO2 + are pumped into the half cells of the electrochemi- cal cell. There they react as electrolytes at the inert electrodes. If an electrical current is flowing VO2+ ions are formed again which are pumped back into the reaction vessels. a) Write down a balanced equation for the reaction in vessel 1. b) Calculate the volume of the air (15 °C, 101 kPa) which is at least necessary to be pumped into vessel 2 if in the same time 10 g of cane sugar in vessel 1 are consumed (air contains 20.95 % of volume oxygen). Let us assume for the parts c) and d) that in the beginning VO2+ ions (c = 2.00 mol/L) are the only vanadium species present, that the vessels are of the same size and that a temperature of 15 °C is retained. c) Which cell potential do you expect if the VO2+ concentrations in both half cells are halved? Calculate ΔG° for the cell reactions as well as ΔG as a function of the con- centrations of the vanadium species. Equivalent amounts of cane sugar and air react in both vessels which are equal. The cell potential amounts to 0.32 V. CO2 (g) H2 O Luft N2 (g)Rohrzucker- lösung Reaktionsgefäß 1 Reaktionsgefäß 2 Galv. Zelle poröse Wand - + Electrochemical Cell Reaction vessel 2Reaction vessel 1 Solution of cane sugar porous barrier airVO2+  V3+ VO2+ + O2  VO2 +
  • 31. Round 3 Test 2 31 d) Determine the concentrations of V 3+ and VO2 + , respectively, in the corre- sponding half cells. (If you could not solve part c) use E°(cell) = + 0,65 V) Standard potentials: VO2+ + 2 H+ (aq) + e-   V3+ + H2O E°1 = + 0.34 V VO2 + + 2 H+ (aq) + e-   VO2+ + H2O E°2 = + 1.00 V Problem 3-18 Synthetic Polymers The analysis of a synthetic polymer leads to C3H6 as the empirical formula of the monomer. On addition of benzoyl peroxide to this monomer a polymer forms. O O O O Benzoyl peroxide a) Record the single steps of the polymerisation Write reaction equations for i) initiation (two reaction equations) ii) propagation (one reaction equation) iii) termination (two reaction equations) This polymerisation can lead to three different types of polymerisation products with respect to the arrangement of the CH3-groups. b) Draw a carbon-carbon backbone of six carbon atoms of the polymer for each of the three types and show the spatial position of the substituents. c) What is the effect of Ziegler-Natta catalysts in the field of polymer chemis- try? d) Do you expect one of the three different types of compounds (from part b)) to rotate plane-polarized light? Explain. In the industrial production proton donors play an important role, e.g. in the re- action to form polyisobutene. C CH3 CH3 H2C H + Polyisobuten . e) Give an equation for the initiation reaction and for the propagation reaction of the formation of polyisobutene. Polyisobutene
  • 32. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 32 R C Cl O If different monomers are tested for their reactivity with respect towards cationic polymerisation the following order is found: CH2 CHC6H5 > CH2 CHCH3 > CH2 CHCl > CH2 CHCO2CH3 hohe Reaktivität f) Account for this order of reactivity of the monomers. Use the formation of polyisobutene as an example. g) Integrate isobutene in the above given order of increasing reactivity. Problem 3-19 Reactions of Acid Halides Acid halides are among the most reactive of carboxylic acid derivates and can be converted into many other kinds of com- pounds. a) Determine the reaction products A to F as well as X and Y which were pre- pared from an acid halide. R C Cl O + C6H6 AlCl3 80 °C A + X R C Cl O + H2O B + X R C Cl O + R'OH C + X R C Cl O + NH3 D + X R C Cl O LiAlH4 Ether E + X R C Cl O + 2 R''MgCl H2O Ether F + 2 Y increasing reactivity , , ,
  • 33. Round 3 Test 2 33 H3 CH2 C NHCH3 O N(CH2CH3)2 O Amide 1 Amide 2 The two amides shown in the drawing are to be synthesised from an acid chloride and an amine, respectively. b) Find in the equations below the acid chlorides 1 and 2, the amines 1 and 2 as well as U and V. Säurechlorid (1) + Amin (1) NaOH CH3CH2 C NHCH3 O Säurechlorid (2) + Amin (2) NaOH + U + V C N(CH2CH3)2 O + U + V c) Give the IUPAC names of both amines. Problem 3-20 Aldol Reactions Aldol reactions take place between two cabonyl partners. One example is the dimerisation of aldehydes and ketones. a) Determine in the following examples the structural formulae of X, Y and Z. i) 2 X NaOH Ethanol CH3CH2 CH OH CH CH OCH3 ii) 2 O Cyclohexanon NaOH Ethanol Y iii) 2 H O H H NaOH Ethanol Z Reaction a) iii leads to a racemate. b) Mark all stereogenic centres in Z with a star (*). Acid chloride (1) + Amine (1) Acid chloride (2) + Amine (2)
  • 34. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 34 If there is only one stereogenic centre, draw the structural formulae of both enantiomers of Z. Assign R or S configuration to the enantiomers. If there are more stereogenic centres, choose one of them and draw the structural formulae of the R and S compound according to the chosen centre. If doing so do not consider further stereogenic centres. Assign R or S config- uration to the chosen centre. (Instructions: in front of the paper plane behind the paper plane) Aldol reactions are catalysed by bases. The used carbonyl compound forms a nucleophilic electron donor and an electrophilic electron acceptor. c) Propose the reaction mechanism of the dimerisation of ethanal (H3CCHO) catalysed by a base. Consider the following steps: step 1: Formation of an enolate ion step 2: Nucleophilic addition step 3: Formation of a neutral aldol The product of an aldol reaction often reacts in a following step e.g. if the tem- perature is increased. In this case water is eliminated (aldol condensation). 2 Acetaldehyd OH – Aldolprodukt T, OH – A + H2O d) Draw the structural formula of A und write down its name. What is the rea- son for the high stability of compound A? e) Complete the following schema of an aldol reaction and aldol condensations. 8 O NaOH 2 B(1) + 2 B(2) C(1,1) + C(1,2) C(2,1) + C(2,2) – H2O – H2O CH3 2 Acetaldehyde Aldol product
  • 35. Problems Round 4 (theoretical) 35 Fourth Round (theoretical problems) (A periodic table and the same list of formulae and data as in the third round were provided) Problem 4–01 Nitrogen group – plain and easy The formulae of the oxo acids and the oxides of the elements of group 15 can be derived by an easy formalism: The hydrogen atoms in the hydrogen compounds are step by step replaced by OH groups. From the empirical formulae the ortho (rich in water) or the meta (poor in water) forms are formed. The formulae of the oxides can be obtained by a (formal) total cleavage of all water. An example: If all hydrogen atoms in the phosphonium cation PH4 + are replaced by OH groups the empirical formula is P(OH)4 + or H4PO4 + , respectively. By sub- traction of a proton (– H+ ) you get H3PO4 (phosphoric acid) a) Starting with the hydrogen compounds NH3 and AsH3 find the possible hy- drogen-oxygen compounds of these elements using the formalism from the paragraph above. b) Draw the Lewis structures of all arsenic containing species. Take possible isomers into account, too. Which molecular structures do you expect apply- ing the VSEPR model? The respective anhydride of an acid is formed by a (formal) total cleavage of all water. Using phosphoric acid as an example you get 2 x H3PO4  H6P2O8 minus 3 x H2O  P2O5 (this is the anhydride of the phosphoric acid, which exists as dimer P4O10). c) Find all nitrogen oxides which may be formed by the (formal) combination of all compounds containing nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen, found in a). Problem 4-02 Electrochemistry of Silver Halides The following experiment was performed in order to determine the solubility product of silver bromide: 20.0 mL of a solution of potassium bromide ( c = 0.0100 mol/L) and 20.0 mL of a solution of silver nitrate (c = 0,0100 mol/L) are mixed in a beaker. A calomel reference electrode and an ion-selective silver electrode are dipped into the solu- tion in the beaker. The potential between these electrodes is measured: 0,199 V.
  • 36. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 36 a) Account for the fact that the silver electrode is the cathode in this galvanic cell by a calculation. b) Find the solubility product of silver bromide using the measured potential. Data: Ag+ (aq) + e-  Ag(s) E° = 0.800 V calomel reference electrode E = 0.241 V Ks(AgCl) 1.6·10-10 Ks(AgI) = 8,12·10-17 T = 298.15 K for the total problem c) Calculate G for the reaction AgBr(s) Ag+ (aq) + Br- (aq) using AgBr(s) + e-  Ag(s) + Br- (aq) E° = 0.071 V. If silver ions are added to a solution of sodium iodide a precipitate of silver io- dide with KL(AgI) = 8.12·10-17 forms. d) Determine the standard potential of the reduction of AgI to Ag. Problem 4-03 The Electron in the 1-D Box The first major expansion of the chemical industry occurred in the 19th century particularly in the production of dyes. In those days it was not understood why the compounds prepared were so high- ly coloured. In the meantime quantum mechanics has developed a simple model which gives an amazingly good explanation of the colouring. Thereunder parts of some molecules can be considered as a 1-D box over which the electrons are distributed. According to quantum mechanics these electrons can be considered to be standing waves with the wavelength . Each wavelength corresponds to a specific energy. When light is absorbed by a molecule an electron makes a transition from a lower to a higher energy state. For the energy difference E you find E = (c: speed of light, h: Planck’s constant, : wavelength of the light absorbed). When this wavelength occurs in the visible part of the spectrum (400 to 750 nm) the molecule appears coloured. a) In the figure on the answer sheet the waves of the lowest energy electrons have been drawn (g and ). Draw the wave of the next higher energy level. b) Give a general expression for the possible wavelengths of the electron as a function of the box length L.
  • 37. Problems Round 4 (theoretical) 37 In the ”particle in a box“ model only the variation in the kinetic energy is con- sidered (Ekin = ½ · m·v2 ). c) Show that the possible energies of electrons in a molecule are given by E = (n: quantum number). Hint: momentum p = m·v = h/, m: mass of electron, v: speed of electron). d) Give an expression for the number z of possible energy states (orbitals) k (k even) electrons in a conjugated system occupy in the ground state. The retina of the human eye contains the light absorbing substance rhodopsin. It contains a protein (opsin) with the substance retinal bound to it. The structure of the molecule, together with the bond lengths, is given in the following figure. 1 2 3 4 7 12 15 5 6 1,33 1,34 1,35 1,48 1,50 1,20 1,35 1,35 1,48 1,48 1,48 O All-trans-Retinal Bond length in Angström (Å) 59° 39° The C atoms 7 through 12 are in one plain. The curved arrows indicate that the bonds C5-C6 (about 59°) and C13-C14 (about 39°) protrude from this plain. e) Give the number k of delocalized electrons in the box between C7 and C12 and draw the energy scheme of them in ground level. When the theory of the “particle in the box” is applied to the fragment C7 through C12 the answer for the absorption with the lowest energy is found to be = 231 nm. f) Determine the box length which is basis of this calculation. Which length in the molecule is used as box length?Actually the absorption turns out to be at 380 nm. g) Using the “particle in the box” model give a reason for this longer wave- length. When retinal is bound to opsin to form rhodopsin the absorption turns out to be at a wavelength over 550 nm.
  • 38. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 38 If one wants to explain this with the “particle in the box” model some atoms have to be forced into the plain. h) Which is (are) this (these) atom(s)? Account for your decision by calculating the exact wavelengths when additional relevant atoms are incorporated into the conjugated system of the box. Calculate step by step (atom by atom). List of constants: c = 2.9979·108 ms-1 h = 6.6261·10-34 Js m(electron) = 9.1094·10-31 kg Problem 4-04 A Deceptive Mineral - Apatite Phosphorus is found in nature in apatite, a complex inorganic phosphate. The mineral we are dealing with in this problem is composed of calcium phosphate, calcium sulfate, calcium carbonate and calcium fluoride. In preparation for the use as fertilizer apatite is processed to form water- soluble calcium dihydrogen phosphate. In doing this a mixture of phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid is added. The elementary analysis of a sample of apatite gives the following results. Thereby the content of the elements – except for fluorine – is given as the ratio of their oxides. CaO P2O5 SiO2 F SO3 CO2 Mass ratio 0.5269 0.3913 0.0274 0.0179 0.0323 0.0118 A sample of m0 of the mineral is given into 50.0 mL of a solution which contains 0.500 mol/L of phosphoric acid and 0.100 mol/L of sulfuric acid. The mixture is totally evaporated at a temperature ≤ 60 °C under the hood. The yield is m1 of a solid which is composed of gypsum (calcium sulfate dihydrate) and silicon diox- ide. a) Write down complete equations for all reactions in the reaction vessel. Explain why the reaction is performed under a hood and at a temperature ≤ 60 °C. b) Calculate the maximal theoretical mass m0 of apatite which can react with the acid mixture used. c) Which mass m1 is formed from the theoretical mass m0 calculated in b)?
  • 39. Problems Round 4 (theoretical) 39 Problem 4-05 The Industrial Preparation of Hydrogen Hydrogen can be prepared in an industrial process by heating hydrocarbons to- gether with steam: CH4(g) + H2O(g)  3 H2(g) + CO(g) [In this problem you may assume that all these gases are ideal and that H and S are independent of temperature.] The equilibrium constants of this reaction at two different temperatures are known: at 298.15 K Kp = 1.450·10-25 , at 1580 K Kp = 26640 . a) Give the number of significant figures of results based on this data. b) Determine H, S as well as G and Kp for this reaction at 1000 K. There are 1,000 mol of CH4 and 1,000 mol H2O at 400 K in a sealed vessel of constant volume. The total pressure is 1.600 bar. The temperature is raised to 1100 K. At this temperature the equilibrium con- stant is 28.50. c) Calculate the pressure in the vessel when the equilibrium is reached. Determine the amount of conversion (in %) of methane. Performing the reaction with the same amount of reactants at 1100 K in a vessel with constant pressure (1.600 bar) the amount of conversion of methane will not have the same value. d) How does the conversion change? Explain your statement. In a reaction under these conditions the volume will change from Vbegin to Vequilibrium = 1.750· Vbegin . e) Determine the amount of conversion under these conditions. f) How can CO be removed from a mixture of H2 and CO? Problem 4-06 Silver in Photography - A Relic Ten years ago the beneficiation of silver containing residue from the photo in- dustry was of great commercial interest. Nowadays it does no longer play an
  • 40. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 40 important role apart from some special applications. It was nearly totally pushed aside in the course of the develoment of digital photography. In the process of fixation of a developed photo the unexposed silver halide was dissolved by complexation. Ag+ ions form with different ligands stable complexes of the coordination number 2. Below you find the solubility product (Ksp) of silver chloride and the complex-formation constants (KK) of some silver complexes. Ksp(AgCl) 1.6·10-10 , T = 298.15 K in the total problem Ligand KK NH3 1.4·107 S2O3 2- 3.2·1013 CN- 3.2·1020 a) Write down the equations for the dissolving reactions with the three ligands. b) Calculate the solubility of silver chloride in mol/L in the three complex solu- tions. Assume that the concentration of the ligands in the solution which is saturated with silver chloride is 0,100 mol/L in each case. c) Which of the three fixatives was actually used? Account for your answer. In the qualitative inorganic analysis complexation often inhibits the for- mation of a desired precipitate. Silver is precipitated preferentially as chlo- ride, however it may form the complex [AgCl2]- if the concentration of Cl- is high enough. 20.0 mL of a solution of Ag+ (c = 0,100 mol/L) are treated with 100.0 mL of hydrochloric acid (c = 6.00 mol/L). d) Decide whether the formation of the silver complex [AgCl2]- inhibits the pre- cipitation of silver chloride. Account for your decision by a calculation. Equilibrium constant Keq = 1.00·10-5 for AgCl(s) + Cl- [AgCl2]- . Problem 4-07 Kinetics It is possible that the gas phase reaction between NO and O2 to give NO2 (2 NO + O2  2 NO2) proceeds via the following mechanism: 2 NO N2O2 (fast equilibrium) k1 k-1
  • 41. Problems Round 4 (theoretical) 41 N2O2 + O2  2 NO2 (slow) a) Derive a rate law such as rate of formation of NO2 = = k · [NO]a ·[O2]b ·[NO2]c which is consistent with this mechanism and express k through the rate con- stants given above. To prove whether this reaction follows this rate law you have do perform exper- iments. If the reaction takes place in a sealed container the total pressure will change if the reaction proceeds. There are many devices which are capable of measuring the pressure rather precisely. The difficulty is that you can measure only the total pressure whereas you want to know the partial pressure (and hence the concentration) of each of the species present. For this reaction it is possible to relate the overall pressure to the required par- tial pressures for instance if you start with a 2:1 mixture of NO2 and O2 n(NO):n(O2) = V(NO):V(O2) = 2:1 . b) Show that under this condition the partial pressure of oxygen (p(O2)) can be derived from the total pressure (ptotal) measured as p(O2) = ptotal – 2/3·p0, total p0, total: initial total pressure. Denote in your calculation the initial partial pressure of oxygen as p0(O2), the fall of this partial pressure as p. The reaction above is thought to have the following rate law = -k3·[NO]2 · [O2]. If the initial concentrations are again [NO]:[O2] = 2:1 you can simplify the rate law and write it as a function of [O2]. c) Show that in this case the equation can be simplified to = -k3‘·[O2]x . Determine x and give the relation between k3 and k3‘. d) Integrate this rate law to show that the concentration of O2 varies with time in the following way: + 2 k3‘· t The following data was obtained at 298 K for a mixture of NO and O2 in the ra- tion 2:1: t / s 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 Ptotal/10 4 Pa 1.350 1.120 1.060 1.035 1.015 1.005 0.995 0.985 0.980 k2
  • 42. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 42 e) By plotting a suitable graph, show that this data is consistent with the rate law found in c) and obtain a value of the rate constant k3‘, stating its units. (You can either use the pressure directly as a unit of concentration or con- vert the pressures to concentrations in mol/dm3 using the ideal gas law) Problem 4-08 Stereospecific Reactions a) By means of structures in chair conformation outline the following reaction mechanism starting with -D-glucopyranose. Give the name of the product D. O OH H H OH H HO H HO H CH2OH (H2O) A B B' (H2O) CD -D-Glucopyranose The reactant of the following reaction is a D-aldopentose M with the empirical formula C5H10O5. Oxidation of M with nitric acid leads to an optically inactive product N. b) By means of Fischer projections sketch the reaction scheme. Compound M reacts in the following way: 1. HCN 2. H2 (Pd-Kat) 3. H3O+ M O P+ Both compounds O and P are oxidized by nitric acid, too. Compound O gives an optically active compound O’ while compound P forms an optically inactive prod- uct P’. c) Draw the Fischer projections of the compounds O and P. (If there is more than one possibility for M choose one of them.) -D-glucopyranose
  • 43. Problems Round 4 (theoretical) 43 o-Aminobenzoic acid reacts with sodium nitride and sulfuric acid to form a dia- zonium salt X. COOH NH2 NaNO2 / H2SO4 X The reaction of X with a base results in compound Y. d) Draw the structural formulae of X and Y. When compound Y is heated vigorously it reacts with cyclopentadiene (C5H6). Compound Z is formed: Y  U + W1 + W2 U + C5H6  [V]  e) Draw the structural formulae of the intermediates U and V as well as of the compounds W1 and W2. What is the name of the reaction between U and cy- clopentadiene? Problem 4-09 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR-Spectroscopy) The following table shows a selection of chemical shifts δof 13 C in different chemical surroundings. Tab. 1: Chemical shift δof 13 C in ppm: Aldehyde / Ketone 170 – 200 Alkene 100 – 150 Bromoalkane 25 - 65 Chloroalkane 35- 80 Methyl group 8 - 30 Nitrogen- / carbon compounds 30 - 65 The 13 C-NMR spectrum of dichloroacetic acid shows to signals, δ1 = 175 ppm and δ2 = 65 ppm. a) Assign the shifts δ1 and δ2 to the carbon atoms of dichloroacetic acid. Ztransition state
  • 44. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 44 A second 13 C NMR-spectrum of dichloroacetic acid shows the fine structure of the spectrum. b) What do you expect to observe? Explain! KOH is added to 1-chloro-1-methylcyclohexane. KOH (Ethanol) H3C Cl CH3 CH2 Produkt 1 Produkt 2 oder c) Use the 13 C NMR spectrum on the next page to determine which product is formed. Rationalize your decision. The following problems refer to 1 H NMR spectroscopy. ppm Int. 134.03 411 121.26 900 30.21 995 25.44 1000 23.98 756 23.21 909 22.57 967 product 1 product 2 or
  • 45. Problems Round 4 (theoretical) 45 d) How many signals do you expect in a 1 H-NMR spectrum of the following compounds? Give a short explanation. 1. 2,3-Dimethyl-2-buten 2. 2-Methyl-2-buten. The fine structures of 1 H NMR spectra of two compounds are detected: (1) ClCH2 – CH2Cl und (2) CH3CH2Cl . e) How many signals of compound (1) do you expect, how many of compound (2)? Account for your decision. Problem 4-10 Selected Syntheses Synthesis 1 Sulfathiazole (compound F) can be synthesized in the following way: HNO3 / H2SO4 A H2 / Pt, C2H5OH B + (H3CCO)2O CCH3COOH + HOSO2Cl D D S N NH2+ E NaOH / H2O F + CH3COOH Compound D has the empirical formula C8H8O3NSCl. a) Find the structural formulae of the compounds A to F. What is the function of the reaction step B + (CH3CO)2O? Synthesis 2 H – Ala – Ser – OH (alanylserine) reacts with Phenylisothiocyanate (PITC) under weak basic conditions to form compound X. It is a nucleophilic addition of the amino group to PITC. C H3C NH2 H C O N C C O OH H CH2OH H + S C N C6H5 X pH = 8
  • 46. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 46 b) Draw the structural formula of X. The addition of acid leads to the formation of a ring Y and the elimination of ser- ine. X H+ / H2O Y + Serin c) Draw the structural formula of Y. d) What can this reaction be used for? serine
  • 47. Problems Round 4 (practical) 47 Fourth Round (practical problems) Problem 4-11 Synthesis and Analysis of Potassium Trioxlato- ferrate(III)-Hydrate, K3[Fe(C2O4)3] · n H2O In this experiment you are required to synthesize potassium trioxalatofer- rate(III)-hydrate. Thereafter the exact content of water has to be found out by a quantitative determination of the content of oxalate. Safety precautions: Wear eye protection and protective clothing! Equipment: 100 mL beaker, 50 mL beakers for weighing in (2x), plastic bowl, vacuum pump, suction flask, Büchner funnel with rubber seal, filter paper (2x) for Büchner fun- nel, balanced and labeled 100 mL beaker for the product, volumetric flask (100 mL) with stopper, volumetric pipette (20 mL), pipette control, 50 mL measuring cylinder, 300 mL conical beaker (wide mouth, 2x), spatula, burette (25 mL) with funnel and clamp, stand with boss and clamps, magnetic stirrer plate with stir- ring bar, glass rod, thermometer Substances: Iron(III) chloride hexahydrate, FeCl3 · 6 H2O (5.3 g already weighed in in a beaker) Potassium oxalate monohydrate, K2C2O4 · H2O (12.0 g already weighed in in a beaker) Standard solution of potassium permanganate, c(KMnO4) = 0.02 mol/L Sulfuric acid, w(H2SO4) = 25 %, (corrosive, C) Sulfuric acid, c(H2SO4) = 1 mol/L, (corrosive, C) Ethanol (highly flammable, R 11, harmful to health, Xn) Demineralized water, Ice Procedures Synthesis of potassium trioxalatoferrate(III)-hydrate: Add a solution of 5.3 g (~ 20 mmol) FeCl3 · 6 H2O in 8 mL of water to a warm (35 – 40 °C) solution of 12 g (~ 65 mmol) K2C2O4 · H2O in approx. 25 mL of wa- ter. The mixture is cooled down in an ice bath to 0 °C and kept at this tempera- ture until total crystallization.
  • 48. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 48 Decant the mother liquor and dissolve the salt in approx. 20 mL of warm (35 to 40 °C) water. Cool down again to 0 °C to crystallize the salt. The solid has to be filtered off with the help of a Büchner funnel, at first washed twice with 10 mL of ice water each time, then washed with 10 mL of ethanol. Allow to stand at air until it is dry. a) Determine the yield in % referring to iron(III) chloride hexahydrate. Assume in this case that your product is existent without water of crystallization. b) Give the equation of the formation reaction. Determination of the content of oxalate in potassium trioxalatoferrate(III)- hydrate with the help of potassium permanganate: Approx. 0.6 g of the prepared product are accurately weighed in into a small beaker and then completely transferred to a volumetric flask. By adding demin- eralized water the salt dissolves. Then the flask has to be filled up to 100 mL. The solution is mixed well to form your test solution. 20 mL of the test solution are transferred to a conical beaker with the help of the volumetric pipette. Add 10 mL of sulfuric acid (w(H2SO4) = 25 %). The solution is filled up to approx. 100 mL, heated up to a temperature of 70 – 80 °C and then titrated with the standard solution of potassium permanganate (c(KMnO4) = 0.02 mol/L) until it turns lightly pink. c) Write down the equation for the reaction between oxalate und permanga- nate. d) Write down the mean consumption on the answer sheet and calculate the mass concentration βin mg/L of oxalate in your test solution. e) Calculate the water content on the basis of your titration results and give the correct empirical formula. f) Give your product in the labeled beaker to the lab assistant after you deter- mined the yield and took away approx. 0.6 g in order to determine the water content. Write the number of your beaker on the answer sheet. Disposal: Liquid substances and solutions have to be poured into the provided disposal container. The filter papers can be given into the domestic waste.
  • 49. Problems Round 4 (practical) 49 Problem 4-12 Cerimetric Determination of Nitrite In this experiment the mass concentration of nitrite in a test solution has to be determined. In this process cerium(IV) is reduced to cerium(III). Safety precautions: Wear eye protection and protective clothing! The cerium containing standard solution is very acidic. Precaution when working with conc. nitric acid. Equipment: Volumetric flask (100 mL) with stopper, volumetric pipette (20 mL), pipette control, 250 mL beaker (2 x), spatula, 25 mL burette with funnel and clamp, magnetic stirrer plate with stirring bar Substances: Nitrite containing sample in a 100 mL volumetric flask Standard solution of cerium(IV) sulfate, c(Ce(SO4)2) = 0.1 mol/L (titer: 1.024) Conc. nitric acid, w(HNO3) = 65 % (corrosive, C) Solution of ferroin, c([C36H24FeN6]SO4) = 0.025 mol/L demineralized water Procedures: The test solution (100 mL volumetric flask) has to be filled up to exactly 100 mL and mixed well. 20 mL of the standard solution of cerium(IV) sulfate are transferred to a 250 mL beaker using a volumetric pipette. The solution is diluted with approx. 50 mL of demineralized water and 5 mL of conc. nitric acid are added. The solution is heated on the magnetic stirrer plate up to 50 °C. The nitrite containing test solution is filled into the burette. The burette is low- ered until its tip is just dipping into the solution of cerium sulfate. Titrate with the test solution until the intense yellow colour of the solution of ce- rium sulfate has nearly disappeared. 2 or 3 drops of the ferroin solution are added. Then the titration is slowly contin- ued until the colour changes from blue-grey to slightly pink.
  • 50. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 50 Disposal: Liquid substances and solutions have to be poured into the provided disposal container. a) Write down the equation for the reaction of nitrite with cerium(IV) sulfate. b) Write down the mean consumption on the answer sheet and calculate the mass concentration βin mg/L of nitrite in your test solution.
  • 51. Answers 51 Part 2 The answers to the problems of the four rounds The solutions are more detailed than expected from the pupils. That may facilitate their comprehension in case of mistakes.
  • 52. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 52 Answers Round 1 Solution to problem 1-1 a) H O H 96 pm 104,5° '+ ''– '+ b) The VSEPR theory is a model in chemistry used to predict the shape of individual molecules based upon the extent of electron-pair electrostatic repulsion. Atoms in a molecule are bound together by electron pairs. These are called bonding pairs. More than one set of bonding pairs of electrons may bind any two atoms together (multiple bonding). 1. Electron pairs surrounding an atom mutually repel each other, and will therefore adopt an arrangement that minimizes this repulsion. They will get as far apart from each other as possible. 2. Lone pairs occupy more space than bonding electron pairs. 3. Double bonds occupy more space than single bonds. 4. The multiple electron pairs in a multiple bond are treated as though they were a single pair. 5. Electronegative substituents attract electron pairs more strongly and diminish their re- quired space. The H2O molecule has four electron pairs in its valence shell: two lone pairs and two bond pairs. The four electron pairs are spread so as to point roughly towards the apices of a tetra- hedron. However, the bond angle between the two O-H bonds is only 104.5°, rather than the 109.5° of a regular tetrahedron, because the two lone pairs (whose density or probability en- velopes lie closer to the oxygen nucleus) exert a greater mutual repulsion than the two bond pairs. c) Linear, the angle O-H…O is near to 180° H O H 180° H O H d) H2O dihydrogen monooxide, water H2S hydrogen sulfide, dihydrogen monosulfide, (mono)sulphane H2Se hydrogen selenide, dihydrogen monoselenide. (mono)selane H2Te hydrogen telluride, tellurium hydride H2Po polonium hydride 104.5° 96 pm
  • 53. Answers Round 1 53 e) H2O H2S H2Se H2Te H2Po Mp. in °C FpH2O -85.6 -65.7 -51.0 -36.1 Bp. in °C KpH2O -60.3 -41.3 -2.3 35.3 M in g/mol 18.01 34.08 80.98 129.62 211.02 (Note: 209 g/mol were used as molar mass of polonium.) 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 melting points line of best fit temperaturein°C molar mass in g/mol 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 boiling points line of best fit temperaturein°C molar mass in g/mol Y = A + B ∙X Melting point: Boiling point: Mp = -90.82 °C + 0.274°C∙mol/g ∙M Bp = -80.78 °C + 0.5585°C∙mol/g ∙M M = 18.01 g/mol MpH2O = - 85.9 °C BpH2O = - 70.7 °C Using Kelvin you get A = 182.33 K and 192.37 K respectively, and 187.3 K and 202.4 K respectively. f) Anomalies: When freezing solid the density of water decreases. A bulking of about 9 % occurs. In liquid water the density increases with increasing temperature up to 4 °C. Then it decreases continuously with increasing temperature. Examples of consequences:  Closed vessels/pipes etc. which contain water/aqueous solutions may burst when water is freezing.  Erosion of rocks at deep temperatures.  Damage to streets and pavement in winter time.  Fish/other animals can survive in winter as water sinks down with a temperature of 4 °C.  Ice floats on water.  Water freezes from the top.
  • 54. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 54 Solution to problem 1-2 a) Chromium (III): Octahedron, Lithium(I): Tetrahedron b) Iron(III) forms in an aqueous solution the aquo complex [Fe(H2O)6]3+ . The water molecules may act as proton donors and so cause the acidic reaction [Fe(H2O)6]3+ + H2O [Fe(H2O)5(OH)]2+ + H3O+ (Ks = 6∙10-3 ) and further steps of protolysis. c) You may assume that at the end of the measurement the compound has lost all wa- ter of crystallisation. Thus you can calculate the number of H2O per NiCl2 unit: M(NiCl2) = 129.60 g/mol Molar mass of the starting compound: M = 1518.03009.01 mol/g60.129  = 236.80 g/mol Δ= (236.80 − 129.60) g/mol = 107.2 g/mol Δrefers to 6 molecules of H2O (108.06 g/mol). The compound which formed on recrystallisation is NiCl2 · 6 H2O with M(NiCl2 · 6 H2O) = 237.68 g/mol 1. Step: NiCl2 · 2 H2O has formed Loss of mass 30.09 % (experimental) Loss of 4 H2O: [4 x M(H2O) / 237.68 g/mol] ∙100 % = 30.31 % (theo.) 2. Step: NiCl2 has formed Loss of mass 15.18 % (experimental) Loss of 2 H2O: [2 x M(H2O) / 237.68 g/mol] ∙100 % = 15.15 % (theo.) d) Acetylene (ethine): CaC2 + 2 H2O Ca(OH)2 + H2C2 e) Copper acetylide forms. This compound is highly explosive and has to be handled with maximal caution. Only small amounts should be synthesised. 2 [Cu(NH3)2]+ + H2C2 Cu2C2 + 2 NH3 + 2 NH4 + f) +IV, -II 0 +VI,-II +I,-I H2O + SO2 + 2 C5H5N + I2 SO3 + 2 HI · C5H5N At the end point additional iodine does no longer react. Thus the colour turns brown. g) 1. Step: SO2 + H3COH + C5H5N C5H5NH+ + – O2SOCH3 2. Step: – O2SOCH3 + H2O + I2 + 2 C5H5N – O3SOCH3 + 2 C5H5NH+ + 2 I–
  • 55. Answers Round 1 55 Pyridine functions as a base and shifts the equilibrium towards the products. Fur- thermore it’s a very good solvent of sulfur dioxide. h) Sample 3 of oil A was ignored. Average consumption of oil A: 1.63 mL, of oil B: 1.44 mL Mass percentage of water = sampletheofmass waterofmass ∙100 % = sampletheofmass titernconsumptio  ∙100 % Mass percentage of water in oil A = mg00010 mL/mg8.4mL63.1  ∙100 % = 0.078 % Mass percentage of water in oil B = mg00010 mL/mg8.4mL44.1  ∙100 % = 0.069 % Solution to problem 1-3 a) A is called „Aspartam“. Its molecule contains four functional groups: O N H O O CH3 NH2O HO Carboxyl group Amine Acid amide Ester b) OO O HO OO OH O OH O HO hv NH2 O OH HO O NH3 enzymatic catalysis C D E B H2O D: Maleic acid E: Fumaric acid B: L-Aspartic acid c) D and E are cis/trans isomers (E/Z isomers). d) The reaction of E to B is catalysed by the enzyme L-aspartase. On the one hand it controls the regioselectivity of the reaction with ammonia (i.e. it avoids the for- mation of an ammonium salt or an acid amide). On the other hand this enzyme is especially important because it controls the strereochemistry of this reaction: Only a single product is formed, L-aspartic acid (Compound B). e) Glutamic acid is used as flavour enhancer Cysteine may form disulphide bridges Glycine is achiral Arginine contains four nitrogen atoms per molecule Tryptophan contains an indole ring Alanine forms by decarboxylation of compund B Methionine contains a thioether
  • 56. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 56 Proline contains a saturated five-membered ring Threonine contains two stereogenic centres Asparagine contains an acid amide Lysine plays a specific role in the film "Jurassic Park" f) n(C) mol/g01.44 mg219 )CO(M )CO(m 2 2  = 4.98 mmol n(H) mol/g02.18 mg8.54 )OH(M )OH(m 2 2  = 6.08 mmol n(N) mol/g01.28 mg73.7 2 )N(M )N(m 2 2  = 0.552 mmol n(O) )O(M )N(M)N(m)H(M)H(m)C(M)C(m)F(m )O(M )N(m)H(m)C(m(F)m )O(M )O(m     mol/g00.16 mol/g01.14mmol552.0mol/g01.1mmol08.6mol/g01.12mmol98.4mg100   n(O) = 1.64 mmol n(C) : N(H) : N(N) : N(O) = 4.98 : 6.08 : 0.552 : 1.64 = 9 : 11 : 1 : 3 Smallest empirical formula of F: (C9H11NO3), tyrosine g) N O H N H O R S COOH G Cysteine Valine h) G is a penicillin which belongs to the β-lactam-antibiotics (annulated rings or heterocycles correct , too). j) (S) (R) L-Alanine D-Alanine
  • 57. Answers Round 3 Test 1 57 Answers Round 3 Test 1 Solution to problem 3-01 a) A, E b) C c) D d) C, E e) D f) B g) C Solution to 3-02 a) Compound LiH BeH2 BH3 (B2H6) CH4 NH3 H2O HF State of aggregation s s g g g l g* Type of bonding ion/cov cov cov cov cov cov cov Redox red red n red red n ox Acid/base b b a n b n a * g (>19.5 °C) Compound NaH MgH2 AlH3 SiH4 PH3 H2S HCl State of aggregation s s s g g g g Type of bonding ion ion/cov cov cov cov cov cov Redox red red red red red red ox Acid/base b b b (a) n a a b) 4 LiH + O2 2 Li2O + 2 H2 2 BeH2 + O2 2 BeO + 2 H2 2 BH3 (B2H6) + 3 O2 B2O3 + 3 H2O CH4 + 2 O2 CO2 + 2 H2O 4 NH3 + 3 O2 2 N2 + 6 H2O H2O + O2 no reaction 4 HF + O2 2 F2 + 2 H2O (Equilibrium on the side of the reactants) c) NaH + H2O NaOH + H2 MgH2 + 2 H2O Mg(OH)2 + 2 H2 AlH3 + 3 H2O Al(OH)3 + 3 H2 SiH4 + 4 H2O H4SiO4 + 4 H2 PH3 + H2O PH4 + + OH– (Equilibrium on the side of the reactants) H2S + H2O HS – + H3O + HCl + H2O Cl – + H3O + Solution to problem 3-03 a) Content of phosphor of 1 person: 6.0 g ∙70 = 420 g
  • 58. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 58 Mass of phosphor in the barrel: 420 g / 4000 L Mass of phosphor in 100 ml: 420 g ∙0.1 L / 4000 L = 10.5 mg Mass of phosphor of 3 persons: 10.5 mg ∙3 = 31.5 mg b) Mo O O O O 2- + 2 H3O+ Mo O Mo OO O OOO 2- 2 + 3 H2O c) Actual mass of P2O5 · 24 MoO3: 4.2880 g – 0.0481 g = 4.2399 g mass of phosphor in 100 ml solution 2 ∙M(P) ∙n(P2O5 ∙24 MoO3) = 2 ∙30.97 mg/mol ∙ mol/g5.3596 g2399.4 m(P) 73.0 mg number of victims 73.0 mg / 10.5 mg = 6.95 to match with 7 persons d) Strongly acidic conditions: PO4 3- exists as H3PO4 AgNO3: 3 AgNO3 + H3PO4 Ag3(PO4) + 3 HNO3 BaCl2: 3 BaCl2 + 2 H3PO4 Ba3(PO4)2 + 3 HCl ZrOCl2: 3 ZrOCl2 + 4 H3PO4 Zr3(PO4)4 + 6 HCl + 3 H2O Ag3PO4: not stable: soft cation / hard anion; most readily soluble Ba3(PO4)2: not stable: relatively soft cation / hard anion Zr3(PO4)4: stable: hard cation / hard anion; most sparingly soluble Solution to problem 3-04 a), b) C6H5COOH + H2O C6H5COO- + H3O+ Conc. at begin in mol/L 0.012 0 0 Conc. at equil. in mol/L 0.012-x x x 6.31∙10 -5 = x012.0 x2   x 2 + 6.31∙10 -5 x – 0.012∙6.31∙10 -5 = 0 x1 = 8.39∙10 -4 (x2<0) pH = 3.08 or with the approximation for weak acids: pH = 1/2 · (pKs – lg [c0(C6H5COOH))/c 0 ] pH = ½ · (- lg(6.31·10 -5 ) – lg 0.012) = 3.06 c)
  • 59. Answers Round 3 Test 1 59 pH = 4: 4 5 10 1031.6 )acidbenzoic(c )anionsbenzoate(c     )acidbenzoic(c )anionsbenzoate(c = 0.631 pH =6:  )acidbezoic(c )anionsbenzoate(c 63.1 d) The best buffering ability against acids and bases occurs if )acidbenzoic(c )anionsbenzoate(c = 1  pH = pKs pH = - lg 6.31∙10-5 = 4.20 e) n(benzoic acid) = 25∙10-3 ∙0.0150 mol = 3.75∙10-4 mol n(sodium hydroxide) = 17∙10-3 ∙0.0120 mol = 2.04∙10-4 mol benzoic acid exists in excess (Δ= 1.71∙10-4 mol) thus we can assume in the begin- ning that all NaOH is reacted with benzoic acid to form benzoate anions. c0(benzoic acid) = L1042 mol1071.1 3 4     = 4.07∙10 -3 mol/L c0(benzoate anions) = L1042 mol1004.2 3 4     = 4.86∙10 -3 mol/L Assuming the solution to be a buffer with approximately c = c0: pH = pKs + lg pH = - lg(6.31·10-5 ) + lg = 4.28 Exact calculation: Whether protolysis of benzoic acid takes place can be derived from the fraction Q = )acidbenzoic(c )OH(c)anionsbenzoate(c 3   , Q = 3 73 1007.4 101086.4     = 1.19∙10-7 < Ks = 6.31∙10-5  benzoic acid has to deprotonate. C6H5COOH + H2O C6H5COO- + H3O+ Conc. at begin in mol/L 4.07∙10-3 4.86∙10-3 10-7 0 Conc. at equil. in mol/L 4.07∙10-3 -x 4.86∙10-3 +x x 6.31∙10-5 = x1007.4 x)x1086.4( 3 3      x2 + 4.92∙10-3 x – 2.57∙10-7 = 0 x1 = 5.169∙10-5 (x2<0) pH = 4.29 Sollution to problem 3-05 a) 0.1 kPa is the pressure of water vapor of the first hydrate. incoming water vapor is incorporated as water of crystallization. Thereby the pressure is not increased. b) 1.36 g of CuSO4 are mol/g62.159 g36.1 = 8.52∙10 -3 mol of CuSO4 Δm(A-B) = 0.15 g that are 8.33∙10 -3 mol of H2O  x1 = 1 Δm(C-E) = Δm(F-G) = 2 ∙Δm(A-B)  x2 = 3 und x3 = 5 c) Δm(C-D) = Δm(D-E)  an equimolar mixture of CuSO4 ∙H2O and CuSO4 ∙3 H2O is existent
  • 60. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 60 M(CuSO4 ∙H2O) = 177.64 g/mol M(CuSO4 ∙3 H2O) = 213.67 g/mol CuSO4 ∙H2O: 67.21364.177 64.177  ∙100% = 45.4% CuSO4 ∙3 H2O: 213.67 177.64 213.67 ∙100% = 54.6% d) The horizontal distances are prolonged (the equilibrium pressures rise), the mass increase does not change. Solution to problem 3-06 a) Anode: Cu  Cu2+ + 2 e- Cathode 2 H+ + 2 e-  H2 after a certain time at the cathode additionally Cu2+ + 2 e-  Cu b) Current = 0.601∙1802 As, that are C101.602 As0.601·1802 19-  electrons amount of ionised copper n(Cu)= mol/g546.63 g3554.0 number of electrons released during electrolysis 2∙NA∙n(Cu) = 2∙NA∙ mol 546,63 3554.0  C101.602 As0.601·1802 19-  = 2∙NA∙ mol 546.63 3554.0 NA = mol3554.02101.602 63.5460.601·1802 19-   NA = 6.04∙10 23 mol -1 c) ρ= V m ρ= A 3 303029292828 Na )]Si(h)Si(m)Si(h)Si(m)Si(h)Si(m[8    NA = 8 [m( 28 Si) h( 28 Si) m( 29 Si) h( 29 Si) m( 30 Si) h( 30 Si)] a 3  with the given data NA = 6.02214091∙10 23 Solution to problem 3-07 a) The standard potentials are valid for half-cell reactions with the electron acceptor on the left. (1) V 2+ + 2 e -   V(s) E°1 = - 1.20 V ΔG o 1 = - 2E°1F (2) VO 2+ + 2 H + (aq) + e -   V 3+ + H2O E°2 = + 0.34 V ΔG o 2 = - 1E°2F (3) V 3+ + 3 e -   V(s) E°3 = - 0.89 V ΔG o 3 = - 3E°3F (4) VO2 + + 2 H + (aq) + e -   VO 2+ + H2O E°4 = + 1.00 V ΔG o 4 = - 1E°4F (5) VO2 + + 4 H + (aq)+ 3 e -   V 2+ + 2 H2O ΔG o 5 = ΔG o 4 + ΔG o 2 - ΔG o 1 + ΔG o 3 ΔG o 5 = - 1F( E°4 + E°2 - 2E o 1 + 3E o 3) ΔG o 5 = -1F1.07 V ΔG o 5 = - 3FE°5 E°5 = ΔG o 5/(- 3F) E°5 = 0.36 V or more elegant
  • 61. Answers Round 3 Test 1 61 VO2 + VO 2+ V 3+ V 2+ V 1 ∙y + 2 ∙(- 1.20 V) = 3 ∙(- 0.89 V) Y = - 0.27 V 1 ∙1.00 V + 1 ∙0.34 V + 1 ∙(-0.27 V) = 3 ∙x x = 0.36 V b) The standard potentials are valid for half-cell reactions with the standard concentra- tion of 1 mol/L  E°1 = E°2 ΔG1 = - z∙F∙E°1 K1 = TR EFz 0 1 e   ΔG2 = - 2∙z∙F∙E°1 K2 = TR EFz2 0 1 e   = ( TR EFz 0 1 e   ) 2  K2 = K1 2 or K1 = ]B[]A[ ]D[]C[   K2 = 22 22 ]B[]A[ ]D[]C[    K2 = K1 2 c) Cr2O7 2- + 14 H3O+ + 6 e-   2 Cr3+ + 21 H2O E°5 = 1.33 V ΔG°5 = -6∙F∙1.33 V Fe3+  Fe2+ E°6 = 0.770 V ΔG°6 = -F∙0.770 V 6 Fe 2+ + Cr2O7 2- + 14 H3O +   6 Fe 3+ + 2 Cr 3+ + 21 H2O ΔG°R ΔG°R = ΔG°5 – 6∙ΔG°6 ΔG°R = -6∙F∙0.56 V ΔG°R -324 kJ/mol ΔG°R = - R∙T∙lnK lnK = K298KmolJ314.8 mol/J324000 11  lnK 130.8 K 6.39∙10 56 Solution to problem 3-08 a) 0.172 g of H2O correspond to 0.172∙2/18 mol of H = 19.1∙10 -3 mol of H, that are 19.3∙10 -3 g of H 0.279 g CO2 correspond to 0.279/44 mol of C = 6.34∙10 -3 mol of C, that are 76.1∙10 -3 g of C m(N) = (125 - 19.3 - 76.1) ∙10 -3 g = 29.6∙10 -3 g 29.6∙10 -3 g N correspond to 29.6∙10 -3 /14 mol of N = 2.11∙10 -3 mol of N n(C):n(H):n(N) = 6.34 : 19.1 : 2.11 = 3.00 : 9.05 : 1 3 : 9 : 1 b) Molecular formula: (C3H9N)n with a molar mass of n∙59 g/mol. There should exist a fragment with m/z > 59 if n>1. Such a fragment is not existent  m/z = 59 and n = 1. Formula: C3H9N c) H3C – CH2 – CH2 – NH2 1-Aminopropane 1.00 V 0.34 V - 1.20 V - 0.89 V x y
  • 62. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 62 CH3 C H CH3 NH2 H3C H2 C CH3 H N Ethyl-methylamine CH3H3C CH3 N d) The isomer is trimethylamine since the 1 H-NMR spectrum shows only equivalent pro- tons (three CH3 groups), which are not coupling with one another (singlet) because there is a nitrogen atom between them. e) Lowest boiling temperature: Trimethylamine (smallest surface. lowest van der Waals forces) Highest boiling temperature: 1-Aminopropane (largest surface similar to ethyl- methylamineand thus highest intermolecular attraction and compared with ethyl-methylamine significant better possi- bility to form hydrogen bridges) Note specifying the boiling temperatures: Trimethylamine 2.87 °C 2-Aminopropane 32.4 °C Ethylmethylamine 36.6 °C 1-Aminopropane 47.8 °C Solution to problem 3-09 a) Statements yes no At rt* benzene is inert when combined with Br2, H2, acids and KMnO4 x Planar cyclic systems with 4n (n = 0, 1, 2, …) electrons are called anti- aromatic x Non aromatic cyclic polyenes can form aromatic dianions and dications x Aromatic carbon hydrates are referred to as arenes as well. x Nucleophilic aromatic substitutions proceed in a three-step mechanism x Benzene undergoes at 25 °C substitution reactions rather than addition reactions x Planar cyclic conjugated systems with 4n + 2 (n = 0, 1, 2, …) delocalized electrons are called aromatic x Losing aromaticity means that the aromatic smell of a compound is lost by evaporating x 2-Aminopropane Trimethylamine
  • 63. Answers Round 3 Test 1 63 b) A: - B: antiaromatic C: aromatic D: - E: - F: aromatic G: aromatic H: - I: aromatic J: aromatic K: antiaromatic L: aromatic Solution to problem 3-10 a) OH OH + H3O+ OH Cyclohexanol Cyclohexene (1,2,3,4-Tetrahydrobenzene) cis-1,2- Cyclohexanediol OsO4, H2O or KMnO4, H2O, EtOH, MgSO4 R-COOOH, H2O O H H Hydrolysis (catalysed by acids or bases) H+ or OH- OH trans-1,2-Cyclohexanediol HO HOOH R * * * * * * A Cyclohexane epoxide B C D E1/2 E2/1 R S S b) Racemate, the absolute configuration of the stereogenic centres of E1 and E2 is giv- en in a).
  • 64. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 64 c) Br OH Cyclohexanol Cyclohexene NBS Br KOH Cyclohexylbromide (Bromocyclohexane) O+ Na- Na + O (N-Bromosuccinimide) Sodiumcyclo- hexanolat 3-Bromocyclohex-1-ene (3-Bromocyclohexene) 3-(Cyclohexoxy)cyclohexene) d) The height of the boiling point depends on the molar mass and on the polarity of a compound: “The higher the molar mass the higher the boiling point” and “The higher polarity the higher the boiling point”. Thus position 1 and 4 are fixed. The positions of methylbenzoate and benzylalcohol are not clear. Benzylalcohol has a lower molar mass but it can form hydrogen bonds. You cannot predict which influ- ence prevails. OH Cyclohexanol, Bp.: 161 °C Methylbenzoate, Bp.: 199 °C Malenic acid diethylester, Bp.: 226 °C Benzylalcohol, Bp.: 206 °C OH OO O O OCH3 O 1 4 172.18 g/mol100.16 g/mol 136.15 g/mol 108.14 g/mol 2/3 3/2
  • 65. Problems Round 3 Test 2 65 Answers of Round 3 Test 2 Solution to problem 3-11 a) D b) B, C, E c) A d) A e) A f) B g) E Solution to problem 3-12 a) Aqua regia. Composition: 3 parts by volume of conc. hydrochloric acid and 1 part by volume of nitric acid. b) Formation of aqua regia: HNO3 + 3 HCl 2 H2O + NOCl + 2 Cl- Dissolving of gold: 2 Au + 6 Cl . + 2 Cl - 2 [AuCl4] - c) The reason for the favouritism is the formation of the stable complex ion [AuCl4]- . This process decreases cAu3+ and thus the redox potential of (Au/Au3+ ). d) Addition of potassium cyanide solution: 2 Au + H2O + 0,5 O2 + 4 KCN 2 K[Au(CN)2] + 2 KOH Addition of zinc powder: 2 K[Au(CN)2] + Zn K2[Zn(CN)4] + 2 Au e) Gold(II) compounds exist as double compounds of gold(I) and gold(III), e.g. CsAuCl3 Cs2[AuI Cl2][AuIII Cl4] f) Au ClCl Au Cl Cl Cl Cl I III [AuCl2 - · AuCl4 - ]x [AuCl3 - ]2x Solution to problem 3-13 n(HCl) = p∙V/(R∙T) c(HCl) = n/V c(HCl) = p∙/(R∙T) [1 Pa = 1 N/m2 = 1 Nm/m3 = 1 J/m3 ] c(HCl) = 295molJ314.8 m/J10020.1 K295molKJ314.8 Pa10020.1 1 35 11 5       c(HCl) = 41.6 mol/m3 c(HCl) = 0.0416 mol/L pH = 1.4 b) c0(NH3) = 0.0416 mol/L NH3 + H2O   NH4 + + OH- Concentration in mol/L 0.0416-x x x 10- 4.75 = x0416.0 x 2  x2 + x∙10- 4.75 - 10- 4.75 ∙0.0416 = 0 x1 = 8.51∙10-4 (x2 = -8.69∙10-4 ) pOH = - lg 8.51∙10-4 = 3.07 pH = 10.9
  • 66. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 66 Solution to problem 3-14 a) 2 Mg (s) + O2 (g)  2 MgO (s) MgO (s) + H2SO4 (aq)  MgSO4 (aq) + H2O (l) MgSO4 (aq) + 2 NaOH (aq)  Mg(OH)2 (s) + Na2SO4 (aq) Mg(OH)2 (s) + 2 HCl (aq)  MgCl2 (aq) + 2 H2O (l) MgCl2 (aq) + Na2CO3 (aq)  MgCO3 (s) + 2 NaCl (aq) MgCO3 (s)  MgO (s) + CO2 (g). b) pH = 1.2  c(H3O + ) = 0.063 mol/L n(H3O+ ) = 0.063 mol∙L-1 ∙90000 m3 n(H3O+ ) = 5.68∙106 mol n(CaCO3) = ½ ∙n(H3O+ ) n(CaCO3) = 2.84∙106 mol m(CaCO3) = n(CaCO3)∙M(CaCO3) m(CaCO3) = 2.84∙10 6 ∙100.09 g m(CaCO3) = 284 t n(CO2) = n(CaCO3) V(CO2) = 5 6 10013.1 298314.81084.2   V(CO2) 69,5∙103 m3 Solution to problem 3-15 a) The rate will i increase by the factor 4, ii increase by the factor 16, iii decrease by the factor ¼, iv increase by the factor 8, v not change. b) Halving all concentrations reduces the rate to 1/8 if the temperature is not changed. If the rate remains constant if the temperature is raised, k must be increased by the factor 8. k = A ∙e-Ea/(R∙T) ln k = ln A – Ea/(R∙T) Ea = - R∙ln 1 2 k k ∙( 12 T 1 T 1  )-1 Ea = - R∙ln 8∙( 733 1 873 1  )-1 Ea 79 kJ/mol c) ln c = f(t) is a straight line for a reaction of 1. order. Since the absorbance is propor- tional to the concentration you may plot ln A = f(t) and check whether it is a straight line. t in s 0 20 40 60 80 100 125 150 175 200 250 A 0.141 0.111 0.084 0.069 0.051 0.047 0.031 0.023 0.015 0.013 0.007 ln A - 1.96 - 2.20 -2.48 - 2.67 - 2.98 - 3.06 - 3.47 - 3.77 - 4.20 - 4.34 - 4.96 ΔT
  • 67. Problems Round 3 Test 2 67 0 50 100 150 200 250 -5,0 -4,5 -4,0 -3,5 -3,0 -2,5 -2,0 ln(Absorbance) time in s d) A = ε∙c∙d t = 0 s, c = 0.0150 mol/L, A = 0.141, d = 1 cm  ε= cm1L/mol0150,0 141,0  ε= 9.40 L∙mol -1 ∙cm -1 e) c20 = A20/(ε∙d) c20 = 0.111/(9.40 L∙mol -1 ∙cm -1 ∙1 cm) c20 =0.0118 mol/L c20 = c0∙e -k∙t  k = - ln(0.0118/0.0150) / 20 s k = 12.0∙10 -3 s -1 Rate equaion: c(t) = 0.0150 mol/L ∙ ts100,12 13 e   . v = -dc/dt = -0.015 mol/L∙(- 12.0∙10-3 s-1 )∙ ts100,12 13 e   vinitial = - dc/dt für t = 0 vinitial = 0.015 mol/L∙12.0∙10-3 s-1 ∙e0 vinitial = 1.8∙10-4 mol/(L∙s) Solution to problem 3-16 a) (1) NH3 + H2O NH4 + + OH– 2 Ag+ + 2 OH– (2 AgOH) Ag2O + H2O (2) Ag2O + 4 NH3 + H2O 2 [Ag(NH3)2]+ + 2 OH– (3) 2 [Ag(NH3)2]+ + 2 OH– + RCHO 2 Ag + RCOOH + H2O b) Silver nitride forms: 3 [Ag(NH3)2]+ Ag3N + 2 NH3 + 3 NH4 + c) Not appropriate are copper sulfate and aluminium chloride. Copper sulfate would decrease the ammonia concentration and thus favour the forming of silver nitride. Aluminium chloride would form silver chloride which precipitates but is dissolved again an ammine complex. Appropriate are copper shavings, glucose, ascorbic acid and potassium iodide. Io- dide anions form silver iodide which is insoluble under these conditions, the other three chemicals reduce the silver ions. The graph shows a straight line ln A = - 0.0121∙t – 1.96. Thus the rate law is of 1. order.
  • 68. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 68 d) The cyanide ions form bridges between the metal centres. They bind with carbon and with nitrogen to silver. A kind of chain structure is formed. Ag C N Ag C N Ag C N e) f) There are Z = 8 · 1 /8 + 6 · ½ = 4 silver and the same amount of fluoride ions in a unit cell with the edge length a. = 5.85 kg · m-3 and 3 A Z ·M(Ag) Z · M(F)) N · a   322 3123 11 A 3 cm10441.1 cmg851.5mol10022.6 molg00.194molg9.1074 N )F(MZ)Ag(MZ a           a = 3 322 cm10441.1   a = 5.243∙10-8 cm a = 2 x radius of silver ions + 2 x radius fluoride ions  r = a/4 r = 131.1 pm Solution to problem 3-17 a) C12H22O11 + 48 H3O+ + 48 VO2+  12 CO2 + 83 H2O + 48 V3+ or C12H22O11 + 48 H+ (aq) + 48 VO2+  12 CO2 + 35 H2O + 48 V3+ . b) 1 mol of cane sugar provides 48 mol of electrons, 1 mol of O2 consumes 4 mol of electrons  n(O2) = 1210 g/(342.3 g/mol) n(O2) = 0.351 mol V(O2) = 0.351 mol 8.314 J/(Kmol) 288 K / (1.01105 Pa) = 8.321 L O2. This corresponds to 8.311 L ∙100/20.95 = 39.72 L of air. c) Under these conditions all relevant species have the concentration of 1 mol/L thus you may use the standard potentials. E°(cell) = E°2 – E°1 E°(cell) = + 0.66 V ( ΔG°(cell) = - 63.7 kJ/mol) Für die Zellreaktion VO2 + + V3+   2 VO2+ ist E1 = 0.34 V + )V(c )VO(c ln F TR 3 2     and E2 = 1.00 V + )VO(c )VO(c ln F TR 2 2     E(cell) = E2 – E1 = E°(cell) + )VO(c )V(c)VO(c ln F TR 22 3 2      /(-F) (1)
  • 69. Problems Round 3 Test 2 69 with ΔG = - 1FΔE ΔG(cell) = ΔG o (cell) - )VO(c )V(c)VO(c lnTR 22 3 2     with T = 288 K ΔG(cell) = - 63.7 kJ/mol – 2.39 kJ/mol )VO(c )V(c)VO(c ln 22 3 2    d) E(cell) = E°(cell) + )VO(c )V(c)VO(c ln F TR 22 3 2      (1) Let be c(VO2 + ) = c(V 3+ ) = x and c(VO 2+ ) = 2.00 mol/L – x: E(cell) = E°(cell) +   F TR 2 2 )xL/mol2( x ln  2 2 )xL/mol2( x ln  = TR F(cell))E-(E(cell) o   = K288KJmol314.8 Cmol96485V)0.66-V(0.32 11 -1    = - 13.7   2 2 )xL/mol2( x 1.1210-6 6 1012.1 )xL/mol2( x    = 1.058·10-3 x = c(VO2 + ) = c(V 3+ ) = 2.1110 -3 mol/L With E°(cell) = 0,65 V 8 2 2 )xL/mol2( x ln  = - 13.3   2 2 )xL/mol2( x 1.67∙10-6 )xL/mol2( x  = 1.292·10-3 x = c(VO2 + ) = c(V3+ ) = 2.5810-3 mol/L Solution to problem 3-18 a) i) Initiation: O O O O T O O 2  Radikal ( Ra) Ra + H2C CHCH3 Ra CH2 CH(CH3)  Propen ii) Propagation: Ra CH2 CH(CH3) + H2C CHCH3 Propen Ra CH2 CH(CH3) CH2 CH(CH3) iii) Termination: Ra (CH2 CH(CH3))n CH2 CH(CH3)2 Ra (CH2 CH(CH3))n CH2 CH(CH3) (CH3)HC CH2 ((CH3)HC CH2)n Ra radical ( Ra) propene propene
  • 70. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 70 CH3 C+ S S Ra (CH2 CH(CH3))n CH2 CH(CH3)2 Ra (CH2 CH(CH3))n CH CH(CH3) + Ra (CH2 CH(CH3))n CH2 CH2(CH3) b) Methyl groups on the same side: isotactic Methyl groups alternate regu- larly on opposite sides: syndiotactic Methyl groups randomly orientated: atactic H H CH3 H CH3CH3 H3C H H CH3H3C H H3C H H3C H H CH3 c) 1. The resultant polymers are linear with practically no chain branching 2. The reaction is stereochemically controllable. Isotactic, syndiotactic and atactic forms can be produced, depending on the catalyst system used. d) No, the polymers are racemic. e) Polymerisation of isobutene C CH3 CH3 H2C H+ C+ H3C CH3 CH3 Startreaktion C + H3C CH3 CH3 CH2 C(CH3 )2 CH3C CH2 C + CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 Kettenfortpflanzung f) In the polymerisation process cations are formed. They are stabilised by electron rich substituents (S) such as CH3 groups or a phenyl ring. On the other hand substituents such as halogens or a -COOCH3 group re- move electrons and thus prevent the stabilisation of the polymer cation. g) CH2 CHC6H5 > CH2 CHCH3 > CH2 CHCl > CH2 CHCO2CH3CH2 C(CH3)2 > Isobuten Initiation Propagation , , , , Isobutene
  • 71. Problems Round 3 Test 2 71 Solution to problem 3-19 a) R C Cl O + C6H6 AlCl3 80 °C A + X R C Cl O + H2O B + X R C Cl O + R'OH C + X R C Cl O + NH3 D + X R C Cl O LiAlH4 Ether E + X R C Cl O + 2 R''MgCl H2O Ether F + 2 Y C R O HCl R C OH O HCl R C OR' O HCl R C NH2 O HCl R C OH H H HCl R OH R'' R'' MgCl(OH) b) NaOH CH3CH2 C NHCH3 + H2O + NaCl U V O CH3CH2 C Cl O + H–NHCH3 Säurechlorid (1) Amin (1) NaOH C N(CH2CH3)2 O U V O Cl + H–N(CH2CH3)2 + H2O + NaCl Säurechlorid (2) Amin (2) c) Amide 1: N-Methylpropanamide Amide 2: N,N-Diethylbenzamide Acid chloride (1) Acid chloride (2) Amine (2) Amine (1)
  • 72. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 72 Solution to problem 3-20 a) i) 2 X NaOH Ethanol CH3CH2 CHO CH3CH2 CH OH CH CH OCH3 ii) 2 O Cyclohexanon NaOH Ethanol Y OH O iii) 2 H O H H NaOH Ethanol H H H OH H O H Z b) Enantiomere von Z the left stereogenic centre     H H H OH H H O * * H H H OH H H O * H H H OH H H O * * Priorities S-configuration R-Configuration or the right stereogenic centre H H H OH H H O * *     H H H OH H H O * H H H OH H H O * Priorities S-Configuration R-Configuration c) Step 1: Formation of the enolate ion H3C C H O OH– C C O H H H H C C H H H O – C C H H H O – Cyclohexanone
  • 73. Problems Round 3 Test 2 73 Step 2: Nucleophilic addition H3C C H O + C C O H H3C C O – C C O HHH H H H Step 3: Formation of a neutral aldol H O H – OH –H3C C O – C C O HH H H H3C C OH C C O HH H H d) H3C C H O OH – H3C C OH C C O HH H H T, OH – CH3 C H C CHO H + H2O 2-Butenal A 2 2-Butenal is stable due to the conjugated double bond (,β-unsaturated). e) 8 O NaOH 2 B(1) + 2 B(2) C(1,1) + C(1,2) C(2,1) + C(2,2) – H2O – H2O CH3 CH3 HO H3 C O CH3 HO O CH3 CH3 H3C O H3C O H3C CH3 O CH3 H3C CH3 O
  • 74. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 74 Answers Round 4 (theoretical) Solution to problem 4-01 a) + b) NH3 NH2OH / H3NO NH(OH)2 / H3NO2 / HNO / H2N2O2 N(OH)3 / H3NO3 / HNO2 AsH3 Name Structural formula Molecular structure H3AsO As O H H H (distorted) tetrahedral AsH2OH As H H O H trigonal pyramidal AsH(OH)2 As O O H H H trigonal pyramidal H3AsO2 As O O H H H (distorted) tetrahedral As(OH)3/ H3AsO3 As O O O H H H trigonal pyramidal AsH(OH)2O As O O O H H H (distorted) tetrahedral c) possible compounds:  H3NO,  H3NO2,  H3NO3 possible combinations:  +  H6N2O2 ./.  +  H6N2O3 ./.  +  H6N2O4 N2O  +  H6N2O4 N2O  +  H6N2O5 N2O2 (NO)  +  H6N2O6 N2O3 (NO2 / NO, N2O4 / N2O2) Solution to problem 4-02 a) The solubility of AgBr lies in the range between that of AgCl and AgI: KL(AgCl) > KL(AgBr) > KL(AgI). In a solution with a precipitate of AgI: c(Ag+ )  mol/L = 8.94·10-9 mol/L
  • 75. Answers Round 4 (theoretical) 75 in the respective half cell: E = E°(Ag + /Ag) + R·T·F -1 ·ln . E 0.800 V + 8.314 J·K-1 mol-1 ·298.15 K·(96485 C/mol)-1 ·ln 8.94·10-9 E 0.324 V c(Ag + ) in a solution of AgBr> c(Ag + ) in al solution of AgI  E(AgBr half cell) > E(AgI half cell) > E(reference electrode) The electrode with the higher potential is the cathode, so in this case the silver elec- trode. b) E = E(cathode) – E(anode)  E(cathode) = E + E(anode) E(AgBr half cell) = 0.199 V + 0.241 V = 0.440 V 0.440 V = 0.800 V + R·T·F -1 ·ln c(Ag + )/c° (c° = 1 mol/L) c(Ag+ ) = c(Ag+ ) = c(Br- ) = 8.21·10-7 mol/L KL(AgBr) = (8.21·10-7 )2 = 6.74·10-13 c) AgBr(s) + e -  Ag(s) + Br - (aq) E = 0.071 V (1) Ag + (aq) + e -  Ag(s) E = 0.800 V (2) (1) – (2): AgBr(s)  Ag + (aq) + Br - (aq) E° = E - E = - 0.729 V G° = - n·F·E° G° = - 96485 C/mol · (- 0.729 V) G° = 70.3 kJ d) The half-cell potential of AgI(s) + e -  Ag(s) + I - (aq) under standard conditions (i.e. c(I - ) = 1 mol/L) is asked. E°(AgI/Ag) = E°(Ag + /Ag) + R·T·F -1 ·ln (c*(Ag + )/c°) c(I - ) = 1 mol/L  c*(Ag + ) = KL(AgI) E°(AgI/Ag) = 0.800 V + R·T·F -1 ·ln 8.12·10 -17 E°(AgI/Ag) = - 0.152 V Solution to problem 4-03 a) L b) L = n· 2  bzw. = für n = 1, 2, 3, … c) E = ½ · m·v2 und m·v = h/ v2 =  E = ½ mit = : E = q.e.d. d) n = ½ · k g 
  • 76. Solutions to the Theoretical Problems 76 e) k = 6 f) Transition with the lowest energy: n = 3  n = 4 E = (42 – 32 ) = and E =  L = with = 231 nm: L = L = 7.00·10 -10 m L = 7 Å = (1.34 + 2·1.35 + 2·1.48) Å , i.e. the sum of the bond lengths between the atoms C7 and C12. g) The angles between C5-C6 and C13-C14 and the plane are 59° and 39°, respective- ly. Only if they were 90° you could completely neglect the effect of the double bonds between C5 and C6, C13 and C14 and C15 and O. The overlap still occurs (as the angle is ≠ 90°) and makes the box bigger. A larger L leads to a larger wavelength. h) = = = 3.30·10 12 m -1 · Only C5 and C6 are forced into the plane: L = (7.00 + 1.50 + 1.33) Å = 9.83 Å k = 8 = 354 nm this is not sufficient as well as if only C13 and C14 are forced into the plane. C5, C6, C13 und C14 are forced into the plane: L = (9.83 + 1.48 + 1.35) Å = 12.66 Å k = 10 = 481 nm  not enough. C5, C6, C13, C14, C15 and O are forced into the plane: L = (12.66 + 1.48 + 1.20) Å = 15.34 k = 12 = 597 nm Experimentally 602 nm are found. In accordance with this model the atoms C5 through O are forced into the plane. Solution to problem 4-04 a) Ca3(PO4)2 + 4 H3PO4  3 Ca(H2PO4)2 (1) Ca3(PO4)2 + 2 H2SO4 + 4 H2O  Ca(H2PO4)2 + 2 CaSO4 · 2 H2O (2) (or Ca3(PO4)2 + 3 H2SO4 + 6 H2O  3 CaSO4 · 2 H2O + 2 H3PO4 (2‘) n = 3 n = 2 n = 1 n = 4