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Preparing date: http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh
Teaching date:.....................
A-The aims and objectives:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about the book Tieng Anh 6
- book map
- Parts of a unit
- How to study vocab , stucture.
- The importance of English
B- Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text book, lesson plan, ...
2/ Students: Textbooks, notebooks, reference books...
C- Procedures:
I/ Organization: (2') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (5')
T: Chatting : Ask ss some questions in Vietnamese
+ What is the weather like today ?
+ How do you feel about this new school ?
+ Do you like English?
Ss: Answer
III/ New lesson: (35')
I. Giới thiệu chương trình Tiếng Anh 6
1. Mục tiêu môn học
- Học sinh có thể nắm được kiến thức cơ bản tối thiểu và tương đối hệ thống về Tiếng Anh
thực hành hiện đại.
- Có kỹ năng cơ bản sử dụng tiếng Anh như một công cụ giao tiếp đơn giản duới các dạng
nghe, nói, đọc, viết.
- Có sự hiểu biết khái quát về văn hóa các nước sử dụng Tiếng Anh.
2. Đặc điểm môn học
- Xoay quanh 6 chủ điểm lớn:
+ You and me + Nature
+ Education + Recreation
+ Community + People and places
II. Giới thiêu sách TiếngAnh 6
1. Cấu trúc sách
- Có 16 đơn vị bài học ( 16 Units)
- Mỗi đơn vị bài học gồm 3 phần A,B,C
- Sau 3 bài học có 1 phần Grammar Practice và 1 bài kiểm tra 45’
- Cuối sách là phần tổng kết ngữ pháp và từ vững cả năm học
2. Phân phối chương trình
- Cả năm: 3 tiết x 35 tuần = 105
- Học kỳ I: 3 tiết x 18 tuần = 54 tiết
- Học kỳ II: 3 tiết x 17 tuần = 51 tiết
III. Giới thiệu cách học Tiếng Anh
1. Trên lớp:
- Trật tự lắng nghe giáo viên giảng bài, hăng hái phát biểu ý kiến.
- Rèn luyện và giao tiếp bằng Tiếng Anh trong giờ học Tiếng Anh, hạn chế sử dụng Tiếng
- Mạnh dạn phát âm chuẩn, thực hành nói nhiều.
2. Học ở nhà
- Học bài cũ: học từ vựng, ngữ pháp của bài học trước.
- Đọc lại bài khóa nhiều lần để nhớ từ vựng.
- Tự lấy ví dụ sử dụng cấu trúc ngữ pháp đã học.
- Làm nhiều bài tập nâng cao.
- Chuẩn bị bài học tiếp theo. (Tra từ vựng của bài học, đọc trước bài học phát triển 4 kỹ
năng: nghe, nói, đọc, viết)
- Giao tiếp với khách nước ngoài nếu có cơ hội.
IV/ Consolidation:(1' )
-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes.
Ss: Answer
V/ Homework(2')
- Prepare: Unit 1- A1,2,3,4
**************************** The end ****************************
Preparing date: http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh
Teaching date:.....................
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to:
+ Greet each other , say " Hi, Hello", introduce name .
+ Help ss have skills to study and practice.
+ Make ss feel self- confident when they introduce about themselves
2- Objectives:
a. Language focus
* Vocab : Hello, Hi, I, I am = I`m
My, name, is ( My name is)
* Grammar: - Greetings: Hello, Hi
- Introduce name : I am Lan = My name is Lan.
b. Skills: Listening – Speaking – Writing – Reading.
B/ Preparations
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette, pictures, cards ...
2/ Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books ...
C/ Procedures
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (2')
- T: Ask Ss to look at the picture page 10 and give their ideas about greetings .
+ How do you greet each other in Vietnam ?
- T: Request ss to look at the picture and answer the questions
III/ New le sson: (37')
Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents
• Presentation (12')
* Act 1: How to greet each other
- T: Ask Ss to look at the picture in the Sts’
books and tell about the situation in the
Ss: Discuss sthing about the pictures.
- T presents vocabulary and let ss practise
* Let ss play a game: "What and where"
- T: Prepare some cards about newwords.
Guide the way to play.
Ss: Listen and play with two groups.
- T: Check and comment the winner.
- T: Notice the differences between Hello
and Hi.
Ss: Take notes if necessary.
* Act 2: How to introduce name.
- T. uses the pictures in the book and sets
I- Vocabulary:
+ Greeting (n): lời chào
+ Hello: xin chào
+ Hi:
+ Name (n): tên
+ I: tôi, tớ,anh ,em....
+ My : của tôi, của tớ...
+ is = am: thì , là
+ I am = I`m: tôi là
+ My name is : tên tôi là
* What and where
the scene to ỉntoduce name.
- T: Ask: How many ways can we use to
introduce name ?
Ss: Give their ideas.
-> Concept check:form, meaning, use,
- T: Introduce short form .
Ss: Copy down.
• Practice (15')
T. uses the picture in the book and sets the
scene to build dialogue.
Ss: pairwork.
- T: Aks ss to role play Nam , Ba … to
repeat the sentences .
Ss: Roleplay.
Greet and introduce the name.
-T: Ask ss to greet each other and
introduce their name .
Ss :Practice with a partner.
- T: Call some pairs to practise in front of
the class.
Ss: Talk in pairs before class.
- T: Comment if necessary.
• Production (10')
- Ask Ss to look at the workbook and do
Exercise 1 (p. 2 – workbook) individually.
Ex1 : a) I am Hoa. / I’m Hoa.
b) Mai
c) Minh
d) Nam
e) Thu
f) Linh
- Ask Ss to work in four groups and do
Exercise 2 (p. 2 – workbook)
- Call some Ss to write the sentences on the
a) Hello. My name’s ….
b) Hi. My … … … .
c) Hi. … … …. … .
d) Hello. … … … Huy.
II- Model sentence:
Eg: My name is Hung.
I`m Hung.
* Notes: Short form :
I am = I’m
My name is = My name’s
III- Practice:
1/ Say "hello, hi" to your classmates
A: Hello.
B: Hi.
2/Dialogue build.
Lan Nga
a. Lan: Hello! __ __ Lan.
Nga: Hello! I __ Nga.
b. Ba: Hello! My name’s Ba.
Nam: Hi! __ __ Nam.
Eg P1 : Hello
P2 : Hi
P1 : I’m Hoa .
P2 : My name is Linh .
IV. Exercises
Exercise 1 (p. 4)
b) I am Mai. / I’m Mai.
c) I am Minh. / I’m Minh.
d) I am Nam. / I’m Nam.
e) I am Thu. / I’m Thu.
f) I am Linh. / I’m Linh.
Exercise 2 (p4)
a) Hello. My names’ Nga.
b) Hi. My name is Phong.
c) Hi. My name is Chi.
d) Hello. My name is Huy.
IV/ Consolidation:(2' )
=> Form: My name is .......
I am ....................
-T: Ask ss to retell the lesson.
Ss: Answer.
V/ Homework:(3')
- Learn by heart all the new words and the structure.
- Practice say “hello, hi” to every body and introduce your name.
- Do exercise 1 and 2 in workbook.
- Prepare: Unit 1: Lesson 2: A5-8.
http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh
Teaching date:.....................
LESSON 2: A5-8
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
+ Ask about health greeting and say “ thank you ”
+ Practice asking and answering about health.
2- Objectives:
a. Language focus
* Vocab : How, you, are, And you?, fine, thanks, Mr/ Mrs/Miss.
* Grammar: - Ask about health: How are you? I`m fine, thanks. And you?
b. Skills: Listening – Speaking – Writing – Reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures, sub-board , ...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (5')
- T : Check the old lesson : Ask ss to greet and introduce their name .
Ss: Do what teacher ask.
- T:comment and give marks
III/ New lesson: (36')
Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents
• Presentation (12')
* Act 1: Pre – teach vocab
- T: Use examples to introduce newwords.
Ss: Listen, repeat and copy down.
- T: Ask ss to read out in groups and read
I- Newwords
+ How : như thế nào
+ are : thì, là, ở
+ you : bạn, các bạn, cháu, em …
+ And you: còn bạn thì sao?
+ fine : khỏe
+ thanks / thank you: cảm ơn, cảm ơn bạn
Ss: Read out.
=> Checking: Slap the board.
* Act 2 :Greeting and talking about the
- T: Ask ss to look at the picture (P 12 )
Ss look at the picture
- T: Introduce the situation : Lan and Ba
meet when they are at school. Ask ss to
guess what Nam and Ba are talking about
Ss: Answer.
- T: Ask ss to put the dialogue in the
correct order . Ask ss to work in pairs.
Ss: Pairwork.
- Ask ss to read the dialogue again and
check their guess .
Ss: Read and check their guess .
-T: Give the way to ask and answer about
health :
• Practice (15')
* Act 1(A5)
-T: Ask ss to practice with a partner to read
the dialogue A5 first then make similar
dialogues .
Ss: Pairwork.
- T: Ask ss to work in Close Pair first then
Open Pair .
Ss make similar dialogues
* Act 2 ( A 6):
- T: Ask ss to pracice with a partner.
Ss: Pairwork.
* Act 3 ( A 7)
+ / Pre – writing : Ask ss to look at the
picture and give the situation .
Ss: Give the ideas.
- T: Help ss to fill in the missing words .
Ss: Fill words.
+/ While – writing
- T: Ask ss to write in their notebook
Ss: write the dialogue by filling in the
missing words
+/ Post – writing
+ Mr : ông, ngài
+ Miss/ Mrs: cô, bà
II-A5 : Listen and repeat
*Put the dialogue in the correct order .
1. Ba : How are you ?
2. Lan : Hello , Ba .
3. Lan : I’m fine , thanks . And you ?
4. Ba : Fine , thanks .
5. Ba : Hi, Lan
=> Key : 5 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 4
Eg: P1: How are you?P2: I`m fine, thanks.
2/Note:- Khi người thứ 2 hỏi lại thay vì
nói “And how are you?” chỉ cần nói “And
- I am = I`m
III- Practice:
1-A6: Practice with a partner
Mr . Hung / Mrs . Hoa / Miss Lan .
Eg :
P1 : Hello , Mr. Hung .
P2 : Hi , Miss . Hoa .
P1 : How are you ?
P2 : I’m fine , thank you . And you ?
P1 : Fine , thanks ./ Very well , thanks
2-A7 : Write
Nam : Hello , Lan .
How are you ?
Lan : Hi , I’m fine, thank you.
* Futher practice
Exe 1: Complete the dialogue
Nam: Hello. My name is Nam.
Hoa: Hi, Nam. I’m Linh. How are you?
Nam: I’m fine, thank you. And you?
How are you?
I`m fine, thanks.And you?
-T: Ask ss to read the dialogue again .
Ss: Read in pairs.
• Production (9')
- T: Ask ss to do the exercises.
Exe 1:
Nam: Hello. My … … Nam.
Hoa: Hi, Nam. I … . Hoa. How … you?
Nam: I`m …, thank you. And you?
Hoa: Fine, ….
Exe 2:
Ss: Do exercises in pairs.
-T: Let ss read the answers.
Ss: Read.
-T: Comment and correct.
Hoa: Fine, thanks.
Exe 2:
Ba: Hello, Hoa. How are you?
Hoa: Hi. I am fine, thank you. And you?
Ba: Fine, thanks.
A: Hi. My name is An.
B: Hi. I’m Ba. How are you?
A: I am fine, thank you. And how are you?
B: Fine, thanks.
IV/ Consolidation:(2' )
-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes about greetings, name, health greetings.
Ss: Answer
V/ Homework(3')
- Ask ss to write how to ask about health .
- Do exercises part A in exercise book
- Prepare: Unit 1: Lesson 3: B1-6.
http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh
Teaching date:....................
Lesson 3 : B . Good morning ( B1 – 6)
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
+ Greet each other using “ Good morning , good afternoon…And say “ good bye ”
+ Use " We are..." to talk about us.
+ Practise asking and answering about health greeting.
2- Objectives:
a. Language focus
* Vocab : Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, good bye.....
* Grammar: - Greetings: Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night....
- Review: Asking about health with "you' and "we"
b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, cassette , leson plan, pictures , ...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting and checking attendance.
II/ Warm-up: (4')
*Check the old lesson : Ask ss to greet , ask about health ( pairs )
Ss: Make dialogues in pairs .
- T:comment and give marks.
III/ New lesson: (36')
Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents
 Presentation (12')
* Pre-teach vocabulary( 7')
- T : Ask ss to look at the pictures P 14 and
sets the situation
Ss : Look at the pictures and listen
- T : Plays the tape
Ss : Listen and repeat
- T : Introduces new words by using the
pictures and taking examples.
Ss: Listen, repeat, and copy down.
- T: Request ss to practise newwords.
Ss: Practise.
=> Checking: Matching.
T. explains some ways of greeting.
+ Presentation Dialogue (5’ )
+ Show the picture in B3/P.15 and ask:
(?) Who is this? (Teacher)
(?)Are they students?(yes)
How do Miss Hoa and the students greet
one another? Let's listen to their dialogue
T. reads the dialogue – Ss listen
Ask Ss to play the role of Miss Hoa ansd the
children to read the dialogue(closed pairs)
Call on some pairs of Ss to demonstrate the
dialogue before the class
T. explains the question and the answer.
How are you?
We are fine, thanks
Ss take notes
 Practice (15')
* Act 1 ( B1 ) : T asks Ss to listen to the
I- Newwords
+good morning : chào buổi sáng
+ good afternoon : chào buổi trưa, chiều
+ good evening : chào buổi tối
+ good night : chúc ngủ ngon
+ good bye : tạm biệt
+ children (n): trẻ em
+ Mom (n): mẹ
+ we are = we`re : chúng tôi là
* Notes : Hi/ hello: Lời chào thân mật
không phân biệt thời gian trong ngày.
Good morning/ afternoon...: dùng để
chào tùy theo thời gian trong ngày thể
hiện sự trịnh trọng, lịch sự để tôn trọng
người đối thoại.
II- Dialogue B3.P.15
* Notes:
How are you?
We are fine, thank you
=> We’re = We are
Các em có khỏe không?
Chúng em khỏe ạ, cảm ơn cô.
II- Practice
1/ Picture drill B1,2( p.14,15)
a) B1: Listen and match.
Good morning – picture a
Good afternoon – picture d
Good evening – picture e
teacher and match the pictures with the
correct sentences.
a) b) c) d) e)
Ss: Listen to the tape then repeat.
- Some Ss read loudly.
* Act 2 (B2): Now look at the pictures of
time p15 then say greeting with your
* Act 3(B3): In picture a) Miss Hoa meet
her students in the school, they greet each
other. In picture b) Lan and her Mom say
greeting before going to bed.
Ss: Practise in pairs.
 Production (9')
- T: Ask ss to complete the dialogue B4 .
Lan: Good afternoon, Nga.
Nga: … …, … .
Lan: How are you?
Nga: … … …, … . … …?
Lan: Fine, thanks.
Nga: Goodbye.
Lan: … .
Ss: Write individually , and compare with a
-T: Let ss make their own dialogues
Ss: Make dialogues .
Good night – picture b
Goodbye – picture c
b) B2: Practice with a partner.
Example Exchange
-S1: Good morning
-S2: Good morning
2-B3 : Dialouge build.
a)Miss Hoa : Good morning , children .
Children : Good morning , Miss Hoa .
Miss Hoa : How are you ?
Children : We’re fine , thank you .
How are you ?
Miss Hoa : Fine , thanks .
Goodbye .
Children : Bye .
b) Mom : Good night , Lan .
Lan : Good night , Mom .
3- B4 : Write
Lan: Good afternoon, Nga
Nga: Good afternoon, Lan.
Lan: How are you?
Nga: I am fine, thanks . And you?
Lan: Fine, thanks
Nga: Good bye.
Lan: Bye.
IV/ Consolidation:(1' )
-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes about health greetings.
Ss: Answer
V/ Homework:( 3')
- Request ss to learn newwords by heart.
- Ask ss to write their own dialogues ( three lines for each )
- Do exercises part B in exercise book
- Prepare: Unit 1: Lesson 4: C1,2,5..
http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh
Teaching date:.....................
Lesson 4: C. How old are you ? (C 1,2,5)
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
+ Count numbers from 1 to 20
+ Introduce oneself and others.
+ Ask and answer about the ages.
2- Objectives:
a. Language focus * Vocab : Numbers from 1 to 20, and, minus...
* Grammar: One and one is two.
Three minus two is one.
b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , poster...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (5')
*Hold a game “ Jumble words ”: Reorder the letter to make words
tow => two oruf => four
tne => ten xsi => six
noe => one vesen => seven
fiev => five nema=> name
Ss: Write true words on the board .
- T:comment and give marks.
III/ New lesson: (35')
Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents
• Presentation (10')
* Pre- teach the newwords
-T: Ask Ss to look at the pictures then
count the item in each picture from one
to twenty.
Ss: Look at the pictures and count the
items in each picture.
- T: Introduce words and write words on
the board.
Ss: Listen, repeat, and copy down.
=> Checking: Rub out and remember.
I- Newwords
- and: cộng
1 2 3 4 5
one two three four five
6 7 8 9 10
six seven eight nine ten
11 12 13 14 15
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen
16 17 18 19 20
sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty
• Practice (18')
* Act 1:(C1)
-T: Play the tape twice.
Ss listen and repeat ( whole class , then
* Act 2:(C2)
- T: Ask ss to practice the numbers – Rub
out and remember .
Ss: Practice the numbers in groups .
+ The first st speaks numbers in
+ The second speaks in English.
+ The third write it in English.
- Ask three ss to come to the board and
practice .
Ss: Do what teacher ask.
* Act 3:(C5)
- Give the game of Bingo:
+ Ask Ss to look at the “Bingo” in
page 19 Ss’ books and listen to the
teacher’s explanation to understand how
to play “Bingo”.
+ Ask Ss to prepare draft and write
down the numbers which the teacher
• 5, 3, 7, 11, 14, 15, 18, 20, 16.
• 13, 2, 19, 12, 17, 9, 6, 1, 15.
• 6, 18, 3, 20, 12, 10, 2, 6, 11.
Ss:Play the game individually.
- Raise the winners.
• Production (7')
-T: Request ss to count the phone
Ss: Count the phone numbers.
-T: Commment if necessary
- minus: trừ
II- Practice
1- C1. Listen and repeat:
one two three four five six seven
eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen
fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen
eighteen nineteen twenty .
2- C2. Practice vocab
Eg :
P1 – 19
P2 – nineteen
P3 – nineteen ( write on the board )
3- C5: Play bingo.
* Further practice:
Eg: 01685114374
IV/ Consolidation:(1' )
-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes.
Ss: Answer
V/ Homework:(3')
11 1313 99
1212 77 33
1010 22 88
- Request ss to learn newwords by heart.
- Ask ss to copy numbers 1 – 20 and count the things in their home.
- Do exercise 1,2- part C in exercise book- P 7
- Prepare: Unit 1: Lesson 5: C3,4,6.
**************************** The end ***************************
http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh
Teaching date:.....................
Lesson 5: C3,4,6
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: At the end of the lesson students will be able to ask and answer about
one’s age using numbers from 1 to 20 , to know how to introduce others .
2- Objectives:
a. Language focus
* Vocab : : - Review: Numbers from 1 to 20, how old, years old......
* Grammar: This is...............
How old are you ?- I’m eleven ( years old )
b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , flashcards , poster...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books,...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (5')
T: Let ss play the game" Bingo".
5 13 18
9 12 15
20 17 14
Ss:Play the game individually.
- Raise the winners.
III/ New lesson: (35')
Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents
 Presentation( 12')
-T: Ask ss to retell the numbers from 1 to
20, structure asking and answering about
Ss: retell
-T: Request ss to give examples.
Ss: take examples.
- T: Introduce words and write words on
the board.
Ss: Listen, repeat, and copy down.
=> Checking: Rub out and remember.
* Teach grammar: T introduces C3, Let ss
listen to the tape. - How does Nga
introduce Lan to her teacher , Miss Hoa ?
Ss: Listen and repeat.
T: Present the new grammar and have ss
Ss: Practise the grammar.
 Practice ( 12')
T: Request ss to work in groups. Introduce
their friends with somone-Ask and anser
about ages ( C3/p18)
Ss: Groupwork
T :- Guide the way to practice( C4/ 19)
- Give models
- Ask & answer with Ss
Ss : Practice in pairs
- T : controls and corrects
Ss: Take notes if necesary.
 Production ( 11')
*Hold a game “ Lucky number ”
-T: Give 8 questions
1- Count from 1 – 10
2- Count 10 – 20
3- Lucky number
4- Count pupils in your group
5- How are you?- Ss answer
6- How old are you ?- Ss answer
7- Lucky number
I- Vocabulary:
+ How old: bao nhiêu tuổi
+ year old – years old: tuổi
+ this is : đây là ( chỉ chủ thể ở gần)
II- Structure:
Ex: This is Lan
How old are you?
I`m eleven.
* Use: Ask and answer about ages.
II- Practice
1/C3. Ask and answer about ages.
Ex: How old are you ?
I`m twelve.
How old are you?
I`m eleven years old.
2/C4.Practice with your classmate
P1: How old are you ?
P2:I’m eleven / twelve.
* P1: Hi ,Lan . This is Nga .
P2: Hello , Nga .How old are you ?
P3 : I’m twelve.
* Lucky number
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
=> Form: This is+ tên ( người hoặc vật)
How old are you?
I`m/ I am + số tuổi+ years old.
8- Reorder the letter : etevsneen
9- Lucky number
Ss: Play game in 3 groups.
T: Comment and say the winner
-T: Call some Ss to practice the dialogue
a) and remark the use of structure in the
Ss: Some pairs practice the model aloud.
-T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to make similar
dialogues, use the pictures.
Ss: Work in pairs (Close pairs and open
- Some groups of three practice the
completed dialogues
Exercise 3 (p 9; 10)
b) A: How old are you?
B: I am ten years old. And how old are
A: I am ten years old.
c) C: How old are you?
D: I am nine years old. And you?
C: I am eight years old.
Exercise 4 (p. 10 )
Ba: Hello, Mr. Minh. This is Nam.
Mr. Minh: Hello, Nam. How old are you?
Nam: I am eleven.
IV/ Consolidation:(1' )
-T: Ask ss to retell the structure asking and answering about ages.
Ss: Answer
V/ Homework:(3')
- Request ss to learn newwords by heart.
- Ask ss to copy numbers 1 – 20 and count the things in their home
- Do exercises part C in exercise book
- Prepare: Unit 2: Lesson 1: A1-4.
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Lesson 1 : A – Come in (A1- 4)
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to give the class imperatives and
do ex correctly.
2- Objectives:
a. Language focus
* Vocab : : Come in, open your book, sit down, close your book, stand up .
* Grammar: Imperatives - Come in Go out
Sit down Stand up
Open your book Close your book.
b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , flashcards ...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (5')
* Check the old lesson:
-T: Call pupils to go to the black board and give them some question:
+ What is your name?
+ How are you ?
+ How old are you?
Ss: Answer the teacher’s question.
- T:comment and give marks.
III/ New lesson: (35')
Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents
• Presentation ( 9')
* Act 1: Introduce how to give the orders.
- T: Ask the Ss to look at the picture A1 page
20 and guess teacher’s requests in the picture.
Ss: Look at the picture and guess.
- T: Help ss to find out the new words and
give the meanning.
=> Checking vocab: matching.
- T: Read and ask ss to listen to twice .Ask ss
to read imperatives.
Ss: Read aloud
-T: Give the structures.
Ss: Copy down.
• Practice( 15')
-T: Call some ss read again some
Ss: Follow the teacher`s requests.
- T: Ask the ss to practive with a group (làm
mẫu với 3,4 h/sinh khá)
Ss: Groupwork.
- Change another imperatives with each St
I- Newwords
- Sit down: ngồi xuống
- Stand up: đứng lên
- Come in: mời vào
- Open : mở
- Close: Gấp
- your: của bạn, của các bạn, của em,...
- book: sách.
- Close your book: gấp sách lại
- Open your book: mở sách ra
II- Practice
1-A1. Picture drill
Ex: Stand up
Sit down
Open your book
Close your book
2- A2. Match and write
- T: Ask the ss to do exercise A2 page21.
Match the imperatives with the right pictures.
Ss: Do ex .
* Hold a game : Simon says
-T: Guid ss to play game " Simon says"
+ 10 Ss stand in a circle.
+ Listen to the teacher’s commands. If the T
says “Simon says” Ss do as the commands, if
there is no “Simon says”, no action.
Ss: Listen and play
- T: Remark .
• Production (11')
* Further practice:
T: Have ss do Gap- fill.
Ss: Fill in the blanks with correct words.
Exe 1 ( p13)
your book
your book
a. Open your book
b. Sit down
c. come in
d. Close your book
e. Stand up
3- A3. Play a game “ Simon says ”
Further practice:
* Put the correct word in the brackets.
a. ..............down, please.
b. Close.............................
c. ...............notebook, please.
d. ...............up, please.
e. ................in .
4- Remember
Come in.
Sit down and Stand up.
Open your book and Close your book.
*Exercise A1 (p. 13 )
a) Come in.
b) Sit down.
c) Open your book.
d) Stand up.
e) Close your book.
IV/ Consolidation:(1' )
-T: Ask ss to retell the imperatives.
Ss: Answer
V/ Homework:(3')
- Request ss to learn newwords by heart.
- Do exercises- part A in the exercise book.
- Prepare: Unit 2: Lesson 2: B1,2,3..
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Teaching date:.....................
Lesson2:B. Where do you live?( B1,2,3 )
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: At the end of the lesson students will be able to ask and answer about
one’s address and name .
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
* Vocab : : You- your, Where, live, do, street, house, city.
* Grammar: * Reveiw: What`s your name?/ How old are you?
* New structure: Where do you live?- I live on...............
b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , photocopied pictures , poster, ...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (5')
* Check the old lesson:
-T: Call pupils go to the black board and give them some question:
+ What is your name? + How do you spell your name?
+ How are you ? + How old are you ?
Ss: Answer the teacher’s question.
- T:comment and give marks.
III/ New lesson: (35')
Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents
• Presentation(12')
* Present newwords
- T: Hang the photocopied picture-
p24/B3. Ask ss to look at it and answer:
Where is this ?
Ss: Answer.
- T: Introduce newwords
Ss: Listen , repeat, and copy down.
=> Checking: Rub out and remember.
* Act 1: Ask and answer the name:
Who can answer my question ?
I- Newwords:
A /ei/
B /bi/
C /si/
D /di/
E /i/
F /ef/
G /dzi/
H /eit/
I /ai/
J /dzei/
K /kei/
L /el/
M /em/
N /en/
O /au/
P /pi/
Q /kuj/
R /a/
S /es/
T /ti/
U /ju/
V /vi/
W /dAblju/
X /iks/
Y /wai/
Z /dzet/
+ Street (n): đường phố
+ What’s your name ?
+ How old are you?
Can you ask me ,please ?
- T: Get Ss to do pair work(ask and
answer about your name, ages)
Ss: Pairwork.
*Act 2: Ask and answer the address
-T: Request ss to look at the picture (p23)
Is it a city or country?
Ss: Answer.
-T: Introduce the question about address.
- Look at the answers to find out the
prepositions and try to remember.
• Practice (17')
* Act 1: Wordcues
-T: Give some wordcues and ask ss to
complete the sentences.
Ss: Complete the sentences.
-T: Correct if necessary.
* Act 2: Practice the dialogue
-T: Hang on the poster of the dialogue B1-
Ss: Look at on the poster.
-T: Have ss practice the dialogue with a
Ss: Work in pairs.
- T: Call some pairs to practice dialogue.
Ss: Practice in front of the class.
-T: Comment if necessary.Ask ss to
replace words or phrases to make a similar
Act 3: Play with words.
Ask ss to read the sentences in play with
words , notice the stress
T explain some words: city, do.
• Production(6')
- T: Call ss read again the alphabet
Ss: Do as teacher request.
+ house (n): ngôi nhà
+ Where ? : ở đâu
+ live (v): sống
II- Grammar:
* Ex2: Where do you live ?
I live in Tan Moc
on Le Loi Street
III- Practice:
1. Wordcues
a- What/ your/ name? - My/ name/ Hoa
What is your name?- My name is Hoa.
b- How/ old/ you? - I/ twelve.
=> How old are you? -I`m twelve.
c- Where/ you/ live? - I/ Luc Ngan. Where
do you live? - I live in Luc Ngan
2.B1- Listen and repeat then practice
with a partner.
-P1:What’s your name?
-P2:My name’s Nam
-P1:How old are you?
-P2:I’m twelve years old.
-P1:Where do you live?
-P2:I live on Tran Phu street.
3.B2- Play with words
Where do you live?
I live in a house.
Where do you live ?
I live on a street
Where do you live ?
I live in a city
Where do you live ?
=> Form: Where do you live?
I live in/ on...........
*Use: Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả những sự
việc mang tính cố định
I live in Viet Nam
IV/ Consolidation:(1' )
-T: Ask ss to retell how to ask and answer about adress.
Ss: Answer
V/ Homework:(3')
- Request ss to learn newwords by heart.
- Ask ss to do exercises- part B in the workbook
- Prepare: Unit 2: Lesson 3: B4,5,6.
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Teaching date:.....................
Lesson 3: B 4,5,6
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: At the end of the lesson students will be able to spell one’s name ,
know A B C …and ask for personal information.
2- Objectives:
a. Language focus
* Vocab : : The alphabet: A, B, C..., spell
* Grammar: - How do you spell........?
b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , poster, ...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1')- Greeting and checking attendance.
II/ Warm-up: (5')
* Check the old lesson:
-T: Call pupils go to the black board and read the alphabet.
Ss: Read.
- T:comment and give marks.
III/ New lesson: (35')
Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents
• Presentation(12')
T: Let ss review some questions about
Ss: Practice asking and answering.
-T: Ask sts to copy down.
Ss: Copy down.
* Present grammar
-T: Ask ss to look at the picture (p.25)
-T: Ask and sts anwer.
What’s her name? Who is she?
Who is this?
Where are they now ?
* Answer : - She is Miss Hoa.
- She is a teacher.
-This is Lan.
-They are in the class.
-T: Play the tape.
Ss: Listen.
-T: Ask sts to work in pairs.
Ss: Pairwork.
-T: Explain the question “ How do you spell
your name? ”
• Practice(13')
-T: Request ss to listen and repeat the
Ss: Listen and repeat.
-T: Get sts to make a similar dialogue.
Ss: Pairwork. Make a similar dialogue by
replacing word underlined.
-T: Call on some pairs to practice dialogue.
Ss: Practice in front of the class.
-T: Comment if necessary.
- T: Have ss answer the questions B5- p25
then write down on the notebook.
Ss: Copy down the answers on the
• Production(10')
-T: Ask ss to read the Remember.
I- Revision
+What is your name?- My name is....
+ How old are you? I am....
+ Where do you live? I live in...
II- Listen and repeat:
+ spell: đánh vần
* Grammar:
Ex: -P1:What’s your name ?
P2:My name is Lan.
-P1:How do you spell your name ?
III- Practice:
1.B4-Practice with a partner
-P1:What’s your name ?
-P2:My name is Hoa.
-P1:How do you spell your name ?
-P2:H-O-A it
Ex: a- My name is Mai
b- I`m eleven.
c- I live in Tan Moc
d- M-A-I , Mai.
3.B 6 – Remember
What’s your name ?
My name’s …
How do you spell ………?
*Form: -What`s your name?
My name is.........
=> Hỏi tên của người đang nói chuyện
- How do you spell........?
=> Hỏi cách đánh vần tên
Ss: Read aloud.
-T: Request ss to copy down.
Ss: copy down.
T: T shows the poster on the board
(?) How many people are there in the
(?) Who are they?(Miss Hoa, Lan)
(?) What do you have to do?
( Complete the dialogue with suitable word)
+ Get Ss to work in groups + Deliver them
the hand outs
+ Ss write their keys on the hand outs.
+ T gets Ss’ hand outs and asks Ss to check
T: Ask ss to do the exe 3 (p12) in the
Ss: Do exe in pairs.
What’s … = What is …
My name is …… = My name’s …....
4. Complete the dialogue
Miss Hoa : Come (1).in ..please
Lan: Good morning, Miss Hoa
Miss Hoa: Good (2)..morning. Please sit
Lan: Thank you
Miss Hoa: ..(3)..What.. is your name?
Lan: My ..(4)name is Lan.
Exe 3(p12)
a) Lan: Hello. My name`s Lan. What`s
your name?
Viet: My name is Viet.
IV/ Consolidation:(1' )
-T: Ask ss to retell the alphabet.
Ss: Answer
V/ Homework:(3')
- Request ss to learn newwords by heart.
- Ask Ss to do exercise1-2-3 in the workbook- P 12.
- Prepare: Unit 2: Lesson 4: C1
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Teaching date:.....................
Lesson 4: C - My school (C1)
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice with : This / That
positive statements and Yes – No questions to talk about people and things at school.
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
* Vocab : teacher , student , class , classroom , desk , this , that`s = that is.
* Grammar: * Structure : This is / That is …………
Is this ………..? - Yes, it is ( Yes, this/ that is........)
Is that ……………..?- - No, it isn`t ( No, this/ that isn`t........)
b. Skills:. Listening, speaking, writing and reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , flashcards ...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, pen...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (5')
III/ New lesson: (35')
Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents
• Presentation(12')
*Pre teach vocab:
-T: Elicit words from ss. Use the picture- p26
to present newwords.
Ss: Give their ideas.
-T: Write words on the board.
Ss: Listen, repeat, and copy down.
=> Checking: Matching:Call ss to go to the
board and match
* Present grammar:
-T: Set the scene: Ask ss to look at the
picture- p26 and ask: Who can you see in the
Ss: Answer
- T: Play the tape for two times.
Ss: Listen.
*T: modles:
T: What is this in English?
S: ( a student).
T: How do you spell it?
S: S-T-U-D-E-N-T.
-T: Introduce the new structures:
This/ That is.........
Is this/ that ........?
I- Newwords:
+ a student: học sinh, sinh viên
+ a teacher: giáo viên
+ a school: trường học
+ a class: lớp học.
+ a classroom: phòng học
+ a desk: bàn HS
+ that is.... = that`s.....: đó là
II- Grammar:
* Eg :
- This is my school.
- That is my class.
- Is this your school?
- Is that your class? Yes, it is./ No, it
*Note: - This/that: là đại từ chỉ định
- This is: Giới thiệu 1 người, vật ở
khoảng cách gần
=> Form: This/ That is a/ an.........
Is this............?
Is that ...........?
Ss: Copy down.
• Practice (15')
*Act 1: Wordcues drill:
- T. gives instruction.
+ học sinh + bàn học
+ lớp + cô giáo
+ trường + phòng học
Ss: Listen and write
*Act 2: picture drill
- T uses the pictures on P.26- 27 and guides
Ss to practice using the model sentences
- T models first
- Ss work in pairs: open pairs / closed pairs
• Production (8')
* Realia drill:
- T points to real things in and around the
classroom and ask and answer.
* Eg: T. Is this your desk?
St: No, it isn’t./ Yes, it is.
-T: Get ss to free practice in pairs.
Ss: free practice.
-That is: Giới thiệu 1 người, vật ở
khoảng cách xa.
III- Practice:
1- Wordcues drill:
2- Picture Drill
This is my school
That is my class
This is my classroom
3- Free practice:
* Eg: S1: Is this your desk?
S2: No, it isn’t./ Yes, it is.
IV/ Consolidation:(1' )
-T: Ask ss to retell the structure: This/ That is.........
Ss: Answer.
V/ Homework:(3')
- Request ss to learn newwords by heart/ exe 1- p14 in the workbook.
- Ask ss to write 3 examples with That is ..., 3 with This is....and make questions with them.
- Prepare: Unit 2: Lesson 5: C2-4.
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Teaching date :..................
PER 11: UNIT 2 : (CONT)
Lesson 5: C 2-4
student class
teacher table
school classroomm
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice with : This / That
and Wh – question with “What ” to talk about people and things at school.
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
* Vocab : door , window , board , clock . waste basket , school bag , pencil , eraser
* Grammar: What is this?
What is that ? It`s a/an...............
b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , flashcards, poster ...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (5')
*Check the old lesson:
- T: Call pupils to go to the black board and write new words.
Ss: Write.
- T:comment and give marks.
III/ New lesson: (35')
Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents
 Presentation(12')
*Pre teach vocab:
-T: Elicit from ss.Use picture and realia.
Ss: Listen, repeat and copy down.
T: Ask ss to practice newwords.
Ss: Practice .
=> Check vocab: Matching.
- Get ss to go to the board to match
* Present grammar.
-T: Show the things around classroom and
give examples.
Ss: copy down.
- T: Let ss practice examples.
Ss: Practice in pairs.
I- Newwords:
- a door: cửa chính
- a window: cửa sổ
- a board: cái bảng
- a clock: đồng hồ treo tường
- a wastebasket: giỏ rác
- a school bag: cặp học sinh.
- a pencil: cái bút chì
- a pen: cái bút mực
- a ruler: cái thước kẻ
- an eraser: cái tẩy
* an: đứng trước một danh từ bắt đầu
bằng nguyên âm ( a, i, e, u, o )
* a: đứng trước một danh từ bắt đầu bằng
phụ âm.
II- Grammar:
Eg: - What is this ?
- T: ask ss to give form and usage.
Ss: Give form and usage.
 Practice(13')
*/ Word square:
- T. gives instruction: Get Sts to find out
the names of things in two groups.
Ss: Groupwork
- T: Praise the winner.
* / Ask Sts to ask and answer about the
pictures a- m
Ss: P Ss: practice in pairs to ask and answer about the
pictures or real things in the classroom
 Production(10')
Lucky numbers: T. gives instruction.
* Questions:
1- Give the word"giáo viên"in English
2- LN
3- How do you spell :”classrooms”?
4- How do you spell” clock”?
5- LN
6- Give the word"bút chì"in English.
7- How do you spell “ ruler”?
8- How do you spell “eraser”?
9- LN
Ss: - Play in three groups.
It’s a pen.
- What is that ?
It`s a door.
III- Practice:
1- Word square
à Pen, desk, ruler
Pencil, door, eraser.
Window, board
2.C3- Practice with a partner.
What is this? It`s ..........
What is that ? It`s ..........
* Lucky number
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Team1 Team2 Team 3
.......... ......... ...........
IV/ Consolidation:(1' )
-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes.
Ss: Answer : What is this/ that ? It`s a/an..........
=> Form: What is this/ that ?
It`s a/ an................
V/ Homework:(3')
- Learn by heart the new words.
- Do ex. 2, 3 -p15 in the workbook.
- Prepare : Unit 3: A 1, 2
=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ The end +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
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Teaching date :....................
Lesson 1 : A. My house(A1- 2)
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to:
+ Know more living room Vocabulary to talk about things in the house
+ Understand and practice “ Wh. Questions” with These/ Those
+ Practice speaking skill
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
* Vocab : table, telephone, house, room, armchair…
* Grammar: What is this / that?
What are these/ those?
b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , radio, poster...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (2')
- T: Ask ss to tell the things in their living room.
Ss: Give their ideas.
* Answer key: table, chair, television, clock.......
- T:comment if necessary.
III/ New lesson: (38')
Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents
• Presentation(12')
*/ Pre-teach vocab
T: sets the situation and plays the tape.
Ss: listen and find out new words.
T: gives new words
Ss: guess meaning and take note.
Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice.
T: controls and corrects mistakes.
T: plays the tape.
Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice.
T: controls and corrects.
=> Checking: Rub out and remember.
T: Ask ss to retell the way to ask and
answer questions with singular nouns.
Then introduces the way to ask answer
questions with plural nouns.
Ss: answer question and take note.
T: introduces new structures.
Ss: listen and take note. Then give
T : Ask ss to give form and note.
Ss: Give form.
T : Have ss copy down.
Ss: Take note on their notebooks.
T: Note ss the pronunciation of prular
Ss: Take notes on the notebooks.
• Practice (15')
I- New words
+a living room:phòng khách
+ a telephone:điện thoại
+ a lamp: đèn bàn
+ a bookshelf: giá sách
+ an armchair: ghế bành
+ a table: bàn trà
+ a chair: ghế tựa
+ a television: vô tuyến
+ a stereo: máy nghe nhạc
+ a couch: ghế sa -lông dài
+ a stool: ghế đôn
+ these: những cái này
+ those: những cái kia
II- Structure:
Ex: What are these? They`re pens.
What are those? They`re windows.
Use: * This is.../ These are...
+ Giống: Dùng để chỉ vật ở gần.
+ Khác: This is + N số ít
These are + N số nhiều
* That is.../ Those are...
+ Giống: Dùng để chỉ vật ở xa.
+ Khác: That is + N số ít
Those are + N số nhiều
Note: Có 3 cách phát âm –“s”
/-s/: khi theo sau âm/p,t,k,f, /
Eg: books, maps
/-iz/: khi theo sau âm/x,s,z ,ch ,sh/
Eg: classes, watches
What are these/ those?
They’re + N (s / es)
- T: Ask Ss to listen to the tape then
reorder the pictures as they hear the words
of them.
Ss: Listen to the tape and reorder the
- T: Ask Ss to listen to the tape then repeat
Ss: Listen to the tape then repeat in
- T: Call some Ss to practice reading in
front of the class.
Ss: Some Ss practice in front of the class.
T: corrects their mistakes.Guides the ways
to practice and do models first (A2)
Ss: take note and remember. Ss base on
the picture and the structures to do task.
Work in pairs.
T: controls and corrects mistakes.
• Production (10')
-T: Ask ss to play a game :Nought and
Ss: play game.
-T: Comment if necessary.
/-z/: khi theo sau các âm còn lại
Eg: pens, tables.
III- Practice:
1. Picture drill( A1)
This is my living room
This is a telephone.
2. Practice with a partner(A2)
ex1: What’s this? It’s a table.
ex2: What`s that? It`s an armchair.
ex3: what are these?
They’re armchairs.
ex4: What are those?
They’re couches.
* Nought and crosses
What ?/
That / pen What ?/
It / box ? They / eraser Those /
That / lamp It / not /
Ex: What`s that? It`s a door.
IV/ Consolidation:(1' )
-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes.
Ss: Answer
V/ Homework:(3')
- Learn by heart the new words.
- Practice asking and answeringwith “Wh-Qs” with your friends.
- Do exercise 1,2 (p.17, 18)
- Prepare : A3,4,5.
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Teaching date :...................
Lesson 2: A3,4,5
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to practice speaking English
about family members.
+ Role play Ba to tell about his family
+ Practise asking and answering about Ba`s family
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
* Vocab : - The members of the family: father, mother, sister, brother.....
- The pronouns: she- her, he- his
- The question: How many.......?
* Grammar: - Who`s this/that? This/ That is Ba`s mother.
- What`s her name? - Her name is Nga.
- How old is she ? - She`s.....................
b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , poster , cards...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (3')
* Chatting
- T: Ask about the members of ss` families.
Ss: Answer.
- T: Comment if necessary
III/ New lesson: (37')
Teacher & Students` activities T Contents
 Pre - reading
* / Pre teach vocab:
+ Elicit from sts.
+Write words on the boards.
Ss: Listen, repeat, and copy down.
- T: Let ss practice newwords.
Ss: practice in chorus- groups- individual
=> Checking: Matching.
* / Set the scene: A girl is asking about
the members in Ba`s family. How does
she ask? T introduce the question: "How
many people are there in your family? "
and how to answer.
12' I- Newwords:
family (n): gia đình
father (n): cha, bố
mother (n): mẹ
brother (n): anh, em trai
sister (n): chị, em gái
she-her : bà, cô, chị ấy- của bà.......
he- his: ông, anh ấy- của ông.........
How many...? : bao nhiêu
II- Reading:
1/ T / F statement
1- Ba is eleven years old and he is a
student. -> F
* T / F statement prediction.
- T. gives instruction.
Ss: Listen to the T. Predict individually
then pair
-T: Collect Sts’ ideas.
 While reading
* Check prediction:
- T: Ask ss to read the text and check with
the prediction
-T: Give examples and note ss some
Ss: Take notes on their notebook.
Ss: Read and correct the answer.
( correct the wrong sentences)
individually then pair compare)
- Get feed back from the ss
* Answer keys:
1- F ( eleven-> twelve)
2- T
3- T
4. F ( teacher-> student)
5. F ( five -> four)
-T: Give examples and note ss some
Ss: Take notes on their notebook.
* Ask Sts to ask and answer ( P 33 )
Ss: Pairwork.
T: Call ss to give the answers.
Ss: Give the answers.
T: Check if necessary.
 Post reading
- T: Ask ss to ask and answer the
questions – A5/33.
Ss: Pairwork.
2- Mr.Ha is a teacher. -> T
3- Ba’s mother is Nga and she’s a
teacher. -> T
4- Ba’s sister , Lan is a teacher. -> F
5- There are 5 people in BA’s family
-> F
2/ Answer the questions( A4)
* Structures:
1) Hỏi tên ai đó với " Who":
Who is this / that ?
That`s/ This`s/ It’s +
2) Hỏi tên người khác với "What":
What’s his / her name?
His / Her name is + tên
3) Hỏi tuổi người khác
How old is he/she? - She/ he +tuổi
* Answer:
a. Her name is Nga
b. His name is Ha
c.That’s Ba. He is twelve years old
d.This is Lan. She is fifteen
e. * How many people are there in the
There are four people in the family.
III- A5* Talk about you:
a) What is your name?
b) How old are you?
c) How many people are there in your
IV/ Consolidation:(1' )
-T: Ask ss to retell the lesson.
Ss: Answer
V/ Homework:(3')
- Describe about your family.
- Learn by heart the new words.
- Do ex. 3,4 (P.20-21).
- Prepare : Lesson 3: B1-2.
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Teaching date :.................
PER 14: UNIT 3 : (CONT)
Lesson 3: B- Numbers (B 1- 2)
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: By the end of the lesson. Sts wil be able to practice counting numbers
from 1 to 100 ( learn by heart the numbers: 20, 30, 40,............)
+ Learn the common ruler and the prirevate ruler for the nouns ending with " ch"
Ex: couch- couches, bench- benches.
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
* Vocab : The items in the classroom: singular nouns and plural nouns.
* Grammar: There is/ there are...................................
There is one door in the classroom
There are six benches in the classroom.
b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , radio, poster ...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (5')
-T: Call 2 Ss to write on board.
Ss: Write the answers in words
a .10 + 5 = fifteen
b .40 : 2 = twenty
c. 7 + 5 = twelve
d. 2 + 7 = nine
e. 9 x 2 = eighteen
-T: Comment and give marks.
III/ New lesson: (35')
Teacher & Students` activities T Contents
 Presentation
T: Introduces the cardinal numbers from
one to one hundred.
Ss: listen.
T: Mentions the difference between 1-10
and 10 – 20 and the main stressed
syllables of the numbers.
Ss : listen and remember.
T: plays the tape. Then guides the way to
connect numbers.
Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice.
T: controls and corrects.
* Present grammar:- T: Show the door
and say: how many doors are there?
Ss: Answer.
-T: intrduce the structures: There is/
There are ...........
Ss: Copy down
- T: Ask ss to give examples with " There
is/ There are..........."
 Practice
Ss: practice counting numbers.
Ss: comment.
T: controls and corrects mistakes.
T: introduces the picture. Then explains
how to form the plural nouns
Ss: listen and take note.
T: shows the picture and asks ss count
things in it .
Ss : practice
T: controls and corrects mistakes.
 Production
- T: Request ss to use the structures above
to write about the things they have
counted .
Ss: Write .
I- Vocabulary:
- 30: thirty 31: thirty-one
- 40: forty 32: thirty- two
- 50: fifty 33: thirty- three
- 60: sixty
- 70: seventy
- 80: eighty
- 90: ninety
- 100: one hundred
II- Grammar:
Eg: There is one door in the
There are three windows in the
* Note: Cách thành lập danh từ số
- Thêm “s” vào sau danh từ số ít.
ex : a door => doors
a chair => two chairs
- Danh từ tận cùng là: ch, sh, x, s, o,
thêm “es”
ex : a bench => benches
a couch => 2 couches
- Danh từ tận cùng là “y” trước “y” là
phụ âm thì chuyển “y” thành “i”
thêm “es”
ex : a family => families
III- practice:
1. B1- The numbers
one, two, three, four,....................
2.B2- Practice
* Count the items in the classroom:
1 door 1 table
2 students 1 board
2 books 1 erase
1 window 1 chair
1 clock 6 desks
1 ruler 6 benches
3- Write
Eg: There is one table in the
Form: There is one + N
There are + Ns
-> Giới thiệu số lượng đồ vật ở nơi nào
IV/ Consolidation:(1' )
-T: Ask ss to retell the structures: There is/ there are..........
Ss: Answer.
V/ Homework:(3')
- Learn by heart the count numbers 1-100 and how to add “s” and " es"
- Do exercise1,2-p21 in the exercise book.
- Prepare the new lesson: B3- 6
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Teaching date :.................
PER 15: UNIT 3 : (CONT)
Lesson 4: B 3- 6
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to use the
question:" How many ..........are there?" and the answer:" There is one........../ There are
+ Students review rulers change singular nouns.
into plural nouns
+ Learn how to read singular and plural nouns ( /s/, /z/, /iz/ )
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
* Vocab : The things in the living room - plural nouns
* Grammar: How many................ are there?
There is one...................
There are two.................
b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , radio, casette, poster ...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (4')
T: asks Ss to count numbers ( 20-30; 50-60…)
Ss: do the task.
T: comment and give marks.
III/ New lesson: (35')
Teacher & Students` activities T Contents
T: Let ss play :Chain game
Ss: Do as teacher asks.
T: sets the situation and plays the tape.
Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice.
T: controls and corrects .
T: gives new structure.
Ss: listen and take note.
T: gives models first.
Ss: gives examples. Then take note.
* Count the things in the living room
T: Shows the picture and asks Ss
count things in it .
Ss : do task.
Ss: comment.
T: controls and corrects.
* Practise asking and answering (B4)
T: Asks Ss to ask and answer the
questions about things in living room
they have counted.
Ss : practice in pairs.
T: controls and corrects.
-T: Make ss read the remember- B6
Ss: Read.
- T: Request ss to use the structures
above to ask and answer about the
things they have by making the
Ss: groupwork.
I- Revision: *Chain game:
S1: There is one door.
S2: There is one door and three
S3: There is one door……….
II- Structure: Hỏi số lượng có bao
nhiêu người hoặc vật.
Ex : How many teachers are there ?
There is one.
- How many desks are there?
There are ten.
- How many students are there?
There are thirty- one
III- Practice
1/ Picture drill (B5)
1 couch 1 stereo
1 lamp 1 table
1 telephone 2 chairs
2 armchairs 4 people
3 books 2 stools
1 bookcase 1 television
2/ Practice with a partner (B4)
How many couches are there?
There is one .
How many books are there?
There are three.
3/ B6- Remember
How many ………are there ?
There is ……… / There are …………
Name In your school bag
How many + Ns + are there ?
There is one+ N
There are two, three....+ Ns
T: Call some pairs to practice in front
of the class.
Ss: Ask and answer in front of the
T: Call ss to give the answers.
Ss: Give their answers.
T: Comment if necessary.
pens books rulers pencils
Eg: -How many pens are there in your
school bag?
There is one.
How many books are there in your
school bag?
There are five.
IV/ Consolidation:(2' )
T: Reminds Ss the question with How many……...
Ss: listen and take note.
T: asks Ss to close their books and ask some questions using “ How many ”
Ss: answer.
V/ Homework:(3')
- Learn by heart new structure
- Do exercise 3,4 p22 in the exercise book.
- Prepare the new lesson : C 1-4 .
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Teaching date :................
PER 16: UNIT 3 :(CONT)
Lesson 4:C- Families (C 1-4)
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice reading a text and
understand the details and talk about jobs.
+ Ask and answer about a girl in the picture.
+ Talk about Song`s family.
+ The fair students may be tell and write about their families.
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
* Vocabulary : The members in the family: father, mother, brother...We- our
* Grammar: + Review: How many.............?- There is/ There are..........
+ New structure: What does he/ she do ?..............................
b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , poster, radio, projector...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (5')
T: gives the wordcues and asks ss to write the complete sentence.
1. many / students / how / there / are ? - are / there / forty-five
2. many / desks / how / are / there ? - eight / there / are
Ss : make sentences.
* Answer key: 1- How many students are there? - There are forty-five.
2- How many desks are there ? - There are eight.
T: corrects and gives marks.
III/ New lesson: (35')
Teacher & Students` activities T Contents
• Pre-Reading
T: Let ss look at some photos on the
Ss: Look at.
T: Introduces the situation of the text
and give guiding questions then let Ss
to listen to the tape.
Ss : listen
T: gives new words
Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice.
T: Plays the tape again and gives time
to ask Ss reading in silent.
Ss : listen and read in silent.
T: explains new structure.
Ss: listen and take note.
* Open – prediction: Hang the poster
on the board. Gets Ss’ prediction and
writes on the board.
Ss: Give their prediction
• While- Reading
I- New words:
- engineer (n): kỹ sư
- me : tôi
- doctor (n) : bác sĩ
- nurse (n) : y tá
- we- our : chúng tôi- của chúng tôi
- they- their: họ- của họ
II- Reading:
1/ Open prediction
Lan’s family
How old?
An engineer
A teacher
A student
A student
* Structure : Hỏi nghề nghiệp
- What does he/ she do ?
He/ She is a/an + nghề nghiệp
T: guides the way to practice.
Ss: read the passage again. Then
answer the questions
Ss: ask and answer in pairs.
Ss: writes on the board.
T: controls and corrects.
Ss: take note.
T: asks Ss to look at the picture of
Song’s family and asks Ss to guess
their occupation.
Ss: guess. Then T writes on the board.
Ss: take note. Then listen and repeat.
T: asks Ss to ask and answer about
Song’s family in pairs
Ss : practice ( pair work )
T: controls and corrects.
• Post- Reading
T: Reminds ss the usage of possessive
Ss : listen and copy down
T: asks ss to use the information they
have practiced to write a passege
about Song`s family.
Ss: Write.
Ex : What does he do ?
- He is an engineer.
* Answer
a. There are four people.
b. He is forty.
c. He is an engineer.
d. She is thirty-five
e. She is a teacher.
f. Her brother is eight.
g. He is a student.
h. They are in the living-room.
2/ Song`s family
S1 : This is his father, Mr. Kien
S2 : What does he do ?
S1: He is a doctor.
S2 : How old is he ?
S1 :He is 42 years old.
This is Song’s family. There are 4 people in
his family: His father, his mother, his sister
and him....
IV/ Consolidation:(1' )
-T: Ask ss to retell the structure asking and answering about job.
Ss: Answer
V/ Homework:(3')
- Learn by heart the new words.
- Write a passage about your family.
- Do exercise1, 2, 3 (P.23-25)
- Prepare : Grammar practice.
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Teaching date :.................
A/ Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to further practice in :”Be”, imperative,
numbers, question words, there is/are, and furniture vocab.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan , pictures , sub-board...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (5')
* Chatting: Ask ss some questions
- Ask some questions:
? How are you? -What is your name? -How old are you ? -What do you do?
? Where do you live? -What does your father / mother do?
Ss: Answer.
- T: Comment if necessary.
III/ New lesson: (31-36')
Teachers & Students` activities T Contents
Presentation and practice
Activity 1: Tobe, imperative,
questions words
1. Tobe
T: reminds the simple present
tense with
“ tobe ”
Ss: listen and take note.
T: asks Ss to complete exercises
1, 2, 3.
Ss: do the tasks.
T: controls and corrects.
Ss: take note.
2. Imperative
T: Reviews the imperative
Ss : listen and complete the
T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to fill
in each gaps with a suitable word
I- Tobe:
S/ tobe Kh¼ng
*I  am
*We / you /
they/ Lan and
Nga  are
*She / he / it /
Nam  is
S +
S + be
Be +
S.... ?
Ex: She is a doctor.
=> She is not a doctor.
=> Is she a teacher ?
Yes, she is / - No, she isn’t.
* Exercise 1, 2,3/ p40
1- Am / am / are / is / are
2- Am/ is / is / are / are
3-a) are / am b) is / is
c) is / isn’t d) are / aren’t
II- Imperative:
key- exercise 4/ 40
Ss: Do the exercise.
3. Questions words
T: ? How many question words
have you learnt?
Ss: Answer and take note.
T: asks Ss to fill in the blanks
with the questions words
Ss : fill in the blanks.
Activity 2: numbers/ This and
T: asks Ss to write the words for
the numbers and the numbers for
the words.
Ss: do as requested. ( review
numbers )
T: asks Ss to work in pairs to
complete the dialogues
Ss: work in pairs.
T: controls and corrects mistakes.
Ss: take note.
T: reminds the way to use “this”
and “that”
Ss: complete the dialogue in pairs.
T: controls and corrects mistakes.
T: Ask Sts to do some other
Ss: Listen to the T. Do the
T: Ask ss to give the answers and
check if necessary.
Ss: Take note.
a. in b. down c. your
d. your e. up
III- Question words:
+ How, How old, How many, What, Where...
* Exercise 6:
a) What / is b) Where / live
c) Who / is d) What / is
IV- Numbers: Exe 7/ 42
a. five / eight / ten / twenty / thirty......
b.7 ,9 ,11 , 15.... . .
V- This and That : Exe 9/ 42
a. Ba: What is that ? Is it a desk ?
Thu: Yes, it is.
b. Ba: What is this? Is it a desk?
Thu: No, it isn’t.
• Free practice:
Exe 1: Supply the correct form of tobe
1. I (be) a teacher. -> am
2.We (be) doctors. -> are
3.They (be) in the living room? -> Are they
4. She (be) an engineer. -> is
5. He (not be) a student. -> isn’t
Exe 2: Arrange the words in order.
1.old/how/you/are ? => How old are you?
2.many/ in / how/your class/ students/ are
=> How many students are there in your
3.is/my father/a/teacher.
=> My father is a teacher.
4.are/in/we/our/room/living .
=> We are in our living room.
5.live/does/Where/ Hoa ? lives/ She/ Viet
Nam/ in .
IV/ Consolidation:(1-6' )
-T: Ask ss to retell the lesson.
Ss: Answer.
T: Ask ss to do the task 3( for fair students)
Exe 3: Make questions for the answers:
1.I`m fine , thanks. à How are you?
2.He is a student . à……………….
3.That is a ruler. à………………..
4.Those are books .à…………………..
5. There are four people in my family .
V/ Homework:(2')
- Ask Sts to do the exercises in the book .
- Prepare for the test number 1.
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Teaching date :................
A- Objectives:
Check pupils’ knowledge from Unit 1 – Unit 3.
Grammar : +/ to be
+/ This / that
+/ What / where ………….?
+/ How many …………?
Vocab : +/ numbers
+/ things at school / home
B-The contents:
Ma trận đề kiểm tra 1 tiết lần 1 - Tiếng Anh 6
Tên chủ đề
( đơn vị bài)
Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng
I- Reading
II- Writing
Wh- qs,
4c/ 2đ
III-Vocab and
tobe and
Tổng số câu
Tổng số điểm
I/ Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer for each sentence (2 marks)
1. Ba (am, is, are) my friend.
2. There ( is , am , are ) four people in my family .
3. (This, That,These) books are on the table.
4. (How, How many, How old) students are there in your class ?
II/ supply the correct form of “tobe” ( 2marks)
1. They (be) teachers. 1 ……………………………………….
2. He (be) an engineer. 2. ……………………………………
3. You (be) twelve. 3. ……………………………………
4. I (be) a a student. 4 ………………………………………..
III/ Arrange in order : (2 marks)
1. is/This/ her/ schoolbag.
2. live/does/Where/ Hoa / ? lives/ She/ Viet Nam/ in .
3. father/ is/My/ teacher/ a/ .
4. many/ How/ are/ your/ there/ in/ windows/ classroom / ? four / are / There.
IV/ Answer the questions about you ( 2 marks )
1.What is your name ? .......................................................................................
2. How old are you ? ......................................................................................
3. Where do you live ? .....................................................................................
4. What do you do ? ........................................................................................
V/ Read the passage then answer the questions below: ( 2 marks)
s family
There are four people in Ba`s family: His father, his mother, his brother and he. His
s forty years old, he is a doctor. His mother’
s thirty- eight, she’
s an English teacher.
His brother’
s sixteen, he is a student.
a. How many people are there in his family?
b. How old is his father?
c. What does he do?
d. How old is his brother?
Ma trận đề kiểm tra 1 tiết lần 1 - Tiếng Anh 6A
Tên chủ đề
( đơn vị bài)
Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng
I- Reading
Yes/No qs
II- Writing
Wh- qs,
III-Vocab and
, Wh-qs, tobe
2c/ 0,5đ
Tổng số câu
Tổng số điểm
I/ Choose the word that has different pronunciation with other words( 0,5p)
1. A.hi B. fine C. night D. this
2. A. has B. name C. family D. lamp
II/ Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer for each sentence (1p)
1. Ba (am, is, are) my friend.
2. There ( is , am , are ) four people in my family .
3. (This, That,These) books are on the table.
4. (How, How many, How old) students are there in your class ?
III/ supply the correct form of “tobe"( 2ps)
1. They (be) teachers. 1 ……………………………………….
2. He (be) an engineer. 2. ……………………………………
3. You (be) twelve. 3. ……………………………………
4. I (be) a a student. 4 ………………………………………..
IV/ Arrange in order : (2 ps)
1. is/This/ her/ schoolbag.
2. live/does/Where/ Hoa / ? lives/ She/ Viet Nam/ in .
3. father/ is/My/ teacher/ a/ .
4. many/ How/ are/ your/ there/ in/ windows/ classroom / ? four / are / There.
V/ Find and correct the mistakes ( 0,5p)
1. What is he name? He name is Tam. ……………………………………………….
2. How many chair are there in your house? …………………………………………
VI/ Answer the questions about you ( 2 ps )
1.What is your name ? .......................................................................................
2. How old are you ? ......................................................................................
3. Where do you live ? .....................................................................................
4. What do you do ? ........................................................................................
VII/ Read the passage then answer the questions below: ( 2 ps)
s family
There are four people in Ba`s family: His father, his mother, his brother and he. His
s forty years old, he is a doctor. His mother’
s thirty- eight, she’
s an English teacher.
His brother’
s sixteen, he is a student.
a. How many people are there in his family?
b. How old is his father?
c. What does he do?
d. Is his mother an English teacher?
C/ Homework:
- Ask Sts to do the exercises in the exercise book.
- Prepare for the next period: Unit 4: A1-4.
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Teaching date :................
Period 19: Unit 4 : Big or small ?
Lesson 1:A. Where is your school?(A 1- 3)
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims. : By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice reading
comprehension a description of a school , using possessive of nouns .
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
* Vocabulary : big> < small
in the country, in the city
* Grammar : - Review: How many.............?- There is/ There are..........
- New structure: tobe + adjectives
tobe + adverb phrases
b. Skills: Listening, speaking , writing , reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , poster, radio, cards...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (3')
* Chatting: Ask ss some questions
T: hangs the picture on the board and sets the situation.
Ss: discuss and compare 2 pictures.
T: introduces new lesson
III/ New lesson: (38')
Teacher’s & Students’ activities T Contents
• Presentation
T: Plays the tape and ask Ss to listen
one time
Ss : listen and find out new words.
T: gives new words.
Ss: guess meaning and take note.
Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice.
T: controls and corrects.
* Check vocab: R.O.R
T: Let ss guess about Phong`s and
Thu`s school.
Ss: guess.
T: Let ss listen to the tape.
• Practice
-T: Ask Sts to read the text and check
with their prediction. ( Correct the false
information.)individually then pair
Ss: Practise the text .
- Get feed back from Sts.
+/ Modle sentences: Elicit from Sts.
? Is Phong’s school small?
- Yes, it is.
* Possessive case: Noun`s noun
ex : Nam’s desk.
My father’s house.
* Position of adjective
- S + be + adj
- It is a / an + adj + noun
*Comprehension questions: A 2
- Get Sts to read the text again and then
practice asking and answering the
questions in pairs.
Ss: Pairwork.
• Production.
I-New words
- small >< big : nhỏ- lớn
- country ( n ): miền quª
- in the country: ở miền quê
- in the city: ở thành phố
II- Listen and repeat
1. Open prediction
Phong`s school:small, in the country
Thu`s school:big, in the city.
2. Grammar:
* Question with “tobe”
Tobe + S + adj? Yes, it is/ No, it isn`t.
ex1: Is Phong’s school small?
Yes, it is.
* Possessive case: Noun`s noun
ex : Nam’s desk, My father’s house.
* Position of adjective : after “tobe
“and before nouns
ex : Thu`s school is big
- It is a / an + adj + noun
ex : It is a small school.
3. Answer(A2)
a. Yes, it is.
b. No, it isn’t.
c. It is in the country.
d. No, it isn’t. It is in the city.
III- Read. Then answer the questions
* Answer the questions
a.There are eight classrooms in Phong’s
b. There are four hundred students in
- T: Get Sts to read the text (P.45) and
answer the questions
Ss: Practice.
- Get feed back from Sts.
+ Answer keys:
_ Thu’s school: 8, 400
- Phong’ school: 20, 900.
his school.
c.There are twenty classrooms in
Thu’s school.
d. There are nine hundred students in
her school.
IV/ Consolidation:(1- 4' )
-T: Ask ss to retell the lesson.
Ss: Answer
* Word cues: ( for fair students) Have ss ask and answer with the words given
- Thu’s school/ big/ Yes.
- Hoa`s house/ small/ No.
- Your brother’s school/ small/ No.
- His school/ in the country/ Yes.
V/ Homework:(2')
- Write a short passage about their school.
- Do exercises - part A in the workbook.
- Prepare the new lesson : B A4,5- B1.
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Lesson 2: A4,5 + B1
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims. : By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to improve listening skill by
listening to a dialogue about school and "How many, which" questions to talk
abschool and class.
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
* Vocabulary : to have, grade, class, floor
* Grammar : - Review: How many.............?- There is/ There are..........
- New structure: Which grade/ class...........?
How many...do/does......have?
b. Skills:Listening, speaking , writing.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , poster, radio, ...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (3')
T: ask Ss some questions
1 . Where is your school ?
2 . Is your school small ?
3. How many classrooms are there in your school?
Sts: answer
T: comment and introduce new lesson
III/ New lesson: (34-38')
Teacher’s & Students’ activities T Contents
• Pre- listening
T: sets the situation and plays the tape
one time.
Ss: listen and find out new words.
T: gives new words.
Ss: guess the meaning and take note.
Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice.
T: introduces the new questions
T: plays the tape
Ss: listen and repeat the dialogue.
+ Predict Dialogue.
T: - We are going to listen to a
conversation between Thu and Phong
Before listening you predict which
words will fill in the gaps
Check: ? What do you have to do now?
Ss: Predict and fill in the gaps. (poster)
- Ss predict and give their ideas.
- T gets Ss’ predictions and writes on
the board.
• While- listening
- T reads the dialogue or play the tape.
-Ss listen to the dialogue carefully, then
check their predictions.
I/ Vocabulary:
- Which: cái nào
- grade ( n ): khối học
ex: Which grade/ class are you in?
I’m in grade 6/ class 6A
- Floor ( n ) tầng
- have / has ( v ): có
- what about you? = and you?
- How many…. do/does…. have?=
How many ….. are there ?
- first : 1st
- second: 2nd
II/ Listening:
1. Gap- fill:
Thu: Hello, Which grade are you in?
Phong : I'm in grade (1)…6..
Thu: And which class are you in?
Phong: (2)…6Awhat about you?
Thu: I'm in grade (3) 7.., class (4)…
7C.How many floors does your
school have?
Phong: (5)….Two.It is a small school.
Thu: My school has (6)…..four…..
floors and my classroom is on the
-T calls on Ss to give their answers after
- Give feedback and correct.
- T give s examples and structures.
-Để hỏi Phong học khối mấy, Thu hỏi:
“Which grade are you in?”
- Để hỏi Phong học lớp nào, Thu
“Which class are you in?”
Để hỏi có bao nhiêu tầng trong trường
của Phong, Thu hỏi: “How many floors
does it have?”
• Post- listening
T: Have ss ask and answer about their
grade, class and floor.
Ss: Pairwork.
T: explains the way to answer with “or”.
Then guides the way to do task.
Ss: work in pairs.
1S writes on the board.
Ss: comment
T: corrects their mistakes
Ss: take note.
(7).second…floor. Where’syour
classroom ?
Phong: It's on the (8)..first.floor.
2. Structures:
a)Hỏi học khối, lớp, tầng mấy.
Which grade/ Class/ floor + tobe +
s+in ?
S + tobe + in ………
b) Hỏi số lượng.
How many + Ns + do/does + S +
have? - S + have/has……
III/ Practice (A4):
ex: Are you a student or a teacher?
I’m a student
a. Is your school in the country or in
the city?
My school is in the country.
b. There are twelve classrooms.
c. There are thirty- one students in my
IV/ Consolidation:(1- 5' )
T: review the mains points
Sts: listen and remember
* Word cues: ( for fair students) Have ss ask and answer with the words given.
- Hoa/ grade 8/ class 8A.
- Hoa’s school/ classrooms/ 15.
- Mai/ grade 7/ class 7B.
V/ Homework:(2')
- Read the A5- p46 in the books, learn new words and structures.
- Write 5 sentences about you.
- Do exercise 1, 2 in workbook ( P38)
- Prepare Unit 4: B2-5.
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Teaching date :..................
PER 21 : UNIT 4 : (CONT)
LESSON 2: B2-5.
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims : By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice listening, cardinal
numbers, Ordinal numbers and “Which/ Where” questions to talk about school perfectly.
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
* Vocabulary : + ordinal numbers: first, second, third,.............
* Grammar : Review: Which/ where...........?
How many....does......have?
b. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , projector ...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance.
II/ Warm-up: (4')
* Chatting: T: Ask somequestions:
+ Is your school big or small? + How many classooms are there?
+ How many students are there?
Ss: Listen and answer.
T: Comment if necessary.
T lets ss review about numbers. Then introduce the new lesson.
III/ New lesson: (32- 36')
Teacher’s & Students’ activities T Contents
* Pre- teach newwords
T: introduces the ordinal numbers. Then
plays the tape.
Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice.
T: controls and corrects.
T ask ss some structures they have
*/ Review structure
How do you ask about grade ?
How do you ask about class ?
How do you ask about the number of the
floors ?
T: Give the table( B2/ 48). Ask ss to
I/ New words:
first = 1st
second = 2nd
third = 3rd
fouth = 4th
fifth = 5th
sixth = 6th
seventh = 7th
eight = 8th
ninth = 9th
tenth = 10th
II/ Revision
*/ Ask about grade/ class :
Which grade / class are you in ?
I’m in grade/ class ………
*/ Ask about floor :
How many floors does your school have
? It has two floors .
III/ Practice:
1/ Complete the table(B2)
Sts: guess
* Complete the table
T: Have ss read the dialogue and check.
Sts: open the book practice and check.
T: Call some pairs to read the dialogue .
Sts: read the dialogue again. Then
complete the flashcard.
Sts: comment.
T: give the correct answer.
* Complete the dialogue ( T use
T: hang the poster on the board and ask
Ss to complete the dialogue.
Sts: discuss in groups.
Sts: read the dialogue in pairs.
Sts: comment
T: correct their mistakes.
Ss: take note.
* Hold a game : Lucky number ( T uses
1. Lucky number
2. Correct mistake in this sentence
My school have two floors
3. Write 9th
4. His classroom on the second floor
5. Lucky number
6. Put in the correct order
his / big / school / Is ?
7.Write complete sentence
Nam / house / big
8. Write complete sentence
Hoa / books / small
9. Lucky number
- T praise the winner
Name Grade Class
s floor
7 7C 2nd
Phong 6 6A 1st
You 6 6 C 1st
2/ Complete the dialogue(B5)
Thu : Is your school big ?
Phong : No. It’s small.
Thu : How many floors does it have?
Phong : It has two floors.
Thu : Which class are you in ?
Phong : I’m in class 6A.
Thu : Where is your classroom ?
Phong : It’s on the first floor.
3/ Lucky number
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Team1 Team2
……….. ………
IV/ Consolidation:(1- 5' )
-T: Ask ss to retell the " Which/ where, How many” questions.
Ss: Answer
*Have ss rewrite the paragraph with the subject “ She” ( For fair students.)
My name is Lan. I live in Luc Ngan. I am a student. I am in grade 6. I am in class 6A. My
school has two floors. My classroom is on the first floor.
Ex: Her name is Lan. She lives in…
V/ Homework:(3')
- Learn by heart the new words. Write a short paragraph about yourselves.
Ex: My name is….I am a student. I am in grade…
- Do exercises - part B ( P.38- 40)
- Prepare the new lesson: C1,2,3.
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Teaching date :.................
A- Objectives
Check pupils’ knowledge from Unit 1 – Unit 3 and help Sts to recognize their
mistakes they made in the test and correct
B- Contents:
1-Test 15’
I/ Choose the best answer ( 2 ms )
1. _____ are you ? I`m eleven .
a) How b) What c) How old
2._____ is that ? It`s a pencial .
a) What b) Which c) How
3. How old is your brother ? _____ is fifteem .
a) She b) He c) I
4. Where do they _____ ?
a) living b) lives c) live
II/ Supply the correct form of “tobe” in the brackets ( 3 ms)
1. I (be) a student. ..............................................
2. He ( be) my father. ..............................................
3. There (be) fifteen classrooms in my school. .............................................
III/ Arrange in order : (2 ms)
1. mother/ is/ Her/ doctor/ a/ .
2.many/ students/ How/ are/ your/ there/ in/ / class / ? thirty- one / are / There.
IV/ Answer about you ( 3ms)
1. What is your name? ……………………………………………………..
2. Where do you live?......................................................................................
3. What do you do? …………………………………………………………
2- Answer key:
I/ Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer for each sentence (2 marks)
1. is 2. are 3. these 4. How many
II/ supply the correct form of “tobe” ( 2marks)
1. are 2. is 3. are 4. am
III/ Arrange in order : (2 marks)
1.This is her schoolbag.
2.Where does Hoa live? She lives in Viet Nam.
3.My father is a teacher.
4. How many windows are there in your classroom? There are four.
IV/ Answer the questions about you ( 2 marks )
1.What is your name ? My name is/ I am…..
2. How old are you ? I am…………..
3. Where do you live ? I live in……………..
4. What do you do ? I am a student.
V/ Read the passage then answer the questions below: ( 2 marks)
a. There are four people in his family
b. He is forty.
c. He is a doctor
d. He is sixteen.
* For class 6A
I/ Choose the word that has different pronunciation with other words( 0,5p)
1. D 2.B
II/ Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer for each sentence (1p)
1. is 2. are 3. these 4. How many
III/ supply the correct form of “tobe” ( 2marks)
1. are 2. is 3. are 4. am
IV/ Arrange in order : (2 marks)
1.This is her schoolbag.
2.Where does Hoa live? She lives in Viet Nam.
3.My father is a teacher.
4. How many windows are there in your classroom? There are four.
V/ Answer the questions about you ( 2 marks )
1.What is your name ? My name is/ I am…..
2. How old are you ? I am…………..
3. Where do you live ? I live in……………..
4. What do you do ? I am a student.
VI/ Find and correct the mistakes ( 0,5p)
1. he -> his 2. chair -> chairs
VII/ Read the passage then answer the questions below: ( 2 ps)
a. There are four people in his family
b. He is forty.
c. He is a doctor.
d. Yes, she is.
2- Results
Class Total 0-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
3- Draw experiences
C/ Homework:
- Review the structures again.
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 4: C1-3.
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Teaching date :.................
Lesson 3: C. Getting ready for school ( C1-3)
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer about their
routine, time and know about Simple Present Tense and vocabulary of routines to talk about
habitual actions.
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
* Vocabulary : get up, get dressed, brush, teeth, wash, face, have/has, breakfast...
* Grammar : What do you do every morning ? I get up.
What does Ba do every morning ? He gets up
b. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , radio, picture , poster, cards...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books.....
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance.
II/ Warm-up: (2')
T: asks Ss to write some activities they do every morning.
Ss: answer ( may be in Vietnamese )
T: introduces new lesson.
III/ New lesson: (32-37')
Teacher’s & Students’ activities T Contents
 Presentation
* present vocabulary
T: sets the situation and plays the tape
one time.
Ss: listen and find out new words.
T: gives new words.
Ss: guess meaning and take note.
Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice.
=> Checking: matching
* present grammar
T: plays the tape.
Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice.
Ss: practice reading
T: cotrols and corrects mistakes.
T: Ask ss: What do you do in the
Ss: Answer.
T: write example on the board. Let ss
practice example.
Ss: Pracise in pairs.
T : explains the way to use the present
simple tense
Ss : listen and take note
 Practice
* Do the task.
I- New words
- (to) get up : thức dậy
- (to) get dressed : mặc quần áo
- (to) brush teeth : đánh răng
- (to) wash face : rửa mặt
-(to) go to school : đi học
- (to) have breakfast : ăn sáng
- every (det): mọi, mỗi
II- Grammar: Thì hiện tại đơn(The
present simple tense)
Ex1: I get dressed.
Ba gets dressed.
Ex2: I have breakfast.
He has breakfast.
=> Form: S + V/ V(s,es)........
- I/ We/ You/ They/ Nga and Lan + V
- He/ She/ It/ Ba + V( s/es )
* Use : Để diễn đạt hành động xảy ra
hàng ngày, thói quen ở hiện tại .
*Note: Những động từ tận cùng bằng
“o, sh, ch” khi đi với các chủ ngữ ngôi
thứ ba số ít phải thêm “es”.
- Khi đi với các chủ ngữ ngôi thứ ba số
ít “have” chuyển thành “has”
III- Practice:
T: Let ss do the task.
Ss: Do as teacher ask.
* Practice asking and answering.
T: gives model first. Then guides the
way to practice.
What do you do in the morning?
I get up.
I brush my teeth.
I have breakfast.
What does Ba do every morning?
He brushes my teeth.
T: asks Ss to read part1 again. Then
write five sentences about Ba.
Ss: read the model first. Then do the
T: controls and corrects mistakes.
 Production
T: asks Ss to read part1 again. Then
write five sentences about Ba.
Ss: read the model first. Then do the
T: controls and corrects mistakes.
1. Write the correct form
- Nga ( go ) …….. to school.
- She ( brush ) ……… her teeth.
- I ( have ) ……… breakfast.
2. Practice with a partner
What do you do every morning?
Ex1 : What do you do every morning ?
I get up. Then I wash my face …
What does Ba do every morning?
Ex2: What does Ba do every morning?
He brushes my teeth.
3. Write
ex: Every morning, Ba gets up. He gets
dressed. ……………..
IV/ Consolidation:(2-7' )
-T: Ask ss to retell the the lesson.
Ss: Answer
* Missing words ( for fair students)
1. Hoa…brushes………. her teeth every day.
2. He……goes…….. to school every morning.
3. Minh and Mai …get…….. up at six every morning.
4. She ……has……… breakfast with her family every morning.
5. I ……wash………… my face every day.
Ss: listen and do task.
T: controls and corrects.
V/ Homework:(2-3')
- Learn by heart the new words and structure.
- Do exercise 1,2 ( P50)
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 4: C4-7.
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Teaching date :..................
LESSON 5: C4-7
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims : - By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice telling the time
clearly and exactly.
- Say about their routine.
2- Objectives:
a. Language focus:
* Vocabulary : o’clock, half, past, what time, late …
* Grammar : What time is it? ~ It’s + ….. / What time do / does + S + V …?
b. Skills: Listening, speaking , writing, reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, radio, picture , poster ...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Checking-up: (5')
T: Call ss to write newwords.
Ss: Write on the board.
T: comment and may be gives marks. Then introduces new lesson.
III/ New lesson: (31- 35')
Teacher’s & Students’ activities T Contents
*/ Pre teach vocab:
T: Present newwords: Elicit from
+ Write words on the board.
Ss: listen, repeat, and copy down.
T: Let ss practise the newwords.
I- Newwords
- time (n): thời gian
- o`clock: giờ đúng
- half: giờ rưỡi
- past: qua
- at: vào lúc
- late (a): muộn
Ss: Practice
=> checking: R.O.R
*/ Number dictation.
- T: gives instruction.
- Ask Sts to listen and write the
numbers you hear.
+ T. reads: ten o`clock, four thirty,
five twenty, three fifteen, six forty,
Ss: - Go to the board to rewrite.
* Set the scene: Ba và Lan đang
đứng trước cổng trường. Em hãy
nghe băng và cho biết có chuyện
gì xảy ra với 2 bạn?
*/ Picture drill.
-T: Ask Sts to ask and answer
about the time . Use the clocks.
Ss: pair work.
- T. corrects if necessary.
*/ Wordcue drill
- T models:
What time does Ba have
breakfast? He has breakfast at
half past six.
*/ Make a survey.
- T. gives instruction.
T: explain the differences between
“What time do you get up ?” and
“What time does he get up?”
- Get Sts to go around and ask
their friends.
Ss: do a survey
-T: Ask Sts to report the survey
Eg : Nam gets up at 6 o’clock
Ss: Write.
To be late for school: muộn học
II- Listen and repeat
* Grammar: Hỏi và trả lời về giờ
Ex: What time is it?
It’s eight o’clock
It`s ten fifteen
It`s half past ten.
What time is it?
Giờ đúng: It’s + số giờ + o’clock.
Giờ khác: It’s + số giờ + số phút.
* Note: giờ rưỡi có thể nói “half past + giờ”
III- Practice:
1/ Picture drill:
What time is it?
It`s ten o`clock.
It`s ten ten.
2/ Wordcue practice
+Ba/ have breakfast / 6.30
S1: What time does Ba have breakfast?
S2: He has breakfast at half past six.
+I/ go to school / 7.05
+ Hoa/ go home / 11.45
3/ Survey
What time do you
Nam Nga Trang
get up ?
have breakfast ?
go to school ?
Ex: S1: What time do you get up?
S2: I get up at six o’ clock.
* Write
Ex : Nam gets up at 6 o’clock ……..
IV/ Consolidation:(1- 6' )
T: Ask ss to retell the way to ask and answer the time.
Ss: Answer
* Rewrite the the sentences ( for fair students)
1. Hoa gets up at six thirsty.
-> Hoa gets up at half past six.
-> Hoa gets up at thirty past six.
2. They have breakfast at seven fifteen.
3. He goes to school at six twenty.
4. Minh has lunch at eleven forty.
V/ Homework:(3')
- Learn the new words by heart.
- Practice telling the time with a partner.
- Do exercises part C ( P51-54)
- Prepare : Unit 5: A1,2.
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Teaching date :..................
LESSON 1: A- MY DAY(A1 -2)
A/ Objectives:
1- Aims: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice the simple present tense with
“ I, he, she” to talk about daily routines perfectly.
2- Language focus:
* Vocabulary: play, game, do, homework , every day.....
* Structure: What does Nga do every day ?
She gets up at six.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, workbook, lesson plan, radio, pictures , poster ...
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, workbooks...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (5')
*Let ss play a game : Network.
T: Devide ss into two teams and ask ss to write about activities they do every day.
Ss: Write on the board.
get up
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher
Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6  đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 đủ cả năm - English 6 Plans For Teacher

  • 1. Preparing date: http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date:..................... PERIOD 1: INTRODUCTION A-The aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about the book Tieng Anh 6 - book map - Parts of a unit - How to study vocab , stucture. - The importance of English B- Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text book, lesson plan, ... 2/ Students: Textbooks, notebooks, reference books... C- Procedures: I/ Organization: (2') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (5') T: Chatting : Ask ss some questions in Vietnamese ========================================================================
  • 2. + What is the weather like today ? + How do you feel about this new school ? + Do you like English? Ss: Answer III/ New lesson: (35') I. Giới thiệu chương trình Tiếng Anh 6 1. Mục tiêu môn học - Học sinh có thể nắm được kiến thức cơ bản tối thiểu và tương đối hệ thống về Tiếng Anh thực hành hiện đại. - Có kỹ năng cơ bản sử dụng tiếng Anh như một công cụ giao tiếp đơn giản duới các dạng nghe, nói, đọc, viết. - Có sự hiểu biết khái quát về văn hóa các nước sử dụng Tiếng Anh. 2. Đặc điểm môn học - Xoay quanh 6 chủ điểm lớn: + You and me + Nature + Education + Recreation + Community + People and places II. Giới thiêu sách TiếngAnh 6 1. Cấu trúc sách - Có 16 đơn vị bài học ( 16 Units) - Mỗi đơn vị bài học gồm 3 phần A,B,C - Sau 3 bài học có 1 phần Grammar Practice và 1 bài kiểm tra 45’ - Cuối sách là phần tổng kết ngữ pháp và từ vững cả năm học 2. Phân phối chương trình - Cả năm: 3 tiết x 35 tuần = 105 - Học kỳ I: 3 tiết x 18 tuần = 54 tiết - Học kỳ II: 3 tiết x 17 tuần = 51 tiết III. Giới thiệu cách học Tiếng Anh 1. Trên lớp: - Trật tự lắng nghe giáo viên giảng bài, hăng hái phát biểu ý kiến. - Rèn luyện và giao tiếp bằng Tiếng Anh trong giờ học Tiếng Anh, hạn chế sử dụng Tiếng Việt. - Mạnh dạn phát âm chuẩn, thực hành nói nhiều. 2. Học ở nhà - Học bài cũ: học từ vựng, ngữ pháp của bài học trước. - Đọc lại bài khóa nhiều lần để nhớ từ vựng. - Tự lấy ví dụ sử dụng cấu trúc ngữ pháp đã học. ========================================================================
  • 3. - Làm nhiều bài tập nâng cao. - Chuẩn bị bài học tiếp theo. (Tra từ vựng của bài học, đọc trước bài học phát triển 4 kỹ năng: nghe, nói, đọc, viết) - Giao tiếp với khách nước ngoài nếu có cơ hội. IV/ Consolidation:(1' ) -T: Ask ss to retell some important notes. Ss: Answer V/ Homework(2') - Prepare: Unit 1- A1,2,3,4 **************************** The end **************************** Preparing date: http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date:..................... PERIOD 2 : UNIT 1 : GREETINGS LESSON 1: A. HELLO (A1-4) A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to: ========================================================================
  • 4. + Greet each other , say " Hi, Hello", introduce name . + Help ss have skills to study and practice. + Make ss feel self- confident when they introduce about themselves 2- Objectives: a. Language focus * Vocab : Hello, Hi, I, I am = I`m My, name, is ( My name is) * Grammar: - Greetings: Hello, Hi - Introduce name : I am Lan = My name is Lan. b. Skills: Listening – Speaking – Writing – Reading. B/ Preparations 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette, pictures, cards ... 2/ Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books ... C/ Procedures I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (2') - T: Ask Ss to look at the picture page 10 and give their ideas about greetings . + How do you greet each other in Vietnam ? - T: Request ss to look at the picture and answer the questions Ss:Answer III/ New le sson: (37') Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents • Presentation (12') * Act 1: How to greet each other - T: Ask Ss to look at the picture in the Sts’ books and tell about the situation in the picture. Ss: Discuss sthing about the pictures. - T presents vocabulary and let ss practise * Let ss play a game: "What and where" - T: Prepare some cards about newwords. Guide the way to play. Ss: Listen and play with two groups. - T: Check and comment the winner. - T: Notice the differences between Hello and Hi. Ss: Take notes if necessary. * Act 2: How to introduce name. - T. uses the pictures in the book and sets I- Vocabulary: + Greeting (n): lời chào + Hello: xin chào + Hi: + Name (n): tên + I: tôi, tớ,anh ,em.... + My : của tôi, của tớ... + is = am: thì , là + I am = I`m: tôi là + My name is : tên tôi là * What and where ======================================================================== My Hi Hello Name I
  • 5. the scene to ỉntoduce name. - T: Ask: How many ways can we use to introduce name ? Ss: Give their ideas. -> Concept check:form, meaning, use, pronunciation. - T: Introduce short form . Ss: Copy down. • Practice (15') T. uses the picture in the book and sets the scene to build dialogue. Ss: pairwork. - T: Aks ss to role play Nam , Ba … to repeat the sentences . Ss: Roleplay. Greet and introduce the name. -T: Ask ss to greet each other and introduce their name . Ss :Practice with a partner. - T: Call some pairs to practise in front of the class. Ss: Talk in pairs before class. - T: Comment if necessary. • Production (10') - Ask Ss to look at the workbook and do Exercise 1 (p. 2 – workbook) individually. Ex1 : a) I am Hoa. / I’m Hoa. b) Mai c) Minh d) Nam e) Thu f) Linh - Ask Ss to work in four groups and do Exercise 2 (p. 2 – workbook) - Call some Ss to write the sentences on the board. a) Hello. My name’s …. b) Hi. My … … … . c) Hi. … … …. … . d) Hello. … … … Huy. II- Model sentence: Eg: My name is Hung. I`m Hung. * Notes: Short form : I am = I’m My name is = My name’s III- Practice: 1/ Say "hello, hi" to your classmates A: Hello. B: Hi. 2/Dialogue build. Lan Nga a. Lan: Hello! __ __ Lan. Nga: Hello! I __ Nga. b. Ba: Hello! My name’s Ba. Nam: Hi! __ __ Nam. 3/Practice: Eg P1 : Hello P2 : Hi P1 : I’m Hoa . P2 : My name is Linh . IV. Exercises Exercise 1 (p. 4) b) I am Mai. / I’m Mai. c) I am Minh. / I’m Minh. d) I am Nam. / I’m Nam. e) I am Thu. / I’m Thu. f) I am Linh. / I’m Linh. Exercise 2 (p4) a) Hello. My names’ Nga. b) Hi. My name is Phong. c) Hi. My name is Chi. d) Hello. My name is Huy. IV/ Consolidation:(2' ) ======================================================================== => Form: My name is ....... I am ....................
  • 6. -T: Ask ss to retell the lesson. Ss: Answer. V/ Homework:(3') - Learn by heart all the new words and the structure. - Practice say “hello, hi” to every body and introduce your name. - Do exercise 1 and 2 in workbook. - Prepare: Unit 1: Lesson 2: A5-8. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date:..................... PERIOD 3: UNIT 1 (CONT) LESSON 2: A5-8 A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Ask about health greeting and say “ thank you ” + Practice asking and answering about health. 2- Objectives: a. Language focus * Vocab : How, you, are, And you?, fine, thanks, Mr/ Mrs/Miss. * Grammar: - Ask about health: How are you? I`m fine, thanks. And you? b. Skills: Listening – Speaking – Writing – Reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures, sub-board , ... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (5') - T : Check the old lesson : Ask ss to greet and introduce their name . Ss: Do what teacher ask. - T:comment and give marks III/ New lesson: (36') Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents • Presentation (12') * Act 1: Pre – teach vocab - T: Use examples to introduce newwords. Ss: Listen, repeat and copy down. - T: Ask ss to read out in groups and read individually. I- Newwords + How : như thế nào + are : thì, là, ở + you : bạn, các bạn, cháu, em … + And you: còn bạn thì sao? + fine : khỏe + thanks / thank you: cảm ơn, cảm ơn bạn ========================================================================
  • 7. Ss: Read out. => Checking: Slap the board. * Act 2 :Greeting and talking about the health - T: Ask ss to look at the picture (P 12 ) Ss look at the picture - T: Introduce the situation : Lan and Ba meet when they are at school. Ask ss to guess what Nam and Ba are talking about Ss: Answer. - T: Ask ss to put the dialogue in the correct order . Ask ss to work in pairs. Ss: Pairwork. - Ask ss to read the dialogue again and check their guess . Ss: Read and check their guess . -T: Give the way to ask and answer about health : • Practice (15') * Act 1(A5) -T: Ask ss to practice with a partner to read the dialogue A5 first then make similar dialogues . Ss: Pairwork. - T: Ask ss to work in Close Pair first then Open Pair . Ss make similar dialogues * Act 2 ( A 6): - T: Ask ss to pracice with a partner. Ss: Pairwork. * Act 3 ( A 7) + / Pre – writing : Ask ss to look at the picture and give the situation . Ss: Give the ideas. - T: Help ss to fill in the missing words . Ss: Fill words. +/ While – writing - T: Ask ss to write in their notebook Ss: write the dialogue by filling in the missing words +/ Post – writing + Mr : ông, ngài + Miss/ Mrs: cô, bà II-A5 : Listen and repeat 1/Grammar: *Put the dialogue in the correct order . 1. Ba : How are you ? 2. Lan : Hello , Ba . 3. Lan : I’m fine , thanks . And you ? 4. Ba : Fine , thanks . 5. Ba : Hi, Lan => Key : 5 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 4 Eg: P1: How are you?P2: I`m fine, thanks. 2/Note:- Khi người thứ 2 hỏi lại thay vì nói “And how are you?” chỉ cần nói “And you?” - I am = I`m III- Practice: 1-A6: Practice with a partner Mr . Hung / Mrs . Hoa / Miss Lan . Eg : P1 : Hello , Mr. Hung . P2 : Hi , Miss . Hoa . P1 : How are you ? P2 : I’m fine , thank you . And you ? P1 : Fine , thanks ./ Very well , thanks 2-A7 : Write Nam : Hello , Lan . How are you ? Lan : Hi , I’m fine, thank you. * Futher practice Exe 1: Complete the dialogue Nam: Hello. My name is Nam. Hoa: Hi, Nam. I’m Linh. How are you? Nam: I’m fine, thank you. And you? ======================================================================== How are you? I`m fine, thanks.And you?
  • 8. -T: Ask ss to read the dialogue again . Ss: Read in pairs. • Production (9') - T: Ask ss to do the exercises. Exe 1: Nam: Hello. My … … Nam. Hoa: Hi, Nam. I … . Hoa. How … you? Nam: I`m …, thank you. And you? Hoa: Fine, …. Exe 2: Ss: Do exercises in pairs. -T: Let ss read the answers. Ss: Read. -T: Comment and correct. Hoa: Fine, thanks. Exe 2: Ba: Hello, Hoa. How are you? Hoa: Hi. I am fine, thank you. And you? Ba: Fine, thanks. A: Hi. My name is An. B: Hi. I’m Ba. How are you? A: I am fine, thank you. And how are you? B: Fine, thanks. IV/ Consolidation:(2' ) -T: Ask ss to retell some important notes about greetings, name, health greetings. Ss: Answer V/ Homework(3') - Ask ss to write how to ask about health . - Do exercises part A in exercise book - Prepare: Unit 1: Lesson 3: B1-6. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date:.................... PERIOD 4 : UNIT 1 : (CONT) Lesson 3 : B . Good morning ( B1 – 6) A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Greet each other using “ Good morning , good afternoon…And say “ good bye ” + Use " We are..." to talk about us. + Practise asking and answering about health greeting. 2- Objectives: a. Language focus * Vocab : Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, good bye..... * Grammar: - Greetings: Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night.... - Review: Asking about health with "you' and "we" b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, cassette , leson plan, pictures , ... ========================================================================
  • 9. 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting and checking attendance. II/ Warm-up: (4') *Check the old lesson : Ask ss to greet , ask about health ( pairs ) Ss: Make dialogues in pairs . - T:comment and give marks. III/ New lesson: (36') Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents  Presentation (12') * Pre-teach vocabulary( 7') - T : Ask ss to look at the pictures P 14 and sets the situation Ss : Look at the pictures and listen - T : Plays the tape Ss : Listen and repeat - T : Introduces new words by using the pictures and taking examples. Ss: Listen, repeat, and copy down. - T: Request ss to practise newwords. Ss: Practise. => Checking: Matching. T. explains some ways of greeting. + Presentation Dialogue (5’ ) + Show the picture in B3/P.15 and ask: (?) Who is this? (Teacher) (?)Are they students?(yes) How do Miss Hoa and the students greet one another? Let's listen to their dialogue T. reads the dialogue – Ss listen Ask Ss to play the role of Miss Hoa ansd the children to read the dialogue(closed pairs) Call on some pairs of Ss to demonstrate the dialogue before the class T. explains the question and the answer. How are you? We are fine, thanks Ss take notes  Practice (15') * Act 1 ( B1 ) : T asks Ss to listen to the I- Newwords +good morning : chào buổi sáng + good afternoon : chào buổi trưa, chiều + good evening : chào buổi tối + good night : chúc ngủ ngon + good bye : tạm biệt + children (n): trẻ em + Mom (n): mẹ + we are = we`re : chúng tôi là * Notes : Hi/ hello: Lời chào thân mật không phân biệt thời gian trong ngày. Good morning/ afternoon...: dùng để chào tùy theo thời gian trong ngày thể hiện sự trịnh trọng, lịch sự để tôn trọng người đối thoại. II- Dialogue B3.P.15 * Notes: How are you? We are fine, thank you => We’re = We are Các em có khỏe không? Chúng em khỏe ạ, cảm ơn cô. II- Practice 1/ Picture drill B1,2( p.14,15) a) B1: Listen and match. Good morning – picture a Good afternoon – picture d Good evening – picture e ========================================================================
  • 10. teacher and match the pictures with the correct sentences. a) b) c) d) e) Ss: Listen to the tape then repeat. - Some Ss read loudly. * Act 2 (B2): Now look at the pictures of time p15 then say greeting with your partner. * Act 3(B3): In picture a) Miss Hoa meet her students in the school, they greet each other. In picture b) Lan and her Mom say greeting before going to bed. Ss: Practise in pairs.  Production (9') - T: Ask ss to complete the dialogue B4 . Lan: Good afternoon, Nga. Nga: … …, … . Lan: How are you? Nga: … … …, … . … …? Lan: Fine, thanks. Nga: Goodbye. Lan: … . Ss: Write individually , and compare with a partner -T: Let ss make their own dialogues Ss: Make dialogues . Good night – picture b Goodbye – picture c b) B2: Practice with a partner. Example Exchange -S1: Good morning -S2: Good morning 2-B3 : Dialouge build. a)Miss Hoa : Good morning , children . Children : Good morning , Miss Hoa . Miss Hoa : How are you ? Children : We’re fine , thank you . How are you ? Miss Hoa : Fine , thanks . Goodbye . Children : Bye . b) Mom : Good night , Lan . Lan : Good night , Mom . 3- B4 : Write Lan: Good afternoon, Nga Nga: Good afternoon, Lan. Lan: How are you? Nga: I am fine, thanks . And you? Lan: Fine, thanks Nga: Good bye. Lan: Bye. IV/ Consolidation:(1' ) -T: Ask ss to retell some important notes about health greetings. Ss: Answer V/ Homework:( 3') - Request ss to learn newwords by heart. - Ask ss to write their own dialogues ( three lines for each ) - Do exercises part B in exercise book - Prepare: Unit 1: Lesson 4: C1,2,5.. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date:..................... ========================================================================
  • 11. PERIOD 5 : UNIT 1 : (CONT) Lesson 4: C. How old are you ? (C 1,2,5) A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Count numbers from 1 to 20 + Introduce oneself and others. + Ask and answer about the ages. 2- Objectives: a. Language focus * Vocab : Numbers from 1 to 20, and, minus... * Grammar: One and one is two. Three minus two is one. b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , poster... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (5') *Hold a game “ Jumble words ”: Reorder the letter to make words tow => two oruf => four tne => ten xsi => six noe => one vesen => seven fiev => five nema=> name Ss: Write true words on the board . - T:comment and give marks. III/ New lesson: (35') Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents • Presentation (10') * Pre- teach the newwords -T: Ask Ss to look at the pictures then count the item in each picture from one to twenty. Ss: Look at the pictures and count the items in each picture. - T: Introduce words and write words on the board. Ss: Listen, repeat, and copy down. => Checking: Rub out and remember. I- Newwords - and: cộng ======================================================================== 1 2 3 4 5 one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 six seven eight nine ten 11 12 13 14 15 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 16 17 18 19 20 sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty
  • 12. • Practice (18') * Act 1:(C1) -T: Play the tape twice. Ss listen and repeat ( whole class , then individually) * Act 2:(C2) - T: Ask ss to practice the numbers – Rub out and remember . Ss: Practice the numbers in groups . + The first st speaks numbers in Vietnamese. + The second speaks in English. + The third write it in English. - Ask three ss to come to the board and practice . Ss: Do what teacher ask. * Act 3:(C5) - Give the game of Bingo: + Ask Ss to look at the “Bingo” in page 19 Ss’ books and listen to the teacher’s explanation to understand how to play “Bingo”. + Ask Ss to prepare draft and write down the numbers which the teacher read. • 5, 3, 7, 11, 14, 15, 18, 20, 16. • 13, 2, 19, 12, 17, 9, 6, 1, 15. • 6, 18, 3, 20, 12, 10, 2, 6, 11. Ss:Play the game individually. - Raise the winners. • Production (7') -T: Request ss to count the phone numbers. Ss: Count the phone numbers. -T: Commment if necessary - minus: trừ II- Practice 1- C1. Listen and repeat: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty . 2- C2. Practice vocab Eg : P1 – 19 P2 – nineteen P3 – nineteen ( write on the board ) 3- C5: Play bingo. * Further practice: Eg: 01685114374 0972648559 0978112334 IV/ Consolidation:(1' ) -T: Ask ss to retell some important notes. Ss: Answer V/ Homework:(3') ======================================================================== 11 1313 99 1212 77 33 1010 22 88
  • 13. - Request ss to learn newwords by heart. - Ask ss to copy numbers 1 – 20 and count the things in their home. - Do exercise 1,2- part C in exercise book- P 7 - Prepare: Unit 1: Lesson 5: C3,4,6. **************************** The end *************************** http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date:..................... PERIOD 6: UNIT 1 : (CONT) Lesson 5: C3,4,6 A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: At the end of the lesson students will be able to ask and answer about one’s age using numbers from 1 to 20 , to know how to introduce others . 2- Objectives: a. Language focus * Vocab : : - Review: Numbers from 1 to 20, how old, years old...... * Grammar: This is............... How old are you ?- I’m eleven ( years old ) b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , flashcards , poster... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books,... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (5') T: Let ss play the game" Bingo". 5 13 18 9 12 15 20 17 14 Ss:Play the game individually. - Raise the winners. III/ New lesson: (35') ========================================================================
  • 14. Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents  Presentation( 12') -T: Ask ss to retell the numbers from 1 to 20, structure asking and answering about ages. Ss: retell -T: Request ss to give examples. Ss: take examples. - T: Introduce words and write words on the board. Ss: Listen, repeat, and copy down. => Checking: Rub out and remember. * Teach grammar: T introduces C3, Let ss listen to the tape. - How does Nga introduce Lan to her teacher , Miss Hoa ? Ss: Listen and repeat. T: Present the new grammar and have ss practice. Ss: Practise the grammar.  Practice ( 12') T: Request ss to work in groups. Introduce their friends with somone-Ask and anser about ages ( C3/p18) Ss: Groupwork T :- Guide the way to practice( C4/ 19) - Give models - Ask & answer with Ss Ss : Practice in pairs - T : controls and corrects Ss: Take notes if necesary.  Production ( 11') *Hold a game “ Lucky number ” -T: Give 8 questions 1- Count from 1 – 10 2- Count 10 – 20 3- Lucky number 4- Count pupils in your group 5- How are you?- Ss answer 6- How old are you ?- Ss answer 7- Lucky number I- Vocabulary: + How old: bao nhiêu tuổi + year old – years old: tuổi + this is : đây là ( chỉ chủ thể ở gần) II- Structure: Ex: This is Lan How old are you? I`m eleven. * Use: Ask and answer about ages. II- Practice 1/C3. Ask and answer about ages. Ex: How old are you ? I`m twelve. How old are you? I`m eleven years old. 2/C4.Practice with your classmate Eg: P1: How old are you ? P2:I’m eleven / twelve. * P1: Hi ,Lan . This is Nga . P2: Hello , Nga .How old are you ? P3 : I’m twelve. * Lucky number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ======================================================================== => Form: This is+ tên ( người hoặc vật) How old are you? I`m/ I am + số tuổi+ years old.
  • 15. 8- Reorder the letter : etevsneen 9- Lucky number Ss: Play game in 3 groups. T: Comment and say the winner -T: Call some Ss to practice the dialogue a) and remark the use of structure in the dialogue. Ss: Some pairs practice the model aloud. -T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to make similar dialogues, use the pictures. Ss: Work in pairs (Close pairs and open pairs) - Some groups of three practice the completed dialogues Exercise 3 (p 9; 10) b) A: How old are you? B: I am ten years old. And how old are you? A: I am ten years old. c) C: How old are you? D: I am nine years old. And you? C: I am eight years old. Exercise 4 (p. 10 ) Ba: Hello, Mr. Minh. This is Nam. Mr. Minh: Hello, Nam. How old are you? Nam: I am eleven. IV/ Consolidation:(1' ) -T: Ask ss to retell the structure asking and answering about ages. Ss: Answer V/ Homework:(3') - Request ss to learn newwords by heart. - Ask ss to copy numbers 1 – 20 and count the things in their home - Do exercises part C in exercise book - Prepare: Unit 2: Lesson 1: A1-4. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date:...................... PERIOD 7 : UNIT 2 : AT SCHOOL Lesson 1 : A – Come in (A1- 4) A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to give the class imperatives and do ex correctly. 2- Objectives: a. Language focus * Vocab : : Come in, open your book, sit down, close your book, stand up . * Grammar: Imperatives - Come in Go out Sit down Stand up ========================================================================
  • 16. Open your book Close your book. b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , flashcards ... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (5') * Check the old lesson: -T: Call pupils to go to the black board and give them some question: + What is your name? + How are you ? + How old are you? Ss: Answer the teacher’s question. - T:comment and give marks. III/ New lesson: (35') Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents • Presentation ( 9') * Act 1: Introduce how to give the orders. - T: Ask the Ss to look at the picture A1 page 20 and guess teacher’s requests in the picture. Ss: Look at the picture and guess. - T: Help ss to find out the new words and give the meanning. => Checking vocab: matching. - T: Read and ask ss to listen to twice .Ask ss to read imperatives. Ss: Read aloud -T: Give the structures. Ss: Copy down. • Practice( 15') -T: Call some ss read again some imperatives. Ss: Follow the teacher`s requests. - T: Ask the ss to practive with a group (làm mẫu với 3,4 h/sinh khá) Ss: Groupwork. - Change another imperatives with each St I- Newwords - Sit down: ngồi xuống - Stand up: đứng lên - Come in: mời vào - Open : mở - Close: Gấp - your: của bạn, của các bạn, của em,... - book: sách. - Close your book: gấp sách lại - Open your book: mở sách ra II- Practice 1-A1. Picture drill Ex: Stand up Sit down Open your book Close your book 2- A2. Match and write *Keywords: ========================================================================
  • 17. - T: Ask the ss to do exercise A2 page21. Match the imperatives with the right pictures. Ss: Do ex . * Hold a game : Simon says -T: Guid ss to play game " Simon says" + 10 Ss stand in a circle. + Listen to the teacher’s commands. If the T says “Simon says” Ss do as the commands, if there is no “Simon says”, no action. Ss: Listen and play - T: Remark . • Production (11') * Further practice: T: Have ss do Gap- fill. Ss: Fill in the blanks with correct words. Exe 1 ( p13) A B Come Sit Open Stand Close your book up in your book down a. Open your book b. Sit down c. come in d. Close your book e. Stand up 3- A3. Play a game “ Simon says ” Further practice: * Put the correct word in the brackets. a. ..............down, please. b. Close............................. c. ...............notebook, please. d. ...............up, please. e. ................in . 4- Remember Come in. Sit down and Stand up. Open your book and Close your book. *Exercise A1 (p. 13 ) a) Come in. b) Sit down. c) Open your book. d) Stand up. e) Close your book. IV/ Consolidation:(1' ) -T: Ask ss to retell the imperatives. Ss: Answer V/ Homework:(3') - Request ss to learn newwords by heart. - Do exercises- part A in the exercise book. - Prepare: Unit 2: Lesson 2: B1,2,3.. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh ========================================================================
  • 18. Teaching date:..................... PERIOD 8 : UNIT 2 (CONT) Lesson2:B. Where do you live?( B1,2,3 ) A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: At the end of the lesson students will be able to ask and answer about one’s address and name . 2. Objectives: a. Language focus: * Vocab : : You- your, Where, live, do, street, house, city. * Grammar: * Reveiw: What`s your name?/ How old are you? * New structure: Where do you live?- I live on............... b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , photocopied pictures , poster, ... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (5') * Check the old lesson: -T: Call pupils go to the black board and give them some question: + What is your name? + How do you spell your name? + How are you ? + How old are you ? Ss: Answer the teacher’s question. - T:comment and give marks. III/ New lesson: (35') Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents • Presentation(12') * Present newwords - T: Hang the photocopied picture- p24/B3. Ask ss to look at it and answer: Where is this ? Ss: Answer. - T: Introduce newwords Ss: Listen , repeat, and copy down. => Checking: Rub out and remember. * Act 1: Ask and answer the name: Who can answer my question ? I- Newwords: A /ei/ B /bi/ C /si/ D /di/ E /i/ F /ef/ G /dzi/ H /eit/ I /ai/ J /dzei/ K /kei/ L /el/ M /em/ N /en/ O /au/ P /pi/ Q /kuj/ R /a/ S /es/ T /ti/ U /ju/ V /vi/ W /dAblju/ X /iks/ Y /wai/ Z /dzet/ + Street (n): đường phố ========================================================================
  • 19. + What’s your name ? + How old are you? Can you ask me ,please ? - T: Get Ss to do pair work(ask and answer about your name, ages) Ss: Pairwork. *Act 2: Ask and answer the address -T: Request ss to look at the picture (p23) Is it a city or country? Ss: Answer. -T: Introduce the question about address. - Look at the answers to find out the prepositions and try to remember. • Practice (17') * Act 1: Wordcues -T: Give some wordcues and ask ss to complete the sentences. Ss: Complete the sentences. -T: Correct if necessary. * Act 2: Practice the dialogue -T: Hang on the poster of the dialogue B1- p23. Ss: Look at on the poster. -T: Have ss practice the dialogue with a partner. Ss: Work in pairs. - T: Call some pairs to practice dialogue. Ss: Practice in front of the class. -T: Comment if necessary.Ask ss to replace words or phrases to make a similar dialogue. Act 3: Play with words. Ask ss to read the sentences in play with words , notice the stress T explain some words: city, do. • Production(6') - T: Call ss read again the alphabet Ss: Do as teacher request. + house (n): ngôi nhà + Where ? : ở đâu + live (v): sống II- Grammar: * Ex2: Where do you live ? I live in Tan Moc on Le Loi Street III- Practice: 1. Wordcues a- What/ your/ name? - My/ name/ Hoa What is your name?- My name is Hoa. b- How/ old/ you? - I/ twelve. => How old are you? -I`m twelve. c- Where/ you/ live? - I/ Luc Ngan. Where do you live? - I live in Luc Ngan 2.B1- Listen and repeat then practice with a partner. -P1:What’s your name? -P2:My name’s Nam -P1:How old are you? -P2:I’m twelve years old. -P1:Where do you live? -P2:I live on Tran Phu street. 3.B2- Play with words Where do you live? I live in a house. Where do you live ? I live on a street Where do you live ? I live in a city Where do you live ? ======================================================================== => Form: Where do you live? I live in/ on........... *Use: Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả những sự việc mang tính cố định
  • 20. I live in Viet Nam IV/ Consolidation:(1' ) -T: Ask ss to retell how to ask and answer about adress. Ss: Answer V/ Homework:(3') - Request ss to learn newwords by heart. - Ask ss to do exercises- part B in the workbook - Prepare: Unit 2: Lesson 3: B4,5,6. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date:..................... PERIOD 9: UNIT 2 (CONT) Lesson 3: B 4,5,6 A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: At the end of the lesson students will be able to spell one’s name , know A B C …and ask for personal information. 2- Objectives: a. Language focus * Vocab : : The alphabet: A, B, C..., spell * Grammar: - How do you spell........? b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , poster, ... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1')- Greeting and checking attendance. II/ Warm-up: (5') * Check the old lesson: -T: Call pupils go to the black board and read the alphabet. Ss: Read. - T:comment and give marks. III/ New lesson: (35') ========================================================================
  • 21. Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents • Presentation(12') T: Let ss review some questions about themselves Ss: Practice asking and answering. -T: Ask sts to copy down. Ss: Copy down. * Present grammar -T: Ask ss to look at the picture (p.25) -T: Ask and sts anwer. What’s her name? Who is she? Who is this? Where are they now ? * Answer : - She is Miss Hoa. - She is a teacher. -This is Lan. -They are in the class. -T: Play the tape. Ss: Listen. -T: Ask sts to work in pairs. Ss: Pairwork. -T: Explain the question “ How do you spell your name? ” • Practice(13') -T: Request ss to listen and repeat the alphabet. Ss: Listen and repeat. -T: Get sts to make a similar dialogue. Ss: Pairwork. Make a similar dialogue by replacing word underlined. -T: Call on some pairs to practice dialogue. Ss: Practice in front of the class. -T: Comment if necessary. - T: Have ss answer the questions B5- p25 then write down on the notebook. Ss: Copy down the answers on the notebook. • Production(10') -T: Ask ss to read the Remember. I- Revision Ex: +What is your name?- My name is.... + How old are you? I am.... + Where do you live? I live in... II- Listen and repeat: + spell: đánh vần * Grammar: Ex: -P1:What’s your name ? P2:My name is Lan. -P1:How do you spell your name ? P2:L-A-N III- Practice: 1.B4-Practice with a partner -P1:What’s your name ? -P2:My name is Hoa. -P1:How do you spell your name ? -P2:H-O-A it 2.B5-Write. Ex: a- My name is Mai b- I`m eleven. c- I live in Tan Moc d- M-A-I , Mai. 3.B 6 – Remember What’s your name ? My name’s … How do you spell ………? ======================================================================== *Form: -What`s your name? My name is......... => Hỏi tên của người đang nói chuyện - How do you spell........? => Hỏi cách đánh vần tên
  • 22. Ss: Read aloud. -T: Request ss to copy down. Ss: copy down. T: T shows the poster on the board (?) How many people are there in the dialogue?(2) (?) Who are they?(Miss Hoa, Lan) (?) What do you have to do? ( Complete the dialogue with suitable word) + Get Ss to work in groups + Deliver them the hand outs + Ss write their keys on the hand outs. + T gets Ss’ hand outs and asks Ss to check T: Ask ss to do the exe 3 (p12) in the workbook. Ss: Do exe in pairs. What’s … = What is … My name is …… = My name’s ….... 4. Complete the dialogue Miss Hoa : Come (1).in ..please Lan: Good morning, Miss Hoa Miss Hoa: Good (2)..morning. Please sit down. Lan: Thank you Miss Hoa: ..(3)..What.. is your name? Lan: My ..(4)name is Lan. Exe 3(p12) a) Lan: Hello. My name`s Lan. What`s your name? Viet: My name is Viet. IV/ Consolidation:(1' ) -T: Ask ss to retell the alphabet. Ss: Answer V/ Homework:(3') - Request ss to learn newwords by heart. - Ask Ss to do exercise1-2-3 in the workbook- P 12. - Prepare: Unit 2: Lesson 4: C1 http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date:..................... PERIOD 10: UNIT 2 : (CONT) Lesson 4: C - My school (C1) A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice with : This / That positive statements and Yes – No questions to talk about people and things at school. 2. Objectives: ========================================================================
  • 23. a. Language focus: * Vocab : teacher , student , class , classroom , desk , this , that`s = that is. * Grammar: * Structure : This is / That is ………… Is this ………..? - Yes, it is ( Yes, this/ that is........) Is that ……………..?- - No, it isn`t ( No, this/ that isn`t........) b. Skills:. Listening, speaking, writing and reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , flashcards ... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, pen... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (5') III/ New lesson: (35') Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents • Presentation(12') *Pre teach vocab: -T: Elicit words from ss. Use the picture- p26 to present newwords. Ss: Give their ideas. -T: Write words on the board. Ss: Listen, repeat, and copy down. => Checking: Matching:Call ss to go to the board and match * Present grammar: -T: Set the scene: Ask ss to look at the picture- p26 and ask: Who can you see in the picture. Ss: Answer - T: Play the tape for two times. Ss: Listen. *T: modles: T: What is this in English? S: ( a student). T: How do you spell it? S: S-T-U-D-E-N-T. -T: Introduce the new structures: This/ That is......... Is this/ that ........? I- Newwords: + a student: học sinh, sinh viên + a teacher: giáo viên + a school: trường học + a class: lớp học. + a classroom: phòng học + a desk: bàn HS + that is.... = that`s.....: đó là II- Grammar: * Eg : - This is my school. - That is my class. - Is this your school? - Is that your class? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. *Note: - This/that: là đại từ chỉ định - This is: Giới thiệu 1 người, vật ở khoảng cách gần ======================================================================== => Form: This/ That is a/ an......... Is this............? Is that ...........?
  • 24. Ss: Copy down. • Practice (15') *Act 1: Wordcues drill: - T. gives instruction. + học sinh + bàn học + lớp + cô giáo + trường + phòng học Ss: Listen and write *Act 2: picture drill - T uses the pictures on P.26- 27 and guides Ss to practice using the model sentences - T models first - Ss work in pairs: open pairs / closed pairs • Production (8') * Realia drill: - T points to real things in and around the classroom and ask and answer. * Eg: T. Is this your desk? St: No, it isn’t./ Yes, it is. -T: Get ss to free practice in pairs. Ss: free practice. -That is: Giới thiệu 1 người, vật ở khoảng cách xa. III- Practice: 1- Wordcues drill: 2- Picture Drill This is my school That is my class This is my classroom ........... 3- Free practice: * Eg: S1: Is this your desk? S2: No, it isn’t./ Yes, it is. IV/ Consolidation:(1' ) -T: Ask ss to retell the structure: This/ That is......... Ss: Answer. V/ Homework:(3') - Request ss to learn newwords by heart/ exe 1- p14 in the workbook. - Ask ss to write 3 examples with That is ..., 3 with This is....and make questions with them. - Prepare: Unit 2: Lesson 5: C2-4. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date :.................. PER 11: UNIT 2 : (CONT) Lesson 5: C 2-4 ======================================================================== student class teacher table school classroomm
  • 25. A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice with : This / That and Wh – question with “What ” to talk about people and things at school. 2. Objectives: a. Language focus: * Vocab : door , window , board , clock . waste basket , school bag , pencil , eraser * Grammar: What is this? What is that ? It`s a/an............... b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , flashcards, poster ... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (5') *Check the old lesson: - T: Call pupils to go to the black board and write new words. Ss: Write. - T:comment and give marks. III/ New lesson: (35') Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents  Presentation(12') *Pre teach vocab: -T: Elicit from ss.Use picture and realia. Ss: Listen, repeat and copy down. T: Ask ss to practice newwords. Ss: Practice . => Check vocab: Matching. - Get ss to go to the board to match individually. * Present grammar. -T: Show the things around classroom and give examples. Ss: copy down. - T: Let ss practice examples. Ss: Practice in pairs. I- Newwords: - a door: cửa chính - a window: cửa sổ - a board: cái bảng - a clock: đồng hồ treo tường - a wastebasket: giỏ rác - a school bag: cặp học sinh. - a pencil: cái bút chì - a pen: cái bút mực - a ruler: cái thước kẻ - an eraser: cái tẩy * an: đứng trước một danh từ bắt đầu bằng nguyên âm ( a, i, e, u, o ) * a: đứng trước một danh từ bắt đầu bằng phụ âm. II- Grammar: Eg: - What is this ? ========================================================================
  • 26. - T: ask ss to give form and usage. Ss: Give form and usage.  Practice(13') */ Word square: - T. gives instruction: Get Sts to find out the names of things in two groups. Ss: Groupwork - T: Praise the winner. * / Ask Sts to ask and answer about the pictures a- m Ss: P Ss: practice in pairs to ask and answer about the pictures or real things in the classroom  Production(10') Lucky numbers: T. gives instruction. * Questions: 1- Give the word"giáo viên"in English 2- LN 3- How do you spell :”classrooms”? 4- How do you spell” clock”? 5- LN 6- Give the word"bút chì"in English. 7- How do you spell “ ruler”? 8- How do you spell “eraser”? 9- LN Ss: - Play in three groups. It’s a pen. - What is that ? It`s a door. III- Practice: 1- Word square W P E N S C E X O E R D E S K D D N A O H O Z R N C S O I H B A I I E R K A C D W L R U L E R B à Pen, desk, ruler Pencil, door, eraser. Window, board 2.C3- Practice with a partner. What is this? It`s .......... What is that ? It`s .......... * Lucky number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Team1 Team2 Team 3 .......... ......... ........... IV/ Consolidation:(1' ) -T: Ask ss to retell some important notes. Ss: Answer : What is this/ that ? It`s a/an.......... ======================================================================== => Form: What is this/ that ? It`s a/ an................
  • 27. V/ Homework:(3') - Learn by heart the new words. - Do ex. 2, 3 -p15 in the workbook. - Prepare : Unit 3: A 1, 2 =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ The end +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date :.................... PERIOD 12: UNIT 3 : AT HOME Lesson 1 : A. My house(A1- 2) A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: + Know more living room Vocabulary to talk about things in the house + Understand and practice “ Wh. Questions” with These/ Those + Practice speaking skill 2. Objectives: a. Language focus: * Vocab : table, telephone, house, room, armchair… * Grammar: What is this / that? What are these/ those? b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , radio, poster... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance ========================================================================
  • 28. II/ Warm-up: (2') - T: Ask ss to tell the things in their living room. Ss: Give their ideas. * Answer key: table, chair, television, clock....... - T:comment if necessary. III/ New lesson: (38') Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents • Presentation(12') */ Pre-teach vocab T: sets the situation and plays the tape. Ss: listen and find out new words. T: gives new words Ss: guess meaning and take note. Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice. T: controls and corrects mistakes. T: plays the tape. Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice. T: controls and corrects. => Checking: Rub out and remember. T: Ask ss to retell the way to ask and answer questions with singular nouns. Then introduces the way to ask answer questions with plural nouns. Ss: answer question and take note. T: introduces new structures. Ss: listen and take note. Then give examples. T : Ask ss to give form and note. Ss: Give form. T : Have ss copy down. Ss: Take note on their notebooks. T: Note ss the pronunciation of prular nouns Ss: Take notes on the notebooks. • Practice (15') I- New words +a living room:phòng khách + a telephone:điện thoại + a lamp: đèn bàn + a bookshelf: giá sách + an armchair: ghế bành + a table: bàn trà + a chair: ghế tựa + a television: vô tuyến + a stereo: máy nghe nhạc + a couch: ghế sa -lông dài + a stool: ghế đôn + these: những cái này + those: những cái kia II- Structure: Ex: What are these? They`re pens. What are those? They`re windows. Use: * This is.../ These are... + Giống: Dùng để chỉ vật ở gần. + Khác: This is + N số ít These are + N số nhiều * That is.../ Those are... + Giống: Dùng để chỉ vật ở xa. + Khác: That is + N số ít Those are + N số nhiều Note: Có 3 cách phát âm –“s” /-s/: khi theo sau âm/p,t,k,f, / Eg: books, maps /-iz/: khi theo sau âm/x,s,z ,ch ,sh/ Eg: classes, watches ======================================================================== What are these/ those? They’re + N (s / es)
  • 29. - T: Ask Ss to listen to the tape then reorder the pictures as they hear the words of them. Ss: Listen to the tape and reorder the pictures. - T: Ask Ss to listen to the tape then repeat loudly. Ss: Listen to the tape then repeat in chorus. - T: Call some Ss to practice reading in front of the class. Ss: Some Ss practice in front of the class. T: corrects their mistakes.Guides the ways to practice and do models first (A2) Ss: take note and remember. Ss base on the picture and the structures to do task. Work in pairs. T: controls and corrects mistakes. • Production (10') -T: Ask ss to play a game :Nought and crosses Ss: play game. -T: Comment if necessary. /-z/: khi theo sau các âm còn lại Eg: pens, tables. III- Practice: 1. Picture drill( A1) This is my living room This is a telephone. 2. Practice with a partner(A2) ex1: What’s this? It’s a table. ex2: What`s that? It`s an armchair. ex3: what are these? They’re armchairs. ex4: What are those? They’re couches. * Nought and crosses What ?/ door That / pen What ?/ shelves It / box ? They / eraser Those / stereo This/ armchair That / lamp It / not / bench Ex: What`s that? It`s a door. IV/ Consolidation:(1' ) -T: Ask ss to retell some important notes. Ss: Answer V/ Homework:(3') - Learn by heart the new words. - Practice asking and answeringwith “Wh-Qs” with your friends. - Do exercise 1,2 (p.17, 18) - Prepare : A3,4,5. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date :................... PERIOD 13: UNIT 3 : (CONT) Lesson 2: A3,4,5 ========================================================================
  • 30. A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to practice speaking English about family members. + Role play Ba to tell about his family + Practise asking and answering about Ba`s family 2. Objectives: a. Language focus: * Vocab : - The members of the family: father, mother, sister, brother..... - The pronouns: she- her, he- his - The question: How many.......? * Grammar: - Who`s this/that? This/ That is Ba`s mother. - What`s her name? - Her name is Nga. - How old is she ? - She`s..................... b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , poster , cards... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (3') * Chatting - T: Ask about the members of ss` families. Ss: Answer. - T: Comment if necessary III/ New lesson: (37') Teacher & Students` activities T Contents  Pre - reading * / Pre teach vocab: + Elicit from sts. +Write words on the boards. Ss: Listen, repeat, and copy down. - T: Let ss practice newwords. Ss: practice in chorus- groups- individual => Checking: Matching. * / Set the scene: A girl is asking about the members in Ba`s family. How does she ask? T introduce the question: "How many people are there in your family? " and how to answer. 12' I- Newwords: family (n): gia đình father (n): cha, bố mother (n): mẹ brother (n): anh, em trai sister (n): chị, em gái she-her : bà, cô, chị ấy- của bà....... he- his: ông, anh ấy- của ông......... How many...? : bao nhiêu II- Reading: 1/ T / F statement 1- Ba is eleven years old and he is a student. -> F ========================================================================
  • 31. * T / F statement prediction. - T. gives instruction. Ss: Listen to the T. Predict individually then pair -T: Collect Sts’ ideas.  While reading * Check prediction: - T: Ask ss to read the text and check with the prediction -T: Give examples and note ss some structures Ss: Take notes on their notebook. Ss: Read and correct the answer. ( correct the wrong sentences) individually then pair compare) - Get feed back from the ss * Answer keys: 1- F ( eleven-> twelve) 2- T 3- T 4. F ( teacher-> student) 5. F ( five -> four) -T: Give examples and note ss some structures Ss: Take notes on their notebook. * Ask Sts to ask and answer ( P 33 ) Ss: Pairwork. T: Call ss to give the answers. Ss: Give the answers. T: Check if necessary.  Post reading - T: Ask ss to ask and answer the questions – A5/33. Ss: Pairwork. 15' 10' 2- Mr.Ha is a teacher. -> T 3- Ba’s mother is Nga and she’s a teacher. -> T 4- Ba’s sister , Lan is a teacher. -> F 5- There are 5 people in BA’s family -> F 2/ Answer the questions( A4) * Structures: 1) Hỏi tên ai đó với " Who": Who is this / that ? That`s/ This`s/ It’s + tên. 2) Hỏi tên người khác với "What": What’s his / her name? His / Her name is + tên 3) Hỏi tuổi người khác How old is he/she? - She/ he +tuổi * Answer: a. Her name is Nga b. His name is Ha c.That’s Ba. He is twelve years old d.This is Lan. She is fifteen e. * How many people are there in the family? There are four people in the family. III- A5* Talk about you: a) What is your name? b) How old are you? c) How many people are there in your family? IV/ Consolidation:(1' ) -T: Ask ss to retell the lesson. Ss: Answer V/ Homework:(3') - Describe about your family. ========================================================================
  • 32. - Learn by heart the new words. - Do ex. 3,4 (P.20-21). - Prepare : Lesson 3: B1-2. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date :................. PER 14: UNIT 3 : (CONT) Lesson 3: B- Numbers (B 1- 2) A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: By the end of the lesson. Sts wil be able to practice counting numbers from 1 to 100 ( learn by heart the numbers: 20, 30, 40,............) + Learn the common ruler and the prirevate ruler for the nouns ending with " ch" Ex: couch- couches, bench- benches. 2. Objectives: a. Language focus: * Vocab : The items in the classroom: singular nouns and plural nouns. * Grammar: There is/ there are................................... There is one door in the classroom There are six benches in the classroom. b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures , radio, poster ... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, reference books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (5') -T: Call 2 Ss to write on board. Ss: Write the answers in words a .10 + 5 = fifteen b .40 : 2 = twenty c. 7 + 5 = twelve d. 2 + 7 = nine e. 9 x 2 = eighteen -T: Comment and give marks. III/ New lesson: (35') ========================================================================
  • 34. ======================================================================== Teacher & Students` activities T Contents  Presentation T: Introduces the cardinal numbers from one to one hundred. Ss: listen. T: Mentions the difference between 1-10 and 10 – 20 and the main stressed syllables of the numbers. Ss : listen and remember. T: plays the tape. Then guides the way to connect numbers. Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice. T: controls and corrects. * Present grammar:- T: Show the door and say: how many doors are there? Ss: Answer. -T: intrduce the structures: There is/ There are ........... Ss: Copy down - T: Ask ss to give examples with " There is/ There are..........."  Practice Ss: practice counting numbers. Ss: comment. T: controls and corrects mistakes. T: introduces the picture. Then explains how to form the plural nouns Ss: listen and take note. T: shows the picture and asks ss count things in it . Ss : practice T: controls and corrects mistakes.  Production - T: Request ss to use the structures above to write about the things they have counted . Ss: Write . 12' 15' 8’ I- Vocabulary: - 30: thirty 31: thirty-one - 40: forty 32: thirty- two - 50: fifty 33: thirty- three - 60: sixty - 70: seventy - 80: eighty - 90: ninety - 100: one hundred II- Grammar: Eg: There is one door in the classroom. There are three windows in the classroom. * Note: Cách thành lập danh từ số nhiều: - Thêm “s” vào sau danh từ số ít. ex : a door => doors a chair => two chairs - Danh từ tận cùng là: ch, sh, x, s, o, thêm “es” ex : a bench => benches a couch => 2 couches - Danh từ tận cùng là “y” trước “y” là phụ âm thì chuyển “y” thành “i” thêm “es” ex : a family => families III- practice: 1. B1- The numbers one, two, three, four,.................... 2.B2- Practice * Count the items in the classroom: 1 door 1 table 2 students 1 board 2 books 1 erase 1 window 1 chair 1 clock 6 desks 1 ruler 6 benches 3- Write Eg: There is one table in the classroom. Form: There is one + N There are + Ns -> Giới thiệu số lượng đồ vật ở nơi nào đó
  • 35. IV/ Consolidation:(1' ) -T: Ask ss to retell the structures: There is/ there are.......... Ss: Answer. V/ Homework:(3') - Learn by heart the count numbers 1-100 and how to add “s” and " es" - Do exercise1,2-p21 in the exercise book. - Prepare the new lesson: B3- 6 http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date :................. PER 15: UNIT 3 : (CONT) Lesson 4: B 3- 6 A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to use the question:" How many ..........are there?" and the answer:" There is one........../ There are two..........." + Students review rulers change singular nouns. into plural nouns + Learn how to read singular and plural nouns ( /s/, /z/, /iz/ ) 2. Objectives: a. Language focus: * Vocab : The things in the living room - plural nouns * Grammar: How many................ are there? There is one................... There are two................. b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , radio, casette, poster ... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (4') T: asks Ss to count numbers ( 20-30; 50-60…) Ss: do the task. T: comment and give marks. ========================================================================
  • 36. III/ New lesson: (35') Teacher & Students` activities T Contents Presentation T: Let ss play :Chain game Ss: Do as teacher asks. T: sets the situation and plays the tape. Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice. T: controls and corrects . T: gives new structure. Ss: listen and take note. T: gives models first. Ss: gives examples. Then take note. Practice * Count the things in the living room T: Shows the picture and asks Ss count things in it . Ss : do task. Ss: comment. T: controls and corrects. * Practise asking and answering (B4) T: Asks Ss to ask and answer the questions about things in living room they have counted. Ss : practice in pairs. T: controls and corrects. Production -T: Make ss read the remember- B6 Ss: Read. - T: Request ss to use the structures above to ask and answer about the things they have by making the survey. Ss: groupwork. 12' 13’ 10’ I- Revision: *Chain game: Example: S1: There is one door. S2: There is one door and three windows. S3: There is one door………. II- Structure: Hỏi số lượng có bao nhiêu người hoặc vật. Ex : How many teachers are there ? There is one. - How many desks are there? There are ten. - How many students are there? There are thirty- one III- Practice 1/ Picture drill (B5) 1 couch 1 stereo 1 lamp 1 table 1 telephone 2 chairs 2 armchairs 4 people 3 books 2 stools 1 bookcase 1 television 2/ Practice with a partner (B4) How many couches are there? There is one . How many books are there? There are three. 3/ B6- Remember How many ………are there ? There is ……… / There are ………… *Survey Name In your school bag ======================================================================== How many + Ns + are there ? There is one+ N There are two, three....+ Ns
  • 37. T: Call some pairs to practice in front of the class. Ss: Ask and answer in front of the class. T: Call ss to give the answers. Ss: Give their answers. T: Comment if necessary. pens books rulers pencils Hoa Mai Eg: -How many pens are there in your school bag? There is one. How many books are there in your school bag? There are five. IV/ Consolidation:(2' ) T: Reminds Ss the question with How many……... Ss: listen and take note. T: asks Ss to close their books and ask some questions using “ How many ” Ss: answer. V/ Homework:(3') - Learn by heart new structure - Do exercise 3,4 p22 in the exercise book. - Prepare the new lesson : C 1-4 . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date :................ PER 16: UNIT 3 :(CONT) Lesson 4:C- Families (C 1-4) A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice reading a text and understand the details and talk about jobs. + Ask and answer about a girl in the picture. + Talk about Song`s family. + The fair students may be tell and write about their families. 2. Objectives: a. Language focus: * Vocabulary : The members in the family: father, mother, brother...We- our ========================================================================
  • 38. * Grammar: + Review: How many.............?- There is/ There are.......... + New structure: What does he/ she do ?.............................. b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , poster, radio, projector... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (5') T: gives the wordcues and asks ss to write the complete sentence. 1. many / students / how / there / are ? - are / there / forty-five 2. many / desks / how / are / there ? - eight / there / are Ss : make sentences. * Answer key: 1- How many students are there? - There are forty-five. 2- How many desks are there ? - There are eight. T: corrects and gives marks. III/ New lesson: (35') Teacher & Students` activities T Contents • Pre-Reading T: Let ss look at some photos on the screen. Ss: Look at. T: Introduces the situation of the text and give guiding questions then let Ss to listen to the tape. Ss : listen T: gives new words Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice. T: Plays the tape again and gives time to ask Ss reading in silent. Ss : listen and read in silent. T: explains new structure. Ss: listen and take note. * Open – prediction: Hang the poster on the board. Gets Ss’ prediction and writes on the board. Ss: Give their prediction • While- Reading 10' 15' I- New words: - engineer (n): kỹ sư - me : tôi - doctor (n) : bác sĩ - nurse (n) : y tá - we- our : chúng tôi- của chúng tôi - they- their: họ- của họ II- Reading: 1/ Open prediction Lan’s family Members Father Mother Brother Lan How old? 40 35 8 12 job An engineer A teacher A student A student * Structure : Hỏi nghề nghiệp - What does he/ she do ? He/ She is a/an + nghề nghiệp ========================================================================
  • 39. T: guides the way to practice. Ss: read the passage again. Then answer the questions Ss: ask and answer in pairs. Ss: writes on the board. T: controls and corrects. Ss: take note. T: asks Ss to look at the picture of Song’s family and asks Ss to guess their occupation. Ss: guess. Then T writes on the board. Ss: take note. Then listen and repeat. T: asks Ss to ask and answer about Song’s family in pairs Ss : practice ( pair work ) T: controls and corrects. • Post- Reading T: Reminds ss the usage of possessive adjectives Ss : listen and copy down T: asks ss to use the information they have practiced to write a passege about Song`s family. Ss: Write. 10' Ex : What does he do ? - He is an engineer. * Answer a. There are four people. b. He is forty. c. He is an engineer. d. She is thirty-five e. She is a teacher. f. Her brother is eight. g. He is a student. h. They are in the living-room. 2/ Song`s family S1 : This is his father, Mr. Kien S2 : What does he do ? S1: He is a doctor. S2 : How old is he ? S1 :He is 42 years old. …………... This is Song’s family. There are 4 people in his family: His father, his mother, his sister and him.... IV/ Consolidation:(1' ) -T: Ask ss to retell the structure asking and answering about job. Ss: Answer V/ Homework:(3') - Learn by heart the new words. - Write a passage about your family. - Do exercise1, 2, 3 (P.23-25) - Prepare : Grammar practice. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh ========================================================================
  • 40. Teaching date :................. PERIOD 17 : GRAMMAR PRACTICE A/ Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to further practice in :”Be”, imperative, numbers, question words, there is/are, and furniture vocab. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan , pictures , sub-board... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (5') * Chatting: Ask ss some questions - Ask some questions: ? How are you? -What is your name? -How old are you ? -What do you do? ? Where do you live? -What does your father / mother do? Ss: Answer. - T: Comment if necessary. III/ New lesson: (31-36') Teachers & Students` activities T Contents Presentation and practice Activity 1: Tobe, imperative, questions words 1. Tobe T: reminds the simple present tense with “ tobe ” Ss: listen and take note. T: asks Ss to complete exercises 1, 2, 3. Ss: do the tasks. T: controls and corrects. Ss: take note. 2. Imperative T: Reviews the imperative Ss : listen and complete the imperative. T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to fill in each gaps with a suitable word 10- 12' I- Tobe: S/ tobe Kh¼ng ®Þnh Phñ ®Þnh Nghi vÊn *I  am *We / you / they/ Lan and Nga  are *She / he / it / Nam  is S + be....... S + be not.......... Be + S.... ? Ex: She is a doctor. => She is not a doctor. => Is she a teacher ? Yes, she is / - No, she isn’t. * Exercise 1, 2,3/ p40 1- Am / am / are / is / are 2- Am/ is / is / are / are 3-a) are / am b) is / is c) is / isn’t d) are / aren’t II- Imperative: ========================================================================
  • 41. key- exercise 4/ 40 Ss: Do the exercise. 3. Questions words T: ? How many question words have you learnt? Ss: Answer and take note. T: asks Ss to fill in the blanks with the questions words Ss : fill in the blanks. Activity 2: numbers/ This and that T: asks Ss to write the words for the numbers and the numbers for the words. Ss: do as requested. ( review numbers ) T: asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the dialogues Ss: work in pairs. T: controls and corrects mistakes. Ss: take note. T: reminds the way to use “this” and “that” Ss: complete the dialogue in pairs. T: controls and corrects mistakes. Production T: Ask Sts to do some other exercises. Ss: Listen to the T. Do the exercises. T: Ask ss to give the answers and check if necessary. Ss: Take note. 9- 10' 12- 14' a. in b. down c. your d. your e. up III- Question words: + How, How old, How many, What, Where... * Exercise 6: a) What / is b) Where / live c) Who / is d) What / is IV- Numbers: Exe 7/ 42 a. five / eight / ten / twenty / thirty...... b.7 ,9 ,11 , 15.... . . V- This and That : Exe 9/ 42 a. Ba: What is that ? Is it a desk ? Thu: Yes, it is. b. Ba: What is this? Is it a desk? Thu: No, it isn’t. • Free practice: Exe 1: Supply the correct form of tobe 1. I (be) a teacher. -> am 2.We (be) doctors. -> are 3.They (be) in the living room? -> Are they 4. She (be) an engineer. -> is 5. He (not be) a student. -> isn’t Exe 2: Arrange the words in order. 1.old/how/you/are ? => How old are you? 2.many/ in / how/your class/ students/ are there? => How many students are there in your class? 3.is/my father/a/teacher. => My father is a teacher. 4.are/in/we/our/room/living . => We are in our living room. 5.live/does/Where/ Hoa ? lives/ She/ Viet Nam/ in . IV/ Consolidation:(1-6' ) -T: Ask ss to retell the lesson. Ss: Answer. T: Ask ss to do the task 3( for fair students) ========================================================================
  • 42. Exe 3: Make questions for the answers: 1.I`m fine , thanks. à How are you? 2.He is a student . à………………. 3.That is a ruler. à……………….. 4.Those are books .à………………….. 5. There are four people in my family . à............................................. V/ Homework:(2') - Ask Sts to do the exercises in the book . - Prepare for the test number 1. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date :................ PERIOD 18 : WRITTEN TEST NUMBER 1 A- Objectives: Check pupils’ knowledge from Unit 1 – Unit 3. Grammar : +/ to be +/ This / that +/ What / where ………….? +/ How many …………? Vocab : +/ numbers +/ things at school / home B-The contents: Ma trận đề kiểm tra 1 tiết lần 1 - Tiếng Anh 6 Tên chủ đề ( đơn vị bài) Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Cộng TNKQ TL TNKQ TL TNK Q TL ========================================================================
  • 43. I- Reading Ba`s family: Wh-qs 4c/2đ 4c 2đ II- Writing This, Wh- qs, Possessiv e Adjs 4c/ 2đ 4c 2đ III-Vocab and grammar Wh-qs, tobe and demonst rative pros 4c/2đ Tobe 4c/2đ 8c 4đ Tổng số câu Tổng số điểm 4c 2® 4c 2® 8C 4đ 4 2đ 20c 10đ I/ Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer for each sentence (2 marks) 1. Ba (am, is, are) my friend. 2. There ( is , am , are ) four people in my family . 3. (This, That,These) books are on the table. 4. (How, How many, How old) students are there in your class ? II/ supply the correct form of “tobe” ( 2marks) 1. They (be) teachers. 1 ………………………………………. 2. He (be) an engineer. 2. …………………………………… 3. You (be) twelve. 3. …………………………………… 4. I (be) a a student. 4 ……………………………………….. III/ Arrange in order : (2 marks) 1. is/This/ her/ schoolbag. …………………………………………………………………………….. 2. live/does/Where/ Hoa / ? lives/ She/ Viet Nam/ in . ………………………………………………………………………………. 3. father/ is/My/ teacher/ a/ . …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. many/ How/ are/ your/ there/ in/ windows/ classroom / ? four / are / There. ========================================================================
  • 44. ………………………………………………………………………...................... IV/ Answer the questions about you ( 2 marks ) 1.What is your name ? ....................................................................................... 2. How old are you ? ...................................................................................... 3. Where do you live ? ..................................................................................... 4. What do you do ? ........................................................................................ V/ Read the passage then answer the questions below: ( 2 marks) Ba` s family There are four people in Ba`s family: His father, his mother, his brother and he. His father’ s forty years old, he is a doctor. His mother’ s thirty- eight, she’ s an English teacher. His brother’ s sixteen, he is a student. Question: a. How many people are there in his family? ................................................................................................................................ b. How old is his father? .................................................................................................................................. c. What does he do? ................................................................................................................................... d. How old is his brother? ................................................................................................................ Ma trận đề kiểm tra 1 tiết lần 1 - Tiếng Anh 6A Tên chủ đề ( đơn vị bài) Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Cộng TNKQ TL TNK Q TL TNK Q TL ========================================================================
  • 45. I- Reading Ba`s family: Wh-qs and Yes/No qs 4c/2đ 4c 2đ II- Writing This, Wh- qs, Possessiv e Adjs 8c/4đ 8c 4đ III-Vocab and grammar Pronunciation , Wh-qs, tobe and demonstrative pros 6c/1,5đ Tob e 4c/2 đ Find mistakes: How many, Possessive Adjs 2c/ 0,5đ 12c 4đ Tổng số câu Tổng số điểm 6c 1,5® 4c 2® 6c 2,5đ 8c 4đ 24c 10đ I/ Choose the word that has different pronunciation with other words( 0,5p) 1. A.hi B. fine C. night D. this 2. A. has B. name C. family D. lamp II/ Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer for each sentence (1p) 1. Ba (am, is, are) my friend. 2. There ( is , am , are ) four people in my family . 3. (This, That,These) books are on the table. 4. (How, How many, How old) students are there in your class ? III/ supply the correct form of “tobe"( 2ps) 1. They (be) teachers. 1 ………………………………………. 2. He (be) an engineer. 2. …………………………………… 3. You (be) twelve. 3. …………………………………… 4. I (be) a a student. 4 ……………………………………….. ========================================================================
  • 46. IV/ Arrange in order : (2 ps) 1. is/This/ her/ schoolbag. …………………………………………………………………………….. 2. live/does/Where/ Hoa / ? lives/ She/ Viet Nam/ in . ………………………………………………………………………………. 3. father/ is/My/ teacher/ a/ . …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. many/ How/ are/ your/ there/ in/ windows/ classroom / ? four / are / There. ………………………………………………………………………...................... V/ Find and correct the mistakes ( 0,5p) 1. What is he name? He name is Tam. ………………………………………………. 2. How many chair are there in your house? ………………………………………… VI/ Answer the questions about you ( 2 ps ) 1.What is your name ? ....................................................................................... 2. How old are you ? ...................................................................................... 3. Where do you live ? ..................................................................................... 4. What do you do ? ........................................................................................ VII/ Read the passage then answer the questions below: ( 2 ps) Ba` s family There are four people in Ba`s family: His father, his mother, his brother and he. His father’ s forty years old, he is a doctor. His mother’ s thirty- eight, she’ s an English teacher. His brother’ s sixteen, he is a student. Question: a. How many people are there in his family? ................................................................................................................................ b. How old is his father? .................................................................................................................................. c. What does he do? ................................................................................................................................... d. Is his mother an English teacher? ……………………………………………………………………………………. C/ Homework: - Ask Sts to do the exercises in the exercise book. - Prepare for the next period: Unit 4: A1-4. ========================================================================
  • 47. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date :................ Period 19: Unit 4 : Big or small ? Lesson 1:A. Where is your school?(A 1- 3) A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims. : By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice reading comprehension a description of a school , using possessive of nouns . 2. Objectives: a. Language focus: * Vocabulary : big> < small in the country, in the city * Grammar : - Review: How many.............?- There is/ There are.......... - New structure: tobe + adjectives tobe + adverb phrases b. Skills: Listening, speaking , writing , reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , poster, radio, cards... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (3') * Chatting: Ask ss some questions T: hangs the picture on the board and sets the situation. Ss: discuss and compare 2 pictures. T: introduces new lesson ========================================================================
  • 48. III/ New lesson: (38') Teacher’s & Students’ activities T Contents • Presentation T: Plays the tape and ask Ss to listen one time Ss : listen and find out new words. T: gives new words. Ss: guess meaning and take note. Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice. T: controls and corrects. * Check vocab: R.O.R T: Let ss guess about Phong`s and Thu`s school. Ss: guess. T: Let ss listen to the tape. • Practice -T: Ask Sts to read the text and check with their prediction. ( Correct the false information.)individually then pair compare. Ss: Practise the text . - Get feed back from Sts. +/ Modle sentences: Elicit from Sts. ? Is Phong’s school small? - Yes, it is. * Possessive case: Noun`s noun ex : Nam’s desk. My father’s house. * Position of adjective - S + be + adj - It is a / an + adj + noun *Comprehension questions: A 2 (P.44) - Get Sts to read the text again and then practice asking and answering the questions in pairs. Ss: Pairwork. • Production. 10' 17- 20' 8' I-New words - small >< big : nhỏ- lớn - country ( n ): miền quª - in the country: ở miền quê - in the city: ở thành phố II- Listen and repeat 1. Open prediction Phong`s school:small, in the country Thu`s school:big, in the city. 2. Grammar: * Question with “tobe” Tobe + S + adj? Yes, it is/ No, it isn`t. ex1: Is Phong’s school small? Yes, it is. * Possessive case: Noun`s noun ex : Nam’s desk, My father’s house. * Position of adjective : after “tobe “and before nouns ex : Thu`s school is big - It is a / an + adj + noun ex : It is a small school. 3. Answer(A2) a. Yes, it is. b. No, it isn’t. c. It is in the country. d. No, it isn’t. It is in the city. III- Read. Then answer the questions * Answer the questions a.There are eight classrooms in Phong’s school. b. There are four hundred students in ========================================================================
  • 49. - T: Get Sts to read the text (P.45) and answer the questions Ss: Practice. - Get feed back from Sts. + Answer keys: _ Thu’s school: 8, 400 - Phong’ school: 20, 900. his school. c.There are twenty classrooms in Thu’s school. d. There are nine hundred students in her school. IV/ Consolidation:(1- 4' ) -T: Ask ss to retell the lesson. Ss: Answer * Word cues: ( for fair students) Have ss ask and answer with the words given - Thu’s school/ big/ Yes. - Hoa`s house/ small/ No. - Your brother’s school/ small/ No. - His school/ in the country/ Yes. V/ Homework:(2') - Write a short passage about their school. - Do exercises - part A in the workbook. - Prepare the new lesson : B A4,5- B1. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date :................ PERIOD 20: UNIT 4 ( CONT) Lesson 2: A4,5 + B1 A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims. : By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to improve listening skill by listening to a dialogue about school and "How many, which" questions to talk abschool and class. 2. Objectives: a. Language focus: * Vocabulary : to have, grade, class, floor * Grammar : - Review: How many.............?- There is/ There are.......... - New structure: Which grade/ class...........? How many...do/does......have? ========================================================================
  • 50. b. Skills:Listening, speaking , writing. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , poster, radio, ... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (3') T: ask Ss some questions 1 . Where is your school ? 2 . Is your school small ? 3. How many classrooms are there in your school? Sts: answer T: comment and introduce new lesson III/ New lesson: (34-38') Teacher’s & Students’ activities T Contents • Pre- listening T: sets the situation and plays the tape one time. Ss: listen and find out new words. T: gives new words. Ss: guess the meaning and take note. Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice. T: introduces the new questions T: plays the tape Ss: listen and repeat the dialogue. + Predict Dialogue. T: - We are going to listen to a conversation between Thu and Phong Before listening you predict which words will fill in the gaps Check: ? What do you have to do now? Ss: Predict and fill in the gaps. (poster) - Ss predict and give their ideas. - T gets Ss’ predictions and writes on the board. • While- listening - T reads the dialogue or play the tape. -Ss listen to the dialogue carefully, then check their predictions. 9- 10' 16- 18' I/ Vocabulary: - Which: cái nào - grade ( n ): khối học ex: Which grade/ class are you in? I’m in grade 6/ class 6A - Floor ( n ) tầng - have / has ( v ): có - what about you? = and you? - How many…. do/does…. have?= How many ….. are there ? - first : 1st - second: 2nd II/ Listening: 1. Gap- fill: Thu: Hello, Which grade are you in? Phong : I'm in grade (1)…6.. Thu: And which class are you in? Phong: (2)…6Awhat about you? Thu: I'm in grade (3) 7.., class (4)… 7C.How many floors does your school have? Phong: (5)….Two.It is a small school. Thu: My school has (6)…..four….. floors and my classroom is on the ========================================================================
  • 51. -T calls on Ss to give their answers after listening. - Give feedback and correct. - T give s examples and structures. -Để hỏi Phong học khối mấy, Thu hỏi: “Which grade are you in?” - Để hỏi Phong học lớp nào, Thu “Which class are you in?” Để hỏi có bao nhiêu tầng trong trường của Phong, Thu hỏi: “How many floors does it have?” • Post- listening T: Have ss ask and answer about their grade, class and floor. Ss: Pairwork. T: explains the way to answer with “or”. Then guides the way to do task. Ss: work in pairs. 1S writes on the board. Ss: comment T: corrects their mistakes Ss: take note. 9- 10' (7).second…floor. Where’syour classroom ? Phong: It's on the (8)..first.floor. 2. Structures: a)Hỏi học khối, lớp, tầng mấy. Which grade/ Class/ floor + tobe + s+in ? S + tobe + in ……… b) Hỏi số lượng. How many + Ns + do/does + S + have? - S + have/has…… III/ Practice (A4): ex: Are you a student or a teacher? I’m a student a. Is your school in the country or in the city? My school is in the country. b. There are twelve classrooms. c. There are thirty- one students in my school. IV/ Consolidation:(1- 5' ) T: review the mains points Sts: listen and remember * Word cues: ( for fair students) Have ss ask and answer with the words given. - Hoa/ grade 8/ class 8A. - Hoa’s school/ classrooms/ 15. - Mai/ grade 7/ class 7B. V/ Homework:(2') - Read the A5- p46 in the books, learn new words and structures. - Write 5 sentences about you. - Do exercise 1, 2 in workbook ( P38) - Prepare Unit 4: B2-5. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date :.................. ========================================================================
  • 52. PER 21 : UNIT 4 : (CONT) LESSON 2: B2-5. A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims : By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice listening, cardinal numbers, Ordinal numbers and “Which/ Where” questions to talk about school perfectly. 2. Objectives: a. Language focus: * Vocabulary : + ordinal numbers: first, second, third,............. * Grammar : Review: Which/ where...........? How many....does......have? b. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , projector ... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance. II/ Warm-up: (4') * Chatting: T: Ask somequestions: + Is your school big or small? + How many classooms are there? + How many students are there? Ss: Listen and answer. T: Comment if necessary. T lets ss review about numbers. Then introduce the new lesson. III/ New lesson: (32- 36') Teacher’s & Students’ activities T Contents Presentation * Pre- teach newwords T: introduces the ordinal numbers. Then plays the tape. Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice. T: controls and corrects. T ask ss some structures they have learned. */ Review structure How do you ask about grade ? How do you ask about class ? How do you ask about the number of the floors ? T: Give the table( B2/ 48). Ask ss to guess 11 - 12' I/ New words: first = 1st second = 2nd third = 3rd fouth = 4th fifth = 5th sixth = 6th seventh = 7th eight = 8th ninth = 9th tenth = 10th II/ Revision */ Ask about grade/ class : Which grade / class are you in ? I’m in grade/ class ……… */ Ask about floor : How many floors does your school have ? It has two floors . III/ Practice: 1/ Complete the table(B2) ========================================================================
  • 53. Sts: guess Practice * Complete the table T: Have ss read the dialogue and check. Sts: open the book practice and check. T: Call some pairs to read the dialogue . Sts: read the dialogue again. Then complete the flashcard. Sts: comment. T: give the correct answer. * Complete the dialogue ( T use projector) T: hang the poster on the board and ask Ss to complete the dialogue. Sts: discuss in groups. Sts: read the dialogue in pairs. Sts: comment T: correct their mistakes. Ss: take note. Production * Hold a game : Lucky number ( T uses projector) 1. Lucky number 2. Correct mistake in this sentence My school have two floors 3. Write 9th 4. His classroom on the second floor 5. Lucky number 6. Put in the correct order his / big / school / Is ? 7.Write complete sentence Nam / house / big 8. Write complete sentence Hoa / books / small 9. Lucky number - T praise the winner 12 - 14' 9- 10' Name Grade Class Classroom’ s floor Thu 7 7C 2nd Phong 6 6A 1st You 6 6 C 1st 2/ Complete the dialogue(B5) Thu : Is your school big ? Phong : No. It’s small. Thu : How many floors does it have? Phong : It has two floors. Thu : Which class are you in ? Phong : I’m in class 6A. Thu : Where is your classroom ? Phong : It’s on the first floor. 3/ Lucky number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Team1 Team2 ……….. ……… IV/ Consolidation:(1- 5' ) -T: Ask ss to retell the " Which/ where, How many” questions. Ss: Answer *Have ss rewrite the paragraph with the subject “ She” ( For fair students.) ========================================================================
  • 54. My name is Lan. I live in Luc Ngan. I am a student. I am in grade 6. I am in class 6A. My school has two floors. My classroom is on the first floor. Ex: Her name is Lan. She lives in… V/ Homework:(3') - Learn by heart the new words. Write a short paragraph about yourselves. Ex: My name is….I am a student. I am in grade… - Do exercises - part B ( P.38- 40) - Prepare the new lesson: C1,2,3. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date :................. PER 22 : CORRECT THE TEST NUMBER 1 A- Objectives Check pupils’ knowledge from Unit 1 – Unit 3 and help Sts to recognize their mistakes they made in the test and correct B- Contents: 1-Test 15’ I/ Choose the best answer ( 2 ms ) 1. _____ are you ? I`m eleven . a) How b) What c) How old 2._____ is that ? It`s a pencial . a) What b) Which c) How 3. How old is your brother ? _____ is fifteem . a) She b) He c) I 4. Where do they _____ ? a) living b) lives c) live II/ Supply the correct form of “tobe” in the brackets ( 3 ms) 1. I (be) a student. .............................................. 2. He ( be) my father. .............................................. 3. There (be) fifteen classrooms in my school. ............................................. III/ Arrange in order : (2 ms) 1. mother/ is/ Her/ doctor/ a/ . …………………………………………………………………………………… 2.many/ students/ How/ are/ your/ there/ in/ / class / ? thirty- one / are / There. ………………………………………………………………………...................... ========================================================================
  • 55. IV/ Answer about you ( 3ms) 1. What is your name? …………………………………………………….. 2. Where do you live?...................................................................................... 3. What do you do? ………………………………………………………… 2- Answer key: I/ Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer for each sentence (2 marks) 1. is 2. are 3. these 4. How many II/ supply the correct form of “tobe” ( 2marks) 1. are 2. is 3. are 4. am III/ Arrange in order : (2 marks) 1.This is her schoolbag. 2.Where does Hoa live? She lives in Viet Nam. 3.My father is a teacher. 4. How many windows are there in your classroom? There are four. IV/ Answer the questions about you ( 2 marks ) 1.What is your name ? My name is/ I am….. 2. How old are you ? I am………….. 3. Where do you live ? I live in…………….. 4. What do you do ? I am a student. V/ Read the passage then answer the questions below: ( 2 marks) a. There are four people in his family b. He is forty. c. He is a doctor d. He is sixteen. * For class 6A I/ Choose the word that has different pronunciation with other words( 0,5p) 1. D 2.B II/ Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer for each sentence (1p) 1. is 2. are 3. these 4. How many III/ supply the correct form of “tobe” ( 2marks) 1. are 2. is 3. are 4. am IV/ Arrange in order : (2 marks) 1.This is her schoolbag. 2.Where does Hoa live? She lives in Viet Nam. 3.My father is a teacher. 4. How many windows are there in your classroom? There are four. V/ Answer the questions about you ( 2 marks ) 1.What is your name ? My name is/ I am….. 2. How old are you ? I am………….. ========================================================================
  • 56. 3. Where do you live ? I live in…………….. 4. What do you do ? I am a student. VI/ Find and correct the mistakes ( 0,5p) 1. he -> his 2. chair -> chairs VII/ Read the passage then answer the questions below: ( 2 ps) a. There are four people in his family b. He is forty. c. He is a doctor. d. Yes, she is. 2- Results Class Total 0-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 6A 6B 6C 6D 8C 3- Draw experiences ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... C/ Homework: - Review the structures again. - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 4: C1-3. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date :................. PERIOD 23: UNIT 4 (CONT) Lesson 3: C. Getting ready for school ( C1-3) A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer about their routine, time and know about Simple Present Tense and vocabulary of routines to talk about habitual actions. 2. Objectives: a. Language focus: * Vocabulary : get up, get dressed, brush, teeth, wash, face, have/has, breakfast... * Grammar : What do you do every morning ? I get up. ========================================================================
  • 57. What does Ba do every morning ? He gets up b. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , radio, picture , poster, cards... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books..... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance. II/ Warm-up: (2') T: asks Ss to write some activities they do every morning. Ss: answer ( may be in Vietnamese ) T: introduces new lesson. III/ New lesson: (32-37') Teacher’s & Students’ activities T Contents  Presentation * present vocabulary T: sets the situation and plays the tape one time. Ss: listen and find out new words. T: gives new words. Ss: guess meaning and take note. Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice. => Checking: matching * present grammar T: plays the tape. Ss: listen and repeat. Then practice. Ss: practice reading T: cotrols and corrects mistakes. T: Ask ss: What do you do in the morning? Ss: Answer. T: write example on the board. Let ss practice example. Ss: Pracise in pairs. T : explains the way to use the present simple tense Ss : listen and take note  Practice * Do the task. 11 - 13' 13 - 14' I- New words - (to) get up : thức dậy - (to) get dressed : mặc quần áo - (to) brush teeth : đánh răng - (to) wash face : rửa mặt -(to) go to school : đi học - (to) have breakfast : ăn sáng - every (det): mọi, mỗi II- Grammar: Thì hiện tại đơn(The present simple tense) Ex1: I get dressed. Ba gets dressed. Ex2: I have breakfast. He has breakfast. => Form: S + V/ V(s,es)........ - I/ We/ You/ They/ Nga and Lan + V - He/ She/ It/ Ba + V( s/es ) * Use : Để diễn đạt hành động xảy ra hàng ngày, thói quen ở hiện tại . *Note: Những động từ tận cùng bằng “o, sh, ch” khi đi với các chủ ngữ ngôi thứ ba số ít phải thêm “es”. - Khi đi với các chủ ngữ ngôi thứ ba số ít “have” chuyển thành “has” III- Practice: ========================================================================
  • 58. T: Let ss do the task. Ss: Do as teacher ask. * Practice asking and answering. T: gives model first. Then guides the way to practice. What do you do in the morning? I get up. I brush my teeth. I have breakfast. What does Ba do every morning? He brushes my teeth. T: asks Ss to read part1 again. Then write five sentences about Ba. Ss: read the model first. Then do the task. T: controls and corrects mistakes.  Production T: asks Ss to read part1 again. Then write five sentences about Ba. Ss: read the model first. Then do the task. T: controls and corrects mistakes. 7- 9' 1. Write the correct form - Nga ( go ) …….. to school. - She ( brush ) ……… her teeth. - I ( have ) ……… breakfast. 2. Practice with a partner What do you do every morning? Ex1 : What do you do every morning ? I get up. Then I wash my face … What does Ba do every morning? Ex2: What does Ba do every morning? He brushes my teeth. 3. Write ex: Every morning, Ba gets up. He gets dressed. …………….. IV/ Consolidation:(2-7' ) -T: Ask ss to retell the the lesson. Ss: Answer * Missing words ( for fair students) 1. Hoa…brushes………. her teeth every day. 2. He……goes…….. to school every morning. 3. Minh and Mai …get…….. up at six every morning. 4. She ……has……… breakfast with her family every morning. 5. I ……wash………… my face every day. Ss: listen and do task. T: controls and corrects. V/ Homework:(2-3') - Learn by heart the new words and structure. - Do exercise 1,2 ( P50) - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 4: C4-7. ========================================================================
  • 59. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date :.................. PERIOD 24: UNIT 4 : ( CONT) LESSON 5: C4-7 A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims : - By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice telling the time clearly and exactly. - Say about their routine. 2- Objectives: a. Language focus: * Vocabulary : o’clock, half, past, what time, late … * Grammar : What time is it? ~ It’s + ….. / What time do / does + S + V …? b. Skills: Listening, speaking , writing, reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, radio, picture , poster ... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Checking-up: (5') T: Call ss to write newwords. Ss: Write on the board. T: comment and may be gives marks. Then introduces new lesson. III/ New lesson: (31- 35') Teacher’s & Students’ activities T Contents Presentation */ Pre teach vocab: T: Present newwords: Elicit from Sts. + Write words on the board. Ss: listen, repeat, and copy down. T: Let ss practise the newwords. 11- 13' I- Newwords - time (n): thời gian - o`clock: giờ đúng - half: giờ rưỡi - past: qua - at: vào lúc - late (a): muộn ========================================================================
  • 60. Ss: Practice => checking: R.O.R */ Number dictation. - T: gives instruction. - Ask Sts to listen and write the numbers you hear. + T. reads: ten o`clock, four thirty, five twenty, three fifteen, six forty, Ss: - Go to the board to rewrite. * Set the scene: Ba và Lan đang đứng trước cổng trường. Em hãy nghe băng và cho biết có chuyện gì xảy ra với 2 bạn? Practice */ Picture drill. -T: Ask Sts to ask and answer about the time . Use the clocks. Ss: pair work. - T. corrects if necessary. */ Wordcue drill - T models: What time does Ba have breakfast? He has breakfast at half past six. Production */ Make a survey. - T. gives instruction. T: explain the differences between “What time do you get up ?” and “What time does he get up?” - Get Sts to go around and ask their friends. Ss: do a survey -T: Ask Sts to report the survey Eg : Nam gets up at 6 o’clock …….. Ss: Write. 12- 14' 8- 10' To be late for school: muộn học II- Listen and repeat * Grammar: Hỏi và trả lời về giờ Ex: What time is it? It’s eight o’clock It`s ten fifteen It`s half past ten. What time is it? Giờ đúng: It’s + số giờ + o’clock. Giờ khác: It’s + số giờ + số phút. * Note: giờ rưỡi có thể nói “half past + giờ” III- Practice: 1/ Picture drill: What time is it? It`s ten o`clock. It`s ten ten. ................... 2/ Wordcue practice +Ba/ have breakfast / 6.30 S1: What time does Ba have breakfast? S2: He has breakfast at half past six. +I/ go to school / 7.05 + Hoa/ go home / 11.45 3/ Survey What time do you … Nam Nga Trang get up ? have breakfast ? go to school ? Ex: S1: What time do you get up? S2: I get up at six o’ clock. * Write Ex : Nam gets up at 6 o’clock …….. IV/ Consolidation:(1- 6' ) T: Ask ss to retell the way to ask and answer the time. ========================================================================
  • 61. Ss: Answer * Rewrite the the sentences ( for fair students) 1. Hoa gets up at six thirsty. -> Hoa gets up at half past six. -> Hoa gets up at thirty past six. 2. They have breakfast at seven fifteen. 3. He goes to school at six twenty. 4. Minh has lunch at eleven forty. V/ Homework:(3') - Learn the new words by heart. - Practice telling the time with a partner. - Do exercises part C ( P51-54) - Prepare : Unit 5: A1,2. http://tutenglish.com – Giáo án Tiếng Anh – Đề thi Tiếng Anh Teaching date :.................. PERIOD 25: UNIT 5 : THINGS I DO LESSON 1: A- MY DAY(A1 -2) A/ Objectives: 1- Aims: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice the simple present tense with “ I, he, she” to talk about daily routines perfectly. 2- Language focus: * Vocabulary: play, game, do, homework , every day..... * Structure: What does Nga do every day ? She gets up at six. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, workbook, lesson plan, radio, pictures , poster ... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, workbooks... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (5') *Let ss play a game : Network. T: Devide ss into two teams and ask ss to write about activities they do every day. Ss: Write on the board. get up ======================================================================== Activites