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International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Special Issue - .inSIGHT’20
50 | inSIGHT202012 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2020.0539 © 2020, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
Geographic Information System in Civil
Prof. Shankar Banerjee, Assistant Professor - Project & Construction Management Department,
MIT College of Management, Pune, India, shankar.banerjee@mituniversity.edu.in
Abhishek Sagar Chougule, Student of Project & Construction Management Department, MIT
College of Management, Pune, India, abhishekchougule8055@gmail.com
Abstract - GIS technology has been in use for over 25 years. It’s a proven diary in assisting land managers to correlate
and analyze large amounts of spatial and tabular data, leading to scientifically sound land management decisions. Like
any tool, GIS isn't appropriate altogether situations. Offices where staff are supportive of GIS technology, in situations
where the info are going to be used variety of times for analysis, on-going management activities, planning, or research
are the foremost logical candidates for GIS implementation. Hydrological modeling are including river network,
rainfall modeling, catchments delineation, rainfall to runoff modeling, and hydrographic and flood modeling for flood
depth calculations. Geology and bore log digitization, lineament and geo-morphology mapping, hyper-spectral imagery
analysis and enterprise geo-technical software application are developed for the mining, pipeline, and engineering
industries. GIS application is developed for natural hazard loss estimation, analysis for disaster planning and disaster
loss mitigation, emergency preparedness, and response and recovery. GIS is identified for waste disposal sites also as
construction, operation, maintenance, and closure of the repositories. GIS data also are processed and analyses for
environmental impact studies and assessment. International companies produced different systems within the field of
GIS. The main component of those systems is that the processing software additionally to the specified hardware
component of these systems is the processing software in addition to the required hardware.
Keywords — GIS, Technology, Geographic Survey, Civil Engineering, Remote Sensing, Mapping, Disaster Management,
Transportation, Geology, Planning, Data.
Civil engineering is about developing and sustaining
infrastructure. The profession covers many areas of interest
and a broad range of experience. As a result, civil engineers
work with a voluminous amount of knowledge from a
spread of sources. Geographic information system (GIS) is
a system which is designed for capturing, storing,
manipulating, analyzing, management and presentation of
all kinds of geographic data. GIS software is interoperable,
supporting the various data formats utilized in the
infrastructure life cycle and allowing civil engineers to
supply data to varied agencies within the required format
while maintaining the data’s core integrity.
GIS allows users to look at, understand, question, interpret,
and visualize data in some ways that reveal relationships,
patterns, and trends within the sort of maps, globes, reports,
and charts. Also GIS helps the user to answer questions and
solve problems by watching data during a way that's quickly
understood and simply shared. GIS technology are often
integrated into any enterprise data system framework.
Some of the main objectives of GIS are to -
i. Maximizing the efficiency of designing and deciding.
ii. Integrating information from multiple sources.
iii. Facilitating complex querying and analysis.
iv. Eliminating redundant data and minimizing duplication
Map making (representation of geographical information)
has evidences to point out independent evolution of maps in
several parts of the world. The evidence of mapping comes
from Middle East within the sort of Babylonian Clay
Tablets as early as 1000 B.C which depicted earth as a flat
circular disk.
Around 200 B.C, Eratosthenes calculated the circumference
of earth accurately. Later came, Ptolemy and Al-Idrisi who
made remarkable contributions within the field of
cartography. Following them were Mercator and Newton,
their work paved way for the upcoming cartographers and
geographers to raised understand the world and therefore
the geographical phenomenon.
.inSIGHT'20, MITCOM, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
51 | inSIGHT202012 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2020.0539 © 2020, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
Putting layers of knowledge on series of base maps to
research things geographically has been into existence for
much longer than the introduction of computers to the
geographical world.
The French cartographer Louis-Alexandre Berthier had
drawn the maps of the Battle of Yorktown (1781) that
contained hinged overlays to point out troop movements.
Fig.1 Berthiers Map of Battle of Yorktown
Superimposition of topography, geology, population and
traffic flow on an equivalent base map has been shown
within the Atlas to Accompany the Second report of Irish
Railway Commissioners.
Dr. John Snow showed the locations of death by cholera on
a map to trace the source of outbreak of cholera in Central
London in September, 1854.
Fig.2 Jhon Snow’s Cholera Outbreak Map of Battle of Yorktown
The introduction of computers within the field of geography
was a positive step towards understanding and learning the
topic better. Change in cartographic analysis thanks to
improved graphics, development of theories of spatial
processes in economic and social geography, anthropology
and regional science, increased social awareness and
improvement in education. The integrated transportation
plans of Detroit, Chicago during the amount of 1950s and
1960s used information on routes, origin, destination, and
time to supply the maps of traffic flow and volume is an
example of integration of technology with geographical
Fig.3 Parts of GIS
Hardware: It consists of the equipments and support
devices that are required to capture, store process and
visualize the geographic information. These include
computer with hard disc, digitizers, scanners, printers and
plotters etc.
Software: Software is at the guts of a GIS system. The GIS
software must have the essential capabilities of knowledge
input, storage, transformation, analysis and providing
desired outputs. The interfaces might be different for
various softwares. The GIS softwares getting used today
belong to either of the category –proprietary or open source.
ArcGIS by ESRI is that the widely used proprietary GIS
software. Others within the same category are MapInfo,
Micro station, Geo media etc. the event of open source GIS
has provided us with freely available desktop GIS like
Quantum, uDIG, GRASS, Map Window GIS etc., GIS
Data: the info is captured or collected from various sources
(such as maps, field observations, photography, satellite
imagery etc) and is processed for analysis and presentation.
Procedures: These include the methods or ways by which
data has got to be input within the system, retrieved,
processed, transformed and presented.
People: This component of GIS includes all those
individuals (such as programmer, database manager, GIS
researcher etc.) who are making the GIS work, and also the
individuals who are at the user end using the GIS services,
applications and tools.
A. Canada Geographic data system (CGIS)
The earliest GIS, found out in mid 1960s by Roger
Tomlinson and colleagues for Canadian Land Inventory.
It was developed as a measuring tool (to measure area), a
producer of tabular information instead of a mapping tool.
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Special Issue - .inSIGHT’20
52 | inSIGHT202012 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2020.0539 © 2020, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
B. Harvard Laboratory
The Harvard laboratory for special effects and Spatial
Analysis was established in 1964 by Howard Fisher at
Harvard University.
The GIS packages developed were SYMAP, CALFORM,
C. Dual Independent Map Encoding (DIME)
Developed by US Bureau of Census in 1967 to conduct the
1970 census of population.
Digital records of all US streets were created to support
automatic referencing and aggregation of census records.
D. Environmental Systems Research Institute
Jack Dangermond founded ESRI in 1969 to undertake GIS
In 1981, ESRI launched ArcInfo (major commercial GIS
software system) supported vector & electronic database
data model.
E. Intergraph Corporation
Jim Meadlock and colleagues formed M&S computing in
1969 which was later renamed as Intergraph.
Global provider of engineering and geospatial software.
Longley et al (2001) have described the amount from1980
to 2000 because the era of commercialization within the
field of GIS. The amount marks the establishment of
economic GIS industries, research centers, GPS, Open GIS
Consortium, Internet GIS products alongside publications
on GIS and allied fields. The amount after 2000 is
mentioned because the era of exploitation. In 2000, it had
been estimated that GIS was getting used by a million core
users and five million casual users.
There are five basic analysis process involved in employing
a Geographic data system. These five steps are:
Frame The Question - this is often the primary step and it
helps to work out what GIS tool is to be used. It's just an
easy process. How you frame your question dictates the GIS
tools and methods you'll use.
Explore & Prepare Data - this step should be the foremost
tedious because during this phase you've got to organize all
the info needed for the analysis. You’ve got to urge your
data from the proper and best sources, you furthermore may
need to explore your data to work out if it's suitable for the
analysis project began. During this phase you furthermore
may decide your format and verify that your analysis tool
accepts it.
Choose Analysis Methods & Tools - this has got to
depend of the frame of the question, as said before the
frame of the question will determine which tool to use.
Perform The Analysis - to try to this you create a model
and run different scenarios
Examine results; this is often the method of checking the
result for accuracy.
Fig.4 Analysis of GIS
GIS is claimed to be the inspiration of next generation
engineering and it is the drive for the event of all sectors.
An advanced data system like GIS plays an important role
and is an entire platform in every phase of infrastructure life
cycle. Advancement and availability of technology has set
new marks for the professionals within the infrastructure
development areas. Now more and more professionals are
seeking help of those technologically smart and improved
information systems like GIS for infrastructure
development. Each and each phase of infrastructure life-
cycle is greatly affected and enhanced by the enrollment of
In engineering projects, RS (Remote Sensing) and GIS
techniques can become potential and indispensable tools.
Various engineering application areas include regional
planning and site investigation, terrain mapping and
analysis, water resources engineering, city planning and
concrete infrastructure development, transportation network
analysis, landslide analysis, etc.
Construction it provides the mechanics and management for
building new infrastructure including takeoffs; machine
control; earth movement; intermediate construction, volume
and material, and payment calculations; materials tracking;
logistics; schedules; and traffic management.
.inSIGHT'20, MITCOM, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
53 | inSIGHT202012 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2020.0539 © 2020, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
Fig.5 Applications of GIS
These are the subsequent area for using GIS in Civil
A. Transportation
B. Watershed analysis
C. Remote sensing
D. Wastewater, storm water and Solid Waste
E. Regional Planning and Site Investigations
F. Landslides
G. Terrain Mapping and Analysis
H. Disaster Management
A) Transportation Engineering -
 Location-Allocation
a) Finding a subset of locations from a group of potential or
candidate locations that best serve some existing demand so
as minimize some cost
b) Locate sites to best serve allocated demand
c) Application areas are warehouse location, nutriment
locations, fire stations, and schools.
 Location-Allocation Inputs
a) Customer or demand locations
b) Potential site locations and/or existing facilities
c) Street network or Euclidean distance
 The best sites
a) The optimal allocation of demand locations to those sites
b) Many statistical and summary information that particular
 Synergy between spatial data and analysis
a) Imagine you're a national retailer
b) You would like warehouses to provide your outlets
c) You are doing not wish the warehouses to be quite 1000
km from any outlet
Fig.6 spatial data and analysis in GIS
B) Watershed analysis -
a) Possible to watch the consequences of dam construction.
b) Help in preliminary investigation of impact assessment of
dams and rehabilitation.
c) Reservoir sites to store the excess flows in these basins
might be identified.
d) The RS based input integrated with ground based
information through GIS is beneficial for broad
reconnaissance level interpretation of land capability,
irrigation suitability, potential land use, water harvesting
areas, monitoring the consequences of soil and conservation
measures, estimation of run offend sediment yields and
monitoring land use change including land degradation.
Fig.7 Watershed Analysis by using GIS
C) Remote sensing -
Remote sensing and GIS techniques become potential and
indispensable tools for solving many problems of
engineering. Remote sensing observations provides data on
earth’s resources during a spatial format, GIS co-relates
Different sorts of spatial data and their attribute data, so on
use them in various fields of engineering.
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Special Issue - .inSIGHT’20
54 | inSIGHT202012 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2020.0539 © 2020, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
Fig.8 Application of GIS in Remote Sensing
D) Wastewater, storm water and Solid Waste Management
Whether for irrigation, power generation, drinking,
manufacturing, or recreation, water is one among our most
crucial resources. Image interpretation are often utilized in a
spread of the way to assist monitor the standard, quantity of
water resources. It’s well proven in exploring spring water
prospect zones. One such example is Rajiv Gandhi beverage
Mission with help of remote sensing and GIS. Sediment
pollution is usually clearly depicted on aerial and space
images. Materials that form films on the water surface, like
oil films, also can be detected through the utilization of
aerial and satellite images. Normal colours or ultraviolet
aerial photography is usually employed for the detection of
oil films on water.
Knowledge of groundwater location is vital for both water
system and pollution control analysis. Remote sensing plays
an important role in delineating potential areas of
groundwater occurrence for detailed exploration, thus
reducing the value and time involved in groundwater
exploration. Potential spring water areas can't be seen on
satellite images directly. The clue to the groundwater search
is that the incontrovertible fact that sub-surface geological
elements forming aquifers have almost invariable surface
expressions, which may be detected by remote sensing
techniques (Joseph, 2005). Satellite data provide
information about geomorphic features, structures, land uses
and rock types (in a couple of cases) indicating the presence
of groundwater.
Fig.9 Application of GIS in Solid Waste Management
E) Regional Planning and Site Investigations
Site investigations generally require topographic and
geologic considerations. Remote sensing data permits such
an assessment. Just in case of dam site investigation,
information on topography is important. Geological
consideration involves the various soil and rock types and
physical properties.
In selecting river-crossing sites for bridges and pipelines, a
crucial consideration is that the stability of slopes leading
right down to and up from the water crossing. Such slopes
include riverbanks, terrace faces and valley wall. History of
river erosion and sedimentation would give clues needed for
locating the sites where scour is probably going to occur.
High spatial resolution satellite data with stereo vision
capability can facilitate depth perception within the above
said investigations and also for regional planning of huge
commercial airports, harbors, industrial towns and
recreational sites. The hydro geological and
geomorphologic information alongside geological structures
derived from satellite data are very useful in sitting the
bottom – water bore holes.
Fig.10 Application of GIS in Regional Planning
F) Landslides -
Landslide is that the results of a good sort of processes
which include geological, geomorphologic and
.inSIGHT'20, MITCOM, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
55 | inSIGHT202012 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2020.0539 © 2020, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
meteorological factors. The important terrain factors are
lithology, structure, drainage, slope, land use,
geomorphology and road network. An entire landslide
hazard assessment requires an analysis of these factors
resulting in instability within the region. The feature
extraction of a number of these factors are often done from
the interpretation of satellite images. With the rise in
efficient digital computing facilities, the digital remote
sensing data and their analysis have gained enormous
importance. Then the spatial and temporal thematic
information derived from remote sensing and ground based
information got to be integrated for data analysis. This will
be alright achieved using GIS which has the capabilities to
handle voluminous spatial data. With the assistance of GIS,
it's possible to integrate the spatial data of various layers to
work out the influence of the parameters on landslide
Fig.11 Application of GIS in Landslides
G) Terrain Mapping and Analysis -
Assessment of the performance of the terrain for specific
developmental activities are often made through terrain
evaluation. For this, terrain information are often acquired
from RS data and by generating the Digital Terrain Model
(DTM). A DTM is an ordered array of numbers
representing the spatial distribution of terrain characteristics
stored during a computer so on enable the determination of
any quantitative data concerning terrain. DTMS is
beneficial in investigation of variety of other horizontal and
vertical alignments of canals, roads, pipelines or corridors
for any such applications. In engineering construction like
dam, the knowledge of fabric comprising the terrain is
important for correct planning, location, construction and
maintenance of engineering facilities. For computation of
hydro-graph parameters like peak runoff rate, time of
concentration and time to peak, the peak and slope
information derived from Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
are useful. The knowledge on regional engineering soils is
important for general planning and site evaluation purposes.
High spatial resolution satellite data are often analyzed to
delineate various landforms, mapping of soil classes of
significance to engineering construction, delineation of
landforms – engineering, soil relationships and grouping of
landforms with various physiographic setting or terrain
Fig.12 Application of GIS in Terrain Mapping
H) Disaster Management -
Effective and realistic emergency management programs
depend upon data from various sources which should be
collected, analyzed, displayed, disseminated and utilized in
an organized manner. It’s therefore desirable to possess the
proper data within the right place at the proper time. The
info should be organized during a usable format for
stakeholders to reply and take action just in case of an
emergency. Most of the emergency data requirements are of
spatial nature hence a requirement for a Geographic data
system (GIS).
Disaster management starts with locating and identifying
potential emergency problems and the way they relate to the
prevailing environment. What facilities exist in impact
zones, location of mitigation facilities like fire stations,
potential refugee and IDP camps, spread of spills, location
of medical facilities, extent of injury and infestation, water
sources and any humanitarian intervention. GIS provides a
mechanism to integrate data from a spread of sources,
analyze it and present it to planners and decision makers
during a time and reliable manner.
Fig.13 Application of GIS in Disaster Management
GIS has a crucial application for instance in engineering
projects like involve the management, analysis and
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Special Issue - .inSIGHT’20
56 | inSIGHT202012 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2020.0539 © 2020, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
integration of huge amounts of geographic information to
make sure success. this will include a good range of data
like detailed design drawings originating from software
solutions, detailed mapping, air photography, geological
investigations, solid waste management, disaster
management, population information, traffic flows and
environmental models
[1] Introduction to Geospatial Technologies - Book by
Bradley A. Shellito Baker/Berry G 70.217 .G46 S54
2018 ISBN: 9781319060459
[2] Integration of GIS and Remote Sensing Book by Victor
Mesev Baker/Berry G70.212 .I573 2007ISBN:
[3] Historical GIS: Technologies, Methodologies, and
Scholarship - Book by Ian N. Gregory and Paul S. Ell
Baker-Berry G70.212 .G75 2007 ISBN: 0521671701
[4] Understanding Place: GIS and Mapping Across the
Curriculum - Book by Diana Stuart Sinton and Jennifer
J. Lund Baker/Berry G 70.212 .S56 2007 ISBN:
[5] Qualitative GIS : a mixed methods approach by Sarah
Elwood; Meghan SCope, eds. Book Baker/Berry G
70.212 .Q34 2009 ISBN: 1412945658
[6] Venkatraman, K. Anitha- APPLICATIONS OF GIS
Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics -
[7] GIS Solutions for Civil Engineering- The Modern
Platform for Civil IT - ESRI
[8] www.Google.com

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GIS in Civil Engineering

  • 1. International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) ISSN : 2454-9150 Special Issue - .inSIGHT’20 50 | inSIGHT202012 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2020.0539 © 2020, IJREAM All Rights Reserved. Geographic Information System in Civil Engineering Prof. Shankar Banerjee, Assistant Professor - Project & Construction Management Department, MIT College of Management, Pune, India, shankar.banerjee@mituniversity.edu.in Abhishek Sagar Chougule, Student of Project & Construction Management Department, MIT College of Management, Pune, India, abhishekchougule8055@gmail.com Abstract - GIS technology has been in use for over 25 years. It’s a proven diary in assisting land managers to correlate and analyze large amounts of spatial and tabular data, leading to scientifically sound land management decisions. Like any tool, GIS isn't appropriate altogether situations. Offices where staff are supportive of GIS technology, in situations where the info are going to be used variety of times for analysis, on-going management activities, planning, or research are the foremost logical candidates for GIS implementation. Hydrological modeling are including river network, rainfall modeling, catchments delineation, rainfall to runoff modeling, and hydrographic and flood modeling for flood depth calculations. Geology and bore log digitization, lineament and geo-morphology mapping, hyper-spectral imagery analysis and enterprise geo-technical software application are developed for the mining, pipeline, and engineering industries. GIS application is developed for natural hazard loss estimation, analysis for disaster planning and disaster loss mitigation, emergency preparedness, and response and recovery. GIS is identified for waste disposal sites also as construction, operation, maintenance, and closure of the repositories. GIS data also are processed and analyses for environmental impact studies and assessment. International companies produced different systems within the field of GIS. The main component of those systems is that the processing software additionally to the specified hardware component of these systems is the processing software in addition to the required hardware. Keywords — GIS, Technology, Geographic Survey, Civil Engineering, Remote Sensing, Mapping, Disaster Management, Transportation, Geology, Planning, Data. I. INTRODUCTION Civil engineering is about developing and sustaining infrastructure. The profession covers many areas of interest and a broad range of experience. As a result, civil engineers work with a voluminous amount of knowledge from a spread of sources. Geographic information system (GIS) is a system which is designed for capturing, storing, manipulating, analyzing, management and presentation of all kinds of geographic data. GIS software is interoperable, supporting the various data formats utilized in the infrastructure life cycle and allowing civil engineers to supply data to varied agencies within the required format while maintaining the data’s core integrity. GIS allows users to look at, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in some ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends within the sort of maps, globes, reports, and charts. Also GIS helps the user to answer questions and solve problems by watching data during a way that's quickly understood and simply shared. GIS technology are often integrated into any enterprise data system framework. Some of the main objectives of GIS are to - i. Maximizing the efficiency of designing and deciding. ii. Integrating information from multiple sources. iii. Facilitating complex querying and analysis. iv. Eliminating redundant data and minimizing duplication II. HISTORY OF GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM Map making (representation of geographical information) has evidences to point out independent evolution of maps in several parts of the world. The evidence of mapping comes from Middle East within the sort of Babylonian Clay Tablets as early as 1000 B.C which depicted earth as a flat circular disk. Around 200 B.C, Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of earth accurately. Later came, Ptolemy and Al-Idrisi who made remarkable contributions within the field of cartography. Following them were Mercator and Newton, their work paved way for the upcoming cartographers and geographers to raised understand the world and therefore the geographical phenomenon.
  • 2. .inSIGHT'20, MITCOM, Pune, Maharashtra, India. 51 | inSIGHT202012 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2020.0539 © 2020, IJREAM All Rights Reserved. Putting layers of knowledge on series of base maps to research things geographically has been into existence for much longer than the introduction of computers to the geographical world. The French cartographer Louis-Alexandre Berthier had drawn the maps of the Battle of Yorktown (1781) that contained hinged overlays to point out troop movements. Fig.1 Berthiers Map of Battle of Yorktown Superimposition of topography, geology, population and traffic flow on an equivalent base map has been shown within the Atlas to Accompany the Second report of Irish Railway Commissioners. Dr. John Snow showed the locations of death by cholera on a map to trace the source of outbreak of cholera in Central London in September, 1854. Fig.2 Jhon Snow’s Cholera Outbreak Map of Battle of Yorktown The introduction of computers within the field of geography was a positive step towards understanding and learning the topic better. Change in cartographic analysis thanks to improved graphics, development of theories of spatial processes in economic and social geography, anthropology and regional science, increased social awareness and improvement in education. The integrated transportation plans of Detroit, Chicago during the amount of 1950s and 1960s used information on routes, origin, destination, and time to supply the maps of traffic flow and volume is an example of integration of technology with geographical data. III. COMPONENTS OF A GIS Fig.3 Parts of GIS Hardware: It consists of the equipments and support devices that are required to capture, store process and visualize the geographic information. These include computer with hard disc, digitizers, scanners, printers and plotters etc. Software: Software is at the guts of a GIS system. The GIS software must have the essential capabilities of knowledge input, storage, transformation, analysis and providing desired outputs. The interfaces might be different for various softwares. The GIS softwares getting used today belong to either of the category –proprietary or open source. ArcGIS by ESRI is that the widely used proprietary GIS software. Others within the same category are MapInfo, Micro station, Geo media etc. the event of open source GIS has provided us with freely available desktop GIS like Quantum, uDIG, GRASS, Map Window GIS etc., GIS softwares. Data: the info is captured or collected from various sources (such as maps, field observations, photography, satellite imagery etc) and is processed for analysis and presentation. Procedures: These include the methods or ways by which data has got to be input within the system, retrieved, processed, transformed and presented. People: This component of GIS includes all those individuals (such as programmer, database manager, GIS researcher etc.) who are making the GIS work, and also the individuals who are at the user end using the GIS services, applications and tools. IV. EARLY DEVELOPMENTS IN GIS A. Canada Geographic data system (CGIS) The earliest GIS, found out in mid 1960s by Roger Tomlinson and colleagues for Canadian Land Inventory. It was developed as a measuring tool (to measure area), a producer of tabular information instead of a mapping tool.
  • 3. International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) ISSN : 2454-9150 Special Issue - .inSIGHT’20 52 | inSIGHT202012 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2020.0539 © 2020, IJREAM All Rights Reserved. B. Harvard Laboratory The Harvard laboratory for special effects and Spatial Analysis was established in 1964 by Howard Fisher at Harvard University. The GIS packages developed were SYMAP, CALFORM, SYMVU, GRID, POLYVRT, ODYSSEY. C. Dual Independent Map Encoding (DIME) Developed by US Bureau of Census in 1967 to conduct the 1970 census of population. Digital records of all US streets were created to support automatic referencing and aggregation of census records. D. Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Jack Dangermond founded ESRI in 1969 to undertake GIS projects. In 1981, ESRI launched ArcInfo (major commercial GIS software system) supported vector & electronic database data model. E. Intergraph Corporation Jim Meadlock and colleagues formed M&S computing in 1969 which was later renamed as Intergraph. Global provider of engineering and geospatial software. Longley et al (2001) have described the amount from1980 to 2000 because the era of commercialization within the field of GIS. The amount marks the establishment of economic GIS industries, research centers, GPS, Open GIS Consortium, Internet GIS products alongside publications on GIS and allied fields. The amount after 2000 is mentioned because the era of exploitation. In 2000, it had been estimated that GIS was getting used by a million core users and five million casual users. V. METHODOLOGY OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM ANALYSIS PROCESS There are five basic analysis process involved in employing a Geographic data system. These five steps are: Frame The Question - this is often the primary step and it helps to work out what GIS tool is to be used. It's just an easy process. How you frame your question dictates the GIS tools and methods you'll use. Explore & Prepare Data - this step should be the foremost tedious because during this phase you've got to organize all the info needed for the analysis. You’ve got to urge your data from the proper and best sources, you furthermore may need to explore your data to work out if it's suitable for the analysis project began. During this phase you furthermore may decide your format and verify that your analysis tool accepts it. Choose Analysis Methods & Tools - this has got to depend of the frame of the question, as said before the frame of the question will determine which tool to use. Perform The Analysis - to try to this you create a model and run different scenarios Examine results; this is often the method of checking the result for accuracy. Fig.4 Analysis of GIS GIS is claimed to be the inspiration of next generation engineering and it is the drive for the event of all sectors. VI. APPLICATIONS OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM IN CIVIL ENGINEERING An advanced data system like GIS plays an important role and is an entire platform in every phase of infrastructure life cycle. Advancement and availability of technology has set new marks for the professionals within the infrastructure development areas. Now more and more professionals are seeking help of those technologically smart and improved information systems like GIS for infrastructure development. Each and each phase of infrastructure life- cycle is greatly affected and enhanced by the enrollment of GIS. In engineering projects, RS (Remote Sensing) and GIS techniques can become potential and indispensable tools. Various engineering application areas include regional planning and site investigation, terrain mapping and analysis, water resources engineering, city planning and concrete infrastructure development, transportation network analysis, landslide analysis, etc. Construction it provides the mechanics and management for building new infrastructure including takeoffs; machine control; earth movement; intermediate construction, volume and material, and payment calculations; materials tracking; logistics; schedules; and traffic management.
  • 4. .inSIGHT'20, MITCOM, Pune, Maharashtra, India. 53 | inSIGHT202012 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2020.0539 © 2020, IJREAM All Rights Reserved. Fig.5 Applications of GIS These are the subsequent area for using GIS in Civil Engineering. A. Transportation B. Watershed analysis C. Remote sensing D. Wastewater, storm water and Solid Waste Management E. Regional Planning and Site Investigations F. Landslides G. Terrain Mapping and Analysis H. Disaster Management A) Transportation Engineering -  Location-Allocation a) Finding a subset of locations from a group of potential or candidate locations that best serve some existing demand so as minimize some cost b) Locate sites to best serve allocated demand c) Application areas are warehouse location, nutriment locations, fire stations, and schools.  Location-Allocation Inputs a) Customer or demand locations b) Potential site locations and/or existing facilities c) Street network or Euclidean distance  The best sites a) The optimal allocation of demand locations to those sites b) Many statistical and summary information that particular allocation  Synergy between spatial data and analysis a) Imagine you're a national retailer b) You would like warehouses to provide your outlets c) You are doing not wish the warehouses to be quite 1000 km from any outlet Fig.6 spatial data and analysis in GIS B) Watershed analysis - a) Possible to watch the consequences of dam construction. b) Help in preliminary investigation of impact assessment of dams and rehabilitation. c) Reservoir sites to store the excess flows in these basins might be identified. d) The RS based input integrated with ground based information through GIS is beneficial for broad reconnaissance level interpretation of land capability, irrigation suitability, potential land use, water harvesting areas, monitoring the consequences of soil and conservation measures, estimation of run offend sediment yields and monitoring land use change including land degradation. Fig.7 Watershed Analysis by using GIS C) Remote sensing - Remote sensing and GIS techniques become potential and indispensable tools for solving many problems of engineering. Remote sensing observations provides data on earth’s resources during a spatial format, GIS co-relates Different sorts of spatial data and their attribute data, so on use them in various fields of engineering.
  • 5. International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) ISSN : 2454-9150 Special Issue - .inSIGHT’20 54 | inSIGHT202012 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2020.0539 © 2020, IJREAM All Rights Reserved. Fig.8 Application of GIS in Remote Sensing D) Wastewater, storm water and Solid Waste Management Whether for irrigation, power generation, drinking, manufacturing, or recreation, water is one among our most crucial resources. Image interpretation are often utilized in a spread of the way to assist monitor the standard, quantity of water resources. It’s well proven in exploring spring water prospect zones. One such example is Rajiv Gandhi beverage Mission with help of remote sensing and GIS. Sediment pollution is usually clearly depicted on aerial and space images. Materials that form films on the water surface, like oil films, also can be detected through the utilization of aerial and satellite images. Normal colours or ultraviolet aerial photography is usually employed for the detection of oil films on water. Knowledge of groundwater location is vital for both water system and pollution control analysis. Remote sensing plays an important role in delineating potential areas of groundwater occurrence for detailed exploration, thus reducing the value and time involved in groundwater exploration. Potential spring water areas can't be seen on satellite images directly. The clue to the groundwater search is that the incontrovertible fact that sub-surface geological elements forming aquifers have almost invariable surface expressions, which may be detected by remote sensing techniques (Joseph, 2005). Satellite data provide information about geomorphic features, structures, land uses and rock types (in a couple of cases) indicating the presence of groundwater. Fig.9 Application of GIS in Solid Waste Management E) Regional Planning and Site Investigations Site investigations generally require topographic and geologic considerations. Remote sensing data permits such an assessment. Just in case of dam site investigation, information on topography is important. Geological consideration involves the various soil and rock types and physical properties. In selecting river-crossing sites for bridges and pipelines, a crucial consideration is that the stability of slopes leading right down to and up from the water crossing. Such slopes include riverbanks, terrace faces and valley wall. History of river erosion and sedimentation would give clues needed for locating the sites where scour is probably going to occur. High spatial resolution satellite data with stereo vision capability can facilitate depth perception within the above said investigations and also for regional planning of huge commercial airports, harbors, industrial towns and recreational sites. The hydro geological and geomorphologic information alongside geological structures derived from satellite data are very useful in sitting the bottom – water bore holes. Fig.10 Application of GIS in Regional Planning F) Landslides - Landslide is that the results of a good sort of processes which include geological, geomorphologic and
  • 6. .inSIGHT'20, MITCOM, Pune, Maharashtra, India. 55 | inSIGHT202012 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2020.0539 © 2020, IJREAM All Rights Reserved. meteorological factors. The important terrain factors are lithology, structure, drainage, slope, land use, geomorphology and road network. An entire landslide hazard assessment requires an analysis of these factors resulting in instability within the region. The feature extraction of a number of these factors are often done from the interpretation of satellite images. With the rise in efficient digital computing facilities, the digital remote sensing data and their analysis have gained enormous importance. Then the spatial and temporal thematic information derived from remote sensing and ground based information got to be integrated for data analysis. This will be alright achieved using GIS which has the capabilities to handle voluminous spatial data. With the assistance of GIS, it's possible to integrate the spatial data of various layers to work out the influence of the parameters on landslide occurrence. Fig.11 Application of GIS in Landslides G) Terrain Mapping and Analysis - Assessment of the performance of the terrain for specific developmental activities are often made through terrain evaluation. For this, terrain information are often acquired from RS data and by generating the Digital Terrain Model (DTM). A DTM is an ordered array of numbers representing the spatial distribution of terrain characteristics stored during a computer so on enable the determination of any quantitative data concerning terrain. DTMS is beneficial in investigation of variety of other horizontal and vertical alignments of canals, roads, pipelines or corridors for any such applications. In engineering construction like dam, the knowledge of fabric comprising the terrain is important for correct planning, location, construction and maintenance of engineering facilities. For computation of hydro-graph parameters like peak runoff rate, time of concentration and time to peak, the peak and slope information derived from Digital Elevation Model (DEM) are useful. The knowledge on regional engineering soils is important for general planning and site evaluation purposes. High spatial resolution satellite data are often analyzed to delineate various landforms, mapping of soil classes of significance to engineering construction, delineation of landforms – engineering, soil relationships and grouping of landforms with various physiographic setting or terrain associations. Fig.12 Application of GIS in Terrain Mapping H) Disaster Management - Effective and realistic emergency management programs depend upon data from various sources which should be collected, analyzed, displayed, disseminated and utilized in an organized manner. It’s therefore desirable to possess the proper data within the right place at the proper time. The info should be organized during a usable format for stakeholders to reply and take action just in case of an emergency. Most of the emergency data requirements are of spatial nature hence a requirement for a Geographic data system (GIS). Disaster management starts with locating and identifying potential emergency problems and the way they relate to the prevailing environment. What facilities exist in impact zones, location of mitigation facilities like fire stations, potential refugee and IDP camps, spread of spills, location of medical facilities, extent of injury and infestation, water sources and any humanitarian intervention. GIS provides a mechanism to integrate data from a spread of sources, analyze it and present it to planners and decision makers during a time and reliable manner. Fig.13 Application of GIS in Disaster Management VII. CONCLUSION GIS has a crucial application for instance in engineering projects like involve the management, analysis and
  • 7. International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) ISSN : 2454-9150 Special Issue - .inSIGHT’20 56 | inSIGHT202012 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2020.0539 © 2020, IJREAM All Rights Reserved. integration of huge amounts of geographic information to make sure success. this will include a good range of data like detailed design drawings originating from software solutions, detailed mapping, air photography, geological investigations, solid waste management, disaster management, population information, traffic flows and environmental models REFERENCES [1] Introduction to Geospatial Technologies - Book by Bradley A. Shellito Baker/Berry G 70.217 .G46 S54 2018 ISBN: 9781319060459 [2] Integration of GIS and Remote Sensing Book by Victor Mesev Baker/Berry G70.212 .I573 2007ISBN: 0470864109 [3] Historical GIS: Technologies, Methodologies, and Scholarship - Book by Ian N. Gregory and Paul S. Ell Baker-Berry G70.212 .G75 2007 ISBN: 0521671701 [4] Understanding Place: GIS and Mapping Across the Curriculum - Book by Diana Stuart Sinton and Jennifer J. Lund Baker/Berry G 70.212 .S56 2007 ISBN: 1589481496 [5] Qualitative GIS : a mixed methods approach by Sarah Elwood; Meghan SCope, eds. Book Baker/Berry G 70.212 .Q34 2009 ISBN: 1412945658 [6] Venkatraman, K. Anitha- APPLICATIONS OF GIS AND GPS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING - International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics - http://www.ijpam.eu [7] GIS Solutions for Civil Engineering- The Modern Platform for Civil IT - ESRI [8] www.Google.com