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Collaboration in 
the Classroom 
Meet Flat Connections 
Meet Julie Lindsay….. 
Global Education Consultant 
Innovator, Leader, Author 
MA Music, MA Educational Technology 
EdD Student, University of Southern 
Adjunct Lecturer, Charles Sturt University, 
Faculty of Education 
Co-author - ’Flattening Classrooms, 
Engaging Minds’ 
Founder, Flat Connections 
@julielindsay | #flatconnect | @flatconnections | about.me/julielindsay
Please add to the chat window: 
● your location 
● your current time 
● your Twitter handle or website 
● a sentence about yourself 
This presentation is online here: 
The recording from the September webinar is 
here: http://goo.gl/1kslWX
Web 2.0 Leadership 
Project / 
Flat Connected 
– Culture of 
Learning Design Pedagogy
Today’s Agenda 
● What is ‘global collaboration’? 
● Some strategies and tools for: 
o starting and developing a global PLN 
o connecting your classroom with the world 
● Flat Connections teacher courses 
● Flat Connections global projects 
● Sharing session 
● Q&A
What is ‘Global Collaboration’? 
Do we have a shared understanding? 
What about…… 
● Global connection 
● Global interaction 
● Global awareness 
● Global understanding 
● Global……….
Connected Learning - FLAT? 
We need to ‘flatten’ the learning 
hierarchy. Students, teachers, ALL 
learners, must have freedom to 
communicate ‘across’ rather than 
up or down
What does this look like? 
• Community building as a prerequisite to 
• Collaboration that leads to co-creation 
with other learners who are not in the 
same time and space 
• Pedagogical independence and 
leadership within a school/institution
Technology must be the bridge, not the 
barrier to shifting pedagogy 
Image: 'forward’ http://www.flickr.com/photos/99771506@N00/3036132944
Collaborative and global learning using 
Assumes integration of Web 2.0 tools 
• More intense and prolonged 
interaction (synchronous and 
• Different contribution modes 
• Individual and collaborative 
• Learner centered 
• Constructivist learning environment
This is beyond merely ‘integrating 
technology’ This is a new ‘category’ of 
tools and learning habits that 
supports global collaborative 
Content vs Process 
In a flat and connected 
learning environment, content 
is second to the process
Why Global Collaboration? 
Global competency 
International mindedness 
Cultural awareness 
Process/Actions to 
connect and 
flatten the 
Technology infused 
Strategies for 
meaningful interactions
Blended learning modes 
to support collaboration
Global collaboration in the classroom: Meet Flat Connections
Global collaboration by its very nature implies 
asynchronous collaboration - therefore building 
effective communities, knowing how to monitor 
these communities are essential pedagogical 
applications teachers need to be confident with.
Flat Connections shares a cutting 
edge approach to “flatten” the walls of 
learning by using digital technologies 
to connect learners globally for 
meaningful collaborations to build 
bridges between students our future 
can walk across.
Join the Flat Educator community! Connections Global 
Flat Connections Courses for Teachers 
Explore: http://www.flatconnections.com/flat-professional-development.html 
● Flat Connections Global Educator 
o 10 weeks 
o Grad credit with UNI 
o focus is on global learning, global education and 
becoming globally competent 
● Flat Connections Global Collaboration Primer 
o 4 weeks 
o aims to provide educators at all levels, across all 
school systems, resources and strategies for taking 
themselves, their classroom, their school, and even 
their country global!
Examples from 
Flat Connections 
Global Projects 
Welcome to our Flat Connections 
Project Managers!
Flat Connections Global 
Projects - ‘Flat Projects’ 
Common features: 
● 10-12 weeks long 
● Designed to support connection and 
collaboration and creation of 
● Fully supported and managed 
● Teacher PLC built as part of project 
● Flexibility for new ideas within a framework 
● Can be embedded across the curriculum
Explore Flat Projects 
Global collaboration in the classroom: Meet Flat Connections
Flat Connections Global Project 
High School – Grade 9-12 
• 500 students 
• 20+ classrooms 
• 6 countries 
• 36 student teams 
• 1 Keynote 
• 24 Expert Advisors 
• 18 Judges and 3 Meta-judges 
• 213 Videos 
• 15 eBooks 
In February-June 2014! 
New project starting September 2014 
Building working 
Project Content 
Horizon Report K-12, 2013 
Emerging technologies impacting 
education and learning shared via a 
timeline of potential relevance. 
Project Themes 
• The future of learning and education 
• Emerging technologies and how we can and will use them 
• Connected and flat learning 
• Collaborative and social entrepreneurship 
• Global issues and actions to solve them 
Learning futurist, David Price OBE, argues that ‘open’ is 
not only affecting how we are choosing to live, but that 
it’s going to be the difference between success and 
failure in the future. 
Educational Network (Ning) 
for community development 
Collaborative space (wiki) 
for teamwork and sharing process & outcomes 
Collaborative wiki leading to a published 
cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo by Anita Hart: http://flickr.com/photos/anitakhart/4586879133/
Storyboard & 
Credits & 
Personal Multimedia Response to Topic
Global collaboration in the classroom: Meet Flat Connections
Welcome to 
Bridges to 
K-2 Flat 
Connections Project
Global collaboration in the classroom: Meet Flat Connections
Tool: Youblisher
Colorado, USA 
‘A Week in the Life…’ 
A Flat Connections Project for Elementary School students 
Grades 3-6, age 8-11 (and Grade 7 now!)
‘A Week in the Life’, Global Project Grade 3-6 
Tool: Edmodo
Co-Created Showcase Voicethreads 
Tool: Voicethread
Student Summits 
A Week in the Life Project 
Tool: Blackboard Collaborate
Singapore American School International School of the Sacred Heart, Japan 
Asynchronous global debates between classrooms 
Theme 2014-15: Global 
Peace and Security 
Tools: Voicethread & Fuze
Digiteen / Digitween Projects 
Digital citizenship…… 
Just in time 
for learning while digital
Digiteen / Digitween Projects 
research digital 
qualities and 
share with their 
group members.
Digiteen/Digtween Projects 
From their research, they create 
presentations, videos, and also apps!
Digiteen/Digitween Projects 
PSA: Be Careful What You Post
Digiteen-Digitween Projects 
Two examples of Learning about Copyright & Creative Commons through research and projects 
(Project tools used by first group: Glogster & Google Forms included on their wiki page) 
Applying research on Creative Commons to licensed story on wiki page by second group: 
Serene: I really liked working on the voki and creating 
the characters. Skyping the other schools was also 
really cool. 
Learning About copyright was interesting and fun. 
Learning how to embed the Glog was cool 
Jordan: I liked creating and viewing the vokis of other 
students on edmodo. 
Kate's reflection... 
I had a wonderful time working with the students from the 
other schools! They were very helpful and fun to work with. 
Although it was difficult at times because since you can edit 
other people's work, you have to be careful of what you 
delete. From that experience I think I learned that it is 
extremely important to get the other person's permission 
before you make changes to their work. In addition to all of 
that I was able to have some fun when working with software 
such as Google form and Creative Commons. It was a great 
learning experience! 
Ali's reflection... 
Working with the other students was really fun. It helped me 
learn so much about different cultures. I researched copyright 
law a lot and I now know what all of the symbols mean. I also 
learned how to use Creative Commons. Because of this 
project I now know more things and can use technology 
Examples of students researching etiquette & respect to use within a Minecraft project. 
Our action project is about teaching etiquette and respect 
To win the quiz you must answer correctly all ten questions 
about cyber security and then climb the Cyber-Tree for a 
special surprise. Link to Digitween wiki page.
Digiteen/Digitween Presentation 
Link to Presentation
Find Projects 
• Flat Connections – fully managed and supported – 
(caveat – entry is via subscription, some scholarships 
– http://flatconnections.com 
• Global Classroom – community of global educators keen 
to connect 
– http://globalclassroom2013-14.wikispaces.com 
• iEARN – learning circles and other projects 
– http://iearn.org 
• Our Global Friendships 
– http://ourglobalfriendships.wikispaces.com 
•Global Virtual Classroom 
PLN development 
• Flat Connections 
– http://flatconnections.net 
• Global Education Conference 
– http://globaleducationconference.com 
• Taking IT Global 
– https://www.tigweb.org/ 
• E-Pals 
– http://www.epals.com/
PLN development - how? 
Personal Learning Network - build yours now! 
● Twitter 
o follow others 
o interact 
o share what you are doing 
o use hashtags 
● Social networks 
o join and introduce yourself 
o blog - cross-post with your own blog 
o start and join discussions
More tools……..for connection & collaboration 
• Synchronous 
– Skype, Fuze, Google hangout 
• Asynchronous 
– Edmodo, Ning, Voicethread, Wiki, Google 
• Collaborative 
– Wevideo, Lucidpress, Padlet, Popplet, 
Wiki, Google site 
• http://cooltoolsforschools.wikispaces.com
to read and watch 
● THE Journal article: ‘Global collaboration projects that 
go way beyond Skype’ March 2014 
Featuring Theresa Allen, Flat Project Manager and Avylon Magarey - Flat Connections Global 
Educator who are out there joining their students with the world! 
● Global Collaboration Projects February 2013 
Slides full of resources form Flat Connected Educator, Honor Moorman 
● Global Projects Presentation 2014 
Theresa Allen shares this via a Google Hangout 
to read and watch 
● Connect, Collaborate, Change - Flat Connections 
Julie Lindsay talks about connected learning as part of the Bob Greenberg ‘Brainwaves’ series 
● Who says global collaboration is hard? 
A discussion on the Flat Connections blog about enablers and barriers to global collaboration with a 
call to action! 
● Flat Connections News - stay up to date! 
We CAN work with the world
Three things to takeaway…...
Learning does not 
happen in isolation! 
Image: '| WHITE moment |’ http://www.flickr.com/photos/34145688@N00/90120985
Connect Students for 
Image: 'Star pencil’ ttp://www.flickr.com/photos/29468339@N02/6097158569
‘Content’ to ‘Context’ 
Global collaboration in the classroom: Meet Flat Connections
Subscribe to Flat Connections News 
Get the latest news and updates about global 
collaboration and Flat Connections 
Learning about the world, with the world 
Website - http://flatconnections.com 
Education Network- http://flatconnections.net 
Contact: admin@flatconnections.com

More Related Content

Global collaboration in the classroom: Meet Flat Connections

  • 1. Global Collaboration in the Classroom Meet Flat Connections http://flatconnections.com
  • 2. Meet Julie Lindsay….. Global Education Consultant Innovator, Leader, Author MA Music, MA Educational Technology Leadership EdD Student, University of Southern Queensland Adjunct Lecturer, Charles Sturt University, Faculty of Education Co-author - ’Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds’ Founder, Flat Connections @julielindsay | #flatconnect | @flatconnections | about.me/julielindsay
  • 3. Welcome! Please add to the chat window: ● your location ● your current time ● your Twitter handle or website ● a sentence about yourself This presentation is online here: http://goo.gl/dk6HZG The recording from the September webinar is here: http://goo.gl/1kslWX
  • 4. Web 2.0 Leadership Project / Challenge based Flat Connected Learning Collaborative – Culture of Sharing Blended learning Flipped learning Inquiry based Learning Design Pedagogy
  • 5. Today’s Agenda ● What is ‘global collaboration’? ● Some strategies and tools for: o starting and developing a global PLN o connecting your classroom with the world ● Flat Connections teacher courses ● Flat Connections global projects ● Sharing session ● Q&A
  • 6. What is ‘Global Collaboration’? Do we have a shared understanding? What about…… ● Global connection ● Global interaction ● Global awareness ● Global understanding ● Global……….
  • 7. Connected Learning - FLAT? We need to ‘flatten’ the learning hierarchy. Students, teachers, ALL learners, must have freedom to communicate ‘across’ rather than up or down
  • 8. What does this look like? • Community building as a prerequisite to learning • Collaboration that leads to co-creation with other learners who are not in the same time and space • Pedagogical independence and leadership within a school/institution
  • 9. Technology must be the bridge, not the barrier to shifting pedagogy Image: 'forward’ http://www.flickr.com/photos/99771506@N00/3036132944
  • 10. Collaborative and global learning using technology Assumes integration of Web 2.0 tools • More intense and prolonged interaction (synchronous and asynchronous) • Different contribution modes • Individual and collaborative authoring • Learner centered • Constructivist learning environment
  • 11. This is beyond merely ‘integrating technology’ This is a new ‘category’ of tools and learning habits that supports global collaborative objectives
  • 12. Content vs Process In a flat and connected learning environment, content is second to the process
  • 13. Why Global Collaboration? Global competency International mindedness Cultural awareness Glocalisation!
  • 14. Process/Actions to connect and flatten the classroom Technology infused learning
  • 15. Students School You Strategies for meaningful interactions
  • 16. Synchronous Asynchronous Blended learning modes to support collaboration
  • 18. Global collaboration by its very nature implies asynchronous collaboration - therefore building effective communities, knowing how to monitor these communities are essential pedagogical applications teachers need to be confident with.
  • 19. Flat Connections shares a cutting edge approach to “flatten” the walls of learning by using digital technologies to connect learners globally for meaningful collaborations to build bridges between students our future can walk across.
  • 20. Join the Flat Educator community! Connections Global Flat Connections Courses for Teachers Explore: http://www.flatconnections.com/flat-professional-development.html ● Flat Connections Global Educator o 10 weeks o Grad credit with UNI o focus is on global learning, global education and becoming globally competent ● Flat Connections Global Collaboration Primer o 4 weeks o aims to provide educators at all levels, across all school systems, resources and strategies for taking themselves, their classroom, their school, and even their country global!
  • 21. Examples from Flat Connections Global Projects http://flatconnections.com Welcome to our Flat Connections Project Managers!
  • 22. Flat Connections Global Projects - ‘Flat Projects’ Common features: ● 10-12 weeks long ● Designed to support connection and collaboration and creation of products/actions ● Fully supported and managed ● Teacher PLC built as part of project ● Flexibility for new ideas within a framework ● Can be embedded across the curriculum
  • 23. Explore Flat Projects www.flatconnections.com/flat-projects.html
  • 25. Flat Connections Global Project High School – Grade 9-12 • 500 students • 20+ classrooms • 6 countries • 36 student teams • 1 Keynote • 24 Expert Advisors • 18 Judges and 3 Meta-judges • 213 Videos • 15 eBooks In February-June 2014! New project starting September 2014 http://flatconnectionsglobalproject.net
  • 26. Teachers Students Extended community Community Collaborative Learning Building working relationships
  • 27. Project Content Horizon Report K-12, 2013 Emerging technologies impacting education and learning shared via a timeline of potential relevance. http://www.nmc.org/horizon-project/ horizon-reports/horizon-report- k-12-edition
  • 28. Project Themes • The future of learning and education • Emerging technologies and how we can and will use them • Connected and flat learning • Collaborative and social entrepreneurship • Global issues and actions to solve them Open Learning futurist, David Price OBE, argues that ‘open’ is not only affecting how we are choosing to live, but that it’s going to be the difference between success and failure in the future. http://engagedlearning.co.uk/
  • 29. Educational Network (Ning) for community development http://flatconnectionsglobalproject.net/
  • 30. Collaborative space (wiki) for teamwork and sharing process & outcomes http://flatconnections.wikispaces.com/
  • 31. Collaborative wiki leading to a published eBook cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo by Anita Hart: http://flickr.com/photos/anitakhart/4586879133/
  • 32. Student final video Outsourced content Storyboard & planning Personal content Topic subtheme Video specifications Credits & citations Personal Multimedia Response to Topic
  • 34. Welcome to Building Bridges to Tomorrow K-2 Flat Connections Project
  • 37. Malaysia Colorado, USA Tool: Padlet
  • 38. ‘A Week in the Life…’ A Flat Connections Project for Elementary School students Grades 3-6, age 8-11 (and Grade 7 now!)
  • 39. ‘Handshakes’ ‘A Week in the Life’, Global Project Grade 3-6 Tool: Edmodo
  • 40. Co-Created Showcase Voicethreads Tool: Voicethread
  • 41. Student Summits A Week in the Life Project Tool: Blackboard Collaborate
  • 42. Singapore American School International School of the Sacred Heart, Japan Asynchronous global debates between classrooms Theme 2014-15: Global Peace and Security http://globalyouthdebates.com Tools: Voicethread & Fuze
  • 43. Digiteen / Digitween Projects Digital citizenship…… Just in time SKILLS, HABITS and ATTITUDES for learning while digital
  • 44. Digiteen / Digitween Projects Students research digital citizenship qualities and share with their group members.
  • 45. Digiteen/Digtween Projects From their research, they create presentations, videos, and also apps!
  • 46. Digiteen/Digitween Projects PSA: Be Careful What You Post
  • 47. Digiteen-Digitween Projects Two examples of Learning about Copyright & Creative Commons through research and projects (Project tools used by first group: Glogster & Google Forms included on their wiki page) Applying research on Creative Commons to licensed story on wiki page by second group: Serene: I really liked working on the voki and creating the characters. Skyping the other schools was also really cool. Learning About copyright was interesting and fun. Learning how to embed the Glog was cool Jordan: I liked creating and viewing the vokis of other students on edmodo. Kate's reflection... I had a wonderful time working with the students from the other schools! They were very helpful and fun to work with. Although it was difficult at times because since you can edit other people's work, you have to be careful of what you delete. From that experience I think I learned that it is extremely important to get the other person's permission before you make changes to their work. In addition to all of that I was able to have some fun when working with software such as Google form and Creative Commons. It was a great learning experience! Ali's reflection... Working with the other students was really fun. It helped me learn so much about different cultures. I researched copyright law a lot and I now know what all of the symbols mean. I also learned how to use Creative Commons. Because of this project I now know more things and can use technology better.
  • 48. Examples of students researching etiquette & respect to use within a Minecraft project. Our action project is about teaching etiquette and respect online. To win the quiz you must answer correctly all ten questions about cyber security and then climb the Cyber-Tree for a special surprise. Link to Digitween wiki page.
  • 50. Find Projects • Flat Connections – fully managed and supported – (caveat – entry is via subscription, some scholarships available) – http://flatconnections.com • Global Classroom – community of global educators keen to connect – http://globalclassroom2013-14.wikispaces.com • iEARN – learning circles and other projects – http://iearn.org • Our Global Friendships – http://ourglobalfriendships.wikispaces.com •Global Virtual Classroom http://gvc-clubhouse.wikispaces.com
  • 51. PLN development • Flat Connections – http://flatconnections.net • Global Education Conference – http://globaleducationconference.com • Taking IT Global – https://www.tigweb.org/ • E-Pals – http://www.epals.com/
  • 52. PLN development - how? Personal Learning Network - build yours now! ● Twitter o follow others o interact o share what you are doing o use hashtags ● Social networks o join and introduce yourself o blog - cross-post with your own blog o start and join discussions
  • 53. More tools……..for connection & collaboration • Synchronous – Skype, Fuze, Google hangout • Asynchronous – Edmodo, Ning, Voicethread, Wiki, Google • Collaborative – Wevideo, Lucidpress, Padlet, Popplet, Wiki, Google site • http://cooltoolsforschools.wikispaces.com
  • 54. RESOURCES: to read and watch ● THE Journal article: ‘Global collaboration projects that go way beyond Skype’ March 2014 Featuring Theresa Allen, Flat Project Manager and Avylon Magarey - Flat Connections Global Educator who are out there joining their students with the world! http://goo.gl/vL3JuC ● Global Collaboration Projects February 2013 Slides full of resources form Flat Connected Educator, Honor Moorman http://goo.gl/LWvlTN ● Global Projects Presentation 2014 Theresa Allen shares this via a Google Hangout http://goo.gl/r3VF9P
  • 55. RESOURCES: to read and watch ● Connect, Collaborate, Change - Flat Connections Julie Lindsay talks about connected learning as part of the Bob Greenberg ‘Brainwaves’ series http://goo.gl/FT6o06 ● Who says global collaboration is hard? A discussion on the Flat Connections blog about enablers and barriers to global collaboration with a call to action! http://goo.gl/1KXKlh ● Flat Connections News - stay up to date! http://www.flatconnections.com/flat-connections-news.html
  • 56. We CAN work with the world
  • 57. Three things to takeaway…...
  • 58. Learning does not happen in isolation! Image: '| WHITE moment |’ http://www.flickr.com/photos/34145688@N00/90120985
  • 59. Connect Students for Collaborations! Image: 'Star pencil’ ttp://www.flickr.com/photos/29468339@N02/6097158569
  • 60. SHIFT ‘Content’ to ‘Context’ http://www.flickr.com/photos/29131777@N03/9528549446
  • 62. Subscribe to Flat Connections News Get the latest news and updates about global collaboration and Flat Connections http://eepurl.com/TZO7v
  • 63. Learning about the world, with the world Website - http://flatconnections.com Education Network- http://flatconnections.net Contact: admin@flatconnections.com