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2012 Human Capital Conference
23–26 October

                          Global mobility performance
                          improvement t
                          The inside story

►   Ernst & Young refers to the global organization of member firms of
    Ernst Y
    E t & Young Global Li it d each of which i a separate l
                     Gl b l Limited,      h f hi h is             t legal entity.
                                                                        l tit
    Ernst & Young LLP is a client-serving member firm of Ernst & Young
    Global Limited located in the US.
►   This
    Thi presentation i © 2012 E t & Y
                 t ti is           Ernst Young LLP All rights reserved. N
                                                  LLP.       i ht          d No
    part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted or otherwise
    distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
    including by photocopying, facsimile transmission, recording, rekeying,
                  photocopying              transmission recording rekeying
    or using any information storage and retrieval system, without written
    permission from Ernst & Young LLP. Any reproduction, transmission or
    d st but o o t s o o a y o t e ate a e e s p o b ted and s
    distribution of this form or any of the material herein is prohibited a d is
    in violation of US and international law. Ernst & Young LLP expressly
    disclaims any liability in connection with use of this presentation or its
    contents by any third party.
►   The views expressed by panelists in this session are not necessarily
    those of Ernst & Young LLP.

Page 2                 Global mobility performance improvement

►   Nancy Garber
        y                                    ►     Micheal Westphall
    ►    The Hershey Company                       ►    Abbott Laboratories
    ►    ngarber@hersheys.com                      ►    micheal.westphall@abbott.com

►   Jason Ward
    ►    Ernst & Young LLP
    ►    jason.ward@ey.com

Page 3              Global mobility performance improvement

►   Introduction to our panelists
►   Abbott Laboratories and The Hershey Company address
    recent changes to their mobility functions:
    ►    Business drivers
    ►    Methodology applied
►   Looking ahead to the next 12 months for both companies:
    ►    Areas of interest
    ►    Desired future state
►   Recommendations from our panelists when looking to
    transform mobility

Page 4                 Global mobility performance improvement
Theme/key points

►   Define what is meant by global mobility performance
►   Identify areas of the mobility function that often receive
    focus when companies are seeking to drive improvement
►   Explain strategies to help achieve a successful outcome
    when transforming mobility

Page 5            Global mobility performance improvement
Introduction to our panelists
Abbott Laboratories

►   Micheal Westphall, Manager, Talent Deployment
                  p    ,     g ,             p y
►   Abbott Laboratories – health care industry
►   2011 global revenue: US$38.9b
►   Operates in more than 130 countries
►   Headquartered in North Chicago Illinois US
                            Chicago, Illinois,
►   1,100 participants in mobility program
►   Fun fact: What is her name?

Page 6                Global mobility performance improvement
Introduction to our panelists
The Hershey Company
          y    p y

►   Nancy Garber, Global Mobility Manager
         y        ,               y      g
►   The Hershey Company – confectionery industry
►   2011 global revenue: US$6b
►   Operates in 10 countries
►   Headquartered in Hershey Pennsylvania US
                      Hershey, Pennsylvania,
►   Over 100 participants in mobility program
►   Fun fact: Hershey is the largest producer of quality
    chocolate in North America

Page 7             Global mobility performance improvement
Recent changes to the mobility function
Recent changes to the mobility function
Abbott Laboratories

►   Tiered existing long-term assignment p
                  g    g          g      policy into four
    separate policies:
    ►    Aligned assignment with talent management objectives
    ►    Created less expensive assignment options
►   Implemented global assignment management and payroll
    ►    Created consistent experience for customers globally
    ►    Streamlined process creating opportunity to realign resources
         within the team to better serve our businesses

Page 9                 Global mobility performance improvement
Recent changes to the mobility function
The Hershey Company
          y    p y

►   Enhanced compensation reporting p
                   p        p     g processes to improve
    overall compliance:
    ►     Implemented global compensation accumulation methodology
    ►     Enhanced cost estimates to consider global equity and aid with
►   Aligned mobility decision matrix initiation controls and
    supporting documents:
    ►     Requires additional sign-offs to validate business acceptance of
                               sign offs
    ►     Increases consistency in approach for mobile employees
    ►     Delivers earlier focus on potential corporate exposure implications
          associated with mobility

Page 10                 Global mobility performance improvement
Looking ahead to our next 12 months
Looking ahead to our next 12 months
Abbott Laboratories

►   Support Abbott’s g
      pp             global separation into two companies:
                              p                    p
    ►     Transition of resources and personnel
    ►     Sharing of data for day-one operations in both companies
►   Continue to identify process improvements:
    ►     Each new company will take its own direction with mobility
    ►     Continue to align mobility processes as a lever to support talent

Page 12                 Global mobility performance improvement
Looking ahead to our next 12 months
The Hershey Company
          y    p y

►   Redefine talent vision for executive leadership team:
    ►     Develop a common approach
    ►     Implement the vision organizationwide
►   Refresh the mobility function to align with talent strategy:
    ►     Outline stakeholder roles and responsibilities
    ►     Revisit policy and process for overall alignment
    ►     Support growth initiatives for the company through mobility

Page 13                 Global mobility performance improvement
Closing thoughts based upon experience
Closing thoughts based upon experience
Abbott Laboratories

►   Keep an open mind
        p      p
►   Align transformation to business objectives
►   Manage stakeholders through the process and beyond

Page 15               Global mobility performance improvement
Closing thoughts based upon experience
The Hershey Company
          y    p y

►   Engage leadership early on and often
       g g            p     y
►   Don’t sweat the small stuff – empower yourself to make
    as many decisions as possible; engage others when
           y               p          g g
►   Think globally; act globally

Page 16           Global mobility performance improvement
In summary

►   Transforming the mobility function is a continuous
    process driven by an ever changing business
►   Mobility plays a key role in attracting motivating
                                  attracting, motivating,
    developing and retaining professionals essential to
    company g
        p y growth ( , talent and workforce p
                      (i.e.,                       planning).
►   When seeking to improve performance of the mobility
    function, one must continually align with the stakeholders
    and have their buy-in to drive success.

Page 18           Global mobility performance improvement

Page 19     Global mobility performance improvement

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EY Human Capital Conference 2012: Global mobility performance improvement

  • 1. 2012 Human Capital Conference 23–26 October Global mobility performance i improvement t The inside story
  • 2. Disclaimer ► Ernst & Young refers to the global organization of member firms of Ernst Y E t & Young Global Li it d each of which i a separate l Gl b l Limited, h f hi h is t legal entity. l tit Ernst & Young LLP is a client-serving member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited located in the US. ► This Thi presentation i © 2012 E t & Y t ti is Ernst Young LLP All rights reserved. N LLP. i ht d No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted or otherwise distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including by photocopying, facsimile transmission, recording, rekeying, photocopying transmission recording rekeying or using any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from Ernst & Young LLP. Any reproduction, transmission or d st but o o t s o o a y o t e ate a e e s p o b ted and s distribution of this form or any of the material herein is prohibited a d is in violation of US and international law. Ernst & Young LLP expressly disclaims any liability in connection with use of this presentation or its contents by any third party. ► The views expressed by panelists in this session are not necessarily those of Ernst & Young LLP. Page 2 Global mobility performance improvement
  • 3. Presenters ► Nancy Garber y ► Micheal Westphall p ► The Hershey Company ► Abbott Laboratories ► ngarber@hersheys.com ► micheal.westphall@abbott.com ► Jason Ward ► Ernst & Young LLP ► jason.ward@ey.com Page 3 Global mobility performance improvement
  • 4. Agenda ► Introduction to our panelists ► Abbott Laboratories and The Hershey Company address recent changes to their mobility functions: ► Business drivers ► Methodology applied ► Looking ahead to the next 12 months for both companies: ► Areas of interest ► Desired future state ► Recommendations from our panelists when looking to transform mobility Page 4 Global mobility performance improvement
  • 5. Theme/key points ► Define what is meant by global mobility performance improvement ► Identify areas of the mobility function that often receive focus when companies are seeking to drive improvement ► Explain strategies to help achieve a successful outcome when transforming mobility Page 5 Global mobility performance improvement
  • 6. Introduction to our panelists Abbott Laboratories ► Micheal Westphall, Manager, Talent Deployment p , g , p y ► Abbott Laboratories – health care industry ► 2011 global revenue: US$38.9b ► Operates in more than 130 countries ► Headquartered in North Chicago Illinois US Chicago, Illinois, ► 1,100 participants in mobility program ► Fun fact: What is her name? Page 6 Global mobility performance improvement
  • 7. Introduction to our panelists The Hershey Company y p y ► Nancy Garber, Global Mobility Manager y , y g ► The Hershey Company – confectionery industry ► 2011 global revenue: US$6b ► Operates in 10 countries ► Headquartered in Hershey Pennsylvania US Hershey, Pennsylvania, ► Over 100 participants in mobility program ► Fun fact: Hershey is the largest producer of quality chocolate in North America Page 7 Global mobility performance improvement
  • 8. Recent changes to the mobility function
  • 9. Recent changes to the mobility function Abbott Laboratories ► Tiered existing long-term assignment p g g g policy into four y separate policies: ► Aligned assignment with talent management objectives ► Created less expensive assignment options ► Implemented global assignment management and payroll system: t ► Created consistent experience for customers globally ► Streamlined process creating opportunity to realign resources process, within the team to better serve our businesses Page 9 Global mobility performance improvement
  • 10. Recent changes to the mobility function The Hershey Company y p y ► Enhanced compensation reporting p p p g processes to improve p overall compliance: ► Implemented global compensation accumulation methodology ► Enhanced cost estimates to consider global equity and aid with accruals ► Aligned mobility decision matrix initiation controls and matrix, supporting documents: ► Requires additional sign-offs to validate business acceptance of sign offs cost ► Increases consistency in approach for mobile employees ► Delivers earlier focus on potential corporate exposure implications associated with mobility Page 10 Global mobility performance improvement
  • 11. Looking ahead to our next 12 months
  • 12. Looking ahead to our next 12 months Abbott Laboratories ► Support Abbott’s g pp global separation into two companies: p p ► Transition of resources and personnel ► Sharing of data for day-one operations in both companies ► Continue to identify process improvements: ► Each new company will take its own direction with mobility ► Continue to align mobility processes as a lever to support talent strategy Page 12 Global mobility performance improvement
  • 13. Looking ahead to our next 12 months The Hershey Company y p y ► Redefine talent vision for executive leadership team: p ► Develop a common approach ► Implement the vision organizationwide ► Refresh the mobility function to align with talent strategy: ► Outline stakeholder roles and responsibilities ► Revisit policy and process for overall alignment ► Support growth initiatives for the company through mobility Page 13 Global mobility performance improvement
  • 14. Closing thoughts based upon experience
  • 15. Closing thoughts based upon experience Abbott Laboratories ► Keep an open mind p p ► Align transformation to business objectives ► Manage stakeholders through the process and beyond Page 15 Global mobility performance improvement
  • 16. Closing thoughts based upon experience The Hershey Company y p y ► Engage leadership early on and often g g p y ► Don’t sweat the small stuff – empower yourself to make as many decisions as possible; engage others when y p g g necessary ► Think globally; act globally Page 16 Global mobility performance improvement
  • 18. Conclusion ► Transforming the mobility function is a continuous process, process driven by an ever changing business ever-changing environment. ► Mobility plays a key role in attracting motivating attracting, motivating, developing and retaining professionals essential to company g p y growth ( , talent and workforce p (i.e., planning). g) ► When seeking to improve performance of the mobility function, one must continually align with the stakeholders and have their buy-in to drive success. Page 18 Global mobility performance improvement
  • 19. Questions Page 19 Global mobility performance improvement