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Persuasive Essay
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Good Opening Line For Persuasive Essay Good Opening Line For Persuasive Essay
Just War Theory Essay
Just War Theory
Price reduced due to problems with format
One of the perennial realities of human existence is war. From the earliest recorded events of
human history all the way through to modern times, human communities have engaged in armed
conflict as a method of dispute resolution. While war has been a constant part of the human
experience, there has also been a tendency within virtually all human civilisations to limit the extent
of war and the methods by which warfare may be conducted.(1) In Western civilisation, this
limitation on warfare has taken shape as an effort to limit both the determination of when war is
appropriate and the means used in battle.(2) Within the Western moral, legal, and political arena, the
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Understanding, then, that the theory of just war is one in which many sources mingle over the
course of centuries, it is helpful to make a brief overview of those sources before delving into the
main task of explaining just war theory. B. MAIN SOURCES OF JUST WAR THEORY 1. The
Religious Sources of Just War Theory Many of the key thinkers who have expounded on just war
theory through the centuries have identified themselves with the Christian faith, both in its Catholic
and Protestant varieties. Just war theory has also gained a general acceptance among Christian
theologians, philosophers, and jurists as a method of passing judgement on the morality or
immorality of a particular conflict.(8) The general Christian conception of just war theory forms the
core of secular just war theory and as such has had a tremendous influence on the secular conception
of the just war.(9) Early Christian approaches to war were largely pacifistic in nature, due to a focus
in the early Church to the notion that Christians were distinct from the rest of society.(10)
However, with the growing Christianization of the Roman Empire, and the increasing political and
social influence of the Christian Church, Christian theologians during the fourth and fifth centuries
began to develop justifications for the use of force which would eventually take
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Employment Discrimination Against Individuals Based On...
Introduction This new generation brings new challenges that in the past were taboo. In the sixties
and seventies, a hippie was widely accepted, but now being transgender is not favorable. The hiring
process has many different attributes that employers have to deal with. Some aspects include
physical appearance, lifestyle, and language. For several decades, the law has forbidden
discriminationagainst individuals based on age, race, national origin, or sex, and these factors
should not be in job specifications or recruitment advertisements (Shaw, 2014, 284). Employment
discrimination against physical appearance, lifestyle, and language is not only wrong but also
I.Physical Appearance Psychologists have long known that people form impressions of others
purely based on their appearance (Duarte, Siegel, Young, 2012, p.2455). Today s society puts
great importance on people s physical appearance (Yang, Stoeber, 2012, p.69). Not everyone can
be have a size 2 Victoria Secret model body or look like Duane Johnson (The Rock). Veterans
have a harder time getting jobs now because of their physical characteristics after the Iraqi war.
Perfect looks are highly valued because they symbolize success, happiness, and being loved and
admired by others; consequently, many people strive to look perfect, and many others are
concerned about their physical appearance worrying that they may not look perfect (Yang, Stoeber,
2012, p.69). The Civil Rights
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Essay On Baldwin Swamp
Baldwin swamp is an urban wetland, located in the heart of Bundaberg, providing a habitat to a
range of organisms. The environment is rich in biodiversity; with more than 150 species of birds,
variety of vegetation/plants as wells as creatures and mammals ranging from tiny aquatic
wrigglers to bats, which have recently inhabited the area. Wetlands can be swamps, boys and or
areas next to creeks. The Baldwin swamp can be best described as a network of ponds/swamps
that channels into landscapes of grassland. This area has a significant ecological impact as the
relationships among the organisms in relation to their food webs is vital to their survival. Abiotic
factors such as humidity, soil, pollution, Ph levels, temperature, dissolved oxygen... Show more
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Therefore there was a recorded 8 birds, 1 dove, 5 magpie goose and 2 pacific black duck, 3 weeks
after the floods. By 2017 the total of 8 birds, 3 species have now increased to a total of 25 birds, 6
species in 4 years. Though this being said many of the birds are new to the area such as the 15
Cotton pygmy Geese and 4 recorded Dusky Moorhen. 6 bird species were seen/recorded in 2017,
these being the 2 Black cormorant, 1 pacific black duck, Cotton pygmy, Dusky moorhen, little
egret and willie wagtail. Other bird species such as the magpie goose which had a number of 41
recorded in 2009, 5 in 2013 and now 0. This indicates that the diversity of birds and population has
decreased as a result of their habitat loss and or an a adequate supply of food.
The macroinvertebrates graph (figure 2) represents the diversity of species inhabiting the
Baldwin Swamp. In 2009 the Baldwin swamp was flourishing with a large diversity of species.
A total of 33 macroinvertebrates, 8 species were recorded. At this time the baldwin swamp was
healthy, abundant in life and the ecosystem and food webs were unaffected by the floods.
Whereas 3 weeks after the floods swept through there were little to no range of species of
macroinvertebrates. There were a recorded amount of 2 Damselfly Nymph and 1 waterboat man. A
theory to why these two
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Mobile Phones, Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Wireless...
These technologies allows users to handle the home appliances remotely from anywhere and
anytime and which is secure. Now a day s almost all individuals are using android mobile phones
and of course, it comes with inbuilt Bluetooth in it. So it reduces the cost and ease of installation.
These Technology advancements have made the implementation of embedded systems within home
appliances. Automation of the surrounding environment leads to decrease their work and allows
increasing his work efficiency and comfort. It is the smart way to work, and indirectly we can say
that it saves the power.
Keywords Android mobile phone, Bluetooth, Electronic Appliances Smart Home.
The concept of Home Automation is firstly starts with Cell Phone. Now, the scenario is different
and the technology is with Smart Phones. The terms Smart Home , Intelligent Home followed
and has been used to introduce the concept of networking appliances and devices in the house.
Mobile phones today are not just used for calls. Android provides access to a wide range of
useful libraries and tools that can be used to build rich applications. We can see the short
description about android as we are using Android phones, ANDROID is produced by Google. It
is a Linux based operating system firstly designed for mobile devices such as smart phones and
tablet computer utilizing ARM processors. Android is consists of kernel based on the Linux kernel
and application software running on an application
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Taking a Look at Zombie Ants
The stereotypical Zombie Ant , most typically found in a rain forest and or farm climate, are not
the flesh tearing type of zombie you most likely had in mind, instead, fungal spreading mind
controlled ants, taken over by a fungal parasite. And these ants, are far from usual. There is a
cycling, almost endless process, repeated in three stages. The process and fungusis called
Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis. During the first faze, the fungal parasite picked up by the target ant,
enters the ant s brain, by latching on to the skin, literally tearing its way through its cuticle, and
separating all inside muscle tissue. The fungus is picked up from the forest floor, in particles
dropped by another infected ant. This powerful overtaking fungus is known as. After the fungus has
entered the body, it starts to travel up into the head of the infected ant.
After the parasite has entered the brain, the zombification stage of the fungus inside the ant causes
the fungus to grow in the head and take over the mind, where the ant now goes through an
uncontrollable, helpless faze, where the fungus is present in the head, and now in charge of the
ant s mind. In full control of the ant s body, the fungus can now direct the ant away from it s
natural daily routine, and cause it to roam around the forest hoplessly. The reason being for the
fungus to target and take over these ants in the first place is to create a sort of mass production of
the fungul parasitic ants, taking over the forest,
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The Image Of Plastic Surgery Essay
The media puts forth a plethora of information to the general public. Appearance is a major idea in
society that is constantly put out on mainstream media. The image of seemingly perfect celebrities
and stars are heavily rotated, and have lasting effects on millions of Americans who are unhappy
with their body image. Plastic surgeryhas become common amongst middle classwomen, and a
rapid increase in male plastic surgery has been noted in recent years. Constant exposure to the
perfect body image in the media puts harm in the very idea that the human bodycomes in all shapes
and sizes. Despite the temptations of a perfect body and plastic surgery to fix imperfections, it is
completely possible to maintain a positive sense of self while facing standards and expectations
that are nearly impossible to obtain. The perfect body is an image that is put out by the media for
both men and women. In our society, the standard for women is that they maintain slim bodies with
certain features being larger. The standard for men is that they work out and maintain muscular
bodies. Nancy Clark touches upon this concept in her 2004 article Mirror, Mirror on the Wall... Are
Muscular Men the Best of All? Clark explains that men tend to see themselves as too small, and
maintain a constant thirst to grow in mass.
Muscle dysmorphia is a new syndrome emerging behind gym doors. You might notice it in your
gym s weight room. Some weightlifters pathologically believe their muscles are too small.
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Hyundai s Ad Analysis
The modern human being s life is continuously flooded by advertising. Ads surround society in
everything a person does, from watching television to listening to the radio, or even walking down
the street. These advertisements range from celebrity promotions to home goods products and
everything in between, all for the sake of convincing people to pick their product over another
competitors product.When a deeper look is taken at these advertisements, one will find that they are
not merely just selling a car or a box of cereal. In actuality, companies along with their product, are
trying subtlely to sell cultural stereotypes, beliefs and trends. Within their advertisement, Hyundai
effectively uses graphics, language and argument to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Hyundai not only focuses on where their ad will be placed but they also focus on who their audience
will be. Sports Illustrated reaches the particular audience of male sports fans, of which most can
be placed into the upper and middle social classes. For the purpose of this advertisement,
Hyundai specifically targeted football fans, especially NFL fans. Since the majority of the
subscribers are in the upper and middle class, due to their ability to afford the expense of the
magazine, they are able to spend their money on more luxurious items such as a car. Therefore, a
car advertisement is reasonable considering the audience s demographics. Considering the readers
interests and social class Hyundai s placement of their advertisement in Sports Illustrated has
rational because of its placement and its ability to connect with a certain audience.
To sell a product companies will use certain colors to evoke particular emotions from their targeted
audience. Hyundai s uses different shades of grey and black throughout their advertisement,
including a black model of the car and a grey and black sky.When used in advertising, black
normally represents sophistication or luxury, while grey is typically a neutral or calm color
(Ciotti). Therefore, the color black will make readers more likely to interpret the 2012 Hyundai
Genesis R Spec as a luxurious and sophisticated car. The incorporation of grey
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A Raisin In The Sun Character Analysis
A Raisin in the Sun is about the dream of the Youngers, a black family living in South Side
Chicago in the 1950s. Like any family, the Youngers dream is a stitched together mosaic; as they
impatiently wait for the arrival of an insurance check for ten thousand dollars, each member of the
Younger clan has a slightly different dream for the money. Yet when the check actually arrives,
their dreams collide. Even as the dream of each relation moves closer to reality, the family
fragments. The struggle between material desires and family ideals escalates into a heavy and
bittersweet drama. There are a couple of prominent themes throughout A Raisin in the Sun.
There s the obvious theme to follow and work hard for your dreams, the importance of having a
healthy family relationship and pride. The main focus of the play is on dreams. Each of the
characters has a dream of their own. For Beneatha, she desires to go to school to become a
doctor. During a scene Beneatha explains why she wants to become a doctor she wants to help
people, That was what one person could do for another, fix him up sew up the problem, make
him all right again. That was the most marvelous thing in the world...I wanted to do that. I
always thought it was the one concrete thing in the world that a human being could do. Fix up
the sick, you know and make them whole again. This was truly being God...I wanted to cure. It
used to be so important to me. I wanted to cure. It used to matter. I used to care. I mean about
people and how their bodies hurt... (14) Beneatha works hard and tries her best even when
others, such as her boyfriend Asagai, try to discourage her. For Walter, it is his desire to make
money to support his family and lead a good life. Walter tries many different methods to get
money, but they were not successful. In fact due to his dissatisfaction it led him to hurt others
around him. Especially in this scene where Ruth opens up to Mama about how worried she is for
Walter, Mama, something is happening between Walter and me. I don t know what it is but he
needs something something I can t give him anymore. He needs this chance, Lena. (187). As for
Mama, it i s her dream for Travis to have a yard to play in. For Mama despite not
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The Brown V. Board Of Education
Mo Hock Ke Lok Po v. Stainback 1944 Mo Hock Ke Lok Po v. Stainback (1944) was another
court case that gave parents the right to have their children taught in a foreign language. This
was a significant victory because it implied that parents had a voice in regards to the education
their children were to receive. Brown v. Board of Education 1954 The Brown v. Board of
Education of 1954 is known for desegregating public schools in the U.S. In 1954 the Supreme
Court ruled in the field of public education the doctrine of separate but equal had no place
(Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 1954). It was the 1st major educational policy. The
Court s decision in Brown created not just desegregation strategies, but also instructional
approaches such as Title I programs, magnet schools, and bilingual and multicultural education
(Contreras Valverde, 1994). Civil Rights Act 1964 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the initial
drive for bilingual education in the United States. It granted financial assistance to the public. The
Act outlawed discrimination based on race, color or national origin in programs or activities that
receive federal financial assistance. The Act symbolized a less negative attitude to ethnic groups,
and possibilities for increasing tolerance of ethnic languages, at least in the Federal level (Baker,
2011). Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act
of 1965 provided federal aid for public schools. The legislation was
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The Gas Of Houston Natural Gas
Enron was formed through the merger of Houston Natural Gas of Houston (HNG), Texas and
InterNorth. Houston natural gas covered the Florida and California market, their pipelines
running from east to west and InterNorth catered the Iowa and Minnesota market, their
pipelines running from north to south. HNG was formed in 1920, providing gas to retail
customers in Houston. The company sold its retail gas business in 1920 and ventured into the
gas exploration and production business. In the year 1984, HNG had $3.7 billion in assets, over
$2 billion in sales and booked profits of $123 million. InterNorth was a natural pipeline company
located in Omaha, Nebraska. In 1984 InterNorth had revenues of $7.5 billion. The reason behind
the merger was that InterNorth faced the threat of a buyout by corporate raiders as it had low
debt and high revenues. The conservative operations and low debt of InterNorth made it a
target for corporate raiders who planned to use its cash reserves and borrowing capacity to
extract funds for themselves. On the other hand HNG Company had borrowed heavily to
expand its pipelines in the Florida and California markets. Therefore merging with Houston
Natural Gas made perfect sense as it fended off corporate raiders. In May 1984 InterNorth
acquired HNG for $2.4 billion, under the leadership of Sam Segnar who was the CEO of
InterNorth at that time. The negotiations for HNG were handled by John Wing and he was able to
negotiate a price for HNG shares which were
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Civic Engagement through Community Problem Solving Essay
Civic Engagement through Community Problem Solving
As young people s civic and political participation continues to decline, a number of organizations
are working to reverse the decline by increasing opportunities for youth to participate. Communities
around the country are taking steps to engage young people through a variety of methods that allow
youth to actually participate in policy development and take action on local issues. The
effectiveness of such community programs on long term civic engagement is not well documented,
however. This paper presents preliminary research about the effectiveness of one community
participation program, the Southern Nevada Water Authority s Youth Advisory Council.
Quantitative and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) has undertaken a multi year research project,
gathering longitudinal data from its Youth Advisory Council participants, to determine the long
term impacts of the program on their civic and political behaviors and attitudes. This paper reports
on preliminary research that, while not conclusive, suggests the program can be an effective tool in
engaging young people. Given this preliminary evidence, and because the broader community can
benefit from a process like the Youth Advisory Council, this paper also provides recommendations
to assist community organizations and agencies in successfully developing and sustaining a similar
youth participation program.
Since the voting age was lowered to 18 in 1972, the numbers of 18 24 year olds who vote in
elections has steadily declined, as shown in the charts below. Young people have always voted in
smaller numbers than their parents and grandparents, due to life cycle changes that provide
motivation, ability, and time for participation as citizens progress through life. Yet today s
significantly lower participation rates for young people are not entirely attributable to life cycle
effects. Instead, they are linked to generational effects, a change in society itself instead of
individuals as their lives progress. This is evident when participation rates of
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Turning Point In Canadian History
Deep snow isolated communities. Canadian railway milestones to 1978 turning point in Canada s
history occurred in 1836, when the first public train commenced running between Saint Jean sur
Richelieu and La Prairie near MontrГ©al. Construction of the transcontinental railway spurred the
birth of Canada; in fact, all of North America was undergoing vicissitude in the 19th century.
Factories and industries sprang up in cities such as MontrГ©al, Toronto and Vancouver. The event
triggered an extraordinary boom in every dimension of Canada s magnification. With trains, a day s
trip overland was no longer quantified in kilometers but in tens and hundreds of kilometers.
Locomotives superseded horses, while coaches gradually gave way to automobiles... Show more
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Where did the Chinese workers emanate from?Railroad workers recruited by labor contractors came
mostly from Guangdong (Canton) province, especially Siyi (е››й‚‘Sze Yap, denoting four counties:
TaishanеЏ°е±±, KaipingејЂе№і, Xinhuiж–°дјљ and EnpingжЃ©е№і). Without them it would be
infeasible to consummate the western portion of this great national enterprise, within the time
required by the Acts of Congress. Soon the Chinese labor pool from California was exhausted,
and the Central Pacific arranged with labor contractors to import sizably voluminous numbers of
Chinese workers directly from China. The railroad did not list most individual Chinese workers by
name in their payroll records, and instead listed headmen of work crews or labor contractors who
distributed pay to the individuals on the crew. However, Chinese workers worked longer hours and
had to pay their headmen or contractors for their own lodging and pabulum and even for their
implements; on the other hand, the Central Pacific and Coalescence Pacific provided white workers
accommodations, aliment, and implements without adscititious cost. Desperate for work, workers
from this component of Guangdong boarded ships for California and other components to fortify
their families. What were the Chinese
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Sigmund Freud And Alfred Adler s Theory Of Human Nature
Understanding Human Nature Alfred Adler, who was the first president of Sigmund Freud s
Wednesday Society in Vienna, had grown up in a very different way than the most important
figure in the Viennese Circle. Alfred Adler never considered himself to be Sigmund Freud s
disciple because of their very different views. While Freud had come from the District of
Vienna, Adler grew up in the outskirts of the city, and while Freud was known for his vast
knowledge, Adler was known for his work for the benefit of the lower class and feminist views.
Adler eventually became annoyed with Freud s beliefs and their inevitable split occurred in
1911. They did not fully disagree with everything however, as both Freud and Adler believed
that the human psyche was shaped in early childhood, but Freud focused on infantile sexuality
while Adler focused on how children strive for personal power in the world.One of a adler s
famous ideas is the idea of birth order which Says how a child in a family will try to imitate the
older members in order to become more assertive and Powerful since they are often the smaller
and less powerful members of that family. This idea of birth order simply put, says that every
child develops in different ways the best allow to compensate for weaknesses that they may have
. however, if a child is brought up correctly, they will have no need to feel inferior to everyone
else and therefore will not develop an unhealthy need to come on top of everyone else.
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Bexar County Emergency Management
In today s world, emergencies of all types occur frequently. They include floods, hurricanes,
earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, infectious diseases, wildfires, anthrax threats, riots and civil
disturbance, and terrorism, to name a few. There must be plans already in place to deal with the
potential hazards and detriments of these emergencies. Preparedness in the field of emergency
managementis defined as a state of readiness to respond to a disaster, crisis, or any other type of
emergency situation (FEMA, 2016). There are five phases of emergency management: prevention,
preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation (Bexar County Emergency Management, n.d.).
Prevention is the first phase of emergency management. While not all disasters can be prevented,
preventive measures are designed to provide more permanent protection from disasters. Well
organization evacuation plans, environmental planning, and design standards can all help lessen the
loss of life and injuries (Bexar County, n.d.). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is vital for officials from all levels of emergency management to collaborate and communicate
effectively as they strive to deliver timely response services and effective disaster relief efforts.
Otherwise, delays can occur from any number of agencies when responding to disasters. In addition,
it is vital to maintain updated contact information for each organization that will be part of the
emergency management planning and hold regular meetings with the representatives of each
organization (Margaris,
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The Legacy Of College Admissions
College admissions are simple. They check your GPA and ACT/SAT test scores and see if your
scores match their expectations. If you do, they will take you. If you don t, they will reject you.
What about if your score is in the middle? What if you don t quite meet their expectations, but
you don t really fall below them? Legacy is like a tiebreaker or the cherry on top of the cake, but
currently is a very controversial topic. Being a legacy student can cause a significant impact on the
admission process. It also gives you a huge advantage over non legacy students. Being a legacy
student has the potential of getting you admitted into the collegethat you want, even if you don t
meet all the requirements. UW should take legacy into... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Not that universities and colleges only do this for money, they also do this for tradition, better
reputation, loyal students, and an overall appreciation for the college of the university.
Having legacy students at the institution will greatly benefit UW by receiving donations from
them. With colleges and universities becoming businesses, the high rate of monetary support by
legacies and their parents is viewed as crucial for that institution to be financially sound and
successful. Moreover, over three quarters of legacies have a parent with a high status occupation,
compared to about 62% of students with college degree parents and less than one third of students
with no degree parents. This means that the parents of legacy students are usually wealthier than
non legacies. This also means that with wealthier parents, the chance of a donation or donations to
that college or university is most likely to substantially increase. Moving on, legacies arrive on
campus forming a distinct status group that is characterized by an abundance of economic, cultural
and social capital. With economic capital, they are more likely to participate in activities and spend
more money. And it is what colleges or universities desire, more money. By partaking in college or
university activities, the student will grow fonder of it later on and might donate to support the
institution. In the
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The Importance Of America s Unalienable Rights In The...
Government has the capability to alter the United States to meet their standards. They change the
United States in several ways, but what they cannot change and take full control over are
Americans unalienable rights. Unalienable rights have also been known as God given rights,
which means that they cannot be given or taken away by the government. In The Declaration of
Independence by Thomas Jefferson, he takes John Locke s theory of live, liberty, and the pursuit
of happiness to express how unalienable rights gives Americans the chance to live their lives
freely. Americans live their lives however they want to. They have the ability to expresses
themselves, because unalienable rights gives them that opportunity as long as ...they do not
interfere with the liberty of others (The Declaration 2). People take advantage of this freedom and
express themselves through the choices they make. America s young adults take advantage how
they live to show people another way living. They choose to dress in different styles, and they may
alter their bodies by getting piercing and tattoos to represents themselves. On the other hand other
individuals choose to express their lives, by choosing the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By giving Americans liberty it allowed for them to peacefully protest against certain acts. During
the sixties war began happening and this caused for Peace protests [to] swell in size, attracting
activists from the civil rights movement... (WAR PEACE 1). By peace protests happening it
displays how Americans felt towards the war and how they decided to approach this problem.
They voiced themselves by slowly expanding their group of protesters to actively [protest] the war
(WAR PEACE 1). The protests that happened because of the war shows how Americans used their
God given rights to demonstration how their lives became impacted by the war, and why they did
not want it to
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Prince Hamlet Research Paper
There have been rumors about the behavior of Prince Hamlet roaming around the city and it is
my duty to provide the backstory that will help people understand this important issue. So let s
get started, come along. Earlier today, I was able to catch up with Hamlet s mother, Gertrude,
and she gave us some evidence of why the Prince has been acting this way. He s been acting
weird and unusual as of late due to his father recently passing away. As well as his disapproval of
his uncle, Claudius, marrying me in such a hurry. said Gertrude. As she was stating this issue of her
son, tears poured down from her eyes and distraught to furthermore talk about it any longer. It can
be inferred that she was concerned about the actions of
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The Life of Wilhelm Richard Wagner Essay
Wilhelm Richard Wagner was one of the greatest opera writers of all time. He helped to take
opera to a whole new level from even Verdi and Puccini. Some say that Wagner was very
egotistic, however; his extreme egotism rested on conviction, Wagner had the ability to do great
things (Colles 207). He was extraordinary at composing music as well as formulating words. He
was not a prodigy however his musical skills surpassed many other composers from his time period.
Richard Wagner was the son of Frau Karl Fredrich Wilhelm Wagner (Jacobs 1). He was born the
youngest on May 22, 1813 in the town of Leipzig (Colles 205). Six months after Richard s birth the
Napoleonic War came to Leipzig (Jacobs 1). Because of the war there were many... Show more
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He informed his father s brother Aldof to notify his family that he was going to quit school and
develop in his own manner (Jacobs 5). He decided to leave school because he wanted to devote
himself to adding music to his poems (Jacobs 5). Hearing all the music he soon discovered that his
poems that he wrote would be barren without music (Colles 205). At the age of fifteen he devoted
himself to music (Jacobs 5). This helped spark the interest of his musical abilities.
In 1828 he began to take violin lessons from MГјller but he soon found harmony and counterpoint
boring and useless (Jacobs 7). However; he soon learned that he needed counterpoint and harmony
and so he took music lessons from Theodor Weinlig who was a successor to J. S. Bach (Colles
206). Weinlig was the Cantor of St. Thomas Church (Jacobs 9).
In 1832 he published his first composition which was a piano sonata and symphony that were
influenced heavily by Beethoven (Bonds 464). However; in attempting to write these kinds of
music he realized he loved theatre music (Bonds 463). Wagner spent a lot of time with the
theatre he was able to see Geyer preform and see all the inner workings of the theatre (Jacobs 3).
Through his experiences with the theatre he began to develop his own ideas of music. He only
valued music for the operatic images that struck him (Jacobs 6). His image of music from the
beginning seemed to be very narrow
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Sheep Are A Very Docile Animal
Goats are a very docile animal that, will do what is asked by those who treat them friendly. They
love being petted and will stand for long periods of time if petted or feed. According to Margi
Sirois in her textbook Principles and Practices of Veterinary Technology 3rd ed. pages 554 55,
Goats are gluttons [habitual greed or excessive eating of food], and can easily be lured into a pen
with grain. When handled friendly goats are very easy to handle and work with. Even though
goats are very nice animals to work with there are some safety topics that needs addressed.
Handling techniques
Goats are commonly docile and easy to handle, when treated friendly. They can be easily led and
will stand quietly for short periods of time. Herding ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Small goats can be picked up by supporting their chest and rump with your arms, watch out for
their horns if they decide to swing their heads over.
Restraint techniques
Goats are topically easy to restrain and can be restrained in multiple different ways. Most can be
tied to a solid object with just a halter or a collar with lead. When having them tied up it is always
good to give them some grain to distract them from what all is happening. Being tied this way
makes procedures like vaccinations, blood collecting, and hoof trimming easy to do. Minimum
effort is needed to restrain goats, using the least amount possible will make both parties easy to
withstand. Dairy goats are easily restrained in stanchions and will enjoy being in the stanchion if
trained young. If tying the goat up there are other ways to restrain the goat, if there is a wall or
fence nearby that is all that is needed to restrain the goat. Push the goat s body against the way
with the someone s hips, leaving hands. Placing the goat in the corner with your arm around the
neck to keep it still, can make the goat completely restrained. Restraining the goat this way makes
getting the pulse, temperature, and respiratory rates easy to do. These are only a few different
ways to restrain a goat easily, standing up.
Goats can be lain on their flank (side), and this process of putting a goat is called flanking. There
are two
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Pros And Cons Of Graffiti Art
I have always loved art, and wanted to read about it from its pros to cons, one of the arts are
graffiti art. Graffiti art is something special, the way it contains meaning, message or a personal
confession that merges with colors and drawings, all over the way to destruction of others property
and cause environmental and social problems, this research will examine the rise of graffiti, the
legal and political power, social control, and writers and painters resistance to them and explores the
resistance against graffiti.
Objective of study
The purpose of this research study is two fold. First, know the contexts of graffiti as a part of
modern life, its impact on life in the community, know its status in the art world, both ... Show more
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The piece expresses the life of homeless people, who want a change in the system.
Another one of Banksy s iconic pieces, Soldiers Painting Peace a pair of soldiers takes a break
from their usual activities to paint the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament logo, that also known
as peace symbol. It s a beautiful painting that brings a beautiful massage for peace, it s a unique
peace of art, the way it s painted with red colors like blood that s describe the war, but with a hope
of peace. Beautiful but many consider it a vandalism.
There are many other painting that made a great change in the world, such as, What We Do in Life
Echoes in Eternity , Life Is Beautiful , Kids on Guns Hill , Camera Man Flower and One Original
Thought Worth a Thousand Quotings
Yes, graffiti may cause a great deal of damage, but it also helped a tremendous people and
society. To those in authority the issue is controlling graffiti and citing it as a vandalism to protect
the public property, but to the artist and others is a way to express themselves, because they found
no other ways to do so, from society rules to unfair treatment from the government. There are ways
to solve this issue, there are countries that made places only for graffiti art, to reduce the vandalism
of people property. Many other could start doing that, or they could simply read what is written
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Strategies of Enter to a New Market
83 The Romanian Economic Journal
Strategies of Entering New Markets
Mihaela Belu Andreea Raluca CДѓrДѓgin Entering new foreign markets may be achieved in a
variety of ways. Each of these ways places its unique demands on the company in terms of
organizational and financial resources. Most of the times, entering international markets is not a
matter of choice but of necessity to remain competitive in new or established markets. Our paper is
going to analyze the possibilities that a company has when entering a foreign market, decision that
is very important and which involves market assessment and analysis. Key words: Uppsala Model,
Birkinshaw Model, exporting, franchising, licensing, strategic alliances JEL classification code:
F21, F23, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
O synthesis presentation of the two theories the Uppsala Model and the Birkinshaw Model is
illustrated in figure 2.
Year XI, no. 27
(1) 2008
The Romanian Economic Journal Figure 2
Static aspects Physical distance Not knowing the market Dinamic aspects The relation headquarters
subsidiary The role and the responsability of the local partner The local environment Risk level
Aquisitions /Mergers
Regarding the internationalisation process, the company has more options (see figure 3): the
first choice is represented by the development of the existing markets and it is being used by
companies that are acting on highly competitive markets; the second choice the company can
choose to develop its activity on new markets, similar to the ones they are already acting on in
this case, they are usually choosing to export their products; the third strategy is developing a new
line of products similar to the ones they already have and which will be sold on similar markets in
this case the company can choose between strategic alliances: creating a joint venture or licensing .
Year XI, no. 27
(1) 2008
87 The Romanian Economic Journal Figure 3. Foreign market entry methods Distant markets
Market development
Strategic alliances
Aquisitions Foreign Direct Investments Strategic alliances
Aquisitions Foreign Direct
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Analysis Of Blackbeard s Life Was Full Of Excitement
Thomas Cline
Mrs. Gawith
English I
26 Jan, 2016
From working for the British on a Privateer then moving to Jamaica and taking up piracy,
Blackbeard s life was full of excitement.
Blackbeard was known as Edward Teach was British. It was believed that Teach was born in the
1680 s. He was operating in Jamaica as a privateer. Privateers are a private, armed boat hired by
the Government during the War of the Spanish Succession or Queen Anne s War. During the war
in Teach had become a very skillful sea robber. By the end of the war in 1716 Teach as most of the
privateers moved to Jamaica to take up piracy (Kirkpatrick). When Teach became a pirate he
Joined the crew of Captain Benjamin Horingold. Horingold Teach in charged of his own... Show
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When Blackbeard captured the La Concorde he found satisfying so, he took the ship as his own.
Teach change the name to Queen Anne s Revenge made some changes to the ship. He added an
estimated 14 canons on the ship which change the number from 26 to 40 canons. So now the
once French cargo ship is now a 110ft, 300 ton ship with 40 canons (Hamilton 8 9). Aboard the
Queen Anne s Revenge Blackbeard never let his crew forget who was incharge. Some of
Blackbeard s crew was foolish enough to accept a crazy challenge. The challenge was to see who
could stay below deck in a room while sulfur was burning the longest. Once the the sulfur was lit
crew members were running to get above on the deck and soon all of the crew members were
out in the open gasping for fresh air. The last one to come out was of course Blackbeard. Teach
once shot one of his own crewmen over a drunken game of poker. Once Blackbeard even said that
If he didn t kill one of his crew members once in awhile, they would forget who he was (Hamilton
When Blackbeard attack he put fear into people s eyes. His long black beard which gave him the
nickname Blackbeard and his mad man s look. Charles Johnson wrote in his book A General
History of the Pyrates, published in London in 1726 This Beard was black, which he suffered to
grow of an extravagant Length; as to Breadth, it came up to his Eyes; he was accustomed to twist it
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Temporary Assistance For Needy Families
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families:
A Policy Analysis
Lena Byanski
Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne
Author Note:
This paper was prepared for PPOL V371, Section 01, Spring 2016, taught by Professor Aitalieva.
The main purpose of this research is to give further knowledge about the Temporary Assistance for
Needy Families Program offered in the United States (TANF). With looking at the history of the
program, it allows the reader to get an improved understanding of why the need for the program
was developed, and have an understanding at which direction the program is going to be going.
The research will share the environments of the current policy, effectiveness and efficiency, and
offer some possible policy alternatives that will either benefit the program or make it more difficult
to allocate the proper funding in order to continue to help low income families in need.
Policy Description
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (TANF) was created to help and provide
cash assistance and supportive services to help assist families that have children under the age of
18, including pregnant women. The assistance that is given to the individual or families allows
the financial assistance to help pay for utilities, food, and shelter. Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families Program (TANF) is administered by OFA, which is Office of Family Assistance. TANF
is a time limited program that one may only receive case
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The Emergency Of Climate Change And Why People Are Failing
Take Home Essay #2 (Response #1)
The article written by Franz and Mayer (2009) explains how an everyday situation or global issue
is perceived as an emergency. In the article the authors focus on the emergency of climate change
and why people are failing to take action. To help explain this, Franz and Mayer convey to us a
system that includes five steps: step one, noticing the event; step two, interpreting the event as an
emergency; step three, feeling personally responsible to act; step four, knowing what to do; and
step five, implementing the required acts.
While the main point of this article is the aforementioned system, they extend this five stage model
to explore why people do and do not take action against climate change. In the first step, Franz and
Mayer provide examples of a couple of things that attest to climate change. Things like rising CO2
emissions and temperature changes are only amongst a few of the things that contribute but two of
the main factors. The authors mention that, People in modern industrial societies like the United
States spend up to 90% of their time indoors in artificial, temperature controlled environment s
(Evans McCoy, 1998). It is things like these that contribute to the inability of some to see climate
change as an issue because they are so disconnected from the world around them, but as the authors
conveyed the opposite, people who are intimately tied to the environment do tend to notice the
environmental changes that are taking
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Lamar Jackson s Brutality
Louisville Cardinals sophomore quarterback Lamar Jackson had a spectacular freshman
campaign in 2015. The dual threat quarterback from Boynton Beach, Florida, passed for 1,840
yards and 12 touchdowns and rushed for 960 yards and 11 touchdowns in Bobby Petrino s spread
offense. Simply put, he was unstoppable. On Thursday night, Jackson and the No. 19 ranked
Cardinals opened up the 2016 regular season against the Charlotte 49ers. The last time we saw
Jackson on the field was against Texas A M in the Music City Bowl. In that game, Jackson had 453
yards of total offense and four total touchdowns. With that performance still fresh in the minds of
many college football fans, Jackson reinforced those thoughts on Thursday night with record
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Humans Are Destroying The Earth
How we as humans are destroying the Earth
There have been various changes taking place on the earth. Some of the changes have been positive
while others have been negative. Man has been associated with various activities that have
contributed to significant destruction of earth and species or animals that occur in these areas.
However, sometimes natural causes are associated with the destruction of the environment. There
are various ways in which man have been associated with destruction of the environment. Some of
the common ways in which destruction has taken place is through pollution such as release of
harmful gases and overuse of resources. Others include destruction of habitat such as clearing of
forests and alteration of climate associated with human activities. However, there are also ways that
have been outlined as possible in averting changes that have taken place on earth. Such changes
may include the use of alternative energy such as the biogas. A focus on how man has been
involved in the destruction of the planet at an alarming rate will help in highlighting ways to
overcome such effects.
There are various ways in which human is involved in the destruction of the earth. The damage
has been associated with the increasing human population. This has been linked to human looking
for more space to settle and also carry out other activities. As a man looks for space, he is involved
in razing large parts of the forest that may involve shifting of organisms from one
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Essay On Rural Areas
Defining Rural Areas for Statistical Purposes
The vagaries around the rural concept must yield to an objective form in order to have consistent
measurement. Since this chapter draws primarily on data from the National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES), their definition of rural is consistent and convenient. Since 2006, NCES has
used the same urban centric locale definitions used by the US Census Bureau. Fittingly, under this
urban centric definition, rural areas include all those located outside of places the Census calls
The urban umbrella term includes three locales: cities, suburbs, and towns. Each of these is broken
into three subtypes: large, midsize, and small. City locales include territories within an urbanized ...
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For this reason, this chapter uses the entire rural locale instead of rural sublevels. One wrinkle in
NCES s classification system is that while every school can be specifically accounted for as
belonging to one locale, school districts can include schools from different locale classifications.
For example, a district classified as suburban might include a number of individual schools that are
classified as rural. Despite the partial mismatch between the locale of some schools and the
districts they belong to, there are valuable reasons to compare school districts by their predominant
locale. For instance, districts, rather than schools, are the ones that often deal with issues like
transportation or providing opportunities for advanced course taking, which pose unique challenges
in rural areas. In order to compare districts by locale, the chapter uses NCES district
categorizations which assign a locale based on the predominant locale the district s schools.
Of course, this classification system groups together a large number of schools into each locale
category that are far from homogeneous. To illustrate differences between locales and across rural
areas, select data points are broken out by locale
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Recommended Organizational Policy Changes Of The European...
4.Recommended Organizational Policy Changes
According to Comscore, Europe represents 32% of overall Internet searches with Google having
80% and Microsoft 2%. (Microsoft changes Bing s privacy policy, 2010). The biggest offenders
for malware on the internet is image and video searches on the web. Sophos reports that 92% of
search driven malware attacks is obtained from Google and Bing image searches. (Pearce, 2012). In
a world of personalized online services, establishing and maintaining user trust and responsible use
of data is critical. Users expect appropriate and relevant content and advertising while also
protecting their privacy when they use any search engine. As driven by consumer privacy concerns,
the government has asked the online industry to examine data retention and protection policies.
The Court of Justice for the European Union (CJEU) ordered that search engines are regulators of
processing personal data under the European Union Data Protection Directive, passed in May
2014. (Abril Lipton, 2014). This order requires search engines to remove links from search results
intrusive to individual s privacy rights under this directive and is viewed as a component of the
Digital Right to be Forgotten Act. The ruling raised debate among the industry as to whom will
assume responsibility for online privacy assurance and protection. Interpretation of the law has been
ambiguous, the law doesn t uphold the right to be forgotten, but merely sustains a
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The World Of The Gospels A Miracle
Miracle stories were accepted by ancient people as possible. The divine interacted with human kind.
This contrasts with the contemporary scepticism about the sacred or the possibility of miracles. In
the light of scientific, data driven, technological preoccupation, miracles seem to be unnecessary.
The gap between humankind and the divine has widened to the point of being irrelevant,
unnecessary or non existent. However, in the world of the gospels a miraclewas anything that
caused people to wonder (Latin miraculum to wonder; mirari to wonder at) or be in awe.
According to John Meier (A marginal Jew, Vol 2:512) a miracle is an unusual startling or
extraordinary event that is in principle perceivable by any interested and fair minded observer,
and event that finds no reasonable explanation in human abilities or in other known forces that
operate in our world of time and space and an event that is the result of a special act of God, doing
what no human power can do . There are two elements to a miracle one which causes wonder, one
that is extraordinary phenomenon that is inexplicable in terms of familiar, everyday causation. This
is ascribe to a superhuman force. What demarcates the extraordinary varies from people to people,
culture to culture and age to age.
In the NT miracle accounts are not unique in the Greco Roman world. What was distinguishable in
their reference to the divine; they are attributed not to deities in a polytheism but to the one God of
the Jewish
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Mainstream News Media Analysis
Humans are generally social creatures. Let s face it, we all like to talk about things that matter to
us. From trending topics to small inconveniences, they are are usually discussed regardless of how
important it is. Whether you like to or not, you ll have to converse with people throughout most of
your life. Talking over people is not how to do it.
For a quick scenario on what this is like, just imagine that you re talking to someone, perhaps one
of your friends. You have a stance on a subject that you are really passionate about and discuss it
with them, although they don t seem to agree with your opinion. It turns into a debate, but at least it
s still civil. As you re trying to make a point, you get interrupted by your friend who makes an
opposing argument that you could have cleared up if they had let you finish. It s fine at first, you
are allowed to finish up your sentence and continue discussion normally. However, after a little
while they still continue this horrible ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Occasionally some of these news channels allow guests (usually decently important people) on their
show to discuss a certain topic or important questions. These don t usually turn out too well, despite
the interesting concept. On these events you will often notice that the news anchors and guests
interrupt each other at an extensive rate. One minute someone s talking about what they think of a
presidential nominee, and the next you hear someone say something that sounds a little like: Um..
Hold on a minute. Hold on. Here s why you re completely and totally wrong and I m not even
gonna let you finish your sentence . At times they talk over each other so much to the point where
you can hardly even hear the other person, it s just a mix of passive aggressive voices. Some of
these discussions even turn out so dreadfully that the news station has to cut them off with a
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The Battle Of Midway Saw The Sinking Of The Japanese Carriers
The battle of Midway saw the sinking of the Japanese carriers, Akagi; Soryu; Hiryu and Kaga as
well as the cruiser Mikuma. The American navy lost one carrier which was the USS Yorktown.
The Battle resulted in the deaths of 2500 Japanese navy men and 307 deaths to the American
navy. The Japanese had lost invaluable sailors in the battle as the crew on board the aircraft
carriers were highly trained and had many years of experience working on the complex
carriers.(Source E) So when the Japanese started to build new aircraft carriers they found that it
was difficult to appoint crew has many had not enough experience, this heavily delayed and cost
the Japanese as by this stage the American army had begun their campaign in taking back the
islands the Japanese had taken over months before. Since 1930 the Japanese conquests with the
Chinese had cause ever increasing friction with the US. From the early 1940s America had
banned exports of strategic materials such as scrap iron and metal to the Japanese Empire, then
in 1941 they lead and oil embargo and froze all of the Japanese assets. This had huge effects on
the Japanese Empire as they imported 90% of their oil. Because of this the Japanese leadership
made the decision to invade and take over neighbouring territories and take their resources which
Japan lacked. But before this could be done they faced a great and powerful obstacle, the
American naval fleet at Hawaii s Pearl Harbour. And thus this lead to Japan s attack on Pearl
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The Impact Of Sexism On Social Media
Women experience several occasions where they feel harassed or discriminated because of their
gender. There are things that need to change in order to make women feel safe when exploring
the internet. Sexism on social media has become a major problem over the past years, it lowers
the self esteem of women and makes them feel inferior. As a society, there are changes that must be
made in order to fix this problem.
Sexist content on social media is becoming a bigger problem as more and more people are using
the internet daily. Both Yvette Cooper and Ashley Judd
, believe there are several things people can
do to fix this problem. Author Yvette Cooper states that change on sexist content is vital because it
not only affects women of this generation but it also affects future generations. She believes that it s
important society teaches the next generations that sexism on social media is not normal. At the
TEDWomen event, actress Ashley Judd, talked about her experience and how she felt when she
would receive sexist comments online. She states the change is crucial and the government has to
do something to try and fix it. She states there has to be more rules and regulations among the
internet in order to stop sexism on social media. On the other hand, Lebanese nut company, Alrifai,
advertised their products in a sexist manner. The nuts in the advertisements were compared to men
and women and how they are viewed based on their looks. Advertisements like these are proof that
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Terri Schiavo Should NOT Have Been Kept Alive Essay
Terri Schiavo Should NOT Have Been Kept Alive
Does a written document such as a living will decide when someone should die or should the
verbal wishes of the incapacitated person be followed if known? Such as the controversy over
when life begins, we now face the ultimate question of when does life end. In 1990, Terri Schiavo,
a young Florida woman suffered a heart attack caused by bulimia leaving her brain without oxygen
for six minutes. According to medical opinions, she has limited involuntary physical movement.
She has remained in a persistent vegetative state ever since. Terri did not have a living will or
medical directive in place at the time of her heart attack.
Michael Schiavo, Terri s husband, has repeatedly sought the... Show more content on
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Their wish is to seek rehabilitation therapy for their daughter in hopes she can regain a normal life.
The Schindler s maintain Michael Schiavo is abusive and neglectful of his wife s medical condition.
Furthermore, they claim he wishes her death so he can inherit her remaining estate. It is their wish
to be granted guardianship over her medical care and financial estate (Martinez Kampert, 2003).
Additionally, the Schindlers impassioned pleas to save their daughters life to the residents of
Florida resulted in more than 100,000 communications to Governor Jeb Bush requesting he sign
legislation making it illegal to remove Terri s feeding tube. As a result the governor intervened and
signed Terri s Law allowing her feeding tube to be reinserted. As recently as October 2004,
Governor Bush stated I personally don t want to be a party to removing a feeding tube that causes
us to take an innocent life (Bell, 2004). However emphatically the Governor supports this law, the
Florida Supreme Court denied his request to reconsider it s ruling in favor of removing Terri s
feeding tube. The date for removal has not been set.
The Value of Life
Most of us in the course of a lifetime will be confronted in our own families with difficult
choices on matters of life and death. There are many opinions on when life begins and now it also
seems as to when life ends. Does life end when a person takes their last breath, is it
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Essay on Cis 505
Select one (1) of the working groups in the IETF or IEEE and briefly summarize what this group
is working on. Working groups chartered by the IETF carry out the actual development of new
standards and protocols for the Internet. Membership in a working group is voluntary; any
interested party may participate. During the development of a specification, a working group will
make a draft version of the document available as an Internet Draft, which is placed in the IETF s
Drafts online directory. The document may remain as an Internet Draft for up to six months, and
interested parties may review and comment on the draft. During that time, the IESG may approve
publication of the draft as an RFC (Request for Comment). If ... Show more content on
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IEEE 802 subdivides the data link layer into sublayers, namely the logical link control (LLC) and
media access control (MAC) layers, which provide protocol multiplexing and a multi access
mechanism, respectively. IEEE 802 is comprised of standards with separate working groups that
regulate different communication networks, including IEEE 802.1, 802.3, 802.11 and 802.15.
(Technopedia, 2014).
Evaluate the three (3) standard organizations including IEEE, ISO, and ANSI to determine the most
important for communication technology. ISO is commonly known as International Organization
for Standardization , the ISO 9001:2000 standard is used for quality systems audited by outside
auditors. This standard is applicable for manufacturing companies not only for software. This
standard is given based on the documentation, design, production, testing, servicing and other
processes. (Testing Excellence.com, 2009). IEEE refers to Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers , which has members from many technical professional organizations around the world.
IEEE 829 is the standard followed for software test documentation. (Testing Excellence.com, 2009).
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) was founded in 1918 and is headquartered in
Washington, D.C., with an operational office in New York City. Its mission is to enhance both the
global competitiveness of U.S. business and the
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Jimmy Hoffa and Unionism
Hoffa and Unionism As an organizer for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), Jimmy
Hoffa made significant progress toward improved working conditions for truckers and was fore
mostly responsible for the rapid progression and development of the union. With over 1.5 million
members during Hoffa s tenure as president, IBT eventually became the largest single union in the
United States (International Brotherhood of Teamsters, 2012). Through interpretive reactive
analysis, topical course comparison, and personal professional experience, this paper will
summarize the movie Hoffa and discuss the variance of organizational necessity of the IBT and
Hoffa within the context of historical and present day working conditions and the... Show more
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Union organizers were dismissed and union meetings forbidden as indicated by Fossum (2012) who
writes that employers used security forces to police the workforce, forcibly kept out organizers, or
ferreted out internal union activists or sympathizers from the late 1800s to World War II (p. 196).
The fact that many US employers look down on, discourage, and blatantly combat unionization is
not a recent occurrence as successful organization thereof can result in decreased profits and
inflated personnel costs. Fossum (2012) argues that employers have long resisted attempts to
unionize (p. 215) and implemented various strategies to remain union free and greedily persist in
their efforts toward heightened profitability through utilization of unfair labor practices. Lawful
Strategies for Union Avoidance Although Hoffa and the Teamsters faced stark resistance from
employers concerning unionization, the resulting creation and evolution of employment legislation
has since improved working conditions and impacted the type of strategies implemented by
employers to avoid organization. Employers are taking more proactive and less historically
barbaric approaches to address employee job satisfaction and union avoidance. Godard and Delaney
(2000) argued that traditional collective bargaining agreements among unions have been replaced
with innovative high performance work and
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Nelson Mandel An Effective Method Of Ending Apartheid
Nelson Mandela s contribution to the destruction of apartheid in South Africa is unparalleled. He
dedicated every action of his life to unify a sectioned South Africa that showed no signs of
reformation. One of the major characteristics of Mandela s movement in particular was the notion
of unification through nonviolence. Throughout South Africa, the apartheid system was strict and
unforgiving. The origins of apartheid lied within denying blacks any political power, or any
participation in government whatsoever. From this, the National Party established a system of
racial segregation that strictly adhered to White Africans. The apartheid system was law, and was
aggressively enforced through physical and political abuse towards black South Africans. Any
opposition to the apartheid system endangered the lives of all who participated. Naturally, black
South Africans would eventually take action against the poor treatment of their superiors. However
the most important characteristic of a revolt are the principals on which it is structured. The
Nonviolence Campaign was the most effective method of ending apartheid in South Africa.
Peaceful opposition prevented unnecessary loss of life, stayed true to the original principals and
morals of abolitionists, and prevented the movement itself from falling to hypocrisy. At an early
age, Nelson Mandela recognized the importance of nonviolent protest and what it symbolized
within a movement. It is important to understand nonviolence as
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Tuna Boat Owners Association Marketing Plan for Skipjack...
International Marketing Plan Tuna Boat Owners Association Marketing Plan for Skipjack Tuna
Market Penetration in the Thailand International Market Contents Background Information 5
Industry Background 5 Organization 7 Vision 8 Mission 8 PESTEL Analysis 9 Political Factors
9 Economic Situations and Trends 10 Social Cultural Factors 11 Technological Factors 12
Environmental Factors 12 Legal Factors 13 Porters Five Force Analysis 13 Power of Suppliers
Medium 13 Power of Buyers High 14 Threat of New Entrants High 14 Threat of Substitute
Products High 15 Level of Industry Rivalry High 15 SWOT Analysis 15 Strengths 15 Weaknesses
16 Opportunities 16 Threats 16 Target Market Description 17 Critical Analysis and Strategy
Development 17 Recommended Strategy 18 Conclusion 19 Works Cited 20 Background
Information Industry Background Although evidence of fishing activities date back well before
the beginning of recorded history, commercial fishing activities date back to the mid twentieth
century. There are a wide variety of methods that can be used to catch fish in bulk quantities. The
original methods involved netting to skim fish out of the water and the contemporary technologies
have not deviated from these roots. However, the modern methods involves using a relatively
large vessel and encircling a school of fish with a net that can be pulled tight at the bottom to make
sure the fish do not escape. This is a popular
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Cindy Sherman, Simone De Beauvior, And Andy Warhol
Students are required to take Humanities 201 because it teaches us about the modern world and the
themes and issues that are happening in society. However, as time continues, students taking this
same course fifty years from now will not be studying the same material, since it will no longer be
considered modern. Throughout the current contemporary world that was taught this past semester,
many themes and ideas have lead me to sum up the class in one word: diverse. One theme in
particular to expand on the idea equality amongst race and gender. Many artists and writers such as
Cindy Sherman, Robert Mapplethorpe, Simone de Beauvior, and Andy Warholhave expressed this
theme within their works in a way that was both bold and shocking. These... Show more content on
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Society fifty years from now would not have been very accepting to homosexual and gender
equalities. Although there is still not a full acceptance of these topics, society has come a very
long way from viewing others with limited perception. There will always be problems of
stereotyping in the world. However, I would say that the perception of our world today has a
more open mind set and has strayed away from the conservative and religious ideas within
society. Many unique and shocking pictures, like the ones from Robert Mapplethorpe and Cindy
Sherman, have become a normal way of art in today s world, which makes this course much
more diverse compared to the works that were seen in pre modern. While many people in the
world still refuse to accept the contemporary views on gender and equality, there are still an
amazing number of people that have accepted to be open to these views and have pushed these
views further towards
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Acc499 Written Assignment
Fraud at Electronic Game Card, Inc.
Krista L. Farmer
Dr. Randolph A. Stanley, Professor
ACC499 Accounting Undergraduate Capstone
November 17, 2012
Fraud at Electronic Game Card, Inc.
Discuss the nature of the fraud and the impact to the company as a result of the fraudulent activity.
Electronic Game Card Inc. develops, produces, and markets electronic, credit card sized games to
the casino, lottery, toy, game, education, and promotional industry worldwide. Chief executive
officer Lee Cole and chief financial officer Linden Boyne secretly funneled millions of shares of
the company s stock to entities in Gibraltar which they secretly controlled. Those entities then sold
off the stocks and had the funds ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is unclear as to how the cover up was perpetrated. The day to day processing of documents
would likely have been completed by lower ranking employees, who may or may not have been
aware of the situation. At times, lower level employees choose to do what is asked, even if they
feel that something is wrong. They point the blame for why a certain procedure was followed on
their supervisors as they fear they will lose their job. It is management s responsibility to set the
tone of ethical behavior within the company. Mr. Lee s and Mr. Boyne s lack of integrity and
honesty could have filtered down to the employees, who chose to ignore the unethical behavior.
Discuss the impact to the company or brand as a result of the fraudulent activity. On February 10,
2010, the company postponed a conference call that was meant to discuss vital internal issues
within the company, which created an instant sixteen percent drop in stock price (Shareholders
Foundation, 2010). On this same date, they filed Form 8 K with the SEC, stating that their
independent auditors, Mendoza Berger and Company, LLP, had withdrawn its auditopinion for the
years ending December 31, 2006, 2007, and 2008 (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,
2010). On April 8th, 2010, the company announced that PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP had begun an
investigation into the possible cause of the
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Prom Dress Code
Last week, Whitehouse administration released a new prom dress code in order to dispel
parents and students confusion following last year s debacle, where over 25 female students
were sent home due to their dresses. A visual presentation of the dress has been posted on the
district s website with 24 slides displaying inappropriate attire for females, and 4 slides for males.
The PTA endorsed this code before it was issued to the students. However, upon seeing the new
rules many students have complained that it is too restrictive and conservative. The new dress code
severely limits the already limited options of dress for so many girls, additionally it is teaching
these young women that their bodies are overtly sexual, and must be covered
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Technological Background Of Pizza Hut
The history of Pizza hut began in 1958, when what is now the world s largest pizza franchise was
born. Pizza Hut is the world s largest pizza restaurant chain and is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc.,
whose restaurants total approximately 34,000 restaurants.
The whole history of pizza hut has been achieved through innovation, but the history of pizza hut
really took off with amalgamation into the Pepsi Company and more aggressive marketing
techniques especially in the take out market.It was founded in 1958 by Dan and Frank Carney.
Their friend suggested opening a pizza parlor they agreed with the idea that it could prove
successful, so that they borrowed $600 form their mother to start a business. At that time the
original Pizza hut was at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Marketing is an integral part of any business that refers to plans and policies adopted by any
individual or organization to reach out to its potential customers. A web definition defines
marketing as a process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and
distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and
organizational goals. With the world shrinking at a fast pace, the boundaries between nations are
melting and companies are now progressing from catering to local markets to reach out to
customers in different parts of the world. Marketing is a ploy that is used to attract, satisfy and
retain customers. Whether done at a local level or at the global level, the fundamental concepts of
marketing remain the
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The Effect of Single Parent Families to Children
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY A family is often pictured by many with two parents. But for
some their family composes of only one. Doug Hewitt (2010), an eHow Contributor said that
Single parents families are defined as households in which there is at least one child under the
age of 18 and there is only one parent in the household because of divorce, death or because the
parent never married. Moreover, Cox (1984) emphasized that the largest percentage of single
parent families result from divorce followed by death of a parent. According to Medina (2005)
there are different types of a single parent family. First is the widow or widower and children which
is caused by a death of spouse where the surviving spouse did not ... Show more content on
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Divorced families present a greater risk for children with depression or other serious psychiatric
disorders to develop. Spencer (1982) said in his book entitled Foundations of Modern
Technology that children are more likely to die of coronary heart disease in later years if they
had lost one or both parents before entering college. According to Traci S Campbell (2010)
education of children can also be affected she said that children that are raised in a single parent
household have lower grades than those who are raised in a home with both parents. This can
be in a home where the child has always been raised by one parent or in homes where a divorce
or separation has recently taken place. Studies also show children raised in a single parent
household are less likely to go to college or take steps to continue their education. There are also
a higher percentage of drop outs that were raised in a single family home. Time spent with a
single parent during the formative preschool years seems to have particularly bad effects on a boy
s education, according to Sheila Fitzgerald Krein and Andrea H. Beller of the school of human
resources and family studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana.
The report in Demography, the journal of the Population Association of America, said that many
studies have focused on the psychological consequences for children in one parent
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Animal Welfare In Zoos
In a world where animals thrive and live, also comes the world of the human species. For many
years animals and humans have lived together and have continued to grow. The human species has
always been at the top of the food chain and will continue to be. Because humans are dominant over
most animals, many things can happen. One of these things that are capable by the human species
are zoos. Zoos have been around in society for many years, and they hold many purposes such as
conservation, science, education, and recreation (Wickins DrazilovГЎ). Many zoos have mission
statements that hold common themes. The common themes among most of the mission statements
are (a) conservation and (b) education (Patrick). Zoos should always be able to stay true to their
mission statements while continuing to ethically provide and care for the animals in captivity.
Animal welfareshould be amongst the promise of zoos in missions as well. There are flaws in the
measurement for animal welfare in zoos. According to Dita Wickins DrazilovГЎ the usual criteria
for measuring for measuring animal welfare in zoos are physical health, long life, and reproduction
(Wickins DrazilovГЎ). There are more factors of animal welfare than the usual criteria. Many zoos
claim to have healthy animals that live long lives and reproduce, but that is not merely sufficient
enough for proof of good care. A long life in suffering, for example, is not a great way to live, and
it is possible for animals to live long
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The Impossibility Of Moral Responsibility
Moral responsibility is a concept that has, in some way, existed in every culture and civilization
that recorded history can tell us about. From the Law of Hammurabi to beliefs in judgmental gods
mankind has always assumed some form of moral responsibility whether metaphysical or within a
society. While pragmatic considerations of moral responsibility seem to be necessary for living
within a society, the philosophic concept of moral responsibility beckons many inherent problems
that must be resolved. Galen Strawsonin The Impossibility of Moral Responsibility presents a strong
argumentas to why moral responsibility is impossible, while Susan Wolf responds to the problems
presented, and argues that moral responsibility does exist in some... Show more content on
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He shows the argument in the way it exists in a person s life, which allows for more coherent
discussion, and as he later states, new forms of objection (314). One important note to make on
Strawson s argument is his hard determinist stance. He believes that every decision and action of a
person is predetermined by their heredity and early experience. For him, no form of free will
exists. While he does believe that a person is able to examine their behaviors and tendencies, their
ability to self revise is predetermined by heredity and early experience. His determinist stance
allows his argument to be sound and extremely difficult to refute. Another important thing to draw
from the Strawson argument is what is meant by moral responsibility. For Strawson, true moral
responsibility means that one is responsible to the degree that it is sensible to either punish one
with eternal torment in hell, or reward one with enteral bliss in heaven (314). His definition of
moral responsibility is not confined to religious faith in heaven or hell, but rather is used to convey
an absolute nature of accountability. This concept of moral responsibility as Strawson presents is
pivotal in understanding his objection of moral responsibility. Strawson s argument is not against a
legislative or judicial sense of responsibility, and does not take the form of responsibility that a
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Neil Degrasse Tyson Research Paper
The Man of the Cosmos
We are part of this universe; we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both those
facts, is that the universe is in us (Tyson). These words are spoken by one of the most influential
and one of the smartest people of our time. He is astrophysicist, a teacher, and an author. A person
teaching the world the beauty of our universe and many other things. I am talking about Neil
deGrasse Tyson.
Neil deGrasse Tyson was born on October 5, 1958 in New York Manhattan by Cyril and
Sunchita deGrasse Tyson. Tyson s journey to becoming what he is right now is very interesting
once you learn about it. His love for science all started when he was 9 years old when he went to
go visit the Hayden Planetarium, which is in New York. He started his studies in The Bronx
High School of Science and while he attended this school he would give lectures about
astronomy and was the school editor for the Physical Science Journal in his school, so he started
teaching people before he made it into his career. When it was time for him to choose a
University, he was called by Carl Sagan to come by and visit the Carl Sagan Institute in Cornell
University located in New York, and Carl was not some random professor, but he was pretty much
the whole reason as to why Neil ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Carl Sagan was an American Astronomer in the 1960s through the 1970s and he was one of the
most well known scientists in America. He was the main host of the popular tv show called, The
Cosmos , and the
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Suffering In Sophocles Oedipus The King
From Greece to Rome and to Britain, the world s most renowned philosophers and literary writers
have tackled the concept of suffering. From Sophocles Oedipus the King, to the poetry written by
Jonathan Swift, John Donne and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, multiple literary scholars have
demonstrated suffering throughout the last couple centuries. Whether it may be sexual suffering as
seen in the work of John Donne s His Mistress Going to Bed, and Jonathan Swifts The Lady s
Dressing Room and A Beautiful Nymph Going to Bed, or the emotional, physical and psychological
suffering in Oedipusthe King, literature s greatest authors have allowed audiences to experience a
character s suffering and emotions in various forms sexually, emotionally, physically... Show more
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The Lady s Dressing Room is the complete opposite of A Beautiful Nymph Going to Bed; in
fact, rather than taking a calmer and accepting approach towards women and their flaws as he
did in A Beautiful Nymph Going to Bed, Swift attacks women and takes on a more sexist and
misogynistic approach. Swift s poem is highly invasive as it chronicles the unwanted entry of
Strephon, a young man, into a Celia s dressing room; it is here that Strephon begins to suffer
psychologically from what he witnesses in fact, Swift states that he pity wretched Strephon blind,
to all the charms of female kind . Strephon does not literally go blind as Oedipus did in Oedipus
the King but is psychologically scarred by the horror that he witnesses when he is exposed to
Celia s mess. Strephon is ultimately disillusioned by the discovery of his beloved Celia s
humanity and flesh and blood physicality. It is at the moment that Strephon shouts Oh! Celia,
Celia, Celia shits! (Lady s Dressing Room, 118), that audience members are truly aware of
Strephon s horror and suffering. Although some may feel pity for Strephon, his suffering is quite
humorous. After Strephon runs away from Celia s chamber, the reader is reminded of how foolish
his actions and reaction to his discovery of Celia s bodily functions were in fact, they were
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Neutralisation Reaction Lab Report
1. What is a neutralisation reaction?
A neutralisation reaction is a chemical reaction that occurs when equivalent amounts of acid and a
base react to produce salt and water (H2O) (The FreeDictionary.com,2017). The H+(q) ions from
an acid react with the OH‾ ions from an alkali. The equation for this reaction is:
H+(aq)+OH‾(aq)=H2O(l). For example, hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide solution react
with each other and form water and sodium chloride solution. The acid consists of H+ ions and
Cl‾ ions, and the alkali contains Na+ ions and OH‾ ions. The H+ ions and OH‾ ions create
water, and the Na+ ions and Cl‾ ions create sodium chloride, NaCl (aq) (Bbc.co.uk,2017).
2. Did neutralisation reaction occur in the practical? Explain. ... Show more content on
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Better Bunsen burners because the fire kept on going off, which disrupted the speed of the
evaporation process.
Wire loops should have been cleaned properly, so it didn t disrupt the flame test colour.
More trials should have been done to get accurate results.
More attention should have been paid when the water was nearly evaporated so the crystals didn t
burn and change colour from white to brown.
The aim of the experiment to perform a chemical neutralisation reaction by using hydrochloric acid
and sodium hydroxide solution was achieved because the base plus acid turned into salt and water.
While performing the flame test using a wire loop along with the white crystals from the
evaporating dish turned the flame to yellow rather than yellowish orange colour, which indicates
sodium. The reason why the solution turned cloudy was that it indicated that the neutralisation
reaction was complete. The worded solution that was formed was silver nitrate + sodium chloride
в†’ Sodium nitrate + silver chloride (AgNO3 + NaCl в†’ AgCl +
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Negative Effect Of Video Games
Yesterday a child killed 16 people and injured many more in less than 20 mins. He is just a child,
how is this possible? Video games have become more popular with children, and adolescents,
copious amount of video games exposes children to violence. Did you know that children and
adolescents who played more violent games were most likely to report aggressive cognitions
and behaviors? (Toppo 2015) In today s society, violent video games such as Call of Duty have a
negative effect on health, growth and development, and posing a bad influence for children and
young adults. Due to the advancing technology video games are becoming more popular,
therefore having a negative effect on children and young adults. Call of Duty has a negative
effect on children due to the fact it is one of the most played video games. The plot of the story
is about a soldier in the military, whom of which you are fighting for your country. The video
game takes place in world war two, where the player uses weapons of that time. The downside to
the game is that it is realistic, therefore you see blood, violence and other negative stimulants that
can be harmful for a child. In order to win the game, you need to win the war. Since the video
game is about war, you have to kill as many people as possible. Introducing those kinds of negative
stimulants, such as murder to children and adolescents, can affect many things, in which one of
those things is their health. Health is very important for children
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Compare And Contrast Ninja And Samurai
What do Historians Know about Ninja and Samurai? What s the first thing that comes to mind
when you think about ninja? A samurai? Chances are you think of them as two completely
separate things; one a superhumanly stealthy and quiet assassin, and one an honorable swordsman.
The two can t possibly go together! you might think. Well sorry, because although seemingly very
different (and in many cases are) there are some characteristics that ninja and samurai share and
some they do not. First let s learn about the sneakier of the two; the ninja. Ninja, or a less
commonly used term shinobi meaning those who act in stealth , were low class mercenaries who
even though were considered a low class alternative to samurai, were often more practical... Show
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Not going to get off topic here, but the shogun actually had more power than the actual emperor,
who was mainly a figurehead and sat back while the shogun, who was the head of the military,
basically ran the empire. Now let s learn about the samurai. Samurai were top of the line,
powerful mercenaries who were the highest ranking caste of the Edo Period (1604 1867) and had
a reputation for their strict code of honor called the bushido (Samurai). The bushido incorporates
many Confucian elements such as loyalty to one s master, self discipline and respectful, ethical
behavior (Samurai). Much like the ninja, samurai had a wide array of weapons including, but not
limited to, bows and arrows, spears, guns, and their main weapon; the sword
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  • 8. Hyundai s Ad Analysis The modern human being s life is continuously flooded by advertising. Ads surround society in everything a person does, from watching television to listening to the radio, or even walking down the street. These advertisements range from celebrity promotions to home goods products and everything in between, all for the sake of convincing people to pick their product over another competitors product.When a deeper look is taken at these advertisements, one will find that they are not merely just selling a car or a box of cereal. In actuality, companies along with their product, are trying subtlely to sell cultural stereotypes, beliefs and trends. Within their advertisement, Hyundai effectively uses graphics, language and argument to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hyundai not only focuses on where their ad will be placed but they also focus on who their audience will be. Sports Illustrated reaches the particular audience of male sports fans, of which most can be placed into the upper and middle social classes. For the purpose of this advertisement, Hyundai specifically targeted football fans, especially NFL fans. Since the majority of the subscribers are in the upper and middle class, due to their ability to afford the expense of the magazine, they are able to spend their money on more luxurious items such as a car. Therefore, a car advertisement is reasonable considering the audience s demographics. Considering the readers interests and social class Hyundai s placement of their advertisement in Sports Illustrated has rational because of its placement and its ability to connect with a certain audience. To sell a product companies will use certain colors to evoke particular emotions from their targeted audience. Hyundai s uses different shades of grey and black throughout their advertisement, including a black model of the car and a grey and black sky.When used in advertising, black normally represents sophistication or luxury, while grey is typically a neutral or calm color (Ciotti). Therefore, the color black will make readers more likely to interpret the 2012 Hyundai Genesis R Spec as a luxurious and sophisticated car. The incorporation of grey ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. A Raisin In The Sun Character Analysis A Raisin in the Sun is about the dream of the Youngers, a black family living in South Side Chicago in the 1950s. Like any family, the Youngers dream is a stitched together mosaic; as they impatiently wait for the arrival of an insurance check for ten thousand dollars, each member of the Younger clan has a slightly different dream for the money. Yet when the check actually arrives, their dreams collide. Even as the dream of each relation moves closer to reality, the family fragments. The struggle between material desires and family ideals escalates into a heavy and bittersweet drama. There are a couple of prominent themes throughout A Raisin in the Sun. There s the obvious theme to follow and work hard for your dreams, the importance of having a healthy family relationship and pride. The main focus of the play is on dreams. Each of the characters has a dream of their own. For Beneatha, she desires to go to school to become a doctor. During a scene Beneatha explains why she wants to become a doctor she wants to help people, That was what one person could do for another, fix him up sew up the problem, make him all right again. That was the most marvelous thing in the world...I wanted to do that. I always thought it was the one concrete thing in the world that a human being could do. Fix up the sick, you know and make them whole again. This was truly being God...I wanted to cure. It used to be so important to me. I wanted to cure. It used to matter. I used to care. I mean about people and how their bodies hurt... (14) Beneatha works hard and tries her best even when others, such as her boyfriend Asagai, try to discourage her. For Walter, it is his desire to make money to support his family and lead a good life. Walter tries many different methods to get money, but they were not successful. In fact due to his dissatisfaction it led him to hurt others around him. Especially in this scene where Ruth opens up to Mama about how worried she is for Walter, Mama, something is happening between Walter and me. I don t know what it is but he needs something something I can t give him anymore. He needs this chance, Lena. (187). As for Mama, it i s her dream for Travis to have a yard to play in. For Mama despite not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Brown V. Board Of Education Mo Hock Ke Lok Po v. Stainback 1944 Mo Hock Ke Lok Po v. Stainback (1944) was another court case that gave parents the right to have their children taught in a foreign language. This was a significant victory because it implied that parents had a voice in regards to the education their children were to receive. Brown v. Board of Education 1954 The Brown v. Board of Education of 1954 is known for desegregating public schools in the U.S. In 1954 the Supreme Court ruled in the field of public education the doctrine of separate but equal had no place (Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 1954). It was the 1st major educational policy. The Court s decision in Brown created not just desegregation strategies, but also instructional approaches such as Title I programs, magnet schools, and bilingual and multicultural education (Contreras Valverde, 1994). Civil Rights Act 1964 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the initial drive for bilingual education in the United States. It granted financial assistance to the public. The Act outlawed discrimination based on race, color or national origin in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. The Act symbolized a less negative attitude to ethnic groups, and possibilities for increasing tolerance of ethnic languages, at least in the Federal level (Baker, 2011). Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 provided federal aid for public schools. The legislation was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Gas Of Houston Natural Gas Enron was formed through the merger of Houston Natural Gas of Houston (HNG), Texas and InterNorth. Houston natural gas covered the Florida and California market, their pipelines running from east to west and InterNorth catered the Iowa and Minnesota market, their pipelines running from north to south. HNG was formed in 1920, providing gas to retail customers in Houston. The company sold its retail gas business in 1920 and ventured into the gas exploration and production business. In the year 1984, HNG had $3.7 billion in assets, over $2 billion in sales and booked profits of $123 million. InterNorth was a natural pipeline company located in Omaha, Nebraska. In 1984 InterNorth had revenues of $7.5 billion. The reason behind the merger was that InterNorth faced the threat of a buyout by corporate raiders as it had low debt and high revenues. The conservative operations and low debt of InterNorth made it a target for corporate raiders who planned to use its cash reserves and borrowing capacity to extract funds for themselves. On the other hand HNG Company had borrowed heavily to expand its pipelines in the Florida and California markets. Therefore merging with Houston Natural Gas made perfect sense as it fended off corporate raiders. In May 1984 InterNorth acquired HNG for $2.4 billion, under the leadership of Sam Segnar who was the CEO of InterNorth at that time. The negotiations for HNG were handled by John Wing and he was able to negotiate a price for HNG shares which were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Civic Engagement through Community Problem Solving Essay Civic Engagement through Community Problem Solving Abstract As young people s civic and political participation continues to decline, a number of organizations are working to reverse the decline by increasing opportunities for youth to participate. Communities around the country are taking steps to engage young people through a variety of methods that allow youth to actually participate in policy development and take action on local issues. The effectiveness of such community programs on long term civic engagement is not well documented, however. This paper presents preliminary research about the effectiveness of one community participation program, the Southern Nevada Water Authority s Youth Advisory Council. Quantitative and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) has undertaken a multi year research project, gathering longitudinal data from its Youth Advisory Council participants, to determine the long term impacts of the program on their civic and political behaviors and attitudes. This paper reports on preliminary research that, while not conclusive, suggests the program can be an effective tool in engaging young people. Given this preliminary evidence, and because the broader community can benefit from a process like the Youth Advisory Council, this paper also provides recommendations to assist community organizations and agencies in successfully developing and sustaining a similar youth participation program. Background Since the voting age was lowered to 18 in 1972, the numbers of 18 24 year olds who vote in elections has steadily declined, as shown in the charts below. Young people have always voted in smaller numbers than their parents and grandparents, due to life cycle changes that provide motivation, ability, and time for participation as citizens progress through life. Yet today s significantly lower participation rates for young people are not entirely attributable to life cycle effects. Instead, they are linked to generational effects, a change in society itself instead of individuals as their lives progress. This is evident when participation rates of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Turning Point In Canadian History Deep snow isolated communities. Canadian railway milestones to 1978 turning point in Canada s history occurred in 1836, when the first public train commenced running between Saint Jean sur Richelieu and La Prairie near MontrГ©al. Construction of the transcontinental railway spurred the birth of Canada; in fact, all of North America was undergoing vicissitude in the 19th century. Factories and industries sprang up in cities such as MontrГ©al, Toronto and Vancouver. The event triggered an extraordinary boom in every dimension of Canada s magnification. With trains, a day s trip overland was no longer quantified in kilometers but in tens and hundreds of kilometers. Locomotives superseded horses, while coaches gradually gave way to automobiles... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Where did the Chinese workers emanate from?Railroad workers recruited by labor contractors came mostly from Guangdong (Canton) province, especially Siyi (е››й‚‘Sze Yap, denoting four counties: TaishanеЏ°е±±, KaipingејЂе№і, Xinhuiж–°дјљ and EnpingжЃ©е№і). Without them it would be infeasible to consummate the western portion of this great national enterprise, within the time required by the Acts of Congress. Soon the Chinese labor pool from California was exhausted, and the Central Pacific arranged with labor contractors to import sizably voluminous numbers of Chinese workers directly from China. The railroad did not list most individual Chinese workers by name in their payroll records, and instead listed headmen of work crews or labor contractors who distributed pay to the individuals on the crew. However, Chinese workers worked longer hours and had to pay their headmen or contractors for their own lodging and pabulum and even for their implements; on the other hand, the Central Pacific and Coalescence Pacific provided white workers accommodations, aliment, and implements without adscititious cost. Desperate for work, workers from this component of Guangdong boarded ships for California and other components to fortify their families. What were the Chinese ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Sigmund Freud And Alfred Adler s Theory Of Human Nature Understanding Human Nature Alfred Adler, who was the first president of Sigmund Freud s Wednesday Society in Vienna, had grown up in a very different way than the most important figure in the Viennese Circle. Alfred Adler never considered himself to be Sigmund Freud s disciple because of their very different views. While Freud had come from the District of Vienna, Adler grew up in the outskirts of the city, and while Freud was known for his vast knowledge, Adler was known for his work for the benefit of the lower class and feminist views. Adler eventually became annoyed with Freud s beliefs and their inevitable split occurred in 1911. They did not fully disagree with everything however, as both Freud and Adler believed that the human psyche was shaped in early childhood, but Freud focused on infantile sexuality while Adler focused on how children strive for personal power in the world.One of a adler s famous ideas is the idea of birth order which Says how a child in a family will try to imitate the older members in order to become more assertive and Powerful since they are often the smaller and less powerful members of that family. This idea of birth order simply put, says that every child develops in different ways the best allow to compensate for weaknesses that they may have . however, if a child is brought up correctly, they will have no need to feel inferior to everyone else and therefore will not develop an unhealthy need to come on top of everyone else. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Bexar County Emergency Management In today s world, emergencies of all types occur frequently. They include floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, infectious diseases, wildfires, anthrax threats, riots and civil disturbance, and terrorism, to name a few. There must be plans already in place to deal with the potential hazards and detriments of these emergencies. Preparedness in the field of emergency managementis defined as a state of readiness to respond to a disaster, crisis, or any other type of emergency situation (FEMA, 2016). There are five phases of emergency management: prevention, preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation (Bexar County Emergency Management, n.d.). Prevention is the first phase of emergency management. While not all disasters can be prevented, preventive measures are designed to provide more permanent protection from disasters. Well organization evacuation plans, environmental planning, and design standards can all help lessen the loss of life and injuries (Bexar County, n.d.). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is vital for officials from all levels of emergency management to collaborate and communicate effectively as they strive to deliver timely response services and effective disaster relief efforts. Otherwise, delays can occur from any number of agencies when responding to disasters. In addition, it is vital to maintain updated contact information for each organization that will be part of the emergency management planning and hold regular meetings with the representatives of each organization (Margaris, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Legacy Of College Admissions College admissions are simple. They check your GPA and ACT/SAT test scores and see if your scores match their expectations. If you do, they will take you. If you don t, they will reject you. What about if your score is in the middle? What if you don t quite meet their expectations, but you don t really fall below them? Legacy is like a tiebreaker or the cherry on top of the cake, but currently is a very controversial topic. Being a legacy student can cause a significant impact on the admission process. It also gives you a huge advantage over non legacy students. Being a legacy student has the potential of getting you admitted into the collegethat you want, even if you don t meet all the requirements. UW should take legacy into... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Not that universities and colleges only do this for money, they also do this for tradition, better reputation, loyal students, and an overall appreciation for the college of the university. Having legacy students at the institution will greatly benefit UW by receiving donations from them. With colleges and universities becoming businesses, the high rate of monetary support by legacies and their parents is viewed as crucial for that institution to be financially sound and successful. Moreover, over three quarters of legacies have a parent with a high status occupation, compared to about 62% of students with college degree parents and less than one third of students with no degree parents. This means that the parents of legacy students are usually wealthier than non legacies. This also means that with wealthier parents, the chance of a donation or donations to that college or university is most likely to substantially increase. Moving on, legacies arrive on campus forming a distinct status group that is characterized by an abundance of economic, cultural and social capital. With economic capital, they are more likely to participate in activities and spend more money. And it is what colleges or universities desire, more money. By partaking in college or university activities, the student will grow fonder of it later on and might donate to support the institution. In the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Importance Of America s Unalienable Rights In The... Government has the capability to alter the United States to meet their standards. They change the United States in several ways, but what they cannot change and take full control over are Americans unalienable rights. Unalienable rights have also been known as God given rights, which means that they cannot be given or taken away by the government. In The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson, he takes John Locke s theory of live, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to express how unalienable rights gives Americans the chance to live their lives freely. Americans live their lives however they want to. They have the ability to expresses themselves, because unalienable rights gives them that opportunity as long as ...they do not interfere with the liberty of others (The Declaration 2). People take advantage of this freedom and express themselves through the choices they make. America s young adults take advantage how they live to show people another way living. They choose to dress in different styles, and they may alter their bodies by getting piercing and tattoos to represents themselves. On the other hand other individuals choose to express their lives, by choosing the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By giving Americans liberty it allowed for them to peacefully protest against certain acts. During the sixties war began happening and this caused for Peace protests [to] swell in size, attracting activists from the civil rights movement... (WAR PEACE 1). By peace protests happening it displays how Americans felt towards the war and how they decided to approach this problem. They voiced themselves by slowly expanding their group of protesters to actively [protest] the war (WAR PEACE 1). The protests that happened because of the war shows how Americans used their God given rights to demonstration how their lives became impacted by the war, and why they did not want it to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Prince Hamlet Research Paper There have been rumors about the behavior of Prince Hamlet roaming around the city and it is my duty to provide the backstory that will help people understand this important issue. So let s get started, come along. Earlier today, I was able to catch up with Hamlet s mother, Gertrude, and she gave us some evidence of why the Prince has been acting this way. He s been acting weird and unusual as of late due to his father recently passing away. As well as his disapproval of his uncle, Claudius, marrying me in such a hurry. said Gertrude. As she was stating this issue of her son, tears poured down from her eyes and distraught to furthermore talk about it any longer. It can be inferred that she was concerned about the actions of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Life of Wilhelm Richard Wagner Essay Wilhelm Richard Wagner was one of the greatest opera writers of all time. He helped to take opera to a whole new level from even Verdi and Puccini. Some say that Wagner was very egotistic, however; his extreme egotism rested on conviction, Wagner had the ability to do great things (Colles 207). He was extraordinary at composing music as well as formulating words. He was not a prodigy however his musical skills surpassed many other composers from his time period. Richard Wagner was the son of Frau Karl Fredrich Wilhelm Wagner (Jacobs 1). He was born the youngest on May 22, 1813 in the town of Leipzig (Colles 205). Six months after Richard s birth the Napoleonic War came to Leipzig (Jacobs 1). Because of the war there were many... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He informed his father s brother Aldof to notify his family that he was going to quit school and develop in his own manner (Jacobs 5). He decided to leave school because he wanted to devote himself to adding music to his poems (Jacobs 5). Hearing all the music he soon discovered that his poems that he wrote would be barren without music (Colles 205). At the age of fifteen he devoted himself to music (Jacobs 5). This helped spark the interest of his musical abilities. In 1828 he began to take violin lessons from MГјller but he soon found harmony and counterpoint boring and useless (Jacobs 7). However; he soon learned that he needed counterpoint and harmony and so he took music lessons from Theodor Weinlig who was a successor to J. S. Bach (Colles 206). Weinlig was the Cantor of St. Thomas Church (Jacobs 9). In 1832 he published his first composition which was a piano sonata and symphony that were influenced heavily by Beethoven (Bonds 464). However; in attempting to write these kinds of music he realized he loved theatre music (Bonds 463). Wagner spent a lot of time with the theatre he was able to see Geyer preform and see all the inner workings of the theatre (Jacobs 3). Through his experiences with the theatre he began to develop his own ideas of music. He only valued music for the operatic images that struck him (Jacobs 6). His image of music from the beginning seemed to be very narrow ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Sheep Are A Very Docile Animal Goats are a very docile animal that, will do what is asked by those who treat them friendly. They love being petted and will stand for long periods of time if petted or feed. According to Margi Sirois in her textbook Principles and Practices of Veterinary Technology 3rd ed. pages 554 55, Goats are gluttons [habitual greed or excessive eating of food], and can easily be lured into a pen with grain. When handled friendly goats are very easy to handle and work with. Even though goats are very nice animals to work with there are some safety topics that needs addressed. Handling techniques Goats are commonly docile and easy to handle, when treated friendly. They can be easily led and will stand quietly for short periods of time. Herding ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Small goats can be picked up by supporting their chest and rump with your arms, watch out for their horns if they decide to swing their heads over. Restraint techniques Goats are topically easy to restrain and can be restrained in multiple different ways. Most can be tied to a solid object with just a halter or a collar with lead. When having them tied up it is always good to give them some grain to distract them from what all is happening. Being tied this way makes procedures like vaccinations, blood collecting, and hoof trimming easy to do. Minimum effort is needed to restrain goats, using the least amount possible will make both parties easy to withstand. Dairy goats are easily restrained in stanchions and will enjoy being in the stanchion if trained young. If tying the goat up there are other ways to restrain the goat, if there is a wall or fence nearby that is all that is needed to restrain the goat. Push the goat s body against the way with the someone s hips, leaving hands. Placing the goat in the corner with your arm around the neck to keep it still, can make the goat completely restrained. Restraining the goat this way makes getting the pulse, temperature, and respiratory rates easy to do. These are only a few different ways to restrain a goat easily, standing up. Goats can be lain on their flank (side), and this process of putting a goat is called flanking. There are two ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Pros And Cons Of Graffiti Art Introduction I have always loved art, and wanted to read about it from its pros to cons, one of the arts are graffiti art. Graffiti art is something special, the way it contains meaning, message or a personal confession that merges with colors and drawings, all over the way to destruction of others property and cause environmental and social problems, this research will examine the rise of graffiti, the legal and political power, social control, and writers and painters resistance to them and explores the resistance against graffiti. Objective of study The purpose of this research study is two fold. First, know the contexts of graffiti as a part of modern life, its impact on life in the community, know its status in the art world, both ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The piece expresses the life of homeless people, who want a change in the system. Another one of Banksy s iconic pieces, Soldiers Painting Peace a pair of soldiers takes a break from their usual activities to paint the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament logo, that also known as peace symbol. It s a beautiful painting that brings a beautiful massage for peace, it s a unique peace of art, the way it s painted with red colors like blood that s describe the war, but with a hope of peace. Beautiful but many consider it a vandalism. There are many other painting that made a great change in the world, such as, What We Do in Life Echoes in Eternity , Life Is Beautiful , Kids on Guns Hill , Camera Man Flower and One Original Thought Worth a Thousand Quotings Conclusion Yes, graffiti may cause a great deal of damage, but it also helped a tremendous people and society. To those in authority the issue is controlling graffiti and citing it as a vandalism to protect the public property, but to the artist and others is a way to express themselves, because they found no other ways to do so, from society rules to unfair treatment from the government. There are ways to solve this issue, there are countries that made places only for graffiti art, to reduce the vandalism of people property. Many other could start doing that, or they could simply read what is written ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Strategies of Enter to a New Market 83 The Romanian Economic Journal Strategies of Entering New Markets Mihaela Belu Andreea Raluca CДѓrДѓgin Entering new foreign markets may be achieved in a variety of ways. Each of these ways places its unique demands on the company in terms of organizational and financial resources. Most of the times, entering international markets is not a matter of choice but of necessity to remain competitive in new or established markets. Our paper is going to analyze the possibilities that a company has when entering a foreign market, decision that is very important and which involves market assessment and analysis. Key words: Uppsala Model, Birkinshaw Model, exporting, franchising, licensing, strategic alliances JEL classification code: F21, F23, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... O synthesis presentation of the two theories the Uppsala Model and the Birkinshaw Model is illustrated in figure 2. Year XI, no. 27 (1) 2008 86 The Romanian Economic Journal Figure 2 Static aspects Physical distance Not knowing the market Dinamic aspects The relation headquarters subsidiary The role and the responsability of the local partner The local environment Risk level Continuity Aquisitions /Mergers Withdrawal Regarding the internationalisation process, the company has more options (see figure 3): the first choice is represented by the development of the existing markets and it is being used by companies that are acting on highly competitive markets; the second choice the company can choose to develop its activity on new markets, similar to the ones they are already acting on in this case, they are usually choosing to export their products; the third strategy is developing a new line of products similar to the ones they already have and which will be sold on similar markets in this case the company can choose between strategic alliances: creating a joint venture or licensing . Year XI, no. 27
  • 23. (1) 2008 87 The Romanian Economic Journal Figure 3. Foreign market entry methods Distant markets Market development Strategic alliances Aquisitions Foreign Direct Investments Strategic alliances Aquisitions Foreign Direct ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Analysis Of Blackbeard s Life Was Full Of Excitement Thomas Cline Mrs. Gawith English I 26 Jan, 2016 Blackbeard From working for the British on a Privateer then moving to Jamaica and taking up piracy, Blackbeard s life was full of excitement. Blackbeard was known as Edward Teach was British. It was believed that Teach was born in the 1680 s. He was operating in Jamaica as a privateer. Privateers are a private, armed boat hired by the Government during the War of the Spanish Succession or Queen Anne s War. During the war in Teach had become a very skillful sea robber. By the end of the war in 1716 Teach as most of the privateers moved to Jamaica to take up piracy (Kirkpatrick). When Teach became a pirate he Joined the crew of Captain Benjamin Horingold. Horingold Teach in charged of his own... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When Blackbeard captured the La Concorde he found satisfying so, he took the ship as his own. Teach change the name to Queen Anne s Revenge made some changes to the ship. He added an estimated 14 canons on the ship which change the number from 26 to 40 canons. So now the once French cargo ship is now a 110ft, 300 ton ship with 40 canons (Hamilton 8 9). Aboard the Queen Anne s Revenge Blackbeard never let his crew forget who was incharge. Some of Blackbeard s crew was foolish enough to accept a crazy challenge. The challenge was to see who could stay below deck in a room while sulfur was burning the longest. Once the the sulfur was lit crew members were running to get above on the deck and soon all of the crew members were out in the open gasping for fresh air. The last one to come out was of course Blackbeard. Teach once shot one of his own crewmen over a drunken game of poker. Once Blackbeard even said that If he didn t kill one of his crew members once in awhile, they would forget who he was (Hamilton 16). When Blackbeard attack he put fear into people s eyes. His long black beard which gave him the nickname Blackbeard and his mad man s look. Charles Johnson wrote in his book A General History of the Pyrates, published in London in 1726 This Beard was black, which he suffered to grow of an extravagant Length; as to Breadth, it came up to his Eyes; he was accustomed to twist it with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Temporary Assistance For Needy Families Temporary Assistance for Needy Families: A Policy Analysis Lena Byanski Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne Author Note: This paper was prepared for PPOL V371, Section 01, Spring 2016, taught by Professor Aitalieva. Abstract The main purpose of this research is to give further knowledge about the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program offered in the United States (TANF). With looking at the history of the program, it allows the reader to get an improved understanding of why the need for the program was developed, and have an understanding at which direction the program is going to be going. The research will share the environments of the current policy, effectiveness and efficiency, and offer some possible policy alternatives that will either benefit the program or make it more difficult to allocate the proper funding in order to continue to help low income families in need. Policy Description Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (TANF) was created to help and provide cash assistance and supportive services to help assist families that have children under the age of 18, including pregnant women. The assistance that is given to the individual or families allows the financial assistance to help pay for utilities, food, and shelter. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (TANF) is administered by OFA, which is Office of Family Assistance. TANF is a time limited program that one may only receive case ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Emergency Of Climate Change And Why People Are Failing Take Home Essay #2 (Response #1) The article written by Franz and Mayer (2009) explains how an everyday situation or global issue is perceived as an emergency. In the article the authors focus on the emergency of climate change and why people are failing to take action. To help explain this, Franz and Mayer convey to us a system that includes five steps: step one, noticing the event; step two, interpreting the event as an emergency; step three, feeling personally responsible to act; step four, knowing what to do; and step five, implementing the required acts. While the main point of this article is the aforementioned system, they extend this five stage model to explore why people do and do not take action against climate change. In the first step, Franz and Mayer provide examples of a couple of things that attest to climate change. Things like rising CO2 emissions and temperature changes are only amongst a few of the things that contribute but two of the main factors. The authors mention that, People in modern industrial societies like the United States spend up to 90% of their time indoors in artificial, temperature controlled environment s (Evans McCoy, 1998). It is things like these that contribute to the inability of some to see climate change as an issue because they are so disconnected from the world around them, but as the authors conveyed the opposite, people who are intimately tied to the environment do tend to notice the environmental changes that are taking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Lamar Jackson s Brutality Louisville Cardinals sophomore quarterback Lamar Jackson had a spectacular freshman campaign in 2015. The dual threat quarterback from Boynton Beach, Florida, passed for 1,840 yards and 12 touchdowns and rushed for 960 yards and 11 touchdowns in Bobby Petrino s spread offense. Simply put, he was unstoppable. On Thursday night, Jackson and the No. 19 ranked Cardinals opened up the 2016 regular season against the Charlotte 49ers. The last time we saw Jackson on the field was against Texas A M in the Music City Bowl. In that game, Jackson had 453 yards of total offense and four total touchdowns. With that performance still fresh in the minds of many college football fans, Jackson reinforced those thoughts on Thursday night with record breaking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Humans Are Destroying The Earth How we as humans are destroying the Earth There have been various changes taking place on the earth. Some of the changes have been positive while others have been negative. Man has been associated with various activities that have contributed to significant destruction of earth and species or animals that occur in these areas. However, sometimes natural causes are associated with the destruction of the environment. There are various ways in which man have been associated with destruction of the environment. Some of the common ways in which destruction has taken place is through pollution such as release of harmful gases and overuse of resources. Others include destruction of habitat such as clearing of forests and alteration of climate associated with human activities. However, there are also ways that have been outlined as possible in averting changes that have taken place on earth. Such changes may include the use of alternative energy such as the biogas. A focus on how man has been involved in the destruction of the planet at an alarming rate will help in highlighting ways to overcome such effects. There are various ways in which human is involved in the destruction of the earth. The damage has been associated with the increasing human population. This has been linked to human looking for more space to settle and also carry out other activities. As a man looks for space, he is involved in razing large parts of the forest that may involve shifting of organisms from one ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Essay On Rural Areas Defining Rural Areas for Statistical Purposes The vagaries around the rural concept must yield to an objective form in order to have consistent measurement. Since this chapter draws primarily on data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), their definition of rural is consistent and convenient. Since 2006, NCES has used the same urban centric locale definitions used by the US Census Bureau. Fittingly, under this urban centric definition, rural areas include all those located outside of places the Census calls urban. The urban umbrella term includes three locales: cities, suburbs, and towns. Each of these is broken into three subtypes: large, midsize, and small. City locales include territories within an urbanized ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For this reason, this chapter uses the entire rural locale instead of rural sublevels. One wrinkle in NCES s classification system is that while every school can be specifically accounted for as belonging to one locale, school districts can include schools from different locale classifications. For example, a district classified as suburban might include a number of individual schools that are classified as rural. Despite the partial mismatch between the locale of some schools and the districts they belong to, there are valuable reasons to compare school districts by their predominant locale. For instance, districts, rather than schools, are the ones that often deal with issues like transportation or providing opportunities for advanced course taking, which pose unique challenges in rural areas. In order to compare districts by locale, the chapter uses NCES district categorizations which assign a locale based on the predominant locale the district s schools. Of course, this classification system groups together a large number of schools into each locale category that are far from homogeneous. To illustrate differences between locales and across rural areas, select data points are broken out by locale ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Recommended Organizational Policy Changes Of The European... 4.Recommended Organizational Policy Changes According to Comscore, Europe represents 32% of overall Internet searches with Google having 80% and Microsoft 2%. (Microsoft changes Bing s privacy policy, 2010). The biggest offenders for malware on the internet is image and video searches on the web. Sophos reports that 92% of search driven malware attacks is obtained from Google and Bing image searches. (Pearce, 2012). In a world of personalized online services, establishing and maintaining user trust and responsible use of data is critical. Users expect appropriate and relevant content and advertising while also protecting their privacy when they use any search engine. As driven by consumer privacy concerns, the government has asked the online industry to examine data retention and protection policies. The Court of Justice for the European Union (CJEU) ordered that search engines are regulators of processing personal data under the European Union Data Protection Directive, passed in May 2014. (Abril Lipton, 2014). This order requires search engines to remove links from search results intrusive to individual s privacy rights under this directive and is viewed as a component of the Digital Right to be Forgotten Act. The ruling raised debate among the industry as to whom will assume responsibility for online privacy assurance and protection. Interpretation of the law has been ambiguous, the law doesn t uphold the right to be forgotten, but merely sustains a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The World Of The Gospels A Miracle Miracle stories were accepted by ancient people as possible. The divine interacted with human kind. This contrasts with the contemporary scepticism about the sacred or the possibility of miracles. In the light of scientific, data driven, technological preoccupation, miracles seem to be unnecessary. The gap between humankind and the divine has widened to the point of being irrelevant, unnecessary or non existent. However, in the world of the gospels a miraclewas anything that caused people to wonder (Latin miraculum to wonder; mirari to wonder at) or be in awe. According to John Meier (A marginal Jew, Vol 2:512) a miracle is an unusual startling or extraordinary event that is in principle perceivable by any interested and fair minded observer, and event that finds no reasonable explanation in human abilities or in other known forces that operate in our world of time and space and an event that is the result of a special act of God, doing what no human power can do . There are two elements to a miracle one which causes wonder, one that is extraordinary phenomenon that is inexplicable in terms of familiar, everyday causation. This is ascribe to a superhuman force. What demarcates the extraordinary varies from people to people, culture to culture and age to age. In the NT miracle accounts are not unique in the Greco Roman world. What was distinguishable in their reference to the divine; they are attributed not to deities in a polytheism but to the one God of the Jewish ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Mainstream News Media Analysis Humans are generally social creatures. Let s face it, we all like to talk about things that matter to us. From trending topics to small inconveniences, they are are usually discussed regardless of how important it is. Whether you like to or not, you ll have to converse with people throughout most of your life. Talking over people is not how to do it. For a quick scenario on what this is like, just imagine that you re talking to someone, perhaps one of your friends. You have a stance on a subject that you are really passionate about and discuss it with them, although they don t seem to agree with your opinion. It turns into a debate, but at least it s still civil. As you re trying to make a point, you get interrupted by your friend who makes an opposing argument that you could have cleared up if they had let you finish. It s fine at first, you are allowed to finish up your sentence and continue discussion normally. However, after a little while they still continue this horrible ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Occasionally some of these news channels allow guests (usually decently important people) on their show to discuss a certain topic or important questions. These don t usually turn out too well, despite the interesting concept. On these events you will often notice that the news anchors and guests interrupt each other at an extensive rate. One minute someone s talking about what they think of a presidential nominee, and the next you hear someone say something that sounds a little like: Um.. Hold on a minute. Hold on. Here s why you re completely and totally wrong and I m not even gonna let you finish your sentence . At times they talk over each other so much to the point where you can hardly even hear the other person, it s just a mix of passive aggressive voices. Some of these discussions even turn out so dreadfully that the news station has to cut them off with a commercial ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Battle Of Midway Saw The Sinking Of The Japanese Carriers The battle of Midway saw the sinking of the Japanese carriers, Akagi; Soryu; Hiryu and Kaga as well as the cruiser Mikuma. The American navy lost one carrier which was the USS Yorktown. The Battle resulted in the deaths of 2500 Japanese navy men and 307 deaths to the American navy. The Japanese had lost invaluable sailors in the battle as the crew on board the aircraft carriers were highly trained and had many years of experience working on the complex carriers.(Source E) So when the Japanese started to build new aircraft carriers they found that it was difficult to appoint crew has many had not enough experience, this heavily delayed and cost the Japanese as by this stage the American army had begun their campaign in taking back the islands the Japanese had taken over months before. Since 1930 the Japanese conquests with the Chinese had cause ever increasing friction with the US. From the early 1940s America had banned exports of strategic materials such as scrap iron and metal to the Japanese Empire, then in 1941 they lead and oil embargo and froze all of the Japanese assets. This had huge effects on the Japanese Empire as they imported 90% of their oil. Because of this the Japanese leadership made the decision to invade and take over neighbouring territories and take their resources which Japan lacked. But before this could be done they faced a great and powerful obstacle, the American naval fleet at Hawaii s Pearl Harbour. And thus this lead to Japan s attack on Pearl ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Impact Of Sexism On Social Media Women experience several occasions where they feel harassed or discriminated because of their gender. There are things that need to change in order to make women feel safe when exploring the internet. Sexism on social media has become a major problem over the past years, it lowers the self esteem of women and makes them feel inferior. As a society, there are changes that must be made in order to fix this problem. Sexist content on social media is becoming a bigger problem as more and more people are using the internet daily. Both Yvette Cooper and Ashley Judd , believe there are several things people can do to fix this problem. Author Yvette Cooper states that change on sexist content is vital because it not only affects women of this generation but it also affects future generations. She believes that it s important society teaches the next generations that sexism on social media is not normal. At the TEDWomen event, actress Ashley Judd, talked about her experience and how she felt when she would receive sexist comments online. She states the change is crucial and the government has to do something to try and fix it. She states there has to be more rules and regulations among the internet in order to stop sexism on social media. On the other hand, Lebanese nut company, Alrifai, advertised their products in a sexist manner. The nuts in the advertisements were compared to men and women and how they are viewed based on their looks. Advertisements like these are proof that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Terri Schiavo Should NOT Have Been Kept Alive Essay Terri Schiavo Should NOT Have Been Kept Alive Does a written document such as a living will decide when someone should die or should the verbal wishes of the incapacitated person be followed if known? Such as the controversy over when life begins, we now face the ultimate question of when does life end. In 1990, Terri Schiavo, a young Florida woman suffered a heart attack caused by bulimia leaving her brain without oxygen for six minutes. According to medical opinions, she has limited involuntary physical movement. She has remained in a persistent vegetative state ever since. Terri did not have a living will or medical directive in place at the time of her heart attack. Michael Schiavo, Terri s husband, has repeatedly sought the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Their wish is to seek rehabilitation therapy for their daughter in hopes she can regain a normal life. The Schindler s maintain Michael Schiavo is abusive and neglectful of his wife s medical condition. Furthermore, they claim he wishes her death so he can inherit her remaining estate. It is their wish to be granted guardianship over her medical care and financial estate (Martinez Kampert, 2003). Additionally, the Schindlers impassioned pleas to save their daughters life to the residents of Florida resulted in more than 100,000 communications to Governor Jeb Bush requesting he sign legislation making it illegal to remove Terri s feeding tube. As a result the governor intervened and signed Terri s Law allowing her feeding tube to be reinserted. As recently as October 2004, Governor Bush stated I personally don t want to be a party to removing a feeding tube that causes us to take an innocent life (Bell, 2004). However emphatically the Governor supports this law, the Florida Supreme Court denied his request to reconsider it s ruling in favor of removing Terri s feeding tube. The date for removal has not been set. The Value of Life Most of us in the course of a lifetime will be confronted in our own families with difficult choices on matters of life and death. There are many opinions on when life begins and now it also seems as to when life ends. Does life end when a person takes their last breath, is it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Essay on Cis 505 Select one (1) of the working groups in the IETF or IEEE and briefly summarize what this group is working on. Working groups chartered by the IETF carry out the actual development of new standards and protocols for the Internet. Membership in a working group is voluntary; any interested party may participate. During the development of a specification, a working group will make a draft version of the document available as an Internet Draft, which is placed in the IETF s Internet Drafts online directory. The document may remain as an Internet Draft for up to six months, and interested parties may review and comment on the draft. During that time, the IESG may approve publication of the draft as an RFC (Request for Comment). If ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... IEEE 802 subdivides the data link layer into sublayers, namely the logical link control (LLC) and media access control (MAC) layers, which provide protocol multiplexing and a multi access mechanism, respectively. IEEE 802 is comprised of standards with separate working groups that regulate different communication networks, including IEEE 802.1, 802.3, 802.11 and 802.15. (Technopedia, 2014). Evaluate the three (3) standard organizations including IEEE, ISO, and ANSI to determine the most important for communication technology. ISO is commonly known as International Organization for Standardization , the ISO 9001:2000 standard is used for quality systems audited by outside auditors. This standard is applicable for manufacturing companies not only for software. This standard is given based on the documentation, design, production, testing, servicing and other processes. (Testing Excellence.com, 2009). IEEE refers to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers , which has members from many technical professional organizations around the world. IEEE 829 is the standard followed for software test documentation. (Testing Excellence.com, 2009). The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) was founded in 1918 and is headquartered in Washington, D.C., with an operational office in New York City. Its mission is to enhance both the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Jimmy Hoffa and Unionism Hoffa and Unionism As an organizer for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), Jimmy Hoffa made significant progress toward improved working conditions for truckers and was fore mostly responsible for the rapid progression and development of the union. With over 1.5 million members during Hoffa s tenure as president, IBT eventually became the largest single union in the United States (International Brotherhood of Teamsters, 2012). Through interpretive reactive analysis, topical course comparison, and personal professional experience, this paper will summarize the movie Hoffa and discuss the variance of organizational necessity of the IBT and Hoffa within the context of historical and present day working conditions and the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Union organizers were dismissed and union meetings forbidden as indicated by Fossum (2012) who writes that employers used security forces to police the workforce, forcibly kept out organizers, or ferreted out internal union activists or sympathizers from the late 1800s to World War II (p. 196). The fact that many US employers look down on, discourage, and blatantly combat unionization is not a recent occurrence as successful organization thereof can result in decreased profits and inflated personnel costs. Fossum (2012) argues that employers have long resisted attempts to unionize (p. 215) and implemented various strategies to remain union free and greedily persist in their efforts toward heightened profitability through utilization of unfair labor practices. Lawful Strategies for Union Avoidance Although Hoffa and the Teamsters faced stark resistance from employers concerning unionization, the resulting creation and evolution of employment legislation has since improved working conditions and impacted the type of strategies implemented by employers to avoid organization. Employers are taking more proactive and less historically barbaric approaches to address employee job satisfaction and union avoidance. Godard and Delaney (2000) argued that traditional collective bargaining agreements among unions have been replaced with innovative high performance work and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Nelson Mandel An Effective Method Of Ending Apartheid Nelson Mandela s contribution to the destruction of apartheid in South Africa is unparalleled. He dedicated every action of his life to unify a sectioned South Africa that showed no signs of reformation. One of the major characteristics of Mandela s movement in particular was the notion of unification through nonviolence. Throughout South Africa, the apartheid system was strict and unforgiving. The origins of apartheid lied within denying blacks any political power, or any participation in government whatsoever. From this, the National Party established a system of racial segregation that strictly adhered to White Africans. The apartheid system was law, and was aggressively enforced through physical and political abuse towards black South Africans. Any opposition to the apartheid system endangered the lives of all who participated. Naturally, black South Africans would eventually take action against the poor treatment of their superiors. However the most important characteristic of a revolt are the principals on which it is structured. The Nonviolence Campaign was the most effective method of ending apartheid in South Africa. Peaceful opposition prevented unnecessary loss of life, stayed true to the original principals and morals of abolitionists, and prevented the movement itself from falling to hypocrisy. At an early age, Nelson Mandela recognized the importance of nonviolent protest and what it symbolized within a movement. It is important to understand nonviolence as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Tuna Boat Owners Association Marketing Plan for Skipjack... International Marketing Plan Tuna Boat Owners Association Marketing Plan for Skipjack Tuna Market Penetration in the Thailand International Market Contents Background Information 5 Industry Background 5 Organization 7 Vision 8 Mission 8 PESTEL Analysis 9 Political Factors 9 Economic Situations and Trends 10 Social Cultural Factors 11 Technological Factors 12 Environmental Factors 12 Legal Factors 13 Porters Five Force Analysis 13 Power of Suppliers Medium 13 Power of Buyers High 14 Threat of New Entrants High 14 Threat of Substitute Products High 15 Level of Industry Rivalry High 15 SWOT Analysis 15 Strengths 15 Weaknesses 16 Opportunities 16 Threats 16 Target Market Description 17 Critical Analysis and Strategy Development 17 Recommended Strategy 18 Conclusion 19 Works Cited 20 Background Information Industry Background Although evidence of fishing activities date back well before the beginning of recorded history, commercial fishing activities date back to the mid twentieth century. There are a wide variety of methods that can be used to catch fish in bulk quantities. The original methods involved netting to skim fish out of the water and the contemporary technologies have not deviated from these roots. However, the modern methods involves using a relatively large vessel and encircling a school of fish with a net that can be pulled tight at the bottom to make sure the fish do not escape. This is a popular ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Cindy Sherman, Simone De Beauvior, And Andy Warhol Students are required to take Humanities 201 because it teaches us about the modern world and the themes and issues that are happening in society. However, as time continues, students taking this same course fifty years from now will not be studying the same material, since it will no longer be considered modern. Throughout the current contemporary world that was taught this past semester, many themes and ideas have lead me to sum up the class in one word: diverse. One theme in particular to expand on the idea equality amongst race and gender. Many artists and writers such as Cindy Sherman, Robert Mapplethorpe, Simone de Beauvior, and Andy Warholhave expressed this theme within their works in a way that was both bold and shocking. These... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Society fifty years from now would not have been very accepting to homosexual and gender equalities. Although there is still not a full acceptance of these topics, society has come a very long way from viewing others with limited perception. There will always be problems of stereotyping in the world. However, I would say that the perception of our world today has a more open mind set and has strayed away from the conservative and religious ideas within society. Many unique and shocking pictures, like the ones from Robert Mapplethorpe and Cindy Sherman, have become a normal way of art in today s world, which makes this course much more diverse compared to the works that were seen in pre modern. While many people in the world still refuse to accept the contemporary views on gender and equality, there are still an amazing number of people that have accepted to be open to these views and have pushed these views further towards ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Acc499 Written Assignment Fraud at Electronic Game Card, Inc. Krista L. Farmer Dr. Randolph A. Stanley, Professor ACC499 Accounting Undergraduate Capstone November 17, 2012 Fraud at Electronic Game Card, Inc. Discuss the nature of the fraud and the impact to the company as a result of the fraudulent activity. Electronic Game Card Inc. develops, produces, and markets electronic, credit card sized games to the casino, lottery, toy, game, education, and promotional industry worldwide. Chief executive officer Lee Cole and chief financial officer Linden Boyne secretly funneled millions of shares of the company s stock to entities in Gibraltar which they secretly controlled. Those entities then sold off the stocks and had the funds ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is unclear as to how the cover up was perpetrated. The day to day processing of documents would likely have been completed by lower ranking employees, who may or may not have been aware of the situation. At times, lower level employees choose to do what is asked, even if they feel that something is wrong. They point the blame for why a certain procedure was followed on their supervisors as they fear they will lose their job. It is management s responsibility to set the tone of ethical behavior within the company. Mr. Lee s and Mr. Boyne s lack of integrity and honesty could have filtered down to the employees, who chose to ignore the unethical behavior. Discuss the impact to the company or brand as a result of the fraudulent activity. On February 10, 2010, the company postponed a conference call that was meant to discuss vital internal issues within the company, which created an instant sixteen percent drop in stock price (Shareholders Foundation, 2010). On this same date, they filed Form 8 K with the SEC, stating that their independent auditors, Mendoza Berger and Company, LLP, had withdrawn its auditopinion for the years ending December 31, 2006, 2007, and 2008 (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2010). On April 8th, 2010, the company announced that PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP had begun an investigation into the possible cause of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Prom Dress Code Last week, Whitehouse administration released a new prom dress code in order to dispel parents and students confusion following last year s debacle, where over 25 female students were sent home due to their dresses. A visual presentation of the dress has been posted on the district s website with 24 slides displaying inappropriate attire for females, and 4 slides for males. The PTA endorsed this code before it was issued to the students. However, upon seeing the new rules many students have complained that it is too restrictive and conservative. The new dress code severely limits the already limited options of dress for so many girls, additionally it is teaching these young women that their bodies are overtly sexual, and must be covered ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Technological Background Of Pizza Hut The history of Pizza hut began in 1958, when what is now the world s largest pizza franchise was born. Pizza Hut is the world s largest pizza restaurant chain and is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc., whose restaurants total approximately 34,000 restaurants. The whole history of pizza hut has been achieved through innovation, but the history of pizza hut really took off with amalgamation into the Pepsi Company and more aggressive marketing techniques especially in the take out market.It was founded in 1958 by Dan and Frank Carney. Their friend suggested opening a pizza parlor they agreed with the idea that it could prove successful, so that they borrowed $600 form their mother to start a business. At that time the original Pizza hut was at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Marketing is an integral part of any business that refers to plans and policies adopted by any individual or organization to reach out to its potential customers. A web definition defines marketing as a process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. With the world shrinking at a fast pace, the boundaries between nations are melting and companies are now progressing from catering to local markets to reach out to customers in different parts of the world. Marketing is a ploy that is used to attract, satisfy and retain customers. Whether done at a local level or at the global level, the fundamental concepts of marketing remain the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The Effect of Single Parent Families to Children CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY A family is often pictured by many with two parents. But for some their family composes of only one. Doug Hewitt (2010), an eHow Contributor said that Single parents families are defined as households in which there is at least one child under the age of 18 and there is only one parent in the household because of divorce, death or because the parent never married. Moreover, Cox (1984) emphasized that the largest percentage of single parent families result from divorce followed by death of a parent. According to Medina (2005) there are different types of a single parent family. First is the widow or widower and children which is caused by a death of spouse where the surviving spouse did not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Divorced families present a greater risk for children with depression or other serious psychiatric disorders to develop. Spencer (1982) said in his book entitled Foundations of Modern Technology that children are more likely to die of coronary heart disease in later years if they had lost one or both parents before entering college. According to Traci S Campbell (2010) education of children can also be affected she said that children that are raised in a single parent household have lower grades than those who are raised in a home with both parents. This can be in a home where the child has always been raised by one parent or in homes where a divorce or separation has recently taken place. Studies also show children raised in a single parent household are less likely to go to college or take steps to continue their education. There are also a higher percentage of drop outs that were raised in a single family home. Time spent with a single parent during the formative preschool years seems to have particularly bad effects on a boy s education, according to Sheila Fitzgerald Krein and Andrea H. Beller of the school of human resources and family studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana. The report in Demography, the journal of the Population Association of America, said that many studies have focused on the psychological consequences for children in one parent ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Animal Welfare In Zoos In a world where animals thrive and live, also comes the world of the human species. For many years animals and humans have lived together and have continued to grow. The human species has always been at the top of the food chain and will continue to be. Because humans are dominant over most animals, many things can happen. One of these things that are capable by the human species are zoos. Zoos have been around in society for many years, and they hold many purposes such as conservation, science, education, and recreation (Wickins DrazilovГЎ). Many zoos have mission statements that hold common themes. The common themes among most of the mission statements are (a) conservation and (b) education (Patrick). Zoos should always be able to stay true to their mission statements while continuing to ethically provide and care for the animals in captivity. Animal welfareshould be amongst the promise of zoos in missions as well. There are flaws in the measurement for animal welfare in zoos. According to Dita Wickins DrazilovГЎ the usual criteria for measuring for measuring animal welfare in zoos are physical health, long life, and reproduction (Wickins DrazilovГЎ). There are more factors of animal welfare than the usual criteria. Many zoos claim to have healthy animals that live long lives and reproduce, but that is not merely sufficient enough for proof of good care. A long life in suffering, for example, is not a great way to live, and it is possible for animals to live long ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Impossibility Of Moral Responsibility Moral responsibility is a concept that has, in some way, existed in every culture and civilization that recorded history can tell us about. From the Law of Hammurabi to beliefs in judgmental gods mankind has always assumed some form of moral responsibility whether metaphysical or within a society. While pragmatic considerations of moral responsibility seem to be necessary for living within a society, the philosophic concept of moral responsibility beckons many inherent problems that must be resolved. Galen Strawsonin The Impossibility of Moral Responsibility presents a strong argumentas to why moral responsibility is impossible, while Susan Wolf responds to the problems presented, and argues that moral responsibility does exist in some... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He shows the argument in the way it exists in a person s life, which allows for more coherent discussion, and as he later states, new forms of objection (314). One important note to make on Strawson s argument is his hard determinist stance. He believes that every decision and action of a person is predetermined by their heredity and early experience. For him, no form of free will exists. While he does believe that a person is able to examine their behaviors and tendencies, their ability to self revise is predetermined by heredity and early experience. His determinist stance allows his argument to be sound and extremely difficult to refute. Another important thing to draw from the Strawson argument is what is meant by moral responsibility. For Strawson, true moral responsibility means that one is responsible to the degree that it is sensible to either punish one with eternal torment in hell, or reward one with enteral bliss in heaven (314). His definition of moral responsibility is not confined to religious faith in heaven or hell, but rather is used to convey an absolute nature of accountability. This concept of moral responsibility as Strawson presents is pivotal in understanding his objection of moral responsibility. Strawson s argument is not against a legislative or judicial sense of responsibility, and does not take the form of responsibility that a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Neil Degrasse Tyson Research Paper The Man of the Cosmos We are part of this universe; we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both those facts, is that the universe is in us (Tyson). These words are spoken by one of the most influential and one of the smartest people of our time. He is astrophysicist, a teacher, and an author. A person teaching the world the beauty of our universe and many other things. I am talking about Neil deGrasse Tyson. Neil deGrasse Tyson was born on October 5, 1958 in New York Manhattan by Cyril and Sunchita deGrasse Tyson. Tyson s journey to becoming what he is right now is very interesting once you learn about it. His love for science all started when he was 9 years old when he went to go visit the Hayden Planetarium, which is in New York. He started his studies in The Bronx High School of Science and while he attended this school he would give lectures about astronomy and was the school editor for the Physical Science Journal in his school, so he started teaching people before he made it into his career. When it was time for him to choose a University, he was called by Carl Sagan to come by and visit the Carl Sagan Institute in Cornell University located in New York, and Carl was not some random professor, but he was pretty much the whole reason as to why Neil ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Carl Sagan was an American Astronomer in the 1960s through the 1970s and he was one of the most well known scientists in America. He was the main host of the popular tv show called, The Cosmos , and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Suffering In Sophocles Oedipus The King From Greece to Rome and to Britain, the world s most renowned philosophers and literary writers have tackled the concept of suffering. From Sophocles Oedipus the King, to the poetry written by Jonathan Swift, John Donne and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, multiple literary scholars have demonstrated suffering throughout the last couple centuries. Whether it may be sexual suffering as seen in the work of John Donne s His Mistress Going to Bed, and Jonathan Swifts The Lady s Dressing Room and A Beautiful Nymph Going to Bed, or the emotional, physical and psychological suffering in Oedipusthe King, literature s greatest authors have allowed audiences to experience a character s suffering and emotions in various forms sexually, emotionally, physically... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Lady s Dressing Room is the complete opposite of A Beautiful Nymph Going to Bed; in fact, rather than taking a calmer and accepting approach towards women and their flaws as he did in A Beautiful Nymph Going to Bed, Swift attacks women and takes on a more sexist and misogynistic approach. Swift s poem is highly invasive as it chronicles the unwanted entry of Strephon, a young man, into a Celia s dressing room; it is here that Strephon begins to suffer psychologically from what he witnesses in fact, Swift states that he pity wretched Strephon blind, to all the charms of female kind . Strephon does not literally go blind as Oedipus did in Oedipus the King but is psychologically scarred by the horror that he witnesses when he is exposed to Celia s mess. Strephon is ultimately disillusioned by the discovery of his beloved Celia s humanity and flesh and blood physicality. It is at the moment that Strephon shouts Oh! Celia, Celia, Celia shits! (Lady s Dressing Room, 118), that audience members are truly aware of Strephon s horror and suffering. Although some may feel pity for Strephon, his suffering is quite humorous. After Strephon runs away from Celia s chamber, the reader is reminded of how foolish his actions and reaction to his discovery of Celia s bodily functions were in fact, they were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Neutralisation Reaction Lab Report 1. What is a neutralisation reaction? A neutralisation reaction is a chemical reaction that occurs when equivalent amounts of acid and a base react to produce salt and water (H2O) (The FreeDictionary.com,2017). The H+(q) ions from an acid react with the OH‾ ions from an alkali. The equation for this reaction is: H+(aq)+OH‾(aq)=H2O(l). For example, hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide solution react with each other and form water and sodium chloride solution. The acid consists of H+ ions and Cl‾ ions, and the alkali contains Na+ ions and OH‾ ions. The H+ ions and OH‾ ions create water, and the Na+ ions and Cl‾ ions create sodium chloride, NaCl (aq) (Bbc.co.uk,2017). 2. Did neutralisation reaction occur in the practical? Explain. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Better Bunsen burners because the fire kept on going off, which disrupted the speed of the evaporation process. Wire loops should have been cleaned properly, so it didn t disrupt the flame test colour. More trials should have been done to get accurate results. More attention should have been paid when the water was nearly evaporated so the crystals didn t burn and change colour from white to brown. Conclusion: The aim of the experiment to perform a chemical neutralisation reaction by using hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide solution was achieved because the base plus acid turned into salt and water. While performing the flame test using a wire loop along with the white crystals from the evaporating dish turned the flame to yellow rather than yellowish orange colour, which indicates sodium. The reason why the solution turned cloudy was that it indicated that the neutralisation reaction was complete. The worded solution that was formed was silver nitrate + sodium chloride в†’ Sodium nitrate + silver chloride (AgNO3 + NaCl в†’ AgCl + ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Negative Effect Of Video Games Yesterday a child killed 16 people and injured many more in less than 20 mins. He is just a child, how is this possible? Video games have become more popular with children, and adolescents, copious amount of video games exposes children to violence. Did you know that children and adolescents who played more violent games were most likely to report aggressive cognitions and behaviors? (Toppo 2015) In today s society, violent video games such as Call of Duty have a negative effect on health, growth and development, and posing a bad influence for children and young adults. Due to the advancing technology video games are becoming more popular, therefore having a negative effect on children and young adults. Call of Duty has a negative effect on children due to the fact it is one of the most played video games. The plot of the story is about a soldier in the military, whom of which you are fighting for your country. The video game takes place in world war two, where the player uses weapons of that time. The downside to the game is that it is realistic, therefore you see blood, violence and other negative stimulants that can be harmful for a child. In order to win the game, you need to win the war. Since the video game is about war, you have to kill as many people as possible. Introducing those kinds of negative stimulants, such as murder to children and adolescents, can affect many things, in which one of those things is their health. Health is very important for children ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Compare And Contrast Ninja And Samurai What do Historians Know about Ninja and Samurai? What s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about ninja? A samurai? Chances are you think of them as two completely separate things; one a superhumanly stealthy and quiet assassin, and one an honorable swordsman. The two can t possibly go together! you might think. Well sorry, because although seemingly very different (and in many cases are) there are some characteristics that ninja and samurai share and some they do not. First let s learn about the sneakier of the two; the ninja. Ninja, or a less commonly used term shinobi meaning those who act in stealth , were low class mercenaries who even though were considered a low class alternative to samurai, were often more practical... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Not going to get off topic here, but the shogun actually had more power than the actual emperor, who was mainly a figurehead and sat back while the shogun, who was the head of the military, basically ran the empire. Now let s learn about the samurai. Samurai were top of the line, powerful mercenaries who were the highest ranking caste of the Edo Period (1604 1867) and had a reputation for their strict code of honor called the bushido (Samurai). The bushido incorporates many Confucian elements such as loyalty to one s master, self discipline and respectful, ethical behavior (Samurai). Much like the ninja, samurai had a wide array of weapons including, but not limited to, bows and arrows, spears, guns, and their main weapon; the sword ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...