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Good Quality Writing Paper Good Quality Writing Paper
The Effect Of Metabolic Acidosis On The Body
The cause of acidosis in the body is when the kidneys and lungs do not maintain the balance (proper
pH level) of chemicals called acids and bases. It can either occur when bicarbonate (a base) is lost or
when acid builds up. Acidosis can be defined as either respiratory or metabolic. Too much carbon
dioxide (an acid) in the body leads to respiratory acidosis. When the body gets into a situation where it
is unable to remove enough carbon dioxide through breathing, it causes respiratory acidosis. This kind
of acidosis is also called hyper capnic acidosis and carbon dioxide acidosis and could be caused by:
chest deformities, such as kyphosis, Chest injuries, chest muscle weakness, chronic lung disease and
overuse of sedative drugs. The symptoms that can be caused by respiratory acidosis are confusion,
fatigue, lethargy, shortness of breath, and sleepiness. Metabolic acidosis develops when too much acid
is produced in the body. It can also occur when the kidneys cannot remove enough acid from the body.
There are several types of metabolic acidosis: Hyperchloremic, Lactic and diabetic. Things that could
cause acidosis are: Dehydration, Aspirin poisoning and kidney disease. Diabetic acidosis (also called
diabetic ketoacidosis and DKA) develops when substances called ketone bodies (which are acidic)
build up during uncontrolled diabetes. The symptoms of metabolic acidosis symptoms depend on the
underlying disease or condition. The metabolic acidosis itself usually causes rapid
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Persuasive Essay About Animator
Introduction Animations, cartoons and movies we watch every day. Ever since I was little I have loved
to watch these collections of pictures move across a screen, all the work that has gone into making the
wonderful piece of entertainment. I have wanted to be an animator for a good time now, having
decided that in freshman year; before then I had hoped to be a video game designer, though the two
jobs do have some similarities I felt that an animator would better fit what I would love to do. I have
many reasons as to why I feel I chose this job, but simply I want it because I love cartoons and
movies, these things that have shaped a majority of my life. The job itself would be tough, having to
work with and coordinate with many others to get a project done, to be able to pull through to the end
of a project. It entails having to be determined and professional, to be a team player, and to be a hard
worker. My goals for this job are to work on cartoons and movies, to bring people entertainment and
hopefully something they enjoy as much as I enjoy them. I hope to maybe one day have come up with
my own cartoon, or to at least work on a big movie I could be proud of. My career goal would be to be
seen as a talented animator who works on wonderful productions, and maybe become a lead animator
one day.
Career related Information Animation jobs usually require a bachelor s degree in fine arts, computer
graphics, animation, or a related field (BLS). Typically to get a job one does
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Case Study Of The Maersk Group
For our current context, we are dealing logistics as limited to the warehousing, transport and integral
management part of the whole supply chain of an organization. In any small to big business, logistics
holds a crucial importance of cutting costs and avoiding waste of materials and the golden time
resource (Anon., 2012). In our earlier assignment, we mentioned five critical global changes which are
bring vital transform in the logistics functionalities of the enterprises. These changes were analyzed
for the current period scenario and the coming decade in the organizations regarding Australian
Increase of global sourcing
Increase of logistics outsourcing
Increase of fuel prices
Priority of GSCM
Increase in Transparency in Logistics Practices
The need was to choose a current enterprise which will be affected by these global changes and what
strategies are appointed to deal with these global logistics changes. We have chosen Maersk Company,
to analyze how these changes are impacting the overall stratagem of a logistics based organization. ...
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Till then the company has launched many standalone businesses leading to a group with 66,000
stakeholders. The company has a global network in 130 countries with a workforce of 89,000
employees. The company has overall 8 standalone businesses holding a prominent reputation
worldwide. The company was able to generate 47.4 billion USD revenue in 2013, with 3.8 billion
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The World History of Work Restraint
throughout the vast majority of world history, work restraint of different structures has assumed a key
part in forming
the monetary structures of social order. In the established world, for example, presumably 35% of the
of Roman Italy were slaves, while 25% of the number of inhabitants in antiquated Athens were
slaves . Closer to our time, bondage has been significantly more predominant
in a few social orders and has kept going up to this point. In 1680 two thirds of the individuals on the
Caribbean island of
Barbados were slaves. In 1860 slaves still made up about 13% of the whole populace
of the United States, and very nearly 50% of the populace in the US South. In expansive parts of West
slaves made up 50% of the populace in the 19th century, and in Sierra Leone bondage
was annulled by the British pilgrim state just in 1928.
slavery was not obviously the main type of work constraint. In spite of the fact that subjugation
vanished from Western
Europe in the early Medieval period, it was reinstated by feudalism where the serfs who made up
likely 90% of the populace were likewise forced and were liable to extraordinary limitations on
also word related decision. Somewhere else comparative frameworks emerged, for instance in
Ethiopia and India which
pretty much looked like bondage. Russian serfdom, for instance, permitted serfs to be sold much the
same as slaves,
which was not normal for serfdom in Western Europe. This
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Andy Clark s Natural-Born Cyborgs Essay
Andy Clark, in Natural Born Cyborgs, offers an extended argument that technology s impact on and
intertwining with ordinary biological human life is not to be feared, either psychologically or morally.
Clark offers several key concepts towards his line of reasoning. Clark argues that a human being
thinks and reasons based on the biological brain and body dynamically linked with the culture and
technological tools transparently accessible to the human. This form of thinking and reasoning
develops new quot;thinking systems quot; that which over time become second nature thoughts and
reasons and are the basis of even newer quot;thinking systems. quot; It is a repetitive cycle that
continues forever being built upon previous systems. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The example he uses is of a boy trapped in isolation at a computer or video game. Clark asserts that
isolation is a matter of perspective, and that as it appears the boy is alone, he is actually spending
quality time in his chosen community that is brought together only through the power of technology.
He contends that this may expand our embodied awareness, In a strange way, we may even come to
better appreciate the value and significance of our normal bodily presence by exploring such
alternatives. Not disembodiment, then, so much as a deeper understanding of why the body matters
and of the space of possible bodies and perspectives. Not isolation so much as a wider and less
geocentric kind of community. (Clark, 194) The argument strategy that Clark employs is similar to a
critiquing strategy where he clearly defines his opponent s concern(s), usually by the use of a real
world example. After he has made the reader well aware of his opponent s concern(s), he generally
uses the same example to tactfully pitch his proposal as a solution to eliminate or neutralize the
concern. The proposal is based on one of two sources, his personal beliefs or observations and theories
based on his research and comprehensive knowledge of humans, technology, and society. In some
instances, he will offer multiple proposals to strengthen his defense and allow the reader to understand
there a several possibilities. It appears from the heavy citation of Daniel Dennett s works
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Negotiation reflection journal
Rudolph Lama I played Chris Rudolph in this case, and did well in this negotiation by not only
focusing on the final price, but also on the extra agreement of letting Lama provided high quality work
to our company. When we started the negotiation, I suggested us to divide the total price into two
parts, the first one was Market Research fee, and the second one was the Lama Lee s charge. After
some initial discussion, I realized the Market Research fee was hard to negotiate, so I planed to put
most of my effort on Lama Lee s fee. My negotiation partner impressed me by setting the price at
$33,000, and made me think that he had to charge us at $33,000. This increased my expected level of
payment a lot. Before he gave the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After the case debrief, I realized that all the arguments that my partner used to argue for a higher pay
were not come from the case materials, he basically made up all these information by himself. And I
admit that it was quite useful during this negotiation because I increased the salary I m willing to pay
based on his arguments. From my partner s argument, I realized that even in the real negotiation, you
may lack some back up data to support your arguments at sometime, and all you can do is to
rationalize your argument. It is not necessary to ask yourself to make up some fake data, but most
important, how can you convince others use your logical and powerful argument.
At the same time, I also realized that the negotiation partners are not always having the conflict
interests during the negotiation. In this case, for some of the issues, we actually have the same goals.
So baring this in mind, in the future negotiation case, I would first seek the common goals for both of
us first to create a win win situation.
Moms. Com Our team approached this negotiation case in a very efficient way. Each of us had a very
clearly job assignment. Two people took care of the calculation while the other two people were
responsible for the negotiation. Thus we quickly built up a model and provided several options to our
counterparts with different terms but same net value of the final bargaining agreement to our team. At
the same
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Weed Eater
Anyone who has ever used a weed eater with a cord will definitely appreciate the Black Decker
LST136W 40V Max Lithium String Trimmer. The days of getting tangled in the cord and getting
frustrated with continually stepping around the cord are over. Who likes the headache of winding the
extension cord up each and every time you have to trim the lawn? Think of how much time and
energy is wasted just trying to deal with this extra task. Wouldn t it be nice to just grab your weed
eater and go to work?
Don t like dealing with gas? Then this rechargeable battery trimmer is for you. It eliminates the
hassles of going to the gas station, trying to avoid spilling gas on your hands and clothes, and then
attempting to aim the gas spout into that tiny ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This allows you to stretch out the battery life to get as much life out of it as possible.
Automatic spool feeding
Having to stop and readjust the line to get more out of the spool is aggravating. This trimmer
eliminates this hassle completely. It even eliminates the need to bump the trimmer on the ground to
get more line.
Weighing just over 10 lbs, this weed eater can be used by anyone who can pick it up. This is great if
you have a lawn where a lot of walking is required.
One of the disadvantages of LST136 40V Black and Decker string trimmer is that it is a little bit
costly for the middle class users over here in America. It is valued at the cost of $127 as at the time of
writing this article as its prices are updated every morning over at amazon.
The Black and Decker 40Volts Max Lithium String Trimmer comes with only one battery. It would
have been a more better trimmer if an extra battery comes with the
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Williams, Jae`da
June 19, 2012
ENC 1102 Dutchman Thematic Analysis
The phrase racial tension is a small description of the main theme in Dutchman by Amiri Baraka.
While race is a vital part of the underlying messages in the play, it stems to a much broader term. In
Dutchman Amiri Baraka attempts to grasp the attention of the African American society. Baraka uses
Clay s character to show readers that complete assimilation into another culture is wrong. He wants to
awaken the African American men and women in a predominately Caucasian American culture to
subconsciously kill the person that is portrayed by Clay in the play. Not only does Baraka want
readers and audience members to kill their inner Clay, but refuse to conform to ... Show more content
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Clay, you liver lipped white man. You would be Christian. You ain t no nigger, you re just a dirty
white man. Get up. Clay. Dance, with me, Clay. Clay: Lula! Sit down, now. Be cool. Even through
Lula insulted him and spoke badly about his mother clay still responded in an apprehensive way. Lula
s aggressiveness in her speech angers Clay to the point where he curses at her, that is after she calls
him an Uncle Tom Wooly Head. (Martin 62)(Kumar 276)
At the end of scene one Lula says You re a murderer, Clay, and you know it. (Baraka 2751)This quote
could be thought of as a subliminal way of saying that Clay killed the black man inside of him. All
throughout the first scene Lula has the more aggressive and dominant role, but in scene two Clay takes
on the more authoritative role, while Lula ends up being the actual murderer at the end of the play.
Lula s plot to kill Clay is in some way foreshadowed when the other passengers board the train and
she says we ll pretend that people cannot see you . (Baraka 2751) Clay tries to defend himself all
throughout the play but doesn t succeed because he can t defend something that he is not. While Lula
is insulting the stereotypes and behavior of black men, Clay cannot fully defend them because he
himself isn t truly black . (Klinkowitz 123 124)
Baraka used a sense of satire because instead of directly inputting his opinion about Clay he played off
of Lula s character,
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Tumut Community Labyrinth
Marketing Description of the Tumut Community Labyrinth for Peace The Tumut community labyrinth
is a place of reflection, education and meditation set along the banks of Tumut river. Local materials,
Accessibility, Armistice Day history and astronomy are all part of the key brief for the Tumut
Community Labyrinth for Peace. The Labyrinth follows the traditional shape octagonal as it is based
on the design in the cathedral in Reims, France, with a single entrance and winding path that leads to a
central place of contemplation. The main path is made of locally quarried Wee Jasper stone edged with
pavers made with gravel, referencing the geology of the local area, and the nearby river. Along the
outer edge, three smaller octagons provide places
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Physical Signs Of Child Abuse
Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; not living a nightmare in the darkness of the soul
(Dave Pelzer). Children should spend their time playing not wondering when or where their going to
get hit. This research paper is meant to inform people about how severe child abuse can be and what
can happen to children once the abuse stops. In my opinion no one really knows how bad child abuse
can be and why kids are afraid to speak out about it. Child abuse is hidden in the world and no child
should be subjected to it. Notably some physical signs of child abuse may be bruises, burns, fractures,
or any other type of injury. Some other signs can be wanting to run away, nightmares, or loss in self
confidence. When children are getting physically
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Benefits And Benefits Of Working Flexibility
Today s organizations as often as need to deal with the ever changing client needs and wants, the
competition within niche markets as well as the rapid improvement of technology. Organisations
therefore need to execute flexibility in the workplace as it is a basic element to overall workplace
effectiveness. Flexibility is a methodology use to state when and how work is conducted as well as
how vocation are organized. Pilbeam and Corbridge (2002), describe flexibility at workplace as the
capacity of an organization to adjust the size, structure, responsiveness and expenses of the people
inputs required to accomplish objectives and goals of the organization . Working flexibility is about
how flexible work is organized in the workplace so that the organizations and employees benefits.
Workplace flexibility can be regarded as the capacity of employees to make decisions influencing
when, where and for how long they engage in work (Jeffrey, 2008). Flexible working is a kind of
working arrangement which gives a level of flexibility on how long, when, where as well as at what
times employees work. Employees access flexible working through HR arrangements, which as a rule
require supervisory approval. The changing environment of work is making new difficulties and
opportunities that organizations can only meet with the sort of alacrity that flexible working
arrangements provide. Therefore, implement a workplace flexibility strategy is a fundamental part for
any organisations,
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Thousand Cranes By Yasunari Kawabata
When it comes to emotions, there is always a reason to why one experiences them. It can be happiness
due to getting a favorite toy, jealousy at another s position, hatred due to one s actions, and so on.
Even sub categories are due to an experience bringing it forth. Such as suffering, one doesn t suffer
randomly, it happens because it was the effect of some cause. One of the biggest causes being
unfulfilled desire; depending on the significance of the desire the greater the suffering. In the novel
Thousand Cranes by Yasunari Kawabata there is this intricate web of suffering that occurs between the
main characters, Kikuji, his father s, his father s mistresses and Fumiko. All as an outcome of
unfulfilled desire. For Yasunari Kawabata, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Her Mother s Lipstick, Fumiko s gifts a second Shino bowl to Kukiji, in which the use of tea utensils,
but there is an underlining connection between the two shino bowls and Kikuji s father and Fumiko s
mother that link the two. The final scene in Double Star Kikujiki, searching for Fumiko, and running
into the shade of Ueno Park. An ambiguous ending that gives no indication if Fumiko is alive or not.
Suffering is seen between the protagonist s father and his two mistresses. Kikuji s father s first
mistress was Chikako, he had a relationship for a short time. Then, he eventually left Chikako for Mrs.
Ota, to which he spent his last days with. The dismissal from his service caused a great amount of
suffering for Chikako, for she believed that she abandoned due to the birthmark on her breast. Though
she never showed outward disdain for the mark on her chest, Kikuji s mother explains that any women
with such a mark would be self conscience. In addition, that dread would follow a woman, because
she would constantly feel fear that her husband would be disgusted by it. Also, that if she were to have
children they would be forced to suckle from that hideous mark, all this Chikako was aware of which
is why she never married. However, as a prostitute she had some semblance of fulfillment, since she
was able to complete that sexual desire. Yet, Kikuji s father s leaving her and choosing another
concubine, especially, a woman without her defect caused
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The Impact Of Activision On The World
Currie 1
Noah Currie
Mrs. LaGrone
English 8 1
23 Sept 2015
History and Impact of Activision
Many people underestimate the impact of videogames. Especially at this day in age, video games are
everywhere. About 80% of American households have some form of video game devices, Computer,
or Console, or even an iPhone. Video games bring many people together as a community, and many
other helpful reasons. Personally, I am a big gamer myself. I have thousands of hours at least in video
game playing and more still coming in. Many companies have been able to make billions of net just
selling video games, that s how big the gaming community is. The biggest game vendor in the world
is Activision, making 18.9 billion net worth of money. With Activision also buying Blizzard, which
the founder is in the top 5 richest people in the gaming industry, they are just piling in the money.
Activision is special in many different ways by being one of the first gaming vendors, from surviving
the great downfall of
Currie 2 the videogame industry, TWICE, and going from the 3rd party game vendor to a first party
game vendor.
To understand the success of Activision and how it changed the world, we have to go to the beginning
of Activision, the VERY beginning. This is when Atari, the biggest video game franchise in the world
(well at least in 1970 s 1980 s), was the dominate face for video games. Want a videogame? Well, just
go to the store and by an Atari game! Soon, 4 people, who
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Abandonment And Abandonment In Frankenstein
Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley in 1817, is a story of obsession, heartache, abandonment,
vanity, and more. This is a fiction with many levels and views for people of all ages, and it was
assigned to our Senior English class. The novel is centered around the story of Victor Frankenstein
and his creation and the many trials and affairs they go through. Throughout the story, both characters
make many choices that they shouldn t. However, when you take into account all of the events that
lead to those poor choices, I believe it s the creation that is most justified. To be abandoned and hated
simply because of your appearance, something you had no control over and can t change, is enough to
turn anyone into a vengeful soul. This story starts out with letters from Captain Walton talking to his
sister about a strange man they found on an iceberg. This strange man had a very dark and desolate
story, and it was time it be told. This man was Victor Frankenstein. Frankenstein was a scientist with a
dismal past, and it all started with a bolt of lighting. After seeing a bolt of lightning strike a tree by his
home, Frankenstein became obsessed with electricity, and throughout the story, his obsession grew to
include all kinds of social sciences and the like. This leads him to college, and eventually to the worst
decision of his life.
Victor makes catastrophic choice when he decides that he wants to make a new life form. Frankenstein
becomes obsessed with making this new being
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The Octopus
At the turn of the century, American readers were interested only in stories with happy endings, where
goodness was praised and evil was punished. They did not particularly care if that was a false
interpretation of the way life really was. When men such as Frank Norris, the author of The Octopus,
wrote angrily of the injustices and poverty to be found in America, readers turned away. The Octopus
made them change their minds. The course of the novel and the reality of its characters held the
readers attention. It is so powerful a book that people had to care about the wheat growers, almost
against their wishes.
The impact did not end in the early twentieth century, but continues its legacy into the new
millenium.The Octopus, depicts ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Their solution to the crisis was to keep magnifying it, until it ruined the farmers. Once the railroad
raised the price for the land, the farmers could not afford to buy. They proceeded to create dummy
buyers, fictitious settlers who they created to come in and buy the land. Soon after Delany, a ranch
worker was fired, the railroad used him to act as a dummy buyer and buy the land.
There was no way Delany could actually afforded to buy the land on his own; he was obviously acting
as the railroad s pawn, sent to aggravate the ranchers who leased farms from the railroad. The railroad
also tampered with other types of characters in the story. Dyke was fired from his job at the railroad
after he refused to work for the rates of a man doing half the work he was doing. Then after Dyke
mortgaged his land to the railroad, they raised the rates on the crop he was producing. They drove him
to poverty and when he tried to take back what they had stolen from him by robbing money from one
of their trains, they had him thrown in jail for life.
This is another example of how Norris evinces the railroads unethical treatment of the common man
in California at the time.Shelgrim, the executive of the P. and S.W. tried to justify the railroad s
actions, and in a way, pass on the responsibility, by calling the railroad a force, something that he had
no control over. In the novel, he compared this force to the way that wheat was
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Sustainability Initiatives A Demonstration Of Corporate...
What are the cost benefits for corporations leading sustainable efforts in their communities and should
corporations be financially responsible for the environmental disturbances that they cause, be it
directly or inadvertently? More specifically are the efforts of Wal Mart to implement sustainability
initiatives a demonstration of corporate social responsibility or just greenwashing? Relevant to these
questions we hypothesis that despite the multitude of efforts that are resulting in some groundbreaking
policies for an Oligopoly such as this, that the fact that they still source, manufacture and distribute
products in a manner that is unsustainable which makes these collective efforts an example of social
greenwashing. Investopedia ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Is this truly a serious initiative for Walmart to use their size for good or is this just greenwashing?
Since their CSR plan announcement Walmart has been making progress towards achieving those goals
but many don t think it s enough or realistically sustainable for the long run. Walmart has received
backlash for their slow adoption of renewable energy, it s cheap products, and it s little progress on
their sustainability index (Gunther, M., 2011). One of Wal mart s initiatives intended to address some
of their inimical externalities is to convert to 100% renewable energy to power their stores. An article
published in 2011 stated that Walmart was powered by only 2% of renewable energy and the ILSR
came out with a report stating less than 2% of renewable energy powers Walmart stores. People were
not impressed with this minimal progress and pointed out that other companies like Starbucks and
Kohls use more renewable energy than Walmart. It was also pointed out that Wal mart is a huge
multinational corporation and that a process like this will take time, especially if they re trying to
avoid raising their costs, which in turn would not benefit the customers. However, in 2013 it was
reported that Wal Mart s 10,800 stores are powered by 21% of renewable energy, which is a decent
amount of growth from
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The Renaissance Or Modern Era Essay
The fifteenth century was a time when Italian culture embraced the arts and the artist responsible for
transforming medieval artistic style to what is called the Renaissance or modern era. The Renaissance
emerged in Florence during the fourteen and fifteen centuries, where the interest of expression that
had been suppressed, broke free and emerged with a sense of creativity, reproducing their ancient
culture. The sense of creativity gave birth to the Renaissance and the emergence of humanism,
resulting in astounding work by many artist. A city in particular, Florence sparked the renewed interest
by encouraging artist to create art and architecture for religious, political and personal achievement
(Adams 2). Humanism was a departure from the past of flat sharped line figures, to painting and
sculpting the human physique in its actual state. It was no longer seen as a corrupt and impure (Adams
28). Artist relied heavily on the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to provide the history and
ideas used to recreate events of the past with resounding likeness to man. The story of David
influenced Donatello, Verrocchio and Michelangelo by how he is described in the bible as a figure of
strength, and beauty as the chosen one to be King of Israel. The story of David begins years before he
was to be King, in the mountains of Ephraim where a man by the name of Elkanah lived
(eBibleStories.com). Elkanah had many wives, one named Hannah was unable to bear a child, who
prayed unto
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Analysis Of Denzel Washington s The Best Actor Of All...
One of the most talked about actors today is Denzel Washington, and considered one of the most
engaging men of our time. So we can all agree on the fact that he s the best actor of all time, right ?!
Denzel Washington told a reporter who talked with him for a article that What individuals expound on
me is the thing that they are, and they think I am I am who I am, a dark man, said Washington. He is a
dark man with nobility and intellect . A dark man who declines to agree with injustice , a black man
who fails at times, however stands up and starts once more. That gives him such a great amount of
acknowledgment in the reality of film making. Washington explained in 1990 to a journalist who
addressed him about his race, I am exceptionally pleased to be dark, however dark is not all I am.
(Denzel Washington His Film and Career)
In spite of the fact that Denzel came from a broken family, his life does not reflect any hint of his past
because of the fact that he is a good father and husband. Great speaker and exceptionally exquisite are
some of words certain individuals use when discussing him. As a devotee of films, I think Washington
has a picture of a performing artist who actuates individuals to expound on his life and conduct. That
is the reason I picked him for my paper since he is a model to imitate. He is the one among those
performing artists who don t let Hollywood degenerate them.
Denzel was born in Mount Vernon, New York, on December 28, 1954, Denzel
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Teen Drug Abuse
Did you know that the teen Drug and Alcohol abuse rate have increased over the past 10 years? 1 out
of every 10 teens use non prescribed prescription drugs. Teens are abusing drugs and using them as
relief outlets. They often start using the drugs under peer pressure, to cope with a problem or to cope
with depression. People can find different ways to cope and quit their addictive habits and find
something different to do. You become 5% more likely to become addicted in adulthood. Studies have
shown that you are 3% more likely to self harm. Drug abuse under ages of 18 can permanently affect
and change your brain. It can cause you to be delusional and can t remember what happened when you
were under the influence. It causes you to do poorly in school , diminishes good performance and can
keep you from being employed. It can also cost you your life if you are driving under the influences.
Studies have shown that 467,000 kids ages 12 17 have used the drugs for nonmedical purposes and
168,000 claim to be addicted. (http://www.projectknow.com/research/fentanyl and teens/ )
Teen drug abuse causes endangerment to yourself and others. When you are under the influence of
Alcohol and drugs your mind doesn t function the same. Studies have shown that drivers under the age
of 21 are behind 17% of most of the the fatal alcohol related car accidents. Which is about 2,000
underage drinkers a year behind the wheel. Which means there are about 200,000 trips to the ER. In
many cases the kids
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Miami Seaquarium Research Paper
Spectacular sunsets and stunning dawns are many great things to expect when visiting Miami. In order
to get the full experience of Florida there are a few must see locations and places. For the nature and
animal lovers the Miami Seaquarium, Everglades, and Jungle Island will be an enjoyable experience.
Indulge your sense of art and architecture by paying a visit to the Perez art museum, art deco and the
Vizcaya of Biscayne. Swimming with dolphins is an experience many would love but don t get the
opportunity to do. Well here s to being the envy of all your friends a little costly but worth it. The
Miami Seaquarium will offer you with knowledge about these impressive aquatic mammals before
you put on your wetsuit and begin interacting
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Masculinity In Bruce Wayne And Joey Tribbiani
Society is the number one determinant on how an individual is supposed to act given their sex. If an
individual is born with male reproductive parts, they must act a certain way in order to be accepted by
the larger population. When a boy starts to engage in certain activities that are not defined as
masculine he is shamed, and it is unbelievably hard to maintain his social status that he may have once
had, or was striving to attain. There are a few different theories when it comes to masculinity and how
it is defined. Also, actions that may be engaged that could hurt a male s ego, are expressing health
concerns. Men feel like they should not express when they are physically in pain, which explains the
significantly lower amount of doctor visits that are attended ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
When I think about Joey Tribbiani I think of the guy that has little manners, no filter, and cracks a joke
at the most inappropriate times. Also, he s the kind of guy that is physically hurt, as he was in one
episode on Friends, and refused to go to the doctor to get help, because of course he is too much of a
man. In addition, Joey is very smooth when it comes to whoever he is talking to, whether it be another
man or a female, and I feel as though the way that he gets what he wants, or is respected is by his
charismatic ways. As I have mentioned before, he is not the most intimidating of men, but that does
not mean that he doesn t fit under this hegemonic theory. As for Bruce Wayne, he is extremely smart,
unlike Joey who is not very educated at all. However, Bruce Wayne is also very serious, he is your
typical man that shows zero emotions, and if he does it is extremely brief. Bruce Wayne manages to
get the things he desires by using his intellectual skills, or by literally buy whatever it may be for an
outrageous amount of money. He is your typical Caucasian heterosexual male, that is in complete
control of his
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Hammarskjöld What Is The Driving Force Behind The Un
Xander McIntosh
The King s College
Founder s Competition
17 November 2016
The United Nations: An Internship Like No Other
The United Nations was not created to lead mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell.
Dag Hammarskjöld , former United Nations Secretary General
The kinds of hell Dag Hammarskjöld referred to are not difficult to imagine in a world ravished by
World War II and terrified by the threat of nuclear war. Hammarskjöld is known today as the second
Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) and widely regarded as a man of unimpeachable
character. His career at the UN was remarkable, in that he was completely uninterested in the
bureaucratic politics many at the United Nations engage in, choosing to lead projects from the
command tent instead of the corner office. He was the first and only Secretary General to be chosen
unanimously and is largely regarded as the greatest leader of the United Nations in history. John F.
Kennedy once said about Hammarskjöld, I realize now, in comparison to him I am a small man. He
was the greatest statesman of our century. (Cite) The question then begs to be asked: what is the
driving force behind this man s impeccable integrity? As we know now, it was his passionate and
private Christian faith. His compassion for his fellow man manifested itself in the form of service to
millions through the United Nations. In addition, a collection of vivid personal Christian reflections,
hailed by many as one of the most
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The Religious Symbolism and Architecture of Angkor Wat and...
Built by the Khmers between 802 and 1220 AD, the ancient temples of Angkor Wat exist as the
remaining relics of a historically and religiously rich city. While many other historical and religious
structures in Cambodia have disappeared due in part from being constructed out of vulnerable
materials like wood, Angkor Wat still remains as a symbol of the divinity of its former kings, as well
as for the palace itself. Likewise, Indonesia s Borodubur temples exist as the single remaining
structures of the city. The temples of Angkor Wat and Borodubur hold several similarities within
architecture and symbolism, both being heavily based on religious belief. However, different features
within both structures, architecturally and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Decorative elements through out the towers and galleries present their own characteristics and fulfill
specific needs within the temple. The towers are formed into the shape of the ever popular lotus buds,
and the galleries are used to expand the many passageways of the temple. Also, the axial galleries
within the temple are used to connect several enclosures. Characteristic decorative components of
Angkor Wat include narrative and historical bas reliefs, pediments, and devatas. The bas reliefs
located in the gallery of Angkor Wat holds a special signification for Angkor Wat. The gallery displays
heaven and the underworld in which garudas and lions are holding the celestial palaces. These gerudas
indicate that the palaces were floating in heaven, comparing Angkor Wat to the palaces of the Gods.
This display furthers the idea that Angkor Wat acts as a liason between the world of Heaven and Earth.
Because the palace physically remains on earth but spiritually resides within heaven, the palace acts as
communal place for believers to gather.
The bas reliefs and pictures did not only serve to decorate the palaces, or depict stories of the past.
They hold the important task of transforming the palace into a celestial dwelling or heavenly place.
Further evidence to support this notion is
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Essay on Golden Limited s Balance Sheet
8 7 Suggested time: 45 minutes Maximum score: 120 points Ending Inventory (December 31, 2007)
$26,000 The following transactions took place during 2007: The trial balance of Golden Limited as at
1 January 2007 is shown below: Accoun A¢ ount No 110 110 110 ca Be d Investments ccounts
Receivable 1108 110 1110 200 01 2202 2203 3300 3301 4400 401 5500 501 5502 5503 i504 5O5 5O6
$ $ [nt :re st Receivable ] ÿntory * ding** Payments: Accounts Payable $15,000; Notes Payable
$27,000; Income Taxes Payable $8,000; Operating Expenses $42,000 , 30,000 4. 900 Credit sales
$104,000 Inventory purchased $36,000 $22,000 purchased on credit (assume ... Show more content on
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Financial statements issued by entities, in both the private and public sectors, are reasonable
conclusions on which to base the audit opinions. The reliability of audit used by various parties to
evaluate, amongst other things, the entity s financial evidence is influenced by its source and by its
nature and depends on the individual performance and position. These reports are the main means by
which the management circumstances under which it is obtained. communicates information about the
entity to the users of these reports. Briefly describe five audit procedures to obtain audit evidence;
give examples and the There are, however, limitations of the reporting process that affect the
usefulness of degree of reliance on evidence gathered. the financial statements. Please provide five
limitations of the financial statements Begin writing your answer to Essay C on page 25 of the answer
booklet. presentation. Begin writing your answer to question 1 on page 31 of the answer booklet.
Suggested time: 10 minutes Maximum score: 30 points 2. For each of
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Civilian Complaint Review
I am writing to acquire the possible opening job for the Civilian Complaint Review Board as an
Investigator level 1 at the agency. I have always wanted to work for an agency where I know I can
relate to and be a great addition to the team, where it offers the opportunity to not only learn and teach
your knowledge to others but also bring in all of the skills that I have learned through the course of my
studies. Understanding that the CCRB has been an important part of the community and being an
independent agency, I am able to understand the importance of always evolving the agency for the
better. Nonetheless, I understand how important it is to protect our citizens and making sure that law
enforcement is doing their job properly. One of the qualities is being able to communicate properly
and being able to encourage members of the community to file complaints when they feel they have
been part of police misconduct ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Furthermore, I have gained knowledge and excellent research skills, I have also had knowledge of
PowerPoint and Microsoft Word. I am positive that I will contribute my skills to the CCRB and how
my background will also a contribution to the team, being fluent in Spanish and English, I will be able
to translate important paper work and help those individuals who need assistance. Adding me to the
team will mean that the goals
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What Is The Frail Category In The Scarlet Letter
It is to my belief that The Scarlett Letter could be placed in the Orthodox Christian and Fortunate Fail
category. It could be that I am a bit biased, but it just seems that the story was a best fit for those two
categories. In the story, Hester had an affair and bore a child with another man, Rev. Dimmesdale.
This is highly frowned upon. For her adultery she was forced to wear the scarlet letter A over her
breast, to make it known that she had unlawful sexual intercourse. This had to be very embarrassing at
first. But be that as it may, she was able to move on and raise her child. On the other hand, Arthur, is
punished by his own feelings of shame and guilt. These feelings probably ate away at him, as he knew
his role and should
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Statement Of Purpose For Master Of Engineering
Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal; my strength lies solely in my tenacity
My name is Bhoi Chiragkumar Dineshbhai. I consider myself fortunate enough to have parents who
are also educated and have always encouraged me to think independently and follow my dreams with
courage and determination. I firmly believe that neither technology nor management alone can drive
the economy. It is the synergy between the two that does. They are like parallel railroads, being far
enough to make travel possible and near enough to make it safe. As a prospective student of Master of
Engineering (Engineering Management), I find myself taking this train in search of a better tomorrow.
I have completed my tenth grade with 84.14% marks in the year 2001. After my tenth grade, I opted
for non medical stream and appeared for my twelfth grade examination in the year 2003. However, I
was unable to clear my twelfth grade examination at this time. I decided to re appear for my twelfth
grade the next year and simultaneously joined Diploma in Mechanical Engineering at B B Institute of
Technology, V.V. Nagar, affiliated to Technical Education Board (T.E.B.). Due to this, I was unable to
concentrate on my twelfth grade examinations ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I wish to acquire practical knowledge about the most modern techniques in the field and apply them
for the betterment in my country. The well designed course along with highly qualified and
experienced faculty will be an ideal environment platform for achieving my goals. I feel its curriculum
as an avenue to hone my skills and enhance my intellectual ability. I have also heard about its
resources and many other facilities that are very attractive and admirable. Furthermore, it is one of the
best universities in the world that will serve me well in my career and prepare me for a lifetime of
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Sympathy For The Monster In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
Brandon Zakrosky Toni J. Weeden English 14 November 2017 The Monster There were several times
I had sympathy for the monster in the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Victor came from a
privileged family and decided he wanted to play god, which is when he created the monster. It was
selfish of Victor to create the monster and leave without explaining the world it. After reading this
essay I think you will also have sympathy for the monster. Sympathy is when you have feelings of pity
or sorrow towards someone s misfortune (Oxford Dictionaries, 1998). I had sympathy for the monster
several times throughout the book. The first time I did was when he was being brought to life, Unable
to endure the aspect of the being that I created, I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The man thought as if the monster was harming the girl, but in reality, he was saving her life. After a
meeting at the glacier, a deal was proposed to Victor. If he created the monster a mate, then the
monster would disappear for good. Victor came very close to completing the female mate but did not
complete it. The wretch saw me destroy the creature on whose future existence he depended on for
happiness, and with a howl of devilish despair and revenge, withdrew (Shelly 145). One night Victor
was working on the new creature but was having second thoughts about it. When he saw the creature
with an ugly grin on his face peeking through the window, he destroyed the new creature. After
abandoning the creature after his creation, he got its hopes up and nearly completed the monster only
to destroy it. I can emphasize what it is like to be the monster in that situation. A way that the monster
shows sympathy is when he is in the village. He was observing the villagers and noticed what they
were going to. He showed sympathy by putting himself in their shoes. That made him want to assist
the cottagers with the labor they were doing. You can only want to assist someone if you have put
yourself in their shoes and thought about what it feels like to do what they are doing. Sympathy is
something that is felt by everyone, it is inescapable. There were many reasons why the story of the
monster can help us overcome,
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Teaching Writing Informal Letters
Chapter I. General notion of writing..........................................................3 1.1.Writing
skills.......................................................................3 1.2. The importance of effective writing
skills.....................................6 1.3. Informal writing...................................................................7 1.4.
Letter writing.......................................................................9 1.5. Different types of
Chapter II.Teaching writing informal letters................................................13 2.1. Informal
letters...................................................................13 2.2. Writing informal
letter..........................................................13 2.3. Types of informal
letters........................................................20 2.4. Exercises for teaching writing informal ... Show more
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In this context, the role of writing is little different from its role in any other subject; it allows students
to see how they are progressing and to get feedback from the teacher, to monitor and diagnose
problems. Successful writing depends on more than the ability to produce clear and correct sentences.
Writing tasks which have whole texts as their outcome relate appropriately to the ultimate goal of
those learners who need to write English in their social, educational or professional lives. Some
students know already what they need to be able to write in English. Others may be uncertain about
the nature of their future needs. Our role as teachers is to build communicative potential. Many
students have to prove their competence in English and sometimes in other subjects by producing
compositions for examinations. [1; 25]
Classroom writing tasks should reflect the ultimate goal of enabling students to write whole texts
which form connected, contextualized, and appropriate pieces of communication.
One approach to writing is to look at instance of writing and to analyse the features of the written text.
This will tell us something about what students have to produce. It is possible to build up a list of
skills that writers need:
getting the grammar right;
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The Role Of Protective Factors That Are Involved With Risk...
Fourgere stated, Resilience is one of purported protective factor that has been highlighted as being of
potential importance. This was stated in regards of some protective factors that are involved with risk
factors in offenders. Protective factors are those supposedly known to relate to positive outcomes.
Protective factors are those conditions or attributes such as skills, strength, resources, supports, or
coping strategies in individuals, families, communities or larger societies that help people deal more
effectively with stressful events and mitigate or eliminate risk in families and communities. Resilience
is the capacity to recover quick from difficulties. This is a trait or characteristic that has been thought
to keep some young offenders from reoffending, Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth
(SAVRY), Structured Assessment of Protective Factors for Violence Risk, and Short Term Assessment
of Risk and Treatability are some risk assessment tools that related to resilience. Resilience has been
identified as both a personal quality or characteristic, as well as a means of coping. Forensics
concluded resilience being a trait, a quality that makes one person different from another, or a
characteristic, a special quality or trait that makes a person thing, or group different from others. Both
defined show a few similarities but remained distinct depending solely on the individual and their
circumstances. Individuals who show self efficacy, perseverance,
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Similarities Between Edgar Allan Poe And Stephen King
In every time period there is always a writers that dominates a certain genre. These individuals are
masters in their fields and can evoke the deepest feeling in their readers. There are many of these
writers in every generation for every genre. In the field of horror two writers should spring to
everyone s mind. Edgar Allen Poe and Stephen King. Both writers have made their marks in literature
for exploring the darker sides of imagination producing writings that can leave readers shaken from
freight. Although both authors are from different time periods they have similarities in writing that
shows their skills. Not only do both writers have similarities in their life styles they both led similar
lives . Edgar Allan Poe was born in 1809 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1947 he was born to Nellie Ruth Pillsbury King. His mother single handedly took care of both king
and his brother while moving about the country following their father who was not apart of their lives.
Unlike Poe s guardian Ms.King was always supportive of her son s writing career, and encouraged
him to write as much as possible. Despite similarities in their lives both homes were very different.
Poe live in a financially stable house but with a parent who was emotionally detached, and did not
support his desire for writing. King lived in a home that was financially unstable, but received support
from his mother. His desire to write, and his mother s support led him to accomplish many great
things. King s writing started from a very early age. a He submitted hundreds of stories to different
publications in the genres of horror. King received his college education at the University of Maine in
Orono. He lacked the finances to pay for his education so he worked a fulltime job to order to pay his
tuition. By the time he reached college he had several writings published and was becoming very
serious about it. He remained focused in college and blossomed as a writer in the experience. Perhaps
this is where the core difference exists between Poe and King ;one lacked a strong emotional
foundation in his youth and went on to make disastrous choices, consequently keeping him out of
reach of success within his lifetime.
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Research Paper On How To Make Snickerdoodles
People learn to bake for many different reasons, a few of them include relieving stress and having
something to do in your freetime. In this paper I will teach you how to bake one of the easiest cookie
recipes there is: Snickerdoodles. To make Snickerdoodles you first need to gather all the ingredients
needed which include flour, baking powder, salt, unsalted butter, sugar, eggs, and ground cinnamon.
Then you preheat your oven 350 degrees, after that take two sticks of butter out of the fridge to thaw.
While the butter is thawing put 2 ¾ cup flour, ½ teaspoon salt, and 2 teaspoons baking powder into a
small and whisk together until mixed, then set aside. Next, take the larger bowl, place the 2 sticks of
softened butter along with
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Daniel Captivity
In 605 B.C during Jehoiakim s reign, the Babylonian s king Nebuchadnezzar took Daniel and his
friends as captives when he besieged Jerusalem. Daniel was taken captive because he fit in the
standards, which the king was searching for: young men, good looking and smart. During the time of
captivity, Daniel, the author of the book of the Bible with the same name, writes about the dreams,
visions and situations he passed in the course of the captivity. Indeed Daniel s actions reflected the
way he faced the situations, showed how he feared and was obedient to God, even when he was
placed in a room full of lions or into a furnace of blazing fire. The story of Daniel begins in the third
year Jehoiakim s reign when he was taken captive from Judah ... Show more content on
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Daniel received also a Babylonian s name so he was called Belteshazzar (or Belshazzar) that possibly
means Bel, protect his life. Daniel s character was tested when he decided not to eat the king s food
and proposed to the commander of the officials to eat something different to see they would be
healthier and better looking than the ones eating from the king s chosen food. After a week eating
vegetables, Daniel was healthier and better looking than the other youth. By choosing not to eat the
food from the king s table Daniel was being obedient to God s word because the food chosen by the
king was dedicated to the Babylonian s gods, probably were from unclean animals and the blood was
not taken out. Daniel received the name Belteshazzar because of the Babylonian s gods either Marduk,
or Nebo conceivably to incorporate the culture of the Babylonians and their pagan s gods. God
provided Daniel with intelligence, wisdom and a special gift: the understanding of all kinds of visions
and dreams and as a result of that, Daniel was the one God chose to interpret the dreams of, the king
of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar. The Bible says the king was distressed and wanted to kill every wise
men of Babylon, therefore Daniel was one of the wise men. Daniel knew God was merciful and could
reveal to him the meaning of the dream in order to spare Daniel s and his friend s
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Hurricane Carter Research Paper
Rubin Hurricane Carter is a well known boxer who was found guilty of three murders committed and
was sentenced to three times a life sentence, although he believes it was due to racial discrimination,
being appealed to racism and not reason, and lastly concealment not disclosure.
Rubin Hurricane Carter was born on May sixth, 1937 in Clifton, New Jersey; although he lived most
of his life in Paterson, New Jersey. He survived his childhood by learning fast. At age nine, him and
his friends stole clothes from one of the Paterson s stores. Once his father found out about this, his
father turned him into the police and was sentenced to two years of probation. Later on, in life, at age
eleven, he stabbed a man that was showcasing sexual advances. He did this because that man would
not listen to him when he told him to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He was born in Clifton, New Jersey on May six, 1937. He died in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on April
twentieth, 2014 at the age of seventy six due to prostate cancer. He invented the book Eye of the
Hurricane: My Path from Darkness to Freedom and was the founder of the Innocence International.
His inventions impacted society on how the Criminal justice systems shows inequities. His book,
helped show that even when things don t go your way, do not give up and always fight for what you
believe is right. The character traits that Rubin displayed are determination and honesty. He showed
determination by not giving up for what he believed and for staying true that he never killed anyone.
He showed honesty by never lying and only speaking the truth. The long term effects of Rubin s lives
and actions are that you can be famous and never convict a crime. As, well as he stayed true and never
lost eyesight that he did something bad because he never killed anyone. The lesson learned is that even
when everyone believes you did something wrong, stay true to what you
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The Movement Of Target Wireless Sensor Networks
Anitha.S1and Prabaharan.P2 1Department of CSE, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women,
anithasaravanan01 @gmail.com 2Department of CSE, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for
Women, kpra8897 @gmail.com
Abstract The ultimate aim of a wireless sensor network is to provide accurate and reliable information
regarding the environment in which the sensors are deployed. Among the various applications of a
sensor network, target tracking is the one of the key application of WSNs. In existing system To
design a Face Track for detecting the movement of a target in polygon. Develop a brink detection
algorithm used to reconstruct another conceptual polygon. Optimal node selection algorithm to select
which sensor of spatial region to track data. All wireless sensors are activated and idle listening is a
major source of energy waste. Once an active sensor runs out of energy, that sensors are not present in
the network. So communication is not fully completed. We enhance the proposed algorithm
Probability Based Prediction and Sleep Scheduling (PPSS) to overcome this problem also it improve
the power efficiency and increase the network life time.
Keywords Wireless sensor networks, mobile target, edge detection, face tracking, multiple tracking
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) is used to bring about the
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Informative Speech on Donald Trump
Informative Speech: Donald Trump
Specific Purpose: At the end of my speech, the audience will know more about Donald Trump.
I. Does anyone know who s famous line is you re fired! ? Donald Trump. Whether you have seen him
on the Apprentice or see him all over the news, Donald Trump seems to be in the media quite a lot. II.
By the end of this speech, you will have learned more about the life of Donald Trump. III. We are all
business students and Donald Trump has stood out in the business world. IV. I have read a book by
Donald Trump and actively read his twitter feed, so I am up to date on his media coverage. V. The
three aspects of Donald Trump s life that I will inform you about are what he is known ... Show more
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One of his other main business successes are his golf courses. 2. There are 13 locations. a. They are
throughout North America and Europe. b. Very luxurious.
(Transition: Although Trump is successful in business, he has some controversy in his life as well.)
III. The last thing we are going to discuss is Donald Trump s legal struggles. A. According to an article
Forbes published in 2011, Trump has had to file his companies for bankruptcy. 1. The years were
1991, 1992, 2004, and 2009. a. The article says that at one point in the 90 s, he was $900 million in
debt. 2. Obviously he has built himself and his companies back up many times after the fall. B. Trump
has the tendency to get into lawsuits. 1. Bill Maher is being sued currently by Trump. a. According to
New York s Daily News, the 4th most popular newspaper in the U.S., Bill Maher is being sued for $5
million as of last month . i. On Jay Leno, Bill Maher said he would give $5 million to charity if
Donald Trump could produce his birth certificate proving that he was not the spawn of his mother and
an orangutan. ii. Donald Trump did provide his birth certificate and when Maher didn t pay up, Trump
said he owed him the money. 2. Trump is also suing a Macy s protest group. a. According to MSN s
TV News last month, Trump is threatening to sue the group for $25 million. b. Donald Trump has a
clothing and fragrance line at Macy s. i. The group
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The Announcement From A 1 Holdings Company
The announcement from A 1 Holdings Company for a hostile takeover made National Brands
management worried. The CEO of the National Brand, Bill Hall, the chief operating officer, Tom
Straw, the chief financial officer, Doris Faraday, and Stan Lindner from public relation all sat down
and discussed on this particular problem. So far, A 1 Holdings had already bought 5 percent of
National Brand s outstanding shares and made offer for the rest at 7 1/8 over market, which was $55
per share. For Bill Hall, the head of A 1 Holdings, Kelly O Brien was a bad guy who might just want
to take over the company and make his employees miserable. Tom Straw then suggested the poison
pill approach to defense the takeover but the idea was doubted by Stan because it did not seem good
for the company. Doris, after working with her numbers, proposed her Pac Man defense idea. The Pac
Man defense approach meant making counter offer to buy A 1 Holdings at $17 a share. She believed
with National Brands strong financial position, it is highly possible that this defense would work. Bill
agreed with this idea and started to have his people working on analyzing the details of this approach.
The analysis started with A 1 Holdings ability to buy all the rest 95 percent of National Brands. This
95 percent equaled 107,958,000 shares outstanding, and at the offer of $55 per share, A 1 Holdings
would need the equivalent of $5,937,690,000 in cash to be able to take over National Brands. Assume
A 1 planned
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Snakes In Georgia s Ecosystem
As many of you may know I grew up riding and showing horses. Many of my days were spent out at
the barn where my horse was boarded. There were many animals around the stable horses, dogs, cats
and your occasional snake. There was nothing like going to pick up a flake of hay for my horse and
there lay a snake on the bale of hay. Snakes hung around the stable because mice were around. The
mice were attracted to the horse feed. The snakes were attracted to the mice.
There are 42 snake species found in Georgia. Of these 42 species only 6 are venomous. The most
commonly observed snakes are the black racers, rat snakes and nonvenomous water snakes. Snakes
play an important role of Georgia s ecosystem since they are considered both predator and prey.
Snakes are also beneficial to have around because they feed on many animals that are labeled as pests.
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Snakes use camouflage to protect themselves and for hunting prey. This can make them hard to see
which may result in you accidently stepping on or grabbing them. When a snake is stepped on or
grabbed, it may have an aggressive response as the result of it thinking that you are trying to harm it.
In order to avoid accidently stepping on or grabbing a snake never place your hands, arms, legs and
feet where you cannot see them. Wear closed toe shoes and long pants when walking through places
where you don t have a clear view. Walk around logs instead of stepping over them. When walking
around at night, use a
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Antonio Vivaldi s Influence In The Development Of Music
I selected Antonio Vivaldi as from the list of composers due to his vast influence in the development
of music, including current popular styles such as the double violin concertos and ritornellos, and his
influence on future composers such as Bach. Vivaldi s significance to the music world is further
emphasized by the introduction and popularization of concepts such as his usage of rhythm to create
escalating tension and the application of motivic elements as themes for his pieces. Vivaldi s life was
set out to pursue priesthood from a young age yet, ironically, an illness allowed him to follow his true
passion as both a violinist and composer. Antonio Vivaldi remained pious throughout his life and it
was his particular education as a priest
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All About France
France is located in the northern hemisphere around 46° N and 2° E in Western Europe. As shown in
the political map of Europe in Figure 1 above, France is bordered by the Bay of Biscay to the west, the
English Channel to the north, the Mediterranean Sea to the south as well as the countries of Spain,
Andorra, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium.
France is the largest country in Western Europe with a total land area of around 213,010 square miles
(551,695 square kilometers). Two thirds of the country is made up of fertile plains with about half of
the land under cultivation.
The physical map in Figure 2 shows that France s major mountain ranges are mostly in the south,
including the Alps, Pyrenees, and Massif Central. Its major rivers are the Seine, Rhine, and Rhône.
About a quarter of the land area is covered in forests which is a valuable environmental resource.
Cities and Regions of France
France is made up of 27 administrative regions but 5 of these are overseas territories. This leaves 22
regions in mainland France as shown in the map in Figure 3.
Each region has its own regional council, with elected members and local administration. They have
responsibility for making decisions about transport, infrastructure, communication, development,
tourism and education.
The capital city of France is Paris. Other large cities include Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Nantes, Marseille,
Nice, Strasbourg, Toulon and Toulouse.
The regions of France are due to be
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Facts About Mexico
Mexico (Estados Unidos Mexicanos), the world s largest Spanish speaking country, is bordered by the
United States to the north and Belize and Guatemala to the southeast. Mexico is about one fifth the
size of the United States, but holds more than 120 million citizens. It is led by Enrique Peña Niet who
was elected to lead the country in 2012. Mexico s capital is Mexico City holding a large 20.4 million
people in the heart of Mexico. (Infoplease)
Mexico s first known society were the Olmecs who arrived in Mexico on the Gulf Coast near what is
now Veracruz. Remembered for the giant head sculptures they carved from native stone, the Olmecs
had two main population centers: San Lorenzo, which flourished from about 1200 to 900 B.C., and La
Venta ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The constitution of 1824 set up a federal system modeled to a considerable degree on that of the
United States. The present constitution, proclaimed by Venustiano Carranza on February 5th, 1917,
retained the liberal democratic character and much of the structural form of the 1857 document but
was revolutionary in character. It was the first Latin American constitution to recognize that the
solution of essentially nonpolitical problems was necessary for the achievement of orderly and popular
government. Just as that of the United States, Mexico s government has 3 major branches. Executive,
Legislative, and Judicial. In the executive branch, power is invested in the president, who is elected by
direct popular vote for a six year term, but cannot be re elected after his term is up. He must be native
to the country of Mexico, he must be the son of native born Mexicans, and must be at least 35 years
old. The Mexican president is legally and politically a strong executive. In the event of a president s
death, there is no provision for a vice president, so a new election is held for a new president. There
are 19 executive departments to assist the president such as: interior, foreign affairs, defense, navy,
finance, national property, industry and commerce, agriculture, communications and transport, public
works, education, labor and social security, presidency, agrarian reform, health and
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Let Down Song Analysis
There are many different ways for a song to be effective. For many people, it s a catchy melody and
relatable lyrics. For others, it s complex instrumentation and clever songwriting. Still others prefer
deep lyrics they can dig into and analyze. On all of these fronts, Let Down passes with flying colors.
But what makes Let Down such an effective song for me is how well it can put feelings into words
and sounds, and its ability to completely accept the meaninglessness of life, while at the same time
proclaiming the joy of living life. The song accomplishes this through its use of intricate rhythm,
beautiful melody and instrumentation, and thoughtful lyrics.
The song opens with a beautiful, melancholic guitar melody, setting the tone for ... Show more content
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In the end, Let Down truly shines because of its intricate rhythm, melody, and amazing
instrumentation and lyrics.
The harmony is simple yet effective, acting as a canvas for the melody, instrumentation, and lyrics to
flourish from. It starts on its key center, A major, a common and comfortable place for a song to start
on. It then moves to E major, a chord that feels unsettled for songs in the key of A major, and is
commonly used to set up a feeling of tension in songs. Then it moves to F# minor, giving the song a
somewhat somber, yet still fundamentally happy feeling. Afterwards, it moves back to the unresolved
E major, to then resolve back to the tonic (the song s key center), A major. An unresolved chord doesn
t feel quite at place in a song, and wants to find closure by pivoting back to the song s key center. This
progression isn t anything special, but it does offer a strong building block for the other elements of
the song to be built on. This pattern repeats through the verses.
Instrumentally, the song takes inspiration from Phil Spector s Wall of Sound technique.1 Through this
dense, multi layered arrangement and production, the electric piano, drums, bass, acoustic guitar, and
electric guitar all work together to create one thick, powerful sound. This helps the song gain a sense
of resolve in the face of its poignant lyrics.
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Jablonksi Skin Color
In this video Dr. Nina Jablonksi from Penn State University talked about the evolution of human skin
color and why the gradient of skin color in humans exists. To begin this video she started by talking
about melanin, which is the main pigment in human skin. Melanin is produced in the lower layer of
skin and has two different types. The first type is called eumelanin, which is the most common type.
Eumelanin usually gives skin and hair black and brown coloring. The second type of melanin is
pheomelanin which is red and yellow in color. Certain amounts of these melanin are what determine
the different shades of skin tones. Melanin helps absorb the ultraviolet radiation which helps protect
the skin against the harmful and damaging effects of these ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is shown by the skin pigmentation in the Maasai people of East Africa because the women are a
lighter skin color than the men. Skin pigmentation does not fully develop until adulthood as well, the
Maasai people show this as well. Over time, researchers have hypothesized that lighter skinned
people, such as Europeans or Asians, resulted from a chromosome mutation in dark skinned people.
To prove this hypothesis, researchers analyzed DNA of bones that are 50,000 years old from skeletons
of Neanderthals. These bones showed the diminishing pigmentation and through the DNA analysis it
showed the genetic mutation. In the end, scientists have done enough research to find out that people
should not be identified by their skin color. It is actually seen as a complete fallacy to identify people
by the pigmentation of their skin. Everyone comes from the same place and we are all alike. The only
real difference is the color we see but that is all, the differences truly do only run skin deep. We all
have the same ancestry and all of our skin pigmentation is almost identical. People need to stop
judging a book by its color and look a little
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Sustainable Confusion
Sustainable Confusion Forest Stewardship Council and IKEA
Sustainable development has been a debatable concern in the past few years. To thrive for a viable
environment of carefree living, countries worldwide gather to discuss the importance of this issue.
However, with the sheer efforts of governments are not sufficient. With increasing awareness of
environmental protection and sustainability, more eco certification organizations and retailers form
alliances to ensure the productive harmony in exploiting natural resources. An example of this kind of
relationship would be IKEA carries Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified lumber and paper by
which they ensure the right practice on forest management.
Founded in 1993, FSC is a three chamber system that has representation from economic players as
well as environmental NGOs and social groups (Grant, 2014). It is dedicated to promote
environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world s
forests, without compromising those of future generations ( FSC Forest Stewardship Council ® Vision
Mission, n.d.).
To ensure the proper practice of forestry, FSC has developed a set of 10 Principles and 57 associated
Criteria (P C) that monitor the FSC certified forests worldwide ( FSC Forest Stewardship Council U.S.
(FSC US) Mission and Vision, n.d.). The P C touch upon the three pillars of sustainability and clarify
each category by illustrating various policies, including the
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I Am Legend Themes
Distopian is a society or place that is unpleasant and bad. Dystopian movies are often based on themes
that play out in the real world. The dystopian movie I am Legend by Francis Lawrence has a theme of
Loss of Humanity. I am Legend is about a woman who spread around a cure or virus saying it was the
cure to cancer. The cure that was said to be the cure to cancer killed everyone on the island. Dr. Robert
Neville is trying to find a cure to the virus that affected the the entire island. Throughout the movie,
the theme that represented I am Legend used literary devices and universal storytelling element. The
theme is built through the use of symbol, narrative transport, heroic scenario, and interesting way in
which the movie is told.
The butterfly is one symbol from the movie that relates to the theme of Loss of Humanity. The
butterfly was constantly used throughout the entire movie as a way for change in the life of humanity.
Near the end of the movie Robert Neville remembered what his daughter told him, Look Daddy, it s a
butterfly. This relates back to theme of Loss of Humanity because it shows Robert Neville about his
own personal destiny. Also, it the butterfly goes back to show him that losing his life to make sure the
cure gets around is going to help many others survive. The butterfly symbolizes change, lightness, and
transformation of how the world is going to end up. Robert Neville losing his family relates to the
theme of Loss of Humanity. In the beginning of
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The Worth Of Sport Event Sponsorship A
Journal of Management and Marketing Research
The worth of sport event sponsorship: an event study
Jin Woo Kim
The University of Texas at Arlington
The authors investigate the relationship between sports related event sponsorship and stock market
valuation and identify factors that influence the financial rewards of sponsorship using World Cup and
PGA tour sponsorship data. In particular, relationship between sports sponsorship with financial
performance is examined in terms of sponsorship fit, event characteristics, and brand equity. Event
study results show that sponsorship for World Cup and
PGA is positively related to abnormal stock returns for sponsors but not every sponsor enjoys
significantly positive cumulative abnormal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sports sponsorship makes it possible to link the aspiration and passion of a target audience to specific
sports (Arun, 2004). In general, sponsorship holds a unique position in the marketing mix because it is
effective in building brand awareness, providing differentiated marketing platforms, facilitating direct
business benefits and providing valuable networking and hospitality opportunities (ADREVIEW). The
number of companies sponsoring events has increased over the past decade.
However, it is somewhat unclear how the effectiveness of event marketing activities can be measured.
As mentioned earlier, approach to sports sponsorship can be divided into two
The worth of sport, Page 2
Journal of Management and Marketing Research research stream (see Table 1). One is the consumer
psychology approach which incorporates effect of sports sponsorship in terms of consumers
awareness, recognition, and behavioral intentions. The other approach focuses on grasping the
potential contribution of sports sponsorship to positive or negative changes in stock price. The effect
of sponsorship on firm value in the stock market can be investigated in financial perspective.
psychologic al approach
Table 1. Literature Review on Sponsorship Effects
Speed and
Conceptual framework about the effect of
sponsor event fit, perceived sincerity of the
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The Voting Of Citizens, The Middle And Lower Class
The ruling does not encourage the majority of citizens, the middle and lower class, to become
involved in politics. Once corporations can donate to their heart s desires, regular citizens will not be
the main focus of politicians. Such can be seen in the way congressional members call donors for
hours in the Congressional Call Centers. Congressmen and women are not calling the average citizen,
but rather they are calling people who can give them a large lump sum of money. During a talk,
Senator Chris Murphy addresses money in politics, and he explains how awful the process of
gathering re election campaign finances is: For a senate race I m not calling anybody who doesn t
have the chance of giving me at least one thousand dollars... so you got to imagine that the people I m
calling are the folk that are making a half million to a million dollars and they have fundamentally
different problems than everyone else ( Opening Address ). The Senator openly talks about how awful
the fundraising processes in and how many members of congress walk away because of this. The
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission case only increased the amount of time congressmen
and women spend away from their duties as legislators and increases the time they are sitting in
cubicles calling their donors.
The solution to campaign finances has been in place since the 1970s in the form of a question on
taxpayers 1040 form. The question read: Do you want $3 of your federal tax to go to the
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Clear Lake Dental Care
People don t usually think of the dentist as the health care professional to see for chronic headaches
and migraines. Yet dentists are often instrumental in diagnosing and treating many cases of recurring
headaches. This is because a number of recurring pains in the head, neck, jaw, and face are caused by
conditions in the mouth and the rest of the craniofacial area. For example, recurring pain in the
temples on the sides of the head are usually caused by teeth grinding or clenching. In some cases,
misalignment in the teeth or jaw area can put pressure in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ, also
called the jaw joint) and lead to pain. If you experience frequent migraines and headaches, head and
neck pain, and popping or clicking sounds when you open or close your mouth, consult your dentist in
Webster right away. You may be suffering from TMJ disorder (TMD). Clear Lake Dental Care is here
to offer migraine headache prevention and relief in your current problem.
What Is TMJ?
The TMJs are your jaw joints on both sides of the head. This is the hinge joint that lets you open and
close your mouth. When the jaw joints are damaged because of teeth grinding, trauma, or gum disease,
you may experience pain and difficulty chewing and speaking. ... Show more content on
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To diagnose and rule out other causes of the pain, your dentist will perform a thorough oral
examination. For immediate and long term relief from pain caused by TMD, your dentist may
recommend behavior modification, eating soft foods for a few days to reduce stress on the jaw joints,
gentle stretching exercises, anti inflammatory medications, muscle relaxants, biofeedback, stress
management, and other conservative therapies. Surgery is usually performed when all other treatments
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The Esther Johnson Murder Case
John Tyler, age 28, was shot and killed with a handgun, fired by Jeff Ace Johnson, on July 16th. The
shooting occurred after an argument between Jeff (age 20 and a member of the Cobras street gang)
and Jerry Knight (age 22, member of the Jukers street gang and cousin of the deceased). The accused
may be convicted of either murder (the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice
aforethought) or voluntary manslaughter (the unlawful killing of a human being without malice). After
reviewing all the facts of the case, I have come to the conclusion that Jeff Ace Johnson is guilty of
voluntary manslaughter.
Intent or aforethought is a major difference between murder and manslaughter; murder is intentional
and/or planned while
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  • 9. Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Weed Eater Anyone who has ever used a weed eater with a cord will definitely appreciate the Black Decker LST136W 40V Max Lithium String Trimmer. The days of getting tangled in the cord and getting frustrated with continually stepping around the cord are over. Who likes the headache of winding the extension cord up each and every time you have to trim the lawn? Think of how much time and energy is wasted just trying to deal with this extra task. Wouldn t it be nice to just grab your weed eater and go to work? Don t like dealing with gas? Then this rechargeable battery trimmer is for you. It eliminates the hassles of going to the gas station, trying to avoid spilling gas on your hands and clothes, and then attempting to aim the gas spout into that tiny ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This allows you to stretch out the battery life to get as much life out of it as possible. Automatic spool feeding Having to stop and readjust the line to get more out of the spool is aggravating. This trimmer eliminates this hassle completely. It even eliminates the need to bump the trimmer on the ground to get more line. Lightweight Weighing just over 10 lbs, this weed eater can be used by anyone who can pick it up. This is great if you have a lawn where a lot of walking is required. Disadvantages Price: One of the disadvantages of LST136 40V Black and Decker string trimmer is that it is a little bit costly for the middle class users over here in America. It is valued at the cost of $127 as at the time of writing this article as its prices are updated every morning over at amazon. Battery The Black and Decker 40Volts Max Lithium String Trimmer comes with only one battery. It would have been a more better trimmer if an extra battery comes with the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Dutchman Williams, Jae`da June 19, 2012 ENC 1102 Dutchman Thematic Analysis The phrase racial tension is a small description of the main theme in Dutchman by Amiri Baraka. While race is a vital part of the underlying messages in the play, it stems to a much broader term. In Dutchman Amiri Baraka attempts to grasp the attention of the African American society. Baraka uses Clay s character to show readers that complete assimilation into another culture is wrong. He wants to awaken the African American men and women in a predominately Caucasian American culture to subconsciously kill the person that is portrayed by Clay in the play. Not only does Baraka want readers and audience members to kill their inner Clay, but refuse to conform to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Clay, you liver lipped white man. You would be Christian. You ain t no nigger, you re just a dirty white man. Get up. Clay. Dance, with me, Clay. Clay: Lula! Sit down, now. Be cool. Even through Lula insulted him and spoke badly about his mother clay still responded in an apprehensive way. Lula s aggressiveness in her speech angers Clay to the point where he curses at her, that is after she calls him an Uncle Tom Wooly Head. (Martin 62)(Kumar 276) At the end of scene one Lula says You re a murderer, Clay, and you know it. (Baraka 2751)This quote could be thought of as a subliminal way of saying that Clay killed the black man inside of him. All throughout the first scene Lula has the more aggressive and dominant role, but in scene two Clay takes on the more authoritative role, while Lula ends up being the actual murderer at the end of the play. Lula s plot to kill Clay is in some way foreshadowed when the other passengers board the train and she says we ll pretend that people cannot see you . (Baraka 2751) Clay tries to defend himself all throughout the play but doesn t succeed because he can t defend something that he is not. While Lula is insulting the stereotypes and behavior of black men, Clay cannot fully defend them because he himself isn t truly black . (Klinkowitz 123 124) Baraka used a sense of satire because instead of directly inputting his opinion about Clay he played off of Lula s character, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Tumut Community Labyrinth Marketing Description of the Tumut Community Labyrinth for Peace The Tumut community labyrinth is a place of reflection, education and meditation set along the banks of Tumut river. Local materials, Accessibility, Armistice Day history and astronomy are all part of the key brief for the Tumut Community Labyrinth for Peace. The Labyrinth follows the traditional shape octagonal as it is based on the design in the cathedral in Reims, France, with a single entrance and winding path that leads to a central place of contemplation. The main path is made of locally quarried Wee Jasper stone edged with pavers made with gravel, referencing the geology of the local area, and the nearby river. Along the outer edge, three smaller octagons provide places ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Physical Signs Of Child Abuse Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; not living a nightmare in the darkness of the soul (Dave Pelzer). Children should spend their time playing not wondering when or where their going to get hit. This research paper is meant to inform people about how severe child abuse can be and what can happen to children once the abuse stops. In my opinion no one really knows how bad child abuse can be and why kids are afraid to speak out about it. Child abuse is hidden in the world and no child should be subjected to it. Notably some physical signs of child abuse may be bruises, burns, fractures, or any other type of injury. Some other signs can be wanting to run away, nightmares, or loss in self confidence. When children are getting physically ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Benefits And Benefits Of Working Flexibility Today s organizations as often as need to deal with the ever changing client needs and wants, the competition within niche markets as well as the rapid improvement of technology. Organisations therefore need to execute flexibility in the workplace as it is a basic element to overall workplace effectiveness. Flexibility is a methodology use to state when and how work is conducted as well as how vocation are organized. Pilbeam and Corbridge (2002), describe flexibility at workplace as the capacity of an organization to adjust the size, structure, responsiveness and expenses of the people inputs required to accomplish objectives and goals of the organization . Working flexibility is about how flexible work is organized in the workplace so that the organizations and employees benefits. Workplace flexibility can be regarded as the capacity of employees to make decisions influencing when, where and for how long they engage in work (Jeffrey, 2008). Flexible working is a kind of working arrangement which gives a level of flexibility on how long, when, where as well as at what times employees work. Employees access flexible working through HR arrangements, which as a rule require supervisory approval. The changing environment of work is making new difficulties and opportunities that organizations can only meet with the sort of alacrity that flexible working arrangements provide. Therefore, implement a workplace flexibility strategy is a fundamental part for any organisations, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Thousand Cranes By Yasunari Kawabata When it comes to emotions, there is always a reason to why one experiences them. It can be happiness due to getting a favorite toy, jealousy at another s position, hatred due to one s actions, and so on. Even sub categories are due to an experience bringing it forth. Such as suffering, one doesn t suffer randomly, it happens because it was the effect of some cause. One of the biggest causes being unfulfilled desire; depending on the significance of the desire the greater the suffering. In the novel Thousand Cranes by Yasunari Kawabata there is this intricate web of suffering that occurs between the main characters, Kikuji, his father s, his father s mistresses and Fumiko. All as an outcome of unfulfilled desire. For Yasunari Kawabata, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her Mother s Lipstick, Fumiko s gifts a second Shino bowl to Kukiji, in which the use of tea utensils, but there is an underlining connection between the two shino bowls and Kikuji s father and Fumiko s mother that link the two. The final scene in Double Star Kikujiki, searching for Fumiko, and running into the shade of Ueno Park. An ambiguous ending that gives no indication if Fumiko is alive or not. Suffering is seen between the protagonist s father and his two mistresses. Kikuji s father s first mistress was Chikako, he had a relationship for a short time. Then, he eventually left Chikako for Mrs. Ota, to which he spent his last days with. The dismissal from his service caused a great amount of suffering for Chikako, for she believed that she abandoned due to the birthmark on her breast. Though she never showed outward disdain for the mark on her chest, Kikuji s mother explains that any women with such a mark would be self conscience. In addition, that dread would follow a woman, because she would constantly feel fear that her husband would be disgusted by it. Also, that if she were to have children they would be forced to suckle from that hideous mark, all this Chikako was aware of which is why she never married. However, as a prostitute she had some semblance of fulfillment, since she was able to complete that sexual desire. Yet, Kikuji s father s leaving her and choosing another concubine, especially, a woman without her defect caused ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The Impact Of Activision On The World Currie 1 Noah Currie Mrs. LaGrone English 8 1 23 Sept 2015 History and Impact of Activision Many people underestimate the impact of videogames. Especially at this day in age, video games are everywhere. About 80% of American households have some form of video game devices, Computer, or Console, or even an iPhone. Video games bring many people together as a community, and many other helpful reasons. Personally, I am a big gamer myself. I have thousands of hours at least in video game playing and more still coming in. Many companies have been able to make billions of net just selling video games, that s how big the gaming community is. The biggest game vendor in the world is Activision, making 18.9 billion net worth of money. With Activision also buying Blizzard, which the founder is in the top 5 richest people in the gaming industry, they are just piling in the money. Activision is special in many different ways by being one of the first gaming vendors, from surviving the great downfall of Currie 2 the videogame industry, TWICE, and going from the 3rd party game vendor to a first party game vendor. To understand the success of Activision and how it changed the world, we have to go to the beginning of Activision, the VERY beginning. This is when Atari, the biggest video game franchise in the world (well at least in 1970 s 1980 s), was the dominate face for video games. Want a videogame? Well, just go to the store and by an Atari game! Soon, 4 people, who ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Abandonment And Abandonment In Frankenstein Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley in 1817, is a story of obsession, heartache, abandonment, vanity, and more. This is a fiction with many levels and views for people of all ages, and it was assigned to our Senior English class. The novel is centered around the story of Victor Frankenstein and his creation and the many trials and affairs they go through. Throughout the story, both characters make many choices that they shouldn t. However, when you take into account all of the events that lead to those poor choices, I believe it s the creation that is most justified. To be abandoned and hated simply because of your appearance, something you had no control over and can t change, is enough to turn anyone into a vengeful soul. This story starts out with letters from Captain Walton talking to his sister about a strange man they found on an iceberg. This strange man had a very dark and desolate story, and it was time it be told. This man was Victor Frankenstein. Frankenstein was a scientist with a dismal past, and it all started with a bolt of lighting. After seeing a bolt of lightning strike a tree by his home, Frankenstein became obsessed with electricity, and throughout the story, his obsession grew to include all kinds of social sciences and the like. This leads him to college, and eventually to the worst decision of his life. Victor makes catastrophic choice when he decides that he wants to make a new life form. Frankenstein becomes obsessed with making this new being ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Octopus At the turn of the century, American readers were interested only in stories with happy endings, where goodness was praised and evil was punished. They did not particularly care if that was a false interpretation of the way life really was. When men such as Frank Norris, the author of The Octopus, wrote angrily of the injustices and poverty to be found in America, readers turned away. The Octopus made them change their minds. The course of the novel and the reality of its characters held the readers attention. It is so powerful a book that people had to care about the wheat growers, almost against their wishes. The impact did not end in the early twentieth century, but continues its legacy into the new millenium.The Octopus, depicts ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Their solution to the crisis was to keep magnifying it, until it ruined the farmers. Once the railroad raised the price for the land, the farmers could not afford to buy. They proceeded to create dummy buyers, fictitious settlers who they created to come in and buy the land. Soon after Delany, a ranch worker was fired, the railroad used him to act as a dummy buyer and buy the land. There was no way Delany could actually afforded to buy the land on his own; he was obviously acting as the railroad s pawn, sent to aggravate the ranchers who leased farms from the railroad. The railroad also tampered with other types of characters in the story. Dyke was fired from his job at the railroad after he refused to work for the rates of a man doing half the work he was doing. Then after Dyke mortgaged his land to the railroad, they raised the rates on the crop he was producing. They drove him to poverty and when he tried to take back what they had stolen from him by robbing money from one of their trains, they had him thrown in jail for life. This is another example of how Norris evinces the railroads unethical treatment of the common man in California at the time.Shelgrim, the executive of the P. and S.W. tried to justify the railroad s actions, and in a way, pass on the responsibility, by calling the railroad a force, something that he had no control over. In the novel, he compared this force to the way that wheat was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Sustainability Initiatives A Demonstration Of Corporate... What are the cost benefits for corporations leading sustainable efforts in their communities and should corporations be financially responsible for the environmental disturbances that they cause, be it directly or inadvertently? More specifically are the efforts of Wal Mart to implement sustainability initiatives a demonstration of corporate social responsibility or just greenwashing? Relevant to these questions we hypothesis that despite the multitude of efforts that are resulting in some groundbreaking policies for an Oligopoly such as this, that the fact that they still source, manufacture and distribute products in a manner that is unsustainable which makes these collective efforts an example of social greenwashing. Investopedia ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Is this truly a serious initiative for Walmart to use their size for good or is this just greenwashing? Since their CSR plan announcement Walmart has been making progress towards achieving those goals but many don t think it s enough or realistically sustainable for the long run. Walmart has received backlash for their slow adoption of renewable energy, it s cheap products, and it s little progress on their sustainability index (Gunther, M., 2011). One of Wal mart s initiatives intended to address some of their inimical externalities is to convert to 100% renewable energy to power their stores. An article published in 2011 stated that Walmart was powered by only 2% of renewable energy and the ILSR came out with a report stating less than 2% of renewable energy powers Walmart stores. People were not impressed with this minimal progress and pointed out that other companies like Starbucks and Kohls use more renewable energy than Walmart. It was also pointed out that Wal mart is a huge multinational corporation and that a process like this will take time, especially if they re trying to avoid raising their costs, which in turn would not benefit the customers. However, in 2013 it was reported that Wal Mart s 10,800 stores are powered by 21% of renewable energy, which is a decent amount of growth from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Renaissance Or Modern Era Essay The fifteenth century was a time when Italian culture embraced the arts and the artist responsible for transforming medieval artistic style to what is called the Renaissance or modern era. The Renaissance emerged in Florence during the fourteen and fifteen centuries, where the interest of expression that had been suppressed, broke free and emerged with a sense of creativity, reproducing their ancient culture. The sense of creativity gave birth to the Renaissance and the emergence of humanism, resulting in astounding work by many artist. A city in particular, Florence sparked the renewed interest by encouraging artist to create art and architecture for religious, political and personal achievement (Adams 2). Humanism was a departure from the past of flat sharped line figures, to painting and sculpting the human physique in its actual state. It was no longer seen as a corrupt and impure (Adams 28). Artist relied heavily on the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to provide the history and ideas used to recreate events of the past with resounding likeness to man. The story of David influenced Donatello, Verrocchio and Michelangelo by how he is described in the bible as a figure of strength, and beauty as the chosen one to be King of Israel. The story of David begins years before he was to be King, in the mountains of Ephraim where a man by the name of Elkanah lived (eBibleStories.com). Elkanah had many wives, one named Hannah was unable to bear a child, who prayed unto ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Analysis Of Denzel Washington s The Best Actor Of All... One of the most talked about actors today is Denzel Washington, and considered one of the most engaging men of our time. So we can all agree on the fact that he s the best actor of all time, right ?! Denzel Washington told a reporter who talked with him for a article that What individuals expound on me is the thing that they are, and they think I am I am who I am, a dark man, said Washington. He is a dark man with nobility and intellect . A dark man who declines to agree with injustice , a black man who fails at times, however stands up and starts once more. That gives him such a great amount of acknowledgment in the reality of film making. Washington explained in 1990 to a journalist who addressed him about his race, I am exceptionally pleased to be dark, however dark is not all I am. (Denzel Washington His Film and Career) In spite of the fact that Denzel came from a broken family, his life does not reflect any hint of his past because of the fact that he is a good father and husband. Great speaker and exceptionally exquisite are some of words certain individuals use when discussing him. As a devotee of films, I think Washington has a picture of a performing artist who actuates individuals to expound on his life and conduct. That is the reason I picked him for my paper since he is a model to imitate. He is the one among those performing artists who don t let Hollywood degenerate them. Denzel was born in Mount Vernon, New York, on December 28, 1954, Denzel ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Teen Drug Abuse Did you know that the teen Drug and Alcohol abuse rate have increased over the past 10 years? 1 out of every 10 teens use non prescribed prescription drugs. Teens are abusing drugs and using them as relief outlets. They often start using the drugs under peer pressure, to cope with a problem or to cope with depression. People can find different ways to cope and quit their addictive habits and find something different to do. You become 5% more likely to become addicted in adulthood. Studies have shown that you are 3% more likely to self harm. Drug abuse under ages of 18 can permanently affect and change your brain. It can cause you to be delusional and can t remember what happened when you were under the influence. It causes you to do poorly in school , diminishes good performance and can keep you from being employed. It can also cost you your life if you are driving under the influences. Studies have shown that 467,000 kids ages 12 17 have used the drugs for nonmedical purposes and 168,000 claim to be addicted. (http://www.projectknow.com/research/fentanyl and teens/ ) Teen drug abuse causes endangerment to yourself and others. When you are under the influence of Alcohol and drugs your mind doesn t function the same. Studies have shown that drivers under the age of 21 are behind 17% of most of the the fatal alcohol related car accidents. Which is about 2,000 underage drinkers a year behind the wheel. Which means there are about 200,000 trips to the ER. In many cases the kids ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Miami Seaquarium Research Paper Spectacular sunsets and stunning dawns are many great things to expect when visiting Miami. In order to get the full experience of Florida there are a few must see locations and places. For the nature and animal lovers the Miami Seaquarium, Everglades, and Jungle Island will be an enjoyable experience. Indulge your sense of art and architecture by paying a visit to the Perez art museum, art deco and the Vizcaya of Biscayne. Swimming with dolphins is an experience many would love but don t get the opportunity to do. Well here s to being the envy of all your friends a little costly but worth it. The Miami Seaquarium will offer you with knowledge about these impressive aquatic mammals before you put on your wetsuit and begin interacting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Masculinity In Bruce Wayne And Joey Tribbiani Society is the number one determinant on how an individual is supposed to act given their sex. If an individual is born with male reproductive parts, they must act a certain way in order to be accepted by the larger population. When a boy starts to engage in certain activities that are not defined as masculine he is shamed, and it is unbelievably hard to maintain his social status that he may have once had, or was striving to attain. There are a few different theories when it comes to masculinity and how it is defined. Also, actions that may be engaged that could hurt a male s ego, are expressing health concerns. Men feel like they should not express when they are physically in pain, which explains the significantly lower amount of doctor visits that are attended ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When I think about Joey Tribbiani I think of the guy that has little manners, no filter, and cracks a joke at the most inappropriate times. Also, he s the kind of guy that is physically hurt, as he was in one episode on Friends, and refused to go to the doctor to get help, because of course he is too much of a man. In addition, Joey is very smooth when it comes to whoever he is talking to, whether it be another man or a female, and I feel as though the way that he gets what he wants, or is respected is by his charismatic ways. As I have mentioned before, he is not the most intimidating of men, but that does not mean that he doesn t fit under this hegemonic theory. As for Bruce Wayne, he is extremely smart, unlike Joey who is not very educated at all. However, Bruce Wayne is also very serious, he is your typical man that shows zero emotions, and if he does it is extremely brief. Bruce Wayne manages to get the things he desires by using his intellectual skills, or by literally buy whatever it may be for an outrageous amount of money. He is your typical Caucasian heterosexual male, that is in complete control of his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Hammarskjöld What Is The Driving Force Behind The Un Xander McIntosh The King s College Founder s Competition 17 November 2016 The United Nations: An Internship Like No Other The United Nations was not created to lead mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell. Dag Hammarskjöld , former United Nations Secretary General The kinds of hell Dag Hammarskjöld referred to are not difficult to imagine in a world ravished by World War II and terrified by the threat of nuclear war. Hammarskjöld is known today as the second Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) and widely regarded as a man of unimpeachable character. His career at the UN was remarkable, in that he was completely uninterested in the bureaucratic politics many at the United Nations engage in, choosing to lead projects from the command tent instead of the corner office. He was the first and only Secretary General to be chosen unanimously and is largely regarded as the greatest leader of the United Nations in history. John F. Kennedy once said about Hammarskjöld, I realize now, in comparison to him I am a small man. He was the greatest statesman of our century. (Cite) The question then begs to be asked: what is the driving force behind this man s impeccable integrity? As we know now, it was his passionate and private Christian faith. His compassion for his fellow man manifested itself in the form of service to millions through the United Nations. In addition, a collection of vivid personal Christian reflections, hailed by many as one of the most ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Religious Symbolism and Architecture of Angkor Wat and... Introduction Built by the Khmers between 802 and 1220 AD, the ancient temples of Angkor Wat exist as the remaining relics of a historically and religiously rich city. While many other historical and religious structures in Cambodia have disappeared due in part from being constructed out of vulnerable materials like wood, Angkor Wat still remains as a symbol of the divinity of its former kings, as well as for the palace itself. Likewise, Indonesia s Borodubur temples exist as the single remaining structures of the city. The temples of Angkor Wat and Borodubur hold several similarities within architecture and symbolism, both being heavily based on religious belief. However, different features within both structures, architecturally and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Decorative elements through out the towers and galleries present their own characteristics and fulfill specific needs within the temple. The towers are formed into the shape of the ever popular lotus buds, and the galleries are used to expand the many passageways of the temple. Also, the axial galleries within the temple are used to connect several enclosures. Characteristic decorative components of Angkor Wat include narrative and historical bas reliefs, pediments, and devatas. The bas reliefs located in the gallery of Angkor Wat holds a special signification for Angkor Wat. The gallery displays heaven and the underworld in which garudas and lions are holding the celestial palaces. These gerudas indicate that the palaces were floating in heaven, comparing Angkor Wat to the palaces of the Gods. This display furthers the idea that Angkor Wat acts as a liason between the world of Heaven and Earth. Because the palace physically remains on earth but spiritually resides within heaven, the palace acts as communal place for believers to gather. The bas reliefs and pictures did not only serve to decorate the palaces, or depict stories of the past. They hold the important task of transforming the palace into a celestial dwelling or heavenly place. Further evidence to support this notion is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Essay on Golden Limited s Balance Sheet 8 7 Suggested time: 45 minutes Maximum score: 120 points Ending Inventory (December 31, 2007) $26,000 The following transactions took place during 2007: The trial balance of Golden Limited as at 1 January 2007 is shown below: Accoun A¢ ount No 110 110 110 ca Be d Investments ccounts Receivable 1108 110 1110 200 01 2202 2203 3300 3301 4400 401 5500 501 5502 5503 i504 5O5 5O6 $ $ [nt :re st Receivable ] ÿntory * ding** Payments: Accounts Payable $15,000; Notes Payable $27,000; Income Taxes Payable $8,000; Operating Expenses $42,000 , 30,000 4. 900 Credit sales $104,000 Inventory purchased $36,000 $22,000 purchased on credit (assume ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Financial statements issued by entities, in both the private and public sectors, are reasonable conclusions on which to base the audit opinions. The reliability of audit used by various parties to evaluate, amongst other things, the entity s financial evidence is influenced by its source and by its nature and depends on the individual performance and position. These reports are the main means by which the management circumstances under which it is obtained. communicates information about the entity to the users of these reports. Briefly describe five audit procedures to obtain audit evidence; give examples and the There are, however, limitations of the reporting process that affect the usefulness of degree of reliance on evidence gathered. the financial statements. Please provide five limitations of the financial statements Begin writing your answer to Essay C on page 25 of the answer booklet. presentation. Begin writing your answer to question 1 on page 31 of the answer booklet. Suggested time: 10 minutes Maximum score: 30 points 2. For each of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Civilian Complaint Review I am writing to acquire the possible opening job for the Civilian Complaint Review Board as an Investigator level 1 at the agency. I have always wanted to work for an agency where I know I can relate to and be a great addition to the team, where it offers the opportunity to not only learn and teach your knowledge to others but also bring in all of the skills that I have learned through the course of my studies. Understanding that the CCRB has been an important part of the community and being an independent agency, I am able to understand the importance of always evolving the agency for the better. Nonetheless, I understand how important it is to protect our citizens and making sure that law enforcement is doing their job properly. One of the qualities is being able to communicate properly and being able to encourage members of the community to file complaints when they feel they have been part of police misconduct ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Furthermore, I have gained knowledge and excellent research skills, I have also had knowledge of PowerPoint and Microsoft Word. I am positive that I will contribute my skills to the CCRB and how my background will also a contribution to the team, being fluent in Spanish and English, I will be able to translate important paper work and help those individuals who need assistance. Adding me to the team will mean that the goals ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. What Is The Frail Category In The Scarlet Letter It is to my belief that The Scarlett Letter could be placed in the Orthodox Christian and Fortunate Fail category. It could be that I am a bit biased, but it just seems that the story was a best fit for those two categories. In the story, Hester had an affair and bore a child with another man, Rev. Dimmesdale. This is highly frowned upon. For her adultery she was forced to wear the scarlet letter A over her breast, to make it known that she had unlawful sexual intercourse. This had to be very embarrassing at first. But be that as it may, she was able to move on and raise her child. On the other hand, Arthur, is punished by his own feelings of shame and guilt. These feelings probably ate away at him, as he knew his role and should ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Statement Of Purpose For Master Of Engineering Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal; my strength lies solely in my tenacity My name is Bhoi Chiragkumar Dineshbhai. I consider myself fortunate enough to have parents who are also educated and have always encouraged me to think independently and follow my dreams with courage and determination. I firmly believe that neither technology nor management alone can drive the economy. It is the synergy between the two that does. They are like parallel railroads, being far enough to make travel possible and near enough to make it safe. As a prospective student of Master of Engineering (Engineering Management), I find myself taking this train in search of a better tomorrow. I have completed my tenth grade with 84.14% marks in the year 2001. After my tenth grade, I opted for non medical stream and appeared for my twelfth grade examination in the year 2003. However, I was unable to clear my twelfth grade examination at this time. I decided to re appear for my twelfth grade the next year and simultaneously joined Diploma in Mechanical Engineering at B B Institute of Technology, V.V. Nagar, affiliated to Technical Education Board (T.E.B.). Due to this, I was unable to concentrate on my twelfth grade examinations ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I wish to acquire practical knowledge about the most modern techniques in the field and apply them for the betterment in my country. The well designed course along with highly qualified and experienced faculty will be an ideal environment platform for achieving my goals. I feel its curriculum as an avenue to hone my skills and enhance my intellectual ability. I have also heard about its resources and many other facilities that are very attractive and admirable. Furthermore, it is one of the best universities in the world that will serve me well in my career and prepare me for a lifetime of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Sympathy For The Monster In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein Brandon Zakrosky Toni J. Weeden English 14 November 2017 The Monster There were several times I had sympathy for the monster in the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Victor came from a privileged family and decided he wanted to play god, which is when he created the monster. It was selfish of Victor to create the monster and leave without explaining the world it. After reading this essay I think you will also have sympathy for the monster. Sympathy is when you have feelings of pity or sorrow towards someone s misfortune (Oxford Dictionaries, 1998). I had sympathy for the monster several times throughout the book. The first time I did was when he was being brought to life, Unable to endure the aspect of the being that I created, I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The man thought as if the monster was harming the girl, but in reality, he was saving her life. After a meeting at the glacier, a deal was proposed to Victor. If he created the monster a mate, then the monster would disappear for good. Victor came very close to completing the female mate but did not complete it. The wretch saw me destroy the creature on whose future existence he depended on for happiness, and with a howl of devilish despair and revenge, withdrew (Shelly 145). One night Victor was working on the new creature but was having second thoughts about it. When he saw the creature with an ugly grin on his face peeking through the window, he destroyed the new creature. After abandoning the creature after his creation, he got its hopes up and nearly completed the monster only to destroy it. I can emphasize what it is like to be the monster in that situation. A way that the monster shows sympathy is when he is in the village. He was observing the villagers and noticed what they were going to. He showed sympathy by putting himself in their shoes. That made him want to assist the cottagers with the labor they were doing. You can only want to assist someone if you have put yourself in their shoes and thought about what it feels like to do what they are doing. Sympathy is something that is felt by everyone, it is inescapable. There were many reasons why the story of the monster can help us overcome, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Teaching Writing Informal Letters Contents Introduction.......................................................................................2 Chapter I. General notion of writing..........................................................3 1.1.Writing skills.......................................................................3 1.2. The importance of effective writing skills.....................................6 1.3. Informal writing...................................................................7 1.4. Letter writing.......................................................................9 1.5. Different types of letters........................................................11 Chapter II.Teaching writing informal letters................................................13 2.1. Informal letters...................................................................13 2.2. Writing informal letter..........................................................13 2.3. Types of informal letters........................................................20 2.4. Exercises for teaching writing informal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this context, the role of writing is little different from its role in any other subject; it allows students to see how they are progressing and to get feedback from the teacher, to monitor and diagnose problems. Successful writing depends on more than the ability to produce clear and correct sentences. Writing tasks which have whole texts as their outcome relate appropriately to the ultimate goal of those learners who need to write English in their social, educational or professional lives. Some students know already what they need to be able to write in English. Others may be uncertain about the nature of their future needs. Our role as teachers is to build communicative potential. Many students have to prove their competence in English and sometimes in other subjects by producing compositions for examinations. [1; 25] Classroom writing tasks should reflect the ultimate goal of enabling students to write whole texts which form connected, contextualized, and appropriate pieces of communication. One approach to writing is to look at instance of writing and to analyse the features of the written text. This will tell us something about what students have to produce. It is possible to build up a list of skills that writers need: getting the grammar right; ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Role Of Protective Factors That Are Involved With Risk... Fourgere stated, Resilience is one of purported protective factor that has been highlighted as being of potential importance. This was stated in regards of some protective factors that are involved with risk factors in offenders. Protective factors are those supposedly known to relate to positive outcomes. Protective factors are those conditions or attributes such as skills, strength, resources, supports, or coping strategies in individuals, families, communities or larger societies that help people deal more effectively with stressful events and mitigate or eliminate risk in families and communities. Resilience is the capacity to recover quick from difficulties. This is a trait or characteristic that has been thought to keep some young offenders from reoffending, Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY), Structured Assessment of Protective Factors for Violence Risk, and Short Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability are some risk assessment tools that related to resilience. Resilience has been identified as both a personal quality or characteristic, as well as a means of coping. Forensics concluded resilience being a trait, a quality that makes one person different from another, or a characteristic, a special quality or trait that makes a person thing, or group different from others. Both defined show a few similarities but remained distinct depending solely on the individual and their circumstances. Individuals who show self efficacy, perseverance, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Similarities Between Edgar Allan Poe And Stephen King In every time period there is always a writers that dominates a certain genre. These individuals are masters in their fields and can evoke the deepest feeling in their readers. There are many of these writers in every generation for every genre. In the field of horror two writers should spring to everyone s mind. Edgar Allen Poe and Stephen King. Both writers have made their marks in literature for exploring the darker sides of imagination producing writings that can leave readers shaken from freight. Although both authors are from different time periods they have similarities in writing that shows their skills. Not only do both writers have similarities in their life styles they both led similar lives . Edgar Allan Poe was born in 1809 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1947 he was born to Nellie Ruth Pillsbury King. His mother single handedly took care of both king and his brother while moving about the country following their father who was not apart of their lives. Unlike Poe s guardian Ms.King was always supportive of her son s writing career, and encouraged him to write as much as possible. Despite similarities in their lives both homes were very different. Poe live in a financially stable house but with a parent who was emotionally detached, and did not support his desire for writing. King lived in a home that was financially unstable, but received support from his mother. His desire to write, and his mother s support led him to accomplish many great things. King s writing started from a very early age. a He submitted hundreds of stories to different publications in the genres of horror. King received his college education at the University of Maine in Orono. He lacked the finances to pay for his education so he worked a fulltime job to order to pay his tuition. By the time he reached college he had several writings published and was becoming very serious about it. He remained focused in college and blossomed as a writer in the experience. Perhaps this is where the core difference exists between Poe and King ;one lacked a strong emotional foundation in his youth and went on to make disastrous choices, consequently keeping him out of reach of success within his lifetime. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Research Paper On How To Make Snickerdoodles People learn to bake for many different reasons, a few of them include relieving stress and having something to do in your freetime. In this paper I will teach you how to bake one of the easiest cookie recipes there is: Snickerdoodles. To make Snickerdoodles you first need to gather all the ingredients needed which include flour, baking powder, salt, unsalted butter, sugar, eggs, and ground cinnamon. Then you preheat your oven 350 degrees, after that take two sticks of butter out of the fridge to thaw. While the butter is thawing put 2 ¾ cup flour, ½ teaspoon salt, and 2 teaspoons baking powder into a small and whisk together until mixed, then set aside. Next, take the larger bowl, place the 2 sticks of softened butter along with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Daniel Captivity In 605 B.C during Jehoiakim s reign, the Babylonian s king Nebuchadnezzar took Daniel and his friends as captives when he besieged Jerusalem. Daniel was taken captive because he fit in the standards, which the king was searching for: young men, good looking and smart. During the time of captivity, Daniel, the author of the book of the Bible with the same name, writes about the dreams, visions and situations he passed in the course of the captivity. Indeed Daniel s actions reflected the way he faced the situations, showed how he feared and was obedient to God, even when he was placed in a room full of lions or into a furnace of blazing fire. The story of Daniel begins in the third year Jehoiakim s reign when he was taken captive from Judah ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Daniel received also a Babylonian s name so he was called Belteshazzar (or Belshazzar) that possibly means Bel, protect his life. Daniel s character was tested when he decided not to eat the king s food and proposed to the commander of the officials to eat something different to see they would be healthier and better looking than the ones eating from the king s chosen food. After a week eating vegetables, Daniel was healthier and better looking than the other youth. By choosing not to eat the food from the king s table Daniel was being obedient to God s word because the food chosen by the king was dedicated to the Babylonian s gods, probably were from unclean animals and the blood was not taken out. Daniel received the name Belteshazzar because of the Babylonian s gods either Marduk, or Nebo conceivably to incorporate the culture of the Babylonians and their pagan s gods. God provided Daniel with intelligence, wisdom and a special gift: the understanding of all kinds of visions and dreams and as a result of that, Daniel was the one God chose to interpret the dreams of, the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar. The Bible says the king was distressed and wanted to kill every wise men of Babylon, therefore Daniel was one of the wise men. Daniel knew God was merciful and could reveal to him the meaning of the dream in order to spare Daniel s and his friend s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Hurricane Carter Research Paper Rubin Hurricane Carter is a well known boxer who was found guilty of three murders committed and was sentenced to three times a life sentence, although he believes it was due to racial discrimination, being appealed to racism and not reason, and lastly concealment not disclosure. Rubin Hurricane Carter was born on May sixth, 1937 in Clifton, New Jersey; although he lived most of his life in Paterson, New Jersey. He survived his childhood by learning fast. At age nine, him and his friends stole clothes from one of the Paterson s stores. Once his father found out about this, his father turned him into the police and was sentenced to two years of probation. Later on, in life, at age eleven, he stabbed a man that was showcasing sexual advances. He did this because that man would not listen to him when he told him to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He was born in Clifton, New Jersey on May six, 1937. He died in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on April twentieth, 2014 at the age of seventy six due to prostate cancer. He invented the book Eye of the Hurricane: My Path from Darkness to Freedom and was the founder of the Innocence International. His inventions impacted society on how the Criminal justice systems shows inequities. His book, helped show that even when things don t go your way, do not give up and always fight for what you believe is right. The character traits that Rubin displayed are determination and honesty. He showed determination by not giving up for what he believed and for staying true that he never killed anyone. He showed honesty by never lying and only speaking the truth. The long term effects of Rubin s lives and actions are that you can be famous and never convict a crime. As, well as he stayed true and never lost eyesight that he did something bad because he never killed anyone. The lesson learned is that even when everyone believes you did something wrong, stay true to what you ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Movement Of Target Wireless Sensor Networks A NOVEL APPROACH TO DETECT THE MOVEMENT OF TARGET IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS Anitha.S1and Prabaharan.P2 1Department of CSE, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, anithasaravanan01 @gmail.com 2Department of CSE, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, kpra8897 @gmail.com Abstract The ultimate aim of a wireless sensor network is to provide accurate and reliable information regarding the environment in which the sensors are deployed. Among the various applications of a sensor network, target tracking is the one of the key application of WSNs. In existing system To design a Face Track for detecting the movement of a target in polygon. Develop a brink detection algorithm used to reconstruct another conceptual polygon. Optimal node selection algorithm to select which sensor of spatial region to track data. All wireless sensors are activated and idle listening is a major source of energy waste. Once an active sensor runs out of energy, that sensors are not present in the network. So communication is not fully completed. We enhance the proposed algorithm Probability Based Prediction and Sleep Scheduling (PPSS) to overcome this problem also it improve the power efficiency and increase the network life time. Keywords Wireless sensor networks, mobile target, edge detection, face tracking, multiple tracking INTRODUCTION Wireless sensor networks (WSN) is used to bring about the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Informative Speech on Donald Trump Informative Speech: Donald Trump Specific Purpose: At the end of my speech, the audience will know more about Donald Trump. Introduction I. Does anyone know who s famous line is you re fired! ? Donald Trump. Whether you have seen him on the Apprentice or see him all over the news, Donald Trump seems to be in the media quite a lot. II. By the end of this speech, you will have learned more about the life of Donald Trump. III. We are all business students and Donald Trump has stood out in the business world. IV. I have read a book by Donald Trump and actively read his twitter feed, so I am up to date on his media coverage. V. The three aspects of Donald Trump s life that I will inform you about are what he is known ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of his other main business successes are his golf courses. 2. There are 13 locations. a. They are throughout North America and Europe. b. Very luxurious. (Transition: Although Trump is successful in business, he has some controversy in his life as well.) III. The last thing we are going to discuss is Donald Trump s legal struggles. A. According to an article Forbes published in 2011, Trump has had to file his companies for bankruptcy. 1. The years were 1991, 1992, 2004, and 2009. a. The article says that at one point in the 90 s, he was $900 million in debt. 2. Obviously he has built himself and his companies back up many times after the fall. B. Trump has the tendency to get into lawsuits. 1. Bill Maher is being sued currently by Trump. a. According to New York s Daily News, the 4th most popular newspaper in the U.S., Bill Maher is being sued for $5 million as of last month . i. On Jay Leno, Bill Maher said he would give $5 million to charity if Donald Trump could produce his birth certificate proving that he was not the spawn of his mother and an orangutan. ii. Donald Trump did provide his birth certificate and when Maher didn t pay up, Trump said he owed him the money. 2. Trump is also suing a Macy s protest group. a. According to MSN s TV News last month, Trump is threatening to sue the group for $25 million. b. Donald Trump has a clothing and fragrance line at Macy s. i. The group ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Announcement From A 1 Holdings Company The announcement from A 1 Holdings Company for a hostile takeover made National Brands management worried. The CEO of the National Brand, Bill Hall, the chief operating officer, Tom Straw, the chief financial officer, Doris Faraday, and Stan Lindner from public relation all sat down and discussed on this particular problem. So far, A 1 Holdings had already bought 5 percent of National Brand s outstanding shares and made offer for the rest at 7 1/8 over market, which was $55 per share. For Bill Hall, the head of A 1 Holdings, Kelly O Brien was a bad guy who might just want to take over the company and make his employees miserable. Tom Straw then suggested the poison pill approach to defense the takeover but the idea was doubted by Stan because it did not seem good for the company. Doris, after working with her numbers, proposed her Pac Man defense idea. The Pac Man defense approach meant making counter offer to buy A 1 Holdings at $17 a share. She believed with National Brands strong financial position, it is highly possible that this defense would work. Bill agreed with this idea and started to have his people working on analyzing the details of this approach. The analysis started with A 1 Holdings ability to buy all the rest 95 percent of National Brands. This 95 percent equaled 107,958,000 shares outstanding, and at the offer of $55 per share, A 1 Holdings would need the equivalent of $5,937,690,000 in cash to be able to take over National Brands. Assume A 1 planned ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Snakes In Georgia s Ecosystem Snakes As many of you may know I grew up riding and showing horses. Many of my days were spent out at the barn where my horse was boarded. There were many animals around the stable horses, dogs, cats and your occasional snake. There was nothing like going to pick up a flake of hay for my horse and there lay a snake on the bale of hay. Snakes hung around the stable because mice were around. The mice were attracted to the horse feed. The snakes were attracted to the mice. There are 42 snake species found in Georgia. Of these 42 species only 6 are venomous. The most commonly observed snakes are the black racers, rat snakes and nonvenomous water snakes. Snakes play an important role of Georgia s ecosystem since they are considered both predator and prey. Snakes are also beneficial to have around because they feed on many animals that are labeled as pests. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Snakes use camouflage to protect themselves and for hunting prey. This can make them hard to see which may result in you accidently stepping on or grabbing them. When a snake is stepped on or grabbed, it may have an aggressive response as the result of it thinking that you are trying to harm it. In order to avoid accidently stepping on or grabbing a snake never place your hands, arms, legs and feet where you cannot see them. Wear closed toe shoes and long pants when walking through places where you don t have a clear view. Walk around logs instead of stepping over them. When walking around at night, use a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Antonio Vivaldi s Influence In The Development Of Music I selected Antonio Vivaldi as from the list of composers due to his vast influence in the development of music, including current popular styles such as the double violin concertos and ritornellos, and his influence on future composers such as Bach. Vivaldi s significance to the music world is further emphasized by the introduction and popularization of concepts such as his usage of rhythm to create escalating tension and the application of motivic elements as themes for his pieces. Vivaldi s life was set out to pursue priesthood from a young age yet, ironically, an illness allowed him to follow his true passion as both a violinist and composer. Antonio Vivaldi remained pious throughout his life and it was his particular education as a priest ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. All About France France is located in the northern hemisphere around 46° N and 2° E in Western Europe. As shown in the political map of Europe in Figure 1 above, France is bordered by the Bay of Biscay to the west, the English Channel to the north, the Mediterranean Sea to the south as well as the countries of Spain, Andorra, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium. France is the largest country in Western Europe with a total land area of around 213,010 square miles (551,695 square kilometers). Two thirds of the country is made up of fertile plains with about half of the land under cultivation. The physical map in Figure 2 shows that France s major mountain ranges are mostly in the south, including the Alps, Pyrenees, and Massif Central. Its major rivers are the Seine, Rhine, and Rhône. About a quarter of the land area is covered in forests which is a valuable environmental resource. Cities and Regions of France France is made up of 27 administrative regions but 5 of these are overseas territories. This leaves 22 regions in mainland France as shown in the map in Figure 3. Each region has its own regional council, with elected members and local administration. They have responsibility for making decisions about transport, infrastructure, communication, development, tourism and education. The capital city of France is Paris. Other large cities include Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Nantes, Marseille, Nice, Strasbourg, Toulon and Toulouse. The regions of France are due to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Facts About Mexico Mexico (Estados Unidos Mexicanos), the world s largest Spanish speaking country, is bordered by the United States to the north and Belize and Guatemala to the southeast. Mexico is about one fifth the size of the United States, but holds more than 120 million citizens. It is led by Enrique Peña Niet who was elected to lead the country in 2012. Mexico s capital is Mexico City holding a large 20.4 million people in the heart of Mexico. (Infoplease) Mexico s first known society were the Olmecs who arrived in Mexico on the Gulf Coast near what is now Veracruz. Remembered for the giant head sculptures they carved from native stone, the Olmecs had two main population centers: San Lorenzo, which flourished from about 1200 to 900 B.C., and La Venta ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The constitution of 1824 set up a federal system modeled to a considerable degree on that of the United States. The present constitution, proclaimed by Venustiano Carranza on February 5th, 1917, retained the liberal democratic character and much of the structural form of the 1857 document but was revolutionary in character. It was the first Latin American constitution to recognize that the solution of essentially nonpolitical problems was necessary for the achievement of orderly and popular government. Just as that of the United States, Mexico s government has 3 major branches. Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. In the executive branch, power is invested in the president, who is elected by direct popular vote for a six year term, but cannot be re elected after his term is up. He must be native to the country of Mexico, he must be the son of native born Mexicans, and must be at least 35 years old. The Mexican president is legally and politically a strong executive. In the event of a president s death, there is no provision for a vice president, so a new election is held for a new president. There are 19 executive departments to assist the president such as: interior, foreign affairs, defense, navy, finance, national property, industry and commerce, agriculture, communications and transport, public works, education, labor and social security, presidency, agrarian reform, health and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Let Down Song Analysis There are many different ways for a song to be effective. For many people, it s a catchy melody and relatable lyrics. For others, it s complex instrumentation and clever songwriting. Still others prefer deep lyrics they can dig into and analyze. On all of these fronts, Let Down passes with flying colors. But what makes Let Down such an effective song for me is how well it can put feelings into words and sounds, and its ability to completely accept the meaninglessness of life, while at the same time proclaiming the joy of living life. The song accomplishes this through its use of intricate rhythm, beautiful melody and instrumentation, and thoughtful lyrics. The song opens with a beautiful, melancholic guitar melody, setting the tone for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the end, Let Down truly shines because of its intricate rhythm, melody, and amazing instrumentation and lyrics. The harmony is simple yet effective, acting as a canvas for the melody, instrumentation, and lyrics to flourish from. It starts on its key center, A major, a common and comfortable place for a song to start on. It then moves to E major, a chord that feels unsettled for songs in the key of A major, and is commonly used to set up a feeling of tension in songs. Then it moves to F# minor, giving the song a somewhat somber, yet still fundamentally happy feeling. Afterwards, it moves back to the unresolved E major, to then resolve back to the tonic (the song s key center), A major. An unresolved chord doesn t feel quite at place in a song, and wants to find closure by pivoting back to the song s key center. This progression isn t anything special, but it does offer a strong building block for the other elements of the song to be built on. This pattern repeats through the verses. Instrumentally, the song takes inspiration from Phil Spector s Wall of Sound technique.1 Through this dense, multi layered arrangement and production, the electric piano, drums, bass, acoustic guitar, and electric guitar all work together to create one thick, powerful sound. This helps the song gain a sense of resolve in the face of its poignant lyrics. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Jablonksi Skin Color In this video Dr. Nina Jablonksi from Penn State University talked about the evolution of human skin color and why the gradient of skin color in humans exists. To begin this video she started by talking about melanin, which is the main pigment in human skin. Melanin is produced in the lower layer of skin and has two different types. The first type is called eumelanin, which is the most common type. Eumelanin usually gives skin and hair black and brown coloring. The second type of melanin is pheomelanin which is red and yellow in color. Certain amounts of these melanin are what determine the different shades of skin tones. Melanin helps absorb the ultraviolet radiation which helps protect the skin against the harmful and damaging effects of these ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is shown by the skin pigmentation in the Maasai people of East Africa because the women are a lighter skin color than the men. Skin pigmentation does not fully develop until adulthood as well, the Maasai people show this as well. Over time, researchers have hypothesized that lighter skinned people, such as Europeans or Asians, resulted from a chromosome mutation in dark skinned people. To prove this hypothesis, researchers analyzed DNA of bones that are 50,000 years old from skeletons of Neanderthals. These bones showed the diminishing pigmentation and through the DNA analysis it showed the genetic mutation. In the end, scientists have done enough research to find out that people should not be identified by their skin color. It is actually seen as a complete fallacy to identify people by the pigmentation of their skin. Everyone comes from the same place and we are all alike. The only real difference is the color we see but that is all, the differences truly do only run skin deep. We all have the same ancestry and all of our skin pigmentation is almost identical. People need to stop judging a book by its color and look a little ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Sustainable Confusion Sustainable Confusion Forest Stewardship Council and IKEA Sustainable development has been a debatable concern in the past few years. To thrive for a viable environment of carefree living, countries worldwide gather to discuss the importance of this issue. However, with the sheer efforts of governments are not sufficient. With increasing awareness of environmental protection and sustainability, more eco certification organizations and retailers form alliances to ensure the productive harmony in exploiting natural resources. An example of this kind of relationship would be IKEA carries Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified lumber and paper by which they ensure the right practice on forest management. Founded in 1993, FSC is a three chamber system that has representation from economic players as well as environmental NGOs and social groups (Grant, 2014). It is dedicated to promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world s forests, without compromising those of future generations ( FSC Forest Stewardship Council ® Vision Mission, n.d.). To ensure the proper practice of forestry, FSC has developed a set of 10 Principles and 57 associated Criteria (P C) that monitor the FSC certified forests worldwide ( FSC Forest Stewardship Council U.S. (FSC US) Mission and Vision, n.d.). The P C touch upon the three pillars of sustainability and clarify each category by illustrating various policies, including the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. I Am Legend Themes Distopian is a society or place that is unpleasant and bad. Dystopian movies are often based on themes that play out in the real world. The dystopian movie I am Legend by Francis Lawrence has a theme of Loss of Humanity. I am Legend is about a woman who spread around a cure or virus saying it was the cure to cancer. The cure that was said to be the cure to cancer killed everyone on the island. Dr. Robert Neville is trying to find a cure to the virus that affected the the entire island. Throughout the movie, the theme that represented I am Legend used literary devices and universal storytelling element. The theme is built through the use of symbol, narrative transport, heroic scenario, and interesting way in which the movie is told. The butterfly is one symbol from the movie that relates to the theme of Loss of Humanity. The butterfly was constantly used throughout the entire movie as a way for change in the life of humanity. Near the end of the movie Robert Neville remembered what his daughter told him, Look Daddy, it s a butterfly. This relates back to theme of Loss of Humanity because it shows Robert Neville about his own personal destiny. Also, it the butterfly goes back to show him that losing his life to make sure the cure gets around is going to help many others survive. The butterfly symbolizes change, lightness, and transformation of how the world is going to end up. Robert Neville losing his family relates to the theme of Loss of Humanity. In the beginning of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. The Worth Of Sport Event Sponsorship A Journal of Management and Marketing Research The worth of sport event sponsorship: an event study Jin Woo Kim The University of Texas at Arlington Abstract The authors investigate the relationship between sports related event sponsorship and stock market valuation and identify factors that influence the financial rewards of sponsorship using World Cup and PGA tour sponsorship data. In particular, relationship between sports sponsorship with financial performance is examined in terms of sponsorship fit, event characteristics, and brand equity. Event study results show that sponsorship for World Cup and PGA is positively related to abnormal stock returns for sponsors but not every sponsor enjoys significantly positive cumulative abnormal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sports sponsorship makes it possible to link the aspiration and passion of a target audience to specific sports (Arun, 2004). In general, sponsorship holds a unique position in the marketing mix because it is effective in building brand awareness, providing differentiated marketing platforms, facilitating direct business benefits and providing valuable networking and hospitality opportunities (ADREVIEW). The number of companies sponsoring events has increased over the past decade. However, it is somewhat unclear how the effectiveness of event marketing activities can be measured. As mentioned earlier, approach to sports sponsorship can be divided into two The worth of sport, Page 2 Journal of Management and Marketing Research research stream (see Table 1). One is the consumer psychology approach which incorporates effect of sports sponsorship in terms of consumers awareness, recognition, and behavioral intentions. The other approach focuses on grasping the potential contribution of sports sponsorship to positive or negative changes in stock price. The effect of sponsorship on firm value in the stock market can be investigated in financial perspective. Approach Consumer psychologic al approach Table 1. Literature Review on Sponsorship Effects Researchers Contents Speed and Conceptual framework about the effect of
  • 49. Thompson, sponsor event fit, perceived sincerity of the 2000 sponsor, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. The Voting Of Citizens, The Middle And Lower Class The ruling does not encourage the majority of citizens, the middle and lower class, to become involved in politics. Once corporations can donate to their heart s desires, regular citizens will not be the main focus of politicians. Such can be seen in the way congressional members call donors for hours in the Congressional Call Centers. Congressmen and women are not calling the average citizen, but rather they are calling people who can give them a large lump sum of money. During a talk, Senator Chris Murphy addresses money in politics, and he explains how awful the process of gathering re election campaign finances is: For a senate race I m not calling anybody who doesn t have the chance of giving me at least one thousand dollars... so you got to imagine that the people I m calling are the folk that are making a half million to a million dollars and they have fundamentally different problems than everyone else ( Opening Address ). The Senator openly talks about how awful the fundraising processes in and how many members of congress walk away because of this. The Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission case only increased the amount of time congressmen and women spend away from their duties as legislators and increases the time they are sitting in cubicles calling their donors. The solution to campaign finances has been in place since the 1970s in the form of a question on taxpayers 1040 form. The question read: Do you want $3 of your federal tax to go to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Clear Lake Dental Care People don t usually think of the dentist as the health care professional to see for chronic headaches and migraines. Yet dentists are often instrumental in diagnosing and treating many cases of recurring headaches. This is because a number of recurring pains in the head, neck, jaw, and face are caused by conditions in the mouth and the rest of the craniofacial area. For example, recurring pain in the temples on the sides of the head are usually caused by teeth grinding or clenching. In some cases, misalignment in the teeth or jaw area can put pressure in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ, also called the jaw joint) and lead to pain. If you experience frequent migraines and headaches, head and neck pain, and popping or clicking sounds when you open or close your mouth, consult your dentist in Webster right away. You may be suffering from TMJ disorder (TMD). Clear Lake Dental Care is here to offer migraine headache prevention and relief in your current problem. What Is TMJ? The TMJs are your jaw joints on both sides of the head. This is the hinge joint that lets you open and close your mouth. When the jaw joints are damaged because of teeth grinding, trauma, or gum disease, you may experience pain and difficulty chewing and speaking. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To diagnose and rule out other causes of the pain, your dentist will perform a thorough oral examination. For immediate and long term relief from pain caused by TMD, your dentist may recommend behavior modification, eating soft foods for a few days to reduce stress on the jaw joints, gentle stretching exercises, anti inflammatory medications, muscle relaxants, biofeedback, stress management, and other conservative therapies. Surgery is usually performed when all other treatments have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. The Esther Johnson Murder Case John Tyler, age 28, was shot and killed with a handgun, fired by Jeff Ace Johnson, on July 16th. The shooting occurred after an argument between Jeff (age 20 and a member of the Cobras street gang) and Jerry Knight (age 22, member of the Jukers street gang and cousin of the deceased). The accused may be convicted of either murder (the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought) or voluntary manslaughter (the unlawful killing of a human being without malice). After reviewing all the facts of the case, I have come to the conclusion that Jeff Ace Johnson is guilty of voluntary manslaughter. Intent or aforethought is a major difference between murder and manslaughter; murder is intentional and/or planned while ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...