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Special thanks to the teaching staff of Male School
Thanks for your commitment to teaching and learning!
From Good to Great!
Think WinWin
Who are we?
Who are you?
• Thumball Toss
• One Minute Interview
What is good teaching? How do we move to great teaching?
What is good learning? How do we move to great learning?
How do we learn to teach better so that kids will learn better?
How can you tell? What is your proof?
What are your needs? How can we help?
What I Know
What I Want
to Learn
What I Have
Think WinWin
Working Interactively
Winning Independently
“many poor learners can be turned around if we just
acknowledge differences amongst them and re-educate
ourselves on how to help them succeed.” We, as
teachers, are the ones to change.
Good to Great - Male School - 2009
What are our targets?
1. To examine our instructional strategies so that we
will improve student learning and student
2. To examine our feedback and assessment practices,
and to determine how to effectively utilize feedback
that will improve student learning.
3. To build a professional learning community of
individuals at Male School who will work together to
further Male School
4. To create a personal goal for the remainder of the
school year that will improve student learning.
Today‟s Agenda:
Morning Tea: 10:00 a.m.
Expert Hotline: 11:30 a.m.
Lunch: 12:00 p.m.
Afternoon Tea: 3:00 p.m.
Departure: 3:30 p.m.
Commercial Breaks
10:00 a.m.
Planning: Backwards by Design, Learning Outcomes,
Daily Lesson Planning/Schemes
11:00 a.m.
Assessment for Learning (Feedback, Pre-assessment
Post Assessment)
1:00 p.m.
Classroom Management/Strategies and Cues
2:00 p.m.
Inquiry Based Learning Through Critical
3:00 p.m.
Character Education/Counselling
Classroom Management
Service Learning
Special Education
Anticipatory Set:
Objective/Learning Outcome:
Body of Lesson:
Instructional Input/Modeling/Checking for Understanding
(What the teacher will do)
Learning Activity/Guided Practice/Independent Practice
(What the student will do)
Closure (Review, Homework, Early Finishers):
Good to Great - Male School - 2009
Good to Great - Male School - 2009
Good to Great - Male School - 2009
Good to Great - Male School - 2009
The Learning Pyramid
• We Learn……
What does the research say about
how our students learn?
We All Learn Differently
• Multiple Intelligences
• Learning Styles (Visual, Auditory,
• Brain Differences
• Gender Differences
Sensitivity to the sounds, rhythms,
and meanings of words and language,
both written and spoken.
Capacity to deal with numbers,
formulae, abstract patterns and
inductive/deductive thinking.
Reliance on sense of sight and
ability to visualize; includes ability
to create mental images.
Ability to deal with and
control body movements
and handle objects skillfully.
Capacity to recognize and
produce tonal patterns, sounds,
pitch, rhythms, and beats.
Has to do with
communication and relationships.
Relates to self-reflection, metacognition,
awareness of one’s own feelings and
internal states of being.
Appreciation for nature and
ecological issues; recognizes
patterns in organisms & in nature.
The Brain…..
5 Principles of the
Brain Friendly Classroom
Good to Great - Male School - 2009
Instructional Methods for Success
• Teaching others/Cooperative Learning (Stand up,
Sit Down, Round Robin, Numbered Heads, Jigsaw,
• Games (Jeopardy, Hollywood Squares, Toss, The
Puzzler, Front Page Challenge, Spelling Baseball/
Hockey, Pictionary, Cherades, Slap Happy)
• Team-building energizers/Team Encouragers
• Debates
• Field Trips, Festivals, Fairs
• Simulations
• Storybook Theatre/Reader‟s Theatre/Role
• Service Learning
• Songs/Rhymes/Raps
• Projects
• Visuals/Graphics/Mindmaps (Visual Learners)
• Storytelling (Auditory Learners)
• Hands on Learning (Tactile Learners)
• So many others
Good to Great - Male School - 2009
3 Things I have learned so far today:
• 1. ____________________________________________________
• 2. ____________________________________________________
• 3. ____________________________________________________
2 Things I wish to try in my classroom:
• 1. ____________________________________________________
• 2. ____________________________________________________
1 Question you have about this topic:
• 1. ____________________________________________________
Good to Great - Male School - 2009
The Engaged Learner…
20 Instructional Strategies
Graphic Organizers
Writing and Reflection
Field Trips
Metaphors and Similes
Humor and Celebration
Music, Rhythm, Rhyme and Rap
Cooperative Learning
Problem Based Learning
Role play/Drama/Charades
Work Study/Action Research
Mnemonic Devices
Drawing and Artwork
Good to Great - Male School - 2009
• Positive Interdependence
• Face to Face Interaction
• Individual Accountability
• Interpersonal and small
group skills
• Group processing
Cooperative Learning: key ingredients*
*from the research of D.W.
Johnson and R. Johnson
Good to Great - Male School - 2009
The Team Wheel: Effective Teams
(MacMillan, 2001)
For Your Consideration…
• Be a TEAM of teacher learners. Form study groups where you examine and learn
about good teaching through reading, talking, observing, and setting
goals. Share your successes and struggles with each other, with us (email),
and with other educators. (TEAMS: Together Everyone Achieves More Success)
• Celebrate learning (academic skills, technical skills, leadership skills, teamwork
skills, personal management skills) both with students and with staff
• Let students know the objectives of the learning (write on board, make posters), and
identify the learning target (Essential Learning Outcomes). These should be also
clearly visible in your lesson plan
• Let students know the evaluation criteria for their work ahead of time and give
them opportunities to do their work over
• Choose one new instructional strategy to learn during this year and do it well
• Examine questioning strategies to increase engagement of ALL students.
• Utilize other assessment approaches besides tests (e.g. exit tickets, projects,
checklists, thumbs up/thumbs down, portfolios, highlighting errors, rewrites, written
comments, stickers, etc.). Emphasize feedback and how to improve versus grades
• Emphasize the importance of a literacy rich primary program (ECD, Class 1, 2 and 3)
so that ALL students will be successful readers. These classes should be the smallest
in the school. Build a literacy center full of reading books and manned by a volunteer,
staff member or provide release time for a teacher. Build literacy into all subjects.
For Your Consideration…
• Utilize Multiple Intelligence strategies to best meet the needs of ALL your
students; celebrate this diversity of classroom learners.
• Assist the slow learners by putting them near the front of the class (close to the
teacher), and with peers who will help them learn. Consider modifying your lesson
for them (e.g. do less questions). DO NOT single out their lack of achievement, but
encourage ALL signs of learning progress. DO NOT label students based on
achievement, but other names (Team Kenya, Team Kilamanjaro, Team Nairobi, etc.)
• Maximize learning and teaching time. Re-examine the structure of your
learning day as there are many breaks that can detract from teaching and learning.
Have focused chunks of time (e.g. eliminate a few breaks and allow students to have
water bottles in the classroom, take attendance when kids are working, )
• To engage students, utilize less “teacher talk”; use the 1/3 (teacher directed)
+ 1/3 (teamwork directed) + 1/3 (independent student work) = one lesson
• Consider looping where one teacher teaches the same group of children for 2
years. Examine your timetable to reduce transitions/disruptions for students.
• Empower the students to make choices and take advantage of the character
building opportunities and responsibilities they have at school
• Utilize Note-Making versus note-taking as this improves learning and thinking.
Encourage students to “summarize” their notes
• Practice/Review new concepts (5 minutes after, 5 hours later, and 5 days later)
For Your Consideration…
• Utilize cooperative learning strategies to bring kids together to learn (this
is not the same as group work – examine the research)
• As teachers, use break time to plan, mark, and engage in professional
development (e.g. share ideas). Anytime you are with students, you must be
focused on TEACHING.
• Encourage students to speak up and avoid repeating their answers; have them
repeat it and loud enough so all of the students can learn from each other. DO
NOT discourage students if they give wrong answers, and ask all students (even
those whose hands are not raised)
• Encourage “critical thinking” versus rote memorization and repetition; this is
best accomplished through learning activities that demonstrate learning (posters,
speech, role-play, etc.)
• Integrate Kenyan culture into their learning as much as possible so they can
feel proud of themselves. Think “themes” instead of “subjects” and create topics
which integrate all of the core subjects (“Growing Gardens = Growing Children,
The Career of Life, Our Big Beautiful Brains, etc.)
• Decorate walls with pictures, color, student work, charts, maps, etc. (visually
• Continue to show your joy for teaching which will encourage the students‟ joy for
learning. Learning that is fun will encourage students to learn for a lifetime
Enjoy the journey
that is teaching and learning!!!
The Dream
Imagine a school where you become a better
teacher just by being part of the team
Imagine a school where you become a better learner just by being
part of the team
Imagine that you had the capacity to lead individual, and and
system change
Great Teaching = Great Learning:
Think WinWin
What “WinWin” idea will you take with you today to help better
meet the needs of your learners?
When will you accomplish this?
How will you accomplish this?
How will you know if you were successful?
Brent Galloway, Red Deer College
Wise Words
“The person who does the talking, does the
The most powerful single influence on
student achievement is feedback.”
John Hattie
“All young people in our society are at risk
…Dr. Richard Brokenleg
“It is easier to build strong children,
than it is to repair broken men”
Michelle Borba
“People learn by what they do, not
by what they are told”
…Pat Wolfe
“Are we training students to write tests for life,
or are we training students for the tests of life”
….Art Costa
“ Learn by Doing “
4H Motto
“It takes a whole village to raise a child”
….African proverb
“Provide accurate, immediate and
honest feedback to your students – tell
them the truth in a loving way”
Dr. Douglas Reeves
“The brain holds onto information that is
„relevant‟. Thus, when teaching new
information, „hook‟ it onto prior learning and
…Marian Diamond
What is your dream for Male School?
My dream is __________________________
What is your plan?
I Will________________________________
Continue to
make beautiful
music together
Best of luck
The Team from RDC

More Related Content

Good to Great - Male School - 2009

  • 1. Special thanks to the teaching staff of Male School Thanks for your commitment to teaching and learning! From Good to Great! Think WinWin
  • 2. Who are we? Who are you? • Thumball Toss • One Minute Interview
  • 3. What is good teaching? How do we move to great teaching? What is good learning? How do we move to great learning? How do we learn to teach better so that kids will learn better? How can you tell? What is your proof? What are your needs? How can we help?
  • 4. What I Know What I Want to Learn What I Have Learned
  • 5. Think WinWin Working Interactively Winning Independently “many poor learners can be turned around if we just acknowledge differences amongst them and re-educate ourselves on how to help them succeed.” We, as teachers, are the ones to change.
  • 8. What are our targets? 1. To examine our instructional strategies so that we will improve student learning and student engagement 2. To examine our feedback and assessment practices, and to determine how to effectively utilize feedback that will improve student learning. 3. To build a professional learning community of individuals at Male School who will work together to further Male School 4. To create a personal goal for the remainder of the school year that will improve student learning. Today‟s Agenda: Morning Tea: 10:00 a.m. Expert Hotline: 11:30 a.m. Lunch: 12:00 p.m. Afternoon Tea: 3:00 p.m. Departure: 3:30 p.m.
  • 9. Commercial Breaks 10:00 a.m. Planning: Backwards by Design, Learning Outcomes, Daily Lesson Planning/Schemes 11:00 a.m. Assessment for Learning (Feedback, Pre-assessment Post Assessment) 1:00 p.m. Classroom Management/Strategies and Cues 2:00 p.m. Inquiry Based Learning Through Critical Thinking/Questioning 3:00 p.m. Character Education/Counselling
  • 10. Planning Classroom Management Service Learning Special Education Assessment/Questioning
  • 11. Introduction: Anticipatory Set: Bridging: Objective/Learning Outcome: Body of Lesson: Instructional Input/Modeling/Checking for Understanding (What the teacher will do) 1. 2. 3. Learning Activity/Guided Practice/Independent Practice (What the student will do) 1. 2. 3. Conclusion: Closure (Review, Homework, Early Finishers): Evaluation/Assessment: Adaptations/Modifications
  • 16. The Learning Pyramid • We Learn……
  • 17. What does the research say about how our students learn?
  • 18. We All Learn Differently • Multiple Intelligences • Learning Styles (Visual, Auditory, Tactile/Kinesthetic) • Brain Differences • Gender Differences
  • 19. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES 19 VERBAL/LINGUISTIC (WORD SMART) Sensitivity to the sounds, rhythms, and meanings of words and language, both written and spoken. LOGICAL/MATHEMATICAL (NUMBER SMART) Capacity to deal with numbers, formulae, abstract patterns and inductive/deductive thinking. VISUAL/SPATIAL (PICTURE SMART) Reliance on sense of sight and ability to visualize; includes ability to create mental images. BODILY/KINESTHETIC (BODY SMART) Ability to deal with and control body movements and handle objects skillfully. MUSICAL/RHYTHMIC (MUSIC SMART) Capacity to recognize and produce tonal patterns, sounds, pitch, rhythms, and beats. INTERPERSONAL (PEOPLE SMART) Has to do with person-to-person communication and relationships. INTRAPERSONAL (SELF SMART) Relates to self-reflection, metacognition, awareness of one’s own feelings and internal states of being. NATURALIST (NATURE SMART ) Appreciation for nature and ecological issues; recognizes patterns in organisms & in nature.
  • 20. The Brain….. 5 Principles of the Brain Friendly Classroom
  • 22. Instructional Methods for Success • Teaching others/Cooperative Learning (Stand up, Sit Down, Round Robin, Numbered Heads, Jigsaw, etc.) • Games (Jeopardy, Hollywood Squares, Toss, The Puzzler, Front Page Challenge, Spelling Baseball/ Hockey, Pictionary, Cherades, Slap Happy) • Team-building energizers/Team Encouragers • Debates • Field Trips, Festivals, Fairs • Simulations • Storybook Theatre/Reader‟s Theatre/Role play/Skits/Drama • Service Learning • Songs/Rhymes/Raps • Projects • Visuals/Graphics/Mindmaps (Visual Learners) • Storytelling (Auditory Learners) • Hands on Learning (Tactile Learners) • So many others
  • 24. Lunch: EXIT CARD 3 Things I have learned so far today: • 1. ____________________________________________________ • 2. ____________________________________________________ • 3. ____________________________________________________ 2 Things I wish to try in my classroom: • 1. ____________________________________________________ • 2. ____________________________________________________ • 1 Question you have about this topic: • 1. ____________________________________________________
  • 27. 20 Instructional Strategies Graphic Organizers Writing and Reflection Brainstorming Field Trips Metaphors and Similes Visuals Movement Humor and Celebration Music, Rhythm, Rhyme and Rap Cooperative Learning Problem Based Learning Role play/Drama/Charades Work Study/Action Research Technology Visualization Games Storytelling Manipulatives/Models Mnemonic Devices Drawing and Artwork
  • 29. • Positive Interdependence • Face to Face Interaction • Individual Accountability • Interpersonal and small group skills • Group processing Cooperative Learning: key ingredients* *from the research of D.W. Johnson and R. Johnson
  • 31. The Team Wheel: Effective Teams (MacMillan, 2001) Common Purpose Crystal Clear Roles Accepted Leadership Effective Processes Solid Relationships Excellent Communication
  • 32. For Your Consideration… • Be a TEAM of teacher learners. Form study groups where you examine and learn about good teaching through reading, talking, observing, and setting goals. Share your successes and struggles with each other, with us (email), and with other educators. (TEAMS: Together Everyone Achieves More Success) • Celebrate learning (academic skills, technical skills, leadership skills, teamwork skills, personal management skills) both with students and with staff • Let students know the objectives of the learning (write on board, make posters), and identify the learning target (Essential Learning Outcomes). These should be also clearly visible in your lesson plan • Let students know the evaluation criteria for their work ahead of time and give them opportunities to do their work over • Choose one new instructional strategy to learn during this year and do it well • Examine questioning strategies to increase engagement of ALL students. • Utilize other assessment approaches besides tests (e.g. exit tickets, projects, checklists, thumbs up/thumbs down, portfolios, highlighting errors, rewrites, written comments, stickers, etc.). Emphasize feedback and how to improve versus grades • Emphasize the importance of a literacy rich primary program (ECD, Class 1, 2 and 3) so that ALL students will be successful readers. These classes should be the smallest in the school. Build a literacy center full of reading books and manned by a volunteer, staff member or provide release time for a teacher. Build literacy into all subjects.
  • 33. For Your Consideration… • Utilize Multiple Intelligence strategies to best meet the needs of ALL your students; celebrate this diversity of classroom learners. • Assist the slow learners by putting them near the front of the class (close to the teacher), and with peers who will help them learn. Consider modifying your lesson for them (e.g. do less questions). DO NOT single out their lack of achievement, but encourage ALL signs of learning progress. DO NOT label students based on achievement, but other names (Team Kenya, Team Kilamanjaro, Team Nairobi, etc.) • Maximize learning and teaching time. Re-examine the structure of your learning day as there are many breaks that can detract from teaching and learning. Have focused chunks of time (e.g. eliminate a few breaks and allow students to have water bottles in the classroom, take attendance when kids are working, ) • To engage students, utilize less “teacher talk”; use the 1/3 (teacher directed) + 1/3 (teamwork directed) + 1/3 (independent student work) = one lesson • Consider looping where one teacher teaches the same group of children for 2 years. Examine your timetable to reduce transitions/disruptions for students. • Empower the students to make choices and take advantage of the character building opportunities and responsibilities they have at school • Utilize Note-Making versus note-taking as this improves learning and thinking. Encourage students to “summarize” their notes • Practice/Review new concepts (5 minutes after, 5 hours later, and 5 days later)
  • 34. For Your Consideration… • Utilize cooperative learning strategies to bring kids together to learn (this is not the same as group work – examine the research) • As teachers, use break time to plan, mark, and engage in professional development (e.g. share ideas). Anytime you are with students, you must be focused on TEACHING. • Encourage students to speak up and avoid repeating their answers; have them repeat it and loud enough so all of the students can learn from each other. DO NOT discourage students if they give wrong answers, and ask all students (even those whose hands are not raised) • Encourage “critical thinking” versus rote memorization and repetition; this is best accomplished through learning activities that demonstrate learning (posters, speech, role-play, etc.) • Integrate Kenyan culture into their learning as much as possible so they can feel proud of themselves. Think “themes” instead of “subjects” and create topics which integrate all of the core subjects (“Growing Gardens = Growing Children, The Career of Life, Our Big Beautiful Brains, etc.) • Decorate walls with pictures, color, student work, charts, maps, etc. (visually stimulating) • Continue to show your joy for teaching which will encourage the students‟ joy for learning. Learning that is fun will encourage students to learn for a lifetime Enjoy the journey that is teaching and learning!!!
  • 35. The Dream Imagine a school where you become a better teacher just by being part of the team Imagine a school where you become a better learner just by being part of the team Imagine that you had the capacity to lead individual, and and system change
  • 36. Great Teaching = Great Learning: Think WinWin What “WinWin” idea will you take with you today to help better meet the needs of your learners? When will you accomplish this? How will you accomplish this? How will you know if you were successful? Brent Galloway, Red Deer College brent.galloway@rdc.ab.ca
  • 37. Wise Words “The person who does the talking, does the learning” The most powerful single influence on student achievement is feedback.” John Hattie “All young people in our society are at risk …Dr. Richard Brokenleg “It is easier to build strong children, than it is to repair broken men” Michelle Borba “People learn by what they do, not by what they are told” …Pat Wolfe “Are we training students to write tests for life, or are we training students for the tests of life” ….Art Costa “ Learn by Doing “ 4H Motto “It takes a whole village to raise a child” ….African proverb “Provide accurate, immediate and honest feedback to your students – tell them the truth in a loving way” Dr. Douglas Reeves “The brain holds onto information that is „relevant‟. Thus, when teaching new information, „hook‟ it onto prior learning and experiences” …Marian Diamond
  • 38. What is your dream for Male School? My dream is __________________________ What is your plan? I Will________________________________
  • 39. Continue to make beautiful music together Best of luck The Team from RDC