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Getting Started with Google Analytics
Taught By Molly O’Kane
It’s Free
It’s Big and
Can Be confusing
But Powerful
A Second to
Learn, Years
to Master
Don’t Worry Everything
will be Ok
Why are you
excited about this
My Promise to You
1. Basic Features of Google Analytics
2. Loads of ideas to try out
3. Tips to make your life easier!
In about 3 hours you’re going to learn:
Google analytics getting_started
Meet Molly
Social Media & Marketing Consultant
for San Francisco Small Business
Development Center
With over a decade of starting new programs
from scratch, speaking, and most
importantly, real-life, in-the-trenches
business experience.
I started helping small business owners over
three years ago deal with the sometimes
overwhelming marketing, advertising & social
media aspects of starting a new business.
What is your
business goal?
• If you want a sustainable
business, you need some
insight into the numbers,
beyond just the size of your
email list.
• Recognize opportunities
• Identify points of failure
• Reach more people
Google Analytics can help
• how people consume your
• what brings them there,
• where they’re
geographically located
** Use to Strengthen
Marketing Strategy**
Google analytics getting_started
To Understand
Fix the Things
that aren’t
To improve
our results/
To calculate
our Value
To dominate
our Niche
To encourage
Google analytics getting_started
The Set Up, Just like with
any good dish you need to
Google analytics getting_started
Google analytics getting_started
Google analytics getting_started
Google analytics getting_started
Google analytics getting_started
Google analytics getting_started
Place Code in
Shopify Instructions:
WordPress Instructions:
Squarespace Instructions:
WIX Instructions:
GA Checker
GA Debugger
Tag Assistant
Measures forward so get
everything connected & set up
even if you aren’t ready to dive in.
Start with Business Questions.
Your Google Analytics homepage looks like (Dashboard): Blog Site
Dash Board/Home: Ecommerce
What the
mean on
Users are the number of unique visitors
that have been on your website.
Sessions are the number of times
somebody has browsed your website.
Bounce rate is how many people hit
your site and immediately leave.
Session duration is how long people are
staying on your website on average.
Acquisition Numbers
Organic search means people found your site by Googling
something and clicking your website on the Google results
Social means that people found your website via shares on
social media.
Direct means that people either typed in your URL or clicked
on a page that they had in their bookmarks.
Referral traffic comes from links on other people’s websites.
This traffic isn’t coming from Google or social media.
Other simply means that Google can’t track it. This could mean
people were browsing in incognito mode or there were no
defined parameters on the website they came from.
Popular pages and user trends
When people are
visiting your site
Where your visitors
are coming from
What devices your
audience is using
Discover Your IP Address
• https://www.ip2location.com
• http://whatismyipaddress.com/
Step 1
Step 2
Filter Out IP Address
•Filter name: enter a name
•Filter type: Predefined
•Select filter type: Exclude
•Select source or destination: traffic from
the IP addresses
•Select expression: that are equal to
•IP address: enter a singleIP address
• https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/10
Add Users (Management)
Admin>Property>User Management
Ecommerce Store: Turn On Enhanced Shopping
Admin>View>Ecommerce Settings
Link All Your Search Console & AdWords
Admin>Property>All Products
Home •Dashboard
Real Time •Happening Now
•Demographics * Interest * Behavior *
Acquisition •Traffic Source * Search Console
•Content Visited (flow) * Site Speed *
Conversions •Goals * Ecommerce
Discover •Learning about Google Products
Admin •Setting * Connections * Goal Setting
• Real time: The activity on your site in real time
• Audience: Inside scoop on your website visitors
• Acquisition: Details on how visitors found your
• Behavior: What people are doing on your site
• Conversions: How behavior leads to conversions
and sales
Real Time
What is happening now.
• Demographics
• Behavior
• New vs. Returning
What is LTV & Why
does it matter?
The Lifetime Value report lets you
understand how valuable
different users are to your
business based on lifetime
-90 Days
-See the channel that brings in
best revenue
Google analytics getting_started
Average Time on Page
Avg Time on Page are a good indication of the time users spent
looking at a page on your site if the page has a low % Exit
How People are Finding
Your Site
Google analytics getting_started
What Is Search Console? (AKA Google Webmaster
Google Search Console is a free service offered by Google that helps
you monitor and maintain your site's presence in Google Search
Why Use
Search Console
(AKA Google
Monitor your site's performance
in Google Search results:
• Google can access your content
• Monitor and resolve malware or spam
• Maintain your site with minimal
disruption to search performance
• Create and monitor content that
delivers visually engaging search
• Submit new content for crawling and
remove content you don't want shown
in search results
Why Use Search Console (AKA Google
Webmaster Tools)
Discover how
the world—
sees your site
•Which queries
caused your
site to appear
in search
•Did some
queries result
in more traffic
to your site
than others?
•Are your product
prices, company
contact info, or
highlighted in rich
search results?
Which sites
are linking to
Is your mobile
site performing
well for visitors
searching on
Search Console Linking w/ Google Analytics
Search Console Improve Traffic
Search Console Also Help with
AdWords/Keywords When Linked
See how your ads and organic
search listings perform (both alone
and together) by importing organic
search results from Search
Shows what people typed into the
search bar of your website & can
show what your audience is
interested in seeing more of.
Search Terms
Measuring Social Value
Another View of how
people are interacting
with your website.
Most interesting section
“Search Terms” Results
Page Speed
Simply compressing images and text
can be a game changer—30% of
pages could save more than 250KB
that way.
Bounce Rate
Here , Then Gone
A Bounce Can be…
-Clicking Link to a Different Site
-Clicking the back button
-Closing the window
-Typing a new URL
Individual Bounce Rate
more important than
overall site bounce rates
• Can show you pages that need to be
fixed & focus on
Determining the Cause
Right or Wrong
Primary Message
Message doesn’t match
campaign or source
Site Experience
Overall Design
Load Time
Hidden Navigation
No Primary Action
Confusing Navigation
Page Speed
Get Perspective
Utilize Custom Segmentation, Filters, Grouping, & Custom Variables.
Calendar- Date Range
Creating Comparisons
Examples of Conversions
Here are some ideas that may apply to your business:
•Increase engagement
•Drive more leads
•Improve conversions
•Increase revenue from e-commerce store
To Set Up Goals
3 Types of Goals
Page Based Goals
• Conversion Page
• Allows for up to 20 Funnel
• Ideal for:
• Forms
• Signups
• Any stepped process
• Don’t use for online purchases
(use enhanced ecommerce
Event Based Goals
• Events need to be tracked
• No funnel steps
• Ideal for:
• Downloads
• Clicks on links/buttons
• Interactions (i.e. videos)
• Single step actions
Engagement Goals
• Time-based or pageview
• Inflates conversion numbers
• Ideal for:
• Sites without any page or event
goal options
• Branding and content sites
Creating a Destination Based Goal
• Identify the steps
• Ensure the thank you page is unique
(for the action)
• Configure the goal in Google
• A page on your website that users
see when they complete an activity.
• For an account sign-up, this might be the
“thank you for signing up” page.
• For a purchase this might be the receipt
Click Add New Goal
You have 3 basic
*custom goals
* Smart Goals
Google analytics getting_started
Google analytics getting_started
Use Goals to Track your Marketing
• Knowing important metrics like:
• Leads
• Trial signups
• Account creations
• Newsletter signups
• White paper downloads
• eBook downloads
Track Your Goal Progress With A
Google Analytics Custom Report
• select Customization and then choose Custom Reports.
• Create a + New Custom Report.
• Write a Title for your Custom Report. I usually name this the
same as your goal.
• In Metric Groups, search for your Goal name. Choose
the Goal Completion option of your Goal.
• In Dimension Drilldowns, search for Goal Previous Step – 1.
This will show you the URL of the piece they saw immediately
before converting.
• Hit Save.
• Map Out Your Event Tracking Strategically
• Events in Google Analytics help you fill the gaps between traffic
analysis and goal analysis. Essentially, they let you see nuance
– what are users actually doing on the site?
More About Events
• You’ll notice that there are three components that make up
events in GA:
• Category
• Action
• Label (optional, but recommended)
For example, if you have a video on your homepage and want
to track interactions with it, the following values could be in play:
• Category: “Videos”
• Action: “Play”
• Label: “Home Page”
Ecommerce overview
• Revenue
• Average Order Value
• Transaction (#)
• Ecommerce Conversion Rate
• Products
The entire customer journey – from arriving at a page, through research,
evaluation, purchase, and even returns – is tracked and collected.
Why Enhanced Shopping
Enhanced Shopping
Create Alerts
Admin>View>Custom Alerts
One alert that’s been
so valuable?
Knowing when my site
is down.
Checkout Broken
Multiple Channel Funnel
Assisted Conversions
7 Attribution Models (credit for sale)
Campaign Tags
Google Analytics Help Center
Google Analytics Academy
Loves Data on YouTube
Log Out
(You know, as in get all your ducks in a row)
Your Sales just might
If you loved the class, I would love to hear about how
you will use what you learned
Before you leave write a review @Bloggerithm on Facebook
Contact Info:
Molly O’Kane
Visit: bloggerithm.com
Smart Goals
• Smart Goals are configured at the view level. Smart Goals use machine learning to
examine dozens of signals about your website sessions to determine which of those
are most likely to result in conversions. Each session is assigned a score, with the
"best" sessions being translated into Smart Goals. Some examples of the signals
included in the Smart Goals model are Session duration, Pages per session,
Location, Device and Browser. (Remarketing Smart Lists use a similar machine
learning model to identify your best users.)
• To determine the best sessions, Smart Goals establishes a threshold by selecting
approximately the top 5% of the traffic to your site coming from AdWords. Once that
threshold is set, Smart Goals applies it to all your website sessions, including traffic
from channels other than AdWords. After enabling Smart Goals in Analytics, they
can be imported into AdWords.
• instructions below:
Smart Goals
• Prerequisites for using Smart Goals
• To use Smart Goals, you'll need to meet certain prerequisites and complete the
following actions:
• Link your Analytics and AdWords account(s).
• The linked AdWords account must have sent at least 500 clicks to the selected
Analytics view over the past 30 days before you can set up Smart Goals. If the
linked account falls below 250 clicks over the past 30 days for the selected
view, Smart Goals will be deactivated until the clicks rise again to 500 or more.
• The reporting view must not receive more than 10 million sessions in 30 days.
• The Data Sharing setting Google products and services must be turned on for
your Analytics account. See the instructions below:

More Related Content

Google analytics getting_started

  • 1. Getting Started with Google Analytics Taught By Molly O’Kane bloggerithm.com
  • 3. It’s Big and Can Be confusing
  • 5. A Second to Learn, Years to Master
  • 9. Why are you excited about this class? https://www.flickr.com/photos/jdhancock/
  • 10. My Promise to You 1. Basic Features of Google Analytics 2. Loads of ideas to try out 3. Tips to make your life easier! In about 3 hours you’re going to learn:
  • 12. Meet Molly Social Media & Marketing Consultant for San Francisco Small Business Development Center With over a decade of starting new programs from scratch, speaking, and most importantly, real-life, in-the-trenches business experience. I started helping small business owners over three years ago deal with the sometimes overwhelming marketing, advertising & social media aspects of starting a new business.
  • 14. • If you want a sustainable business, you need some insight into the numbers, beyond just the size of your email list. • Recognize opportunities • Identify points of failure • Reach more people Google Analytics can help
  • 15. Understanding: • how people consume your site, • what brings them there, • where they’re geographically located ** Use to Strengthen Marketing Strategy**
  • 17. To Understand What’s Working Fix the Things that aren’t working To improve our results/ sales To calculate our Value To dominate our Niche To encourage investment
  • 19. The Set Up, Just like with any good dish you need to prep
  • 26. Place Code in Website Shopify Instructions: https://help.shopify.com/manual/reports-and- analytics/google-analytics/google-analytics-setup WordPress Instructions: http://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to- install-google-analytics-in-wordpress/ Squarespace Instructions: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en- us/articles/205815608-Using-Google-Analytics-with- Squarespace WIX Instructions: https://support.wix.com/en/article/adding-your-google- analytics-code-to-your-site
  • 28. Measures forward so get everything connected & set up even if you aren’t ready to dive in.
  • 29. Start with Business Questions. https://es.slideshare.net/epublishmedia/web-analytics-strategy-answering-the-right-questions
  • 30. Your Google Analytics homepage looks like (Dashboard): Blog Site
  • 32. What the numbers mean on Dashboard: Users are the number of unique visitors that have been on your website. Sessions are the number of times somebody has browsed your website. Bounce rate is how many people hit your site and immediately leave. Session duration is how long people are staying on your website on average.
  • 34. Acquisition numbers Organic search means people found your site by Googling something and clicking your website on the Google results page. Social means that people found your website via shares on social media. Direct means that people either typed in your URL or clicked on a page that they had in their bookmarks. Referral traffic comes from links on other people’s websites. This traffic isn’t coming from Google or social media. Other simply means that Google can’t track it. This could mean people were browsing in incognito mode or there were no defined parameters on the website they came from.
  • 35. Popular pages and user trends
  • 36. When people are visiting your site Where your visitors are coming from What devices your audience is using
  • 37. Discover Your IP Address • https://www.ip2location.com • http://whatismyipaddress.com/
  • 39. Filter Out IP Address •Filter name: enter a name •Filter type: Predefined •Select filter type: Exclude •Select source or destination: traffic from the IP addresses •Select expression: that are equal to •IP address: enter a singleIP address • https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/10 34840?hl=en
  • 41. Ecommerce Store: Turn On Enhanced Shopping Admin>View>Ecommerce Settings
  • 42. Link All Your Search Console & AdWords Admin>Property>All Products
  • 43. Home •Dashboard Real Time •Happening Now Audience •Demographics * Interest * Behavior * LTV Acquisition •Traffic Source * Search Console Behavior •Content Visited (flow) * Site Speed * Devices Conversions •Goals * Ecommerce Discover •Learning about Google Products Admin •Setting * Connections * Goal Setting
  • 44. Navigation • Real time: The activity on your site in real time • Audience: Inside scoop on your website visitors • Acquisition: Details on how visitors found your website • Behavior: What people are doing on your site • Conversions: How behavior leads to conversions and sales
  • 45. Real Time What is happening now.
  • 47. Audiences • LTV • Demographics • Behavior • New vs. Returning
  • 48. What is LTV & Why does it matter? The Lifetime Value report lets you understand how valuable different users are to your business based on lifetime performance. -90 Days -See the channel that brings in best revenue
  • 50. Average Time on Page Avg Time on Page are a good indication of the time users spent looking at a page on your site if the page has a low % Exit
  • 51. Acquisition How People are Finding Your Site
  • 54. What Is Search Console? (AKA Google Webmaster Tools) Google Search Console is a free service offered by Google that helps you monitor and maintain your site's presence in Google Search results.
  • 55. Why Use Search Console (AKA Google Webmaster Tools) Monitor your site's performance in Google Search results: • Google can access your content • Monitor and resolve malware or spam issues • Maintain your site with minimal disruption to search performance • Create and monitor content that delivers visually engaging search results • Submit new content for crawling and remove content you don't want shown in search results
  • 56. Why Use Search Console (AKA Google Webmaster Tools) Discover how Google Search—and the world— sees your site •Which queries caused your site to appear in search results? •Did some queries result in more traffic to your site than others? •Are your product prices, company contact info, or events highlighted in rich search results? Which sites are linking to your website? Is your mobile site performing well for visitors searching on mobile?
  • 57. Search Console Linking w/ Google Analytics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2So8bRg6cSs
  • 58. Search Console Improve Traffic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df3bnPfiNkA
  • 59. Search Console Also Help with AdWords/Keywords When Linked See how your ads and organic search listings perform (both alone and together) by importing organic search results from Search Console.
  • 60. Shows what people typed into the search bar of your website & can show what your audience is interested in seeing more of. Search Terms
  • 62. Behavior Another View of how people are interacting with your website. Most interesting section “Search Terms” Results
  • 63. Page Speed Simply compressing images and text can be a game changer—30% of pages could save more than 250KB that way. https://testmysite.thinkwithgoogle.com/?_ga=2.255690383.6 68670722.1507846708-1762764836.1507846708
  • 64. Bounce Rate Here , Then Gone A Bounce Can be… -Clicking Link to a Different Site -Clicking the back button -Closing the window -Typing a new URL
  • 65. Individual Bounce Rate more important than overall site bounce rates • Can show you pages that need to be fixed & focus on
  • 66. Determining the Cause Audience Right or Wrong Primary Message Message doesn’t match campaign or source Site Experience Overall Design Load Time Distractions Actions Hidden Navigation No Primary Action Confusing Navigation
  • 68. Get Perspective Utilize Custom Segmentation, Filters, Grouping, & Custom Variables.
  • 74. Goals Here are some ideas that may apply to your business: •Increase engagement •Drive more leads •Improve conversions •Increase revenue from e-commerce store
  • 75. To Set Up Goals Admin>View>Goals
  • 76. 3 Types of Goals
  • 77. Page Based Goals • Conversion Page • Allows for up to 20 Funnel Steps • Ideal for: • Forms • Signups • Any stepped process • Don’t use for online purchases (use enhanced ecommerce instead)
  • 78. Event Based Goals • Events need to be tracked first • No funnel steps • Ideal for: • Downloads • Clicks on links/buttons • Interactions (i.e. videos) • Single step actions
  • 79. Engagement Goals • Time-based or pageview based • Inflates conversion numbers • Ideal for: • Sites without any page or event goal options • Branding and content sites
  • 80. Creating a Destination Based Goal • Identify the steps • Ensure the thank you page is unique (for the action) • Configure the goal in Google Analytics • A page on your website that users see when they complete an activity. • For an account sign-up, this might be the “thank you for signing up” page. • For a purchase this might be the receipt page.
  • 82. You have 3 basic options: *template *custom goals * Smart Goals
  • 85. Use Goals to Track your Marketing Strategy • Knowing important metrics like: • Leads • Trial signups • Account creations • Newsletter signups • White paper downloads • eBook downloads
  • 86. Track Your Goal Progress With A Google Analytics Custom Report • select Customization and then choose Custom Reports. • Create a + New Custom Report. • Write a Title for your Custom Report. I usually name this the same as your goal. • In Metric Groups, search for your Goal name. Choose the Goal Completion option of your Goal. • In Dimension Drilldowns, search for Goal Previous Step – 1. This will show you the URL of the piece they saw immediately before converting. • Hit Save.
  • 88. Events • Map Out Your Event Tracking Strategically • Events in Google Analytics help you fill the gaps between traffic analysis and goal analysis. Essentially, they let you see nuance – what are users actually doing on the site?
  • 89. More About Events • You’ll notice that there are three components that make up events in GA: • Category • Action • Label (optional, but recommended) • For example, if you have a video on your homepage and want to track interactions with it, the following values could be in play: • Category: “Videos” • Action: “Play” • Label: “Home Page”
  • 90. Ecommerce overview • Revenue • Average Order Value • Transaction (#) • Ecommerce Conversion Rate • Products
  • 91. The entire customer journey – from arriving at a page, through research, evaluation, purchase, and even returns – is tracked and collected. Why Enhanced Shopping
  • 93. Create Alerts Admin>View>Custom Alerts One alert that’s been so valuable? Knowing when my site is down. Checkout Broken
  • 97. 7 Attribution Models (credit for sale) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5iAvF8sHpQ
  • 99. Resources Google Analytics Help Center https://support.google.com/analytics#topic=3544906 Google Analytics Academy https://analytics.google.com/analytics/academy/ Loves Data on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/LovesData
  • 101. AND IF YOU DO ALL THESE THINGS (You know, as in get all your ducks in a row)
  • 103. If you loved the class, I would love to hear about how you will use what you learned Before you leave write a review @Bloggerithm on Facebook
  • 105. Smart Goals • Smart Goals are configured at the view level. Smart Goals use machine learning to examine dozens of signals about your website sessions to determine which of those are most likely to result in conversions. Each session is assigned a score, with the "best" sessions being translated into Smart Goals. Some examples of the signals included in the Smart Goals model are Session duration, Pages per session, Location, Device and Browser. (Remarketing Smart Lists use a similar machine learning model to identify your best users.) • To determine the best sessions, Smart Goals establishes a threshold by selecting approximately the top 5% of the traffic to your site coming from AdWords. Once that threshold is set, Smart Goals applies it to all your website sessions, including traffic from channels other than AdWords. After enabling Smart Goals in Analytics, they can be imported into AdWords. • instructions below:
  • 106. Smart Goals • Prerequisites for using Smart Goals • To use Smart Goals, you'll need to meet certain prerequisites and complete the following actions: • Link your Analytics and AdWords account(s). • The linked AdWords account must have sent at least 500 clicks to the selected Analytics view over the past 30 days before you can set up Smart Goals. If the linked account falls below 250 clicks over the past 30 days for the selected view, Smart Goals will be deactivated until the clicks rise again to 500 or more. • The reporting view must not receive more than 10 million sessions in 30 days. • The Data Sharing setting Google products and services must be turned on for your Analytics account. See the instructions below: