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If you can, check out the website, www.themobileplaybook.com, from a tablet device

                                                            Jason Spero
                                                            with Johanna Werther

        INTRODUCTION Pg. 3


 01     How does mobile change our value proposition? Pg. 4
        > Serving the mobile customer > The local mobile consumer > The price transparency challenge

 02     How does mobile impact our digital destinations? Pg. 12
        > Mobile-optimized websites    > Branded mobile apps

 03     Is our organization adapting to mobile? Pg. 17
        > Mobile accountability and ownership

 04     How should our marketing adapt to mobile? Pg. 21
        > Search strategy   > Mobile for brand building   > Marketing channels

 05     How can we connect with our tablet audience? Pg. 29
        > Tablet Strategy

        CONCLUSION Pg. 34


      themobileplaybook.com                                                                            2

Mobile Changes Everything

         ver the past year at Google,       Our goal is to help companies at all
         we’ve had the chance to discuss    levels of mobile sophistication and
         the mobile revolution with         experience to adopt the concrete
         hundreds of marketers, and         mobile strategies that can help you
         the same theme consistently        win—and we don’t just mean, “win
emerges from these conversations:           in mobile.” This space isn’t a sandbox
for the majority of businesses we speak     anymore; the mobile revolution is
with, the question is no longer             sailing ahead at full steam, and your
“Why should I invest in mobile?”            customers are on board. Embracing
—we’ve all read statistics about the        mobile can help you win the
tremendous adoption of mobile and           moments that matter, make better
tablet devices—but “How should I            decisions, and go bigger, faster,
invest in mobile?”                          but you’ve got to start somewhere.

We created this Mobile Playbook in          At Google, we believe that your
order to help you find answers.             success in mobile will determine
Every company is different, but similar     the future of your business. Let’s
questions emerged from those                make 2012 the year you make sure
hundreds of meetings. We’ve distilled       that future is a bright one.
them down here into the five crucial
mobile questions that every business
executive should be asking today.
We also suggest strategies you can
employ to answer each of them:
benchmarking the competition,
understanding how your customer is
using mobile through focus groups           “5 crucial mobile questions
and surveys, setting aside budget to
learn and iterate, talking to your agency    that every business executive should
partners, and securing the internal          be asking today”
resources to get the work done and
the conclusions implemented.

           themobileplaybook.com                                                     3
Win moments that matter

01. How does mobile
change our value

       themobileplaybook.com   4
Win moments that matter
                                                            01. How does mobile change our value proposition?

Serving the Mobile Customer

        onsumers can now use              Here are some more examples of brands
        smartphones and tablets           that have thought deeply about what their
        to interact with businesses       consumers want from mobile, and then
                                          proceeded to deliver it.
        24/7, from anywhere—at
        home, at work, on a bus. And
        companies that embrace this       CHASE
always-on behavior—the taxi service
Uber with mobile pickups, GrubHub         A Chase banking app lets customers
                                          deposit checks via a snapshot and send
and SeamlessWeb for food delivery,        via email, leaps in mobile functionality
and HotelTonight’s app for last-minute    that might eventually let banks
                                          maintain fewer ATMs.
bookings—can disrupt entire industries.

                                                                        Users of Intuit’s SnapTax can file
                                                                        their taxes via smartphone.2 Just
                                                                          snap a pic of your W2, answer a
                                                                         few simple questions and you’re
                                                                      done. Talk about offering real value!

Extreme Booking with Hotels.com

Both Hotels.com’s mobile website and
the extreme marketing they utilize to     WALGREENS
promote it (their ads feature a video
of a man literally booking a room from    Walgreens delivers what their mobile
                                          users want on their mobile site: the
his mobile device while skydiving) both   ability to find nearby stores, prescription
                                          refills, mobile shopping and coupons.
demonstrate their firm grasp of their     As a result, Walgreens now completes
basic value proposition to business       25% of all prescription refills via mobile,
                                          more than two million people receive
travelers: the ability to book rooms      text alerts, and customers can scan
                                          for coupons in-store. 3
quickly and easily.1

            themobileplaybook.com                                                                                 5
Win moments that matter
                                                                                 01. How does mobile change our value proposition?

ASDA                                                                 Winning the moments that matter
                                                                     starts with understanding what your
Grocery delivery is very popular in the U.K.                         consumers want to do with your
So Walmart U.K. subsidiary ASDA, knowing
that over half their online customers have                           business in mobile.
smartphones, built a mobile site that lets
customers create and modify orders right
up to the evening before delivery.

                                                                             How can you zero in
                                       DELTA AIR LINES                       on the features that
                     Airlines including Alaska, United and Delta             matter most to your
                            let passengers forgo those crumpled
                         boarding passes and instead scan their                 mobile users?
                         smartphones directly as they board—a
                      feature that, by streamlining the boarding
                          process, helps flights stay on time, and
                      keeps tech-savvy business travelers loyal.                 LETS START
                                                                              BY DISCUSSING...
The Starbucks app generates customer
loyalty, and drives customer transactions,
by letting more than one million coffee-
drinking smartphone users locate stores,
scan barcodes at the register, reload their
Starbucks Cards and share their locations
and favorite drinks via social networks.


                  themobileplaybook.com                                                                                                6
Win moments that matter
                                                           01. How does mobile change our value proposition?

The Local Mobile Customer
Your future customers are literally around the corner,
and mobile can get them in your door.

             obile site builder Digby reports that across all the mobile sites they have
             built, mobile customers use store locators 63 times for every one mobile
             commerce order (making these locators a valuable addition to almost any
             mobile-enabled website).

Our own data suggests that roughly a third of all web searches have local intent. 5

           themobileplaybook.com                                                                                 7
Win moments that matter
                                                                                     01. How does mobile change our value proposition?

by offering features and functionality tailored specifically to potential customers nearby:

CAFE & BAKERY                                                       ZIPCAR
The Specialty’s Cafe & Bakery mobile site                           Zipcar knows proximity matters. So their
lets you skip the lunch rush by placing your                        app doesn’t just guide customers through
order from anywhere and picking it up                               the reservation process; it also locates
from the nearest store. Chipotle, Subway                            their car on the lot by honking the horn
and others offer similar services.                                  and unlocking the doors; the speediest
                                                                    way we can think of to connect consumers
                                                                    with this particular type of inventory.

                           PRICELINE NEGOTIATOR                                                                 VOLKSWAGEN
                          The Priceline Negotiator app lets you                            VW encourages local dealerships to go
                        quickly find and book a hotel room. How                          mobile by providing a template that lets
                       successful is it? Here’s some data: 58% of                        individual locations easily create mobile
                     users of this app booked their room within                             sites that enable customers to search
                       20 miles; a staggering 35% booked within                           inventory, review financing options and
                          one mile. And 82% booked rooms less                                        directly contact local dealers.
                      than a day before their arrival, suggesting
                       that app users had already reached their
                     destination and were relying on mobile for
                                      real-time decision-making.6

                  themobileplaybook.com                                                                                                    8
Win moments that matter
                                                          01. How does mobile change our value proposition?

The Price
Transparency Challenge

          martphones haven’t just              Apps like Amazon’s Price Check let
          transformed how people               shoppers take product snapshots or
          find your business; they’re          scan barcodes to generate comparative
          also changing what they do           price lists from multiple retailers.
          inside your four walls-what          IDC Retail Insights summed it up
          Wal-Mart CEO Mike Duke calls         nicely in a recent Wall Street Journal
the “new era of price transparency.”           article: “The four walls of the store
                                               have become porous.” And this trend
Almost half of all consumers use
                                               will only increase as the information
smartphones for in-store product
                                               advantage shifts ever further in the
research and browsing7, and according          direction of the buyer. Over the 2011
to InsightExpress, 53% of men and 38%          holiday season, for instance, Amazon
of women say they use smartphones              promoted Price Check by offering $5
in-store to check prices at other stores8.     off any purchase made by scanning
Retailers have no choice but to react to       a product in-store and then buying it
this highly disruptive “showrooming,”9         from Amazon via mobile.
which turns physical locations into
showrooms for products destined to be
purchased online or via mobile.

  45%                                          39%
                 of all consumers use                        of walk-outs, when shoppers
                 smartphones for in-store                    leave without making a
                 product research & browsing                 purchase, were influenced
                                                             by smartphone usage

  53%                                          12%
                 of men use smartphones                      checked other
                 in-store to check prices at                 online retailers
                 other stores

  38%                                          8%
                 of women use smartphones                    checked availability
                 in-store to check prices at                 at other stores10
                 other stores

           themobileplaybook.com                                                                                9
Win moments that matter
                                                                01. How does mobile change our value proposition?

   So what can your business do about this transparency?
   We’ve seen retailers choose one of the three strategies:

 1        IMPROVE THE
          IN-STORE EXPERIENCE                        3        EMBRACE MOBILE USAGE
                                                              WITHIN YOUR STORE

The merchants most vulnerable to                   A ten-country study by management
price transparency are often sellers of            consulting firm Accenture found that
the kind of branded, big-ticket items              73% of mobile-powered shoppers
like electronics and appliances that               preferred phones to retail clerks for
spark the most comparative research.               basic assistance.11 How can you use
What can stores like these offer that an           mobile to influence customers’ in-
online experience can’t? Expert service            store digital experience? Sears takes
from salespeople? Same-day pickup?                 advantage of malls’ limited mobile
(That’s how Walmart encourages in-                 reception by offering free Wi-Fi to drive
store sales.)                                      shoppers into their stores, where they
                                                   can use smartphones to compare prices
                                                   on Sears.com, place orders and pick

                                                   them up in-store. The company is also
                                                   rolling out iPads and iPod Touch devices
                                                   in almost 450 stores, and clerks can use
One way retailers can beat the apples-             them to help customers find product
to-apples price-comparison game is by              info, check inventory and place online
stocking products that manufacturers have          orders.12 Nissan, meanwhile, emblazons
modified exclusively for them. Another is          vehicle price stickers with QR codes,
bundling products with unique accessories.         “silent salespeople” that let shoppers
Target is now actively working with                within the lot find key information like
its suppliers to combat showrooming by             features, options, video overviews,
selling unique products that make apples-          image galleries, incentive offers, dealer
to-apples comparisons moot.                        inventories and actual quotes.


           themobileplaybook.com                                                                                      10
Win moments that matter
                                                        01. How does mobile change our value proposition?

The good news is that as the consumer
gets new tools to help their shopping path,
you get new tools in your marketing path
to win these critical moments.

You can reach connected consumers with
contextual ads right when they’re searching for
products from within your and your competitor’s
stores. Imagine a shopper searching for a flat
screen TV from within a major retailer’s store.
If you happen to sell flat-screen TVs too, a search
ad gives you a chance to win this consumer’s
business just as he’s close to purchase, even if your
differentiated value prop is as simple as putting
“We remove your old TV!” in the text of your ad.

                                      Now that you’ve determined your value
                                       proposition for your mobile consumer,
                          IT’S KEY TO ALLOW THEM TO ENGAGE

           themobileplaybook.com                                                                              11
Win moments that matter

02. How does mobile
impact our digital

       themobileplaybook.com   12
Win moments that matter
                                                                   02. How does mobile impact digital destinations?

Mobile-optimized Websites

         o you have a mobile-optimized          TICKETSNOW
         website? If you don’t, this should     Mobile Sites
         be your top priority for engaging
         mobile customers. 57% of users
         say they won’t recommend               TicketsNow’s mobile-optimized site doubled the company’s
                                                mobile sales and increased ticket sale conversions by 50%.
a business with a poorly-designed               These dramatic before-and-after numbers are actually
                                                common when brands first launch their mobile-optimized
mobile site, and 40% have turned to             site.14
a competitor’s site after a bad mobile
experience.13 Your mobile site will differ
from your desktop site not just because
of the size of the device, but because
the mobile context reveals a different
mindset for your consumers. Visitors to
your mobile site may be at a different
point of the purchase funnel. How does
your site appear to mobile users? Are
you making it easy for them to connect
with you or putting obstacles between
them and what they seek?

  OF USERS SAY THEY WON’T RECOMMEND A                    BEFORE                               AFTER

                                                        ACTION ITEM: YOUR #1 PRIORITY

             themobileplaybook.com                                                                                     13
Win moments that matter
                                                              02. How does mobile impact digital destinations?

Optimize, Optimize, Optimize

Never stop optimizing your site based on
what you learn from user interactions;           GOOGLE TIP:
even great mobile sites usually have plenty      WWW.HOWTOGOMO.COM
of room for improvement. Six years ago,
                                                 At this Google site you can test your site’s
1-800-Flowers.com become one of the
                                                 mobile appearance, learn the 10 best mobile
first e-tailers to dive into mobile, with        design practices, and generate a custom report
an optimized website and apps across             with recommendations for improvement along
multiple mobile platforms. Their test-and-       with a vendor list to help you get started.
iterate model has since evolved into a
sophisticated mobile strategy that includes
analyzing mobile site traffic, benchmarking     Successful businesses are now adopting
against other e-tailers, and, just last fall,   this simple but revolutionary idea:
working with mobile vendor Moovweb              design for mobile first. Rather than
to launch an enhanced smartphone-               pegging mobile as the “third screen,”
optimized site whose key features include       ESPN thinks of it as the “first screen.”15
“Find a Gift Fast,” which connects shoppers     Travel site Kayak.com redesigned their
with local flower arrangements, deep            desktop website to mirror their mobile
linking functionality to ensure that searches   experience16 and early results show
land on the mobile site, and an enhanced        higher conversion rates and shorter
calendar to help users figure out shipping      completion times for a design focused
and other costs. What was the impact?           on speed and ease-of-use.
Increased conversions, and time spent on-
site up 25% from the original mobile site.      Finally, make sure that when consumers
                                                type your URL into their mobile
                                                browser, your website recognizes they
                                                are on a mobile phone and redirects
                                                them to your mobile site. For example,
                                                when consumers enter http://saks.
                                                com into their mobile browser, Saks
                                                automatically redirects them to
                                                http://m.saks.com to provide a mobile
       OPTIMIZED      MORE OPTIMIZED            optimized shopping experience.

            themobileplaybook.com                                                                                 14
Win moments that matter
                                                            02. How does mobile impact digital destinations?

Branded Mobile Apps

           ow that you’ve built your
           mobile site, your next step          HERE ARE THREE KEY POINTS TO
           is to start using apps to            REMEMBER ABOUT BRANDED APPS
           enrich your relationships
           with your users. A full 91%
of companies featured in Interbrand’s
2011 Best Global Brands have a
                                                1        OFFER USERS ENTERTAINMENT,
                                                         UTILITY OR BOTH
                                            If your app doesn’t deliver compelling value of one
presence in at least one of the major
                                            kind or another, its shelf life will be short. So be
app stores — a figure that’s up 51%         clear about why you’re building it. Do you want to
from 18 months ago.17 Let’s be clear,       bring a new type of functionality to your users?
though: having an app is not the same       Nurture loyalty and ongoing relationships? Or do
                                            you just want to be discovered in app markets?
as having a mobile strategy. An app
is essentially a bookmark for users
who want to engage with you, but the
majority of your traffic is likely coming
                                                2        DESIGN YOUR APP FOR THE
                                                         LARGEST MOBILE PLATFORMS
from the web, not from brand-loyal
                                            If limited resources demand that you prioritize,
power users who’ve downloaded               design your apps for the mobile platforms
your app. Your mobile website is also       that represent the majority of the smartphone
accessible by users across all devices,     installed base. Fish where the fish are.
while apps must be designed for
specific platforms.                         	
                                                         PROMOTE YOUR APP...
                                            to keep it from vanishing into the app store’s lower
                                            rankings. Here are some useful tips on doing just
                                            •	 Target existing customers through desktop and
                                                mobile site links, client newsletters or other
                                                channels you already use to reach them
                                            •	 Link mobile ads shown in other free apps
“having an app is not the same                  directly to your app’s download page.
                                            •	 Use mobile search ads to guide users directly
 as having a mobile strategy”                   to the app in the marketplace.
                                            •	 Time your promotional efforts to coincide
                                                with your PR push to maximize downloads;
                                                receiving lots of downloads really quickly
                                                boosts rankings in some app stores.

           themobileplaybook.com                                                                                15
Win moments that matter
                                                                                        02. How does mobile impact digital destinations?

BELOW ARE SOME BRANDS THAT ARE                                             ACTION ITEM: PROMOTE
DOING APPS RIGHT.                                                          YOUR APP THROUGH YOUR
These apps are very compelling because they                                EXISTING CHANNELS AND
provide either utility or entertainment in a highly                        ON-DEVICE MEDIA
engaging way for their loyal mobile consumers.

HP                                                                     WAL-MART
HP preferred to offer utility over                                     A Wal-Mart app allows users to add
entertainment.18 Their ePrint app                                      shopping list items by speaking, typing
enables consumers to print from their                                  or barcode scanning. The app also shows
phones to an HP printer. This app drives                               prices, local store availability and, in
revenue for HP because it encourages                                   select markets, even aisle location. 20
printing and ink usage, and it’s also very
convenient when travelling.

                                                  DOMINO                                                                        COKE
                          Domino’s mobile app lets customers                               Coke’s simple but surprisingly entertaining
                               order “more than 1.8 billion pizza                            app lets users simulate drinking a Coke.
                             combinations” from anywhere, and
                         follow their order’s step-by-step progress
                         with the Domino’s Live Pizza Tracker.19

                                                                      Now that you’ve determined how you
                                                                      can win moments that matter with
    In a crowded email marketing space, push
    notifications from within apps can send                           your mobile customers by adapting
    customers relevant alerts and calls to action.                    your value proposition for the mobile
                                                                      consumer and bringing it to life in a
    Proceed with caution, though, and make
    sure your notifications are both useful and                       mobile website and app, aligning your
    timely; users can just block push notifications                   organization will help you make better
    whenever they’d prefer not to receive them.                       decisions to promote the growth of
                                                                      your business.

                 themobileplaybook.com                                                                                                      16
Make better decisions

03. Is our
adapting to mobile?

       themobileplaybook.com   17
Make better decisions
                                                             03. Is our organization adapting to mobile?

Mobile Accountability
& Ownership

          ur next question is a simple      Our recommendation, at its most basic
          one, and the answer to this       level, is a simple one: We encourage
          question will help you solve      the appointment of a Mobile Champion
          all the other mobile questions    within your organization. This person
          you’ve encountered. Who           should gather a cross-functional mobile
exactly holds the mobile mantle             task force to work to determine your
in your company? At Google, our             company’s approach for each of the
chairman Eric Schmidt’s “Mobile First”      questions listed. Benchmark your
principle calls on every team, from ads     competition, understand how your
to maps to Doubleclick to YouTube, to       customers use mobile through focus
include mobile in their product and         groups and surveys, set aside budget,
business plans. While we can suggest        talk to your agency partners, and
the right questions you should be           brainstorm internally.
asking, only you and your organization
will be able to determine the answers
that are right for your business. Does            ACTION ITEM: ASSIGN A MOBILE
your team have a sufficient sense of              CHAMPION IN YOUR COMPANY AND
urgency around the topic? How will                EMPOWER THEM WITH A CROSS
you ensure mobile is a consideration              FUNCTIONAL TASK FORCE.
for all of your teams? How will you
answer the key questions we’ve
outlined in order to win the moments
that matter, make better decisions
around your mobile strategy and go          “How will you answer the key questions
bigger, faster? It all starts with asking    we’ve outlined in order to win the
the right questions and selecting
the right team to determine and              moments that matter, make
implement the answers.                       better decisions around your
                                             mobile strategy and go bigger, faster ?”

           themobileplaybook.com                                                                           18
Here are some of the questions
          that could help your organization

1   Is mobile a key metric in your management dashboard?

2   How often do you review your mobile stats? Who reviews them?

3   Who knows what % of traffic & search queries come from mobile?

4   Who’s watching tablet traffic trends, people’s actions on your mobile
    site, mobile’s inclusion in product launches and campaigns?

5   Which decisions would change if key business owners were given
    timely mobile data?

6   Who’s monitoring your competition’s investment in mobile?

7   Who’s developing consumer insights through focus groups & surveys?

8   Which agencies are you relying on to help you make mobile decisions?

     themobileplaybook.com                                                  19
Make better decisions
                                                             03. Is our organization adapting to mobile?

 Without focus and accountability,
 interdepartmental conflicts can arise
 that can stifle your business. One of
                                                 Now that you’ve thought
 our clients explained that its call center      about aligning your
 team got credit for calls driven to the
 mobile site’s click-to-call, but the Internet
                                                 organization to make better
 marketing team only got credit for              decisions, how can you
 form fill leads. Click-to-call may
 drive mobile orders, but how many               go bigger, faster?
 opportunities are missed if the Internet
 marketing team isn’t rewarded?

 An important responsibility of this
 Mobile Champion is thinking about
 budget. Mobile is incremental and
 needs its own budget. Within the
 mobile budget you can allocate
 across mobile search, mobile
 display, experimental programs and
 extensions of other channels
 (email, social, coupons, etc.) Your
 mobile owner should be able to
 determine the most strategic areas
 for your investment. You’ll also
 need to allow budget for mobile site
 development and optimization.

”Mobile is incremental
 and needs its own budget.”

             themobileplaybook.com                                                                         20
Go bigger, faster

04. How should our
marketing adapt
to mobile?

        themobileplaybook.com   21
Search Strategy
                                                                                                     Go bigger, faster
                                                                         04.How should our marketing adapt to mobile?



                                                                      ith mobile search ads,
                  20%                                                 you can reach consumers
                  of all telecom searches                             when they’re searching
                                                                      for your product in
                                                                      the physical world.
                                                                      When a consumer
                                                       types “buy jeans San Francisco,” he’s
                                                       asking a question which good ads will
                  30%                                  answer. Try a few searches from your
                  of all restaurant searches           smartphone — “best gas mileage SUV,”
                                                       “Nintendo DS,” “fast recipe dinner,”
                                                       “movie Mountain View CA.” Who finds
                                                       you and what do they say? Remember,
                                                       convincing a shopper who’s searching
                                                       for a flat-screen TV on mobile from
                  25%                                  inside a major retail store to instead buy
                  of all movie searches                online from you could be as simple as
                                                       adding “We’ll remove your old TV!” to
                                                       your mobile search ad. It’s important to
                                                       note that these searches are incremental
                                                       to your desktop search traffic. These
                  ...are now done on
                                                       are different searches that create new
                  a mobile device
                                                       opportunities for your business.

       Take 5 minutes today and search for your brand in mobile as a consumer would.
       Discuss the result with your agency.

           themobileplaybook.com                                                                                         22
Go bigger, faster
                                                        04.How should our marketing adapt to mobile?

                                          It’s now possible to layer your search
First, separate mobile-specific ads       ads with location extensions. These
from desktop search campaigns, so         are additional links that appear in the
you can accurately test, measure and      ad that show your business’s location
develop messaging that works best in      and phone number. What’s more,
this new format.                          if consumers are close enough
                                          to your business, a distance marker
LOCATION SHOULD ALSO HELP DEFINE          will show up in the ad indicating how
                                          close your business is. As we’ll see in
YOUR THINKING...                          this chapter, businesses are taking
                                          advantage of location with their search
Create specific ads based on how close    strategies and seeing impressive ROI
the consumer is to your business, your    and conversions.
competitors or relevant locations like
airports and malls. Wouldn’t you have a
different message for a customer who’s
browsing his phone across the street
than you would for another prospect
who’s across the state?


          themobileplaybook.com                                                                         23
Go bigger, faster
                                                                                             04.How should our marketing adapt to mobile?


Effective mobile ads can generate everything from on-device
conversions and purchases to leads, calls, downloads and even in-store
traffic and offline conversions. Fully capturing the value of mobile search means
understanding and tracking its full impact on your business. The results can be
staggering: mobile search ads click-to-call format has been so successful for one of our
clients that they are planning to open a whole new call center to manage the interest
they’ve generated from their campaigns.
Below are more examples of effective mobile search campaigns.

COMCAST                                                             HAIR CLUB FOR MEN
Internet, phone and cable giant                                     Hair Club for Men reports a conversion
Comcast makes it easy for mobile                                    rate of 12% from mobile ads, beating
users to check service availability and                             desktop ads at 9%. Mobile ads boasted
get assistance by providing their phone                             a 17% conversion rate from a lead to an
number on their mobile site and in their                            actual sale. Hair Club for Men has seen an
search ads. Comcast built a mobile ad                               overall return on investment of 30:1 from
extension that lets users call directly                             Google mobile search ads.
from search results, a campaign that had
a 270% higher click-through-rate than
desktop search ads and led to a surge in
mobile sales.

                                              STARWOOD                             GUIDING MOBILE USERS TO
                                                                                   USEFUL INFO WHEN THEY’RE
                        Click-to-call ads now drive a majority of
                         mobile search bookings for Starwood                     MAKING PURCHASING DECISIONS
                            Hotels, whose “hyperlocal” mobile                     CAN HELP YOUR BUSINESS WIN
                          search campaign, which delivered a
                         click-to-call phone number and map
                                                                                  THE MOMENTS THAT MATTER.
                         to the nearest Starwood hotel right in                   But that information can take
                          the search ad, multiplied mobile paid
                                                                                 many forms. Lets talk now about
                        search ROI by 20, increased month-on-
                          month mobile bookings by 20% and                       how you can drive branding and
                                  tripled overall mobile traffic.               awareness with your mobile ad mix.

                themobileplaybook.com                                                                                                        24
Go bigger, faster
                                                           04.How should our marketing adapt to mobile?

Mobile for brand building

          he mobile audience is at scale:    Mobile rich media also entices
          smartphone penetration has         users while they’re already actively
          reached 45% in the UK, 38%         browsing—as opposed to requiring
          in the U.S. and France, and        them to learn a new behavior or take a
          23% in Germany.21 Every            new action, as with QR codes. Brands
          day mobile users play 570          such as HP, Reebok, Paramount
years of Angry Birds and watch 600           Pictures, Ford, Coke and others have
million videos on YouTube Mobile; in         sprung to life with cutting-edge mobile
fact, mobile is the primary way that         display ads.
75% of these users access YouTube
content. Yet mobile is the most              You’ll want to ask the same questions
imbalanced medium when it comes to           about your mobile marketing aims as
ad spending versus time spent, at 1%         you do for your overall marketing aims:
compared to 23%.22 Capturing all this        who do you want to reach? How can
new opportunity means exploring rich         you most effectively reach them? What
media — and now is the time to do it.        actions do you want them to take?
New technology like touch screens,           How can you measure it? Are you after
accelerometers (which enable better          broad reach or just buzz? Some mobile
animated media) and targeting that           experiences won’t have broad reach or
lets you reach the right users on their      drive key metrics like rich media, but
most personal devices are turning            may give you a PR spike or a unique
mobile into a branding wonderland.           demo to showcase internally.

According to Nielsen, exposure to
rich media ads across four screens           “Mobile is the most imbalanced
—mobile, tablet, PC and TV—                   medium when it comes to ad
yields the best branding results;             spending versus time spent,
participants who saw ads across all
four formats rated a campaign more            at 1% compared to 23%“
favorably on key brand metrics than
those who saw it only on TV, PC or both.23

           themobileplaybook.com                                                                           25
Go bigger, faster
                                                           04.How should our marketing adapt to mobile?

Viewers of Coke’s mobile rich media ad can
send a Coke to someone across the world

Learn more at www.projectrebrief.com

One excellent example of what’s possible
with mobile rich media is the memorable          ACTION ITEM: RUN RICH MEDIA HTML5 ADS
Coke campaign “Hilltop” with the “I’d like to    TO EXTEND YOUR BRANDING MESSAGE TO
buy the world a coke” messaging that was re-     REACH THE MOBILE AUDIENCE.
imagined for today’s digital world. Viewers of
the mobile display ads were able to virtually
send a coke to someone across the world
through special vending machines located
throughout the world with personalized
messages and receive video responses.

             themobileplaybook.com                                                                         26
Go bigger, faster
                                                           04.How should our marketing adapt to mobile?

...as long as you have a well-thought-out   The mobile ad industry offers many
strategy as a foundation. A number          trafficking and reporting solutions. Our
of companies have asked us about            infrastructure advances are making
augmented reality or location-based         the process of serving and tracking
check-in ads. For Valentine’s Day,          mobile media even easier, with a near-
Starbucks brought their cups to life        term goal of replicating the buying and
with a Cup Magic app whose augmented        tracking tools that advertisers already
reality offered highly entertaining,        know from online campaigns. You can
brand-boosting holiday animations,          use the same Dart for Advertisers
complete with fluttering hearts.            (DFA) interface to serve your ads in
                                            mobile, for instance; just change your
                                            ad type and placement. And our fully
                                            integrated reporting gives you mobile
                                            impression and click data along with
                                            standard DFA reports.
                                            A mobile-specific report, though,
                                            breaks down data by wireless carrier,
                                            mobile platform and country. You can
                                            also serve ads from DoubleClick Rich
                                            Media (DRM) into the AdMob network.

In our experience, though, only a             NEXT, LET’S THINK EVEN BROADER
handful of brands have covered the            Mobile is so pervasive that branding
main pillars of a mobile strategy             shouldn’t be the only aspect of
enough to warrant investment in               marketing that can be enriched by
experimental, lower reach activities.         the mobile space.

           themobileplaybook.com                                                                           27
Go bigger, faster
                                                                   04.How should our marketing adapt to mobile?

Marketing Channels
Mobile is often referred to as the connective tissue across marketing channels from
outdoor to TV to print. Adding a QR code to your print, outdoor and TV creative can
give static ads some oomph but isn’t a substitute for a mobile strategy.
In other words, adding on mobile is good; designing for mobile is better.

Here’s how to examine your marketing initiatives   COUPONS AND PROMOTIONS
and channels through the mobile lens:
                                                   Whether you create a scannable
EMAIL MARKETING                                    coupon or a code that can be keyed
Up to 30% of email opens come from                 into the register, be sure to track mobile
mobile.24 Are you maximizing your                  separately. Users move back and forth
emails for mobile users? A good way to             between channels and devices; if you
start is to think carefully about layout           aren’t yet able to let customers tap or
(longer rather than wider) and be                  scan their device at the register, mobile
selective with images. Think also about            can collect opt-ins for coupons that
your calls to action and links; are you            you can email to users to print out and
sending prospects to a non-optimized               redeem in person.
page? Some leading email marketing
providers now let you preview your
                                                   OFFLINE MEDIA
emails in mobile mode. Take advantage              Mobile can activate bonus offline
of this chance to make your mobile                 channels. For instance, we recently
messaging as effective as possible.                ran a consumer electronics campaign
                                                   that combined mobile search, mobile
SOCIAL MEDIA                                       display and a picture-scanning app
Social and mobile are fundamentally                that let potential customers unlock
intertwined; every day more than half of           exclusive content like songs from
mobile social networkers access social             artists featured in the campaign. So if
content from their mobile device,25 in             you’re already running offline media,
an average month 14% of mobile social              why not turbocharge it with mobile,
networkers upload a photo taken from               as a complement to—not a substitute
their mobile device.26 How does it change          for—a solid mobile media plan.
the way you talk to your social consumers
when you know that they are navigating
the physical world—taking buses, out                    ACTION ITEM: ASSIGN EVERYONE IN
shopping, looking for a restaurant?                     YOUR MARKETING ORG THE ACTION
What could your brand do with mobile                    ITEM OF REVIEWING THEIR PROGRAMS
hangouts on Google+ that allow real-time                THROUGH A MOBILE LENS
video conversations on smartphones?

             themobileplaybook.com                                                                                 28
Go bigger, faster

05. How can we
connect with our
tablet audience?

        themobileplaybook.com   29
Go bigger, faster
                                                           05.How can we connect with our tablet audience?

Tablet Strategy

           ablet devices don’t yet offer tremendous audience reach, but that doesn’t
           mean you should overlook them.

           By 2014, 208 million tablets will be sold worldwide, and 72% of tablet
           owners make purchases from their devices on a weekly basis, making the
audience very desirable. 27, 28

Tablet users’ love of shopping has already spawned a new buzzword: “t-commerce.”

          themobileplaybook.com                                                                                  30
Go bigger, faster
                                                                  05.How can we connect with our tablet audience?


         EXPERIENCE WITH YOUR BUSINESS               2        BUILD UNIQUE
                                                              TABLET EXPERIENCES

Unless your desktop site is Flash                 Some brands have already rethought
-heavy (Flash isn’t supported on the              their mobile experience for tablets.
iPad) or doesn’t function properly on             Kraft’s iFood assistant mobile app
tablets, it may be passable for a short           helps moms with coupon-clipping,
while; the examples we highlight here             product barcode scanning, adding
are based on tablet users interacting             items to shopping lists and saving
with desktop websites.                            recipes for quick meal ideas. The
                                                  company’s Fork & Spoon iPad app,
But we believe that marketers will                by contrast, is designed for both
soon be designing sites specifically to           moms and kids to use during meal
take advantage of tablet touch screens,           preparations. It features recipes and
portrait/landscape orientations,                  videos similar to the iFood assistant,
cameras and accelerometers.                       but also serves up more in-depth
                                                  content and games.29

                             Kraft’s iFood Assistant tablet app

           themobileplaybook.com                                                                                        31
Go bigger, faster
                                                          05.How can we connect with our tablet audience?

   3         TWEAK YOUR SEARCH
                                                          ON TABLETS

Tablets are primarily used at home, on       Volvo and Grow Interactive agency
evenings and weekends, most likely from      developed the richest tablet-optimized
a comfortable couch. Adapt your ads to       HTML5 creative that we’ve yet seen.
take advantage of this. “Shop now from       The campaign uses various interactive
your tablet” is a stronger call to action    media to profile a Volvo car that’s
than “Shop online.” Don’t ask tablet users   approaching 3 million miles. A mobile-
to call by phone; tablets aren’t phones.     and tablet-optimized banner shows
Segment your campaigns by device to          the car’s real-time current mileage;
monitor tablet-specific performance and      the HTML5 landing page features
learn about your tablet customer’s needs     a Google Map that shows the car’s
and interests. Sweetwater Sound, one         real time location; interactive games
of America’s largest musical equipment       highlight new Volvo features like city
dealers, has seen phenomenal results         brakes; embedded videos show off
from tablet-targeted search ad               new models. What’s possible when
campaigns. Sweetwater Sound’s iPad           rich media meets tablets?
conversion rate was 30% higher than
online, and orders originating from
iPads had 10% higher value.

 “Sweetwater Sound’s iPad conversion
rate was 30% higher than online, and
orders originating from iPads had 10%
higher value.”
                                             Volvo’s Tablet Rich Media Ad
                                             Learn more at www.projectrebrief.com

           themobileplaybook.com                                                                                32
Go bigger, faster
                                                   05.How can we connect with our tablet audience?

Tablet usage spikes in the evening,
and the tablet audience reports              ACTION ITEM: CHECK OUT YOUR WEB
watching TV while browsing.30 ESPN           EXPERIENCE ON A TABLET.
and Shazam let Winter X Games                Take 5 minutes today and search
viewers on ESPN TV use the Shazam            for your brand on a tablet as a
smartphone app for video highlights,         consumer would. Maximize the
photos and exclusive music from the          tablet format with rich media
                                             creative. Discuss both these
event. The tablet revolution is gaining      topics with your agencies.
momentum, as more people purchase
and use tablets to search and shop.
Even if you’re still playing catch-up in
mobile, it’s not too late to be early with
tablets. We encourage you to be one of
the first to take advantage of this new
channel. Invest now or chase
your competition later.

Watching TV while browsing with
ESPN and Shazam

            themobileplaybook.com                                                                        33

         opefully by now you’re ready      “At Google, we believe that mobile
         and eager to wield mobile
         tools to make your brand           represents a sociological shift with
         more valuable to increasingly      how users relate with both the digital
         tech-savvy consumers and           and physical world. Businesses that
spawn innovative marketing strategies
that connect you with your customers        understand this will win.“
in new ways. Imagine what you might
be able to accomplish this year if you
start right now.

Start how?
Just keep asking the questions we
cover here, work closely with your
Mobile Champion, and keep your eyes
on the rising mobile tide. At Google,
we believe that mobile represents a
sociological shift with how users relate
with both the digital and physical
world. Businesses that understand
this will win.

                                                  TO SUMMARIZE THE ACTION
                                                  ITEMS INCLUDED IN THE
                                             TO SUMMARIZE THE ACTION ITEMS INCLUDED
                                                  PLAYBOOK WE’VE PROVIDED
                                             IN PLAYBOOK WE’VE PROVIDED THE
                                             FOLLOWING CHECKLIST: CHECKLIST:
                                                  THE FOLLOWING

           themobileplaybook.com                                                      34

 Define your value proposition by        Search for your brand in mobile, as
 determining what your consumer          a consumer would. Take 5 minutes
 wants to do with your business in       and do this today. What’s working?
 mobile. Benchmark against others        What’s not?
 in your industry for ideas.

 Build a mobile website. Once you        Separate mobile-specific search
 have a mobile website, check the        campaigns from desktop search
 stats and optimize based                campaigns so you can test,
 on consumer usage.                      measure and develop messaging
                                         specific for mobile.

 Build an app for a subset of your       Run rich media HTML5 ads to
 audience after your mobile site         extend your branding message
 strategy is in place. Don’t forget      to reach the mobile audience.
 to promote your app.

 Assign a Mobile Champion in your        Assign everyone in your marketing
 company and empower them with           org the action item of reviewing their
 a cross-functional task force.          programs through a mobile lens.

 Set up a meeting with your agencies     Check out your tablet consumer’s
 about what’s working and what’s not     experience with your brand. Take 5
 for your brand on mobile and tablets.   minutes today and search for your
                                         brand on a tablet as a consumer
                                         would. What’s working? What’s not?
                                         Maximize the tablet environment
                                         with rich media creative.

         themobileplaybook.com                                                    35

www.ourmobileplanet.com                      www.thinkwithgoogle.com/insights
A Google research tool that makes it easy    Google’s online destination for consumer
to learn about mobile users and mobile       trends, marketing insights and industry
usage patterns around the world.             research.

www.howtogomo.com                            www.mmaglobal.com
A Google initiative to educate businesses    The Mobile Marketing Association is
large and small on the benefits of mobile    a global non-profit trade association
optimized sites.                             representing all players in the mobile
                                             marketing value chain.
Everything you need to know about mobile     www.iab.net
ads for performance and branding including
mobile search ads and mobile display ads.    The Interactive Advertising Bureau educates
                                             marketers, agencies, media companies and
www.projectrebrief.com                       the wider business community about the
A Google campaign that shows how             value of interactive advertising.
creators of four iconic ads from the 60’s
and 70’s re-imagined their ads using
today’s digital technology.

            themobileplaybook.com                                                          36

1.	 “Extreme Booking on Hotels.com.”                       11.	 Bustillo, Miguel. “Phone-Wielding Shoppers Strike
     http://www.youtube.com watch?v=zXZFSMS4Uzo                 Fear Into Retailers.”
2.	 SnapTax.                                                    http://online.wsj.com/article/SB100014240527487
     http://turbotax.intuit.com/snaptax/mobile/                 04694004576019691769574496.html
3.	 Lesperance, Rich.                                      12.	 Tode, Chantal. “Sears puts iPads in shopper hands
     “Mobile Marketing Is Not (Just) Mobile Marketing.          to enhance in-store shopping.”
     http://www.slideshare.net/mediapostlive/1145-              http://www.mobilemarketer.com/cms/news/
     omma-mobile-rich-lesperance?from=ss_embed                  software-technology/11235.html
4.	 “The Mobile Movement:                                  13.	 Compuware.
     Understanding Smartphone Users.”                           “What Users Want from Mobile.” 2011.
     http://googlemobileads.blogspot.com/2011/04/               http://www.gomez.com/resources/whitepapers/
     smartphone-user-study-shows-mobile.html                    survey-report-what-users-want-from-mobile/
5.	 Google internal data, 2011.                            14.	 “TicketsNow Mobile Ads Case Study.”
6.	 Schaal, Dennis. “Priceline mobile app usage shows           http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_
     in-destination booking trend.”                             embedded&v=D9-JjSBE1tU#!
     http://www.tnooz.com/2010/09/07/mobile/               15.	 Walsh, Mark. “ESPN Deems Mobile ‘First Screen.’”
     priceline-mobile-app-usage-shows-in-                       http://www.mediapost.com/publications/
     destination-booking-trend/                                 article/166622/espn-deems-mobile-first-screen.
7.	 Butcher, Dan. “More than half of smartphone                 html?edition=42747
     owners use mobile devices in retail stores: study.”   16.	 Duryee, Tricia. “Kayak’s Web Site Takes Its
     http://www.mobilecommercedaily.                            Influence From Mobile for Its Latest Design.”
     com/2011/03/14/more-than-half-of-smartphone-               http://allthingsd.com/20120130/kayaks-web-site-
     owners-use-mobile-devices-in-retail-stores-study           gets-its-influence-from-mobile-for-its-latest-design/
8.	 Sullivan, Laurie. “Study Analyzes Mobile Search,       17.	 Kessler, Sarah.
     Buying Behavior In Retail.”                                “13 Branded Mobile Apps That Got It Right.”
     http://www.mediapost.com/publications/                     http://mashable.com/2010/10/06/branded-
     article/162261/study-analyzes-mobile-search-               mobile-apps/
     buying-behavior-in-r.html                             18.	 Patel, Kunur. “Mobile Headaches: Execs Tackle
9.	 Zimmerman, Ann.                                             Difficult but Enticing Medium.”
     “Showdown Over ‘Showrooming.’”                             http://adage.com/article/cmo-strategy/mobile-
     http://online.wsj.com/article/SB100014240529702            headaches-execs-tackle-difficult-enticing-
     04624204577177242516227440.html                            medium/230128/
10.	 Butcher, Dan. “87pc of retailers agree shoppers
     can find better deals via mobile: survey.”

               themobileplaybook.com                                                                                    37

19.	 Goodson, Scott.                                      27.	 “Gartner to CEOs:
     “How To Make Amazing Branded Apps.”                       Seize the iPad Opportunity Now.”
     http://www.forbes.com/sites/                              http://www.gartner.com/it/page.jsp?id=1462813
     marketshare/2011/11/04/how-to-make-amazing-          28.	 Tode, Chantal.
     branded-apps/                                             “72pc of tablet owners make
20.	 Petrecca, Laura & Jayne O’Donnell.                        purchases on weekly basis.”
     “Wal-Mart, Apple, others roll out apps                    http://www.mobilecommercedaily.
     for holiday shoppers.”                                    com/2012/02/02/72pc-of-tablet-owners-make-
     http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/                 purchases-on-a-weekly-basis-study
     retail/story/2011-11-08/retailer-shopping-           29.	 Leary, Brett.
     apps/51128948/1                                           “Building A Branded Tablet Experience? Let Usage
21.	 ”New research: Global surge in smartphone                 Context Be Your Guide.”
     usage, UK sees biggest jump with 15% increase.”           http://bostinno.com/all-series/building-a-branded-
     http://googlemobileads.blogspot.com/2012/01/              tablet-experience-let-usage-context-be-your-guide/
     new-research-global-surge-in-smartphone.html         30.	 Walsh, Mark. “ESPN Deems Mobile First Screen.”
22.	 Walsh, Mark.                                              http://www.mediapost.com/publications/
     “Time Spent in Mobile far Outpaces Ad Spend.”             article/166622/espn-deems-mobile-first-screen.
     http://www.mediapost.com/publications/                    html?edition=42747
23.	 ”Volvo Across Screens.”
24.	 Van Rijn, Jordie. “Mobile email usage statistics.”
25.	 “Social Networking On-The-Go:
     U.S. Mobile Social Media Audience Grows 37
     Percent in the Past Year.”
26.	 Experian Simmons 2011 Mobile Consumer Report.

               themobileplaybook.com                                                                                38

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Google Mobile Marketing Playbook

  • 1. If you can, check out the website, www.themobileplaybook.com, from a tablet device Jason Spero with Johanna Werther
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Pg. 3 WIN MOMENTS THAT MATTER 01 How does mobile change our value proposition? Pg. 4 > Serving the mobile customer > The local mobile consumer > The price transparency challenge WIN MOMENTS THAT MATTER 02 How does mobile impact our digital destinations? Pg. 12 > Mobile-optimized websites > Branded mobile apps MAKE BETTER DECISIONS 03 Is our organization adapting to mobile? Pg. 17 > Mobile accountability and ownership GO BIGGER, FASTER 04 How should our marketing adapt to mobile? Pg. 21 > Search strategy > Mobile for brand building > Marketing channels GO BIGGER, FASTER 05 How can we connect with our tablet audience? Pg. 29 > Tablet Strategy CONCLUSION Pg. 34 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Pg. 36 themobileplaybook.com 2
  • 3. INTRODUCTION Mobile Changes Everything 0 ver the past year at Google, Our goal is to help companies at all we’ve had the chance to discuss levels of mobile sophistication and the mobile revolution with experience to adopt the concrete hundreds of marketers, and mobile strategies that can help you the same theme consistently win—and we don’t just mean, “win emerges from these conversations: in mobile.” This space isn’t a sandbox for the majority of businesses we speak anymore; the mobile revolution is with, the question is no longer sailing ahead at full steam, and your “Why should I invest in mobile?” customers are on board. Embracing —we’ve all read statistics about the mobile can help you win the tremendous adoption of mobile and moments that matter, make better tablet devices—but “How should I decisions, and go bigger, faster, invest in mobile?” but you’ve got to start somewhere. We created this Mobile Playbook in At Google, we believe that your order to help you find answers. success in mobile will determine Every company is different, but similar the future of your business. Let’s questions emerged from those make 2012 the year you make sure hundreds of meetings. We’ve distilled that future is a bright one. them down here into the five crucial mobile questions that every business executive should be asking today. We also suggest strategies you can employ to answer each of them: benchmarking the competition, understanding how your customer is using mobile through focus groups “5 crucial mobile questions and surveys, setting aside budget to learn and iterate, talking to your agency that every business executive should partners, and securing the internal be asking today” resources to get the work done and the conclusions implemented. themobileplaybook.com 3
  • 4. Win moments that matter 01. How does mobile change our value proposition? themobileplaybook.com 4
  • 5. Win moments that matter 01. How does mobile change our value proposition? Serving the Mobile Customer C onsumers can now use Here are some more examples of brands smartphones and tablets that have thought deeply about what their to interact with businesses consumers want from mobile, and then proceeded to deliver it. 24/7, from anywhere—at home, at work, on a bus. And companies that embrace this CHASE always-on behavior—the taxi service Uber with mobile pickups, GrubHub A Chase banking app lets customers deposit checks via a snapshot and send and SeamlessWeb for food delivery, via email, leaps in mobile functionality and HotelTonight’s app for last-minute that might eventually let banks maintain fewer ATMs. bookings—can disrupt entire industries. INTUIT Users of Intuit’s SnapTax can file their taxes via smartphone.2 Just snap a pic of your W2, answer a few simple questions and you’re done. Talk about offering real value! Extreme Booking with Hotels.com Both Hotels.com’s mobile website and the extreme marketing they utilize to WALGREENS promote it (their ads feature a video of a man literally booking a room from Walgreens delivers what their mobile users want on their mobile site: the his mobile device while skydiving) both ability to find nearby stores, prescription refills, mobile shopping and coupons. demonstrate their firm grasp of their As a result, Walgreens now completes basic value proposition to business 25% of all prescription refills via mobile, more than two million people receive travelers: the ability to book rooms text alerts, and customers can scan for coupons in-store. 3 quickly and easily.1 themobileplaybook.com 5
  • 6. Win moments that matter 01. How does mobile change our value proposition? ASDA Winning the moments that matter starts with understanding what your Grocery delivery is very popular in the U.K. consumers want to do with your So Walmart U.K. subsidiary ASDA, knowing that over half their online customers have business in mobile. smartphones, built a mobile site that lets customers create and modify orders right up to the evening before delivery. How can you zero in DELTA AIR LINES on the features that Airlines including Alaska, United and Delta matter most to your let passengers forgo those crumpled boarding passes and instead scan their mobile users? smartphones directly as they board—a feature that, by streamlining the boarding process, helps flights stay on time, and keeps tech-savvy business travelers loyal. LETS START BY DISCUSSING... STARBUCKS The Starbucks app generates customer loyalty, and drives customer transactions, by letting more than one million coffee- drinking smartphone users locate stores, scan barcodes at the register, reload their Starbucks Cards and share their locations and favorite drinks via social networks. ACTION ITEM: DEFINE YOUR VALUE PROPOSITION BY DETERMINING WHAT YOUR CONSUMER WANTS TO DO WITH YOUR BUSINESS IN MOBILE. BENCHMARK AGAINST OTHERS IN YOUR INDUSTRY FOR IDEAS. themobileplaybook.com 6
  • 7. Win moments that matter 01. How does mobile change our value proposition? The Local Mobile Customer Your future customers are literally around the corner, and mobile can get them in your door. M obile site builder Digby reports that across all the mobile sites they have built, mobile customers use store locators 63 times for every one mobile commerce order (making these locators a valuable addition to almost any mobile-enabled website). Our own data suggests that roughly a third of all web searches have local intent. 5 themobileplaybook.com 7
  • 8. Win moments that matter 01. How does mobile change our value proposition? HERE ARE BUSINESSES THAT ARE DOING A GOOD JOB EMBRACING LOCAL CONSUMERS by offering features and functionality tailored specifically to potential customers nearby: THE SPECIALTY’S CAFE & BAKERY ZIPCAR The Specialty’s Cafe & Bakery mobile site Zipcar knows proximity matters. So their lets you skip the lunch rush by placing your app doesn’t just guide customers through order from anywhere and picking it up the reservation process; it also locates from the nearest store. Chipotle, Subway their car on the lot by honking the horn and others offer similar services. and unlocking the doors; the speediest way we can think of to connect consumers with this particular type of inventory. PRICELINE NEGOTIATOR VOLKSWAGEN The Priceline Negotiator app lets you VW encourages local dealerships to go quickly find and book a hotel room. How mobile by providing a template that lets successful is it? Here’s some data: 58% of individual locations easily create mobile users of this app booked their room within sites that enable customers to search 20 miles; a staggering 35% booked within inventory, review financing options and one mile. And 82% booked rooms less directly contact local dealers. than a day before their arrival, suggesting that app users had already reached their destination and were relying on mobile for real-time decision-making.6 themobileplaybook.com 8
  • 9. Win moments that matter 01. How does mobile change our value proposition? The Price Transparency Challenge S martphones haven’t just Apps like Amazon’s Price Check let transformed how people shoppers take product snapshots or find your business; they’re scan barcodes to generate comparative also changing what they do price lists from multiple retailers. inside your four walls-what IDC Retail Insights summed it up Wal-Mart CEO Mike Duke calls nicely in a recent Wall Street Journal the “new era of price transparency.” article: “The four walls of the store have become porous.” And this trend Almost half of all consumers use will only increase as the information smartphones for in-store product advantage shifts ever further in the research and browsing7, and according direction of the buyer. Over the 2011 to InsightExpress, 53% of men and 38% holiday season, for instance, Amazon of women say they use smartphones promoted Price Check by offering $5 in-store to check prices at other stores8. off any purchase made by scanning Retailers have no choice but to react to a product in-store and then buying it this highly disruptive “showrooming,”9 from Amazon via mobile. which turns physical locations into showrooms for products destined to be purchased online or via mobile. 45% 39% of all consumers use of walk-outs, when shoppers smartphones for in-store leave without making a product research & browsing purchase, were influenced by smartphone usage 53% 12% of men use smartphones checked other in-store to check prices at online retailers other stores 38% 8% of women use smartphones checked availability in-store to check prices at at other stores10 other stores themobileplaybook.com 9
  • 10. Win moments that matter 01. How does mobile change our value proposition? So what can your business do about this transparency? We’ve seen retailers choose one of the three strategies: 1 IMPROVE THE IN-STORE EXPERIENCE 3 EMBRACE MOBILE USAGE WITHIN YOUR STORE The merchants most vulnerable to A ten-country study by management price transparency are often sellers of consulting firm Accenture found that the kind of branded, big-ticket items 73% of mobile-powered shoppers like electronics and appliances that preferred phones to retail clerks for spark the most comparative research. basic assistance.11 How can you use What can stores like these offer that an mobile to influence customers’ in- online experience can’t? Expert service store digital experience? Sears takes from salespeople? Same-day pickup? advantage of malls’ limited mobile (That’s how Walmart encourages in- reception by offering free Wi-Fi to drive store sales.) shoppers into their stores, where they can use smartphones to compare prices on Sears.com, place orders and pick 2 CREATE AND STOCK UNIQUE PRODUCT OR BUNDLES them up in-store. The company is also rolling out iPads and iPod Touch devices in almost 450 stores, and clerks can use One way retailers can beat the apples- them to help customers find product to-apples price-comparison game is by info, check inventory and place online stocking products that manufacturers have orders.12 Nissan, meanwhile, emblazons modified exclusively for them. Another is vehicle price stickers with QR codes, bundling products with unique accessories. “silent salespeople” that let shoppers Target is now actively working with within the lot find key information like its suppliers to combat showrooming by features, options, video overviews, selling unique products that make apples- image galleries, incentive offers, dealer to-apples comparisons moot. inventories and actual quotes. ACTION ITEM: CHOOSE THE STRATEGY THAT’S RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS TO ADJUST TO THE WORLD OF PRICE TRANSPARENCY. themobileplaybook.com 10
  • 11. Win moments that matter 01. How does mobile change our value proposition? The good news is that as the consumer gets new tools to help their shopping path, you get new tools in your marketing path to win these critical moments. You can reach connected consumers with contextual ads right when they’re searching for products from within your and your competitor’s stores. Imagine a shopper searching for a flat screen TV from within a major retailer’s store. If you happen to sell flat-screen TVs too, a search ad gives you a chance to win this consumer’s business just as he’s close to purchase, even if your differentiated value prop is as simple as putting “We remove your old TV!” in the text of your ad. Now that you’ve determined your value proposition for your mobile consumer, IT’S KEY TO ALLOW THEM TO ENGAGE WITH YOU VIA A MOBILE-OPTIMIZED SITE. themobileplaybook.com 11
  • 12. Win moments that matter 02. How does mobile impact our digital destinations? themobileplaybook.com 12
  • 13. Win moments that matter 02. How does mobile impact digital destinations? Mobile-optimized Websites D o you have a mobile-optimized TICKETSNOW website? If you don’t, this should Mobile Sites be your top priority for engaging mobile customers. 57% of users say they won’t recommend TicketsNow’s mobile-optimized site doubled the company’s mobile sales and increased ticket sale conversions by 50%. a business with a poorly-designed These dramatic before-and-after numbers are actually common when brands first launch their mobile-optimized mobile site, and 40% have turned to site.14 a competitor’s site after a bad mobile experience.13 Your mobile site will differ from your desktop site not just because of the size of the device, but because the mobile context reveals a different mindset for your consumers. Visitors to your mobile site may be at a different point of the purchase funnel. How does your site appear to mobile users? Are you making it easy for them to connect with you or putting obstacles between them and what they seek? 57% OF USERS SAY THEY WON’T RECOMMEND A BEFORE AFTER BUSINESS WITH A POORLY-DESIGNED MOBILE SITE 40% HAVE TURNED TO A COMPETITOR’S SITE AFTER ACTION ITEM: YOUR #1 PRIORITY A BAD MOBILE EXPERIENCE. IS TO BUILD A MOBILE WEBSITE themobileplaybook.com 13
  • 14. Win moments that matter 02. How does mobile impact digital destinations? Optimize, Optimize, Optimize Never stop optimizing your site based on what you learn from user interactions; GOOGLE TIP: even great mobile sites usually have plenty WWW.HOWTOGOMO.COM of room for improvement. Six years ago, At this Google site you can test your site’s 1-800-Flowers.com become one of the mobile appearance, learn the 10 best mobile first e-tailers to dive into mobile, with design practices, and generate a custom report an optimized website and apps across with recommendations for improvement along multiple mobile platforms. Their test-and- with a vendor list to help you get started. iterate model has since evolved into a sophisticated mobile strategy that includes analyzing mobile site traffic, benchmarking Successful businesses are now adopting against other e-tailers, and, just last fall, this simple but revolutionary idea: working with mobile vendor Moovweb design for mobile first. Rather than to launch an enhanced smartphone- pegging mobile as the “third screen,” optimized site whose key features include ESPN thinks of it as the “first screen.”15 “Find a Gift Fast,” which connects shoppers Travel site Kayak.com redesigned their with local flower arrangements, deep desktop website to mirror their mobile linking functionality to ensure that searches experience16 and early results show land on the mobile site, and an enhanced higher conversion rates and shorter calendar to help users figure out shipping completion times for a design focused and other costs. What was the impact? on speed and ease-of-use. Increased conversions, and time spent on- site up 25% from the original mobile site. Finally, make sure that when consumers type your URL into their mobile browser, your website recognizes they are on a mobile phone and redirects them to your mobile site. For example, when consumers enter http://saks. com into their mobile browser, Saks automatically redirects them to http://m.saks.com to provide a mobile OPTIMIZED MORE OPTIMIZED optimized shopping experience. themobileplaybook.com 14
  • 15. Win moments that matter 02. How does mobile impact digital destinations? Branded Mobile Apps N ow that you’ve built your mobile site, your next step HERE ARE THREE KEY POINTS TO is to start using apps to REMEMBER ABOUT BRANDED APPS enrich your relationships with your users. A full 91% of companies featured in Interbrand’s 2011 Best Global Brands have a 1 OFFER USERS ENTERTAINMENT, UTILITY OR BOTH If your app doesn’t deliver compelling value of one presence in at least one of the major kind or another, its shelf life will be short. So be app stores — a figure that’s up 51% clear about why you’re building it. Do you want to from 18 months ago.17 Let’s be clear, bring a new type of functionality to your users? though: having an app is not the same Nurture loyalty and ongoing relationships? Or do you just want to be discovered in app markets? as having a mobile strategy. An app is essentially a bookmark for users who want to engage with you, but the majority of your traffic is likely coming 2 DESIGN YOUR APP FOR THE LARGEST MOBILE PLATFORMS from the web, not from brand-loyal If limited resources demand that you prioritize, power users who’ve downloaded design your apps for the mobile platforms your app. Your mobile website is also that represent the majority of the smartphone accessible by users across all devices, installed base. Fish where the fish are. while apps must be designed for specific platforms. 3 PROMOTE YOUR APP... to keep it from vanishing into the app store’s lower rankings. Here are some useful tips on doing just that: • Target existing customers through desktop and mobile site links, client newsletters or other channels you already use to reach them • Link mobile ads shown in other free apps “having an app is not the same directly to your app’s download page. • Use mobile search ads to guide users directly as having a mobile strategy” to the app in the marketplace. • Time your promotional efforts to coincide with your PR push to maximize downloads; receiving lots of downloads really quickly boosts rankings in some app stores. themobileplaybook.com 15
  • 16. Win moments that matter 02. How does mobile impact digital destinations? BELOW ARE SOME BRANDS THAT ARE ACTION ITEM: PROMOTE DOING APPS RIGHT. YOUR APP THROUGH YOUR These apps are very compelling because they EXISTING CHANNELS AND provide either utility or entertainment in a highly ON-DEVICE MEDIA engaging way for their loyal mobile consumers. HP WAL-MART HP preferred to offer utility over A Wal-Mart app allows users to add entertainment.18 Their ePrint app shopping list items by speaking, typing enables consumers to print from their or barcode scanning. The app also shows phones to an HP printer. This app drives prices, local store availability and, in revenue for HP because it encourages select markets, even aisle location. 20 printing and ink usage, and it’s also very convenient when travelling. DOMINO COKE Domino’s mobile app lets customers Coke’s simple but surprisingly entertaining order “more than 1.8 billion pizza app lets users simulate drinking a Coke. combinations” from anywhere, and follow their order’s step-by-step progress with the Domino’s Live Pizza Tracker.19 TIP: DON’T NEGLECT “PUSH” Now that you’ve determined how you can win moments that matter with In a crowded email marketing space, push notifications from within apps can send your mobile customers by adapting customers relevant alerts and calls to action. your value proposition for the mobile consumer and bringing it to life in a Proceed with caution, though, and make sure your notifications are both useful and mobile website and app, aligning your timely; users can just block push notifications organization will help you make better whenever they’d prefer not to receive them. decisions to promote the growth of your business. themobileplaybook.com 16
  • 17. Make better decisions 03. Is our organization adapting to mobile? themobileplaybook.com 17
  • 18. Make better decisions 03. Is our organization adapting to mobile? Mobile Accountability & Ownership 0 ur next question is a simple Our recommendation, at its most basic one, and the answer to this level, is a simple one: We encourage question will help you solve the appointment of a Mobile Champion all the other mobile questions within your organization. This person you’ve encountered. Who should gather a cross-functional mobile exactly holds the mobile mantle task force to work to determine your in your company? At Google, our company’s approach for each of the chairman Eric Schmidt’s “Mobile First” questions listed. Benchmark your principle calls on every team, from ads competition, understand how your to maps to Doubleclick to YouTube, to customers use mobile through focus include mobile in their product and groups and surveys, set aside budget, business plans. While we can suggest talk to your agency partners, and the right questions you should be brainstorm internally. asking, only you and your organization will be able to determine the answers that are right for your business. Does ACTION ITEM: ASSIGN A MOBILE your team have a sufficient sense of CHAMPION IN YOUR COMPANY AND urgency around the topic? How will EMPOWER THEM WITH A CROSS you ensure mobile is a consideration FUNCTIONAL TASK FORCE. for all of your teams? How will you answer the key questions we’ve outlined in order to win the moments that matter, make better decisions around your mobile strategy and go “How will you answer the key questions bigger, faster? It all starts with asking we’ve outlined in order to win the the right questions and selecting the right team to determine and moments that matter, make implement the answers. better decisions around your mobile strategy and go bigger, faster ?” themobileplaybook.com 18
  • 19. Here are some of the questions that could help your organization UPGRADE ITS MOBILE PROGRAMS, PLATFORMS AND CAPABILITIES. 1 Is mobile a key metric in your management dashboard? 2 How often do you review your mobile stats? Who reviews them? 3 Who knows what % of traffic & search queries come from mobile? 4 Who’s watching tablet traffic trends, people’s actions on your mobile site, mobile’s inclusion in product launches and campaigns? 5 Which decisions would change if key business owners were given timely mobile data? 6 Who’s monitoring your competition’s investment in mobile? 7 Who’s developing consumer insights through focus groups & surveys? 8 Which agencies are you relying on to help you make mobile decisions? themobileplaybook.com 19
  • 20. Make better decisions 03. Is our organization adapting to mobile? Without focus and accountability, interdepartmental conflicts can arise that can stifle your business. One of Now that you’ve thought our clients explained that its call center about aligning your team got credit for calls driven to the mobile site’s click-to-call, but the Internet organization to make better marketing team only got credit for decisions, how can you form fill leads. Click-to-call may drive mobile orders, but how many go bigger, faster? opportunities are missed if the Internet marketing team isn’t rewarded? An important responsibility of this Mobile Champion is thinking about budget. Mobile is incremental and needs its own budget. Within the mobile budget you can allocate across mobile search, mobile display, experimental programs and extensions of other channels (email, social, coupons, etc.) Your mobile owner should be able to determine the most strategic areas for your investment. You’ll also need to allow budget for mobile site development and optimization. ”Mobile is incremental and needs its own budget.” themobileplaybook.com 20
  • 21. Go bigger, faster 04. How should our marketing adapt to mobile? themobileplaybook.com 21
  • 22. Search Strategy Go bigger, faster 04.How should our marketing adapt to mobile? AT GOOGLE WE’VE SEEN MOBILE SEARCH QUERIES GROW 5X IN THE PAST TWO YEARS. W ith mobile search ads, 20% you can reach consumers of all telecom searches when they’re searching for your product in the physical world. When a consumer types “buy jeans San Francisco,” he’s asking a question which good ads will 30% answer. Try a few searches from your of all restaurant searches smartphone — “best gas mileage SUV,” “Nintendo DS,” “fast recipe dinner,” “movie Mountain View CA.” Who finds you and what do they say? Remember, convincing a shopper who’s searching for a flat-screen TV on mobile from 25% inside a major retail store to instead buy of all movie searches online from you could be as simple as adding “We’ll remove your old TV!” to your mobile search ad. It’s important to note that these searches are incremental to your desktop search traffic. These ...are now done on are different searches that create new a mobile device opportunities for your business. ACTION ITEM: WHAT IS THE EXPERIENCE LIKE FOR A CONSUMER TRYING TO FIND YOU AND CONNECT WITH YOU? Take 5 minutes today and search for your brand in mobile as a consumer would. Discuss the result with your agency. themobileplaybook.com 22
  • 23. Go bigger, faster 04.How should our marketing adapt to mobile? HOW CAN MOBILE SEARCH HELP YOU ...AND YOUR CAMPAIGNS. GO BIGGER, FASTER? It’s now possible to layer your search First, separate mobile-specific ads ads with location extensions. These from desktop search campaigns, so are additional links that appear in the you can accurately test, measure and ad that show your business’s location develop messaging that works best in and phone number. What’s more, this new format. if consumers are close enough to your business, a distance marker LOCATION SHOULD ALSO HELP DEFINE will show up in the ad indicating how close your business is. As we’ll see in YOUR THINKING... this chapter, businesses are taking advantage of location with their search Create specific ads based on how close strategies and seeing impressive ROI the consumer is to your business, your and conversions. competitors or relevant locations like airports and malls. Wouldn’t you have a different message for a customer who’s browsing his phone across the street than you would for another prospect who’s across the state? ACTION ITEM: SEPARATE MOBILE-SPECIFIC SEARCH CAMPAIGNS FROM DESKTOP SEARCH CAMPAIGNS SO YOU CAN TEST, MEASURE AND DEVELOP MESSAGING SPECIFIC FOR MOBILE. themobileplaybook.com 23
  • 24. Go bigger, faster 04.How should our marketing adapt to mobile? RETHINK THE WAY YOU TRACK AND MEASURE MOBILE SEARCH ADS. Effective mobile ads can generate everything from on-device conversions and purchases to leads, calls, downloads and even in-store traffic and offline conversions. Fully capturing the value of mobile search means understanding and tracking its full impact on your business. The results can be staggering: mobile search ads click-to-call format has been so successful for one of our clients that they are planning to open a whole new call center to manage the interest they’ve generated from their campaigns. Below are more examples of effective mobile search campaigns. COMCAST HAIR CLUB FOR MEN Internet, phone and cable giant Hair Club for Men reports a conversion Comcast makes it easy for mobile rate of 12% from mobile ads, beating users to check service availability and desktop ads at 9%. Mobile ads boasted get assistance by providing their phone a 17% conversion rate from a lead to an number on their mobile site and in their actual sale. Hair Club for Men has seen an search ads. Comcast built a mobile ad overall return on investment of 30:1 from extension that lets users call directly Google mobile search ads. from search results, a campaign that had a 270% higher click-through-rate than desktop search ads and led to a surge in mobile sales. STARWOOD GUIDING MOBILE USERS TO USEFUL INFO WHEN THEY’RE Click-to-call ads now drive a majority of mobile search bookings for Starwood MAKING PURCHASING DECISIONS Hotels, whose “hyperlocal” mobile CAN HELP YOUR BUSINESS WIN search campaign, which delivered a click-to-call phone number and map THE MOMENTS THAT MATTER. to the nearest Starwood hotel right in But that information can take the search ad, multiplied mobile paid many forms. Lets talk now about search ROI by 20, increased month-on- month mobile bookings by 20% and how you can drive branding and tripled overall mobile traffic. awareness with your mobile ad mix. themobileplaybook.com 24
  • 25. Go bigger, faster 04.How should our marketing adapt to mobile? Mobile for brand building T he mobile audience is at scale: Mobile rich media also entices smartphone penetration has users while they’re already actively reached 45% in the UK, 38% browsing—as opposed to requiring in the U.S. and France, and them to learn a new behavior or take a 23% in Germany.21 Every new action, as with QR codes. Brands day mobile users play 570 such as HP, Reebok, Paramount years of Angry Birds and watch 600 Pictures, Ford, Coke and others have million videos on YouTube Mobile; in sprung to life with cutting-edge mobile fact, mobile is the primary way that display ads. 75% of these users access YouTube content. Yet mobile is the most You’ll want to ask the same questions imbalanced medium when it comes to about your mobile marketing aims as ad spending versus time spent, at 1% you do for your overall marketing aims: compared to 23%.22 Capturing all this who do you want to reach? How can new opportunity means exploring rich you most effectively reach them? What media — and now is the time to do it. actions do you want them to take? New technology like touch screens, How can you measure it? Are you after accelerometers (which enable better broad reach or just buzz? Some mobile animated media) and targeting that experiences won’t have broad reach or lets you reach the right users on their drive key metrics like rich media, but most personal devices are turning may give you a PR spike or a unique mobile into a branding wonderland. demo to showcase internally. According to Nielsen, exposure to rich media ads across four screens “Mobile is the most imbalanced —mobile, tablet, PC and TV— medium when it comes to ad yields the best branding results; spending versus time spent, participants who saw ads across all four formats rated a campaign more at 1% compared to 23%“ favorably on key brand metrics than those who saw it only on TV, PC or both.23 themobileplaybook.com 25
  • 26. Go bigger, faster 04.How should our marketing adapt to mobile? Viewers of Coke’s mobile rich media ad can send a Coke to someone across the world Learn more at www.projectrebrief.com One excellent example of what’s possible with mobile rich media is the memorable ACTION ITEM: RUN RICH MEDIA HTML5 ADS Coke campaign “Hilltop” with the “I’d like to TO EXTEND YOUR BRANDING MESSAGE TO buy the world a coke” messaging that was re- REACH THE MOBILE AUDIENCE. imagined for today’s digital world. Viewers of the mobile display ads were able to virtually send a coke to someone across the world through special vending machines located throughout the world with personalized messages and receive video responses. themobileplaybook.com 26
  • 27. Go bigger, faster 04.How should our marketing adapt to mobile? EXPERIMENTATION BEYOND SCALABLE GOOGLE TIP: AS ALWAYS, RICH MEDIA MAKES SENSE... TRACKING MATTERS ...as long as you have a well-thought-out The mobile ad industry offers many strategy as a foundation. A number trafficking and reporting solutions. Our of companies have asked us about infrastructure advances are making augmented reality or location-based the process of serving and tracking check-in ads. For Valentine’s Day, mobile media even easier, with a near- Starbucks brought their cups to life term goal of replicating the buying and with a Cup Magic app whose augmented tracking tools that advertisers already reality offered highly entertaining, know from online campaigns. You can brand-boosting holiday animations, use the same Dart for Advertisers complete with fluttering hearts. (DFA) interface to serve your ads in mobile, for instance; just change your ad type and placement. And our fully integrated reporting gives you mobile impression and click data along with standard DFA reports. A mobile-specific report, though, breaks down data by wireless carrier, mobile platform and country. You can also serve ads from DoubleClick Rich Media (DRM) into the AdMob network. In our experience, though, only a NEXT, LET’S THINK EVEN BROADER handful of brands have covered the Mobile is so pervasive that branding main pillars of a mobile strategy shouldn’t be the only aspect of enough to warrant investment in marketing that can be enriched by experimental, lower reach activities. the mobile space. themobileplaybook.com 27
  • 28. Go bigger, faster 04.How should our marketing adapt to mobile? Marketing Channels Mobile is often referred to as the connective tissue across marketing channels from outdoor to TV to print. Adding a QR code to your print, outdoor and TV creative can give static ads some oomph but isn’t a substitute for a mobile strategy. In other words, adding on mobile is good; designing for mobile is better. Here’s how to examine your marketing initiatives COUPONS AND PROMOTIONS and channels through the mobile lens: Whether you create a scannable EMAIL MARKETING coupon or a code that can be keyed Up to 30% of email opens come from into the register, be sure to track mobile mobile.24 Are you maximizing your separately. Users move back and forth emails for mobile users? A good way to between channels and devices; if you start is to think carefully about layout aren’t yet able to let customers tap or (longer rather than wider) and be scan their device at the register, mobile selective with images. Think also about can collect opt-ins for coupons that your calls to action and links; are you you can email to users to print out and sending prospects to a non-optimized redeem in person. page? Some leading email marketing providers now let you preview your OFFLINE MEDIA emails in mobile mode. Take advantage Mobile can activate bonus offline of this chance to make your mobile channels. For instance, we recently messaging as effective as possible. ran a consumer electronics campaign that combined mobile search, mobile SOCIAL MEDIA display and a picture-scanning app Social and mobile are fundamentally that let potential customers unlock intertwined; every day more than half of exclusive content like songs from mobile social networkers access social artists featured in the campaign. So if content from their mobile device,25 in you’re already running offline media, an average month 14% of mobile social why not turbocharge it with mobile, networkers upload a photo taken from as a complement to—not a substitute their mobile device.26 How does it change for—a solid mobile media plan. the way you talk to your social consumers when you know that they are navigating the physical world—taking buses, out ACTION ITEM: ASSIGN EVERYONE IN shopping, looking for a restaurant? YOUR MARKETING ORG THE ACTION What could your brand do with mobile ITEM OF REVIEWING THEIR PROGRAMS hangouts on Google+ that allow real-time THROUGH A MOBILE LENS video conversations on smartphones? themobileplaybook.com 28
  • 29. Go bigger, faster 05. How can we connect with our tablet audience? themobileplaybook.com 29
  • 30. Go bigger, faster 05.How can we connect with our tablet audience? Tablet Strategy T ablet devices don’t yet offer tremendous audience reach, but that doesn’t mean you should overlook them. By 2014, 208 million tablets will be sold worldwide, and 72% of tablet owners make purchases from their devices on a weekly basis, making the audience very desirable. 27, 28 Tablet users’ love of shopping has already spawned a new buzzword: “t-commerce.” themobileplaybook.com 30
  • 31. Go bigger, faster 05.How can we connect with our tablet audience? HERE ARE FOUR POINTS WHICH ILLUSTRATE HOW HANDLING THE EMERGING WORLD OF TABLETS IS A PARALLEL TO THE STRATEGIES WE’VE DESCRIBED FOR THE BROADER MOBILE WORLD: 1 KNOW THE TABLET USER’S EXPERIENCE WITH YOUR BUSINESS 2 BUILD UNIQUE TABLET EXPERIENCES Unless your desktop site is Flash Some brands have already rethought -heavy (Flash isn’t supported on the their mobile experience for tablets. iPad) or doesn’t function properly on Kraft’s iFood assistant mobile app tablets, it may be passable for a short helps moms with coupon-clipping, while; the examples we highlight here product barcode scanning, adding are based on tablet users interacting items to shopping lists and saving with desktop websites. recipes for quick meal ideas. The company’s Fork & Spoon iPad app, But we believe that marketers will by contrast, is designed for both soon be designing sites specifically to moms and kids to use during meal take advantage of tablet touch screens, preparations. It features recipes and portrait/landscape orientations, videos similar to the iFood assistant, cameras and accelerometers. but also serves up more in-depth content and games.29 Kraft’s iFood Assistant tablet app themobileplaybook.com 31
  • 32. Go bigger, faster 05.How can we connect with our tablet audience? 3 TWEAK YOUR SEARCH CAMPAIGNS FOR TABLET USERS 4 LET RICH MEDIA SHINE ON TABLETS Tablets are primarily used at home, on Volvo and Grow Interactive agency evenings and weekends, most likely from developed the richest tablet-optimized a comfortable couch. Adapt your ads to HTML5 creative that we’ve yet seen. take advantage of this. “Shop now from The campaign uses various interactive your tablet” is a stronger call to action media to profile a Volvo car that’s than “Shop online.” Don’t ask tablet users approaching 3 million miles. A mobile- to call by phone; tablets aren’t phones. and tablet-optimized banner shows Segment your campaigns by device to the car’s real-time current mileage; monitor tablet-specific performance and the HTML5 landing page features learn about your tablet customer’s needs a Google Map that shows the car’s and interests. Sweetwater Sound, one real time location; interactive games of America’s largest musical equipment highlight new Volvo features like city dealers, has seen phenomenal results brakes; embedded videos show off from tablet-targeted search ad new models. What’s possible when campaigns. Sweetwater Sound’s iPad rich media meets tablets? conversion rate was 30% higher than online, and orders originating from iPads had 10% higher value. “Sweetwater Sound’s iPad conversion rate was 30% higher than online, and orders originating from iPads had 10% higher value.” Volvo’s Tablet Rich Media Ad Learn more at www.projectrebrief.com themobileplaybook.com 32
  • 33. Go bigger, faster 05.How can we connect with our tablet audience? Tablet usage spikes in the evening, and the tablet audience reports ACTION ITEM: CHECK OUT YOUR WEB watching TV while browsing.30 ESPN EXPERIENCE ON A TABLET. and Shazam let Winter X Games Take 5 minutes today and search viewers on ESPN TV use the Shazam for your brand on a tablet as a smartphone app for video highlights, consumer would. Maximize the photos and exclusive music from the tablet format with rich media creative. Discuss both these event. The tablet revolution is gaining topics with your agencies. momentum, as more people purchase and use tablets to search and shop. Even if you’re still playing catch-up in mobile, it’s not too late to be early with tablets. We encourage you to be one of the first to take advantage of this new channel. Invest now or chase your competition later. Watching TV while browsing with ESPN and Shazam themobileplaybook.com 33
  • 34. CONCLUSION H opefully by now you’re ready “At Google, we believe that mobile and eager to wield mobile tools to make your brand represents a sociological shift with more valuable to increasingly how users relate with both the digital tech-savvy consumers and and physical world. Businesses that spawn innovative marketing strategies that connect you with your customers understand this will win.“ in new ways. Imagine what you might be able to accomplish this year if you start right now. Start how? Just keep asking the questions we cover here, work closely with your Mobile Champion, and keep your eyes on the rising mobile tide. At Google, we believe that mobile represents a sociological shift with how users relate with both the digital and physical world. Businesses that understand this will win. TO SUMMARIZE THE ACTION ITEMS INCLUDED IN THE TO SUMMARIZE THE ACTION ITEMS INCLUDED PLAYBOOK WE’VE PROVIDED IN PLAYBOOK WE’VE PROVIDED THE FOLLOWING CHECKLIST: CHECKLIST: THE FOLLOWING themobileplaybook.com 34
  • 35. MOBILE PLAYBOOK ACTION ITEMS CHECKLIST Define your value proposition by Search for your brand in mobile, as determining what your consumer a consumer would. Take 5 minutes wants to do with your business in and do this today. What’s working? mobile. Benchmark against others What’s not? in your industry for ideas. Build a mobile website. Once you Separate mobile-specific search have a mobile website, check the campaigns from desktop search stats and optimize based campaigns so you can test, on consumer usage. measure and develop messaging specific for mobile. Build an app for a subset of your Run rich media HTML5 ads to audience after your mobile site extend your branding message strategy is in place. Don’t forget to reach the mobile audience. to promote your app. Assign a Mobile Champion in your Assign everyone in your marketing company and empower them with org the action item of reviewing their a cross-functional task force. programs through a mobile lens. Set up a meeting with your agencies Check out your tablet consumer’s about what’s working and what’s not experience with your brand. Take 5 for your brand on mobile and tablets. minutes today and search for your brand on a tablet as a consumer would. What’s working? What’s not? Maximize the tablet environment with rich media creative. themobileplaybook.com 35
  • 36. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES www.ourmobileplanet.com www.thinkwithgoogle.com/insights A Google research tool that makes it easy Google’s online destination for consumer to learn about mobile users and mobile trends, marketing insights and industry usage patterns around the world. research. www.howtogomo.com www.mmaglobal.com A Google initiative to educate businesses The Mobile Marketing Association is large and small on the benefits of mobile a global non-profit trade association optimized sites. representing all players in the mobile marketing value chain. www.google.com/mobileads Everything you need to know about mobile www.iab.net ads for performance and branding including mobile search ads and mobile display ads. The Interactive Advertising Bureau educates marketers, agencies, media companies and www.projectrebrief.com the wider business community about the A Google campaign that shows how value of interactive advertising. creators of four iconic ads from the 60’s and 70’s re-imagined their ads using today’s digital technology. themobileplaybook.com 36
  • 37. SOURCES CITED 1. “Extreme Booking on Hotels.com.” 11. Bustillo, Miguel. “Phone-Wielding Shoppers Strike http://www.youtube.com watch?v=zXZFSMS4Uzo Fear Into Retailers.” 2. SnapTax. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB100014240527487 http://turbotax.intuit.com/snaptax/mobile/ 04694004576019691769574496.html 3. Lesperance, Rich. 12. Tode, Chantal. “Sears puts iPads in shopper hands “Mobile Marketing Is Not (Just) Mobile Marketing. to enhance in-store shopping.” http://www.slideshare.net/mediapostlive/1145- http://www.mobilemarketer.com/cms/news/ omma-mobile-rich-lesperance?from=ss_embed software-technology/11235.html 4. “The Mobile Movement: 13. Compuware. Understanding Smartphone Users.” “What Users Want from Mobile.” 2011. http://googlemobileads.blogspot.com/2011/04/ http://www.gomez.com/resources/whitepapers/ smartphone-user-study-shows-mobile.html survey-report-what-users-want-from-mobile/ 5. Google internal data, 2011. 14. “TicketsNow Mobile Ads Case Study.” 6. Schaal, Dennis. “Priceline mobile app usage shows http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_ in-destination booking trend.” embedded&v=D9-JjSBE1tU#! http://www.tnooz.com/2010/09/07/mobile/ 15. Walsh, Mark. “ESPN Deems Mobile ‘First Screen.’” priceline-mobile-app-usage-shows-in- http://www.mediapost.com/publications/ destination-booking-trend/ article/166622/espn-deems-mobile-first-screen. 7. Butcher, Dan. “More than half of smartphone html?edition=42747 owners use mobile devices in retail stores: study.” 16. Duryee, Tricia. “Kayak’s Web Site Takes Its http://www.mobilecommercedaily. Influence From Mobile for Its Latest Design.” com/2011/03/14/more-than-half-of-smartphone- http://allthingsd.com/20120130/kayaks-web-site- owners-use-mobile-devices-in-retail-stores-study gets-its-influence-from-mobile-for-its-latest-design/ 8. Sullivan, Laurie. “Study Analyzes Mobile Search, 17. Kessler, Sarah. Buying Behavior In Retail.” “13 Branded Mobile Apps That Got It Right.” http://www.mediapost.com/publications/ http://mashable.com/2010/10/06/branded- article/162261/study-analyzes-mobile-search- mobile-apps/ buying-behavior-in-r.html 18. Patel, Kunur. “Mobile Headaches: Execs Tackle 9. Zimmerman, Ann. Difficult but Enticing Medium.” “Showdown Over ‘Showrooming.’” http://adage.com/article/cmo-strategy/mobile- http://online.wsj.com/article/SB100014240529702 headaches-execs-tackle-difficult-enticing- 04624204577177242516227440.html medium/230128/ 10. Butcher, Dan. “87pc of retailers agree shoppers can find better deals via mobile: survey.” http://www.mobilecommercedaily. com/2011/01/13/87pc-of-retailers-agree- shoppers-can-find-better-deals-via-mobile-survey themobileplaybook.com 37
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