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Graduate School Essay Examples
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Graduate School Essay Examples" can be a challenging
endeavor, requiring a delicate balance between personal expression and adherence to specific
guidelines. The difficulty lies in the need to showcase one's unique qualifications, experiences,
and aspirations while maintaining a professional tone. It demands a deep self-reflection to
articulate the motivations behind pursuing graduate studies and the relevance of one's past
Researching and selecting appropriate examples that effectively illustrate key points and align
with the intended message adds another layer of complexity. Moreover, navigating the fine line
between humility and self-promotion can be tricky, as the essay should highlight
accomplishments without appearing boastful.
The challenge also lies in the limited space provided, compelling the writer to be concise yet
comprehensive. Each word must carry weight, conveying not only the "what" but also the "why"
and "how" of the applicant's journey. Striking this balance requires careful consideration of
language, tone, and structure.
Additionally, the writer must be aware of the expectations and preferences of the target graduate
programs. Tailoring the essay to each institution requires research and a nuanced understanding
of the specific qualities and values they seek in prospective students.
In essence, composing an essay on "Graduate School Essay Examples" involves a complex
interplay of self-awareness, effective communication, and an intimate understanding of the
audience. The writer must navigate through the intricacies of personal storytelling, academic
relevance, and program-specific alignment. It's a task that demands time, effort, and a keen eye
for detail to create a compelling narrative that sets the applicant apart.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, a valuable
resource is HelpWriting.net, where professional writers can provide guidance and support in
crafting impactful and customized essays tailored to specific needs and aspirations.
Graduate School Essay Examples Graduate School Essay Examples
Discrimination In Canada Throughout History
To what extent did the Canadian authorities affect the different races of people in
Canada throughout history?
Canada is a peaceful country that welcomes different cultures to Canada. The history
of Canada is mainly about citizens meeting different cultures. It is expected that
Canadians will welcome the immigrants and treat them nicely as if it s their home
country, however, this was not the case in the Canadian history. Despite, Canadas
history was full of discrimination or in other words, prejudgement of individuals.
There is no doubt that efforts have been made in the past generations to make the
country one race and one culture only. Discrimination played a major role in the
Canadian history and it created harm to many individuals or groups of people. In the
past, Canada did not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Throughout history it proved that Canadians were discriminating any non white
people. Discrimination led to harm and violence to many groups of people. Any
non white person was treated primarily as a source of cheap labour. History shows
that most immigrants took advantage of the jobs because they were willing to work
twice as much as the white workers but the difference though was that they earn less
money. One of Canada s main victims were First Nations because their children were
sent to residential schools, their lands were taken away as well as their resources.
Aboriginals ended up living in the reserves while their children were being
homogenized in residential schools that were created by the Europeans when they
entered Canada. This caused the Aboriginal population to decrease. The Indian
Delta Airlines
1.Strong market position and wide global presence enhances the market share
Delta has a strong market position in the airline industry worldwide. The company
serves more than 180 million customers annually. It is one of the largest and
admired airlines in the world. For example, in 2017, Delta was named to Fortune
magazine s top 50 World s Most Admired Companies in addition to being named the
most admired airline for the sixth time in seven years. Additionally, Delta has ranked
number one in the Business Travel News Annual Airline survey for the sixth year in a
Moreover the company has a diversified geographical presence. The company offers
customers more than 15,000 daily flights with key hubs and markets in Atlanta,
London Heathrow, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A significant portion of the company s assets are subject to lien. Delta s total long
term debt was $8,100 million, including $4,000 million of fixed rate long term debt
and $4,100 million of variable rate long term debt, in FY2015. Total net interest
expense on these debts was $481 million during the year. This may limit the financial
and operating activities of the company. Adversely impacting its ability to obtain
additional financing on acceptable terms for its future liquidity needs, make the
company more vulnerable to economic downturns, limit its ability to withstand
competitive pressures and its flexibility in responding to changing business and
Medical Biochemistry Personal Statement
Consisting of more than billions of cells and diverse systems, but created from
one minuscule zygote, the human body has always intrigued my inquisitive mind.
The need to explore this and my love for science has influenced me to pursue a
career in medical biochemistry. This may be challenging but it appeals to me as it
has a very rewarding objective; it is extremely interesting and recompenses for the
hard work, accentuated by biochemists and biomedical scientists and students I have
spoken to. To expand my insight into this medical field, I am currently volunteering
at Marie Care Home, where I assist nurses with the needs of ill, elderly people. My
role involves supporting the elderly and their families. In addition to helping them
eat, walk
Odysseus Punishment Essay
Punishments follow actions. Sometimes they are not always fair or well deserved,
but other times they are essential to learn right from wrong. In our society, all
crimes have punishments; however, the punishment depends on the severity of the
crime. In our culture, it is important to have consequences following deplorable
actions because if there is no discipline for poor decisions it would establish these
poor decisions to be acceptable. In every confrontation there are always two sides. In
the epic, The Odyssey, written by Homer, two evident sides are that of which the
suitors and Odysseus. Some readers say Odysseus s punishmenttowards the suitors
was too unexpected and too extreme; others disagree, saying the suitors deserved what
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As stated above, there is always more than one opinion. Although some feel
Odysseus tactics were excessive. For one thing, out of the one hundred and eight
suitors total not even half of them participated in shenanigans that kept reoccurring.
Not all of them deserved to die. Many were bystanders, but they still did not choose
to leave after being warned. Antinous, the corrupt leader of the suitors, was
malicious, impolite, and disrespectful. He set the tone for the rest of the suitors and
many of the suitors followed his lead. Since they had a cruel, harsh leader the
suitors also acted like this. Lastly, the most extreme form of punishment is death.
While suitors were begging for forgiveness, Odysseus showed no mercy and
slaughtered all of them. As stated above, there are many reasons why a reader would
pick either side of this argument.
Omen s are not meant to be taken lightly. Normally when one gives a warning it is
best to believe what he or she may be saying and do the right thing. In this case, the
suitors had been warned to evacuate Odysseus palace. This omen was not only to
warn the suitors, but it was given to try to protect the suitors from Odysseus s wrath.
After twenty years of trying earnestly to return home, Odysseus discovers that over
one hundred men have been living in his house, drinking his wine, disrespecting his
son and
Essay about Jimmy Carter and Political Maxim
Hardball by Chris Matthews: Quotes Hardball by Chris Matthews is an
interpretation of what many know as hard politics . The book describes the skill
of playing the game in Washington and how to be successful at it. The book is a
guide that teaches a series of maxims that would be in favor of politicians to learn
in order to be successful. The different tactics provided in the book hold a lot of
knowledge that would make the life of anyone following these strategies much easier
when trying to get ahead in life. Matthews describes a countless number of examples
of successful politicians that rose to the top. Those politicians are the ones who
learned how to play hardball in Washington. Matthews provides many of his
observations over... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Carter played this strategy to a tee. Carter knew that his best line of defense would
come from those who had lost their elections and were looking for a job. The
quote symbolizes the tactic Carter used and how his intelligence allowed him to
take advantage of the situation. He knew that those individuals faced a tough race
and when they lost, they would become his support because people like to be used
and not ignored. Another quotes that is related to the it s better to give then to
receive, maxim is a quote I found to be very witty. The quotes states, I ve lived
across the street from you for 18 years ... I shoveled your walk in winter. I cut your
grass in summer... I didn t think I had to ask you for your vote. He never forgot her
response. Tom, I want you to know something: people like to be asked. The lady
knew Tip O Neil and all he had done for her over the years, but out of respect she
found that all he needed to do was ask. She wanted to make sure she was considered
and thought about, so she wouldn t be taken for granted. The main point from this
quote is that people don t mind being used, but they do mind being taken for granted.
It s important to know that asking favors only brings in more supporters. People want
to invest in others and are often not critical of that person because they also
Analyzing Jon Stewart s Daily Show
4.After watching the Daily Show interview with Jim Cramer, I believe that Jon
Stewart s questions were fair as he was trying to get Cramer to confess CNBC s
faults during the financial crisis and his contributions to them. One instance of this
was Stewart calling out CNBC for creating an unrealistic image of the market by
covering up the embezzlement scandals and failing to expose the actions of those
behind it, despite their frequent interview appearances. I agree with Stewart in this
argument as CNBC put themselves in a tight corner by merely addressing the
situation and stating the obvious instead of taking action in order to preserve their
reputation as a financial expert . Cramer s responses illustrate this point as he admits
that while
Siberian Tiger Research Paper
The siberian tiger is the biggest individual from the feline family. They are long,
thick ruddy coats with white stomachs and white and dark tails. Their heads,
bodies, tails and appendages have light dark or cocoa stripes. Their are also known
as the Amur tiger, the Amur tiger resides in a small region in the southeast region
Russia. Siberian Tigers eat sambar deer, wild pigs, water buffalo and gazelle. Tigers
are known to also chase sloth bears, pooches, jaguars, crocodiles and pythons. Old
and hurt tigers have been known to strike humans and cow herds. They live alone
and aroma spray areas with urine for example to keep other tigers away. They are
capable seekers that travel lots of miles to discover prey, for example, elk and wild
Fear Of Surveillance
In this way, every institution in society are almost like panopticon as in the way it
works as a disciplinary power to classify, define, regulate and control people. People
will have the threat of surveillance and this threat is celebrated by transforming it
into regulatory and disciplinary tool for institutions. It is the medium that
government uses to discipline the bodies and tie them in its principles. This
regulatory mechanism works when people come under the knowledge of being
controlled without knowing when exactly they being observed, and it lead them to
obey the norms. It is the way power enforces on people. Behind every self
disciplinary acts, fear of surveillanceis visible. In this way, there is no natural body
or pre discursive, essential human subject who is amputated, repressed, altered by
our social order, it is rather that the individual is... Show more content on
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Susan Bordo in her work, Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture and the
Body, points out that the human body is itself a politically inscribed entity, its
physiology and morphology shaped by histories and practices of containment and
control. (1993, 21). That is, a pure body cannot be found, it is already inscribed,
defined and explained by its very origin. But it is significant to analyze that body
cannot be included and excluded in a fixed definition of society as in the way it s
beyond the fixity. Body is a social construction and its performance itself is a
socially constructed notion. Performance of body according to gender, race, class,
cast, power, in this way the very body and its performance are assigned, classified
and conditioned by the society. Performance of a body in a fixed notion rightly
points towards the imitation of the constructed norms of society. It is the way gender
Essay The Role of Database Administrator
Few companies today can exist without an IT department. The IT department contains
many of the company s technology experts. Almost all companies rely on computers
to some degree whether it is an international conglomerate or a small startup
company. Some companies are very dependent on computer systems while others use
them only for accounting for payrolls and everyday computer tasks. Most
organization, even the smallest company have people whose job is to make sure that
the computer system is up and running or an emergency contact to call when the
computer systems goes down. In the future, I want to take the head of a database
administrator of an IT department whether the size of the company is small or
In larger ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
My career might start off as a database designer. Database designers determine what
are best types of databases to solve certain problems and work with database tools in
order to develop those databases.
After a database designer, I could be promoted to a manager role. Knowledge
managers have a much higher level knowledge to business problems than database
designers. Knowledge managers usually focus on an area like accounting and
working with database designers to develop databases that meet the needs of the
users. In contrast to database designers, knowledge managers handle different tasks.
Knowledge managers interfere with users and database designers in order to ensure
that the databases meet the needs of the users and most importantly, the company.
They usually have a specialty in a field in organizing, refining or gathering.
Responsibility of database jobs
The responsibility of a database administrator is to serve as the link between the
database designers, knowledge managers and users. The database designers are often
brought in for completing specific projects and then moving onto other projects at
other companies or different departments at the same company. Their job are usually
finished when they finish designing the database. While they may be used in the
future to perform some
Information On Continuity Of Operations For An
This document provides information on continuity of operations for an organization
to asses any risks, procedures, and techniques when developing and implementing an
IT contingency plan. This document discusses the planning steps in developing an IT
contingency plan, possible recovery options for restoring operations, recommended
testing requirements for developing an effective test plan, and a proposed 24 month
test cycle. IT Resource Contingency Planning In today s net centric world, even a day
offline may damage an organization s business and profit margin. As a result, it is
imperative for organizations to develop and implement effective business continuity
plans to ensure the organization has the appropriate procedures necessitated to
maintain operations. Accordingly, SANS Institute (2002) explains that it is essential
for an organization to understand what incidences it should prepare for and provides
these instances as examples: equipment failure, disruption of power or
communications, application failure or database corruption, human error, sabotage,
or strike; malware, cyberattack, social unrest or terrorist attack, fire, and natural
disasters (SANS Institute, 2002). Business continuity is utilized in the same manner
for both physical and digital needs. UMUC (2015) explains that physical security and
digital security both require the same planning process to develop and implement the
business continuity plan. As a result, this document will
The Monticello And The Neoclassical Era
Thomas Jefferson was well known to have a great appreciation for architecture.
Because of this, the architecture in his life held great meaning. A particular home that
held great interest was the Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson. This home
exemplifies the neoclassical style. The neoclassical period refers to a time of reason.
There were no dramatic events that instituted the period, but rather occurring events
over a period of time.
Jefferson spent much time in Europe, and loved the architecture he saw there. This is
what started the remodeling of the Monticello.
To describe the neoclassical style:
Neoclassical architecture has no new major innovations or distinctive characteristics
that easily set it apart from the classical styles
Organizational and Corporation Management
Organizational management has become more and more important to the corporation
management. Meanwhile, the leadership is an important part of organizational
management, which can influence to its quality of management. In this essay, we
will discuss which behaviour and awareness that a business leader to own, and the
snare that they should to avoid in China.
We will discuss some behaviour we expect of business leaders can have. Leaders
are those who hope that the relationship between the leaders and those who choose
to follow. How to become a successful leader will dependent to build good human
relationships and that is the use of those workers ability (Kouzes, J. M. Posner, B.
Z., 2003).
We can find five good behaviours that is becoming a successful business leader.
Firstly, leaders need inspire a shared vision, which means leaders need talk to others
your personal values and listening others expect to shared values. Alan Keith said,
leaders need open their heart and talk to other workers him personal values and
really think, of course, leaders must know other workers expect to do successfully.
Secondly, challenge the process is a necessary ability for business leaders (Kouzes, J.
M. Posner, B. Z., 2003). Leaders need to understand clearly, innovation and change
are involved in the experiment, and failure risk, and they also pay attention to their
constituents to challenging situations, the ability to control and become completely
determined to change. Thirdly, the
National Security Agency (NSA)
National Security Agency (NSA) U.S. intelligence agency within the Department of
Defense that is responsible for cryptographic and communications intelligence and
security. Its headquarters are in Fort Meade, Maryland. The NSA grew out of the
communications intelligence activities of U.S. military units during World War II. It
was established in 1952 by a presidential directive from Harry S. Truman in which he
specified its mission as to provide an effective, unified organization and control of the
communications intelligence activities of the United Statesconducted against foreign
governments, to provide for integrated operational policies and procedures pertaining
thereto. The NSA was created in part out of the belief that the importance... Show
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He is assisted by a Deputy Director, who is the highest ranking civilian within the
NSA/CSS. NSA also has an Inspector General, head of the Office of the Inspector
General (OIG), a General Counsel, head of the Office of the General Counsel
(OGC) and a Director of Compliance, who is head of the Office of the Director of
Compliance (ODOC). Unlike other intelligence organizations such as CIA or DIA,
NSA has always been particularly reticent concerning its internal organizational
structure.As of the mid 1990s, the National Security Agency was organized into five
Directorates: Michael S. Rogers, the director of the NSA. The NSA is led by the
Director of the National Security Agency (DIRNSA), who also serves as Chief of
the Central Security Service (CHCSS) and Commander of the United States Cyber
Command (USCYBERCOM) and is the highest ranking military official of these
organizations. He is assisted by a Deputy Director, who is the highest ranking
civilian within the NSA/CSS. NSA also has an Inspector General, head of the
Office of the Inspector General (OIG), a General Counsel, head of the Office of the
General Counsel (OGC) and a Director of Compliance, who is head of the Office of
the Director of Compliance (ODOC). Unlike other intelligence organizations such as
CIA or DIA, NSA has always been particularly reticent concerning its internal
organizational structure. As of the mid 1990s, the National Security Agency was
organized into five
Spinelli s Book Crash
In Spinelli s book Crash, the lead character, Crash Coogan, has some major
changes in his life over time. When Crash first appears in the book at age 7 he is
demanding, rude, judgemental, and self centered. For instance, Crash and Penn s
first interaction is very ungraceful: [He] plucked the silly button off his shirt,
dumped in the hole [he] was digging . ( Spinelli 4) This explains that Crash does
not respect others who are different than him. Additionally, Crash is obsessed with
making others like him by making them fear him and feel like they need to be
friends with so he won t hurt them: You re going to be a flat nosed baby if you don t
shut up. (3) Later, Crash becomes egocentric and awful to be around. Crash continues
to ask his
Sephia Officinalis Research Paper
The class of the Sepia officinalis is Cephalopoda which can be thought of in three
groups: the Nautiloidea, Ammonoidea and Coleoidea each of which have adapted
and evolved independently of each other (A Broad Brush History of the
Cephalopoda). Cuttlefish, along with octopuses and squid, are cephalopods animals
from an ancient branch of the tree of life that have been trolling the oceans for more
than 500 million years. Cuttlefish were around long before the first shark or fishever
evolved. Their cephalopod ancestors were encased in a shell that acted as protection
from predators, but the modern cuttlefish has developed an even better defense:
camouflage (http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/animalguides/animal guide cuttlefish
/1161/). The Nautiloidea... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
All cephalopods have arms, but not all cephalopods have tentacles. Octopuses,
cuttlefish, and squid have eight arms, but only cuttlefish and squid have two
tentacles. Squid and cuttlefish have one pair of tentacles which they use to strike
their prey (http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/taxa/inverts/mollusca/cephalopoda.php).
These prove that squids and cuttlefish evolved away from octopuses by having
tentacles to strike prey. The main difference between the cuttlefish and the squid are
the internal shells. The squid has remains of an internal shell while the cuttlefish have
a cuttlebone. Seen in Figure 3, the Sepia and types of squid and octopus
Proposal For Food And Beverage
Linda Holland Blackwell
HOSP 309
American Public University System
Food and beverage is an essential part of many meeting and careful planning can
save a large amount of money. The planner must know how to negotiate and what
to negotiate. Food and beverage is a part of an event that creates memories and
provides a service that goes beyond just grabbing something to eat. The planner
must know what to negotiate how to negotiate when it comes to food and
beverage. Because every event involves food and beverage. It can be puzzling to
some planners as to what is negotiable, prices caterers charge for their services, and
where concessions are made. The Breaking Down Barriers Association (BDBA) is
sponsoring an event at the Raleigh Convention Center, located in downtown
Raleigh, N.C. The BDBA is a 6,000 member nonprofit association whose members
are individuals from across the country. The BDBA was founded fifteen years ago
by a group of individuals who specializes in racial inequality and saw the need to
make a difference for future generation. Over 65% of the organization s membership
are professional business people and the remainder of the association members are
suppliers to the businesses. Although the majority are women, 45% of the members
are male; 40% Caucasian; 37% African American; and 12% Latino, Asian, and Native
American. Knowing the makeup of the organization is an important factor for
The Marketing Strategy Of Reliance Travel Agency
1.0 Executive Summary
Reliance travel agency was a leading tourism company established since 1969 and
was the first travel company listed on Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange by the year
1993. Reliance travel agency was dedicated to providing travel enthusiasts who love
to have fun, leisure, a holiday around the world with the guarantee of best quality and
experience be provided.
Reliance travel agency upholds the speed, choice, and trust as their core brand value
in exchange for today s brilliant (Reliance Travel, 2017). It developed from a small
travel company to a company where can provide more than 200 destinations in
locally and abroad. Reliance travel agency offered the vast choice of vacation
destination the with great service value such as airline ticketing, hotel reservation as
well as customized the trip itinerary. In term of speed, travellers allowed to have an
instant update on tour packages and reservation systems clothed with complete trip
information. In other respects, with superb relations with airway and tour suppliers
resulted from them able to present from quality service and low pricing that can fulfil
customer satisfaction.
2.0 Market Segmentation
Market segmentation is an essential part of an organization s marketing strategy. It ...
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From the view of past business model, Reliance travel agency is more towards to
traditionally business as they constructed storefronts and targeted local audience
which results the company s performance can only reach to a certain limit. However,
with the smart application there will be no barriers as business can be reached by
anyone wherever internet available. Even if facing with any problems, they can
simply one click and communicate through live chat function instead of visit to the
store for requiring more information. More convenience could positively affect the
customer s
My Time Playing Grand Theft Aut
As of now I have put in somewhere around 30 days of gameplay time into Grand
Theft Auto 5 and am 29% away from completing everything thing in there is to do
in the story mode. I ve played a lot of different types of games throughout my
gaming career and this is one that is definitely in my top 3 of all time. This is a game
that I really don t myself stop playing anytime soon as they keep releasing more
downloadable content to go along with the already large amount of replayability.
Grand Theft Auto 5 had a lot of hype surrounding its release and I would say that it
did indeed live up to the what was expected of it.Grand Theft Auto 5 is a big game
in a lot of ways, which starts with a 7.5 gigabyte install before you can before you
can do anything. Putting that aside the world is a huge place that Rockstar Gameshas
used to express an ambitious story that always made me want to playjust one more
mission . It is a stunning game with amazing graphics that can and does thing most
people would think to be impossible to do on our current generation of hardware.
The story mode in GTA 5 centers around three main characters. Michael, a retired
criminal living a life of idle luxury with his dysfunctional family in the higher class
region of Los Santos, Franklin a gang banger that grew up in the streets of Los
Santos that is desperate to escape the minimal revenue of petty hustling and gang
life, and Trevor an old friend of michaels that is a meth dealer, someone that is
paranoid of
Literary Masterpieces Matrix
University of Phoenix Material Literary Masterpieces Matrix Complete the following
matrix for each of the cultural periods that are shown. Provide examples from at least
two (2) literary works to illustrate your entries in each category. If discussing
contemporary literature, for example, a thematic focus might be relationship of
mainstream with minority literatures and your examples incorporate Rushdie and
Cronin s works. Your entries in these columns must go beyond a few words or a
simple bullet point. There is no required minimum word length, but you must go into
sufficient detail to demonstrate your comprehension of these literary components.
This assignment is designed to be completed throughout the course. It is easier...
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There s| | | | | |love, action, life and | | | | | |death all eternal themes. | | | |Classical
Literature |Plato s apology |The apology is written in |Roman s is also a
defense|Plato is clearly influenced| | |thematically focuses on |plain words and
presents a|of Paul s credentials as |heavily by the life, times | | |the meaning of life
and |courtroom/debate scenario |an apostle. Both men |and words of the subject of|
| |death. As well as how a |where Socrates is |spell out a philosophical|his work
Socrates. | | |man should live his life |defending himself against |and moral case for
their | | | |honorably, it also deals |charges. |beliefs and they question|Romans is
heavily | | |with the fear of death. | |and refute the opinions |influenced by Jewish | | |
|Paul makes use of |of those who would oppose|traditions,
Exemplarence Birdseye Research Paper
Clarence Birdseye is commonly known as the founder of the modern frozen food
industry. An entrepreneur, American inventor and naturalist, Birdseye began his
career as a taxidermist. Birdseye s next field assignment, off and on from 1912 to
1915, was in Labrador in the Dominion of Newfoundland (now part of Canada),
where he became further interested in food preservationby freezing, especially fast
freezing. He was taught by the Inuit how to ice fish under very thick ice. In 40В°C
weather, he discovered that the fish he caught froze almost instantly, and, when
thawed, tasted fresh. He recognized immediately that the frozen seafood sold in
New York was of lower quality than the frozen fish of Labrador, and saw that
applying this knowledge would
Aokigahara Research Paper
Located at the base of Mt. Fuji, Aokigahara is perhaps the most infamous forest in
all of Japan. Also known as the Sea of Trees, Suicide Forest, and Japan s Demon
Forest, Aokigahara has been home to over 500 confirmed suicides since the 1950s .
The Aokigahara forest has a horrifying history, a variety of different people who
visit, also locals and workers have it worse than people think.
The history of Aokigahara is horrifying. Even before now, as Aokigahara being
known as the suicide forest, it was a place people would take their family members to
strand them in the forest to be sacrificed. A method of sacrificing yourself in the
forest was starving. The forest is so large, and the people wouldn t be able to find a
way out and would die of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The forest workers have it even worse than the police who comb and investigate
the forest. The workers are tasked with the job of carrying the bodies down from
the forest to the local station, where the bodies are put in a special room used
specifically to house suicide corpses . The forest workers then play janken, rock
paper scissors, to see who has to sleep in the room with the corpse. The reason for
these strange sleeping arrangements is that it is believed if the corpse is left alone,
it s very bad luck for the ghost of the suicide victim. Their spirits are said to scream
throughout the night if left alone, and their bodies will get up and shuffle around,
searching for company . The people who live by always know what type of person
is going into the forest. There are three types: the curious ones, just the visitors,
and the people who plan a one way trip. Police say that the number of suicides is no
longer released due to the abundant amount. Last number released was in 2010 and
the number was 54 dead and 247 people who tried. The people who work in the
little shops and cafes around Aokigahara talk to many of the people before they go
in. People have said if they wouldn t have talked to them, they would not be alive.
There is also a sign posted by the entrance of Aokigahara that states Your life is a
precious gift from your parents, and Please
The Importance Of Ancient Rome
Our culture comes from somewhere. Our way of life must come from somewhere. I
propose that this place is of course ancient Rome. Rome was a strong ancient empire
of the past, one of the first to rule the ancient world. why, you ask? Well, there are
three reasons to support my thinking. First, some animals would still exist, like the
North African elephant and the Syrian lion. This has significance to our culture
because we would use them in for resources or for other reasons. Second, we got our
violent tinge from the entertainment of Rome. How would you feel if you could not
watch your favorite show or sport because Rome never existed? And last but not
least, our education system would be different. some people disagree, saying that...
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The Romans time on the list is closest to our time so it is more likely that is where
we got it from. Another reason our entertainment would be different is that we made
movies about the Romans and their Colloseum. These movies were full of gore and
violence because that is what the movies focused on and were about. Some examples
of these movies are Gladiator, Spartacus, Ben Hur, The fall of the Roman Empire,
Quo Vadis, The Robe, The Eagle, Rome , Cleopatra, Centurion, Agora Etc. one last
reason how Rome impacted our entertainment is that Racing was popular in Rome,
just like it is in the Olympics. Rome hosted and created the first Olympics, and the
only game was a race, and only one race. Many people would travel a very long
distance just to see a 1 minute race, and then they would go back home again.but
racing was that important to them that they traveled all that way just to see one
minute of racing. This was also so important that it carried over into our culture
My second reason is that some animals would still exist today. A piece of evidence
for this is that many animals that were used in the Colosseum, are not around today.
One of these animals was a North African elephant, which existed in Africa, all
throughout central Asia and north Africa. The Syrian lion used to exist in Israel,
Syria, and Jordan. The author of
Applied Behavior Analysis Examples
The Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis has published many studies that use
behavioral analytic procedures in combination with sport psychology, also referred to
behavioral sport psychology. Many principles of applied behavioral analysis have
been incorporated in individualized behavior change programs intervening on
improving sport skills and performance among athletes. Methods such as shaping,
goal setting, behavior skills training, performance feedback, and modelling will be
further discussed. This paper will also outline the effectiveness of these behavioral
procedures in improving sport skill and performance across targeted populations,
environmental contexts, and socially significant behaviors in the field. Upon
addressing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to studies conducted by Harrison Pyles (2013) and Tai Miltenberger
(2017), some of the targeted participants or groups of interest in this field include
young male football athletes ranging between 10 to 17 years of age. Interventions
for these participants were typically conducted on football fields either independent
of or during regularly schedules practice times, thus serving as complex immediate
environments where targeted behaviors are most likely to occur (Harrison Pyles,
2013; Tai Miltenberger, 2017). The socially significant behaviors of these studies
were to improve safety skills and effectiveness of football players through shaping
and incorporating BST to train safe tackling techniques. According to Harrison Pyles
(2013), to strengthen the dependent variable, tackling, it was ideal to consider
training aspects of correct tackling such as angles, making contact with face mask and
shoulders, using one s arms and feet to stop the players motions, and lastly bringing
the player down. Thus, following shaping procedures as those mentioned above while
using instruction, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback all components of BST,
execution of appropriate tackling techniques will
My Service Advisors Are Not Actively Selling Preventative...
If your service advisors are not actively selling preventative maintenance on a
continuous basis, they are leaving money on the table that should be easy enough to
get. This is especially true if they know customers from dealing with them in the past
and have access to their maintenance history and repair records. It s a matter of being
proactive with your customers and explaining the real value of staying ahead in the
repair and maintenancegame.
Every time a customer comes to your service department for any reason, you have
an opportunity to sell them on preventative maintenance that may not come your
way again. Often, customers go to their service department only when they have
repair needs they are not sure of, and go to secondary repair and maintenance shops
for things like oil changes, brake service or tires. This is usually because they
believe these kinds of things to be less expensive in outside shops than they are at
their dealership, which is not necessarily so. But, if no one tells them that how will
they know?
Many people neglect to perform preventive maintenance on their vehicles because
they have not been properly informed of the value it brings to them. The may have
little or no knowledge of such things and may be intimidated about asking.
Certainly, this is an important part of the job of a service advisor. Often, because of
the negative light that has been focused in recent years on abusive up selling
practices, a service advisors fails to offer
Essay on The Effects of Modern Vampires on Society
Introduction Kresley Cole, Stephanie Meyer, J. R. Ward, Cassandra Clare, Lisa Jane
Smith, Spirit Bliss, Claudia Gray, L.J. McDonald, Anne Bishop, Juliet Marillier. Only
a few names of those authors, who constitute in a genre, which is one of the biggest
phenomena of this decade, especially among young women. Romantic fantasy has
become particularly popular with the Twilight books, which were released in 2005.
Since then, the vampireand other supernatural creature themed fantasy romance
novels have been extremely popular all over the world. According to statistics
brought out by Romance Writers of America, in 2009, the paranormal subgenre
made up 17.16% of the popular romance genre, which in itself 54% of all books sold
by the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What is more, teen couples bite each other regularly to show affection, sometimes
so hard they draw blood and what is even more bizarre: some of them cut their skin
so they can taste one another s blood. According to doctors biting can lead to
diseases. Fifteen percent of bites from humans can become infected; moreover,
biting can spread sometimes blood borne diseases like HIV, hepatitis or syphilis.
Let s see an example from the first part of Twilight Saga, because it has been
already mentioned. In the first part of the series, Bella says, About three things I
was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of
him and I didn t know how potent that part might be that thirsted for my blood.
And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. (Meyer,195) It
sounds as if teenagers are influenced to fall in love with something like Satan. So it
is enough if the man is handsome, it doesn t matter if he is life threatening. In the
end, just like in fairy tales, everything is going to be alright and they will live
happily ever after. The only problem is that in real life it doesn t work. Moreover,
one of the most famous quotes from New Moon, the film interpretation of the second
part is Death is peaceful....easy....life is harder... . An impressionable young mind may
easily define this that it s easier to commit suicide than to manage with the troubles.
On the
Simulation Reflection Paper
Simulation Reflection The simulation was very interesting in that my partner and I
were given an opportunity to think critically about how to approach to influence
different managers and workers with different characteristics. By running the
simulation twice, it allowed us to find out what actions have worked and what did not
during the first run, and then second run allowed us to apply what we learned to
complete the second simulation in a much more efficient and timely manner. There
are three stages in the simulation, including mobilization, movement, and sustain
phases. The simulation begins in the mobilization phase, and in this phase it was
important to get everyone aware of the new change we wish to initiate in the
company. The key... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Now that we have completed the simulation, we realized that we would rather want
to conduct private means of persuasions in precedent to more public ones. In other
words, we understood that embarking our crews on a same boat comes before
guiding all of our crews to focus on the same
Holden Caulfield Depression
J.D. Salinger author of the famous novel Catcher in the Rye writes about the many
issues that the protagonist a marginalized depressed teen named Holden Caulfield
faces throughout the book. Salinger uses relatable scenarios targeting the
adolescent age and of those with mental illness, much like Holden. Catcher in the
Rye describes the life of a lonesome teen who wanders around N.Y.C as he faces his
inner demons and life s demons. Salinger s ability to address the many social issues
the protagonist encounters is remarkable as he illustrates the protagonists battle with
depression, issues with loneliness and his ability to save innocence. The novel grabs
readers attention as the most extreme issues are faced by Holden Caulfielda
marginalized teen.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Holden suffers from depression as he comes across unmotivated and lost in society
which is caused by many events that have happened in his life. Throughout the
novel Holden s depression grows and soon starts to become suicidal giving readers
a sense of unworthiness he may feel. As he mentions in the novel What I really felt
like though was committing suicide. I felt like jumping out the window. I probably
would have done it too, if I d been sure somebody d cover me up as soon as I landed
(Salinger, 136). Holden s desire to jump out the window makes it evident that he no
longer feels good enough to live in the world. Not only does Holden talk about
committing suicide, he mentions that he would do it at that instance showing his
determination to end his life. Furthermore, Holden s struggle of depression does not
end there as he continues to live with the adversity alone and at the same time face
Nazi Book Burning Research Paper
From 1933 to 1945 people all over Europe lived in fear. As the Propaganda and
censorship used, was brutally devastating as it involved the massive 1933 Nazi
Book Burning, discrimination between racial groups and the use of censorship
towards those of both poor and great knowledge. The Nazi s were Hitler s man
killing armies who destroyed and separated family s and children.The nazis
targeted and discriminated many people to make the Aryan society. The
propaganda and censorship was burning jewish pride and culture. Even at the local
level jews were greatly targeted by the propaganda put up by the nazis. The nazis
ordered all villages in the district to build large anti jewish signs. (Hill, 98) Even
some Jewish children couldn t go to school because they weren t welcome there.
The nazis had a specific way they wanted hate spread out on paper. Posters had to
be 30ft by 5ft. The word Jew shall be underlined in red and must be conspicuous.
When possible the poster is to be framed with a black margin. (Hill, 98, 99) These
Jewish poles lost everything: jobs, schools, property, land, and money. (Haugen, 17)...
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A huge bonfire in the middle of the square destroyed 20,000 books. (Zebrowski)
The people of berlin watched as their many books were burned to ashes all because
the nazis wanted to prove a point of hate to the rest of the world. There was a
concerted effort to exterminate the entire country s literary heritage. (How Nazi s
destroyed Books...) The nazis wanted to destroy many types of books, some of the
main books targeted were those on Judaism, Freemasonry and Marxism. (How Nazi
s Destroyed Books...) Many peoples prized books were taken away from them and
thrown into the flames of
False Advertising Is Brainwashing Americans
Advertising is brainwashing Americans. Advertising is full of deceptive practices
such as lying, distorting facts, and presenting products out of context. These practices
tend to cause negative effects on Americans. Consumers are becoming insecure about
themselves because of the deceptive practices in marketing beauty products, children
are being enticed to use unhealthy and inappropriate products and have unhealthy
behaviors, such as change in their attitude, and Consumers are spending hundreds of
dollars on products, that are falsely advertised. Deceptive Practice, also known as
False Advertising, is misleading consumers into making uninformed decisions, when
buying a product. The effect Deceptive Practice has on Consumers, is they re
wasting money on a company s product that can t provide what they re looking for.
False Advertising doesn t just affect Consumers, it also affects Businesses and their
employees. Financial Loss and broken trust is an example of what effects Deceptive
Practice has on Companies. False Advertising cost the companies money, if the ad is
pulled. Also the Business can be charged with a fine, for the current false
advertisement and also future false advertisements. Unhealthy advertising, is a huge
influence on young children and teens. Companies, tend to target children on the
internet, on apps, video... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These exposures, contribute to children s obesity or children dieting, and poor
decisions such as the idea that changing your appearance by buying top brand
clothing such as nike or under armour and smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol
could be a cool way to make new friends or fit in with society. An example of
unhealthy advertising is many different brands encourage young children and teens
to share their interactions with their products, such as uploading a photo of
themselves with the brand on, which reinforces the idea that brands are what makes a
person who
Breastfeeding Anthropology
Breastfeeding is an action that is bio cultural and biosocial in nature. Breastfeeding
is a biological process that involves a woman providing milk for an infant. Culturally
speaking, breastfeeding is not always an action by the biological mother. In some
cases, the mother needs to return to work not long after birth. Other times, it is just
the cultural norm that other women and children help in the care of a new baby.
Stereotypes and norms surrounding breastfeedingvary cross culturally as well.
Socially speaking, there is an expectation that mothers will breastfeed their offspring.
Some people biologically cannot breastfeed, others cannot breastfeed due to
medications, and some women just choose not to breastfeed.
Cross culturally speaking, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There is no formal screening associated with being a milk donor, therefore,
transmission of disease and exposure to harmful toxins is possible. The American
Academy of Pediatrics only endorses the used of BDM that have been processed
through the Human Milk Banking Association of North America. 77% of women
are aware of the possibility of milk sharing and 25% considered the possibility of
sharing their milk. Only 4% actually shared milk with a friend, family member, or
donated to a milk bank. Milk sharing is growing in popularity due to the medical
benefits associated with breastmilk over formula, but the amount of people who
actually participate in milk sharing is unclear. There is much room for improvement
for the process of milk sharing through regulation of donors and how the breastmilk is
Different Perspectives Of Sherlock Holmes
In the passages, Sherlock Holmes and the Blue Carbuncle and How Watson Learned
the Trick , Watson developed different perspectives of Sherlock Holmes. We can find
Watson s perspective of Sherlock Holmes by how the author develops the character in
each story.
In the first story, Sherlock Holmes and the Blue Carbuncle we can see that Watson s
perspective is that Sherlock Holmes is a very skilled detective, and we can see this
through his dialogue. In the passage Older Watson says, The greatest detective
who ever lived! From this quote we can obviously see how Dr. Watson believes that
Sherlock Holmes is one of the best detective s to ever live. Another piece of
evidence from the passage to support Watson s perspective is, I have
The Australian Judicial System
Within the context of the Australian judicial system, all legal proceedings are
subject to certain rules regarding the admissibility of evidence. In the mid 1990 s,
the existing rules of evidence were replaced by the Uniform Evidence Act s, as a
means whereby consistency of decision making could be better observed. These
new rules lay out standards which must be strictly adhered to, to ensure that the
rights of both parties to a case are respected, allowing for a fair trial to take place.
The specific act which will be used is dependent on the jurisdiction of the court itself;
all High Court, Federal Court, Family Court, Federal Magistrates Court, and ACT
courts are subject to The Evidence Act (Cth). The Tasmanian, New South Wales and
Victorian Evidence Acts are marginally different from that of the Commonwealth,
however generally speaking they are the same with a few minor differences .
Under the Uniform Evidence Act s, regardless of whether or not a certain piece of
evidence meets the relevant admissibility requirements, a judge in certain
circumstances can use their discretion to exclude pieces of evidence that are
unfairly prejudicial on the part of the accused, which could have a negative effect on
juries assessment of a fact in issue. The discretionary powers under the Act are based
on principles established at common law, which are commonly referred to as the
Christie Discretion . An example of one of these powers under the Evidence Act is
seen in section 135, which
Idaho Swimming Research Paper
The Sanctioning of Swimming in Idaho My senior paper is a subject that has been
a part of my life for as long as I can remember. It is something that I ve loved from
the very beginning all the way to the very end. I m taking about competitive
swimming. But I m going to be talking about something different with swimmingthat
s probably not expected, I m instead talking about getting it to be a sanctioned sport
in Idaho. See, swimmingin Idaho is not considered a real sport, but instead a club,
and personally, I wanted to see swimming, the activity that I ve loved, become a
legitimate sport for future generations of kids to enjoy. This paper covers the main
reasons why I wanted swimming to be a sanctioned sport, the steps it took to get it
sanctioned, and finally, actually making it a sanctioned sport in Idaho this year. This
paper begins with my own existing knowledge of swimming, followed by questions
that I wanted to find out in my research that were answered in my paper. It then gets
into my research and what I found out while conducting my senior paper. After that is
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I remember training the training was extensive and tough. It was honestly one of
the hardest things that I ve ever trained for in my life. And in my mind I really saw
swimming in my mind and heart as a true sport in this state. And as the years went
on I realized that swimming started to become a more popular sport in this state. I
also realized that swimming followed a lot of the same regulations that other
sports in the state did that were already sanctioned. Such as, having equal
opportunity participation for both boys and girls. So, I knew personally what I had
to do you make sure the friends that I made on the team got what they deserved.
And when I heard that they were going to make the vote to sanction swimming this
year, I knew that I had to pursue it so that the future generations of swimmers could
really enjoy swimming as a real sport as much as I had tried when I was
The Similarities Between Schizophrenia And Abnormal
Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder that effects the individual s thoughts,
feelings and actions (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.). This
disorder leads to what society defines as abnormal behaviour. Through an analysis of
the conflict of defining normal behaviour in contrast to abnormal behaviour it is
evident that the approaches to treating Schizophreniadiffer. The differing treatments
show different understandings of the concept of hearing voices. Therefore, treatment
using force and medication in contrast to understanding the disorder will show the
One of the first symptoms of Schizophrenia is hearing voices (Cuttings, 1989). It is
assumed that due to an individual hearing voices, their behaviour will change, thus
becoming abnormal. Saks (2012) proves this when she sings on the roof of the
library and has nonsensical discussions with her classmates. This was out of
character for her (Saks 2012). Longden (2013) explains how her behaviour
changed due to the voices in her head telling her to do stupid things like poor water
over a lecturer. Thus, it can be seen why society believes Schizophrenia leads to
abnormal behaviour as in many cases it does. However, society has stigmatized
Schizophrenia and made it seem as if all sufferers display abnormal ... Show more
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This shows the understanding of hearing voices as sign of abnormal behaviour. The
belief of abnormal behaviour being dangerous is evident in Saks (2012) when she is
admitted into hospital on the basis that she could not complete her homework. She
was put on mechanical restraints, despite being absolutely no threat to herself or
others,due to the misconception that it makes mentally disabled people feel
safe.(Saks, 2012). This shows hearing voices as being understood as dangerous due
to abnormal
Social Movements Against Bidding For Sports Mega Events
Social Movements against Bidding for Sport Mega events: A Case Study of the 2024
Summer Olympics
Governments currently show great interest in sport mega events investment since that
they may have the opportunity to stimulate economic development, create
international image and prestige, generate a feel good factor among citizens and
inspire grassroots participation (Grix and Carmichael, 2012). Moreover, the
International Olympic Committee (IOC) states that their critical mission is to
promote a positive legacy from the Olympic Games to the host countries
(International Olympic Committee, 2007, p.15), although legacy is hard to define
or measure and could be both positive and negative in practice (Agha, et al. 2012).
In particular, emerging states like China, South Africa and Brazil have managed to
bid for the Olympics or the World Cup. The use of hosting sport mega events to
enhance their soft power and achieve equal positions in global affairs has been
highlighted in recent years (Grix and Lee, 2013).
However, the effect of sport mega events has been challenged, questioning whether to
host these events or not (Lauermann, 2015). As Chalip points out, host countries may
fail to make preparations for the staging of sport mega events and encounter the risk
of soft disempowerment. Meanwhile, anti Olympics social campaigns have arisen in
many advanced capitalist countries. Consequently, they have had a considerable
influence on the bids for sport mega events
The Understanding Of Wall Bounded Turbulent Flows
In the world today, the understanding of wall bounded turbulent flows are of great
importance because of the high number of man made and natural fluid flow such as
flows in rivers, pipelines, canals, boundary layers, whether it be for power generation,
irrigation systems, removal of pollutants, heat exchangers, various devices, etc. About
50% of the energy spent in transferring fluids through such systems are lost due to
energy dissipation caused by turbulence. Therefore there is an increasing need to
fully understand what occurs in wall bounded turbulent flows in other to apply such
knowledge and reduce the energy lost during transportation of fluids.
In turbulence, energy, momentum and other conserved quantities are... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore in wall bounded flows it is important to not only understand how energy
is transferred across various sizes of eddies at a given geometric location but to also
understand the interaction of various sizes of eddies at various distances from the
Wall bounded flow can be divided into two main regions: inner and outer regions.
The inner region can be further broken into three different layers, starting from the
wall upwards:
Viscous Sublayer: This is the region that is closest to the wall. Turbulent motions in
the region are affected by friction and possess relatively low Reynolds number.
Viscosity is dominant in this region and it ranges around〖 y〗^+≤5. In this
sublayer shear stress is negligible to viscous shear stress hence the momentum
equation becomes a linear equation. гЂ–duгЂ—^+/гЂ–dyгЂ—^+ =1
Therefore, u^+= y^+
Buffer Layer: It ranges from 5≤ y^+ ≤30 . In this range both viscosity and
inertial forces are effective here. Neither of both laws works well in this region with
the largest variation from either laws occurring atгЂ– yгЂ—^+=11. That is before 11
wall units the linear approximation u^+= y^+ is more accurate and after 11 wall
units the logarithmic approximation f(y^+ )= 1/k lnвЃЎгЂ–y^+ гЂ—+B should be
Near Wall
Vernon Slater Research Paper
Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to take a journey with me as we explore
Vernon Slater. This is no ordinary journey as you all will get an opportunity to see
where life takes me. I was born in Washington, DC on July 5th, 1996. My
upbringing was great I had a mother that loved me unconditionally, and she always
found a way to make ends meet no matter. Throughout my childhood, I always
inspired to be a basketball player, but now I believe my life has a different purpose. I
graduated from Paul Laurence Dunbar high school. I was being recruited by numerous
collegeto attend for athletics, but I didn t have the money financially; so I chose to
come to Johnson.
During my time in my senior seminar class, I took a personality test that gave me
Robin Hood Code Of Chivalry
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) tells a tale of thieves that behave more
honorable than the nobles of their time. The bandits known as the Merry Men lead
by a notorious thief and Errol named Robin Hood (Errol Flynn). He leads the Merry
Men in treacherous deeds to steal from those who have the most in the land and give
everything they take to lazy, scumbags, treacherous, poor people. They protect the
helpless women and children from the noble knights and kings. This seems very
confusing to most because the Merry Menare supposed to be the enemy of the
righteous people. In this essay we are going to discuss the key notes of the Code of
Chivalry to express why Robin Hoodand his Merry Men are actually noble even
though they are robbing and breaking the code.... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Robin is in England at a point where the noble are oppressing the poor with taxes
and harsh punishments. Prince John (Claude Rains) has forcefully taken over the
crowd and plans to tax the poor to get more money for his brother s release from
capture. Robin hood and the gang are just trying to level the score and this is
where are first code of chivalry comes into play. Robin Hood shows us he is a
defender of women and children by taking the food from Much (Herbert Mundin)
that he catches and gives it to the hungry people in the town even though it is illegal
to hunt the king s meat. Then he also protects the women by not harming Maid
Marian (Olivia de Havilland) when they capture the legion of Prince John s men.
These examples give the audience an understanding that the bandits are actually the
good guys because villains are savages and mean to the helpless but as we can see,
they are the heroes in this dark
Whole Foods Market Is A Supermarket That Carries
Whole Foods Market, Inc is a supermarket that carries natural and organic foods.
The company was founded by John Mackey, and Renee Lawson Hardy, who were
owners of Safer Way Natural Foods. The other founders are Craig Weller and Mark
Skiles who were owners of Clarksville Natural Grocery. They opened their first
store in Austin Texas in 1980. In 1992 they completed their initial public offering
and under NASDAQ Global Select Market they have the symbol of WFM. As of
2015 they have 431 stores.
Current Situation
Current Performance Whole Foods Market has a year end of September 30th. The
most recent financial fiscal year information will be from October, 2014 thru
September 27, 2015. According to Form 10 K (P. 23) Whole Foods Market had a
return on investment capital of 13.4% which is a decrease from 2014 fiscal year
of 14.7%. In 2015 they had a net income of $536 million which is also a decrease
from 2014, which they reported net income of $579 million. (Form 10 K, P 18).
According to Whole Foods Market, Inc Key Statistics, Their profitability margin
was 3.48% in 2015. The decreases in their return on investment capital and
profitability could be from some strategic initiatives they took on in 2015. These
initiatives include, opening 38 new stores, sales of over $2.1 billion in Exclusive
Brands and close to $3.0 billion in prepared foods and baker, their first national brand
campaign, implementation of Workday for online HR management, and an
What Does I Being Born A Woman And Distressed Mean
Distressed Edna Vincent Millay is a popular American female poet in the twentieth
century known for her works in relations to feminist issues. One of her poems I,
Being born a Woman and Distressed or Sonnet XLI is a poem written in a feminist
point of view about the conflict of being a woman. While some scholars believe
that this poem was written about women victimization or how men are more
liberated than women in every aspect of life, from personal to political (Fried 2),
other scholars like Patricia A. Klemans believes that Millay s poem is about the
sexual freedom Millay possessed that were only reserved for men during her time
and the rejection of societal norms in regards to women. Although these may be true,
I posit that Millay s
Theme Of Minority Report
Said to be inspired by the curiosity of our future and impacts our rapid advancement
in technology on future society, the 2002 film minority report, by Steven
Spielberg is set in the futuristic setting of America in 2054. The film has a theme
of free vs determinism and can be seen thought out the film. A world without
murder Utopia and a system called pre crime is able to stop murder from
happening by seeing it before the event takes place. John Anderton a father of one
is a leader of the system, Anderton runs away because he sees himself commit a
murder and finds out a different side to the pre crime and his boss Lamar Burgess.
Throughout, the film he was given multiple choice to change his fate which he did
proving the system wrong. Spielberg s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Is distorted and futuristic which allows him to explore numerous themes such as free
will and determinism. Through this corrupted setting Spielberg highlights that you
can change your fate from free will, which is spiritual freedom. From the ending
scene, a pan shot shows the view of Washington D.C. which allows Anderton so be
put into place, proving a setting and introductory for a character to be put into
frame. Anderton finds out that it was Lamar Burgess who planned his murder and
begins to confront him. Anderton already knows the outcomes. Anderton tells
Burgess that he still has a choice but Lamar, replied with yes, I have a choice and I
made it . A gunshot and smoke towards Anderton appears, along with a shocked
faced from Anderton. Indicating that he was shot but Lamar chose to kill him self.
A tilt shot with a high angle along with a zoom out allows the pre crime to come
into frame and showing Lamar s dead body on a rooftop, providing the audience
with a plot twist, climax and showing that Burgess who was once corrupt and
powerful was now resting in peace. Anderton changed his fate by killing him self.
Spielberg uses setting to introduce characters into the frame and to set the mood
along with the
Body Checking In Hockey Alberta
Body checking has been a controversial topic throughout these years in minor
hockey across Canada. Although the majority of people agree that it should be
banned, others disagree. As Hockey Alberta, one of Canada s largest associations,
first announced to ban body check at Peewee levels. This include players between
11 and 12 years old. It later extends to Midget and Bantam levels as well. The reason
for the ban is because these kids suffer from injuries, especially in concussions. This
has led to the concern of parents on whether they should allow their kids to continue
to play in minor hockey. As Rob Virgil, Hockey Alberta s board chairman made the
announcement on the elimination if body checking in Alberta, argues that there is
overwhelming... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Studies from both academic and non academic has proven that injuries is a
problem in minor hockey. Although this may turn hockey into a different game, it
takes consideration of children s safety. Since their body strength has not been
developed fully, injuries such as concussions can lead to sequelae. This will highly
affect their childhood, especially for children in Canada where they are proud to
play hockey. As a result, it is rational that Hockey Canada and other organizations
should ban body checking in minor hockey. Besides, studies have constantly
revealed that body checking is the primary cause of injuries among minor hockey
especially concussions. As soon as organizations such as the Hockey Association
in Alberta started to realize the seriousness of body checking in minor hockey, the
rate of injuries have significantly decrease. By now, the ban of body checking
among Pewee, Bantam and Midget levels have reduce the risks of injury and
concussion substantially. It has result a clear benefit for youth players suffering
from injuries. Besides, proper education should be coached and executed properly in
making reference to the 4 steps Progression Model. This can ensure less injuries
being caused. Thus, bodychecking should be eliminated from minor hockey and the
age at which it is introduced in competitive hockey leagues should be reconsidered.
Hockey associations may have to
Internal And External Auditing Audit Essay
According to Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield (2013), an auditor is an accounting
professional who conducts an independent examination of a company s accounting
data (p. 1508). In other words, auditors are independent agents that ensure the
accuracy of financial statements. Although internal and external auditors play
different roles with an organization, they must follow auditingstandards and
procedures to detect fraud.
In 1941, The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) was founded to provide guidance to
internal auditors (Whittington Pany, 2014). With over 170,000 international
members, the IIA has paralleled the recognition of internal auditing as an essential
control function in all types of businesses (Whittington Pany, 2014, p. 778). In the
United States, nearly every large corporation maintains a staff of internal auditors
(usually employees and not independent contractors) to identify theft, waste, and
fraud (O Donnell, 2015; Whittington Pany, 2014). Besides examining the financial
statements, internal auditors also analyze the internal control of organizations (O
Donnell, 2015). That is, they are responsible for enhancing a company s operations.
For instance, internal auditors may evaluate the risk to a corporation s reputation if
they use low wage workers in third world countries (O Donnell, 2015). In addition,
they may investigate why products are getting overproduced compared to the
available resources or inspect the quality of the finished
Female Sexuality In Maya Angelou s Their Eyes Were...
This book relates to Their Eyes Were Watching God by having both the protagonist
married at a young age and them taking interest in someone else. Like Janie, the
character of Andrea is in a sexual affair with someone who makes them feel new and
different. These people bring light into their lives.
A constant problem in society is the different beliefs of what women should do and
how they should act and how they should look. People want women to have large
chests and butts and a small waist, but these are simply unrealistic. There billions of
women on this earth and not people are the same. A line from one of Maya Angelou
s famous poem Human Family read, I know ten thousand women/called Jane and
Mary Jane,/ but I ve not seen any two/ who ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Katie L. Love writes in her article Black Feminism: An Integrated Review of
Literature, The experiences of African American woman are both complex and
unique, based on similarities in experiences with racism and sexism stereotyping
and in a shared history (Love 11.) Black women s history in feminism has been
infrequent. Their battle is not only with sexism, but also also race and how they are
not seen as equals within white culture because of their skin color even though for
centuries they did nothing but get traded, sold, and taken from their home lands.
Despite this they just wanted be treated as equals, but they are invisible to the white
community. Where did my body end and the crystal and white world begin? (Ellison
238.) Ralph Ellison writes in his novel, Invisible Man. They have had to overcome
the adversity and other matters dealing with their race. Katie Love writes in her
article, Black feminism is a branch of feminism specifically focusing on the unique
experience of having multiple identities (intersectionality), specifically race, class,
and gender (Love 11.) The battle for equality has over stretch the fact that they are
not only women, but also women that despite their class are treated the same. Ralph
Ellison, the author of Invisible Man writes in regard to african americans in society, I
am invisible, understand, simply because people
Example Of Intraoperative Complications
Results 1) Preoperative Data This study included 59 eyes of 58 patients with mean
age В± standard deviation (SD) of 54В±11 years, and a range from 25 up to 70
years. The male to female ratio was nearly 2:1. Table 1 summarizes the
preoperative visual acuity and IOP. 2) Intraoperative complications Table 2
summarizes the intraoperative complications which can be attributed to the 20 G
transconjunctival trocar system. More than 75% of our cases did not develop any
intraoperative complications. Complications occurred only in 14 cases; of these, the
most common complication was slippage of the cannula, occurred in 8 cases (14%);
followed by trauma to the lens, seen in 4 cases (7%) and lastly retina incarcerated in
the cannula in only 2 cases... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Suturless vitrectomies carry an increased risk of leakage from the sclerotomy site.
Such excessive leakage can raise the risk of infection and hypotony (5). So, in our
study we used 20 G transconjunctival trocar system with suturing of the conjunctiva
and sclera by one suture for each sclerotomy to avoid the risk of leakage and its
complications. In our study more than 75% of cases did not develop any
intraoperative complications. Complications occurred only in 14 cases; of these,
the most common complication was slippage of the cannula, occurred in 8 cases
(14%); followed by trauma to the lens, seen in 4 cases (7%) and lastly retina
incarcerated in the cannula in only 2 cases (3.5%). This was similar to study done
by Spierer et al, as in their study intraoperative complications included premature
dislodging of the cannulas in two sclerotomies. The cannulas were reinserted with a
trocar through the same opening without any additional complications (6). Retinal
incarceration in the trocar system was reported in our study (2 cases) and can be
attributed to the malfunction of the trocar valve leading to rapid flow of fluids
through the trocar at the time of instruments exchange. As we were re sterilizing the
trocar system several times by flash autoclave, the valve system became loose and
not effective. So, we concluded from this point that re sterilized trocar should not
The Effects Of Atmospheric Conditioning On The Human
A Study of The Effects of Atmospheric Conditioning on Pilots and How They are
Name: Joshua Butera
IB Subject of Essay: Biology
Supervisor: Mr. Ward
Word Count: ___3125___
This study determines the positive and negative effects of flight on the human body.
Both the field of Aeronautics, flight within the Earth s atmosphere, and Astronautics,
flight outside of the Earth s atmosphere, where referenced in the process of research
to grasp an understanding of the conditions of the jobs of Aerospace pilots. The
research questions are: Are pilots in the aerospace industry affected by their jobs
overtime? What is the difference in conditions between commercial pilots and jet
pilots? What conditions do astronauts have to undergo? How does G Force affect the
human body? How does zero gravity affect the human body?
In order to investigate this idea much research was conducted on the conditions in
which a pilot would undergo as both an airplane pilot and a spacecraft pilot. The
research was more so aimed at how these conditions had an effect on the human
body and why this was the case. In order to come to an accurate conclusion I
analyzed research from primary sources such as official government websites,
similar studies, interviews conducted personally with various types of pilots, and
personal hands on experiences of my own as a passenger in an aircraft.
Through very detailed research I concluded that there is much at risk over time as an
Brief Summary Of The Book Molly By Molly, Molly
Molly, Molly, Molly. I think we need to sit down and have a chat about not playing
with your friend s emotions.
Unfortunately, since it is a book, I could not sit down with her and yell at her like
I frequently wanted to about how what she does affects others. Molly spends a
school year away from her hometown to avoid scrutiny prompted by a best selling
book her mom published that features a character based off of Molly and her
romantic life. After she returns, she makes enough mistakes her mom could write a
sequel. With all of the bad decisions she was making I found it incredibly hard to
relate to her. Frustrated is just one way to describe how I felt watching her hurt
people (some completely innocent and friendly people) over and over again. She
seemed selfish, indecisive, and like she had not learned from her past. ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Julia tormented Molly numerous times after she returned, but once Molly
discovered her secret, they were back on friendlier terms. Patrick seemed like a
huge jerk (which is understandable after what Molly did), but to me he seemed like
a controlling, bad boyfriend before they even broke up. Although Gabe was much
nicer and supportive to Molly, it was hard to like him as well because he couldn t put
his family before his own wants and seemed ignorant to the fact he is majorly at fault
Essay On Lyssavirus
Syndrome recognition and notification Rabies virus, the type species of the genus
Lyssavirus of the family Rhabdoviridae, order Mononegavirales, is the causative
agent of rabies (Detrick, et al., 2006).
This bullet shaped, enveloped RNA virus is one of the most formidable, zoonotic,
neurologic diseases due to the prognosis almost invariably fatal in both humans and
animals. Rabies is a genotype 1 Lyssavirus and can be found throughout the world,
with the exception of Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, the United Kingdom,
Japan, the majority of Western Europe, Fiji, Hawaii and Guam (Sykes, 2014).
Classical rabies is the most prevalent strain of rabies, endemic to more than 150
countries worldwide and responsible for more than 55,000 ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Australian bat Lyssavirus is very similar to that of rabies and has been responsible
for the death of three humans since it was detected in 1996. All three cases were in
the state of Queensland after they were reportedly bitten or scratched by bats
infected with ABLV. The existence of ABLV does not affect the rabies free status
and there have been no known cases of the rabies virus occurring in terrestrial
mammals (NSW Government Health, 2016). There are seven genotypes of
Lyssaviruses, belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae, known to exist worldwide;
however, through experimental inoculation, dogs and cats have shown a relative
insusceptibility to bat derived Lyssavirus as opposed to inoculation with terrestrial
rabies virus strains. This suggests differences in mammalian infections with bat
derived Lyssavirus to that of terrestrial strains (Greene, 2012).
Lyssaviruses Belonging to the Family Rhabdoviridae (Greene, 2012)
GenotypeDescription of strains (Abbreviations)Geographic Location (Reservoir
1Classical rabies virus, including street and fixed varietiesWorldwide, terrestrial
(carnivores and
The Financial Crisis Of 2008
The financial crisis of 2008 was the worst economic disaster since the Great
Depression. It caused the collapse, take over, merging, or buying out of financial
services firms and banks such as, Lehman Brothers, Merill Lynch, Wells Fargo,
Goldman Sachs, AIG, Royal Bank of Scotland, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The
Big Three credit rating agencies, Standard Poor s, Moody s, and Fitch Ratings,
were at the helm of the financial crisis of 2008 because they were all found of
wrongly assigning triple A securities ratings to mortgages and debtassets that were
way below investment grade level, which greatly contributed to the growing
financial crisis. The ensuing result of the financial crisis of 2008 was the Great
Recession, a period of great economic decline in America and the rest of the world.
The financial crisis and Great Recession were triggered by subprime mortgages
and mortgage backed securities, known as Collaterized Debt Obligations (CDOs).
Mortgage backed securities are a form of an asset backed security that deals with
different type of mortgages, while subprime mortgages are mortgages that are
loaned out to people with low credit scores. CDO s are very complex because they
are built into different levels, known as tranches, that consist of various types of
assets. The tranches of CDO s are structured on the basis of risk, with the lowest
credit rated tranches holding the highest amount of risk. A demand for mortgage
backed securities and subprime mortgages
The United States Should Not Make The English Language
Over the past years people from all over the world have come to America bringing
their own languages and cultures. The United States is thinking into passing a law
that makes English as the official language. The United States should not make the
English as the main language as it will affect people coming over that just want to
work and look for opportunities. With this law, all the people migrating to the United
Stateswill have to pay for tutoring to understand and comprehend the English
language. A reason why the United States should not focus on making the English
language official is because over 20 percent of people living in the United States
don t know the English language or don t know how to talk it very well. People
from all over the world come to America to find opportunities and get a better life
than they had before. If they pass the law particular people won t be able to work
and will have to focus learning the English language. The United States is known as
the Land of Opportunities if they do this it would be hypocritical because there
would be a barrier that will... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Culture is a big thing in everyone s life it doesn t matter where you from anyone
has a different culture upon what they think is correct. It distinguishes you by
language, religion, and much more. By the government of the United States
passing this law all the people that are migrating to the United States people would
be leaving it. People would have to leave it because they would have to get used to
the American Culture which probably won t agree with it. Anyhow we believe that
everyone s customs and traditions would change and there won t be any cultural
diversity. Without cultural diversity we won t be able to learn the culture of
different people around the world.We would expect less people to come over the
United States because of some
Abb Case
ABB Electric Segmentation Group Case Analysis
Team Members:
Emeka Ejika
John Marceaux
Brandon McNabb
Todd Teepell
Brandon Woods
Suppose you are the regional sales manager for ABB Electric, and you have been
given a budget for a supplementary direct marketing campaign aimed at 20% of the
companies in your region 1. At present, you have information on the Descriptor Data
Tab of the ABB Electric Data (CustomerChoice).xls spreadsheet about the location of
customers (districts 1, 2, and 3) and the sales potential of each account of prospect.
Based on this information alone, to what companies would you direct the new direct
marketing program? Specify the accounts and customer or prospect types.
In order to determine which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If ABB is able to convert Customer 35 from Edison to its customer base, the
conversion would expand ABB s total annual revenue in the three Districts by over
sixty five percent. The final step of our analysis was to narrow those results to the top
eighteen Customers using APV as the measurement (twenty percent of eighty eight
companies equals eighteen). The results of the ABB District analysis and the
eighteen potential marketing targets are illustrated in the tables below.
Firm Abbreviations:
A = ABB B = GE C = Westinghouse D = Edison
| | Ann. Purchase| | Firm| | | | Customer| Volume ($ K)| District| Chosen| | | 1| 24| $322
| 1| A| | | 2| 41| $444 | 1| A| | | 3| 42| $752 | 1| A| | | 4| 45| $415 | 1| A| | | 5| 54| $660 | 1|
A| | | 6| 57| $736 | 1| A| | | 7| 69| $528 | 1| A| Total in D1| $3,857 | 8| 3| $643 | 2| A| | |
9| 13| $466 | 2| A| | | 10| 37| $767 | 2| A| | | 11| 38| $182 | 2| A| | | 12| 44| $10,997 | 2|
A| | | 13| 87| $395 | 2| A| Total in D2| $13,450 | 14| 11| $1,722 | 3| A| | | 15| 21| $749 |
3| A| | | 16| 50| $584 | 3| A| | | 17| 58| $700 | 3| A| | | 18| 61| $462 | 3| A| Total in D3|
$4,217 |
Customer| Volume ($ K) Annual Purchase| District| Chosen Firm
Steroids In Sports Essay
Using unfair advantages in sports is becoming more common. Many athletes that
were considered greats, are being busted for using steroids and other performance
enhancing drugs(PED). Drug testing in sports should be required because it
would decrease the skill gap of people using the PED s, decrease the amount of
cheaters , and reduce the negative health risks with the people that are doping.
Health risks are associated with the use of steroids and other PED s. Increased
aggressiveness and sexual appetite, sometimes resulting in abnormal sexual and
criminal behavior, often referred to as Roid Rage (Effects of Performance
Enhancing Drugs). Mood swings are a key sign that someone is using a PED or
steroid. Trying to quit is associated with depression and possibly suicide. Doping at
a young age can cause many differences and altercations in the body leading to
inability to perform in the sport you want to. This also happens as you get older.
Liver damage from anabolic steroids can cause a condition called cholestasis. With
this condition, bile, a digestive fluid made in your liver, cannot get to where it needs
to go... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One of the most commonly used drugs is anabolic steroids. There are many
different kinds of steroids. Here s a list of some of the most common anabolic
steroids taken today: Anadrol, Oxadrin, Dianabol,Winsrtol,Deca Durabolin, and
Equipoise (Anabolic Steroids). Steroids can be taken by pills and injections. Many
users are pressured into doping. They feel like they are not swole enough and want
to get bigger, and feel better in the gym and on the playing field. Peer pressure is
another thing commonly involved with taking PED s. Your friends could be
excelling past you in sports by doping and that could cause you to want to take to get
to the their level. Others may take because they saw an athlete that had fame and
fortune and want to be them even though the athlete got
Electoral College Should Be Abolished Essay
Aimee Ojeda
December 1, 2017 Abolishing the Electoral College
The Electoral College system was created in the constitution by the Founding Fathers.
This system forms the beginning of the United States national elections and is
therefore, considered to be important to this country s history. It is made up of 538
members and a candidate must receive a majority of 270 electoral votes to win the
election. Electors usually get selected to one of the presidential candidates running.
When people go to the ballot on voting day and pick their favorite candidate, they are
really choosing the electors for their state and then the electors are the ones that vote
for the president. The Electoral College should be revised or abolished because it is
both undemocratic, is not beneficial to the nation, and may weaken the validity of
elections and the elected President.
To start off, the electoral college system is undemocratic because instead of
everyone being involved only a small group of people are able to make the
decisions which is the electors citizens pick when voting. This Electoral College
System has limited democracy to people because it holds an ability to alter result of
Election over popular votes and creates high voter turnouts. The Electoral College
betrays American values of majority rule: a candidate can win the election without a
majority of popular votes and some states are overrepresented so a large number of
citizens get left out. This can create a situation
Business Description of Ben Jerrys
Executive Summary Ben and Jerrys is a successful ice cream company with many
strengths and weaknesses. The company faces serious competition, financial
struggles, economic and social influences, all of which are covered in my paper. I
also discussed some recommendations I have for the companies success. Ben and
Jerry s is one of the top ice cream companies around. They have had many ups and
downs throughout the history of the company, but overall, they have overcome most
of their hardships. They have some serious competition facing them in the ice cream
industry; they have faced financial struggles, internal issues, and some social and
economic factors. In conclusion, I have come up with a few recommendations for the
company... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Due to the fact that imitations for the product are being developed more rapidly,
Ben Jerry have changed their primary marketing goal to establish products that
cannot be imitated, but the technological developments of the company have not
allowed them to launch the products within a decent time limit. B J s mission
statement includes the need for a wide variety of innovative flavors. Five years to
find the perfect coffee bean seems unnecessary. Coffee ice cream, in this period,
may have become undesired by the customer. This scenario is compounded by, the
quick replication by competitors, and the high costs related to manufacturing each
different flavor. As a result, it is key to stop producing brands not received well, as
well as introducing new flavors quickly. Flavor of the month may be a way of
bringing consumers to them on a regular basis. Research will be key in identifying
the market in any region or country B J wishes to operate, especially into
consumers needs and wants. The way choices are made needs to be understood
and the positioning of B J needs to accommodate this. The decision is based,
amongst others, by the mood of the potential consumer at the time of decision. Ben
Jerry seem to be proud of the success rate of their relaxed, casual culture and having
employees involved in the decision making. However this policy needs to be
reviewed as decisions are taking
Gender And The Transgender Community
There s a gender in your brain and gender in your body. For 99 percent of people,
those features are in alignment. For transgender individuals, they re mismatched. It s
not complicated...Although many people would disagree, I think the transgender
community should have the right to use the restroom of the gender they identify
with or have an alternate choice. Some people may argue that it would be a
dangerous liability, but try walking a mile in the shoes of a person who is transgender.
Some people may even agree to the idea of having gender neutral restrooms. The
dangers of a person of the opposite sex using the restroom they prefer are very
obvious, but is every person out to cause danger to other people in the restroom?
Transgender people should not have to be restrained from their predilection
because people are afraid they might be sexual predators. Many people are
outraged by the idea of someone of the opposite gender walking into the restroom,
however, even without restroom rights for transgender people, the chances of any
person walking into a restroom designated to a specific gender is still undoubtedly
high. For example, a male rapist could walk into a ladies restroom and both genders
could be of great danger. Transgender people seldom have sexual attractions for their
preferred gender, therefore, it would only make sense that they be able to use the
restroom of their preferred gender. Sexual orientation would be irrelevant in this
situation. We do not
Capstone Goal Assignment Analysis
For our capstone goals and objectives assignment, we were required to create a
minimum of four measurable and specific goals with a minimum of three objectives
to achieve each of those goals. My first goal was: the ability to independently prepare
a patient for an IV placement based on developmental age, misconceptions, and
current understanding, across all ages while applying child developmentand
identifying/evaluating the best distraction/diversion techniques. The three objectives
to achieve this goal were as follows: Objective 1.) During my first rotation observe
and become more familiar with preparation and education for IV placements. I will
write the date in the section in my intern manual titled observed, IV preparation
/placement ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Since I will have so much previous experience with all types of play on the med/surg
unit, I will be observed 1 3 times providing EACH of these types of play by my new
preceptor and once she verbally tells me that I am at a professional entry level I
will begin to be independent with play at this new facility. My third goal was
successfully achieved, however only my first two objectives were
The Patent Reform Act Of 1952
The Leahy Smith America Invents Act, passed on September 16, 2011, was the most
significant reform to the patent system in the United States since the Patent Act of
1952, which redefined the patentability of patent to include being nonobvious in
addition to new and useful (1). The demanding need for patentreform had been
discussed and debated frequently both within the literature focusing on patent trolls
and consistently in Congress with the introduction of many patent reform acts that
were never enacted: the Patent Reform Act of 2006 at the 109th Congress, the Patent
Reform Act of 2007 at the 110th Congress, and the Patent Reform Act of 2009 at the
111th Congress (2 5). The enactment of the America Invents Act in 2011 after the
failure of previous reform attempts signifies its importance in addressing the pressing
issues of the United States patent system. The America Invents Acts specifically
aimed to confront problems that were impeding innovation: the ever increasing
expense of the patent process, the exploitation of the patent system by patent trolls,
and the unnecessary complexity and inefficiency of the patent process as a whole.
Although the process of obtaining a patent patent prosecution of minimal complexity
costed on average approximately $10,000, the most expensive part of the patent
process was patent litigation the legal process for patent infringement(6). The average
cost of patent litigation for a patent case claiming $1 million to $25 million

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  • 5. Odysseus Punishment Essay Punishments follow actions. Sometimes they are not always fair or well deserved, but other times they are essential to learn right from wrong. In our society, all crimes have punishments; however, the punishment depends on the severity of the crime. In our culture, it is important to have consequences following deplorable actions because if there is no discipline for poor decisions it would establish these poor decisions to be acceptable. In every confrontation there are always two sides. In the epic, The Odyssey, written by Homer, two evident sides are that of which the suitors and Odysseus. Some readers say Odysseus s punishmenttowards the suitors was too unexpected and too extreme; others disagree, saying the suitors deserved what ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As stated above, there is always more than one opinion. Although some feel Odysseus tactics were excessive. For one thing, out of the one hundred and eight suitors total not even half of them participated in shenanigans that kept reoccurring. Not all of them deserved to die. Many were bystanders, but they still did not choose to leave after being warned. Antinous, the corrupt leader of the suitors, was malicious, impolite, and disrespectful. He set the tone for the rest of the suitors and many of the suitors followed his lead. Since they had a cruel, harsh leader the suitors also acted like this. Lastly, the most extreme form of punishment is death. While suitors were begging for forgiveness, Odysseus showed no mercy and slaughtered all of them. As stated above, there are many reasons why a reader would pick either side of this argument. Omen s are not meant to be taken lightly. Normally when one gives a warning it is best to believe what he or she may be saying and do the right thing. In this case, the suitors had been warned to evacuate Odysseus palace. This omen was not only to warn the suitors, but it was given to try to protect the suitors from Odysseus s wrath. After twenty years of trying earnestly to return home, Odysseus discovers that over one hundred men have been living in his house, drinking his wine, disrespecting his son and
  • 6. Essay about Jimmy Carter and Political Maxim Hardball by Chris Matthews: Quotes Hardball by Chris Matthews is an interpretation of what many know as hard politics . The book describes the skill of playing the game in Washington and how to be successful at it. The book is a guide that teaches a series of maxims that would be in favor of politicians to learn in order to be successful. The different tactics provided in the book hold a lot of knowledge that would make the life of anyone following these strategies much easier when trying to get ahead in life. Matthews describes a countless number of examples of successful politicians that rose to the top. Those politicians are the ones who learned how to play hardball in Washington. Matthews provides many of his observations over... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Carter played this strategy to a tee. Carter knew that his best line of defense would come from those who had lost their elections and were looking for a job. The quote symbolizes the tactic Carter used and how his intelligence allowed him to take advantage of the situation. He knew that those individuals faced a tough race and when they lost, they would become his support because people like to be used and not ignored. Another quotes that is related to the it s better to give then to receive, maxim is a quote I found to be very witty. The quotes states, I ve lived across the street from you for 18 years ... I shoveled your walk in winter. I cut your grass in summer... I didn t think I had to ask you for your vote. He never forgot her response. Tom, I want you to know something: people like to be asked. The lady knew Tip O Neil and all he had done for her over the years, but out of respect she found that all he needed to do was ask. She wanted to make sure she was considered and thought about, so she wouldn t be taken for granted. The main point from this quote is that people don t mind being used, but they do mind being taken for granted. It s important to know that asking favors only brings in more supporters. People want to invest in others and are often not critical of that person because they also
  • 7. Analyzing Jon Stewart s Daily Show 4.After watching the Daily Show interview with Jim Cramer, I believe that Jon Stewart s questions were fair as he was trying to get Cramer to confess CNBC s faults during the financial crisis and his contributions to them. One instance of this was Stewart calling out CNBC for creating an unrealistic image of the market by covering up the embezzlement scandals and failing to expose the actions of those behind it, despite their frequent interview appearances. I agree with Stewart in this argument as CNBC put themselves in a tight corner by merely addressing the situation and stating the obvious instead of taking action in order to preserve their reputation as a financial expert . Cramer s responses illustrate this point as he admits that while
  • 8. Siberian Tiger Research Paper The siberian tiger is the biggest individual from the feline family. They are long, thick ruddy coats with white stomachs and white and dark tails. Their heads, bodies, tails and appendages have light dark or cocoa stripes. Their are also known as the Amur tiger, the Amur tiger resides in a small region in the southeast region Russia. Siberian Tigers eat sambar deer, wild pigs, water buffalo and gazelle. Tigers are known to also chase sloth bears, pooches, jaguars, crocodiles and pythons. Old and hurt tigers have been known to strike humans and cow herds. They live alone and aroma spray areas with urine for example to keep other tigers away. They are capable seekers that travel lots of miles to discover prey, for example, elk and wild pig,
  • 9. Fear Of Surveillance In this way, every institution in society are almost like panopticon as in the way it works as a disciplinary power to classify, define, regulate and control people. People will have the threat of surveillance and this threat is celebrated by transforming it into regulatory and disciplinary tool for institutions. It is the medium that government uses to discipline the bodies and tie them in its principles. This regulatory mechanism works when people come under the knowledge of being controlled without knowing when exactly they being observed, and it lead them to obey the norms. It is the way power enforces on people. Behind every self disciplinary acts, fear of surveillanceis visible. In this way, there is no natural body or pre discursive, essential human subject who is amputated, repressed, altered by our social order, it is rather that the individual is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Susan Bordo in her work, Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture and the Body, points out that the human body is itself a politically inscribed entity, its physiology and morphology shaped by histories and practices of containment and control. (1993, 21). That is, a pure body cannot be found, it is already inscribed, defined and explained by its very origin. But it is significant to analyze that body cannot be included and excluded in a fixed definition of society as in the way it s beyond the fixity. Body is a social construction and its performance itself is a socially constructed notion. Performance of body according to gender, race, class, cast, power, in this way the very body and its performance are assigned, classified and conditioned by the society. Performance of a body in a fixed notion rightly points towards the imitation of the constructed norms of society. It is the way gender also
  • 10. Essay The Role of Database Administrator Importance Few companies today can exist without an IT department. The IT department contains many of the company s technology experts. Almost all companies rely on computers to some degree whether it is an international conglomerate or a small startup company. Some companies are very dependent on computer systems while others use them only for accounting for payrolls and everyday computer tasks. Most organization, even the smallest company have people whose job is to make sure that the computer system is up and running or an emergency contact to call when the computer systems goes down. In the future, I want to take the head of a database administrator of an IT department whether the size of the company is small or enormous. In larger ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My career might start off as a database designer. Database designers determine what are best types of databases to solve certain problems and work with database tools in order to develop those databases. After a database designer, I could be promoted to a manager role. Knowledge managers have a much higher level knowledge to business problems than database designers. Knowledge managers usually focus on an area like accounting and working with database designers to develop databases that meet the needs of the users. In contrast to database designers, knowledge managers handle different tasks. Knowledge managers interfere with users and database designers in order to ensure that the databases meet the needs of the users and most importantly, the company. They usually have a specialty in a field in organizing, refining or gathering. Responsibility of database jobs The responsibility of a database administrator is to serve as the link between the database designers, knowledge managers and users. The database designers are often brought in for completing specific projects and then moving onto other projects at other companies or different departments at the same company. Their job are usually finished when they finish designing the database. While they may be used in the future to perform some
  • 11. Information On Continuity Of Operations For An Organization This document provides information on continuity of operations for an organization to asses any risks, procedures, and techniques when developing and implementing an IT contingency plan. This document discusses the planning steps in developing an IT contingency plan, possible recovery options for restoring operations, recommended testing requirements for developing an effective test plan, and a proposed 24 month test cycle. IT Resource Contingency Planning In today s net centric world, even a day offline may damage an organization s business and profit margin. As a result, it is imperative for organizations to develop and implement effective business continuity plans to ensure the organization has the appropriate procedures necessitated to maintain operations. Accordingly, SANS Institute (2002) explains that it is essential for an organization to understand what incidences it should prepare for and provides these instances as examples: equipment failure, disruption of power or communications, application failure or database corruption, human error, sabotage, or strike; malware, cyberattack, social unrest or terrorist attack, fire, and natural disasters (SANS Institute, 2002). Business continuity is utilized in the same manner for both physical and digital needs. UMUC (2015) explains that physical security and digital security both require the same planning process to develop and implement the business continuity plan. As a result, this document will
  • 12. The Monticello And The Neoclassical Era Thomas Jefferson was well known to have a great appreciation for architecture. Because of this, the architecture in his life held great meaning. A particular home that held great interest was the Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson. This home exemplifies the neoclassical style. The neoclassical period refers to a time of reason. There were no dramatic events that instituted the period, but rather occurring events over a period of time. Jefferson spent much time in Europe, and loved the architecture he saw there. This is what started the remodeling of the Monticello. To describe the neoclassical style: Neoclassical architecture has no new major innovations or distinctive characteristics that easily set it apart from the classical styles
  • 13. Organizational and Corporation Management Organizational management has become more and more important to the corporation management. Meanwhile, the leadership is an important part of organizational management, which can influence to its quality of management. In this essay, we will discuss which behaviour and awareness that a business leader to own, and the snare that they should to avoid in China. We will discuss some behaviour we expect of business leaders can have. Leaders are those who hope that the relationship between the leaders and those who choose to follow. How to become a successful leader will dependent to build good human relationships and that is the use of those workers ability (Kouzes, J. M. Posner, B. Z., 2003). We can find five good behaviours that is becoming a successful business leader. Firstly, leaders need inspire a shared vision, which means leaders need talk to others your personal values and listening others expect to shared values. Alan Keith said, leaders need open their heart and talk to other workers him personal values and really think, of course, leaders must know other workers expect to do successfully. Secondly, challenge the process is a necessary ability for business leaders (Kouzes, J. M. Posner, B. Z., 2003). Leaders need to understand clearly, innovation and change are involved in the experiment, and failure risk, and they also pay attention to their constituents to challenging situations, the ability to control and become completely determined to change. Thirdly, the
  • 14. National Security Agency (NSA) National Security Agency (NSA) U.S. intelligence agency within the Department of Defense that is responsible for cryptographic and communications intelligence and security. Its headquarters are in Fort Meade, Maryland. The NSA grew out of the communications intelligence activities of U.S. military units during World War II. It was established in 1952 by a presidential directive from Harry S. Truman in which he specified its mission as to provide an effective, unified organization and control of the communications intelligence activities of the United Statesconducted against foreign governments, to provide for integrated operational policies and procedures pertaining thereto. The NSA was created in part out of the belief that the importance... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He is assisted by a Deputy Director, who is the highest ranking civilian within the NSA/CSS. NSA also has an Inspector General, head of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), a General Counsel, head of the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) and a Director of Compliance, who is head of the Office of the Director of Compliance (ODOC). Unlike other intelligence organizations such as CIA or DIA, NSA has always been particularly reticent concerning its internal organizational structure.As of the mid 1990s, the National Security Agency was organized into five Directorates: Michael S. Rogers, the director of the NSA. The NSA is led by the Director of the National Security Agency (DIRNSA), who also serves as Chief of the Central Security Service (CHCSS) and Commander of the United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) and is the highest ranking military official of these organizations. He is assisted by a Deputy Director, who is the highest ranking civilian within the NSA/CSS. NSA also has an Inspector General, head of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), a General Counsel, head of the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) and a Director of Compliance, who is head of the Office of the Director of Compliance (ODOC). Unlike other intelligence organizations such as CIA or DIA, NSA has always been particularly reticent concerning its internal organizational structure. As of the mid 1990s, the National Security Agency was organized into five
  • 15. Spinelli s Book Crash In Spinelli s book Crash, the lead character, Crash Coogan, has some major changes in his life over time. When Crash first appears in the book at age 7 he is demanding, rude, judgemental, and self centered. For instance, Crash and Penn s first interaction is very ungraceful: [He] plucked the silly button off his shirt, dumped in the hole [he] was digging . ( Spinelli 4) This explains that Crash does not respect others who are different than him. Additionally, Crash is obsessed with making others like him by making them fear him and feel like they need to be friends with so he won t hurt them: You re going to be a flat nosed baby if you don t shut up. (3) Later, Crash becomes egocentric and awful to be around. Crash continues to ask his
  • 16. Sephia Officinalis Research Paper The class of the Sepia officinalis is Cephalopoda which can be thought of in three groups: the Nautiloidea, Ammonoidea and Coleoidea each of which have adapted and evolved independently of each other (A Broad Brush History of the Cephalopoda). Cuttlefish, along with octopuses and squid, are cephalopods animals from an ancient branch of the tree of life that have been trolling the oceans for more than 500 million years. Cuttlefish were around long before the first shark or fishever evolved. Their cephalopod ancestors were encased in a shell that acted as protection from predators, but the modern cuttlefish has developed an even better defense: camouflage (http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/animalguides/animal guide cuttlefish /1161/). The Nautiloidea... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All cephalopods have arms, but not all cephalopods have tentacles. Octopuses, cuttlefish, and squid have eight arms, but only cuttlefish and squid have two tentacles. Squid and cuttlefish have one pair of tentacles which they use to strike their prey (http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/taxa/inverts/mollusca/cephalopoda.php). These prove that squids and cuttlefish evolved away from octopuses by having tentacles to strike prey. The main difference between the cuttlefish and the squid are the internal shells. The squid has remains of an internal shell while the cuttlefish have a cuttlebone. Seen in Figure 3, the Sepia and types of squid and octopus
  • 17. Proposal For Food And Beverage FOOD AND BEVERAGES AT THE CONVENTION Linda Holland Blackwell HOSP 309 American Public University System Food and beverage is an essential part of many meeting and careful planning can save a large amount of money. The planner must know how to negotiate and what to negotiate. Food and beverage is a part of an event that creates memories and provides a service that goes beyond just grabbing something to eat. The planner must know what to negotiate how to negotiate when it comes to food and beverage. Because every event involves food and beverage. It can be puzzling to some planners as to what is negotiable, prices caterers charge for their services, and where concessions are made. The Breaking Down Barriers Association (BDBA) is sponsoring an event at the Raleigh Convention Center, located in downtown Raleigh, N.C. The BDBA is a 6,000 member nonprofit association whose members are individuals from across the country. The BDBA was founded fifteen years ago by a group of individuals who specializes in racial inequality and saw the need to make a difference for future generation. Over 65% of the organization s membership are professional business people and the remainder of the association members are suppliers to the businesses. Although the majority are women, 45% of the members are male; 40% Caucasian; 37% African American; and 12% Latino, Asian, and Native American. Knowing the makeup of the organization is an important factor for
  • 18. The Marketing Strategy Of Reliance Travel Agency 1.0 Executive Summary Reliance travel agency was a leading tourism company established since 1969 and was the first travel company listed on Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange by the year 1993. Reliance travel agency was dedicated to providing travel enthusiasts who love to have fun, leisure, a holiday around the world with the guarantee of best quality and experience be provided. Reliance travel agency upholds the speed, choice, and trust as their core brand value in exchange for today s brilliant (Reliance Travel, 2017). It developed from a small travel company to a company where can provide more than 200 destinations in locally and abroad. Reliance travel agency offered the vast choice of vacation destination the with great service value such as airline ticketing, hotel reservation as well as customized the trip itinerary. In term of speed, travellers allowed to have an instant update on tour packages and reservation systems clothed with complete trip information. In other respects, with superb relations with airway and tour suppliers resulted from them able to present from quality service and low pricing that can fulfil customer satisfaction. 2.0 Market Segmentation Market segmentation is an essential part of an organization s marketing strategy. It ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From the view of past business model, Reliance travel agency is more towards to traditionally business as they constructed storefronts and targeted local audience which results the company s performance can only reach to a certain limit. However, with the smart application there will be no barriers as business can be reached by anyone wherever internet available. Even if facing with any problems, they can simply one click and communicate through live chat function instead of visit to the store for requiring more information. More convenience could positively affect the customer s
  • 19. My Time Playing Grand Theft Aut As of now I have put in somewhere around 30 days of gameplay time into Grand Theft Auto 5 and am 29% away from completing everything thing in there is to do in the story mode. I ve played a lot of different types of games throughout my gaming career and this is one that is definitely in my top 3 of all time. This is a game that I really don t myself stop playing anytime soon as they keep releasing more downloadable content to go along with the already large amount of replayability. Grand Theft Auto 5 had a lot of hype surrounding its release and I would say that it did indeed live up to the what was expected of it.Grand Theft Auto 5 is a big game in a lot of ways, which starts with a 7.5 gigabyte install before you can before you can do anything. Putting that aside the world is a huge place that Rockstar Gameshas used to express an ambitious story that always made me want to playjust one more mission . It is a stunning game with amazing graphics that can and does thing most people would think to be impossible to do on our current generation of hardware. The story mode in GTA 5 centers around three main characters. Michael, a retired criminal living a life of idle luxury with his dysfunctional family in the higher class region of Los Santos, Franklin a gang banger that grew up in the streets of Los Santos that is desperate to escape the minimal revenue of petty hustling and gang life, and Trevor an old friend of michaels that is a meth dealer, someone that is paranoid of
  • 20. Literary Masterpieces Matrix University of Phoenix Material Literary Masterpieces Matrix Complete the following matrix for each of the cultural periods that are shown. Provide examples from at least two (2) literary works to illustrate your entries in each category. If discussing contemporary literature, for example, a thematic focus might be relationship of mainstream with minority literatures and your examples incorporate Rushdie and Cronin s works. Your entries in these columns must go beyond a few words or a simple bullet point. There is no required minimum word length, but you must go into sufficient detail to demonstrate your comprehension of these literary components. This assignment is designed to be completed throughout the course. It is easier... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There s| | | | | |love, action, life and | | | | | |death all eternal themes. | | | |Classical Literature |Plato s apology |The apology is written in |Roman s is also a defense|Plato is clearly influenced| | |thematically focuses on |plain words and presents a|of Paul s credentials as |heavily by the life, times | | |the meaning of life and |courtroom/debate scenario |an apostle. Both men |and words of the subject of| | |death. As well as how a |where Socrates is |spell out a philosophical|his work Socrates. | | |man should live his life |defending himself against |and moral case for their | | | |honorably, it also deals |charges. |beliefs and they question|Romans is heavily | | |with the fear of death. | |and refute the opinions |influenced by Jewish | | | |Paul makes use of |of those who would oppose|traditions,
  • 21. Exemplarence Birdseye Research Paper Clarence Birdseye is commonly known as the founder of the modern frozen food industry. An entrepreneur, American inventor and naturalist, Birdseye began his career as a taxidermist. Birdseye s next field assignment, off and on from 1912 to 1915, was in Labrador in the Dominion of Newfoundland (now part of Canada), where he became further interested in food preservationby freezing, especially fast freezing. He was taught by the Inuit how to ice fish under very thick ice. In 40В°C weather, he discovered that the fish he caught froze almost instantly, and, when thawed, tasted fresh. He recognized immediately that the frozen seafood sold in New York was of lower quality than the frozen fish of Labrador, and saw that applying this knowledge would
  • 22. Aokigahara Research Paper Located at the base of Mt. Fuji, Aokigahara is perhaps the most infamous forest in all of Japan. Also known as the Sea of Trees, Suicide Forest, and Japan s Demon Forest, Aokigahara has been home to over 500 confirmed suicides since the 1950s . The Aokigahara forest has a horrifying history, a variety of different people who visit, also locals and workers have it worse than people think. The history of Aokigahara is horrifying. Even before now, as Aokigahara being known as the suicide forest, it was a place people would take their family members to strand them in the forest to be sacrificed. A method of sacrificing yourself in the forest was starving. The forest is so large, and the people wouldn t be able to find a way out and would die of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The forest workers have it even worse than the police who comb and investigate the forest. The workers are tasked with the job of carrying the bodies down from the forest to the local station, where the bodies are put in a special room used specifically to house suicide corpses . The forest workers then play janken, rock paper scissors, to see who has to sleep in the room with the corpse. The reason for these strange sleeping arrangements is that it is believed if the corpse is left alone, it s very bad luck for the ghost of the suicide victim. Their spirits are said to scream throughout the night if left alone, and their bodies will get up and shuffle around, searching for company . The people who live by always know what type of person is going into the forest. There are three types: the curious ones, just the visitors, and the people who plan a one way trip. Police say that the number of suicides is no longer released due to the abundant amount. Last number released was in 2010 and the number was 54 dead and 247 people who tried. The people who work in the little shops and cafes around Aokigahara talk to many of the people before they go in. People have said if they wouldn t have talked to them, they would not be alive. There is also a sign posted by the entrance of Aokigahara that states Your life is a precious gift from your parents, and Please
  • 23. The Importance Of Ancient Rome Our culture comes from somewhere. Our way of life must come from somewhere. I propose that this place is of course ancient Rome. Rome was a strong ancient empire of the past, one of the first to rule the ancient world. why, you ask? Well, there are three reasons to support my thinking. First, some animals would still exist, like the North African elephant and the Syrian lion. This has significance to our culture because we would use them in for resources or for other reasons. Second, we got our violent tinge from the entertainment of Rome. How would you feel if you could not watch your favorite show or sport because Rome never existed? And last but not least, our education system would be different. some people disagree, saying that... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Romans time on the list is closest to our time so it is more likely that is where we got it from. Another reason our entertainment would be different is that we made movies about the Romans and their Colloseum. These movies were full of gore and violence because that is what the movies focused on and were about. Some examples of these movies are Gladiator, Spartacus, Ben Hur, The fall of the Roman Empire, Quo Vadis, The Robe, The Eagle, Rome , Cleopatra, Centurion, Agora Etc. one last reason how Rome impacted our entertainment is that Racing was popular in Rome, just like it is in the Olympics. Rome hosted and created the first Olympics, and the only game was a race, and only one race. Many people would travel a very long distance just to see a 1 minute race, and then they would go back home again.but racing was that important to them that they traveled all that way just to see one minute of racing. This was also so important that it carried over into our culture nowadays. My second reason is that some animals would still exist today. A piece of evidence for this is that many animals that were used in the Colosseum, are not around today. One of these animals was a North African elephant, which existed in Africa, all throughout central Asia and north Africa. The Syrian lion used to exist in Israel, Syria, and Jordan. The author of
  • 24. Applied Behavior Analysis Examples Abstract The Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis has published many studies that use behavioral analytic procedures in combination with sport psychology, also referred to behavioral sport psychology. Many principles of applied behavioral analysis have been incorporated in individualized behavior change programs intervening on improving sport skills and performance among athletes. Methods such as shaping, goal setting, behavior skills training, performance feedback, and modelling will be further discussed. This paper will also outline the effectiveness of these behavioral procedures in improving sport skill and performance across targeted populations, environmental contexts, and socially significant behaviors in the field. Upon addressing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to studies conducted by Harrison Pyles (2013) and Tai Miltenberger (2017), some of the targeted participants or groups of interest in this field include young male football athletes ranging between 10 to 17 years of age. Interventions for these participants were typically conducted on football fields either independent of or during regularly schedules practice times, thus serving as complex immediate environments where targeted behaviors are most likely to occur (Harrison Pyles, 2013; Tai Miltenberger, 2017). The socially significant behaviors of these studies were to improve safety skills and effectiveness of football players through shaping and incorporating BST to train safe tackling techniques. According to Harrison Pyles (2013), to strengthen the dependent variable, tackling, it was ideal to consider training aspects of correct tackling such as angles, making contact with face mask and shoulders, using one s arms and feet to stop the players motions, and lastly bringing the player down. Thus, following shaping procedures as those mentioned above while using instruction, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback all components of BST, execution of appropriate tackling techniques will
  • 25. My Service Advisors Are Not Actively Selling Preventative... If your service advisors are not actively selling preventative maintenance on a continuous basis, they are leaving money on the table that should be easy enough to get. This is especially true if they know customers from dealing with them in the past and have access to their maintenance history and repair records. It s a matter of being proactive with your customers and explaining the real value of staying ahead in the repair and maintenancegame. Every time a customer comes to your service department for any reason, you have an opportunity to sell them on preventative maintenance that may not come your way again. Often, customers go to their service department only when they have repair needs they are not sure of, and go to secondary repair and maintenance shops for things like oil changes, brake service or tires. This is usually because they believe these kinds of things to be less expensive in outside shops than they are at their dealership, which is not necessarily so. But, if no one tells them that how will they know? Many people neglect to perform preventive maintenance on their vehicles because they have not been properly informed of the value it brings to them. The may have little or no knowledge of such things and may be intimidated about asking. Certainly, this is an important part of the job of a service advisor. Often, because of the negative light that has been focused in recent years on abusive up selling practices, a service advisors fails to offer
  • 26. Essay on The Effects of Modern Vampires on Society Introduction Kresley Cole, Stephanie Meyer, J. R. Ward, Cassandra Clare, Lisa Jane Smith, Spirit Bliss, Claudia Gray, L.J. McDonald, Anne Bishop, Juliet Marillier. Only a few names of those authors, who constitute in a genre, which is one of the biggest phenomena of this decade, especially among young women. Romantic fantasy has become particularly popular with the Twilight books, which were released in 2005. Since then, the vampireand other supernatural creature themed fantasy romance novels have been extremely popular all over the world. According to statistics brought out by Romance Writers of America, in 2009, the paranormal subgenre made up 17.16% of the popular romance genre, which in itself 54% of all books sold by the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What is more, teen couples bite each other regularly to show affection, sometimes so hard they draw blood and what is even more bizarre: some of them cut their skin so they can taste one another s blood. According to doctors biting can lead to diseases. Fifteen percent of bites from humans can become infected; moreover, biting can spread sometimes blood borne diseases like HIV, hepatitis or syphilis. Let s see an example from the first part of Twilight Saga, because it has been already mentioned. In the first part of the series, Bella says, About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him and I didn t know how potent that part might be that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. (Meyer,195) It sounds as if teenagers are influenced to fall in love with something like Satan. So it is enough if the man is handsome, it doesn t matter if he is life threatening. In the end, just like in fairy tales, everything is going to be alright and they will live happily ever after. The only problem is that in real life it doesn t work. Moreover, one of the most famous quotes from New Moon, the film interpretation of the second part is Death is peaceful....easy....life is harder... . An impressionable young mind may easily define this that it s easier to commit suicide than to manage with the troubles. On the
  • 27. Simulation Reflection Paper Simulation Reflection The simulation was very interesting in that my partner and I were given an opportunity to think critically about how to approach to influence different managers and workers with different characteristics. By running the simulation twice, it allowed us to find out what actions have worked and what did not during the first run, and then second run allowed us to apply what we learned to complete the second simulation in a much more efficient and timely manner. There are three stages in the simulation, including mobilization, movement, and sustain phases. The simulation begins in the mobilization phase, and in this phase it was important to get everyone aware of the new change we wish to initiate in the company. The key... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Now that we have completed the simulation, we realized that we would rather want to conduct private means of persuasions in precedent to more public ones. In other words, we understood that embarking our crews on a same boat comes before guiding all of our crews to focus on the same
  • 28. Holden Caulfield Depression J.D. Salinger author of the famous novel Catcher in the Rye writes about the many issues that the protagonist a marginalized depressed teen named Holden Caulfield faces throughout the book. Salinger uses relatable scenarios targeting the adolescent age and of those with mental illness, much like Holden. Catcher in the Rye describes the life of a lonesome teen who wanders around N.Y.C as he faces his inner demons and life s demons. Salinger s ability to address the many social issues the protagonist encounters is remarkable as he illustrates the protagonists battle with depression, issues with loneliness and his ability to save innocence. The novel grabs readers attention as the most extreme issues are faced by Holden Caulfielda marginalized teen.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Holden suffers from depression as he comes across unmotivated and lost in society which is caused by many events that have happened in his life. Throughout the novel Holden s depression grows and soon starts to become suicidal giving readers a sense of unworthiness he may feel. As he mentions in the novel What I really felt like though was committing suicide. I felt like jumping out the window. I probably would have done it too, if I d been sure somebody d cover me up as soon as I landed (Salinger, 136). Holden s desire to jump out the window makes it evident that he no longer feels good enough to live in the world. Not only does Holden talk about committing suicide, he mentions that he would do it at that instance showing his determination to end his life. Furthermore, Holden s struggle of depression does not end there as he continues to live with the adversity alone and at the same time face other
  • 29. Nazi Book Burning Research Paper From 1933 to 1945 people all over Europe lived in fear. As the Propaganda and censorship used, was brutally devastating as it involved the massive 1933 Nazi Book Burning, discrimination between racial groups and the use of censorship towards those of both poor and great knowledge. The Nazi s were Hitler s man killing armies who destroyed and separated family s and children.The nazis targeted and discriminated many people to make the Aryan society. The propaganda and censorship was burning jewish pride and culture. Even at the local level jews were greatly targeted by the propaganda put up by the nazis. The nazis ordered all villages in the district to build large anti jewish signs. (Hill, 98) Even some Jewish children couldn t go to school because they weren t welcome there. The nazis had a specific way they wanted hate spread out on paper. Posters had to be 30ft by 5ft. The word Jew shall be underlined in red and must be conspicuous. When possible the poster is to be framed with a black margin. (Hill, 98, 99) These Jewish poles lost everything: jobs, schools, property, land, and money. (Haugen, 17)... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A huge bonfire in the middle of the square destroyed 20,000 books. (Zebrowski) The people of berlin watched as their many books were burned to ashes all because the nazis wanted to prove a point of hate to the rest of the world. There was a concerted effort to exterminate the entire country s literary heritage. (How Nazi s destroyed Books...) The nazis wanted to destroy many types of books, some of the main books targeted were those on Judaism, Freemasonry and Marxism. (How Nazi s Destroyed Books...) Many peoples prized books were taken away from them and thrown into the flames of
  • 30. False Advertising Is Brainwashing Americans Advertising is brainwashing Americans. Advertising is full of deceptive practices such as lying, distorting facts, and presenting products out of context. These practices tend to cause negative effects on Americans. Consumers are becoming insecure about themselves because of the deceptive practices in marketing beauty products, children are being enticed to use unhealthy and inappropriate products and have unhealthy behaviors, such as change in their attitude, and Consumers are spending hundreds of dollars on products, that are falsely advertised. Deceptive Practice, also known as False Advertising, is misleading consumers into making uninformed decisions, when buying a product. The effect Deceptive Practice has on Consumers, is they re wasting money on a company s product that can t provide what they re looking for. False Advertising doesn t just affect Consumers, it also affects Businesses and their employees. Financial Loss and broken trust is an example of what effects Deceptive Practice has on Companies. False Advertising cost the companies money, if the ad is pulled. Also the Business can be charged with a fine, for the current false advertisement and also future false advertisements. Unhealthy advertising, is a huge influence on young children and teens. Companies, tend to target children on the internet, on apps, video... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These exposures, contribute to children s obesity or children dieting, and poor decisions such as the idea that changing your appearance by buying top brand clothing such as nike or under armour and smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol could be a cool way to make new friends or fit in with society. An example of unhealthy advertising is many different brands encourage young children and teens to share their interactions with their products, such as uploading a photo of themselves with the brand on, which reinforces the idea that brands are what makes a person who
  • 31. Breastfeeding Anthropology Breastfeeding is an action that is bio cultural and biosocial in nature. Breastfeeding is a biological process that involves a woman providing milk for an infant. Culturally speaking, breastfeeding is not always an action by the biological mother. In some cases, the mother needs to return to work not long after birth. Other times, it is just the cultural norm that other women and children help in the care of a new baby. Stereotypes and norms surrounding breastfeedingvary cross culturally as well. Socially speaking, there is an expectation that mothers will breastfeed their offspring. Some people biologically cannot breastfeed, others cannot breastfeed due to medications, and some women just choose not to breastfeed. Cross culturally speaking, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is no formal screening associated with being a milk donor, therefore, transmission of disease and exposure to harmful toxins is possible. The American Academy of Pediatrics only endorses the used of BDM that have been processed through the Human Milk Banking Association of North America. 77% of women are aware of the possibility of milk sharing and 25% considered the possibility of sharing their milk. Only 4% actually shared milk with a friend, family member, or donated to a milk bank. Milk sharing is growing in popularity due to the medical benefits associated with breastmilk over formula, but the amount of people who actually participate in milk sharing is unclear. There is much room for improvement for the process of milk sharing through regulation of donors and how the breastmilk is
  • 32. Different Perspectives Of Sherlock Holmes In the passages, Sherlock Holmes and the Blue Carbuncle and How Watson Learned the Trick , Watson developed different perspectives of Sherlock Holmes. We can find Watson s perspective of Sherlock Holmes by how the author develops the character in each story. In the first story, Sherlock Holmes and the Blue Carbuncle we can see that Watson s perspective is that Sherlock Holmes is a very skilled detective, and we can see this through his dialogue. In the passage Older Watson says, The greatest detective who ever lived! From this quote we can obviously see how Dr. Watson believes that Sherlock Holmes is one of the best detective s to ever live. Another piece of evidence from the passage to support Watson s perspective is, I have
  • 33. The Australian Judicial System Within the context of the Australian judicial system, all legal proceedings are subject to certain rules regarding the admissibility of evidence. In the mid 1990 s, the existing rules of evidence were replaced by the Uniform Evidence Act s, as a means whereby consistency of decision making could be better observed. These new rules lay out standards which must be strictly adhered to, to ensure that the rights of both parties to a case are respected, allowing for a fair trial to take place. The specific act which will be used is dependent on the jurisdiction of the court itself; all High Court, Federal Court, Family Court, Federal Magistrates Court, and ACT courts are subject to The Evidence Act (Cth). The Tasmanian, New South Wales and Victorian Evidence Acts are marginally different from that of the Commonwealth, however generally speaking they are the same with a few minor differences . Under the Uniform Evidence Act s, regardless of whether or not a certain piece of evidence meets the relevant admissibility requirements, a judge in certain circumstances can use their discretion to exclude pieces of evidence that are unfairly prejudicial on the part of the accused, which could have a negative effect on juries assessment of a fact in issue. The discretionary powers under the Act are based on principles established at common law, which are commonly referred to as the Christie Discretion . An example of one of these powers under the Evidence Act is seen in section 135, which
  • 34. Idaho Swimming Research Paper The Sanctioning of Swimming in Idaho My senior paper is a subject that has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. It is something that I ve loved from the very beginning all the way to the very end. I m taking about competitive swimming. But I m going to be talking about something different with swimmingthat s probably not expected, I m instead talking about getting it to be a sanctioned sport in Idaho. See, swimmingin Idaho is not considered a real sport, but instead a club, and personally, I wanted to see swimming, the activity that I ve loved, become a legitimate sport for future generations of kids to enjoy. This paper covers the main reasons why I wanted swimming to be a sanctioned sport, the steps it took to get it sanctioned, and finally, actually making it a sanctioned sport in Idaho this year. This paper begins with my own existing knowledge of swimming, followed by questions that I wanted to find out in my research that were answered in my paper. It then gets into my research and what I found out while conducting my senior paper. After that is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I remember training the training was extensive and tough. It was honestly one of the hardest things that I ve ever trained for in my life. And in my mind I really saw swimming in my mind and heart as a true sport in this state. And as the years went on I realized that swimming started to become a more popular sport in this state. I also realized that swimming followed a lot of the same regulations that other sports in the state did that were already sanctioned. Such as, having equal opportunity participation for both boys and girls. So, I knew personally what I had to do you make sure the friends that I made on the team got what they deserved. And when I heard that they were going to make the vote to sanction swimming this year, I knew that I had to pursue it so that the future generations of swimmers could really enjoy swimming as a real sport as much as I had tried when I was
  • 35. The Similarities Between Schizophrenia And Abnormal Behavior Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder that effects the individual s thoughts, feelings and actions (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.). This disorder leads to what society defines as abnormal behaviour. Through an analysis of the conflict of defining normal behaviour in contrast to abnormal behaviour it is evident that the approaches to treating Schizophreniadiffer. The differing treatments show different understandings of the concept of hearing voices. Therefore, treatment using force and medication in contrast to understanding the disorder will show the tension. One of the first symptoms of Schizophrenia is hearing voices (Cuttings, 1989). It is assumed that due to an individual hearing voices, their behaviour will change, thus becoming abnormal. Saks (2012) proves this when she sings on the roof of the library and has nonsensical discussions with her classmates. This was out of character for her (Saks 2012). Longden (2013) explains how her behaviour changed due to the voices in her head telling her to do stupid things like poor water over a lecturer. Thus, it can be seen why society believes Schizophrenia leads to abnormal behaviour as in many cases it does. However, society has stigmatized Schizophrenia and made it seem as if all sufferers display abnormal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This shows the understanding of hearing voices as sign of abnormal behaviour. The belief of abnormal behaviour being dangerous is evident in Saks (2012) when she is admitted into hospital on the basis that she could not complete her homework. She was put on mechanical restraints, despite being absolutely no threat to herself or others,due to the misconception that it makes mentally disabled people feel safe.(Saks, 2012). This shows hearing voices as being understood as dangerous due to abnormal
  • 36. Social Movements Against Bidding For Sports Mega Events Social Movements against Bidding for Sport Mega events: A Case Study of the 2024 Summer Olympics Introduction Governments currently show great interest in sport mega events investment since that they may have the opportunity to stimulate economic development, create international image and prestige, generate a feel good factor among citizens and inspire grassroots participation (Grix and Carmichael, 2012). Moreover, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) states that their critical mission is to promote a positive legacy from the Olympic Games to the host countries (International Olympic Committee, 2007, p.15), although legacy is hard to define or measure and could be both positive and negative in practice (Agha, et al. 2012). In particular, emerging states like China, South Africa and Brazil have managed to bid for the Olympics or the World Cup. The use of hosting sport mega events to enhance their soft power and achieve equal positions in global affairs has been highlighted in recent years (Grix and Lee, 2013). However, the effect of sport mega events has been challenged, questioning whether to host these events or not (Lauermann, 2015). As Chalip points out, host countries may fail to make preparations for the staging of sport mega events and encounter the risk of soft disempowerment. Meanwhile, anti Olympics social campaigns have arisen in many advanced capitalist countries. Consequently, they have had a considerable influence on the bids for sport mega events
  • 37. The Understanding Of Wall Bounded Turbulent Flows INTRODUCTION In the world today, the understanding of wall bounded turbulent flows are of great importance because of the high number of man made and natural fluid flow such as flows in rivers, pipelines, canals, boundary layers, whether it be for power generation, irrigation systems, removal of pollutants, heat exchangers, various devices, etc. About 50% of the energy spent in transferring fluids through such systems are lost due to energy dissipation caused by turbulence. Therefore there is an increasing need to fully understand what occurs in wall bounded turbulent flows in other to apply such knowledge and reduce the energy lost during transportation of fluids. In turbulence, energy, momentum and other conserved quantities are... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore in wall bounded flows it is important to not only understand how energy is transferred across various sizes of eddies at a given geometric location but to also understand the interaction of various sizes of eddies at various distances from the wall. INNER AND OUTER REGIONS Wall bounded flow can be divided into two main regions: inner and outer regions. The inner region can be further broken into three different layers, starting from the wall upwards: Viscous Sublayer: This is the region that is closest to the wall. Turbulent motions in the region are affected by friction and possess relatively low Reynolds number. Viscosity is dominant in this region and it ranges aroundгЂ– yгЂ—^+≤5. In this sublayer shear stress is negligible to viscous shear stress hence the momentum equation becomes a linear equation. гЂ–duгЂ—^+/гЂ–dyгЂ—^+ =1 Therefore, u^+= y^+ Buffer Layer: It ranges from 5≤ y^+ ≤30 . In this range both viscosity and inertial forces are effective here. Neither of both laws works well in this region with the largest variation from either laws occurring atгЂ– yгЂ—^+=11. That is before 11 wall units the linear approximation u^+= y^+ is more accurate and after 11 wall units the logarithmic approximation f(y^+ )= 1/k lnвЃЎгЂ–y^+ гЂ—+B should be used. Near Wall
  • 38. Vernon Slater Research Paper Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to take a journey with me as we explore Vernon Slater. This is no ordinary journey as you all will get an opportunity to see where life takes me. I was born in Washington, DC on July 5th, 1996. My upbringing was great I had a mother that loved me unconditionally, and she always found a way to make ends meet no matter. Throughout my childhood, I always inspired to be a basketball player, but now I believe my life has a different purpose. I graduated from Paul Laurence Dunbar high school. I was being recruited by numerous collegeto attend for athletics, but I didn t have the money financially; so I chose to come to Johnson. During my time in my senior seminar class, I took a personality test that gave me
  • 39. Robin Hood Code Of Chivalry The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) tells a tale of thieves that behave more honorable than the nobles of their time. The bandits known as the Merry Men lead by a notorious thief and Errol named Robin Hood (Errol Flynn). He leads the Merry Men in treacherous deeds to steal from those who have the most in the land and give everything they take to lazy, scumbags, treacherous, poor people. They protect the helpless women and children from the noble knights and kings. This seems very confusing to most because the Merry Menare supposed to be the enemy of the righteous people. In this essay we are going to discuss the key notes of the Code of Chivalry to express why Robin Hoodand his Merry Men are actually noble even though they are robbing and breaking the code.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Robin is in England at a point where the noble are oppressing the poor with taxes and harsh punishments. Prince John (Claude Rains) has forcefully taken over the crowd and plans to tax the poor to get more money for his brother s release from capture. Robin hood and the gang are just trying to level the score and this is where are first code of chivalry comes into play. Robin Hood shows us he is a defender of women and children by taking the food from Much (Herbert Mundin) that he catches and gives it to the hungry people in the town even though it is illegal to hunt the king s meat. Then he also protects the women by not harming Maid Marian (Olivia de Havilland) when they capture the legion of Prince John s men. These examples give the audience an understanding that the bandits are actually the good guys because villains are savages and mean to the helpless but as we can see, they are the heroes in this dark
  • 40. Whole Foods Market Is A Supermarket That Carries Natural... Whole Foods Market, Inc is a supermarket that carries natural and organic foods. The company was founded by John Mackey, and Renee Lawson Hardy, who were owners of Safer Way Natural Foods. The other founders are Craig Weller and Mark Skiles who were owners of Clarksville Natural Grocery. They opened their first store in Austin Texas in 1980. In 1992 they completed their initial public offering and under NASDAQ Global Select Market they have the symbol of WFM. As of 2015 they have 431 stores. Current Situation Current Performance Whole Foods Market has a year end of September 30th. The most recent financial fiscal year information will be from October, 2014 thru September 27, 2015. According to Form 10 K (P. 23) Whole Foods Market had a return on investment capital of 13.4% which is a decrease from 2014 fiscal year of 14.7%. In 2015 they had a net income of $536 million which is also a decrease from 2014, which they reported net income of $579 million. (Form 10 K, P 18). According to Whole Foods Market, Inc Key Statistics, Their profitability margin was 3.48% in 2015. The decreases in their return on investment capital and profitability could be from some strategic initiatives they took on in 2015. These initiatives include, opening 38 new stores, sales of over $2.1 billion in Exclusive Brands and close to $3.0 billion in prepared foods and baker, their first national brand campaign, implementation of Workday for online HR management, and an introduction
  • 41. What Does I Being Born A Woman And Distressed Mean Distressed Edna Vincent Millay is a popular American female poet in the twentieth century known for her works in relations to feminist issues. One of her poems I, Being born a Woman and Distressed or Sonnet XLI is a poem written in a feminist point of view about the conflict of being a woman. While some scholars believe that this poem was written about women victimization or how men are more liberated than women in every aspect of life, from personal to political (Fried 2), other scholars like Patricia A. Klemans believes that Millay s poem is about the sexual freedom Millay possessed that were only reserved for men during her time and the rejection of societal norms in regards to women. Although these may be true, I posit that Millay s
  • 42. Theme Of Minority Report Said to be inspired by the curiosity of our future and impacts our rapid advancement in technology on future society, the 2002 film minority report, by Steven Spielberg is set in the futuristic setting of America in 2054. The film has a theme of free vs determinism and can be seen thought out the film. A world without murder Utopia and a system called pre crime is able to stop murder from happening by seeing it before the event takes place. John Anderton a father of one is a leader of the system, Anderton runs away because he sees himself commit a murder and finds out a different side to the pre crime and his boss Lamar Burgess. Throughout, the film he was given multiple choice to change his fate which he did proving the system wrong. Spielberg s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Is distorted and futuristic which allows him to explore numerous themes such as free will and determinism. Through this corrupted setting Spielberg highlights that you can change your fate from free will, which is spiritual freedom. From the ending scene, a pan shot shows the view of Washington D.C. which allows Anderton so be put into place, proving a setting and introductory for a character to be put into frame. Anderton finds out that it was Lamar Burgess who planned his murder and begins to confront him. Anderton already knows the outcomes. Anderton tells Burgess that he still has a choice but Lamar, replied with yes, I have a choice and I made it . A gunshot and smoke towards Anderton appears, along with a shocked faced from Anderton. Indicating that he was shot but Lamar chose to kill him self. A tilt shot with a high angle along with a zoom out allows the pre crime to come into frame and showing Lamar s dead body on a rooftop, providing the audience with a plot twist, climax and showing that Burgess who was once corrupt and powerful was now resting in peace. Anderton changed his fate by killing him self. Spielberg uses setting to introduce characters into the frame and to set the mood along with the
  • 43. Body Checking In Hockey Alberta Body checking has been a controversial topic throughout these years in minor hockey across Canada. Although the majority of people agree that it should be banned, others disagree. As Hockey Alberta, one of Canada s largest associations, first announced to ban body check at Peewee levels. This include players between 11 and 12 years old. It later extends to Midget and Bantam levels as well. The reason for the ban is because these kids suffer from injuries, especially in concussions. This has led to the concern of parents on whether they should allow their kids to continue to play in minor hockey. As Rob Virgil, Hockey Alberta s board chairman made the announcement on the elimination if body checking in Alberta, argues that there is overwhelming... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Studies from both academic and non academic has proven that injuries is a problem in minor hockey. Although this may turn hockey into a different game, it takes consideration of children s safety. Since their body strength has not been developed fully, injuries such as concussions can lead to sequelae. This will highly affect their childhood, especially for children in Canada where they are proud to play hockey. As a result, it is rational that Hockey Canada and other organizations should ban body checking in minor hockey. Besides, studies have constantly revealed that body checking is the primary cause of injuries among minor hockey especially concussions. As soon as organizations such as the Hockey Association in Alberta started to realize the seriousness of body checking in minor hockey, the rate of injuries have significantly decrease. By now, the ban of body checking among Pewee, Bantam and Midget levels have reduce the risks of injury and concussion substantially. It has result a clear benefit for youth players suffering from injuries. Besides, proper education should be coached and executed properly in making reference to the 4 steps Progression Model. This can ensure less injuries being caused. Thus, bodychecking should be eliminated from minor hockey and the age at which it is introduced in competitive hockey leagues should be reconsidered. Hockey associations may have to
  • 44. Internal And External Auditing Audit Essay According to Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield (2013), an auditor is an accounting professional who conducts an independent examination of a company s accounting data (p. 1508). In other words, auditors are independent agents that ensure the accuracy of financial statements. Although internal and external auditors play different roles with an organization, they must follow auditingstandards and procedures to detect fraud. In 1941, The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) was founded to provide guidance to internal auditors (Whittington Pany, 2014). With over 170,000 international members, the IIA has paralleled the recognition of internal auditing as an essential control function in all types of businesses (Whittington Pany, 2014, p. 778). In the United States, nearly every large corporation maintains a staff of internal auditors (usually employees and not independent contractors) to identify theft, waste, and fraud (O Donnell, 2015; Whittington Pany, 2014). Besides examining the financial statements, internal auditors also analyze the internal control of organizations (O Donnell, 2015). That is, they are responsible for enhancing a company s operations. For instance, internal auditors may evaluate the risk to a corporation s reputation if they use low wage workers in third world countries (O Donnell, 2015). In addition, they may investigate why products are getting overproduced compared to the available resources or inspect the quality of the finished
  • 45. Female Sexuality In Maya Angelou s Their Eyes Were... This book relates to Their Eyes Were Watching God by having both the protagonist married at a young age and them taking interest in someone else. Like Janie, the character of Andrea is in a sexual affair with someone who makes them feel new and different. These people bring light into their lives. A constant problem in society is the different beliefs of what women should do and how they should act and how they should look. People want women to have large chests and butts and a small waist, but these are simply unrealistic. There billions of women on this earth and not people are the same. A line from one of Maya Angelou s famous poem Human Family read, I know ten thousand women/called Jane and Mary Jane,/ but I ve not seen any two/ who ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Katie L. Love writes in her article Black Feminism: An Integrated Review of Literature, The experiences of African American woman are both complex and unique, based on similarities in experiences with racism and sexism stereotyping and in a shared history (Love 11.) Black women s history in feminism has been infrequent. Their battle is not only with sexism, but also also race and how they are not seen as equals within white culture because of their skin color even though for centuries they did nothing but get traded, sold, and taken from their home lands. Despite this they just wanted be treated as equals, but they are invisible to the white community. Where did my body end and the crystal and white world begin? (Ellison 238.) Ralph Ellison writes in his novel, Invisible Man. They have had to overcome the adversity and other matters dealing with their race. Katie Love writes in her article, Black feminism is a branch of feminism specifically focusing on the unique experience of having multiple identities (intersectionality), specifically race, class, and gender (Love 11.) The battle for equality has over stretch the fact that they are not only women, but also women that despite their class are treated the same. Ralph Ellison, the author of Invisible Man writes in regard to african americans in society, I am invisible, understand, simply because people
  • 46. Example Of Intraoperative Complications Results 1) Preoperative Data This study included 59 eyes of 58 patients with mean age В± standard deviation (SD) of 54В±11 years, and a range from 25 up to 70 years. The male to female ratio was nearly 2:1. Table 1 summarizes the preoperative visual acuity and IOP. 2) Intraoperative complications Table 2 summarizes the intraoperative complications which can be attributed to the 20 G transconjunctival trocar system. More than 75% of our cases did not develop any intraoperative complications. Complications occurred only in 14 cases; of these, the most common complication was slippage of the cannula, occurred in 8 cases (14%); followed by trauma to the lens, seen in 4 cases (7%) and lastly retina incarcerated in the cannula in only 2 cases... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Suturless vitrectomies carry an increased risk of leakage from the sclerotomy site. Such excessive leakage can raise the risk of infection and hypotony (5). So, in our study we used 20 G transconjunctival trocar system with suturing of the conjunctiva and sclera by one suture for each sclerotomy to avoid the risk of leakage and its complications. In our study more than 75% of cases did not develop any intraoperative complications. Complications occurred only in 14 cases; of these, the most common complication was slippage of the cannula, occurred in 8 cases (14%); followed by trauma to the lens, seen in 4 cases (7%) and lastly retina incarcerated in the cannula in only 2 cases (3.5%). This was similar to study done by Spierer et al, as in their study intraoperative complications included premature dislodging of the cannulas in two sclerotomies. The cannulas were reinserted with a trocar through the same opening without any additional complications (6). Retinal incarceration in the trocar system was reported in our study (2 cases) and can be attributed to the malfunction of the trocar valve leading to rapid flow of fluids through the trocar at the time of instruments exchange. As we were re sterilizing the trocar system several times by flash autoclave, the valve system became loose and not effective. So, we concluded from this point that re sterilized trocar should not
  • 47. The Effects Of Atmospheric Conditioning On The Human Body A Study of The Effects of Atmospheric Conditioning on Pilots and How They are Counteracted Name: Joshua Butera IB Subject of Essay: Biology Supervisor: Mr. Ward Word Count: ___3125___ Abstract This study determines the positive and negative effects of flight on the human body. Both the field of Aeronautics, flight within the Earth s atmosphere, and Astronautics, flight outside of the Earth s atmosphere, where referenced in the process of research to grasp an understanding of the conditions of the jobs of Aerospace pilots. The research questions are: Are pilots in the aerospace industry affected by their jobs overtime? What is the difference in conditions between commercial pilots and jet pilots? What conditions do astronauts have to undergo? How does G Force affect the human body? How does zero gravity affect the human body? In order to investigate this idea much research was conducted on the conditions in which a pilot would undergo as both an airplane pilot and a spacecraft pilot. The research was more so aimed at how these conditions had an effect on the human body and why this was the case. In order to come to an accurate conclusion I analyzed research from primary sources such as official government websites, similar studies, interviews conducted personally with various types of pilots, and personal hands on experiences of my own as a passenger in an aircraft. Through very detailed research I concluded that there is much at risk over time as an individual
  • 48. Brief Summary Of The Book Molly By Molly, Molly Molly, Molly, Molly. I think we need to sit down and have a chat about not playing with your friend s emotions. Unfortunately, since it is a book, I could not sit down with her and yell at her like I frequently wanted to about how what she does affects others. Molly spends a school year away from her hometown to avoid scrutiny prompted by a best selling book her mom published that features a character based off of Molly and her romantic life. After she returns, she makes enough mistakes her mom could write a sequel. With all of the bad decisions she was making I found it incredibly hard to relate to her. Frustrated is just one way to describe how I felt watching her hurt people (some completely innocent and friendly people) over and over again. She seemed selfish, indecisive, and like she had not learned from her past. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Julia tormented Molly numerous times after she returned, but once Molly discovered her secret, they were back on friendlier terms. Patrick seemed like a huge jerk (which is understandable after what Molly did), but to me he seemed like a controlling, bad boyfriend before they even broke up. Although Gabe was much nicer and supportive to Molly, it was hard to like him as well because he couldn t put his family before his own wants and seemed ignorant to the fact he is majorly at fault
  • 49. Essay On Lyssavirus Syndrome recognition and notification Rabies virus, the type species of the genus Lyssavirus of the family Rhabdoviridae, order Mononegavirales, is the causative agent of rabies (Detrick, et al., 2006). This bullet shaped, enveloped RNA virus is one of the most formidable, zoonotic, neurologic diseases due to the prognosis almost invariably fatal in both humans and animals. Rabies is a genotype 1 Lyssavirus and can be found throughout the world, with the exception of Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, the United Kingdom, Japan, the majority of Western Europe, Fiji, Hawaii and Guam (Sykes, 2014). Classical rabies is the most prevalent strain of rabies, endemic to more than 150 countries worldwide and responsible for more than 55,000 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Australian bat Lyssavirus is very similar to that of rabies and has been responsible for the death of three humans since it was detected in 1996. All three cases were in the state of Queensland after they were reportedly bitten or scratched by bats infected with ABLV. The existence of ABLV does not affect the rabies free status and there have been no known cases of the rabies virus occurring in terrestrial mammals (NSW Government Health, 2016). There are seven genotypes of Lyssaviruses, belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae, known to exist worldwide; however, through experimental inoculation, dogs and cats have shown a relative insusceptibility to bat derived Lyssavirus as opposed to inoculation with terrestrial rabies virus strains. This suggests differences in mammalian infections with bat derived Lyssavirus to that of terrestrial strains (Greene, 2012). Lyssaviruses Belonging to the Family Rhabdoviridae (Greene, 2012) GenotypeDescription of strains (Abbreviations)Geographic Location (Reservoir Hosts) 1Classical rabies virus, including street and fixed varietiesWorldwide, terrestrial (carnivores and
  • 50. The Financial Crisis Of 2008 The financial crisis of 2008 was the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression. It caused the collapse, take over, merging, or buying out of financial services firms and banks such as, Lehman Brothers, Merill Lynch, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, AIG, Royal Bank of Scotland, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The Big Three credit rating agencies, Standard Poor s, Moody s, and Fitch Ratings, were at the helm of the financial crisis of 2008 because they were all found of wrongly assigning triple A securities ratings to mortgages and debtassets that were way below investment grade level, which greatly contributed to the growing financial crisis. The ensuing result of the financial crisis of 2008 was the Great Recession, a period of great economic decline in America and the rest of the world. The financial crisis and Great Recession were triggered by subprime mortgages and mortgage backed securities, known as Collaterized Debt Obligations (CDOs). Mortgage backed securities are a form of an asset backed security that deals with different type of mortgages, while subprime mortgages are mortgages that are loaned out to people with low credit scores. CDO s are very complex because they are built into different levels, known as tranches, that consist of various types of assets. The tranches of CDO s are structured on the basis of risk, with the lowest credit rated tranches holding the highest amount of risk. A demand for mortgage backed securities and subprime mortgages
  • 51. The United States Should Not Make The English Language Over the past years people from all over the world have come to America bringing their own languages and cultures. The United States is thinking into passing a law that makes English as the official language. The United States should not make the English as the main language as it will affect people coming over that just want to work and look for opportunities. With this law, all the people migrating to the United Stateswill have to pay for tutoring to understand and comprehend the English language. A reason why the United States should not focus on making the English language official is because over 20 percent of people living in the United States don t know the English language or don t know how to talk it very well. People from all over the world come to America to find opportunities and get a better life than they had before. If they pass the law particular people won t be able to work and will have to focus learning the English language. The United States is known as the Land of Opportunities if they do this it would be hypocritical because there would be a barrier that will... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Culture is a big thing in everyone s life it doesn t matter where you from anyone has a different culture upon what they think is correct. It distinguishes you by language, religion, and much more. By the government of the United States passing this law all the people that are migrating to the United States people would be leaving it. People would have to leave it because they would have to get used to the American Culture which probably won t agree with it. Anyhow we believe that everyone s customs and traditions would change and there won t be any cultural diversity. Without cultural diversity we won t be able to learn the culture of different people around the world.We would expect less people to come over the United States because of some
  • 52. Abb Case ABB Electric Segmentation Group Case Analysis Team Members: Emeka Ejika John Marceaux Brandon McNabb Todd Teepell Brandon Woods Suppose you are the regional sales manager for ABB Electric, and you have been given a budget for a supplementary direct marketing campaign aimed at 20% of the companies in your region 1. At present, you have information on the Descriptor Data Tab of the ABB Electric Data (CustomerChoice).xls spreadsheet about the location of customers (districts 1, 2, and 3) and the sales potential of each account of prospect. Based on this information alone, to what companies would you direct the new direct marketing program? Specify the accounts and customer or prospect types. In order to determine which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If ABB is able to convert Customer 35 from Edison to its customer base, the conversion would expand ABB s total annual revenue in the three Districts by over sixty five percent. The final step of our analysis was to narrow those results to the top eighteen Customers using APV as the measurement (twenty percent of eighty eight companies equals eighteen). The results of the ABB District analysis and the eighteen potential marketing targets are illustrated in the tables below. Firm Abbreviations: A = ABB B = GE C = Westinghouse D = Edison | | Ann. Purchase| | Firm| | | | Customer| Volume ($ K)| District| Chosen| | | 1| 24| $322 | 1| A| | | 2| 41| $444 | 1| A| | | 3| 42| $752 | 1| A| | | 4| 45| $415 | 1| A| | | 5| 54| $660 | 1| A| | | 6| 57| $736 | 1| A| | | 7| 69| $528 | 1| A| Total in D1| $3,857 | 8| 3| $643 | 2| A| | | 9| 13| $466 | 2| A| | | 10| 37| $767 | 2| A| | | 11| 38| $182 | 2| A| | | 12| 44| $10,997 | 2| A| | | 13| 87| $395 | 2| A| Total in D2| $13,450 | 14| 11| $1,722 | 3| A| | | 15| 21| $749 | 3| A| | | 16| 50| $584 | 3| A| | | 17| 58| $700 | 3| A| | | 18| 61| $462 | 3| A| Total in D3| $4,217 | Customer| Volume ($ K) Annual Purchase| District| Chosen Firm
  • 53. Steroids In Sports Essay Using unfair advantages in sports is becoming more common. Many athletes that were considered greats, are being busted for using steroids and other performance enhancing drugs(PED). Drug testing in sports should be required because it would decrease the skill gap of people using the PED s, decrease the amount of cheaters , and reduce the negative health risks with the people that are doping. Health risks are associated with the use of steroids and other PED s. Increased aggressiveness and sexual appetite, sometimes resulting in abnormal sexual and criminal behavior, often referred to as Roid Rage (Effects of Performance Enhancing Drugs). Mood swings are a key sign that someone is using a PED or steroid. Trying to quit is associated with depression and possibly suicide. Doping at a young age can cause many differences and altercations in the body leading to inability to perform in the sport you want to. This also happens as you get older. Liver damage from anabolic steroids can cause a condition called cholestasis. With this condition, bile, a digestive fluid made in your liver, cannot get to where it needs to go... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the most commonly used drugs is anabolic steroids. There are many different kinds of steroids. Here s a list of some of the most common anabolic steroids taken today: Anadrol, Oxadrin, Dianabol,Winsrtol,Deca Durabolin, and Equipoise (Anabolic Steroids). Steroids can be taken by pills and injections. Many users are pressured into doping. They feel like they are not swole enough and want to get bigger, and feel better in the gym and on the playing field. Peer pressure is another thing commonly involved with taking PED s. Your friends could be excelling past you in sports by doping and that could cause you to want to take to get to the their level. Others may take because they saw an athlete that had fame and fortune and want to be them even though the athlete got
  • 54. Electoral College Should Be Abolished Essay Aimee Ojeda December 1, 2017 Abolishing the Electoral College The Electoral College system was created in the constitution by the Founding Fathers. This system forms the beginning of the United States national elections and is therefore, considered to be important to this country s history. It is made up of 538 members and a candidate must receive a majority of 270 electoral votes to win the election. Electors usually get selected to one of the presidential candidates running. When people go to the ballot on voting day and pick their favorite candidate, they are really choosing the electors for their state and then the electors are the ones that vote for the president. The Electoral College should be revised or abolished because it is both undemocratic, is not beneficial to the nation, and may weaken the validity of elections and the elected President. To start off, the electoral college system is undemocratic because instead of everyone being involved only a small group of people are able to make the decisions which is the electors citizens pick when voting. This Electoral College System has limited democracy to people because it holds an ability to alter result of Election over popular votes and creates high voter turnouts. The Electoral College betrays American values of majority rule: a candidate can win the election without a majority of popular votes and some states are overrepresented so a large number of citizens get left out. This can create a situation
  • 55. Business Description of Ben Jerrys Executive Summary Ben and Jerrys is a successful ice cream company with many strengths and weaknesses. The company faces serious competition, financial struggles, economic and social influences, all of which are covered in my paper. I also discussed some recommendations I have for the companies success. Ben and Jerry s is one of the top ice cream companies around. They have had many ups and downs throughout the history of the company, but overall, they have overcome most of their hardships. They have some serious competition facing them in the ice cream industry; they have faced financial struggles, internal issues, and some social and economic factors. In conclusion, I have come up with a few recommendations for the company... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Due to the fact that imitations for the product are being developed more rapidly, Ben Jerry have changed their primary marketing goal to establish products that cannot be imitated, but the technological developments of the company have not allowed them to launch the products within a decent time limit. B J s mission statement includes the need for a wide variety of innovative flavors. Five years to find the perfect coffee bean seems unnecessary. Coffee ice cream, in this period, may have become undesired by the customer. This scenario is compounded by, the quick replication by competitors, and the high costs related to manufacturing each different flavor. As a result, it is key to stop producing brands not received well, as well as introducing new flavors quickly. Flavor of the month may be a way of bringing consumers to them on a regular basis. Research will be key in identifying the market in any region or country B J wishes to operate, especially into consumers needs and wants. The way choices are made needs to be understood and the positioning of B J needs to accommodate this. The decision is based, amongst others, by the mood of the potential consumer at the time of decision. Ben Jerry seem to be proud of the success rate of their relaxed, casual culture and having employees involved in the decision making. However this policy needs to be reviewed as decisions are taking
  • 56. Gender And The Transgender Community There s a gender in your brain and gender in your body. For 99 percent of people, those features are in alignment. For transgender individuals, they re mismatched. It s not complicated...Although many people would disagree, I think the transgender community should have the right to use the restroom of the gender they identify with or have an alternate choice. Some people may argue that it would be a dangerous liability, but try walking a mile in the shoes of a person who is transgender. Some people may even agree to the idea of having gender neutral restrooms. The dangers of a person of the opposite sex using the restroom they prefer are very obvious, but is every person out to cause danger to other people in the restroom? Transgender people should not have to be restrained from their predilection because people are afraid they might be sexual predators. Many people are outraged by the idea of someone of the opposite gender walking into the restroom, however, even without restroom rights for transgender people, the chances of any person walking into a restroom designated to a specific gender is still undoubtedly high. For example, a male rapist could walk into a ladies restroom and both genders could be of great danger. Transgender people seldom have sexual attractions for their preferred gender, therefore, it would only make sense that they be able to use the restroom of their preferred gender. Sexual orientation would be irrelevant in this situation. We do not
  • 57. Capstone Goal Assignment Analysis For our capstone goals and objectives assignment, we were required to create a minimum of four measurable and specific goals with a minimum of three objectives to achieve each of those goals. My first goal was: the ability to independently prepare a patient for an IV placement based on developmental age, misconceptions, and current understanding, across all ages while applying child developmentand identifying/evaluating the best distraction/diversion techniques. The three objectives to achieve this goal were as follows: Objective 1.) During my first rotation observe and become more familiar with preparation and education for IV placements. I will write the date in the section in my intern manual titled observed, IV preparation /placement ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since I will have so much previous experience with all types of play on the med/surg unit, I will be observed 1 3 times providing EACH of these types of play by my new preceptor and once she verbally tells me that I am at a professional entry level I will begin to be independent with play at this new facility. My third goal was successfully achieved, however only my first two objectives were
  • 58. The Patent Reform Act Of 1952 The Leahy Smith America Invents Act, passed on September 16, 2011, was the most significant reform to the patent system in the United States since the Patent Act of 1952, which redefined the patentability of patent to include being nonobvious in addition to new and useful (1). The demanding need for patentreform had been discussed and debated frequently both within the literature focusing on patent trolls and consistently in Congress with the introduction of many patent reform acts that were never enacted: the Patent Reform Act of 2006 at the 109th Congress, the Patent Reform Act of 2007 at the 110th Congress, and the Patent Reform Act of 2009 at the 111th Congress (2 5). The enactment of the America Invents Act in 2011 after the failure of previous reform attempts signifies its importance in addressing the pressing issues of the United States patent system. The America Invents Acts specifically aimed to confront problems that were impeding innovation: the ever increasing expense of the patent process, the exploitation of the patent system by patent trolls, and the unnecessary complexity and inefficiency of the patent process as a whole. Although the process of obtaining a patent patent prosecution of minimal complexity costed on average approximately $10,000, the most expensive part of the patent process was patent litigation the legal process for patent infringement(6). The average cost of patent litigation for a patent case claiming $1 million to $25 million