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      Sait UYSAL
  Mining Professional
What is Graphite?

• Graphite is a natural form of carbon with the
  chemical formula C and is characterized by its
  hexagonal crystalline structure. It occurs naturally in
  metamorphic rocks such as marble, schist and gneiss

Graphite at A Glance
 The mineral graphite is one of the allotropes, and pure form of carbon.
 Allotropes of carbon are;
         - Graphite
         - Diamond
         - Coal
 Graphite is;
         - Excellent HEAT conductor
         - Excellent ELECTRICITY conductor
         - Heat resistant (Melting Point 3927 C°)
         - Chemical and Corrosion resistant
         - Resistant to acids and oxidising agents
         - Lubricating
Types of Graphite
Applications By Graphite Type
Natural Graphite Consumption
Why Graphite is;
1. Supply Side Problem
• China Producing 80% of world
  natural graphite
• China has a 20% export duty
  and 17% VAT on graphite,
• Factories is closed in Hunan
  Province, creating a
  monopoly on amorphous
  graphite resources
•   Other Countries: Brazil, North Korea, Canada,
    Norway, Mexico, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Madagascar
Chinese portion in total graphite export




                                                                  Chinese portion in total graphite export



         2007   2008          2009       2010      2011
Graphite Presentation
2. High Price
Graphite Presentation
Graphite Presentation
Graphite Presentation
3. Raw Material Security – Critical Materials
• EU is up to 95% dependent on
  imports, mainly from China

• recycling is very limited
BGS Industrial Minerals Risk List 2012
4. Growing Demand and Technology
• 3-5% Annual growth rate of Traditional demand
• Discovery of Graphene
• Lithium-ion batteries&Fuel cells –EV, E-Bike, HEV
• Nuclear technology – Pebble Bed Reactors
• Plastics and composite frames (Boeing Co.'s new
• Solar Energy
• Industrialization and Urbanization of China, India and
  emerging economies
Li-ion Batteries – Fuel Cells
• The growth of electric cars, bikes and scooters, all
  rely on Li-ion batteries and fuel cells
• 10 times more graphite than Li (by weight) to make Li
  ion batteries
• In an electric car battery 1.8 kg graphite /per kilowatt
  hour (KWh) needed. For an EV 30-50 Kg natural
  graphite is used for battery
Graphite Presentation
Source:Byron Capital
Risks ???
• Price Risks; What if China increase production? Prices is Today prices
                if you have a product to sell today you can benefit it
• Graphene; 5 to 10 year needed for commercial production
• Projects; in the Pipeline are Flake Graphite, Amorphous Graphite???
• Demand; current demand coming from traditional uses, demand of
                new technologies could be over estimated
• Sensitive Projects; Not all of the projects will end up becoming
                mines, High production costs, high grade aimed.
                Environmental problems of high grade production. 70% loss
                of high grade processes, equity sharing projects
Risks ???
• EV – Li-ion Batteries; Expensive, not user friendly, it needs time
EV markets are; Japan, USA, EU – Developed countries. Recycling could be
Graphite in Turkey
• Majority of the graphite occurrences in Turkey is
  mainly “amorphous” type.
• A graphite occurrence around Balikesir city (West
  part of Turkey) has bigger crystalline structure. Most
  promising, most graphitized and high Carbon
  contented graphite mineralization explored in
  Balikesir, Yozgat, Konya, Kastamonu and Adıyaman
• Occurrences in other places like Kutahya, Mugla,
  Bandirma is mostly semi graphite
Graphite Mineralizations Map of Turkey
Production in Turkey 1985-1999
                              Production     Consumption
                  Year        (tonnes)       (tonnes)
                  1985                   -        4.100,00
                  1986            3.586,00        4.000,00                  Production (tonnes) -
                  1987            8.900,00        3.400,00      30.000,00
                  1988           12.911,00       13.000,00
                  1989           11.000,00       12.000,00
                  1990           18.712,00       18.712,00      20.000,00
                  1991           26.763,00       26.763,00      15.000,00                            Production
                  1994            5.000,00         25.000*                                           (tonnes) -
                  1995            5.000,00         25.000*
                  1996            5.000,00         25.000*       5.000,00
                  1997            5.000,00         25.000*           0,00



                  1998            5.000,00         25.000*
                  1999            5.000,00         25.000*

             Source: Turkey State Planning Institute, 8th Quinquennially
             Development Plan, 2001

             * = Rounded roughly

March 2012
Production in Turkey 2003-2009

                             Production             Production (tonnes)
                 2003                 0,00          3.500,00
                 2004                28,00
                 2005                 0,00          2.000,00
                 2006                 0,00          1.500,00                                      Production
                 2007                               1.000,00
                 2008             3.236,00              0,00
                 2009             2.400,00

             Source: http://www.migem.gov.tr/links/istatistikler/2003_2009_URETIM_%20BILGILERI.mht
             Migem = Turkish Republic Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources - General Directorate of Mining Affairs

March 2012
• Graphite demand will increase even there could be some
  price fluctuations
• Whichever company moves ahead the quickest will do
  the best
• New applications and technology will drive the demand
  but will take time
• Low cost projects are important
• Turkey has undiscovered, undeveloped potential and low
  cost production opportunites, and European market is
  next to it

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Graphite Presentation

  • 1. GRAPHITE Sait UYSAL Mining Professional Turkey www.saituysal.com.tr
  • 2. What is Graphite? • Graphite is a natural form of carbon with the chemical formula C and is characterized by its hexagonal crystalline structure. It occurs naturally in metamorphic rocks such as marble, schist and gneiss 2
  • 3. Graphite at A Glance  The mineral graphite is one of the allotropes, and pure form of carbon.  Allotropes of carbon are; - Graphite - Diamond - Coal  Graphite is; - Excellent HEAT conductor - Excellent ELECTRICITY conductor - Heat resistant (Melting Point 3927 C°) - Chemical and Corrosion resistant - Resistant to acids and oxidising agents - Lubricating
  • 7. Why Graphite is; Hot Critical Strategic?
  • 8. 1. Supply Side Problem • China Producing 80% of world natural graphite • China has a 20% export duty and 17% VAT on graphite, • Factories is closed in Hunan Province, creating a government-sponsored monopoly on amorphous graphite resources • Other Countries: Brazil, North Korea, Canada, Norway, Mexico, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Madagascar
  • 9. Chinese portion in total graphite export 86,00% 84,00% 82,00% 80,00% Chinese portion in total graphite export 78,00% 76,00% 74,00% 72,00% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
  • 15. 3. Raw Material Security – Critical Materials
  • 16. • EU is up to 95% dependent on imports, mainly from China • recycling is very limited
  • 17. BGS Industrial Minerals Risk List 2012
  • 18. 4. Growing Demand and Technology • 3-5% Annual growth rate of Traditional demand • Discovery of Graphene • Lithium-ion batteries&Fuel cells –EV, E-Bike, HEV • Nuclear technology – Pebble Bed Reactors • Plastics and composite frames (Boeing Co.'s new Dreamliner) • Solar Energy • Industrialization and Urbanization of China, India and emerging economies
  • 19. Li-ion Batteries – Fuel Cells • The growth of electric cars, bikes and scooters, all rely on Li-ion batteries and fuel cells • 10 times more graphite than Li (by weight) to make Li ion batteries • In an electric car battery 1.8 kg graphite /per kilowatt hour (KWh) needed. For an EV 30-50 Kg natural graphite is used for battery
  • 22. Risks ??? • Price Risks; What if China increase production? Prices is Today prices if you have a product to sell today you can benefit it • Graphene; 5 to 10 year needed for commercial production • Projects; in the Pipeline are Flake Graphite, Amorphous Graphite??? • Demand; current demand coming from traditional uses, demand of new technologies could be over estimated • Sensitive Projects; Not all of the projects will end up becoming mines, High production costs, high grade aimed. Environmental problems of high grade production. 70% loss of high grade processes, equity sharing projects
  • 23. Risks ??? • EV – Li-ion Batteries; Expensive, not user friendly, it needs time EV markets are; Japan, USA, EU – Developed countries. Recycling could be possible
  • 24. Graphite in Turkey • Majority of the graphite occurrences in Turkey is mainly “amorphous” type. • A graphite occurrence around Balikesir city (West part of Turkey) has bigger crystalline structure. Most promising, most graphitized and high Carbon contented graphite mineralization explored in Balikesir, Yozgat, Konya, Kastamonu and Adıyaman cities. • Occurrences in other places like Kutahya, Mugla, Bandirma is mostly semi graphite
  • 26. Production in Turkey 1985-1999 Production Consumption Year (tonnes) (tonnes) 1985 - 4.100,00 1986 3.586,00 4.000,00 Production (tonnes) - 1987 8.900,00 3.400,00 30.000,00 1988 12.911,00 13.000,00 25.000,00 1989 11.000,00 12.000,00 1990 18.712,00 18.712,00 20.000,00 1991 26.763,00 26.763,00 15.000,00 Production 1994 5.000,00 25.000* (tonnes) - 10.000,00 1995 5.000,00 25.000* 1996 5.000,00 25.000* 5.000,00 1997 5.000,00 25.000* 0,00 1990 1998 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1991 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 5.000,00 25.000* 1999 5.000,00 25.000* Source: Turkey State Planning Institute, 8th Quinquennially Development Plan, 2001 * = Rounded roughly www.saituysal.com.tr March 2012
  • 27. Production in Turkey 2003-2009 Year Production Production (tonnes) (tonnes) 2003 0,00 3.500,00 3.000,00 2004 28,00 2.500,00 2005 0,00 2.000,00 2006 0,00 1.500,00 Production (tonnes) 2007 1.000,00 0,00 500,00 2008 3.236,00 0,00 2009 2.400,00 Source: http://www.migem.gov.tr/links/istatistikler/2003_2009_URETIM_%20BILGILERI.mht Migem = Turkish Republic Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources - General Directorate of Mining Affairs www.saituysal.com.tr March 2012
  • 28. Conclusion • Graphite demand will increase even there could be some price fluctuations • Whichever company moves ahead the quickest will do the best • New applications and technology will drive the demand but will take time • Low cost projects are important • Turkey has undiscovered, undeveloped potential and low cost production opportunites, and European market is next to it