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Great Essay Openers Great Essay Openers
Path Goal Theory
Path Goal Leadeship Theory and Expectancy Theory of Motivation Applications to the Movie
Part 1
I have chosen the movie Miracle as an illustration of an individual, Herb Brooks, fulfilling the
parameters of Robert House s Path Goal Theory .
There are events that one witnesses throughout one s life that for various reasons leave an
indelible imprint on one s heart and soul. The unexpected victory of the US hockey over the
heavily favored Russian team in the 1980 Olympic Games was one of those events. I was at a
cocktail party and someone turned on the TV and soon the entire group was gathered around the
set, small talk forgotten, as what has been described as the greatest sporting event of the 20th
century unfolded. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He tells them that they don t have enough talent to win on talent alone and that the name on the
front of their jersey means a lot more than the one on the back. He repeats his message of win or
loose, play like champions. Over and over Brooks shouts Again , driving the players to
exhaustion. He doesn t stop, ignoring the pleas of his assistants, until the future team Captain,
Mike Eruzione, states I play for team USA. Brooks lets them go and a turning point has been
reached. They are finally becoming a team , one of destiny with a common purpose.
This also is another example of Brooks employing directive leadership to reach a goal despite the
effect of a subordinate contingency factor, locus of control. When the team first came together,
they were group of highly competitive and independent group of young men hwho identified with
their past institutions. Their locus of control was mainly internal and Brooks, with his concept of
a cohesive tem, dependent upon another and the coach for direction, gradually moving their locus
of control toward a more external variety, I play for team USA . He has imposed his will on the
team and he is now able to lead direct them completion of their common goal.
A third and clear example of directive leadership occurs during a session in the film room where he
instructs the team on the tactics and strategy they will employ to be able to stay
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Hamlet Reflection Essay
To become familiar with this play, I would first, before anything else, look up it s history . I
would research William Shakespeare (the author of Hamlet), and I would then read the general
information and expand from there. I would consider general information things like, the time
period it is set in, where the story takes place, etc. To expand on those things, I would do research
on that time period and setting and get to know the culture and traditions they had. After, I
would read the play and analyze the purpose and intended audience because I greatly feel that
those tow things impact the contest immensely. To get a starting idea on props, set design,
costumes, etc. I would hold out more research with a concentration on the things listed before to
make sure everything is historically accurate. (Because we all know there will be some history
major in the audience shaking their head when they see something just a little bit off.) After I
feel that I have a strong grasp on the play and it s history, I would pick out a few more things.
For example, the time that Shakespeare writes the play in. I also would try to identify the
pathos and ethos characteristics in the play. Once all of that was done and I felt like an expert
on the show and on Shakespeare and I had a few rough draft ideas on technical and production
side of things, I would YouTube other performances of it to see other people s creative views on it
to brainstorm some ideas. Then I d finally crack down and
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Practicing Mindfulness In A Mindful Society
There is no doubt students today operate at uber speed. Their elevated vocabulary, unrivaled
attitudes, and keen technological skills illustrate and exemplify philosophies, temperaments,and
positions related to the sublime to the exalted. With an umbrella catch all words invented almost
daily such as uber to describe the magnificent and the marvelous, it is clear that the expectations of
this generation is nothing less than great and glorious. With incomparable proclivity toward making
their mark on the nation of tomorrow, their frame of mind minimizes anything and everything that
came prior to the Millennials as trivial. With the aforementioned notions of current societal
expectations comes an impatience that other generations did not... Show more content on
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Match.com employs business practices that deter, even paralyze members from making
choices.Though it is difficult to find consistent data, it is clear that online dating is very, very
popular with one in every ten American adults [using] an online dating site or a mobile dating app
(Smith Duggan, 2013). The first driver is the matching through stated responses that are matched
against similar answers throughout the site. It begins in test like fashion with members responding
to questions about one s background and personality such as, level of education, political and
religious views, habits, connection to animals, work out regime the list goes on. This
information is said to be vetted and through a formula specially engineered for Match.com. As a
result, a potential mate (or 24) is pulled like a rabbit from a magician s hat. The sites claim
different missions depending on the category but there is always a match on the other side of the
curtain. Match.com boasts of finding the partner of one s dreams and here may be where the
disconnect begins. If the seeker of love is not able to see themselves for who they are, there is no
self efficacy. If
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Religious Beliefs Of The Catholic Church
The Catholic Church s current pope, Pope Francis, once said, A good Catholic meddles in politics,
offering the best of himself, so that those who govern can govern. But what is the best that we can
offer to those who govern? Prayer! (Pope Francis, 2013). Catholics are approximately half of the
number of Christians, numbering more than one billion members. This number makes it one of the
largest religions in the world. In 2003, the Catholic population in the United States was 63.4 million
people (Roman Catholic Church, 2017). The Catholic Church s basic beliefs influence their
demographics, party affiliation, stances on different political issues, and involvement in American
I attended a service at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. At this service,
politics were not directly mentioned, but Father Darin Schmidt said a few interesting words. In a
message to the congregation he said, love unconditionally, without limits. He also said, peace,
liberty, and justice for all. One might recognize liberty and justice for all from our nation s Pledge
of Allegiance, and this quote displays a sense of patriotism in the church. These quotes are helpful
in understanding the Catholic Church s ideologies. During prayer, they mentioned a few current
issues including support for the military, the Las Vegas shooting, refugees, and victims of natural
disasters. Besides these few observations, the service did not express any straightforward political
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Anyone Lived In A Pretty How Town Summary
In the poem, anyone lived in a pretty how town , author, E. E. Cummings sometimes uses words
in very unusual ways. Line 7, which says they sowed their isn t they reaped their same is no
exception (line 7). To start off we need to decipher who the they Cummings is talking about in this
line. The they Cummings is talking about here is made known in line 5. Cummings points out that
Women and men (both little and small) are the they who sowed their isn t and the they that reaped
their same (line 5 7). If you think about line 7 from the farming standpoint you can infer that sow
could mean to plant something and reap could mean to harvest what was planted. Now, let s
talking about how they sowed their isn t (line 7). To sow something, you have to have a... Show
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A seed is something a farmer places in the ground in hope of it sprouting and becoming a plant.
However, the seed isn t a plant just yet. Thinking about what seed women and men sow this part
of the line could possibly be actually talking about children and how the women and the men
sowed what doesn t exist quite yet a child! Moving forward, to the next part (and back in the
farming mindset), they reaped their same (line 7). If you planted 7 tomato seeds you would expect
7 tomato plants to grow, not 4 tomato plants and 3 cucumber plants. Here, the same logic can
apply. When the women and men plant their seeds (future children) and they sprout(are born) they
raise them and grow them together and they all grow up to be the same uniform product. So in line
7 Cummings may be describing how in this little town the women and the men have children who
all grow up to be the exact same, just like tiny little rows of tomatoes. In lines 19 20, Cummings
states, they/said their nevers they slept their
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Challenges Facing A Growing Food Shortage And Food Waste...
Most of us, when presented with a foreign meal usually ask the question well, what s in it?
Underlying this question is the notion integrated into all of us that we have a right to know. Now,
we are not always talking about legal rights when we ask. Most times, we simply think the other
person has a moral obligation to tell us. Inarguably, human life is fickle. Physically, we are one of
the weakest beings on this Earth. Hence, this question, simple as it may seem, is crucial in ensuring
our survival. Today, we face the simultaneous challenges of a growing foodshortage and food waste
problem. Considering the nature, characteristics, and source of these problems, it appears that a
deontological perspective can best remedy the situation... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, ironically, even in these bountiful countries, there exists a significant part of the
population that lack access to food. If the manufacturers asked themselves, could I live on the
food I am marketing at the rate I am pushing for consumption? and aligned their own interests
with the interests of everyone else, the quality of food in the market would not be compromised.
Similarly, this logic would also solve the problem of food waste because the person disposing of a
ton of unconsumed food would ask himself what if everyone in the world disposed of a ton of
food today?
Prior attempts from utilitarianism to try to calculate and predict which decisions will yield the
best results has obviously not worked. The result of the cost benefit analysis upon which
governments have decided policies have proven to be inaccurate due to the existence of the food
crisis. The wellness of its people is the fundamental duty of a government. If the government truly
made decisions based solely on its duty to the people and withdrew itself from adverse and
unnecessary politics, we would not find ourselves in this crisis. Large firms spend millions on
lobbying to nurture and fuel their unethical practices. They also spurt out threats of laying off
thousands of workers if their grasp on the market is not sustained. However, on the other hand, the
subsidies continually received by these large firms are costing the people their
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Descriptive Essay About My Village
Get a Taste of the Irish Countryside in Doolin Village
While metropolitan cities like Dublin are fun and exciting, nothing quite beats the tranquility and
beauty of the Irish countryside. Rolling emerald hills, mossy trees, and adorable grazing sheep all
over the place! Not to mention the countryside is your best bet for finding the best traditional Irish
food and truly local goods. Doolin Village is small but has everything to offer from good food,
drinks, handmade candies, clothing and accessories... all in one tiny place!
The entire village is a single street
This is a tiny village in County Clare, Ireland. And when I say tiny, I mean literally one block
long. You d think you d be underwhelmed, but the buildings have such a unique and classic
flare, and they have a way of making you feel like you re in a fairytale. The folks of this little
village are very welcoming, and the best part is you don t have to worry about large crowds!
This village may be small, but trust me, you ll want to take pictures of every building and sign.
This place has a way of making you feel right at home, even as a total tourist! On top of that, they
re so used to tour buses stopping in, all of the shops are absolute pros at helping tourists and
keeping up with whatever crowds come their way!
A scenic village in the middle of scenic greenery
The village is not only on a single street, but it s also only on one side of a single street. If you turn
from the
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Theory of the Male Gaze
In today s contemporary cinema Laura Mulvey s theory of the male gaze is still prominent. The
phallocentric narrative is still an underlining feature within the main body of the film. The
castrated female is represented as a character in dire need for the influence of the male, be it in a
voyeuristic or scopophilic presence. Contemporary animations such as Disney s The Little
Mermaid, Mulan and Frozen all encounter Mulvey s notions of the male gazeand show the female
as passive within the narrative, whilst in today s patriarchal society they all carry ideologies which
relate strongly to Laura Mulveys Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema . Addressing the relevance
of Mulvey s theory the phallus as symbol can be shown within many areas of these films, from the
initial creation to the final outcome the viewer will see. The phallus as a centre point of the film
controls the narrative, where then the women becomes the powerful character and challenges the
male dominance, with her then being subjected to attack from loss of independence, voice and body.
The prominence of the phallus in film is run through the whole filmic process. The weak female
is in need of the male influence, she being the castrated female it is her lack that produces the
phallus as a symbolic presence, it is her desire to make good the lack that the phallus signifies
(Mulvey, 1989 p. 6). The Females lack of the phallus is brought to the forefront with the male
dominance. The female is often shown
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Summary Of Annie Grace s This Naked Mind Control Alcohol
The book This Naked Mind Control Alcohol is based on the true story of Annie Grace, who
recalls her life of addiction to alcohol. She recounts her steps to sobriety all on her own power, by
changing her unconscious and conscious desire to drink. Anything unconscious dissolves when you
shine the light of consciousness on it Echart Tolle (p. 26, para 2). Annie believes that the
unconscious is a powerful force controlling our behaviors and is in part responsible for the cravings
that we have. Your opinions about alcohol and your desire to drink spring from the lifelong mental
conditioning of you unconscious mind. This desire has likely been compounded by specific
neurological changes in the brain. The goal of This Naked... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
According to a recent study by the NIAAA. More than one third of individuals with alcohol
dependence fully recovered without any treatment. They went from alcohol dependence, defined
as demonstrating tolerance, withdrawal symptoms and unsuccessful attempts to reduce or stop
their consumption, to not drinking at all or drinking at levels that were no longer harmful and
no longer characterized as dependence. In comparison, Dr. Lance Dodes, a recently retired
professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, says, Peer reviewed studies peg thesuccess
rate of A.A. somewhere between 5 and 10 percent, about one of every 15 people who enter these
programs is able to become and stay sober. Not only are people who simply quit, without
programs or outside help more successful in maintaining a healthy relationship with alcohol, they
appear to be more at peace and happier about their decision. A significant portion of their time and
energy is not meetings, readings, and devotionals; it faces into the background, allowing them to be
truly feel (p 130,131, para 2, 3,
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An Oral Interview With Vanna Moore Essay
Reflection Paper
On September of 2016, I did an oral interview with Vanna Moore about her military past and
Vanna s ties to Texas. Over the whole interview, I asked her questions about her experience in
Afghanistan and how it shaped her views of her state of Texas. Through her interview, Vanna
touched on her feelings about Texas, the military, American culture, and life after military. At
times, she seemed comfortable and at ease sharing her thoughts, and other moments seemed more
difficult to get through. This interview helped me to understand that military service can really
shape a person s world view, both abroad and at home. Additionally, after this oral interview
experience I feel like I know how to effectively use oral histories in my future classrooms. During
the beginning of the interview I asked Vanna What do you think the difference is between West
Texas and other regions of the state? At first, her answers consisted of a lot of umms , but after
she got more comfortable, she said, So, it s kinda like our own little world. ... The people are
like, are more like small town people, they re...more like hospitable. Vanna described West Texans
as hospitable and having small town behavior. The small town mindset, that Vanna referred to is
what Hollywood has portrayed time after time. Also, in the same response she said Well,
obviously, we re nothing but oil field, mesquite trees and it s dry, and you go to East Texas, and
there is humidity, and green grass, and
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Academic Skills For Health Science
University of Western Sydney The College
Academic Skills for Health Science
Research project part A (a literature review)
Student ID: 18758072
Date submitted: 16/04/16
Word counts: 1012
Nowadays, College students have been recognized at risk for the development of anxiety. According
to nursing (2006), anxiety is natural reactions to threatening situations. Your body has a fight or
flight reaction your heart races, you breathe faster, you sweat, and your stomach and head may
ache . Therefore, UWS College has provided students with many useful services such as
counselling service, disability service, international student service, workshops and programs.
Inam, Saqib and Alam (2003) believed that students experience anxiety and depression because of
many reasons. Firstly, this is because the high volume of techniques to be absorbed and the
requirement of academic performance. For example, the negative impacts of stress on medical
students contain the weakness of functioning in laboratory performance and clinical exercise, stress
induced disorders and reducing performance. To solve this problem, learners should seek the
advice of school counsellors. A researchindicated that students who have been panic from the
examination failure can manage pressure by improving their feelings of self control. They can
enhance those skills by having appropriate learning strategies, suitable self instructions as well as
relaxation time. In this
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The Red Dot Of The Green Dot On The Street Map
After you have completed your part of the mission, call me and let me know, then head back to
the hotel and call it a night. Jim told him. I will then leave the Tower and drive around a little,
checking to see that the ReVoLT is working and making sure they don t follow you. Jim smiled.
Now I ll know where these two clowns are! Then, with a light slap on Sam s back, Jim told him.
Okay partner, let s Get er Done!
The two agents then got into their cars. Sam turned on his Agent Tracking Software and saw the
Green Dot on the street map that showed Jim s car s position as he drove out of the parking
garage. Setting the program to display the ReVoLT as a Red Dot, Sam was ready to go. If only
my wife could see me now. He thought to himself. She would be so proud of me. After he
thought a bit more, he told himself, No. Actually she would be scared to death and try to talk me
out of it! It s a good thing she can t see me now!
Sam? His phone spoke.
I m here Jim! He told his partner.
I think I have a tail.
Already? Sam said. You re only three blocks away?
I just turned. Jim said. You see me?
Yes. Sam said. I have a good signal on your phone.
The Mercedes is tailing me. Our two clowns have taken the bait. I ll turn left here. After a pause
of about three seconds, Jim told Sam, They have also made the turn and are following me! Jim
told Sam. Charlie Mike, Over! Talk to you later.
Charlie Mike? Sam asked. Is that their names.
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Sophie Schoholl Thesis
For this project, we used two knowledge from different school classes to do an informative video
to help students who read I am Malala or Sophie Scholl. Our team choose the Hitler s youth for
our subject to help people who read the book Sophie Scholl. We talked about what the children did
in those camps and their way of living. Our learningin history helped us categorize and understand
our information because we had already learned few things about World War II. We knew the
context of this period. With this information already acquired, the research went faster and it was
possible to make links between our sources. We didn t need to do another research about the
meaning of some words or concepts. For example, in our manual history books,... Show more
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Hitler taught that Germans was a superiority race and Jews was inferior. And he exterminated
them. I thinks that we had to learn to collaborate and live with everyone. Their religion, language
and culture don t matter, we are all equal. My research make me realized that it is important to
have justice and equality in a society. If we don t understand this importance, cruel events like this
can recur. It our duty to learn of our mistakes. I think it could have been interesting to add, in the
end, our opinion about this. So the person who will watch the video would have take a few minutes
to think about what they just learn. We had memory
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One Solution to Global Overfishing Analysis
The first thing that comes to one s mind when fish is mentioned is usually, smelly, nasty, or to
some, delicious. In a nutritional aspect, fish is a top priority in a diet because of the protein that it
has. Many people fish for food, or just for leisure. Overfishing mainly started in the 19th century,
when humans started looking for blubber for oil lamps, which they used for light during the night.
When humans started overfishing for the whale blubber it severely reduced and damaged the whole
population of the sea life. In the fishpopulation, many fish such as the Atlantic cod and herring
were overfished to the point where they almost went extinct by the mid 1900 s. The depletion of the
fish population disrupted the aquatic food... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There have been many incidents where innocent lifeguards and individuals have been attacked by
sharks and other dangerous fish while spending time in waters. The overfishing of the shark s prey
has causes this. This is a very dangerous issue as it may take many lives away for nothing.
Another major cause is the subsides provided to fishermen from the government. Despite the
depleted state of the oceans, many governments provide major subsidies to their fishing sectors.
According to The Webster Merriam Dictionary, a subsidy is money that is paid usually by a
government to keep the price of a product or service low or to help a business or organization to
continue to function. Subsidies not only distort markets and support uneconomic activities, but also
are a major incentive to overfishing and other destructive fishing practices. These large subsidies
have helped produce a worldwide fishing fleet that is up to 250 percent larger than what is needed
to fish at sustainable levels (Fisheries Subsidies, Overcapacity and Overfishing, 2008). Some
subsidies support beneficial programs, such as management and research for overfishing. However,
the majority of subsidies influence the increase and intensity of overfishing. These subsidies
include those that reduce costs or enhance revenues and promote overcapacity, such as support for
boat construction and modernization, fuel, equipment, and other operating costs (EcoWatch, 2011).
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Negative Effects Of Solar Eclipses
With the impending solar eclipse set to darken the skies briefly on Monday afternoon, physicians
across the country are preparing to treat cases of optical damage caused by glaring at the dark sun.
Unfortunately, many people believe that because the sun is blocked, it blocks the harmful
ultraviolet rays from reaching one s eyes, but that is not the case. Assistant professor in the
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Tamara S. Oechslin, explains it is never safe to stare
directly into the sun, and that includes during the eclipse(Janarthanan). But, these eclipses have
been occurring for thousands of years. In fact, the ancient Chinese believed that solar eclipses were
dragons devouring the sun (NASA). Obviously, the general population has come to a much stronger
understanding of what a solar eclipseentails, but they do not necessarily follow guidance related
to viewing the eclipse. In 1999, a solar eclipse occurred and several thousand people rang
helplines or attended special eclipse clinics (Dobson). However, the number of cases of solar
retinopathy than was widely feared (Dobson). Solar retinopathy is the damage caused by someone
looking at the sun with improper or no eye protection. The retina, the home of light sensing cells, is
then damaged by the harmful rays of the sun. Treatment to try and heal the effects of solar
retinopathy has proven ineffective (Dobson). Eyes are similar to the brain in terms of traumatic
injury. Once a vital organ has been harmed, it
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Arguments Against Nuclear Waste
Individually, they re no larger than your pinkie, but the energy packed pellets that are the
radioactive remains of nuclear power generation pose an enormous problem for nuclear energy
plants that weren t originally designed to store them. So far the 103 operating nuclear reactors in
the United States have generated an estimated 45,000 tons of waste that is expected to remain
radioactive for more than 200,000 years (Onion, 2016). And right now, the waste, which emits
radioactive particles that can eat away at human tissue and organs, is being stored in tanks or
concrete and steel bunkers at sites that were only meant to contain the waste for perhaps decades,
not centuries. Spent fuel is now stored in pools and dry casks, says Rodney Ewing, a professor in
nuclear engineering at the University of Michigan. Today it s safe. But it s certainly not a long term
solution (Ewing, 2015). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some argue the lack of a permanent, safe storage site for nuclear waste is reason enough to
oppose proposals in President Bush s energy plan to speed licensing of new nuclear power plants
and extend the operating licenses of existing plants. As Allison Macfarlane, a geologist and senior
researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology says, Until we can figure out what to do
with the waste, we shouldn t make any more of it (Macfarlane, 2015). But those who tout the
economic and environmental benefits of nuclear energy argue a safe, permanent storage site has
already been found and only politics has prevented its opening. Others point to changing methods of
nuclear power generation that could ultimately reduce waste
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Post Impressionism Research Paper
The period of Impressionism and Post Impressionism embarks from ca. 1860 to 1910 CE. For the
Impressionists artists the main focus were the upper middle class, the city and restful activities.
They emphasized in the outdoors, parks, sky, star, sun etc. in hope to obtain directly the effects of
light and the atmosphere, this method was known as en plein air. This technique was influenced
by the Japanese art and photography. They used strokes and touches of pure colors mostly white,
almost never black. They were able to record or attain the shifting play of light on the surface of
the object they were working on. This method allowed the artist to record the effect light had on the
eyes of the spectator without concern for the physical aspect... Show more content on
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The artist that practiced the postimpressionism went through an impressionist stage first, before
they evolved to the newly found method of postimpressionism. They all used palette while doing
their work of art, some even developed complicated scientific methods and other began to base their
art on their emotions something that has not being experimented before. Goerges Seurat was a
postimpressionist artist that painted the work titled A Sunday afternoon on the island of La Grande
Jatte, using the technique of divisionism or pointillism. By devoting himself to correct the idea of
impressionism he became known as avant garde, he thought impressionism was superficial and too
improvisational. Avant garde is a term that refers to those artist whose visual illustration would
allow society to be prepared to accept any social changes that the artist themselves envisioned for
society to faced. Seurat painted in an almost abstract way, by using juxtaposing small strokes of
unblended colors, this technique became known as pointillism. Paul Cezanne was another
postimpressionist artist that helped developed the modernist painting of the early twentieth century
His work made a great impact in the style known as cubism, by creating highly well thought out
paintings through methodical application of color that combined drawing and modeling into a single
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Understanding The Predominant Program Models For Early...
There is an accumulation of similarities and contrast within each discussion category. The idea of
how they relate in terms of theory becomes a highly complex analysis because the threads for all
three programs are virtually the same and shaped heavily by the social sciences. Aside from the
tangles of likeness and crossovers in theory, modes of operation and arrangement, the historical
aspect addresses the pathway leading to each models final take on how relationship are a necessity
in educating young children. In regards to the history of early childhood education, there is a high
level of connectedness between care and education. (Canella, )
In order to understand the predominant program models for early childhood education let the
consensus for model be described as a curriculum based approach or a curriculum. What does
curriculum mean? For the sake of identifying quality, curriculum is a key component for building
sustainable early childhood education programs. Curriculum encompasses ideas and materials
transferred to a student to develop knowledge and skills as framed by identified expectations. The
NAEYC s definition states . . . in general curriculum is seen as the means by which a society helps
learners acquire the knowledge, skills, and values that that society deems most worth having. (
,2015) The frameworks of Developmental Interactional Approach, Direct Instructional Model, and
Reggio Emilia Approach are approaches observed in early childhood
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The Pentecostal-Charismatic Movement Paper
Modern Christianity is full of several different practices. Baby dedication is the practice of
Christians, in which the parent(s) declare publicly in front of God, the church, and their family,
they will lead their child in the way God orders life to go, as well as encourage a personal
relationship with Godthroughout their lifetime as to never fall short of the glory of God. The baby
dedication ceremony historically began with churches who did not baptize babies (Patzia, 1984).
Some believers felt it unnecessary because God does not hold children accountable and they would
go to heaven should something occur prior to their date of accountability. The ceremony begins
with the Pastor thanking God for the blessing of the baby. Then, the parents must dedicate
announce they have dedicated their life to God and will bring... Show more content on
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One movement in particular is the Pentecostal Charismatic Movement. Although this movement is
rooted in ancient history, the last 100 years the movement has made great strides (Molloy, 2009).
The Pentecostals have faith in the emotional backing of Christian worship. They believe the Holy
Spirit manifests through them using miraculous blessings, such as speaking in tongues (Bartos,
2015). The first Pentecostal churches first developed in the United States during the early twentieth
century; although, churches using the Pentecostal name have been around since the later part of
the nineteenth century. The growth of the church has been significant in such a short time span and
it expands globally. Traditionally, this movement was associated with the needy people of American
culture (Wheaton College, 2012). However, their ideas have spread quickly to other denominations,
especially with American youth. Several independent networks of churches have since emerged and
Pentecostal ideals have been highly influential. The number of individuals converting here and afar
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Analysis Of If This Is A Man By Primo Levi
In the autobiography If this is a man written by Primo Levi, it described the experience of Levi
during his journey in the notorious concentration camp of Auschwitz from 1944 to 1945. This
book act as a bibliography and a reminder of what we as human are capable. In the concentration
camp, Levi had suffered a lot, both physically and mentally as the concentration camp exercises
Levi s body and spirit for survival. Not only did Levi face hunger every day from the insufficient
supply of water and bread but there were also mental challenges like facing death from the gas
chamber, daily beating from the Kapo. The question this essay will focus on the use of people
by Levi to portray the environment in the concentration camp. Levi used a lot of people (minor
or important) to draw up a picture of Auschwitz for the readers. The German SS soldiers were one
of the minor characters in the book. Levi did not describe the German SS soldiers with great
detail, however there were parts mentioning about the German SS when they first arrive Auschwitz.
When they arrive Auschwitz, Levi described the guards as, a dozen SS men stood around, leg
akimbo, with an indifferent air. (P25) In this sentence, Levi used metaphor to describe the cold
atmosphere that Levi sense of the SS men as they were standing to prepare for the interrogation to
determine the healthy ones for the concentration camp. they behave with the calm assurance of
people doing their normal duty of everyday. But Renzo
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Asses the Extent to Which the Ideal of Equality Is Shared...
Assess the extent to which the ideal of equality is shared by all Australians
The idea of mateship and the trendy notion of a fair go for all emphasises the strength of Australian
support for the value of equality of opportunity, the ideal goal of all Australians having equal
opportunity to achieve success. Notions of Egalitarianism are what Australia strives to accomplish
within its society, through the implementing and practicing of legislations such as Anti
Discrimination Act (1997), Sex Discrimination Act (1954) and Racial Discrimination Act (1975)
which were established in order to conclude unfair treatment based on people s looks, beliefs or
choices. Human Rights is also another important element which demonstrates ... Show more content
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Only recently, the Australian Government introduced reforms to de facto relationships. This meant
that same sex couples are entitled to the same benefits and subject to the same obligations as
opposite sex couples (Property Relationships Act 1984 NSW). The legislation of Same Sex
Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws General Law Reform) Act 2008 removed
discriminatory treatment of same sex couples. These acts included laws about tax, superannuation,
Medicare, workers compensations, employment entitlements and family law. Homosexuals are
discriminated against in terms of marriage, donating blood and are also victims to abuse due to
their status. A study conducted by the Victorian Gay and Lesbian RightsLobby revealed that 84%
of participants aged between 14 and 21 had been treated unfairly because of their sexuality and
almost half had suffered verbal or physical abuse. With these inequalities present, it is difficult to
achieve equality and fairness around this group. Although Australia proposes the ideal of
egalitarianism, it is hard to justify whether it is present or not. The ideal goal and desire which
Australia values within its diverse hybrid society is that Australia is a lucky country , priding itself
of mateship and equal opportunity which establishes Australia s nation identity. However with
conflict and discrimination against groups such as Muslim Women and
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Why the Range of Indicators Used to Measure Development...
Why the Range of Indicators Used to Measure Development Has Increased in Recent Years
Essentially the ideology of development was based on a countries GNP this was down to Rostow
s Model; therefore the only indicator of development was a countries economy. The ideologies
have changed and now there are a range of indicators that are used to classify a countries
development such as social, demographic, hence including quality of life this gives the ideology of
development a more multi dimensional view thus a better understand of what a developed country
There are three categories that are used to measure development they are economic, social and
demographic. Some economic factors used to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Other limitations in using GNP is that it needs to measure by a currency and with currencies
always changing figures can become less accurate. Also in LEDC s figures are less accurate and
a lot of business is done within the informal sector thus leaving GNP figures very unreliable. It
also does not take into account the cost of living is different depending on countries for example
10 dollars in and LEDC will buy a person a lot more than what it would buy you in America. GNP
s frequent use suggest that development is only based on a countries wealth, where as this not true
because development is multi dimensional process. The other economic factors such as better
transport link and energy consumption tie in well with GNP and make using a countries economy
more useful in considering if a country is developed or not.
Some social indictors of development include the adult literacy rate, incidence of doctors and
access to a clean water supply. Adult literacy rates are good measure of development because it
shows the countries population who have access to education, with people able to communicate in
other ways rather than word of mouth enhances the chance of employment. Also one can compare
the literacy rates between male and female if they are more men able to read and write it suggest
that women do no
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Othello Illusion Vs Reality
Illusion vs. Reality
When thought up of the idea of illusions multiple things come to mind: magic tricks, mind games,
and so much more. With such positive outlooks on illusions it s difficult to see how the use of
them could possibly be used in a negative way. Within the play Othello, Shakespeare plays with the
idea of unreliable reality to seek his revenge. Through the misfortunes of lies and gullibility the
misunderstanding of illusion and reality soon lead to the tragic downfall of many.
As soon as the play takes off Iago lets the readers know his true intentions. He states to Roderigo
that he is going to be the Moorships biggest mistake after he found out Othello chose Cassio to be
his Lieutenant (I. i. 35). From this information it is gathered that Iago seeks revenge and the use
of illusion vs. reality will make his plans all the more believable. After seen Iago s true colors it s
iconic to see how many times he is called by the name Honest Iago . This name is an illusion in
itself knowing he is anything but honest. Cassio even goes on to say I never/knew/a Florentine
more kind and honest (III. i. 43 45). Cassio truly believes his words are humble but only the
readers can understand that the only reason Iago is seen as honest is ... Show more content on
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reality really takes off. As Iago s plan lays out there are reminders to the readers of who he really
is. As Cassio shows respect towards Desdemona by being kind to her, Iago celebrates the
mistakes Cassio is bound to run into ...this will I/ ensnare as great a fly as Cassio. Ay, smile
upon/ her, do (II. i. 182 185). As if such tricks were not clear enough, Iago even comes to the
point where he clearly states I am not what I am (1.1.66). Throughout Iago s entire master plan he
never hesitates to wonder if anyone is going to catch on to his schemes, Since Iago sees the moor
as a free and open nature that thinks men are honest, he has no doubt his plan will work (II, i,
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The Classical Music Genre
Claire Troll
MUS 241
10 November 2014
Favorite Composer Paper There are numerous composers within the Classical Music genre; each
one is different from the next. Although it may seem that each piece of music within the
Classical genre is the same, they are just as different as the composers are to one another.
Wolfgang Mozart is a very well known composer. He was not only popular in the time period in
which he lived, but he continues to be one of the better known composers in today s society.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozartwas born on January 27, 1756, in Salzburg, Austria. He was the only
surviving son of Leopold and Maria Pertl Mozart. Wolfgang s father, Leopold, was a successful
composer, violinist, and assistant concert master at the Salzburg court (Bio.com). His mother,
Maria, was born into a middle class family of local community leaders (Bio.com). Both Wolfgang
and his sister, Maria Anna (nicknamed Nannerl ) were introduced to music at a young age.
Because Leopold started teaching Nannerl to play the piano at the age of seven, Wolfgang
developed a strong understanding of chords, tonality, and tempo, and was soon receiving lessons
from his father, also. Because Wolfgang composed his first piece at five years old on the piano,
excelled at playing the clarinet and violin (Biography of Mozart). In 1762, Wolfgang s family
began traveling to courts in Munich, Paris, London, The Hague, and Zurich to perform. Both
Nannerl and Wolfgang were considered child prodigies
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Conrad Patterson Case Study
Sometimes second place is enough. Conrad Patterson, owner of 318 Sweet Shop, took a second
place win as just the confidence booster he needed to pursue his passion. For as long as
Patterson could remember, his mother, Linda Faye Stephenson and Uncle Larry Wallace, have
baked and cooked in professional and home settings. He would watch them bake and cook and at
times would bake with them. Following in his family s direction, Patterson attended Northwest
Louisiana Technical College (NWLTC) where he sharpened his culinary skills that he learned
from his family and from working in various restaurants. Patterson was hungry for knowledge
while at NWLTC. Every chance he got, he would take the old books the school wanted to discard
and take them
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Setting The Stage Of A New York State
Assignment #1: Setting the Stage Ashley M. Mosgrove Simmons College Part One 1.a.US
Senators: Kirsten E. Gillibrand Charles E. Schumer (United States Senate, n.d.) b.House
Representative: Nita Lowey (U.S. House of Represenatatives, n.d.) c.Governor: Andrew Cuomo
(New York State, n.d.) d.Assembly Member: Ellen Jaffee (New York State Assembly, n.d.) 2.Each
elected official is a Democrat. 3.I am in the 17th voting district in New York. (U.S. House of
Representatives, n.d.) 4.a.Kirsten E. Gillibrand: i.Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and
Forestry 1.Subcommittee on Livestock, Marketing and Agriculture Security, Subcommittee on
Commodities, Risk Management and Trade Member, Subcommittee on Nutrition, Specialty Crops,
and Agricultural Research ii. Senate Committee on Armed Services 1.Subcommittee on Personnel,
Subcommittee on Airland, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities iii. Senate
Committee on Environment and Public Works 1.Subcommittee on Fisheries, Water, and Wildlife,
Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure iv. Senate Special Committee on Aging (Civic
Impulse LLC., n.d.) b.Charles E. Schumer: i.Senate Committee on Rules and Administration ii.
Joint Committee on the Library iii. Joint Committee on Printing iv. Senate Committee on Banking,
Housing, and Urban Affairs 1.Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection,
Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation, and Community
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The Negative Effects Of Office Beliefs In The Workplace
Office gossip is one of the worst problems that can happen in the workforce. When an employee
tries to spread a rumor or something that an employee did, it can have a negative effect in the
work space. There are multiple ways that office gossip can happen and there are ways to remedy
the situation as well. Unfortunately, office gossip is something that cannot be avoided as it is
human nature to bring rumors into the office. There are, however, ways to avoid the situation.
Most workers would choose to avoid talking with others and not sharing their personal life with
fellow coworkers. While it is acceptable to avoid talking about personal lives with other staff,
keeping to themselves do not make an effective team. The first way to avoid office gossip is
simple, but not as easy. It involves not starting the rumorin the first place. By not starting rumors in
the first place, there would be no problems in the first place. Because rumors start from
somewhere, then there is a problem already in the office. For example, if I was an employee
looking to get a promotion with better pay, but was in competition with another coworker, it stands
to reason that I would do anything I can to get the promotion. But when my competition learned
that I did something that the management would frown upon, he starts spreading it across the
office space in an attempt to break my chances of obtaining the promotion. If the bosses found out,
not only would I lose the promotion, there is now a
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Do People Really Have Free Will Essay
Do people really have free will? Toshia Perry Axia College Slide 2 What exactly is free will?
Speaker notes: It is the ability for a person to determine some or all of his actions. Some consider
free will to be its own cause. Some consider free will to be independent of any other causation,
predestination, or predetermination by any other person, event, or stimulus. Of course, this does
not make sense since a person is free to do as he/she wants but what he/she wants can only be
consistent with his own nature. I propose that free willinvolves four aspects: Conception, Desire,
Choice, and Accomplishment. Conception leads to desire which leads to choice which leads to
accomplishing that choice. Slide 3 Who determines... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is a currently expanding area of psychology, biology and philosophy so I don t think all of
the best evidence is in yet give it 50 years and we should know more. Slide 5 Misconceptions of
free will. Speaker notes: The question concerning a free will shouldn t be whether we have one,
it should be whether such a thing is possible. We must ask ourselves, Free from what? A mind
free from all motivating factors would have nothing to base decisions upon. There is just no such
thing as an uncaused choice. Many people, religious and secular alike, wonder if cause and effect
ultimately means that everything in the universe including human behavior is predestined, bound
to happen, or predetermined. We are not made to do things by cause and effect we are PART of
cause and effect we make ourselves do things. The cause and effect that goes on in our minds is
what constitutes self, and our particular cause effect process is manifestly different from what we
normally think of cause and effect. We remember our past, and direct our actions to bring about
specific results to satisfy feelings of need and desire something random causality cannot do. Slide 6
Is freedom of speech part of free will? Slide 7 How much free will do we need? Speaker notes:
With so many choices in our world to choose from I would say that we have as much free will as
we will need. We get to choose from what brand of
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The Importance Of Jcc s Academic Skills Center
One resource you can use when you are in need of help is JCC s Academic Skills Center.Now
this center has different days and times for different subjects. On monday through Thursday
from 8 A.M. to 2 P.M they offer the subjects Reading and English.But if you need extra time they
allow you to go to the Writing Studio from 2P.M till 3:30 P.M. Then on Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Thursdays from 8:30 A.M. till 5 P.M. they offer Math and Science. Do not be upset if you
can not make those three day. Because they do offer Math and Science on Tuesdays and Fridays.
On Tuesdays they offer it from 8:30 till 4:30. Then on Fridays from 8 till 2 P.M. Now if you re
wondering where the Academic Skills Center is located I am about to answer that. The Academic
Skills Center is located in the Wilson Building room 1111. If you do ever need to contact them
there phone number is (919) 209 2117. You can either have a scheduled one on one with a tutor or
just walk in. The scheduled appointments can be up to two hours.... Show more content on
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As you can tell by the title that the Writing Studio is a place you can go to get help with writing
assignments, digital publications like blogs and social media,literary competition submissions,
and application essays. Now you have to make an appointment to get help here or just walk in.
The Writing Studio is also located in the Wilson Building room C1118 so not far from the
Academic Skills Center. There operating hours are Monday through Thursdays from 11 A.M till
3:30 P.M. during the spring and fall semesters. On the plus side even during the summer you can
get help with your writing even during the summer the only change is that instead of being in the
Writing Studio you will meet in the Academic Skills Center.If you ever need to contact the Writing
Studio you can email or call them. The phone number is (919) 209 2089 and the email is
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Reflection On The Process Of Bid Glass
This was my first time ever doing stained glass. My goal for this class was to learn the process of
stained glass, grow in patience, and grow in appreciation for the art. With all of the different
aspects, I feel like this goal was met. The first part of the process was cutting the glass. For this,
the tools needed was a glass/ball cutter, running pliers, grozing pliers, and (of course) your glass.
Using the ball cutter, you make a score on the glass. This should only ever be done once. After
that is made, take the pliers to break the glass. The running pliers are used for straight lines What
you do is align the cut with the line on the pliers and pinch, and the glass should break. The
grozing pliers are used for non straight cuts. For this, you take the pliers in one hand and your
hand as the other and go on either side of the score, then break or snap it upwards. Throughout
this process I had a good amount of struggles. I first struggled with figuring out how to position
my hand, the amount of pressure that I should put on the glass, and the angle to put my hand.
Another struggle that I encountered was breaking off the glass that had a curved score.
Sometimes the glass wouldn t break, or other times the glass shattered . At one point I ended up
deeply cutting myself, but I went on with a makeshift band aid and got all of the pieces cut. After
all the pieces were cut, I went to the grinder and grinded them all. This didn t seem to challenge me
at all, but rather proved to
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Narcissus Personality Disorder Analysis
Lindsay Morgan Lohan is an actress, singer and model. Her career began when she was three
years old, modeling and doing commercials. When she was 12 years old, she made her leap to
fame when she starred in the Disney movie Parent trap, in which she played two of the central
characters that were twin sisters who had been separated at birth by the divorce of their parents.
In the year 2003, at 18 years of age, she participation in movies like: Just my luck, Herbie, and
Mena Girls. But her lack of control, caused that brilliance star to fade a little with her personal
problems. Especially linked to the addiction to alcohol and drugs ended her professional life. The
year 2007 could be considered the beginning of the ending of her career, since she had repeated
arrests for driving while intoxicated... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She has also been known to have a risky behavior. In which Lindsey was diagnosed with severe
Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Narcissus Personality Disorder is characterized by self
centeredness, lack of empathy, and an exaggerated sense of self importance. Narcissistic can also
be defined as someone self centered, exploitative, and lacking in empathy, which is related to
focusing on the image of others rather than on the person. Internally these people work with the
same perceptual mechanism as in the interpersonal, being more focused on their self image than on
who they really are and what they experience. In this way the narcissist has little awareness of his
intimate feelings and the nature of relationships with others. Patients with narcissistic personality
disorder are very dependent on the external, and often feel invisible when they are not recognized;
When their feelings and beliefs are not reflected, they feel that their existence and their
psychological well being are
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Mount St Helen Research Paper
Mount Saint Helen
The theory of the continental drift is that the continents have slowly drifted to their current location.
Alfred Wegener believed that all the seven continents were once a supercontinent known as Pangea.
A discovery that came from climate clues like glacial deposits in South America, Africa, Australia
and India. Rock and fossils matching evidence found in South America and Africa.
The theory of plate tectonics states that Earth s outer shell is divided into plates. The crust and
upper mantle is broken into plates that move around on the mantle, changing in size throughout
time. The lithosphere makes up the crust and upper mantle and the asthenosphere a plastic like
layer beneath the lithosphere. There are three types of plate boundaries. Divergent boundaries
where two plates move away from each other. The ocean widens and new crust forms at the mid
oceanic ridge. Convergent boundaries has three types of converging, moving two plates towards
each other. First we have an ocean floor plate that collides with a less dense continental plate. Next
an ocean floor plate collides with another ocean floor plate. Finally a continental plate collides with
another continental plate. Transform boundaries were two plates slide past one another. The
resulting effects of plate tectonics is landforms such as rift valleys, ... Show more content on
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Mount Saint Helen is located on The Ring of Fire, a zone of active volcanoes. In 1980 Mount Saint
Helen erupted due to its location on a destructive plate boundary where a continental plate (North
American) meets an oceanic plate (Juan de Fuca). Since the oceanic plate is denser it will submerge
under the continental plate. The plate melts because of friction between moving plates. The melted
plate is now magma which rise through the gaps in the continental plate, forming a volcano once it
reaches the
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The Equal Protection Clause Of The Fourteenth Amendment
The equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution was at first created to
protect against racial discrimination, but the Supreme Court later expanded the clause to also
providing equal treatment amongst different races. The clause says, No state shall...deny to any
person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (U.S. Constitution. Art./Amend. XIV,
Sec. 1.) A person could not be discriminated upon solely because of his or her race and if the law
treated a group of people differently, then a valid reason for the discrepancy of different treatment
must exist. Racial minorities, but mainly women, have historically been subjected and made
vulnerable to harsh restrictions on activities such as voting, attending college, and working as
lawyers. These restrictions, based on stereotypes overlooked the actual capability and potential of
each individual woman. For many cases dealing with discriminationof women, the Court looked to
another important element of equal protection, which stated that unfair treatment couldn t be based
on immutable distinctions, such as race and gender, because those fixed distinctions are
uncontrollable and unrelated to ability. In the case of Frontiero v. Richardson, 411 U.S. 677
(1973), the Supreme Court was just one vote short of adopting gender as a suspect classification.
In United States v. Virginia, 518 U.S. 515 (1996), women rights supporters were very pleased with
the Supreme Court s ruling and remain
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Okanogan Tribe Summary
Violet always wanted to do things in the Okanogan Tribe. Her father the Spirit Chief told her
that she could make the clouds with Coyote. Well Violet not knowing why Coyote was making
the clouds so she asked. The Spirit Chief started on telling the story about why Coyote was the
one making clouds. He beginning saying that Coyote was never the type of person people
wanted to be around. He always took something from other people in our tribe. So one day the
world before you know was once in black and white. So I sent Mole on an adventure to find a
place that has supplies for our tribe to be powerful. Coyote found out that he sent Mole so he
started to on his adventure to be more powerful. Well Coyote started on his adventure and he
found out were Mole was headed so he followed Mole. When saw that Mole had stop for a break he
decided to stop where he was and not got further in till Mole got back up from his break. Well
when Mole started to walk again Coyote saw that she was beginning to get closer and closer to
her destination. So Coyote had to stay back as far as he could so that Mole never saw. So Mole
asked the tribe she went to if they had some supplies that we could trade them... Show more content
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He finally figured it out and said to the voice if I can make something so that the sky insist bland
anymore will you let me out. The voice replied yes my child I will let you out. So the Coyote
showed the voice what he had made. The voice said back Very good my child that is what I am
looking for. So Coyote saw that he was in the room with the Spirit Cheif and he showed him
what he had made for the sky. So the Spirit Cheif looked at it and said What do you call this
Coyote. Coyote replied, I call it a cloud. If you touch your hand goes right through it. I made it
this way so that you could still see the sky. Also can we bring back color in the world so that the
clouds will look all little
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The Crucible and The Salem Witch Trials by Arthur Miller...
Arthur Miller wrote plays as a way of showing people the real picture of what life was really like
during the Great Depression and after World War II. Before the Great Depression many Americans
were living in a significant time period, the Roaring Twenties. People had radios, automobiles, and
movies with sounds. Then it all suddenly came to an end with the Stock Market Crash, leading to
the Great Depression. During the Great Depression, Americans faced poverty, and had no income
because jobs weren t available. Throughout his life Miller influenced many people with his plays,
and his contributions to this day because people want to read and understand what was truly
happening in past history. For example, The Crucible is a play about the... Show more content on
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However, their marriage spiraled downward and they eventually divorced. While Miller was
married to his first wife, he had an affair with Marilyn Monroe, who later would become his wife.
Marilyn Monroe was a great influence in his life inspiring him to write After the Fall (1964),
which was an open portrayal of his marriage with Monroe.
Arthur s purpose for writing literature was to unmask the problems and issues of capitalism so
the people could have a fair understanding of the truth but in his plays rather than newspapers and
magazines. In the nineteen fifty s, Miller was starting to go downhill. During this time, one of
Millers most popular and recognized works; The Crucible was playing on Broadway. The
Crucible showed a relationship with the Communist Red Scare that America was facing during
this. The Communist Red Scare took place shortly after the end of World War I. It was a
nationwide fear of communist, socialists, and other fears America was facing. Since the Red Scare
was such a big deal to many Americans during this time in American history, Millers face drastically
declined. With the production of Millers, The Crucible, it brought more attention and suspicion on
Miller. In the middle of the nineteen fifty s, he was called to testify in front of the House
Committee on Un American Activity, today known
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Comparing the Attitudes Towards Love and Relationships in...
Comparing the Attitudes Towards Love and Relationships in The Beggar Woman by William King
and To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell
In this essay I will be comparing two poems, The Beggar Woman and To His Coy Mistress. I will
be looking at how the themes of love and relationships are dealt with. I will also be looking at the
historical context of the poems.
Firstly in The Beggar Woman, written around 1663 to 1712, by William King. The story within
the poem is about a gentleman who, whilst he is out hunting, wants to do another kind of sport ,
i.e. looking for a woman to have sex with. He found a woman who was a beggar. He asked her if
she wanted to have sex in the woods, and, to his delight, she ... Show more content on
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A gentleman in hunting rode astray,
More out of choice than that he lost his way:
He let his company the hare pursue,
For he himself had other game in view:
This quote shows that he was chasing a woman and that he is not looking for anything more than
sex. He just wants a bit of fun like any sport would give him.
When reading the poems they create images of what is happening are created. In The Beggar
Woman, William King does not use any similes or metaphors. I think this is because he needs to
keep things simple for his audience. When he wrote it, he relied on his descriptive words to
create a mental picture for the reader. For example, mounts the infant with a gentle toss upon her
generous friend, and like a cross, the sheet she with a dextrous motion winds and her cheeks were
fresh and linen clean. When reading this line, you can imagine her cheeks; they are smooth, rosy,
red, beaming cheeks. Both these quotes make you see an image created by his cleverly written
In To His Coy Mistress, Andrew Marvelldoes use metaphors and similes because he thinks the
audience expects them as they are upper class. Some examples of the imagery created by
metaphors and similes are vegetable love, which is a metaphor; times winged chariot and his slow
chapped power , which are personification; like morning dew and like
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Climate Change Is Real And Denial Is No More A Policy !
Climate change is real and denial is no more a policy!
Abstract: For last 37 years as a world we have spent lot of time in studying climate change and
fixing a blame. First World Climate Conference was held on 12 23 February 1979 in Geneva.
(wikipedia) It was one of the first major international meetings on climate change. We are studying
climate change, it s impact, causes and how to fix mess created by us. But now it s high time for us
to move forward and act on controlling Human contribution to Greenhouse Gases(GHG) which is
major contributing factor to climate change.This way we are giving back to society and future
News: (See reference page for the link). Most of Greenland ice melted to bedrock in recent geologic
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So we need to look for Electrical Vehicle (EV) and renewable energy.
With current level of awareness for climate change people are changing their attitude toward mother
earth and nature. They are increasingly looking toward less polluting vehicles and renewable
energy (like solar / wind energy) for their day to day energy needs. Also different government
across worlds are promoting development and use of EV automobiles and renewable energy.
Government are giving incentives like congestion pricing, highway tolls, carpooling lanes, tax
rebates on green vehicle (environmentally preferable vehicles).
This change is society is forcing different organisation to develop green technology. Better Place
and few other companies like Tesla, Renault Nissan, Indian REVA, Fortwo is working toward this
goal of new world where we human will be using green technology and not harming climate. This
is change is leading toward all major automobiles working on electrical or alternative fuel cars like
Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCV).
Along with current incentives government should promote infrastructure development for mass
rapid transportation system. This will reduce per capita energy use.
Different organisation is coming with their own innovation and lot of those innovation is
happening in developed countries. These countries should promote transfer of technology to
developing countries. This way majority of world population
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Centervale Police Patrol
All police departments grapple with the challenge of allocating their limited resources to meet to
meet law enforcement needs of the communities they serve. Crucial to alleviating the cost
pressures the departments face is patrol force allocation. Most of the budgets go to salaries and
expenses, such as fringe benefits, which mean that increases in personnel utilization efficiencies
would result in dollar savings. As such, it is the duty of policechiefs to determine what the patrols
will look like regarding when and where the patrols will take place. This paper, thus, seeks to
outline how the Centervale Police Department should allocate patrol resources to best serve the
needs of Centervale.
Patrols are meant to eliminate criminal opportunities by creating an impression of presence in the
community. However, patrols do not decrease an individual s desire to break the law but by
diminishing the opportunities to commit crime, they promote a sense of safety to residents. As the
assistant chief in the Centervale Police Department, CPD, one would develop a strategy that caters
for both sides of the railroad tracks with fairness although with an emphasis on the crime prone
The CPD assistant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Random preventive patrol strategies aim to increase visibility in the community to deter crime
and reduce the general public s fear of crime. However, this method of patrols is ineffective at
apprehending offenders. Directed patrols in Centervale would use hot spot policing approach by
increasing the presence of uniforms in the northern side of the railroad tracks, where crime is most
prevalent at night. However, that would come at price to the south side since the residents of the
south of railroad tracks contribute more to the town s taxes. The assistant chief would have to use
the money coming from the south side for crime deterrence in the north to prevent migration of
criminals to the
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Hillary Rodham Biography
Born on October 26th 1947 in Chicago, Hillary Diane Rodham already got to know the rivalry
between Republicans and Democrats early in her life. As the daughter of a small business
owner who was a Republican and a mother who had a tough childhood and had to start working
at the age of 14 and was therefore a Democrat, Hillary experienced an upbringing with both
political points of views. Receiving a successful education, she was able to attend Wellesley
College, studying political science, where she ended up being the student leader and first ever
student speaker. After graduating she transferred to Yale Law School where she first started
dating Bill Clinton. In 1979 to 1992 she was First Lady of Arkansas along her husband Bill whom
she had married and in 1975 to 2000 she ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As First Lady of Arkansas she raised educational standards and improved the health care access in
her state. This was also her goal as First Lady of the United States but the Clinton health care plan
of 1993, which is also known as Hillarycare, was declined. She also held her famous speech at the
U.N Fourth World Conference in 1995 where she stated that women s rights are human rights and
spoke for education, health care, economic independence, legal rights and political participation of
women all around the world. After her husbands second term, she gained a seat at the US Senate
for New York where she among other things pushed President Bush to finance the rebuild of the
city after 9/11 and took care of the health issues. In 2008 she ran for President of the United States
where she was supported by Hispanics, non college graduates, working class white and older
voters. In the end she lost to Barack Obama who she later supported herself which lead to Obama
asking her to be his Secretary of State which she accepted
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Resistance Compliance Tactic
Resistance as a Compliance Tactic Resistance is the antithesis of persuasion. Yet, understanding the
process by which persuasion is resisted remains a critical component in analyzing persuasive
appeals and crafting more influential communications. We are inundated with persuasive messages
and requests on a regular basis, each with its own set of risks and rewards. Naturally, we approach
those considered positive and resist those that may be hazardous. This two sided equation can be
utilized to maximize compliance by either increasing the constructive aspects or decreasing the
negative ones. Resistance can be sidestepped, addressed directly, or addressed indirectly. It can be
overcome by distracting the recipient, disrupting the message,... Show more content on
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Alpha strategies are well known, commonly used techniques that persuade individuals to approach a
particular goal, rather than avoid it. On the other hand, Omega strategies focus on a person s
avoidance of/resistance to the goal. These techniques are far more subtle and often among the last
to be attempted, if they are attempted at all. Omega strategies can be direct (counterarguing,
guaranteeing desirable outcome), indirect (disrupting resistance, reinforcing one s self confidence),
or counterintuitive (acknowledging
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Lyke Wake Walk Research Paper
The Lyke Wake Walk is a 40 mile (64km) challenge walk across the North York Moors from
Scarth Wood Moor, near Osmotherley to the coast at Ravenscar. The completion time for the
challenge is twenty four hours. The Lyke Wake Walk is a 40 mile (64km) challenge walk across
the North York Moors from Scarth Wood Moor, near Osmotherley to the coast at Ravenscar.
Those completing the walk in under twenty four hours qualify for membership of the Lyke Wake
Club. Its associated club has its own social structure, culture and rituals based on the walk and
Christian and folklore traditions from the area of North Yorkshire through which it passes. The
Lyke Wake Walk was started by a local farmer, Bill Cowley, in the North Riding of Yorkshire,
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The State University Of New York
The State University of New York (2014) provides and clear and accurate description of
Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and
governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided
by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political
systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well being in societies
around the world (The State University of New York, 2014, para 1). Global economicsaffects the
decisions of firms, governments, and individuals in the United State in many different ways. The
World Trade Organizationmanages the rules and trade between nations and has a significant impact
on intellectual property rights. Intellectual property rights refer creations of the mind, such as
inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce
(World Intellectual Property Organization, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to compare and
contrast free trade and protectionist theories, analyze how the global environment functions on a
micro and macro level within the context of the World Trade Organization, analyze the two level
game theory and how organizations make financial decisions in a globalized environment, and
determine which parties benefit from either increasing or decreasing trade restriction.
Free Trade and Protectionist Theories
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Conclusion Of Mercantile Bank
1. Conclusions : Mercantile Bank Limited is one of the pioneer banks of Bangladesh banks in
respect of customer service, profitability and strength among the private commercial banks;.
According to my research and study on the bank I think the bank has achieved a good level of
success by having 93 branches around the whole Bangladesh. Mercantile BankLimited has also set
up a new standard in financing in the industrial, trade and foreign Exchange Business. Different
retail bankingproducts of Mercantile Bank Limited also gets the attention of the customers.
According to my understanding and research on the topic Customer Satisfaction level of Retail
Banking at Mercantile Bank Limited I think Mercantile Bank survives on customers trust which ...
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The following limitations were apparent while studying the branch and the Mercantile bank itself
пѓ To compete with the intense competition of the banking industry Mercantile Bank should have
a highly qualified and efficient professional bankers who will manage the bank
пѓ To address the problems of customers and come up with solution Mercantile Bank should
establish a customer research and planning division with efficient persons. This division will
research on the core banking needs of the customer and based on that Mercantile Bank should craft
its customer support strategy
пѓ Gathering experience of the foreign banks, specially their policy on the customers will help
Mercantile Bank to build a competitive position
пѓ A good management information system needs to be implemented and maintaining which will
focus on providing the best customer support service depending the requirement
пѓ To be more customer centric and give value to the customers mercantile bank should come up
with a dynamic leadership style
пѓ The working and inner environment of every branch should convey the message to the
customer that they are in right place for banking activities
пѓ Interest rates on loans should be yearly monitored and restructured according to the
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Many People Throughout The Centuries Have Wondered What
Many people throughout the centuries have wondered what will happen after they take their last
breath. The Hollow Men (1925) is a poem by T. S. Eliot that is divided into five parts, totaling 98
lines that reflect on this very idea. The so called Hollow Men are afraid to speak of Heaven by
name. Though they are curious about what Heavenis like, they also fear the eyes of heavenly souls
and the final judgmental that God will deliver. Eliot s portrayal of the unknown that is the afterlife
shows how hopeless his life felt before converting to Christianity. On a first read through of the
poem, it is difficult to understand what is happening. The Hollow Menare dead people, but at first
they come across as living, albeit... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Hollow Men describe their whispers as quiet and meaningless / As wind in dry grass (7 8);
this is also partially true about the entire monologue. This poem is often associated with Eliot s
most famous poem, The Waste Land, because both works are set in Hellish environments and
concern people whose lives are fragmented and incoherent, written around the same period in
Eliot s life. Compared to The Waste Land, this poem reads much quieter and drier. In The
Hollow Men, the short length of the words and phrases from the Men creates frequent pauses, as
if each line were an ghostly gust of wind, changing directions to later return to the same place.
The poem would be considered free verse because no meter, rhythm, or rhyme scheme is
apparent. Eliot does not use a strict meter such as iambic penta or tetrameter, which he uses in
many of his other poems. The Hollow Men is similar to a dramatic monologue by the collective
group of Hollow Men, but the verses are not consistent like a traditional monologue. The five
sections in the poem also vary in total length and stanza length. The lines throughout all five
sections are short, causing the speech to be staccato, as if the Men run out of breath before getting a
complete thought out.
The Men never raise their voices, even when describing serious matters such as eternal suffering.
Even when singing the men do not sound
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  • 6. Anyone Lived In A Pretty How Town Summary In the poem, anyone lived in a pretty how town , author, E. E. Cummings sometimes uses words in very unusual ways. Line 7, which says they sowed their isn t they reaped their same is no exception (line 7). To start off we need to decipher who the they Cummings is talking about in this line. The they Cummings is talking about here is made known in line 5. Cummings points out that Women and men (both little and small) are the they who sowed their isn t and the they that reaped their same (line 5 7). If you think about line 7 from the farming standpoint you can infer that sow could mean to plant something and reap could mean to harvest what was planted. Now, let s talking about how they sowed their isn t (line 7). To sow something, you have to have a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A seed is something a farmer places in the ground in hope of it sprouting and becoming a plant. However, the seed isn t a plant just yet. Thinking about what seed women and men sow this part of the line could possibly be actually talking about children and how the women and the men sowed what doesn t exist quite yet a child! Moving forward, to the next part (and back in the farming mindset), they reaped their same (line 7). If you planted 7 tomato seeds you would expect 7 tomato plants to grow, not 4 tomato plants and 3 cucumber plants. Here, the same logic can apply. When the women and men plant their seeds (future children) and they sprout(are born) they raise them and grow them together and they all grow up to be the same uniform product. So in line 7 Cummings may be describing how in this little town the women and the men have children who all grow up to be the exact same, just like tiny little rows of tomatoes. In lines 19 20, Cummings states, they/said their nevers they slept their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
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  • 9. Theory of the Male Gaze In today s contemporary cinema Laura Mulvey s theory of the male gaze is still prominent. The phallocentric narrative is still an underlining feature within the main body of the film. The castrated female is represented as a character in dire need for the influence of the male, be it in a voyeuristic or scopophilic presence. Contemporary animations such as Disney s The Little Mermaid, Mulan and Frozen all encounter Mulvey s notions of the male gazeand show the female as passive within the narrative, whilst in today s patriarchal society they all carry ideologies which relate strongly to Laura Mulveys Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema . Addressing the relevance of Mulvey s theory the phallus as symbol can be shown within many areas of these films, from the initial creation to the final outcome the viewer will see. The phallus as a centre point of the film controls the narrative, where then the women becomes the powerful character and challenges the male dominance, with her then being subjected to attack from loss of independence, voice and body. The prominence of the phallus in film is run through the whole filmic process. The weak female is in need of the male influence, she being the castrated female it is her lack that produces the phallus as a symbolic presence, it is her desire to make good the lack that the phallus signifies (Mulvey, 1989 p. 6). The Females lack of the phallus is brought to the forefront with the male dominance. The female is often shown ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Summary Of Annie Grace s This Naked Mind Control Alcohol The book This Naked Mind Control Alcohol is based on the true story of Annie Grace, who recalls her life of addiction to alcohol. She recounts her steps to sobriety all on her own power, by changing her unconscious and conscious desire to drink. Anything unconscious dissolves when you shine the light of consciousness on it Echart Tolle (p. 26, para 2). Annie believes that the unconscious is a powerful force controlling our behaviors and is in part responsible for the cravings that we have. Your opinions about alcohol and your desire to drink spring from the lifelong mental conditioning of you unconscious mind. This desire has likely been compounded by specific neurological changes in the brain. The goal of This Naked... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to a recent study by the NIAAA. More than one third of individuals with alcohol dependence fully recovered without any treatment. They went from alcohol dependence, defined as demonstrating tolerance, withdrawal symptoms and unsuccessful attempts to reduce or stop their consumption, to not drinking at all or drinking at levels that were no longer harmful and no longer characterized as dependence. In comparison, Dr. Lance Dodes, a recently retired professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, says, Peer reviewed studies peg thesuccess rate of A.A. somewhere between 5 and 10 percent, about one of every 15 people who enter these programs is able to become and stay sober. Not only are people who simply quit, without programs or outside help more successful in maintaining a healthy relationship with alcohol, they appear to be more at peace and happier about their decision. A significant portion of their time and energy is not meetings, readings, and devotionals; it faces into the background, allowing them to be truly feel (p 130,131, para 2, 3, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. An Oral Interview With Vanna Moore Essay Reflection Paper On September of 2016, I did an oral interview with Vanna Moore about her military past and Vanna s ties to Texas. Over the whole interview, I asked her questions about her experience in Afghanistan and how it shaped her views of her state of Texas. Through her interview, Vanna touched on her feelings about Texas, the military, American culture, and life after military. At times, she seemed comfortable and at ease sharing her thoughts, and other moments seemed more difficult to get through. This interview helped me to understand that military service can really shape a person s world view, both abroad and at home. Additionally, after this oral interview experience I feel like I know how to effectively use oral histories in my future classrooms. During the beginning of the interview I asked Vanna What do you think the difference is between West Texas and other regions of the state? At first, her answers consisted of a lot of umms , but after she got more comfortable, she said, So, it s kinda like our own little world. ... The people are like, are more like small town people, they re...more like hospitable. Vanna described West Texans as hospitable and having small town behavior. The small town mindset, that Vanna referred to is what Hollywood has portrayed time after time. Also, in the same response she said Well, obviously, we re nothing but oil field, mesquite trees and it s dry, and you go to East Texas, and there is humidity, and green grass, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Academic Skills For Health Science University of Western Sydney The College Academic Skills for Health Science Research project part A (a literature review) Student: MINH NHUT TRIEU Student ID: 18758072 Date submitted: 16/04/16 Word counts: 1012 Nowadays, College students have been recognized at risk for the development of anxiety. According to nursing (2006), anxiety is natural reactions to threatening situations. Your body has a fight or flight reaction your heart races, you breathe faster, you sweat, and your stomach and head may ache . Therefore, UWS College has provided students with many useful services such as counselling service, disability service, international student service, workshops and programs. Inam, Saqib and Alam (2003) believed that students experience anxiety and depression because of many reasons. Firstly, this is because the high volume of techniques to be absorbed and the requirement of academic performance. For example, the negative impacts of stress on medical students contain the weakness of functioning in laboratory performance and clinical exercise, stress induced disorders and reducing performance. To solve this problem, learners should seek the advice of school counsellors. A researchindicated that students who have been panic from the examination failure can manage pressure by improving their feelings of self control. They can enhance those skills by having appropriate learning strategies, suitable self instructions as well as relaxation time. In this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Red Dot Of The Green Dot On The Street Map After you have completed your part of the mission, call me and let me know, then head back to the hotel and call it a night. Jim told him. I will then leave the Tower and drive around a little, checking to see that the ReVoLT is working and making sure they don t follow you. Jim smiled. Now I ll know where these two clowns are! Then, with a light slap on Sam s back, Jim told him. Okay partner, let s Get er Done! The two agents then got into their cars. Sam turned on his Agent Tracking Software and saw the Green Dot on the street map that showed Jim s car s position as he drove out of the parking garage. Setting the program to display the ReVoLT as a Red Dot, Sam was ready to go. If only my wife could see me now. He thought to himself. She would be so proud of me. After he thought a bit more, he told himself, No. Actually she would be scared to death and try to talk me out of it! It s a good thing she can t see me now! Sam? His phone spoke. I m here Jim! He told his partner. I think I have a tail. Already? Sam said. You re only three blocks away? I just turned. Jim said. You see me? Yes. Sam said. I have a good signal on your phone. The Mercedes is tailing me. Our two clowns have taken the bait. I ll turn left here. After a pause of about three seconds, Jim told Sam, They have also made the turn and are following me! Jim told Sam. Charlie Mike, Over! Talk to you later. Charlie Mike? Sam asked. Is that their names. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Sophie Schoholl Thesis For this project, we used two knowledge from different school classes to do an informative video to help students who read I am Malala or Sophie Scholl. Our team choose the Hitler s youth for our subject to help people who read the book Sophie Scholl. We talked about what the children did in those camps and their way of living. Our learningin history helped us categorize and understand our information because we had already learned few things about World War II. We knew the context of this period. With this information already acquired, the research went faster and it was possible to make links between our sources. We didn t need to do another research about the meaning of some words or concepts. For example, in our manual history books,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hitler taught that Germans was a superiority race and Jews was inferior. And he exterminated them. I thinks that we had to learn to collaborate and live with everyone. Their religion, language and culture don t matter, we are all equal. My research make me realized that it is important to have justice and equality in a society. If we don t understand this importance, cruel events like this can recur. It our duty to learn of our mistakes. I think it could have been interesting to add, in the end, our opinion about this. So the person who will watch the video would have take a few minutes to think about what they just learn. We had memory ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. One Solution to Global Overfishing Analysis The first thing that comes to one s mind when fish is mentioned is usually, smelly, nasty, or to some, delicious. In a nutritional aspect, fish is a top priority in a diet because of the protein that it has. Many people fish for food, or just for leisure. Overfishing mainly started in the 19th century, when humans started looking for blubber for oil lamps, which they used for light during the night. When humans started overfishing for the whale blubber it severely reduced and damaged the whole population of the sea life. In the fishpopulation, many fish such as the Atlantic cod and herring were overfished to the point where they almost went extinct by the mid 1900 s. The depletion of the fish population disrupted the aquatic food... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There have been many incidents where innocent lifeguards and individuals have been attacked by sharks and other dangerous fish while spending time in waters. The overfishing of the shark s prey has causes this. This is a very dangerous issue as it may take many lives away for nothing. Another major cause is the subsides provided to fishermen from the government. Despite the depleted state of the oceans, many governments provide major subsidies to their fishing sectors. According to The Webster Merriam Dictionary, a subsidy is money that is paid usually by a government to keep the price of a product or service low or to help a business or organization to continue to function. Subsidies not only distort markets and support uneconomic activities, but also are a major incentive to overfishing and other destructive fishing practices. These large subsidies have helped produce a worldwide fishing fleet that is up to 250 percent larger than what is needed to fish at sustainable levels (Fisheries Subsidies, Overcapacity and Overfishing, 2008). Some subsidies support beneficial programs, such as management and research for overfishing. However, the majority of subsidies influence the increase and intensity of overfishing. These subsidies include those that reduce costs or enhance revenues and promote overcapacity, such as support for boat construction and modernization, fuel, equipment, and other operating costs (EcoWatch, 2011). Another ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Negative Effects Of Solar Eclipses With the impending solar eclipse set to darken the skies briefly on Monday afternoon, physicians across the country are preparing to treat cases of optical damage caused by glaring at the dark sun. Unfortunately, many people believe that because the sun is blocked, it blocks the harmful ultraviolet rays from reaching one s eyes, but that is not the case. Assistant professor in the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Tamara S. Oechslin, explains it is never safe to stare directly into the sun, and that includes during the eclipse(Janarthanan). But, these eclipses have been occurring for thousands of years. In fact, the ancient Chinese believed that solar eclipses were dragons devouring the sun (NASA). Obviously, the general population has come to a much stronger understanding of what a solar eclipseentails, but they do not necessarily follow guidance related to viewing the eclipse. In 1999, a solar eclipse occurred and several thousand people rang helplines or attended special eclipse clinics (Dobson). However, the number of cases of solar retinopathy than was widely feared (Dobson). Solar retinopathy is the damage caused by someone looking at the sun with improper or no eye protection. The retina, the home of light sensing cells, is then damaged by the harmful rays of the sun. Treatment to try and heal the effects of solar retinopathy has proven ineffective (Dobson). Eyes are similar to the brain in terms of traumatic injury. Once a vital organ has been harmed, it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Arguments Against Nuclear Waste Individually, they re no larger than your pinkie, but the energy packed pellets that are the radioactive remains of nuclear power generation pose an enormous problem for nuclear energy plants that weren t originally designed to store them. So far the 103 operating nuclear reactors in the United States have generated an estimated 45,000 tons of waste that is expected to remain radioactive for more than 200,000 years (Onion, 2016). And right now, the waste, which emits radioactive particles that can eat away at human tissue and organs, is being stored in tanks or concrete and steel bunkers at sites that were only meant to contain the waste for perhaps decades, not centuries. Spent fuel is now stored in pools and dry casks, says Rodney Ewing, a professor in nuclear engineering at the University of Michigan. Today it s safe. But it s certainly not a long term solution (Ewing, 2015). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some argue the lack of a permanent, safe storage site for nuclear waste is reason enough to oppose proposals in President Bush s energy plan to speed licensing of new nuclear power plants and extend the operating licenses of existing plants. As Allison Macfarlane, a geologist and senior researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology says, Until we can figure out what to do with the waste, we shouldn t make any more of it (Macfarlane, 2015). But those who tout the economic and environmental benefits of nuclear energy argue a safe, permanent storage site has already been found and only politics has prevented its opening. Others point to changing methods of nuclear power generation that could ultimately reduce waste ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Post Impressionism Research Paper The period of Impressionism and Post Impressionism embarks from ca. 1860 to 1910 CE. For the Impressionists artists the main focus were the upper middle class, the city and restful activities. They emphasized in the outdoors, parks, sky, star, sun etc. in hope to obtain directly the effects of light and the atmosphere, this method was known as en plein air. This technique was influenced by the Japanese art and photography. They used strokes and touches of pure colors mostly white, almost never black. They were able to record or attain the shifting play of light on the surface of the object they were working on. This method allowed the artist to record the effect light had on the eyes of the spectator without concern for the physical aspect... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The artist that practiced the postimpressionism went through an impressionist stage first, before they evolved to the newly found method of postimpressionism. They all used palette while doing their work of art, some even developed complicated scientific methods and other began to base their art on their emotions something that has not being experimented before. Goerges Seurat was a postimpressionist artist that painted the work titled A Sunday afternoon on the island of La Grande Jatte, using the technique of divisionism or pointillism. By devoting himself to correct the idea of impressionism he became known as avant garde, he thought impressionism was superficial and too improvisational. Avant garde is a term that refers to those artist whose visual illustration would allow society to be prepared to accept any social changes that the artist themselves envisioned for society to faced. Seurat painted in an almost abstract way, by using juxtaposing small strokes of unblended colors, this technique became known as pointillism. Paul Cezanne was another postimpressionist artist that helped developed the modernist painting of the early twentieth century His work made a great impact in the style known as cubism, by creating highly well thought out paintings through methodical application of color that combined drawing and modeling into a single ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Understanding The Predominant Program Models For Early... There is an accumulation of similarities and contrast within each discussion category. The idea of how they relate in terms of theory becomes a highly complex analysis because the threads for all three programs are virtually the same and shaped heavily by the social sciences. Aside from the tangles of likeness and crossovers in theory, modes of operation and arrangement, the historical aspect addresses the pathway leading to each models final take on how relationship are a necessity in educating young children. In regards to the history of early childhood education, there is a high level of connectedness between care and education. (Canella, ) In order to understand the predominant program models for early childhood education let the consensus for model be described as a curriculum based approach or a curriculum. What does curriculum mean? For the sake of identifying quality, curriculum is a key component for building sustainable early childhood education programs. Curriculum encompasses ideas and materials transferred to a student to develop knowledge and skills as framed by identified expectations. The NAEYC s definition states . . . in general curriculum is seen as the means by which a society helps learners acquire the knowledge, skills, and values that that society deems most worth having. ( ,2015) The frameworks of Developmental Interactional Approach, Direct Instructional Model, and Reggio Emilia Approach are approaches observed in early childhood ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Pentecostal-Charismatic Movement Paper Modern Christianity is full of several different practices. Baby dedication is the practice of Christians, in which the parent(s) declare publicly in front of God, the church, and their family, they will lead their child in the way God orders life to go, as well as encourage a personal relationship with Godthroughout their lifetime as to never fall short of the glory of God. The baby dedication ceremony historically began with churches who did not baptize babies (Patzia, 1984). Some believers felt it unnecessary because God does not hold children accountable and they would go to heaven should something occur prior to their date of accountability. The ceremony begins with the Pastor thanking God for the blessing of the baby. Then, the parents must dedicate announce they have dedicated their life to God and will bring... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One movement in particular is the Pentecostal Charismatic Movement. Although this movement is rooted in ancient history, the last 100 years the movement has made great strides (Molloy, 2009). The Pentecostals have faith in the emotional backing of Christian worship. They believe the Holy Spirit manifests through them using miraculous blessings, such as speaking in tongues (Bartos, 2015). The first Pentecostal churches first developed in the United States during the early twentieth century; although, churches using the Pentecostal name have been around since the later part of the nineteenth century. The growth of the church has been significant in such a short time span and it expands globally. Traditionally, this movement was associated with the needy people of American culture (Wheaton College, 2012). However, their ideas have spread quickly to other denominations, especially with American youth. Several independent networks of churches have since emerged and Pentecostal ideals have been highly influential. The number of individuals converting here and afar are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Analysis Of If This Is A Man By Primo Levi In the autobiography If this is a man written by Primo Levi, it described the experience of Levi during his journey in the notorious concentration camp of Auschwitz from 1944 to 1945. This book act as a bibliography and a reminder of what we as human are capable. In the concentration camp, Levi had suffered a lot, both physically and mentally as the concentration camp exercises Levi s body and spirit for survival. Not only did Levi face hunger every day from the insufficient supply of water and bread but there were also mental challenges like facing death from the gas chamber, daily beating from the Kapo. The question this essay will focus on the use of people by Levi to portray the environment in the concentration camp. Levi used a lot of people (minor or important) to draw up a picture of Auschwitz for the readers. The German SS soldiers were one of the minor characters in the book. Levi did not describe the German SS soldiers with great detail, however there were parts mentioning about the German SS when they first arrive Auschwitz. When they arrive Auschwitz, Levi described the guards as, a dozen SS men stood around, leg akimbo, with an indifferent air. (P25) In this sentence, Levi used metaphor to describe the cold atmosphere that Levi sense of the SS men as they were standing to prepare for the interrogation to determine the healthy ones for the concentration camp. they behave with the calm assurance of people doing their normal duty of everyday. But Renzo ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Asses the Extent to Which the Ideal of Equality Is Shared... Assess the extent to which the ideal of equality is shared by all Australians The idea of mateship and the trendy notion of a fair go for all emphasises the strength of Australian support for the value of equality of opportunity, the ideal goal of all Australians having equal opportunity to achieve success. Notions of Egalitarianism are what Australia strives to accomplish within its society, through the implementing and practicing of legislations such as Anti Discrimination Act (1997), Sex Discrimination Act (1954) and Racial Discrimination Act (1975) which were established in order to conclude unfair treatment based on people s looks, beliefs or choices. Human Rights is also another important element which demonstrates ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Only recently, the Australian Government introduced reforms to de facto relationships. This meant that same sex couples are entitled to the same benefits and subject to the same obligations as opposite sex couples (Property Relationships Act 1984 NSW). The legislation of Same Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws General Law Reform) Act 2008 removed discriminatory treatment of same sex couples. These acts included laws about tax, superannuation, Medicare, workers compensations, employment entitlements and family law. Homosexuals are discriminated against in terms of marriage, donating blood and are also victims to abuse due to their status. A study conducted by the Victorian Gay and Lesbian RightsLobby revealed that 84% of participants aged between 14 and 21 had been treated unfairly because of their sexuality and almost half had suffered verbal or physical abuse. With these inequalities present, it is difficult to achieve equality and fairness around this group. Although Australia proposes the ideal of egalitarianism, it is hard to justify whether it is present or not. The ideal goal and desire which Australia values within its diverse hybrid society is that Australia is a lucky country , priding itself of mateship and equal opportunity which establishes Australia s nation identity. However with conflict and discrimination against groups such as Muslim Women and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Why the Range of Indicators Used to Measure Development... Why the Range of Indicators Used to Measure Development Has Increased in Recent Years Essentially the ideology of development was based on a countries GNP this was down to Rostow s Model; therefore the only indicator of development was a countries economy. The ideologies have changed and now there are a range of indicators that are used to classify a countries development such as social, demographic, hence including quality of life this gives the ideology of development a more multi dimensional view thus a better understand of what a developed country is. There are three categories that are used to measure development they are economic, social and demographic. Some economic factors used to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Other limitations in using GNP is that it needs to measure by a currency and with currencies always changing figures can become less accurate. Also in LEDC s figures are less accurate and a lot of business is done within the informal sector thus leaving GNP figures very unreliable. It also does not take into account the cost of living is different depending on countries for example 10 dollars in and LEDC will buy a person a lot more than what it would buy you in America. GNP s frequent use suggest that development is only based on a countries wealth, where as this not true because development is multi dimensional process. The other economic factors such as better transport link and energy consumption tie in well with GNP and make using a countries economy more useful in considering if a country is developed or not. Some social indictors of development include the adult literacy rate, incidence of doctors and access to a clean water supply. Adult literacy rates are good measure of development because it shows the countries population who have access to education, with people able to communicate in other ways rather than word of mouth enhances the chance of employment. Also one can compare the literacy rates between male and female if they are more men able to read and write it suggest that women do no ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Othello Illusion Vs Reality Illusion vs. Reality When thought up of the idea of illusions multiple things come to mind: magic tricks, mind games, and so much more. With such positive outlooks on illusions it s difficult to see how the use of them could possibly be used in a negative way. Within the play Othello, Shakespeare plays with the idea of unreliable reality to seek his revenge. Through the misfortunes of lies and gullibility the misunderstanding of illusion and reality soon lead to the tragic downfall of many. As soon as the play takes off Iago lets the readers know his true intentions. He states to Roderigo that he is going to be the Moorships biggest mistake after he found out Othello chose Cassio to be his Lieutenant (I. i. 35). From this information it is gathered that Iago seeks revenge and the use of illusion vs. reality will make his plans all the more believable. After seen Iago s true colors it s iconic to see how many times he is called by the name Honest Iago . This name is an illusion in itself knowing he is anything but honest. Cassio even goes on to say I never/knew/a Florentine more kind and honest (III. i. 43 45). Cassio truly believes his words are humble but only the readers can understand that the only reason Iago is seen as honest is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... reality really takes off. As Iago s plan lays out there are reminders to the readers of who he really is. As Cassio shows respect towards Desdemona by being kind to her, Iago celebrates the mistakes Cassio is bound to run into ...this will I/ ensnare as great a fly as Cassio. Ay, smile upon/ her, do (II. i. 182 185). As if such tricks were not clear enough, Iago even comes to the point where he clearly states I am not what I am (1.1.66). Throughout Iago s entire master plan he never hesitates to wonder if anyone is going to catch on to his schemes, Since Iago sees the moor as a free and open nature that thinks men are honest, he has no doubt his plan will work (II, i, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Classical Music Genre Claire Troll Qualls MUS 241 10 November 2014 Favorite Composer Paper There are numerous composers within the Classical Music genre; each one is different from the next. Although it may seem that each piece of music within the Classical genre is the same, they are just as different as the composers are to one another. Wolfgang Mozart is a very well known composer. He was not only popular in the time period in which he lived, but he continues to be one of the better known composers in today s society. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozartwas born on January 27, 1756, in Salzburg, Austria. He was the only surviving son of Leopold and Maria Pertl Mozart. Wolfgang s father, Leopold, was a successful composer, violinist, and assistant concert master at the Salzburg court (Bio.com). His mother, Maria, was born into a middle class family of local community leaders (Bio.com). Both Wolfgang and his sister, Maria Anna (nicknamed Nannerl ) were introduced to music at a young age. Because Leopold started teaching Nannerl to play the piano at the age of seven, Wolfgang developed a strong understanding of chords, tonality, and tempo, and was soon receiving lessons from his father, also. Because Wolfgang composed his first piece at five years old on the piano, excelled at playing the clarinet and violin (Biography of Mozart). In 1762, Wolfgang s family began traveling to courts in Munich, Paris, London, The Hague, and Zurich to perform. Both Nannerl and Wolfgang were considered child prodigies ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Conrad Patterson Case Study Sometimes second place is enough. Conrad Patterson, owner of 318 Sweet Shop, took a second place win as just the confidence booster he needed to pursue his passion. For as long as Patterson could remember, his mother, Linda Faye Stephenson and Uncle Larry Wallace, have baked and cooked in professional and home settings. He would watch them bake and cook and at times would bake with them. Following in his family s direction, Patterson attended Northwest Louisiana Technical College (NWLTC) where he sharpened his culinary skills that he learned from his family and from working in various restaurants. Patterson was hungry for knowledge while at NWLTC. Every chance he got, he would take the old books the school wanted to discard and take them ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Setting The Stage Of A New York State Assignment #1: Setting the Stage Ashley M. Mosgrove Simmons College Part One 1.a.US Senators: Kirsten E. Gillibrand Charles E. Schumer (United States Senate, n.d.) b.House Representative: Nita Lowey (U.S. House of Represenatatives, n.d.) c.Governor: Andrew Cuomo (New York State, n.d.) d.Assembly Member: Ellen Jaffee (New York State Assembly, n.d.) 2.Each elected official is a Democrat. 3.I am in the 17th voting district in New York. (U.S. House of Representatives, n.d.) 4.a.Kirsten E. Gillibrand: i.Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry 1.Subcommittee on Livestock, Marketing and Agriculture Security, Subcommittee on Commodities, Risk Management and Trade Member, Subcommittee on Nutrition, Specialty Crops, and Agricultural Research ii. Senate Committee on Armed Services 1.Subcommittee on Personnel, Subcommittee on Airland, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities iii. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works 1.Subcommittee on Fisheries, Water, and Wildlife, Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure iv. Senate Special Committee on Aging (Civic Impulse LLC., n.d.) b.Charles E. Schumer: i.Senate Committee on Rules and Administration ii. Joint Committee on the Library iii. Joint Committee on Printing iv. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 1.Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection, Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation, and Community ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Negative Effects Of Office Beliefs In The Workplace Office gossip is one of the worst problems that can happen in the workforce. When an employee tries to spread a rumor or something that an employee did, it can have a negative effect in the work space. There are multiple ways that office gossip can happen and there are ways to remedy the situation as well. Unfortunately, office gossip is something that cannot be avoided as it is human nature to bring rumors into the office. There are, however, ways to avoid the situation. Most workers would choose to avoid talking with others and not sharing their personal life with fellow coworkers. While it is acceptable to avoid talking about personal lives with other staff, keeping to themselves do not make an effective team. The first way to avoid office gossip is simple, but not as easy. It involves not starting the rumorin the first place. By not starting rumors in the first place, there would be no problems in the first place. Because rumors start from somewhere, then there is a problem already in the office. For example, if I was an employee looking to get a promotion with better pay, but was in competition with another coworker, it stands to reason that I would do anything I can to get the promotion. But when my competition learned that I did something that the management would frown upon, he starts spreading it across the office space in an attempt to break my chances of obtaining the promotion. If the bosses found out, not only would I lose the promotion, there is now a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Do People Really Have Free Will Essay Do people really have free will? Toshia Perry Axia College Slide 2 What exactly is free will? Speaker notes: It is the ability for a person to determine some or all of his actions. Some consider free will to be its own cause. Some consider free will to be independent of any other causation, predestination, or predetermination by any other person, event, or stimulus. Of course, this does not make sense since a person is free to do as he/she wants but what he/she wants can only be consistent with his own nature. I propose that free willinvolves four aspects: Conception, Desire, Choice, and Accomplishment. Conception leads to desire which leads to choice which leads to accomplishing that choice. Slide 3 Who determines... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is a currently expanding area of psychology, biology and philosophy so I don t think all of the best evidence is in yet give it 50 years and we should know more. Slide 5 Misconceptions of free will. Speaker notes: The question concerning a free will shouldn t be whether we have one, it should be whether such a thing is possible. We must ask ourselves, Free from what? A mind free from all motivating factors would have nothing to base decisions upon. There is just no such thing as an uncaused choice. Many people, religious and secular alike, wonder if cause and effect ultimately means that everything in the universe including human behavior is predestined, bound to happen, or predetermined. We are not made to do things by cause and effect we are PART of cause and effect we make ourselves do things. The cause and effect that goes on in our minds is what constitutes self, and our particular cause effect process is manifestly different from what we normally think of cause and effect. We remember our past, and direct our actions to bring about specific results to satisfy feelings of need and desire something random causality cannot do. Slide 6 Is freedom of speech part of free will? Slide 7 How much free will do we need? Speaker notes: With so many choices in our world to choose from I would say that we have as much free will as we will need. We get to choose from what brand of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Importance Of Jcc s Academic Skills Center One resource you can use when you are in need of help is JCC s Academic Skills Center.Now this center has different days and times for different subjects. On monday through Thursday from 8 A.M. to 2 P.M they offer the subjects Reading and English.But if you need extra time they allow you to go to the Writing Studio from 2P.M till 3:30 P.M. Then on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8:30 A.M. till 5 P.M. they offer Math and Science. Do not be upset if you can not make those three day. Because they do offer Math and Science on Tuesdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays they offer it from 8:30 till 4:30. Then on Fridays from 8 till 2 P.M. Now if you re wondering where the Academic Skills Center is located I am about to answer that. The Academic Skills Center is located in the Wilson Building room 1111. If you do ever need to contact them there phone number is (919) 209 2117. You can either have a scheduled one on one with a tutor or just walk in. The scheduled appointments can be up to two hours.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As you can tell by the title that the Writing Studio is a place you can go to get help with writing assignments, digital publications like blogs and social media,literary competition submissions, and application essays. Now you have to make an appointment to get help here or just walk in. The Writing Studio is also located in the Wilson Building room C1118 so not far from the Academic Skills Center. There operating hours are Monday through Thursdays from 11 A.M till 3:30 P.M. during the spring and fall semesters. On the plus side even during the summer you can get help with your writing even during the summer the only change is that instead of being in the Writing Studio you will meet in the Academic Skills Center.If you ever need to contact the Writing Studio you can email or call them. The phone number is (919) 209 2089 and the email is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Reflection On The Process Of Bid Glass This was my first time ever doing stained glass. My goal for this class was to learn the process of stained glass, grow in patience, and grow in appreciation for the art. With all of the different aspects, I feel like this goal was met. The first part of the process was cutting the glass. For this, the tools needed was a glass/ball cutter, running pliers, grozing pliers, and (of course) your glass. Using the ball cutter, you make a score on the glass. This should only ever be done once. After that is made, take the pliers to break the glass. The running pliers are used for straight lines What you do is align the cut with the line on the pliers and pinch, and the glass should break. The grozing pliers are used for non straight cuts. For this, you take the pliers in one hand and your hand as the other and go on either side of the score, then break or snap it upwards. Throughout this process I had a good amount of struggles. I first struggled with figuring out how to position my hand, the amount of pressure that I should put on the glass, and the angle to put my hand. Another struggle that I encountered was breaking off the glass that had a curved score. Sometimes the glass wouldn t break, or other times the glass shattered . At one point I ended up deeply cutting myself, but I went on with a makeshift band aid and got all of the pieces cut. After all the pieces were cut, I went to the grinder and grinded them all. This didn t seem to challenge me at all, but rather proved to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Narcissus Personality Disorder Analysis Lindsay Morgan Lohan is an actress, singer and model. Her career began when she was three years old, modeling and doing commercials. When she was 12 years old, she made her leap to fame when she starred in the Disney movie Parent trap, in which she played two of the central characters that were twin sisters who had been separated at birth by the divorce of their parents. In the year 2003, at 18 years of age, she participation in movies like: Just my luck, Herbie, and Mena Girls. But her lack of control, caused that brilliance star to fade a little with her personal problems. Especially linked to the addiction to alcohol and drugs ended her professional life. The year 2007 could be considered the beginning of the ending of her career, since she had repeated arrests for driving while intoxicated... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She has also been known to have a risky behavior. In which Lindsey was diagnosed with severe Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Narcissus Personality Disorder is characterized by self centeredness, lack of empathy, and an exaggerated sense of self importance. Narcissistic can also be defined as someone self centered, exploitative, and lacking in empathy, which is related to focusing on the image of others rather than on the person. Internally these people work with the same perceptual mechanism as in the interpersonal, being more focused on their self image than on who they really are and what they experience. In this way the narcissist has little awareness of his intimate feelings and the nature of relationships with others. Patients with narcissistic personality disorder are very dependent on the external, and often feel invisible when they are not recognized; When their feelings and beliefs are not reflected, they feel that their existence and their psychological well being are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Mount St Helen Research Paper Mount Saint Helen The theory of the continental drift is that the continents have slowly drifted to their current location. Alfred Wegener believed that all the seven continents were once a supercontinent known as Pangea. A discovery that came from climate clues like glacial deposits in South America, Africa, Australia and India. Rock and fossils matching evidence found in South America and Africa. The theory of plate tectonics states that Earth s outer shell is divided into plates. The crust and upper mantle is broken into plates that move around on the mantle, changing in size throughout time. The lithosphere makes up the crust and upper mantle and the asthenosphere a plastic like layer beneath the lithosphere. There are three types of plate boundaries. Divergent boundaries where two plates move away from each other. The ocean widens and new crust forms at the mid oceanic ridge. Convergent boundaries has three types of converging, moving two plates towards each other. First we have an ocean floor plate that collides with a less dense continental plate. Next an ocean floor plate collides with another ocean floor plate. Finally a continental plate collides with another continental plate. Transform boundaries were two plates slide past one another. The resulting effects of plate tectonics is landforms such as rift valleys, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mount Saint Helen is located on The Ring of Fire, a zone of active volcanoes. In 1980 Mount Saint Helen erupted due to its location on a destructive plate boundary where a continental plate (North American) meets an oceanic plate (Juan de Fuca). Since the oceanic plate is denser it will submerge under the continental plate. The plate melts because of friction between moving plates. The melted plate is now magma which rise through the gaps in the continental plate, forming a volcano once it reaches the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Equal Protection Clause Of The Fourteenth Amendment The equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution was at first created to protect against racial discrimination, but the Supreme Court later expanded the clause to also providing equal treatment amongst different races. The clause says, No state shall...deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (U.S. Constitution. Art./Amend. XIV, Sec. 1.) A person could not be discriminated upon solely because of his or her race and if the law treated a group of people differently, then a valid reason for the discrepancy of different treatment must exist. Racial minorities, but mainly women, have historically been subjected and made vulnerable to harsh restrictions on activities such as voting, attending college, and working as lawyers. These restrictions, based on stereotypes overlooked the actual capability and potential of each individual woman. For many cases dealing with discriminationof women, the Court looked to another important element of equal protection, which stated that unfair treatment couldn t be based on immutable distinctions, such as race and gender, because those fixed distinctions are uncontrollable and unrelated to ability. In the case of Frontiero v. Richardson, 411 U.S. 677 (1973), the Supreme Court was just one vote short of adopting gender as a suspect classification. In United States v. Virginia, 518 U.S. 515 (1996), women rights supporters were very pleased with the Supreme Court s ruling and remain ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Okanogan Tribe Summary Violet always wanted to do things in the Okanogan Tribe. Her father the Spirit Chief told her that she could make the clouds with Coyote. Well Violet not knowing why Coyote was making the clouds so she asked. The Spirit Chief started on telling the story about why Coyote was the one making clouds. He beginning saying that Coyote was never the type of person people wanted to be around. He always took something from other people in our tribe. So one day the world before you know was once in black and white. So I sent Mole on an adventure to find a place that has supplies for our tribe to be powerful. Coyote found out that he sent Mole so he started to on his adventure to be more powerful. Well Coyote started on his adventure and he found out were Mole was headed so he followed Mole. When saw that Mole had stop for a break he decided to stop where he was and not got further in till Mole got back up from his break. Well when Mole started to walk again Coyote saw that she was beginning to get closer and closer to her destination. So Coyote had to stay back as far as he could so that Mole never saw. So Mole asked the tribe she went to if they had some supplies that we could trade them... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He finally figured it out and said to the voice if I can make something so that the sky insist bland anymore will you let me out. The voice replied yes my child I will let you out. So the Coyote showed the voice what he had made. The voice said back Very good my child that is what I am looking for. So Coyote saw that he was in the room with the Spirit Cheif and he showed him what he had made for the sky. So the Spirit Cheif looked at it and said What do you call this Coyote. Coyote replied, I call it a cloud. If you touch your hand goes right through it. I made it this way so that you could still see the sky. Also can we bring back color in the world so that the clouds will look all little ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Crucible and The Salem Witch Trials by Arthur Miller... Arthur Miller wrote plays as a way of showing people the real picture of what life was really like during the Great Depression and after World War II. Before the Great Depression many Americans were living in a significant time period, the Roaring Twenties. People had radios, automobiles, and movies with sounds. Then it all suddenly came to an end with the Stock Market Crash, leading to the Great Depression. During the Great Depression, Americans faced poverty, and had no income because jobs weren t available. Throughout his life Miller influenced many people with his plays, and his contributions to this day because people want to read and understand what was truly happening in past history. For example, The Crucible is a play about the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, their marriage spiraled downward and they eventually divorced. While Miller was married to his first wife, he had an affair with Marilyn Monroe, who later would become his wife. Marilyn Monroe was a great influence in his life inspiring him to write After the Fall (1964), which was an open portrayal of his marriage with Monroe. Arthur s purpose for writing literature was to unmask the problems and issues of capitalism so the people could have a fair understanding of the truth but in his plays rather than newspapers and magazines. In the nineteen fifty s, Miller was starting to go downhill. During this time, one of Millers most popular and recognized works; The Crucible was playing on Broadway. The Crucible showed a relationship with the Communist Red Scare that America was facing during this. The Communist Red Scare took place shortly after the end of World War I. It was a nationwide fear of communist, socialists, and other fears America was facing. Since the Red Scare was such a big deal to many Americans during this time in American history, Millers face drastically declined. With the production of Millers, The Crucible, it brought more attention and suspicion on Miller. In the middle of the nineteen fifty s, he was called to testify in front of the House Committee on Un American Activity, today known ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Comparing the Attitudes Towards Love and Relationships in... Comparing the Attitudes Towards Love and Relationships in The Beggar Woman by William King and To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell In this essay I will be comparing two poems, The Beggar Woman and To His Coy Mistress. I will be looking at how the themes of love and relationships are dealt with. I will also be looking at the historical context of the poems. Firstly in The Beggar Woman, written around 1663 to 1712, by William King. The story within the poem is about a gentleman who, whilst he is out hunting, wants to do another kind of sport , i.e. looking for a woman to have sex with. He found a woman who was a beggar. He asked her if she wanted to have sex in the woods, and, to his delight, she ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A gentleman in hunting rode astray, More out of choice than that he lost his way: He let his company the hare pursue, For he himself had other game in view: This quote shows that he was chasing a woman and that he is not looking for anything more than sex. He just wants a bit of fun like any sport would give him. When reading the poems they create images of what is happening are created. In The Beggar Woman, William King does not use any similes or metaphors. I think this is because he needs to keep things simple for his audience. When he wrote it, he relied on his descriptive words to create a mental picture for the reader. For example, mounts the infant with a gentle toss upon her generous friend, and like a cross, the sheet she with a dextrous motion winds and her cheeks were fresh and linen clean. When reading this line, you can imagine her cheeks; they are smooth, rosy, red, beaming cheeks. Both these quotes make you see an image created by his cleverly written words. In To His Coy Mistress, Andrew Marvelldoes use metaphors and similes because he thinks the audience expects them as they are upper class. Some examples of the imagery created by metaphors and similes are vegetable love, which is a metaphor; times winged chariot and his slow chapped power , which are personification; like morning dew and like ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Climate Change Is Real And Denial Is No More A Policy ! Climate change is real and denial is no more a policy! Abstract: For last 37 years as a world we have spent lot of time in studying climate change and fixing a blame. First World Climate Conference was held on 12 23 February 1979 in Geneva. (wikipedia) It was one of the first major international meetings on climate change. We are studying climate change, it s impact, causes and how to fix mess created by us. But now it s high time for us to move forward and act on controlling Human contribution to Greenhouse Gases(GHG) which is major contributing factor to climate change.This way we are giving back to society and future generations. News: (See reference page for the link). Most of Greenland ice melted to bedrock in recent geologic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So we need to look for Electrical Vehicle (EV) and renewable energy. With current level of awareness for climate change people are changing their attitude toward mother earth and nature. They are increasingly looking toward less polluting vehicles and renewable energy (like solar / wind energy) for their day to day energy needs. Also different government across worlds are promoting development and use of EV automobiles and renewable energy. Government are giving incentives like congestion pricing, highway tolls, carpooling lanes, tax rebates on green vehicle (environmentally preferable vehicles). This change is society is forcing different organisation to develop green technology. Better Place and few other companies like Tesla, Renault Nissan, Indian REVA, Fortwo is working toward this goal of new world where we human will be using green technology and not harming climate. This is change is leading toward all major automobiles working on electrical or alternative fuel cars like Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCV). Recommendation: Along with current incentives government should promote infrastructure development for mass rapid transportation system. This will reduce per capita energy use. Different organisation is coming with their own innovation and lot of those innovation is happening in developed countries. These countries should promote transfer of technology to developing countries. This way majority of world population ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Centervale Police Patrol All police departments grapple with the challenge of allocating their limited resources to meet to meet law enforcement needs of the communities they serve. Crucial to alleviating the cost pressures the departments face is patrol force allocation. Most of the budgets go to salaries and expenses, such as fringe benefits, which mean that increases in personnel utilization efficiencies would result in dollar savings. As such, it is the duty of policechiefs to determine what the patrols will look like regarding when and where the patrols will take place. This paper, thus, seeks to outline how the Centervale Police Department should allocate patrol resources to best serve the needs of Centervale. Patrols are meant to eliminate criminal opportunities by creating an impression of presence in the community. However, patrols do not decrease an individual s desire to break the law but by diminishing the opportunities to commit crime, they promote a sense of safety to residents. As the assistant chief in the Centervale Police Department, CPD, one would develop a strategy that caters for both sides of the railroad tracks with fairness although with an emphasis on the crime prone north. The CPD assistant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Random preventive patrol strategies aim to increase visibility in the community to deter crime and reduce the general public s fear of crime. However, this method of patrols is ineffective at apprehending offenders. Directed patrols in Centervale would use hot spot policing approach by increasing the presence of uniforms in the northern side of the railroad tracks, where crime is most prevalent at night. However, that would come at price to the south side since the residents of the south of railroad tracks contribute more to the town s taxes. The assistant chief would have to use the money coming from the south side for crime deterrence in the north to prevent migration of criminals to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Hillary Rodham Biography Biography: Born on October 26th 1947 in Chicago, Hillary Diane Rodham already got to know the rivalry between Republicans and Democrats early in her life. As the daughter of a small business owner who was a Republican and a mother who had a tough childhood and had to start working at the age of 14 and was therefore a Democrat, Hillary experienced an upbringing with both political points of views. Receiving a successful education, she was able to attend Wellesley College, studying political science, where she ended up being the student leader and first ever student speaker. After graduating she transferred to Yale Law School where she first started dating Bill Clinton. In 1979 to 1992 she was First Lady of Arkansas along her husband Bill whom she had married and in 1975 to 2000 she ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As First Lady of Arkansas she raised educational standards and improved the health care access in her state. This was also her goal as First Lady of the United States but the Clinton health care plan of 1993, which is also known as Hillarycare, was declined. She also held her famous speech at the U.N Fourth World Conference in 1995 where she stated that women s rights are human rights and spoke for education, health care, economic independence, legal rights and political participation of women all around the world. After her husbands second term, she gained a seat at the US Senate for New York where she among other things pushed President Bush to finance the rebuild of the city after 9/11 and took care of the health issues. In 2008 she ran for President of the United States where she was supported by Hispanics, non college graduates, working class white and older voters. In the end she lost to Barack Obama who she later supported herself which lead to Obama asking her to be his Secretary of State which she accepted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Resistance Compliance Tactic Resistance as a Compliance Tactic Resistance is the antithesis of persuasion. Yet, understanding the process by which persuasion is resisted remains a critical component in analyzing persuasive appeals and crafting more influential communications. We are inundated with persuasive messages and requests on a regular basis, each with its own set of risks and rewards. Naturally, we approach those considered positive and resist those that may be hazardous. This two sided equation can be utilized to maximize compliance by either increasing the constructive aspects or decreasing the negative ones. Resistance can be sidestepped, addressed directly, or addressed indirectly. It can be overcome by distracting the recipient, disrupting the message,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Alpha strategies are well known, commonly used techniques that persuade individuals to approach a particular goal, rather than avoid it. On the other hand, Omega strategies focus on a person s avoidance of/resistance to the goal. These techniques are far more subtle and often among the last to be attempted, if they are attempted at all. Omega strategies can be direct (counterarguing, guaranteeing desirable outcome), indirect (disrupting resistance, reinforcing one s self confidence), or counterintuitive (acknowledging ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Lyke Wake Walk Research Paper The Lyke Wake Walk is a 40 mile (64km) challenge walk across the North York Moors from Scarth Wood Moor, near Osmotherley to the coast at Ravenscar. The completion time for the challenge is twenty four hours. The Lyke Wake Walk is a 40 mile (64km) challenge walk across the North York Moors from Scarth Wood Moor, near Osmotherley to the coast at Ravenscar. Those completing the walk in under twenty four hours qualify for membership of the Lyke Wake Club. Its associated club has its own social structure, culture and rituals based on the walk and Christian and folklore traditions from the area of North Yorkshire through which it passes. The Lyke Wake Walk was started by a local farmer, Bill Cowley, in the North Riding of Yorkshire, England, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The State University Of New York Introduction The State University of New York (2014) provides and clear and accurate description of globalization: Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well being in societies around the world (The State University of New York, 2014, para 1). Global economicsaffects the decisions of firms, governments, and individuals in the United State in many different ways. The World Trade Organizationmanages the rules and trade between nations and has a significant impact on intellectual property rights. Intellectual property rights refer creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce (World Intellectual Property Organization, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast free trade and protectionist theories, analyze how the global environment functions on a micro and macro level within the context of the World Trade Organization, analyze the two level game theory and how organizations make financial decisions in a globalized environment, and determine which parties benefit from either increasing or decreasing trade restriction. Free Trade and Protectionist Theories ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Conclusion Of Mercantile Bank 1. Conclusions : Mercantile Bank Limited is one of the pioneer banks of Bangladesh banks in respect of customer service, profitability and strength among the private commercial banks;. According to my research and study on the bank I think the bank has achieved a good level of success by having 93 branches around the whole Bangladesh. Mercantile BankLimited has also set up a new standard in financing in the industrial, trade and foreign Exchange Business. Different retail bankingproducts of Mercantile Bank Limited also gets the attention of the customers. According to my understanding and research on the topic Customer Satisfaction level of Retail Banking at Mercantile Bank Limited I think Mercantile Bank survives on customers trust which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Recommendations: The following limitations were apparent while studying the branch and the Mercantile bank itself пѓ To compete with the intense competition of the banking industry Mercantile Bank should have a highly qualified and efficient professional bankers who will manage the bank пѓ To address the problems of customers and come up with solution Mercantile Bank should establish a customer research and planning division with efficient persons. This division will research on the core banking needs of the customer and based on that Mercantile Bank should craft its customer support strategy пѓ Gathering experience of the foreign banks, specially their policy on the customers will help Mercantile Bank to build a competitive position пѓ A good management information system needs to be implemented and maintaining which will focus on providing the best customer support service depending the requirement пѓ To be more customer centric and give value to the customers mercantile bank should come up with a dynamic leadership style пѓ The working and inner environment of every branch should convey the message to the customer that they are in right place for banking activities пѓ Interest rates on loans should be yearly monitored and restructured according to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Many People Throughout The Centuries Have Wondered What Many people throughout the centuries have wondered what will happen after they take their last breath. The Hollow Men (1925) is a poem by T. S. Eliot that is divided into five parts, totaling 98 lines that reflect on this very idea. The so called Hollow Men are afraid to speak of Heaven by name. Though they are curious about what Heavenis like, they also fear the eyes of heavenly souls and the final judgmental that God will deliver. Eliot s portrayal of the unknown that is the afterlife shows how hopeless his life felt before converting to Christianity. On a first read through of the poem, it is difficult to understand what is happening. The Hollow Menare dead people, but at first they come across as living, albeit... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Hollow Men describe their whispers as quiet and meaningless / As wind in dry grass (7 8); this is also partially true about the entire monologue. This poem is often associated with Eliot s most famous poem, The Waste Land, because both works are set in Hellish environments and concern people whose lives are fragmented and incoherent, written around the same period in Eliot s life. Compared to The Waste Land, this poem reads much quieter and drier. In The Hollow Men, the short length of the words and phrases from the Men creates frequent pauses, as if each line were an ghostly gust of wind, changing directions to later return to the same place. The poem would be considered free verse because no meter, rhythm, or rhyme scheme is apparent. Eliot does not use a strict meter such as iambic penta or tetrameter, which he uses in many of his other poems. The Hollow Men is similar to a dramatic monologue by the collective group of Hollow Men, but the verses are not consistent like a traditional monologue. The five sections in the poem also vary in total length and stanza length. The lines throughout all five sections are short, causing the speech to be staccato, as if the Men run out of breath before getting a complete thought out. The Men never raise their voices, even when describing serious matters such as eternal suffering. Even when singing the men do not sound ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...