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Great Artists in History Dutch Baroque Painter JohannesVermeer “The Concert” 1665-1666 ARTU 450 Prepared by Dr. Carla Piper
Art and Architecture  of Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Music Sound Files http://www.oeaw.ac.at/kal/agm/
Roman Art, Architecture, and Music Listen to  Ancestral Sounds
Medieval Architecture The Internet  Renaissance Band Medieval Sound Files
Gothic Art
Giotto di Bondone Giotto  - (1266-1337) Ushered in the Renaissance from the gothic middle ages An Italian painter and architect Born near Florence  Most innovative artist of his time  Altered the course of painting in Western Europe From Olga’s Gallery Online Joachim's Dream.  1304-1306. Fresco.
Renaissance Architecture and Music The Internet Renaissance Band Renaissance Music Files
Alessandro (Sandro) Botticelli Botticelli  - (1444/45 - 1510) Apprenticed as a goldsmith before study painting.  Member of the St. Luke's Guild Adoration of the Magi, Tempera on panel.   1475 From Olga’s Gallery Online
Leonardo Da Vinci 1452 - 1519 he embodiment of the "Renaissance man“ Mastery over all branches of art and science.  Painter, sculptor, architect and engineer  Scholar in the natural sciences, medicine and philosophy.  Entered the San Luca guild of painters in Florence in 1472 at age 15. Mona Lisa (La Gioconda).  1503-1506.  Oil on wood. Louvre,  From Olga’s Gallery Online
Michelangelo 1475-1564  Most representative artist of the 16 th  century Sculptor, painter, architect, and poet Studied “antique statues”  Part of the Medici circle.   The Creation of the Sun and Moon.   1508-1512.  Fresco. Sistine Chapel,  David.  1501-1504. Marble Galleria dell'Accademia  Florence, Italy  From Olga’s Gallery Online
Michelangelo The Creation of Adam.  1508-1512. Fresco. Sistine Chapel, Vatican
Baroque Art and Music Time of Bach Classical Music Archives Bach’s Music Preludes and Fugues
Baroque Architecture
Caravaggio - (1571 –1610)  Caravaggio.   The Lute-Player.  c.1595-1596. Oil on canvas. The Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia.  From Olga’s Gallery Online Famous for Chiaroscuro   Italian for  light-dark )  A term for a contrast  between light and dark.  Bold contrasts
Peter Paul Rubens 1577-1640  Born into Calvinist family who lived in exile  From Antwerp. At the age of fourteen was a page for a Flemish princess Began to study painting Often called Prince of Baroque painters  Peter Paul Rubens.  Institution of the Regency.   1621-1625.  Oil on canvas.  Louvre, Paris, France.  From Olga’s Gallery Online
Rembrandt Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669)  Went to the school for Latin.  Studied the classics at Leiden University  Historical paintings and over 100 self portraits Landscape with a Castle.  c. 1632.  Oil on panel.  Louvre, Paris, France. From Olga’s Gallery Online
Classicism Time of Mozart Classical Music Archives Mozart’s Music
Late Classical:  Beginning of Romanticism Classical Music Archives Beethoven’s Music
John Constable (1776 - 1837) Major European landscape artist of the 19 th  century From London, but never was popular in England  Exhibited in Paris and achieved instant fame.  In 1829 he was finally elected a Royal Academician.  John Constable.    Landscape: Boys Fishing.   1813. Oil on canvas.  From Olga’s Gallery Online
Thomas Gainsborough  1727 – 1788 English landscape and portrait painter London Displayed his art in the Foundling Hospital to become better known as an artist. River Landscape with Rustic Lovers.   c.1754-1756. Oil on canvas.  From Olga’s Gallery Online
William Blake 1757-1827 English poet, painter, engraver; one of the earliest and greatest figures of Romanticism. “ To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.” Completed a set of 21 copperplate etchings to illustrate the Book of Job  Web Museum The Ancient of Days   1794; Relief etching with watercolor
Romanticism and Nationalism in Architecture St. Patrick’s Cathedral 1810 – New York Saint Clotilde Basilica 1857, Paris  Gothic Revival Eifel Tower Paris, France 1889
Impressionism Claude Debussy Impressionist Muscial  Composer Debussy’s Music http://www.musee-rodin.fr/welcome.htm   Auguste Rodin Sculptor
Edgar Degas  1834-1917  Born into the family of bankers of aristocratic extraction.  Despite his own desire to paint he began to study law. Spent his time copying Renaissance works.  Did not share the Impressionists’ over-riding interest in landscape and color Painted jockeys, race horses, and ballet subjects  From Olga’s Gallery Online The Star.  1876-77.  Pastel on monotype.  Impressionist
Pierre-Auguste  Renoir 1841-1919 Brought up in Paris Worked as an apprentice painter, painting flowers on porcelain plates. After machines for coloring ceramics had been introduced, he had to switch to decorating fans and screens.  Made friends with Monet, Pissarro and Cézanne.  Hot rich colors and free brushwork A Girl with a Watering-Can.   1876. Oil on canvas  The National Gallery of Art  Washington, DC, USA  From Olga’s Gallery Online Impressionist
Claude Monet 1840-1926 Recognized as being one of the creators of Impressionism. Born in Paris Painted caricature portraits and exhibited them in the art supplies store when he was young Fame brought comfort and even wealth.  The White Water Lilies .  1899.  Oil on canvas.  From Olga’s Gallery Online Impressionist
Vincent Van Gogh 1853-1890 Post-Impressionist Son of a Dutch village vicar Teacher and apprentice lay preacher  Wanted to devote his life to evangelization of the poor Quote:  “I can’t change the fact that my paintings don't sell. But the time will come when people will recognize that they are worth more than the value of the paints used in the picture.”   Sunflowers.  1888.  Oil on canvas.  From Olga’s Gallery Online
Paul Cezanne 1839-1906 Post Impressionist Started as a banker, but took up painting  Tried to get accepted at the Salon in Paris, but did not get an exhibition until year after his death. Gardanne 1885-86  Oil on canvas Still Life 1890 Oil on canvas   From Olga’s Gallery Online
Paul Gauguin 1848-1903 Impressionist and Post-Impressionist from Paris A sailor who spent the next three years voyaging between France and South America Made a voyage around the world Organize a trip to Tahiti at the expense of the French government  Tahitian Landscape.  1893 Oil on canvas  The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis  From Olga’s Gallery Online
Georges Seurat  1859-1891  Born in Paris Created new style called Pointillism New technique using dots  Interested in scientific theories on color and vision A Sunday on La Grande Jatte.   1884-86.  Oil on canvas.  From Olga’s Gallery Online Post Impressionist - Pointillism
Henri Matisse 1869-1954 Born at Le Cateau-Cambrésis in the North of France  Originally a lawyer Post-Impressionist and Fauvist Harmony in Red.  1908. Oil on canvas.  From Olga’s Gallery Online
Contemporary Architecture  and Music Composer - Anton von Webern Classical Archives Stravinsky’s Music Igor Stravinsky Composer Portrait by  Picassso
Wassily Kandinsky 1866-1944 Abstract Expressionist Born in Moscow Had private lessons in music, drawing and painting.  Studied law and economics at the Moscow University.  Impressed with Folk art of northern Russia Taught at the Bauhaus (the college of building and art construction in Germany)  Composition VIII.  1923. Oil on canvas.  From Olga’s Gallery Online
Paul Klee 1879 - 1940  Swiss son of musicians Extremely inventive Experimented with styles and materials and the visual effects they gave Ignoring rules and fashion  Taught at Bauhaus - an innovative school aiming at uniting fine and applied arts and architecture in a new manner suitable for an industrial age  Conqueror.  1930. Watercolor.  From Olga’s Gallery Online Expressionist
Piet Mondrian 1872-1944 Dutch abstract painter of the first half of the 20th Century.  A contemporary and disciple of the famous cubists Pablo Picasso Challenged the definition of art itself  Simple lines, right angles, correct geometric figures and pure, primary colors.  Broadway Boogie-Woogie   1942/43  Oil on canvas  From Olga’s Gallery Online
Alexander Calder 1898-1976 American sculptor and artist  Most famous for inventing the mobile.  Also created paintings, lithographs, toys and tapestry and designed carpets.  Take the Virtual Tour Abstract Mobiles Myxomatose (Myxomatosis) , 1953  Sheet metal, rod, and paint
Pablo Picasso 1881-1973 Spanish Artist  Taught in Barcelona Used many different sytles throughout his life Cubism Surrealism Collage Classicism Biography Three Musicians.  1921. Oil on canvas.  The Museum of Modern Arts, New York,
Famous Picasso Quote “ Unlike in music, there are no child prodigies in painting. What people regard as premature genius is the genius of childhood. It gradually disappears as they get older.  It is possible for such a child to become a real painter one day, perhaps even a great painter. But he would have to start right from the beginning. So far as I am concerned, I did not have that genius.  My first drawings could never have been shown at an exhibition of children’s drawings. I lacked the clumsiness of a child, his naivety. I made academic drawings at the age of seven, the minute precision of which frightened me.”  --  Picasso.  The Old Guitarist.   1903. Oil on panel.  Art Institute of Chicago
Marc Chagall 1887 – 1985 Russian-Jewish painter of the 20th Century Representative of the Russian Avant-Garde in the West.  Combined elements Expressionism Symbolism  Cubism  Surrealist One of the foremost artists of the 20th Century.  I and the Village.  1911. Oil on canvas.  The Museum of Modern Arts, New York
Georgia O’Keefe 1887 - 1986 American Artist See  slide shows found artistic inspiration in the American Southwest,  Synthesized abstraction and representation in paintings of flowers, rocks, shells, animal bones and landscapes.  Transformed her subject matter into powerful abstract images.  Wikipedia Black Mesa Landscape,  New Mexico – 1930 Oil on Canvas
Joan Miró  1893-1983  Barcelona, Spain Book-keeper  Founded “Agrupació Courbet”, a group of young artists who opposed themselves to conservative traditions in Catalan art.  Influended by Cézanne and the Fauvists Objects are close to each other and shine with bright and broken colors  Ciphers and Constellations,  in Love with a Woman.   1941. Gouache and terpentine on paper.
Andrew Wyeth 1917 – Present American realist One of the best-known of the 20th century  Sometimes referred to as the "Painter of the People" due to his popularity with the American public Son of the illustrator  Wikipedia Christina's World . 1948.  Tempera on gessoed panel,
Jackson Pollock 1912-1953 influential American painter major force in the abstract expressionist movement  Others called the Pollack’s style "action painting" - "what was to go on the canvas was not a picture but an event” Wikipedia  Shimmering Substance From the  Sounds in the Grass  Series 1946 Oil on canvas Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Andy Warhol 1928 –1987  Wikipedia American artist Central figure in the movement known as pop art.  A commercial illustrator Avant-garde filmmaker, record producer, author, and public figure  The Fauves used non-representational color and representational form to convey different sensations.  Warhol Museum Turquoise Marilyn, 1962 “ Mass-produced” images  from photographs of celebrities

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  • 1. Great Artists in History Dutch Baroque Painter JohannesVermeer “The Concert” 1665-1666 ARTU 450 Prepared by Dr. Carla Piper
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  • 4. Medieval Architecture The Internet Renaissance Band Medieval Sound Files
  • 6. Giotto di Bondone Giotto - (1266-1337) Ushered in the Renaissance from the gothic middle ages An Italian painter and architect Born near Florence Most innovative artist of his time Altered the course of painting in Western Europe From Olga’s Gallery Online Joachim's Dream. 1304-1306. Fresco.
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  • 8. Alessandro (Sandro) Botticelli Botticelli - (1444/45 - 1510) Apprenticed as a goldsmith before study painting. Member of the St. Luke's Guild Adoration of the Magi, Tempera on panel. 1475 From Olga’s Gallery Online
  • 9. Leonardo Da Vinci 1452 - 1519 he embodiment of the "Renaissance man“ Mastery over all branches of art and science. Painter, sculptor, architect and engineer Scholar in the natural sciences, medicine and philosophy. Entered the San Luca guild of painters in Florence in 1472 at age 15. Mona Lisa (La Gioconda). 1503-1506. Oil on wood. Louvre, From Olga’s Gallery Online
  • 10. Michelangelo 1475-1564  Most representative artist of the 16 th century Sculptor, painter, architect, and poet Studied “antique statues” Part of the Medici circle. The Creation of the Sun and Moon. 1508-1512. Fresco. Sistine Chapel, David. 1501-1504. Marble Galleria dell'Accademia Florence, Italy From Olga’s Gallery Online
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  • 16. Rembrandt Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669)  Went to the school for Latin. Studied the classics at Leiden University Historical paintings and over 100 self portraits Landscape with a Castle. c. 1632. Oil on panel. Louvre, Paris, France. From Olga’s Gallery Online
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  • 20. Thomas Gainsborough 1727 – 1788 English landscape and portrait painter London Displayed his art in the Foundling Hospital to become better known as an artist. River Landscape with Rustic Lovers. c.1754-1756. Oil on canvas. From Olga’s Gallery Online
  • 21. William Blake 1757-1827 English poet, painter, engraver; one of the earliest and greatest figures of Romanticism. “ To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.” Completed a set of 21 copperplate etchings to illustrate the Book of Job Web Museum The Ancient of Days 1794; Relief etching with watercolor
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  • 24. Edgar Degas 1834-1917  Born into the family of bankers of aristocratic extraction. Despite his own desire to paint he began to study law. Spent his time copying Renaissance works. Did not share the Impressionists’ over-riding interest in landscape and color Painted jockeys, race horses, and ballet subjects From Olga’s Gallery Online The Star. 1876-77. Pastel on monotype. Impressionist
  • 25. Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1841-1919 Brought up in Paris Worked as an apprentice painter, painting flowers on porcelain plates. After machines for coloring ceramics had been introduced, he had to switch to decorating fans and screens. Made friends with Monet, Pissarro and Cézanne. Hot rich colors and free brushwork A Girl with a Watering-Can. 1876. Oil on canvas The National Gallery of Art Washington, DC, USA From Olga’s Gallery Online Impressionist
  • 26. Claude Monet 1840-1926 Recognized as being one of the creators of Impressionism. Born in Paris Painted caricature portraits and exhibited them in the art supplies store when he was young Fame brought comfort and even wealth. The White Water Lilies . 1899. Oil on canvas. From Olga’s Gallery Online Impressionist
  • 27. Vincent Van Gogh 1853-1890 Post-Impressionist Son of a Dutch village vicar Teacher and apprentice lay preacher Wanted to devote his life to evangelization of the poor Quote: “I can’t change the fact that my paintings don't sell. But the time will come when people will recognize that they are worth more than the value of the paints used in the picture.” Sunflowers. 1888. Oil on canvas. From Olga’s Gallery Online
  • 28. Paul Cezanne 1839-1906 Post Impressionist Started as a banker, but took up painting Tried to get accepted at the Salon in Paris, but did not get an exhibition until year after his death. Gardanne 1885-86 Oil on canvas Still Life 1890 Oil on canvas From Olga’s Gallery Online
  • 29. Paul Gauguin 1848-1903 Impressionist and Post-Impressionist from Paris A sailor who spent the next three years voyaging between France and South America Made a voyage around the world Organize a trip to Tahiti at the expense of the French government Tahitian Landscape. 1893 Oil on canvas The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis From Olga’s Gallery Online
  • 30. Georges Seurat 1859-1891 Born in Paris Created new style called Pointillism New technique using dots Interested in scientific theories on color and vision A Sunday on La Grande Jatte. 1884-86. Oil on canvas. From Olga’s Gallery Online Post Impressionist - Pointillism
  • 31. Henri Matisse 1869-1954 Born at Le Cateau-Cambrésis in the North of France Originally a lawyer Post-Impressionist and Fauvist Harmony in Red. 1908. Oil on canvas. From Olga’s Gallery Online
  • 32. Contemporary Architecture and Music Composer - Anton von Webern Classical Archives Stravinsky’s Music Igor Stravinsky Composer Portrait by Picassso
  • 33. Wassily Kandinsky 1866-1944 Abstract Expressionist Born in Moscow Had private lessons in music, drawing and painting. Studied law and economics at the Moscow University. Impressed with Folk art of northern Russia Taught at the Bauhaus (the college of building and art construction in Germany) Composition VIII. 1923. Oil on canvas. From Olga’s Gallery Online
  • 34. Paul Klee 1879 - 1940 Swiss son of musicians Extremely inventive Experimented with styles and materials and the visual effects they gave Ignoring rules and fashion Taught at Bauhaus - an innovative school aiming at uniting fine and applied arts and architecture in a new manner suitable for an industrial age Conqueror. 1930. Watercolor. From Olga’s Gallery Online Expressionist
  • 35. Piet Mondrian 1872-1944 Dutch abstract painter of the first half of the 20th Century. A contemporary and disciple of the famous cubists Pablo Picasso Challenged the definition of art itself Simple lines, right angles, correct geometric figures and pure, primary colors. Broadway Boogie-Woogie 1942/43 Oil on canvas From Olga’s Gallery Online
  • 36. Alexander Calder 1898-1976 American sculptor and artist Most famous for inventing the mobile. Also created paintings, lithographs, toys and tapestry and designed carpets. Take the Virtual Tour Abstract Mobiles Myxomatose (Myxomatosis) , 1953 Sheet metal, rod, and paint
  • 37. Pablo Picasso 1881-1973 Spanish Artist Taught in Barcelona Used many different sytles throughout his life Cubism Surrealism Collage Classicism Biography Three Musicians. 1921. Oil on canvas. The Museum of Modern Arts, New York,
  • 38. Famous Picasso Quote “ Unlike in music, there are no child prodigies in painting. What people regard as premature genius is the genius of childhood. It gradually disappears as they get older. It is possible for such a child to become a real painter one day, perhaps even a great painter. But he would have to start right from the beginning. So far as I am concerned, I did not have that genius. My first drawings could never have been shown at an exhibition of children’s drawings. I lacked the clumsiness of a child, his naivety. I made academic drawings at the age of seven, the minute precision of which frightened me.” -- Picasso. The Old Guitarist. 1903. Oil on panel. Art Institute of Chicago
  • 39. Marc Chagall 1887 – 1985 Russian-Jewish painter of the 20th Century Representative of the Russian Avant-Garde in the West. Combined elements Expressionism Symbolism Cubism Surrealist One of the foremost artists of the 20th Century. I and the Village. 1911. Oil on canvas. The Museum of Modern Arts, New York
  • 40. Georgia O’Keefe 1887 - 1986 American Artist See slide shows found artistic inspiration in the American Southwest, Synthesized abstraction and representation in paintings of flowers, rocks, shells, animal bones and landscapes. Transformed her subject matter into powerful abstract images. Wikipedia Black Mesa Landscape, New Mexico – 1930 Oil on Canvas
  • 41. Joan Miró 1893-1983 Barcelona, Spain Book-keeper Founded “Agrupació Courbet”, a group of young artists who opposed themselves to conservative traditions in Catalan art. Influended by Cézanne and the Fauvists Objects are close to each other and shine with bright and broken colors Ciphers and Constellations, in Love with a Woman. 1941. Gouache and terpentine on paper.
  • 42. Andrew Wyeth 1917 – Present American realist One of the best-known of the 20th century Sometimes referred to as the "Painter of the People" due to his popularity with the American public Son of the illustrator Wikipedia Christina's World . 1948. Tempera on gessoed panel,
  • 43. Jackson Pollock 1912-1953 influential American painter major force in the abstract expressionist movement Others called the Pollack’s style "action painting" - "what was to go on the canvas was not a picture but an event” Wikipedia Shimmering Substance From the Sounds in the Grass Series 1946 Oil on canvas Museum of Modern Art, New York.
  • 44. Andy Warhol 1928 –1987 Wikipedia American artist Central figure in the movement known as pop art. A commercial illustrator Avant-garde filmmaker, record producer, author, and public figure The Fauves used non-representational color and representational form to convey different sensations. Warhol Museum Turquoise Marilyn, 1962 “ Mass-produced” images from photographs of celebrities