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Project Management Written Assignment 1 Essay examples
2012 02 MAN 435 OL009: Project Management
Written Assignment 1
1. Discuss the principal reasons why project management has become such a popular business tool in
recent years.
Business has changed in the past 20 or so years. Products are being produced more rapidly and with
the introduction of globalization competition has become more abundant. There is a need to become
more customer focused but at the same time quicker to market while still reducing cost. Doing
business the old way is just not cutting it anymore. Project management gives companies the ability to
focus on many things at once without losing focus on their core business model. Processes become
projects that have a start and finish and can be tracked and quantified ... Show more content on
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More would be expected of me than just meeting quota. 3. Describe the basic elements of the project
life cycle. Why is an understanding of the project life cycle relevant for understanding project
The project life cycle consists of the conceptualization phase, the planning phase, the execution phase,
and the termination phase.
Understanding the project lifecycle is important because it is the base of all project management. You
take one phase out and the project will fail. You cannot start a project without a good scope, or
blueprint. The project lifecycle is set up so that you cannot move on to the next stage in the cycle
without going through the previous stage. I also want to mention the termination phase. This is where
you terminate the project and put together a document that explains the delays and fixes that helped
the project come to fruition. 4. Compare and contrast the three organizational structures discussed in
the text: functional, project, and matrix. Provide examples that show the difference between the three,
including some of the advantages and disadvantages of each.
There are three main organizational structure types used in business today. They are functional, project
and matrix. They each have their strong points and weaknesses. I will list the strengths and
weaknesses of each while comparing them to each other.
The functional structure is based around having similar activities grouped into
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Transcontinental Telegraph
The Telegraph The idea behind the telegraph was to send electric signals across wires. This originated
in the early 1700s and France was the first country to have a rough system by 1798. Eventually
following was a system which used Morse code. Professor Samuel Morse had successfully secured
funding and in 1843 a telegraph system was produced from Washington D.C. to Baltimore. The
success of the system was seen and by 1861 the first transcontinental telegraph line was built. The
telegraph was a very simple 3 part machine. It had a battery, electromagnet, and a key to connect and
disconnect the two parts. Every time the key was tapped, an electrical pulse will go through the wire
and wherever the reviving end is, the electrical pulse will create ... Show more content on
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But the indirect impact was huge as it made trade much quicker as detailed information about
shipments could be sent faster than the goods themselves. It allowed for the rise of most multinational
corporations as they could run regional operations from a central head office. It aided the fight against
crime as criminals found using distance increasingly more difficult. Lastly it helped integrate women
into the world of work as operators and supervisors. This shows how the telegraph was a very
important invention for communication worldwide during the Industrial
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Mithraism Essay
Mithraism is the ancient Roman mystery cult of the god Mithras. Roman worship of Mithras began
sometime during the early Roman empire, perhaps during the late first century of the Common Era
(hereafter CE), and flourished from the second through the fourth centuries CE. While it is fairly
certain that Romans encountered worship of the deity Mithras as part of Zoroastrianism in the eastern
provinces of the empire, particularly in Asia Minor (now modern Turkey), the exact origins of cult
practices in the Roman cult of Mithras remain controversial (see below). The evidence for this cult is
mostly archaeological, consisting of the remains of mithraic temples, dedicatory inscriptions, and
iconographic representations of the god and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The theory that Roman Mithraism had its roots in Zoroastrianism was first put forward by Franz
Cumont, a Belgian scholar, in his two volume publication Textes et monuments figur eacutes relatifs
aux myst egraveres de Mithra in 1896 and 1899. Cumont compiled a catalogue of every known
mithraic temple, monument, inscription, and literary passage relating to Mithras and claimed on the
basis of his study of this body of evidence that Roman Mithras was, ultimately, Zoroastrian Mithra.
Cumont argued by extension that if Roman Mithras had Iranian roots, the cult of Mithraism must have
originated in the eastern provinces of the Roman empire and spread westward with legionaries in the
Roman army, merchants from eastern provinces (often lumped under the broad misnomer Syrians ),
freedmen in the imperial bureaucracy, and slaves.
Cumont himself recognized possible flaws in his theory. The most obvious is that there is little
evidence for a Zoroastrian cult of Mithra (Cumont 1956), and certainly none that suggests that
Zoroastrian worship of Mithra used the liturgy or the well devoloped iconography found in the Roman
cult of Mithras. Moreover, few monuments from the Roman cult have been recovered from the very
provinces which are thought to have inspired worship of Mithras (namely the provinces of Asia
Minor). Finally, Cumont was aware that the earliest datable evidence for the cult of Mithras came
from the military garrison at Carnuntum in the province of Upper Pannonia on the
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Isabella Berg Thesis Statement
Kimberlyn Snoddy
Dr. Holly Powe
MUS 101 WA1
20 June 2016
Alban Berg Not a musical prodigy from birth, but a gifted child, Alban Berg was an innovative
musician bringing forth ideas that would be later seen in music after his death. Berg had somewhat of
a troubled childhood, but that did not stop him from becoming a successful musician. He was also
apart of the Second Viennese school. Alban Berg was a composer whose music broke tradition and is
remembered because of it.
Born in Vienna, Alban Berg was born into a typical middle class Viennese home. He was not an only
child and had three other siblings. During his teenage years, Berg s father passed away. Afterwards,
the family had a difficult time. Berg was not the brightest student in school. ... Show more content on
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Wozzeck−perhaps the most frequently performed theatrical work in the atonal idom represents Berg s
first attempt to deal within the framework of opera ( Alban Berg 1). He gained recognition as a
composer of international standing but also a degree of financial stability (Jarman 319). A well known
work for the violin was the Kammerkonzert. This song demonstrates Berg s love for intricate formal
designs and his interest in using apparently abstract, mathematical schemes as structural determinants
(Jarman 319). The Lyrische Suite for the string quartet was also one of Berg s compositions. It is the
most completely documented demonstration of the extent to which such extra musical considerations
act as compositional determinants (Jarman 319). Jarman says that Kammerkonzert and the Lyrische
Suite are songs that mark Berg s gradual adoption of the 12 note sytem (319). Another famous opera
work is Lulu. On one level Lulu is a number opera consisting ... of a sequence of arias, ensembles,
cavatinaas, ballades and other forms traditionally associated with vocal music, all of them clearly
identified by Berg in the score. (Jarman 321). Violin Concerto was a work of highly personal,
emotional content achieved through the use of 12 tone and other resources symbolic as well as
musical ( Alban Berg
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Alibaba Strengths And Weaknesses
We would like to analyse the key issues from the business environment and the strategic capability of
Alibaba group that are most likely to impact on strategy development by the model of SWOT.
3.6.1 S(Strength)
Business integration
Alibaba provides both business clients and individual clients with an all included service. It integrates
all the separate procedures of purchase, payment, logistics, information release, deal negotiation and
order signing. Thus reinforce the competition ability of its service. This all included service is like an
ecosystem which ensure all the participants can help and work well in this system. Nowadays, Alibaba
group control the business information(alibaba, taobao), payment service(Alipay), search
engine(Yahoochina) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Government s support to e business
From 2004, Chinese government began to support the development of e business sector and
encouraged more state owned enterprises to participate in it. With new laws enacted, the competition
will be normalized.
Go public and internationalization
After Alibaba went public in September, the group faces more opportunities like more efficient to get
finance. With domestic reputation, Alibaba will get into international market more easily. As also, with
support of international market, the group can do better in domestic market.
3.6.4. T(threats)
Competitors inside and outside
Though currently there is no competitor who represents a substantial threat to Alibaba in China, as this
sector develops, more and more company wish to share the profit in e business. With an increasing
number of new competitors in China and strong competitors like Amazon, Ebay abroad, Alibaba
should not ignore the competition pressure it faces.
Economic slowdown in
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A Rhetorical Analysis Of Florence Kelley s Speech
Throughout history, individuals have fought for more justifiable working conditions. Florence Kelley,
a social worker and reformer, fought to gain more adequate working conditions for the children of the
United States. At this time nearly twenty percent of American workers were under the age of sixteen.
Kelley delivered a speech in Philadelphia on July 22, 1905, during the convention of the National
American Woman Suffrage Association, that strived for more fair minded hours, rather than the long,
unhealthy, and tedious shifts thats children were put through overnight. Kelley utilizes both appeals to
logic and appeals to emotion, in order to rally up her audience in joining her to fight for more rational,
more healthy, and more just hours. Effective uses of appeals to logic are made through insightful
parallel structure and an oxymoron, both of which demonstrate the unjust truth. Kelley ensures her
audience that the growing rate of working children is indeed overpowering the rate of working adults
when she states, Men increase, women increase, youth increase, boys increase in the ranks of the
breadwinners; but no contingent so doubles from census period (both by percent and by count of
heads), as does the contingent of girls between twelve and twenty years of age. The parallelism depicts
how there was a normal flow of growth for all men, women, and boys, yet the growth rate of ... Show
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Parallelism is used along with an oxymoron in order to appeal to logic, while juxtaposing imagery and
the repetition of the pronoun our is used to appeal emotion. Kelley effectively shows her audience
how irrational the overnight shifts truly are, while going on to strike guilt into each individual. Kelley
won her fight; that being, today working shifts of children are monitored by laws that ensure and
secure reasonable working hours for
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Comparing Moses And Clare s Journey
Considering both Moses and Clare s navigation through oppression, it is important to examine their
reflections at end of their journeys that resulted from their rebellion or lack thereof. For Moses, he
claims sorrowfully, I just lay there on the bed thinking about my life, how after all these years I ain t
got no place at all, I still the same way, neither forward nor backward (Selvon 129). After facing all of
the racial and gender barriers in London, Moses contemplates his experiences and acknowledges that
he has been stagnant. Selvon s use of commas in the place of periods creates a run on sentence that
seems to list all of Moses regrets.
Similar to how the sentence is like an incessant list, Moses s reflection and sorrow for his lack ...
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Clare was originally supposed to be heavily suppressed given her circumstances, arguably even more
than Moses, as she had an autocratic father neglecting her black roots and was perceived as a naive
twelve year old girl incapable of doing anything. Nonetheless, she had confronted her limits that
society placed on her in pursuit of her identity, leading her to have the confidence to fire the gun. After
that incidence of defiance, her mother told her, When you are grown you can want anything you want.
You can be anything you want. A doctor. A teacher. But to get there you have to learn the rules. That
girls like you don t fire guns (Cliff 150). Unlike Moses whose narrative ends with regret, the end of
Clare s journey as rebel opens a new chapter for her where her possibilities are, according to her
mother, endless. However, their views on the path to success and fulfillment are quite different. Clare
s perspective on doing anything [she] wants is not defined by being in the workforce which is
suggested by her mom and is the route Moses took. Rather, Clare derives her pleasure from defying
these rules made for girls and finding her identity and the independence that follows, enabling her to
develop a greater sense of human
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Informative Speech On Herbal Tea
Tea for pregnancy and breastfeeding
Herbal tea has been used for centuries to support women through their pregnancy journey. From
helping to strengthen and ready the body for labour to aiding women in managing those pesky
pregnancy related conditions and complications; herbs have lots to offer. Herbal tea is in fact not tea at
all, real tea is the drink made from the leaves of the tea plant, and includes black and green tea drinks.
Herbal tea or more accurately herbal infusions are made from the leaves, roots, flowers, bark, or
berries of other types of plants. Plants contain fantastic healing properties and nutrients that can be
used to help support women throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Morning Sickness
Ginger based teas can help manage one of the most common pregnancy ailments. Fresh or dried
ginger infusions can provide rapid relief from mild to moderate nausea, and unlike anti nausea
medications, ginger can be used several times a day.
Often more persistent cases of morning sickness can be due to stress on the liver from the increased
levels of circulating hormones. To help aid the liver in clearing these hormones and subsequently
reduce nausea, Dandelion Root tea can be used.
As your baby grows the space left over for your organs begins to decrease, your stomach gets pushed
up your abdominal cavity and you may find that you start experience reflux or heartburn in the second
and third trimesters of your pregnancy. Slippery Elm Bark, while isn t usually seen as a tea is a
traditional remedy that can ease reflux. Slippery Elm Bark can be purchased as a powder and mixed
with water, giving you a thick smoothie like drink which coats the oesophagus and stomach helping to
reduce the burn of acid reflux.
The digestive system slows down during pregnancy causing some women to suffer from indigestion,
bloating and gas. An easy remedy for this is Peppermint tea, fresh or dried mint tea can be used after
meals to help relieve gas and bloating. Be aware that in later pregnancy Peppermint tea may contribute
to reflux as Peppermint can relax the sphincter between your oesophagus and stomach, which
normally prevents stomach acid from travelling back up and causing reflux. If
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Business Analysis On Business Communication
Although much associated with business still relies on face to face communication, technology has
taken its place in business to business communication practices as being reliable, effective, and
efficient. Whether discussing a major decision with an executive level officer, starting a new company
in search of product and distribution, or informing a department that layoffs may occur, the
communication process remains the same. A purpose defines the reason a process begins. The initiator,
or the sender, has an intended message for a specific audience, the receiver. With business to business
communication, technology used to deliver the message, the environment in which the communication
takes place, and the noise that causes distractions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(About.com, 2011). On a good day, walking into a business to solicit a different product, service, or
partnership opportunity means that a decision maker has been spoken with and an additional
appointment may be established so that decision maker can have more available time to hear what is
being pitched. More than likely, however, a card or name will be collected with contact information
and that particular individual must create a method of re contacting those potential business
opportunities at a later time. Through the use of VOIP, or voice over Internet provider as a less
expensive way for a business to have phone services, a call is made to create a relationship that could
potentially provide additional opportunities. The salesperson acts as the sender with the purpose of
selling his company s products or services. The receiver should be the decision making contact that
had been collected while cold calling. The environment is more than likely a cubicle to personal office
setting and depending on how the day of that decision maker is going will determine if the noise
becomes too distracting. If the message is delivered successfully, hopefully that salesman will receive
positive feedback.
In this particular situation, the message and technology used are appropriate given the environment
and purpose because unless that salesperson makes face to face contact on the initial visit, phone and e
mail will be that individual s only available means of
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Redfern Riot Shouldn t Be Prosecuted
Editorial: Redfern riot shouldn t be prosecuted
THE POLICE criticism toward residents of a small inner city Sydney suburb of Waterloo must signal
the end of society and media depictions that has created an inability to deem the residents constant
claim of police harassment and violence. It is time we should accept the grim fact that many existing
attitudes towards the most disadvantaged people, Indigenous Australians, are part of this mayhem like
The public intensely curved its attention toward what happened in NSW on February 15. A 17 year old
Indigenous boy, Thomas Hickey the most common being TJ died in hospital, a day after injuring
himself whilst chased by the police. This was enough to trigger the community to ... Show more
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They, indeed, got arrested. The court prevented them from attending the funeral on February 24. It is
essentially if all allegations are correct no necessity of prosecution toward this people, as we all know;
they were taking decisive action on the prospect of protracted conflict.
One must realize, whether or not the allegations are true, and so yet there is no evidence they are not,
there is no excuse that Indigenous had points of defence. A point of being neglect: Why do they have
to feel neglected in their motherland? And a point of suffering: Why should they suffer in Australia a
birthplace of their ancestors? Until these questions are precisely challenged, Australian should still
believe the grim fact that many existing attitude toward most disadvantaged people are the main roots
of the problem. A fact that if you asked any non indigenous Australian about the worth of Indigenous,
they will tell straight to your face: they do not have knowledge, they have no contribution to this land;
for example in an army they do not defend Australia. Some of these manipulations might be true, but,
lets me take you back to history when first European boat arrived at the west coast of Australia;
Aborigines stop them from getting on to the land. But, their human nature of feeling the pain of what
will happen later in decades even millennia didn t depart, they refuse to let them in. So,
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Indian Apparel Industry- an Overview
The Indian Textiles Industry has an overwhelming presence in the economic life of the country. Apart
from providing one of the basic necessities of life, the textiles industry also plays a pivotal role
through its contribution to industrial output, employment generation, and the export earnings of the
country. Currently, it contributes about 14 percent to industrial production, 4 percent to the GDP, and
17 percent to the country s export earnings. It provides direct employment to over 35 million people.
The Industry is closely linked to agriculture, the ancient culture and traditions of the India, making
Indian textiles sector unique in comparison with other countries. This also provides the industry with
the capacity to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Cotton yarn production marginally outpaced the increase in the total yarn production. India
contributes about 23 per cent of world spindles and 6 per cent of world rotors (second highest in the
world after China)
Fabric production has been increasing constantly over all sectors, with an 8.6% increase in 2006 07.
Cotton makes up almost 50% of the total fabric production in the country, and is outstripping the
growth, with a 9.6% increase from 2005 06.
This sector consists of about 3.9 million handlooms, 380,000 powerloom enterprises that operate
1.7 million looms, and just 137,000 looms in the various composite mills. Modern shuttle less looms
account for less than 1 percent of loom capacity. Looking from the viewpoint of method of
production, it can be seen that the share in output of handlooms and mills has fallen down
considerably over the last decade. And the major chunk of production is in the powerloom sector.
The Garment Industry of India is a Rs 1 trillion industry. Almost 33% of its knitwear production and
about 20% of its woven garment production, both by volume, enters export markets. Overall about 25
% of the volume of its garment production goes into export markets, leaving 75 % for domestic
The Industry covers over one lakh units and employs about 6 million workers, both directly and
indirectly in almost equal proportion. The indirect portion helps to sustain the
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The Bible And The Word inspire Essay
The Bible and the Word quot;Inspire quot;
According to the Random House Dictionary, the word inspire means quot;to infuse an animating,
quickening, or exalting influence into, or to communicate or suggest by a divine influence. quot; This
definition indicates, when applied to the scripture, that the stories and writings in the Bible did not
come solely from the minds of the respective authors, but rather from a divine source. This suggests
that the authors were scribes, reproducing what was instilled in them by God. This idea is
strengthened by looking at distinct examples from the scripture that show that scripture is inspired,
and not made up. By using the form of criticism known as literary criticism, we can analyze certain ...
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God can be viewed as an indirect author, and the inspiration for scripture.
quot;We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and the comings
of our Lord Jesus Christ but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. quot; quot;Above all you must
understand that no prophecy of scripture came about by the prophet s own interpretation. For
prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along
by the Holy
Spirit. quot; From the standpoint of a literary critic, these two passages represent the question at hand
as to whether or not scripture is inspired. Literary criticism looks at the passage as a whole, and reads
what it says, just as a normal person would. Using this method, we see easily that scripture is in fact
inspired, because it states that there were no cleverly invented stories, but rather God s own words.
God s plans for his people are carefully laid out, and there is much doubt that He would entrust
average people to teach others about
His word without careful explanation as to exactly what it is, and how it came to be. This is why much
of the Bible, especially the Pentateuch, tells the historical story of the
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How Does Anthropogenic Noise Affect Cetaceans
Introduction As human presence in the oceans is continually revealed to be detrimental to marine life,
one major area of concern is noise pollution in the ocean and its effects on marine mammals. Sound is
vital to marine mammals communication and livelihood, so the disturbance of the sound in their
habitat has varying effects. The impact of anthropogenic noise on marine mammals, specifically
cetaceans, can be seen in various experiments and observations concerning the sounds produced by
shipping, construction, and sonars. All of which reveal potential and consequential behavioral and
physiological effects, which include acoustic masking, change in foraging behavior, and mass
strandings. Species studied include harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), ... Show more content on
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It is important that we continue to research known harmful anthropogenic sounds and their effects on
cetaceans to limit further damage, and to research other sources of noise due to humans and their
potential effects to prevent future harm. Through research, it is shown that various noise pollution
caused by humans can have detrimental effects on cetaceans such as harbor porpoises, bottlenose
dolphins, killer whales, and Cuvier s beaked whales. Shipping, windfarm construction, and sonar can
cause temporary or permanent hearing threshold changes, which can result in decreased foraging
ability and communication ability. Shipping has been seen to decrease foraging time and cause
acoustic masking. Sonar can cause death due to strandings and lesions. These all add up to show that,
overall, noise pollution by humans has a serious effect on the quality of life for cetaceans. It is also
important to recognize that absence of a detected reaction does not mean that there is no impact on
these cetaceans. It is possible that noise pollution can cause physiological and psychological responses
without any external symptoms we can detect. It may be important to develop methods to observe
these more subtle reactions to noise pollution that may impact cetacean s way of life. It is important
that humans realize the full extent of their effect on marine life and create measures to prevent more
harm. Noise pollution s effect on cetaceans affect not only these species, but the other marine life they
interact with and the ecosystems of the
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Randall Jarrell Poem Analysis
Randall Jarrell s poems and short stories are mostly about war and it s affects on humans. Randall
Jarrell persuaded the minds of people in society to enjoy and appreciate life through his powerful and
touching literary works including 1. The Bat Poet, 2. The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner, and 3.
Losses. His poems dramatically interpret fears and struggles of young soldiers. One of Randall Jarrell
s many pieces The Bat Poet persuaded people in society to enjoy life while you have it. It s about one
bat that tries to make other animals see the world the same way as he does. If they didn t get on your
nerves so, maybe you wouldn t be able to imitate them so well, the chipmunk said in a helpful,
hopeful voice (The Bat Poet). The chipmunk is trying to understand the importance and meaning of
what the bat is trying to tell him, but not everyone realizes things as fast as others. This piece of text
was written in pursuit to persuade people to see the importance and meaning to life from all
perspectives. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This poem talks about what war can do to innocent people and their families. And the cities said to
me: Why are you dying? We are satisfied, if you are;but why did I die? (Jarrell, Losses) He shouldn t
have been dying so early on in his life, so he was confused to why he died. He sacrificed himself in
war. life is short and sometimes you need to do things for the betterment of other people, even if that
means dying for something you strongly believe in. Randall Jarrell persuaded the minds of people in
society to enjoy and appreciate life through his literary works including 1. The Bat Poet, 2. The Death
of the Ball Turret Gunner, and 3. Losses. Randall reached out to audiences of many ages. Some people
change their lifestyle and choices they make by treating everyone better because they know to value
people and their
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The Online Betting
21bet makes its debut just in time for the Cheltenham Festival Aiming to shake the foundations of the
online betting world, 21bet has finally made its long awaited debut. Ahead of the famous Cheltenham
Festival, 21bet has completed its rebrand and is now promising to deliver players a one of a kind
sports betting/casino gaming fusion.
What immediately makes 21bet different to the competition is the fact that it isn t run by the usual
corporate names. Standing behind this new brand is a team of industry professionals and sports fans
that have dreams of taking online betting to new heights. Through a simple to use website, easy to
navigate markets, and a few trademark FSB Technology features 21bet looks to be getting off on the
right ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Overcoming every obstacle and securing plenty of player interest along the way, during the past 8
years Mr Green has gone from strength to strength. How it has managed to maintain a firm grasp on
the online casino crown is simple, they give players what they want. Loaded with the best casino
games on the planet, Mr Green has proven that it is no stranger to a truly epic promotional campaign.
Making players dreams come true, this month one lucky Mr Green member will win a VIP Mexican
The announcement for the new giveaway came around in typical Mr Green fashion. As they sent all
members an apology email, stating that they will never stop giving players freebies and extras to get
stuck into. Bringing a taste of sunshine to one lucky player, pack your swimsuit and sunblock, as a
once in a lifetime VIP trip to Mexico is on the table. Following on from the super successful Monaco
Roulette campaign, this new offer raises the stakes, as the total prize package value tops €5,000!
To be in with a shout of walking away with this amazing prize, all a Mr Green member has to do is
wager on roulette as normal and secure a win. Aptly named Spinata Grande Fiesta Roulette, the
competition carries distinct a Mexican flavour as it brings players one step closer to the VIP
experience. Play roulette, win big, earn yourself entries to the prize draw, and should it all come
together, courtesy of Mr Green, you could be set to experience ultimate Mexico adventure!
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All in the Family
All in the Family
In 1971, New York Times columnist Fred Ferretti wrote an article about a new television series called
All in the Family. Ferretti asked, whether or not if racism and bigotry were considered funny and he
concluded that it was not and as a result believed that the show was lacking good taste. Apparently, the
television viewers of America disagreed. Running from 1971 to 1979, All In The Family wasn t the
first television series to tackle major issues on a major network, but what was innovative about the
series, was that is that it hewed its situational comedy from topical issues, and it explored them
through characters we got to know and cared about every week. Simply put, All in the Family wasn t
just a great situational comedy; it as was an ongoing national conversation rooted in well written, well
acted and multifaceted characters.
In 1969, a young comedy writer named Norman Lear was given approval by CBS to create an
American version of the popular British sitcom Till Death Do Us Part. Produced and developed by
Lear, this concept of a sitcom about a blue collar family would eventually become, All in the Family.
Premiering in January of 1971, the series focused on the lives of a working class family from the New
York City borough of Queens, The Bunkers. Archie and his dingbat wife, Edith as well as their
daughter and little goil Gloria and her liberal husband Mike Meathead Stivic. Although, the storylines
of each episode were typically full of
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Bend It Like Beckham Character Analysis
Through the use of cinematic techniques, Hidden figures, a movie directed by Theodore Melfi and
Bend it like Beckham by Gurinder Chadha both explore the dangers that are inherent in a marginalised
society. Each text demonstrates that hope for change is needed in society as it can build the
momentum for an individual to strive. Through these texts, we see that people have no conscience
about harming others until they learn the truth about their circumstances. This is depicted by the way
in which Jess coach Joe behaves after learning about her cultural expectations in Bend it like
Beckham. Similarly, this is shown in Hidden Figures by Mr. Harrison. Both directors emphasise that
the abuse of power leads to corruption and this can be seen through the segregation between the black
and white people in Hidden Figures and the way in which cultural values overrule the lives of the
Bhamra s in Bend it like Beckham. Both characters highlight the importance of creating opportunities
rather than seeking it, this is shown when Mary Jackson goes to court for educational rights in Hidden
Figures and in Bend it like Beckham when Jess stands up to her father who appears to be patriotic
about his cultural values. The resolutions to both texts justify that determination comes from within
and that though many factors can outweigh a person s ability to triumph, consistency can lead to
rewarding results. As an audience we are able to further increase our understanding of perseverance
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Death Penalty Dbq
Throughout history, many governments were implementing the death penalty unfairly because of the
unjust rulers, such as the Romans and the Ottomans. For example, they were executed people who
were demanding for their rights. Furthermore, the penalty ways were very ugly and inhumane. To be
more precise, Romans used the saw to cut up the accused into two halves and this execution style was
the favorite of the Roman emperor Caligula. Also, Ottomans were using the stake in the death penalty
to make the victim suffer as long as possible before he died. However, with the passage of time and
the progress of nations, these types of executions faded. Recently, international organizations such as
human rights organization and Amnesty International organization ... Show more content on
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In some countries, executions are not only for criminal reasons, but also because of religious and
racial bias. Racial discrimination began in terms of using people with black skin as slaves and servants
for the rich. The racist practice against black Americans is an important example that explains how
blacks were persecuted. This policy began in the United States after the American Civil War and
emerged the racist legislation that supports the control of whites in the late nineteenth century. This
situation made blacks angry for the loss of their rights and tough punishments up to execution because
of racial grounds. Blacks began to resist this policy before World War II. Then, black American
leaders have appeared like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and called for changing the racial
laws. Martin Luther King was one of the most famous advocates of the abolition of the death penalty
and he said that death penalty is against the best rule of new criminology. In her article, The Death
Penalty: What Would Dr. King Do? (2012) Moye commends that Dr. King utilized the ethic of
peacefulness to social change. At its embodiment was a profound appreciation for the human poise in
all individuals, including the oppressor and the culprit. Martin Luther King means that every human
has the right to live and no one can take this right except God. On the other hand, racism has directly
affected the civil rights of blacks and indirectly on their lives. For example, judgments for certain
crimes against blacks are strict compared with whites and it may reach to penalty. Not only blacks
around the world are suffering from racism, but also people in occupied countries such as Palestine.
This is another type of using the violence and executions for religious reasons. Since 1967, Jews
occupied Palestine and declared that the land is theirs then they
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OA Reflective Essay
Share with us your clinical experience of working with a patient using DMOADs
(viscosupplementation or Glucosamine and chondroitin). Please support or discount their use with
additional research and discuss. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a prevalent cause of chronic joint pain and
disability in the older adult. It commonly affects the knee resulting in the deterioration and injury of
the articular cartilage inducing joint pain, limitation of movement and reduction in the quality of life.
OA s financial burden is high, and treatment is directed towards alleviating pain. Conventional
medicines such as non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), including cyclooxygenase 2
inhibitors have adverse effects that can contribute to a serious medical condition. Nonetheless, there is
an alternative dietary supplement that can be used that claims to ease OA pain; these Nutraceuticals
are namely Glucosamine sulfate (GS) and chondroitin ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sawitzke et al. (2010, p. 1463) Illustrates the Glucosamine/chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial
(GAIT) as a tool to examine the outcomes of the dietary supplements; the researchers discovered that
Glucosamine is ineffective and shows no benefit compared to placebo particularly when using the
Western Ontario and McMaster University Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) that quantify pain.
Durmus, Alayli, Bayrak, and Canturk (2012, p. 277) pointed out that WOMAC is a self reporting tool
used to measure lower extremity pain, stiffness and physical function. However the findings of
Sawitzke et al., were refuted by Fransen et al. (2013, p. 851) This group conducted an exploratory
investigation of participants with moderate severe pain at baseline, and their results did imply
denotative benefit from the amalgamation of GS and CS
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Reservation Blues By Sherman Alexie And The Great Gatsby...
The American Dream is often one of the most well known benefits of living in America. It is the push
factor that has driven millions of foreigners to flock to the so called land of opportunity. Originally,
the American Dream was established by a clause in the Declaration of Independence. It reads, We hold
these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
(Declaration of Independence par. 2). The original American Dream, as laid out by the founding
fathers, was freedom from religious persecution and the right to live a happy life. That simple idea has
undergone a significant metamorphosis and now the American Dream is much more complex. It has
turned into a deep avaricious dream. This transformation has been noted in contemporary literature,
especially in the novels Reservation Blues by Sherman Alexie and The Great Gatsby by F. Scott
Fitzgerald. These pieces of literature can be read as a larger commentary on the mutation of the
American Dream and how it is now more of a negative desire for greed and material. Both Fitzgerald
and Alexie surmise that the American Dream has been twisted and corrupted into an uncontrolled
desire that has become unattainable for many and that the pursuit of the dream has become dangerous.
In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald use the characters of Gatsby and Myrtle to show how the
American dream is
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Self Care Ethics
The research discussed in this paper has shown similar findings in the benefits of self care. Different
practices such as utilizing social support through friends and family members, using private time to
work on distancing oneself from stressors or trauma of work and placing personal needs first at home.
Now it is time to explore the validity, and generalizability of the findings presented. Although multiple
studies came to the same conclusions of ways to alleviate and prevent burnout and were able to
identify leading causes to burnout having a control group to test coping skills is difficult due to ethical
concerns. Ethical concerns would be the repercussions of not having an individual practice self care
during potentially stressful situations. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
al. (2012) as well as Killian (2008) both discuss the importance of having a correct ratio of at risk
patients/consumers vs. lower risk. However, no discussion around what is considered a high risk
patient vs. low risk, or an amount for appropriate ratio. Benefits of knowing what was defined during
the study as a high risk patient would be helpful to know that it was general across all participants of
the study. Due to having open ended questions and having the providers list their version of what
burnout is, can alter the study by not having a preliminary set of defined terms, and the subjectivity
can mitigate the results. Participants were providers for consumers with an eating disorder with an
average of 13 years experience from different organizations, which can help with generalizability to
more than one profession on how stressors at work can be seen in different companies. Killian s
(2008) qualitative study of open ended questions showed difficulty with inter item reliability to not
having a set of terms to define the meaning of burnout and self care, however changing those results
into completing a second quantitative study helped to support Kilian s findings correlating work
stressors, as well as personal stressors to the experience of burnout. However, due to the study being
conducted within questionnaires, and no ability to have a control study, it s difficult to be able to see if
controlling for work hours made a difference. Self report can also hinder results from participants
having social desirability with either wanting to look good to their company, the testers, or want to
give the testers findings they are hoping
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Employee Retention Techniques
Introduction The project work titled, A Study on Employee Retention Techniques among employes in
Salem District Milk Producers Union Limited . The main objective of this study is to evaluate the
employee turnover level of the company. Employee is not an economic factor but a total personality
having his own feelings and a sense of responsibilities towards his family, the industry and the nation.
The worker has a vital role in increasing productivity and management has to create conditions in
which worker can make their maximum contribution towards the objectives of fulfilling the essential
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Chapter III The third chapter deals with the research methodology that contain the research design,
sampling detail, data collection details, tools which is used in the study. Chapter IV The fourth chapter
deals with the analysis and interpretation of data. Chapter V The fifth chapter highlights the findings,
suggestions, recommendation and conclusion. CHAPTER II CONCEPTS AND REVIEW 7
CHAPTER II Concept and review of literature 2.1. Concept of employee retention techniques
Retention will be a challenge, according to a recent study. Retention requires a competitive salary and
great benefits. However, retention of your best requires a whole lot more. Employee involvement,
recognition, advancement, development and pay based on performance just get you started in your
quest to retain your best. An employee retention program boosts the bottom line and improves
customer Satisfaction. Employers know only too well the tightening effect that continued growth has
had on the labor market. Human resources publications constantly are regaling employers with tales of
employers competing for scarce employees using techniques like allowing employees to bring their
pets to work or hosting job fairs for convicts. Losing key employees
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Essay on Adolescent Substance Abuse
Running Header: Substance Abuse
Adolescent Substance Abuse
Dana Sweitzer
Liberty University
Abstract Adolescent substance abuse is a major problem in society. There are many risk factors that
can contribute to adolescent substance abuse. One of the main risk factors is peer pressure. When
adolescents start at a young age there is an increase in health problems, addiction, and over all poor
social outcomes. Parental influence has substantial effect on adolescents because the adolescent sees
their parents and they learn by their example. Media plays a role in the use of drug and alcohol use
among young people. Many school systems have implemented programs that teach adolescents about
the problems of substance abuse that is funded ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Among adolescents aged 12 to 17 years, 9.8 % are estimated to be current users of illicit drugs, with
4.9 % using drugs other than marijuana. Nearly three quarters of students have started to drink alcohol
and nearly half (47%) have tried using an illicit drug (not including alcohol or tobacco) by the senior
year of high school. (Hassan, Harris, Sherritt, Van Hook, amp; Brooks, 2009)
Media has a lot to do with adolescent substance abuse. Many times in advertisement, adolescents see
people drinking alcohol and having a great time. Media spends over $25 billion dollars on
advertisement yearly. Many celebrities are seen smoking or drinking alcohol in movies, TV, and on
commercials. This makes adolescents think that drinking, smoking, and taking drugs are cool and will
make them popular. Over 5000 deaths yearly are caused by alcohol consumption. (Strasburger, 2010)
Parental and peer influence plays an important role in adolescent substance abuse. Peer pressure can
influence each adolescent either indirectly or directly. Peer pressure is the most frequently discussed
risk factor. Peer substance abuse is the leading cause of adolescent substance abuse. Parental influence
can be positive or negative. They can have a significant influence on adolescents. Parents can
influence their kids
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The Internal Struggle In Chopin s The Awakening
The Awakening is a feminist story about the internal struggle of Edna Pontellier. Edna is a unhappily
married woman who has two children that she does not care for as much as she should. In the
beginning of the novel when we meet Edna and we are not really able to see how she feels on the
inside we just see the external feelings. Edna is not the kind of woman that she is expected to be in
this time period she does not care how she looks in public and does not like being spoiled by her
husband and also is not a loving mother. Later on in the novel Edna meets Robert and basically falls in
love with him and does not want to be married to her husband Leonce anymore. Edna is not used to
doing stuff with or fooling around with other guys that are
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Brownsville Case
Brownsville, Texas the city located on the border with Mexico also known as on the border by the sea.
The poorest city in Texas became a target for a homicide that impacted the family and including the
community. It all started on Tuesday of March 11, 2003 in a home located in downtown Brownsville.
What seemed like a usual Tuesday evening turned into a dark, cold, and gruesome night for the city of
Brownsville. The Rubio Murder House , apartment and home to a couple who took the lives of 3 year
old little girl, 1 year old baby boy, and 2 month old infant girl. The children were horrifically and
viciously stabbed and decapitated by their mother and father and later put into garbage bags to dispose
of the bodies. John Allen Rubio, along with his wife, Angela Camacho, brutally murdered their
children because they believe and had illusions that the children were possessed by demons. Despite
the Rubio family members having a background of mentally, and ... Show more content on
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The fact that Rubio had a scaring childhood with his mother forcing him into prostitution and soon
leading to drug abuse is what his lawyer argued caused him to fall off the edge. Camacho testified that
she did not commit a crime even though she was an accomplice in the murder holding the children
down and trying to get rid of evidence. The State District Court of Hidalgo, Texas pleaded Angela
Camacho culpable (guilty) to first degree murder along with three consecutive life sentences.
Additionally, John Allen Rubio pleaded no culpable (not guilty), but convicted and sentence to death
by lethal injection by the District Court. This crime was the most gruesome the department had seen
and that he felt justice had been served , stated the Brownsville Police Chief, Carlos Garcia. Along
with the community member they too felt that justice was made for such a violent crime committed to
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IBM Case
IBM Corporation
In the seven years (since 1994), that Lou Gerstner reigned over IBM, the company s earnings per
share increased an average of 27% per year. This remarkable increase in earnings did not go unnoticed
by the securities markets. Indeed, the company s market value grew from less than $30 billion to over
$200 billion during the period.
Use the following financial statement data to:
1. Decompose IBM s ROE (by quarter) and discuss the factors (and trends) that contribute to
Big Blue s profitability
2. Evaluate IBM s Revenue growth, Receivables, and Gross margins and over the period. Be sure to
control for seasonality (e.g., compute the same quarter to same quarter change in these items). 3.
Evaluate IBM s Earnings per Share ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
1,036 $
Dec 97
Consolidated Statements of Income
For the Years Ended:
Cost of Goods Sold
Gross Margin
Research and Development Expense
Other Selling, General Administrative Expense
Total Operating Expenses
Total Operating Income
Other Income (Expense) net
Interest Expense
Tax on EBT
Net Income
Common Size Statements of Income
For the Years Ended:
Cost of Goods Sold
Gross Margin
Research and Development Expense
Other Selling, General Administrative Expense
Total Operating Expenses
Total Operating Income
Other Income (Expense) net
Interest Expense
Tax on EBT
Net Income
Receivables, Inventory and Pre Paids
Total Current Assets
Property Equipment (net)
Investments and Other Assets
Total Assets
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An Article From American Pregnancy
A new phenomenon, placentophagy, has taken the United States by storm. Placentophagy is the
concept of consuming the placenta after giving birth to a child in order to receive specific health
benefits. Controversy has ensued over whether or not the placenta is actually beneficial to mothers.
The pro argument states that placentophagy is in fact advantageous. An article from American
Pregnancy, entitled Placenta Encapsulation explains that the basis of placentophagy relies heavily on
anecdotes from mothers who have tried out the procedure and supported the practice. Another article
from the website Placenta Benefits explains under their health and wellness tab how exactly
consuming the placenta can be valuable. The page has a list of all the benefits, including related
articles that go into further detail on a specific subject. Annette McDermott explains in her article that
a study was done on one hundred and eight nine participants, and seventy six percent said they
experienced positive results when consuming placenta. Yet another article by Michele Zipp also
mentions the previously mentioned study, and says that more studies will be conducted in the future. It
also mentioned that mothers who had another kid would continue to consume the placenta, and in
different ways, which suggests they had experienced positive effects. One last blog from whattoexpect
talks about the positive effects of placenta ingestion mentions facts about the placenta, such as the fact
that it
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Essay on Development of Self and Youth Sports
The development of the self: Implications for organized youth sport programs George Herbert Mead
was a noted social psychologist who taught at the University of Chicago in the 1930s. He is famous
for his theory of the self in which he used the game of baseball to illustrate the complexity of the
relationship between the individual and the social environment. In his theory he explained that the
social and conceptual abilities required to fully comprehend relationships between different positions
in a complex game were similar to the abilities required in the role taking processes that underlie all
social relationships and, ultimately, serve as the basis for all social order in society. My own interests
in social psychology and the self ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was in developing this idea that Mead used a child s participation in an organized game as an
example. Mead explained that to fully understand a game, children must be ready and able to view the
game through their eyes. In a sociological sense, this means that playing a game or participating in any
complex social activity ultimately requires an ability to cognitively grasp the concept of a social
system or an interrelated set of positions or roles existing apart from self. But children are not born
with this ability. This is illustrated by a mother s efforts to teach her five year old son to understand
that his grandmother is also her mother, and that his uncle is also her brother. The five year old thinks
only in terms of social connections that involve him directly and personally. Within his developmental
limits he understands his relationship to his mother, his relationship to his grandmother, and his
relationship to his uncle. However, he cannot conceptually separate himself from these personal
relationships to specific other people and grasp the notion of a kinship system in which positions are
related to one another apart from himself. He knows that he is a nephew to his uncle but the notion
that his uncle is his mother s brother is too complex for him to handle. And the notion that his uncle is
his grandmother s
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Essay Marine Corps Institute
8011A Basic Grammar And Composition
1. Identify the part of speech of the italicized word in the following sentence: The only NCOs who are
authorized to carry a sword are Marine NCOs.
(A) Adjective
(B) Noun ccccccccccccccccccccc
(C) Adverb
(D) Preposition
(E) Conjunction
2. Nouns, pronouns, and verbs share these characteristics:
(A) voice, tense
(B) person, voice
(C) person, number ccccccccccccccccccccc
(D) number, mood
Matching: Select the function that best describes that part of speech.
3. Noun
(A) Predicating
(B) Naming ccccccccccccccccccccc
(C) Modifying
(D) Connecting
Matching: Select the function that best describes that part of speech.
4. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Identify the part of speech of the italicized word in the following sentence: Unless the platoon is at
close interval, all changes in formation are executed with normal interval and distance between files
and ranks.
(A) Noun
(B) Adjective
(C) Adverb
(D) Conjunction ccccccccccccccccccccc
(E) Preposition
19. What are the three types of conjunctions?
(A) Correlative pairs, nonrestrictive, and restrictive
(B) Coordinating, correlative pairs, and subordinating ccccccccccccccccccccc
(C) Auxiliary, coordinating, and subjuncting
(D) Coordinating, correlative pairs, passive
20. Identify the part of speech of the italicized word in the following sentence:
Do not salute when you are at crowded gatherings or in public conveyances unless you are addressing
or being directly addressed by a senior.
(A) Noun
(B) Conjunction ccccccccccccccccccccc
(C) Adjective
(D) Adverb
(E) Preposition
21. Matching: Select the type of phrase that identifies the phrase.
Voice quivering
(A) Absolute phrase ccccccccccccccccccccc
(B) Verb phrase
(C) Adverb phrase
(D) Adjective phrase
22. Matching: Select the type of phrase that identifies the phrase.
Shall stand
(A) Absolute phrase
(B) Verb phrase ccccccccccccccccccccc
(C) Adverb phrase
(D) Adjective phrase
23. Matching: Select the type of phrase that identifies the phrase.
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Investigating The Primary Function Of It s Doing Well Or...
1. What is the primary function of this area? Describe.
The primary function of materials management is distribution of supplies throughout the hospital.
They provide items such as: medical equipment, disposable supplies and linens.
2. How does this area s function contribute to the overall mission of the organization?
Materials management function contributes to the overall mission of the organization by serving
patients. They strive to do what is right for the patient by providing the right product to the right
patient at the right price. This process also allows them to better serve the community.
3. How does this area recognize that it s doing well or needs improvement? What tools and reports to
support your conclusion?
This area of the hospital recognizes that it s doing well by the different metrics that corporate has
established. Such as: slow moving inventory, inventory turns and stock outs. These reports are sent
once a month to let material management know how well they are doing. The report uses a grading
system based on color.
Green: Good
Yellow: Fair
Red: Poor
4. What types of information systems are involved (bar coding, inventory control, Lawson, purchasing
software)? Explain how these are used. Is any aspect out sourced?
Bar coding, handheld scanners and inventory control helps keep track of the equipment. According to
the manager of materials management all inventory processes are through Lawson. No aspects are out
5. Describe
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The Negative Effects Of Human Cloning
Dolly is the name of a sheep that has the honor of being the first mammal to be cloned by a group of
scientists in Scotland. Dolly was born July 5th, 1996 and she passed away in 2003. She lived for 6 and
a half years, as an active ewe. She was not that normal though, she was a clone after all, (Farmer, 1).
Dolly lived a relatively normal life as a sheep and lived more than half of the lifespan of an average
sheep, which is about ten to twelve years. This success, with the success of other cloning experiments,
including the cloning of mammals like mice, cattle, and cats; fish such as carp; and rodents like Ralph
the Rat; could lead to a widespread knowledge of how to clone humans. But allegedly, animals are not
the only organisms that have been cloned. Hwang Woo suk, a geneticist in South Korea, claimed in
Science magazine in 2004 and 2005 that he and a team of researchers had for the first time cloned a
human embryo and that they had derived eleven stem cell lines from it, (Anne Safiya Clay, 1).
Notwithstanding Hwang s claim, the cloning of a human has never been proved or verified yet, but the
positive effects of human cloning outweigh the negative effects.
1 in 8 couples (or 12% of married women) have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. A
couple ages 29 33 with a normal functioning reproductive system has only a 20 25% chance of
conceiving in any given month (National Women s Health Resource Center). After six months of
trying, 60% of couples will
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  • 3. Transcontinental Telegraph The Telegraph The idea behind the telegraph was to send electric signals across wires. This originated in the early 1700s and France was the first country to have a rough system by 1798. Eventually following was a system which used Morse code. Professor Samuel Morse had successfully secured funding and in 1843 a telegraph system was produced from Washington D.C. to Baltimore. The success of the system was seen and by 1861 the first transcontinental telegraph line was built. The telegraph was a very simple 3 part machine. It had a battery, electromagnet, and a key to connect and disconnect the two parts. Every time the key was tapped, an electrical pulse will go through the wire and wherever the reviving end is, the electrical pulse will create ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But the indirect impact was huge as it made trade much quicker as detailed information about shipments could be sent faster than the goods themselves. It allowed for the rise of most multinational corporations as they could run regional operations from a central head office. It aided the fight against crime as criminals found using distance increasingly more difficult. Lastly it helped integrate women into the world of work as operators and supervisors. This shows how the telegraph was a very important invention for communication worldwide during the Industrial ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Mithraism Essay Mithraism Mithraism is the ancient Roman mystery cult of the god Mithras. Roman worship of Mithras began sometime during the early Roman empire, perhaps during the late first century of the Common Era (hereafter CE), and flourished from the second through the fourth centuries CE. While it is fairly certain that Romans encountered worship of the deity Mithras as part of Zoroastrianism in the eastern provinces of the empire, particularly in Asia Minor (now modern Turkey), the exact origins of cult practices in the Roman cult of Mithras remain controversial (see below). The evidence for this cult is mostly archaeological, consisting of the remains of mithraic temples, dedicatory inscriptions, and iconographic representations of the god and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The theory that Roman Mithraism had its roots in Zoroastrianism was first put forward by Franz Cumont, a Belgian scholar, in his two volume publication Textes et monuments figur eacutes relatifs aux myst egraveres de Mithra in 1896 and 1899. Cumont compiled a catalogue of every known mithraic temple, monument, inscription, and literary passage relating to Mithras and claimed on the basis of his study of this body of evidence that Roman Mithras was, ultimately, Zoroastrian Mithra. Cumont argued by extension that if Roman Mithras had Iranian roots, the cult of Mithraism must have originated in the eastern provinces of the Roman empire and spread westward with legionaries in the Roman army, merchants from eastern provinces (often lumped under the broad misnomer Syrians ), freedmen in the imperial bureaucracy, and slaves. Cumont himself recognized possible flaws in his theory. The most obvious is that there is little evidence for a Zoroastrian cult of Mithra (Cumont 1956), and certainly none that suggests that Zoroastrian worship of Mithra used the liturgy or the well devoloped iconography found in the Roman cult of Mithras. Moreover, few monuments from the Roman cult have been recovered from the very provinces which are thought to have inspired worship of Mithras (namely the provinces of Asia Minor). Finally, Cumont was aware that the earliest datable evidence for the cult of Mithras came from the military garrison at Carnuntum in the province of Upper Pannonia on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Isabella Berg Thesis Statement Kimberlyn Snoddy Dr. Holly Powe MUS 101 WA1 20 June 2016 Alban Berg Not a musical prodigy from birth, but a gifted child, Alban Berg was an innovative musician bringing forth ideas that would be later seen in music after his death. Berg had somewhat of a troubled childhood, but that did not stop him from becoming a successful musician. He was also apart of the Second Viennese school. Alban Berg was a composer whose music broke tradition and is remembered because of it. Born in Vienna, Alban Berg was born into a typical middle class Viennese home. He was not an only child and had three other siblings. During his teenage years, Berg s father passed away. Afterwards, the family had a difficult time. Berg was not the brightest student in school. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Wozzeck−perhaps the most frequently performed theatrical work in the atonal idom represents Berg s first attempt to deal within the framework of opera ( Alban Berg 1). He gained recognition as a composer of international standing but also a degree of financial stability (Jarman 319). A well known work for the violin was the Kammerkonzert. This song demonstrates Berg s love for intricate formal designs and his interest in using apparently abstract, mathematical schemes as structural determinants (Jarman 319). The Lyrische Suite for the string quartet was also one of Berg s compositions. It is the most completely documented demonstration of the extent to which such extra musical considerations act as compositional determinants (Jarman 319). Jarman says that Kammerkonzert and the Lyrische Suite are songs that mark Berg s gradual adoption of the 12 note sytem (319). Another famous opera work is Lulu. On one level Lulu is a number opera consisting ... of a sequence of arias, ensembles, cavatinaas, ballades and other forms traditionally associated with vocal music, all of them clearly identified by Berg in the score. (Jarman 321). Violin Concerto was a work of highly personal, emotional content achieved through the use of 12 tone and other resources symbolic as well as musical ( Alban Berg ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Alibaba Strengths And Weaknesses We would like to analyse the key issues from the business environment and the strategic capability of Alibaba group that are most likely to impact on strategy development by the model of SWOT. 3.6.1 S(Strength) Business integration Alibaba provides both business clients and individual clients with an all included service. It integrates all the separate procedures of purchase, payment, logistics, information release, deal negotiation and order signing. Thus reinforce the competition ability of its service. This all included service is like an ecosystem which ensure all the participants can help and work well in this system. Nowadays, Alibaba group control the business information(alibaba, taobao), payment service(Alipay), search engine(Yahoochina) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Government s support to e business From 2004, Chinese government began to support the development of e business sector and encouraged more state owned enterprises to participate in it. With new laws enacted, the competition will be normalized. Go public and internationalization After Alibaba went public in September, the group faces more opportunities like more efficient to get finance. With domestic reputation, Alibaba will get into international market more easily. As also, with support of international market, the group can do better in domestic market. 3.6.4. T(threats) Competitors inside and outside Though currently there is no competitor who represents a substantial threat to Alibaba in China, as this sector develops, more and more company wish to share the profit in e business. With an increasing number of new competitors in China and strong competitors like Amazon, Ebay abroad, Alibaba should not ignore the competition pressure it faces. Economic slowdown in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. A Rhetorical Analysis Of Florence Kelley s Speech Throughout history, individuals have fought for more justifiable working conditions. Florence Kelley, a social worker and reformer, fought to gain more adequate working conditions for the children of the United States. At this time nearly twenty percent of American workers were under the age of sixteen. Kelley delivered a speech in Philadelphia on July 22, 1905, during the convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, that strived for more fair minded hours, rather than the long, unhealthy, and tedious shifts thats children were put through overnight. Kelley utilizes both appeals to logic and appeals to emotion, in order to rally up her audience in joining her to fight for more rational, more healthy, and more just hours. Effective uses of appeals to logic are made through insightful parallel structure and an oxymoron, both of which demonstrate the unjust truth. Kelley ensures her audience that the growing rate of working children is indeed overpowering the rate of working adults when she states, Men increase, women increase, youth increase, boys increase in the ranks of the breadwinners; but no contingent so doubles from census period (both by percent and by count of heads), as does the contingent of girls between twelve and twenty years of age. The parallelism depicts how there was a normal flow of growth for all men, women, and boys, yet the growth rate of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Parallelism is used along with an oxymoron in order to appeal to logic, while juxtaposing imagery and the repetition of the pronoun our is used to appeal emotion. Kelley effectively shows her audience how irrational the overnight shifts truly are, while going on to strike guilt into each individual. Kelley won her fight; that being, today working shifts of children are monitored by laws that ensure and secure reasonable working hours for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Comparing Moses And Clare s Journey Considering both Moses and Clare s navigation through oppression, it is important to examine their reflections at end of their journeys that resulted from their rebellion or lack thereof. For Moses, he claims sorrowfully, I just lay there on the bed thinking about my life, how after all these years I ain t got no place at all, I still the same way, neither forward nor backward (Selvon 129). After facing all of the racial and gender barriers in London, Moses contemplates his experiences and acknowledges that he has been stagnant. Selvon s use of commas in the place of periods creates a run on sentence that seems to list all of Moses regrets. Similar to how the sentence is like an incessant list, Moses s reflection and sorrow for his lack ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Clare was originally supposed to be heavily suppressed given her circumstances, arguably even more than Moses, as she had an autocratic father neglecting her black roots and was perceived as a naive twelve year old girl incapable of doing anything. Nonetheless, she had confronted her limits that society placed on her in pursuit of her identity, leading her to have the confidence to fire the gun. After that incidence of defiance, her mother told her, When you are grown you can want anything you want. You can be anything you want. A doctor. A teacher. But to get there you have to learn the rules. That girls like you don t fire guns (Cliff 150). Unlike Moses whose narrative ends with regret, the end of Clare s journey as rebel opens a new chapter for her where her possibilities are, according to her mother, endless. However, their views on the path to success and fulfillment are quite different. Clare s perspective on doing anything [she] wants is not defined by being in the workforce which is suggested by her mom and is the route Moses took. Rather, Clare derives her pleasure from defying these rules made for girls and finding her identity and the independence that follows, enabling her to develop a greater sense of human ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Informative Speech On Herbal Tea Tea for pregnancy and breastfeeding Herbal tea has been used for centuries to support women through their pregnancy journey. From helping to strengthen and ready the body for labour to aiding women in managing those pesky pregnancy related conditions and complications; herbs have lots to offer. Herbal tea is in fact not tea at all, real tea is the drink made from the leaves of the tea plant, and includes black and green tea drinks. Herbal tea or more accurately herbal infusions are made from the leaves, roots, flowers, bark, or berries of other types of plants. Plants contain fantastic healing properties and nutrients that can be used to help support women throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. Morning Sickness Ginger based teas can help manage one of the most common pregnancy ailments. Fresh or dried ginger infusions can provide rapid relief from mild to moderate nausea, and unlike anti nausea medications, ginger can be used several times a day. Often more persistent cases of morning sickness can be due to stress on the liver from the increased levels of circulating hormones. To help aid the liver in clearing these hormones and subsequently reduce nausea, Dandelion Root tea can be used. Reflux As your baby grows the space left over for your organs begins to decrease, your stomach gets pushed up your abdominal cavity and you may find that you start experience reflux or heartburn in the second and third trimesters of your pregnancy. Slippery Elm Bark, while isn t usually seen as a tea is a traditional remedy that can ease reflux. Slippery Elm Bark can be purchased as a powder and mixed with water, giving you a thick smoothie like drink which coats the oesophagus and stomach helping to reduce the burn of acid reflux. Indigestion The digestive system slows down during pregnancy causing some women to suffer from indigestion, bloating and gas. An easy remedy for this is Peppermint tea, fresh or dried mint tea can be used after meals to help relieve gas and bloating. Be aware that in later pregnancy Peppermint tea may contribute to reflux as Peppermint can relax the sphincter between your oesophagus and stomach, which normally prevents stomach acid from travelling back up and causing reflux. If ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Business Analysis On Business Communication Although much associated with business still relies on face to face communication, technology has taken its place in business to business communication practices as being reliable, effective, and efficient. Whether discussing a major decision with an executive level officer, starting a new company in search of product and distribution, or informing a department that layoffs may occur, the communication process remains the same. A purpose defines the reason a process begins. The initiator, or the sender, has an intended message for a specific audience, the receiver. With business to business communication, technology used to deliver the message, the environment in which the communication takes place, and the noise that causes distractions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (About.com, 2011). On a good day, walking into a business to solicit a different product, service, or partnership opportunity means that a decision maker has been spoken with and an additional appointment may be established so that decision maker can have more available time to hear what is being pitched. More than likely, however, a card or name will be collected with contact information and that particular individual must create a method of re contacting those potential business opportunities at a later time. Through the use of VOIP, or voice over Internet provider as a less expensive way for a business to have phone services, a call is made to create a relationship that could potentially provide additional opportunities. The salesperson acts as the sender with the purpose of selling his company s products or services. The receiver should be the decision making contact that had been collected while cold calling. The environment is more than likely a cubicle to personal office setting and depending on how the day of that decision maker is going will determine if the noise becomes too distracting. If the message is delivered successfully, hopefully that salesman will receive positive feedback. In this particular situation, the message and technology used are appropriate given the environment and purpose because unless that salesperson makes face to face contact on the initial visit, phone and e mail will be that individual s only available means of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Redfern Riot Shouldn t Be Prosecuted Editorial: Redfern riot shouldn t be prosecuted THE POLICE criticism toward residents of a small inner city Sydney suburb of Waterloo must signal the end of society and media depictions that has created an inability to deem the residents constant claim of police harassment and violence. It is time we should accept the grim fact that many existing attitudes towards the most disadvantaged people, Indigenous Australians, are part of this mayhem like problem. The public intensely curved its attention toward what happened in NSW on February 15. A 17 year old Indigenous boy, Thomas Hickey the most common being TJ died in hospital, a day after injuring himself whilst chased by the police. This was enough to trigger the community to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They, indeed, got arrested. The court prevented them from attending the funeral on February 24. It is essentially if all allegations are correct no necessity of prosecution toward this people, as we all know; they were taking decisive action on the prospect of protracted conflict. One must realize, whether or not the allegations are true, and so yet there is no evidence they are not, there is no excuse that Indigenous had points of defence. A point of being neglect: Why do they have to feel neglected in their motherland? And a point of suffering: Why should they suffer in Australia a birthplace of their ancestors? Until these questions are precisely challenged, Australian should still believe the grim fact that many existing attitude toward most disadvantaged people are the main roots of the problem. A fact that if you asked any non indigenous Australian about the worth of Indigenous, they will tell straight to your face: they do not have knowledge, they have no contribution to this land; for example in an army they do not defend Australia. Some of these manipulations might be true, but, lets me take you back to history when first European boat arrived at the west coast of Australia; Aborigines stop them from getting on to the land. But, their human nature of feeling the pain of what will happen later in decades even millennia didn t depart, they refuse to let them in. So, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Indian Apparel Industry- an Overview INTRODUCTION The Indian Textiles Industry has an overwhelming presence in the economic life of the country. Apart from providing one of the basic necessities of life, the textiles industry also plays a pivotal role through its contribution to industrial output, employment generation, and the export earnings of the country. Currently, it contributes about 14 percent to industrial production, 4 percent to the GDP, and 17 percent to the country s export earnings. It provides direct employment to over 35 million people. The Industry is closely linked to agriculture, the ancient culture and traditions of the India, making Indian textiles sector unique in comparison with other countries. This also provides the industry with the capacity to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cotton yarn production marginally outpaced the increase in the total yarn production. India contributes about 23 per cent of world spindles and 6 per cent of world rotors (second highest in the world after China) FABRIC Fabric production has been increasing constantly over all sectors, with an 8.6% increase in 2006 07. Cotton makes up almost 50% of the total fabric production in the country, and is outstripping the growth, with a 9.6% increase from 2005 06. This sector consists of about 3.9 million handlooms, 380,000 powerloom enterprises that operate about 1.7 million looms, and just 137,000 looms in the various composite mills. Modern shuttle less looms account for less than 1 percent of loom capacity. Looking from the viewpoint of method of production, it can be seen that the share in output of handlooms and mills has fallen down considerably over the last decade. And the major chunk of production is in the powerloom sector. THE APPAREL INDUSTRY The Garment Industry of India is a Rs 1 trillion industry. Almost 33% of its knitwear production and about 20% of its woven garment production, both by volume, enters export markets. Overall about 25 % of the volume of its garment production goes into export markets, leaving 75 % for domestic consumption. The Industry covers over one lakh units and employs about 6 million workers, both directly and indirectly in almost equal proportion. The indirect portion helps to sustain the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Bible And The Word inspire Essay The Bible and the Word quot;Inspire quot; According to the Random House Dictionary, the word inspire means quot;to infuse an animating, quickening, or exalting influence into, or to communicate or suggest by a divine influence. quot; This definition indicates, when applied to the scripture, that the stories and writings in the Bible did not come solely from the minds of the respective authors, but rather from a divine source. This suggests that the authors were scribes, reproducing what was instilled in them by God. This idea is strengthened by looking at distinct examples from the scripture that show that scripture is inspired, and not made up. By using the form of criticism known as literary criticism, we can analyze certain ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... God can be viewed as an indirect author, and the inspiration for scripture. quot;We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and the comings of our Lord Jesus Christ but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. quot; quot;Above all you must understand that no prophecy of scripture came about by the prophet s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. quot; From the standpoint of a literary critic, these two passages represent the question at hand as to whether or not scripture is inspired. Literary criticism looks at the passage as a whole, and reads what it says, just as a normal person would. Using this method, we see easily that scripture is in fact inspired, because it states that there were no cleverly invented stories, but rather God s own words. God s plans for his people are carefully laid out, and there is much doubt that He would entrust average people to teach others about His word without careful explanation as to exactly what it is, and how it came to be. This is why much of the Bible, especially the Pentateuch, tells the historical story of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. How Does Anthropogenic Noise Affect Cetaceans Introduction As human presence in the oceans is continually revealed to be detrimental to marine life, one major area of concern is noise pollution in the ocean and its effects on marine mammals. Sound is vital to marine mammals communication and livelihood, so the disturbance of the sound in their habitat has varying effects. The impact of anthropogenic noise on marine mammals, specifically cetaceans, can be seen in various experiments and observations concerning the sounds produced by shipping, construction, and sonars. All of which reveal potential and consequential behavioral and physiological effects, which include acoustic masking, change in foraging behavior, and mass strandings. Species studied include harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is important that we continue to research known harmful anthropogenic sounds and their effects on cetaceans to limit further damage, and to research other sources of noise due to humans and their potential effects to prevent future harm. Through research, it is shown that various noise pollution caused by humans can have detrimental effects on cetaceans such as harbor porpoises, bottlenose dolphins, killer whales, and Cuvier s beaked whales. Shipping, windfarm construction, and sonar can cause temporary or permanent hearing threshold changes, which can result in decreased foraging ability and communication ability. Shipping has been seen to decrease foraging time and cause acoustic masking. Sonar can cause death due to strandings and lesions. These all add up to show that, overall, noise pollution by humans has a serious effect on the quality of life for cetaceans. It is also important to recognize that absence of a detected reaction does not mean that there is no impact on these cetaceans. It is possible that noise pollution can cause physiological and psychological responses without any external symptoms we can detect. It may be important to develop methods to observe these more subtle reactions to noise pollution that may impact cetacean s way of life. It is important that humans realize the full extent of their effect on marine life and create measures to prevent more harm. Noise pollution s effect on cetaceans affect not only these species, but the other marine life they interact with and the ecosystems of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Randall Jarrell Poem Analysis Randall Jarrell s poems and short stories are mostly about war and it s affects on humans. Randall Jarrell persuaded the minds of people in society to enjoy and appreciate life through his powerful and touching literary works including 1. The Bat Poet, 2. The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner, and 3. Losses. His poems dramatically interpret fears and struggles of young soldiers. One of Randall Jarrell s many pieces The Bat Poet persuaded people in society to enjoy life while you have it. It s about one bat that tries to make other animals see the world the same way as he does. If they didn t get on your nerves so, maybe you wouldn t be able to imitate them so well, the chipmunk said in a helpful, hopeful voice (The Bat Poet). The chipmunk is trying to understand the importance and meaning of what the bat is trying to tell him, but not everyone realizes things as fast as others. This piece of text was written in pursuit to persuade people to see the importance and meaning to life from all perspectives. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This poem talks about what war can do to innocent people and their families. And the cities said to me: Why are you dying? We are satisfied, if you are;but why did I die? (Jarrell, Losses) He shouldn t have been dying so early on in his life, so he was confused to why he died. He sacrificed himself in war. life is short and sometimes you need to do things for the betterment of other people, even if that means dying for something you strongly believe in. Randall Jarrell persuaded the minds of people in society to enjoy and appreciate life through his literary works including 1. The Bat Poet, 2. The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner, and 3. Losses. Randall reached out to audiences of many ages. Some people change their lifestyle and choices they make by treating everyone better because they know to value people and their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Online Betting 21bet makes its debut just in time for the Cheltenham Festival Aiming to shake the foundations of the online betting world, 21bet has finally made its long awaited debut. Ahead of the famous Cheltenham Festival, 21bet has completed its rebrand and is now promising to deliver players a one of a kind sports betting/casino gaming fusion. What immediately makes 21bet different to the competition is the fact that it isn t run by the usual corporate names. Standing behind this new brand is a team of industry professionals and sports fans that have dreams of taking online betting to new heights. Through a simple to use website, easy to navigate markets, and a few trademark FSB Technology features 21bet looks to be getting off on the right ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Overcoming every obstacle and securing plenty of player interest along the way, during the past 8 years Mr Green has gone from strength to strength. How it has managed to maintain a firm grasp on the online casino crown is simple, they give players what they want. Loaded with the best casino games on the planet, Mr Green has proven that it is no stranger to a truly epic promotional campaign. Making players dreams come true, this month one lucky Mr Green member will win a VIP Mexican holiday! The announcement for the new giveaway came around in typical Mr Green fashion. As they sent all members an apology email, stating that they will never stop giving players freebies and extras to get stuck into. Bringing a taste of sunshine to one lucky player, pack your swimsuit and sunblock, as a once in a lifetime VIP trip to Mexico is on the table. Following on from the super successful Monaco Roulette campaign, this new offer raises the stakes, as the total prize package value tops €5,000! To be in with a shout of walking away with this amazing prize, all a Mr Green member has to do is wager on roulette as normal and secure a win. Aptly named Spinata Grande Fiesta Roulette, the competition carries distinct a Mexican flavour as it brings players one step closer to the VIP experience. Play roulette, win big, earn yourself entries to the prize draw, and should it all come together, courtesy of Mr Green, you could be set to experience ultimate Mexico adventure! 777 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. All in the Family All in the Family In 1971, New York Times columnist Fred Ferretti wrote an article about a new television series called All in the Family. Ferretti asked, whether or not if racism and bigotry were considered funny and he concluded that it was not and as a result believed that the show was lacking good taste. Apparently, the television viewers of America disagreed. Running from 1971 to 1979, All In The Family wasn t the first television series to tackle major issues on a major network, but what was innovative about the series, was that is that it hewed its situational comedy from topical issues, and it explored them through characters we got to know and cared about every week. Simply put, All in the Family wasn t just a great situational comedy; it as was an ongoing national conversation rooted in well written, well acted and multifaceted characters. In 1969, a young comedy writer named Norman Lear was given approval by CBS to create an American version of the popular British sitcom Till Death Do Us Part. Produced and developed by Lear, this concept of a sitcom about a blue collar family would eventually become, All in the Family. Premiering in January of 1971, the series focused on the lives of a working class family from the New York City borough of Queens, The Bunkers. Archie and his dingbat wife, Edith as well as their daughter and little goil Gloria and her liberal husband Mike Meathead Stivic. Although, the storylines of each episode were typically full of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Bend It Like Beckham Character Analysis Through the use of cinematic techniques, Hidden figures, a movie directed by Theodore Melfi and Bend it like Beckham by Gurinder Chadha both explore the dangers that are inherent in a marginalised society. Each text demonstrates that hope for change is needed in society as it can build the momentum for an individual to strive. Through these texts, we see that people have no conscience about harming others until they learn the truth about their circumstances. This is depicted by the way in which Jess coach Joe behaves after learning about her cultural expectations in Bend it like Beckham. Similarly, this is shown in Hidden Figures by Mr. Harrison. Both directors emphasise that the abuse of power leads to corruption and this can be seen through the segregation between the black and white people in Hidden Figures and the way in which cultural values overrule the lives of the Bhamra s in Bend it like Beckham. Both characters highlight the importance of creating opportunities rather than seeking it, this is shown when Mary Jackson goes to court for educational rights in Hidden Figures and in Bend it like Beckham when Jess stands up to her father who appears to be patriotic about his cultural values. The resolutions to both texts justify that determination comes from within and that though many factors can outweigh a person s ability to triumph, consistency can lead to rewarding results. As an audience we are able to further increase our understanding of perseverance through ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Death Penalty Dbq Throughout history, many governments were implementing the death penalty unfairly because of the unjust rulers, such as the Romans and the Ottomans. For example, they were executed people who were demanding for their rights. Furthermore, the penalty ways were very ugly and inhumane. To be more precise, Romans used the saw to cut up the accused into two halves and this execution style was the favorite of the Roman emperor Caligula. Also, Ottomans were using the stake in the death penalty to make the victim suffer as long as possible before he died. However, with the passage of time and the progress of nations, these types of executions faded. Recently, international organizations such as human rights organization and Amnesty International organization ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In some countries, executions are not only for criminal reasons, but also because of religious and racial bias. Racial discrimination began in terms of using people with black skin as slaves and servants for the rich. The racist practice against black Americans is an important example that explains how blacks were persecuted. This policy began in the United States after the American Civil War and emerged the racist legislation that supports the control of whites in the late nineteenth century. This situation made blacks angry for the loss of their rights and tough punishments up to execution because of racial grounds. Blacks began to resist this policy before World War II. Then, black American leaders have appeared like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and called for changing the racial laws. Martin Luther King was one of the most famous advocates of the abolition of the death penalty and he said that death penalty is against the best rule of new criminology. In her article, The Death Penalty: What Would Dr. King Do? (2012) Moye commends that Dr. King utilized the ethic of peacefulness to social change. At its embodiment was a profound appreciation for the human poise in all individuals, including the oppressor and the culprit. Martin Luther King means that every human has the right to live and no one can take this right except God. On the other hand, racism has directly affected the civil rights of blacks and indirectly on their lives. For example, judgments for certain crimes against blacks are strict compared with whites and it may reach to penalty. Not only blacks around the world are suffering from racism, but also people in occupied countries such as Palestine. This is another type of using the violence and executions for religious reasons. Since 1967, Jews occupied Palestine and declared that the land is theirs then they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. OA Reflective Essay Share with us your clinical experience of working with a patient using DMOADs (viscosupplementation or Glucosamine and chondroitin). Please support or discount their use with additional research and discuss. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a prevalent cause of chronic joint pain and disability in the older adult. It commonly affects the knee resulting in the deterioration and injury of the articular cartilage inducing joint pain, limitation of movement and reduction in the quality of life. OA s financial burden is high, and treatment is directed towards alleviating pain. Conventional medicines such as non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), including cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitors have adverse effects that can contribute to a serious medical condition. Nonetheless, there is an alternative dietary supplement that can be used that claims to ease OA pain; these Nutraceuticals are namely Glucosamine sulfate (GS) and chondroitin ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sawitzke et al. (2010, p. 1463) Illustrates the Glucosamine/chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT) as a tool to examine the outcomes of the dietary supplements; the researchers discovered that Glucosamine is ineffective and shows no benefit compared to placebo particularly when using the Western Ontario and McMaster University Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) that quantify pain. Durmus, Alayli, Bayrak, and Canturk (2012, p. 277) pointed out that WOMAC is a self reporting tool used to measure lower extremity pain, stiffness and physical function. However the findings of Sawitzke et al., were refuted by Fransen et al. (2013, p. 851) This group conducted an exploratory investigation of participants with moderate severe pain at baseline, and their results did imply denotative benefit from the amalgamation of GS and CS ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Reservation Blues By Sherman Alexie And The Great Gatsby... The American Dream is often one of the most well known benefits of living in America. It is the push factor that has driven millions of foreigners to flock to the so called land of opportunity. Originally, the American Dream was established by a clause in the Declaration of Independence. It reads, We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness (Declaration of Independence par. 2). The original American Dream, as laid out by the founding fathers, was freedom from religious persecution and the right to live a happy life. That simple idea has undergone a significant metamorphosis and now the American Dream is much more complex. It has turned into a deep avaricious dream. This transformation has been noted in contemporary literature, especially in the novels Reservation Blues by Sherman Alexie and The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. These pieces of literature can be read as a larger commentary on the mutation of the American Dream and how it is now more of a negative desire for greed and material. Both Fitzgerald and Alexie surmise that the American Dream has been twisted and corrupted into an uncontrolled desire that has become unattainable for many and that the pursuit of the dream has become dangerous. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald use the characters of Gatsby and Myrtle to show how the American dream is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Self Care Ethics The research discussed in this paper has shown similar findings in the benefits of self care. Different practices such as utilizing social support through friends and family members, using private time to work on distancing oneself from stressors or trauma of work and placing personal needs first at home. Now it is time to explore the validity, and generalizability of the findings presented. Although multiple studies came to the same conclusions of ways to alleviate and prevent burnout and were able to identify leading causes to burnout having a control group to test coping skills is difficult due to ethical concerns. Ethical concerns would be the repercussions of not having an individual practice self care during potentially stressful situations. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... al. (2012) as well as Killian (2008) both discuss the importance of having a correct ratio of at risk patients/consumers vs. lower risk. However, no discussion around what is considered a high risk patient vs. low risk, or an amount for appropriate ratio. Benefits of knowing what was defined during the study as a high risk patient would be helpful to know that it was general across all participants of the study. Due to having open ended questions and having the providers list their version of what burnout is, can alter the study by not having a preliminary set of defined terms, and the subjectivity can mitigate the results. Participants were providers for consumers with an eating disorder with an average of 13 years experience from different organizations, which can help with generalizability to more than one profession on how stressors at work can be seen in different companies. Killian s (2008) qualitative study of open ended questions showed difficulty with inter item reliability to not having a set of terms to define the meaning of burnout and self care, however changing those results into completing a second quantitative study helped to support Kilian s findings correlating work stressors, as well as personal stressors to the experience of burnout. However, due to the study being conducted within questionnaires, and no ability to have a control study, it s difficult to be able to see if controlling for work hours made a difference. Self report can also hinder results from participants having social desirability with either wanting to look good to their company, the testers, or want to give the testers findings they are hoping ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Employee Retention Techniques Chapter i INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY 1. Introduction The project work titled, A Study on Employee Retention Techniques among employes in Salem District Milk Producers Union Limited . The main objective of this study is to evaluate the employee turnover level of the company. Employee is not an economic factor but a total personality having his own feelings and a sense of responsibilities towards his family, the industry and the nation. The worker has a vital role in increasing productivity and management has to create conditions in which worker can make their maximum contribution towards the objectives of fulfilling the essential ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Chapter III The third chapter deals with the research methodology that contain the research design, sampling detail, data collection details, tools which is used in the study. Chapter IV The fourth chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of data. Chapter V The fifth chapter highlights the findings, suggestions, recommendation and conclusion. CHAPTER II CONCEPTS AND REVIEW 7 CHAPTER II Concept and review of literature 2.1. Concept of employee retention techniques Retention will be a challenge, according to a recent study. Retention requires a competitive salary and great benefits. However, retention of your best requires a whole lot more. Employee involvement, recognition, advancement, development and pay based on performance just get you started in your quest to retain your best. An employee retention program boosts the bottom line and improves customer Satisfaction. Employers know only too well the tightening effect that continued growth has had on the labor market. Human resources publications constantly are regaling employers with tales of employers competing for scarce employees using techniques like allowing employees to bring their pets to work or hosting job fairs for convicts. Losing key employees ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Essay on Adolescent Substance Abuse Running Header: Substance Abuse Adolescent Substance Abuse Dana Sweitzer Liberty University Abstract Adolescent substance abuse is a major problem in society. There are many risk factors that can contribute to adolescent substance abuse. One of the main risk factors is peer pressure. When adolescents start at a young age there is an increase in health problems, addiction, and over all poor social outcomes. Parental influence has substantial effect on adolescents because the adolescent sees their parents and they learn by their example. Media plays a role in the use of drug and alcohol use among young people. Many school systems have implemented programs that teach adolescents about the problems of substance abuse that is funded ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Among adolescents aged 12 to 17 years, 9.8 % are estimated to be current users of illicit drugs, with 4.9 % using drugs other than marijuana. Nearly three quarters of students have started to drink alcohol and nearly half (47%) have tried using an illicit drug (not including alcohol or tobacco) by the senior year of high school. (Hassan, Harris, Sherritt, Van Hook, amp; Brooks, 2009) Media has a lot to do with adolescent substance abuse. Many times in advertisement, adolescents see people drinking alcohol and having a great time. Media spends over $25 billion dollars on advertisement yearly. Many celebrities are seen smoking or drinking alcohol in movies, TV, and on commercials. This makes adolescents think that drinking, smoking, and taking drugs are cool and will make them popular. Over 5000 deaths yearly are caused by alcohol consumption. (Strasburger, 2010) Parental and peer influence plays an important role in adolescent substance abuse. Peer pressure can influence each adolescent either indirectly or directly. Peer pressure is the most frequently discussed risk factor. Peer substance abuse is the leading cause of adolescent substance abuse. Parental influence can be positive or negative. They can have a significant influence on adolescents. Parents can influence their kids ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Internal Struggle In Chopin s The Awakening The Awakening is a feminist story about the internal struggle of Edna Pontellier. Edna is a unhappily married woman who has two children that she does not care for as much as she should. In the beginning of the novel when we meet Edna and we are not really able to see how she feels on the inside we just see the external feelings. Edna is not the kind of woman that she is expected to be in this time period she does not care how she looks in public and does not like being spoiled by her husband and also is not a loving mother. Later on in the novel Edna meets Robert and basically falls in love with him and does not want to be married to her husband Leonce anymore. Edna is not used to doing stuff with or fooling around with other guys that are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Brownsville Case Brownsville, Texas the city located on the border with Mexico also known as on the border by the sea. The poorest city in Texas became a target for a homicide that impacted the family and including the community. It all started on Tuesday of March 11, 2003 in a home located in downtown Brownsville. What seemed like a usual Tuesday evening turned into a dark, cold, and gruesome night for the city of Brownsville. The Rubio Murder House , apartment and home to a couple who took the lives of 3 year old little girl, 1 year old baby boy, and 2 month old infant girl. The children were horrifically and viciously stabbed and decapitated by their mother and father and later put into garbage bags to dispose of the bodies. John Allen Rubio, along with his wife, Angela Camacho, brutally murdered their children because they believe and had illusions that the children were possessed by demons. Despite the Rubio family members having a background of mentally, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The fact that Rubio had a scaring childhood with his mother forcing him into prostitution and soon leading to drug abuse is what his lawyer argued caused him to fall off the edge. Camacho testified that she did not commit a crime even though she was an accomplice in the murder holding the children down and trying to get rid of evidence. The State District Court of Hidalgo, Texas pleaded Angela Camacho culpable (guilty) to first degree murder along with three consecutive life sentences. Additionally, John Allen Rubio pleaded no culpable (not guilty), but convicted and sentence to death by lethal injection by the District Court. This crime was the most gruesome the department had seen and that he felt justice had been served , stated the Brownsville Police Chief, Carlos Garcia. Along with the community member they too felt that justice was made for such a violent crime committed to innocent ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. IBM Case IBM Corporation In the seven years (since 1994), that Lou Gerstner reigned over IBM, the company s earnings per share increased an average of 27% per year. This remarkable increase in earnings did not go unnoticed by the securities markets. Indeed, the company s market value grew from less than $30 billion to over $200 billion during the period. Use the following financial statement data to: 1. Decompose IBM s ROE (by quarter) and discuss the factors (and trends) that contribute to Big Blue s profitability 2. Evaluate IBM s Revenue growth, Receivables, and Gross margins and over the period. Be sure to control for seasonality (e.g., compute the same quarter to same quarter change in these items). 3. Evaluate IBM s Earnings per Share ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 8 6,450 3,719 1,179 4,898 1,552 150 179 1,523 487 1,036 $ Dec 97 23,723 14,205 9,518 5,060 1,425 6,485 3,033 173 194 3,012 919 2,093 EXHIBIT 4
  • 28. IBM Consolidated Statements of Income For the Years Ended: Sales Cost of Goods Sold Gross Margin Research and Development Expense Other Selling, General Administrative Expense Total Operating Expenses Total Operating Income Other Income (Expense) net Interest Expense EBT Tax on EBT Net Income 1999 $ 87,548 55,619 31,929 5,273 14,729 20,002 11,927 557 727 11,757 4,045 7,712 $ 1998 81,667 50,795 30,872 5,046 16,662 21,708 9,164 589 713 9,040 2,712 6,328 $
  • 29. 1997 78,508 47,899 30,609 4,877 16,634 21,511 9,098 657 728 9,027 2,934 6,093 $ 1996 75,947 45,408 30,539 4,654 16,854 21,508 9,031 707 716 9,022 3,158 5,864 EXHIBIT 5 IBM Common Size Statements of Income For the Years Ended: Sales Cost of Goods Sold Gross Margin Research and Development Expense Other Selling, General Administrative Expense Total Operating Expenses Total Operating Income Other Income (Expense) net Interest Expense EBT Tax on EBT Net Income 1999 1.00
  • 31. 0.12 0.04 0.08 EXHIBIT 6 Assets Cash Receivables, Inventory and Pre Paids Total Current Assets Property Equipment (net) Investments and Other Assets Total Assets ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. An Article From American Pregnancy A new phenomenon, placentophagy, has taken the United States by storm. Placentophagy is the concept of consuming the placenta after giving birth to a child in order to receive specific health benefits. Controversy has ensued over whether or not the placenta is actually beneficial to mothers. The pro argument states that placentophagy is in fact advantageous. An article from American Pregnancy, entitled Placenta Encapsulation explains that the basis of placentophagy relies heavily on anecdotes from mothers who have tried out the procedure and supported the practice. Another article from the website Placenta Benefits explains under their health and wellness tab how exactly consuming the placenta can be valuable. The page has a list of all the benefits, including related articles that go into further detail on a specific subject. Annette McDermott explains in her article that a study was done on one hundred and eight nine participants, and seventy six percent said they experienced positive results when consuming placenta. Yet another article by Michele Zipp also mentions the previously mentioned study, and says that more studies will be conducted in the future. It also mentioned that mothers who had another kid would continue to consume the placenta, and in different ways, which suggests they had experienced positive effects. One last blog from whattoexpect talks about the positive effects of placenta ingestion mentions facts about the placenta, such as the fact that it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Essay on Development of Self and Youth Sports The development of the self: Implications for organized youth sport programs George Herbert Mead was a noted social psychologist who taught at the University of Chicago in the 1930s. He is famous for his theory of the self in which he used the game of baseball to illustrate the complexity of the relationship between the individual and the social environment. In his theory he explained that the social and conceptual abilities required to fully comprehend relationships between different positions in a complex game were similar to the abilities required in the role taking processes that underlie all social relationships and, ultimately, serve as the basis for all social order in society. My own interests in social psychology and the self ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was in developing this idea that Mead used a child s participation in an organized game as an example. Mead explained that to fully understand a game, children must be ready and able to view the game through their eyes. In a sociological sense, this means that playing a game or participating in any complex social activity ultimately requires an ability to cognitively grasp the concept of a social system or an interrelated set of positions or roles existing apart from self. But children are not born with this ability. This is illustrated by a mother s efforts to teach her five year old son to understand that his grandmother is also her mother, and that his uncle is also her brother. The five year old thinks only in terms of social connections that involve him directly and personally. Within his developmental limits he understands his relationship to his mother, his relationship to his grandmother, and his relationship to his uncle. However, he cannot conceptually separate himself from these personal relationships to specific other people and grasp the notion of a kinship system in which positions are related to one another apart from himself. He knows that he is a nephew to his uncle but the notion that his uncle is his mother s brother is too complex for him to handle. And the notion that his uncle is his grandmother s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Essay Marine Corps Institute 8011A Basic Grammar And Composition PRINT EXAM [pic] 1. Identify the part of speech of the italicized word in the following sentence: The only NCOs who are authorized to carry a sword are Marine NCOs. (A) Adjective (B) Noun ccccccccccccccccccccc (C) Adverb (D) Preposition (E) Conjunction [pic] 2. Nouns, pronouns, and verbs share these characteristics: (A) voice, tense (B) person, voice (C) person, number ccccccccccccccccccccc (D) number, mood [pic] Matching: Select the function that best describes that part of speech. 3. Noun (A) Predicating (B) Naming ccccccccccccccccccccc (C) Modifying (D) Connecting [pic] Matching: Select the function that best describes that part of speech. 4. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Identify the part of speech of the italicized word in the following sentence: Unless the platoon is at close interval, all changes in formation are executed with normal interval and distance between files and ranks.
  • 35. (A) Noun (B) Adjective (C) Adverb (D) Conjunction ccccccccccccccccccccc (E) Preposition [pic] 19. What are the three types of conjunctions? (A) Correlative pairs, nonrestrictive, and restrictive (B) Coordinating, correlative pairs, and subordinating ccccccccccccccccccccc (C) Auxiliary, coordinating, and subjuncting (D) Coordinating, correlative pairs, passive [pic] 20. Identify the part of speech of the italicized word in the following sentence: Do not salute when you are at crowded gatherings or in public conveyances unless you are addressing or being directly addressed by a senior. (A) Noun (B) Conjunction ccccccccccccccccccccc (C) Adjective (D) Adverb (E) Preposition [pic] 21. Matching: Select the type of phrase that identifies the phrase. Voice quivering (A) Absolute phrase ccccccccccccccccccccc (B) Verb phrase (C) Adverb phrase (D) Adjective phrase [pic] 22. Matching: Select the type of phrase that identifies the phrase. Shall stand (A) Absolute phrase (B) Verb phrase ccccccccccccccccccccc (C) Adverb phrase (D) Adjective phrase [pic] 23. Matching: Select the type of phrase that identifies the phrase. Has
  • 36. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Investigating The Primary Function Of It s Doing Well Or... 1. What is the primary function of this area? Describe. The primary function of materials management is distribution of supplies throughout the hospital. They provide items such as: medical equipment, disposable supplies and linens. 2. How does this area s function contribute to the overall mission of the organization? Materials management function contributes to the overall mission of the organization by serving patients. They strive to do what is right for the patient by providing the right product to the right patient at the right price. This process also allows them to better serve the community. 3. How does this area recognize that it s doing well or needs improvement? What tools and reports to support your conclusion? This area of the hospital recognizes that it s doing well by the different metrics that corporate has established. Such as: slow moving inventory, inventory turns and stock outs. These reports are sent once a month to let material management know how well they are doing. The report uses a grading system based on color. Green: Good Yellow: Fair Red: Poor 4. What types of information systems are involved (bar coding, inventory control, Lawson, purchasing software)? Explain how these are used. Is any aspect out sourced? Bar coding, handheld scanners and inventory control helps keep track of the equipment. According to the manager of materials management all inventory processes are through Lawson. No aspects are out sourced. 5. Describe ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Negative Effects Of Human Cloning Dolly is the name of a sheep that has the honor of being the first mammal to be cloned by a group of scientists in Scotland. Dolly was born July 5th, 1996 and she passed away in 2003. She lived for 6 and a half years, as an active ewe. She was not that normal though, she was a clone after all, (Farmer, 1). Dolly lived a relatively normal life as a sheep and lived more than half of the lifespan of an average sheep, which is about ten to twelve years. This success, with the success of other cloning experiments, including the cloning of mammals like mice, cattle, and cats; fish such as carp; and rodents like Ralph the Rat; could lead to a widespread knowledge of how to clone humans. But allegedly, animals are not the only organisms that have been cloned. Hwang Woo suk, a geneticist in South Korea, claimed in Science magazine in 2004 and 2005 that he and a team of researchers had for the first time cloned a human embryo and that they had derived eleven stem cell lines from it, (Anne Safiya Clay, 1). Notwithstanding Hwang s claim, the cloning of a human has never been proved or verified yet, but the positive effects of human cloning outweigh the negative effects. 1 in 8 couples (or 12% of married women) have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. A couple ages 29 33 with a normal functioning reproductive system has only a 20 25% chance of conceiving in any given month (National Women s Health Resource Center). After six months of trying, 60% of couples will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...