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How people learn: CorpU Study



   On the job training   Coaching and mentorship   Formal training


In a business context coaching means improving
   performance at work, by turning things people do
   into learning situations, in a planned way, under
 In short, it’s about:
● Helping someone perform a skill or solve a
   problem better than they would otherwise have
   been able to
● Bringing improvements at work; especially where
   a change in performance is required


                TRAINING                                    COACHING
Training is the way we teach people          Coaching is the way we give them
knowledge/hard or soft skills to know        guidance of how to improve their
how to do things                             performance
Training is a process when mostly trainee    Coaching is an interactive process that
get information in one-way                   provides guidance and encourages
                                             coaches to make productive decisions
                                             while taking personal ownership of those

Training just takes place at particular      Coaching is on-going and during the time
point of time ( usually before people take   people perform their task
charge of their job )




“How coaching works”
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY75MQt




• Firstly, try to understand what are the problems
  of coached person
• Set direction/vision/goals/outcomes
• Let them think by themselves how to get there
• Providing them tool (
• Let them go beyond their current level of
• Let him implement the solutions they come up
  with, and if they fail the coach needs to be always
  there to support
• Help them to have 2nd chance to correct their


A coach thinks & operates in a way that:
• Let’s go, rather than want to be in control
• Shares knowledge rather than keeps it private
• Adopts an open style with others by being
• Involves people rather than keeps them at a
• Encourages others to go beyond their current
  levels of abilities
• Is a partnership


The first rule of coaching
- must have a fundamental belief that people
   can achieve whatever they believe is
The second rule of coaching
 - continually raise that level of belief


Why to build coaching culture in my
For Individuals:
• Gain from those you know & trust
• Learn at your own pace and from a one-to-one
• Have an input over what and how you learn
• Develop the skills needed for your present as well as
  future jobs
• Can use the experience of those who have done it
  before and have learnt
• Will not be embarrassed if you make a blunder
• Can transfer the learning to situations you are facing
• Never stop learning and developing


Why to build coaching culture in my

For team
• Becoming clear about the goals it has to
• Focusing people in the right direction
• Raising the skill levels of the team members


Why to build coaching culture in my
For Organization
• By developing closer relationships
• Through discovering new ways of helping
  people from the feedback received
• By seeing people grow; thus leading to
  organizational growth


Why to build coaching culture in my
For Coach
• Bringing individuals closer together and sharing
  knowledge, skills and experiences, so that all parties
• Making the most of work-related opportunities to
  learn from real situations
• Aiding the transfer of learning to the work situation
• Providing cost-effective ways of developing people
• Promoting a climate of continuous learning, support
  and ownership
• Improving the quality of work




What are necessary skills?
• Demonstrate strong interpersonal skills, including:
 Building rapport
 Asking questions/ gaining information
 Giving & receiving feedback
 Listening
 Persuading, influencing and encouraging others
• Observe and correctly interpret what’s happening;
  before, during and after
• Help others learn, and continue to learn yourself
• Think on your feet and tackle situations creatively
• Help others paint a picture of a higher level of


What is right attitude?
• Confidence in your own abilities
  and a knowledge of what you
  can’t do
• A genuine affinity for people
• A belief in others and a real wish
  to see them succeed
• An ability to take second place
  and not seek any glory empathy,
  to see things from others’ points
  of                            view
  sensitivity, especially knowing
  when             to           step
  in and when to be quiet sense of
• Patience and a willingness to
  make time for people


When to give coaching?
You have an opportunity to coach whenever:
- you are asked how to do something
- your advice is sought by others
- one of your members says that they cannot do
   a particular job
- your opinion is asked for or a decision required
- you see a job or task that could be done
   quicker, better or cheaper
- mistakes are made.


Competency - assessing current level of
Outcomes - setting outcomes for learning
Action - agreeing tactics and initiate action
CHecking - giving feedback and make sense of
  what’s been learnt

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  • 2. How people learn: CorpU Study 10 20 70 On the job training Coaching and mentorship Formal training
  • 3. WHAT IS COACHING? In a business context coaching means improving performance at work, by turning things people do into learning situations, in a planned way, under guidance. In short, it’s about: ● Helping someone perform a skill or solve a problem better than they would otherwise have been able to ● Bringing improvements at work; especially where a change in performance is required
  • 4. Differentiation TRAINING COACHING Training is the way we teach people Coaching is the way we give them knowledge/hard or soft skills to know guidance of how to improve their how to do things performance Training is a process when mostly trainee Coaching is an interactive process that get information in one-way provides guidance and encourages coaches to make productive decisions while taking personal ownership of those decisions. Training just takes place at particular Coaching is on-going and during the time point of time ( usually before people take people perform their task charge of their job )
  • 6. “How coaching works” • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY75MQt e4RU
  • 8. • Firstly, try to understand what are the problems of coached person • Set direction/vision/goals/outcomes • Let them think by themselves how to get there • Providing them tool ( instruction/advise/experience/materials) • Let them go beyond their current level of performance • Let him implement the solutions they come up with, and if they fail the coach needs to be always there to support • Help them to have 2nd chance to correct their mistakes
  • 9. A coach thinks & operates in a way that: • Let’s go, rather than want to be in control • Shares knowledge rather than keeps it private • Adopts an open style with others by being available • Involves people rather than keeps them at a distance • Encourages others to go beyond their current levels of abilities • Is a partnership
  • 10. The first rule of coaching - must have a fundamental belief that people can achieve whatever they believe is achievable The second rule of coaching - continually raise that level of belief
  • 11. Why to build coaching culture in my LC? For Individuals: • Gain from those you know & trust • Learn at your own pace and from a one-to-one relationship • Have an input over what and how you learn • Develop the skills needed for your present as well as future jobs • Can use the experience of those who have done it before and have learnt • Will not be embarrassed if you make a blunder • Can transfer the learning to situations you are facing • Never stop learning and developing
  • 12. Why to build coaching culture in my LC? For team • Becoming clear about the goals it has to achieve • Focusing people in the right direction • Raising the skill levels of the team members
  • 13. Why to build coaching culture in my LC? For Organization • By developing closer relationships • Through discovering new ways of helping people from the feedback received • By seeing people grow; thus leading to organizational growth
  • 14. Why to build coaching culture in my LC? For Coach • Bringing individuals closer together and sharing knowledge, skills and experiences, so that all parties learn • Making the most of work-related opportunities to learn from real situations • Aiding the transfer of learning to the work situation • Providing cost-effective ways of developing people • Promoting a climate of continuous learning, support and ownership • Improving the quality of work
  • 16. What are necessary skills? • Demonstrate strong interpersonal skills, including:  Building rapport  Asking questions/ gaining information  Giving & receiving feedback  Listening  Persuading, influencing and encouraging others • Observe and correctly interpret what’s happening; before, during and after • Help others learn, and continue to learn yourself • Think on your feet and tackle situations creatively • Help others paint a picture of a higher level of performance
  • 17. What is right attitude? • Confidence in your own abilities and a knowledge of what you can’t do • A genuine affinity for people • A belief in others and a real wish to see them succeed • An ability to take second place and not seek any glory empathy, to see things from others’ points of view sensitivity, especially knowing when to step in and when to be quiet sense of humor • Patience and a willingness to make time for people
  • 18. When to give coaching? You have an opportunity to coach whenever: - you are asked how to do something - your advice is sought by others - one of your members says that they cannot do a particular job - your opinion is asked for or a decision required - you see a job or task that could be done quicker, better or cheaper - mistakes are made.
  • 19. COACH STRUCTURE Competency - assessing current level of performance Outcomes - setting outcomes for learning Action - agreeing tactics and initiate action CHecking - giving feedback and make sense of what’s been learnt