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GSK983T Turning CNC System
(Volume I: Specification and Programme)
GSK983T Turning CNC System
This user manual describes all proceedings concerning the
operations of this CNC system in detail as much as possible. However, it
is impractical to give particular descriptions for all unnecessary or
unallowable system operations due to the manual text limit, product
specific applications and other causes. Therefore, the proceedings not
indicated herein should be considered impractical or unallowable.
This user manual is the property of GSK CNC Equipment Co., Ltd.
All rights are reserved. It is against the law for any organization or
individual to publish or reprint this manual without the express written
permission of GSK and the latter reserves the right to ascertain their legal
GSK Turning CNC System
Technological Spot Service
You can ask for spot service if you have the problems that
can’t be solved by telephone. We will send the authorized
engineers to your place to resolve the technological problems
for you.
Your excellency,
It’s our pleasure for your patronage and purchase of this GSK983T CNC
system made by GSK CNC Equipment Co., Ltd.
This book is divied into Volume I and Volume II, the system specification and
programming are described in Volume I (This manual is Volume I for Specification
and programming), and the operations, codes and parameters ect. are described in
Volume II.
! Accident may occur by improper connection and operation!This system
can only be operated by authorized and qualified personnel. Please
carefully read this manual before usage!
All specifications and designs herein are subject to change without further
This manual is reserved by final user.
We are full of heartfelt gratitude to you for supporting us in the use of GSK’s
Chinese version of all technical documents in Chinese and English languages
is regarded as final.
GSK Turning CNC System
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL··································································································1
1.1 General······························································································································· 1
1.2 Precaution for this Manual······························································································· 1
CHAPTER 2 PROGRAMMING ·······················································································3
2.1 What is Programming······································································································· 3
2.2 Program Configuration····································································································· 3
2.2.1 Block············································································································································· 4
2.2.2 Program Word ······························································································································ 5
2.2.3 Format Input································································································································· 6
2.2.4 Decimal Point Programming ········································································································ 8
2.2.5 The Max. Command Value········································································································· 10
2.2.6 Program Number·························································································································11
2.2.7 Sequence Number ····················································································································· 12
2.2.8 Optional Block Skip ···················································································································· 12
2.3 Dimension Word·············································································································· 14
2.3.1 Controlled Axes ·························································································································· 14 Coordinate axis and movement symbol ·············································································· 14
2.3.2 Increment system······················································································································· 16 The least input increment (input unit)·················································································· 16 Minimum movement unit (output unit)················································································· 16 10-fold input unit magnification···························································································· 17
2.3.3 Maximum Stroke························································································································· 17
2.3.4 Program Origin and Coordinate System ···················································································· 18
2.3.5 Coordinate System and Machine Start Point ············································································· 18
2.3.6 Reference Position····················································································································· 22
2.3.7 Absolute Command and Incremental Command ······································································· 22
2.3.8 Specifying Diameter and Radius································································································ 23
2.4 Feed Function·················································································································· 24
2.4.1 Rapid Traverse Rate ·················································································································· 24
2.4.2 Cutting Feedrate························································································································· 25
2.4.3 Thread Lead······························································································································· 26
2.4.4 Feedrate 1/10····························································································································· 28
2.4.5 Automatic Acceleration/Deceleration ························································································· 28
2.5 Preparatory Function (G Function)················································································ 29
2.5.1 Positioning (G00)························································································································ 32
2.5.2 Linear Interpolation (G01) ·········································································································· 33
2.5.3 Chamfering and Corner R ·········································································································· 34
2.5.4 Figure Dimension Input ·············································································································· 36
2.5.5 Arc Interpolation (G02, G03) ······································································································ 41
2.5.6 Feedrate for SIN Curve Controllation (G07)··············································································· 44
2.5.7 Thread Cutting (G32, G34) ········································································································ 45 Linear, Taper Thread Cutting (G32)····················································································· 45 Changeable Thread Lead Cutting (G34)············································································· 50 Consecutive Thread Cutting································································································ 51
2.5.8 Auto Reference Position Return (G27~G30) ············································································· 51 G27 Reference Position Return Check ··············································································· 51 G28 Auto Reference Position Return ·················································································· 52 G29 Automatic Return from Reference Position ································································· 53 G30 Returns the 2nd
Reference Position············································································· 53
2.5.9 Dwell (G04) ································································································································ 54
2.5.10 Coordinate System Setting (G50) ···························································································· 54 Command for Coordinate System Setting········································································· 54 Coordinate System Movement·························································································· 56 Automatic Coordinate System Setting··············································································· 56 Workpiece Coordinate System Movement········································································ 57 Workpiece Coordinate System Movement Value Input····················································· 59 Double-tool Post Mirror Image (G68, G69) ······································································· 61
2.5.11 Inch/ Metric Conversion (G20, G21)························································································· 61
2.5.12 Feedrate Command Shift (G98, G99)······················································································ 62
2.5.13 Constant Surface Speed Control (G96, G97)··········································································· 62
2.5.14 Stored Stroke Limit (G22, G23)································································································ 62
2.5.15 Skip Function (G31) ················································································································· 65
2.6 Compensation Function································································································· 67
2.6.1 Tool Offset ·································································································································· 68 Basis Tool Offset·················································································································· 68 Tool Offset T Code··············································································································· 69 Tool Selection ······················································································································ 69 Tool Offset Number·············································································································· 69 Offset ··································································································································· 70 Offset Vector························································································································ 71 Offset Erasion······················································································································ 71 Program Example················································································································ 71 Using T Code Separately ···································································································· 73
2.6.2 Tool Form Compensation and Tool Wearing Compensation······················································ 73 T Code of Tool Offset··········································································································· 74 Tool Offset Number·············································································································· 74 Offset ··································································································································· 76 Offset Vector························································································································ 76 Offset Erasion······················································································································ 76
2.6.3 Cutter Compensation (G40~G42) ······························································································ 77 Imagination Tool Nose········································································································· 78 ImaginationTool Nose Direction··························································································· 80
GSK Turning CNC System
VI Cutter Compensation Value Setting ···················································································· 82 Workpiece Position and Transformation Command···························································· 83 Precaution for Cutter Compensation··················································································· 88
2.6.4 Details for Cutter Compensation ································································································ 93 Offset Vector for Tool Nose R Center ·················································································· 93 G40,G41,G42················································································································· 93
2.6.5 Offset Value Inputs with Programming G10 ············································································· 123
2.6.6 Directly Input Tool Offset Value by Manual Measure (Test-cutting Tool-setting)······················ 123
2.6.7 Automatic Tool Offset Input ······································································································ 124
2.6.8 Tool External Compensation ···································································································· 127
2.7 Cycle Machining Function···························································································· 128
2.7.1 Single Fixed Cycle (G90, G92 and G94)·················································································· 128 Cutting Cycle A, G90 ········································································································· 128 G92 Thread Cutting Cycle G92 ························································································· 130 Cutting Cycle B (G94)········································································································ 132 Usage of the Canned Cycle ······························································································ 135
2.7.2 Complex Canned Cycle············································································································ 136 External Rough Cutting Cycle (G71)················································································· 136 End Face Fough-cutting Cycle (G72)················································································ 140 Close Loop Cutting Cycle (G73)························································································ 142 Finish-machining Cycle (G70)··························································································· 143 Depth Drill Cycle (G74)······································································································ 146 External Diameter Slot Cycle (G75) ·················································································· 147 Thread Cutting (G76)········································································································· 148 Precautions for Composite Canned Cycle (G70~G76)····················································· 150
2.8 Spindle Speed Function (S Function), Tool Function (T Function), Miscellaneous
Function (M Function)··········································································································· 151
2.8.1 Spindle Speed Function (S Function)······················································································· 152 S2 Digital ··························································································································· 152 S4 Digital ··························································································································· 152
2.8.2 Constant Surface Cutting Speed Control ················································································· 152 Spindle Speed Override····································································································· 153 The max. Spindle Speed Clamping ··················································································· 153 Rapid Traverse (G00)········································································································ 154 Example····························································································································· 155 The Relationships Between Spindle Speed and Surface Speed······································· 156
2.8.3 Tool Function···························································································································· 156
2.8.4 Miscellaneous Function (M Function) ······················································································ 157 M20,M30: End-of-program······························································································ 157 M00: Program Stops·········································································································· 157 M01: Stop Selection··········································································································· 157 M98: Sub-program Call ····································································································· 157 M99: End of Sub-program································································································· 158
2.9 Subprogram··················································································································· 158
2.9.1 The Execution of Subprogram ································································································· 159
2.9.2 The Performance of Subprogram····························································································· 159
2.9.3 Control Mode for Subprogram·································································································· 160
2.10 User Custom Macro Program A and B ······································································ 163
2.10.1 Brief ········································································································································ 163
2.10.2 Variable··································································································································· 166 Representation of Variable ······························································································ 166 Reference Variable·········································································································· 167 Undefined Variable ·········································································································· 167 Display and Setting for Variable Value ············································································ 168
2.10.3 Kinds of Variable ···················································································································· 168 Local Variable #1~#33····································································································· 169 Common Variable #100~#149, #500~#509····································································· 169 SystemVariable (User Macro Program B Selection) ······················································· 169
2.10.4 Operation Command·············································································································· 180 Variable Definition and Replacement ·············································································· 180 Arithmetic Addition··········································································································· 180 Multiplication Calculation (User Macro Program B Selection) ········································ 180 Function (User Macro Program B Selection) ·································································· 181 Composing C of Calculation···························································································· 182 The Calculation Sequence Changes Using [ ]···························································· 182 Precision·························································································································· 182 Processing for Precision Decreasing ·············································································· 183
2.10.5 Control Command ·················································································································· 184 Difference ························································································································ 184 Repeated (User Macro Program B Selection)································································· 185
2.10.6 Programming and Storage of User Macro Program Body ····················································· 189 Programming of User Macro Program Body ··································································· 189 Storage of User Macro Program Body ············································································ 190 Macro Statement and NC Statement··············································································· 190
2.10.7 Macro Program Call Command······························································································ 192 Simply Call······················································································································· 193 Modal Call························································································································ 196 Multiple Call····················································································································· 196 Multiple Modal Call ·········································································································· 197 Macro Program Call Using G Code················································································· 198 Sub-program Call with M Code ······················································································· 198 Macro Program Call with M Code ··················································································· 199 Sub-program Call with T Code ························································································ 199 Decimal Point Position of Arguments ·············································································· 200 Distinguish from M98 (Subprogram call) and G65 (User macro program call):············ 201 Nestification and Local Variable of User Macro Program·············································· 201
2.10.8 Relationships with Other Functions························································································ 202
GSK Turning CNC System
2.10.9 Especial Codes and Words in Macro Program ······································································ 204
2.10.10 Limiting Proceeding·············································································································· 205
2.10.11 P/S Alarm Explanation·········································································································· 206
2.10.12 Macro Program Interruption Function (Macro Program B)··················································· 207
2.10.13 External Output Command··································································································· 207 Open Command POPEN POPEN················································································· 208 BPRNT,DPRNT ·········································································································· 208 PCLOS ·························································································································· 209 Required Setting When Using this Function ···································································· 209 Precautions···················································································································· 210
2.11 Tool Life Span Management ······················································································· 210
2.11.1 General··································································································································· 210
2.11.2 Tool Group Setting···················································································································211
2.11.3 Specifying Tool Group Number During Machining Process: ·················································· 213
2.11.4 Tool Life Management Performing ························································································· 214 Counter for Tool Life ········································································································ 214 Tool Replacement Signal and Tool Replacement Resetting Signal································· 214 Tool Skip Signal ··············································································································· 215 New Tool Signal Selection ······························································································· 215
2.11.5 Tool Data Display and Enter··································································································· 215 Tool Group Number Display and Modification ································································· 215 Tool Life Data Display During Machining Program Performing ······································· 215 Presetting of Tool Life-span Counter ··············································································· 216
2.11.6 Parameter Settings················································································································· 216
2.11.7 Alarm ······································································································································ 216
2.11.8 Other Precautions··················································································································· 217
Chapter 3 CNC SPECIFICATION and OPTIONAL FUNCTION·································218
Chapter 1 General
1.1 General
GSK983T Turning CNC System (The following are abbreviated to “System”). It is a new
CNC controller developed by GSK CNC Equipment Co., LTD with high accuracy, high capability,
fixed-software, two axes linkage, close loop (semi-close loop or close loop) and with embedded
PMC function. It is used for CNC Lathe, CNC wire cutting machine tool and CNC Cylindrical grinding
machine tool etc.
GSK983T Turning CNC system, is employed with high speed MPU in control circuit, LSI,
semiconductor memory and newly storage parts are used, improving the reliability greatly, also
improving the performance-price ratio greatly.
The system can be matched to use with the most extensive AC servo motor, and the pulse
encoder with high capacity is applied for detecting elements, the close loop CNC system is then
In the manual, the GSK983T Turning CNC system programming, operation and parameter
input/output interface explanation are described.
System selection function is also described at one time in this manual, but all selection
functions are not always included in the actual enquipment. Refer to the manual issued by the
machine tool builder when the user uses the functions.
1.2 Precaution for the Manual
CNC machine tool control function, is not only determined by the system function of CNC
controller, also by the machine tool strong circuit, servo equipment, CNC controller and machine
operation control. As for combination, programming and operation of these control functions, this
manual may not narrate all the functions, it will explain the CNC system function, as for the details of
the each machine tool control function, refer to the manual issued by the machine tool builder.
The proceedings narrated in this manual are prior to the manual issue by machine tool builder.
GSK Turning CNC System
In the manual we have tried as much as possible to describe all the proceedings; however we
cannot describe all the matters, so that it will make the manual more complex. So, some functions
not narrated in this manual are explained correspondingly.
In the part of notes of this manual, some items are especially explained. When you are not
viewed some notes which are not with special explanations in this manual, browsing this manual
continues, and then read those notes again.
Chapter 2 Programming
2.1 What is Programming
CNC machine tool is controlled and performed the work according to the completion of
program beforehand. Tool path and other machine conditions should be programmed when the
parts are machined in CNC machine tool; this program is called Parts Program.
The following figure is shown the procedure.
Procedure table
N G X Y … … …
N001 G00 X800 Y200
N002 X50 Y20
Editing the content of procedure table into program, and enter to CNC.
A part program is described in the following explanation.
2.2 Program Configuration
Program is classified into main program and subprogram. Normally, the CNC operates
according to the main program. However, when a command calling a subprogram is encountered in
the main program, then the CNC moves with the subprogram. When a command specifying a return
to the main program is encountered in a subprogram, the CNC is then moves with the main
Parts machine
1) CNC machine range and CNC machine tool selection
2) Workpiece installation in the machine and essential clamp selection
3) Cutting sequence (Division of project, tool start position, rough-cutting and the
completion of cutting value and tool path)
4) Selection for cutting tool and tool clamping and determination for the
installation position in the maching tool
5) Cutting conditions (Spindle speed, feedrate, and use or not for the coolant)
Parts figure
GSK Turning CNC System
The CNC memory can hold up to 95 main programs and subprograms; CNC can operate the
machine tool to run one of them.
Note 1: The program number by system stored can be added to 191 numbers when the affixation
program number function is selected.
Note 2: As for storage and selection modes of the program, refer to the “CHAPTER FOUR OPERATION”.
2.2.1 Block
Program is composed with multiple commands, one of command unit is called block. Two
blocks are differentiated from the code of block result, and the block end code is indicated as “;” see
the following:
For example:
N2 G00 X10.0 Z22.0;
N3 G01 Z10.0 R5.0 F100;
N4 X38.0 K-4.0;
N5 Z0;
Note 1: The character number of block is not restricted.
Note 2: Block ending code, EIA code is indicated as CR, ISO code is indicated as LF.
Main program Subprogram
Command 1
Command 2
Command 1’
Command 2’
command transfer
Command n
Command n+1
Main program
command return
Chapter 2 Programming
2.2.2 Program Word
Block element is formed by program word. A program word consists of an address followed by
several digits. (+/- may be prefixed to a number)
X — 1000
Program word
For an address, one of the letters (from A to Z) is used; an address defines the meaning of a
number that follows the address. The usable addresses and their meanings are indicated in NC, as
shown below. An address may have different meanings, depending on the preparatory function
Function Address Meaning
Program no.
O —— EIA
:—— ISO
Program number
Sequence no. N Sequence number
G Specifies a motion mode (linear, arc ect.)
X,Z,U,W Coordinate axis move command
R Arc radius, corner R
I,K Coordinate of arc center, chamfering
Feedrate F,E Feedrate command, leading
Spindle function S Spindle speed command
Tool function T Tool number, tool offset number
M ON/OFF control command on machine side
Dwell P,X,U Dwell time
Program no.
P Subprogram number
Number of
Number of subprogram repetitions, number of canned
cycle repetitions
GSK Turning CNC System
Parameter A,D,I,K Canned cycle parameter
Sequence no.
Sequence number for specifying cycle program start
and end
The following block can be formed by using these program words
N G X Z F S T M;
In the following example for program table, one row indicates as a block, one grid of a block
indicates as a program word.
Name Test program 1 Date:
Program no. 0(2)1001
Program record
/ N G X Z U W R/I K/A/D F/E S T M P Q L …
N10 G50 X220.0 Z190.0 …
N11 G00 X176.0 Z132.0 …
N12 G72 U4.0 W2.0 D700 F30 S55 P13 Q18 …
N13 G00 Z58.0 S58 …
N14 G01 X120.0 W12.0 F15 …
N15 W10.0 …
N16 X80.0 W10.0 …
N17 W20.0 …
N18 X86.0 W22.0 P13 Q18 …
N19 G70 M02 …
N20 …
2.2.3 Format Input
Each program word composed into a block should be in accorded with the following format. If
Chapter 2 Programming
the input is variable block format, the number of program word within the block and word number in
a programming word can be changed. GSK983M CNC system is very convenient in programming if
it is used this format.
1) Metric input
RD053 F032 S02 TO3
N04·G02·αL+ 053·βL+053· · ·E034· · ·M02;
ID053 KD+ 053 F050 SO4 TO4
2) Inch input
RD044 F024 S02 T03
N04·G02·αL+044·βL+044· · ·E016· · ·MO2;
ID044·KD044 F032 S04 T04
Note 1: α:X or U; β:Z or W
Note 2: Address and digit meanings are as shown below:
X L + 0 5 3
The 3 digits in the following of decimal point
The 5 digits in the front of decimal point
Leading zero can be omitted
With symbol
Absolute or incremental value
I D 0 5 3
The 3 digits in the following of decimal point
The 5 digits in the front of decimal point
Leading zero can be omitted
Incremental value with symbol
For example:
To move the X axis to 50.123mm at the rapid traverse, the tool move commanda are as shown below:
GSK Turning CNC System
G00 X 50 123
3 digits in the following of the dlecimal point
The 5 digits in the front of decimal point, the leading zero of 00050 can be omitted.
Even the leading zero can be omitted, G00 can be omitted to G0 (G00 specifies
rapid feedrate)
Note 3: In one block, same address word commands more than two, in fact, the following commands are
effective, no alarm.
For example: G01 M03 S200 M08;
M08 enabled, M03 disenabled.
1) G code in each group is also enabled at last.
2) R, I and K are simultaneously commanded in arc command, it is regardless of sequence, and the R is
3) E and F are commanded in thread cutting in a same block, the posterior commands are enabled.
4) X or U and Z or W, the posterior one commanded is enabled.
Note 4: F032 and F050 input by metric are shifted with parameter, also F033 and F051, refer to (2.4.4
feedrate 1/10) F032 (input by mm) and F024 (input by inch) are feed input format per rev. F050
(input by mm), F032 (input by inch) are feed input format per min..
Note 5: A, P, Q, L and D have many significations, so the above formats are omitted.
Note 6: Refer to (2.2.4 decimal point input) when inputting by using decimal point.
Note 7: The input values with parameter setting X, Z, O, W, I, K, R and D millimeter can be used with 10
multiple units.
αL+ 052·βL+052· (Input in Millimeter)
ID052· KD052
Refer to ( 10 multiple input unit)
Note 8: S04 is selection function.
2.2.4 Decimal Point Programming
Numerical values can be entered with a decimal point in this device. A decimal point can be
used when entering a distance, time, or speed. But all addresses have limitation; the position of
decimal point is indicated as the positions of mm, inch, deg and s (second).
Z15.0 Z15mm or Z15inch
Chapter 2 Programming
F10.0 10mm/r, 10mm/min or 10inch/min, 10inch/r
G04×1 Dewll 1 second
Decimal points can be specified with the following addresses: X, Z, U, W, I, K, R, E and F.
Note 1: X and U can be input by decimal point, but P cann’t (because the P can be employed for
sequence number), when commands dwells
Note 2: The corresponding G code should be commanded prior to the number within one block.
1) G20; (Inch specifying)
X1.0 G04; X1.0 is not represented to time, it is distance (inch), that is, X10000 G04 dwell time is 10s,
display shows from 1.0 to 10.0.
G04 X1.0; It is regarded as G04X1000, dwell time is 1s.
2) G98; (mm/min specifying)
F1.G99; Specifying F1 G99 into 0.01mm/rev. (G99 is mm/rev.)
G98: (mm/min specifying)
G99 F1 Specifying G99F100 into 1mm/rev. (G99 is mm/rev.)
Note 3: It is very different with or without decimal point. Note that it is also different to the computer
G21; (Specifying mm)
G20; (Specifying inch)
Note 4: The numbers with or without decimal point can be mixed to use.
X1000 Z23.7;
X10. Z22359;
Note 5: The values follwing the least setting unit is specified, the values less than the least setting unit
is omitted. When specifying X1.23456 when the metric input is regarded as X1.234, the inch input
is regarded as 1.2345. There is cumulation error when the incremental command occurs. There
no cumulation error but has omittance error when the absolute command occurs. Same, digit can
not over the max. allowance digit.
X1.23456789……alarm occurs; due to it overs 8 digits. X1.2345678…… it is within 8 digits, the alarm will
not generated.
Note 6: When a number with decimal point is input, A minimum incremental integer is shifted by this
GSK Turning CNC System
For example: X12.34→X12340 (mm input)
The shifted integer value should be verified with digit
2.2.5 The Max. Command Value
The max. command values for each address are shown below, but, these figures represent
limits on the CNC side, which are totally different from limits on the machine tool side. For example:
as for the CNC equipment, the movement value of X axis is 100m (in the occasion of metric), in fact,
an actual stroke along the X axis may be limited within 2m, the feedrate is not changed. The CNC
equipment cutting feedrate can be controlled within 15m/min, and the machine tool actually can be
limited within 6m/min. Refer to this manual and machine tool manual in programming. Programming
is applied after fully understanding the program limitation.
Table 2.5 Basis address and ranges of command values (including additional option)
Function Address
Input in mm
Output in mm
Input in inch
Output in mm
Input in mm
Output in inch
Input in inch
Output in inch
Program No.
1~9999 Same as left Same as left Same as left
Sequence No. N 1~9999 Same as left Same as left Same as left
Preparatory function G 0~99 Same as left Same as left Same as left
Coordinate word
±99999.999 mm ±3937.0078inch ±99999.999mm ±9999.9999inch
Feed per revolution
Thread leading
0.01 mm/r
0.01 inch/r
0.01 mm/r~
0.0001 inch/r~
Feed per revolution,
thread leading
(feedrate 1/10)
(Parameter setting)
0.001 mm/min~
Feed per minute F
1 mm/min~
0.01 inch/min~
1 mm/min~
0.01 inch/min~
Feed per minute
(feedrate 1/10)
(Parameter setting)
0.1 mm/min~
0.1 mm/min~
Thread leading E
0.001 mm~
0.000001 inch~
0.0001 mm~
0.000001 inch~
Thread leading
(feedrate 1/10)
(parameter setting)
Ditto Ditto
Chapter 2 Programming
Spindle function S 0~9999 Same as left Same as left Same as left
Tool function T 0~9932 Same as left Same as left Same as left
M 0~99 Same as left Same as left Same as left
Dwell X,U,P 0~99999.999 Same as left Same as left Same as left
Designation of a
sequence No.
P,Q 1~9999 Same as left Same as left Same as left
Number of repetitions L 1~9999 Same as left Same as left Same as left
Angle L Specifying value Same as left Same as left Same as left
Same coordinate
Same as left Same as left Same as left
Times D 1~9999 Same as left Same as left Same as left
Note: Feedrate per rev. and thread leading are actually related to spindle speed. Feedrate/min. is
determined by the converted speed, and is specified by above-mentioned command.
(For example) X1234567.8→ X1234567800 (mm input), which this number is over 8 digits, so the alarm is
2.2.6 Program Number
This control equipment can stored many programs into the NC memory, program numbers are
added for distinguishing from these programs.
Program number defined as shown below:
O □ □ □ □ (Leading zero from 1 to 9999.0 can be omitted)
4 digits
Program performs with a program number, till to M02; M30; or M99 to end.
The M02 and M30 are indicated as the main program is end; M99 is indicated as subprogram is
Note 1: ; is replaced O when ISO code is performed.
Note 2: The blocks with optional block skip codes such as /M02; /M30 and M99 are disabled at the end of
01111……………………………M02; 02222………………………………M30;
#1111 program #2222 program
#5555 subprogram
GSK Turning CNC System
the program.
Note 3: There is no any program number at the beginning of a program, the sequence number of the
program switch is regarded as the program number; but the NO replaces the program number
is unallowed.
Note 4: Neither program number nor sequence number is at the beginning of the program, the program
number should be specified by using MDI/LCD panel when storing to the memory. (Refer to the
Note 5: When multiple programs are performed, EOB is not required before the 2
following porgram.
When the ER (EIA) or % (ISO) is employed for ending at the end of previous block, the switches
of this program should use EOB code, and this is caused by headline skip function.
Note 6: Program operates without program number. The subprogram should have program number.
Note 7: Program numbers 9000~9899 are employed by machine tool builder, the user can not use.
Note 8: When selecting with mechanic, the programs 9900~99999 are employed with the data of
Note 9: There is no M02, M03 and M99 at the end of program, but ER (EIA) or % (ISO) and the next
number are applied, ending the program with parameter setting (NEOP).
2.2.7 Sequence Number
At the head of a block, a sequence number consisting address N followed by a number not
longer than 5 digits (1-9999) can be placed. Sequence number can be specified in a random order. it
is not important that if they are continued in the intermediate. Sequence number may be specified
for all blocks or only for desired blocks of the program.
It is suggestion that the sequence number can be serially specified in key position, for example
when the tool change and new tool are employed.
Note 1: In order to make the NC device is consistent with others, the sequence number NO is not
Note 2: O is disabled as for the program number, so the sequence number related to program number is
not O.
2.2.8 Optional Block Skip
When a slash followed by a number /n (n=1~9) is specified at the head of block, and optional
block skip switch on the machine operator panel is set to ON, the information contained in the block
Chapter 2 Programming
for which /n corresponding to switch number n is specified is ignored in memory operation.
When optional block skip switch n is set to OFF, the block with /n is enabled. This means that
the operator can determine whether to skip the block containing /n. No.1 for /1 can be omitted.
When opening the optional block skip switch, the omitted area is as shown below.
Omittance area
For example:
In the above examples, blocks N101 and N102 are skiped when the No.2 switch is ON, blocks
N102 and N103 are skiped when the No.3 switch is ON.
Note 1: A slash (/) must be specified at the head of a block, if a slash is placed elsewhere, the
information from the slash to immediately before the EOB code is ignored, the information in
front of the slash is still enabled.
Note 2: When an optional block skip switch is on, TH and TV checks are made for the skipped portion in
the same way as when the optional block skip switch is off.
Note 3: The optional block skip is processed when it is transfered from memory to cushion memory.
When the slash / is specified at the head of a block is read into a cushion, even if the OPTIONAL
BLOCK SKIP is ON, this block will not be ignored.
Note 4: This function is still enabled during the sequence number searches.
Note 5: This function is disabled when the program is stored, regardless of how OPTION BLOCK SKIP is
set, the slash / is specified at the head of a block can be read into the memory.
Note 6: When the program in the memory is output to the external PC by communication interface,
regardless of how OPTION BLOCK SKIP is set, it can be output integrally.
Note 7: Some optional block skip switch may not be used for some machine tools. So it is better to
enquire the machine tool builder how many switches can be empolyed.
Note 8: When an additional optional block skip is specified, when multiple optional block skip codes (/)
are specified in a block, number 1 for /1 can not be omitted.
According to the above conditions, the /1 is described.
For example
Wrong: / /3G00×10.0;
GSK Turning CNC System
Correct: /1/3G00×10.0;
2.3 Dimension Word
The dimension word describes tool movement, it consists of movement axis address, its value
indicates move direction and length. The value modification is determined by the absolute and
incremental programming. (Refer to the Section 3.7)
Dimension word address Meaning
Describing an object position on coordinate system (Absolute
Major axis
Specifying a moval distance (incremental programming). U indicates X
axis, W indicates Z axis.
R Specifying an arc radius.
Parameter for
arc interpolation IK
Specifying a distance (I) or (K) from start point to arc center along the X
axis or Z axis
For example: U-200.0 tool moves to 200.00 along X axis direction from current position.
2.3.1 Controlled Axes
Movement axes of machine tool controlled by CNC system are called Controlled axes. Each
controlled axis is called by the controlling dimension word. There are two controlled axes X and Z.
There are 2 simultaneous controlled axes are specified in a block
Controlled axes Simultaneous controlled axes
X、Z 2 pieces Coordinate axis and movement symbol
If a machine tool offers multiple relations between machine tool coordinate axis and tool
movement symbol, severe mess may occurs in a programming. In order to simplify the programming
and guarantee the versatility of the program, the unified criterion (EIARS-267-A&ISO841) is applied
for the coordinate system of CNC machine tool and direction name, and the linear feed coordinate
axes are indicated by X, Y and Z, they are normally called coordinate axes. The relationships among
X, Y and Z are determined by the right hand rule, see the fig.3.1-1:
Chapter 2 Programming
A thumb direction is ‘+’ direction of X axis, a forefinger is ‘+’ of Y and a middle finger is ‘+’ of Z.
Circle feed coordinate axes rotated around with the X, Y and Z axes are separately indicated
with A, B and C in terms of the right hand rotation rule, see the figure. The thumb direction is +X, +Y
and +Z, and the direction of forefinger and middle finger are the circle feed movement +A, +B and
+C directions.
Feed movement of CNC machine tool, some are operated by the spindle drives tool, and some
are operated by the workpiece on the worktable. The abovementioned + coordinate axes are
supposed to the workpiece stops, the tool is feed movement direction which is related to the
workpiece. If the workpiece movement is specified, it is indicated with character “′”. In terms of
relation of movement, the + workpiece movement direction is reversed to the + tool movement, that
+X =-X′, +Y =-Y′, +Z =-Z′,
+A =-A′, +B =-B′, +C =-C′
Same, - direction of both movements are reversed each other.
Fig.3.1-1 Machine tool coordinate axis and direction
GSK Turning CNC System
Direction on the machine tool coordinate axis is determined by the type and component layout
of each part of the machine tool, as for the turning machine:
—— Z axis is identical with the spindle axial line, the distance between parts and tool will be
enlarged along + Z axis direction;
—— X axis is vertical to Z axis, which is corresponding to revolving tool post mvement, the
distance between parts and tool will be enlarged along + X axis direction;
—— Y axis (it is nominal) consists of right hand coordinate system rule with X axis and Z axis.
Note that the following items during programming.
a) Program must refer the standard coordinate system (Right hand square coordinate).
b) Supposing the workpiece is not move during programing, the tool moves around with
the tool.
2.3.2 Increment system
Increment system is determined by the following two elements The least input increment (input unit)
The minimum units are specified by the tool movement, these minimun units are offered by
mm/inch. Minimum movement unit (output unit)
Minimun movement unit of machine tool is specified, any gourp of the following can be
employed by using mm, inch or degree units.
The least input increment The least movement unit
Input in mm, output in mm 0.001mm 0.001mm
Input in inch, output in mm 0.0001inch 0.001mm
Input in mm, output in inch 0.001mm 0.0001 inch
Input in inch, output in inch 0.0001inch 0.0001 inch
Specifying the diameter, the min. movement unit of X axis is also a diameter value.
The least movement unit is either 0.001mm or 0.0001inch determined by each machin tool, it is
selected by the parameter setting beforehand (SCW).
The least input increment is either 0.001mm or 0.0001 inch, is determined by the G code or set
Chapter 2 Programming
by MDI.
G20 The least input increment 0.0001 inch
G21 The least input increment 0.001mm
The power mode is still the modes which before the G20 and G21 are power on. 10-fold input unit magnification
The least input increment input in mm can be changed into 0.01mm by the parameter (MIC).
The least input increment input in inch is not changed.
Input unit
Input in mm Input in inch
Dimension word X,Z,U,W,R,I,K 0.01mm 0.0001 inch
Dwell time X,P,U 0.01s 0.001s
Parameter D 0.01mm 0.0001 inch
The following items will not be changed:
(a) Different input
(b) Display unit
(c) Range for max. command value
(d) Units for step and manual feed
(e) Offset input
(f) Others
Note 1: The input unit in this manual is either 0.0001 inch or 0.001mm.
Note 2: The display unit is 0.01mm by setting the parameter (MDL).
2.3.3 Maximum Stroke
The maximum stroke can be specified in this device, see the following table:
Input in mm
Output in mm
Input in inch
Output in mm
Input in mm
Output in inch
Input in inch
Output in inch
±99999.999mm ±3937.0078inch ±99999.999mm ±9999.9999 inch
Note: The above stroke should be changed with the different of machine tool.
GSK Turning CNC System
2.3.4 Program Origin and Coordinate System
The program origin and coordinate system should be confirmed in programming. Normally, the
program origin is a random point at the workpiece.
For example, X axis origin is specified at the center of workpiece, Z axis origin is specified at the
left of workpiece side.
See the fig.3.4-1
This coordinate system is called workpiece coordinate system.
There are two coordinate systems, one is left hand, and the other is right hand. Right hand
coordinate system is employed in this manual.
2.3.5 Coordinate System and Machine Start Point
Workpiece coordinate system should be memorized to CNC during programming, tool moves
and program operates should be performed from a start point. But, the start point and tool
coordinate value should be offered by using G50.
Fig. 3.4-1 Program origin
(Right hand coordinate system) (Left hand coordinate system)
Chapter 2 Programming
Workpiece coordinate system of NC is specified by G50 X αZβ command.
Firstly, X=α and Z=β are applied to CNC, this command is offered at the head of a program or,
the command is offered from MDI when the tool is at start position. (Refer to the CHAPTER FOUR
4.4.9 Input from MDI)
It is very easy to position to the start point if the workpiece coordinate system is firstly
(1) MDI/LCD unit, command G00X αZβ; (G00 is positioning command)
(2) Manual feed moves the tool to X=α and Z=β from viewing position.
Workpiece coordinate system is determined by the following modes.
(Mode 1) Entering G50 from MDI.
If a tool is positioned at the origin of workpiece coordinate system, the following commands can
be specified by MDI after positioning.
G50 X0 Z0;
Fig. 3.4-2 G50 Workpiece coordinate system setting
system origin
GSK Turning CNC System
Side A
Workpiece coordinate
system zero point
Side B
Usually, it is impossible to position to the origin.
So, Tool is at the P position of workpiece, as the abovementioned figure. MDI commands are
shown below:
G50 XαZβ; the workpiece coordinate system is correspondingly set.
However, hard position of P point is the reason, so the following steps should be performed:
(1) Side A of workpiece is cut manually.
(2) Tool leaves and spindle stops along the X axis, the Z axis not moves
(3) A distance of “β” is measured and G50 Zβ is specified by MDI, the workpiece coordinate
system is set into NC with MDI mode and by controlling input and cycle start keys. α value can be
similarly to input.
(When side A and B are cut with a counter-tool, the offset value is 0, when different tools are
employed, the difference between two tools are regarded as offset value to store. Offset value
measure, see the 2.6.5)
(Mode 2) The coordinate system is set after positioning to the start point.
Tool is positioned to the start point, and the follwing steps should be performed:
(1) Side A of workpiece is cut manually
(2) Z axis is not move, tool leaves from the X axis and the spindle rotation stops.
(3) The relative coordinate value of Z axis is reset to 0 (address W), (see the CHAPTER FOUR
(4) Measuring the distance of “δ” in the following figure.
(5) Side B of workpiece is cut manually.
Chapter 2 Programming
(6) X axis not moves, tool leaves from the Z axis and spindle rotation stops.
(7) The relative coordinate value of X axis is reset to O (Address U) (see the Section 4.4.6 in
Chapter Four)
(8) Measuring the distance of “r” above figure.
(9) Viewing relative coordinate dislay and moving the tool to the following coordinate position at
the same time.
X, Z: Relative coordinates
α and β are coordinate value of start points.
(In actual machining, the setting of offset value is same as mode 1 when tool change is
performed.) If G50 XαZβ is specified at the head of program, the coordinate system is set when the
program is executed.
Side B
Side A
Start point
(Reference point)
If tool nose
moves, using
the tool offset
GSK Turning CNC System
(Mode 3) The reference point is regarded as the start point at the head of program, and the
coordinate system setting is performed.
If reference point returns, the tool is at the head of start point. It is same as mode 2; tool nose
can not be positioned on the reference position but on a standard tool point. Error of both can be
compensated by using tool offset value (see the Section 2.6) or move the workpiece coordinate
system (see the Section 2.5.10)
(Mode 4) Automatic coordinate system setting
If the corresponding parameter is set, automatic coordinate system is performed after returning
the reference position.
Coordinate values α and β are separately set by using parameter 375 and 376.
Tool nose can not be positioned at the reference point, so, tool position can be compensated by
using tool offset function (see the Section 2.6.1) or workpiece coordinate system move function (see
the Section 2.5.10).
2.3.6 Reference Position
The reference position is a fixed position on a machine tool to which the tool can be returned by
the reference position return function.
A program can not be started from a certain position on workpiece coordinate system, but it can
be started from the reference position accordingly. In this case, reference point is a certain point on
the machine tool, and the completion of program should be performed according to the zero which is
on the workpiece coordinate system. G50 command should be commanded when tool returns
reference point to set the workpiece coordinate system.
2.3.7 Absolute Command and Incremental Command
Command mode Address
Commands B->A in
the following figure
Specifying end point position on
workpiece coordinate system
X (coordinate value for X axis)
Z (coordinate value for Z axis)
X40.0 Z5.0;
Specifying the distance from
start to end points
U (distance for X axis) W
(distance for Z axis)
U20.0 W-40.0
Chapter 2 Programming
NOTE 1: Absolute command and incremental command are shared with same block; the above example
can be specified by using the following command: X40.0 W-40.0;
Note 2: When X and U or W and Z are shared with same block, the later one is enabled.
2.3.8 Specifying Diameter and Radius
Usually, the cross-section of workpiece is round when NC turning machine is programming, so,
two specifying dimension modes such as diameter and radius values can be employed.
When the diameter is specified, it is referred to as diameter command, when the radius is
specified, it is referred to as radius command, and the radius program can be performed when the
radius command is selected, when the diameter command is employed, some items should be
noticed in the following table:
Item Caution
Command for Z axis Specifying diameter or radius irrelative
Command for X axis Specifying with diameter
Incremental command by using address U Specifying diameter value, from B to A, D1 to D2
X axis
Z axis
Diameter command
Radius command
GSK Turning CNC System
Coordinate system setting (G50) Specifying X axis coordinate value with diameter
X value for tool position offset Setting diameter or radius value with parameter
Parameter of cutting depth by using G90-G94 and
G70-G76 along with X axis. (D, I and K)
Specifying radius value
Radius specifying for arc interpolation (R, I and K) Specifying with radius
Feedrate along with X axis direction Radius change/rev.; radius change/min.
X axis position Diameter value display
Note 1: In the following explanation, command programming is not specified (diameter or radius). But,
scale of X axis is indicated as diameter value when the program is performed using diameter.
Scale of X axis is indicated as radius value when the program is performed using radius.
Note 2: When diameter value is used in tool offset, if tool position offset value is changed to cut the
external diameter, the external diameter is then changed with diameter vlaue.
For example: Offset value changes for 10mm, and external diameter changes 10mm at the diameter
value, when tool keeps invariable.
Note 3: Tool position offset uses diameter value, and the tool length can be set.
2.4 Feed Function
2.4.1 Rapid Traverse Rate
In rapid traverse mode, each axis on the machine tool moves at the specified rate.
Normally, this rapid traverse rate is confirmed and set by the machine tool builder before
deliverying the goods (Parameter RPDFX, RPDFZ).
When each axis of machine tool is separately run, axis movement time from start to end point is
For example, When the rapid traverse rate of X and Z axes are 5m/min and 8m/min separately,
see the following command:
G00 U2000.0 W3000.0;
X axis on the machine tool and the start operation time are 12 seconds; it is 22.5 seconds for
the Z axis. If X axis radius programming is specified, the time is 24 seconds.
The tool path is as shown below:
Chapter 2 Programming
Override control of rapid feedrate can be achieved using the switches on the machine
operator’s panel. (F0, 25%, 50% and 100%) F0 is determined by the setting parameter RPDEL, and
the unit is not indicated with (%), but indicated with mm/min. or inch/min.
2.4.2 Cutting Feedrate
Feedrate per revolution or minute is determined by the digits followed by F.
Feed/min. Feed/rev.
Meaning Tool feed distance/min. Tool feed distance/rev.
G code setting G98 G99
Input in Metric
(Diameter command)
End point
Start point
Feed value for 1 min. Move value for 1 rev.
Feedrate/min. Feedrate/rev.
GSK Turning CNC System
Input in Inch
0.0001~50.000 inch /r
Clamping value
Cutting feed is clipped at fixed speed. This value (Clamping value) is
specified by the machine tool builder (Speed after the override is also
Override 10%/step, modifying from 0~200%.
The clipping value is specified by mm/min or inch/min. Cutting feedrate can be converted into
mm/min or inch/min by the following formula, when feeding in each revolution.
fr: Feed/min. (mm/min or inch/min)
fr: Feed/rev. (mm/r or inch/r)
R: Spindle speed (r/min)
Note 1: G98 and G99 are modal. One of them is commanded. This command is always enabled before
the other command is specified.
Note 2: The specified feedrate is set to the error within ±2% for NC computer, other than the
Note 3: Position encoder should be installed in spindle if the feedrate is feed/rev. when programming.
Note 4: F code input is allowed up to 7 digits. But the feedrate can not over the clipping value.
Note 5: Cutting feedrate is not even if the number of revolution for position encoder is within 1. If the
uneven is omitted for each revolution, below the 1r/min can be empolyed. However, the lower of
the spindle speed is, the more uneven of the cutting rate is.
2.4.3 Thread Lead
The digits following address F and E specifies a lead in thread cutting. Thread cutting is
specified by G32, G76 or G92.
G code Meaning
G32 Thread cutting
G92 Thread cutting cycle
(Single canned cycle)
G76 Thread cutting cycle
(Complex canned cycle)
Range of thread length, see the following:
Chapter 2 Programming
Address Input in Metric Input in Inch
F 0.01 mm ~500.00mm 0.001 inch ~50.0000inch
E 0.0001 mm ~500.0000mm 0.000001 inch ~9.999999inch
Spindle speed limitation is as shown below:
Max. feedrate
R≤ (R≥1)
Thread lead length
R: Spindle speed (r/min)
Lead: mm or inch
Max. feedrate: mm/min or inch/min
Max. feedrate is least one of the following speed: (1) Max. command speed; (2) Max. speed
value is limited by motor or machine tool.
Note 1: Spindle speed is read from the position encoder installed on the spindle. Feed/min. is
converted, and the machine tool moves with the converted speed.
Note 2: Speed override is disabled for the converted speed.
Note 3: The converted speed is clamped.
Thread lead is specified by address F; it is same as F of feed/min. and feed/rev.
Address E only uses for specifying the thread lead.
As for the feed/min. and feed/rev., a thread lead specified with E and F which the last one is
F code is enabled regardless of the E code. The E code is employed for the specified thread
It is very good to use F code for feed/rev. and feed/min, because, feedrate is not need to
specified after the thread cutting.
Example (program using the following
Enabled feedrate/ thread lead
G01Z……………..F100; F100
G32Z…………….; F100
G32Z…………….E200; E200
G01Z…………….; F100
Z…………….F300; F300
GSK Turning CNC System
G32Z……………; F300
G32Z…………….F100E200; E200
G32Z…………….E200F100; F100
2.4.4 Feedrate 1/10
Feedrate input in mm can be shifted to the min. unit 1/10 by setting the parameter (FMIC).
Item Min. input incremental Range
Feed/min. 0.1mm/min
(0.1 mm/min
Feed/rev. 0.001mm/r
(0.001 mm/r ~500.000mm/r)
Thread lead F command 0.001mm
(0.001 mm ~500.000mm)
Thread lead E command 0.00001mm
(0.0001 mm ~99.99999mm)
2.4.5 Automatic Acceleration/Deceleration
A time constant automatically produces acceleration or deceleration to avoid the mechanical
system trembles, during starting or stopping. So, the acceleration/deceleration is not to be
considered when a programming is performed.
A pointed corner can not be machined due to automatic acceleration/deceleration. A dwell
command (G04) should be inserted between two blocks if you want machine a pointed corner.
If a dwell command is inserted, the actual tool path is consistent with programmed path. The
Dwell command inserts
Actual tool path
Chapter 2 Programming
more the corner error is, the faster for the feedrate and the longer for the acceleration/deceleration
time is.
Note 1: NC processes between blocks, as shown below:
Previous block
New block
Constant value Cutting feed Unmovable
Constant value X X X
Cutting feed X O X
Unmovable X X X
X: Command speed is decelerated to zero; the next block is then performed again.
O: The following block is orderly performed; the feedrate is not much changer.
Note 2: Acceleration/deceleration is separately performed to each axis (X and Z axes), and the feedrate
of each axis is changed between blocks, so, the actual tool path is inconsistent with
programmed path. For example, a tool is only decelerated to feedrate along X axis in a block,
here, the Z axis direction acceleration produces, the actual tool path as shown below:
The actual arc radius is less than the programmed arc radius in arc interpolation (see the appendix). In the
occasion of machine tool allowance, and In order to reduce this error, the small acceleration/deceleration time
constant of cutting feed is employed.
2.5 Preparatory Function (G Function)
Two digits following address G determines the meaning of the command for the concerned
block. G codes are divided into the following two types.
Type Meaning
One-shot G code The G code is effective only in the block in which it is specified.
Actual tool
GSK Turning CNC System
Modal G code
The G code is effective after specifying once untill another G code of the same
group is replaced.
For example; G01 and G00 are modal G codes in group 01.
G01 X ;
Z ; G01 is effective in this range.
X ;
G00 Z ;
There are 3 series G codes. One is standard G code; the other is special G code B. Two
selections of the codes are set by parameter (GSP). This manual uses standard G code. Special G
code with same function and standard G code are indicated in the following table.
G90 and G91 are different. G90 indicates absolute command (The used X and Z are same
with standard X and Z in G90 mode), and G91 indicates incremental command (The used X and Z
are same with standard U and W in G91 mode) in special G codes. But, when the command is input
from MDI, regardless of G90/G91 mode, the address X and Z are indicated as absolute command,
U and W are indicated as incremental command.
Special G codes are employed, the address U and W are same with standard time, and they are
indicated as incremental move distance also, even if the G90 address is applied.
Standard G code Special G code B Special G code C Group Function
G00☆ ☆G00 ☆G00 Positioning (feedrate rapidly)
☆G01 ☆G01 G01☆ Linear interpolation (cutting feed)
G02 G02 G02 Arc interpolation CW
G03 G03 G03
G04 G04 G04 Dwell
G07 G07 G07 SIN curve control for feedrate
G10 G10 G10
Offset setting
G20 G20 G20 Input in inch
G21 G21 G21
Input in metric
G22 G22 G22 Memory stroke limit ON
G23 G23 G23
G27 G27 G27 Reference point return check
G28 G28 G28 Reference point return
G29 G29 G29
Returning from reference point
Chapter 2 Programming
G30 G30 G30 Return to the 2nd
reference point
G31 G31 G31 SKIP function
G32 G33 G33 Thread cutting in linear and subuliform
G34 G34 G34
Leading thread cutting changeably
G36 G36 G36 Automatic tool X compensation
G37 G37 G37
G40 G40 G40 Tool nose radius compensation erasion
G41 G41 G41 Left
G42 G42 G42
G50 G92 G92 Coordinate system setting
Spindle max. speed setting
G65 G65 G65
User macro program calling simply
G66 G66 G66 User macro program modal calling
G67 G67 G67
G68 G68 G68 Double tool-post image ON
G69 G69 G69
G70 G70 G70 Finish-machining cycle
G71 G71 G71 External diameter rough-maching cycle
G72 G72 G74 Flat end rough-maching cycle
G73 G73 G75 Closed-loop cutting cycle
G74 G74 G76 Flat end groove cycle (Z axis)
G75 G75 G77 External diameter groove cycle (X axis)
G76 G76 G78
Thread cutting cycle
G90 G77 G20 Cutting cycle A
G92 G78 G21 Thread cycle
G94 G79 G24
Cutting cycle B
G96 G96 G96☆ Constant surface speed control
G97☆ G97☆ G97☆
☆G98 ☆G94 G94☆ Feed/min.
☆G99 ☆G95 G95☆
☆G90 ☆G90 Absolute value command
☆G91 ☆G91
Incremental value command
GSK Turning CNC System
Note 1: A G codes with the sign of is☆ the start G code of each group. Namely, A G code can be
established after the resetting key is controlled, when the power is turned on or the parameter
for described start G code is enabled. As for G22 and G23, G22 is selected when the power is
turned on. G22 or G23 is a mode before resetting (one of them is effective before resetting).
As for the G00 and G01, G98 and G99 or G90 and G91, and the G00, G98 and G90 can be set with
parameter; the G code in the initial state can be seleted.
G20 or G21 is the state of before the power is turned off or the resetting key is controlled.
Note 2: G code in 00 groups is not modal. They are effective only in the programmed block.
Note 3: When a code does not display in the above table in block or a G code without a definition and a
selection is specified, the alarm No.010 occurs. But, G60 and G61 may not alarm.
Note 4: Provide that some G codes are not share the same group; they can be described in a same block.
When some G codes in the same group are described, the last one is effective.
Note 5: G codes are shown one of them in terms of group.
2.5.1 Positioning (G00)
G00 specifying positioning
Tool in the position of coordinate position (X, Z) or from the current position is rapidly traversed
in terms of the specified distance along each axis separately.
G00 X(U)—Z(W)—;
X axis
Z axis
X (Diameter specifying)
Unit: Inch
Chapter 2 Programming
(Rdius programming) G00 X2.0 Z5.6; or G00 U-3.0 W-3.05;
Note 1: G00 rapid traverse rate of each axis is separately set by the machine tool builder. Rapid traverse
rate can not specified using address F.
Tool is accelerated in the start of block till to the predictive speed in the mode of G00 positioning. And it is
decelerated till to the end of block. In-position check can be set according to the parameter (CINP), ensure that the
next block executs after it is in the mode of in-position.
Note 2: “In-position” means that the feed motor reaches the range for specifying end position (this
range is determined by machin tool builder)
2.5.2 Linear Interpolation (G01)
Linear interpolation moves the tool to the position of X, Z with the specified F speed in
workpiece system, or, the current position moves to the position specified with U, W values by the
specified F speed, and the linear interpolation is specified by G01.
G01 X(U)—— Z(W)—— F——;
(Diameter programming) G01 X4.0 Z2.01 F2.0 or G01 U2.0 W-2.59 F2.0;
(See the figure)
Feedrate is specified by address F is the speed which tool moves along linear.
The speed is 0, if the feedrate is not specified.
Note 1: feedrate of each axis, see the following:
Feedrate along X axis: F
Fx =
Feedrate along Z axis: F
Fz =
Thereinto: F: Feedrate
GSK Turning CNC System
L: Movement distance
Lx: Movement distance along X axis
Lz: Movement distance along Z axis
2.5.3 Chamfering and Corner R
The following chamfering and corner can be simply inserted between two blocks.
End point
Start point
Speed specifies
feed function
(Diameter specify)
Unit: Inch
Chapter 2 Programming
Item Command Tool movement
G01 Z(W)b I±i;
In the right figure, tool moves to
point b is specified with
incremental or absolute command
G01 X(U)b K±k;
In the rigth figure, tool moves to
point b is specified with
incremental or absolute command
Corner R
G01 Z(W)b R±r;
In the right figure, tool moves to
point b is specified with
incremental or absolute command
Corner R
G01 X(U)b R±r;
In the right figure, tool moves to
point b is specified with
incremental or absolute command
I and K are always specified with the value of radius.
Moving from a to d till to c
(-i is the movement of –X)
Moving from a to d till to c
(-k is the movement of –Z)
Moving from a to d till to c
(-r is the movement of –X)
Moving from a to d till to c
(-r is the movement of –Z)
Moving from a to d till c
(-i is the movement of –X)
GSK Turning CNC System
(Diameter specifying)
N1 Z27.0 R0.6;
N2 X86.0 K-0.3;
N3 Z0;
Note 1: As for chamfering or corner, R should be specified with G01 along X or Z. Next block should
vertical to the single command of X or Z.
Note 2: The next block movment should be started with the point B in the figure. Note that it is not point
C. Distance of point B should be specified to leave when incremental programming executes.
Note 3: Alarm may generate in the following items.
1) X and Z axes and I, K or R are simultaneously specified with G01 mode. (Alarm no.054)
2) Two of I, K and R in same block are specified with G01 mode. (Alarm no. 053)
3) X and I or Z and K are simultaneously specified with G01 mode. (Alarm no.056)
4) In the block, the chamfering or corner R is specified, the movement distance along X and Z are less than the
chamfering or corner R. (Alarm no.056)
5) The block which after a block is specified with chamfereing or corner R, its movement without specifying is
vertical to G01 of the previous blcok. (Alarm no.G51, G52)
Note 4: Tool stops at point C instead of point D in single block.
Note 5: Chamfering and corner R can not be used for the block of thread cutting.
2.5.4 Figure Dimension Input
The linear angle such as chamfering, corner R and other dimension value on the machine figure
can be directly entered when programming. Furthermore, chamfering and corner can be inserted
between the linear of random angle.
Unit: Inch
Chapter 2 Programming
For example:
X(x2)Z(z2), C(c1);
X(x3)Z(z3), A(a2), R(r2);
Note 1: A straight line is specified, it is necessary to specify one or two of X (U), Z (W) and A. A straight
line should be specified at the beginning of next block if only one is specified. When chamfering
and corner are specified, they should be devided with “,”, such as: C_, R_.
Command Tool movement
1 X2 (Z2 )A ;
A1 ;
X3 Z3 A2 ;
Start point
GSK Turning CNC System
X2 Z2 ,R1 ;
X3 Z3 ;
A1 ,R1 ;
X3 Z3 A2 ;
X2 Z2 ,C1 ;
X3 Z3 ;
A1 ,C1 ;
X3 Z3 A2 ;
X2 Z2 ,R1 ;
X3 Z3 ,R2 ;
X4 Z4 ;
A1 ,R1 ;
X3 Z3 A2 ,R2 ;
X4 Z4 ;
X2 Z2 ,C1 ;
X3 Z3 ,C2 ;
X4 Z4 ;
A1 ,C1 ;
X3 Z3 A2 ,C2 ;
X4 Z4 ;
X2 Z2 ,R1 ;
X3 Z3 ,C2 ;
X4 Z4 ;
A1 ,R1 ;
X3 Z3 A2 ,C2 ;
X4 Z4 ;
Chapter 2 Programming
X2 Z2 ,C1 ;
X3 Z3 ,R2 ;
X4 Z4 ;
A1 ,C1 ;
X3 Z3 A2 ,R2 ;
X4 Z4 ;
(Program example) specifying diameter, input in metric
N001 G50 X0.0 Z0.0;
N002 G01 X60.0 A90.0,C1.0 F80;
N003 Z-30.0 A180.0,R6.0;
N004 X100.0 A90.0;
N005 A170.0,R20.0;
N006 X300.0 Z-180.0 A112.0,R15.0;
N007 Z-230.0 A180.0;
Note 2: The command uses the figure dimension input directly only when it runs in Auto mode.
Note 3: During the block, the figure dimension is directly entered the command, or the machineing
dimension is entered directly between two blocks druing serial figure, the following G codes
can not be employed.
① G codes of 00 group (Command other than G04)
② G02, G03, G90, G92 and G94
③ G22 and G23 in group 4
Unit: mm
GSK Turning CNC System
Note 4: Corner R can not be inserted during thread cutting.
Note 5: Chamfering of 5.3, command of corner R, the chamfering of figure dimension directly input and
corner R can not be employed simultaneously.
Note 6: The edge command of figure dimension enters directly, if the end point of next block is specified
with a block, the end point for previous block is not stopped using single block. It is in the mode
of feed hold.
Note 7: In the following block, the delimitation angle of intersection calculation is performed to ±1°.
(The movement value gained by using intersection point calculation is over.)
(a) X(u)——A——; (If an angle A is specified within 0±1°. Alarm may be generated within
(b) Z(w)——A——; (If an angle A is specified within 90±1°. Alarm may be generated within
Note 8: The angle difference between two straight lines is less than ±1°, the alarm occurs when
intersection point calculation is performed.
Note 9: Chamfering or corner R is effective when the angle between two straight lines is less than ±1°.
Note 10: A next block of that the block is only specified by the angle, the seat command (absolute value)
and angle command should be specified simultaneously.
For example:
N1 X——A——, R——; As for N3 block,the coordinate and angle commands are
simultaneously specified.
N2 A——;
N3 X——Z——A——;
Note 11: As for the II type of complex canned cycle (G71, G72), in the direction of cutting, chamfering or
corner of intersection point between blocks can not be performed.
R alarm in this corner
Chapter 2 Programming
2.5.5 Arc Interpolation (G02, G03)
Tool movement along arc, see the following commands:
Content Command Meaning
G02 CW
1 Revolution direction
End point position X,Z End position in workpiece coordinate system
Distance to end point U,W Distance from start to end point
Distance from start to center I,K Distance from start to center (Radius specifying)
Arc radius (Optional) R Arc radius, arc within 180° (Radius specifying)
The direction of CW or CCW applies when the coordinate system is in right or left hand.
G02 X(U)——Z(W)——I——K——F——; (Diameter programming)
G03 X(U)——Z(W)——I——K——F——; (Diameter specifying)
Right coordiante system Left coordiante system
X axis
End point
Start point
Z axis
GSK Turning CNC System
G02 X(U)——Z(W)——R——F——; (Diameter specifying)
(Diameter programming)
G02 X5.0 Z3.0 I2.5 F0.03;
or G02 U2.0 W-2.0 I2.5 F0.03;
or G02 X5.0 Z3.0 R2.5 F0.03;
or G02 U2.0 W-2.0 R2.5 F0.03;
Unit: inch
Feedrate of arc interpolation is determined by F code. Namely, the arc feedrate is controlled by
the specified feedrate.
X axis
Z axis
X axis
Arc center
End point
Start point
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Gsk983 t user manual(specification and program)

  • 1. GSK983T Turning CNC System USER MANUAL (Volume I: Specification and Programme)
  • 2. GSK983T Turning CNC System I This user manual describes all proceedings concerning the operations of this CNC system in detail as much as possible. However, it is impractical to give particular descriptions for all unnecessary or unallowable system operations due to the manual text limit, product specific applications and other causes. Therefore, the proceedings not indicated herein should be considered impractical or unallowable. This user manual is the property of GSK CNC Equipment Co., Ltd. All rights are reserved. It is against the law for any organization or individual to publish or reprint this manual without the express written permission of GSK and the latter reserves the right to ascertain their legal liability.
  • 3. GSK Turning CNC System II Technological Spot Service You can ask for spot service if you have the problems that can’t be solved by telephone. We will send the authorized engineers to your place to resolve the technological problems for you.
  • 4. Contents III PREFACE Your excellency, It’s our pleasure for your patronage and purchase of this GSK983T CNC system made by GSK CNC Equipment Co., Ltd. This book is divied into Volume I and Volume II, the system specification and programming are described in Volume I (This manual is Volume I for Specification and programming), and the operations, codes and parameters ect. are described in Volume II. ! Accident may occur by improper connection and operation!This system can only be operated by authorized and qualified personnel. Please carefully read this manual before usage! All specifications and designs herein are subject to change without further notice. This manual is reserved by final user. We are full of heartfelt gratitude to you for supporting us in the use of GSK’s products. Chinese version of all technical documents in Chinese and English languages is regarded as final.
  • 5. GSK Turning CNC System IV PREFACE CHAPTER 1 GENERAL··································································································1 1.1 General······························································································································· 1 1.2 Precaution for this Manual······························································································· 1 CHAPTER 2 PROGRAMMING ·······················································································3 2.1 What is Programming······································································································· 3 2.2 Program Configuration····································································································· 3 2.2.1 Block············································································································································· 4 2.2.2 Program Word ······························································································································ 5 2.2.3 Format Input································································································································· 6 2.2.4 Decimal Point Programming ········································································································ 8 2.2.5 The Max. Command Value········································································································· 10 2.2.6 Program Number·························································································································11 2.2.7 Sequence Number ····················································································································· 12 2.2.8 Optional Block Skip ···················································································································· 12 2.3 Dimension Word·············································································································· 14 2.3.1 Controlled Axes ·························································································································· 14 Coordinate axis and movement symbol ·············································································· 14 2.3.2 Increment system······················································································································· 16 The least input increment (input unit)·················································································· 16 Minimum movement unit (output unit)················································································· 16 10-fold input unit magnification···························································································· 17 2.3.3 Maximum Stroke························································································································· 17 2.3.4 Program Origin and Coordinate System ···················································································· 18 2.3.5 Coordinate System and Machine Start Point ············································································· 18 2.3.6 Reference Position····················································································································· 22 2.3.7 Absolute Command and Incremental Command ······································································· 22 2.3.8 Specifying Diameter and Radius································································································ 23 2.4 Feed Function·················································································································· 24 2.4.1 Rapid Traverse Rate ·················································································································· 24 2.4.2 Cutting Feedrate························································································································· 25 2.4.3 Thread Lead······························································································································· 26 2.4.4 Feedrate 1/10····························································································································· 28 2.4.5 Automatic Acceleration/Deceleration ························································································· 28 2.5 Preparatory Function (G Function)················································································ 29 2.5.1 Positioning (G00)························································································································ 32 2.5.2 Linear Interpolation (G01) ·········································································································· 33 2.5.3 Chamfering and Corner R ·········································································································· 34 2.5.4 Figure Dimension Input ·············································································································· 36
  • 6. Contents V 2.5.5 Arc Interpolation (G02, G03) ······································································································ 41 2.5.6 Feedrate for SIN Curve Controllation (G07)··············································································· 44 2.5.7 Thread Cutting (G32, G34) ········································································································ 45 Linear, Taper Thread Cutting (G32)····················································································· 45 Changeable Thread Lead Cutting (G34)············································································· 50 Consecutive Thread Cutting································································································ 51 2.5.8 Auto Reference Position Return (G27~G30) ············································································· 51 G27 Reference Position Return Check ··············································································· 51 G28 Auto Reference Position Return ·················································································· 52 G29 Automatic Return from Reference Position ································································· 53 G30 Returns the 2nd Reference Position············································································· 53 2.5.9 Dwell (G04) ································································································································ 54 2.5.10 Coordinate System Setting (G50) ···························································································· 54 Command for Coordinate System Setting········································································· 54 Coordinate System Movement·························································································· 56 Automatic Coordinate System Setting··············································································· 56 Workpiece Coordinate System Movement········································································ 57 Workpiece Coordinate System Movement Value Input····················································· 59 Double-tool Post Mirror Image (G68, G69) ······································································· 61 2.5.11 Inch/ Metric Conversion (G20, G21)························································································· 61 2.5.12 Feedrate Command Shift (G98, G99)······················································································ 62 2.5.13 Constant Surface Speed Control (G96, G97)··········································································· 62 2.5.14 Stored Stroke Limit (G22, G23)································································································ 62 2.5.15 Skip Function (G31) ················································································································· 65 2.6 Compensation Function································································································· 67 2.6.1 Tool Offset ·································································································································· 68 Basis Tool Offset·················································································································· 68 Tool Offset T Code··············································································································· 69 Tool Selection ······················································································································ 69 Tool Offset Number·············································································································· 69 Offset ··································································································································· 70 Offset Vector························································································································ 71 Offset Erasion······················································································································ 71 Program Example················································································································ 71 Using T Code Separately ···································································································· 73 2.6.2 Tool Form Compensation and Tool Wearing Compensation······················································ 73 T Code of Tool Offset··········································································································· 74 Tool Offset Number·············································································································· 74 Offset ··································································································································· 76 Offset Vector························································································································ 76 Offset Erasion······················································································································ 76 2.6.3 Cutter Compensation (G40~G42) ······························································································ 77 Imagination Tool Nose········································································································· 78 ImaginationTool Nose Direction··························································································· 80
  • 7. GSK Turning CNC System VI Cutter Compensation Value Setting ···················································································· 82 Workpiece Position and Transformation Command···························································· 83 Precaution for Cutter Compensation··················································································· 88 2.6.4 Details for Cutter Compensation ································································································ 93 Offset Vector for Tool Nose R Center ·················································································· 93 G40,G41,G42················································································································· 93 2.6.5 Offset Value Inputs with Programming G10 ············································································· 123 2.6.6 Directly Input Tool Offset Value by Manual Measure (Test-cutting Tool-setting)······················ 123 2.6.7 Automatic Tool Offset Input ······································································································ 124 2.6.8 Tool External Compensation ···································································································· 127 2.7 Cycle Machining Function···························································································· 128 2.7.1 Single Fixed Cycle (G90, G92 and G94)·················································································· 128 Cutting Cycle A, G90 ········································································································· 128 G92 Thread Cutting Cycle G92 ························································································· 130 Cutting Cycle B (G94)········································································································ 132 Usage of the Canned Cycle ······························································································ 135 2.7.2 Complex Canned Cycle············································································································ 136 External Rough Cutting Cycle (G71)················································································· 136 End Face Fough-cutting Cycle (G72)················································································ 140 Close Loop Cutting Cycle (G73)························································································ 142 Finish-machining Cycle (G70)··························································································· 143 Depth Drill Cycle (G74)······································································································ 146 External Diameter Slot Cycle (G75) ·················································································· 147 Thread Cutting (G76)········································································································· 148 Precautions for Composite Canned Cycle (G70~G76)····················································· 150 2.8 Spindle Speed Function (S Function), Tool Function (T Function), Miscellaneous Function (M Function)··········································································································· 151 2.8.1 Spindle Speed Function (S Function)······················································································· 152 S2 Digital ··························································································································· 152 S4 Digital ··························································································································· 152 2.8.2 Constant Surface Cutting Speed Control ················································································· 152 Spindle Speed Override····································································································· 153 The max. Spindle Speed Clamping ··················································································· 153 Rapid Traverse (G00)········································································································ 154 Example····························································································································· 155 The Relationships Between Spindle Speed and Surface Speed······································· 156 2.8.3 Tool Function···························································································································· 156 2.8.4 Miscellaneous Function (M Function) ······················································································ 157 M20,M30: End-of-program······························································································ 157 M00: Program Stops·········································································································· 157 M01: Stop Selection··········································································································· 157 M98: Sub-program Call ····································································································· 157 M99: End of Sub-program································································································· 158
  • 8. Contents VII 2.9 Subprogram··················································································································· 158 2.9.1 The Execution of Subprogram ································································································· 159 2.9.2 The Performance of Subprogram····························································································· 159 2.9.3 Control Mode for Subprogram·································································································· 160 2.10 User Custom Macro Program A and B ······································································ 163 2.10.1 Brief ········································································································································ 163 2.10.2 Variable··································································································································· 166 Representation of Variable ······························································································ 166 Reference Variable·········································································································· 167 Undefined Variable ·········································································································· 167 Display and Setting for Variable Value ············································································ 168 2.10.3 Kinds of Variable ···················································································································· 168 Local Variable #1~#33····································································································· 169 Common Variable #100~#149, #500~#509····································································· 169 SystemVariable (User Macro Program B Selection) ······················································· 169 2.10.4 Operation Command·············································································································· 180 Variable Definition and Replacement ·············································································· 180 Arithmetic Addition··········································································································· 180 Multiplication Calculation (User Macro Program B Selection) ········································ 180 Function (User Macro Program B Selection) ·································································· 181 Composing C of Calculation···························································································· 182 The Calculation Sequence Changes Using [ ]···························································· 182 Precision·························································································································· 182 Processing for Precision Decreasing ·············································································· 183 2.10.5 Control Command ·················································································································· 184 Difference ························································································································ 184 Repeated (User Macro Program B Selection)································································· 185 2.10.6 Programming and Storage of User Macro Program Body ····················································· 189 Programming of User Macro Program Body ··································································· 189 Storage of User Macro Program Body ············································································ 190 Macro Statement and NC Statement··············································································· 190 2.10.7 Macro Program Call Command······························································································ 192 Simply Call······················································································································· 193 Modal Call························································································································ 196 Multiple Call····················································································································· 196 Multiple Modal Call ·········································································································· 197 Macro Program Call Using G Code················································································· 198 Sub-program Call with M Code ······················································································· 198 Macro Program Call with M Code ··················································································· 199 Sub-program Call with T Code ························································································ 199 Decimal Point Position of Arguments ·············································································· 200 Distinguish from M98 (Subprogram call) and G65 (User macro program call):············ 201 Nestification and Local Variable of User Macro Program·············································· 201 2.10.8 Relationships with Other Functions························································································ 202
  • 9. GSK Turning CNC System VIII 2.10.9 Especial Codes and Words in Macro Program ······································································ 204 2.10.10 Limiting Proceeding·············································································································· 205 2.10.11 P/S Alarm Explanation·········································································································· 206 2.10.12 Macro Program Interruption Function (Macro Program B)··················································· 207 2.10.13 External Output Command··································································································· 207 Open Command POPEN POPEN················································································· 208 BPRNT,DPRNT ·········································································································· 208 PCLOS ·························································································································· 209 Required Setting When Using this Function ···································································· 209 Precautions···················································································································· 210 2.11 Tool Life Span Management ······················································································· 210 2.11.1 General··································································································································· 210 2.11.2 Tool Group Setting···················································································································211 2.11.3 Specifying Tool Group Number During Machining Process: ·················································· 213 2.11.4 Tool Life Management Performing ························································································· 214 Counter for Tool Life ········································································································ 214 Tool Replacement Signal and Tool Replacement Resetting Signal································· 214 Tool Skip Signal ··············································································································· 215 New Tool Signal Selection ······························································································· 215 2.11.5 Tool Data Display and Enter··································································································· 215 Tool Group Number Display and Modification ································································· 215 Tool Life Data Display During Machining Program Performing ······································· 215 Presetting of Tool Life-span Counter ··············································································· 216 2.11.6 Parameter Settings················································································································· 216 2.11.7 Alarm ······································································································································ 216 2.11.8 Other Precautions··················································································································· 217 Chapter 3 CNC SPECIFICATION and OPTIONAL FUNCTION·································218
  • 10. Chapter 1 General 1 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL 1.1 General GSK983T Turning CNC System (The following are abbreviated to “System”). It is a new CNC controller developed by GSK CNC Equipment Co., LTD with high accuracy, high capability, fixed-software, two axes linkage, close loop (semi-close loop or close loop) and with embedded PMC function. It is used for CNC Lathe, CNC wire cutting machine tool and CNC Cylindrical grinding machine tool etc. GSK983T Turning CNC system, is employed with high speed MPU in control circuit, LSI, semiconductor memory and newly storage parts are used, improving the reliability greatly, also improving the performance-price ratio greatly. The system can be matched to use with the most extensive AC servo motor, and the pulse encoder with high capacity is applied for detecting elements, the close loop CNC system is then formed. In the manual, the GSK983T Turning CNC system programming, operation and parameter input/output interface explanation are described. System selection function is also described at one time in this manual, but all selection functions are not always included in the actual enquipment. Refer to the manual issued by the machine tool builder when the user uses the functions. 1.2 Precaution for the Manual CNC machine tool control function, is not only determined by the system function of CNC controller, also by the machine tool strong circuit, servo equipment, CNC controller and machine operation control. As for combination, programming and operation of these control functions, this manual may not narrate all the functions, it will explain the CNC system function, as for the details of the each machine tool control function, refer to the manual issued by the machine tool builder. The proceedings narrated in this manual are prior to the manual issue by machine tool builder.
  • 11. GSK Turning CNC System 2 In the manual we have tried as much as possible to describe all the proceedings; however we cannot describe all the matters, so that it will make the manual more complex. So, some functions not narrated in this manual are explained correspondingly. In the part of notes of this manual, some items are especially explained. When you are not viewed some notes which are not with special explanations in this manual, browsing this manual continues, and then read those notes again.
  • 12. Chapter 2 Programming 3 CHAPTER 2 PROGRAMMING 2.1 What is Programming CNC machine tool is controlled and performed the work according to the completion of program beforehand. Tool path and other machine conditions should be programmed when the parts are machined in CNC machine tool; this program is called Parts Program. The following figure is shown the procedure. - Procedure table N G X Y … … … N001 G00 X800 Y200 N002 X50 Y20 Editing the content of procedure table into program, and enter to CNC. A part program is described in the following explanation. 2.2 Program Configuration Program is classified into main program and subprogram. Normally, the CNC operates according to the main program. However, when a command calling a subprogram is encountered in the main program, then the CNC moves with the subprogram. When a command specifying a return to the main program is encountered in a subprogram, the CNC is then moves with the main Parts machine procedure Machine technic 1) CNC machine range and CNC machine tool selection 2) Workpiece installation in the machine and essential clamp selection 3) Cutting sequence (Division of project, tool start position, rough-cutting and the completion of cutting value and tool path) 4) Selection for cutting tool and tool clamping and determination for the installation position in the maching tool 5) Cutting conditions (Spindle speed, feedrate, and use or not for the coolant) Parts figure
  • 13. GSK Turning CNC System 4 program. The CNC memory can hold up to 95 main programs and subprograms; CNC can operate the machine tool to run one of them. Note 1: The program number by system stored can be added to 191 numbers when the affixation program number function is selected. Note 2: As for storage and selection modes of the program, refer to the “CHAPTER FOUR OPERATION”. 2.2.1 Block Program is composed with multiple commands, one of command unit is called block. Two blocks are differentiated from the code of block result, and the block end code is indicated as “;” see the following: For example: N2 G00 X10.0 Z22.0; N3 G01 Z10.0 R5.0 F100; N4 X38.0 K-4.0; N5 Z0; Note 1: The character number of block is not restricted. Note 2: Block ending code, EIA code is indicated as CR, ISO code is indicated as LF. Main program Subprogram Command 1 Command 2 Command 1’ Command 2’ Program command transfer Command n Command n+1 Main program command return
  • 14. Chapter 2 Programming 5 2.2.2 Program Word Block element is formed by program word. A program word consists of an address followed by several digits. (+/- may be prefixed to a number) X — 1000 Program word For an address, one of the letters (from A to Z) is used; an address defines the meaning of a number that follows the address. The usable addresses and their meanings are indicated in NC, as shown below. An address may have different meanings, depending on the preparatory function specifications. Function Address Meaning Program no. O —— EIA :—— ISO Program number Sequence no. N Sequence number Preparatory function G Specifies a motion mode (linear, arc ect.) X,Z,U,W Coordinate axis move command R Arc radius, corner R Coordinate word I,K Coordinate of arc center, chamfering Feedrate F,E Feedrate command, leading Spindle function S Spindle speed command Tool function T Tool number, tool offset number Miscellaneous function M ON/OFF control command on machine side Dwell P,X,U Dwell time Program no. designation P Subprogram number Number of Repetitions L Number of subprogram repetitions, number of canned cycle repetitions NumberAddress
  • 15. GSK Turning CNC System 6 Parameter A,D,I,K Canned cycle parameter Sequence no. designation P,Q Sequence number for specifying cycle program start and end The following block can be formed by using these program words N G X Z F S T M; In the following example for program table, one row indicates as a block, one grid of a block indicates as a program word. Name Test program 1 Date: Page1/ 1 Program no. 0(2)1001 Program record Programmer: confir mation / N G X Z U W R/I K/A/D F/E S T M P Q L … N10 G50 X220.0 Z190.0 … N11 G00 X176.0 Z132.0 … N12 G72 U4.0 W2.0 D700 F30 S55 P13 Q18 … N13 G00 Z58.0 S58 … N14 G01 X120.0 W12.0 F15 … N15 W10.0 … N16 X80.0 W10.0 … N17 W20.0 … N18 X86.0 W22.0 P13 Q18 … N19 G70 M02 … N20 … 2.2.3 Format Input Each program word composed into a block should be in accorded with the following format. If Sequenceno. Preparatoryfunction. Coordinateword Feedrate Spindlefunction Toolfunction Miscellaneousfunction.
  • 16. Chapter 2 Programming 7 the input is variable block format, the number of program word within the block and word number in a programming word can be changed. GSK983M CNC system is very convenient in programming if it is used this format. 1) Metric input RD053 F032 S02 TO3 N04·G02·αL+ 053·βL+053· · ·E034· · ·M02; ID053 KD+ 053 F050 SO4 TO4 2) Inch input RD044 F024 S02 T03 N04·G02·αL+044·βL+044· · ·E016· · ·MO2; ID044·KD044 F032 S04 T04 Note 1: α:X or U; β:Z or W Note 2: Address and digit meanings are as shown below: X L + 0 5 3 The 3 digits in the following of decimal point The 5 digits in the front of decimal point Leading zero can be omitted With symbol Absolute or incremental value Address I D 0 5 3 The 3 digits in the following of decimal point The 5 digits in the front of decimal point Leading zero can be omitted Incremental value with symbol Address For example: To move the X axis to 50.123mm at the rapid traverse, the tool move commanda are as shown below:
  • 17. GSK Turning CNC System 8 G00 X 50 123 3 digits in the following of the dlecimal point The 5 digits in the front of decimal point, the leading zero of 00050 can be omitted. Even the leading zero can be omitted, G00 can be omitted to G0 (G00 specifies rapid feedrate) Note 3: In one block, same address word commands more than two, in fact, the following commands are effective, no alarm. For example: G01 M03 S200 M08; M08 enabled, M03 disenabled. 1) G code in each group is also enabled at last. 2) R, I and K are simultaneously commanded in arc command, it is regardless of sequence, and the R is enabled. 3) E and F are commanded in thread cutting in a same block, the posterior commands are enabled. 4) X or U and Z or W, the posterior one commanded is enabled. Note 4: F032 and F050 input by metric are shifted with parameter, also F033 and F051, refer to (2.4.4 feedrate 1/10) F032 (input by mm) and F024 (input by inch) are feed input format per rev. F050 (input by mm), F032 (input by inch) are feed input format per min.. Note 5: A, P, Q, L and D have many significations, so the above formats are omitted. Note 6: Refer to (2.2.4 decimal point input) when inputting by using decimal point. Note 7: The input values with parameter setting X, Z, O, W, I, K, R and D millimeter can be used with 10 multiple units. RD052 αL+ 052·βL+052· (Input in Millimeter) ID052· KD052 Refer to ( 10 multiple input unit) Note 8: S04 is selection function. 2.2.4 Decimal Point Programming Numerical values can be entered with a decimal point in this device. A decimal point can be used when entering a distance, time, or speed. But all addresses have limitation; the position of decimal point is indicated as the positions of mm, inch, deg and s (second). Z15.0 Z15mm or Z15inch
  • 18. Chapter 2 Programming 9 F10.0 10mm/r, 10mm/min or 10inch/min, 10inch/r G04×1 Dewll 1 second Decimal points can be specified with the following addresses: X, Z, U, W, I, K, R, E and F. Note 1: X and U can be input by decimal point, but P cann’t (because the P can be employed for sequence number), when commands dwells Note 2: The corresponding G code should be commanded prior to the number within one block. 1) G20; (Inch specifying) X1.0 G04; X1.0 is not represented to time, it is distance (inch), that is, X10000 G04 dwell time is 10s, display shows from 1.0 to 10.0. G04 X1.0; It is regarded as G04X1000, dwell time is 1s. 2) G98; (mm/min specifying) F1.G99; Specifying F1 G99 into 0.01mm/rev. (G99 is mm/rev.) G98: (mm/min specifying) G99 F1 Specifying G99F100 into 1mm/rev. (G99 is mm/rev.) Note 3: It is very different with or without decimal point. Note that it is also different to the computer programming. G21; (Specifying mm) X1.……X1mm X1……X0.001mm G20; (Specifying inch) X1.……X1inch X1……X0.0001inch Note 4: The numbers with or without decimal point can be mixed to use. X1000 Z23.7; X10. Z22359; Note 5: The values follwing the least setting unit is specified, the values less than the least setting unit is omitted. When specifying X1.23456 when the metric input is regarded as X1.234, the inch input is regarded as 1.2345. There is cumulation error when the incremental command occurs. There no cumulation error but has omittance error when the absolute command occurs. Same, digit can not over the max. allowance digit. X1.23456789……alarm occurs; due to it overs 8 digits. X1.2345678…… it is within 8 digits, the alarm will not generated. Note 6: When a number with decimal point is input, A minimum incremental integer is shifted by this
  • 19. GSK Turning CNC System 10 number. For example: X12.34→X12340 (mm input) The shifted integer value should be verified with digit 2.2.5 The Max. Command Value The max. command values for each address are shown below, but, these figures represent limits on the CNC side, which are totally different from limits on the machine tool side. For example: as for the CNC equipment, the movement value of X axis is 100m (in the occasion of metric), in fact, an actual stroke along the X axis may be limited within 2m, the feedrate is not changed. The CNC equipment cutting feedrate can be controlled within 15m/min, and the machine tool actually can be limited within 6m/min. Refer to this manual and machine tool manual in programming. Programming is applied after fully understanding the program limitation. Table 2.5 Basis address and ranges of command values (including additional option) Function Address Input in mm Output in mm Input in inch Output in mm Input in mm Output in inch Input in inch Output in inch Program No. :(IS0) O (EIA) 1~9999 Same as left Same as left Same as left Sequence No. N 1~9999 Same as left Same as left Same as left Preparatory function G 0~99 Same as left Same as left Same as left Coordinate word X,Z U,W H I,X ±99999.999 mm ±3937.0078inch ±99999.999mm ±9999.9999inch Feed per revolution Thread leading F 0.01 mm/r ~500.00mm/r 0.01 inch/r ~50.0000inch/r 0.01 mm/r~ 500.00 mm/r 0.0001 inch/r~ 50.0000inch/r Feed per revolution, thread leading (feedrate 1/10) (Parameter setting) F 0.001 mm/min~ 500.000mm/min Ditto 0.001 mm/min~ 500.000mm/min Ditto Feed per minute F 1 mm/min~ 15000 mm/min 0.01 inch/min~ 600.00inch/min 1 mm/min~ 1500 mm/min 0.01 inch/min~ 500.00inch/min Feed per minute (feedrate 1/10) (Parameter setting) F 0.1 mm/min~ 15000.0mm/min Ditto 0.1 mm/min~ 15000.0mm/min Ditto Thread leading E 0.001 mm~ 500.0000mm 0.000001 inch~ 9.999999inch 0.0001 mm~ 500.0000mm 0.000001 inch~ 9.999999inch Thread leading (feedrate 1/10) (parameter setting) E 0.0001~ 99.99999 Ditto Ditto
  • 20. Chapter 2 Programming 11 Spindle function S 0~9999 Same as left Same as left Same as left Tool function T 0~9932 Same as left Same as left Same as left Miscellaneous function M 0~99 Same as left Same as left Same as left Dwell X,U,P 0~99999.999 Same as left Same as left Same as left Designation of a sequence No. P,Q 1~9999 Same as left Same as left Same as left Number of repetitions L 1~9999 Same as left Same as left Same as left Angle L Specifying value Same as left Same as left Same as left Cutting value D,I,K Same coordinate word Same as left Same as left Same as left Parameter Times D 1~9999 Same as left Same as left Same as left Note: Feedrate per rev. and thread leading are actually related to spindle speed. Feedrate/min. is determined by the converted speed, and is specified by above-mentioned command. (For example) X1234567.8→ X1234567800 (mm input), which this number is over 8 digits, so the alarm is generated. 2.2.6 Program Number This control equipment can stored many programs into the NC memory, program numbers are added for distinguishing from these programs. Program number defined as shown below: O □ □ □ □ (Leading zero from 1 to 9999.0 can be omitted) 4 digits Program performs with a program number, till to M02; M30; or M99 to end. The M02 and M30 are indicated as the main program is end; M99 is indicated as subprogram is end. Note 1: ; is replaced O when ISO code is performed. Note 2: The blocks with optional block skip codes such as /M02; /M30 and M99 are disabled at the end of 01111……………………………M02; 02222………………………………M30; #1111 program #2222 program 05555………………………………M99; #5555 subprogram
  • 21. GSK Turning CNC System 12 the program. Note 3: There is no any program number at the beginning of a program, the sequence number of the program switch is regarded as the program number; but the NO replaces the program number is unallowed. Note 4: Neither program number nor sequence number is at the beginning of the program, the program number should be specified by using MDI/LCD panel when storing to the memory. (Refer to the 4.5.15 of“CHAPTER FOUR OPERATION) Note 5: When multiple programs are performed, EOB is not required before the 2 nd following porgram. When the ER (EIA) or % (ISO) is employed for ending at the end of previous block, the switches of this program should use EOB code, and this is caused by headline skip function. Note 6: Program operates without program number. The subprogram should have program number. Note 7: Program numbers 9000~9899 are employed by machine tool builder, the user can not use. Note 8: When selecting with mechanic, the programs 9900~99999 are employed with the data of mechnic. Note 9: There is no M02, M03 and M99 at the end of program, but ER (EIA) or % (ISO) and the next number are applied, ending the program with parameter setting (NEOP). 2.2.7 Sequence Number At the head of a block, a sequence number consisting address N followed by a number not longer than 5 digits (1-9999) can be placed. Sequence number can be specified in a random order. it is not important that if they are continued in the intermediate. Sequence number may be specified for all blocks or only for desired blocks of the program. It is suggestion that the sequence number can be serially specified in key position, for example when the tool change and new tool are employed. Note 1: In order to make the NC device is consistent with others, the sequence number NO is not employed. Note 2: O is disabled as for the program number, so the sequence number related to program number is not O. 2.2.8 Optional Block Skip When a slash followed by a number /n (n=1~9) is specified at the head of block, and optional block skip switch on the machine operator panel is set to ON, the information contained in the block
  • 22. Chapter 2 Programming 13 for which /n corresponding to switch number n is specified is ignored in memory operation. When optional block skip switch n is set to OFF, the block with /n is enabled. This means that the operator can determine whether to skip the block containing /n. No.1 for /1 can be omitted. When opening the optional block skip switch, the omitted area is as shown below. ;/2N123G01×4………………;N7856 Omittance area For example: N100×100; N101/2Z100; N102/2/3×200; N103/3Z200; In the above examples, blocks N101 and N102 are skiped when the No.2 switch is ON, blocks N102 and N103 are skiped when the No.3 switch is ON. Note 1: A slash (/) must be specified at the head of a block, if a slash is placed elsewhere, the information from the slash to immediately before the EOB code is ignored, the information in front of the slash is still enabled. Note 2: When an optional block skip switch is on, TH and TV checks are made for the skipped portion in the same way as when the optional block skip switch is off. Note 3: The optional block skip is processed when it is transfered from memory to cushion memory. When the slash / is specified at the head of a block is read into a cushion, even if the OPTIONAL BLOCK SKIP is ON, this block will not be ignored. Note 4: This function is still enabled during the sequence number searches. Note 5: This function is disabled when the program is stored, regardless of how OPTION BLOCK SKIP is set, the slash / is specified at the head of a block can be read into the memory. Note 6: When the program in the memory is output to the external PC by communication interface, regardless of how OPTION BLOCK SKIP is set, it can be output integrally. Note 7: Some optional block skip switch may not be used for some machine tools. So it is better to enquire the machine tool builder how many switches can be empolyed. Note 8: When an additional optional block skip is specified, when multiple optional block skip codes (/) are specified in a block, number 1 for /1 can not be omitted. According to the above conditions, the /1 is described. For example Wrong: / /3G00×10.0;
  • 23. GSK Turning CNC System 14 Correct: /1/3G00×10.0; 2.3 Dimension Word The dimension word describes tool movement, it consists of movement axis address, its value indicates move direction and length. The value modification is determined by the absolute and incremental programming. (Refer to the Section 3.7) Dimension word address Meaning XZ Describing an object position on coordinate system (Absolute programming). Major axis UW Specifying a moval distance (incremental programming). U indicates X axis, W indicates Z axis. R Specifying an arc radius. Parameter for arc interpolation IK Specifying a distance (I) or (K) from start point to arc center along the X axis or Z axis For example: U-200.0 tool moves to 200.00 along X axis direction from current position. 2.3.1 Controlled Axes Movement axes of machine tool controlled by CNC system are called Controlled axes. Each controlled axis is called by the controlling dimension word. There are two controlled axes X and Z. There are 2 simultaneous controlled axes are specified in a block Controlled axes Simultaneous controlled axes X、Z 2 pieces Coordinate axis and movement symbol If a machine tool offers multiple relations between machine tool coordinate axis and tool movement symbol, severe mess may occurs in a programming. In order to simplify the programming and guarantee the versatility of the program, the unified criterion (EIARS-267-A&ISO841) is applied for the coordinate system of CNC machine tool and direction name, and the linear feed coordinate axes are indicated by X, Y and Z, they are normally called coordinate axes. The relationships among X, Y and Z are determined by the right hand rule, see the fig.3.1-1:
  • 24. Chapter 2 Programming 15 A thumb direction is ‘+’ direction of X axis, a forefinger is ‘+’ of Y and a middle finger is ‘+’ of Z. Circle feed coordinate axes rotated around with the X, Y and Z axes are separately indicated with A, B and C in terms of the right hand rotation rule, see the figure. The thumb direction is +X, +Y and +Z, and the direction of forefinger and middle finger are the circle feed movement +A, +B and +C directions. Feed movement of CNC machine tool, some are operated by the spindle drives tool, and some are operated by the workpiece on the worktable. The abovementioned + coordinate axes are supposed to the workpiece stops, the tool is feed movement direction which is related to the workpiece. If the workpiece movement is specified, it is indicated with character “′”. In terms of relation of movement, the + workpiece movement direction is reversed to the + tool movement, that is: +X =-X′, +Y =-Y′, +Z =-Z′, +A =-A′, +B =-B′, +C =-C′ Same, - direction of both movements are reversed each other. Fig.3.1-1 Machine tool coordinate axis and direction
  • 25. GSK Turning CNC System 16 Direction on the machine tool coordinate axis is determined by the type and component layout of each part of the machine tool, as for the turning machine: —— Z axis is identical with the spindle axial line, the distance between parts and tool will be enlarged along + Z axis direction; —— X axis is vertical to Z axis, which is corresponding to revolving tool post mvement, the distance between parts and tool will be enlarged along + X axis direction; —— Y axis (it is nominal) consists of right hand coordinate system rule with X axis and Z axis. Note that the following items during programming. a) Program must refer the standard coordinate system (Right hand square coordinate). b) Supposing the workpiece is not move during programing, the tool moves around with the tool. 2.3.2 Increment system Increment system is determined by the following two elements The least input increment (input unit) The minimum units are specified by the tool movement, these minimun units are offered by mm/inch. Minimum movement unit (output unit) Minimun movement unit of machine tool is specified, any gourp of the following can be employed by using mm, inch or degree units. The least input increment The least movement unit Input in mm, output in mm 0.001mm 0.001mm Input in inch, output in mm 0.0001inch 0.001mm Input in mm, output in inch 0.001mm 0.0001 inch Input in inch, output in inch 0.0001inch 0.0001 inch Specifying the diameter, the min. movement unit of X axis is also a diameter value. The least movement unit is either 0.001mm or 0.0001inch determined by each machin tool, it is selected by the parameter setting beforehand (SCW). The least input increment is either 0.001mm or 0.0001 inch, is determined by the G code or set
  • 26. Chapter 2 Programming 17 by MDI. G20 The least input increment 0.0001 inch G21 The least input increment 0.001mm The power mode is still the modes which before the G20 and G21 are power on. 10-fold input unit magnification The least input increment input in mm can be changed into 0.01mm by the parameter (MIC). The least input increment input in inch is not changed. Input unit Address Input in mm Input in inch Dimension word X,Z,U,W,R,I,K 0.01mm 0.0001 inch Dwell time X,P,U 0.01s 0.001s Parameter D 0.01mm 0.0001 inch The following items will not be changed: (a) Different input (b) Display unit (c) Range for max. command value (d) Units for step and manual feed (e) Offset input (f) Others Note 1: The input unit in this manual is either 0.0001 inch or 0.001mm. Note 2: The display unit is 0.01mm by setting the parameter (MDL). 2.3.3 Maximum Stroke The maximum stroke can be specified in this device, see the following table: Input in mm Output in mm Input in inch Output in mm Input in mm Output in inch Input in inch Output in inch ±99999.999mm ±3937.0078inch ±99999.999mm ±9999.9999 inch Note: The above stroke should be changed with the different of machine tool.
  • 27. GSK Turning CNC System 18 2.3.4 Program Origin and Coordinate System The program origin and coordinate system should be confirmed in programming. Normally, the program origin is a random point at the workpiece. For example, X axis origin is specified at the center of workpiece, Z axis origin is specified at the left of workpiece side. See the fig.3.4-1 This coordinate system is called workpiece coordinate system. There are two coordinate systems, one is left hand, and the other is right hand. Right hand coordinate system is employed in this manual. 2.3.5 Coordinate System and Machine Start Point Workpiece coordinate system should be memorized to CNC during programming, tool moves and program operates should be performed from a start point. But, the start point and tool coordinate value should be offered by using G50. Program origin Fig. 3.4-1 Program origin (Right hand coordinate system) (Left hand coordinate system)
  • 28. Chapter 2 Programming 19 Workpiece coordinate system of NC is specified by G50 X αZβ command. Firstly, X=α and Z=β are applied to CNC, this command is offered at the head of a program or, the command is offered from MDI when the tool is at start position. (Refer to the CHAPTER FOUR 4.4.9 Input from MDI) It is very easy to position to the start point if the workpiece coordinate system is firstly confirmed: (1) MDI/LCD unit, command G00X αZβ; (G00 is positioning command) (2) Manual feed moves the tool to X=α and Z=β from viewing position. Workpiece coordinate system is determined by the following modes. (Mode 1) Entering G50 from MDI. If a tool is positioned at the origin of workpiece coordinate system, the following commands can be specified by MDI after positioning. G50 X0 Z0; Origin Fig. 3.4-2 G50 Workpiece coordinate system setting Start Workpiece coordinate system origin
  • 29. GSK Turning CNC System 20 Side A Workpiece coordinate system zero point X p Side B α Usually, it is impossible to position to the origin. So, Tool is at the P position of workpiece, as the abovementioned figure. MDI commands are shown below: G50 XαZβ; the workpiece coordinate system is correspondingly set. However, hard position of P point is the reason, so the following steps should be performed: (1) Side A of workpiece is cut manually. (2) Tool leaves and spindle stops along the X axis, the Z axis not moves (3) A distance of “β” is measured and G50 Zβ is specified by MDI, the workpiece coordinate system is set into NC with MDI mode and by controlling input and cycle start keys. α value can be similarly to input. (When side A and B are cut with a counter-tool, the offset value is 0, when different tools are employed, the difference between two tools are regarded as offset value to store. Offset value measure, see the 2.6.5) (Mode 2) The coordinate system is set after positioning to the start point. Tool is positioned to the start point, and the follwing steps should be performed: (1) Side A of workpiece is cut manually (2) Z axis is not move, tool leaves from the X axis and the spindle rotation stops. (3) The relative coordinate value of Z axis is reset to 0 (address W), (see the CHAPTER FOUR 4.4.6) (4) Measuring the distance of “δ” in the following figure. (5) Side B of workpiece is cut manually.
  • 30. Chapter 2 Programming 21 (6) X axis not moves, tool leaves from the Z axis and spindle rotation stops. (7) The relative coordinate value of X axis is reset to O (Address U) (see the Section 4.4.6 in Chapter Four) (8) Measuring the distance of “r” above figure. (9) Viewing relative coordinate dislay and moving the tool to the following coordinate position at the same time. X=α-β Z=β-δ X, Z: Relative coordinates α and β are coordinate value of start points. (In actual machining, the setting of offset value is same as mode 1 when tool change is performed.) If G50 XαZβ is specified at the head of program, the coordinate system is set when the program is executed. Side B Side A Start point Origin Origin Start point (Reference point) If tool nose moves, using the tool offset
  • 31. GSK Turning CNC System 22 (Mode 3) The reference point is regarded as the start point at the head of program, and the coordinate system setting is performed. If reference point returns, the tool is at the head of start point. It is same as mode 2; tool nose can not be positioned on the reference position but on a standard tool point. Error of both can be compensated by using tool offset value (see the Section 2.6) or move the workpiece coordinate system (see the Section 2.5.10) (Mode 4) Automatic coordinate system setting If the corresponding parameter is set, automatic coordinate system is performed after returning the reference position. Coordinate values α and β are separately set by using parameter 375 and 376. Tool nose can not be positioned at the reference point, so, tool position can be compensated by using tool offset function (see the Section 2.6.1) or workpiece coordinate system move function (see the Section 2.5.10). 2.3.6 Reference Position The reference position is a fixed position on a machine tool to which the tool can be returned by the reference position return function. A program can not be started from a certain position on workpiece coordinate system, but it can be started from the reference position accordingly. In this case, reference point is a certain point on the machine tool, and the completion of program should be performed according to the zero which is on the workpiece coordinate system. G50 command should be commanded when tool returns reference point to set the workpiece coordinate system. 2.3.7 Absolute Command and Incremental Command Command mode Address Commands B->A in the following figure Absolute command Specifying end point position on workpiece coordinate system X (coordinate value for X axis) Z (coordinate value for Z axis) X40.0 Z5.0; Incremental command Specifying the distance from start to end points U (distance for X axis) W (distance for Z axis) U20.0 W-40.0
  • 32. Chapter 2 Programming 23 NOTE 1: Absolute command and incremental command are shared with same block; the above example can be specified by using the following command: X40.0 W-40.0; Note 2: When X and U or W and Z are shared with same block, the later one is enabled. 2.3.8 Specifying Diameter and Radius Usually, the cross-section of workpiece is round when NC turning machine is programming, so, two specifying dimension modes such as diameter and radius values can be employed. When the diameter is specified, it is referred to as diameter command, when the radius is specified, it is referred to as radius command, and the radius program can be performed when the radius command is selected, when the diameter command is employed, some items should be noticed in the following table: Item Caution Command for Z axis Specifying diameter or radius irrelative Command for X axis Specifying with diameter Incremental command by using address U Specifying diameter value, from B to A, D1 to D2 Program origin X axis Z axis Diameter command Radius command
  • 33. GSK Turning CNC System 24 Coordinate system setting (G50) Specifying X axis coordinate value with diameter X value for tool position offset Setting diameter or radius value with parameter Parameter of cutting depth by using G90-G94 and G70-G76 along with X axis. (D, I and K) Specifying radius value Radius specifying for arc interpolation (R, I and K) Specifying with radius Feedrate along with X axis direction Radius change/rev.; radius change/min. X axis position Diameter value display Note 1: In the following explanation, command programming is not specified (diameter or radius). But, scale of X axis is indicated as diameter value when the program is performed using diameter. Scale of X axis is indicated as radius value when the program is performed using radius. Note 2: When diameter value is used in tool offset, if tool position offset value is changed to cut the external diameter, the external diameter is then changed with diameter vlaue. For example: Offset value changes for 10mm, and external diameter changes 10mm at the diameter value, when tool keeps invariable. Note 3: Tool position offset uses diameter value, and the tool length can be set. 2.4 Feed Function 2.4.1 Rapid Traverse Rate In rapid traverse mode, each axis on the machine tool moves at the specified rate. Normally, this rapid traverse rate is confirmed and set by the machine tool builder before deliverying the goods (Parameter RPDFX, RPDFZ). When each axis of machine tool is separately run, axis movement time from start to end point is different. For example, When the rapid traverse rate of X and Z axes are 5m/min and 8m/min separately, see the following command: G00 U2000.0 W3000.0; X axis on the machine tool and the start operation time are 12 seconds; it is 22.5 seconds for the Z axis. If X axis radius programming is specified, the time is 24 seconds. The tool path is as shown below:
  • 34. Chapter 2 Programming 25 Override control of rapid feedrate can be achieved using the switches on the machine operator’s panel. (F0, 25%, 50% and 100%) F0 is determined by the setting parameter RPDEL, and the unit is not indicated with (%), but indicated with mm/min. or inch/min. 2.4.2 Cutting Feedrate Feedrate per revolution or minute is determined by the digits followed by F. 每分进给 (mm/min,inch/min) 1分钟的移动量 每转进给 (mm/rev,inch/rev) 1转的移动量 Feed/min. Feed/rev. Meaning Tool feed distance/min. Tool feed distance/rev. Programming address F F G code setting G98 G99 Range Input in Metric 1~15.000mm/min (F1~F15000) 0.01~500.00mm/r (F1~F50000) (Diameter command) End point Start point Feed value for 1 min. Move value for 1 rev. Feedrate/min. Feedrate/rev.
  • 35. GSK Turning CNC System 26 Input in Inch 0.01~600.00inch/min (F1~F60000) 0.0001~50.000 inch /r (F1~F500000) Clamping value Cutting feed is clipped at fixed speed. This value (Clamping value) is specified by the machine tool builder (Speed after the override is also clamped). Override 10%/step, modifying from 0~200%. The clipping value is specified by mm/min or inch/min. Cutting feedrate can be converted into mm/min or inch/min by the following formula, when feeding in each revolution. fm=fr×R fr: Feed/min. (mm/min or inch/min) fr: Feed/rev. (mm/r or inch/r) R: Spindle speed (r/min) Note 1: G98 and G99 are modal. One of them is commanded. This command is always enabled before the other command is specified. Note 2: The specified feedrate is set to the error within ±2% for NC computer, other than the acceleration/deceleration. Note 3: Position encoder should be installed in spindle if the feedrate is feed/rev. when programming. Note 4: F code input is allowed up to 7 digits. But the feedrate can not over the clipping value. Note 5: Cutting feedrate is not even if the number of revolution for position encoder is within 1. If the uneven is omitted for each revolution, below the 1r/min can be empolyed. However, the lower of the spindle speed is, the more uneven of the cutting rate is. 2.4.3 Thread Lead The digits following address F and E specifies a lead in thread cutting. Thread cutting is specified by G32, G76 or G92. G code Meaning G32 Thread cutting G92 Thread cutting cycle (Single canned cycle) G76 Thread cutting cycle (Complex canned cycle) Range of thread length, see the following:
  • 36. Chapter 2 Programming 27 Address Input in Metric Input in Inch F 0.01 mm ~500.00mm 0.001 inch ~50.0000inch E 0.0001 mm ~500.0000mm 0.000001 inch ~9.999999inch Spindle speed limitation is as shown below: Max. feedrate R≤ (R≥1) Thread lead length R: Spindle speed (r/min) Lead: mm or inch Max. feedrate: mm/min or inch/min Max. feedrate is least one of the following speed: (1) Max. command speed; (2) Max. speed value is limited by motor or machine tool. Note 1: Spindle speed is read from the position encoder installed on the spindle. Feed/min. is converted, and the machine tool moves with the converted speed. Note 2: Speed override is disabled for the converted speed. Note 3: The converted speed is clamped. Thread lead is specified by address F; it is same as F of feed/min. and feed/rev. Address E only uses for specifying the thread lead. As for the feed/min. and feed/rev., a thread lead specified with E and F which the last one is enabled. F code is enabled regardless of the E code. The E code is employed for the specified thread lead; It is very good to use F code for feed/rev. and feed/min, because, feedrate is not need to specified after the thread cutting. Example (program using the following sequence) Enabled feedrate/ thread lead G01Z……………..F100; F100 G32Z…………….; F100 G32Z…………….E200; E200 G01Z…………….; F100 Z…………….F300; F300
  • 37. GSK Turning CNC System 28 G32Z……………; F300 G32Z…………….F100E200; E200 G32Z…………….E200F100; F100 2.4.4 Feedrate 1/10 Feedrate input in mm can be shifted to the min. unit 1/10 by setting the parameter (FMIC). Item Min. input incremental Range Feed/min. 0.1mm/min F1~F150.000 (0.1 mm/min ~15000.0mm/min) Feed/rev. 0.001mm/r F1~F500.000 (0.001 mm/r ~500.000mm/r) Thread lead F command 0.001mm F1~F500.000 (0.001 mm ~500.000mm) Thread lead E command 0.00001mm E1~E9999999 (0.0001 mm ~99.99999mm) 2.4.5 Automatic Acceleration/Deceleration A time constant automatically produces acceleration or deceleration to avoid the mechanical system trembles, during starting or stopping. So, the acceleration/deceleration is not to be considered when a programming is performed. A pointed corner can not be machined due to automatic acceleration/deceleration. A dwell command (G04) should be inserted between two blocks if you want machine a pointed corner. If a dwell command is inserted, the actual tool path is consistent with programmed path. The Dwell command inserts Programmed path Actual tool path
  • 38. Chapter 2 Programming 29 more the corner error is, the faster for the feedrate and the longer for the acceleration/deceleration time is. Note 1: NC processes between blocks, as shown below: Previous block New block Constant value Cutting feed Unmovable Constant value X X X Cutting feed X O X Unmovable X X X X: Command speed is decelerated to zero; the next block is then performed again. O: The following block is orderly performed; the feedrate is not much changer. Note 2: Acceleration/deceleration is separately performed to each axis (X and Z axes), and the feedrate of each axis is changed between blocks, so, the actual tool path is inconsistent with programmed path. For example, a tool is only decelerated to feedrate along X axis in a block, here, the Z axis direction acceleration produces, the actual tool path as shown below: The actual arc radius is less than the programmed arc radius in arc interpolation (see the appendix). In the occasion of machine tool allowance, and In order to reduce this error, the small acceleration/deceleration time constant of cutting feed is employed. 2.5 Preparatory Function (G Function) Two digits following address G determines the meaning of the command for the concerned block. G codes are divided into the following two types. Type Meaning One-shot G code The G code is effective only in the block in which it is specified. Programmed path Actual tool path
  • 39. GSK Turning CNC System 30 Modal G code The G code is effective after specifying once untill another G code of the same group is replaced. For example; G01 and G00 are modal G codes in group 01. G01 X ; Z ; G01 is effective in this range. X ; G00 Z ; There are 3 series G codes. One is standard G code; the other is special G code B. Two selections of the codes are set by parameter (GSP). This manual uses standard G code. Special G code with same function and standard G code are indicated in the following table. G90 and G91 are different. G90 indicates absolute command (The used X and Z are same with standard X and Z in G90 mode), and G91 indicates incremental command (The used X and Z are same with standard U and W in G91 mode) in special G codes. But, when the command is input from MDI, regardless of G90/G91 mode, the address X and Z are indicated as absolute command, U and W are indicated as incremental command. Special G codes are employed, the address U and W are same with standard time, and they are indicated as incremental move distance also, even if the G90 address is applied. Standard G code Special G code B Special G code C Group Function G00☆ ☆G00 ☆G00 Positioning (feedrate rapidly) ☆G01 ☆G01 G01☆ Linear interpolation (cutting feed) G02 G02 G02 Arc interpolation CW G03 G03 G03 01 CCW G04 G04 G04 Dwell G07 G07 G07 SIN curve control for feedrate G10 G10 G10 00 Offset setting G20 G20 G20 Input in inch G21 G21 G21 06 Input in metric G22 G22 G22 Memory stroke limit ON G23 G23 G23 04 OFF G27 G27 G27 Reference point return check G28 G28 G28 Reference point return G29 G29 G29 00 Returning from reference point
  • 40. Chapter 2 Programming 31 G30 G30 G30 Return to the 2nd reference point G31 G31 G31 SKIP function G32 G33 G33 Thread cutting in linear and subuliform G34 G34 G34 01 Leading thread cutting changeably G36 G36 G36 Automatic tool X compensation G37 G37 G37 00 Z G40 G40 G40 Tool nose radius compensation erasion G41 G41 G41 Left G42 G42 G42 07 Right G50 G92 G92 Coordinate system setting Spindle max. speed setting G65 G65 G65 00 User macro program calling simply G66 G66 G66 User macro program modal calling G67 G67 G67 12 Erasion G68 G68 G68 Double tool-post image ON G69 G69 G69 13 OFF G70 G70 G70 Finish-machining cycle G71 G71 G71 External diameter rough-maching cycle G72 G72 G74 Flat end rough-maching cycle G73 G73 G75 Closed-loop cutting cycle G74 G74 G76 Flat end groove cycle (Z axis) G75 G75 G77 External diameter groove cycle (X axis) G76 G76 G78 00 Thread cutting cycle G90 G77 G20 Cutting cycle A G92 G78 G21 Thread cycle G94 G79 G24 01 Cutting cycle B G96 G96 G96☆ Constant surface speed control G97☆ G97☆ G97☆ 02 Erasion ☆G98 ☆G94 G94☆ Feed/min. ☆G99 ☆G95 G95☆ 05 Feed/rev. ☆G90 ☆G90 Absolute value command ☆G91 ☆G91 03 Incremental value command
  • 41. GSK Turning CNC System 32 Note 1: A G codes with the sign of is☆ the start G code of each group. Namely, A G code can be established after the resetting key is controlled, when the power is turned on or the parameter for described start G code is enabled. As for G22 and G23, G22 is selected when the power is turned on. G22 or G23 is a mode before resetting (one of them is effective before resetting). As for the G00 and G01, G98 and G99 or G90 and G91, and the G00, G98 and G90 can be set with parameter; the G code in the initial state can be seleted. G20 or G21 is the state of before the power is turned off or the resetting key is controlled. Note 2: G code in 00 groups is not modal. They are effective only in the programmed block. Note 3: When a code does not display in the above table in block or a G code without a definition and a selection is specified, the alarm No.010 occurs. But, G60 and G61 may not alarm. Note 4: Provide that some G codes are not share the same group; they can be described in a same block. When some G codes in the same group are described, the last one is effective. Note 5: G codes are shown one of them in terms of group. 2.5.1 Positioning (G00) G00 specifying positioning Tool in the position of coordinate position (X, Z) or from the current position is rapidly traversed in terms of the specified distance along each axis separately. G00 X(U)—Z(W)—; X axis (Diameter specifying) Z axis X (Diameter specifying) Unit: Inch
  • 42. Chapter 2 Programming 33 (Rdius programming) G00 X2.0 Z5.6; or G00 U-3.0 W-3.05; Note 1: G00 rapid traverse rate of each axis is separately set by the machine tool builder. Rapid traverse rate can not specified using address F. Tool is accelerated in the start of block till to the predictive speed in the mode of G00 positioning. And it is decelerated till to the end of block. In-position check can be set according to the parameter (CINP), ensure that the next block executs after it is in the mode of in-position. Note 2: “In-position” means that the feed motor reaches the range for specifying end position (this range is determined by machin tool builder) 2.5.2 Linear Interpolation (G01) Linear interpolation moves the tool to the position of X, Z with the specified F speed in workpiece system, or, the current position moves to the position specified with U, W values by the specified F speed, and the linear interpolation is specified by G01. G01 X(U)—— Z(W)—— F——; (Diameter programming) G01 X4.0 Z2.01 F2.0 or G01 U2.0 W-2.59 F2.0; (See the figure) Feedrate is specified by address F is the speed which tool moves along linear. The speed is 0, if the feedrate is not specified. Note 1: feedrate of each axis, see the following: Feedrate along X axis: F L Lx Fx = Feedrate along Z axis: F L Lz Fz = Thereinto: F: Feedrate
  • 43. GSK Turning CNC System 34 L: Movement distance Lx: Movement distance along X axis Lz: Movement distance along Z axis 2.5.3 Chamfering and Corner R The following chamfering and corner can be simply inserted between two blocks. End point (Diameter specify) Start point Speed specifies feed function (Diameter specify) Unit: Inch
  • 44. Chapter 2 Programming 35 Item Command Tool movement Chamfering Z→X G01 Z(W)b I±i; In the right figure, tool moves to point b is specified with incremental or absolute command Chamfering X→Z G01 X(U)b K±k; In the rigth figure, tool moves to point b is specified with incremental or absolute command Corner R Z→X G01 Z(W)b R±r; In the right figure, tool moves to point b is specified with incremental or absolute command Corner R X→Z G01 X(U)b R±r; In the right figure, tool moves to point b is specified with incremental or absolute command I and K are always specified with the value of radius. Start Moving from a to d till to c (-i is the movement of –X) Moving from a to d till to c Start (-k is the movement of –Z) Start Moving from a to d till to c (-r is the movement of –X) Start Moving from a to d till to c (-r is the movement of –Z) Start Moving from a to d till c (-i is the movement of –X)
  • 45. GSK Turning CNC System 36 (Diameter specifying) N1 Z27.0 R0.6; N2 X86.0 K-0.3; N3 Z0; Note 1: As for chamfering or corner, R should be specified with G01 along X or Z. Next block should vertical to the single command of X or Z. Note 2: The next block movment should be started with the point B in the figure. Note that it is not point C. Distance of point B should be specified to leave when incremental programming executes. Note 3: Alarm may generate in the following items. 1) X and Z axes and I, K or R are simultaneously specified with G01 mode. (Alarm no.054) 2) Two of I, K and R in same block are specified with G01 mode. (Alarm no. 053) 3) X and I or Z and K are simultaneously specified with G01 mode. (Alarm no.056) 4) In the block, the chamfering or corner R is specified, the movement distance along X and Z are less than the chamfering or corner R. (Alarm no.056) 5) The block which after a block is specified with chamfereing or corner R, its movement without specifying is vertical to G01 of the previous blcok. (Alarm no.G51, G52) Note 4: Tool stops at point C instead of point D in single block. Note 5: Chamfering and corner R can not be used for the block of thread cutting. 2.5.4 Figure Dimension Input The linear angle such as chamfering, corner R and other dimension value on the machine figure can be directly entered when programming. Furthermore, chamfering and corner can be inserted between the linear of random angle. Unit: Inch
  • 46. Chapter 2 Programming 37 For example: X(x2)Z(z2), C(c1); X(x3)Z(z3),R(r2); X(x4)Z(z4); or A(a1),C(c1); X(x3)Z(z3), A(a2), R(r2); X(x4)Z(z4); Note 1: A straight line is specified, it is necessary to specify one or two of X (U), Z (W) and A. A straight line should be specified at the beginning of next block if only one is specified. When chamfering and corner are specified, they should be devided with “,”, such as: C_, R_. Command Tool movement 1 X2 (Z2 )A ; 2 A1 ; X3 Z3 A2 ; Start point
  • 47. GSK Turning CNC System 38 3 X2 Z2 ,R1 ; X3 Z3 ; Or A1 ,R1 ; X3 Z3 A2 ; 4 X2 Z2 ,C1 ; X3 Z3 ; Or A1 ,C1 ; X3 Z3 A2 ; 5 X2 Z2 ,R1 ; X3 Z3 ,R2 ; X4 Z4 ; Or A1 ,R1 ; X3 Z3 A2 ,R2 ; X4 Z4 ; 6 X2 Z2 ,C1 ; X3 Z3 ,C2 ; X4 Z4 ; Or A1 ,C1 ; X3 Z3 A2 ,C2 ; X4 Z4 ; 7 X2 Z2 ,R1 ; X3 Z3 ,C2 ; X4 Z4 ; Or A1 ,R1 ; X3 Z3 A2 ,C2 ; X4 Z4 ;
  • 48. Chapter 2 Programming 39 8 X2 Z2 ,C1 ; X3 Z3 ,R2 ; X4 Z4 ; Or A1 ,C1 ; X3 Z3 A2 ,R2 ; X4 Z4 ; (Program example) specifying diameter, input in metric N7 N6 N5 N4 N3 N2 R15 R20 φ60φ100φ300 30 180 1×45° Z 起点 X R6 单位:mm 10° 22° N001 G50 X0.0 Z0.0; N002 G01 X60.0 A90.0,C1.0 F80; N003 Z-30.0 A180.0,R6.0; N004 X100.0 A90.0; N005 A170.0,R20.0; N006 X300.0 Z-180.0 A112.0,R15.0; N007 Z-230.0 A180.0; Note 2: The command uses the figure dimension input directly only when it runs in Auto mode. Note 3: During the block, the figure dimension is directly entered the command, or the machineing dimension is entered directly between two blocks druing serial figure, the following G codes can not be employed. ① G codes of 00 group (Command other than G04) ② G02, G03, G90, G92 and G94 ③ G22 and G23 in group 4 Start Unit: mm
  • 49. GSK Turning CNC System 40 Note 4: Corner R can not be inserted during thread cutting. Note 5: Chamfering of 5.3, command of corner R, the chamfering of figure dimension directly input and corner R can not be employed simultaneously. Note 6: The edge command of figure dimension enters directly, if the end point of next block is specified with a block, the end point for previous block is not stopped using single block. It is in the mode of feed hold. Note 7: In the following block, the delimitation angle of intersection calculation is performed to ±1°. (The movement value gained by using intersection point calculation is over.) (a) X(u)——A——; (If an angle A is specified within 0±1°. Alarm may be generated within 180°±1°) (b) Z(w)——A——; (If an angle A is specified within 90±1°. Alarm may be generated within 270°±1°) Note 8: The angle difference between two straight lines is less than ±1°, the alarm occurs when intersection point calculation is performed. Note 9: Chamfering or corner R is effective when the angle between two straight lines is less than ±1°. Note 10: A next block of that the block is only specified by the angle, the seat command (absolute value) and angle command should be specified simultaneously. For example: N1 X——A——, R——; As for N3 block,the coordinate and angle commands are simultaneously specified. N2 A——; N3 X——Z——A——; Note 11: As for the II type of complex canned cycle (G71, G72), in the direction of cutting, chamfering or corner of intersection point between blocks can not be performed. Cutting direction R alarm in this corner
  • 50. Chapter 2 Programming 41 2.5.5 Arc Interpolation (G02, G03) Tool movement along arc, see the following commands: Content Command Meaning G02 CW 1 Revolution direction G03 CCW End point position X,Z End position in workpiece coordinate system 2 Distance to end point U,W Distance from start to end point Distance from start to center I,K Distance from start to center (Radius specifying) 3 Arc radius (Optional) R Arc radius, arc within 180° (Radius specifying) The direction of CW or CCW applies when the coordinate system is in right or left hand. G02 X(U)——Z(W)——I——K——F——; (Diameter programming) G03 X(U)——Z(W)——I——K——F——; (Diameter specifying) Right coordiante system Left coordiante system X axis End point Start point Z axis
  • 51. GSK Turning CNC System 42 G02 X(U)——Z(W)——R——F——; (Diameter specifying) (Diameter programming) G02 X5.0 Z3.0 I2.5 F0.03; or G02 U2.0 W-2.0 I2.5 F0.03; or G02 X5.0 Z3.0 R2.5 F0.03; or G02 U2.0 W-2.0 R2.5 F0.03; 5.0 1.0 1.5 3.0 5.0diameter X 2.5 radius Unit: inch Z Feedrate of arc interpolation is determined by F code. Namely, the arc feedrate is controlled by the specified feedrate. X axis Z axis X axis Z axis Arc center End point Start point