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Gymnosperms Orders
& their examples
Dr. Sonali Randive-Aherkar
 Cycadales, consisting of 11 living genera and more
than 100 species.
 Members of cycadels are distributed in both tropical
and warm temperate regions of the world.
 The plant body is sporophytic.
 The sporophyte is differentiated into roots, un-
branched stem and pinnately compound leaves.
 Members exhibit xerophytic characters.
 Young leaves show circinate vernation.
 The leaf trace is diploxylic
 Plants are dioecious
 The cones are generally terminal or lateral
 Microsporangia are arranged on the abaxial side of
the microsporophyll’s.
 Megasporophylls are foliage leaf-like structures.
 Kingdom: Plantae
 Subkingdom: Tracheophytes
 Division: Cycadophyta
 Class: Cycadopsida
 Order: Cycadales
 Family: Zamiaceae
 Genus: Zamia
Leaf Structure
Male cone
Female cone
 Coniferales shows presence of 54 living genera &
more than 500 species.
 Main plant body is sporophytic.
 Sporophyte is divided in to root, stem & branches.
 They are found from Carboniferous to the present
 Branches are dimorphic.
 Leaves are of two types, i.e. foliage leaves and
scaly leaves
 Leaves are arranged spirally.
 Plants are either monoecious or dioecious.
 Reproductive organs are unisexual cones.
 The sporophylls are generally arranged in the
form of cones.
 Pollen grains may be winged.
 The female cone consist of many sterile bract
scales and fertile ovuliferous scales.
 Seeds are endospermic and winged
 Kingdom: Plantae
 Subkingdom:Tracheophytes
 Division: Pinophyta
 Class: Pinopsida
 Order: Pinales
 Family: Araucariaceae
 Genus: Araucaria
Leaf Structure
Female cone
Male cone
 Kingdom: Plantae
 Subkingdom: Tracheophytes
 Division: Pinophyta
 Class: Pinopsida
 Order: Pinales
 Family: Podocarpaceae
 Genus: Podocarpus
Leaf Structure
Female Cone
 Kingdom: Plantae
 Subdivision: Tracheophytes
 Division: Pinophyta
 Class: Pinopsida
 Order: Pinales
 Family: Cupressaceae
 Genus: Cupressus
Habit Cones
Leaf structure
 Order Ginkgoales is today represented by only one
living member
 Plants distribution during Triassic and Jurassic
periods of Mesozoic age.
 Plants are tall, well-branched trees with short and
long shoots.
 Leaves are large, leathery and fan-shaped or strap-
shaped. They are often deeply divided.
 Wood is pycnoxylic
 Male organs are catkin-like, present in axillary
 Each micro-sporangiophore possesses 2-12
pendulous microsporangia.
 Ovules are terminal in position, 2-20 in
 Kingdom: Plantae
 Subkingdom: Tracheophytes
 Division: Ginkgophyta
 Class: Ginkgoopsida
 Order: Ginkgoales
 Family: Ginkgoaceae
 Genus: Ginkgo
 Species: biloba
Leaf Structure Fruits
Male & Female cone
 Taxales shows 5 living genera and 200 species
 Professor Birbal Sahni (1920), who suggested that
Cephalotaxus, Taxus and Torreya should be
treated under Taxales.
 Members are tree or small shrub.
 Plant body is sporophytic
 Plants are evergreen
 The leaves are simple, linear with acute apex
 Leaves are spirally arranged on the branches.
 Plants are mostly unisexual.
 Micro-sporangiophores are arranged in the
form of small cones.
 The ovule is solitary and borne terminally on a
dwarf shoot.
 An aril is present at the base of each ovule.
 The secondary wood is compact and
 The seeds are endospermic.
 Kingdom: Plantae
 Subkingdom: Tracheophytes
 Division: Pinophyta
 Class: Pinopsida
 Order: Pinales
 Family: Taxaceae
 Genus: Taxus
Habit Leaves with sporangia
Leaf Structure
 Family Ephedraceae and order Ephedrales, is
represented by 50 species.
 These species grow in dry climate.
 The plant body is sporophytic.
 Mostly the plants are woody shrubs, some are
lianas, and small trees.
 Shows a prominent underground tap root system.
 stem is green, ribbed, branched, fluted and
differentiated into nodes and internodes
 Leaves are small scaly, are arranged in
opposite decussate manner.
 Ephedra is heterosporous
 These flowers are present in the form of cone
like compound strobili.
 Male strobili arise in clusters from the nodes of
the branches.
 Strobilus is rounded, ovoid or spherical in
 Female strobilus usually arise in pairs at each
node in the axil of scale leaves
 Female strobilus appears to be an elliptical
structure with a pointed apex.
 Kingdom: Plantae
 Subdivision: Tracheophytes
 Division: Gnetophyta
 Class: Gnetopsida
 Order: Ephedrales
 Family: Ephedraceae
 Genus: Ephedra
Gymnosperm Orders.pptx
Male Cone
Equisetifolium shoots
Female Cone
Gymnosperm Orders.pptx

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Gymnosperm Orders.pptx

  • 1. Gymnosperms Orders & their examples Dr. Sonali Randive-Aherkar
  • 3.  Cycadales, consisting of 11 living genera and more than 100 species.  Members of cycadels are distributed in both tropical and warm temperate regions of the world.  The plant body is sporophytic.  The sporophyte is differentiated into roots, un- branched stem and pinnately compound leaves.
  • 4.  Members exhibit xerophytic characters.  Young leaves show circinate vernation.  The leaf trace is diploxylic  Plants are dioecious  The cones are generally terminal or lateral  Microsporangia are arranged on the abaxial side of the microsporophyll’s.  Megasporophylls are foliage leaf-like structures.
  • 5.  Kingdom: Plantae  Subkingdom: Tracheophytes  Division: Cycadophyta  Class: Cycadopsida  Order: Cycadales  Family: Zamiaceae  Genus: Zamia
  • 7.  Coniferales shows presence of 54 living genera & more than 500 species.  Main plant body is sporophytic.  Sporophyte is divided in to root, stem & branches.  They are found from Carboniferous to the present times.  Branches are dimorphic.  Leaves are of two types, i.e. foliage leaves and scaly leaves
  • 8.  Leaves are arranged spirally.  Plants are either monoecious or dioecious.  Reproductive organs are unisexual cones.  The sporophylls are generally arranged in the form of cones.  Pollen grains may be winged.  The female cone consist of many sterile bract scales and fertile ovuliferous scales.  Seeds are endospermic and winged
  • 9.  Kingdom: Plantae  Subkingdom:Tracheophytes  Division: Pinophyta  Class: Pinopsida  Order: Pinales  Family: Araucariaceae  Genus: Araucaria
  • 11.  Kingdom: Plantae  Subkingdom: Tracheophytes  Division: Pinophyta  Class: Pinopsida  Order: Pinales  Family: Podocarpaceae  Genus: Podocarpus
  • 13.  Kingdom: Plantae  Subdivision: Tracheophytes  Division: Pinophyta  Class: Pinopsida  Order: Pinales  Family: Cupressaceae  Genus: Cupressus
  • 15.  Order Ginkgoales is today represented by only one living member  Plants distribution during Triassic and Jurassic periods of Mesozoic age.  Plants are tall, well-branched trees with short and long shoots.  Leaves are large, leathery and fan-shaped or strap- shaped. They are often deeply divided.  Wood is pycnoxylic
  • 16.  Male organs are catkin-like, present in axillary position  Each micro-sporangiophore possesses 2-12 pendulous microsporangia.  Ovules are terminal in position, 2-20 in number.
  • 17.  Kingdom: Plantae  Subkingdom: Tracheophytes  Division: Ginkgophyta  Class: Ginkgoopsida  Order: Ginkgoales  Family: Ginkgoaceae  Genus: Ginkgo  Species: biloba
  • 19.  Taxales shows 5 living genera and 200 species  Professor Birbal Sahni (1920), who suggested that Cephalotaxus, Taxus and Torreya should be treated under Taxales.  Members are tree or small shrub.  Plant body is sporophytic  Plants are evergreen  The leaves are simple, linear with acute apex  Leaves are spirally arranged on the branches.
  • 20.  Plants are mostly unisexual.  Micro-sporangiophores are arranged in the form of small cones.  The ovule is solitary and borne terminally on a dwarf shoot.  An aril is present at the base of each ovule.  The secondary wood is compact and pycnoxylic.  The seeds are endospermic.
  • 21.  Kingdom: Plantae  Subkingdom: Tracheophytes  Division: Pinophyta  Class: Pinopsida  Order: Pinales  Family: Taxaceae  Genus: Taxus
  • 22. Habit Leaves with sporangia Fruits Leaf Structure
  • 23.  Family Ephedraceae and order Ephedrales, is represented by 50 species.  These species grow in dry climate.  The plant body is sporophytic.  Mostly the plants are woody shrubs, some are lianas, and small trees.  Shows a prominent underground tap root system.  stem is green, ribbed, branched, fluted and differentiated into nodes and internodes
  • 24.  Leaves are small scaly, are arranged in opposite decussate manner.  Ephedra is heterosporous  These flowers are present in the form of cone like compound strobili.  Male strobili arise in clusters from the nodes of the branches.  Strobilus is rounded, ovoid or spherical in shape
  • 25.  Female strobilus usually arise in pairs at each node in the axil of scale leaves  Female strobilus appears to be an elliptical structure with a pointed apex.
  • 26.  Kingdom: Plantae  Subdivision: Tracheophytes  Division: Gnetophyta  Class: Gnetopsida  Order: Ephedrales  Family: Ephedraceae  Genus: Ephedra