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Halimbawa Ng Essay Tagalog
Tungkol Sa Nutrisyon
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Halimbawa Ng Essay Tagalog Tungkol Sa NutrisyonHalimbawa Ng Essay Tagalog Tungkol Sa Nutrisyon
The Concept Of Employee Empowerment Essay
1.0Literature Review
The concept of employee empowerment has been discussed a lot in many academic studies and in
the field of management profession for over decades. In fact, some organizations consider the idea
of empowerment as the optimum strategy in order to have the competitive benefits in the world of
professional business practices (Ghosh, 2013).
Researchers have proven that employee empowerment, which can be called the voice of employees
and participation, has a significant impact on individuals and groups on particular as well as on
organizational efficiency in general (Conger and Kanungo, 1988). In addition, there are many
practices of leadership, such as delegation, developmental leadership, and empowering leadership,
suggest that the high management of the organization share the authority in order to promote the
advantages of enforcing employee empowerment that can raise the level of employees productivity
and positivity in the work environment (Chen, Zhang, and Wang, 2014). According to ( ), the level
of empowerment and the level of participation are vital components of the successful processes in
any professional environment.
However, it is essential to introduce the concept behind employee empowerment idea as well as to
identify the detailed meaning of employee empowerment before we dive deeper in the main
purpose of this study. In addition, providing the main components of employee empowerment can
lead to increase the readers ability to
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Pricing Strategy and Channel Distribution.
Pricing strategy and Channel Distribution.
Strayer University
Author Note Silp Dhanasin, Master of Business Administration, Strayer University Correspondence
concerning this article should be address to Silp Dhanasin, Master of Business Administration,
Strayer University, 500 Redland Ct#100, Owing Mills, MD 21117
Gravity Co., Ltd is a start up game on mobile business, and because the company intends to
establish its market share; it will be utilizing the best pricing strategy and tactics, as well as the
most practical distribution process. The pricing strategy defines what the main focus in pricing the
mobile news games offering of the company is. While the pricing tactics will allow the company to
gain market ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Predatory pricing is the strategy of pricing the product at a very low price to drive the competitors
out of business.
The Gravity understands that the violation to the laws on pricing will result to legal suits and
complications thus; it intends to follow by the law while it keeps its competitiveness. It is possible
because the company will do its best to lessen its production costs by acquiring the least amount of
third party provider, and by employing the highest quality telephony modules available in the
market, to create maximum amount of messages and game applications for its customers.
In case of prepare a marketing distribution channel analysis identifying the wholesaler, distributor,
and retailer relationships. The company will have the Internet website where the customers can
directly purchase mobile news games of Gravity company through downloading from the company
website and uploading to their mobile devices. The company will also partner with mobile services
providers as its primary channel of distribution; for instance, Apple will include our URL links in
the Internet menu of their cellphones, as an additional game option for their customers. The
company earns when the customer clicks the link and enter the company s gaming interface. The
company will also partner with internet mobile application providers to sell our mobile games in
their site, this should be made under strict contract to avoid
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The Benefits Of Abstinence-Only Curriculum
One of the most taboo topics within the American culture is sex. It is considered inappropriate to
speak of such a topic in any situation, especially around teenagers. Even in schools, many students
education have been censored in order to teach a curriculum that aligns with the core beliefs of
others who may not have the best interests of the students in mind. While the purpose of an
education is to equip a student with knowledge, the information that is currently being given about
sex educationis not beneficial because it is focused on an approach that has been proven ineffective.
In order to prepare teenagers for healthier and safer lifestyles, North Carolina students should
receive a more comprehensive sexual education including contraceptives in contrast to the current at
a glance abstinence based sexual education that is currently offered to students.
To understand the shortcomings of the current sex education curriculum, one must first examine the
structure of the present system and those who create it. The idea of an abstinence only curriculum
became a dominant force within the education system in the early 1970 s when nearly half of the
states voted to restrict and or abolish sex education. It was not until the mid 1980 s and the ... Show
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The current abstinence only education is not only a funding scheme created by the government, but
has also proven detrimental to students. On the other hand, a comprehensive sex education has
accomplished its primary goal of giving young people the opportunity to receive a full sex
education by allowing them to examine what beliefs they want to follow and allowing students to
resist becoming sexually active, preventing the transmittance of sexually transmitted diseases and
infections and allowing them to become responsible, sexually healthy
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Pathophysiology In Luke 17
In Luke 17, Jesus is somewhere along his journey to Jerusalem when he encounters ten lepers in
need of healing. As is expected, he heals them and sends them away. However, the story takes a
sudden shift toward the unexpected. One man returns. The man s identity is even more unexpected.
Luke halts the story to inform readers that he is a Samaritan, a foreign breed. The Samaritan falls at
the feet of Jesus, worshiping God, and his faith saves him.
On the way to Jerusalem he was passing along between Samaria and Galilee. And as he entered a
village, he was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance and lifted up their voices, saying,
Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. When he saw them he said to them, Go and show yourselves to
the priests. And as they went they were cleansed. Then one of them, when he saw that he was
healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; and he fell on his face at Jesus feet, giving
him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus answered, Were not ten cleansed? Where are
the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner? And he said
to him, Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well (Luke 17:11 19 ESV). It is clear that
this pericope contains much more than a simple miracle story or lesson in gratitude. It gives rise to
questions about Jesus s location, salvation, and identity. This narrative proves to be the
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A Note On Macro, Micro Evolution There Is Important For...
First off, when talk about macro, micro evolution there is much falsehood about these two words,
but, understanding them is maybe the vital essential for comprehension the creation or
development issue. Macroevolution alludes to major developmental changes after some time, the
inception of new sorts of creatures from beforehand existing, yet distinctive, tribal sorts. On the
other hand, Microevolutionalludes to assortments inside of a given sort. Change happens inside of
a gathering, however the relative is unmistakably of the same sort as the precursor.
According to Berkeley.edu, Macroevolution generally refers to evolution above the species level.
So instead of focusing on an individual beetle species, a macroevolutionary lens might require
that we zoom out on the tree of life, to assess the diversity of the entire beetle clade and its
position on the tree. Macroevolution includes the most amazing patterns and changes in
development, for example, the beginning of warm blooded animals and the radiation of
blooming plants. Macro evolutionary examples are by and large what we see when we take a
gander at the substantial scale history of life. It is not as a matter of course simple to see macro
evolutionary history; there are no firsthand records to be perused. Rather, we reproduce the
historical backdrop of life utilizing all accessible confirmation: geography, fossils, and living beings.
Once we ve made sense of what transformative occasions have occurred, we
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Whoooo School-Personal Narrative
In the year 1928 two kids went to an abandoned amusement park. They left terrified with bad
things in their head, no one knows what happened because they were so terrified to tell. They
never told anyone, not even their friends. Well let s just take you to the beginning shall we says
the grinning face, It s summer break in 1928 Whoooo school is finally out says one of the students
named Xavian while he is throwing all of his school papers in the air.
Hey Angelina come with Allina and me to that abandoned amusement parkhe said in a happy tone.
What NO a lot of bad things happen there besides I m hanging out with Matthew tonight . WOW
well bye party pooper come on Allina let s go
He grabs Allina by her warm hand and walks off to his nice bright blue mustang that almost looked
brand new. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ahh don t do that
She hits Matthew with all she has, she leaves a little mark on his arm. Oww well sorry for scaring
you, anyway shall we get going I mean it s summer let s go !!
Matthew puts his long arm around Angelina and starts walking to get to his brand new sparkly
black dodge. Meanwhile Well here we are Carol s theme park,come on let s get going Um Xavian
I m starting to think that this is a bad idea ! Alina says a little scared Stop right there,I drove 2 long
hours just to get us here now you want us leave. Well that s not happening
He grabs the gash and pulls it up to put his car in park. He gets out and walks in the wet dirt to
get to the other side of his blue mustang, He opens the door to Allina s door. Come on i ll protect
you from anything scary hehe
Xavian say s with a big grin on his face. Stop it that s not funny!!!! At all
Says Allina with a nervous tone in her
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Case Priming Process Essay
Reloading is the practice of installing new primers, bullets and powder in previously fired
ammunition cases. The basic procedure of reloading is reletively simple, although powder and
case measurements can get fairly technical. There are a variety of ways to reload and a variety of
tools and equipment to do so with, in this report, I will cover the basic procedure of reloading
with the equipment that I use. The first step in the reloading procces is to clean the cases. This
task can be accomplished in several ways by using a case tumbler or with a super sonic cleaner.
Some people prefer to use both of these in specific proccess, I personally use a case tumbler. The
second step is to resize and decap the case. This is done with a loading... Show more content on
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This too can be done with many tools and processes. I use a Lee auto prime tool. This tool
simply puts a primer in a case after filling the tool with primers, positioning the shell in the
holder and squeezing the lever. Priming cases is the most dangerous part of reloading and should
always be done with caution. Once the primer is installed, the powder can be put in the case. This
can be done many different ways but all procedures must be precise and accurate. It is very
important not to under or overload a case as this can cause firearm damage and or injury. Powder is
measured in weight by a unit called grains. I dispense my powder from a hopper with a variable
dispense amout. the powder is then measured and adjusted to the exaxt specified amount with a
gravity scale for safety precaution and is then funneled into the case. The final step of reloading is
seating a bullet. It is very important to seet the bulledt to the right depth as too deep or too
shallow can cause a pressure issues. The bullet is seated on the press with an adjustable seating die.
I seat my bullets to the standard lenght given in the manul. Each case should be measured and
checked for
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Foundations of Psychology
Foundations of Psychology
Psychology is an academic and applied discipline involving the scientific study of mental processes
and behavior. There is some tension between scientific psychology (with its program of empirical
research) and applied psychology (dealing with a number of areas). Psychologists attempt to explain
the mind and brain in the context of real life. In contrast neurologists utilize a physiological
approach. Psychologists study such phenomena as perception, cognition, emotion, personality,
behavior, and interpersonal relationships. Psychology also refers to the application of such
knowledge to various spheres of human activity including issues related to daily life e.g. family,
education, and work and the treatment of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The school of thought known as structuralism was initiated by Edward Titchener, one of Wundt s
students. This school of thought was called structuralism because of Titchener s interest in the
structural make up of consciousness. It was Ticthener s hope to devise a table of the levels, or
elements of human consciousness using Wundt s introspection idea. Ticthener viewed psychology
scientifically. He believed that the only way to understand psychology was through
experimentation. This eventually led to the idea that sensation and feelings were unscientific
because it could not be measured by anyone but the person experiencing it. The second school of
thought that was popular in psychology s beginning was known as functionalism. This school of
though focused on the role psychological processes have on helping people adapt to their
surroundings. Functionalists believe that consciousness exists because it serves a function
(Kowalski Westen, 2005). William James, one of the founders of functionalism, set out to explain
why we think the way that we do. These two schools of thought branch out even further to offer
assumptions or perspectives on these theories. Psychodynamic, behaviorist, cognitive, and
evolutionary perspectives help to expand psychological thinking and guide psychological studied.
Psychodynamic and behaviorist perspectives will be covered since the last two are more recent
perspectives. Sigmund Freud emphasis was on psychodynamics. His
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Norovirus Essay
Each and everyday, millions of humans spread infection without realizing it. A simple handshake
and a nervous finger bite can lead in to something that can have great effect on your health.
Norovirus or acute gastroenteritis, commonly known as Norwalk virus, is one of the most common
sources of stomach infections. Norwalk is extremely contagious and can often be found in long
term care facilities. The viruscan be found in the stool and vomit of the infected person. To the
majority of the population, Norwalk is nothing more than the everyday stomach flu and is usually
cured without treatment. Although, there are exceptions to the young, the elderly, and people with
a diseaseas they do not have as strong immune systems as the average adult.... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
There are also typical signs of infectious agents such as fever, chills, fatigue, and body aches.
People who have contracted norovirus typically begin vomiting at the 24 48 hour mark but
symptoms may begin at the 12 hour mark. The virus usually lasts up to 72 hours. It is important to
keep your eye out for signs such as dizziness, decreased urination, and dry mouth as these are sign
of dehydration.
Since Norovirus is so easily spread, it is important for the CCA worker to take extra precautions
when the infection is in a long term care home or home support setting. As usual, the workers
should continue proper hand and body hygiene. This is the utmost important thing when
preventing the spread of infection. It is also important to take special care in the kitchen when
preparing the food for the clients when Norovirus is present in the facility as this is where the
virus is often spread. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, People infected with a
norovirus can be contagious from the moment they start feeling ill to at least three days after they
have recovered. Some people may be contagious for as long as two weeks after recovery. . It is
important to keeping this in mind when preventing the spread of infection in a long term care
facility. (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2014) Keeping regular cleanliness habits like sanitizing
surfaces and using
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Essay on BCG Matrix
dumped so much rain in the northwest, which makes the Gascoyne River has broken its banks
and tens of thousands of tons of rich red topsoil has been washed out to the sea. This has made
their soil and their crops as well as irrigation lines and the year s profits have washed away from
the growers, which causing them to have huge losses that cost millions of dollars. After that, the
growers are back in their business again and then they formed a group named as Gascoyne Gold.
Gascoyne Gold has been formed with 7 shareholders, which they have invested more than $1
million, setting up a state of the art processing and packaging facility. Before they have... Show
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The BCG also allows a multidivisional organization to manage its portfolio of businesses by
examining the relative market share position and the industry growth rate of each division
which related to the other divisions in the organization. The BCG model is based on the product
life cycle theory which can be used to determine which one of the product should be given the
priority in the product portfolio of a business unit. It is usually based on the observations towards
the company s business units that it can be classified into four categories based on combinations
of market growth and market share relative to the largest competitors that brings the name of
growth share . As to make sure that the long term value creation is made, the company should
have a specification of the products which contains both high growth products in need of cash
inputs and low growth products that generate a lot of cash. The BCG matrix portrays the
perspective of the product portfolio, which is the growth share matrix. This framework of tool
categorizes products within a company s portfolio or within the business units as stars, cash cows,
dogs, or question marks according to growth rate, market share, and positively or negative cash
flow. By using positive cash flows a company can capitalize on growth opportunities. From this
analysis, it can be seen that the products that is growing
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Symptoms Of Low Grade Fever Essay
After careful review of the patient s labs, WBC elevated and symptoms of low grade fever reflect
that there is some sort of organism growth or inflammatory response in the body possible at the
surgical site. The patient s immature neutrophils(segs) elvateted indicative sign of inflammation or
infection. Patients hemoglobin of 8.6 is considerably fair for a patient with chronic kidney
disease. Low hemoglobin a indicative marker for severity of kidney disease (Leeder et al., 2006).
The kidney is responsible for making erythropoietin a hormone that stimulate the bone marrow to
make red bloodcells, if the kidney is not working well we expect the RBC production to decrease(
our text book). The patient elevated PT/INR is reflective on the positive fecal occult blood.
Unfortunately Coumadin therapy most resume or continue because of her history of A Fib. The
sedimentation rate elevated is expected for history diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Patients chest
x ray result indicative of COPD as resulted of no route intrathoracic finding stable mild
cardiomegaly stable COPD and emphysema type changes on the lungs with left lung atelectasis.
Post operative decrease in respiratory function are relative to left lung atelectasis and COPD
resulting in hypercapnia respiration failure. Post op change in mental status followed CT evaluation
showing cat scan within normal limits, indicative in mental status is related to change in respiratory
status. Family History:
The patient did
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Informed Consent In Prisons
One of the greatest problems in medical research in prisons was poor quality of, if any, informed
consent. Many people point to the Tuskegee study on the effects of syphilis, where subjects were
deceived into thinking they were gaining medical treatment and the lack of information violated the
principle informed consent (McDerott 10). Ethics professor Karen Lebacqz explains that informed
consent recognizes the autonomy of subjects (1), as does openness to subject s voice, and
confidentiality. Pont, Capron, and Overholser agree that informed consent is a great necessity and
must be done with clarity (187; 5; 196). The Nuremberg Code explains that all researchers are
obligated to inform subjects of the complete nature and implications of the... Show more content on
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Prison administration and medical researchers need to develop an attitude that is respectful,
sensitive, and seeks to improve and treat inmates. Overholster contends that prisons should aim to
rehabilitate inmates rather than punish them (194). Capron argues that the government should
participate both in forming and regulating policy (4). Perhaps, the government should set quotas on
the number of medical research experiments in prisons in order to invest more efforts and time in
setting up a good environment and regulating research. Depending on how research and treatment
fares in prisons, the government can tighten or relax restrictions on the purpose and nature of
medical research in
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Legalization of Medical Marijuana Essay
Medical Marijuana: A Topic Leaving People Up in Smoke Renee Grant ENC 1101 1002
Professor Bahle March 30, 2013 Medical Marijuana: A Topic Leaving People Up in Smoke
Medical marijuana has been an ongoing fight between the federal government, physicians and
patients. Contrary to many beliefs, marijuana, whether it is used for medical reasons or
recreational is non lethal. It has been proven to be useful in many medical conditions. There has
been no evidence of an individual overdosing on marijuana, but there have been a tremendous
number of deaths related to prescription drugs, and over the counter medications. The legalizing of
medical marijuana will change the lives of so many... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What better way to elevate their pain by allowing them to use a plant that has been around for
thousands of years. It is cheaper than prescription medications, and one would not have to worry
about all the possible side effects that prescription medications contribute to, as in effects on the
heart, kidneys, and liver. Pharmacies will be hit the hardest when medical marijuana is
legalized. It is cheaper for patients to grow their own medication. Some scientists are still
working on how they can make a synthetic form of THC that can be put into capsule form. Is a
synthetic form safe? This is still unclear. Physicians who are able to prescribe medical marijuana
need to keep a watchful eye out for those that claim to have a disease just so that they can get
their marijuana legally. Tax payers are spending billions of dollars each year to fight the war on
marijuana. The effort has done nothing, where are the billions of dollars going? Physicians that
prescribe medical marijuana to their patients are not promoting smoking by any means; they are
just helping relive pain of their suffering patients. While there will be a continuing battle against
medical marijuana for years to come there have been 16 states, including Washington D.C that
have enacted laws to legalize medical marijuana: California 1996, Alaska 1998, Oregon 1998,
Washington 1998, Maine 1999, Colorado 2000, Hawaii 2000, Nevada 2000, Montana 2004,
Vermont 2004,
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Alinsky s Rules For Radicals Analysis
Alinsky s rules for radicals were written by Saul Alinsky in 1972. The rules were created to develop
a process for organization. Alinsky s rules were broken into two different types, tactics with 13
rules and ends and means with 11 rules. The four rules I chose to discuss were from the tactics list
of rules. Alinsky s rules for radicalsare applicable in many ways and also are somewhat biased.
The first rule I chose was the seventh rule of tactics, Alinsky states, A tactic that drags on for too
long becomes a drag. Commitment may become ritualistic as people turn to other issues. . I
agree with the purpose of this rule because people need variety in an organization or else they get
bored. People need any kind of variations of work that they can get within an organization over a
prolonged period of time in order to stay productive and efficient. Variation also allows for the
members of an organization to gain additional experiences... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
I agree with this rule because we, as human beings, are prone to over complicate a simple
situation. For example, we look at a situation, we then get overwhelmed by it, then, when the
situation is over, we feel as though we shouldn t have been worried about the situation at all. A
Biblical example of this tactic is in Genesis 3, starting in verse 1 by saying Now the serpent was the
most cunning of all the wild animals that the Lord God made and finishing in verse 15 by the Lord
saying to the serpent He will strike your head and you will strike his heel (HCSB). At first, the
serpents description makes him seem very intimidating but within the same chapter the serpent was
told how he will meet his ends, which discredits any prior intimidation that the serpent had. This
tactic is true for all organizations because despite how difficult a challenge may seem, people are
more than likely willing to help if they are
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Describe The Four Types Of Weapons In Elizabethan
Elizabethan Era Weapons
,All of mankind s existence has been in thanks for weaponry. From the cavemen to the
Elizabethan Era, weapons have always been by man s side. Nobles, Archers, and Knights have all
used various types of weapons in the Elizabethan Era. From the billhook to the Poleaxe,
Elizabethan Era soldiers have used almost any weapon given to them, and they will fight for their
cause no matter the cost. Foot soldiers were the main men the Elizabethan used during war. Foot
soldiers were the most versatile out of the main four types of soldiers used by Elizabethan.
These soldiers either rode horseback or were on foot, giving them their name, Foot Soldiers .
Foot soldiers mainly used a mace. Foot soldiers used the mace because of it s mobility and also
by the amount of damage it could deal in a single blow. These soldiers were also the most
plentiful of any type of soldier that Elizabethan had at her disposal, but foot soldiers weren t the
only type of soldier Elizabethan had. Not only did Elizabethan, she also had knights. ... Show more
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Using weapons on horseback made someone a harder target to hit and more deadly on the
battlefield. The most used weapons on horseback were the mace and the poleaxe. The mace was
a metal ball with spikes attached to a chain and rod. It could severely injure or kill anyone with
one hard blow. While the mace was very effective, it was also very cheap to manufacture. So if a
mace broke in combat, it wouldn t make a financial hole into the ruler s pocket. Poleaxes were
also a very effective weapon to use from horseback. It was a long sharpened rod with an axehead
on the top. The poleaxe was long so that a soldier could be up close, but also keep their distance
to protect themselves from the enemy. Poleaxes were primarily used while a knight was mounted
on horseback. Just like the mace, it could do significant damage with just one blow and defend a
soldier against
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Chantrea Conway Characters
Elements of Novel
The protagonist of the story is Chantrea Conway.
The kind of person the protagonist is brave and reliable.
The evidence that leads to that Chantrea is brave and reliable is that she can keep a promise like
when she hid in the magic box, so the Khmer Rouge Soldiers wouldn t kill her for being American
because she promised her grandparents to not scream or leave the box even if the Khmer Rouge
Soldier would drag them out.
The conflict that Chantrea encounters is that Chantrea is trying to reach her father s family, but she
can t because of the Khmer Rouge Soldiers and Angkar won t let her come to America.
The conflict is resolved by the Angkar and Khmer Rouge Soldiers saying call family and leave or
they will find them a home, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She hugged herself tightly and watched them with wide eyes. If the soldiers up there looked
down into the thick tangle of roots , he would see the light colored rag of her T shirt. Rain had
formed a small creek at the base of the tree, and the murky water was up to Chantrea s waist. Her
torn jeans did little to protect her and she felt something long and slimy brush by her thin legs.
Her heart began to pound and her stomach twisted. She was terrified that if the creature bit her,
she would scream and alert the soldier. To her relief, the unseen animal went on its way, just as the
snake had done. Perhaps it only saw her as another root of the tree. The characters and dialogue are
believable. Strong The plot engages my interest. Fair This novel is written in a style that is clear
and interesting. Strong The details in this novel add to its appeal. Strong Overall, I rate this
novel as: Strong The reason for my rating is that it has a strong touch on parts of the book and
sometimes you can feel the book come alive and what I like about the book that it has a vivid
flavor of words that give the book a nice
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Reasons Why Farmers Are Loyalists
Some might say that Shay and the farmers were revolutionary heroes, but they were just reckless
rebels. They were criminals because they repeatedly broke many laws. They attacked the
government s arsenal for false reasons and the arsenal that was the house for most of the country s
weapons that was protecting them. They also killed and hurt multiple soldiers protecting the
arsenal.Doing that probably broke the law for trespassing and killing multiple soldiers. They also
rioted outside the court houses which caused most of the of the court houses in the country to close.
They also blamed their government for putting taxes on them. In Abigail Adams note to Thomas
Jefferson, it says they spend all of their money on furniture, clothes and thing
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Michael Phelps Suicide
1.This article is loosely based on the actions of Michael Phelps one of which he was charged
with driving under the influence of alcohol, driving while impaired by alcohol, violation of a
license restriction, and failure to obey a traffic control device while under the age of 21, another
of which includes him, at 23 years old, smoking from a marijuana pipe. This analysis looks into
how Phelps image was saved by his public relationsteam; their quick actions led him to a continued
career with a multitude of sponsors. Joseph Walsh and Shelia M. McAllister Spooner team up to
find out what methods were taken when this controversy occurred; essentially how Phelps and his
team prevented a banishment of him from the world s eyes. They take certain... Show more content
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Another study that could follow up this study could be to see if men, from different sports
backgrounds, have the same rapport with the media/fans. For example, we could take the case of
many, many NFL players being charged with DUI or caught smoking marijuana and not having to
go through the same process as Phelps yet, they could keep their jobs, fans, or even sponsorships.
The main objective would be to see if the public reacts the same depending on the sports
background of male athletes. First, I would go to google and research male athletes who are
accused of the same, or similar crimes whether that be drug offenses, DUI, or a domestic dispute.
To avoid any biases in my conclusion, I would need to go to different locations to ask diverse
races, genders, ages these questions. To begin the survey process, I would start with basic
questions to grasp the gist of how much the participant knows/cares about sports with their age,
sports knowledge, and teams there are fans of. I would take 3 men with similar offenses, if not
identical, and survey the public to see how they reacted when the story broke whether or not they
are still a fan, whether they believe they will not do it again, whether or not they believe their
apology to the world was sincere, etc. These questions would be short yes or no questions to ensure
that the end results will be more conclusive then questions that ask the person to go more in
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Achieving the Goals of the French
The French Revolution is known to be the bloodiest and most violent revolution humankind has
experienced. The French Revolution was started with the following three goals in mind: a change
in government, a change in economy, and the delivery of equality for all. An extensive effort was
used to correct these problems; however, it came at the cost of people s freedom. Authoritarian
revolutionaries intended to solve France s struggles and drove the revolution in hope to improve
the lives of the people. By looking at the evolution of France, through the years of 1781 to 1815, in
terms of politics, economics, and social classstructure, it becomes evident that although the French
Revolutiondid not meet all goals, the majority of the goals were met.
The French succeeded in bringing economic stability to the country. A massive accumulation of
debt and financial struggle plagued the country, ruining the lives of the common people.
Revolutionaries were later able to recover slowly from these troubles and improve the common
person s life. The misuse of French money greatly troubled the economy. The luxurious lives of the
royal family used up a large fraction of the French budget. Millions of dollars of French treasury
were spent yearly for the royal family to continue their extravagant lives. After the revolution was
fought, Napoleon created a new system of French finance and closely monitored the flow of money.
This shows that the revolution succeeded in gaining control
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Matterhorn Health Case
The Matterhorn Health, a medical device company, has problems with a new product the
GlucoGauge blood glucose monitor. The product received negative reports from the consumers of
high inaccuracy rates. The company management team eventually identified three possible issues;
unclear product instructions based on feedback information from hospitals and primary care
practitioners, the microprocessor in the device might be malfunctioning discovered by operation
department, and software design problem related to data sync to the user s smartphone identified by
the engineering department. However, the product management team should build a better product
and package. Furthermore, they should have more understanding of user experience related to the...
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Therefore, it should design to the GlucoGauge monitor spec and not the other way around. The
decision to replace the CAP action test strip rather than replace the GlucoGauge monitor unit is a
better decision. For a medical device company, a reputation is extremely important, and a new
replacement device still has too much uncertainty. Also, the management team has fiduciary
duties to the shareholders to minimize risk. Furthermore, by proactively shipped a free three
months supply of the Master Strip 2 test strips to current GlucoGauge users should help to
mitigate the risk of a damaging reputation issue. The third identified issue is the software design
limitation that could decrease accuracy if more than two weeks of data synced to the users
smartphones. A product management team should study target consumer behavior and
incorporate into product planning. Also, the software update should add more database capacity
as over 50% of smartphone users waited over two weeks between syncing their readings.
Moreover, it should be more user friendly since the median age of the product user is 58 years
old. Finally, saving the company reputation should be the top priority in this case study. Thermos
is a good example of mismanaged of a medical device company; it lost billions of dollars of value
over its reputation
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Trust And Legitimacy In Law Enforcement
Pillar one references to building a bridge which joins the community and law enforcement together.
Building trust and legitimacy between police and citizen play a fundamental role in the law
enforcement agencies as well as the communities they serve. Many studies have shown and proven
that people/citizens will uphold the law/s of the country when the ones who have the authority to
enforce the law are proven to be legitimate. Law enforcementofficer will not gain the trust of the
people/ community if they are view as controlling and corrupted. The community on a whole wish
for a guardian rather than a warrior within the policeforce. The mindset of all police officershould
be to gain the trust and legitimacy within their community. To build... Show more content on
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In order to install a stable baseline for law enforcement agencies in this field, the U.S. DOJ
(Department of Justice) should establish national standards for the research and development of
new technology including auditory, visual, and biometric data, less than lethal technology, and the
development of segregated radio spectrum such as FirstNet. These standards should also address
compatibility, interoperability, and implementation needs both within local law enforcement
agencies and across agencies and jurisdictions and should maintain civil and human rights
protections. Law enforcement implementation of technology should be designed considering local
needs and aligned with these national standards. Finally, law enforcement agencies should adopt
model policies and best practices for technology based community engagement that increases
community trust and
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Musee Des Beaux Arts By W. H. Auden
Musee des Beaux Arts by W. H. Auden starts his poem by honoring painters who painted about
suffering and society s arrogance to the nature of suffering. People focus only on their lives and
children continue to play, all unconcerned with the suffering of others around them. Auden brings
the painting of Icarus to show the indifference of humanity to individual suffering. The central point
is to show that everyone is caught up in his or her own lives and enjoyment that they ignore the
suffering of the world around them. I myself agree with the poem that we as a society focus
more on our lives and what affects us. I work at a nursing home and have become very close to the
residents I care for, and every day I see them many will tell me they have
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The Health Care Crisis And An Understanding Of The Reforms
A.The health care crisis and an understanding of the reforms The American Health Care system
to say the least is wasteful, bloated, and generally inefficient and therefore in dire need for
immediate review. This has largely been as a result of factors such as costs, poor investment
return for outlays, inequitably distribution, and being based on anachronistic business model
geared at treating diseases more than promoting wellness. The figures are all there to see why a
radical surgery of the health care reforms has been long overdue. One reason why we have been
spending too much on health care is out of our incentives which are perverse. we have been
paying doctors by the procedures they perform as opposed to the quality of health care we... Show
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Over the last few decades, a deliberate fundamental but progressive shift in structure towards
provision of care in outpatient settings avoiding inpatient overnight stays in hospitals has been
embraced. Theoretically, such a shift is meant to save on costs as fixed costs in outpatients setting
are generally lower than in hospital stays. Unfortunately, this shift resulted to much higher
utilization and adding more costs to the system. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into
law by President Obama on March 23, 2010 which marked a historic milestone for the Democrats
who had for decades been yearning for such a legislation. It signified a turning point in Americans
healthcare expansion, availability and affordability. The coming into force of the Act gave hard
working Americans families security by holding the insurance companies accountable as well as
lowering the cost of health care, and giving them more freedom and control in making their health
care choices and improving the care quality. Previously, different reforms in the health care sector
have been proposed to address issues of cost as well as coverage to include such health areas like
prevention and treatment of chronic ailments, obesity, defensive medicine, incentives rewarding
more care, redundant payment systems, rationing, doctors and nurses shortage, fraud, use of
imaging technology, tax
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When it comes to juicer market, not all can be compared or...
When it comes to juicer market, not all can be compared or compete with master brands like
Breville and Cuisinart. They have established and proved what their products are capable of. The
amount of spend on a juicer, must have a direct correlation with the benefit derived out of it.
Factors like large usage period, better quality and quantity of juice and ease of maintenance need to
be considered before purchasing a high quality juicer. For those who require all the above
mentioned criteria, Hurom HU 100 slow juicer would be an ideal choice.
The Hurom slow juicer performs functions similar to other juicers available in market. However,
the real benefits are actually hidden. Most of conventional juicers have a very high RPM (rotations
per ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By taking a look at the user reviews, it is obvious that Hurom has found a place in hear of
customers. One positive review stated by a customer shows how easy it is to clean this device.
While other branded juicers require some skill and effort to dis assemble and clean, Hurom can
be assembled and disassembled effortlessly. No diagrams or manuals are required to do this.
Another positive review proved the blade effectiveness. To break Almonds without soaking it
overnight is tedious. But Hurom does this effectively for morning milk with its effective blades.
The fineness of crushed almond portrays the outstanding quality of Horum slow juicers. Above all,
the lowest noise levels are a strong point. Compared to other available juicers, Horum HU 100
makes very less noise while juicing. Even with wheat grass, Horum does an efficient job which
customers cannot expect on juicers from top most or reputed brands.
Some of the common complaints on Horum are blade jamming. This is a situational defect. If
the customer tries to push the consumables too hard before it is crushed, then the blade would be
jammed. If the eatables are very hard, then users might need to cut it down to smaller pieces to
make the blade to rotate freely. However, this is not a fault with Horum juicer. Occasional breaks
can happen, which can be tackled by filing warranty claims. Breaks are very rare and do not tend
to happen frequently. This case is the same even for
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The OgDaodth had genetically engineered his people to be...
The OgDaodth had genetically engineered his people to be their slaves. He did not have any
physical similarities to his Mother at all; he seemed to be most like his father Mythrus. Alaric s
physical features were very similar to Mythrus; also, his character very much resembled Mythrus
nature. Mythrus was a builder and engineer. His tribe s genetic specialization endowed them with
the innate aptitude to design, engineer, and build. The builders were the beasts of burden and were
known for their strength, endurance and the superior quality of their artisanship and planning. Due
to this genetic enhancement, his body also swiftly adapted to any environment. The baleful forest
that he over looked still had proven to be a formidable obstacle... Show more content on
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Leaving the place cloaked in shades of blues, grays and magentas. The energy of the haze was so
intense it built a wall around him, the effect it created was disorientating. It felt as if he were
standing in between the strings of time. It was as if he was not firmly rooted in any particular
place or time. That he was somehow detached from the world around him viewing the people,
places, and events through the strings of time, from some other place, time, and body. He had
climbed the cliffs not only to get away from that sensation, but also to try to get a better
overview of the landscape; hoping he might sight a pathway through the for est. The ground of
the forest was enchanted; the vines that covered it were like a hydra. They were impervious to
magic, and fire. The more you cut them the faster they grew. If you stood still for too long the
forest floor would grow around your feet intertwining between your legs. He stared at the
darkened forest and watched it, as it appeared to writhe and taunt him and felt his frustration rise
yet again. Alaric rarely encountered an obstacle that he could not readily overcome. In fact, it
had been a very long time since he had experienced any sort of challenge in his life. This journey
had been a long series of delays and chal lenges, each one spilling into the next without end. He
knew the general direction he was supposed to go in, but had no idea of his final destination. From
the beginning, it
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Keurig At Home Case Study
Sonam Mhaskar
New Product Development
Keurig at Home Case Study
Keurig Inc has been founded on an amazing idea that coffee making systems that uses individual
portion packs of freshly roasted and ground coffee with unique coffee maker designed to brew
perfect cup of coffee at a time. At that time there are already established gourmet coffee houses
like Starbucks, which is making coffee consumers to spend more money with an average of $
1.50 or more for a cup of gourmet coffee. This change is consumer behavior created opportunity
to Keurig to offer gourmet coffees by a single cup in offices in 1998. Within a span of four years
(1996 2000), Keurig have noticed sales increased by 40% in US at home coffee market. With these
facts KeurigВґs management got convinced, to develop an at home one cup coffee brewer
especially for gourmet coffee lovers.
KeurigВґs started approaching venture capital for funds to make their concept to a reality of single
cup brewing system and their first target was coffee service market, the B2000 which was launched
in 1998.
Keurig changed its owner structure in 2002. They made agreements with two of its roasters
partners that are Van Houtte and GMCR, both acquired 70% stake in the company. Keurig s single
portion system is dependent entirely on the three key elements. a coffee brewer that perfectly
controlled the amount, temperature and pressure of water to provide a consistency superior tasting
cup of coffee. Crucial differentiation for
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High Intensity Interval Training
If weight loss is at the top of your list for your fitness goals, then cardiovascular training should be
part of your workouts regularly. Cardio is essential to burn unwanted fat stores to enable you to see
your awesome defined muscles.
The best fat burning cardio method is high intensity interval training (HIIT). An HIIT session is
tough, it s not easy, but the results and benefits are more than worth it. You can literally burn fat
with less time doing HIIT cardio, that means you will have more time to accomplish your to do list
for the day by incorporation interval training into your fitness program.
There are two methods of HIIT, short intervals lasting from 20 30 seconds and long intervals
lasting 45 60 seconds. Intervals are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The entire exercise time period should last about 22 to 45 minutes, which includes warm up and
cool down.
HIIT is an excellent way to maximize your workouts to burn fat faster and make the most of
your time when working out. You will see results much sooner by making HIIT a part of your
regular workout regimen. Be mindful of your body when doing HIIT, this exercise is not for the
faint of heart. It takes energy, determination, and sweat when done correctly. Do what you can
and don t push your body to the point of wanting to pass out or if you can t breathe well. As you
continue to do HIIT your endurance will improve, so make it a point to simply do your best and
forget the rest.
You can do HIIT on any cardio machine or by jogging and doing sprint intervals on a treadmill or
outdoors. You can also do them without a cardio machine by incorporating them into your regular
cardio routine. As always, if you re new to exercise or training high intensity intervals be sure to
consult your physician prior to beginning a new exercise
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Penrith City Council Case Study
Penrith gathers 20,000 signatures against poor infrastructure
An online petition calling for federal funding on infrastructure development in Penrith and the outer
western Sydney region has gathered more than 20,000 signatures. Penrith City Council has started
this initiative with an aim to get problems of traffic congestion and other related problems out in
the open as federal election campaigning gets underway.
The campaign highlights the critical need to connect Sydney s outskirts to the North West and
South West regions. The project s objective is to generate more job opportunities and health access
to improve well being and togetherness in the community.
It s a question of accessibility, to be able to get around. To have a meaningful,... Show more content
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I ll be an optimist, I believe there is going to be a federal fairly soon, and there will some further
commitments in relation to the planning of it, then budget allocations for it will be put through
regressively overtime. Though Good government, whether its liberal or labour will have to come
on board, a bipartisan agreement, the creation of the fund really has to be a solution, to
progressively build them up and spend them for the benefit of the community.
What have you done to make the public aware? How can this be enhanced to infiltrate public
There s advertising everywhere, Facebook pages, YouTube advertisements, pamphlets, just last
Wednesday morning people were handing out pamphlets at railways stations, the launch of the
project in Penrith seems to have created a good deal of publicity.
How long will these improvements take once approved? Will this be chaotic on top of existing rail
lines in the process of construction?
Any construction such as this will cause disruption. It is critical to implement it in an appropriate
and timely manner. Changes are to be seen through to
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How Does Puck Present Hermia In A Midsummer Night s Dream
1.The first time Puck makes an appearance in the play she turns Bottom into a donkey. She also
puts love potion in Titania s eyes (Act II scene I lines 250 268) so that when she would wake up
the first person or thing she would see she would fall in love with. She woke up and first noticed
Bottom who was half donkey. She fell in love with him and continued to follow him around. Puck
also did this exact same procedure to Lysander while he was sleeping with distance from Hermia
Helenawoke up Lysander, and he began to fall in love with Helena. Helena didn t believe
Lysander that he loved her. Puck uses the love potion to purposely cause problems with all of the
couples in the play. He seems to enjoy watching couples fight and have problems.
2. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Hermia is the character that is most like a modern day woman because of her strong willed
personality. She likes to fight for what she believes in no matter what others think. Her father pre
arranged her a marriage with Demetrius, but she had her mind set on Lysander. She stands up to
her father and tells him that no matter what she will be with Lysander (Act I scene i 50 83). She
runs away the next night to get married to Lysander but they get lost in the woods. Lysander then
leaves with Helena but ultimately returns to his original girlfriend Hermia. Hermia ends up with
the boy she truly loves in the end. She got what she wanted and deserved. Hermia is like a modern
day woman because she set her mind to something and accomplished it in the
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Hidden Education And The Hidden Curriculum
Question 1
The hidden curriculum is sensed in every district building, school, and classroom, and an
observant outsider will be able to perceive the way things work and pick up on the culture and
values of the school as they travel the halls. Yet, the students inside and teachers attend each day,
perhaps unaware of the established environment and system. This hidden or implicit curriculum
plays a significant role in the educational life of a student and the professional life of a teacher, as
the norms and day to day happenings engender a culture that impacts behavior and beliefs. Some
aspects of the hidden curriculum are hard to identify, while some are purposeful but not explicitly
taught. The following authors address the various definitions and issues that are associated with
this powerful facet of learners education and educators profession.
First, Jackson (1968) describes hidden curriculum as the substance of school life that warrants
serious attention (in Flinders Thornton, 2013). Students spend hours and hours in school, with no
choice whether or not to go, and the unnoticed and unremarkable events that occur each day
collectively have a powerful impact on a child. Jackson compares schools to prisons, where
attendance is involuntary and the norms and routines are learned. Just like a prisoner, if a child
does not conform and learn the rules of his environment, he will struggle to make it through.
Jackson identifies criteria of hidden curriculum for
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Ancient Ireland Research Paper
The first humanoids appeared in Ireland during the 7th millennium BC. They are believed to have
arrived from France and Scandinavia over the open ocean. They settled areas on the North Eastern
coast of Ireland. During the Mesolithic period inhabitants depended mostly on fishing and hunting
and gathering. Curraghs, light weight boats, were used to navigate inland water and coastal fishing.
The only remnants of this culture are the imprints left in pottery, there were no major contributions
to the island itself. During the 4th millennium BC Irelands second major wave of settlement. During
this period Europeans came to Ireland in search of land for their crops and animals. These people
left behind major large stone, megalithic, graves through... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Patrick s Confessio was written circa 440 AD, by St. Patrick. In the Confessio St. Patrick tells
the story to the Irish people of why he came to Ireland. He tell them of the messages sent to him
from God throughout his life that had saved him from slavery during his childhood. He uses the
story of his life to show the Irish why they should turn to Christianity. St. Patrick even explains
the Irish that he is not a perfect person. I know I cannot trust myself as long as I am in this body
subject to death This quote shows that he does not hold him above the Irish people, but as an
equal. He talks about how even though he has sinned God has forgiven him and has even saved
him in times of need. This confession by St Patrick also defends his actions in Ireland. When I
baptised so many thousands of people, did I hope to receive even the smallest payment? If so,
tell me, and I will return it to you This quote tells the Irish that he is not converting them in a
selfish way. He is converting them for their sakes and because he was asked by God himself. In
1171 internal struggle for power caused the Irish to be open to attack from Anglo Welsh warriors.
This is the first time that Ireland had faced an army from outside of it s own borders, which had
this meant that he Irish had not had to keep up with the current military innovations. In October of
1171 King Henry II arrived in Ireland. In 1172 King Henry took Dublin under his protection and
issued the first Charter for his city .
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Small Complex Financial Institutions Found Themselves Of...
Zhong Zheng
Mark Sniderman, Ph.D.
Econ 376
8th Nov 2014
Short Paper #3
Many large complex financial institutions found themselves of liquidity at the beginning of the
crisis and as it progressed. I think they were surprised. The trigger for the liquidity crisis was an
increase in subprime mortgage defaults, which was first noted in February 2007. The bank
centered nature of the crisis made it harder than in the past for banks to attract deposits and provide
liquidity to borrowers shut out of securities markets.
Banks may not be able to provide liquidity in a financial crisis. The reason for this is that a bank
centered crisis may lead investors to concern about the safety of bank deposits, even with deposit
insurance. Therefore, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On the other hand, AIG has been increasingly active in the credit derivatives business, including
credit default swaps. AIG s stock price fell more than 90 percent, capping off a large decline from
the previous days in September 16, 2008. The AIG bailout was extended by a further 37 million in
October and another 40 billion in November.
An originate to distribute model of lending, where the originator of a loan sells it to various third
parties, was a popular method of mortgage lending before the onset of the subprime mortgage crisis.
This originate to distribute model had advantages over the old originate to hold model, where a
bank originated a loan to the borrower and retained the credit risk. People believe that originate to
distribute model of banking played a key role in the development of the financial crisis because
instead of holding loans on banks balance sheets, banks moved to an originate and distribute model.
Banks repackaged loans and passed them on to various other financial investors, thereby off loading
risk. Next, banks increasingly financed their asset holdings with shorter maturity instruments. This
change left banks particularly exposed to a dry up in funding liquidity.
However, Gary Gorton has a different perspective. He believes that originate to distribute model
claims that securitizations should not end up on bank balance sheets. There is no basis for his idea.
In fact, there is an important
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The Olympic Events Of The Olympics
Have you ever wanted to be in the Olympics? The Olympics started in 776 B.C. in Ancient
Greece. When only men could participate in the Olympics because they would get fit and they
fought naked in some of the games. Women could not compete or watch. Also they did some
exotic games that we don t have today. Some of the games are Discus, it is where you have a
disc and you are in a ring and throw it as far as you can throw. Also they had wrestling which they
don t have now, but back then they were naked and had oil all over them. Another game was
running like the stade race, which was the pre eminent test of speed, covering the Olympiatrack
from one end to the other (200m foot race), another running event was the diaulos (two stades
400m foot race), dolichos (ranging between 7 and 24 stades (Olympic). Some of the other events
were jumping like Athletes used stone or lead weights called halteres to increase the distance of a
jump. They held onto the weights until the end of their flight, and then jettisoned them backwards.
Another event was Boxing, Boxers wrapped straps (himantes) around their hands to strengthen their
wrists and steady their fingers. Initially, these straps were soft but, as time progressed, boxers
started using hard leather straps, often causing disfigurement of their opponent s face (Olympic).
Another event was Pankration and this was a primitive form of martial art combining wrestling and
boxing, and was considered to be one of the toughest
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The Pros And Cons Of Organ Donation
At the age of two, a young boy named Jason became seriously ill from a heart condition. With the
many hospital visits and meetings with doctors, Jason s family knew he would need a new
heart, but they also knew it would not be easy to attain. After being on the transplant waiting list
for more than a year, Jason finally received a heart at the age of five. Jason s parents were
ecstatic stating, The new heart not only gave our son a chance to live, it changed our lives forever
(OneLegacy, 2017). With the help of a giving donor, Jason was given a second chance at life,
something many individuals in his situation do not get. The gap between organs needed and organs
being donated is alarmingly huge in today s society. Organ donationis a big issue and there is not
just one way to solve it. To some, the problem can be solved by simply thinking morally and
choosing to help those around you. To others, the problem lies within the care from medical staff.
In order to get these issues across, Snyder, Van Assche et al., and Kluge, authors of pieces within
the ethical discipline use anecdotal evidenceto persuade an audience to think morally about organ
donation. In contrast, Berntzen BjГёrke and Jacoby et al., authors of articles within the psychology
discipline, use testimonial evidence to express to the audience that an issue with the organ donation
process comes from the treatment of patients from medical staff. Both disciplines acknowledge
organ donation as an issue, but using
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The Stages Of Cognitive Development
Children grow through a chain of four serious stages of cognitive development, according to
Jean Piaget, who is a well recognized psychologist. Through the observations he made of
children, Piaget established a theory of development involving four stages: the sensorimotor
stage, which is from birth to the age 2, the preoperational stage, from age 2 to about the age of 7
and the concrete operational stage, ranging from age 7 to 11. The last stage of his development
was the formal operational stage, which begins in adolescence and spans into adulthood (The 4
stages). Piaget said the most outstanding features of behavior happen within the first 2 years of
children lives. The child s world cannot be showed mentally, so in a very literal sense, articles
exist only when the child can physically see them for themselves. When objects are not seen by
them, then they to fail to even exist to the child. This shows the idea of object permanenceto the
child, which is knowing the solidity of an object.
The Sensorimotor stage is measured by children facing the world through senses that they use every
day. The children s thoughts are egocentric, which means that they cannot understand or see the
world through someone else s perspective other than their own (Jean Piaget). Infants start to learn
the world through their own movements and sensations every day. Learning everyday activities
such as sucking, grasping, and looking help in this stage of development. Children learn that things
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My New Body Of Work
I would say my justifications are leading and concerning on being mindful. I would describe
mindfulness, as a way of life that is peacefully perceptive, deprived of the stimulus of cravings or
viewpoints. That is how I behave in the studio. I dominate my rational brain with technical focuses
so that it stays occupied. As I am engaged with technique a fragment of myself is allowed to
observe unrestricted by my thought process. It is that openness that truly enlightens my work.
My new body of work is a continuation of the work I have initiated earlier this year. It consists of a
series of large canvases where I am painting a distorted enlarged self. I paint with oil colors on
Italian linen canvases. This paint layer gets built up in a traditional lean to fat technique. I used to
paint women portraits, but I gradually became more interested in flesh and less in the facial
expressions. Coming to an understanding about how the body alone is a vehicle to convey
emotions and how those moods can be exuding from a flat surface.
Throughout my artistic growth, the contemporary British artist Jenny Saville, that dedicated her
career to traditional figurative oil painting, has acted a massive part in my developing work. The
subjects of her paintings, the large canvasses and bodies exposing the flesh. The explanation of her
work, tends to be eccentric and encompasses discourses about feminism i.e.: 1 feminist aesthetics of
disgust , her use of uneven scratch marks, the strong and
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A Man For All Seasons, And Elia Kazan s On The Waterfront
Only fools follow their standard of personal integrity. Discuss.
Values and morals are often instilled in people as they grow up, but the extent to which one
chooses to follow these principles can be greatly swayed by how strong their sense of personal
integrity is. As individuals are exposed to an array of varying perspectives and multiple values,
one s own certainty about the interpretation or application of a particular principle may lessen,
opening up the possibility of accepting an alternative position. Robert Bolt s play, A Man For All
Seasons , and Elia Kazan s On the Waterfront, we see that integrity is impossible without a
conscience guided by long reflection upon the inner character of justice.
Bolt s ethical protagonist ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Bolt s lead character is a man of strict moral righteousness; he never once wavered, which
consequently leads to his fall from grace and untimely death. More is not setting out to be a hero or
martyr. He is a lawyer and sees the law as a way to live peacefully in the world. From his choices, it
is evidently clear that More is no simple common man. He treads the road that only a few mortals
would dare travel down to. His critics see his morality as impractical but for More, his conscience
is the only thing (he) believes to be true . As a man of virtue, More stands alone in the play.
Surrounded by a cast of seemingly weak and basic characters, More s morality is even more
manifest. Such characters as Richard Rich and the Common Man demonstrate how most normal
individuals will be guided by their needs, not their consciences. Rich is intoxicated with avarice
and believes that materialistic items such as clothes and money will gain him the respect and power
that he rightly deserves . More conversely knows well that respect and admiration cannot be
brought and that the integrity of men is to be measured by conduct and not their satisfaction of
It is obvious that More understands the nuance of every political move, as he mentions what
would happen if Wolsey falls. He conveys his competence by his careful handling of events.
Because of his intellectual prowess, More has managed to keep the people he cares around him
safe by using the words of the law in
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The Hazards of High Protein, Low Carbohydrate Diets Essay
The Hazards of High Protein, Low Carbohydrate Diets
A young, healthy teenage girl fell to her death after following a high protein, low carbohydrate
diet for no more than two weeks. The girl, having no identified sicknesses or medical conditions,
exhibited electrolyte imbalances along with minimal levels of potassium and calcium, which
appeared to be a result of the diet according to doctors at the University of Missouri Health Science
Center. These irregularities upset the normal electrical function of her heart causing it to stop and
her to collapse ( US teen . . . ). Based on this alone, it is evident that a high protein, low carbohydrate
diet is not a safe and healthy long term weight loss program.
High Protein diets are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
High protein or ketogenic diets, those like the well known Atkins, are based solely on large
consumptions of proteins and fats while they restrict carbohydrates to a nearly invisible amount.
Although dieters are eating plenty of meat and getting their protein, possibly even an overload,
they are receiving very little, if any, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other nutrient rich foods,
which are essential to a well balanced diet ( High Protein Diets ). A study conducted on Atkins
meals reveals that, along with having too much protein and too little carbohydrates, they are
unusually high in saturated fat and cholesterol while minimal in fiber. The meals also fail to meet
the recommended daily values for several vitamins and minerals ( How does . . .? ). Therefore,
with this type of diet, it is vital to one s health that vitamins and minerals are consumed by means of
supplements. There are some nutrients, though, that cannot be acquired any other way than directly
from the source ( The Dangers . . . ). According to Ellen Coleman s article, Even Dr. Atkins . . .
admits that his diet doesn t supply enough vitamin [sic] and minerals and recommends that people
take supplements.
Due to the imbalance of protein and carbohydrates, many serious side effects are linked to the
weight loss plan. Ketosis, a fasting state, is very common among high protein dieters ( The
Dangers . . . ). The body lacks its
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Jonalty Catalan s Measure Of A Man
Jonalty CatalanIn Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy title Personal Identity describes a
person as not just any being with mental properties of the sort that you and I have rationality
and self consciousness, for instance counts as a person. In a philosophy sense a person is not
limited to a Homo sapiens sapiens. For example, in the show Star Trek episode Measure of a
Man, Data is fighting for the rights he deserve because he is not just a machine. Picard who is
Data commander explains to the judge that Data is not just a piece of equipment, he ask Data
several question. Data was asked about a book that his commander gave him, when he was ask
why does he keep that book his respond was because he treasure it because it was giving to him
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Railroad Conductors
Railroad Conductor
Sturgill Simpson, a railroad conductor once quoted, I worked for Union Pacific. I started out as a
conductor at an intermodal switching facility outside of Salt Lake City. We d pull in trains from all
over the country, break them apart, consolidate the freight, and build other trains. It was great until
I screwed up and took a management position. Then it became no fun very quickly (Sturgill
Simpson Quotes). The foundation of railroad conducting is in the hands of laborers. This career is
for those who need to keep busy and interested throughout the day. As one prepares for a future in
the field of railroad conducting, one must consider the history, the educational requirements, the
duties and responsibilities, the benefits, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Most conductors started out as steamboat or coastal packet captains before working a job on the
railroad (Lives on the Railroad). Steamboats and ships were the means of transportation of the time
for passengers and freight until the invention of the railroad. With the expansion of the railroad, one
of the conductor s job responsibilities was to keep the train on schedule (Lives on the Railroad).
The railroad became a popular alternative for freight transportation and for passengers ( Railroad
Conductors 279). The railroad offered a faster convenience for travel. Conductors sold tickets to
passengers and counted the tickets to keep records in order (Lives on the Railroad). Maintaining
proper records was important for business. Also, making a list of the names that the tickets were
sold were important so that one could be found on a train. It was also important for the
conductors to keep the passengers safe from the weather elements and to rushing sparks from the
firebox that helped power the locomotive (Railroad Conductors 279). Most trains had open
windows or no covers on them exposing all of the passengers to all of the rain, snow, or wind.
Today, conductors are responsible for the operation of the train. Conductors are required to have
knowledge of how the train operates including the engine, the cargo, the cars, and the trains signal
systems (Railroad Conductors 279). Having knowledge of the train s controls insures the safety of
the trains passengers and cargo and make sure the train arrives on
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Osmotic Thirst And Dehydrates
Osmotic thirst, results from dehydration of cells. Osmoreceptors in the brain detects changes in
cellular hydration, and increase their firing when dehydration is sensed. Dehydration of cells means
high solute concentration outside cells, which causes loss of water from salt. Eating salty foods
triggers osmotic thirst; also certain neurons can detect their own loss of water and then trigger
osmotic thirst, which helps restore the normal state. Sodium ions spread throughout the bloodand
extracellular fluid but do not cross the membranes into cells. Any deviation activated mechanisms
that restore the concentration of solutes to the set point (Kalat 305).
The brain detects osmotic thirst by receiving parts of the information from the receptors
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Nt1310 Unit 8 Lab Report
The relation between IC and IB is as follows: IC = Гџ x IB 50 1000 Where Гџ is known as the
current emitter gain (Storr, 2013). Figure 4: Output Characteristics Curves of a Typical Bipolar
Transistor (Amos James, 2000) With reference to figure 4, it can be seen that IC is largely
unaffected when VCE is more than 1.0V. This is because it is almost completely controlled by IB,
which is the base current. This means that the circuit is controlled by a constant current source. The
straight line drawn shows the saturation point at A, and the cut off point at B when IC=0. This
results in a Q point as seen in the middle of figure 4. When VC is much greater than VE, the
transistor conducts. Transistors have the ability... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By manipulating the key characteristics of the Schmitt trigger, it produces different frequencies
fed to the speaker to operate. One key component of the Schmitt trigger is to determine the high
and low thresholds at 3V. This is done with the help of the data sheet values as presented in the
appendix below. The next section 3.2 contains a detailed explanation of the design process. As
mentioned earlier, this process is broken down into three different segments. The two tone speaker
was constructed using both active and passive components as alluded to in the introduction. The
relaxation oscillators were responsible for the generation of the two noise tones, the switching of
the tones and the frequency at which the tones switch. It is then passed through a 1k resistor and
finally through a transistor which is connected to the tone section of the circuit. The transistor in
this case acts as an amplifier, and its main purpose is to amplify the final signal and supply it to the
speaker, making it audible. The simulations are tested and recorded under section
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Reasons For The Election Of 1860
The election of 1860 was one like no other, it was the event that lead to the succession of the
eleven states that would become to be known as the Confederate States of America, including
Texas. In the United States of America there was a lot of tension due to the different lifestyles of
the North and the South, particularly those differences between the views in slavery. As we all
know, the North was a very industrial and mechanics region, as for the South a very agricultural
area that depended highly on their existence of slaves. In the Republican Party slavery was frowned
upon. This was the main and ultimately most important reason for which the South did not want
the republican candidate, Abraham Lincolnto rise to victory. As this election
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Aboriginal Traditions
In Aboriginal Traditions and Policy, the presentation group that I was part of consisted of
Ashleigh, Tam, Jy, Lana, Khoi and myself. We chose Gertrude Street (a.k.a The Dirty Mile ) to
be our chosen site to research. Gertrude Street belonged to the Woiworung Tribe and was
Melbourne s first suburb after being separated from Melbourne City in 1858 (Fitzroy History
Society 2018). It was known as The Dirty Mile or The Black Mile , as it was home to some
legendary black pubs, and later, the Aboriginal community s own health, housing and legal
organisations. (Allam 2010). Our group used the Fitzroy Aboriginal Heritage Walking Trail
brochure, created by the City of Yarra, as a guide which took us to the many places in Gertrude
Street which... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although its culture and history has now more or less been removed with the building now being
more modernised and now is a Chinese restaurant; as with most of the locations we visited, there is
a plaque on the outside wall stating the importance and history of the building. Although so much
of the street s history has been taken from it, the plaques at least show recognition of most of the
sites significances, and could give us visitors a better insight to what they used to
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Life-Divination And Omens
Chapter 11: Encountering the Present: Guidance for Life Divination and Omens
Walton begins to discuss the ANE view of the present in this chapter, so he focuses on the usage
and interpretation of divinations and omens as the guidance for life. The objective here is to
discuss the epistemology for the knowledge driven divination and the practical application by
magicians and other religious practitioners.
The major discussion focuses on the two categories of divination as the inspired and the deductive
along with the forms of them. Inspired divination targets on both official and informal prophecy
and dreams. Walton states that prophecy generally concentrated primarily on the kings, and the
function of the prophet was there to advise the king of what would be approving to the god who had
spoken or who had reveled. Dreams varied from inspiration to one who actively sought a god as
the last part of inspired divination. Other than the inspired divination, deductive divination comes
from two types of events that can be observed in the physical realm: the active as extispicy or
casting of lots; and the unprovoked ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Then the continue topic of magic is addressed and expressed that it must be included within the
religious field of the ANE. Magic is used as an example of power; while divination is always used
to gain knowledge or understanding. After the discussion of myth, this chapter achieved the
dimension of epistemology and semiotics as well as how a prophet gained his credibility through
prophecy with the provided biblical evidences.
Chapter 12: Encountering the Present: Context of Life Cities and
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Boeing Mission Statement
The company I choose as my focus in this Marketing Management assignment is Boeing. Boeing
was founded by William Boeing and is the world s largest multinational aerospace company.
Boeing is also the leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security
systems ( Boeing, 1995 2015). With its headquarters in Chicago, Illinois, Boeingemploys more than
165,000 people across the United States in more than 65 countries. Moreover, Boeing s mission
statement is being committed to working in partnership to ensure that innovative/creative solutions
are developed and implemented to improve health and safety, employee development, and quality
and productivity in the workplace ( Boeing, 1995 2015). Nevertheless, in 2012, Boeing... Show
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These prices start from 371 million for a commercial aircraft and 63 million for a freighter. As
previously mentioned, all Boeing aircrafts can be delivered to a location of choice and promotion
is done via television ads, photos, videos and sponsoring selective major events that resonates with
the company s business and brand strategies.
Still, customers will perceive quality based advantage as an advantage for Boeing s product over its
competitors because the Boeing Production System and the Boeing Quality Management System
are inextricably linked, as manufacturing and quality organizations work together to achieve total
customer satisfaction through a lean production system. All in all, research shows Boeing builds
the best products in the world, and its standards are second to none ( Boeing, 1995 2015).
Yet, Boeing has made certain that input from all significant stakeholders are factored into its
products lifecycle. Albeit challenging, Boeing must ensure that the systems and processed
designated by the company is integrated and used correctly by all employees. Therefore, it is
always possible to make changes and or modifications to a company s existing product lifecycle,
but not necessary if it s not needed or required at that given
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Persuasive Essay About Santorini Island
Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone. Have you ever heard about any volcanic
eruption places? Do you want to experience yourself to this kind of places? If your answer is yes,
definitely I have a perfect vacation for you. Before that, as I know, North atlantic island emerged
from the waves following an extended volcanic eruption in the 1960 and its the world most pristine
natural habitat but only a few scientist have been allowed to venture there. But, nevermind because
there are still have a place with an active volcanoand probably the only volcano in the world whose
crater in the sea. The place that I mention is Santorini, the Santorini island form from an intensive
volcanic activity. Such an amazing place, right? I think that Santorini is a good topic for me to tell
and show you based on a few reasons. Firstly, not many of us know... Show more content on
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Characterized by the Cycladic architecture which is white painted villages stand on the top of the
high red colored cliffs. Santorini architecture is featured uniquely throughout its settlements. We
can see the whitewashed house in complete harmony with its volcanic scenery. Example is Oia
which is known as neoclassical mansions, small churches and the colorful houses. The buildings
match the classic and modern beauty, which offer most romantic scenery and plethora of beautiful
places. Then, Fira is the main town of Santorini located at the edge of caldera which highlights the
traditional houses which blend with the lovely venetion characteristic like the arches and vaults and
colorful stairs. Among the narrow paths of Santorini are the beautiful churches, architectural jewels
that blend in the island s landscape. We can take a breathtaking view from the Oia to the caldera
based on their unique architecture and we can see the golden sunset from here that making the
island an unforgettable destination for the summer
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How Did Galileo Galilei Contribute To Science
Galileo Galilei was a remarkable figure in the history of science. Due to his studies in science, the
inventor faced the wrath of the Roman Inquisition. Galileo Galilei is the most significant scientist
in modern science, because of his accomplishments in science and the obstacles he overcame for
the sake of science. Some accomplishments include founding the branch of material physics (also
known as kinematics or the science of the strength of materials), creating a higher definition
telescope, in order to prove the heliocentric theory true, and disproving many of Aristotle s
teachings in astronomyand physics.
Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564 to Giulia Degli Ammannati and Vincenzo Galilei.
He was born in the Arno Valley near... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is because of his great revisions to the telescope, after hearing about the invention of a
telescope, Galileo decided to create his own. He made a 32 power refracting telescope. With this
revision Galileo was able to prove Ptolemy s theory of a geocentric universe wrong, with the
proof of sunspots and phases of Venus. He also was able to prove that the Moon wasn t smooth,
as Aristotle thought otherwise. Also, he was the one who realized that the Milky Way was created
by multiple stars visible to the naked eye. However, his most famous discovery would probably be
the four Galilean moons of Jupiter Io, Ganymede, Callisto, and
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X Ambassadors Unsteady
The quartet X Ambassadors songs are really powerful. Through their songs you can really feel the
story they re telling. X Ambassadors made their album, VHS , about their journey to find
themselves, and that journey led them back home to a small town called Ithaca, New York. Since
their childhood the Harris brothershave always had roots with music. They re father was a
filmmaker and he encouraged Sam to join school musicals, this assisted Sam into finding his
storytelling and narrating abilities. Despite being blind, Casey Harris made a living as a
professional tuner. When Sam and his friends started a band Casey was keen on joining. But his
older brother was not so excited. His band mates convinced him, saying that Casey was a better
musician... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the song Unsteady they added what sounded like playing cards, this made it sound like they
were going through the past . When this was mixed with Sam s powerful narrating skills, Casey
s keyboard ability, Noah s background guitar, and Adam s continuous beats, it was one of the
most popular songs X Ambassadors had produced: Unsteady. The piano s softness balances out
with Sam s loud voice, and the guitar and drums are perfect for the background music. Sam has a
very unique voice which he uses to create a picture or a story of some of his life problems he s
dealing with now or that he s dealt with in the past. Casey balances the piano with the guitar to
make sure there s a softness to the song, and Adam Levine uses his drums to create the tone.
Unsteady has a very powerful and emotional story. While Sam and Casey were growing up, their
parents were growing apart, eventually they got a divorce. The song Unsteady witnesses the
perspective of a child: what he feels like, what he knows, what he s trying to tell them, the use of
all of their previous knowledge helped them
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Analyzing Ranc s Vertumnus
The painting by Jean Ranc titled Vertumnus and Pomona shows an encounter of Vertumnus and
Pomona, two characters of Roman mythology. Both Vertumnus and Pomona themselves are
references to antiquity. The basket of fruit that Pomona rests her arm on is a reference to herself as
the Roman goddess of fruit. Although this paintinghas a Roman mythology basis, it also has ties to
contemporary aspects that a viewer in the 18th century could relate to. Pomona and Vertumnus are
painted in a modern garden or outdoor setting. This painting taking place outdoors is similar to
other fГЄte galantes paintings that were popular during that time in the 18th century. For example,
numerous paintings by the artist Jean Antoine Watteau showed people enjoying themselves in an
outdoor setting.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These characters from Roman mythology are depicted in outfits that were common in the 18th
century. Pomona is holding a dainty sun umbrella and is wearing a fancy pink dress while
Vertumnus is draped in fabrics that you can presume would be worn by an elderly woman in the
18th century. In addition to that, these characters have modern hairstyles with hair accessories and
are painted with rosy cheeks to make it look like they are wearing makeup which is something that
would appeal to the 18th century viewer. Vertumnus and Pomona are painted to look like the
typical upper class person in the gardens living in the 18th century instead of ethereal gods and
goddesses. All of these elements come together to create this painting that is based upon Roman
mythology but also has modern
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12 Angry Men Inferences
Furthermore, the jurors made significant inferences that assured them the defendant was guilty. An
individual makes an inference when they conclude an argument by analyzing evidence and by
applying reasoning. For instance, the broker believed that the defendant was capable of being a
murderer because he grew up in a bad environment. The broker also claimed that the defendant was
guilty because he bought a distinctive switch knife that was identical to the murder weapon. In
addition, the messenger and the architect inferred that the witnesses testimonies were tangible
evidence that proved the defendant did commit the crime. For example, the old man claimed that
he heard the defendant yell at his father, I m going to kill you. Before he saw
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  • 7. Whoooo School-Personal Narrative In the year 1928 two kids went to an abandoned amusement park. They left terrified with bad things in their head, no one knows what happened because they were so terrified to tell. They never told anyone, not even their friends. Well let s just take you to the beginning shall we says the grinning face, It s summer break in 1928 Whoooo school is finally out says one of the students named Xavian while he is throwing all of his school papers in the air. Hey Angelina come with Allina and me to that abandoned amusement parkhe said in a happy tone. What NO a lot of bad things happen there besides I m hanging out with Matthew tonight . WOW well bye party pooper come on Allina let s go He grabs Allina by her warm hand and walks off to his nice bright blue mustang that almost looked brand new. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ahh don t do that She hits Matthew with all she has, she leaves a little mark on his arm. Oww well sorry for scaring you, anyway shall we get going I mean it s summer let s go !! Matthew puts his long arm around Angelina and starts walking to get to his brand new sparkly black dodge. Meanwhile Well here we are Carol s theme park,come on let s get going Um Xavian I m starting to think that this is a bad idea ! Alina says a little scared Stop right there,I drove 2 long hours just to get us here now you want us leave. Well that s not happening He grabs the gash and pulls it up to put his car in park. He gets out and walks in the wet dirt to get to the other side of his blue mustang, He opens the door to Allina s door. Come on i ll protect you from anything scary hehe Xavian say s with a big grin on his face. Stop it that s not funny!!!! At all Says Allina with a nervous tone in her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Case Priming Process Essay Reloading is the practice of installing new primers, bullets and powder in previously fired ammunition cases. The basic procedure of reloading is reletively simple, although powder and case measurements can get fairly technical. There are a variety of ways to reload and a variety of tools and equipment to do so with, in this report, I will cover the basic procedure of reloading with the equipment that I use. The first step in the reloading procces is to clean the cases. This task can be accomplished in several ways by using a case tumbler or with a super sonic cleaner. Some people prefer to use both of these in specific proccess, I personally use a case tumbler. The second step is to resize and decap the case. This is done with a loading... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This too can be done with many tools and processes. I use a Lee auto prime tool. This tool simply puts a primer in a case after filling the tool with primers, positioning the shell in the holder and squeezing the lever. Priming cases is the most dangerous part of reloading and should always be done with caution. Once the primer is installed, the powder can be put in the case. This can be done many different ways but all procedures must be precise and accurate. It is very important not to under or overload a case as this can cause firearm damage and or injury. Powder is measured in weight by a unit called grains. I dispense my powder from a hopper with a variable dispense amout. the powder is then measured and adjusted to the exaxt specified amount with a gravity scale for safety precaution and is then funneled into the case. The final step of reloading is seating a bullet. It is very important to seet the bulledt to the right depth as too deep or too shallow can cause a pressure issues. The bullet is seated on the press with an adjustable seating die. I seat my bullets to the standard lenght given in the manul. Each case should be measured and checked for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Foundations of Psychology Foundations of Psychology Psychology is an academic and applied discipline involving the scientific study of mental processes and behavior. There is some tension between scientific psychology (with its program of empirical research) and applied psychology (dealing with a number of areas). Psychologists attempt to explain the mind and brain in the context of real life. In contrast neurologists utilize a physiological approach. Psychologists study such phenomena as perception, cognition, emotion, personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships. Psychology also refers to the application of such knowledge to various spheres of human activity including issues related to daily life e.g. family, education, and work and the treatment of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The school of thought known as structuralism was initiated by Edward Titchener, one of Wundt s students. This school of thought was called structuralism because of Titchener s interest in the structural make up of consciousness. It was Ticthener s hope to devise a table of the levels, or elements of human consciousness using Wundt s introspection idea. Ticthener viewed psychology scientifically. He believed that the only way to understand psychology was through experimentation. This eventually led to the idea that sensation and feelings were unscientific because it could not be measured by anyone but the person experiencing it. The second school of thought that was popular in psychology s beginning was known as functionalism. This school of though focused on the role psychological processes have on helping people adapt to their surroundings. Functionalists believe that consciousness exists because it serves a function (Kowalski Westen, 2005). William James, one of the founders of functionalism, set out to explain why we think the way that we do. These two schools of thought branch out even further to offer assumptions or perspectives on these theories. Psychodynamic, behaviorist, cognitive, and evolutionary perspectives help to expand psychological thinking and guide psychological studied. Psychodynamic and behaviorist perspectives will be covered since the last two are more recent perspectives. Sigmund Freud emphasis was on psychodynamics. His ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Norovirus Essay Each and everyday, millions of humans spread infection without realizing it. A simple handshake and a nervous finger bite can lead in to something that can have great effect on your health. Norovirus or acute gastroenteritis, commonly known as Norwalk virus, is one of the most common sources of stomach infections. Norwalk is extremely contagious and can often be found in long term care facilities. The viruscan be found in the stool and vomit of the infected person. To the majority of the population, Norwalk is nothing more than the everyday stomach flu and is usually cured without treatment. Although, there are exceptions to the young, the elderly, and people with a diseaseas they do not have as strong immune systems as the average adult.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are also typical signs of infectious agents such as fever, chills, fatigue, and body aches. People who have contracted norovirus typically begin vomiting at the 24 48 hour mark but symptoms may begin at the 12 hour mark. The virus usually lasts up to 72 hours. It is important to keep your eye out for signs such as dizziness, decreased urination, and dry mouth as these are sign of dehydration. Since Norovirus is so easily spread, it is important for the CCA worker to take extra precautions when the infection is in a long term care home or home support setting. As usual, the workers should continue proper hand and body hygiene. This is the utmost important thing when preventing the spread of infection. It is also important to take special care in the kitchen when preparing the food for the clients when Norovirus is present in the facility as this is where the virus is often spread. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, People infected with a norovirus can be contagious from the moment they start feeling ill to at least three days after they have recovered. Some people may be contagious for as long as two weeks after recovery. . It is important to keeping this in mind when preventing the spread of infection in a long term care facility. (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2014) Keeping regular cleanliness habits like sanitizing surfaces and using ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Essay on BCG Matrix 1.1 SUMMARY OF THE CASE STUDY OF GASCOYNE GOLD Tropical Cyclone Steve has dumped so much rain in the northwest, which makes the Gascoyne River has broken its banks and tens of thousands of tons of rich red topsoil has been washed out to the sea. This has made their soil and their crops as well as irrigation lines and the year s profits have washed away from the growers, which causing them to have huge losses that cost millions of dollars. After that, the growers are back in their business again and then they formed a group named as Gascoyne Gold. Gascoyne Gold has been formed with 7 shareholders, which they have invested more than $1 million, setting up a state of the art processing and packaging facility. Before they have... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The BCG also allows a multidivisional organization to manage its portfolio of businesses by examining the relative market share position and the industry growth rate of each division which related to the other divisions in the organization. The BCG model is based on the product life cycle theory which can be used to determine which one of the product should be given the priority in the product portfolio of a business unit. It is usually based on the observations towards the company s business units that it can be classified into four categories based on combinations of market growth and market share relative to the largest competitors that brings the name of growth share . As to make sure that the long term value creation is made, the company should have a specification of the products which contains both high growth products in need of cash inputs and low growth products that generate a lot of cash. The BCG matrix portrays the perspective of the product portfolio, which is the growth share matrix. This framework of tool categorizes products within a company s portfolio or within the business units as stars, cash cows, dogs, or question marks according to growth rate, market share, and positively or negative cash flow. By using positive cash flows a company can capitalize on growth opportunities. From this analysis, it can be seen that the products that is growing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Symptoms Of Low Grade Fever Essay After careful review of the patient s labs, WBC elevated and symptoms of low grade fever reflect that there is some sort of organism growth or inflammatory response in the body possible at the surgical site. The patient s immature neutrophils(segs) elvateted indicative sign of inflammation or infection. Patients hemoglobin of 8.6 is considerably fair for a patient with chronic kidney disease. Low hemoglobin a indicative marker for severity of kidney disease (Leeder et al., 2006). The kidney is responsible for making erythropoietin a hormone that stimulate the bone marrow to make red bloodcells, if the kidney is not working well we expect the RBC production to decrease( our text book). The patient elevated PT/INR is reflective on the positive fecal occult blood. Unfortunately Coumadin therapy most resume or continue because of her history of A Fib. The sedimentation rate elevated is expected for history diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Patients chest x ray result indicative of COPD as resulted of no route intrathoracic finding stable mild cardiomegaly stable COPD and emphysema type changes on the lungs with left lung atelectasis. Post operative decrease in respiratory function are relative to left lung atelectasis and COPD resulting in hypercapnia respiration failure. Post op change in mental status followed CT evaluation showing cat scan within normal limits, indicative in mental status is related to change in respiratory status. Family History: The patient did ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Informed Consent In Prisons One of the greatest problems in medical research in prisons was poor quality of, if any, informed consent. Many people point to the Tuskegee study on the effects of syphilis, where subjects were deceived into thinking they were gaining medical treatment and the lack of information violated the principle informed consent (McDerott 10). Ethics professor Karen Lebacqz explains that informed consent recognizes the autonomy of subjects (1), as does openness to subject s voice, and confidentiality. Pont, Capron, and Overholser agree that informed consent is a great necessity and must be done with clarity (187; 5; 196). The Nuremberg Code explains that all researchers are obligated to inform subjects of the complete nature and implications of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Prison administration and medical researchers need to develop an attitude that is respectful, sensitive, and seeks to improve and treat inmates. Overholster contends that prisons should aim to rehabilitate inmates rather than punish them (194). Capron argues that the government should participate both in forming and regulating policy (4). Perhaps, the government should set quotas on the number of medical research experiments in prisons in order to invest more efforts and time in setting up a good environment and regulating research. Depending on how research and treatment fares in prisons, the government can tighten or relax restrictions on the purpose and nature of medical research in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Legalization of Medical Marijuana Essay Medical Marijuana: A Topic Leaving People Up in Smoke Renee Grant ENC 1101 1002 Professor Bahle March 30, 2013 Medical Marijuana: A Topic Leaving People Up in Smoke Medical marijuana has been an ongoing fight between the federal government, physicians and patients. Contrary to many beliefs, marijuana, whether it is used for medical reasons or recreational is non lethal. It has been proven to be useful in many medical conditions. There has been no evidence of an individual overdosing on marijuana, but there have been a tremendous number of deaths related to prescription drugs, and over the counter medications. The legalizing of medical marijuana will change the lives of so many... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What better way to elevate their pain by allowing them to use a plant that has been around for thousands of years. It is cheaper than prescription medications, and one would not have to worry about all the possible side effects that prescription medications contribute to, as in effects on the heart, kidneys, and liver. Pharmacies will be hit the hardest when medical marijuana is legalized. It is cheaper for patients to grow their own medication. Some scientists are still working on how they can make a synthetic form of THC that can be put into capsule form. Is a synthetic form safe? This is still unclear. Physicians who are able to prescribe medical marijuana need to keep a watchful eye out for those that claim to have a disease just so that they can get their marijuana legally. Tax payers are spending billions of dollars each year to fight the war on marijuana. The effort has done nothing, where are the billions of dollars going? Physicians that prescribe medical marijuana to their patients are not promoting smoking by any means; they are just helping relive pain of their suffering patients. While there will be a continuing battle against medical marijuana for years to come there have been 16 states, including Washington D.C that have enacted laws to legalize medical marijuana: California 1996, Alaska 1998, Oregon 1998, Washington 1998, Maine 1999, Colorado 2000, Hawaii 2000, Nevada 2000, Montana 2004, Vermont 2004, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Alinsky s Rules For Radicals Analysis Alinsky s rules for radicals were written by Saul Alinsky in 1972. The rules were created to develop a process for organization. Alinsky s rules were broken into two different types, tactics with 13 rules and ends and means with 11 rules. The four rules I chose to discuss were from the tactics list of rules. Alinsky s rules for radicalsare applicable in many ways and also are somewhat biased. The first rule I chose was the seventh rule of tactics, Alinsky states, A tactic that drags on for too long becomes a drag. Commitment may become ritualistic as people turn to other issues. . I agree with the purpose of this rule because people need variety in an organization or else they get bored. People need any kind of variations of work that they can get within an organization over a prolonged period of time in order to stay productive and efficient. Variation also allows for the members of an organization to gain additional experiences... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I agree with this rule because we, as human beings, are prone to over complicate a simple situation. For example, we look at a situation, we then get overwhelmed by it, then, when the situation is over, we feel as though we shouldn t have been worried about the situation at all. A Biblical example of this tactic is in Genesis 3, starting in verse 1 by saying Now the serpent was the most cunning of all the wild animals that the Lord God made and finishing in verse 15 by the Lord saying to the serpent He will strike your head and you will strike his heel (HCSB). At first, the serpents description makes him seem very intimidating but within the same chapter the serpent was told how he will meet his ends, which discredits any prior intimidation that the serpent had. This tactic is true for all organizations because despite how difficult a challenge may seem, people are more than likely willing to help if they are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Describe The Four Types Of Weapons In Elizabethan Elizabethan Era Weapons ,All of mankind s existence has been in thanks for weaponry. From the cavemen to the Elizabethan Era, weapons have always been by man s side. Nobles, Archers, and Knights have all used various types of weapons in the Elizabethan Era. From the billhook to the Poleaxe, Elizabethan Era soldiers have used almost any weapon given to them, and they will fight for their cause no matter the cost. Foot soldiers were the main men the Elizabethan used during war. Foot soldiers were the most versatile out of the main four types of soldiers used by Elizabethan. These soldiers either rode horseback or were on foot, giving them their name, Foot Soldiers . Foot soldiers mainly used a mace. Foot soldiers used the mace because of it s mobility and also by the amount of damage it could deal in a single blow. These soldiers were also the most plentiful of any type of soldier that Elizabethan had at her disposal, but foot soldiers weren t the only type of soldier Elizabethan had. Not only did Elizabethan, she also had knights. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Using weapons on horseback made someone a harder target to hit and more deadly on the battlefield. The most used weapons on horseback were the mace and the poleaxe. The mace was a metal ball with spikes attached to a chain and rod. It could severely injure or kill anyone with one hard blow. While the mace was very effective, it was also very cheap to manufacture. So if a mace broke in combat, it wouldn t make a financial hole into the ruler s pocket. Poleaxes were also a very effective weapon to use from horseback. It was a long sharpened rod with an axehead on the top. The poleaxe was long so that a soldier could be up close, but also keep their distance to protect themselves from the enemy. Poleaxes were primarily used while a knight was mounted on horseback. Just like the mace, it could do significant damage with just one blow and defend a soldier against ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Chantrea Conway Characters Elements of Novel The protagonist of the story is Chantrea Conway. The kind of person the protagonist is brave and reliable. The evidence that leads to that Chantrea is brave and reliable is that she can keep a promise like when she hid in the magic box, so the Khmer Rouge Soldiers wouldn t kill her for being American because she promised her grandparents to not scream or leave the box even if the Khmer Rouge Soldier would drag them out. The conflict that Chantrea encounters is that Chantrea is trying to reach her father s family, but she can t because of the Khmer Rouge Soldiers and Angkar won t let her come to America. The conflict is resolved by the Angkar and Khmer Rouge Soldiers saying call family and leave or they will find them a home, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She hugged herself tightly and watched them with wide eyes. If the soldiers up there looked down into the thick tangle of roots , he would see the light colored rag of her T shirt. Rain had formed a small creek at the base of the tree, and the murky water was up to Chantrea s waist. Her torn jeans did little to protect her and she felt something long and slimy brush by her thin legs. Her heart began to pound and her stomach twisted. She was terrified that if the creature bit her, she would scream and alert the soldier. To her relief, the unseen animal went on its way, just as the snake had done. Perhaps it only saw her as another root of the tree. The characters and dialogue are believable. Strong The plot engages my interest. Fair This novel is written in a style that is clear and interesting. Strong The details in this novel add to its appeal. Strong Overall, I rate this novel as: Strong The reason for my rating is that it has a strong touch on parts of the book and sometimes you can feel the book come alive and what I like about the book that it has a vivid flavor of words that give the book a nice ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Reasons Why Farmers Are Loyalists Some might say that Shay and the farmers were revolutionary heroes, but they were just reckless rebels. They were criminals because they repeatedly broke many laws. They attacked the government s arsenal for false reasons and the arsenal that was the house for most of the country s weapons that was protecting them. They also killed and hurt multiple soldiers protecting the arsenal.Doing that probably broke the law for trespassing and killing multiple soldiers. They also rioted outside the court houses which caused most of the of the court houses in the country to close. They also blamed their government for putting taxes on them. In Abigail Adams note to Thomas Jefferson, it says they spend all of their money on furniture, clothes and thing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Michael Phelps Suicide 1.This article is loosely based on the actions of Michael Phelps one of which he was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, driving while impaired by alcohol, violation of a license restriction, and failure to obey a traffic control device while under the age of 21, another of which includes him, at 23 years old, smoking from a marijuana pipe. This analysis looks into how Phelps image was saved by his public relationsteam; their quick actions led him to a continued career with a multitude of sponsors. Joseph Walsh and Shelia M. McAllister Spooner team up to find out what methods were taken when this controversy occurred; essentially how Phelps and his team prevented a banishment of him from the world s eyes. They take certain... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another study that could follow up this study could be to see if men, from different sports backgrounds, have the same rapport with the media/fans. For example, we could take the case of many, many NFL players being charged with DUI or caught smoking marijuana and not having to go through the same process as Phelps yet, they could keep their jobs, fans, or even sponsorships. The main objective would be to see if the public reacts the same depending on the sports background of male athletes. First, I would go to google and research male athletes who are accused of the same, or similar crimes whether that be drug offenses, DUI, or a domestic dispute. To avoid any biases in my conclusion, I would need to go to different locations to ask diverse races, genders, ages these questions. To begin the survey process, I would start with basic questions to grasp the gist of how much the participant knows/cares about sports with their age, sports knowledge, and teams there are fans of. I would take 3 men with similar offenses, if not identical, and survey the public to see how they reacted when the story broke whether or not they are still a fan, whether they believe they will not do it again, whether or not they believe their apology to the world was sincere, etc. These questions would be short yes or no questions to ensure that the end results will be more conclusive then questions that ask the person to go more in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Achieving the Goals of the French The French Revolution is known to be the bloodiest and most violent revolution humankind has experienced. The French Revolution was started with the following three goals in mind: a change in government, a change in economy, and the delivery of equality for all. An extensive effort was used to correct these problems; however, it came at the cost of people s freedom. Authoritarian revolutionaries intended to solve France s struggles and drove the revolution in hope to improve the lives of the people. By looking at the evolution of France, through the years of 1781 to 1815, in terms of politics, economics, and social classstructure, it becomes evident that although the French Revolutiondid not meet all goals, the majority of the goals were met. The French succeeded in bringing economic stability to the country. A massive accumulation of debt and financial struggle plagued the country, ruining the lives of the common people. Revolutionaries were later able to recover slowly from these troubles and improve the common person s life. The misuse of French money greatly troubled the economy. The luxurious lives of the royal family used up a large fraction of the French budget. Millions of dollars of French treasury were spent yearly for the royal family to continue their extravagant lives. After the revolution was fought, Napoleon created a new system of French finance and closely monitored the flow of money. This shows that the revolution succeeded in gaining control ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Matterhorn Health Case The Matterhorn Health, a medical device company, has problems with a new product the GlucoGauge blood glucose monitor. The product received negative reports from the consumers of high inaccuracy rates. The company management team eventually identified three possible issues; unclear product instructions based on feedback information from hospitals and primary care practitioners, the microprocessor in the device might be malfunctioning discovered by operation department, and software design problem related to data sync to the user s smartphone identified by the engineering department. However, the product management team should build a better product and package. Furthermore, they should have more understanding of user experience related to the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, it should design to the GlucoGauge monitor spec and not the other way around. The decision to replace the CAP action test strip rather than replace the GlucoGauge monitor unit is a better decision. For a medical device company, a reputation is extremely important, and a new replacement device still has too much uncertainty. Also, the management team has fiduciary duties to the shareholders to minimize risk. Furthermore, by proactively shipped a free three months supply of the Master Strip 2 test strips to current GlucoGauge users should help to mitigate the risk of a damaging reputation issue. The third identified issue is the software design limitation that could decrease accuracy if more than two weeks of data synced to the users smartphones. A product management team should study target consumer behavior and incorporate into product planning. Also, the software update should add more database capacity as over 50% of smartphone users waited over two weeks between syncing their readings. Moreover, it should be more user friendly since the median age of the product user is 58 years old. Finally, saving the company reputation should be the top priority in this case study. Thermos is a good example of mismanaged of a medical device company; it lost billions of dollars of value over its reputation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Trust And Legitimacy In Law Enforcement Pillar one references to building a bridge which joins the community and law enforcement together. Building trust and legitimacy between police and citizen play a fundamental role in the law enforcement agencies as well as the communities they serve. Many studies have shown and proven that people/citizens will uphold the law/s of the country when the ones who have the authority to enforce the law are proven to be legitimate. Law enforcementofficer will not gain the trust of the people/ community if they are view as controlling and corrupted. The community on a whole wish for a guardian rather than a warrior within the policeforce. The mindset of all police officershould be to gain the trust and legitimacy within their community. To build... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In order to install a stable baseline for law enforcement agencies in this field, the U.S. DOJ (Department of Justice) should establish national standards for the research and development of new technology including auditory, visual, and biometric data, less than lethal technology, and the development of segregated radio spectrum such as FirstNet. These standards should also address compatibility, interoperability, and implementation needs both within local law enforcement agencies and across agencies and jurisdictions and should maintain civil and human rights protections. Law enforcement implementation of technology should be designed considering local needs and aligned with these national standards. Finally, law enforcement agencies should adopt model policies and best practices for technology based community engagement that increases community trust and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Musee Des Beaux Arts By W. H. Auden Musee des Beaux Arts by W. H. Auden starts his poem by honoring painters who painted about suffering and society s arrogance to the nature of suffering. People focus only on their lives and children continue to play, all unconcerned with the suffering of others around them. Auden brings the painting of Icarus to show the indifference of humanity to individual suffering. The central point is to show that everyone is caught up in his or her own lives and enjoyment that they ignore the suffering of the world around them. I myself agree with the poem that we as a society focus more on our lives and what affects us. I work at a nursing home and have become very close to the residents I care for, and every day I see them many will tell me they have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Health Care Crisis And An Understanding Of The Reforms A.The health care crisis and an understanding of the reforms The American Health Care system to say the least is wasteful, bloated, and generally inefficient and therefore in dire need for immediate review. This has largely been as a result of factors such as costs, poor investment return for outlays, inequitably distribution, and being based on anachronistic business model geared at treating diseases more than promoting wellness. The figures are all there to see why a radical surgery of the health care reforms has been long overdue. One reason why we have been spending too much on health care is out of our incentives which are perverse. we have been paying doctors by the procedures they perform as opposed to the quality of health care we... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Over the last few decades, a deliberate fundamental but progressive shift in structure towards provision of care in outpatient settings avoiding inpatient overnight stays in hospitals has been embraced. Theoretically, such a shift is meant to save on costs as fixed costs in outpatients setting are generally lower than in hospital stays. Unfortunately, this shift resulted to much higher utilization and adding more costs to the system. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010 which marked a historic milestone for the Democrats who had for decades been yearning for such a legislation. It signified a turning point in Americans healthcare expansion, availability and affordability. The coming into force of the Act gave hard working Americans families security by holding the insurance companies accountable as well as lowering the cost of health care, and giving them more freedom and control in making their health care choices and improving the care quality. Previously, different reforms in the health care sector have been proposed to address issues of cost as well as coverage to include such health areas like prevention and treatment of chronic ailments, obesity, defensive medicine, incentives rewarding more care, redundant payment systems, rationing, doctors and nurses shortage, fraud, use of imaging technology, tax ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. When it comes to juicer market, not all can be compared or... When it comes to juicer market, not all can be compared or compete with master brands like Breville and Cuisinart. They have established and proved what their products are capable of. The amount of spend on a juicer, must have a direct correlation with the benefit derived out of it. Factors like large usage period, better quality and quantity of juice and ease of maintenance need to be considered before purchasing a high quality juicer. For those who require all the above mentioned criteria, Hurom HU 100 slow juicer would be an ideal choice. The Hurom slow juicer performs functions similar to other juicers available in market. However, the real benefits are actually hidden. Most of conventional juicers have a very high RPM (rotations per ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By taking a look at the user reviews, it is obvious that Hurom has found a place in hear of customers. One positive review stated by a customer shows how easy it is to clean this device. While other branded juicers require some skill and effort to dis assemble and clean, Hurom can be assembled and disassembled effortlessly. No diagrams or manuals are required to do this. Another positive review proved the blade effectiveness. To break Almonds without soaking it overnight is tedious. But Hurom does this effectively for morning milk with its effective blades. The fineness of crushed almond portrays the outstanding quality of Horum slow juicers. Above all, the lowest noise levels are a strong point. Compared to other available juicers, Horum HU 100 makes very less noise while juicing. Even with wheat grass, Horum does an efficient job which customers cannot expect on juicers from top most or reputed brands. Some of the common complaints on Horum are blade jamming. This is a situational defect. If the customer tries to push the consumables too hard before it is crushed, then the blade would be jammed. If the eatables are very hard, then users might need to cut it down to smaller pieces to make the blade to rotate freely. However, this is not a fault with Horum juicer. Occasional breaks can happen, which can be tackled by filing warranty claims. Breaks are very rare and do not tend to happen frequently. This case is the same even for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The OgDaodth had genetically engineered his people to be... The OgDaodth had genetically engineered his people to be their slaves. He did not have any physical similarities to his Mother at all; he seemed to be most like his father Mythrus. Alaric s physical features were very similar to Mythrus; also, his character very much resembled Mythrus nature. Mythrus was a builder and engineer. His tribe s genetic specialization endowed them with the innate aptitude to design, engineer, and build. The builders were the beasts of burden and were known for their strength, endurance and the superior quality of their artisanship and planning. Due to this genetic enhancement, his body also swiftly adapted to any environment. The baleful forest that he over looked still had proven to be a formidable obstacle... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Leaving the place cloaked in shades of blues, grays and magentas. The energy of the haze was so intense it built a wall around him, the effect it created was disorientating. It felt as if he were standing in between the strings of time. It was as if he was not firmly rooted in any particular place or time. That he was somehow detached from the world around him viewing the people, places, and events through the strings of time, from some other place, time, and body. He had climbed the cliffs not only to get away from that sensation, but also to try to get a better overview of the landscape; hoping he might sight a pathway through the for est. The ground of the forest was enchanted; the vines that covered it were like a hydra. They were impervious to magic, and fire. The more you cut them the faster they grew. If you stood still for too long the forest floor would grow around your feet intertwining between your legs. He stared at the darkened forest and watched it, as it appeared to writhe and taunt him and felt his frustration rise yet again. Alaric rarely encountered an obstacle that he could not readily overcome. In fact, it had been a very long time since he had experienced any sort of challenge in his life. This journey had been a long series of delays and chal lenges, each one spilling into the next without end. He knew the general direction he was supposed to go in, but had no idea of his final destination. From the beginning, it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Keurig At Home Case Study Sonam Mhaskar New Product Development Keurig at Home Case Study Introduction: Keurig Inc has been founded on an amazing idea that coffee making systems that uses individual portion packs of freshly roasted and ground coffee with unique coffee maker designed to brew perfect cup of coffee at a time. At that time there are already established gourmet coffee houses like Starbucks, which is making coffee consumers to spend more money with an average of $ 1.50 or more for a cup of gourmet coffee. This change is consumer behavior created opportunity to Keurig to offer gourmet coffees by a single cup in offices in 1998. Within a span of four years (1996 2000), Keurig have noticed sales increased by 40% in US at home coffee market. With these facts KeurigВґs management got convinced, to develop an at home one cup coffee brewer especially for gourmet coffee lovers. KeurigВґs started approaching venture capital for funds to make their concept to a reality of single cup brewing system and their first target was coffee service market, the B2000 which was launched in 1998. Keurig changed its owner structure in 2002. They made agreements with two of its roasters partners that are Van Houtte and GMCR, both acquired 70% stake in the company. Keurig s single portion system is dependent entirely on the three key elements. a coffee brewer that perfectly controlled the amount, temperature and pressure of water to provide a consistency superior tasting cup of coffee. Crucial differentiation for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. High Intensity Interval Training If weight loss is at the top of your list for your fitness goals, then cardiovascular training should be part of your workouts regularly. Cardio is essential to burn unwanted fat stores to enable you to see your awesome defined muscles. The best fat burning cardio method is high intensity interval training (HIIT). An HIIT session is tough, it s not easy, but the results and benefits are more than worth it. You can literally burn fat with less time doing HIIT cardio, that means you will have more time to accomplish your to do list for the day by incorporation interval training into your fitness program. There are two methods of HIIT, short intervals lasting from 20 30 seconds and long intervals lasting 45 60 seconds. Intervals are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The entire exercise time period should last about 22 to 45 minutes, which includes warm up and cool down. HIIT is an excellent way to maximize your workouts to burn fat faster and make the most of your time when working out. You will see results much sooner by making HIIT a part of your regular workout regimen. Be mindful of your body when doing HIIT, this exercise is not for the faint of heart. It takes energy, determination, and sweat when done correctly. Do what you can and don t push your body to the point of wanting to pass out or if you can t breathe well. As you continue to do HIIT your endurance will improve, so make it a point to simply do your best and forget the rest. You can do HIIT on any cardio machine or by jogging and doing sprint intervals on a treadmill or outdoors. You can also do them without a cardio machine by incorporating them into your regular cardio routine. As always, if you re new to exercise or training high intensity intervals be sure to consult your physician prior to beginning a new exercise ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Penrith City Council Case Study Penrith gathers 20,000 signatures against poor infrastructure An online petition calling for federal funding on infrastructure development in Penrith and the outer western Sydney region has gathered more than 20,000 signatures. Penrith City Council has started this initiative with an aim to get problems of traffic congestion and other related problems out in the open as federal election campaigning gets underway. The campaign highlights the critical need to connect Sydney s outskirts to the North West and South West regions. The project s objective is to generate more job opportunities and health access to improve well being and togetherness in the community. It s a question of accessibility, to be able to get around. To have a meaningful,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I ll be an optimist, I believe there is going to be a federal fairly soon, and there will some further commitments in relation to the planning of it, then budget allocations for it will be put through regressively overtime. Though Good government, whether its liberal or labour will have to come on board, a bipartisan agreement, the creation of the fund really has to be a solution, to progressively build them up and spend them for the benefit of the community. What have you done to make the public aware? How can this be enhanced to infiltrate public interest? There s advertising everywhere, Facebook pages, YouTube advertisements, pamphlets, just last Wednesday morning people were handing out pamphlets at railways stations, the launch of the project in Penrith seems to have created a good deal of publicity. How long will these improvements take once approved? Will this be chaotic on top of existing rail lines in the process of construction? Any construction such as this will cause disruption. It is critical to implement it in an appropriate and timely manner. Changes are to be seen through to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. How Does Puck Present Hermia In A Midsummer Night s Dream 1.The first time Puck makes an appearance in the play she turns Bottom into a donkey. She also puts love potion in Titania s eyes (Act II scene I lines 250 268) so that when she would wake up the first person or thing she would see she would fall in love with. She woke up and first noticed Bottom who was half donkey. She fell in love with him and continued to follow him around. Puck also did this exact same procedure to Lysander while he was sleeping with distance from Hermia Helenawoke up Lysander, and he began to fall in love with Helena. Helena didn t believe Lysander that he loved her. Puck uses the love potion to purposely cause problems with all of the couples in the play. He seems to enjoy watching couples fight and have problems. Characterization: 2. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hermia is the character that is most like a modern day woman because of her strong willed personality. She likes to fight for what she believes in no matter what others think. Her father pre arranged her a marriage with Demetrius, but she had her mind set on Lysander. She stands up to her father and tells him that no matter what she will be with Lysander (Act I scene i 50 83). She runs away the next night to get married to Lysander but they get lost in the woods. Lysander then leaves with Helena but ultimately returns to his original girlfriend Hermia. Hermia ends up with the boy she truly loves in the end. She got what she wanted and deserved. Hermia is like a modern day woman because she set her mind to something and accomplished it in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Hidden Education And The Hidden Curriculum Question 1 The hidden curriculum is sensed in every district building, school, and classroom, and an observant outsider will be able to perceive the way things work and pick up on the culture and values of the school as they travel the halls. Yet, the students inside and teachers attend each day, perhaps unaware of the established environment and system. This hidden or implicit curriculum plays a significant role in the educational life of a student and the professional life of a teacher, as the norms and day to day happenings engender a culture that impacts behavior and beliefs. Some aspects of the hidden curriculum are hard to identify, while some are purposeful but not explicitly taught. The following authors address the various definitions and issues that are associated with this powerful facet of learners education and educators profession. First, Jackson (1968) describes hidden curriculum as the substance of school life that warrants serious attention (in Flinders Thornton, 2013). Students spend hours and hours in school, with no choice whether or not to go, and the unnoticed and unremarkable events that occur each day collectively have a powerful impact on a child. Jackson compares schools to prisons, where attendance is involuntary and the norms and routines are learned. Just like a prisoner, if a child does not conform and learn the rules of his environment, he will struggle to make it through. Jackson identifies criteria of hidden curriculum for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Ancient Ireland Research Paper The first humanoids appeared in Ireland during the 7th millennium BC. They are believed to have arrived from France and Scandinavia over the open ocean. They settled areas on the North Eastern coast of Ireland. During the Mesolithic period inhabitants depended mostly on fishing and hunting and gathering. Curraghs, light weight boats, were used to navigate inland water and coastal fishing. The only remnants of this culture are the imprints left in pottery, there were no major contributions to the island itself. During the 4th millennium BC Irelands second major wave of settlement. During this period Europeans came to Ireland in search of land for their crops and animals. These people left behind major large stone, megalithic, graves through... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Patrick s Confessio was written circa 440 AD, by St. Patrick. In the Confessio St. Patrick tells the story to the Irish people of why he came to Ireland. He tell them of the messages sent to him from God throughout his life that had saved him from slavery during his childhood. He uses the story of his life to show the Irish why they should turn to Christianity. St. Patrick even explains the Irish that he is not a perfect person. I know I cannot trust myself as long as I am in this body subject to death This quote shows that he does not hold him above the Irish people, but as an equal. He talks about how even though he has sinned God has forgiven him and has even saved him in times of need. This confession by St Patrick also defends his actions in Ireland. When I baptised so many thousands of people, did I hope to receive even the smallest payment? If so, tell me, and I will return it to you This quote tells the Irish that he is not converting them in a selfish way. He is converting them for their sakes and because he was asked by God himself. In 1171 internal struggle for power caused the Irish to be open to attack from Anglo Welsh warriors. This is the first time that Ireland had faced an army from outside of it s own borders, which had this meant that he Irish had not had to keep up with the current military innovations. In October of 1171 King Henry II arrived in Ireland. In 1172 King Henry took Dublin under his protection and issued the first Charter for his city . ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Small Complex Financial Institutions Found Themselves Of... Zhong Zheng Mark Sniderman, Ph.D. Econ 376 8th Nov 2014 Short Paper #3 Many large complex financial institutions found themselves of liquidity at the beginning of the crisis and as it progressed. I think they were surprised. The trigger for the liquidity crisis was an increase in subprime mortgage defaults, which was first noted in February 2007. The bank centered nature of the crisis made it harder than in the past for banks to attract deposits and provide liquidity to borrowers shut out of securities markets. Banks may not be able to provide liquidity in a financial crisis. The reason for this is that a bank centered crisis may lead investors to concern about the safety of bank deposits, even with deposit insurance. Therefore, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On the other hand, AIG has been increasingly active in the credit derivatives business, including credit default swaps. AIG s stock price fell more than 90 percent, capping off a large decline from the previous days in September 16, 2008. The AIG bailout was extended by a further 37 million in October and another 40 billion in November. An originate to distribute model of lending, where the originator of a loan sells it to various third parties, was a popular method of mortgage lending before the onset of the subprime mortgage crisis. This originate to distribute model had advantages over the old originate to hold model, where a bank originated a loan to the borrower and retained the credit risk. People believe that originate to distribute model of banking played a key role in the development of the financial crisis because instead of holding loans on banks balance sheets, banks moved to an originate and distribute model. Banks repackaged loans and passed them on to various other financial investors, thereby off loading risk. Next, banks increasingly financed their asset holdings with shorter maturity instruments. This change left banks particularly exposed to a dry up in funding liquidity. However, Gary Gorton has a different perspective. He believes that originate to distribute model claims that securitizations should not end up on bank balance sheets. There is no basis for his idea. In fact, there is an important ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Olympic Events Of The Olympics Have you ever wanted to be in the Olympics? The Olympics started in 776 B.C. in Ancient Greece. When only men could participate in the Olympics because they would get fit and they fought naked in some of the games. Women could not compete or watch. Also they did some exotic games that we don t have today. Some of the games are Discus, it is where you have a disc and you are in a ring and throw it as far as you can throw. Also they had wrestling which they don t have now, but back then they were naked and had oil all over them. Another game was running like the stade race, which was the pre eminent test of speed, covering the Olympiatrack from one end to the other (200m foot race), another running event was the diaulos (two stades 400m foot race), dolichos (ranging between 7 and 24 stades (Olympic). Some of the other events were jumping like Athletes used stone or lead weights called halteres to increase the distance of a jump. They held onto the weights until the end of their flight, and then jettisoned them backwards. Another event was Boxing, Boxers wrapped straps (himantes) around their hands to strengthen their wrists and steady their fingers. Initially, these straps were soft but, as time progressed, boxers started using hard leather straps, often causing disfigurement of their opponent s face (Olympic). Another event was Pankration and this was a primitive form of martial art combining wrestling and boxing, and was considered to be one of the toughest ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Pros And Cons Of Organ Donation At the age of two, a young boy named Jason became seriously ill from a heart condition. With the many hospital visits and meetings with doctors, Jason s family knew he would need a new heart, but they also knew it would not be easy to attain. After being on the transplant waiting list for more than a year, Jason finally received a heart at the age of five. Jason s parents were ecstatic stating, The new heart not only gave our son a chance to live, it changed our lives forever (OneLegacy, 2017). With the help of a giving donor, Jason was given a second chance at life, something many individuals in his situation do not get. The gap between organs needed and organs being donated is alarmingly huge in today s society. Organ donationis a big issue and there is not just one way to solve it. To some, the problem can be solved by simply thinking morally and choosing to help those around you. To others, the problem lies within the care from medical staff. In order to get these issues across, Snyder, Van Assche et al., and Kluge, authors of pieces within the ethical discipline use anecdotal evidenceto persuade an audience to think morally about organ donation. In contrast, Berntzen BjГёrke and Jacoby et al., authors of articles within the psychology discipline, use testimonial evidence to express to the audience that an issue with the organ donation process comes from the treatment of patients from medical staff. Both disciplines acknowledge organ donation as an issue, but using ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Stages Of Cognitive Development Children grow through a chain of four serious stages of cognitive development, according to Jean Piaget, who is a well recognized psychologist. Through the observations he made of children, Piaget established a theory of development involving four stages: the sensorimotor stage, which is from birth to the age 2, the preoperational stage, from age 2 to about the age of 7 and the concrete operational stage, ranging from age 7 to 11. The last stage of his development was the formal operational stage, which begins in adolescence and spans into adulthood (The 4 stages). Piaget said the most outstanding features of behavior happen within the first 2 years of children lives. The child s world cannot be showed mentally, so in a very literal sense, articles exist only when the child can physically see them for themselves. When objects are not seen by them, then they to fail to even exist to the child. This shows the idea of object permanenceto the child, which is knowing the solidity of an object. The Sensorimotor stage is measured by children facing the world through senses that they use every day. The children s thoughts are egocentric, which means that they cannot understand or see the world through someone else s perspective other than their own (Jean Piaget). Infants start to learn the world through their own movements and sensations every day. Learning everyday activities such as sucking, grasping, and looking help in this stage of development. Children learn that things ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. My New Body Of Work I would say my justifications are leading and concerning on being mindful. I would describe mindfulness, as a way of life that is peacefully perceptive, deprived of the stimulus of cravings or viewpoints. That is how I behave in the studio. I dominate my rational brain with technical focuses so that it stays occupied. As I am engaged with technique a fragment of myself is allowed to observe unrestricted by my thought process. It is that openness that truly enlightens my work. My new body of work is a continuation of the work I have initiated earlier this year. It consists of a series of large canvases where I am painting a distorted enlarged self. I paint with oil colors on Italian linen canvases. This paint layer gets built up in a traditional lean to fat technique. I used to paint women portraits, but I gradually became more interested in flesh and less in the facial expressions. Coming to an understanding about how the body alone is a vehicle to convey emotions and how those moods can be exuding from a flat surface. Throughout my artistic growth, the contemporary British artist Jenny Saville, that dedicated her career to traditional figurative oil painting, has acted a massive part in my developing work. The subjects of her paintings, the large canvasses and bodies exposing the flesh. The explanation of her work, tends to be eccentric and encompasses discourses about feminism i.e.: 1 feminist aesthetics of disgust , her use of uneven scratch marks, the strong and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. A Man For All Seasons, And Elia Kazan s On The Waterfront Only fools follow their standard of personal integrity. Discuss. Values and morals are often instilled in people as they grow up, but the extent to which one chooses to follow these principles can be greatly swayed by how strong their sense of personal integrity is. As individuals are exposed to an array of varying perspectives and multiple values, one s own certainty about the interpretation or application of a particular principle may lessen, opening up the possibility of accepting an alternative position. Robert Bolt s play, A Man For All Seasons , and Elia Kazan s On the Waterfront, we see that integrity is impossible without a conscience guided by long reflection upon the inner character of justice. Bolt s ethical protagonist ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bolt s lead character is a man of strict moral righteousness; he never once wavered, which consequently leads to his fall from grace and untimely death. More is not setting out to be a hero or martyr. He is a lawyer and sees the law as a way to live peacefully in the world. From his choices, it is evidently clear that More is no simple common man. He treads the road that only a few mortals would dare travel down to. His critics see his morality as impractical but for More, his conscience is the only thing (he) believes to be true . As a man of virtue, More stands alone in the play. Surrounded by a cast of seemingly weak and basic characters, More s morality is even more manifest. Such characters as Richard Rich and the Common Man demonstrate how most normal individuals will be guided by their needs, not their consciences. Rich is intoxicated with avarice and believes that materialistic items such as clothes and money will gain him the respect and power that he rightly deserves . More conversely knows well that respect and admiration cannot be brought and that the integrity of men is to be measured by conduct and not their satisfaction of hubris. It is obvious that More understands the nuance of every political move, as he mentions what would happen if Wolsey falls. He conveys his competence by his careful handling of events. Because of his intellectual prowess, More has managed to keep the people he cares around him safe by using the words of the law in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Hazards of High Protein, Low Carbohydrate Diets Essay The Hazards of High Protein, Low Carbohydrate Diets A young, healthy teenage girl fell to her death after following a high protein, low carbohydrate diet for no more than two weeks. The girl, having no identified sicknesses or medical conditions, exhibited electrolyte imbalances along with minimal levels of potassium and calcium, which appeared to be a result of the diet according to doctors at the University of Missouri Health Science Center. These irregularities upset the normal electrical function of her heart causing it to stop and her to collapse ( US teen . . . ). Based on this alone, it is evident that a high protein, low carbohydrate diet is not a safe and healthy long term weight loss program. High Protein diets are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... High protein or ketogenic diets, those like the well known Atkins, are based solely on large consumptions of proteins and fats while they restrict carbohydrates to a nearly invisible amount. Although dieters are eating plenty of meat and getting their protein, possibly even an overload, they are receiving very little, if any, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other nutrient rich foods, which are essential to a well balanced diet ( High Protein Diets ). A study conducted on Atkins meals reveals that, along with having too much protein and too little carbohydrates, they are unusually high in saturated fat and cholesterol while minimal in fiber. The meals also fail to meet the recommended daily values for several vitamins and minerals ( How does . . .? ). Therefore, with this type of diet, it is vital to one s health that vitamins and minerals are consumed by means of supplements. There are some nutrients, though, that cannot be acquired any other way than directly from the source ( The Dangers . . . ). According to Ellen Coleman s article, Even Dr. Atkins . . . admits that his diet doesn t supply enough vitamin [sic] and minerals and recommends that people take supplements. Due to the imbalance of protein and carbohydrates, many serious side effects are linked to the weight loss plan. Ketosis, a fasting state, is very common among high protein dieters ( The Dangers . . . ). The body lacks its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Jonalty Catalan s Measure Of A Man Jonalty CatalanIn Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy title Personal Identity describes a person as not just any being with mental properties of the sort that you and I have rationality and self consciousness, for instance counts as a person. In a philosophy sense a person is not limited to a Homo sapiens sapiens. For example, in the show Star Trek episode Measure of a Man, Data is fighting for the rights he deserve because he is not just a machine. Picard who is Data commander explains to the judge that Data is not just a piece of equipment, he ask Data several question. Data was asked about a book that his commander gave him, when he was ask why does he keep that book his respond was because he treasure it because it was giving to him ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Railroad Conductors Railroad Conductor Sturgill Simpson, a railroad conductor once quoted, I worked for Union Pacific. I started out as a conductor at an intermodal switching facility outside of Salt Lake City. We d pull in trains from all over the country, break them apart, consolidate the freight, and build other trains. It was great until I screwed up and took a management position. Then it became no fun very quickly (Sturgill Simpson Quotes). The foundation of railroad conducting is in the hands of laborers. This career is for those who need to keep busy and interested throughout the day. As one prepares for a future in the field of railroad conducting, one must consider the history, the educational requirements, the duties and responsibilities, the benefits, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most conductors started out as steamboat or coastal packet captains before working a job on the railroad (Lives on the Railroad). Steamboats and ships were the means of transportation of the time for passengers and freight until the invention of the railroad. With the expansion of the railroad, one of the conductor s job responsibilities was to keep the train on schedule (Lives on the Railroad). The railroad became a popular alternative for freight transportation and for passengers ( Railroad Conductors 279). The railroad offered a faster convenience for travel. Conductors sold tickets to passengers and counted the tickets to keep records in order (Lives on the Railroad). Maintaining proper records was important for business. Also, making a list of the names that the tickets were sold were important so that one could be found on a train. It was also important for the conductors to keep the passengers safe from the weather elements and to rushing sparks from the firebox that helped power the locomotive (Railroad Conductors 279). Most trains had open windows or no covers on them exposing all of the passengers to all of the rain, snow, or wind. Today, conductors are responsible for the operation of the train. Conductors are required to have knowledge of how the train operates including the engine, the cargo, the cars, and the trains signal systems (Railroad Conductors 279). Having knowledge of the train s controls insures the safety of the trains passengers and cargo and make sure the train arrives on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Osmotic Thirst And Dehydrates Osmotic thirst, results from dehydration of cells. Osmoreceptors in the brain detects changes in cellular hydration, and increase their firing when dehydration is sensed. Dehydration of cells means high solute concentration outside cells, which causes loss of water from salt. Eating salty foods triggers osmotic thirst; also certain neurons can detect their own loss of water and then trigger osmotic thirst, which helps restore the normal state. Sodium ions spread throughout the bloodand extracellular fluid but do not cross the membranes into cells. Any deviation activated mechanisms that restore the concentration of solutes to the set point (Kalat 305). The brain detects osmotic thirst by receiving parts of the information from the receptors ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Nt1310 Unit 8 Lab Report The relation between IC and IB is as follows: IC = Гџ x IB 50 1000 Where Гџ is known as the current emitter gain (Storr, 2013). Figure 4: Output Characteristics Curves of a Typical Bipolar Transistor (Amos James, 2000) With reference to figure 4, it can be seen that IC is largely unaffected when VCE is more than 1.0V. This is because it is almost completely controlled by IB, which is the base current. This means that the circuit is controlled by a constant current source. The straight line drawn shows the saturation point at A, and the cut off point at B when IC=0. This results in a Q point as seen in the middle of figure 4. When VC is much greater than VE, the transistor conducts. Transistors have the ability... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By manipulating the key characteristics of the Schmitt trigger, it produces different frequencies fed to the speaker to operate. One key component of the Schmitt trigger is to determine the high and low thresholds at 3V. This is done with the help of the data sheet values as presented in the appendix below. The next section 3.2 contains a detailed explanation of the design process. As mentioned earlier, this process is broken down into three different segments. The two tone speaker was constructed using both active and passive components as alluded to in the introduction. The relaxation oscillators were responsible for the generation of the two noise tones, the switching of the tones and the frequency at which the tones switch. It is then passed through a 1k resistor and finally through a transistor which is connected to the tone section of the circuit. The transistor in this case acts as an amplifier, and its main purpose is to amplify the final signal and supply it to the speaker, making it audible. The simulations are tested and recorded under section ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Reasons For The Election Of 1860 The election of 1860 was one like no other, it was the event that lead to the succession of the eleven states that would become to be known as the Confederate States of America, including Texas. In the United States of America there was a lot of tension due to the different lifestyles of the North and the South, particularly those differences between the views in slavery. As we all know, the North was a very industrial and mechanics region, as for the South a very agricultural area that depended highly on their existence of slaves. In the Republican Party slavery was frowned upon. This was the main and ultimately most important reason for which the South did not want the republican candidate, Abraham Lincolnto rise to victory. As this election ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Aboriginal Traditions In Aboriginal Traditions and Policy, the presentation group that I was part of consisted of Ashleigh, Tam, Jy, Lana, Khoi and myself. We chose Gertrude Street (a.k.a The Dirty Mile ) to be our chosen site to research. Gertrude Street belonged to the Woiworung Tribe and was Melbourne s first suburb after being separated from Melbourne City in 1858 (Fitzroy History Society 2018). It was known as The Dirty Mile or The Black Mile , as it was home to some legendary black pubs, and later, the Aboriginal community s own health, housing and legal organisations. (Allam 2010). Our group used the Fitzroy Aboriginal Heritage Walking Trail brochure, created by the City of Yarra, as a guide which took us to the many places in Gertrude Street which... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although its culture and history has now more or less been removed with the building now being more modernised and now is a Chinese restaurant; as with most of the locations we visited, there is a plaque on the outside wall stating the importance and history of the building. Although so much of the street s history has been taken from it, the plaques at least show recognition of most of the sites significances, and could give us visitors a better insight to what they used to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Life-Divination And Omens Chapter 11: Encountering the Present: Guidance for Life Divination and Omens Walton begins to discuss the ANE view of the present in this chapter, so he focuses on the usage and interpretation of divinations and omens as the guidance for life. The objective here is to discuss the epistemology for the knowledge driven divination and the practical application by magicians and other religious practitioners. The major discussion focuses on the two categories of divination as the inspired and the deductive along with the forms of them. Inspired divination targets on both official and informal prophecy and dreams. Walton states that prophecy generally concentrated primarily on the kings, and the function of the prophet was there to advise the king of what would be approving to the god who had spoken or who had reveled. Dreams varied from inspiration to one who actively sought a god as the last part of inspired divination. Other than the inspired divination, deductive divination comes from two types of events that can be observed in the physical realm: the active as extispicy or casting of lots; and the unprovoked ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Then the continue topic of magic is addressed and expressed that it must be included within the religious field of the ANE. Magic is used as an example of power; while divination is always used to gain knowledge or understanding. After the discussion of myth, this chapter achieved the dimension of epistemology and semiotics as well as how a prophet gained his credibility through prophecy with the provided biblical evidences. Chapter 12: Encountering the Present: Context of Life Cities and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Boeing Mission Statement The company I choose as my focus in this Marketing Management assignment is Boeing. Boeing was founded by William Boeing and is the world s largest multinational aerospace company. Boeing is also the leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems ( Boeing, 1995 2015). With its headquarters in Chicago, Illinois, Boeingemploys more than 165,000 people across the United States in more than 65 countries. Moreover, Boeing s mission statement is being committed to working in partnership to ensure that innovative/creative solutions are developed and implemented to improve health and safety, employee development, and quality and productivity in the workplace ( Boeing, 1995 2015). Nevertheless, in 2012, Boeing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These prices start from 371 million for a commercial aircraft and 63 million for a freighter. As previously mentioned, all Boeing aircrafts can be delivered to a location of choice and promotion is done via television ads, photos, videos and sponsoring selective major events that resonates with the company s business and brand strategies. Still, customers will perceive quality based advantage as an advantage for Boeing s product over its competitors because the Boeing Production System and the Boeing Quality Management System are inextricably linked, as manufacturing and quality organizations work together to achieve total customer satisfaction through a lean production system. All in all, research shows Boeing builds the best products in the world, and its standards are second to none ( Boeing, 1995 2015). Yet, Boeing has made certain that input from all significant stakeholders are factored into its products lifecycle. Albeit challenging, Boeing must ensure that the systems and processed designated by the company is integrated and used correctly by all employees. Therefore, it is always possible to make changes and or modifications to a company s existing product lifecycle, but not necessary if it s not needed or required at that given ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Persuasive Essay About Santorini Island Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone. Have you ever heard about any volcanic eruption places? Do you want to experience yourself to this kind of places? If your answer is yes, definitely I have a perfect vacation for you. Before that, as I know, North atlantic island emerged from the waves following an extended volcanic eruption in the 1960 and its the world most pristine natural habitat but only a few scientist have been allowed to venture there. But, nevermind because there are still have a place with an active volcanoand probably the only volcano in the world whose crater in the sea. The place that I mention is Santorini, the Santorini island form from an intensive volcanic activity. Such an amazing place, right? I think that Santorini is a good topic for me to tell and show you based on a few reasons. Firstly, not many of us know... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Characterized by the Cycladic architecture which is white painted villages stand on the top of the high red colored cliffs. Santorini architecture is featured uniquely throughout its settlements. We can see the whitewashed house in complete harmony with its volcanic scenery. Example is Oia which is known as neoclassical mansions, small churches and the colorful houses. The buildings match the classic and modern beauty, which offer most romantic scenery and plethora of beautiful places. Then, Fira is the main town of Santorini located at the edge of caldera which highlights the traditional houses which blend with the lovely venetion characteristic like the arches and vaults and colorful stairs. Among the narrow paths of Santorini are the beautiful churches, architectural jewels that blend in the island s landscape. We can take a breathtaking view from the Oia to the caldera based on their unique architecture and we can see the golden sunset from here that making the island an unforgettable destination for the summer ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. How Did Galileo Galilei Contribute To Science Galileo Galilei was a remarkable figure in the history of science. Due to his studies in science, the inventor faced the wrath of the Roman Inquisition. Galileo Galilei is the most significant scientist in modern science, because of his accomplishments in science and the obstacles he overcame for the sake of science. Some accomplishments include founding the branch of material physics (also known as kinematics or the science of the strength of materials), creating a higher definition telescope, in order to prove the heliocentric theory true, and disproving many of Aristotle s teachings in astronomyand physics. Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564 to Giulia Degli Ammannati and Vincenzo Galilei. He was born in the Arno Valley near... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is because of his great revisions to the telescope, after hearing about the invention of a telescope, Galileo decided to create his own. He made a 32 power refracting telescope. With this revision Galileo was able to prove Ptolemy s theory of a geocentric universe wrong, with the proof of sunspots and phases of Venus. He also was able to prove that the Moon wasn t smooth, as Aristotle thought otherwise. Also, he was the one who realized that the Milky Way was created by multiple stars visible to the naked eye. However, his most famous discovery would probably be the four Galilean moons of Jupiter Io, Ganymede, Callisto, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. X Ambassadors Unsteady The quartet X Ambassadors songs are really powerful. Through their songs you can really feel the story they re telling. X Ambassadors made their album, VHS , about their journey to find themselves, and that journey led them back home to a small town called Ithaca, New York. Since their childhood the Harris brothershave always had roots with music. They re father was a filmmaker and he encouraged Sam to join school musicals, this assisted Sam into finding his storytelling and narrating abilities. Despite being blind, Casey Harris made a living as a professional tuner. When Sam and his friends started a band Casey was keen on joining. But his older brother was not so excited. His band mates convinced him, saying that Casey was a better musician... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the song Unsteady they added what sounded like playing cards, this made it sound like they were going through the past . When this was mixed with Sam s powerful narrating skills, Casey s keyboard ability, Noah s background guitar, and Adam s continuous beats, it was one of the most popular songs X Ambassadors had produced: Unsteady. The piano s softness balances out with Sam s loud voice, and the guitar and drums are perfect for the background music. Sam has a very unique voice which he uses to create a picture or a story of some of his life problems he s dealing with now or that he s dealt with in the past. Casey balances the piano with the guitar to make sure there s a softness to the song, and Adam Levine uses his drums to create the tone. Unsteady has a very powerful and emotional story. While Sam and Casey were growing up, their parents were growing apart, eventually they got a divorce. The song Unsteady witnesses the perspective of a child: what he feels like, what he knows, what he s trying to tell them, the use of all of their previous knowledge helped them ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Analyzing Ranc s Vertumnus The painting by Jean Ranc titled Vertumnus and Pomona shows an encounter of Vertumnus and Pomona, two characters of Roman mythology. Both Vertumnus and Pomona themselves are references to antiquity. The basket of fruit that Pomona rests her arm on is a reference to herself as the Roman goddess of fruit. Although this paintinghas a Roman mythology basis, it also has ties to contemporary aspects that a viewer in the 18th century could relate to. Pomona and Vertumnus are painted in a modern garden or outdoor setting. This painting taking place outdoors is similar to other fГЄte galantes paintings that were popular during that time in the 18th century. For example, numerous paintings by the artist Jean Antoine Watteau showed people enjoying themselves in an outdoor setting.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These characters from Roman mythology are depicted in outfits that were common in the 18th century. Pomona is holding a dainty sun umbrella and is wearing a fancy pink dress while Vertumnus is draped in fabrics that you can presume would be worn by an elderly woman in the 18th century. In addition to that, these characters have modern hairstyles with hair accessories and are painted with rosy cheeks to make it look like they are wearing makeup which is something that would appeal to the 18th century viewer. Vertumnus and Pomona are painted to look like the typical upper class person in the gardens living in the 18th century instead of ethereal gods and goddesses. All of these elements come together to create this painting that is based upon Roman mythology but also has modern ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. 12 Angry Men Inferences Furthermore, the jurors made significant inferences that assured them the defendant was guilty. An individual makes an inference when they conclude an argument by analyzing evidence and by applying reasoning. For instance, the broker believed that the defendant was capable of being a murderer because he grew up in a bad environment. The broker also claimed that the defendant was guilty because he bought a distinctive switch knife that was identical to the murder weapon. In addition, the messenger and the architect inferred that the witnesses testimonies were tangible evidence that proved the defendant did commit the crime. For example, the old man claimed that he heard the defendant yell at his father, I m going to kill you. Before he saw ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...