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Submitted by:
Anchika kumari
B.Tech Vth Sem(CS)
Haptics’ is a technology that adds the sense of touch to
virtual environments.
Haptic technology refers to technology that interfaces the
user with a virtual environment via the sense of touch by
applying forces, vibrations, and/or motions to the user.
When virtual object are touched, they seem real and
• Derived from Greek word “haptikos” means able
to come in contact with”
• HAPTIC :also known as
force-feedback technology
• Haptic technology has the
ability to boost realism by the
addition of a third sense
called touch.
Generation of haptic
• First generation: electromagnetic technologies
produce a limited range of sensations
• Second generation : touch-coordinate specific
• Third generation : delivers both touch-coordinate
specific responses and customizable haptic effects
• Fourth generation : pressure sensitivity, i.e. how
hard you press on a flat surface can affect the
Basic System Configuration
4 3
End effector
Virtual object
• Haptics is implemented through different
type of interactions with a haptic device
communicating with the computer.
• These interactions can be divided
into two category:
Tactile Feedback
Force Feedback.
Types of Feedback
Tactical feedback Force feedback
• Refers to the sensations felt by the
• It allow users to feel things
• Eg: temperature, vibrations etc.
• It reproduces the directional
forces that can result from
solid boundaries.
• Eg: weight of virtual objects.
Haptic Devices
• It allow users to touch, feel
and manipulate 3-D objects
in virtual environments.
• Haptic device are input-
output device.
• providing a 3D touch to the
virtual objects
• provides 6 d.o.f
• when the user move his finger,
then he could really feel the
shape and size of the virtual
3D object that has been
already programmed.
• It works monitoring the
position of user fingertip or
hand by optical encoder
2.Cyber Grasp
• The Cyber Grasp system fits
over the user's entire hand
like an exoskeleton and adds
resistive force feedback to
each finger
• Allows 4 d.o.f for each finger
• Adapted to different size of
the fingers
• Located on the back of the
Computer and video
 Disney Research
Pittsburg has
Shown off a technology
called “Surround
Haptics” that bring
real life experience in
video gaming and film
Medical & Military
Stroke Patients
• Patients interact with virtual
worlds by feel.
• Military Training in virtual
Robotics Mobile devices-
• Haptic technology
is also widely used in
teleoperation, or telerobotics.
Tactile haptic feedback
becoming common in
cellular devices.
Future application
• The Design Research Lab
in Berlin, Germany has
developed a haptic feedback
glove designed specifically for
blind users to improve texting
• The Lorm glove allows blind
users to text by tapping
various sensors, and to receive
text via vibrations.
• Text for blind
Touch to feel the virtual world
• Interaction Research group at
Microsoft Research Redmond
developing through
user touch and feel objects
inside the virtual world
• flat touch screen convey depth,
weight, movement, and shape
• moving a finger on the screen,
the user can interact with on-
screen 3-D objects and
experience different force
responses that correspond to
the physical simulation.
 Working time is reduced.
 Communication is centered through touch and the
digital world can behave like the real world.
 Increase confidence in medical field.
 With haptic hardware and software designer can feel
the result as if he/she were handling physical objects.
 Higher cost.
 Large weigh & size
 From point of algorithm, output is not saturate.
 The precision of touch require a lots of advance
• Touch plays a huge role in the way we perceive our
surroundings and also how we interact with them.
Haptics technologies have come a long way in bringing
this technology into reality.
• Currently limited to consumers.
• Future generations of mobile devices and game console
accessories will implement more haptic feedback.
• Increasing applications of haptics the cost of the haptic
devices will drop in future.
• This technology brings us one step closer to virtual
• https://haptics.lcsr.jhu.edu/Research/Tissue_M
• http://www.mpb-
• http://www.informit.com
• http://sciencedaily.com
• http://www.electronic.howstuffworks.com
• http://wikipedia.com
Haptic technology

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Haptic technology

  • 1. HAPTIC TECHNOLOGY Submitted by: Anchika kumari B.Tech Vth Sem(CS)
  • 2. INTRODUCTION Haptics’ is a technology that adds the sense of touch to virtual environments. Haptic technology refers to technology that interfaces the user with a virtual environment via the sense of touch by applying forces, vibrations, and/or motions to the user. When virtual object are touched, they seem real and tangible.
  • 3. Haptic=Touch=Connection • Derived from Greek word “haptikos” means able to come in contact with” • HAPTIC :also known as force-feedback technology • Haptic technology has the ability to boost realism by the addition of a third sense called touch.
  • 4. Generation of haptic • First generation: electromagnetic technologies produce a limited range of sensations • Second generation : touch-coordinate specific responses • Third generation : delivers both touch-coordinate specific responses and customizable haptic effects • Fourth generation : pressure sensitivity, i.e. how hard you press on a flat surface can affect the response
  • 5. Basic System Configuration 4 3 2 4 3 2 1 1 End effector Hand Actuators Muscles Sensors Virtual object MachineHuman Computer hapticsSensors
  • 6. Feedback • Haptics is implemented through different type of interactions with a haptic device communicating with the computer. • These interactions can be divided into two category: Tactile Feedback Force Feedback.
  • 7. Types of Feedback Tactical feedback Force feedback • Refers to the sensations felt by the skin. • It allow users to feel things • Eg: temperature, vibrations etc. • It reproduces the directional forces that can result from solid boundaries. • Eg: weight of virtual objects.
  • 8. Haptic Devices • It allow users to touch, feel and manipulate 3-D objects in virtual environments. • Haptic device are input- output device.
  • 9. 1.Phantom • providing a 3D touch to the virtual objects • provides 6 d.o.f • when the user move his finger, then he could really feel the shape and size of the virtual 3D object that has been already programmed. • It works monitoring the position of user fingertip or hand by optical encoder
  • 10. 2.Cyber Grasp • The Cyber Grasp system fits over the user's entire hand like an exoskeleton and adds resistive force feedback to each finger • Allows 4 d.o.f for each finger • Adapted to different size of the fingers • Located on the back of the hand
  • 11. Computer and video games:  Disney Research Pittsburg has Shown off a technology called “Surround Haptics” that bring real life experience in video gaming and film watching
  • 12. Medical & Military Stroke Patients • Patients interact with virtual worlds by feel. Army • Military Training in virtual environment.
  • 13. Electronics Robotics Mobile devices- • Haptic technology is also widely used in teleoperation, or telerobotics. Tactile haptic feedback becoming common in cellular devices.
  • 14. Future application • The Design Research Lab in Berlin, Germany has developed a haptic feedback glove designed specifically for blind users to improve texting capabilities. • The Lorm glove allows blind users to text by tapping various sensors, and to receive text via vibrations. • Text for blind
  • 15. Touch to feel the virtual world • Interaction Research group at Microsoft Research Redmond developing through user touch and feel objects inside the virtual world • flat touch screen convey depth, weight, movement, and shape • moving a finger on the screen, the user can interact with on- screen 3-D objects and experience different force responses that correspond to the physical simulation.
  • 16. Advantages  Working time is reduced.  Communication is centered through touch and the digital world can behave like the real world.  Increase confidence in medical field.  With haptic hardware and software designer can feel the result as if he/she were handling physical objects.
  • 17. Disadvantages  Higher cost.  Large weigh & size  From point of algorithm, output is not saturate.  The precision of touch require a lots of advance design.
  • 18. Conclusion • Touch plays a huge role in the way we perceive our surroundings and also how we interact with them. Haptics technologies have come a long way in bringing this technology into reality. • Currently limited to consumers. • Future generations of mobile devices and game console accessories will implement more haptic feedback. • Increasing applications of haptics the cost of the haptic devices will drop in future. • This technology brings us one step closer to virtual world.
  • 19. References • https://haptics.lcsr.jhu.edu/Research/Tissue_M odeling_and_Simulation • http://www.mpb- technology/dof/application.html • http://www.informit.com • http://sciencedaily.com • http://www.electronic.howstuffworks.com • http://wikipedia.com