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 A set of personality characteristics
 that allow the individual to defend
against the negative effects of stress
The 3 C’s of hardiness

   • Strong sense of control over events in their life, can
     overcome their experiences


   • Highly committed and involved in tasks, strong sense of


   • View life events as challenges to overcome – change is an
     opportunity for development
Research into the ‘hardy’ personality
                Aim: To investigate whether a ‘hardy’
                personality impacts on an individuals
                ability to defend against the negative
                            effects of stress

Procedure: Kobasa studied 800 American business executives
using the SRRS – 150 of these were identified as having high
stress levels, some with a low illness and other with a high illness
There must be something different about these 2 groups
Gave the 150 participants a hardiness questionnaire
Research into the ‘hardy’ personality
   • High stress/low illness participants scored highly on all 3
                     characteristics of hardiness
          • High stress/high illness scored much lower
    • Suggesting that the hardy personality type is linked to
        stress levels and that hardiness defends against the
                      negative effects of stress!

Kobasa concluded the ‘hardy’ personality encourages resilience
           and helps an individual to cope with stress
Hardiness A02

P   • Further evidence supports Kobasa’s findings

    • e.g. Lifton et al (2006) found that low hardiness was
E     disproportionately represented amongst university

    • This is a strength because it supports Kobasa’s findings
E     that a person scoring highly for hardiness is more
      successful in coping with stress
Hardiness A02

    • Kobasa’s research relied on self-report
P     methods

    • e.g. Some participants might provide false
E     information in an attempt to appear more
      stressed/relaxed in response to social desirability

    • This is a weakness because the study may not
E     actually be measuring what it intends to, the
      research has low internal validity
Hardiness A02

P   • Kobasa’s research could be affected by a third

    • e.g. ‘hardy’ people might exercise the control
E     element of their personality to ensure they have
      relaxation time to offset the stress

    • This is a weakness because the relationship between
E     hardiness and someone's ability to cope with stress might
      not be a direct as first assumed

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  • 1. Hardiness A set of personality characteristics that allow the individual to defend against the negative effects of stress
  • 2. The 3 C’s of hardiness Control • Strong sense of control over events in their life, can overcome their experiences Commitment • Highly committed and involved in tasks, strong sense of purpose Challenge • View life events as challenges to overcome – change is an opportunity for development
  • 3. Research into the ‘hardy’ personality Aim: To investigate whether a ‘hardy’ personality impacts on an individuals ability to defend against the negative effects of stress Procedure: Kobasa studied 800 American business executives using the SRRS – 150 of these were identified as having high stress levels, some with a low illness and other with a high illness record. There must be something different about these 2 groups Gave the 150 participants a hardiness questionnaire
  • 4. Research into the ‘hardy’ personality Findings: • High stress/low illness participants scored highly on all 3 characteristics of hardiness • High stress/high illness scored much lower • Suggesting that the hardy personality type is linked to stress levels and that hardiness defends against the negative effects of stress! Conclusion: Kobasa concluded the ‘hardy’ personality encourages resilience and helps an individual to cope with stress
  • 5. Hardiness A02 P • Further evidence supports Kobasa’s findings • e.g. Lifton et al (2006) found that low hardiness was E disproportionately represented amongst university drop-outs • This is a strength because it supports Kobasa’s findings E that a person scoring highly for hardiness is more successful in coping with stress
  • 6. Hardiness A02 • Kobasa’s research relied on self-report P methods • e.g. Some participants might provide false E information in an attempt to appear more stressed/relaxed in response to social desirability • This is a weakness because the study may not E actually be measuring what it intends to, the research has low internal validity
  • 7. Hardiness A02 P • Kobasa’s research could be affected by a third variable • e.g. ‘hardy’ people might exercise the control E element of their personality to ensure they have relaxation time to offset the stress • This is a weakness because the relationship between E hardiness and someone's ability to cope with stress might not be a direct as first assumed