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2014 was undoubtedly a good year
for the Data and Analytics sector.
Many candidates found that the high
demand for their skills led to the
opportunity to explore their career
development, and almost half of our
respondents had changed jobs in the
last year.
This candidate driven trend has
continued into the early part of 2015
and shows no signs of abating as we
head further into the year.The volume
of vacancies is still high, and this
is naturally supporting a candidate
driven market.
As one would expect, candidates are seeking
roles with better benefits and increased
financial reward but supportive, and
collaborative working environments are also
high priorities. In a candidate-driven market,
it is important that employers demonstrate
that they are well-run organisations with a
strong, supportive culture to meet the key
requirements of the potential employee.
Successfully attracting the best people will
require a strong offer.
Therefore a streamlined process of screening
and selection must be in place to secure the
services of talented candidates.
Of those that received a bonus,
68% reported that it was higher
than the previous year
A significant uplift was
expected among
candidates looking
to move job
Welcome to the Harnham 2015 salary guide.In these pages we will be
presenting you with the market trends,predicted developments and
of course salary data for the Data and Analytics sector.
Our survey shows evidence of
the increased use of open source
products with R the winner among
our respondents
Companies responded
to candidates salary
expectations by closely
meeting their demands
_ harnham
salary guide
_ page
for more information, go to: harnham.com
As you would expect from a leading presence in the Data and Analytics
industry,we have an ongoing process of monitoring the trends within the
market.Our salary guide is based on responses from over 1,200 respondents
from around the UK and additional information sourced from;
_	Analysis of our online advertising
during 2014
_	Market intelligence gathered first
hand from client and candidate
_	Objective data gathered from
placements made by Harnham
The responses to our survey were
gathered from a wide range of regions
within the UK, with London and the
South East containing the highest
concentration of contributors. Once
again this year we ensured that data
was gathered from the rest of the UK to
safeguard the accuracy and quality of
the analysis.
Careful collation and interpretation of the
gathered data ensures that this guide is an
invaluable interpretation of the current Data
and Analytics market.
_ harnham
salary guide
_ page
for more information, go to: harnham.com
In addition to a wide geographical reach,the range and profile
of respondents ensured a spread of market intelligence.
Contributions were gathered from all the major sectors
within the field of Data and Analytics,including Retail,FMCG,
Banking,Consultancy,Digital Technologies and
Financial Services.
0 to 2
in years	
3 to 6 	
7 to 10
_ harnham
salary guide
_ page
for more information, go to: harnham.com
46% of our
respondents stay
in a role 0-2 years
with a further 48%
3-6 years
_	 Poor Management (24%)
_	 Team dynamics (11%)
_	 Benefits (8%)
_	 Job stability (8%)
_	 Relocation (8%)
Last year 26% of
respondents changed
companies due to
uncompetitive salaries
The speed of change in the data market has thrown up interesting results with regard
to motivations for moving roles.In 2013,38% of our respondents cited salary as their
key motivator for seeking a move,yet in 2014 this has dropped to 26%.
Whilst the general increase in salaries across the industry suggests the market is
catching up with demands;it also shows that those seeking a new role are looking
beyond the monetary offering and other influences are becoming more prevalent.
Exposure to new technology and
techniques has been a key driver to
job seekers, both from our experience
across the year but also within the
survey results.
As an employer, ensuring that
interviewees experience the
work environment and meet their
prospective team has become more
important, along with highlighting
the variety of opportunity and tasks
that will feature in the role.
Flexibility of employment terms has heightened
importance for prospective employees. As a
result, candidates are looking to assess more
closely the management and team dynamics
before the move to a new employer.
In a market where tools and techniques in the
application of data are constantly evolving,
jobseekers are looking for a commitment
from the business that there will be ongoing
investment in Analytics, that will both enable
the business to stay ahead of the market
and will also ensure the development
of their skillset.
_ harnham
salary guide
_ page
for more information, go to: harnham.com
The upward trajectory of salaries has continued with some
interesting findings from our survey responses this year.
The average increase in base salaries
was 17% over the previous year, vs.
an increase of 13% in 2013 over the
previous year.
When it came to bonuses, 68% of our
respondents received larger bonuses over
the previous year.The average bonus pay
out was 16% above base salary, compared
to 15% in 2013.
According to data from the Office of
National Statistics for 2014, average annual
salary increases in the private sector are
now 2%. Clearly a stark contrast to the
demand shown for Data and Analytics
professionals, as evidenced by our
survey data.
Of those who received
bonuses in 2014, 68%
received a higher bonus
than the previous year
in base salaries vs.
last year which
was 13%
For one-third of respondents
there was no increase
in salary at all
The average bonus payout
above base salary achieved
in 2014 was 16%
_ harnham
salary guide
_ page
for more information, go to: harnham.com
-	Respondents feel secure in their
roles. Our survey results show
that 89% of respondents feel as
secure as, if not more secure than
they did last year in their role – a
3% increase year on year.
-	The average bonus achieved
in 2014 was 16% above base
salary – 1% higher than in 2013.
The expectation of a bonus pay
out in 2015 continues to remain
high at approximately 78%.This
is on par with 2014 expectations.
As a core discipline Credit Risk
offered bonuses to the highest
percentage of respondents (77%)
and the highest average bonus
pay above base salary (18%).
-	- The average base salary
reported by our survey sample
was 5% higher in 2014 than in
2013. For those whose salary
changed within the period, the
average base salary increase
was 17% – a 4% increase over
2013. Respondents who work in
the area that Harnham classify
as the Data and Technology core
discipline reported the biggest
salary uplift with an increase of
approximately 19% on average.
-	There is growth across all sectors
based on our survey responses.
Team sizes are increasing. Our
survey results show that nearly
half (49%) of teams expanded in
2014 – a 14% increase over 2013.
-	Employment in the Data and
Analytics sector continues
to be dominated by large
companies – i.e., companies with
1001+ employees. Employees
representing companies within
this bracket accounted for
49% of all responses. Within
large businesses, the Digital
core discipline registered the
highest year-on-year increase in
responses (108%).
	The next largest employment
group is small companies –
companies with 1-100 employees.
Employees working within small
businesses accounted for 21% of
all responses, with the Credit Risk
core discipline registering the
highest year-on-year increase in
responses (74%).
-	With wider utilisation of Open
Source technologies and
increased desire for data
visualisation, there has been a
marked shift in the tools used
last year.
	Whilst MS Excel, SQL, and SAS
were most frequently mentioned
by respondents as their most
commonly utilised tools, these
experienced a year-on-year
decline in mention by 11%, 16%,
and 10% respectively.Tools
becoming more widely used
within the Data and Analytics
sector include R, Hadoop, and
Tableau.These tools saw a year-
on-year increase in mention of
44%, 38%, and 29% respectively.
For those who received
a salary increase, it was
by an average of 17%
over last year
Nearly half of teams
expanded in 2014
89% of respondents
feel secure in their role
The average
percentage pay out
above base salary
achieved in 2014
was 16%
_ harnham
salary guide
_ page
	 R 	 44%
	HADOOP 	 38%
	TABLEAU 	 29%
	SAS 	 10%
	 MS EXCEL 	 11%
	 MS SQL	 16%
for more information, go to: harnham.com
The salary data presented in the tables to follow reflect base compensation
excluding bonuses,incentives and other benefits.Trends relating to the
packages offered are highlighted in the commentary preceding each table.
Salaries are broken down by
experience level and in a broad sense,
they represent the following guide to
likely years of experience.
By using this salary guide as a
baseline, candidates should be better
positioned to evaluate their relative
value in the marketplace from the
point of view of financial reward and
reasonable expectations of additional
As discussed in several other areas
of this guide, the current candidate
driven nature of the Data and
Analytics employment arena means
that for the employer an up to date
and applied result of contemporary
data is vital in positioning their offer.
This information is intended
as general guidance. As with
any generally applied data your
circumstances, career path and other
factors should be taken into account,
and we are happy to offer further
assistance. Please contact us directly
for a confidential discussion.
0-2 years
3-6 years
7-10 years
11 years +
_ harnham
salary guide
_ page
for more information, go to: harnham.com
Looking first within the Retail
banking sector – the crunch area of
competition for talent remains at
the Senior Analyst level (i.e. hands-
on roles without management
The range of salaries at this level
has widened again, with companies
having to pay more to bring in
talented individuals.
Within the subprime space,
companies have had to build new
regulations into their policies and
models, leading to an increased need
for data and analytics professionals.
Considering the companies that have
successfully hired in this arena, there would
seem to be two clear routes:
1. 	Building in-house training and
development programmes from graduate
level to upskill candidates at the very start
of their career
2.	Hiring candidates with transferable skills
from alternative industries and training
them within the required discipline
2014 was a fluctuating and,at times,even turbulent year in the financial
services marketplace.However,despite a year where levels of regulation
increased,and there was a wave of media scrutiny,confidence in the market
and consequently levels of hiring remained high.
This is expected to continue well into 2015.
“Increased data, greater
automation and increased
“Bigger drive in trying to
find insight rather than
just churning out reports”
“High demand for
SAS / SQL analysts
already driving wages
up, potentially impacting
ability to recruit”
Have you noticed any changes in the Data  Analytics
market, or emerging technologies / sectors that you feel
will have an impact in 2015?
_ harnham
salary guide
_ page
for more information, go to: harnham.com
Increased regulatory scrutiny and new requirements for control
and process reporting resulted in institutions elevating their
standards for governance and risk management.
The volume and number of cyber-attacks in the financial services industry has
increased substantially. What historically was an IT domain now extends horizontally
across many business functions.
There is now a formal expectation of effective regulation for the collection and analysis
of data across the enterprise which is then used to facilitate the risk management and
performance reporting requirements.
Role Type
Decision Science
Decision Systems
Portfolio Management
Role Type
Decision Science
Decision Systems
Portfolio Management
Daily Contract Rate - £ GBP per day
-	With increased regulatory scrutiny and security expectations
extending well beyond ITand information departments,
financial institutions will need to strengthen their first
line of defence,review third parties and update and clarify
expectations of line staff,management and board members.
-	A greater emphasis is being placed on assessment of overall
risk exposure.Enterprise-wide stress tests are increasingly
becoming the norm.The trend is towards capturing risk at
inception and reporting at a higher frequency across risk types.
-	Candidates who are talented and experienced enough to lead
and support the risk management functions at large financial
institutions are in short supply – nationally and globally.
Organisations are increasingly recruiting from academic
programmes or providing promising employees with industry
training to help address this shortage.
Annual Base Salary - £ GBP [London / Outside London]
_ harnham
salary guide
_ page
£38k / £29k
£34k / £28k
£36k / £30k
£32k / £27k
£56k / £46k
£52k / £44k
£54k / £45k
£50k / £35k
£77k / £71k
£75k / £66k
£70k / £61k
£66k / £57k
£121k / £104k
£116k / £102k
£111k / £103k
£96k / £82k
for more information, go to: harnham.com
As a result, larger businesses with
regulated data sets are now further
along with their big data journeys,
and this is a driver of the increasing
skills shortage, particularly in Hadoop
and Big Data technologies.
There has also been an increased
emphasis on data quality, resulting
in a corresponding increase in data
governance and management roles.
There is a continuing high demand for people
with a combination of tech and business skills,
but also a demand for Data Engineers with
good scripting and OO programming skills as
well as data management.
We commented in last year’s guide regarding
the trend of growth in the need for visualisation
skills.This has been realised over the year, and
we are seeing much more need for tools such
as Qlikview and Tableau than we have
seen previously.
“Move to real-time
analytics and an
increased demand for
Data Scientist roles.”
“Greater focus on digital,
social media, data
integration and CRM.”
“Trend Analysis has
become a major role and
the complexity of Big Data
has complicated real-
time reporting. Surge in
The exponential growth in data volumes and variety appears to have precipitated
an equivalent growth in the introduction and development of the data toolkit.
We have seen companies move away from what have been historically considered powerhouse tools
in favour of Open Source technologies that are able to offer more nimble solutions for businesses.
The innovative data solutions from disruptive tech firms are showing massive commercial gains
and have forced large established businesses to catch-up with data storage techniques.
Have you noticed any changes in the Data  Analytics
market, or emerging technologies / sectors that you
feel will have an impact in 2015?
_ harnham
salary guide
_ page
for more information, go to: harnham.com
Role Type
Microsoft BI
Data Architecture
Data Gov./ Mgmt.
Big Data Tools
Data Warehouse Dev.
SAS Programming
Role Type
Microsoft BI
Data Architecture
Data Gov./ Mgmt.
Big Data Tools
Data Warehouse Dev.
SAS Programming
£54k / £50k
£60k / £54k
£54k / £41k
£58k / £46k
£52k / £43k
£51k / £44k
£73k / £64k
£85k / £78k
£74k / £49k
£85k / £57k
£73k / £62k
£70k / £58k
£122k / £95k
£110k / £106k
£95k / £69k
£115k / £84k
£103k / £94k
£113k / £101k
£37k / £29k
£39k / £30k
£39k / £25k
£37k / £33k
£35k / £30k
£34k / £30k
The Internet of Things,cloud and cybersecurity will continue to
dominate the IT landscape.Big Data is continuously evolving as new
technologies increase capacity to mine structured,semi-structured
and unstructured data.
Big Data is also enhancing Business Intelligence and leading to a more sophisticated
interaction with customers. Financial institutions are increasingly relying on Big Data
to develop the algorithms that generate credit ratings. Retail has also seen significant
advancement to Big Data enhanced business intelligence.The increased demand for greater
sophistication in analysis and data consumption will necessitate that organisations refine
their talent acquisition strategies to compensate for the resultant skills gap.
-	The‘layer-cake’model of analytics is being replaced by a new,
multipolar model where data is collected and analysed in
multiple places,according to the type of data and analysis
-	Data science execution is going to move to a cloud environment.
Companies will be leveraging a packaged suite of data science
tools and libraries in a certified cloud performance capability
on a distributed architecture.
-	Data will increasingly come in from multiple channels and
formats,mined for semantic attachments and then stored
internally within a data system.Queries to this database can
be done using natural language questions -“Who were our top
sales reps?”
_ harnham
salary guide
_ page
Daily Contract Rate - £ GBP per day
Annual Base Salary - £ GBP [London / Outside London]
for more information, go to: harnham.com
The most notable uplift in demand
has been for the insight-savvy Web
Such a candidate can not only tag a
site, analyse a funnel and optimise
a page but also stitch that data
together with other data sources
and build a highly desirable “single
customer view”.
This enables their company to target
and personalise more effectively,
in essence, giving the Marketers,
Content Writers and Brand Managers
the ammunition to optimise their
At the other end of the scale, more and
more businesses are looking to bring both
their optimisation and their web analytics
implementation in-house giving great
opportunities to the more technical Web
Analytics professional whose passion lies
within the code.  
A Web Analyst who can code in JavaScript
or build an entire A/B testing roadmap is a
valuable thing indeed, and is likely to have
blue-chip companies jostling to secure their
In 2014,companies gained a greater understanding of the importance in
knowing their users / customers and began to reap the rewards of effectively
personalising their approach. 
Here at Harnham, we have seen many of our clients’ kick-start their “Digital Transformation”, fleshing out
their original teams with Web Analysts, SEM Tracking Specialists, Optimisation Analysts, Implementation
Developers and UX Insight professionals, in a bid to deliver a cutting-edge digital service.  A fortunate
caveat of these digital teams is that the increase in demand for top-calibre specialist professionals
allows broader analytics professionals to specialise, as well as giving existing specialists a more defined
career path. 
“Machine Learning and
Real Time Decisions
will impact traditional
analysis and reporting.”
“Increased expectation to
be multi-skilled and have
disciplines that cross over
into other areas, such as
online advertising.”
“Movement towards
including digital analytics
as part of customer
data;Data Management
Platforms key to
prolonged success.”
Have you noticed any changes in the Data  Analytics
market, or emerging technologies / sectors that you
feel will have an impact in 2015?
_ harnham
salary guide
_ page
for more information, go to: harnham.com
Digital marketing has now displaced traditional advertising and
is absorbing a larger share of marketing budgets at most major
Being no longer considered as up and coming means that digital marketing is now not just
the domain of industry giants. Small businesses of all types are finding that they need
to spend on content creation, search advertising, social media branding, etc. What local
business can survive in today’s market if they don’t show up in a web search? Companies
of all sizes are increasingly reliant on digital data.
If companies can identify trends, settle on an actionable strategy, and take measurable
movements forward, they are better positioned to succeed regardless of size.
Role Type
User Experience (UX)
Web Analytics
Role Type
User Experience (UX)
Web Analytics
£56k / £43k
£42k / £35k
£49k / £36k
£54k / £39k
£68k / £56k
£59k / £50k
£88k / £57k
£69k / £56k
£82k / £71k
£80k / £69k
£110k / £88k
£100k / £72k
£40k / £29k
£33k / £25k
£35k / £24k
£35k / £26k
-	Users utilise multiple platforms to access the content and services
offered by a company (computer,smartphone,tablet,etc.).Collecting
all this data issued from diverse sources will allow for better
understanding of each platform,to segment and better understand
the process of conversion and creation of loyalty.
-	Small and mid-sized businesses also need data but often lack in-
house experts to analyse it and develop insights about their business.
New digital tools will increasingly cater to this need of SMB owners
like restaurants,doctor’s offices,specialty stores and more.
-	WiththeanticipatedreleaseoftheAppleWatchand CESquickly
_ harnham
salary guide
_ page
Daily Contract Rate - £ GBP per day
Annual Base Salary - £ GBP [London / Outside London]
for more information, go to: harnham.com
New streams of businesses, such
as challenger brands and start-ups,
have thrown their hats into the ring
for the fight to secure analytical
talent for their businesses.
In previous years, we’ve experienced
limited demand from these types
of organisations. Possibly due to
the cost of statistical tools such as
SAS, but we also suspect that the
relentless hype around ‘Big Data’ has
ignited more awareness and alerted
many organisations to the importance
of analytics.
In conjunction with the diversity of
organisations hiring and the reality that
demand far exceeds supply, we are seeing a
greater interest in candidates with varied
skill sets. Broadly speaking, SAS is still the
dominant tool in the analytics market, however
2014 has cemented the need for flexibility
and the necessity to consider applicants with
experience in alternative tools such as SQL,
SPSS and more recently, R.This acceptance
of alternative or transferable skill sets is now
In comparison, it must also be acknowledged
that there has been a notable rise in clients
moving away from SAS, which may also help to
explain the depreciating importance of the skill.
We’ve seen businesses that have been long
standing users of SAS, migrating to alternative
tools. As mentioned R has been particularly
popular and many organisations who are
introducing ‘Data’ for the first time are exploring
other options, rather than immediately
reverting to SAS.
The insatiable appetite for analytics professionals is unlike anything seen before,
and the consumption of skilled candidates is far from slowing down.Continuing
with trends seen last year,the supply of candidates in this sector did not come
close to satisfying demand.
“Larger datasets,
requirement for
distributed computing
and transition from
SAS to R”
“A lot more people like
to describe themselves
as Data Scientists these
days, and the requirement
for Big Data experience is
“Change from importance
of capture and housing
data to real time insight
and highly automated for
Have you noticed any changes in the Data  Analytics
market, or emerging technologies / sectors that you
feel will have an impact in 2015?
_ harnham
salary guide
_ page
for more information, go to: harnham.com
The ever present challenge for marketers (particularly those
who are web based) is connecting audiences with the most
relevant content.
Site personalisation for product targeting will continue to take centre stage as the
development of new tools that help boost conversion become more widely available.
Development of new technologies is rapidly changing the face of digital marketing and
the sector is quickly coming to rely much more on ‘technologists’ as much as (if not
more than) the creative content designers for successful campaigns.
Role Type
Campaign Analyst
Customer Insight Analyst
Data Planner
Market Research
Role Type
Account Manager
Campaign Analyst
Commercial Analyst
Customer Insight Analyst
Data Planner
Market Research
£48k / £40k
£60k / £51k
£52k / £44k
£61k / £54k
£69k / £54k
£54k / £50k
£47k / £40k
£74k / £66k
£85k / £78k
£75k / £58k
£89k / £61k
£86k / £66k
£104k / £96k
£76k / £65k
£97k / £81k
£121k / £102k
£107k / £98k
£136k / £116k
£113k / £97k
£142k / £112k
£106k / £94k
£35k / £28k
£39k / £35k
£35k / £28k
£40k / £33k
£42k / £34k
£41k / £38k
£30k / £26k
-	The world is more connected because of technology and
marketing is becoming more individualised as consumers
resist homogenisation. Personalisation is here to stay and
will transform how companies think about and manage their
-	Marketing has moved to the digital world, and the best
marketers will have a wide range of digital and technology
skills. They will be integrated with the marketing groups and
will play an increasingly prominent role in how marketing
strategies are developed and applied.
-	Mobile devices are ubiquitous fixtures of the modern life, and
no marketing campaign is planned without considering that
platform. Mobile is the best method to reach masses and
should, therefore, be a priority for marketers.
_ harnham
salary guide
_ page
Daily Contract Rate - £ GBP per day
Annual Base Salary - £ GBP [London / Outside London]
for more information, go to: harnham.com
Providing meaningful commentary
on the Data Science arena is made
particularly difficult by the nebulous
nature of the term itself.The lack of
a cohesive interpretation of the role
and nature of data makes effective
discussion difficult.
There are even a number of
commentators referring to the terms
‘Data Science’ and ‘Big Data’ as
overused buzzwords. While we do not
agree with this notion, one thing is for
sure – the term has a wide number
of definitions dependent on which
organisation you are in.
One company’s Data Scientist is
another’s Insight Analyst.
Upon crunching the data, we have
separated based on skillset and tools.Those
professionals using a tool such as Python
or C++ to work on low-level algorithmic
development have been classified within
Data Science, and those with skills in SAS or a
similar tool for creating models for generating
insight have been placed into other relevant
sections within the guide. 
The level of useful insight into this sector will
grow year on year, but the information we have
gathered so far has been included below.
As the UK’s largest Data and Analytics recruiter,we couldn’t
have a salary guide without including Data Science.
_ harnham
salary guide
_ page
Role Type
Data Scientist
Role Type
Data Scientist
£60k / £50k
£85k / £70k
£120k / £100k
£42k / £37k
Daily Contract Rate - £ GBP per day
Annual Base Salary - £ GBP [London / Outside London]
for more information, go to: harnham.com
We provide consultancy covering
all aspects of attracting, selecting,
securing and retaining the most
suitably skilled and ‘best fit’
individuals for our diverse range
of client companies, who range
from high profile users of analytics
techniques through to a wide
selection of leading consultancies
and SME’s.
Our services include contingency and
search for both the permanent and
contract marketplace.
Having undergone rigorous training in all
aspects of recruitment as well as the Harnham
core values, our consultants and resourcers
are dedicated to the provision of the very
highest quality service whether your need is for
recruitment campaigns or support in finding
the next step in your Analytics career.
For further information on our services, or if you
have any questions on the content of our 2015
Salary Guide please get in touch.
SW19 1QJ
T:	 020 8408 6070
E:	 info@harnham.com
W:	 harnham.com
Harnham focus solely on recruitment within the Data
 Analytics sector.
This focus has enabled us to establish an extensive network of skilled
candidates both within the UK and further afield,developed through
pro-active sourcing combined with a rigorous and proven selection and
delivery approach.
_ harnham
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_ page
for more information, go to: harnham.com

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  • 2. 2014 was undoubtedly a good year for the Data and Analytics sector. Many candidates found that the high demand for their skills led to the opportunity to explore their career development, and almost half of our respondents had changed jobs in the last year. This candidate driven trend has continued into the early part of 2015 and shows no signs of abating as we head further into the year.The volume of vacancies is still high, and this is naturally supporting a candidate driven market. As one would expect, candidates are seeking roles with better benefits and increased financial reward but supportive, and collaborative working environments are also high priorities. In a candidate-driven market, it is important that employers demonstrate that they are well-run organisations with a strong, supportive culture to meet the key requirements of the potential employee. Successfully attracting the best people will require a strong offer. Therefore a streamlined process of screening and selection must be in place to secure the services of talented candidates. Of those that received a bonus, 68% reported that it was higher than the previous year A significant uplift was expected among candidates looking to move job Welcome to the Harnham 2015 salary guide.In these pages we will be presenting you with the market trends,predicted developments and of course salary data for the Data and Analytics sector. UPTAKEOFR BIGGERBONUSES DESIRED SALARYINCREASE ACHIEVED INCREASE Our survey shows evidence of the increased use of open source products with R the winner among our respondents Companies responded to candidates salary expectations by closely meeting their demands SALARYGUIDE INTRODUCTION _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 2 for more information, go to: harnham.com
  • 3. As you would expect from a leading presence in the Data and Analytics industry,we have an ongoing process of monitoring the trends within the market.Our salary guide is based on responses from over 1,200 respondents from around the UK and additional information sourced from; _ Analysis of our online advertising during 2014 _ Market intelligence gathered first hand from client and candidate interaction _ Objective data gathered from placements made by Harnham The responses to our survey were gathered from a wide range of regions within the UK, with London and the South East containing the highest concentration of contributors. Once again this year we ensured that data was gathered from the rest of the UK to safeguard the accuracy and quality of the analysis. Careful collation and interpretation of the gathered data ensures that this guide is an invaluable interpretation of the current Data and Analytics market. NUMBER OFRESPONDENTS DATA SOURCES _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 3 for more information, go to: harnham.com
  • 4. In addition to a wide geographical reach,the range and profile of respondents ensured a spread of market intelligence. Contributions were gathered from all the major sectors within the field of Data and Analytics,including Retail,FMCG, Banking,Consultancy,Digital Technologies and Financial Services. MALE FEMALE 0 to 2 in years 3 to 6 7 to 10 11+ 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-55 55+ CAREER LEVEL AGE GROUPS GENDER RESPONDENT PROFILES _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 4 for more information, go to: harnham.com
  • 5. OTHER REASONS FORLEAVING REASONS FORLEAVING AVERAGE TENURE 46% of our respondents stay in a role 0-2 years with a further 48% 3-6 years _ Poor Management (24%) _ Team dynamics (11%) _ Benefits (8%) _ Job stability (8%) _ Relocation (8%) Last year 26% of respondents changed companies due to uncompetitive salaries The speed of change in the data market has thrown up interesting results with regard to motivations for moving roles.In 2013,38% of our respondents cited salary as their key motivator for seeking a move,yet in 2014 this has dropped to 26%. Whilst the general increase in salaries across the industry suggests the market is catching up with demands;it also shows that those seeking a new role are looking beyond the monetary offering and other influences are becoming more prevalent. Exposure to new technology and techniques has been a key driver to job seekers, both from our experience across the year but also within the survey results. As an employer, ensuring that interviewees experience the work environment and meet their prospective team has become more important, along with highlighting the variety of opportunity and tasks that will feature in the role. Flexibility of employment terms has heightened importance for prospective employees. As a result, candidates are looking to assess more closely the management and team dynamics before the move to a new employer. In a market where tools and techniques in the application of data are constantly evolving, jobseekers are looking for a commitment from the business that there will be ongoing investment in Analytics, that will both enable the business to stay ahead of the market and will also ensure the development of their skillset. CHANGING MOTIVATIONS _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 5 for more information, go to: harnham.com
  • 6. The upward trajectory of salaries has continued with some interesting findings from our survey responses this year. The average increase in base salaries was 17% over the previous year, vs. an increase of 13% in 2013 over the previous year. When it came to bonuses, 68% of our respondents received larger bonuses over the previous year.The average bonus pay out was 16% above base salary, compared to 15% in 2013. According to data from the Office of National Statistics for 2014, average annual salary increases in the private sector are now 2%. Clearly a stark contrast to the demand shown for Data and Analytics professionals, as evidenced by our survey data. BONUS AMOUNT AVERAGE INCREASE NOINCREASE BIGGER BONUS Of those who received bonuses in 2014, 68% received a higher bonus than the previous year in base salaries vs. last year which was 13% For one-third of respondents there was no increase in salary at all The average bonus payout above base salary achieved in 2014 was 16% INCREASING REMUNERATION _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 6 for more information, go to: harnham.com
  • 7. JOB SECURITY - Respondents feel secure in their roles. Our survey results show that 89% of respondents feel as secure as, if not more secure than they did last year in their role – a 3% increase year on year. BONUSES - The average bonus achieved in 2014 was 16% above base salary – 1% higher than in 2013. The expectation of a bonus pay out in 2015 continues to remain high at approximately 78%.This is on par with 2014 expectations. As a core discipline Credit Risk offered bonuses to the highest percentage of respondents (77%) and the highest average bonus pay above base salary (18%). SALARIES - - The average base salary reported by our survey sample was 5% higher in 2014 than in 2013. For those whose salary changed within the period, the average base salary increase was 17% – a 4% increase over 2013. Respondents who work in the area that Harnham classify as the Data and Technology core discipline reported the biggest salary uplift with an increase of approximately 19% on average. WHO IS HIRING? - There is growth across all sectors based on our survey responses. Team sizes are increasing. Our survey results show that nearly half (49%) of teams expanded in 2014 – a 14% increase over 2013. THE RISE OF THE SME - Employment in the Data and Analytics sector continues to be dominated by large companies – i.e., companies with 1001+ employees. Employees representing companies within this bracket accounted for 49% of all responses. Within large businesses, the Digital core discipline registered the highest year-on-year increase in responses (108%). The next largest employment group is small companies – companies with 1-100 employees. Employees working within small businesses accounted for 21% of all responses, with the Credit Risk core discipline registering the highest year-on-year increase in responses (74%). TOOLS - With wider utilisation of Open Source technologies and increased desire for data visualisation, there has been a marked shift in the tools used last year. Whilst MS Excel, SQL, and SAS were most frequently mentioned by respondents as their most commonly utilised tools, these experienced a year-on-year decline in mention by 11%, 16%, and 10% respectively.Tools becoming more widely used within the Data and Analytics sector include R, Hadoop, and Tableau.These tools saw a year- on-year increase in mention of 44%, 38%, and 29% respectively. For those who received a salary increase, it was by an average of 17% over last year Nearly half of teams expanded in 2014 JOB SECURITY SALARY INCREASE TEAM EXPANSION BONUS LEVEL 89% of respondents feel secure in their role The average percentage pay out above base salary achieved in 2014 was 16% KEYFINDINGS _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 7 R 44% HADOOP 38% TABLEAU 29% SAS 10% MS EXCEL 11% MS SQL 16% for more information, go to: harnham.com
  • 8. The salary data presented in the tables to follow reflect base compensation excluding bonuses,incentives and other benefits.Trends relating to the packages offered are highlighted in the commentary preceding each table. Salaries are broken down by experience level and in a broad sense, they represent the following guide to likely years of experience. By using this salary guide as a baseline, candidates should be better positioned to evaluate their relative value in the marketplace from the point of view of financial reward and reasonable expectations of additional benefits. As discussed in several other areas of this guide, the current candidate driven nature of the Data and Analytics employment arena means that for the employer an up to date and applied result of contemporary data is vital in positioning their offer. This information is intended as general guidance. As with any generally applied data your circumstances, career path and other factors should be taken into account, and we are happy to offer further assistance. Please contact us directly for a confidential discussion. ENTRY LEVEL 0-2 years MID LEVEL 3-6 years SENIOR TECHNICAL OR MANAGER LEVEL 7-10 years SENIOR MANAGER + LEVEL 11 years + SALARIES BYSECTOR _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 8 for more information, go to: harnham.com
  • 9. Looking first within the Retail banking sector – the crunch area of competition for talent remains at the Senior Analyst level (i.e. hands- on roles without management responsibility). The range of salaries at this level has widened again, with companies having to pay more to bring in talented individuals. Within the subprime space, companies have had to build new regulations into their policies and models, leading to an increased need for data and analytics professionals. Considering the companies that have successfully hired in this arena, there would seem to be two clear routes: 1. Building in-house training and development programmes from graduate level to upskill candidates at the very start of their career 2. Hiring candidates with transferable skills from alternative industries and training them within the required discipline 2014 was a fluctuating and,at times,even turbulent year in the financial services marketplace.However,despite a year where levels of regulation increased,and there was a wave of media scrutiny,confidence in the market and consequently levels of hiring remained high. This is expected to continue well into 2015. “Increased data, greater automation and increased regulation” “Bigger drive in trying to find insight rather than just churning out reports” “High demand for SAS / SQL analysts already driving wages up, potentially impacting ability to recruit” Have you noticed any changes in the Data Analytics market, or emerging technologies / sectors that you feel will have an impact in 2015? ? YOUR ANSWERS CREDIT RISK _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 9 for more information, go to: harnham.com
  • 10. Increased regulatory scrutiny and new requirements for control and process reporting resulted in institutions elevating their standards for governance and risk management. The volume and number of cyber-attacks in the financial services industry has increased substantially. What historically was an IT domain now extends horizontally across many business functions. There is now a formal expectation of effective regulation for the collection and analysis of data across the enterprise which is then used to facilitate the risk management and performance reporting requirements. CREDITRISK Role Type Decision Science Decision Systems Portfolio Management Reporting CREDITRISK Role Type Decision Science Decision Systems Portfolio Management Reporting Daily Contract Rate - £ GBP per day £475 £470 £460 £450 £700 £694 £652 £640 £890 £908 £878 £824 £233 £265 £251 £243 CYBER SECURITY - With increased regulatory scrutiny and security expectations extending well beyond ITand information departments, financial institutions will need to strengthen their first line of defence,review third parties and update and clarify expectations of line staff,management and board members. STRESSTESTING - A greater emphasis is being placed on assessment of overall risk exposure.Enterprise-wide stress tests are increasingly becoming the norm.The trend is towards capturing risk at inception and reporting at a higher frequency across risk types. SHRINKINGTALENTPOOL - Candidates who are talented and experienced enough to lead and support the risk management functions at large financial institutions are in short supply – nationally and globally. Organisations are increasingly recruiting from academic programmes or providing promising employees with industry training to help address this shortage. TOP 3 SECTOR TRENDS Annual Base Salary - £ GBP [London / Outside London] _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 10 CREDITRISK DAILYCONTRACT AVERAGE PAY RATES ANNUALPERMANENTSALARYAVERAGE £38k / £29k £34k / £28k £36k / £30k £32k / £27k £56k / £46k £52k / £44k £54k / £45k £50k / £35k £77k / £71k £75k / £66k £70k / £61k £66k / £57k £121k / £104k £116k / £102k £111k / £103k £96k / £82k SeniorTechnical orManager SeniorTechnical orManager Mid Level Mid Level Entry Level Entry Level Senior Manager+ Senior Manager+ for more information, go to: harnham.com
  • 11. As a result, larger businesses with regulated data sets are now further along with their big data journeys, and this is a driver of the increasing skills shortage, particularly in Hadoop and Big Data technologies. There has also been an increased emphasis on data quality, resulting in a corresponding increase in data governance and management roles. There is a continuing high demand for people with a combination of tech and business skills, but also a demand for Data Engineers with good scripting and OO programming skills as well as data management.   We commented in last year’s guide regarding the trend of growth in the need for visualisation skills.This has been realised over the year, and we are seeing much more need for tools such as Qlikview and Tableau than we have seen previously. “Move to real-time analytics and an increased demand for Data Scientist roles.” “Greater focus on digital, social media, data integration and CRM.” “Trend Analysis has become a major role and the complexity of Big Data has complicated real- time reporting. Surge in infographics.” The exponential growth in data volumes and variety appears to have precipitated an equivalent growth in the introduction and development of the data toolkit. We have seen companies move away from what have been historically considered powerhouse tools in favour of Open Source technologies that are able to offer more nimble solutions for businesses. The innovative data solutions from disruptive tech firms are showing massive commercial gains and have forced large established businesses to catch-up with data storage techniques. Have you noticed any changes in the Data Analytics market, or emerging technologies / sectors that you feel will have an impact in 2015? WE ASKED YOU ANSWERED DATAAND TECHNOLOGY _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 11 for more information, go to: harnham.com
  • 12. DAILYCONTRACT AVERAGE PAY RATES ANNUALPERMANENTSALARYAVERAGE DATATECHNOLOGY Role Type Microsoft BI Data Architecture Data Gov./ Mgmt. Big Data Tools Data Warehouse Dev. SAS Programming DATATECHNOLOGY Role Type Microsoft BI Data Architecture Data Gov./ Mgmt. Big Data Tools Data Warehouse Dev. SAS Programming £551 £559 £453 £506 £592 £538 £54k / £50k £60k / £54k £54k / £41k £58k / £46k £52k / £43k £51k / £44k £673 £726 £717 £708 £713 £700 £73k / £64k £85k / £78k £74k / £49k £85k / £57k £73k / £62k £70k / £58k £915 £868 £897 £850 £861 £875 £122k / £95k £110k / £106k £95k / £69k £115k / £84k £103k / £94k £113k / £101k £220 £231 £290 £350 £385 £352 £37k / £29k £39k / £30k £39k / £25k £37k / £33k £35k / £30k £34k / £30k DATAAND TECHNOLOGY The Internet of Things,cloud and cybersecurity will continue to dominate the IT landscape.Big Data is continuously evolving as new technologies increase capacity to mine structured,semi-structured and unstructured data. Big Data is also enhancing Business Intelligence and leading to a more sophisticated interaction with customers. Financial institutions are increasingly relying on Big Data to develop the algorithms that generate credit ratings. Retail has also seen significant advancement to Big Data enhanced business intelligence.The increased demand for greater sophistication in analysis and data consumption will necessitate that organisations refine their talent acquisition strategies to compensate for the resultant skills gap. MULTIPOLAR ANALYTICS - The‘layer-cake’model of analytics is being replaced by a new, multipolar model where data is collected and analysed in multiple places,according to the type of data and analysis required. CLOUD-BASED DATA SCIENCE: - Data science execution is going to move to a cloud environment. Companies will be leveraging a packaged suite of data science tools and libraries in a certified cloud performance capability on a distributed architecture. DATA VIRTUALISATION - Data will increasingly come in from multiple channels and formats,mined for semantic attachments and then stored internally within a data system.Queries to this database can be done using natural language questions -“Who were our top sales reps?” TOP 3 SECTOR TRENDS _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 12 Daily Contract Rate - £ GBP per day Annual Base Salary - £ GBP [London / Outside London] SeniorTechnical orManager SeniorTechnical orManager Mid Level Mid Level Entry Level Entry Level Senior Manager+ Senior Manager+ for more information, go to: harnham.com
  • 13. The most notable uplift in demand has been for the insight-savvy Web Analyst. Such a candidate can not only tag a site, analyse a funnel and optimise a page but also stitch that data together with other data sources and build a highly desirable “single customer view”. This enables their company to target and personalise more effectively, in essence, giving the Marketers, Content Writers and Brand Managers the ammunition to optimise their roles. At the other end of the scale, more and more businesses are looking to bring both their optimisation and their web analytics implementation in-house giving great opportunities to the more technical Web Analytics professional whose passion lies within the code.   A Web Analyst who can code in JavaScript or build an entire A/B testing roadmap is a valuable thing indeed, and is likely to have blue-chip companies jostling to secure their services. In 2014,companies gained a greater understanding of the importance in knowing their users / customers and began to reap the rewards of effectively personalising their approach.  Here at Harnham, we have seen many of our clients’ kick-start their “Digital Transformation”, fleshing out their original teams with Web Analysts, SEM Tracking Specialists, Optimisation Analysts, Implementation Developers and UX Insight professionals, in a bid to deliver a cutting-edge digital service.  A fortunate caveat of these digital teams is that the increase in demand for top-calibre specialist professionals allows broader analytics professionals to specialise, as well as giving existing specialists a more defined career path.  “Machine Learning and Real Time Decisions will impact traditional analysis and reporting.” “Increased expectation to be multi-skilled and have disciplines that cross over into other areas, such as online advertising.” “Movement towards including digital analytics as part of customer data;Data Management Platforms key to prolonged success.” Have you noticed any changes in the Data Analytics market, or emerging technologies / sectors that you feel will have an impact in 2015? WE ASKED YOU ANSWERED DIGITAL _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 13 for more information, go to: harnham.com
  • 14. Digital marketing has now displaced traditional advertising and is absorbing a larger share of marketing budgets at most major corporations. Being no longer considered as up and coming means that digital marketing is now not just the domain of industry giants. Small businesses of all types are finding that they need to spend on content creation, search advertising, social media branding, etc. What local business can survive in today’s market if they don’t show up in a web search? Companies of all sizes are increasingly reliant on digital data. If companies can identify trends, settle on an actionable strategy, and take measurable movements forward, they are better positioned to succeed regardless of size. DIGITAL Role Type Developer SEO/PPC User Experience (UX) Web Analytics DIGITAL Role Type Developer SEO/PPC User Experience (UX) Web Analytics £56k / £43k £42k / £35k £49k / £36k £54k / £39k £330 £385 £451 £418 £68k / £56k £59k / £50k £88k / £57k £69k / £56k £440 £450 £660 £452 £82k / £71k £80k / £69k £110k / £88k £100k / £72k £550 £550 £881 £572 £40k / £29k £33k / £25k £35k / £24k £35k / £26k £315 £260 £350 £360 DAILYCONTRACT AVERAGE PAY RATES ANNUALPERMANENTSALARYAVERAGE USERTRACKING ACROSS PLATFORMS - Users utilise multiple platforms to access the content and services offered by a company (computer,smartphone,tablet,etc.).Collecting all this data issued from diverse sources will allow for better understanding of each platform,to segment and better understand the process of conversion and creation of loyalty. DIGITALANALYTICS FOR SMB’S - Small and mid-sized businesses also need data but often lack in- house experts to analyse it and develop insights about their business. New digital tools will increasingly cater to this need of SMB owners like restaurants,doctor’s offices,specialty stores and more. WEARABLES DATA - WiththeanticipatedreleaseoftheAppleWatchand CESquickly approaching,morewearablesaresuretomaketheirdebut.Shortlyafter that,analyticsprofessionalswillbebusytryingtofigureouthowtobest measureengagementandconversiononthesenewdevices. TOP 3 SECTOR TRENDS DIGITAL _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 14 Daily Contract Rate - £ GBP per day Annual Base Salary - £ GBP [London / Outside London] SeniorTechnical orManager SeniorTechnical orManager Mid Level Mid Level Entry Level Entry Level Senior Manager+ Senior Manager+ for more information, go to: harnham.com
  • 15. New streams of businesses, such as challenger brands and start-ups, have thrown their hats into the ring for the fight to secure analytical talent for their businesses. In previous years, we’ve experienced limited demand from these types of organisations. Possibly due to the cost of statistical tools such as SAS, but we also suspect that the relentless hype around ‘Big Data’ has ignited more awareness and alerted many organisations to the importance of analytics. In conjunction with the diversity of organisations hiring and the reality that demand far exceeds supply, we are seeing a greater interest in candidates with varied skill sets. Broadly speaking, SAS is still the dominant tool in the analytics market, however 2014 has cemented the need for flexibility and the necessity to consider applicants with experience in alternative tools such as SQL, SPSS and more recently, R.This acceptance of alternative or transferable skill sets is now commonplace. In comparison, it must also be acknowledged that there has been a notable rise in clients moving away from SAS, which may also help to explain the depreciating importance of the skill. We’ve seen businesses that have been long standing users of SAS, migrating to alternative tools. As mentioned R has been particularly popular and many organisations who are introducing ‘Data’ for the first time are exploring other options, rather than immediately reverting to SAS. The insatiable appetite for analytics professionals is unlike anything seen before, and the consumption of skilled candidates is far from slowing down.Continuing with trends seen last year,the supply of candidates in this sector did not come close to satisfying demand. MARKETING ANDINSIGHT “Larger datasets, requirement for distributed computing and transition from SAS to R” “A lot more people like to describe themselves as Data Scientists these days, and the requirement for Big Data experience is greater” “Change from importance of capture and housing data to real time insight and highly automated for scale” Have you noticed any changes in the Data Analytics market, or emerging technologies / sectors that you feel will have an impact in 2015? WE ASKED YOU ANSWERED _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 15 for more information, go to: harnham.com
  • 16. The ever present challenge for marketers (particularly those who are web based) is connecting audiences with the most relevant content. Site personalisation for product targeting will continue to take centre stage as the development of new tools that help boost conversion become more widely available. Development of new technologies is rapidly changing the face of digital marketing and the sector is quickly coming to rely much more on ‘technologists’ as much as (if not more than) the creative content designers for successful campaigns. MARKETING ANDINSIGHT MARKETINGINSIGHT Role Type Campaign Analyst Customer Insight Analyst Data Planner Econometrician Market Research MARKETINGINSIGHT Role Type Account Manager Campaign Analyst Commercial Analyst Customer Insight Analyst Data Planner Econometrician Market Research £390 £435 £420 £460 £430 £48k / £40k £60k / £51k £52k / £44k £61k / £54k £69k / £54k £54k / £50k £47k / £40k £538 £610 £655 £672 £645 £74k / £66k £85k / £78k £75k / £58k £89k / £61k £86k / £66k £104k / £96k £76k / £65k £775 £793 £826 £820 £795 £97k / £81k £121k / £102k £107k / £98k £136k / £116k £113k / £97k £142k / £112k £106k / £94k £230 £254 £235 £254 £240 £35k / £28k £39k / £35k £35k / £28k £40k / £33k £42k / £34k £41k / £38k £30k / £26k DAILYCONTRACT AVERAGE PAY RATES ANNUALPERMANENTSALARYAVERAGE GETTING PERSONAL: - The world is more connected because of technology and marketing is becoming more individualised as consumers resist homogenisation. Personalisation is here to stay and will transform how companies think about and manage their brands. MARKETING TECHIES - Marketing has moved to the digital world, and the best marketers will have a wide range of digital and technology skills. They will be integrated with the marketing groups and will play an increasingly prominent role in how marketing strategies are developed and applied. GO MOBILE - Mobile devices are ubiquitous fixtures of the modern life, and no marketing campaign is planned without considering that platform. Mobile is the best method to reach masses and should, therefore, be a priority for marketers. TOP 3 SECTOR TRENDS _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 16 Daily Contract Rate - £ GBP per day Annual Base Salary - £ GBP [London / Outside London] SeniorTechnical orManager SeniorTechnical orManager Mid Level Mid Level Entry Level Entry Level Senior Manager+ Senior Manager+ for more information, go to: harnham.com
  • 17. Providing meaningful commentary on the Data Science arena is made particularly difficult by the nebulous nature of the term itself.The lack of a cohesive interpretation of the role and nature of data makes effective discussion difficult. There are even a number of commentators referring to the terms ‘Data Science’ and ‘Big Data’ as overused buzzwords. While we do not agree with this notion, one thing is for sure – the term has a wide number of definitions dependent on which organisation you are in. One company’s Data Scientist is another’s Insight Analyst. Upon crunching the data, we have separated based on skillset and tools.Those professionals using a tool such as Python or C++ to work on low-level algorithmic development have been classified within Data Science, and those with skills in SAS or a similar tool for creating models for generating insight have been placed into other relevant sections within the guide.  The level of useful insight into this sector will grow year on year, but the information we have gathered so far has been included below. As the UK’s largest Data and Analytics recruiter,we couldn’t have a salary guide without including Data Science. HARNHAM’SVIEW ONDATASCIENCE _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 17 DATASCIENCE Role Type Data Scientist DATASCIENCE Role Type Data Scientist £60k / £50k £420 £85k / £70k £570 £120k / £100k £800 £42k / £37k £250 Daily Contract Rate - £ GBP per day Annual Base Salary - £ GBP [London / Outside London] SeniorTechnical orManager SeniorTechnical orManager Mid Level Mid Level Entry Level Entry Level Senior Manager+ Senior Manager+ for more information, go to: harnham.com
  • 18. We provide consultancy covering all aspects of attracting, selecting, securing and retaining the most suitably skilled and ‘best fit’ individuals for our diverse range of client companies, who range from high profile users of analytics techniques through to a wide selection of leading consultancies and SME’s. Our services include contingency and search for both the permanent and contract marketplace. Having undergone rigorous training in all aspects of recruitment as well as the Harnham core values, our consultants and resourcers are dedicated to the provision of the very highest quality service whether your need is for recruitment campaigns or support in finding the next step in your Analytics career. For further information on our services, or if you have any questions on the content of our 2015 Salary Guide please get in touch. 1ST FLOOR, ASHVILLE HOUSE, 131-139 THE BROADWAY, WIMBLEDON, SW19 1QJ T: 020 8408 6070 E: info@harnham.com W: harnham.com FRANKFURT NEW YORK LONDON Harnham focus solely on recruitment within the Data Analytics sector. This focus has enabled us to establish an extensive network of skilled candidates both within the UK and further afield,developed through pro-active sourcing combined with a rigorous and proven selection and delivery approach. CONTACT HARNHAM _ harnham salary guide 2015 _ page 18 for more information, go to: harnham.com