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| 2003 Annual Report
                                                                                 Hospital Corporation of America

> In   the future, hospitals will:
              utilize robotic technology
              to aid in surgeries, improve outcomes and reduce recovery times;

              have pharmacy robots
              to ensure the proper and timely dispensing of medications;

              use barcode scanning and electronic records technology
              to improve patient safety;

              treat previously inoperable brain tumors
              using highly focused beams of radiation;

              provide advanced fetal heart monitor training
              to protect the most vulnerable of patients.

              That future is
              now at HCA.

              The da Vinci® Surgical System

                          By integrating robotic technology with a surgeon’s skill, the da Vinci® System
  is helping some of the country’s leading surgeons perform minimally invasive procedures
                  at a higher level of precision that leads to reduced post-operative pain and improved recovery times.
HCA 2003 Annual Report Table of Contents for this PDF file

                Mission Statement                                                                       2
                Introduction                                                                            3
                Financial Highlights                                                                    4
                Letter to Shareholders                                                                  5
                Map of HCA Locations                                                                   11
                Board of Directors (photos)                                                            13
                Selected Financial Data                                                                14
                Management’s Discussion and Analysis of
                     Financial Condition and Results of Operations                                     16
                Report of Management                                                                   31
                Report of Independent Auditors                                                         31
                Consolidated Financial Statements
                     Income Statements                                                                 32
                     Balance Sheets                                                                    33
                     Stockholders’ Equity                                                              34
                     Cash Flows                                                                        35
                Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                                             36
                Quarterly Consolidated Financial Information                                           57
                Senior Officers                                                                        58
                Board of Directors                                                                     58
                Corporate Information                                                                  59

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                the document. To access the Bookmarks, press the Bookmarks
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                Bookmarks will appear. Press on the page you wish to access.

                Mission and Values Statement
                Above all else, we are committed to the care and improvement of human life. In
                recognition of this commitment, we will strive to deliver high quality, cost-effective
                healthcare in the communities we serve. In pursuit of our mission, we believe the following
                value statements are essential and timeless:
                1. We recognize and affirm the unique and intrinsic worth of each individual.
                2. We treat all those we serve with compassion and kindness.
                3. We act with absolute honesty, integrity and fairness in the way we conduct our business
                   and the way we live our lives.
                4. We trust our colleagues as valuable members of our healthcare team and pledge to treat
                   one another with loyalty, respect, and dignity

    HCA 2003 Annual Report
“As a physician, my primary
                                            concern is the health and
                                            well-being of my patients.
                                            The commitment that HCA
                                            is making to improve each
                                            hospital with the most
                                            technologically advanced
                                            equipment, to invest in
                                            the nursing and ancillary
                                            personnel, and to support
                                            patient safety initiatives
                                            allows me to more effectively
                                            care for my patients.”
                                            Cindy C. Chang, MD
                                            Menorah Medical Center
                                            Emergency Department
                                            Overland Park, Kansas

            HCA combines the      Cover page: Surgical teams at select HCA hospitals use the da Vinci®
                                  Surgical System to perform a variety of the latest medical procedures,
      clinical expertise of our
                                  including mitral valve repairs, prostatectomies and single vessel
    physicians and caregivers     endoscopic coronary artery bypass surgery. A surgeon using the robot
          with our operational    operates from a console with a magnified three-dimensional viewer,
                                  while robotic arms inside the patient mimic the skilled movements of
     knowledge and financial
                                  the surgeon’s hands. HCA hospitals such as Centennial Medical Center
     resources to continually     in Nashville, Tulane University Hospital and Clinic in New Orleans and
         improve patient care.    Henrico Doctors Hospital in Richmond, Va. are among the nation’s most
                                  active users of this innovative surgical technology. Developed by
                                  Intuitive Surgical, the da Vinci® System can reduce trauma to the body,
                                  blood loss and post-operative pain and result in substantially shorter
                                  hospital stays and recovery times.

     HCA 2003 Annual Report
HCA Financial Highlights
                                                                                                             2003                     2002
                as of and for the Years Ended December 31
                (Dollars in millions, except per share amounts)

                Results of Operations
                Revenues                                                                                 $     21,808             $     19,729

                Net income (a)                                                                           $      1,332             $         833

                Diluted earnings per share:
                Net income (a)                                                                           $        2.61            $        1.59

                Shares used in computing diluted earnings
                  per share (in thousands)                                                                   510,874                  525,219

                Financial Position
                Assets                                                                                   $     21,063             $     18,741
                Working capital                                                                                 1,654                      766
                Long-term debt, including amounts due within one year                                           8,707                    6,943
                Minority interests in equity of consolidated entities                                             680                      611
                Stockholders’ equity                                                                            6,209                    5,702
                Ratio of debt to debt plus common and minority equity                                          55.8%                    52.4%

                Other Data (b)
                Number of hospitals at end of period                                                            184                      173
                Licensed beds at end of period                                                               42,108                   39,932
                Average daily census                                                                         22,234                   21,509
                Admissions                                                                                1,635,200                1,582,800
                Outpatient revenues as a percentage of total patient revenues                                37.2%                    37.0%
                Emergency room visits                                                                     5,130,500                4,802,800
                Outpatient surgeries                                                                        814,300                  809,900

                a) The operating results for 2003 include a favorable change in estimate related to Medicaid cost report balances for cost
                   report years ended 1997 and prior of $41 million pretax, or $0.05 per diluted share, gains on sales of facilities of $85
                   million pretax, or $0.10 per diluted share, impairment of long-lived assets of ($130) million pretax, or ($0.16) per diluted
                   share, and investigation related costs of ($8) million pretax, or ($0.01) per diluted share. The operating results for 2002
                   include a ($603) million pretax charge, or ($0.80) per diluted share, related to the settlement with government agencies,
                   gains on the sales of facilities of $6 million pretax, or $0.01 per diluted share, a ($168) million pretax charge, or ($0.20)
                   per diluted share, on the impairment of investment securities, an impairment of long-lived assets of ($19) million pretax,
                   or ($0.03) per diluted share, and investigation related costs of ($58) million pretax, or ($0.07) per diluted share.
                b) Excludes data for seven hospitals at December 31, 2003 and six hospitals at December 31, 2002 that are not consolidated
                   (accounted for using the equity method) for financial reporting purposes.

                The terms “HCA” or the “Company” as used in this Annual Report refer to HCA Inc. and its affiliates, unless otherwise stated
                or indicated by context. The term “facilities” refers to entities owned or operated by subsidiaries or affiliates of HCA.
                References herein to “HCA employees” or to “our employees” refer to employees of affiliates of HCA.

                HCA Inc. is one of the leading health care services companies in the United
                States. As of December 31, 2003, the Company operated 191 hospitals and
                83 freestanding surgery centers, including 7 hospitals and 4 freestanding
                surgery centers operated by equity method joint ventures. The Company’s
                facilities are located in 23 states, England and Switzerland.

    HCA 2003 Annual Report
Dr. Thomas Frist, Sr.
                                                                                 co-founder of HCA

          Bettering the human condition is the

                     greatest good any individual can achieve.”

                                              Dear Shareholder,
                                                             While in many respects 2003 was a very successful year for HCA, we
                                                         were somewhat disappointed with our financial results. Our 2003 results
                                                         were affected by the troublesome economy and attendant unemployment
     Robotic Surgical Systems
                                                         levels, which we believe limited the rate at which the American public
                                                         sought, and were able to pay for, health care services. While HCA fared
                                                         better than many in the industry, the reduced rate of growth in patient
                                                         volume and an increase in uninsured and bad debt levels slowed our
                                                         earnings growth. Even though our hospital management teams did an
             Pharmacy Robots
                                                         exemplary job reacting to these forces by effectively managing operating
                                                         expenses, we still experienced an earnings shortfall primarily as a result
                                                         of these two issues.
                                                             An obvious concern of our Board and management was to determine
                                                         whether such changes in these fundamental issues are short-term in
     Patient Safety Technology
                                                         nature or whether they reflect a more permanent dynamic with which
                                                         the health care industry and HCA must contend.
                                                             Accordingly, in the fall of 2003, we embarked on a comprehensive
                                                         analysis of our industry, our market position within the industry, and the
                                                         other political and economic factors that could affect our future growth.
Innovative Radiation Treatment

                                                         As you would expect, our review included a thorough analysis of
                                                         population and health care utilization trends, pricing and reimbursement
                                                         stability, expense trends, effectiveness of our operating model, the
                                                         appropriateness of our organizational structure, the implications of
                                                         developing technology, and an assessment of the consumers’ (our
    Advanced Clinical Training

                                                         patients, physicians, insurance payers and shareholders) perspective of
                                                         our industry.
                                                             The results of this effort reinforced our belief in the positive, long-
                                                         term growth prospects for the health care industry, and in particular, HCA
                                                         and the appropriateness of our strategy and market positions. In short,

                     HCA 2003 Annual Report
while we have experienced a slowdown in the demand for health care             (left to right)

                                                                               Richard M. Bracken, President and COO
services, over the long-term we believe the underlying macroeconomic
                                                                               and Jack O. Bovender, Jr., Chairman and CEO
factors that affect demand, such as favorable population growth trends in
                                                                               in front of a portrait of Dr. Thomas Frist, Sr.,
our markets, our suburban locations, an increasing utilization rate due to     co-founder of HCA
an aging public, and a broadening scope of available health care services
continue to create a compelling future for HCA.
    We believe our strategy of operating networks of hospitals and
treatment centers with substantial market share, in large urban and
suburban areas located predominantly in the Southern and Western
United States, remains a good one. We will also continue to selectively
consider acquisition opportunities that fit this objective. We see no need
to substantially diversify our lines of business, materially change our
market locations, or otherwise significantly alter our operating strategy.
Our overall assessment did lead us, however, to strengthen our
outpatient services organization. Prompted by new technologies, as well
as increased competition, we elected to create a new level of focus on
and leadership of our outpatient facility development and operations.
We achieved this by creating a new outpatient structure within our
organization that will be solely focused on the growth and improvement
of this growing sector of our industry.
    We remain convinced our future growth, both in terms of patient
demand and financial returns, will be primarily from our existing markets
and base of hospitals. These hospitals will be supported by a robust
capital spending program and a very focused patient and physician
satisfaction strategy. To that end, we remain committed to operate our
hospitals, and our surgery, imaging and treatment centers with an ever-
improving level of clinical effectiveness, patient safety and administrative
efficiency. Consider the following developments in 2003:

    HCA 2003 Annual Report
efficiently dispense medications
Robotic pharmacies that

                                              s We invested over $1.8 billion in our existing facilities. This investment of
   Pharmacy Robot
                                                $44,200 per bed is among the highest in the industry and serves to
   ROBOT-Rx™ is a centralized robotic
                                                assure our hospitals are technologically up-to-date, maintained for the
   drug distribution system that can fill
   more than 1,200 drug doses an                optimum level of performance and aesthetically pleasing to our patients
   hour and run 24 hours a day. In use          and their families.
   at several HCA hospitals, this             s We created additional capacity for future growth of our operating units.
   system, which was developed by               More specifically, we added over 450 beds to our hospitals; constructed
   McKesson Automation, Inc.,
                                                two new hospitals with approximately 180 beds; increased operating
   automates the storage, retrieval
                                                room capacity, added imaging equipment or expanded emergency
   and dispensing of barcoded unit-
                                                departments at approximately 75 percent of our hospitals; and developed
   dose inpatient medications,
                                                almost one million square feet of medical office buildings to house
   improving medication safety,
                                                physicians desiring to practice near our hospital campuses. These
   speeding up delivery and reducing
                                                investments will position us favorably to accommodate the patient
   inventory and labor costs. By
                                                demand we forecast in the communities we serve.
   automating drug dispensation and
                                              s In April 2003, we completed the acquisition of Health Midwest, an 11-
   reducing repetitive, mundane,
                                                hospital system located within the greater Kansas City area. With
   manual tasks in the central
                                                approximately $900 million in annual revenues and an estimated 35
   pharmacy, the ROBOT-Rx allows
   hospital pharmacists to help                 percent market share, we believe it was the largest not-for-profit
   improve patient care by spending             acquisition on record in our industry. We plan to invest more than $450
   more time reviewing patient charts           million within four years in this market, which includes a commitment to
   and collaborating with physicians.           build two replacement hospitals.
                                              s We invested $130 million rebuilding our information technology and
                                                administrative infrastructure. Several years ago, we embarked on an
                                                 aggressive program to reinvent our revenue and supply chain operations.
                                                    We created 12 regional centers across America to handle these
                                                       functions, rather than having operations at each individual
                                                    hospital. This effort was essentially completed in 2003 with our

        HCA 2003 Annual Report
enhance patient safety
Medication administration systems to

      revenue and supply chain operations now being handled by this new             eMAR & Barcoding
      organizational architecture. These new centers not only improve the           Part of HCA’s industry-leading patient
                                                                                    safety effort, eMAR (Electronic
      accuracy of our billing and collection functions, but also improve our
                                                                                    Medication Administration Record)
      supply expense and cash management processes, and reduce the fixed
                                                                                    & Barcoding, use wireless barcoding
      cost of our operations.
                                                                                    technology to ensure that the right
    s In 2003, we continued the advancement of our patient safety and
                                                                                    medication is delivered to the right
      satisfaction initiatives. We invested over $30 million to develop and         patient, at the right time, through the
      deploy new patient safety technologies aimed at reducing medication           right means and in the right dosage.
      errors. Barcode assisted medication administration is fully implemented       The system includes individually
                                                                                    packaged and coded medications,
      in almost half our hospitals, and we expect by mid-year of 2005 it will
                                                                                    mobile scanners, barcoded patient
      be in all HCA hospitals. We are now monitoring emergency department
                                                                                    wristbands and electronic medication
      length of stay in all hospitals, aimed at speeding time to treatment and
                                                                                    records to improve medication
      reducing wait times for patients. Cardiovascular outcomes continue to
                                                                                    procedures. eMAR & Barcoding
      improve as we expand our focus from cardiovascular surgery to various
                                                                                    provide a greater level of reassurance
      aspects of cardiovascular disease.                                            to patients, nurses and physicians
    s This was also a year in which we made a concerted effort to be the            about the safety of medication
      employer of choice in all of our markets. Labor costs are at favorable        administration. It is estimated that
                                                                                    technology of this kind is only
      levels for the company and, equally as important, employee satisfaction
                                                                                    available in about one percent of U.S.
      rates are at an all-time high. Our hospital management teams have
                                                                                    hospitals. Developed by HCA’s Quality
      reduced turnover rates of our employees for four consecutive years.
                                                                                    Department, clinical staff from HCA
                                                                                    hospitals across the country and
        All of these improvements were possible because of our strong cash
                                                                                    MEDITECH, a leading medical
    position. Our ability to consistently generate significant cash flow gives us
                                                                                    software company, eMAR & Barcoding
    the flexibility to examine new ways in which to increase shareholder value.
                                                                                    have been deployed at 82 HCA
    In 2003 we continued our                                                        hospitals and will be in every HCA
    share repurchase plan. During                                                   hospital by mid-year of 2005.
    the year, we repurchased over
    31 million shares at a total

        HCA 2003 Annual Report
Innovative clinical technology                                that can save lives

  Leksell Gamma Knife®                    cost of approximately $1.1 billion, an average share price of $35.76. Since
                                          we began our share repurchase program in 1997, we have repurchased 234.5
  Gamma    Knife® is among the most
                                          million shares at a cost of $6.9 billion, an average share price of $29.51.
  advanced technology available to
  treat vascular malformations,               Additionally in 2003, we positioned the company to increase our
  tumors and functional disorders.        dividend payout. In January 2004, our Board approved a quarterly dividend
  Developed by Elekta, Gamma              of $0.13 per share payable June 1 to shareholders of record on May 1.
  Knife® is not actually a knife, but a   Annualizing this quarterly dividend would represent a payout of
  device that directs 201 focused
                                          approximately 20 percent of 2003 net earnings. This is the first time we
  beams of radiation at the target
                                          have increased our dividend in over 10 years, reflecting the enhanced
  area, allowing doctors to treat
                                          attractiveness of cash dividends as a means of providing increased and more
  tumors without opening the brain
                                          predictable returns to our shareholders and our confidence in the financial
  or risking damage to delicate
                                          strength of our company.
  tissues. Precise and powerful, the
                                              Finally in 2003, we redefined our goal of strengthening our balance
  20-ton Gamma Knife® can destroy
                                          sheet to reduce the company’s level of risk. Accordingly, we set to reduce
  deep-seated vascular
                                          our ratio of debt to debt plus common and minority equity from
  malformations and brain tumors
                                          approximately 55 percent to 50 percent by the end of 2005. Though our
  previously considered inoperable.
                                          emphasis in each of these efforts was on a longer-term rather than
  For patients whose age or other
  medical conditions prevent them         immediate value, we are proud of the steps taken in 2003 that we believe
  from undergoing open                    will continue to create shareholder value in the years to come. Going
  neurosurgery, Gamma Knife® can          forward, we are now targeting earnings per share growth of low double-
  be a life-saving procedure.             digits. That is not to say we expect low double-digit EPS growth in every
                                          reporting period. As in the past several years, we would expect to have some
                                          quarters that grow below and some quarters above the target level.
                                              In addition to the analysis of our business strategy, our asset
                                                enhancement efforts, and the steps taken to increase shareholder value,
                                                     2003 also was a year in which we assessed our role in the solution
                                                          to a nationwide problem: the uninsured. There are
                                                            approximately 44 million Americans without health

      HCA 2003 Annual Report
improve patient outcomes
Specialized clinical training to

 insurance and many sectors of society — government, employers and the           Fetal Heart
 individual – must play a role in crafting a solution; nevertheless, this is a   Monitor Certification
 problem that poses particular challenges for the hospital industry and our      HCA has adopted fetal heart
 company. In 2003, we implemented a new charity care and financial               monitoring principles and practices
                                                                                 established by the Association of
 discount policy, which provides free care for those patients receiving non-
                                                                                 Women’s Health, Obstetric and
 elective care, whose incomes are at or below 200 percent of the Federal
                                                                                 Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). As a
 Poverty Level (FPL), and applies graduated discounts for those whose
                                                                                 result, registered nurses in HCA
 incomes fall between 200 and 400 percent of the FPL. We believe HCA’s
                                                                                 obstetrics departments receive
 charity care and financial discount policy will significantly help many
                                                                                 industry-leading fetal heart monitor
 uninsured patients.
                                                                                 training that is improving patient
     When we reflect on 2003, we view it as a year with much change and
                                                                                 outcomes. HCA requires that all
 many accomplishments and a year in which we invested our capital dollars
                                                                                 its obstetrical nurses receive this
 wisely to position our company for the long-term. One of the founders of        nationally recognized training to
 HCA, Dr. Thomas F. Frist, Sr., was a guiding force behind the philosophy        help them quickly identify and
 that drives our company, a patient-first philosophy. Though the health care     respond to signs of fetal distress.
 industry has changed significantly since the days when HCA was started,         As part of this effort, approximately
 this philosophy continues to serve us well. The goal of doing what is right     4,600 nurses have received this
 for the patient continues to drive not only our daily operating strategy, but   specialized instruction and
                                                                                 every HCA hospital
 our financial strategy as well. We believe HCA is positioned to continue to
                                                                                 has a certified
 be a leader in the health care delivery system in the United States.
                                                                                 instructor to provide
                                                                                 training and expertise.

      Jack O. Bovender, Jr. / Chairman and CEO

      Richard M. Bracken / President and COO

      HCA 2003 Annual Report
HCA Locations
                                                                                                                              = Hospital      = Surgery Center


 Alaska Regional Hospital / Anchorage

 Good Samaritan Hospital / San Jose
 Los Gatos Surgical Center / Los Gatos
 Los Robles Regional Medical Center / Thousand Oaks
 Regional Medical Center of San Jose / San Jose
 Riverside Community Hospital / Riverside
 Riverside Community Surgi-Center / Riverside
 San Jose Medical Center / San Jose
 West Hills Hospital & Medical Center / West Hills
 West Hills Surgical Center / West Hills

 Centrum Surgical Center / Greenwood Village
 Lakewood Surgical Center / Lakewood
 Midtown Surgical Center / Denver
 North Suburban Medical Center / Thornton
 Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center / Denver
 Rose Medical Center / Denver
 Sky Ridge Medical Center / Lone Tree
 Spalding Rehabilitation Hospital / Aurora
 Swedish Medical Center / Englewood
 The Medical Center of Aurora / Aurora

 Ambulatory Surgery Center / Tampa
 Aventura Hospital and Medical Center / Aventura
 Belleair Surgery Center / Clearwater
 Blake Medical Center / Bradenton
 Brandon Regional Hospital / Brandon
 Brandon Surgery Center / Brandon                                    Same Day Surgicenter of Orlando / Orlando
 Capital Regional Medical Center / Tallahassee                       South Bay Hospital / Sun City Center
 Cedars Medical Center / Miami                                       Southwest Florida Regional Medical Center / Ft. Myers
 Center for Special Surgery / St. Petersburg                         St. Lucie Medical Center / Port St. Lucie
 Central Florida Regional Hospital / Sanford                         St. Lucie Surgery Center / Port St. Lucie
 Central Florida Surgicenter / Lakeland                              St. Petersburg General Hospital / St. Petersburg
 Columbia Hospital / West Palm Beach                                 Surgery Center at Coral Springs / Coral Springs
 Community Hospital / New Port Richey                                Surgery Center at St. Andrews / Venice
 Countryside Surgery Center / Clearwater                             Surgery Center Bonita Bay / Bonita Springs
 Doctors Hospital of Sarasota / Sarasota                             Surgical Park Center / Miami
 Doctors Same Day Surgery Center / Sarasota                          Tallahassee Outpatient Surgery Center / Tallahassee
                                                                     Tampa Eye & Specialty Surgery Center / Tampa
 Edward White Hospital / St. Petersburg
 Englewood Community Hospital / Englewood                            Twin Cities Hospital / Niceville
                                                                     University Hospital & Medical Center / Taramac
 Fawcett Memorial Hospital / Port Charlotte                                                                                       Terre Haute Regional Hospital / Terre Haute
 Florida Surgery Center / Altamonte Springs                          West Florida Hospital / Pensacola
 Fort Walton Beach Medical Center / Ft. Walton Beach                 Westside Regional Medical Center / Plantation
 Gulf Coast Hospital / Fort Myers                                                                                                 Allen County Hospital / Iola
 Gulf Coast Medical Center / Panama City                                                                                          Menorah Medical Center / Overland Park
 Gulf Coast Surgery Center / Bradenton                                                                                            Overland Park Regional Medical Center / Overland Park
                                                                     Atlanta Outpatient Peachtree Dunwoody Center / Atlanta
 Jacksonville Surgery Center / Jacksonville                                                                                       Surgicare of Wichita / Wichita
                                                                     Atlanta Outpatient Surgery Center / Atlanta
 JFK Medical Center / Atlantis                                                                                                    Surgicenter of Johnson County / Overland Park
                                                                     Augusta Surgical Center / Augusta
 Kendall Regional Medical Center / Miami                                                                                          Wesley Medical Center / Wichita
                                                                     Buckhead Ambulatory Surgery Center / Atlanta
 Kissimmee Surgery Center / Kissimmee                                Cartersville Medical Center / Cartersville
 Lake City Medical Center / Lake City                                Coliseum Medical Centers / Macon
 Largo Medical Center / Largo                                                                                                     Frankfort Regional Medical Center / Frankfort
                                                                     Coliseum Psychiatric Center / Macon
 Lawnwood Regional Medical Center and Heart Institute / Ft. Pierce                                                                Greenview Regional Hospital / Bowling Green
                                                                     Coliseum Same Day Surgery Center / Macon
 Memorial Hospital Jacksonville / Jacksonville                       Doctors Hospital / Augusta
 Merritt Island Surgery Center / Merritt Island                      Doctors Hospital / Columbus
 New Port Richey Surgery Center / New Port Richey                                                                                 Avoyelles Hospital / Marksville
                                                                     Doctors Hospital Surgery Center / Evans
 North County Surgicenter / Palm Beach Gardens                                                                                    Dauterive Hospital / New Iberia
                                                                     Emory Dunwoody Medical Center / Atlanta
 North Florida Regional Medical Center / Gainesville                                                                              DePaul-Tulane Behavioral Health Center / New Orleans
                                                                     Emory Eastside Medical Center / Snellville
 North Miami Beach Surgical Center / North Miami Beach                                                                            Lafayette Surgery Center / Lafayette
                                                                     Fairview Park Hospital / Dublin
 Northside Hospital / St. Petersburg                                                                                              Lakeside Hospital / Metairie
                                                                     Hughston Sports Medicine Hospital / Columbus
 Northwest Medical Center / Margate                                                                                               Lakeview Regional Medical Center / Covington
                                                                     Macon Northside Hospital / Macon
 Oak Hill Hospital / Spring Hill                                                                                                  North Monroe Medical Center / Monroe
                                                                     Marietta Surgical Center / Marietta
 Ocala Regional Medical Center / Ocala                                                                                            Oakdale Community Hospital / Oakdale
                                                                     Northlake Medical Center / Tucker
 Orange Park Medical Center / Orange Park                                                                                         Rapides Regional Medical Center / Alexandria
                                                                     Northlake Surgical Center / Tucker
 Orange Park Surgery Center / Orange Park                                                                                         Savoy Medical Center / Mamou
                                                                     Palmyra Medical Centers / Albany
 Osceola Regional Medical Center / Kissimmee                                                                                      Southwest Medical Center - Lafayette / Lafayette
                                                                     Pediatric Center at Atlanta Outpatient / Atlanta
 Outpatient Surgical Services / Plantation                                                                                        Tulane University Hospital and Clinic / New Orleans
                                                                     Polk Medical Center / Cedartown
 Palms West Hospital / Loxahatchee                                                                                                Winn Parish Medical Center / Winnfield
                                                                     Redmond Regional Medical Center / Rome
                                                                                                                                  Women’s & Children’s Hospital / Lafayette
 Parkside Surgery Center / Jacksonville                              The Surgery Center of Rome / Rome
 Plantation General Hospital / Plantation
 Plaza Surgery Center / Jacksonville
 Raulerson Hospital / Okeechobee                                                                                                  Garden Park Medical Center / Gulfport
                                                                     Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center / Idaho Falls
 Regional Medical Center Bayonet Point / Hudson                                                                                   Gulf Port Outpatient Surgical Center / Gulfport
                                                                     West Valley Medical Center / Caldwell

     HCA 2003 Annual Report

                                                         United Kingdom

                                                                                                                          Las Palmas Medical Center / El Paso
                                                                                                                          Mainland Medical Center / Texas City
                                                                                                                          Medical Center of Arlington / Arlington
                                                                                                                          Medical Center of Lewisville / Lewisville
                                                                                                                          Medical Center of Plano / Plano
                                                                                                                          Medical City Dallas Hospital / Dallas
                                                                                                                          Methodist Ambulatory Surgery Center-Central San Antonio / San Antonio
                                                                                                                          Methodist Ambulatory Surgery Center-North Central / San Antonio
                                                                                                                          Methodist Ambulatory Surgery Center-Northeast / San Antonio
                                                                                                                          Methodist Ambulatory Surgery Hospital-Northwest / San Antonio
                                                                                                                          Methodist Children’s Hospital of South Texas / San Antonio
                                                                                                                          Methodist Specialty & Transplant Hospital / San Antonio
                                                                                                                          Metropolitan Methodist Hospital / San Antonio
                                                                                                                          North Austin Medical Center / Austin
                                                                                                                          North Central Medical Center / McKinney
                                                                                                                          North Hills Hospital / North Richland Hills
                                                                                                                          Northeast Methodist Hospital / San Antonio
                                                                                                                          Northwest Regional Hospital / Corpus Christi
                                                                                                                          Oakwood Surgery Center / Round Rock
                                                                                                                          Park Central Surgical Center / Dallas
                                                                                                                          Plaza Day Surgery / Fort Worth
                                                                                                                          Plaza Medical Center of Fort Worth / Fort Worth
                                                                                                                          Rio Grande Regional Hospital / McAllen
                                                                                                                          Rio Grande Surgery Center / McAllen
                                                                                                                          Round Rock Medical Center / Round Rock
                                                                                                                          South Austin Hospital / Austin
                                                                                                                          Southwest Texas Methodist Hospital / San Antonio
                                                                                                                          Spring Branch Medical Center / Houston
                                                                                                                          St. David’s Medical Center / Austin
                                                                                                                          St. David’s Pavilion / Austin
                                                                                                                          St. David’s Rehabilitation Center / Austin
                                                                                                                          Surgery Center of Plano / Plano
                                                                                                                          Surgical Center of El Paso / El Paso
                                                                                                                          Surgicare of Corpus Christi / Corpus Christi
                                                                                                                          Surgicare of South Austin / Austin
                                                                                                                          Texas Orthopedic Hospital / Houston
                                                                                                                          Texas Pediatric Surgery Center / North Richland Hills
                                                                                                                          Valley Regional Medical Center / Brownsville
                                                                                                                          West Houston Medical Center / Houston
                                                                                                                          Westpark Surgery Center / McKinney
                                                                                                                          Woman’s Hospital of Texas / Houston

                                                                                                                          Brigham City Community Hospital / Brigham City
                                                                                                                          Lakeview Hospital / Bountiful
                                                                                                                          Mountain View Hospital / Payson
                                                                                                                          Ogden Regional Medical Center / Ogden
                                                                                                                          St. Mark’s Hospital / Salt Lake City
 Missouri                                                                                                                 St. Marks Outpatient Surgery Center / Salt Lake City
 Baptist-Lutheran Medical Center / Kansas City                                                                            Timpanogos Regional Hospital / Orem
 Independence Regional Health Center / Independence
 Lafayette Regional Health Center / Lexington
 Lee’s Summit Hospital / Lee’s Summit                                                                                     Alleghany Regional Hospital / Low Moor
 Medical Center of Independence / Independence                                                                            CJW Medical Center / Richmond
 Research Belton Hospital / Belton                                                                                        Clinch Valley Medical Center / Richlands
 Research Medical Center / Kansas City                                                                                    Dominion Hospital / Falls Church
                                                                  Atrium Memorial Surgery Center / Chattanooga
 Research Psychiatric Center / Kansas City                                                                                Fairfax Surgical Center / Fairfax
                                                                  Centennial Medical Center / Nashville                   Hanover Outpatient Surgery Center / Mechanicsville
 Nevada                                                           Centennial Surgery Center / Nashville                   Henrico Doctor’s Hospital / Richmond
                                                                  Grandview Medical Center / Jasper
 Flamingo Surgery Center / Las Vegas                                                                                      John Randolph Medical Center / Hopewell
                                                                  Hendersonville Medical Center / Hendersonville
 Las Vegas Surgery Center / Las Vegas                                                                                     Lewis-Gale Medical Center / Salem
                                                                  Horizon Medical Center / Dickson
 MountainView Hospital / Las Vegas                                                                                        Montgomery Regional Hospital / Blacksburg
                                                                  Parkridge Medical Center / Chattanooga
 Sahara Surgery Center / Las Vegas                                                                                        Northern Virginia Community Hospital / Arlington
 Southern Hills Hospital & Medical Center / Las Vegas             Parkridge East Hospital / Chattanooga                   Pulaski Community Hospital / Pulaski
                                                                  Parkridge Valley Hospital / Chattanooga
 Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center / Las Vegas                                                                          Reston Hospital Center / Reston
                                                                  River Park Hospital / McMinnville                       The Retreat Hospital / Richmond
 New Hampshire                                                    Skyline Medical Center / Nashville                      Tuckahoe Surgery Center / Richmond
                                                                  Southern Hills Medical Center / Nashville
 Parkland Medical Center / Derry
                                                                  StoneCrest Medical Center / Smyrna
 Portsmouth Regional Ambulatory Surgery Center / Portsmouth
                                                                  Summit Medical Center / Hermitage
 Portsmouth Regional Hospital / Portsmouth                                                                                Capital Medical Center / Olympia
 Salem Surgery Center / Salem
                                                                  Texas                                                   West Virginia
 North Carolina                                                   Bailey Square Surgery Center / Austin                   Putnam General Hospital / Hurricane
                                                                  Bay Area Surgicare Center / Webster
 Brunswick Community Hospital / Supply                                                                                    Raleigh General Hospital / Beckley
                                                                  Bayshore Medical Center / Pasadena                      Saint Francis Hospital / Charleston
 Oklahoma                                                         Bayshore Surgery Center / Pasadena                      St. Joseph’s Hospital / Parkersburg
                                                                  Clear Lake Regional Medical Center / Webster
 Edmond Medical Center / Edmond
                                                                                                                          United Kingdom
                                                                  Conroe Regional Medical Center / Conroe
 Oklahoma Surgicare / Oklahoma City
                                                                  Corpus Christi Medical Center / Corpus Christi
 OU Medical Center / Oklahoma City                                                                                        Lister Hospital / London
                                                                  Del Sol Medical Center / El Paso
 Southwestern Medical Center / Lawton                                                                                     London Bridge Hospital / London
                                                                  Denton Regional Medical Center / Denton
 Surgicare Midtown / Oklahoma City                                                                                        Princess Grace Hospital / London
                                                                  East El Paso Surgery Center / El Paso                   The Harley Street Clinic / London
 South Carolina                                                   East Houston Regional Medical Center / Houston          The Portland Hospital for Women and Children / London
                                                                  Gramercy Outpatient Surgery Center / Houston
 Ambulatory Surgery and Diagnostic Center / Walterburo                                                                    The Wellington Hospital / London
                                                                  Green Oaks Hospital / Dallas
 Colleton Medical Center / Walterboro
                                                                  Kingwood Medical Center / Kingwood
 Grand Strand Regional Medical Center / Myrtle Beach
                                                                  Las Colinas Medical Center / Irving
 Grande Dunes Surgery Center / Myrtle Beach                                                                               Clinique De Carouge / Carouge
                                                                  Las Colinas Surgery Center / Irving
 Trident Medical Center / Charleston                                                                                      Hopital de la Tour / Meyrin/Geneve

     HCA 2003 Annual Report
1    2   3

     HCA Board of Directors
     C. Michael Armstrong
     Chairman, Comcast Corporation
                                                           4     5   6
     Magdalena H. Averhoff, M.D.
     Practicing Physician

     Jack O. Bovender, Jr.
     Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, HCA

     Richard M. Bracken
     President and Chief Operating Officer, HCA

     Martin Feldstein
     Professor of Economics, Harvard University
     President and CEO, National Bureau of
     Economic Research

     Thomas F. Frist, Jr., M.D.                             7    8   9
     Chairman Emeritus, HCA

     Frederick W. Gluck
     Retired Vice Chairman, Bechtel Group, Inc.
     Retired Managing Director, McKinsey & Company, Inc.

     Glenda A. Hatchett
     Host of Syndicated Television
     Court Show, “Judge Hatchett”
     Retired Chief Judge, Fulton County Juvenile Court

     Charles O. Holliday, Jr.
     Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, DuPont

     T. Michael Long                                       10   11   12
     Partner, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

     John H. McArthur
     Retired Dean, Harvard University Graduate
     School of Business Administration

     Kent C. Nelson
     Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
     United Parcel Service

     Frank S. Royal, M.D.
     Practicing Physician

     Harold T. Shapiro
                                                           13   14
     President Emeritus, Princeton University

       HCA 2003 Annual Report
HCA Inc. Selected Financial Data as of and for the Years Ended December 31
(Dollars in millions, except per share amounts)

                                                         2003           2002            2001          2000         1999
Summary of Operations:
Revenues                                             $ 21,808       $ 19,729        $ 17,953      $ 16,670     $ 16,657

Salaries and benefits                                     8,682          7,952           7,279        6,639         6,694
Supplies                                                  3,522          3,158           2,860        2,640         2,645
Other operating expenses                                  3,676          3,341           3,238        3,208         3,306
Provision for doubtful accounts                           2,207          1,581           1,376        1,255         1,269
(Gains) losses on sales of investment securities              (1)            2             (63)        (123)          (55)
Equity in earnings of affiliates                           (199)          (206)           (158)        (126)          (90)
Depreciation and amortization                             1,112          1,010           1,048        1,033         1,094
Interest expense                                            491            446             536          559           471
Settlement with government agencies                          (41)          603             262          840             —
Gains on sales of facilities                                (85)            (6)           (131)         (34)         (297)
Impairment of investment securities                            —           168               —            —             —
Impairment of long-lived assets                             130             19              17          117           220
Restructuring of operations and
  investigation related costs                                 8             58              65            62          116
Loss on retirement of debt                                    —              —              28             —            —
                                                         19,502         18,126          16,357        16,070       15,373
Income before minority interests
  and income taxes                                        2,306          1,603           1,596          600         1,284
Minority interests in earnings of
  consolidated entities                                  150               148             119           84            57
Income before income taxes                             2,156             1,455           1,477          516         1,227
Provision for income taxes                               824               622             591          297           570
Reported net income                                    1,332               833             886          219           657
Goodwill amortization, net of income taxes                 —                 —              69           73            83
  Adjusted net income                                $ 1,332        $      833      $      955    $     292    $      740
Basic earnings per share:
  Reported net income                                $     2.66     $        1.63   $     1.69    $     0.39   $     1.12
  Goodwill amortization, net of income taxes                  —                 —         0.13          0.13         0.15
  Adjusted net income                                $     2.66     $        1.63   $     1.82    $     0.52   $     1.27
Diluted earnings per share:
  Reported net income                                $     2.61     $        1.59   $     1.65    $     0.39   $     1.11
  Goodwill amortization, net of income taxes                  —                 —         0.13          0.13         0.15
  Adjusted net income                                $     2.61     $        1.59   $     1.78    $     0.52   $     1.26
Shares used in computing earnings
  per share (in thousands):
    Basic earnings per share                          501,799         511,824         524,112       555,553      585,216
    Diluted earnings per share                        510,874         525,219         538,177       567,685      591,029
Cash dividends per common share                      $ 0.08         $    0.08       $    0.08     $    0.08    $    0.08

      HCA 2003 Annual Report
(Dollars in millions, except per share amounts)

                                                                                2003                2002                 2001                 2000                 1999
Financial Position:
Assets                                                                     $ 21,063             $ 18,741             $ 17,730             $ 17,568             $ 16,885
Working capital                                                               1,654                  766                  957                  312                  480
Long-term debt, including amounts
  due within one year                                                            8,707                6,943                7,360                6,752               6,444
Minority interests in equity of
  consolidated entities                                                            680                   611                  563                  572                 763
Company-obligated mandatorily
  redeemable securities of affiliate
    holding solely Company securities                                               —                     —                  400                    —                    —
Forward purchase contracts and put options                                          —                     —                    —                  769                    —
Stockholders’ equity                                                            6,209                 5,702                4,762                4,405                5,617

Cash Flow Data:
Cash provided by operating activities                                      $ 2,166              $     2,750          $     1,413          $     1,547          $    1,223
Cash provided by (used in) investing activities                              (2,862)                 (1,740)              (1,300)              (1,087)                925
Cash provided by (used in) financing activities                                 650                    (934)                (342)                (336)             (2,255)

Operating Data:
Number of hospitals at end of period(a)                                            184                   173                  178                  187                 195
Number of freestanding outpatient surgical
  centers at end of period(b)                                                    79                    74                   76                  75                   80
Number of licensed beds at end of period(c)                                  42,108                39,932               40,112              41,009               42,484
Weighted average licensed beds(d)                                            41,568                39,985               40,645              41,659               46,291
Admissions(e)                                                             1,635,200             1,582,800            1,564,100           1,553,500            1,625,400
Equivalent admissions(f)                                                  2,405,400             2,339,400            2,311,700           2,300,800            2,425,100
Average length of stay (days)(g)                                                 5.0                   5.0                  4.9                 4.9                  4.9
Average daily census(h)                                                      22,234                21,509               21,160              20,952               22,002
Occupancy(i)                                                                   54%                   54%                  52%                 50%                  48%
Emergency room visits(j)                                                  5,130,500             4,802,800            4,676,800           4,534,400            4,765,900
Outpatient surgeries(k)                                                     814,300               809,900              804,300             823,500              886,700
Inpatient surgeries(l)                                                      528,600               518,100              507,800             486,600              485,900

(a) Excludes seven facilities in 2003, six facilities in 2002, six facilities in 2001, nine facilities in 2000 and 12 facilities in 1999 that are not consolidated (accounted
    for using the equity method) for financial reporting purposes.
(b) Excludes four facilities in 2003, four facilities in 2002, three facilities in 2001, three in 2000 and three facilities in 1999 that are not consolidated (accounted
    for using the equity method) for financial reporting purposes.
(c) Licensed beds are those beds for which a facility has been granted approval to operate from the applicable state licensing agency.
(d) Weighted average licensed beds represents the average number of licensed beds, weighted based on periods owned.
(e) Represents the total number of patients admitted to HCA’s hospitals and is used by management and certain investors as a general measure of inpatient volume.
(f) Equivalent admissions are used by management and certain investors as a general measure of combined inpatient and outpatient volume. Equivalent admissions
    are computed by multiplying admissions (inpatient volume) by the sum of gross inpatient revenue and gross outpatient revenue and then dividing the resulting
    amount by gross inpatient revenue. The equivalent admissions computation “equates” outpatient revenue to the volume measure (admissions) used to measure
    inpatient volume, resulting in a general measure of combined inpatient and outpatient volume.
(g) Represents the average number of days admitted patients stay in HCA’s hospitals.
(h) Represents the average number of patients in HCA’s hospital beds each day.
(i) Represents the percentage of hospital licensed beds occupied by patients. Both average daily census and occupancy rate provide measures of the utilization of
    inpatient rooms.
(j) Represents the number of patients treated in the Company’s emergency rooms.
(k) Represents the number of surgeries performed on patients who were not admitted to the Company’s hospitals. Pain management and endoscopy procedures are
    not included in outpatient surgeries.
(l) Represents the number of surgeries performed on patients who have been admitted to the Company’s hospitals. Pain management and endoscopy procedures are
    not included in inpatient surgeries.

      HCA 2003 Annual Report
HCA Inc. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

   The selected financial data and the accompanying consolidated financial statements present certain information
with respect to the financial position, results of operations and cash flows of HCA Inc. which should be read in
conjunction with the following discussion and analysis. The terms “HCA” or the “Company,” as used herein, refer
to HCA Inc. and its affiliates unless otherwise stated or indicated by context. The term “affiliates” means direct and
indirect subsidiaries of HCA Inc. and partnerships and joint ventures in which such subsidiaries are partners.

Forward-Looking Statements
     This annual report includes certain disclosures which contain “forward-looking statements.” Forward-looking
statements include all statements that do not relate solely to historical or current facts, and can be identified by the
use of words like “may,” “believe,” “will,” “expect,” “project,” “estimate,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “initiative” or
“continue.” These forward-looking statements are based on the current plans and expectations of HCA and are
subject to a number of known and unknown uncertainties and risks, many of which are beyond HCA’s control, that
could significantly affect current plans and expectations and HCA’s future financial position and results of
operations. These factors include, but are not limited to, (i) the highly competitive nature of the health care business,
(ii) the efforts of insurers, health care providers and others to contain health care costs, (iii) possible changes in the
Medicare and Medicaid programs that may impact reimbursements to health care providers and insurers, (iv) the
ability to achieve operating and financial targets, achieve expected levels of patient volumes and control the costs
of providing services, (v) increases in the amount and risk of collectibility of uninsured accounts and deductibles
and copay amounts for insured accounts, (vi) the ability to attract and retain qualified management and personnel,
including affiliated physicians, nurses and medical support personnel, (vii) potential liabilities and other claims that
may be asserted against HCA, (viii) fluctuations in the market value of HCA’s common stock, (ix) changes in
accounting practices, (x) changes in general economic conditions, (xi) future divestitures which may result in
additional charges, (xii) changes in revenue mix and the ability to enter into and renew managed care provider
arrangements on acceptable terms, (xiii) the availability and terms of capital to fund the expansion of the
Company’s business, (xiv) changes in business strategy or development plans, (xv) delays in receiving payments for
services provided, (xvi) the possible enactment of Federal or state health care reform, (xvii) the outcome of pending
and any future tax audits and litigation associated with HCA’s tax positions, (xviii) the outcome of HCA’s continuing
efforts to monitor, maintain and comply with appropriate laws, regulations, policies and procedures and HCA’s
corporate integrity agreement with the government, (xix) changes in Federal, state or local regulations affecting the
health care industry, (xx) the impact of the charity care and self-pay discounting policy changes, (xxi) the ability
to successfully integrate the operations of Health Midwest, (xxii) the ability to develop and implement the payroll
and human resources information systems within the expected time and cost projections and, upon implementation,
to realize the expected benefits and efficiencies, and (xxiii) other risk factors described in this annual report. As a
consequence, current plans, anticipated actions and future financial position and results may differ from those
expressed in any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of HCA. You are cautioned not to unduly rely
on such forward-looking statements when evaluating the information presented in this report.

2003 Operations Summary
    The general economic environment for the general, acute care hospital industry during 2003 was negatively
impacted by the following trends: a reduction in the growth rate of inpatient admissions, increasing competition
from specialty facilities for cardiac, orthopedic and outpatient surgery services, and rising levels of uninsured and
patient due accounts, and the resulting increase in the provision for doubtful accounts.
    During 2003, same facility admissions increased 0.6%, compared to 2.5% and 2.7% increases attained during
2002 and 2001, respectively. Same facility outpatient surgeries declined 3.0% during 2003, compared to an increase
of 2.2% in 2002 and a decrease of 1.2% in 2001. The provision for doubtful accounts increased to 10.1% of revenues
in 2003 from 8.0% and 7.7% of revenues for 2002 and 2001, respectively. The difference between 10.1% and 8.0%
of 2003 revenues is $462 million. Management expects these negative volume and bad debt trends to remain
significant challenges for HCA in 2004.
    During 2003, HCA was able to manage salaries and benefits and other operating expenses effectively and
adjustments were made to react timely to the volume trends. Salaries and benefits were reduced to 39.8% of revenues
in 2003 compared to 40.3% and 40.5% of revenues in 2002 and 2001, respectively. Other operating expenses were
reduced to 16.8% of revenues in 2003 compared to 16.9% and 18.1% of revenues in 2002 and 2001, respectively.
    During 2003, the remaining aspects of the governmental investigations into HCA’s business practices that began
in 1997 were concluded. Over the past five years, HCA paid approximately $2 billion in settlement payments to the

     HCA 2003 Annual Report
HCA Inc. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

applicable government agencies and for legal and investigation related costs. The investigations also demanded
significant time requirements for management and numerous employees over the past years. Management is pleased
that these investigations have been concluded.
   While the Company has faced both operational and investigation related challenges during the past three years,
management believes that it is important to recognize that HCA has generated cash provided by operating activities
of $2.166 billion, $2.750 billion and $1.413 billion during 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

Investigations and Settlement of Certain Government Claims
    Commencing in 1997, HCA became aware it was the subject of governmental investigations and litigation
relating to its business practices. The governmental investigations included activities for certain entities for periods
prior to their acquisition by the Company and activities for certain entities that have been divested. As part of the
investigations, the United States intervened in a number of qui tam actions brought by private parties.
    The investigations were concluded through a series of agreements executed in 2000 and 2003. In December
2000, HCA entered into a Plea Agreement with the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice (the “DOJ”) and
various U.S. Attorneys’ offices (the “Plea Agreement”) and a Civil and Administrative Settlement Agreement with
the Civil Division of the DOJ (the “Civil Agreement”). The agreements resolved all Federal criminal issues
outstanding against HCA and certain issues involving Federal civil claims by, or on behalf of, the government
against HCA relating to DRG coding, outpatient laboratory billing and home health issues. The civil issues that were
not covered by the Civil Agreement included claims related to physician relations, cost reports and wound care
issues. The Civil Agreement was approved by the Federal District Court of the District of Columbia in August 2001.
HCA paid the government $900 million (including accrued interest of $60 million), as provided by the Civil
Agreement and Plea Agreement, during 2001. In January 2001, HCA entered into an eight-year Corporate Integrity
Agreement (“CIA”) with the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services.
    The remaining aspects of the investigations were resolved during 2003. In June 2003, HCA announced that the
Company and the Civil Division of the DOJ had signed agreements, documenting the understanding announced in
December 2002, whereby the United States would dismiss the various claims it had brought related to physician
relations, cost reports and wound care issues (the “DOJ Agreement”). The DOJ Agreement received court approval
in July 2003, and HCA paid the DOJ $641 million (including accrued interest of $10 million) during July 2003. The
DOJ Agreement does not affect qui tam cases in which the government has not intervened. HCA also finalized an
agreement with a negotiating team representing states that may have claims against the Company. Under this
agreement, HCA paid $17.7 million in July 2003 to state Medicaid agencies to resolve these claims. HCA also paid
$33 million for legal fees of the private parties. In connection with the DOJ Agreement, HCA recorded a pretax
charge of $603 million ($418 million after-tax) in the fourth quarter of 2002. The consolidated income statement
for the year ended December 31, 2003 includes a pretax favorable change in estimate of $41 million ($25 million
after-tax) related to Medicaid cost report balances for cost report years ended December 31, 1997 and prior.
    During June 2003, HCA announced that the Company and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(“CMS”) had signed an agreement, documenting the understanding announced in March 2002, to resolve all
Medicare cost report, home office cost statement and appeal issues between HCA and CMS (the “CMS Agreement”)
for cost report periods ended before August 1, 2001. As a result of the CMS Agreement, HCA paid CMS $250 million
in June 2003. HCA recorded a pretax charge of $260 million ($165 million after-tax), consisting of the accrual of
$250 million for the settlement payment and the write-off of $10 million of net Medicare cost report receivables.
This charge was recorded in the consolidated income statement for the year ended December 31, 2001.
    During September 2003, HCA reached an understanding with attorneys representing shareholder groups to settle
class action securities lawsuits originally filed in 1997. Under the terms of the settlement, a $49.5 million settlement
fund has been established to pay class members based on their individual claims. HCA also reached an
understanding with its insurance carriers under which the insurers will pay the majority of the settlement amount.
Final approval of the settlement was granted by the court on February 4, 2004.
    HCA remains the subject of a December 1997 formal order of investigation by the Securities and Exchange
Commission (the “SEC”). HCA understands that the investigation includes the anti-fraud, insider trading, periodic
reporting and internal accounting control provisions of the Federal securities laws.
    If HCA was found to be in violation of Federal or state laws relating to Medicare, Medicaid or similar programs
or breach of the CIA, HCA could be subject to substantial monetary fines, civil and criminal penalties and/or
exclusion from participation in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Any such sanctions or expenses could have
a material adverse effect on HCA’s financial position, results of operation and liquidity.

     HCA 2003 Annual Report
HCA Inc. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

Business Strategy
   HCA is committed to providing the communities it serves high quality, cost-effective, health care while
maintaining consistency with HCA’s ethics and compliance program, governmental regulations and guidelines, and
industry standards. As a part of this strategy, HCA’s management focuses on the following areas:

•    Commitment to the care and improvement of human life: The foundation of HCA is built on putting patients
     first and providing quality health care services in the communities it serves. HCA continues to increase efforts
     and funding for the Company’s patient safety agenda. Management believes patient outcomes will increasingly
     influence physician and patient choices concerning health care delivery.

•    Commitment to ethics and compliance: HCA is committed to a corporate culture highlighted by the following
     values — compassion, honesty, integrity, fairness, loyalty, respect and kindness. The Company’s comprehensive
     ethics and compliance program articulates a set of values and behavioral standards to reinforce HCA’s dedication
     to these values and to ensure integrity.

•    Focus on core communities: HCA strives to maintain market-leading positions in large, growing urban and
     suburban communities, primarily in the Southern and Western regions of the United States.

•    Becoming the health care employer of choice: HCA uses a number of industry leading practices to help ensure
     its hospitals are the health care employer of choice in their communities. The Company’s labor initiatives provide
     strategies to the hospitals for recruiting, compensation and productivity, and include various leadership and
     career development programs. The Company also maintains an internal contract labor agency to provide
     improved quality and reduce costs.

•    Continuing to strive for operational excellence: The Company’s focus on operational excellence includes a group
     purchasing organization that achieves pricing efficiencies in purchasing and supply contracts. HCA also uses a
     shared services model to process revenue and accounts receivable through ten regional patient accounting
     services centers. In a natural progression of the Company’s ongoing strategy, HCA is increasing focus on
     operating outpatient services with improved accessibility and more convenient service for patients and increased
     predictability and efficiency for physicians. As part of this focus, HCA may buy or build outpatient facilities to
     improve its market presence.

•    Allocating capital to strategically complement its operational strategy and enhance stockholder value: HCA’s
     capital spending is intended to increase bed capacity, provide new or expanded services in existing facilities,
     maintain or replace equipment and renovate existing facilities or construct replacement facilities. The Company
     also selectively evaluates acquisitions that may complement its strategies in existing or new markets. Capital
     may also be allocated to take advantage of opportunities such as repayment of indebtedness, stock repurchases
     and payment of dividends. In 2004, HCA’s Board of Directors approved an increase in its quarterly dividend from
     $0.02 per share to $0.13 per share.

Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates
    The preparation of HCA’s consolidated financial statements requires management to make estimates and
assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent liabilities and
the reported amounts of revenues and expenses. HCA’s management base their estimates on historical experience
and various other assumptions that they believe are reasonable under the circumstances. Management evaluates
its estimates on an ongoing basis and makes changes to the estimates and related disclosures as experience
develops or new information becomes known. Actual results may differ from these estimates under different
assumptions or conditions.
    Management believes that the following critical accounting policies affect its more significant judgments and
estimates used in the preparation of its consolidated financial statements.

     HCA 2003 Annual Report
HCA Inc. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations


    Revenues are recorded during the period the health care services are provided, based upon the estimated amounts
due from payers. Estimates of contractual allowances under managed care health plans are based upon the payment
terms specified in the related contractual agreements. Laws and regulations governing the Medicare and Medicaid
programs are complex and subject to interpretation. The estimated reimbursement amounts are made on a payer-
specific basis and are recorded based on the best information available regarding management’s interpretation of
the applicable laws, regulations and contract terms. Management continually reviews the contractual estimation
process to consider and incorporate updates to laws and regulations and the frequent changes in managed care
contractual terms that result from contract renegotiations and renewals. Management has invested significant
resources to refine and improve the information system data used to make these contractual estimates and to
develop a standardized calculation process and train employees.
    HCA does not pursue collection of amounts related to patients that meet the Company’s guidelines to qualify as
charity care; therefore, they are not reported in revenues. The revenues associated with uninsured patients that do
not meet the Company’s guidelines to qualify as charity care have generally been reported in revenues at gross
charges. During 2003, the Company announced that patients treated at an HCA wholly-owned hospital for
nonelective care who have income at or below 200% of the Federal poverty level are eligible for charity care, a
standard HCA estimates that 70% of its hospitals were previously using. The Federal poverty level is established by
the Federal government and is based on income and family size. On October 1, 2003, HCA began implementing a
sliding scale of discounts for uninsured patients, treated at HCA wholly-owned hospitals for nonelective care, with
income between 200% and 400% of the Federal poverty level.
    Due to the complexities involved in these estimations of revenues earned, the health care services authorized
and provided and related reimbursement are often subject to interpretations that could result in payments that are
different from our estimates.

     Provision for Doubtful Accounts and the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

    The collection of outstanding receivables from Medicare, managed care payers, other third-party payers and
patients is HCA’s primary source of cash and is critical to the Company’s operating performance. The primary
collection risks relate to the uninsured patient accounts and patient accounts for which the primary insurance
carrier has paid the amounts covered by the applicable agreement, but patient responsibility amounts (deductibles
and copayments) remain outstanding. The provision for doubtful accounts and the allowance for doubtful accounts
relate primarily to amounts due directly from patients. Because HCA does not pursue collection of amounts related
to patients that meet the Company’s guidelines to qualify as charity care, they are not reported in revenues and do
not have an impact on the provision for doubtful accounts. HCA expects the revised charity care and self-pay
discounting policy changes will result in reductions to both revenues and the provision for doubtful accounts in
future periods.
    The amount of the provision for doubtful accounts is based upon management’s assessment of historical write-
offs and expected net collections, business and economic conditions, trends in Federal and state governmental and
private employer health care coverage and other collection indicators. Management relies on the results of detailed
reviews of historical write-offs and recoveries at facilities that represent a majority of HCA’s revenues and accounts
receivable (the “hindsight analysis”) as a primary source of information in estimating the collectability of HCA’s
accounts receivable. Prior to the third quarter of 2003, the Company performed the hindsight analysis on an annual
basis. The results of the annual hindsight analysis that was completed during the second quarter of 2003 indicated
an increasing proportion of accounts receivable being comprised of uninsured accounts and the collectability of this
category of accounts had deteriorated. Beginning with the third quarter of 2003, HCA began performing a quarterly,
rolling twelve-month hindsight analysis to enable a more timely reaction to trends affecting the collectability of
the accounts receivable. At December 31, 2003, HCA’s allowance for doubtful accounts, as a percentage of patient
due accounts, was approximately 88%. For the year ended December 31, 2003, the provision for doubtful accounts
increased to 10.1% of revenues compared to 8.0% of revenues in 2002. Management does not expect the provision
for doubtful accounts, as a percentage of revenues, to decline from 2003 levels during 2004, based upon the revenue
and trends at December 31, 2003. Adverse changes in general economic conditions, business office operations, payer
mix, or trends in Federal or state governmental and private employer health care coverage could affect HCA’s
collection of accounts receivable, cash flows and results of operations.

     HCA 2003 Annual Report
HCA Inc. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

     Investments of Insurance Subsidiary — Other-than-temporary Impairment Considerations

    HCA’s wholly-owned insurance subsidiary holds debt and equity security investments having an aggregate fair
value of $2.065 billion at December 31, 2003. The fair value of the investment securities is generally based on
quoted market prices. The investment securities are held for the purpose of providing the funding source to pay
professional and general liability claims covered by the insurance subsidiary. Management’s assessment each
quarter of whether a decline in fair value is temporary or other-than-temporary involves multiple judgment calls,
often involves estimating the outcome of future events, and requires a significant level of professional judgment in
determining whether factors exist that indicate an impairment has occurred. HCA evaluates, among other things,
the financial position and near term prospects of the issuer, conditions in the issuer’s industry, liquidity of the
investment, changes in the amount or timing of expected future cash flows from the investment, and recent
downgrades of the issuer by a rating agency to determine if, and when, a decline in the fair value of an investment
below amortized cost is considered other-than-temporary. The length of time and extent to which the fair value of
the investment is less than amortized cost and HCA’s ability and intent to retain the investment to allow for any
anticipated recovery of the investment’s fair value are important components of management’s investment
securities evaluation process. During 2002, HCA recognized a $168 million other-than-temporary impairment
charge related, primarily, to the insurance subsidiary’s equity investment securities. The equity investments market
experienced generally, steady increases during 2003 and at December 31, 2003, the insurance subsidiary’s
investment security portfolio had unrealized gains of $212 million and unrealized losses of $4 million.

     Professional Liability Insurance Claims

    HCA, along with virtually all health care providers, operates in an environment with professional liability risks.
A substantial portion of HCA’s professional liability risks is insured through a wholly-owned insurance subsidiary.
Reserves for professional liability risks were $1.624 billion and $1.551 billion at December 31, 2003 and December
31, 2002, respectively. Obligations covered by reinsurance contracts remain on the balance sheet as the subsidiary
remains liable to the extent that reinsurers do not meet their obligations. Reserves for professional liability risks
(net of $147 million and $265 million receivable under reinsurance contracts at December 31, 2003 and 2002,
respectively) were $1.477 billion and $1.286 billion at December 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Reserves and
provisions for professional liability risks are based upon actuarially determined estimates. The independent actuaries
estimated reserve ranges, net of amounts receivable under reinsurance contracts, were $1.255 billion to $1.515
billion at December 31, 2003 and $1.022 billion to $1.361 billion at December 31, 2002. Reserves for professional
liability risks represent the estimated ultimate cost of all reported and unreported losses incurred through the
respective consolidated balance sheet dates. The reserves are estimated using individual case-basis valuations and
actuarial analyses. Those estimates are subject to the effects of trends in loss severity and frequency. The estimates
are continually reviewed and adjustments are recorded as experience develops or new information becomes known.
    The reserves for professional liability risks cover approximately 3,900 and 4,000 individual claims at December
31, 2003 and 2002, respectively, and estimates for potential unreported claims. The time period required to resolve
these claims can vary depending upon the jurisdiction and whether the claim is settled or litigated. The estimation
of the timing of payments beyond a year can vary significantly. Changes to the estimated reserve amounts are
included in current operating results. Due to the considerable variability that is inherent in such estimates, there
can be no assurance that the ultimate liability will not exceed management’s estimates.

Results of Operations

     Revenue/Volume Trends

    HCA’s revenues depend upon inpatient occupancy levels, the ancillary services and therapy programs ordered
by physicians and provided to patients, the volume of outpatient procedures and the charge and negotiated payment
rates for such services.
    Admissions related to Medicare, managed care and other discounted plans and Medicaid and self-pay for the
years ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001 are set forth below. Certain prior year amounts have been
reclassified to conform to the 2003 presentation.

     HCA 2003 Annual Report
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hca annual reports2003

  • 1. | 2003 Annual Report HCA Hospital Corporation of America > In the future, hospitals will: utilize robotic technology to aid in surgeries, improve outcomes and reduce recovery times; have pharmacy robots to ensure the proper and timely dispensing of medications; use barcode scanning and electronic records technology to improve patient safety; treat previously inoperable brain tumors using highly focused beams of radiation; provide advanced fetal heart monitor training to protect the most vulnerable of patients. That future is now at HCA. The da Vinci® Surgical System ® By integrating robotic technology with a surgeon’s skill, the da Vinci® System is helping some of the country’s leading surgeons perform minimally invasive procedures at a higher level of precision that leads to reduced post-operative pain and improved recovery times.
  • 2. HCA 2003 Annual Report Table of Contents for this PDF file Mission Statement 2 Introduction 3 Financial Highlights 4 Letter to Shareholders 5 Map of HCA Locations 11 Board of Directors (photos) 13 Selected Financial Data 14 Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations 16 Report of Management 31 Report of Independent Auditors 31 Consolidated Financial Statements Income Statements 32 Balance Sheets 33 Stockholders’ Equity 34 Cash Flows 35 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 36 Quarterly Consolidated Financial Information 57 Senior Officers 58 Board of Directors 58 Corporate Information 59 Use the Bookmarks option in this PDF file to easily navigate the document. To access the Bookmarks, press the Bookmarks button in the upper left hand side of the menu bar and the Bookmarks will appear. Press on the page you wish to access. Mission and Values Statement Above all else, we are committed to the care and improvement of human life. In recognition of this commitment, we will strive to deliver high quality, cost-effective healthcare in the communities we serve. In pursuit of our mission, we believe the following value statements are essential and timeless: 1. We recognize and affirm the unique and intrinsic worth of each individual. 2. We treat all those we serve with compassion and kindness. 3. We act with absolute honesty, integrity and fairness in the way we conduct our business and the way we live our lives. 4. We trust our colleagues as valuable members of our healthcare team and pledge to treat one another with loyalty, respect, and dignity HCA 2003 Annual Report 2
  • 3. “As a physician, my primary concern is the health and well-being of my patients. The commitment that HCA is making to improve each hospital with the most technologically advanced equipment, to invest in the nursing and ancillary personnel, and to support patient safety initiatives allows me to more effectively care for my patients.” Cindy C. Chang, MD Menorah Medical Center Emergency Department Overland Park, Kansas HCA combines the Cover page: Surgical teams at select HCA hospitals use the da Vinci® Surgical System to perform a variety of the latest medical procedures, clinical expertise of our including mitral valve repairs, prostatectomies and single vessel physicians and caregivers endoscopic coronary artery bypass surgery. A surgeon using the robot with our operational operates from a console with a magnified three-dimensional viewer, while robotic arms inside the patient mimic the skilled movements of knowledge and financial the surgeon’s hands. HCA hospitals such as Centennial Medical Center resources to continually in Nashville, Tulane University Hospital and Clinic in New Orleans and improve patient care. Henrico Doctors Hospital in Richmond, Va. are among the nation’s most active users of this innovative surgical technology. Developed by Intuitive Surgical, the da Vinci® System can reduce trauma to the body, blood loss and post-operative pain and result in substantially shorter hospital stays and recovery times. HCA 2003 Annual Report 3
  • 4. HCA Financial Highlights 2003 2002 as of and for the Years Ended December 31 (Dollars in millions, except per share amounts) Results of Operations Revenues $ 21,808 $ 19,729 Net income (a) $ 1,332 $ 833 Diluted earnings per share: Net income (a) $ 2.61 $ 1.59 Shares used in computing diluted earnings per share (in thousands) 510,874 525,219 Financial Position Assets $ 21,063 $ 18,741 Working capital 1,654 766 Long-term debt, including amounts due within one year 8,707 6,943 Minority interests in equity of consolidated entities 680 611 Stockholders’ equity 6,209 5,702 Ratio of debt to debt plus common and minority equity 55.8% 52.4% Other Data (b) Number of hospitals at end of period 184 173 Licensed beds at end of period 42,108 39,932 Average daily census 22,234 21,509 Admissions 1,635,200 1,582,800 Outpatient revenues as a percentage of total patient revenues 37.2% 37.0% Emergency room visits 5,130,500 4,802,800 Outpatient surgeries 814,300 809,900 a) The operating results for 2003 include a favorable change in estimate related to Medicaid cost report balances for cost report years ended 1997 and prior of $41 million pretax, or $0.05 per diluted share, gains on sales of facilities of $85 million pretax, or $0.10 per diluted share, impairment of long-lived assets of ($130) million pretax, or ($0.16) per diluted share, and investigation related costs of ($8) million pretax, or ($0.01) per diluted share. The operating results for 2002 include a ($603) million pretax charge, or ($0.80) per diluted share, related to the settlement with government agencies, gains on the sales of facilities of $6 million pretax, or $0.01 per diluted share, a ($168) million pretax charge, or ($0.20) per diluted share, on the impairment of investment securities, an impairment of long-lived assets of ($19) million pretax, or ($0.03) per diluted share, and investigation related costs of ($58) million pretax, or ($0.07) per diluted share. b) Excludes data for seven hospitals at December 31, 2003 and six hospitals at December 31, 2002 that are not consolidated (accounted for using the equity method) for financial reporting purposes. The terms “HCA” or the “Company” as used in this Annual Report refer to HCA Inc. and its affiliates, unless otherwise stated or indicated by context. The term “facilities” refers to entities owned or operated by subsidiaries or affiliates of HCA. References herein to “HCA employees” or to “our employees” refer to employees of affiliates of HCA. HCA Inc. is one of the leading health care services companies in the United States. As of December 31, 2003, the Company operated 191 hospitals and 83 freestanding surgery centers, including 7 hospitals and 4 freestanding surgery centers operated by equity method joint ventures. The Company’s facilities are located in 23 states, England and Switzerland. HCA 2003 Annual Report 4
  • 5. Dr. Thomas Frist, Sr. co-founder of HCA Bettering the human condition is the “ greatest good any individual can achieve.” Dear Shareholder, While in many respects 2003 was a very successful year for HCA, we were somewhat disappointed with our financial results. Our 2003 results were affected by the troublesome economy and attendant unemployment Robotic Surgical Systems levels, which we believe limited the rate at which the American public sought, and were able to pay for, health care services. While HCA fared better than many in the industry, the reduced rate of growth in patient volume and an increase in uninsured and bad debt levels slowed our earnings growth. Even though our hospital management teams did an Pharmacy Robots exemplary job reacting to these forces by effectively managing operating expenses, we still experienced an earnings shortfall primarily as a result of these two issues. An obvious concern of our Board and management was to determine whether such changes in these fundamental issues are short-term in Patient Safety Technology nature or whether they reflect a more permanent dynamic with which the health care industry and HCA must contend. Accordingly, in the fall of 2003, we embarked on a comprehensive analysis of our industry, our market position within the industry, and the other political and economic factors that could affect our future growth. Innovative Radiation Treatment As you would expect, our review included a thorough analysis of population and health care utilization trends, pricing and reimbursement stability, expense trends, effectiveness of our operating model, the appropriateness of our organizational structure, the implications of developing technology, and an assessment of the consumers’ (our Advanced Clinical Training patients, physicians, insurance payers and shareholders) perspective of our industry. The results of this effort reinforced our belief in the positive, long- term growth prospects for the health care industry, and in particular, HCA and the appropriateness of our strategy and market positions. In short, HCA 2003 Annual Report 5
  • 6. while we have experienced a slowdown in the demand for health care (left to right) Richard M. Bracken, President and COO services, over the long-term we believe the underlying macroeconomic and Jack O. Bovender, Jr., Chairman and CEO factors that affect demand, such as favorable population growth trends in in front of a portrait of Dr. Thomas Frist, Sr., our markets, our suburban locations, an increasing utilization rate due to co-founder of HCA an aging public, and a broadening scope of available health care services continue to create a compelling future for HCA. We believe our strategy of operating networks of hospitals and treatment centers with substantial market share, in large urban and suburban areas located predominantly in the Southern and Western United States, remains a good one. We will also continue to selectively consider acquisition opportunities that fit this objective. We see no need to substantially diversify our lines of business, materially change our market locations, or otherwise significantly alter our operating strategy. Our overall assessment did lead us, however, to strengthen our outpatient services organization. Prompted by new technologies, as well as increased competition, we elected to create a new level of focus on and leadership of our outpatient facility development and operations. We achieved this by creating a new outpatient structure within our organization that will be solely focused on the growth and improvement of this growing sector of our industry. We remain convinced our future growth, both in terms of patient demand and financial returns, will be primarily from our existing markets and base of hospitals. These hospitals will be supported by a robust capital spending program and a very focused patient and physician satisfaction strategy. To that end, we remain committed to operate our hospitals, and our surgery, imaging and treatment centers with an ever- improving level of clinical effectiveness, patient safety and administrative efficiency. Consider the following developments in 2003: HCA 2003 Annual Report 6
  • 7. efficiently dispense medications Robotic pharmacies that s We invested over $1.8 billion in our existing facilities. This investment of Pharmacy Robot $44,200 per bed is among the highest in the industry and serves to ROBOT-Rx™ is a centralized robotic assure our hospitals are technologically up-to-date, maintained for the drug distribution system that can fill more than 1,200 drug doses an optimum level of performance and aesthetically pleasing to our patients hour and run 24 hours a day. In use and their families. at several HCA hospitals, this s We created additional capacity for future growth of our operating units. system, which was developed by More specifically, we added over 450 beds to our hospitals; constructed McKesson Automation, Inc., two new hospitals with approximately 180 beds; increased operating automates the storage, retrieval room capacity, added imaging equipment or expanded emergency and dispensing of barcoded unit- departments at approximately 75 percent of our hospitals; and developed dose inpatient medications, almost one million square feet of medical office buildings to house improving medication safety, physicians desiring to practice near our hospital campuses. These speeding up delivery and reducing investments will position us favorably to accommodate the patient inventory and labor costs. By demand we forecast in the communities we serve. automating drug dispensation and s In April 2003, we completed the acquisition of Health Midwest, an 11- reducing repetitive, mundane, hospital system located within the greater Kansas City area. With manual tasks in the central approximately $900 million in annual revenues and an estimated 35 pharmacy, the ROBOT-Rx allows hospital pharmacists to help percent market share, we believe it was the largest not-for-profit improve patient care by spending acquisition on record in our industry. We plan to invest more than $450 more time reviewing patient charts million within four years in this market, which includes a commitment to and collaborating with physicians. build two replacement hospitals. s We invested $130 million rebuilding our information technology and administrative infrastructure. Several years ago, we embarked on an aggressive program to reinvent our revenue and supply chain operations. We created 12 regional centers across America to handle these functions, rather than having operations at each individual hospital. This effort was essentially completed in 2003 with our HCA 2003 Annual Report 7
  • 8. enhance patient safety Medication administration systems to revenue and supply chain operations now being handled by this new eMAR & Barcoding organizational architecture. These new centers not only improve the Part of HCA’s industry-leading patient safety effort, eMAR (Electronic accuracy of our billing and collection functions, but also improve our Medication Administration Record) supply expense and cash management processes, and reduce the fixed & Barcoding, use wireless barcoding cost of our operations. technology to ensure that the right s In 2003, we continued the advancement of our patient safety and medication is delivered to the right satisfaction initiatives. We invested over $30 million to develop and patient, at the right time, through the deploy new patient safety technologies aimed at reducing medication right means and in the right dosage. errors. Barcode assisted medication administration is fully implemented The system includes individually packaged and coded medications, in almost half our hospitals, and we expect by mid-year of 2005 it will mobile scanners, barcoded patient be in all HCA hospitals. We are now monitoring emergency department wristbands and electronic medication length of stay in all hospitals, aimed at speeding time to treatment and records to improve medication reducing wait times for patients. Cardiovascular outcomes continue to procedures. eMAR & Barcoding improve as we expand our focus from cardiovascular surgery to various provide a greater level of reassurance aspects of cardiovascular disease. to patients, nurses and physicians s This was also a year in which we made a concerted effort to be the about the safety of medication employer of choice in all of our markets. Labor costs are at favorable administration. It is estimated that technology of this kind is only levels for the company and, equally as important, employee satisfaction available in about one percent of U.S. rates are at an all-time high. Our hospital management teams have hospitals. Developed by HCA’s Quality reduced turnover rates of our employees for four consecutive years. Department, clinical staff from HCA hospitals across the country and All of these improvements were possible because of our strong cash MEDITECH, a leading medical position. Our ability to consistently generate significant cash flow gives us software company, eMAR & Barcoding the flexibility to examine new ways in which to increase shareholder value. have been deployed at 82 HCA In 2003 we continued our hospitals and will be in every HCA share repurchase plan. During hospital by mid-year of 2005. the year, we repurchased over 31 million shares at a total HCA 2003 Annual Report 8
  • 9. Innovative clinical technology that can save lives Leksell Gamma Knife® cost of approximately $1.1 billion, an average share price of $35.76. Since we began our share repurchase program in 1997, we have repurchased 234.5 Gamma Knife® is among the most million shares at a cost of $6.9 billion, an average share price of $29.51. advanced technology available to treat vascular malformations, Additionally in 2003, we positioned the company to increase our tumors and functional disorders. dividend payout. In January 2004, our Board approved a quarterly dividend Developed by Elekta, Gamma of $0.13 per share payable June 1 to shareholders of record on May 1. Knife® is not actually a knife, but a Annualizing this quarterly dividend would represent a payout of device that directs 201 focused approximately 20 percent of 2003 net earnings. This is the first time we beams of radiation at the target have increased our dividend in over 10 years, reflecting the enhanced area, allowing doctors to treat attractiveness of cash dividends as a means of providing increased and more tumors without opening the brain predictable returns to our shareholders and our confidence in the financial or risking damage to delicate strength of our company. tissues. Precise and powerful, the Finally in 2003, we redefined our goal of strengthening our balance 20-ton Gamma Knife® can destroy sheet to reduce the company’s level of risk. Accordingly, we set to reduce deep-seated vascular our ratio of debt to debt plus common and minority equity from malformations and brain tumors approximately 55 percent to 50 percent by the end of 2005. Though our previously considered inoperable. emphasis in each of these efforts was on a longer-term rather than For patients whose age or other medical conditions prevent them immediate value, we are proud of the steps taken in 2003 that we believe from undergoing open will continue to create shareholder value in the years to come. Going neurosurgery, Gamma Knife® can forward, we are now targeting earnings per share growth of low double- be a life-saving procedure. digits. That is not to say we expect low double-digit EPS growth in every reporting period. As in the past several years, we would expect to have some quarters that grow below and some quarters above the target level. In addition to the analysis of our business strategy, our asset enhancement efforts, and the steps taken to increase shareholder value, 2003 also was a year in which we assessed our role in the solution to a nationwide problem: the uninsured. There are approximately 44 million Americans without health HCA 2003 Annual Report 9
  • 10. improve patient outcomes Specialized clinical training to insurance and many sectors of society — government, employers and the Fetal Heart individual – must play a role in crafting a solution; nevertheless, this is a Monitor Certification problem that poses particular challenges for the hospital industry and our HCA has adopted fetal heart company. In 2003, we implemented a new charity care and financial monitoring principles and practices established by the Association of discount policy, which provides free care for those patients receiving non- Women’s Health, Obstetric and elective care, whose incomes are at or below 200 percent of the Federal Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). As a Poverty Level (FPL), and applies graduated discounts for those whose result, registered nurses in HCA incomes fall between 200 and 400 percent of the FPL. We believe HCA’s obstetrics departments receive charity care and financial discount policy will significantly help many industry-leading fetal heart monitor uninsured patients. training that is improving patient When we reflect on 2003, we view it as a year with much change and outcomes. HCA requires that all many accomplishments and a year in which we invested our capital dollars its obstetrical nurses receive this wisely to position our company for the long-term. One of the founders of nationally recognized training to HCA, Dr. Thomas F. Frist, Sr., was a guiding force behind the philosophy help them quickly identify and that drives our company, a patient-first philosophy. Though the health care respond to signs of fetal distress. industry has changed significantly since the days when HCA was started, As part of this effort, approximately this philosophy continues to serve us well. The goal of doing what is right 4,600 nurses have received this for the patient continues to drive not only our daily operating strategy, but specialized instruction and every HCA hospital our financial strategy as well. We believe HCA is positioned to continue to has a certified be a leader in the health care delivery system in the United States. instructor to provide training and expertise. Sincerely, Jack O. Bovender, Jr. / Chairman and CEO Richard M. Bracken / President and COO HCA 2003 Annual Report 10
  • 11. HCA Locations = Hospital = Surgery Center Alaska Alaska Alaska Regional Hospital / Anchorage California Good Samaritan Hospital / San Jose Los Gatos Surgical Center / Los Gatos Los Robles Regional Medical Center / Thousand Oaks Regional Medical Center of San Jose / San Jose Riverside Community Hospital / Riverside Riverside Community Surgi-Center / Riverside San Jose Medical Center / San Jose West Hills Hospital & Medical Center / West Hills West Hills Surgical Center / West Hills Colorado Centrum Surgical Center / Greenwood Village Lakewood Surgical Center / Lakewood Midtown Surgical Center / Denver North Suburban Medical Center / Thornton Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center / Denver Rose Medical Center / Denver Sky Ridge Medical Center / Lone Tree Spalding Rehabilitation Hospital / Aurora Swedish Medical Center / Englewood The Medical Center of Aurora / Aurora Florida Ambulatory Surgery Center / Tampa Aventura Hospital and Medical Center / Aventura Belleair Surgery Center / Clearwater Blake Medical Center / Bradenton Brandon Regional Hospital / Brandon Brandon Surgery Center / Brandon Same Day Surgicenter of Orlando / Orlando Capital Regional Medical Center / Tallahassee South Bay Hospital / Sun City Center Cedars Medical Center / Miami Southwest Florida Regional Medical Center / Ft. Myers Center for Special Surgery / St. Petersburg St. Lucie Medical Center / Port St. Lucie Central Florida Regional Hospital / Sanford St. Lucie Surgery Center / Port St. Lucie Central Florida Surgicenter / Lakeland St. Petersburg General Hospital / St. Petersburg Columbia Hospital / West Palm Beach Surgery Center at Coral Springs / Coral Springs Community Hospital / New Port Richey Surgery Center at St. Andrews / Venice Countryside Surgery Center / Clearwater Surgery Center Bonita Bay / Bonita Springs Doctors Hospital of Sarasota / Sarasota Surgical Park Center / Miami Doctors Same Day Surgery Center / Sarasota Tallahassee Outpatient Surgery Center / Tallahassee Tampa Eye & Specialty Surgery Center / Tampa Edward White Hospital / St. Petersburg Indiana Englewood Community Hospital / Englewood Twin Cities Hospital / Niceville University Hospital & Medical Center / Taramac Fawcett Memorial Hospital / Port Charlotte Terre Haute Regional Hospital / Terre Haute Florida Surgery Center / Altamonte Springs West Florida Hospital / Pensacola Kansas Fort Walton Beach Medical Center / Ft. Walton Beach Westside Regional Medical Center / Plantation Gulf Coast Hospital / Fort Myers Allen County Hospital / Iola Georgia Gulf Coast Medical Center / Panama City Menorah Medical Center / Overland Park Gulf Coast Surgery Center / Bradenton Overland Park Regional Medical Center / Overland Park Atlanta Outpatient Peachtree Dunwoody Center / Atlanta Jacksonville Surgery Center / Jacksonville Surgicare of Wichita / Wichita Atlanta Outpatient Surgery Center / Atlanta JFK Medical Center / Atlantis Surgicenter of Johnson County / Overland Park Augusta Surgical Center / Augusta Kendall Regional Medical Center / Miami Wesley Medical Center / Wichita Buckhead Ambulatory Surgery Center / Atlanta Kissimmee Surgery Center / Kissimmee Cartersville Medical Center / Cartersville Kentucky Lake City Medical Center / Lake City Coliseum Medical Centers / Macon Largo Medical Center / Largo Frankfort Regional Medical Center / Frankfort Coliseum Psychiatric Center / Macon Lawnwood Regional Medical Center and Heart Institute / Ft. Pierce Greenview Regional Hospital / Bowling Green Coliseum Same Day Surgery Center / Macon Memorial Hospital Jacksonville / Jacksonville Doctors Hospital / Augusta Louisiana Merritt Island Surgery Center / Merritt Island Doctors Hospital / Columbus New Port Richey Surgery Center / New Port Richey Avoyelles Hospital / Marksville Doctors Hospital Surgery Center / Evans North County Surgicenter / Palm Beach Gardens Dauterive Hospital / New Iberia Emory Dunwoody Medical Center / Atlanta North Florida Regional Medical Center / Gainesville DePaul-Tulane Behavioral Health Center / New Orleans Emory Eastside Medical Center / Snellville North Miami Beach Surgical Center / North Miami Beach Lafayette Surgery Center / Lafayette Fairview Park Hospital / Dublin Northside Hospital / St. Petersburg Lakeside Hospital / Metairie Hughston Sports Medicine Hospital / Columbus Northwest Medical Center / Margate Lakeview Regional Medical Center / Covington Macon Northside Hospital / Macon Oak Hill Hospital / Spring Hill North Monroe Medical Center / Monroe Marietta Surgical Center / Marietta Ocala Regional Medical Center / Ocala Oakdale Community Hospital / Oakdale Northlake Medical Center / Tucker Orange Park Medical Center / Orange Park Rapides Regional Medical Center / Alexandria Northlake Surgical Center / Tucker Orange Park Surgery Center / Orange Park Savoy Medical Center / Mamou Palmyra Medical Centers / Albany Osceola Regional Medical Center / Kissimmee Southwest Medical Center - Lafayette / Lafayette Pediatric Center at Atlanta Outpatient / Atlanta Outpatient Surgical Services / Plantation Tulane University Hospital and Clinic / New Orleans Polk Medical Center / Cedartown Palms West Hospital / Loxahatchee Winn Parish Medical Center / Winnfield Redmond Regional Medical Center / Rome Women’s & Children’s Hospital / Lafayette Parkside Surgery Center / Jacksonville The Surgery Center of Rome / Rome Plantation General Hospital / Plantation Mississippi Idaho Plaza Surgery Center / Jacksonville Raulerson Hospital / Okeechobee Garden Park Medical Center / Gulfport Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center / Idaho Falls Regional Medical Center Bayonet Point / Hudson Gulf Port Outpatient Surgical Center / Gulfport West Valley Medical Center / Caldwell HCA 2003 Annual Report 11
  • 12. Switzerland United Kingdom Las Palmas Medical Center / El Paso Mainland Medical Center / Texas City Medical Center of Arlington / Arlington Medical Center of Lewisville / Lewisville Medical Center of Plano / Plano Medical City Dallas Hospital / Dallas Methodist Ambulatory Surgery Center-Central San Antonio / San Antonio Methodist Ambulatory Surgery Center-North Central / San Antonio Methodist Ambulatory Surgery Center-Northeast / San Antonio Methodist Ambulatory Surgery Hospital-Northwest / San Antonio Methodist Children’s Hospital of South Texas / San Antonio Methodist Specialty & Transplant Hospital / San Antonio Metropolitan Methodist Hospital / San Antonio North Austin Medical Center / Austin North Central Medical Center / McKinney North Hills Hospital / North Richland Hills Northeast Methodist Hospital / San Antonio Northwest Regional Hospital / Corpus Christi Oakwood Surgery Center / Round Rock Park Central Surgical Center / Dallas Plaza Day Surgery / Fort Worth Plaza Medical Center of Fort Worth / Fort Worth Rio Grande Regional Hospital / McAllen Rio Grande Surgery Center / McAllen Round Rock Medical Center / Round Rock South Austin Hospital / Austin Southwest Texas Methodist Hospital / San Antonio Spring Branch Medical Center / Houston St. David’s Medical Center / Austin St. David’s Pavilion / Austin St. David’s Rehabilitation Center / Austin Surgery Center of Plano / Plano Surgical Center of El Paso / El Paso Surgicare of Corpus Christi / Corpus Christi Surgicare of South Austin / Austin Texas Orthopedic Hospital / Houston Texas Pediatric Surgery Center / North Richland Hills Valley Regional Medical Center / Brownsville West Houston Medical Center / Houston Westpark Surgery Center / McKinney Woman’s Hospital of Texas / Houston Utah Brigham City Community Hospital / Brigham City Lakeview Hospital / Bountiful Mountain View Hospital / Payson Ogden Regional Medical Center / Ogden St. Mark’s Hospital / Salt Lake City Missouri St. Marks Outpatient Surgery Center / Salt Lake City Baptist-Lutheran Medical Center / Kansas City Timpanogos Regional Hospital / Orem Independence Regional Health Center / Independence Virginia Lafayette Regional Health Center / Lexington Lee’s Summit Hospital / Lee’s Summit Alleghany Regional Hospital / Low Moor Medical Center of Independence / Independence CJW Medical Center / Richmond Research Belton Hospital / Belton Clinch Valley Medical Center / Richlands Tennessee Research Medical Center / Kansas City Dominion Hospital / Falls Church Atrium Memorial Surgery Center / Chattanooga Research Psychiatric Center / Kansas City Fairfax Surgical Center / Fairfax Centennial Medical Center / Nashville Hanover Outpatient Surgery Center / Mechanicsville Nevada Centennial Surgery Center / Nashville Henrico Doctor’s Hospital / Richmond Grandview Medical Center / Jasper Flamingo Surgery Center / Las Vegas John Randolph Medical Center / Hopewell Hendersonville Medical Center / Hendersonville Las Vegas Surgery Center / Las Vegas Lewis-Gale Medical Center / Salem Horizon Medical Center / Dickson MountainView Hospital / Las Vegas Montgomery Regional Hospital / Blacksburg Parkridge Medical Center / Chattanooga Sahara Surgery Center / Las Vegas Northern Virginia Community Hospital / Arlington Southern Hills Hospital & Medical Center / Las Vegas Parkridge East Hospital / Chattanooga Pulaski Community Hospital / Pulaski Parkridge Valley Hospital / Chattanooga Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center / Las Vegas Reston Hospital Center / Reston River Park Hospital / McMinnville The Retreat Hospital / Richmond New Hampshire Skyline Medical Center / Nashville Tuckahoe Surgery Center / Richmond Southern Hills Medical Center / Nashville Parkland Medical Center / Derry Washington StoneCrest Medical Center / Smyrna Portsmouth Regional Ambulatory Surgery Center / Portsmouth Summit Medical Center / Hermitage Portsmouth Regional Hospital / Portsmouth Capital Medical Center / Olympia Salem Surgery Center / Salem Texas West Virginia North Carolina Bailey Square Surgery Center / Austin Putnam General Hospital / Hurricane Bay Area Surgicare Center / Webster Brunswick Community Hospital / Supply Raleigh General Hospital / Beckley Bayshore Medical Center / Pasadena Saint Francis Hospital / Charleston Oklahoma Bayshore Surgery Center / Pasadena St. Joseph’s Hospital / Parkersburg Clear Lake Regional Medical Center / Webster Edmond Medical Center / Edmond United Kingdom Conroe Regional Medical Center / Conroe Oklahoma Surgicare / Oklahoma City Corpus Christi Medical Center / Corpus Christi OU Medical Center / Oklahoma City Lister Hospital / London Del Sol Medical Center / El Paso Southwestern Medical Center / Lawton London Bridge Hospital / London Denton Regional Medical Center / Denton Surgicare Midtown / Oklahoma City Princess Grace Hospital / London East El Paso Surgery Center / El Paso The Harley Street Clinic / London South Carolina East Houston Regional Medical Center / Houston The Portland Hospital for Women and Children / London Gramercy Outpatient Surgery Center / Houston Ambulatory Surgery and Diagnostic Center / Walterburo The Wellington Hospital / London Green Oaks Hospital / Dallas Colleton Medical Center / Walterboro Switzerland Kingwood Medical Center / Kingwood Grand Strand Regional Medical Center / Myrtle Beach Las Colinas Medical Center / Irving Grande Dunes Surgery Center / Myrtle Beach Clinique De Carouge / Carouge Las Colinas Surgery Center / Irving Trident Medical Center / Charleston Hopital de la Tour / Meyrin/Geneve HCA 2003 Annual Report 12
  • 13. 1 2 3 HCA Board of Directors C. Michael Armstrong 1 Chairman, Comcast Corporation 4 5 6 Magdalena H. Averhoff, M.D. 2 Practicing Physician Jack O. Bovender, Jr. 3 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, HCA Richard M. Bracken 4 President and Chief Operating Officer, HCA Martin Feldstein 5 Professor of Economics, Harvard University President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research Thomas F. Frist, Jr., M.D. 7 8 9 6 Chairman Emeritus, HCA Frederick W. Gluck 7 Retired Vice Chairman, Bechtel Group, Inc. Retired Managing Director, McKinsey & Company, Inc. Glenda A. Hatchett 8 Host of Syndicated Television Court Show, “Judge Hatchett” Retired Chief Judge, Fulton County Juvenile Court Charles O. Holliday, Jr. 9 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, DuPont T. Michael Long 10 11 12 10 Partner, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. John H. McArthur 11 Retired Dean, Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration Kent C. Nelson 12 Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, United Parcel Service Frank S. Royal, M.D. 13 Practicing Physician Harold T. Shapiro 14 13 14 President Emeritus, Princeton University HCA 2003 Annual Report 13
  • 14. HCA Inc. Selected Financial Data as of and for the Years Ended December 31 (Dollars in millions, except per share amounts) 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 Summary of Operations: Revenues $ 21,808 $ 19,729 $ 17,953 $ 16,670 $ 16,657 Salaries and benefits 8,682 7,952 7,279 6,639 6,694 Supplies 3,522 3,158 2,860 2,640 2,645 Other operating expenses 3,676 3,341 3,238 3,208 3,306 Provision for doubtful accounts 2,207 1,581 1,376 1,255 1,269 (Gains) losses on sales of investment securities (1) 2 (63) (123) (55) Equity in earnings of affiliates (199) (206) (158) (126) (90) Depreciation and amortization 1,112 1,010 1,048 1,033 1,094 Interest expense 491 446 536 559 471 Settlement with government agencies (41) 603 262 840 — Gains on sales of facilities (85) (6) (131) (34) (297) Impairment of investment securities — 168 — — — Impairment of long-lived assets 130 19 17 117 220 Restructuring of operations and investigation related costs 8 58 65 62 116 Loss on retirement of debt — — 28 — — 19,502 18,126 16,357 16,070 15,373 Income before minority interests and income taxes 2,306 1,603 1,596 600 1,284 Minority interests in earnings of consolidated entities 150 148 119 84 57 Income before income taxes 2,156 1,455 1,477 516 1,227 Provision for income taxes 824 622 591 297 570 Reported net income 1,332 833 886 219 657 Goodwill amortization, net of income taxes — — 69 73 83 Adjusted net income $ 1,332 $ 833 $ 955 $ 292 $ 740 Basic earnings per share: Reported net income $ 2.66 $ 1.63 $ 1.69 $ 0.39 $ 1.12 Goodwill amortization, net of income taxes — — 0.13 0.13 0.15 Adjusted net income $ 2.66 $ 1.63 $ 1.82 $ 0.52 $ 1.27 Diluted earnings per share: Reported net income $ 2.61 $ 1.59 $ 1.65 $ 0.39 $ 1.11 Goodwill amortization, net of income taxes — — 0.13 0.13 0.15 Adjusted net income $ 2.61 $ 1.59 $ 1.78 $ 0.52 $ 1.26 Shares used in computing earnings per share (in thousands): Basic earnings per share 501,799 511,824 524,112 555,553 585,216 Diluted earnings per share 510,874 525,219 538,177 567,685 591,029 Cash dividends per common share $ 0.08 $ 0.08 $ 0.08 $ 0.08 $ 0.08 HCA 2003 Annual Report 14
  • 15. (Dollars in millions, except per share amounts) 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 Financial Position: Assets $ 21,063 $ 18,741 $ 17,730 $ 17,568 $ 16,885 Working capital 1,654 766 957 312 480 Long-term debt, including amounts due within one year 8,707 6,943 7,360 6,752 6,444 Minority interests in equity of consolidated entities 680 611 563 572 763 Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable securities of affiliate holding solely Company securities — — 400 — — Forward purchase contracts and put options — — — 769 — Stockholders’ equity 6,209 5,702 4,762 4,405 5,617 Cash Flow Data: Cash provided by operating activities $ 2,166 $ 2,750 $ 1,413 $ 1,547 $ 1,223 Cash provided by (used in) investing activities (2,862) (1,740) (1,300) (1,087) 925 Cash provided by (used in) financing activities 650 (934) (342) (336) (2,255) Operating Data: Number of hospitals at end of period(a) 184 173 178 187 195 Number of freestanding outpatient surgical centers at end of period(b) 79 74 76 75 80 Number of licensed beds at end of period(c) 42,108 39,932 40,112 41,009 42,484 Weighted average licensed beds(d) 41,568 39,985 40,645 41,659 46,291 Admissions(e) 1,635,200 1,582,800 1,564,100 1,553,500 1,625,400 Equivalent admissions(f) 2,405,400 2,339,400 2,311,700 2,300,800 2,425,100 Average length of stay (days)(g) 5.0 5.0 4.9 4.9 4.9 Average daily census(h) 22,234 21,509 21,160 20,952 22,002 Occupancy(i) 54% 54% 52% 50% 48% Emergency room visits(j) 5,130,500 4,802,800 4,676,800 4,534,400 4,765,900 Outpatient surgeries(k) 814,300 809,900 804,300 823,500 886,700 Inpatient surgeries(l) 528,600 518,100 507,800 486,600 485,900 (a) Excludes seven facilities in 2003, six facilities in 2002, six facilities in 2001, nine facilities in 2000 and 12 facilities in 1999 that are not consolidated (accounted for using the equity method) for financial reporting purposes. (b) Excludes four facilities in 2003, four facilities in 2002, three facilities in 2001, three in 2000 and three facilities in 1999 that are not consolidated (accounted for using the equity method) for financial reporting purposes. (c) Licensed beds are those beds for which a facility has been granted approval to operate from the applicable state licensing agency. (d) Weighted average licensed beds represents the average number of licensed beds, weighted based on periods owned. (e) Represents the total number of patients admitted to HCA’s hospitals and is used by management and certain investors as a general measure of inpatient volume. (f) Equivalent admissions are used by management and certain investors as a general measure of combined inpatient and outpatient volume. Equivalent admissions are computed by multiplying admissions (inpatient volume) by the sum of gross inpatient revenue and gross outpatient revenue and then dividing the resulting amount by gross inpatient revenue. The equivalent admissions computation “equates” outpatient revenue to the volume measure (admissions) used to measure inpatient volume, resulting in a general measure of combined inpatient and outpatient volume. (g) Represents the average number of days admitted patients stay in HCA’s hospitals. (h) Represents the average number of patients in HCA’s hospital beds each day. (i) Represents the percentage of hospital licensed beds occupied by patients. Both average daily census and occupancy rate provide measures of the utilization of inpatient rooms. (j) Represents the number of patients treated in the Company’s emergency rooms. (k) Represents the number of surgeries performed on patients who were not admitted to the Company’s hospitals. Pain management and endoscopy procedures are not included in outpatient surgeries. (l) Represents the number of surgeries performed on patients who have been admitted to the Company’s hospitals. Pain management and endoscopy procedures are not included in inpatient surgeries. HCA 2003 Annual Report 15
  • 16. HCA Inc. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations The selected financial data and the accompanying consolidated financial statements present certain information with respect to the financial position, results of operations and cash flows of HCA Inc. which should be read in conjunction with the following discussion and analysis. The terms “HCA” or the “Company,” as used herein, refer to HCA Inc. and its affiliates unless otherwise stated or indicated by context. The term “affiliates” means direct and indirect subsidiaries of HCA Inc. and partnerships and joint ventures in which such subsidiaries are partners. Forward-Looking Statements This annual report includes certain disclosures which contain “forward-looking statements.” Forward-looking statements include all statements that do not relate solely to historical or current facts, and can be identified by the use of words like “may,” “believe,” “will,” “expect,” “project,” “estimate,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “initiative” or “continue.” These forward-looking statements are based on the current plans and expectations of HCA and are subject to a number of known and unknown uncertainties and risks, many of which are beyond HCA’s control, that could significantly affect current plans and expectations and HCA’s future financial position and results of operations. These factors include, but are not limited to, (i) the highly competitive nature of the health care business, (ii) the efforts of insurers, health care providers and others to contain health care costs, (iii) possible changes in the Medicare and Medicaid programs that may impact reimbursements to health care providers and insurers, (iv) the ability to achieve operating and financial targets, achieve expected levels of patient volumes and control the costs of providing services, (v) increases in the amount and risk of collectibility of uninsured accounts and deductibles and copay amounts for insured accounts, (vi) the ability to attract and retain qualified management and personnel, including affiliated physicians, nurses and medical support personnel, (vii) potential liabilities and other claims that may be asserted against HCA, (viii) fluctuations in the market value of HCA’s common stock, (ix) changes in accounting practices, (x) changes in general economic conditions, (xi) future divestitures which may result in additional charges, (xii) changes in revenue mix and the ability to enter into and renew managed care provider arrangements on acceptable terms, (xiii) the availability and terms of capital to fund the expansion of the Company’s business, (xiv) changes in business strategy or development plans, (xv) delays in receiving payments for services provided, (xvi) the possible enactment of Federal or state health care reform, (xvii) the outcome of pending and any future tax audits and litigation associated with HCA’s tax positions, (xviii) the outcome of HCA’s continuing efforts to monitor, maintain and comply with appropriate laws, regulations, policies and procedures and HCA’s corporate integrity agreement with the government, (xix) changes in Federal, state or local regulations affecting the health care industry, (xx) the impact of the charity care and self-pay discounting policy changes, (xxi) the ability to successfully integrate the operations of Health Midwest, (xxii) the ability to develop and implement the payroll and human resources information systems within the expected time and cost projections and, upon implementation, to realize the expected benefits and efficiencies, and (xxiii) other risk factors described in this annual report. As a consequence, current plans, anticipated actions and future financial position and results may differ from those expressed in any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of HCA. You are cautioned not to unduly rely on such forward-looking statements when evaluating the information presented in this report. 2003 Operations Summary The general economic environment for the general, acute care hospital industry during 2003 was negatively impacted by the following trends: a reduction in the growth rate of inpatient admissions, increasing competition from specialty facilities for cardiac, orthopedic and outpatient surgery services, and rising levels of uninsured and patient due accounts, and the resulting increase in the provision for doubtful accounts. During 2003, same facility admissions increased 0.6%, compared to 2.5% and 2.7% increases attained during 2002 and 2001, respectively. Same facility outpatient surgeries declined 3.0% during 2003, compared to an increase of 2.2% in 2002 and a decrease of 1.2% in 2001. The provision for doubtful accounts increased to 10.1% of revenues in 2003 from 8.0% and 7.7% of revenues for 2002 and 2001, respectively. The difference between 10.1% and 8.0% of 2003 revenues is $462 million. Management expects these negative volume and bad debt trends to remain significant challenges for HCA in 2004. During 2003, HCA was able to manage salaries and benefits and other operating expenses effectively and adjustments were made to react timely to the volume trends. Salaries and benefits were reduced to 39.8% of revenues in 2003 compared to 40.3% and 40.5% of revenues in 2002 and 2001, respectively. Other operating expenses were reduced to 16.8% of revenues in 2003 compared to 16.9% and 18.1% of revenues in 2002 and 2001, respectively. During 2003, the remaining aspects of the governmental investigations into HCA’s business practices that began in 1997 were concluded. Over the past five years, HCA paid approximately $2 billion in settlement payments to the HCA 2003 Annual Report 16
  • 17. HCA Inc. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations applicable government agencies and for legal and investigation related costs. The investigations also demanded significant time requirements for management and numerous employees over the past years. Management is pleased that these investigations have been concluded. While the Company has faced both operational and investigation related challenges during the past three years, management believes that it is important to recognize that HCA has generated cash provided by operating activities of $2.166 billion, $2.750 billion and $1.413 billion during 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively. Investigations and Settlement of Certain Government Claims Commencing in 1997, HCA became aware it was the subject of governmental investigations and litigation relating to its business practices. The governmental investigations included activities for certain entities for periods prior to their acquisition by the Company and activities for certain entities that have been divested. As part of the investigations, the United States intervened in a number of qui tam actions brought by private parties. The investigations were concluded through a series of agreements executed in 2000 and 2003. In December 2000, HCA entered into a Plea Agreement with the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice (the “DOJ”) and various U.S. Attorneys’ offices (the “Plea Agreement”) and a Civil and Administrative Settlement Agreement with the Civil Division of the DOJ (the “Civil Agreement”). The agreements resolved all Federal criminal issues outstanding against HCA and certain issues involving Federal civil claims by, or on behalf of, the government against HCA relating to DRG coding, outpatient laboratory billing and home health issues. The civil issues that were not covered by the Civil Agreement included claims related to physician relations, cost reports and wound care issues. The Civil Agreement was approved by the Federal District Court of the District of Columbia in August 2001. HCA paid the government $900 million (including accrued interest of $60 million), as provided by the Civil Agreement and Plea Agreement, during 2001. In January 2001, HCA entered into an eight-year Corporate Integrity Agreement (“CIA”) with the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services. The remaining aspects of the investigations were resolved during 2003. In June 2003, HCA announced that the Company and the Civil Division of the DOJ had signed agreements, documenting the understanding announced in December 2002, whereby the United States would dismiss the various claims it had brought related to physician relations, cost reports and wound care issues (the “DOJ Agreement”). The DOJ Agreement received court approval in July 2003, and HCA paid the DOJ $641 million (including accrued interest of $10 million) during July 2003. The DOJ Agreement does not affect qui tam cases in which the government has not intervened. HCA also finalized an agreement with a negotiating team representing states that may have claims against the Company. Under this agreement, HCA paid $17.7 million in July 2003 to state Medicaid agencies to resolve these claims. HCA also paid $33 million for legal fees of the private parties. In connection with the DOJ Agreement, HCA recorded a pretax charge of $603 million ($418 million after-tax) in the fourth quarter of 2002. The consolidated income statement for the year ended December 31, 2003 includes a pretax favorable change in estimate of $41 million ($25 million after-tax) related to Medicaid cost report balances for cost report years ended December 31, 1997 and prior. During June 2003, HCA announced that the Company and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) had signed an agreement, documenting the understanding announced in March 2002, to resolve all Medicare cost report, home office cost statement and appeal issues between HCA and CMS (the “CMS Agreement”) for cost report periods ended before August 1, 2001. As a result of the CMS Agreement, HCA paid CMS $250 million in June 2003. HCA recorded a pretax charge of $260 million ($165 million after-tax), consisting of the accrual of $250 million for the settlement payment and the write-off of $10 million of net Medicare cost report receivables. This charge was recorded in the consolidated income statement for the year ended December 31, 2001. During September 2003, HCA reached an understanding with attorneys representing shareholder groups to settle class action securities lawsuits originally filed in 1997. Under the terms of the settlement, a $49.5 million settlement fund has been established to pay class members based on their individual claims. HCA also reached an understanding with its insurance carriers under which the insurers will pay the majority of the settlement amount. Final approval of the settlement was granted by the court on February 4, 2004. HCA remains the subject of a December 1997 formal order of investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). HCA understands that the investigation includes the anti-fraud, insider trading, periodic reporting and internal accounting control provisions of the Federal securities laws. If HCA was found to be in violation of Federal or state laws relating to Medicare, Medicaid or similar programs or breach of the CIA, HCA could be subject to substantial monetary fines, civil and criminal penalties and/or exclusion from participation in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Any such sanctions or expenses could have a material adverse effect on HCA’s financial position, results of operation and liquidity. HCA 2003 Annual Report 17
  • 18. HCA Inc. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations Business Strategy HCA is committed to providing the communities it serves high quality, cost-effective, health care while maintaining consistency with HCA’s ethics and compliance program, governmental regulations and guidelines, and industry standards. As a part of this strategy, HCA’s management focuses on the following areas: • Commitment to the care and improvement of human life: The foundation of HCA is built on putting patients first and providing quality health care services in the communities it serves. HCA continues to increase efforts and funding for the Company’s patient safety agenda. Management believes patient outcomes will increasingly influence physician and patient choices concerning health care delivery. • Commitment to ethics and compliance: HCA is committed to a corporate culture highlighted by the following values — compassion, honesty, integrity, fairness, loyalty, respect and kindness. The Company’s comprehensive ethics and compliance program articulates a set of values and behavioral standards to reinforce HCA’s dedication to these values and to ensure integrity. • Focus on core communities: HCA strives to maintain market-leading positions in large, growing urban and suburban communities, primarily in the Southern and Western regions of the United States. • Becoming the health care employer of choice: HCA uses a number of industry leading practices to help ensure its hospitals are the health care employer of choice in their communities. The Company’s labor initiatives provide strategies to the hospitals for recruiting, compensation and productivity, and include various leadership and career development programs. The Company also maintains an internal contract labor agency to provide improved quality and reduce costs. • Continuing to strive for operational excellence: The Company’s focus on operational excellence includes a group purchasing organization that achieves pricing efficiencies in purchasing and supply contracts. HCA also uses a shared services model to process revenue and accounts receivable through ten regional patient accounting services centers. In a natural progression of the Company’s ongoing strategy, HCA is increasing focus on operating outpatient services with improved accessibility and more convenient service for patients and increased predictability and efficiency for physicians. As part of this focus, HCA may buy or build outpatient facilities to improve its market presence. • Allocating capital to strategically complement its operational strategy and enhance stockholder value: HCA’s capital spending is intended to increase bed capacity, provide new or expanded services in existing facilities, maintain or replace equipment and renovate existing facilities or construct replacement facilities. The Company also selectively evaluates acquisitions that may complement its strategies in existing or new markets. Capital may also be allocated to take advantage of opportunities such as repayment of indebtedness, stock repurchases and payment of dividends. In 2004, HCA’s Board of Directors approved an increase in its quarterly dividend from $0.02 per share to $0.13 per share. Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates The preparation of HCA’s consolidated financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent liabilities and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses. HCA’s management base their estimates on historical experience and various other assumptions that they believe are reasonable under the circumstances. Management evaluates its estimates on an ongoing basis and makes changes to the estimates and related disclosures as experience develops or new information becomes known. Actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions. Management believes that the following critical accounting policies affect its more significant judgments and estimates used in the preparation of its consolidated financial statements. HCA 2003 Annual Report 18
  • 19. HCA Inc. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations Revenues Revenues are recorded during the period the health care services are provided, based upon the estimated amounts due from payers. Estimates of contractual allowances under managed care health plans are based upon the payment terms specified in the related contractual agreements. Laws and regulations governing the Medicare and Medicaid programs are complex and subject to interpretation. The estimated reimbursement amounts are made on a payer- specific basis and are recorded based on the best information available regarding management’s interpretation of the applicable laws, regulations and contract terms. Management continually reviews the contractual estimation process to consider and incorporate updates to laws and regulations and the frequent changes in managed care contractual terms that result from contract renegotiations and renewals. Management has invested significant resources to refine and improve the information system data used to make these contractual estimates and to develop a standardized calculation process and train employees. HCA does not pursue collection of amounts related to patients that meet the Company’s guidelines to qualify as charity care; therefore, they are not reported in revenues. The revenues associated with uninsured patients that do not meet the Company’s guidelines to qualify as charity care have generally been reported in revenues at gross charges. During 2003, the Company announced that patients treated at an HCA wholly-owned hospital for nonelective care who have income at or below 200% of the Federal poverty level are eligible for charity care, a standard HCA estimates that 70% of its hospitals were previously using. The Federal poverty level is established by the Federal government and is based on income and family size. On October 1, 2003, HCA began implementing a sliding scale of discounts for uninsured patients, treated at HCA wholly-owned hospitals for nonelective care, with income between 200% and 400% of the Federal poverty level. Due to the complexities involved in these estimations of revenues earned, the health care services authorized and provided and related reimbursement are often subject to interpretations that could result in payments that are different from our estimates. Provision for Doubtful Accounts and the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts The collection of outstanding receivables from Medicare, managed care payers, other third-party payers and patients is HCA’s primary source of cash and is critical to the Company’s operating performance. The primary collection risks relate to the uninsured patient accounts and patient accounts for which the primary insurance carrier has paid the amounts covered by the applicable agreement, but patient responsibility amounts (deductibles and copayments) remain outstanding. The provision for doubtful accounts and the allowance for doubtful accounts relate primarily to amounts due directly from patients. Because HCA does not pursue collection of amounts related to patients that meet the Company’s guidelines to qualify as charity care, they are not reported in revenues and do not have an impact on the provision for doubtful accounts. HCA expects the revised charity care and self-pay discounting policy changes will result in reductions to both revenues and the provision for doubtful accounts in future periods. The amount of the provision for doubtful accounts is based upon management’s assessment of historical write- offs and expected net collections, business and economic conditions, trends in Federal and state governmental and private employer health care coverage and other collection indicators. Management relies on the results of detailed reviews of historical write-offs and recoveries at facilities that represent a majority of HCA’s revenues and accounts receivable (the “hindsight analysis”) as a primary source of information in estimating the collectability of HCA’s accounts receivable. Prior to the third quarter of 2003, the Company performed the hindsight analysis on an annual basis. The results of the annual hindsight analysis that was completed during the second quarter of 2003 indicated an increasing proportion of accounts receivable being comprised of uninsured accounts and the collectability of this category of accounts had deteriorated. Beginning with the third quarter of 2003, HCA began performing a quarterly, rolling twelve-month hindsight analysis to enable a more timely reaction to trends affecting the collectability of the accounts receivable. At December 31, 2003, HCA’s allowance for doubtful accounts, as a percentage of patient due accounts, was approximately 88%. For the year ended December 31, 2003, the provision for doubtful accounts increased to 10.1% of revenues compared to 8.0% of revenues in 2002. Management does not expect the provision for doubtful accounts, as a percentage of revenues, to decline from 2003 levels during 2004, based upon the revenue and trends at December 31, 2003. Adverse changes in general economic conditions, business office operations, payer mix, or trends in Federal or state governmental and private employer health care coverage could affect HCA’s collection of accounts receivable, cash flows and results of operations. HCA 2003 Annual Report 19
  • 20. HCA Inc. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations Investments of Insurance Subsidiary — Other-than-temporary Impairment Considerations HCA’s wholly-owned insurance subsidiary holds debt and equity security investments having an aggregate fair value of $2.065 billion at December 31, 2003. The fair value of the investment securities is generally based on quoted market prices. The investment securities are held for the purpose of providing the funding source to pay professional and general liability claims covered by the insurance subsidiary. Management’s assessment each quarter of whether a decline in fair value is temporary or other-than-temporary involves multiple judgment calls, often involves estimating the outcome of future events, and requires a significant level of professional judgment in determining whether factors exist that indicate an impairment has occurred. HCA evaluates, among other things, the financial position and near term prospects of the issuer, conditions in the issuer’s industry, liquidity of the investment, changes in the amount or timing of expected future cash flows from the investment, and recent downgrades of the issuer by a rating agency to determine if, and when, a decline in the fair value of an investment below amortized cost is considered other-than-temporary. The length of time and extent to which the fair value of the investment is less than amortized cost and HCA’s ability and intent to retain the investment to allow for any anticipated recovery of the investment’s fair value are important components of management’s investment securities evaluation process. During 2002, HCA recognized a $168 million other-than-temporary impairment charge related, primarily, to the insurance subsidiary’s equity investment securities. The equity investments market experienced generally, steady increases during 2003 and at December 31, 2003, the insurance subsidiary’s investment security portfolio had unrealized gains of $212 million and unrealized losses of $4 million. Professional Liability Insurance Claims HCA, along with virtually all health care providers, operates in an environment with professional liability risks. A substantial portion of HCA’s professional liability risks is insured through a wholly-owned insurance subsidiary. Reserves for professional liability risks were $1.624 billion and $1.551 billion at December 31, 2003 and December 31, 2002, respectively. Obligations covered by reinsurance contracts remain on the balance sheet as the subsidiary remains liable to the extent that reinsurers do not meet their obligations. Reserves for professional liability risks (net of $147 million and $265 million receivable under reinsurance contracts at December 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively) were $1.477 billion and $1.286 billion at December 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Reserves and provisions for professional liability risks are based upon actuarially determined estimates. The independent actuaries estimated reserve ranges, net of amounts receivable under reinsurance contracts, were $1.255 billion to $1.515 billion at December 31, 2003 and $1.022 billion to $1.361 billion at December 31, 2002. Reserves for professional liability risks represent the estimated ultimate cost of all reported and unreported losses incurred through the respective consolidated balance sheet dates. The reserves are estimated using individual case-basis valuations and actuarial analyses. Those estimates are subject to the effects of trends in loss severity and frequency. The estimates are continually reviewed and adjustments are recorded as experience develops or new information becomes known. The reserves for professional liability risks cover approximately 3,900 and 4,000 individual claims at December 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively, and estimates for potential unreported claims. The time period required to resolve these claims can vary depending upon the jurisdiction and whether the claim is settled or litigated. The estimation of the timing of payments beyond a year can vary significantly. Changes to the estimated reserve amounts are included in current operating results. Due to the considerable variability that is inherent in such estimates, there can be no assurance that the ultimate liability will not exceed management’s estimates. Results of Operations Revenue/Volume Trends HCA’s revenues depend upon inpatient occupancy levels, the ancillary services and therapy programs ordered by physicians and provided to patients, the volume of outpatient procedures and the charge and negotiated payment rates for such services. Admissions related to Medicare, managed care and other discounted plans and Medicaid and self-pay for the years ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001 are set forth below. Certain prior year amounts have been reclassified to conform to the 2003 presentation. HCA 2003 Annual Report 20