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HeadRush Giga Quiz
QM: Kunal Doshi
Ketav Patel
 20 questions in the elims.
 Multiples of 5 are star-marked.
 Starred questions to be used for breaking ties.
 Top 8 teams go to the mains.
 Quizmaster’s decision is final.
X is an American television series that was created and initially
produced by Bruce Geller. It chronicles the missions of a team of
secret government agents. A hallmark of the series shows one of
the main characters receiving his instructions on a recording device
that then self-destructs, followed by the theme music. The series
follows the exploits of the secret agency, a small team of secret
agents used for covert missions against dictators, evil organizations
and crime lords. On occasion, the agency also mounts
unsanctioned, private missions on behalf of its members.
Name the TV show.
Mission: Impossible
2. What is this emoticon called?
Schrodinger’s emoticon
 What does the ‘T’ in CAPTCHA stand for?
 Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell
Computers and Humans Apart.
 The _____ logo was unveiled on a Russian state TV talk show and
there were cosmonauts involved.
 The logo was unveiled in space over a video feed.
 The logo was unveiled on board the International Space Station by
a hattrick of cosmonauts - Elena Serova, Alexander Sovokutyaev
and Maxim Suraevers.
 The hi-tech trio gave a quick countdown before a much more low-
tech reveal - holding up the logo on a piece of paper.
 The logo itself depicts the ____ in the red and blue colors of the
Russian flag, along with gold trim.
What logo ?
2018 FIFA world cup.
Do not go gentle into that good night" is a poem, or more
precisely a villanelle, written by Welsh poet Dylan
Thomas (1914–1953), considered to be one of his finest
works. Originally published in the journal Botteghe Oscure in
1951, it also appeared as part of his 1952 collection In
Country Sleep and other poems. The poem has no title other
than its first line, "Do not go gentle into that good night", a
line which appears as a refrain throughout. The poem's other
equally famous refrain is "Rage, rage against the dying of the
Where have we come across this poem?
HeadRush General Quiz, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar
 India and Bhutan on 7 November 2014 signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) to rebuild and redevelop X in Bihar as an
international centre of excellence.
 According to the MoU, signed by foreign secretary Sujatha Singh and her
Bhutanese counterpart Yeshey Dorji, the X will be located at Rajgir in
Bihar and will have the power to confer degrees, diplomas and
 The MoU states that the objectives and functions of Nalanda University
includes the establishment "of an international institution of learning
that will bring together the brightest and the most dedicated students
from all countries irrespective of gender, caste, creed, disability,
ethnicity or socio-economic background."
 Symbol on next slide.
 Give me X.
HeadRush General Quiz, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar
Nalanda University
The X, here, is a part of
beef. This part of beef
also lends a famous
person his nickname.
If you get X , you for
sure will identify the
person. A famous person
from the Entertainment
Chuck – Chuck Norris
Condé Nast, is the parent company of magazines like Vogue,
GQ, Vanity Fair, Wired and many others. The company
attracts more than 164 million consumers across its 20 print
and digital media brands.
Where did the company move its headquarters to on 4th,
November, 2014?
One World Trade Center
(Freedom Tower)
 The Fairy Queen is a steam locomotive, plying between the
Indian] capital of New Delhi and Alwar, in Rajasthan. The Fairy
Queen runs on the same basis as the Palace on Wheels, the
tourist train launched in 1982, and in 1999 was awarded a
National Tourism Award.
 One unique distinction that the train has is that it is the only
train that runs on only two coaches. One is an air conditioned
first class coach and the second a pantry car.
 Another distinction is that it has is that it was certified by the
Guinness Book of Records in 1998 as X.
 What distinction is talked about?
The world's oldest one in regular
10. The clip is from the movie ‘Big Hero 6’. The
film is set in a city which is a mash-up of two real
major cities. Identify the two cities from the clip.
 Video Removed
San Francisco and Tokyo
The city being SanFranTokyo in the movie.
All 20 teams in EPL decided to
add the flower like symbol to
their jerseys for all matches
this weekend.
Why ? Or what is this logo or its
Poppy – Remembrance Day
 Marukawa Confectionery Co., Ltd. is a Japanese manufacturer of
confectioneries. Its head office is in Nishi-ku, Nagoya.
 1888 - Started as manufacturer of confectionery.
 1947 - Started in manufacturing Bubble Gum.
 1948 - Established Marukawa Conf. Co., Ltd.
 1957 - Started in trading for all over the world.
 But X is a brand of bubble gum manufactured by them which is the most
famous. The product was exported around the world and was particularly
popular in India, Iran and Pakistan. X was notable for the water-based
temporary tattoo that came in the product's wrapper.
 X?
Fusen Gum
The act of X refers to the mass global organising of certain
shops or products appearing everywhere in daily life. The
term means the purchase of small, unique establishments
by large conglomerates and robbing them of any
discernable quality. For example, local pubs in England
have followed almost the same trend due to the
Government changing their appearance and interiors,
making them identical to other pubs. The term X is a verb
form of a famous brand which is known for its universal
14. This image belongs to a food porn website.
What is the complete URL of this website?
15. Connect these two personalities.
Both have used 3D hologram
technology for appearances.
16. Identify the person from his
Man Outside Real Estate Office
Man Who Misses Bus
Man Walking Past Elster's Office
Man in Morocco Marketplace
Man Boarding Train
Man Leaving Elevator
and others
Alfred Hitchcock
 Ibn al Xu'ffasch translates literally as Son of the ___, a name
given to the illegitimate son of X and Y.
 Various alternate universe stories dealt with the character's life,
giving him various names. In 2006, the character was
reinterpreted more famously as Z.
 Z takes up the identity of Robin at ten years of age, becoming the
fifth person to use the Robin identity.
 In 2013, Z was placed 25th on IGN's Top 25 Heroes of DC Comics.
 X, Y ?
Batman, Talia al Ghul
 U.S women football player Megan Rapinoe is the only player to
do it in Olympics.
 Columbian player Marcos Coll is the only one to do it in a
football world cup.
 What is being talked about here ?
The only Olympic Goal to be scored.
The National Debt Clock is a billboard-sized running
total display which constantly updates to show the
worsening situation of the United States gross national
debt and each American family's share of the debt. It is
currently installed on Sixth Avenue in Manhattan, New York
The clock was closed down in 2000 due to a certain reason
and a new piece was installed a few years later. What reason
was cited for the shut down of the first clock?
The national debt situation was improving
during the Clinton administration and the
clock was incapable of running backwards
William Cowper was a poet of the 1700’s . He wrote a poem on a character named
Alexander Selkirk. Some lines of the poem are:
I am monarch of all I survey;
My right there is none to dispute;
From the centre all round to the sea
I am lord of the fowl and the brute.
O Solitude! where are the charms
That sages have seen in thy face?
I am out of humanity's reach,
I must finish my journey alone,
Never hear the sweet music of speech;
I start at the sound of my own.
This particular poem has seemed to be inspired from another great piece of work X by Y.
X and Y ?
Robinson Crusoe & Daniel Defoe
The Mains
What to expect?
 5 rounds.
 1 Theme round.
 2 pounce. 12 each.
 2 SVC.
 1 LVC.
1. Infinite Pounce 1
K G Ambegaonkar was the fifth governor of the Reserve Bank of
India. One thing unique about him was that he had the third
shortest tenure (45 days) as RBI governor after B.N. Adarkar (42
days) and Amitav Ghosh (20 days).
Also there is a record very unique to his name that no other RBI
governor India has had till date. What record ?
The only Governor to not have his
signature on any note.
Nick Park (CBE) is an English director, writer and
stop-motion artist. He has been nominated for an
Academy Award six times and has won the award
four times. He UK’s most famous animator and has
earned the nickname ‘Walt Disney of UK’. Many
parallels have been drawn between him and the
Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki. What is his most
famous creation?
Wallace and Gromit
 The marathon at the 1972 Olympics was run around Munich in a
specific order. The athletes had to run through specific streets and
take particular turns. This course was the result of an ingenious idea
by the German Olympic authorities to use a high profile event like
the Marathon to market the games.
 The course was shaped like Waldi the Daschund – the mascot of the
Munich games. It was designed by a famous designer Otl Eicher (who
designed the Lufthansa logo as well) and based the color scheme of
Waldi to match the color scheme of the Olympic rings. However he
specifically omitted two colors in the scheme.
 What were the two colors excluded and why ?
Red and Black – the Swastika colors
The images on the next slide show a statue of a monstrous 50-foot
tall dead parrot which was installed in London. This statue was
installed to promote the reunion of a very famous group. The dead
parrot is a direct reference to a famous creation of the group.
Which group am I talking about which performed during July of
HeadRush General Quiz, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar
Monty Python’s Reunion
On March 13, 1963, Ernesto X was arrested for allegedly stealing $8
from an Arizona bank employee. He was called for interrogation.
The questioning escalated to such a degree that, by the time it was
done, Ernesto had confessed to the kidnapping and rape of an 18-
year-old woman a week earlier. A trial a short time later sent him to
prison with a 20-year sentence. He had signed his confession but
during the court case his confession was acquitted due to a
particular reason. This resulted in a custom which carried his name.
What is this custom?
Miranda Rights
In a 2010 episode of the BBC TV series Doctor Who. In “The
Eleventh Hour,” the actor Matt Smith debuts as the
regenerated Eleventh Doctor, who must prove his credentials
to a group of geniuses in order to persuade them to take his
advice and save the world. Just as they are about to reject
him, the Doctor says: “But before you do, watch this. X. And
I mean the real one. Never been seen before.”
(X is a sentence)
How did he prove his intelligence?
He gave them Pierre Fermat’s
original proof of the last theorem
7. This image from Futurama is a
reference to which film?
A Trip to the Moon (Le voyage dans
la lune) by George Melies
X is a millenarian restorationist Christian denomination with
nontrinitarian beliefs distinct from mainstream Christianity.
The group emerged from the Bible Student movement, founded in
the late 1870s by Charles Taze Russell with the formation of Zion's
Watch Tower Tract Society. X are best known for their door-to-door
preaching, distributing literature such as The Watchtower and
Awake!, and refusing military service and blood transfusions.
They do not observe Christmas, Easter, birthdays, or other holidays
and customs they consider to have pagan origins incompatible with
The are mainly involved in evangelism.
What group ?
Jehovah’s Witness
 Z is a British/American traditional folk rock duo formed in 1997 consisting
of X and Y. Y was a Rainbow fan, and first encountered X to ask him for an
autograph in 1989, while she was working for a local New York radio station.
The two started living together in 1991, and discovered they both had a
passionate interest in Renaissance music.
 During the reformed Rainbow's recording of the album Stranger in Us All in
1995, on which Y contributed some of the lyrics and backing harmony
vocals, the duo were already gearing up their debut album. Y's personality
and singing ability made her the natural choice as front-woman. In 1997 the
project started as being a pun of their own names, which would consist of
themselves plus session musicians.
 Z?
Z – Blackmore’s Night.
 Ritchie Blackmore
 Candice Night
Often, teenage couples engage in sexual conduct as part of an intimate
relationship. This may start to occur before either participant has reached the
age of consent, or after one has but the other has not. In most jurisdictions,
the person who has reached the age of consent would be guilty of the
statutory rape provision. In some jurisdictions (such as California), if two
minors have sex with each other, they are both guilty of engaging in unlawful
sex with the other person.
An exception to it is a law that states that a person can legally have
consensual sex with a minor provided that he or she is not more than a given
number of years older, generally four years, but sometimes some other
number of year. This exception typically bars charging the young adult with a
sex offense, if the young adult did not use force or coercion on the minor and
the minor is a teenager.
What is the exception called?
Romeo and Juliet law
11. This an advertisement for Levis. The words
used here are taken from a poem of a very famous
Author of the 20th century. Which poem or which
author ?
 Video Removed
A Laughing Heart – Charles Bukowski
 X who is revered in China for his contributions, was an Indian who
died while treating Chinese soldiers during the second China-Japan
war in 1942.
 It has been a tradition with visiting Chinese leaders to meet the
family of X and President Xi Jinping on his last visit to India followed
it by meeting the sister of X and recalling “the fine representative
who gave his precious life in China”.
 The story of his life was the subject of a Hindi film, scripted by
Khwaja Ahmad Abbas, and directed by V. Shantaram, who also
portrayed X in the film.
 Who ? (picture on next slide)
HeadRush General Quiz, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar
Dr. Dwarkanath Kotnis
2. MVC Round
2 MVCs
Both are finite-inexhaustive
Scores on each slide
1. +20/-10
2. +15/-7
3. +10/-5
4. +5/0
 G I Tags of India.
 There are total 206 tags right now.
2. +20/-10
2. +15/-7
3. +10/-5
4. +5/0
All movies are adapted from Saturday Night Live
sketches or characters
Theme Round
Literature Music Mythology
Mathematics Food Travel
Sports Art
Connect. Exhaustive
Just So Stories / Rudyard Kipling
 X tried a number of stage costumes, such as Spider-Man, Zorro, a
gorilla, and a parody of Superman, named Super__, before settling
on his signature Y look at the suggestion of his sister. To match this
image the press and public were told that X was born in 1959, not
1955. The original uniform was created by his sister Margaret. "I
don't like to play above or below people's heads. Basically, I just
like to get up in front of a crowd and rip it up.“
 This look of his was well received by everyone and he and his band
went on to become one of the greatest bands ever.
 X and Y?
Angus Young, School Boy (AC/DC)
At Poruvazhy Peruviruthy Malanada Temple in Kerala's Kollam district,
X is worshipped as the main deity. It is the only temple in South India
where X is considered a God.
In the Kumaon region of Uttranchal, several beautifully carved
temples are dedicated to X and he is worshipped as a minor deity.
To us, X is an infamous person. The thought that there might be any
temples dedicated to X is baffling.
Toddy (an alcoholic beverage extracted from the coconut palm) is the
ritual offering in these temples.
Who are these temples dedicated to ?
Pictures in next slide.
HeadRush General Quiz, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar
What are narcissistic numbers?
The number can be obtained by using the digits of the number itself.
A number that is the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of
the number of digits. Also known as Armstrong numbers.
 In 1981, X, a brand of non-shelf-stable _______ was introduced by
Golden Valley Foods, with the uncooked product requiring
refrigeration before use since the fats used in it would turn rancid
if it wasn’t kept chilled.
 However, in 1984, Y, Golden Valley introduced a shelf-stable
version that could be cooked straight out of the packet, and since
this product was a sequel of sorts to X, it was named accordingly.
Name Y, fill in the blanks.
Act II Popcorn
X meaning ‘mountain or prominence with a broad base which
ends in sharp peaks’ in the local language is a 15th-
century Inca site located 2,430 metre above sea level. The
Incas built the estate around 1450, but abandoned it a
century later at the time of the Spanish Conquest. Many
theories have been cited for the construction of X. Some of
them being that it was the last Incan city, it was for the
Virgins of the Sun, it was a royal retreat, it was built to honor
a sacred landscape.
Identify this place.
Machu Picchu
Players to have played both for AC Milan and Inter Milan.
And scored against the other team in the champions league.
The Pietà (image on next slide) is a world-famous work
of Renaissance sculpture by Michelangelo, housed in St. Peter's
Basilica. This famous work of art depicts the body of Jesus on the
lap of his mother Mary after the Crucifixion. Shortly after the
installation, Michelangelo was disappointed by something that he
overheard from a few visitors. In a fit of pride, Michelangelo did
something that makes Pietà a unique work of his.
What distinction does the Pietà hold in comparison to all his other
HeadRush General Quiz, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar
The Pietà, is his only work of art which carries his signature (on
the sash across Mary’s chest). He overheard the visitors
attributing the sculpture to someone else.
4. Infinite Pounce 2 (Anti)
Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were investigative journalists for
the Washington Post. Both are Pulitzer prize winners. Both have
written multiple bestsellers related to American politics. They are
said to be the backbone of one of the most famous events of
American history. Gene Roberts, the former managing editor of The
New York Times, has called the work of Woodward and Bernstein
"maybe the single greatest reporting effort of all time.“
What is their primary claim to fame?
The Watergate Scandal
Bob Woodward Carl Bernstein did much of the original news
reporting on the Watergate scandal. These scandals led to
numerous government investigations and the eventual
resignation of President Richard Nixon.
The image here shows a character from
a cartoon strip X. Coincidentally, on 12
March 1951, another comic strip
named X debuted in the United States
(bearing no connection to the UK
strip). The two strips should not be
confused – as a result of this the US
series has been retitled Y, a shorter
version of the name X for UK
consumption, while the British strip
was given a different name for its
appearances outside the UK.
What is the original name of the comic
Dennis the Menace
Ethan Zuckerman is an American media scholar, blogger, and Internet
activist. He is the director of the MIT Center for Civic Media. He is
considered to be one of the founding fathers of the dot com era.
In 1994, he was the first members of the company Tripod.com and as the
company tried to create a viable revenue model, Zuckerman came up with
a very important way to attract revenue.
Recently, he apologized for creating tool which has annoyed internet users
ever since.
What tool did he create?
Pop-up ads
If compound interest is calculated on a principal amount of $1.00 on a
half-yearly basis, the final amount received will be $2.25 at the end
of the year. Upon calculating the compound interest even more
frequently achieves only one or two more pennies. This led to the
question that began to obsess mathematicians: If the compound
interest could be calculated not just every hour, not just every
second, not just every microsecond, but at every moment, what
would be the final sum at the end of the year?
This answer to the above question is a very important concept in
mathematics. Which one?
e, exponential growth
The final amount being
5. These are the names of songs in a album released in 2012.
Various artists came together to make this album:
 1. “______ and the Need for Free Speech" – Dan Bull
2. “__ Manning" – Johan W Ekman
3. "Where There Are No ______" – Wrightson Tongue
4. "Song for __________" – David Rovics
5. ________ Anthem: We Want the _____" – Isaac Sloan
6. “________ 2011 (____Mix)" – Cuban Boys
7. “_________ Tribute" – Jaffrey Rootzway
8. "The Ballad of ___________" – Joonas Laine
9. "Shout It Out and Be Heard" – Sharon Z.
10. "Rise Above (_____Beetz4_______)" – Loves’ Destiny
11. “_______’s Song" – Erick Nova
12. “__________ Samba" – Sonic Disobedience
Who released the album (as in HMV, Tips etc.) or the name of the album or the significance of it.
WikiLeaks – Beat the Blockade.
1. "WikiLeaks and the Need for Free Speech" – Dan Bull
2. "B Manning" – Johan W Ekman
3. "Where There Are No Secrets" – Wrightson Tongue
4. "Song for Bradley Manning" – David Rovics
5. "WikiLeaks Anthem: We Want the Truth" – Isaac Sloan
6. "Datacrime 2011 (WikiMix)" – Cuban Boys
7. "WikiLeaks Tribute" – Jaffrey Rootzway
8. "The Ballad of Julian Assange" – Joonas Laine
9. "Shout It Out and Be Heard" – Sharon Z.
10. "Rise Above (WikiBeetz4WikiLeaks)" – Loves’ Destiny
11. "Bradley’s Song" – Erick Nova
12. "WikiLeaks Samba" – Sonic Disobedience
6. Identify
the scale
from the
Beaufort Scale
The Beaufort scale is an empirical measure that relates
wind speed to observed conditions at sea or on land. Its
full name is the Beaufort wind force scale, although it
is a measure of wind speed and not of force in the
scientific sense.
 Raunaq: Conversation of Music and Poetry is a 2014
studio album composed by A. R. Rahman with lyrics
penned by X.
 The album is described as a conversation of music and
poetry that takes one on a journey of varied
emotions. Selected tracks of the album depict social
scenario of India through X's lyrics. The album was a
result of X's anthology of poems to which Rahman
added visuals from Raja Ravi Varma's paintings, thus,
developing songs and corresponding videos to it.
 X?
Kapil Sibal
 X also known as The Marylebone mog, lived at Lord's
Cricket Ground in London from 1952 to 1964. He is the
only in his category to be given an obituary in the
standard cricket reference book, Wisden Cricketers'
 The obituary appeared in the 1965 edition of Wisden. It
described him as "a well-known cricket-watcher" who
"could often be seen prowling on the field of play"; he
"loved publicity" and "frequently appeared on the
Peter – the Cat
X was an American politician who served as a Republican U.S. Senator from the state of
Wisconsin from 1947 until his death in 1957.
He was noted for making claims that there were large numbers of Communists and Soviet
spies and sympathizers inside the United States federal government and elsewhere.
Ultimately, his tactics and inability to substantiate his claims led him to be censured by the
United States Senate.
The term Y, coined in 1950 in reference to X's practices, was soon applied to similar anti-
communist activities. Today the term is used more generally in reference to demagogic,
reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, as well as public attacks on the character or
patriotism of political opponents.
Y is the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper
regard for evidence. It also means "the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair
investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism.“
 Y?
Joseph McCarthy / McCarthyism
On 10 November 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver, a British industrialist , went
on a shooting party in the North Slob, by the River Slaney in County
Wexford, Ireland. After missing a shot at a golden plover, he became
involved in an argument over which was the fastest game bird in
Europe, the golden plover or the red grouse (it is the plover). That
evening at Castlebridge House, he realised that it was impossible to
confirm in reference books whether or not the golden plover was
Europe's fastest game bird.
What did this incident give rise to?
The Guinness book of World Records
Sir Hugh Beaver was the M.D. of Guinness breweries at the
 A video released by the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
caused a heavy uproar in the month of April last year. Practically, it
is deemed impossible for something of this king to happen. The
video will be shown.
 What is this concept known as ?
(Video removed)
The Escherian Stairwell
X is a three-story steel sculpture that has been dubbed "The Bean"
by locals, because of its legume-like shape. The sculpture is the
first public artwork in the United States by world-renowned
artist Anish Kapoor. The privately funded piece cost $23 million,
considerably more than the original estimate of $6 million.
Composed of 168 stainless steel plates welded together, its highly
polished exterior has no visible seams. It is 33 by 66 by 42 feet (10
× 20 × 13 m) and weighs 110 short tons (100 t; 98 long tons).
Cloud Gate sculpture in Chicago
5. Long Visual Connect
7 slides – 7 questions.
The answers lead to the connect.
Finite - non exhaustive.
1. +35/-17
X was an Indian ornithologist and naturalist. Sometimes
referred to as the "birdman of India", X was among the first
Indians to conduct systematic bird surveys across India and
his bird books helped develop ornithology.
He became the key figure behind the Bombay Natural
History Society after 1947 and used his personal influence to
garner government support for the organisation, create the
Bharatpur bird sanctuary (Keoladeo National Park) and
prevent the destruction of what is now the Silent Valley
National Park. He was awarded India's second highest civilian
honour, the Padma Vibhushan in 1976.
2. +30/-15
X is an Indian director and screenwriter. He formed the Hyderabad
Film Society while studying at Osmania University. He directed one
of the biggest projects undertaken on Indian television, the 53-
episode television serial Bharat Ek Khoj. He entered mainstream
Bollywood with his film, Zubeidaa which featured AR Rahman’s
music. He also directed the biopic, Bose: The Forgotten Hero. He
has National Award for Best Hindi feature film seven times.
Identify this director.
3. +25/-12
X was an Indian writer, considered one of the leading figures of Indian
literature in English. The setting for most of his stories is a town, first
introduced in Swami and Friends. His book The Guide was adapted into
the 1965 film starring Dev Anand. He was nominated for the Nobel
Prize in Literature multiple times, but was never awarded one.
4. +20/-10
X was best known for his trenchant secularism, his humour, and an abiding
love of poetry. He served as the editor of several literary and news
magazines, as well as two newspapers, through the 1970s and 1980s.
He was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1974 for service to his country. In
1984, he returned the award in protest against the siege of the Golden
Temple by the Indian Army. In 2007, the Indian government awarded him
the Padma Vibhushan.
He had worked in Department of Mass Communications of UNESCO at Paris,
joined the All India Radio as a journalist, edited Yojana, an Indian
government journal; The Illustrated Weekly of India, a newsweekly; and
two major Indian newspapers, The National Herald and the Hindustan
5. +15/-7
As an adult he was 6 feet 2 inches (1.88 m) tall, weighed 127
kilograms (280 lb) and had a chest measurement of 53 inches
(130 cm). Due to his physique, he was encouraged to take up
Pehlwani, an Indian style of wrestling.
He was a stunt film actor for many years and played his first lead
role in Babubhai Mistry's film King Kong. He became the highest-paid
B-grade actors, receiving nearly four lakh rupees per film.
He worked as Hindi and Punjabi film producer, director and writer,
and he acted on film and television.
Who ?
6. +10/-5
X started her career in 1966 as a child actress in the Telugu
film Rangula Ratnam, which won the National Film Award for Best
Feature Film in Telugu for that year. She has won three Filmfare
Awards. She also faced a lot of criticism due to her personal life
and linkups with another superstar. One of her best films was
recently remade with lukewarm success.
Which actress am I talking about?
7. +5/0
X was awarded the Arjuna Award in 1994 for his outstanding sporting
achievement, the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award in 1997, India's highest
sporting honour, and the Padma Shri and Padma Vibhushan awards in
1999 and 2008, respectively, India's fourth and second highest civilian
He was also the first sportsperson and the first person without an
aviation background to be awarded the honorary rank of group captain
by the Indian Air Force. In 2012, he was named an Honorary Member of
the Order of Australia.
Answers Follow
1. +35/-17
X was an Indian ornithologist and naturalist. Sometimes referred
to as the "birdman of India", X was among the first Indians to
conduct systematic bird surveys across India and his bird books
helped develop ornithology.
He became the key figure behind the Bombay Natural History
Society after 1947 and used his personal influence to garner
government support for the organisation, create the Bharatpur
bird sanctuary (Keoladeo National Park) and prevent the
destruction of what is now the Silent Valley National Park. He was
awarded India's second highest civilian honour, the Padma
Vibhushan in 1976.
Salim Ali
2. +30/-15
X is an Indian director and screenwriter. He formed the Hyderabad
Film Society while studying at Osmania University. He directed one
of the biggest projects undertaken on Indian television, the 53-
episode television serial Bharat Ek Khoj. He entered mainstream
Bollywood with his film, Zubeidaa which featured AR Rahman’s
music. He also directed the biopic, Bose: The Forgotten Hero. He
has National Award for Best Hindi feature film seven times.
Identify this director.
Shyam Benegal
3. +25/-12
X was an Indian writer, considered one of the leading figures of Indian
literature in English. The setting for most of his stories is a town, first
introduced in Swami and Friends. His book The Guide was adapted into
the 1965 film starring Dev Anand. He was nominated for the Nobel
Prize in Literature multiple times, but was never awarded one.
RK Narayan
4. +20/-10
X was best known for his trenchant secularism, his humour, and an abiding
love of poetry. He served as the editor of several literary and news
magazines, as well as two newspapers, through the 1970s and 1980s.
He was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1974 for service to his country. In
1984, he returned the award in protest against the siege of the Golden
Temple by the Indian Army. In 2007, the Indian government awarded him
the Padma Vibhushan.
He had worked in Department of Mass Communications of UNESCO at Paris,
joined the All India Radio as a journalist, edited Yojana, an Indian
government journal; The Illustrated Weekly of India, a newsweekly; and
two major Indian newspapers, The National Herald and the Hindustan
Khushwant Singh
5. +15/-7
As an adult he was 6 feet 2 inches (1.88 m) tall, weighed 127
kilograms (280 lb) and had a chest measurement of 53 inches
(130 cm). Due to his physique, he was encouraged to take up
Pehlwani, an Indian style of wrestling.
He was a stunt film actor for many years and played his first lead
role in Babubhai Mistry's film King Kong. He became the highest-paid
B-grade actors, receiving nearly four lakh rupees per film.
He worked as Hindi and Punjabi film producer, director and writer,
and he acted on film and television.
Who ?
 Dara Singh
6. +10/-5
X started her career in 1966 as a child actress in the Telugu
film Rangula Ratnam, which won the National Film Award for Best
Feature Film in Telugu for that year. She has won three Filmfare
Awards. She also faced a lot of criticism due to her personal life
and linkups with another superstar. One of her best films was
recently remade with lukewarm success.
Which actress am I talking about?
 Rekha (the movie being Khoobsurat)
7. +5/0
X was awarded the Arjuna Award in 1994 for his outstanding sporting
achievement, the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award in 1997, India's highest
sporting honour, and the Padma Shri and Padma Vibhushan awards in
1999 and 2008, respectively, India's fourth and second highest civilian
He was also the first sportsperson and the first person without an
aviation background to be awarded the honorary rank of group captain
by the Indian Air Force. In 2012, he was named an Honorary Member of
the Order of Australia.
 Sachin Tendulkar
Connect: Members of Rajya Sabha
nominated by the President
1. Salim Ali
2. Shyam Benegal
3. R K Narayan
4. Khushwant Singh
5. Dara Singh
6. Rekha
7. Sachin Tendulkar
Thank You!

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HeadRush General Quiz, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar

  • 1. HeadRush Giga Quiz QM: Kunal Doshi Ketav Patel
  • 2. Elims Rules:  20 questions in the elims.  Multiples of 5 are star-marked.  Starred questions to be used for breaking ties.  Top 8 teams go to the mains.  Quizmaster’s decision is final.
  • 3. 1. X is an American television series that was created and initially produced by Bruce Geller. It chronicles the missions of a team of secret government agents. A hallmark of the series shows one of the main characters receiving his instructions on a recording device that then self-destructs, followed by the theme music. The series follows the exploits of the secret agency, a small team of secret agents used for covert missions against dictators, evil organizations and crime lords. On occasion, the agency also mounts unsanctioned, private missions on behalf of its members. Name the TV show.
  • 5. 2. What is this emoticon called? ):(
  • 7. 3.  What does the ‘T’ in CAPTCHA stand for?
  • 8. Turing  Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.
  • 9. 4.  The _____ logo was unveiled on a Russian state TV talk show and there were cosmonauts involved.  The logo was unveiled in space over a video feed.  The logo was unveiled on board the International Space Station by a hattrick of cosmonauts - Elena Serova, Alexander Sovokutyaev and Maxim Suraevers.  The hi-tech trio gave a quick countdown before a much more low- tech reveal - holding up the logo on a piece of paper.  The logo itself depicts the ____ in the red and blue colors of the Russian flag, along with gold trim. What logo ?
  • 11. 5. Do not go gentle into that good night" is a poem, or more precisely a villanelle, written by Welsh poet Dylan Thomas (1914–1953), considered to be one of his finest works. Originally published in the journal Botteghe Oscure in 1951, it also appeared as part of his 1952 collection In Country Sleep and other poems. The poem has no title other than its first line, "Do not go gentle into that good night", a line which appears as a refrain throughout. The poem's other equally famous refrain is "Rage, rage against the dying of the light". Where have we come across this poem?
  • 13. 6.  India and Bhutan on 7 November 2014 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to rebuild and redevelop X in Bihar as an international centre of excellence.  According to the MoU, signed by foreign secretary Sujatha Singh and her Bhutanese counterpart Yeshey Dorji, the X will be located at Rajgir in Bihar and will have the power to confer degrees, diplomas and certificates.  The MoU states that the objectives and functions of Nalanda University includes the establishment "of an international institution of learning that will bring together the brightest and the most dedicated students from all countries irrespective of gender, caste, creed, disability, ethnicity or socio-economic background."  Symbol on next slide.  Give me X.
  • 16. 7. The X, here, is a part of beef. This part of beef also lends a famous person his nickname. Whom? If you get X , you for sure will identify the person. A famous person from the Entertainment industry.
  • 17. Chuck – Chuck Norris
  • 18. 8. Condé Nast, is the parent company of magazines like Vogue, GQ, Vanity Fair, Wired and many others. The company attracts more than 164 million consumers across its 20 print and digital media brands. Where did the company move its headquarters to on 4th, November, 2014?
  • 19. One World Trade Center (Freedom Tower)
  • 20. 9.  The Fairy Queen is a steam locomotive, plying between the Indian] capital of New Delhi and Alwar, in Rajasthan. The Fairy Queen runs on the same basis as the Palace on Wheels, the tourist train launched in 1982, and in 1999 was awarded a National Tourism Award.  One unique distinction that the train has is that it is the only train that runs on only two coaches. One is an air conditioned first class coach and the second a pantry car.  Another distinction is that it has is that it was certified by the Guinness Book of Records in 1998 as X.  What distinction is talked about?
  • 21. The world's oldest one in regular operation
  • 22. 10. The clip is from the movie ‘Big Hero 6’. The film is set in a city which is a mash-up of two real major cities. Identify the two cities from the clip.  Video Removed
  • 23. San Francisco and Tokyo The city being SanFranTokyo in the movie.
  • 24. 11. All 20 teams in EPL decided to add the flower like symbol to their jerseys for all matches this weekend. Why ? Or what is this logo or its importance.
  • 26. 12.  Marukawa Confectionery Co., Ltd. is a Japanese manufacturer of confectioneries. Its head office is in Nishi-ku, Nagoya.  1888 - Started as manufacturer of confectionery.  1947 - Started in manufacturing Bubble Gum.  1948 - Established Marukawa Conf. Co., Ltd.  1957 - Started in trading for all over the world.  But X is a brand of bubble gum manufactured by them which is the most famous. The product was exported around the world and was particularly popular in India, Iran and Pakistan. X was notable for the water-based temporary tattoo that came in the product's wrapper.  X?
  • 28. 13. The act of X refers to the mass global organising of certain shops or products appearing everywhere in daily life. The term means the purchase of small, unique establishments by large conglomerates and robbing them of any discernable quality. For example, local pubs in England have followed almost the same trend due to the Government changing their appearance and interiors, making them identical to other pubs. The term X is a verb form of a famous brand which is known for its universal presence.
  • 30. 14. This image belongs to a food porn website. What is the complete URL of this website?
  • 32. 15. Connect these two personalities.
  • 33. Both have used 3D hologram technology for appearances.
  • 34. 16. Identify the person from his filmography. Man Outside Real Estate Office Man Who Misses Bus Man Walking Past Elster's Office Man in Morocco Marketplace Man Boarding Train Man Leaving Elevator and others
  • 36. 17.  Ibn al Xu'ffasch translates literally as Son of the ___, a name given to the illegitimate son of X and Y.  Various alternate universe stories dealt with the character's life, giving him various names. In 2006, the character was reinterpreted more famously as Z.  Z takes up the identity of Robin at ten years of age, becoming the fifth person to use the Robin identity.  In 2013, Z was placed 25th on IGN's Top 25 Heroes of DC Comics.  X, Y ?
  • 38. 18.  U.S women football player Megan Rapinoe is the only player to do it in Olympics.  Columbian player Marcos Coll is the only one to do it in a football world cup.  What is being talked about here ?
  • 39. The only Olympic Goal to be scored.
  • 40. 19. The National Debt Clock is a billboard-sized running total display which constantly updates to show the worsening situation of the United States gross national debt and each American family's share of the debt. It is currently installed on Sixth Avenue in Manhattan, New York City. The clock was closed down in 2000 due to a certain reason and a new piece was installed a few years later. What reason was cited for the shut down of the first clock?
  • 41. The national debt situation was improving during the Clinton administration and the clock was incapable of running backwards
  • 42. 20. William Cowper was a poet of the 1700’s . He wrote a poem on a character named Alexander Selkirk. Some lines of the poem are: I am monarch of all I survey; My right there is none to dispute; From the centre all round to the sea I am lord of the fowl and the brute. O Solitude! where are the charms That sages have seen in thy face? I am out of humanity's reach, I must finish my journey alone, Never hear the sweet music of speech; I start at the sound of my own. This particular poem has seemed to be inspired from another great piece of work X by Y. X and Y ?
  • 43. Robinson Crusoe & Daniel Defoe
  • 45. What to expect?  5 rounds.  1 Theme round.  2 pounce. 12 each.  2 SVC.  1 LVC.
  • 47. 1. K G Ambegaonkar was the fifth governor of the Reserve Bank of India. One thing unique about him was that he had the third shortest tenure (45 days) as RBI governor after B.N. Adarkar (42 days) and Amitav Ghosh (20 days). Also there is a record very unique to his name that no other RBI governor India has had till date. What record ?
  • 48. The only Governor to not have his signature on any note.
  • 49. 2. Nick Park (CBE) is an English director, writer and stop-motion artist. He has been nominated for an Academy Award six times and has won the award four times. He UK’s most famous animator and has earned the nickname ‘Walt Disney of UK’. Many parallels have been drawn between him and the Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki. What is his most famous creation?
  • 51. 3.  The marathon at the 1972 Olympics was run around Munich in a specific order. The athletes had to run through specific streets and take particular turns. This course was the result of an ingenious idea by the German Olympic authorities to use a high profile event like the Marathon to market the games.  The course was shaped like Waldi the Daschund – the mascot of the Munich games. It was designed by a famous designer Otl Eicher (who designed the Lufthansa logo as well) and based the color scheme of Waldi to match the color scheme of the Olympic rings. However he specifically omitted two colors in the scheme.  What were the two colors excluded and why ?
  • 52. Red and Black – the Swastika colors
  • 53. 4. The images on the next slide show a statue of a monstrous 50-foot tall dead parrot which was installed in London. This statue was installed to promote the reunion of a very famous group. The dead parrot is a direct reference to a famous creation of the group. Which group am I talking about which performed during July of 2014.
  • 56. 5. On March 13, 1963, Ernesto X was arrested for allegedly stealing $8 from an Arizona bank employee. He was called for interrogation. The questioning escalated to such a degree that, by the time it was done, Ernesto had confessed to the kidnapping and rape of an 18- year-old woman a week earlier. A trial a short time later sent him to prison with a 20-year sentence. He had signed his confession but during the court case his confession was acquitted due to a particular reason. This resulted in a custom which carried his name. What is this custom?
  • 58. 6. In a 2010 episode of the BBC TV series Doctor Who. In “The Eleventh Hour,” the actor Matt Smith debuts as the regenerated Eleventh Doctor, who must prove his credentials to a group of geniuses in order to persuade them to take his advice and save the world. Just as they are about to reject him, the Doctor says: “But before you do, watch this. X. And I mean the real one. Never been seen before.” (X is a sentence) How did he prove his intelligence?
  • 59. He gave them Pierre Fermat’s original proof of the last theorem
  • 60. 7. This image from Futurama is a reference to which film?
  • 61. A Trip to the Moon (Le voyage dans la lune) by George Melies
  • 62. 8. X is a millenarian restorationist Christian denomination with nontrinitarian beliefs distinct from mainstream Christianity. The group emerged from the Bible Student movement, founded in the late 1870s by Charles Taze Russell with the formation of Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society. X are best known for their door-to-door preaching, distributing literature such as The Watchtower and Awake!, and refusing military service and blood transfusions. They do not observe Christmas, Easter, birthdays, or other holidays and customs they consider to have pagan origins incompatible with Christianity. The are mainly involved in evangelism. What group ?
  • 64. 9.  Z is a British/American traditional folk rock duo formed in 1997 consisting of X and Y. Y was a Rainbow fan, and first encountered X to ask him for an autograph in 1989, while she was working for a local New York radio station. The two started living together in 1991, and discovered they both had a passionate interest in Renaissance music.  During the reformed Rainbow's recording of the album Stranger in Us All in 1995, on which Y contributed some of the lyrics and backing harmony vocals, the duo were already gearing up their debut album. Y's personality and singing ability made her the natural choice as front-woman. In 1997 the project started as being a pun of their own names, which would consist of themselves plus session musicians.  Z?
  • 65. Z – Blackmore’s Night.  Ritchie Blackmore  Candice Night
  • 66. 10. Often, teenage couples engage in sexual conduct as part of an intimate relationship. This may start to occur before either participant has reached the age of consent, or after one has but the other has not. In most jurisdictions, the person who has reached the age of consent would be guilty of the statutory rape provision. In some jurisdictions (such as California), if two minors have sex with each other, they are both guilty of engaging in unlawful sex with the other person. An exception to it is a law that states that a person can legally have consensual sex with a minor provided that he or she is not more than a given number of years older, generally four years, but sometimes some other number of year. This exception typically bars charging the young adult with a sex offense, if the young adult did not use force or coercion on the minor and the minor is a teenager. What is the exception called?
  • 68. 11. This an advertisement for Levis. The words used here are taken from a poem of a very famous Author of the 20th century. Which poem or which author ?  Video Removed
  • 69. A Laughing Heart – Charles Bukowski
  • 70. 12.  X who is revered in China for his contributions, was an Indian who died while treating Chinese soldiers during the second China-Japan war in 1942.  It has been a tradition with visiting Chinese leaders to meet the family of X and President Xi Jinping on his last visit to India followed it by meeting the sister of X and recalling “the fine representative who gave his precious life in China”.  The story of his life was the subject of a Hindi film, scripted by Khwaja Ahmad Abbas, and directed by V. Shantaram, who also portrayed X in the film.  Who ? (picture on next slide)
  • 73. 2. MVC Round 2 MVCs Both are finite-inexhaustive Scores on each slide
  • 79. Answer  G I Tags of India.  There are total 206 tags right now.
  • 85. Answer All movies are adapted from Saturday Night Live sketches or characters
  • 87. Literature Music Mythology Mathematics Food Travel Sports Art
  • 90. Just So Stories / Rudyard Kipling Back
  • 91. Music
  • 92.  X tried a number of stage costumes, such as Spider-Man, Zorro, a gorilla, and a parody of Superman, named Super__, before settling on his signature Y look at the suggestion of his sister. To match this image the press and public were told that X was born in 1959, not 1955. The original uniform was created by his sister Margaret. "I don't like to play above or below people's heads. Basically, I just like to get up in front of a crowd and rip it up.“  This look of his was well received by everyone and he and his band went on to become one of the greatest bands ever.  X and Y?
  • 93. Angus Young, School Boy (AC/DC) Back
  • 95. At Poruvazhy Peruviruthy Malanada Temple in Kerala's Kollam district, X is worshipped as the main deity. It is the only temple in South India where X is considered a God. In the Kumaon region of Uttranchal, several beautifully carved temples are dedicated to X and he is worshipped as a minor deity. To us, X is an infamous person. The thought that there might be any temples dedicated to X is baffling. Toddy (an alcoholic beverage extracted from the coconut palm) is the ritual offering in these temples. Who are these temples dedicated to ? Pictures in next slide.
  • 100. The number can be obtained by using the digits of the number itself. A number that is the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits. Also known as Armstrong numbers. Back
  • 101. Food
  • 102.  In 1981, X, a brand of non-shelf-stable _______ was introduced by Golden Valley Foods, with the uncooked product requiring refrigeration before use since the fats used in it would turn rancid if it wasn’t kept chilled.  However, in 1984, Y, Golden Valley introduced a shelf-stable version that could be cooked straight out of the packet, and since this product was a sequel of sorts to X, it was named accordingly. Name Y, fill in the blanks.
  • 104. Travel
  • 105. X meaning ‘mountain or prominence with a broad base which ends in sharp peaks’ in the local language is a 15th- century Inca site located 2,430 metre above sea level. The Incas built the estate around 1450, but abandoned it a century later at the time of the Spanish Conquest. Many theories have been cited for the construction of X. Some of them being that it was the last Incan city, it was for the Virgins of the Sun, it was a royal retreat, it was built to honor a sacred landscape. Identify this place.
  • 107. Sports
  • 109. Players to have played both for AC Milan and Inter Milan. And scored against the other team in the champions league. Back
  • 110. Art
  • 111. The Pietà (image on next slide) is a world-famous work of Renaissance sculpture by Michelangelo, housed in St. Peter's Basilica. This famous work of art depicts the body of Jesus on the lap of his mother Mary after the Crucifixion. Shortly after the installation, Michelangelo was disappointed by something that he overheard from a few visitors. In a fit of pride, Michelangelo did something that makes Pietà a unique work of his. What distinction does the Pietà hold in comparison to all his other works?
  • 113. Answer The Pietà, is his only work of art which carries his signature (on the sash across Mary’s chest). He overheard the visitors attributing the sculpture to someone else. Back
  • 114. 4. Infinite Pounce 2 (Anti)
  • 115. 1. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were investigative journalists for the Washington Post. Both are Pulitzer prize winners. Both have written multiple bestsellers related to American politics. They are said to be the backbone of one of the most famous events of American history. Gene Roberts, the former managing editor of The New York Times, has called the work of Woodward and Bernstein "maybe the single greatest reporting effort of all time.“ What is their primary claim to fame?
  • 116. The Watergate Scandal Bob Woodward Carl Bernstein did much of the original news reporting on the Watergate scandal. These scandals led to numerous government investigations and the eventual resignation of President Richard Nixon.
  • 117. 2. The image here shows a character from a cartoon strip X. Coincidentally, on 12 March 1951, another comic strip named X debuted in the United States (bearing no connection to the UK strip). The two strips should not be confused – as a result of this the US series has been retitled Y, a shorter version of the name X for UK consumption, while the British strip was given a different name for its appearances outside the UK. What is the original name of the comic strip?
  • 119. 3. Ethan Zuckerman is an American media scholar, blogger, and Internet activist. He is the director of the MIT Center for Civic Media. He is considered to be one of the founding fathers of the dot com era. In 1994, he was the first members of the company Tripod.com and as the company tried to create a viable revenue model, Zuckerman came up with a very important way to attract revenue. Recently, he apologized for creating tool which has annoyed internet users ever since. What tool did he create?
  • 121. 4. If compound interest is calculated on a principal amount of $1.00 on a half-yearly basis, the final amount received will be $2.25 at the end of the year. Upon calculating the compound interest even more frequently achieves only one or two more pennies. This led to the question that began to obsess mathematicians: If the compound interest could be calculated not just every hour, not just every second, not just every microsecond, but at every moment, what would be the final sum at the end of the year? This answer to the above question is a very important concept in mathematics. Which one?
  • 122. e, exponential growth The final amount being $2.718281828459045235360287471352662497….
  • 123. 5. These are the names of songs in a album released in 2012. Various artists came together to make this album:  1. “______ and the Need for Free Speech" – Dan Bull 2. “__ Manning" – Johan W Ekman 3. "Where There Are No ______" – Wrightson Tongue 4. "Song for __________" – David Rovics 5. ________ Anthem: We Want the _____" – Isaac Sloan 6. “________ 2011 (____Mix)" – Cuban Boys 7. “_________ Tribute" – Jaffrey Rootzway 8. "The Ballad of ___________" – Joonas Laine 9. "Shout It Out and Be Heard" – Sharon Z. 10. "Rise Above (_____Beetz4_______)" – Loves’ Destiny 11. “_______’s Song" – Erick Nova 12. “__________ Samba" – Sonic Disobedience Who released the album (as in HMV, Tips etc.) or the name of the album or the significance of it.
  • 124. WikiLeaks – Beat the Blockade. 1. "WikiLeaks and the Need for Free Speech" – Dan Bull 2. "B Manning" – Johan W Ekman 3. "Where There Are No Secrets" – Wrightson Tongue 4. "Song for Bradley Manning" – David Rovics 5. "WikiLeaks Anthem: We Want the Truth" – Isaac Sloan 6. "Datacrime 2011 (WikiMix)" – Cuban Boys 7. "WikiLeaks Tribute" – Jaffrey Rootzway 8. "The Ballad of Julian Assange" – Joonas Laine 9. "Shout It Out and Be Heard" – Sharon Z. 10. "Rise Above (WikiBeetz4WikiLeaks)" – Loves’ Destiny 11. "Bradley’s Song" – Erick Nova 12. "WikiLeaks Samba" – Sonic Disobedience
  • 125. 6. Identify the scale from the picture.
  • 126. Beaufort Scale The Beaufort scale is an empirical measure that relates wind speed to observed conditions at sea or on land. Its full name is the Beaufort wind force scale, although it is a measure of wind speed and not of force in the scientific sense.
  • 127. 7.  Raunaq: Conversation of Music and Poetry is a 2014 studio album composed by A. R. Rahman with lyrics penned by X.  The album is described as a conversation of music and poetry that takes one on a journey of varied emotions. Selected tracks of the album depict social scenario of India through X's lyrics. The album was a result of X's anthology of poems to which Rahman added visuals from Raja Ravi Varma's paintings, thus, developing songs and corresponding videos to it.  X?
  • 129. 8.  X also known as The Marylebone mog, lived at Lord's Cricket Ground in London from 1952 to 1964. He is the only in his category to be given an obituary in the standard cricket reference book, Wisden Cricketers' Almanack.  The obituary appeared in the 1965 edition of Wisden. It described him as "a well-known cricket-watcher" who "could often be seen prowling on the field of play"; he "loved publicity" and "frequently appeared on the television".
  • 131. 9. X was an American politician who served as a Republican U.S. Senator from the state of Wisconsin from 1947 until his death in 1957. He was noted for making claims that there were large numbers of Communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers inside the United States federal government and elsewhere. Ultimately, his tactics and inability to substantiate his claims led him to be censured by the United States Senate. The term Y, coined in 1950 in reference to X's practices, was soon applied to similar anti- communist activities. Today the term is used more generally in reference to demagogic, reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, as well as public attacks on the character or patriotism of political opponents. Y is the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence. It also means "the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism.“  Y?
  • 132. Joseph McCarthy / McCarthyism
  • 133. 10. On 10 November 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver, a British industrialist , went on a shooting party in the North Slob, by the River Slaney in County Wexford, Ireland. After missing a shot at a golden plover, he became involved in an argument over which was the fastest game bird in Europe, the golden plover or the red grouse (it is the plover). That evening at Castlebridge House, he realised that it was impossible to confirm in reference books whether or not the golden plover was Europe's fastest game bird. What did this incident give rise to?
  • 134. The Guinness book of World Records Sir Hugh Beaver was the M.D. of Guinness breweries at the time.
  • 135. 11.  A video released by the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) caused a heavy uproar in the month of April last year. Practically, it is deemed impossible for something of this king to happen. The video will be shown.  What is this concept known as ? (Video removed)
  • 137. 12. X is a three-story steel sculpture that has been dubbed "The Bean" by locals, because of its legume-like shape. The sculpture is the first public artwork in the United States by world-renowned artist Anish Kapoor. The privately funded piece cost $23 million, considerably more than the original estimate of $6 million. Composed of 168 stainless steel plates welded together, its highly polished exterior has no visible seams. It is 33 by 66 by 42 feet (10 × 20 × 13 m) and weighs 110 short tons (100 t; 98 long tons).
  • 138. Cloud Gate sculpture in Chicago
  • 139. 5. Long Visual Connect 7 slides – 7 questions. The answers lead to the connect. Finite - non exhaustive.
  • 140. 1. +35/-17 X was an Indian ornithologist and naturalist. Sometimes referred to as the "birdman of India", X was among the first Indians to conduct systematic bird surveys across India and his bird books helped develop ornithology. He became the key figure behind the Bombay Natural History Society after 1947 and used his personal influence to garner government support for the organisation, create the Bharatpur bird sanctuary (Keoladeo National Park) and prevent the destruction of what is now the Silent Valley National Park. He was awarded India's second highest civilian honour, the Padma Vibhushan in 1976. X?
  • 141. 2. +30/-15 X is an Indian director and screenwriter. He formed the Hyderabad Film Society while studying at Osmania University. He directed one of the biggest projects undertaken on Indian television, the 53- episode television serial Bharat Ek Khoj. He entered mainstream Bollywood with his film, Zubeidaa which featured AR Rahman’s music. He also directed the biopic, Bose: The Forgotten Hero. He has National Award for Best Hindi feature film seven times. Identify this director.
  • 142. 3. +25/-12 X was an Indian writer, considered one of the leading figures of Indian literature in English. The setting for most of his stories is a town, first introduced in Swami and Friends. His book The Guide was adapted into the 1965 film starring Dev Anand. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature multiple times, but was never awarded one. ID.
  • 143. 4. +20/-10 X was best known for his trenchant secularism, his humour, and an abiding love of poetry. He served as the editor of several literary and news magazines, as well as two newspapers, through the 1970s and 1980s. He was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1974 for service to his country. In 1984, he returned the award in protest against the siege of the Golden Temple by the Indian Army. In 2007, the Indian government awarded him the Padma Vibhushan. He had worked in Department of Mass Communications of UNESCO at Paris, joined the All India Radio as a journalist, edited Yojana, an Indian government journal; The Illustrated Weekly of India, a newsweekly; and two major Indian newspapers, The National Herald and the Hindustan Times. Who?
  • 144. 5. +15/-7 As an adult he was 6 feet 2 inches (1.88 m) tall, weighed 127 kilograms (280 lb) and had a chest measurement of 53 inches (130 cm). Due to his physique, he was encouraged to take up Pehlwani, an Indian style of wrestling. He was a stunt film actor for many years and played his first lead role in Babubhai Mistry's film King Kong. He became the highest-paid B-grade actors, receiving nearly four lakh rupees per film. He worked as Hindi and Punjabi film producer, director and writer, and he acted on film and television. Who ?
  • 145. 6. +10/-5 X started her career in 1966 as a child actress in the Telugu film Rangula Ratnam, which won the National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Telugu for that year. She has won three Filmfare Awards. She also faced a lot of criticism due to her personal life and linkups with another superstar. One of her best films was recently remade with lukewarm success. Which actress am I talking about?
  • 146. 7. +5/0 X was awarded the Arjuna Award in 1994 for his outstanding sporting achievement, the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award in 1997, India's highest sporting honour, and the Padma Shri and Padma Vibhushan awards in 1999 and 2008, respectively, India's fourth and second highest civilian awards. He was also the first sportsperson and the first person without an aviation background to be awarded the honorary rank of group captain by the Indian Air Force. In 2012, he was named an Honorary Member of the Order of Australia. X?
  • 148. 1. +35/-17 X was an Indian ornithologist and naturalist. Sometimes referred to as the "birdman of India", X was among the first Indians to conduct systematic bird surveys across India and his bird books helped develop ornithology. He became the key figure behind the Bombay Natural History Society after 1947 and used his personal influence to garner government support for the organisation, create the Bharatpur bird sanctuary (Keoladeo National Park) and prevent the destruction of what is now the Silent Valley National Park. He was awarded India's second highest civilian honour, the Padma Vibhushan in 1976. X?
  • 150. 2. +30/-15 X is an Indian director and screenwriter. He formed the Hyderabad Film Society while studying at Osmania University. He directed one of the biggest projects undertaken on Indian television, the 53- episode television serial Bharat Ek Khoj. He entered mainstream Bollywood with his film, Zubeidaa which featured AR Rahman’s music. He also directed the biopic, Bose: The Forgotten Hero. He has National Award for Best Hindi feature film seven times. Identify this director.
  • 152. 3. +25/-12 X was an Indian writer, considered one of the leading figures of Indian literature in English. The setting for most of his stories is a town, first introduced in Swami and Friends. His book The Guide was adapted into the 1965 film starring Dev Anand. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature multiple times, but was never awarded one. ID.
  • 154. 4. +20/-10 X was best known for his trenchant secularism, his humour, and an abiding love of poetry. He served as the editor of several literary and news magazines, as well as two newspapers, through the 1970s and 1980s. He was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1974 for service to his country. In 1984, he returned the award in protest against the siege of the Golden Temple by the Indian Army. In 2007, the Indian government awarded him the Padma Vibhushan. He had worked in Department of Mass Communications of UNESCO at Paris, joined the All India Radio as a journalist, edited Yojana, an Indian government journal; The Illustrated Weekly of India, a newsweekly; and two major Indian newspapers, The National Herald and the Hindustan Times. Who?
  • 156. 5. +15/-7 As an adult he was 6 feet 2 inches (1.88 m) tall, weighed 127 kilograms (280 lb) and had a chest measurement of 53 inches (130 cm). Due to his physique, he was encouraged to take up Pehlwani, an Indian style of wrestling. He was a stunt film actor for many years and played his first lead role in Babubhai Mistry's film King Kong. He became the highest-paid B-grade actors, receiving nearly four lakh rupees per film. He worked as Hindi and Punjabi film producer, director and writer, and he acted on film and television. Who ?
  • 158. 6. +10/-5 X started her career in 1966 as a child actress in the Telugu film Rangula Ratnam, which won the National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Telugu for that year. She has won three Filmfare Awards. She also faced a lot of criticism due to her personal life and linkups with another superstar. One of her best films was recently remade with lukewarm success. Which actress am I talking about?
  • 159. Answer  Rekha (the movie being Khoobsurat)
  • 160. 7. +5/0 X was awarded the Arjuna Award in 1994 for his outstanding sporting achievement, the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award in 1997, India's highest sporting honour, and the Padma Shri and Padma Vibhushan awards in 1999 and 2008, respectively, India's fourth and second highest civilian awards. He was also the first sportsperson and the first person without an aviation background to be awarded the honorary rank of group captain by the Indian Air Force. In 2012, he was named an Honorary Member of the Order of Australia. X?
  • 162. Connect: Members of Rajya Sabha nominated by the President 1. Salim Ali 2. Shyam Benegal 3. R K Narayan 4. Khushwant Singh 5. Dara Singh 6. Rekha 7. Sachin Tendulkar