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• This presentation provides an overview of
what is meant by the term ‘social
determinants of health’; how these
determinants are linked to inequality in health
outcomes between different social groups;
and what potential exists to do something
positive about these inequalities
Health is not just the outcome of genetic or
biological processes but is also
influenced by the social and economic
conditions in which we live. These
influences have become known as the
‘social determinants of health’.
Inequalities in social conditions give rise to
unequal and unjust health outcomes for
different social groups
• Social determinants of health These refer to the social, economic, and
political situations that affect the health of individuals, communities,
and populations.
• Absolute and relative inequalities in health Inequality in health is an
empirical notion and refers to differences in health status between
different groups. It is a multidimensional concept, consisting of
technical and normative judgments in the choice of appropriate
metrics. We have presented absolute and relative inequalities.
• Inequity in health and health care Inequity in health is a normative
concept and refers to those inequalities that are judged to be unjust
or unfair because they result from socially derived processes. Equity in
health care requires active engagement in planning, implementation,
and regulation of health systems to make unbiased and accountable
arrangements that address the needs of all members of society.
• Health system and health-systems performance The health system as
defined by WHO describes “all the activities whose primary purpose is
to promote, restore, or maintain health.
Social Determinants
• The social conditions in which people live
powerfully influence their chances to be healthy.
Indeed factors such as poverty, food insecurity,
social exclusion and discrimination, poor housing,
unhealthy early childhood conditions and low
occupational status are important determinants
of most diseases, deaths and health inequalities
between and within countries’
(WHO 2004)
Social Determinants
• Health is influenced, either positively or negatively, by
a variety of factors. Some of these factors are genetic
or biological and are relatively fixed.
• ‘Social determinants of health’ arise from the social
and economic conditions in which we live and are not
so fixed.
• The kind of housing and environments we live in, the
health or education services we have access to, the
incomes we can generate and the type of work we do,
for instance, can all influence our health, and the
lifestyle decisions we make.
Social Determinants
A range of factors has been identified as of health and
these generally include:
-the wider socioeconomic context; inequality;
poverty; social exclusion; socio-economic position;
income; public policies; health services;
-employment; education; housing; transport; the
built environment; health behaviours or lifestyles;
social and community support networks and stress.
-A life course perspective provides a framework for
understanding how these social determinants of
health shape and influence an individual’s health
from birth to old age.
Social Determinants/Health
1.Social determinants contribute to health inequalities
between social groups. This is because the effects of
social determinants of health are not distributed equally
or fairly across society.
2. Social determinants can influence health both directly
and indirectly. For example educational disadvantage
can limit access to employment, raising the risk of
poverty and its adverse impact on health.
3. Social determinants of health are interconnected e.g
poverty is linked to poor housing, access to health
services or diet, all of which are in turn linked to health.
4. Social determinants operate at different levels
Multiple Causes
A range of factors contribute to health Inequalities:
• Socio-economic or material factors such as
government social spending and the distribution
of income and other resources in society which
influence the social and built environment.
• Psychosocial factors such as stress, isolation,
social relationships and social support.
• Behavioural or lifestyle factors.
Measuring Health Inequalities
• Adequate baseline data is necessary to help us
understand health inequalities more fully and to
help identify appropriate targets and
interventions to reduce them.
1.Information about death, illness, health and
health service use.
2.Information about how these health indicators
are patterned across different demographic or
socio-economic groups and across different
geographical areas
A life course perspective
• A life cycle or life course perspective provides
a useful framework for understanding how
social determinants influence health and the
generation of health inequalities and for
identifying entry points for interventions.
• Briefly a ‘life course’ perspective explores how
different social determinants operate or
accumulate as advantages or disadvantages
over different stages of the lifecycle.
Working for Health Equity
• Health equity is defined as the ‘absence of unfair
and avoidable or remediable differences in
health’ among social groups (Solar and Irwin
• Health equity is therefore about the values of
fairness and justice.
• A focus on health equity means valuing health as
an essential and valuable resource for human
development, helping people reach their
potential and contribute positively to society.
• Health also represents an important public good,
an investment in human, societal and economic
Approaches and Principles
1. Focusing on the most disadvantaged groups: This targets
the worst off or poorest groups and aims to improve their
health through specific measures. This approach can
improve the health of those who are worst off, even if the
health gap between rich and poor is unchanged.
2. Narrowing health gaps :This aims to improve the health of
those who are poorest or most disadvantaged by raising
their health outcomes closer to those who are most
advantaged. This usually involves target setting to reduce
the disparity in health outcomes between the most
advantaged and most disadvantaged groups.
3. Reducing the social gradient :Tackling the social gradient in
health involves reducing differences and equalising health
all along the income ladder
Guiding Principles
Whitehead and Dahlgren (2006) identified ten guiding principles:
1.Health equity policies should strive to level up, not level down.
2. The three main approaches to reducing social inequities in
health are interdependent and should build on one another.
3. Population health policies should have the dual purpose of
promoting health gain in the population as a whole and
reducing health inequities.
4. Actions should be concerned with tackling the social
determinants of health inequalities.
5. Stated policy intentions are not enough: the possibility of
actions doing harm must be monitored and assessed (through
health equity impact assessment
Guiding Principles
6. Appropriate tools are needed to measure the extent of
inequities and the progress towards goals.
7. Concerted efforts must be made to give a voice to the
8. Wherever possible, social inequities in health should be
described and analysed separately for men and women.
9. Differences in health based on socio-economic position
should be linked to ethnicity and geography.
10. Health systems should be built on equity principles –
public health services should be provided according to
need, not ability to pay, they should not be driven by profit,
and should offer the highest standards of care to all.
Key Social Determinants of Health
1. Poverty and Inequality.
2. Social Exclusion and Discrimination.
3. A Life Course Perspective
4. Public Policies and Services
5. The Built Environment
6. Work and Employment
7. Community and Social Participation
8. Health Behaviours
9. Stress
Well established inequalities
• Income
• Poverty
• Education
• Health
1. Poverty and Inequality.
• Both poverty and economic inequality are bad
for health. Poverty is an important risk factor for
illness and premature death. It affects health
directly and indirectly, in many ways, e.g.
financial strain, poor housing, poorer living
environments and poorer diet, and limited
access to employment, other resources, services
and opportunities. Poor health can also cause
Policy issues
Policy issues to consider
• Strategies to reduce poverty and inequality are fundamental to
reducing health inequalities.
• Long-term targets for greater health equity and the reduction of
health inequalities need to become government priorities, and
need to be championed, resourced, reviewed and supported by
medium and shorter term goals, actions.
• Policies and actions to address poverty, social exclusion and health
inequalities need to be mainstreamed into all policy areas.
• Working for health equity requires a joined-up approach across
government departments and cross sectoral partnerships between
and within sectors.
• Health Impact Assessment could usefully inform this process as it
enables policy makers to assess the health implications of a wide
range of public policy decisions.
2. Social Exclusion and Discrimination
Social exclusion is the process by which groups and
Individuals are prevented from participating fully in
society as a result of a range of factors including
poverty, unemployment, caringresponsibilities,
poor education or lack of skills, women, older
people, people with disabilities or homeless people,
for example, may experience social exclusion. Social
exclusion therefore is about more than poverty. It is
about isolation from participation in social life, and
from power and decision-making.
Social exclusion
• Social exclusion is often compounded by
discrimination, which can arise on the basis of
a person’s gender, race or ethnicity, disability,
marital, family or caring status, age, religion or
• Equality legislation has an important role to
play in tackling these forms of discrimination
and promoting greater equality, inclusion, and
• Gender differences in health and mortality are
complex and not yet fully understood.
• The social determinants of health have both
similar and different effects on men and women.
• Women seem to have a biological advantage
over men in terms of life expectancy.
• Men tend to die younger than women, and
research suggests that the work they do and
issues like job security and unemployment often
affect men’s health.
Policy Issues
• Addressing social exclusion, promoting social
inclusion and respecting diversity need to be key
public policy priorities.
• Data collection strategies need to ensure that
adequate information about the social and
spatial patterning of population health is made
routinely available.
• Public service delivery should be equitable,
culturally sensitive and appropriate to diverse
needs and accessible to people with disabilities
and other vulnerable groups and communities.
3. A Life Course Perspective
• The influence of wider social conditions on health
is significant at different points the lifecycle,
particularly when people are most dependent or
vulnerable, e.g. childhood, pregnancy and older
• Recent research shows how accumulated social
disadvantage or advantage over the lifecycle
influences health and well-being, the likelihood
of illness and of premature death.
• These influences occur across the life course,
from ‘womb to tomb’.
4. Public Policies and Services
• Although individuals can make choices in
everyday life that may improve and protect their
health, they are not completely in control of the
social conditions in which they live and work.
• Public policy exerts a powerful influence on these
external conditions, and can play an important
role in supporting individuals by creating
conditions conducive to good health.
• Public policy also has an important role to play in
encouraging other sectors to contribute to
greater health equity.
Health Services
• In the case of both primary care and hospital services,
access based on need rather than on the ability to pay
is important for health equity.
• Comprehensive and equitable primary health care is
vital to supporting healthy lives and to the
identification and care of health problems as they arise
within the community.
• Access to primary health care also has the potential to
reduce the need for more costly acute hospital care in
the longer term.
• When people become ill, access to equitable and
appropriate care and treatment from specialist or
hospital services becomes fundamental
• The foundations for life-long health are set down in
childhood. Childhood poverty casts a long shadow over
the health of an individual.
• Poverty is an underlying determinant of ill health and
education is regarded as a very important route out of
• Research on health inequalities has frequently shown
that those with poorer levels of education experience
poorer health.
• This may well be because level of education is a strong
indicator of a person’s socio-economic status
Policy issues
• More equitable and adequately resourced
public services will contribute to greater
social inclusion and a fairer distribution of
resources and opportunities in society.
• Access to health services should be based
on need rather than on ability to pay.
• The opportunity to live in a healthy
neighbourhood environment and to live
indecent, warm, affordable housing or
accommodation is important for health.
Conceptual framework for
understanding health inequalities
Towards equity in Health
• The heterogeneity in the scale and interplay of
the substantial challenges to health care in the
states and districts needs contextually relevant
• India has made much progress in the past few
years, with several innovative pilot programmes
and initiatives in the public and private sectors,
and the establishment of the National Rural
Health Mission in 2005 being the most
noteworthy government-led initiative.
Some suggestions..
1. Equity metrics, as applied to data for health and
health systems, needs to be integrated into all
health-system policies and implementation
strategies, and at every stage of any reform
2. An equity-focused approach is needed to gather,
use, and apply data for health outcomes and
processes of health care, and during monitoring
and assessment of health-systems performance
3. An intelligence system should be created that
works across the health-system network,
spanning the public and private sectors, and
allopathic and non allopathic medicine
(ayurveda, yoga and naturopathy, unani, siddha,
and homoeopathy), and that is aligned with
international principles and standards for health
4.Although India has good sources of data,
these could be better applied to monitoring
the changing equity gaps and quantifcation of
progress among disadvantaged groups of
5.Furthermore, equity-based targets need to be
fully integrated into the national, state, and
local goals.
6. A concerted effort is needed to improve the
knowledge base of health-systems research and
health-equity research.
7. The decision-making process for the
achievement of health equity needs more
thought and development
8. The challenge of how to prioritize and implement
health policies for the achievement of equity
when resources are scarce requires a deliberative
process—ie, assessment of the implications and
risks of those decisions, with monitoring of how
such decisions will affect health equity
• Epidemiological differences and the emerging
burden of chronic diseases mean that choices
are needed for the allocation of resources
between subpopulations with different
disease patterns.
• Furthermore, with India’s ageing population,
deliberation of intergenerational equity is
needed in the allocation of scarce resources
between different age groups.
• Multilateral organisations, national and local
governments, non-governmental
organisations, private sector, pharmaceutical
industry, civil society, and research and
academic institutions all have responsibilities
and parts to play in ensuring the successful
achievement of equity in health and improved
health governance
• Accountability, transparency, and improved
leadership and partnerships are needed within
the health system, with systematic assessment
and analysis of health-system governance.
• The role of civil society, and the need to engage,
empower, and build capacity within this group to
attain equity in health and improved quality
health care at reasonable costs

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Health inequalities

  • 2. Outline • This presentation provides an overview of what is meant by the term ‘social determinants of health’; how these determinants are linked to inequality in health outcomes between different social groups; and what potential exists to do something positive about these inequalities
  • 3. Health is not just the outcome of genetic or biological processes but is also influenced by the social and economic conditions in which we live. These influences have become known as the ‘social determinants of health’. Inequalities in social conditions give rise to unequal and unjust health outcomes for different social groups
  • 4. KEY DEFINITIONS • Social determinants of health These refer to the social, economic, and political situations that affect the health of individuals, communities, and populations. • Absolute and relative inequalities in health Inequality in health is an empirical notion and refers to differences in health status between different groups. It is a multidimensional concept, consisting of technical and normative judgments in the choice of appropriate metrics. We have presented absolute and relative inequalities. • Inequity in health and health care Inequity in health is a normative concept and refers to those inequalities that are judged to be unjust or unfair because they result from socially derived processes. Equity in health care requires active engagement in planning, implementation, and regulation of health systems to make unbiased and accountable arrangements that address the needs of all members of society. • Health system and health-systems performance The health system as defined by WHO describes “all the activities whose primary purpose is to promote, restore, or maintain health.
  • 5. Social Determinants • The social conditions in which people live powerfully influence their chances to be healthy. Indeed factors such as poverty, food insecurity, social exclusion and discrimination, poor housing, unhealthy early childhood conditions and low occupational status are important determinants of most diseases, deaths and health inequalities between and within countries’ (WHO 2004)
  • 6. Social Determinants • Health is influenced, either positively or negatively, by a variety of factors. Some of these factors are genetic or biological and are relatively fixed. • ‘Social determinants of health’ arise from the social and economic conditions in which we live and are not so fixed. • The kind of housing and environments we live in, the health or education services we have access to, the incomes we can generate and the type of work we do, for instance, can all influence our health, and the lifestyle decisions we make.
  • 7. Social Determinants A range of factors has been identified as of health and these generally include: -the wider socioeconomic context; inequality; poverty; social exclusion; socio-economic position; income; public policies; health services; -employment; education; housing; transport; the built environment; health behaviours or lifestyles; social and community support networks and stress. -A life course perspective provides a framework for understanding how these social determinants of health shape and influence an individual’s health from birth to old age. .
  • 8. Social Determinants/Health 1.Social determinants contribute to health inequalities between social groups. This is because the effects of social determinants of health are not distributed equally or fairly across society. 2. Social determinants can influence health both directly and indirectly. For example educational disadvantage can limit access to employment, raising the risk of poverty and its adverse impact on health. 3. Social determinants of health are interconnected e.g poverty is linked to poor housing, access to health services or diet, all of which are in turn linked to health. 4. Social determinants operate at different levels
  • 9. Multiple Causes A range of factors contribute to health Inequalities: • Socio-economic or material factors such as government social spending and the distribution of income and other resources in society which influence the social and built environment. • Psychosocial factors such as stress, isolation, social relationships and social support. • Behavioural or lifestyle factors.
  • 10. Measuring Health Inequalities • Adequate baseline data is necessary to help us understand health inequalities more fully and to help identify appropriate targets and interventions to reduce them. 1.Information about death, illness, health and health service use. 2.Information about how these health indicators are patterned across different demographic or socio-economic groups and across different geographical areas
  • 11. A life course perspective • A life cycle or life course perspective provides a useful framework for understanding how social determinants influence health and the generation of health inequalities and for identifying entry points for interventions. • Briefly a ‘life course’ perspective explores how different social determinants operate or accumulate as advantages or disadvantages over different stages of the lifecycle.
  • 12. Working for Health Equity • Health equity is defined as the ‘absence of unfair and avoidable or remediable differences in health’ among social groups (Solar and Irwin 2007). • Health equity is therefore about the values of fairness and justice. • A focus on health equity means valuing health as an essential and valuable resource for human development, helping people reach their potential and contribute positively to society. • Health also represents an important public good, an investment in human, societal and economic development.
  • 13. Approaches and Principles 1. Focusing on the most disadvantaged groups: This targets the worst off or poorest groups and aims to improve their health through specific measures. This approach can improve the health of those who are worst off, even if the health gap between rich and poor is unchanged. 2. Narrowing health gaps :This aims to improve the health of those who are poorest or most disadvantaged by raising their health outcomes closer to those who are most advantaged. This usually involves target setting to reduce the disparity in health outcomes between the most advantaged and most disadvantaged groups. 3. Reducing the social gradient :Tackling the social gradient in health involves reducing differences and equalising health all along the income ladder
  • 14. Guiding Principles Whitehead and Dahlgren (2006) identified ten guiding principles: 1.Health equity policies should strive to level up, not level down. 2. The three main approaches to reducing social inequities in health are interdependent and should build on one another. 3. Population health policies should have the dual purpose of promoting health gain in the population as a whole and reducing health inequities. 4. Actions should be concerned with tackling the social determinants of health inequalities. 5. Stated policy intentions are not enough: the possibility of actions doing harm must be monitored and assessed (through health equity impact assessment
  • 15. Guiding Principles 6. Appropriate tools are needed to measure the extent of inequities and the progress towards goals. 7. Concerted efforts must be made to give a voice to the voiceless. 8. Wherever possible, social inequities in health should be described and analysed separately for men and women. 9. Differences in health based on socio-economic position should be linked to ethnicity and geography. 10. Health systems should be built on equity principles – public health services should be provided according to need, not ability to pay, they should not be driven by profit, and should offer the highest standards of care to all.
  • 16. Key Social Determinants of Health 1. Poverty and Inequality. 2. Social Exclusion and Discrimination. 3. A Life Course Perspective 4. Public Policies and Services 5. The Built Environment 6. Work and Employment 7. Community and Social Participation 8. Health Behaviours 9. Stress
  • 17. Well established inequalities • Income • Poverty • Education • Health
  • 18. 1. Poverty and Inequality. • Both poverty and economic inequality are bad for health. Poverty is an important risk factor for illness and premature death. It affects health directly and indirectly, in many ways, e.g. financial strain, poor housing, poorer living environments and poorer diet, and limited access to employment, other resources, services and opportunities. Poor health can also cause poverty.
  • 19. Policy issues Policy issues to consider • Strategies to reduce poverty and inequality are fundamental to reducing health inequalities. • Long-term targets for greater health equity and the reduction of health inequalities need to become government priorities, and need to be championed, resourced, reviewed and supported by medium and shorter term goals, actions. • Policies and actions to address poverty, social exclusion and health inequalities need to be mainstreamed into all policy areas. • Working for health equity requires a joined-up approach across government departments and cross sectoral partnerships between and within sectors. • Health Impact Assessment could usefully inform this process as it enables policy makers to assess the health implications of a wide range of public policy decisions.
  • 20. 2. Social Exclusion and Discrimination Social exclusion is the process by which groups and Individuals are prevented from participating fully in society as a result of a range of factors including poverty, unemployment, caringresponsibilities, poor education or lack of skills, women, older people, people with disabilities or homeless people, for example, may experience social exclusion. Social exclusion therefore is about more than poverty. It is about isolation from participation in social life, and from power and decision-making.
  • 21. Social exclusion • Social exclusion is often compounded by discrimination, which can arise on the basis of a person’s gender, race or ethnicity, disability, marital, family or caring status, age, religion or • Equality legislation has an important role to play in tackling these forms of discrimination and promoting greater equality, inclusion, and diversity.
  • 22. Gender • Gender differences in health and mortality are complex and not yet fully understood. • The social determinants of health have both similar and different effects on men and women. • Women seem to have a biological advantage over men in terms of life expectancy. • Men tend to die younger than women, and research suggests that the work they do and issues like job security and unemployment often affect men’s health.
  • 23. Policy Issues • Addressing social exclusion, promoting social inclusion and respecting diversity need to be key public policy priorities. • Data collection strategies need to ensure that adequate information about the social and spatial patterning of population health is made routinely available. • Public service delivery should be equitable, culturally sensitive and appropriate to diverse needs and accessible to people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups and communities.
  • 24. 3. A Life Course Perspective • The influence of wider social conditions on health is significant at different points the lifecycle, particularly when people are most dependent or vulnerable, e.g. childhood, pregnancy and older age. • Recent research shows how accumulated social disadvantage or advantage over the lifecycle influences health and well-being, the likelihood of illness and of premature death. • These influences occur across the life course, from ‘womb to tomb’.
  • 25. 4. Public Policies and Services • Although individuals can make choices in everyday life that may improve and protect their health, they are not completely in control of the social conditions in which they live and work. • Public policy exerts a powerful influence on these external conditions, and can play an important role in supporting individuals by creating conditions conducive to good health. • Public policy also has an important role to play in encouraging other sectors to contribute to greater health equity.
  • 26. Health Services • In the case of both primary care and hospital services, access based on need rather than on the ability to pay is important for health equity. • Comprehensive and equitable primary health care is vital to supporting healthy lives and to the identification and care of health problems as they arise within the community. • Access to primary health care also has the potential to reduce the need for more costly acute hospital care in the longer term. • When people become ill, access to equitable and appropriate care and treatment from specialist or hospital services becomes fundamental
  • 27. Education • The foundations for life-long health are set down in childhood. Childhood poverty casts a long shadow over the health of an individual. • Poverty is an underlying determinant of ill health and education is regarded as a very important route out of poverty. • Research on health inequalities has frequently shown that those with poorer levels of education experience poorer health. • This may well be because level of education is a strong indicator of a person’s socio-economic status
  • 28. Policy issues • More equitable and adequately resourced public services will contribute to greater social inclusion and a fairer distribution of resources and opportunities in society. • Access to health services should be based on need rather than on ability to pay. • The opportunity to live in a healthy neighbourhood environment and to live indecent, warm, affordable housing or accommodation is important for health.
  • 30. Towards equity in Health • The heterogeneity in the scale and interplay of the substantial challenges to health care in the states and districts needs contextually relevant solutions. • India has made much progress in the past few years, with several innovative pilot programmes and initiatives in the public and private sectors, and the establishment of the National Rural Health Mission in 2005 being the most noteworthy government-led initiative.
  • 31. Some suggestions.. 1. Equity metrics, as applied to data for health and health systems, needs to be integrated into all health-system policies and implementation strategies, and at every stage of any reform process. 2. An equity-focused approach is needed to gather, use, and apply data for health outcomes and processes of health care, and during monitoring and assessment of health-systems performance
  • 32. Some… 3. An intelligence system should be created that works across the health-system network, spanning the public and private sectors, and allopathic and non allopathic medicine (ayurveda, yoga and naturopathy, unani, siddha, and homoeopathy), and that is aligned with international principles and standards for health metrics.
  • 33. Some… 4.Although India has good sources of data, these could be better applied to monitoring the changing equity gaps and quantifcation of progress among disadvantaged groups of people. 5.Furthermore, equity-based targets need to be fully integrated into the national, state, and local goals.
  • 34. Some… 6. A concerted effort is needed to improve the knowledge base of health-systems research and health-equity research. 7. The decision-making process for the achievement of health equity needs more thought and development 8. The challenge of how to prioritize and implement health policies for the achievement of equity when resources are scarce requires a deliberative process—ie, assessment of the implications and risks of those decisions, with monitoring of how such decisions will affect health equity
  • 35. Some… • Epidemiological differences and the emerging burden of chronic diseases mean that choices are needed for the allocation of resources between subpopulations with different disease patterns. • Furthermore, with India’s ageing population, deliberation of intergenerational equity is needed in the allocation of scarce resources between different age groups.
  • 36. Some… • Multilateral organisations, national and local governments, non-governmental organisations, private sector, pharmaceutical industry, civil society, and research and academic institutions all have responsibilities and parts to play in ensuring the successful achievement of equity in health and improved health governance
  • 37. Some… • Accountability, transparency, and improved leadership and partnerships are needed within the health system, with systematic assessment and analysis of health-system governance. • The role of civil society, and the need to engage, empower, and build capacity within this group to attain equity in health and improved quality health care at reasonable costs