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Help Answering Essay QuestionsHelp Answering Essay Questions
After extensive research on the subject of Lutheranism it has been made clear that lutheranism was
a product of Martin Luther, hence the name Lutheranism . There are five major branches of
protestantism, Lutheranism is one of those major branches. 140 Lutheran churches are scattered
among the world, but only 138 of them are loosely connected to the LWF (Lutheran World
Federation). The word Lutheran started popping up about 1519. In the 1600s Lutheranism became
an official religion, and German cities began adopting it.
On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses as a challenge to the practices of the
Roman Catholic Church, wishing to reform the practices he felt were wrong. People who agreed
with Luther became the first Lutherans. ...Lutherans still uphold Luther s theological teachings
such as sola scriptura(scripture as the primary authority for faith and life), justification by the grace
of God ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to Martin Luther God tries and causes troubles to test your morality and loyalty, and
if you go against his word he will forgive you with repentance. They also believe in angels and
the Devil. Sound familiar? Their belief system sounds like a lot of christian denominations, in fact
even the way to get to heaven is the same. Baptism is done to show that they are now pure, again,
the same as baptist and catholics. There are also many scriptures that are tweaked, with names
/places being changed, that are very similar to the bible.
One of Luther s principles was that anything not specified in the bible as forbidden was acceptable.
In many other christian churches and religions they have a radius that covers what is mentioned in
the bible. The Lutherans also didn t allow anything that wasn t mentioned in a scripture, like organs
or hymns. In the church there is a sacrament of communion, a pulpit, and a preacher that delivers a
sermon, much like a baptist church minus the sacrament of
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Ban And Monitoring Of Internet Browsing And Surfing
Assignment on
Ban and monitoring of internet browsing and surfing
By XxX
Ban and monitoring of internet browsing and surfing
There is a continuous monitoring over the Internet in the United States. This is the potential and
propositional controversy over the privacy rights. This law is stated as the invasion of privacy, and
it can be observed that this regulation is placed upon us for the context of limitation and a ban on
certain websites. This is truly an example of a nanny state where one is being observed and is not
free to surf and browse the internet (Broache, 2016). This primarily discusses the benefits of this
law and the constraints and downsides of this law. Thus, this article delimits the potential of control
over the internet for the so called Safe Secure browsing.
The control over the internet has been the long standing ambition of the government, and the public
has always restrained themselves from it. It can be understood that the potential and the positional
benefits of this is limitless. Corporates tend to provide a more customized experience, whereas
Governments wish to stay alerted from the activities that are present, it can be seen that the
potential and the common objective is awareness (Stanley Steinhardt, 2003).
This becomes a nanny state as the government makes amends and tends tries to monitor all the
activities of its citizens. This effects the citizens and the nation in a twofold manner, it effects the
government in a manner
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Jose Saramago Blindness
In Blindness, by JosГ© Saramago, victims of an epidemic of sudden blindness are quarantined
together in an abandoned mental hospital. In this hospital, the blindness reveals the actions that
people take when nobody is watching them because the internees are only aware of their own
actions since they are unable to monitor and judge what others do. Also, as more blind internees
join the hospital, the internees and the hospital become increasingly dirty. The filth of the hospital
along with the poor hygieneof the blind internees suggest the horrifying brutality of mankind.
The horrifying brutality of mankind is the idea that people are not innately good, but rather people
are selfish when nobody is watching. The old man with the eye patch is talking ... Show more
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And what about people, asked the girl with dark glasses, People, too, no one will be there to see
them. Although this quote does not directly reference the revolting conditions of the hospital, this
conversation between the old man with the black eye patch, the doctor, and the girl with the dark
glasses, considers the harsh reality of the future conditions of the hospital. The old man asks the
doctor what kind of hygiene could you hope for in this place, which is a rhetorical question
portrayed by the idea that the old man asks what could you hope for; the old man understands
that he should not have high expectations for their capabilities of keeping the hospital and
themselves clean. The doctor then reinforces the old man s rhetorical question by saying that
perhaps only in a world of the blind will things be what they truly are. The doctor clarifies what
he means by things will be what they truly are when the girl with the dark glasses asks about
people, and the doctor says that people, too, no one will be there to see them. The doctor
acknowledges that people will
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Essay On Garifuna
I. Introduction Despite a recently enacted property law addressing badly needed reforms and a 12
year multi million dollar World Bank land titling project that is in its fifth year, progress in
resolving land disputes in Honduras between the indigenous Garifuna peoples and a variety other
parties remains where it has always been: at a virtual standstill. At the heart of the problem lies a
reluctance of the Garifuna people to understand, accept, and participate in the land dispute
resolution system. This paper examines the reasons why the Garifuna reject the current land dispute
resolution system and provides practical solutions to the land dispute resolution process. These
solutions are designed to incentivize Garifuna participation in the land dispute resolution system
and get the system out of its current ineffectual state of gridlock. This paper begins in Section II by
providing context to the issues in land dispute resolution... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Garifuna originate from the 17th century when, on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent,
runaway and shipwrecked Africans intermixed with the native Arawak Carib population.1 In 1772,
a yearlong war over land erupted between the Garifuna and the British resulting from British
attempts to exile the Garifuna from the island.2 Although fighting ceased when each side agreed
to sign a peace treaty, the uneasy peace ended when the British violated the treaty and renewed the
war with the Garifuna twenty seven years later.3 In 1797, the Garifuna were defeated and exiled
to the Honduran island of Roatan. 4 From there, the Garifuna migrated onto the northern Central
American coast, establishing settlements from as far east as Nicaragua to as far west as Belize.5
The Garifuna are indigenous to Honduras because they arrived before Honduras achieved
independence from Spain in the 1800s.6 From their very beginning, Garifuna have often been on
the losing side of disputes over
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The Ideas Of Kant And Cosmopolitanism
Nationalism is mostly defined as a feeling that people have of being loyal to and proud of their
country often with the belief that it is better and more important than other countries. As the world
politics is marked by nation states since the treaty of Westphalia at 1648, nationalism became a
topic of philosophy of politics and ethics. Many philosophers tried to define and examine national
feeling through the human behavior and moral. Kant was one of them, but he distinguished himself
from others with his beyond time view of the nationalism. He argued that all humans living in the
world formed a multi cultural and cross borderpatriotism and he refused defining nationalities by
national border. In this essay, I will try to explain the ideas of Kant s cosmopolitanismagainst the
Even though cosmopolitanism is an old idea from Ancient Greek times, the idea did not appear
again in the philosophical area until Kant proposed his new nationality idea. Kant wanted to find a
solution to all international conflicts and achieve an international peace. His moral ... Show more
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All these states or entities in the federation should submit to common laws by joining this
federation. Common laws would enable everyone s responsibilities and intentions. Many cultural
differences may exist in this federation, but common law would bring everyone together. So, we
can easily say that, nationality as we know in our society would only become a cultural sub
identity that illustrates someone s cultural background, but it would have no effect on how people
act and interact with each other as the world federation common law would unify everyone s will
and intentions for a world peace. Some argue that this league of states resembles to the United
Nation s moral ethic but it s main difference is that people are not bound by some political rules but
their priory intentions which are legalized with the
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Symbolism In The Tortilla Curtain
In the novel The Tortilla Curtain, T. C. Boyle used different elements much like symbolism and
characterization to display an obscure theme throughout the novel that displayed a hypothetical
wall of one of the characters that was slowly getting torn down as the story progressed. In the
beginning of the novel, we are aware of the actual or real wall that is in progress of being built
around a housing community of Arroyo Blanco Estates. This wall is an example of a boundary to
keep those unwelcome out of the community. We notice at the beginning that Delaney has his own
views and opinions on the issues those within the community has seen. We see how he shows true
feelings in the beginning of caring for those who might be trespassing.... Show more content on
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Beginning with Delaney hitting Candido on page three. Delaney has many emotions go
throughout his mind. As stated on page four, Delaney s first thought was for the car, we notice
that he is very much concerned about his car, but we see his thoughts quickly change to being
concerned for the man he had just hit. Delaney only wants to help him as shown on page seven.
Even with Candido refusing his help, Delaney feels bad and offers him $20. Throughout the
novel, we are able to see other conflicts that begin to allow characters emotions to break down
Delaney s hypothetical wall. During the middle of the novel, we see Jack trying to persuade
Delaney to see how there is no good that comes with immigration. For example on page 104 Jack
and Delaney get into an argumentative debate over their views of immigration. Delaney shows
how he believes immigrants should be given a chance and Jack thinks otherwise. Towards the end
of the argument between Jack and Delaney, we begin to see Delaney s hypothetical wall start to be
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Psychological Disorders Essay
Intelligence, Creativity, Imagination, Play This is the most important part to a child s
development of growing up. They needs to discover creativity within themselves and learn
through play. Children also learn mostly from their parents and caregivers since they are around
them the most. This means parents have to watch what they say and do because children pick up
on it very easily. Psychological Disorders in Children A very important fact I learned was that 5
million children in the USA have a mental illness. Some of these mental illnesses I found are
eating disorders, anxiety, Tourette syndrome, mood problems, ODD and CD. Some children have
a hard time with peers in school while some of these disorders could go unnoticed like how I
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Cheesecake Factory Code Of Conduct
I have selected the code of ethical conduct from one of America s top restaurants and that is the
Cheesecake Factory and I m the lucky CEO of the company. Key areas of the Cheesecake Factory
code of conduct that are of significant importance to the business are... General standards of
conduct, Conflict of interest, Protection of the Company. These conducts I feel are most important
and here s why. General standards of conduct is very important it s like the foundation of the code
of conduct. It helps The Cheesecake Factoryto encourage all employees to have a relationship of
trust with the company; No matter what level the employee is on with the company. It also helps
each induvial to show dignity and respect not only to employees, but to each
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Religion In Elizabeth Gaskell s Mary Barton
Religion plays a huge role throughout Elizabeth Gaskell s Mary Barton. The significance of
religion is experienced in all the characters and its consequence especially on John Barton, after he
murders Harry Carson, is immense and consequential. During the first half of the novel, John
Barton is the noble hero fighting for the working class, despite going through numerous sufferings
throughout his life. However, by the end of the novelhe is no longer a noble hero but rather a
deplorable person that has fallen from grace. This paper will examine the effects of religionin the
downfall of John Barton and visualize the possible outcome if those effects were absent, or at the
very least, minimal. John Barton, the father of Mary Barton, is one of the key characters in the
novel. It is important to note that when Elizabeth Gaskell was writing this novel, she envisioned
him as the main character. In her letter to Mrs. W. R. Greg early in 1849, she wrote, John Barton
was the original title of the book. Round the character of John Barton all the others formed
themselves; he was my hero, the person with whom all my sympathies went . . . (355). It was only
through the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is not to say that he wasn t concerned with the issue from the beginning. Even before his wife s
death, when Esther went missing, John told his good friend Wilson about how the rich had
never done anything for him or his family, he questioned, What good have they ever done me that I
should like them? If I am sick, do they come and nurse me? and pointed out the problems of the
rich and poor, We re their slaves as long as we can work; we pile up their fortunes with the sweat of
our brows; and yet we are to live as separate as if we were in two worlds; ay, as separate as Dives
and Lazarus, with a great gulf betwixt us: but I know who was best off then
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Explain The Importance Of Working Together When Working...
All practitioners and professionals working with children can complete a common assessment at
any time for a child they work with. CAF was introduced to provide practitioners with children
with an assessment tool that any frontline worker such as someone working in education, health,
children s social care and housing can use. The CAF is specific to England but the same
approach of working together is recommended in all the countries of the United Kingdom. The
aim of the CAF is to ensure assessment is timely and holistic and that children with a range of
needs do not have repeat referrals to and assessments by a number of agencies, which could cause
unacceptable delays to the child s chance of receiving services. CAF is normally completed... Show
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Working together in conjunction with other agencies is clearly an important principle of
successful child protection work. Agencies need to share information, work together to protect
children and support families, in order to improve parenting to a safe standard. All practitioners
involved with children have a role. A child s key person could arrange to meet the parents and
the health visitor for example to discuss the extent to which a child is healthy, safe from harm,
learning and developing well, socialising and making positive relationships with others and not
significantly impaired by the effects of poverty. This type of meeting is called Team Around the
Child (TAC). There is a pre assessment checklist for the CAF which early years practitioners can
consult before calling such a meeting. Meetings like this and the process of drawing up a CAF are
voluntary. Early years practitioners should only proceed with the informed consent of parents. By
bringing together information from a health visitor, the early years practitioner and the parent in a
TAC, an assessment of needs can be made in areas such as development of the child, parents and
carers and family
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Ufo Club Research Paper
It s all fun and games until someone gets hurt, or killed. A flight instructor, of all people, and two
students decided it would be a good idea to go on a spree of buzzing cars on the freeway during
the night, while attempting to look like a UFO. Their luck eventually ran out, however, when they
struck power lines stretching across the freeway during a night of UFO mischief.
The UFO club, as they dubbed themselves, was supposed to be doing crosscountry training from
Stillwater Municipal Airport to Tulsa Oklahoma. The flight started normally with the crew opening
a flight plan and flying from Richard Lloyd Jones Jr. Airport to Stillwater Municipal. After landing,
they closed their flight plan and instead of continuing on their cross country,
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The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas Summary
My Review on: The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
The story opens with a description of Setting up a city, followed by narration of real or imaginary
events. This tale won the Hugo Award for Best Story of 1974, which is offered annually for a
science fiction or fantasy story, considered a classic of the science fiction genre. His premise is
based on a moral dilemma, posed by the philosopher William James, who imagined what would be
a hideous happiness if it depended on the suffering of a child, a story that can be interpreted as a
political allegory. There are those who say that the child who lives in misery under the city
represents the inferior or working class, who supports the upper class with poorly paid labor. Thus,
the story can ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The narrator says I think and I think it should exist, instead of telling the reader what it is. Asking
if the reader believes what he says about the festival, The Narrator of The Ones Who Walk Away
from Omelas can not
tell a direct tale. The story about the summer festival is diverted to a brief treatise on happiness,
what happiness really is and how the citizens of Omelas succeeded. The scene is like a joyful
and luxurious fairy tale with a cry of bells and the swallows growing up. Soon after, the narrator
tries to explain the antecedents of such a happy place, although it becomes clear that he or she
does not know all the details about the city. Instead, she invites readers to imagine the details that
correspond to them, insisting that it does not matter, as you like. Then the story returns to a
description of the festival, with all its flowers and pastries and flutes and children with nymphs
competing with the horses. It seems too good to be true, and the narrator asks, Do you believe?
Do you accept the festival, the city, the joy? The narrator repeatedly mentions that he does not
know all the details of Omelas. rules and laws of your society, and imagine that there would be no
cars or helicopters not because you know for sure, but because you do not think cars and helicopters
are consistent with happiness, it also states that the details do not really matter, and use the second
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Essay on Bill Gates Biography
Bill Gates Biography
Bill Gates is not only a genius, but also an innovator in education, technology, and philanthropy. A
prodigy, Bill Gates shares an education fact with Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison,
and even his competitor Steve Jobs: no college degree. Instead, he devoted his time to his passion
for technology, going on to create the most profitable technology company in the world. For much
of the past decade, Gates allocated both his profit and attention to philanthropy. Evidence of his
innovation, industry and curiosity can be seen at an early age.
Gates passion for technology began at the age of 8, when he built his first computer program. This
program allowed the player to compete in a game of tic tac toe ... Show more content on
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By the time Bill Gates dies, he will have given away 90% of his wealth. He created the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife in 1997. So far, he has donated 28 billion dollars to
philanthropic causes that include: better health care, vaccines, school grants, education. To date, the
Foundation saved over one million lives with vaccines and better health care alone! In 2002, Bill
and Melinda were named the most generous philanthropists in the world.
Bill founded several schools based on hands on knowledge and technology. He also has given
many Ted talks on education and constantly strives to make the public school system more
effective and innovative. The Bill and Melinda Foundation has made large strides in education
and offers billions of dollars in grants for schools across the US. In fact, my past school, Da Vinci
Innovation Academy, earned a million dollar grant from this generous foundation to provide one of
the first hybrid homeschool project based learning school. Bill not only helps the students in these
lucky schools, he also supports the teachers through increased awareness about the lack of feedback
and compensation teachers receive. His Ted talks on education inspire others to join in educational
Bill Gates influence is widespread. He has led the technological industry of the 20th century. He
currently holds the sixth position for the most
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How Does Ray Bradbury Dehumanize Technology
In The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury, the main character, Mr. Leonard Mead, takes off one night for
his usual walk through his technologically advanced neighborhood. Bradbury writes with the
wildest of imaginations turning the most common, inanimate objects into characters. One of his
best works in many critics opinions, The Pedestrian illustrates the potential dangers of our
constantly progressing, dehumanizing technology crazed world. Bradbury produces the images of
computer driven police cars, and people obtaining their common knowledge through their television
sets. In The Pedestrian Ray Bradburypredicts the view that as technology continues to progress it
will desensitize humans, and it will not be too long before our lives revolve completely around it....
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One December evening as Leonard Mead strolls down the street, he recollects, In ten years of
walking by night or day, for thousands of miles, he had never met another person walking, not
once in all that time. (Bradbury). By stating that Mead has not seen one single person walking in
ten years confirms that people remain indoors glued, and absorbed by their technology. As Mr.
Mead continues to walk on this chilly December evening, a lone police car stops him. At this
time, 2053 A.D., walking appears to most, if not all highly suspicious and unusual. The lone
police car in a town of three million stops and questions him, and eventually tells him to enter
the vehicle. As Mead approaches the back seat he visualizes, As he passed the front window of
the car he looked in. As he had expected, there was no one in the front seat, no one in the car at
all. (Bradbury). The absence of a human driver in the police car depicts that the police car drives
and speaks robotically , and exemplifies more of the far too evolved
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Essay about My Bedroom
My house is quite large. It has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, two living rooms, a
dining room, a special games room and a big front and back garden. My favourite rooms is my
bedroom. I love it because it is the only room in my house where I can lock myself away from
the rest of the world. After a long day, all i want to do is go up tom my cosy bedroom and either
listen to some mellow music, or lie down, unwind and watch a bit of T.V or maybe even a
relaxing film. My bedroom is a very special and different room. Thriugh the day it s a relaxing
sanctuary but through the night where all my wildest dream and fantasy s can be let loose into the
tender world. Monsters need to be killed and damsels need to be saved. All the... Show more content
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My favourite thing to do in my bedroom is jump on my bed and once when my friends came to
sleep over we had a game to see who could jump and make their head touch the ceiling and
naturally I won but my little sister would burst in without knocking and see what we was doing
and ofcourse the first thing she did was say Im telling mum in her little whining annoying voice
and run down the stair and tell my mum. So it was a long time i had to wait to have another
sleepover. In the corner you can see the fairies and pixies fighting over the pizza i was eating
yesterday which is infact my favourite food. The design of the rooms is very unique like
everything has been put in a place for a reason. The oldest think i can remember here is the sofa
which i bought 2 years ago. I remember when we first bought it, the smile on my face and the
arguing between my dad and brother. Go left, Go left he would yell. Ahh good times. It used to
be clean but the constant food i would eat on it could have changed that. Like most teenagers i
have many posters on my walls mostly of role models that I admire, favourite teams and a few
cute girls here and there. The most visible thing here is probably the red carpet that covers the
bedroom as far as your eyes can see. In the corner of my bedroom is my desk which I normally do
all of my homework and assignments, On top of it sat my computer which is always on. My
previous desk somehow broke and
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The Mistreatment Of Animals In Tolkien s Middle Earth
Just like Yavanna s words of defending nature and punishing wrongs, the Ents are roused by the
mistreatment of the trees and march upon Isengard to take on Saruman. They destroy Saruman
s dam in the River Isen, subsequently putting out his forging fires. I find it imperative to take
note that characters who love and respect trees and nature are on the side of good; those who
cause harm to the trees of Middle Earth are on the side of evil and typically do so for the sake of
industry. Typically peaceful and wise, not very drawn to adventures or wars, if they are roused
they can be terrible and they will fight fearlessly to protect the trees and forests. So it was in the
War of the Ring, where the least expected stroke that fell on Saruman was given by the Ents who
flooded Isengard and revenged their dead kin, trees that Saruman had fallen and thrown into the
fires of Isengard.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They endeavor to nurture nature and focus on sustainability. Beings such as the elves draw out
the beauty in their surroundings and enhance it. There is also a focus on sharing the benefits of
nature among everyone and there is cooperation among them. The same cannot be said of the
evil beings of Middle Earth. For characters such as Saruman, nature is a tool to further his needs;
this is the only value that nature possesses. Feanor and Melkor in their pursuit of the Silmarils
demonstrate a lack of desire to share the treasures of nature. Obviously, Sauron is not one for
collaboration as opposed to the good side which has the Council of Elrond, for
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SCM 303
Exam 3 Outline SCM 303
Chapter 12
Demand Planning: Forecasting and demand management
Demand Planning the combined process of forecasting and managing customer demands to create a
planned pattern of demand that meets the firm s operational and financial goals. Fluctuating
customer demand cause operational inefficiencies, such as: Need for extra capacity resources,
backlog, customer dissatisfaction, system buffering (safety stock, safety lead time, capacity
cushions, etc.)
3 basics tactics to influence demand influence the timing or quantity of demand through pricing
changes or promotions. Managing the timing of order fulfillment. Encourage customers to shift
their orders from one product to another, or from one service ... Show more content on
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Moving average a forecasting model that computes a forecast as the average of demands over a
number of immediate past periods.
Figure 12 1 pg. 344 Know the role that demand planning plays in operations management
Components of demand patterns of demand over time.
Types of forecasting techniques qualitative (judgment based) Quantitative (model Based)
Factors affecting forecast error and accuracy Time horizon, Level of detail product, geography, time.
Exponential smoothing a moving average approach that applies exponentially decreasing weights to
each demand that occurred farther back in time.
Smoothing coefficient a parameter indicating the weight given to the most recent demand.
Regressing analysis a mathematical approach for fitting an equation to a set of data
Mean absolute deviation (MAD) the average size of forecast errors, irrespective of their directions.
Also called mean absolute error. Calculates forecast accuracy
Mean forecast error (MFE) Calculates forecast bias
Postponable product a product designed so that it can be configured to its final form quickly and
inexpensively once actual customer demand is known.
Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and replenishment a method by which supply chain partners
periodically share forecasts, demand plans, and resource plans in order to reduce uncertainty and
risk in meeting customer demand. Involves Market planning
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Spanish Immigration Dbq Essay
The Spanish exploration of America brought many new foods, types of plants, and many forms of
wealth to the European world. However, the wealth that was brought from the Americas came at a
cost. The suffering and enslavement of the Native people and the transportation of Africans to
America to be used as slaves alongside the Natives. Many motivations were used to support this
extraction of wealth and treatment of the Natives and Africans, however two are easily verifiable.
The Spanish colonization from 1492 to 1700 was motivated by religious conversion of all peoples
in America and the desire for wealth and profit that had a significant impact on the lives of Native
Americans and Africans.
First, colonization by the Spanish was motivated ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The reason America was discovered in the first place was because Columbus was looking for a
water route to Asia. Columbus was sailing to avoid the tax and unfriendliness of the Ottoman
empire. When Columbus realized that he was not in Asia and instead was in an whole new world
basically, he sent captured indians back the Pope to show him that the Natives could be used for
labor. After this, many conquistadors flooded to America looking for wealth and profit. Some well
known conquistadors we re Hernan Cortes, who took over the Aztec Empire and all of their wealth
and sent it back to Europe. Francisco Pizarro was an conquistador who dominated the Incas and
sent the gold and silver back to Europe. Many other Spanish people saw the wealth was brought
back and thought they could get in on the loot also. Colonization boomed after wealth came back to
Spain. Another example of why wealth was an motivator for colonization is the population
increase in Europe. Since more people we re being born, landlords we re profiting off lending
land to serfs. With all the money the landlords we re gaining, they wanted to spend that money on
new, luxurious items such as cotton and sugar. Since the demand for these products we re high,
more and more people flooded to America to gain the new exotic items that we re not previously
available. Both religious conversion and desire for wealth had an significant impact on the lives of
Native Americans and
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Cilician Armenia Influence
Cilician Armenian society was full of culture, had a thriving economy, and an established religion.
It had a mixed population, consisting of Armenians, Greeks, Muslims, Jews, and several Europeans.
It had a multi ethnic demographic, with many commercial and political links to Europe, specifically
France. This brought important and new influences to the Armenian culture. The nobles of Cicilian
Armenia embraced many features of Western European life, such as the fashion and the use of
French Christian names. Because of the close relationship with France, the structure of Cicilian
society was similar to Western feudalism instead of the traditional nakharar system of Armenia. For
example, Western titles like baron and constable substituted... Show more content on
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This cultural influence was a two way street. Cilician Armenians impacted the Crusaders returning
to the West, especially with their architectural traditions. Armenian masons taught Europeans the
foundations of church architecture and Armenian castle design. During the Cilician period,
specifically the thirteenth, important models of Armenian art were produced. Cilician Armenia
prospered due to its strategic position on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean. It was located at
the juncture of many different trade routes, which linked the Persian Gulf and Central Asia to the
Mediterranean. This made the kingdom important in spice trade. Other important capitals were
timber, grain, wine, silk, and raisins, which were all exported from the country. During the reign of
King Levon, Cilician Armenia s economy flourished and became strongly cohesive with Western
Europe. King Levon was able to secure agreements with various parts of Italy, such as, Pisa and
Venice, as well as the French and the Catalans, who were located in northern Spain. These areas
granted the Armenians certain privileges, like tax exemptions in return for their business.
Important Europeans merchant communities and colonies came into existence. These places set up
their own churches, courts of law, and trading houses. French became the secondary language for
the Cilician nobles, but the secondary language for Cilician commerce became Italian, because of
the Italian city states involvement in their
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Financial Crisis
1 Introduction
The latest global financial crisis was exploded in 2008. This was the most serious financial crisis
since the economic depression which occurred in 1930s and it severely impacted the global
financial market. Lots of corporations collapsed during the 2008 financial recession which was
caused by breakage of capital chain. Although some companies did not bankrupt during that period,
they also had suffered huge loss.
The 2008 global financial crisis began from America. American financial crisis came from the
prosperity of real estate. Before the 2008 global financial crisis, a large number of financial
derivatives were generated and financial bubble became more and more serious. Finally, American
sub prime crisis occurred ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Nevertheless, Ghoshal disagrees this view and approves of the stewardship theory, because it can
effectively give consideration to the profit of customers, employees, shareholders and their
communities (Davis, Schoorman and Donaldson, 1997, citied in Ghoshal, 2005: 81).
2.3 Background of financial crisis
The 2008 global financial recession has been described a once in a century credit tsunami
(Earle, 2009: 785). This is a disastrous blow to global financial community. Bullard (et al, 2009,
citied in Hu et at, 2012) points out that many economists regarded the global financial crisis as
the most serious global finance disaster since 1930s. Compared with only 11 banks was
bankruptcy during 2003 to 2007, at least 160 American banks went broke in 2008 and 2009 (Fdic,
2011, citied in Hu et al, 2012). From this statistics, it is not difficult to know how strong influence
brought by this financial crisis.
There is a close link between the 2008 global financial crisis and sub prime crisis. Bernake (2007,
citied in Hlenzerjr and Zhao, 2012) asserts that sub prime mortgages are loans made to borrowers
who are perceived to have a high credit risk, often because they lack a strong credit history or have
other characteristics that are associated with high probabilities of default . Furthermore, during
1990 to 2000, because of the IT
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Leadership Consultants Study Report
Leadership Consultants are staff members and recent graduates who travel to our chapters and
work closely with local volunteer advisers and specialists to address the chapter s specific needs.
Leadership Consultants will be on campus during Kappa s Recruitment and Installation of the new
chapter. New chapterscan expect multiple visits from Leadership Consultants during other key times
throughout the academic year, including Recruitmentas well as officer transitions and training.
Chapter Consultants are trained staff members and young alumnae. They oversee all areas of
chapter management and programming and will live on or near campus as they work with the
chapter for the first two years. Typically, they are former Leadership... Show more content on
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Interested women will sign up for Meet Greets informal interviews where they will meet with
Chapter Consultants and Leadership Consultants to learn more about the organization and discuss
the Kappa experience.
The goal for Kappa s recruitment process at Illinois State would be to have about 300 women
participate in the Meet Greets. Once Meet Greets are completed, Kappa will extend bids to a
select number of women. Our goal is to extend bids to at least 145 women or equal to the chapter
total as set by Illinois State s College Panhellenic Council at the beginning of the fall 2018
semester. Our goal is to be at average chapter size within one year of installing the chapter. From the
moment we arrive on campus, we intend to work with the College Panhellenic Council to realize its
goals and positively contribute to the Panhellenic community. Those who accept bids will then go
through Formal Pledging to officially become new members. The Coordinator of Chapter
Development, advisers and area alumna volunteers will further support these efforts.
4.Ongoing support for colony/chapter a.Field staff visits As mentioned in section 3, subsection 3,
Leadership Consultants will be on campus to provide additional support during Kappa s recruitment
process and Installation. Following the establishment of the new chapter, Leadership Consultants
will continue to visit and work with members as additional
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Religious Sensitivities Between Religion And Art Beckons...
Religious Sensitivities
Savannah Lewis
Many artists have broken old traditions by allowing a shroud of their faith and many others have
not needed or intended to do so. The clash between religion and art beckons controversy and the
wrath of family and community. Despite the sensitivities, ideas, or faiths of any given group or
person, religion should not create taboo stipulations on any type of art. [1a] The word taboo On the
one hand it means to us sacred, consecrated: but on the other hand it means, uncanny, dangerous,
forbidden, and unclean. [1b] The question is where is the line drawn that separates what artwork
can and can t be show without upsetting the public?
The taboo restrictions are different from religious or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was a part of the exhibit Beware, Religion! that opened at the Andrei Sakharov Museum in
Moscow. This is one of 4 renderings, two digital prints and 2 acrylic on canvas paintings. This
digital print mixes the modern pop art logo of Coca Cola with an image of Jesus. It is one of the
modern poster children for a stand against consumerism. The controversy jams the gears because of
the fact that it is taboo , meshing a religious icon with a logo that isn t habitually associated with
religion immediately turns into something perceived as disrespectful.
Another example of controversial art is Piss Christ by Andres Serrano. It is a photo of a crucifix
submerged in Serrano s urine. Protesters stated that in this work Serrano had desecrated something
sacred by not showing appropriate respect for Christ. But with so many different religions and
denominations how can one pinpoint what is and what isn t the appropriate respect for Christ?
Further dissection of this piece might lead one to believe it lacked respect for the Christian faith.
A final example of controversial art is Yo Mama s Last Supper by RenГ©e Cox; this 5 (31 x 31 )
panel photo shows Cox nude posed as Jesus, from Leonardo Da Vinci s Last Supper, surrounded
by 12 fully clothed male disciples, all of them Black with the exception of Judas, who was white.
This was obviously very controversial due to the fact that there s
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Hypodermic Needle Theory And Magic Bullet Theory
A model of communication suggesting that an intended message is directly received and wholly
accepted by the receiver.Stressed that mass media has a direct, immediate and powerful effect on its
audience.Message equals to bullet and media equals to gun.
In 1938, millions of people gathered in one place to enjoy what had recently become a great
American hobby: listening to the radio. This night, however, would prove to be unique. Listeners
had get an announcement that Martians had landed in New Jersey and were dangerously attacking
Even though the announcement was part of a radio adaptation of H. G. Wells popular novel War of
the Worlds and although listeners were told that the broadcast was fictional panic erupted within
them. Some people runaway homes and cities, while ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The theory is known by other names as well: Magic Bullet Theory, Transmission Belt Model and
Hypodermic Syringe Model.
Hypodermic Needle Theory was not based on a research.Actually it was founded on the assumption
that humans are controlled by their surrounding nature, will react instinctively to passing stimuli in
similar ways.
The theory suggests that the mass media may influence a very large number of people directly and
uniformly by Injecting them with messages designed to get a desired response.
The media s effects on people s behavior is extremely effective . Adolf Hitler used the media to
spread Nazi propaganda in Germany, creating a unified force bent on conquering Europe.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt s radio speeches,well known as fireside chats, inspired millions
of citizens to support his New Deal policies. To the listeners , people seemed powerless to receive
the messages that came from the media.First time ever, messages were towards the target audience
in mind to achieve specific responses from them.
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Notes Processing Practices And Systems
Table of Contents
1.1Identify, analyse and research text processing practices and systems.1
a) The current process for work allocation1
b) The current quality of output including measures of quality1
c) The current standard of service1
d) The current system problems1
e) Any current production problems1
f) Explain how well Fast Tax Accounting Ltd complies with the following legislation.2
I.Health and Safety in Employment Act 19922
II.Human Rights Act 19932
III.Privacy Act 19932
g) Identify any training objectives that will result from any improved systems you plan to develop.2
1.2 Research alternative text processing practices and systems3
Authoring tools An authoring tool is software package that developers use to create and package
content deliverable to end users.3
Document management systems A document management system(DMS) is a system (based on
computer programs in the case of the management of digital documents) used to track, manage and
store documents.3
Record administration framework is extremely useful for quick track bookkeeping on the grounds
that workers spare report openly organizes. It s simple for access whenever4
Text publishing software 4
Text publishing is the creation of documents using page layout skills on a personal computer.4
1.Comment on usability of this Assignment Part a template4
1.1Identify, analyse and research text processing practices and systems. Analyse the current
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Role of False Confessions
Introduction Would you ever admit to committing a crime that you didn t actually commit? Of
course not, says common sense. Naturally, it is difficult to understand why anyone would confess
to a crime they didn t commit. However, false confessions are one the leading causes of wrongful
convictions.1 As the Supreme Court of Canada noted in R v. Oickle, innocent people are induced to
make false confessions more frequently than those unacquainted with the phenomenon might
expect.2 In North America, we can trace the existence of false confessions back to the Salem Witch
Trials, where a number of women were persecuted for witchcraft on the basis of confessions that
were obtained through torture and threats.3 More recent false confessions have... Show more
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7 Amelia Hritz, Michal Blau amp; Sara Tomezsko, False Confessions online: Cornell University
Law School lt;http://courses2.cit.cornell.edu/sociallaw/student_projects/FalseConfessions.html
gt;. 8 Supra note 2 at 37. 9 Ibid. 10 Richard A. Leo, Wrongly Convicted Perspectives on Failed
Justice: False Confessions, Causes, Consequences, and Solutions by Saundra D. Westervelt
amp; John A. Humphrey (New Jersey, USA: Rutgers University Press, 2005) at 42 44 [Leo,
Wrongly Convicted Perspectives]. 11 Supra note 2 at 38. 12 Ibid at 38. 13 Ibid at 39. 14 Ibid at
40. 15 Leo, Wrongly Convicted Perspectives supra note 10 at 43 44. 16 Ibid. 17 Ibid. Why do
False Confessions lead to Wrongful Convictions? False confessions have undeniably had a
significant impact on wrongful convictions. For example, of the Innocence Project s first 225
exonerations through DNA evidence, 23% of wrongful convictions were based
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Trancendentalism in The Call of the Wild, by Jack London...
This need for transcendentality is real and strong, especially in the two novels The Call of the
Wild, by Jack London and Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. Transcendentalism is the belief that
thought and spiritual experience is more important than everyday experiences and material
belongings. The main character in the call of the wild is buck, a dog forced into trancendality as
he was kidnapped and handed a brutal northern life. The main character in Into the wildis Chris
McCandless, a young man who chooses the call of nature over modern society, also demonstrating
transcendentalism. The protagonists, Chris McCandless and Buck, exhibit their transcendentality
in conflicting yet converging ways including the specific occurrences which... Show more content
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Chris goes to live in alaska in a final attempt to purify his ideological views by indulging in nature
and spurning society. The transformation in Buck caused by his transcendental turn is almost
totally positive. At the beginning of the novel he was soft, pampered, and mentally inactive. The
Big Read, an internet site which provides a wonderful overview of The Call of the Wild, brings to
light, In addition to cunning, patience, and strength, Buck s greatest quality allows him to fight by
both cunning and insight. (Call of the Wild 1). With this newfound ability to fight and evade tough
situations, Buck buys the time to learn the ways of the north completely, eventually surpassing the
dogs around him. The only negative effect this had on Buck was that his moral nature quickly
deteriorated. This was necessary. Without the ability to be transcendental, Buck could not have
survived his new environment.
Chris McCandless s transcendental experience was both positive and negative depending on
which party is being asked. Chris believed that his experience as a whole was unsurpassable to an
extent, that is until he realized his end fate. Chris left society on his own accord, and so he
expectedly was ecstatic to be in the wild. However, the friends, family and acquaintances who had
met Chris try to find reason in this apparently unnecessary death such as this justification from the
novel, Danger has always held
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Bridgestone Conflict
Over the course of an organizations life span, they will face issues with their environments which
can threaten the business unit, damage financial performance or destroy the public s trust in an
organization (Seeger, Sellnow, Ulmer, 1998). These issues or what can be called a crisis, can
occur for many reasons and can be the result of unpredictable events or unforeseeable
consequences. Any organization can be faced with a crisiswhich is considered any substantial
disruption in operations that physically affect an organization, its basic assumptions, or its core
activities (Parnell, 2014). Firms and their leadership must be able to formulate strategies which help
their organization deal with any sudden or negative events which could potentially... Show more
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We have begun to strengthen our internal issues such as quality in order to decrease the affects
it has on our production and can have with our organization s ability to produce product. To limit
the quality damage, we have created technical teams to understand the issues and are working
with our vendors on the raw materials we use in our processes. This has helped us begin to
understand and pin point the break downs in the process. We have also incorporated technology
into the processes so we can gather real time date in order to react to any quality crises which come
up in the future. To minimize the impact of losing employees to the new facility, the organization
has started to pull in team members to understand their concerns. They have also looked into
programs which will strengthen the communication between leadership and employees. Although
we will not be able to stop all employees from jumping ship , we can do a better job at trying to
retain the current workforce by recognizing their
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David Thurman Chapter 1 Analysis
is transformed into positive violence (Thurman, 75). Thurman made me think that the reason why
so many issues that occurred and led to violence is because many people did not have that love
they needed. So many people walk around with so much hatred and the only way they can express
that is through hurting others that is when the term hurt people hurt people become active. The
reason behind that is because when something tragic happens in a person s life they seek revenge
and they rather hurt another person, so they can feel that same pain. Thurman also expresses that
Hatred cannot be defined, but it can only be described (Thurman, 75). In chapter 5, Thurman
discusses love. In many ways he describes how everyone should love everyone equally no matter
what the circumstances shall be. Thurman states everyone shall love their neighbor. No matter the
class, nor race everyone shall be looked at as same. Every man is potentially every other man s
neighbor. A man must love his neighbor directly, clearly, permitting no barriers between (Thurman,
89). Loving God and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This connects with Martin luther king letter of birmingham. Martin wrote the letter for the sake
of injustice. Which now in today s society there is a lot of injustice that is being spread around.
Martin describe how the negroes was treated with disrespect due to all the violence from the
whites. Martin have always wanted blacks to respond in a calm manner instead of fighting with
hatred. You cannot get through the enemy with hatred. We must see the need of having nonviolent
gadflies to create the kind of tension in society that will help men rise (Martin, 266). Martin
agrees with loving our neighbor instead of showing fear and hatred towards them. I have wept
over the church. But be assured that my tears have been tears of love. There can be no deep
disappointment where there is not deep love (Martin,
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Pathos In The Lincoln Mcconaissance
The Lincoln McConaissance A Lincoln sedan cruises through the streets at night, while Matthew
McConaughey monologues about something seemingly deep in nature as the city lights twinkle in
the background behind them. This could easily turn out to be the intro to some True Detective
episode. Instead, it s the beginning of a wildly successful advertisingcampaign. In 2013, Lincoln
Motor Company sold 81,694 vehicles to consumers in the United States (Statista). In 2014,
Matthew McConaughey bloomed as an actor, exploding into one of the biggest stars Hollywood
has to offer. Lincoln tabbed McConaughey to act in commercials for their advertising campaign. In
2016, Lincoln sold 111,724 vehicles, with each year bringing in an average increase in unit... Show
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It can be tricky to use pathos in advertising without exaggerating or using logical fallacies such as
scare tactics or the slippery slope. Examples of this would be showing dying cancer patient
children and then pleading for a donation. Lincoln is much more understated in their usage of
pathos in their ads, which is also an option according to Alfano. Sometimes the pathos appeal is
more subtle, through evoking deep feelings such as patriotism, indignation, even hope or fantasy
(Alfano 54). In the commercial Diner, McConaughey is sitting by the window in a diner drinking
coffee at night, staring into the pouring rain while clearly pondering something. Human beings are
dramatic creatures and like being subject to moody scenes such as this. The integration of pathos
and ethos together in this scene is quite complicated it relies on the audience first already being
familiar with McConaughey and understanding the hidden connections of having a silent
existential crisis, and then being put in a dreary mood by the rain in the commercial. At the end of
the commercial when the rain clears up, McConaughey smiles and gets in his Lincoln and drives
away. After putting the audience in a pensive mood, the pathos appeal is that by driving a Lincoln,
all of McConaughey s problems went
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Ibm and Microsoft Financial Statement Analysis
Financial Statement Analysis
IBM and Microsoft
Bill Jacoby 4/20/2010
Financial Statement analysis for two comparable companies; IBM and Microsoft
ACC 615 Dr. Finn; William Jacoby
Microsoft Corporation is the world s largest software company. Microsofthas five operating
segments; client, server and tools, online business services, Microsoft business division and
entertainment and devices division. They develop personal computing software including the
Windows operating system which runs 90% of all PC s currently in use and the Office application
suite and the XBOX video game system. International Business Machines Corporation was founded
in 1911 and has grown and adopted over nearly a century. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
This seems to me as if it is not so much of a new idea but rather continuing to expand on their
success in the services segment. Third is cloud and nextgeneration data center . The advent of
cloud computing could throttle demand for IBM s high end powerful hardware and software.
Oracle and Sun are attempting to compete with IBM on this new frontier. Naturally the
management discussion in the annual report and financial statements indicates that IBM
believes this will be a great growth area for IBM. However, it is not going to be without
competition but IBM should be one of the beneficiaries if cloud computing grows. The fourth and
final growth opportunity IBM management outlines is called, smarter planet . In this growth
opportunity they describe and map out 300 clients across the globe IBM categorizes in this
smarter planet description. They are things such as; integrated baggage control and check in
system at Amsterdam airport, gas and oil seismic imaging efficiency improvements in Venezuela,
an intelligent medical records system at Guan Dong Hospital in China. Again this does not sound
like a new idea to me but rather a catchy marketing name for increasing and capitalizing on their
success in the services segment. Clearly IBM likes these five to seven year highly profitable
contracts. This is understandable and a good strategy that should be in the sweet spot for IBM.
Turning now to Microsoft I was surprised to learn that total revenue for Microsoft was
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Impact Of Technology On Academic Performance
CHAPTER ONE THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Introduction The classroom setting in the old
times consisted of teachers writing down their lessons on the board while the students copy them in
their notebooks. While this method is still practiced today, most schools now use technology in
learning. New methods of teachings are being introduced and applied in various schools in the
country. One of the improvements is the use of Powerpoint presentations for visual aids instead of
the traditional style of writing on the board or using cartolinas and manila papers. Due to this
change, students have also developed the technique of taking pictures or taking notes with the use
of their gadgets. This study aims to find out whether the application of... Show more content on
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Significance of the Study The study will determine whether the use of technology inside the
classroom should continue on or prevented because of the negative effects it has on the learning
process of the students. The researchers have gathered some beneficiaries of the study such as the:
Students. This study can help them be more self aware on which method of note taking would best
benefit them in their studying rather than what is just more convenient for them. Teachers. They
can consider the findings of this study as a guide on whether to continue allowing their students to
use their gadgets in class for note taking or start encouraging them to go back to writing down notes
with a pen. Parents. They can also be beneficiaries of this study so that they will understand how
allowing their children to use gadgets while learning can affect them (negatively and positively).
School Administration. After considering the results of this study, they would know whether they
should continue to authorize the use of gadgets (laptops, cellphones, etc.) in class or not. Future
Researchers. This study will provide a backbone for them as they do further research regarding the
effects of manual note taking and technology based note taking from a different perspective. Scope
and Delimitation The main focus of this study is to examine and compare the advantages and
disadvantages of traditional note taking and note taking with the use of technology. Due to the
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Essay On Hawaii
Hawaii Aloha, welcome to the paradise to the pacific. All though these volcanic islands mostly
have very green and tropical vegetation. There is a total of eight islands with the island of Hawaii
being the biggest and Oahu island being the main one.
Hawaii was the 50th state and enter the union on August 21, 1959. There so much more stuff that
happened that most people don t know about the islands. Around 1200 Tahitian exploders found
and began settling the area as well. Polynesian settlers to the 10th century. So then the Hawaiian
civilization would be separated from the rest of the world for another 500 years until the arrival of
the British. The americans within the kingdom government rewrote the constitution, severely
curtailing the power of king david Kalakaua and the rights of Native Hawaiians to vote. Queen
Liliuokalani attempted to restore the the old royal powers in 1893 and was overthrown by
business with help from the US military. On the night of February 13th one of the two long boats
were stolen by the Hawaiians. Cook tried to kidnap the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Pele s curse says that any visitor who takes rock or sand away from the Hawaii islands will suffer
bad luck until the native Hawaiian elements are returned. The warning is ubiquitous in Hawaii,
but it is a modern legend and some people attribute it to a disgruntled park ranger who was sick
of people carting off rocks on his watch. Still others think tour guides made up the curse to
discourage tourists from bringing dirt and sand onto the buses. Either way, each year hundreds of
visitors send packages back to Hawaii full of rocks, sand, and other natural materials in an effort to
relieve their consciences and change their luck. Also another one i found was, Don t Take Pork
Across The Pali witch
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Biography of Euripides
Chapter 1: Euripides Biography Part 1: Bob Prescott Euripides lived in a very mysterious time.
We know so little about the era in which he lived because of the loss of many ancient
manuscripts at the burning of the Library of Alexandria. Given this massive loss of knowledge
of the pre modern world, it is hard to cobble together a full biography of Euripides. There is,
however quite a lot of information known about him. This is known due to the fact that Euripides
is a character in some of Aristophanes and the other comic poet s comedies. The largest
comprehensive collection of information on the playwright, however, is from a biography called
The Life of Euripides by Satyrus of Callatis (Lefkowitz 87). The play that we have chosen to...
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Or perhaps, he, like many writers, preferred to write in solitude. Throughout his life, Euripides
married twice and had three sons. His wives were Melito and Choirile and his sons were named
Mnesarchides, Mnesilochus, and Euripides. Two of his sons, Mnesilochus and Euripides,
followed in their father s footsteps and became an actor and producer, respectively (Satyrus
153). Satyrus mentions in his Vita that Euripides first wife was unfaithful, to which Lefkowitz
adds that she slept with their slave, Cephisophon (Lefkowitz 97). Satyrus explains that after
discovering that she had committed adultery, he penned Hippolytus, in which he exposes
women s immorality. (154) After remarrying, Euripides discovered that his second wife was also
unfaithful. This was said to make him even more eager to slander women. (Satyrus 154)
Speculation of how Euripides works were perceived when they were new is a difficult concept.
Given how male dominated society was at the time, a safe assumption is that Hippolytus was
well accepted, as were many of his other works. Medea, as another example, was probably well
accepted by Greeks because of its superficial display of women and foreigners. Today, the play is
known to be an interesting analysis of a complex character oppressed by society, but in ancient
times, it is uncertain whether the theatre patrons would have seen past the surface. At some point in
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Over The Carnage Rose Prophetic A Voice By Walt Whitman
What power dose a particular word or phrase have in a poem? The power a word or phrase has is
very powerful. I will be giving you an example from a poem. The poems name is Over the
carnage rose prophetic a voice written by Walt Whitman. The particular line that I will be using
is If need be, a thousand shall sternly immolate themselves for one. (7, Walt). This phrase is
important to the structure of the poem because the main point of the poem is about how a voice
is speaking over a war zone filled with dead bodies. This connects to where in the line it says
thousand shall sternly immolate themselves. Where this is an important to the poem because
immolate is to sacrifice. Scenes the poem is about the dead on a war zone it s like saying
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The Honest, Non-Bias Analysis
The Honest, Non Biased, Un Opinionated News Today s media coverage does not truly report
accurately on what has happened, but rather focus on their point of views and how they
perceived the events. They mix in their flavor of the news and try to sway in their audience to
switch or reaffirm their point of view. News reporting today has become What I see is what you
should see. New sources today are filled with preconceived opinions relying on the theoretical
what ifs. Some, however, force their point of views on the readers, but there are the ones that
reveal both sides forcing the reader to formulate their own take on President Trump and his claim on
the booming market. The reporting done today usually have inner motives weaved into their stories.
They deliver their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It does not directly attack Trump but provides statistical evidence from the past. It detracts from
the politics and offers both sides on the what ifs . Sommer even includes in his article Based on
the long history of the stock market, it s possible to conclude that Mr. Trump s behavior in
office doesn t matter (Sommer). It does not completely bash on one side either but gives a
theoretical standpoint if it goes in two ways. It forces the reader to question both sides as it
offers both different extremes. It also provides a standpoint even with the crashes, the stock
market has been historically the best since 1926 at keeping the value of money. He does not
provide any evidence on Trump s current agenda or how it will affect it, but instead relies on the
history of the stock market. His focus is stepping back as if Trump was never elected and how
the stock market will react. He s not trying to prove that President Trump is the end all or be all on
the stock market, but gives the reader a different perspective on how history has acted with the stock
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Artist s Statement Of DJ Culture
Artist s Statement The development of DJs has brought an array of entertainment, but also various
issues among DJ culture. In addition, I used various DJ techniques, such as beatmatching, to create
an hour long mix of R B tracks through Audacity. Although most of the songs were from the 90s
and 00s, there are cultural aspects in DJ culture that my mixtape relates to. By the early 1950s, the
creation of Rhythm and Blues first existed as black music for black people. Furthermore, with the
presence of R B, personality DJs began to emerge, such as DJ Jack Gibson and Alan Moondog
Freed. The 1900s was a time in which African Americans were oppressed and were still thought of
as inferior compared to whites. However, it was also during this time... Show more content on
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One technique I used was beatmatching. After importing all the tracks I wanted to use into
Audacity and ordering them in a specific way, I decided which 2 tracks each I would mix.
Therefore, in order to beatmatch, I had to choose which parts of the tracks I wanted to
transition. Also, in order to transition from one track to another, I had to align the specific
basses. In other words, I had to align where the start of the beat in one track occurred to the last
beat of the other track. This is to allow both tracks to have the same beat, therefore beatmatching.
I also used fading in and out effects to smoothly transition. I used this technique for a majority of
the track. Another DJ technique I used was fast cutting. Because some songs had a faster bpm, I
used fast cutting to quickly transition into another track while also keeping the same beat. I
deleted certain parts of the songs to quickly change the song, but in a way so that the beat does
not change. Lastly, I downloaded a hip hop/R B sound effect and repeated it throughout the
mixtape so it wouldn t be as plain. I decided to make a mixtape containing only R B songs because,
in my perspective, it is a type of genre in which anybody can relate to and sing along to as well.
Therefore, just as other DJs have a purpose, my purpose is to allow the audience to sing along to
throwback R B tracks. This is to create
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Example Of Artificial Sweeteners
Final Draft
Sweeteners come in different forms. There are natural sweeteners and artificial sweeteners
Do we understand what we consume?
Is our reliance on sweeteners detrimental to our society?
We created artificial sweeteners to cope with our addiction to sugar. One of the appeals of artificial
sweeteners is that it comes with less calories than sugar and that it does not cause your insulin levels
to spike.
We should cut down our sugar intake in America. We should start small by starting locally in our
communities. Shopping from a farmer s markets
According to heart.org, Sugars in your diet can be naturally occurring or added. Naturally
occurring sugars are found naturally in foods such as fruit (fructose) and milk (lactose). Added
sugars are sugars and syrups put in foods during preparation or processing, or added at the table.
Too much added sugar may cause your liver to reject insulin. Insulin is an important hormone that
helps turn glucose(sugar) in your bloodstream into energy. If your body can t control your blood
sugar levels, it can lead to type 2 diabetes. Although research has overconsumption of sugar is bad
for your health, artificial sweeteners should not be considered as a safer alternative.
Artificial Sweeteners tend to help avoid the problem rather than fix it. Diet sodas are an example
of this. People would drink a Diet Coke or a Coke Zero thinking that it is healthier than a regular
Coke. Diet Coke gives off a connotation that it is better for your body
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Am I Blue Beth Henley Summary
In Beth Henley s Am I Blue it starts out in New Orleans where the character John Polk a
seventeen year old college student getting drunk while waiting on a present his friends got him
for his eighteenth birthday becomes confused about who he truly is until he meets Asbe a
sixteen year old girl who is street smart and likes to steal things like Robin Hood. Asbe helps
John try and find himself through out the play. At the beginning while John is sitting in a bar
sipping on his drink a young girl named Ashbe comes by and sits with John to hide from the
manager from Screw Inn where she had just stolen two ash trays. The two begin to talk and John
doesn t want anything to do with a thief. Asbe becomes defensive and tells John she is not a thief
but more like a Robin Hood making it seem as what she did or does is right. Asbe also realizes
that he had a red card that he put in his pocket which meant he was going to see a prostitute later on
that night. Eventually the waitress Hilda comes and finds they are to young... Show more content on
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She goes to school with some mean girls and tries to practice voodoo on them for how they treat
the other girls at her school. John becomes drunk and laughs at her for being a mean person.
This starts the point to where John finds out what Ashbe really thinks of him and it changes
what he thinks he should with his life. Ashbe calls him a sheep and this makes John mad with
him immediately saying that he is not a sheep and he does what he wants. Ashbe then proceeded
to call him a normal sheep and begins to prove her opinion on him. Ashbe talks about the reasons
he is a sheep because he is in the fraternity and he s going to manage his mind and he only goes
on dates because thats what is expected of him even knowing he has a terrible time on them. Ashbe
shows John that he is merely just playing along with what everyone else wants him to do with his
life and thats why he is unhappy with
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Women Athletes
If a woman is the best in the world, she still isn t a match for a man according to John McEnroe.
Speaking to NPR s Lulu Garcia Navarro Sunday, the retired tennis legend said that Serena
Williams, who is the top ranked female tennis player in the world, is nowhere close the best
overall pro. If she played in the world of men s tennis, she d be ranked 700 in the world, said
McEnroe. He also stated that if he ever had the chance to he could beat Williams in a match,
though he said he doesn t really want to do it. Garcia Navarro became curious: You really think at
60, you could possibly beat Serena Williams?
McEnroe qualified his statement: Maybe I should challenge her now because she s pregnant.
(Recall that Williams won the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
[perfectpullquote align= right cite= link= color= class= size= ] For them to hold off on something
that would affect the entire world really made things worse. [/perfectpullquote]
Fifty years later, in 1973 one of the largest televised matches in history happened. According to
from an article written in 2013, Jesse Greenspan recapped, On September 20th, 1973, Billie Jean
King was known all around the world as ranked no.1 women s tennis player. At 55 years old, a
tennis legend named Bobby Riggs stated he could beat any women player. King was up for the
challenge, and the way Riggs got ready was to make rude and unnecessary comments. Jesse
Greenspan recalled, Riggs made things more interesting by saying rude comments, including that
the best way to handle a woman is to keep her pregnant and barefoot. Before the match took place,
the comment made about how to handle a woman wasn t right. He was saying how women only
should be used to make children and follow their husbands. After the match, however, those things
no longer apply. This match really made women become somewhat recognizable in the sports
industry. For Billie Jean King to stand up to a man that was being arrogant showed she had a lot of
courage, but before the match, those things said we not right. Now, there is a movie being made
about this incident and tells you how the match began. This problem has not stopped yet because
there are several statistics that in
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Pulmonary Embolism Of Lipids
Lipids are a vital component to sustaining human life. While important, an excess or insufficient
amount of lipids can cause detrimental health effects, such as skin problems, heart disease, and
other illnesses. An illness affected by lipids is pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary relates to the
lungs, while embolism is the obstruction of the arteries. Due to excess lipids, it will have a
negative effect on pulmonary embolism. Lipids are a diverse group of molecules that is
hydrophobic, encompassing all fatty acids and their derivatives. They are essential in human life,
functioning as a long term energy source, a heat insulator, and a membrane structure for cells and
organelles. Fatty acids are a component of lipids, with a basic structure of a
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Energy System Advantages And Disadvantages
According to statistics made in recent years, it is found that almost 33% of the world s
populations do not have access to electricity. Most of the non electrified regions are found in
developing countries like ours. These regions can be electrified either by extending the grids of the
existing power systems or by constructing isolated new power systems, which are alternative energy
sources. In general, it is preferred to go for the extension of the existing grids but they are not
always affordable the fact that most of the non electrified regions in developing countries are
located in remote and difficult areas, like hilly regions, forests, deserts and islands or even too far
from the grid location, which demand huge investment for grid extension (leake E. Weldmariam
2010, p.1).
The grid extension costs are primarily distance dependent and thus the investment cost increases
whenever the site, which is to be electrified from the main grid system, is further away. However,
the investment cost of PV Hybrid systems are mainly dependent on the generation capacity of the
source which in turn is related to the demand by the customers. Thus, for a small demand, a small
investment is needed and for a large demand, a larger investment is needed.
Therefore, decentralized and sustainable renewable energy systems have been promoted for
electrification of remote areas where grid extension is not
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Summary Of Intellectual Pinching And Suffering By Annie...
There can be no doubt that Annie Tindley is an outstanding academic, her work concerning the
historiography of the rural areas and populace of Scotland has been celebrated by Scottish history
academics. Her article, Actual pinching and suffering : Estate Responses to Poverty in Sutherland
1845 86 is no exception to this outstanding career. In this piece of academic literature, Dr. Tindley
has written an effective piece that strikes against the academic status quo when viewing the life of
rural Highland Scots in the period between the Highland Famine and the Crofters War. Specifically
the piece analyses the economic and political woes of the Sutherland estate of the remote northwest
of Scotland. She claims that popular thought... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Her primary sources inform us that for many among the lower fringes of society, life was hard
before, during and after the supposed golden age with having to deal with famine, forced removal,
ineffective/hesitant aid forced the crofters and other tenants in the Sutherland estate to relocate for
other means of survival. Although she does not stand alone in the study of the ill treatment of the
highland populace in the 19th century, she is the only one whom wrights and analyses their
treatment during the time between the famine and the Crofter s War (roughly 1856 1882). other
scholars who research a similar subject usually focus on either side of this era, ignoring this time
almost completely. Tildey however analysis this period as the brewing of such malcontent against
the crofter community that would spark such an event as the Crofter s War. In this way, it would
be best to rank this piece of academia as an underground success, not exact ally ground breaking but
providing enough of a unique prospective to merit
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Comparison Of Spider Man And Spider-Man
How does the hero Spider Man becomes Spider Man? According to Joel D. Chaston, an English
professor at Missouri State University, Spider Man is one of the Marvel Comics most popular
superheroes, which is a creation of a writer editor, Stan Lee. The authors of the article, Transmedial
Transduction in the Spider Verse state that The hero had his original story told on number 15 of The
Amazing Fantasy on August 10, 1962 (Munita, AgustГn, Alejandro, Durruty). The character has
gained popularity among American society, and has remained popular to today. The character
Spider Manstarts off with an idea from a writer named Stan Lee, then there is a non heroic version
of the hero, Peter Parker, and lastly, when the character Spider Man turns into the anti hero
character,Venom. First and foremost, the hero Spider Man starts with the creative ideas that Stan
Lee developed in 1962. Chaston asserts that Stan Lee is the best known costumed superheroof the
Marvel Comics universe and the star of several comic books and television series. Lee is a
figurehead for every superhero enthusiast in the world. A true icon whose visionary masterpieces
have developed into true inspirational role models for millions of people in the world. In a
Time.com website, How Spider Man Was Born, the author, Nolan Feeney, states that one day, Lee s
publisher tells him that he must come up with a new superhero idea. That day, Lee goes home and
starts thinking about what a new hero will be
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Essay on Communication Barrier between Science and the...
The world is a large place filled with many diverse cultures. Within these different cultures, unique
languages and ways of healing have risen. Due to overpopulation and the constant need for new
technology, these cultures have come together to create a better way of life. The problem we face
today is not finding the sources of medication, but the communication barrier between science and
the community.
Community Health Worker Programmes During the late Apartheid era in South Africa:
Apartheid was a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race (Oxford
University Press Southern Africa, 2007). During the 19 hundreds, this unethical law was taking
place in South Africa which led to the lack of human rights for people ... Show more content on
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Ginneken et al. (2010:1115) explains that CHWs were located in health clinics full time and were
no longer flexible community based workers. Their responsibility to the community changed for
the worse. Many CHWs started resenting unpaid requests from fellow villagers. The government
now has this huge thing, they ve got this small business programme, the pay roll. And the village
health workers, if the pay doesn t come out, they toy toy , they don t go to work (Ginneken et al.
2010:1115). Introducing this stipend caused CHWs to reject volunteer work.
A CHW Framework has been established by South Africa to guide the development of a national
CHW programme. This Framework has failed to recognize diversity, needs and flexibility, and this
has cause to say the aim is invalid. The current potential professionalisation of CHWs makes the
ideal bridging gap between the community and the health system more distant. Once the diversity,
needs of people, and the flexibility within the CHW programme s are recognised, the gap between
the community and the health system will be inexistent (Ginneken et al. 2010:1116).
Preoperative Education for Lumbar Radiculopathy:
Preoperative education prepares patients for surgery and many spine surgeons believe it is an
important procedure to include. The delivery methods, content of preoperative education, types of
educational aids, and patients all vary. This shows there
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Darden Essay
Darden Restaurants lead the casual dining industry producing $7 billion dollars in revenue each
year. Based on the strategic spectrum of segmentation, Darden restaurants target different
demographics with intent of reaching a wide range of consumers.
How does Darden segment and target the sit down dining market? Use the full spectrum of
segmentation variables in your response.
Home of the casual dining experience, Darden has made up about 39% of all sit down restaurant
meals. Marketing Segmentation is the concept of dividing and subdividing a market along mutual
characteristics. The most common type of segmentation is done by focusing marketing energy on a
specific demographic. Each Darden restaurant caters to a different segment. The different segments
include, Behavioral segmentation, Geographical segmentation, Physical segmentation, and
Psychological segmentation. Psychographic Segmentation is expressed by Olive Garden s plan to
make you feel as if you are actually sitting down as an italian family. Olive Garden s marketing
learned that a primary customers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If Darden wants to keep a very steady growth rate it will have to learn the significance of the
different restaurants and why it s important to keep them separate. Similar menu items in the
wrong atmospheres can cause a decline because no one wants to go out and pay money for
something that is so easy to come by. The reasons for the different structures would be for the
excitement that you get from entering the restaurant. Which is an example of the psychological
segmentation that Darden has become a professional at. The Olive Garden makes you feel like
you re actually in an Italian family with the laid back cozy atmosphere. The Longhorn Steakhouse
makes you feel like you re back country eating steaks, while Red Lobster gives you the nice seafood
that is somewhat upscale, but not too pricey feel. They re all family restaurants but variety does
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Wilfred Owen s Dulce Et Decorum Est
The Horrors of War: An Explication of Wilfred Owen s Dulce et Decorum Est
Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori; it is sweet and honorable to die for one s country. Wilfred
Owen is just one of many to be told this lie. Owen himself had seen the horrors of war during his
time serving in World War I and explains to the readers just how horrid it truly is in his poem
Dulce et Decorum Est. He creates the mental image of the pain and suffering he and so many other
soldiers had to experience on the battlefield. His poem creates the central idea that there is no
sweetness or honor in dying in war.
First of all, the first stanza shows the pain the soldiers endured. Owen says, knock kneed, coughing
like hags, we cursed through sludge (line 2). Owen uses a simile here to show that they were
having violent coughing fits due to the toxic materials. This goes along with what he mentions as
sludge, which is all the vile toxins around them tearing the soldiers lungs apart. In addition, Owen
specifically mentions the haunting flares, showing the emotional toll that war can have (line 3). He
uses personification to give the flares (rockets) the attribute of ... Show more content on
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Owen describes it as a scene of great panic and a rush as everyone struggles to get his or her gas
mask on. He shows in gruesome detail the fate of those not fortunate enough to save themselves,
but someone still was yelling out and stumbling / and flound ring like a man on fire (line 11 12).
His use of a simile is comparing the reaction of the man who was exposed to the gas to that of
one who is on fire. He draws this comparison to show the burning, scarring pain that one has to
endure through the horrors of war. After seeing someone doomed to such a fate, one can not
simply unsee it; it is destined to remain in one s dreams for life. This does not seem like the
glorious death that is promised when dying for one s
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The Strong Themes And Views Of Heavy Metal Music
The strong themes and views in heavy metal music, including but not limited to environmental,
religious and political views have over decades, created a community and culture among
listeners and musicians alike. Because of common ideas among artists, some of which could be
seen as transgressive, all creativity within the culture is respected and praised no matter what
sort of background it has come from. Visual art is a huge part of heavy metal as there are so
many different subgenres of the music that a unique album cover or poster will help listeners
instantly recognize a band or even genre. Three modern heavy metal bands, Gojira, Mastodon
and Baroness will be explored to show how visual artists interpret this type of music in their
practices. Various other bands and subgenres will also be mentioned, describing visual aspects
of certain styles of heavy metal. Heavy metal originated in the early 1970 s, with bands mainly
coming from the UK and USA, who emerged from rock, and rock and roll music from the
previous two decades, but also took influence from various types of blues and psychedelic rock
music. To this day there are still debates on which band was this first ever to be known to play
heavy metal. Fans from the UK will say Black Sabbath were the original heavy metal band,
emerging from the working class of Birmingham, whereas USA fans favour Led Zeppelin coming
from the hippie movement of the 60 s. No matter who came first, heavy
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Dunkin Donuts District Manager Case Study Essay
Dunkin Donuts District Manager Introduction Dunkin Donuts has over six thousand locations in
the United States and serves over three and a half million customers daily. The biggest competitor
for Dunkin Donuts are Peet s Coffee Tea, Starbucks, and McDonalds. In order to maintain market
competitiveness Dunkin Donuts must remain driven towards service excellence. This starts by
hiring staff members that are eager to provide the best customer service with every interaction
they have and be able to produce an excellent product. Dunkin Brand offers a comprehensive
series of award winning training programs for crew members, managers and franchises designed
to foster deep connections to our brands heritage and improve the guest experience and business
results at the restaurant level. (Schmidt,R.A Oldfield, B.M. 1999) Bill Rosenberg the founder of
Dunkin Donuts operates by a simple philosophy but one that is carried through each store. Make
and serve the freshest, most delicious coffee and donuts quickly and courteously in modern well
merchandised stores (Dunkin Donuts, n.d., pp. 1) Being a new district manager tasked with
opening five new locations will help fulfill Rosenberg s vision of providing the best product around
in a courteous environment both for staff and customers. This paper will focus on job design,
organizational design, recruiting and selecting, training personnel and performance appraisal are
key elements in the success of opening five new locations.
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How Did Disney World s Changes Make It More Than Just An...
How Did Disney World s Changes Make it More than Just an Amusement Park? Imagine
watching a colorful firework show in front of Cinderella s Castle or going for a ride on a Magic
Carpet. The magical rides and entertainment are what gives Disney World the nickname, The Most
Magical Place On Earth . On opening day, October 25th, 1971, many people knew there was
something special about Walt DisneyWorld. It took a lot of staff and crew makers to make Disney
as magical as it is today. There were only about twenty four attractions on opening day and now it
has become the tenth best vacationing spot in the world with five different theme parks to make
up Walt Disney World as a whole. The changes in parades, parks and rides have truly made it more
than an amusement park. The history of Disney World, in Orlando, Florida, has been living for
forty six... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Expedition Everest in Animal Kingdom, travels through the Himalayan Mountains on a speeding
train while avoiding the conflict of the mythical Abominable Snowman. There s even an illusion
on the ride that makes you think you re going off of the track, but it s really the train preparing to
go backwards! Expedition Everest hits speeds up to 50 miles per hour! Space Mountain, travels
through the complete dark with drops of twenty six feet and twenty five miles per hour! The
Aerosmith Rockin Rollercoaster, is inspired by the band, Aerosmith. Through the ride, boisterous
Aerosmith music plays while you ride, so it gives the illusion that you re going faster! Magic
Kingdom s Space Mountain is a ride that only the bravest will go on. You blast off on a roaring
rocket ship through the darkest places of outer space on this rollercoaster in the complete dark
with speeds of twenty eight miles per hour! There were hardly any thrill rides on opening day at
the parks and now there are uncountable, unique rides at Walt Disney
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Pathological Gambling
Pathological gambling is depicted by an absence of control of gambling behavior, failed efforts to
leave or cut back, leniency, use of betting to getaway difficulties, and dishonest to family and
friends about gambling comportment (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000a). Difficulty
and pathological gamblinghave also been linked with poorer levels of wellbeing and greater
percentages of disorders throughout populaces (Erickson, Molina, Ladd, Pietrzak, Petry, 2005).
Since the development of permissible gambling, there has been a resultant upsurge in gambling
involvement and gambling glitches (Shaffer Hall, 2001). People with gambling glitches have
considerable liability and jumbled family contacts (Shaw, Forbush, Schlinder, Rosenman, Black,
Older adults may be more susceptible to gambling glitches due to unchanging earnings, monotony,
and declined activity after retirement, and pathological gamblers have greater degrees of
apprehension, despair, and intoxication (Kerber, Black, Buckwalter, 2008). Older adults with
gambling glitches are also susceptible to comorbid physical diseases. Older adult gamblers may
have felt the extra monetary tension that distresses their physical wellbeing (Pietrzak, Molina,
Ladd, Kerins, Petry, 2005).
Pathological gambling is an increasing public health setback that has received bantam consideration
from investigators, the government, or the overall public. With the development of permissible
gambling, the occurrence
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  • 5. Essay On Garifuna I. Introduction Despite a recently enacted property law addressing badly needed reforms and a 12 year multi million dollar World Bank land titling project that is in its fifth year, progress in resolving land disputes in Honduras between the indigenous Garifuna peoples and a variety other parties remains where it has always been: at a virtual standstill. At the heart of the problem lies a reluctance of the Garifuna people to understand, accept, and participate in the land dispute resolution system. This paper examines the reasons why the Garifuna reject the current land dispute resolution system and provides practical solutions to the land dispute resolution process. These solutions are designed to incentivize Garifuna participation in the land dispute resolution system and get the system out of its current ineffectual state of gridlock. This paper begins in Section II by providing context to the issues in land dispute resolution... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Garifuna originate from the 17th century when, on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent, runaway and shipwrecked Africans intermixed with the native Arawak Carib population.1 In 1772, a yearlong war over land erupted between the Garifuna and the British resulting from British attempts to exile the Garifuna from the island.2 Although fighting ceased when each side agreed to sign a peace treaty, the uneasy peace ended when the British violated the treaty and renewed the war with the Garifuna twenty seven years later.3 In 1797, the Garifuna were defeated and exiled to the Honduran island of Roatan. 4 From there, the Garifuna migrated onto the northern Central American coast, establishing settlements from as far east as Nicaragua to as far west as Belize.5 The Garifuna are indigenous to Honduras because they arrived before Honduras achieved independence from Spain in the 1800s.6 From their very beginning, Garifuna have often been on the losing side of disputes over ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Ideas Of Kant And Cosmopolitanism Nationalism is mostly defined as a feeling that people have of being loyal to and proud of their country often with the belief that it is better and more important than other countries. As the world politics is marked by nation states since the treaty of Westphalia at 1648, nationalism became a topic of philosophy of politics and ethics. Many philosophers tried to define and examine national feeling through the human behavior and moral. Kant was one of them, but he distinguished himself from others with his beyond time view of the nationalism. He argued that all humans living in the world formed a multi cultural and cross borderpatriotism and he refused defining nationalities by national border. In this essay, I will try to explain the ideas of Kant s cosmopolitanismagainst the nationalism. Even though cosmopolitanism is an old idea from Ancient Greek times, the idea did not appear again in the philosophical area until Kant proposed his new nationality idea. Kant wanted to find a solution to all international conflicts and achieve an international peace. His moral ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All these states or entities in the federation should submit to common laws by joining this federation. Common laws would enable everyone s responsibilities and intentions. Many cultural differences may exist in this federation, but common law would bring everyone together. So, we can easily say that, nationality as we know in our society would only become a cultural sub identity that illustrates someone s cultural background, but it would have no effect on how people act and interact with each other as the world federation common law would unify everyone s will and intentions for a world peace. Some argue that this league of states resembles to the United Nation s moral ethic but it s main difference is that people are not bound by some political rules but their priory intentions which are legalized with the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Symbolism In The Tortilla Curtain In the novel The Tortilla Curtain, T. C. Boyle used different elements much like symbolism and characterization to display an obscure theme throughout the novel that displayed a hypothetical wall of one of the characters that was slowly getting torn down as the story progressed. In the beginning of the novel, we are aware of the actual or real wall that is in progress of being built around a housing community of Arroyo Blanco Estates. This wall is an example of a boundary to keep those unwelcome out of the community. We notice at the beginning that Delaney has his own views and opinions on the issues those within the community has seen. We see how he shows true feelings in the beginning of caring for those who might be trespassing.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Beginning with Delaney hitting Candido on page three. Delaney has many emotions go throughout his mind. As stated on page four, Delaney s first thought was for the car, we notice that he is very much concerned about his car, but we see his thoughts quickly change to being concerned for the man he had just hit. Delaney only wants to help him as shown on page seven. Even with Candido refusing his help, Delaney feels bad and offers him $20. Throughout the novel, we are able to see other conflicts that begin to allow characters emotions to break down Delaney s hypothetical wall. During the middle of the novel, we see Jack trying to persuade Delaney to see how there is no good that comes with immigration. For example on page 104 Jack and Delaney get into an argumentative debate over their views of immigration. Delaney shows how he believes immigrants should be given a chance and Jack thinks otherwise. Towards the end of the argument between Jack and Delaney, we begin to see Delaney s hypothetical wall start to be torn ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Psychological Disorders Essay Intelligence, Creativity, Imagination, Play This is the most important part to a child s development of growing up. They needs to discover creativity within themselves and learn through play. Children also learn mostly from their parents and caregivers since they are around them the most. This means parents have to watch what they say and do because children pick up on it very easily. Psychological Disorders in Children A very important fact I learned was that 5 million children in the USA have a mental illness. Some of these mental illnesses I found are eating disorders, anxiety, Tourette syndrome, mood problems, ODD and CD. Some children have a hard time with peers in school while some of these disorders could go unnoticed like how I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Cheesecake Factory Code Of Conduct I have selected the code of ethical conduct from one of America s top restaurants and that is the Cheesecake Factory and I m the lucky CEO of the company. Key areas of the Cheesecake Factory code of conduct that are of significant importance to the business are... General standards of conduct, Conflict of interest, Protection of the Company. These conducts I feel are most important and here s why. General standards of conduct is very important it s like the foundation of the code of conduct. It helps The Cheesecake Factoryto encourage all employees to have a relationship of trust with the company; No matter what level the employee is on with the company. It also helps each induvial to show dignity and respect not only to employees, but to each ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Religion In Elizabeth Gaskell s Mary Barton Religion plays a huge role throughout Elizabeth Gaskell s Mary Barton. The significance of religion is experienced in all the characters and its consequence especially on John Barton, after he murders Harry Carson, is immense and consequential. During the first half of the novel, John Barton is the noble hero fighting for the working class, despite going through numerous sufferings throughout his life. However, by the end of the novelhe is no longer a noble hero but rather a deplorable person that has fallen from grace. This paper will examine the effects of religionin the downfall of John Barton and visualize the possible outcome if those effects were absent, or at the very least, minimal. John Barton, the father of Mary Barton, is one of the key characters in the novel. It is important to note that when Elizabeth Gaskell was writing this novel, she envisioned him as the main character. In her letter to Mrs. W. R. Greg early in 1849, she wrote, John Barton was the original title of the book. Round the character of John Barton all the others formed themselves; he was my hero, the person with whom all my sympathies went . . . (355). It was only through the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is not to say that he wasn t concerned with the issue from the beginning. Even before his wife s death, when Esther went missing, John told his good friend Wilson about how the rich had never done anything for him or his family, he questioned, What good have they ever done me that I should like them? If I am sick, do they come and nurse me? and pointed out the problems of the rich and poor, We re their slaves as long as we can work; we pile up their fortunes with the sweat of our brows; and yet we are to live as separate as if we were in two worlds; ay, as separate as Dives and Lazarus, with a great gulf betwixt us: but I know who was best off then ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Explain The Importance Of Working Together When Working... All practitioners and professionals working with children can complete a common assessment at any time for a child they work with. CAF was introduced to provide practitioners with children with an assessment tool that any frontline worker such as someone working in education, health, children s social care and housing can use. The CAF is specific to England but the same approach of working together is recommended in all the countries of the United Kingdom. The aim of the CAF is to ensure assessment is timely and holistic and that children with a range of needs do not have repeat referrals to and assessments by a number of agencies, which could cause unacceptable delays to the child s chance of receiving services. CAF is normally completed... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Working together in conjunction with other agencies is clearly an important principle of successful child protection work. Agencies need to share information, work together to protect children and support families, in order to improve parenting to a safe standard. All practitioners involved with children have a role. A child s key person could arrange to meet the parents and the health visitor for example to discuss the extent to which a child is healthy, safe from harm, learning and developing well, socialising and making positive relationships with others and not significantly impaired by the effects of poverty. This type of meeting is called Team Around the Child (TAC). There is a pre assessment checklist for the CAF which early years practitioners can consult before calling such a meeting. Meetings like this and the process of drawing up a CAF are voluntary. Early years practitioners should only proceed with the informed consent of parents. By bringing together information from a health visitor, the early years practitioner and the parent in a TAC, an assessment of needs can be made in areas such as development of the child, parents and carers and family ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Ufo Club Research Paper It s all fun and games until someone gets hurt, or killed. A flight instructor, of all people, and two students decided it would be a good idea to go on a spree of buzzing cars on the freeway during the night, while attempting to look like a UFO. Their luck eventually ran out, however, when they struck power lines stretching across the freeway during a night of UFO mischief. The UFO club, as they dubbed themselves, was supposed to be doing crosscountry training from Stillwater Municipal Airport to Tulsa Oklahoma. The flight started normally with the crew opening a flight plan and flying from Richard Lloyd Jones Jr. Airport to Stillwater Municipal. After landing, they closed their flight plan and instead of continuing on their cross country, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas Summary My Review on: The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas The story opens with a description of Setting up a city, followed by narration of real or imaginary events. This tale won the Hugo Award for Best Story of 1974, which is offered annually for a science fiction or fantasy story, considered a classic of the science fiction genre. His premise is based on a moral dilemma, posed by the philosopher William James, who imagined what would be a hideous happiness if it depended on the suffering of a child, a story that can be interpreted as a political allegory. There are those who say that the child who lives in misery under the city represents the inferior or working class, who supports the upper class with poorly paid labor. Thus, the story can ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The narrator says I think and I think it should exist, instead of telling the reader what it is. Asking if the reader believes what he says about the festival, The Narrator of The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas can not tell a direct tale. The story about the summer festival is diverted to a brief treatise on happiness, what happiness really is and how the citizens of Omelas succeeded. The scene is like a joyful and luxurious fairy tale with a cry of bells and the swallows growing up. Soon after, the narrator tries to explain the antecedents of such a happy place, although it becomes clear that he or she does not know all the details about the city. Instead, she invites readers to imagine the details that correspond to them, insisting that it does not matter, as you like. Then the story returns to a description of the festival, with all its flowers and pastries and flutes and children with nymphs competing with the horses. It seems too good to be true, and the narrator asks, Do you believe? Do you accept the festival, the city, the joy? The narrator repeatedly mentions that he does not know all the details of Omelas. rules and laws of your society, and imagine that there would be no cars or helicopters not because you know for sure, but because you do not think cars and helicopters are consistent with happiness, it also states that the details do not really matter, and use the second ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Essay on Bill Gates Biography Bill Gates Biography Bill Gates is not only a genius, but also an innovator in education, technology, and philanthropy. A prodigy, Bill Gates shares an education fact with Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and even his competitor Steve Jobs: no college degree. Instead, he devoted his time to his passion for technology, going on to create the most profitable technology company in the world. For much of the past decade, Gates allocated both his profit and attention to philanthropy. Evidence of his innovation, industry and curiosity can be seen at an early age. Gates passion for technology began at the age of 8, when he built his first computer program. This program allowed the player to compete in a game of tic tac toe ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By the time Bill Gates dies, he will have given away 90% of his wealth. He created the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife in 1997. So far, he has donated 28 billion dollars to philanthropic causes that include: better health care, vaccines, school grants, education. To date, the Foundation saved over one million lives with vaccines and better health care alone! In 2002, Bill and Melinda were named the most generous philanthropists in the world. Bill founded several schools based on hands on knowledge and technology. He also has given many Ted talks on education and constantly strives to make the public school system more effective and innovative. The Bill and Melinda Foundation has made large strides in education and offers billions of dollars in grants for schools across the US. In fact, my past school, Da Vinci Innovation Academy, earned a million dollar grant from this generous foundation to provide one of the first hybrid homeschool project based learning school. Bill not only helps the students in these lucky schools, he also supports the teachers through increased awareness about the lack of feedback and compensation teachers receive. His Ted talks on education inspire others to join in educational reform. Bill Gates influence is widespread. He has led the technological industry of the 20th century. He currently holds the sixth position for the most ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. How Does Ray Bradbury Dehumanize Technology In The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury, the main character, Mr. Leonard Mead, takes off one night for his usual walk through his technologically advanced neighborhood. Bradbury writes with the wildest of imaginations turning the most common, inanimate objects into characters. One of his best works in many critics opinions, The Pedestrian illustrates the potential dangers of our constantly progressing, dehumanizing technology crazed world. Bradbury produces the images of computer driven police cars, and people obtaining their common knowledge through their television sets. In The Pedestrian Ray Bradburypredicts the view that as technology continues to progress it will desensitize humans, and it will not be too long before our lives revolve completely around it.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One December evening as Leonard Mead strolls down the street, he recollects, In ten years of walking by night or day, for thousands of miles, he had never met another person walking, not once in all that time. (Bradbury). By stating that Mead has not seen one single person walking in ten years confirms that people remain indoors glued, and absorbed by their technology. As Mr. Mead continues to walk on this chilly December evening, a lone police car stops him. At this time, 2053 A.D., walking appears to most, if not all highly suspicious and unusual. The lone police car in a town of three million stops and questions him, and eventually tells him to enter the vehicle. As Mead approaches the back seat he visualizes, As he passed the front window of the car he looked in. As he had expected, there was no one in the front seat, no one in the car at all. (Bradbury). The absence of a human driver in the police car depicts that the police car drives and speaks robotically , and exemplifies more of the far too evolved ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Essay about My Bedroom My house is quite large. It has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, two living rooms, a dining room, a special games room and a big front and back garden. My favourite rooms is my bedroom. I love it because it is the only room in my house where I can lock myself away from the rest of the world. After a long day, all i want to do is go up tom my cosy bedroom and either listen to some mellow music, or lie down, unwind and watch a bit of T.V or maybe even a relaxing film. My bedroom is a very special and different room. Thriugh the day it s a relaxing sanctuary but through the night where all my wildest dream and fantasy s can be let loose into the tender world. Monsters need to be killed and damsels need to be saved. All the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My favourite thing to do in my bedroom is jump on my bed and once when my friends came to sleep over we had a game to see who could jump and make their head touch the ceiling and naturally I won but my little sister would burst in without knocking and see what we was doing and ofcourse the first thing she did was say Im telling mum in her little whining annoying voice and run down the stair and tell my mum. So it was a long time i had to wait to have another sleepover. In the corner you can see the fairies and pixies fighting over the pizza i was eating yesterday which is infact my favourite food. The design of the rooms is very unique like everything has been put in a place for a reason. The oldest think i can remember here is the sofa which i bought 2 years ago. I remember when we first bought it, the smile on my face and the arguing between my dad and brother. Go left, Go left he would yell. Ahh good times. It used to be clean but the constant food i would eat on it could have changed that. Like most teenagers i have many posters on my walls mostly of role models that I admire, favourite teams and a few cute girls here and there. The most visible thing here is probably the red carpet that covers the bedroom as far as your eyes can see. In the corner of my bedroom is my desk which I normally do all of my homework and assignments, On top of it sat my computer which is always on. My previous desk somehow broke and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Mistreatment Of Animals In Tolkien s Middle Earth Just like Yavanna s words of defending nature and punishing wrongs, the Ents are roused by the mistreatment of the trees and march upon Isengard to take on Saruman. They destroy Saruman s dam in the River Isen, subsequently putting out his forging fires. I find it imperative to take note that characters who love and respect trees and nature are on the side of good; those who cause harm to the trees of Middle Earth are on the side of evil and typically do so for the sake of industry. Typically peaceful and wise, not very drawn to adventures or wars, if they are roused they can be terrible and they will fight fearlessly to protect the trees and forests. So it was in the War of the Ring, where the least expected stroke that fell on Saruman was given by the Ents who flooded Isengard and revenged their dead kin, trees that Saruman had fallen and thrown into the fires of Isengard.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They endeavor to nurture nature and focus on sustainability. Beings such as the elves draw out the beauty in their surroundings and enhance it. There is also a focus on sharing the benefits of nature among everyone and there is cooperation among them. The same cannot be said of the evil beings of Middle Earth. For characters such as Saruman, nature is a tool to further his needs; this is the only value that nature possesses. Feanor and Melkor in their pursuit of the Silmarils demonstrate a lack of desire to share the treasures of nature. Obviously, Sauron is not one for collaboration as opposed to the good side which has the Council of Elrond, for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. SCM 303 Exam 3 Outline SCM 303 Chapter 12 Demand Planning: Forecasting and demand management Demand Planning the combined process of forecasting and managing customer demands to create a planned pattern of demand that meets the firm s operational and financial goals. Fluctuating customer demand cause operational inefficiencies, such as: Need for extra capacity resources, backlog, customer dissatisfaction, system buffering (safety stock, safety lead time, capacity cushions, etc.) 3 basics tactics to influence demand influence the timing or quantity of demand through pricing changes or promotions. Managing the timing of order fulfillment. Encourage customers to shift their orders from one product to another, or from one service ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moving average a forecasting model that computes a forecast as the average of demands over a number of immediate past periods. Figure 12 1 pg. 344 Know the role that demand planning plays in operations management Components of demand patterns of demand over time. Types of forecasting techniques qualitative (judgment based) Quantitative (model Based) Factors affecting forecast error and accuracy Time horizon, Level of detail product, geography, time. Exponential smoothing a moving average approach that applies exponentially decreasing weights to each demand that occurred farther back in time. Smoothing coefficient a parameter indicating the weight given to the most recent demand. Regressing analysis a mathematical approach for fitting an equation to a set of data Mean absolute deviation (MAD) the average size of forecast errors, irrespective of their directions. Also called mean absolute error. Calculates forecast accuracy Mean forecast error (MFE) Calculates forecast bias Postponable product a product designed so that it can be configured to its final form quickly and inexpensively once actual customer demand is known. Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and replenishment a method by which supply chain partners periodically share forecasts, demand plans, and resource plans in order to reduce uncertainty and
  • 19. risk in meeting customer demand. Involves Market planning ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Spanish Immigration Dbq Essay The Spanish exploration of America brought many new foods, types of plants, and many forms of wealth to the European world. However, the wealth that was brought from the Americas came at a cost. The suffering and enslavement of the Native people and the transportation of Africans to America to be used as slaves alongside the Natives. Many motivations were used to support this extraction of wealth and treatment of the Natives and Africans, however two are easily verifiable. The Spanish colonization from 1492 to 1700 was motivated by religious conversion of all peoples in America and the desire for wealth and profit that had a significant impact on the lives of Native Americans and Africans. First, colonization by the Spanish was motivated ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The reason America was discovered in the first place was because Columbus was looking for a water route to Asia. Columbus was sailing to avoid the tax and unfriendliness of the Ottoman empire. When Columbus realized that he was not in Asia and instead was in an whole new world basically, he sent captured indians back the Pope to show him that the Natives could be used for labor. After this, many conquistadors flooded to America looking for wealth and profit. Some well known conquistadors we re Hernan Cortes, who took over the Aztec Empire and all of their wealth and sent it back to Europe. Francisco Pizarro was an conquistador who dominated the Incas and sent the gold and silver back to Europe. Many other Spanish people saw the wealth was brought back and thought they could get in on the loot also. Colonization boomed after wealth came back to Spain. Another example of why wealth was an motivator for colonization is the population increase in Europe. Since more people we re being born, landlords we re profiting off lending land to serfs. With all the money the landlords we re gaining, they wanted to spend that money on new, luxurious items such as cotton and sugar. Since the demand for these products we re high, more and more people flooded to America to gain the new exotic items that we re not previously available. Both religious conversion and desire for wealth had an significant impact on the lives of Native Americans and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Cilician Armenia Influence Cilician Armenian society was full of culture, had a thriving economy, and an established religion. It had a mixed population, consisting of Armenians, Greeks, Muslims, Jews, and several Europeans. It had a multi ethnic demographic, with many commercial and political links to Europe, specifically France. This brought important and new influences to the Armenian culture. The nobles of Cicilian Armenia embraced many features of Western European life, such as the fashion and the use of French Christian names. Because of the close relationship with France, the structure of Cicilian society was similar to Western feudalism instead of the traditional nakharar system of Armenia. For example, Western titles like baron and constable substituted... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This cultural influence was a two way street. Cilician Armenians impacted the Crusaders returning to the West, especially with their architectural traditions. Armenian masons taught Europeans the foundations of church architecture and Armenian castle design. During the Cilician period, specifically the thirteenth, important models of Armenian art were produced. Cilician Armenia prospered due to its strategic position on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean. It was located at the juncture of many different trade routes, which linked the Persian Gulf and Central Asia to the Mediterranean. This made the kingdom important in spice trade. Other important capitals were timber, grain, wine, silk, and raisins, which were all exported from the country. During the reign of King Levon, Cilician Armenia s economy flourished and became strongly cohesive with Western Europe. King Levon was able to secure agreements with various parts of Italy, such as, Pisa and Venice, as well as the French and the Catalans, who were located in northern Spain. These areas granted the Armenians certain privileges, like tax exemptions in return for their business. Important Europeans merchant communities and colonies came into existence. These places set up their own churches, courts of law, and trading houses. French became the secondary language for the Cilician nobles, but the secondary language for Cilician commerce became Italian, because of the Italian city states involvement in their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Financial Crisis 1 Introduction The latest global financial crisis was exploded in 2008. This was the most serious financial crisis since the economic depression which occurred in 1930s and it severely impacted the global financial market. Lots of corporations collapsed during the 2008 financial recession which was caused by breakage of capital chain. Although some companies did not bankrupt during that period, they also had suffered huge loss. The 2008 global financial crisis began from America. American financial crisis came from the prosperity of real estate. Before the 2008 global financial crisis, a large number of financial derivatives were generated and financial bubble became more and more serious. Finally, American sub prime crisis occurred ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nevertheless, Ghoshal disagrees this view and approves of the stewardship theory, because it can effectively give consideration to the profit of customers, employees, shareholders and their communities (Davis, Schoorman and Donaldson, 1997, citied in Ghoshal, 2005: 81). 2.3 Background of financial crisis The 2008 global financial recession has been described a once in a century credit tsunami (Earle, 2009: 785). This is a disastrous blow to global financial community. Bullard (et al, 2009, citied in Hu et at, 2012) points out that many economists regarded the global financial crisis as the most serious global finance disaster since 1930s. Compared with only 11 banks was bankruptcy during 2003 to 2007, at least 160 American banks went broke in 2008 and 2009 (Fdic, 2011, citied in Hu et al, 2012). From this statistics, it is not difficult to know how strong influence brought by this financial crisis. There is a close link between the 2008 global financial crisis and sub prime crisis. Bernake (2007, citied in Hlenzerjr and Zhao, 2012) asserts that sub prime mortgages are loans made to borrowers who are perceived to have a high credit risk, often because they lack a strong credit history or have other characteristics that are associated with high probabilities of default . Furthermore, during 1990 to 2000, because of the IT ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Leadership Consultants Study Report Leadership Consultants are staff members and recent graduates who travel to our chapters and work closely with local volunteer advisers and specialists to address the chapter s specific needs. Leadership Consultants will be on campus during Kappa s Recruitment and Installation of the new chapter. New chapterscan expect multiple visits from Leadership Consultants during other key times throughout the academic year, including Recruitmentas well as officer transitions and training. Chapter Consultants are trained staff members and young alumnae. They oversee all areas of chapter management and programming and will live on or near campus as they work with the chapter for the first two years. Typically, they are former Leadership... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Interested women will sign up for Meet Greets informal interviews where they will meet with Chapter Consultants and Leadership Consultants to learn more about the organization and discuss the Kappa experience. The goal for Kappa s recruitment process at Illinois State would be to have about 300 women participate in the Meet Greets. Once Meet Greets are completed, Kappa will extend bids to a select number of women. Our goal is to extend bids to at least 145 women or equal to the chapter total as set by Illinois State s College Panhellenic Council at the beginning of the fall 2018 semester. Our goal is to be at average chapter size within one year of installing the chapter. From the moment we arrive on campus, we intend to work with the College Panhellenic Council to realize its goals and positively contribute to the Panhellenic community. Those who accept bids will then go through Formal Pledging to officially become new members. The Coordinator of Chapter Development, advisers and area alumna volunteers will further support these efforts. 4.Ongoing support for colony/chapter a.Field staff visits As mentioned in section 3, subsection 3, Leadership Consultants will be on campus to provide additional support during Kappa s recruitment process and Installation. Following the establishment of the new chapter, Leadership Consultants will continue to visit and work with members as additional ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Religious Sensitivities Between Religion And Art Beckons... Religious Sensitivities And Art Savannah Lewis Many artists have broken old traditions by allowing a shroud of their faith and many others have not needed or intended to do so. The clash between religion and art beckons controversy and the wrath of family and community. Despite the sensitivities, ideas, or faiths of any given group or person, religion should not create taboo stipulations on any type of art. [1a] The word taboo On the one hand it means to us sacred, consecrated: but on the other hand it means, uncanny, dangerous, forbidden, and unclean. [1b] The question is where is the line drawn that separates what artwork can and can t be show without upsetting the public? The taboo restrictions are different from religious or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was a part of the exhibit Beware, Religion! that opened at the Andrei Sakharov Museum in Moscow. This is one of 4 renderings, two digital prints and 2 acrylic on canvas paintings. This digital print mixes the modern pop art logo of Coca Cola with an image of Jesus. It is one of the modern poster children for a stand against consumerism. The controversy jams the gears because of the fact that it is taboo , meshing a religious icon with a logo that isn t habitually associated with religion immediately turns into something perceived as disrespectful. Another example of controversial art is Piss Christ by Andres Serrano. It is a photo of a crucifix submerged in Serrano s urine. Protesters stated that in this work Serrano had desecrated something sacred by not showing appropriate respect for Christ. But with so many different religions and denominations how can one pinpoint what is and what isn t the appropriate respect for Christ? Further dissection of this piece might lead one to believe it lacked respect for the Christian faith. A final example of controversial art is Yo Mama s Last Supper by RenГ©e Cox; this 5 (31 x 31 ) panel photo shows Cox nude posed as Jesus, from Leonardo Da Vinci s Last Supper, surrounded by 12 fully clothed male disciples, all of them Black with the exception of Judas, who was white. This was obviously very controversial due to the fact that there s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Hypodermic Needle Theory And Magic Bullet Theory A model of communication suggesting that an intended message is directly received and wholly accepted by the receiver.Stressed that mass media has a direct, immediate and powerful effect on its audience.Message equals to bullet and media equals to gun. In 1938, millions of people gathered in one place to enjoy what had recently become a great American hobby: listening to the radio. This night, however, would prove to be unique. Listeners had get an announcement that Martians had landed in New Jersey and were dangerously attacking humans. Even though the announcement was part of a radio adaptation of H. G. Wells popular novel War of the Worlds and although listeners were told that the broadcast was fictional panic erupted within them. Some people runaway homes and cities, while ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The theory is known by other names as well: Magic Bullet Theory, Transmission Belt Model and Hypodermic Syringe Model. Hypodermic Needle Theory was not based on a research.Actually it was founded on the assumption that humans are controlled by their surrounding nature, will react instinctively to passing stimuli in similar ways. The theory suggests that the mass media may influence a very large number of people directly and uniformly by Injecting them with messages designed to get a desired response. The media s effects on people s behavior is extremely effective . Adolf Hitler used the media to spread Nazi propaganda in Germany, creating a unified force bent on conquering Europe. President Franklin D. Roosevelt s radio speeches,well known as fireside chats, inspired millions of citizens to support his New Deal policies. To the listeners , people seemed powerless to receive the messages that came from the media.First time ever, messages were towards the target audience in mind to achieve specific responses from them. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Notes Processing Practices And Systems Part:1 Table of Contents 1.1Identify, analyse and research text processing practices and systems.1 a) The current process for work allocation1 b) The current quality of output including measures of quality1 c) The current standard of service1 d) The current system problems1 e) Any current production problems1 f) Explain how well Fast Tax Accounting Ltd complies with the following legislation.2 I.Health and Safety in Employment Act 19922 II.Human Rights Act 19932 III.Privacy Act 19932 g) Identify any training objectives that will result from any improved systems you plan to develop.2 1.2 Research alternative text processing practices and systems3 Authoring tools An authoring tool is software package that developers use to create and package content deliverable to end users.3 Document management systems A document management system(DMS) is a system (based on computer programs in the case of the management of digital documents) used to track, manage and store documents.3 Record administration framework is extremely useful for quick track bookkeeping on the grounds that workers spare report openly organizes. It s simple for access whenever4 Text publishing software 4 Text publishing is the creation of documents using page layout skills on a personal computer.4 1.Comment on usability of this Assignment Part a template4 1.1Identify, analyse and research text processing practices and systems. Analyse the current ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Role of False Confessions Introduction Would you ever admit to committing a crime that you didn t actually commit? Of course not, says common sense. Naturally, it is difficult to understand why anyone would confess to a crime they didn t commit. However, false confessions are one the leading causes of wrongful convictions.1 As the Supreme Court of Canada noted in R v. Oickle, innocent people are induced to make false confessions more frequently than those unacquainted with the phenomenon might expect.2 In North America, we can trace the existence of false confessions back to the Salem Witch Trials, where a number of women were persecuted for witchcraft on the basis of confessions that were obtained through torture and threats.3 More recent false confessions have... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 7 Amelia Hritz, Michal Blau amp; Sara Tomezsko, False Confessions online: Cornell University Law School lt;http://courses2.cit.cornell.edu/sociallaw/student_projects/FalseConfessions.html gt;. 8 Supra note 2 at 37. 9 Ibid. 10 Richard A. Leo, Wrongly Convicted Perspectives on Failed Justice: False Confessions, Causes, Consequences, and Solutions by Saundra D. Westervelt amp; John A. Humphrey (New Jersey, USA: Rutgers University Press, 2005) at 42 44 [Leo, Wrongly Convicted Perspectives]. 11 Supra note 2 at 38. 12 Ibid at 38. 13 Ibid at 39. 14 Ibid at 40. 15 Leo, Wrongly Convicted Perspectives supra note 10 at 43 44. 16 Ibid. 17 Ibid. Why do False Confessions lead to Wrongful Convictions? False confessions have undeniably had a significant impact on wrongful convictions. For example, of the Innocence Project s first 225 exonerations through DNA evidence, 23% of wrongful convictions were based ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Trancendentalism in The Call of the Wild, by Jack London... This need for transcendentality is real and strong, especially in the two novels The Call of the Wild, by Jack London and Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. Transcendentalism is the belief that thought and spiritual experience is more important than everyday experiences and material belongings. The main character in the call of the wild is buck, a dog forced into trancendality as he was kidnapped and handed a brutal northern life. The main character in Into the wildis Chris McCandless, a young man who chooses the call of nature over modern society, also demonstrating transcendentalism. The protagonists, Chris McCandless and Buck, exhibit their transcendentality in conflicting yet converging ways including the specific occurrences which... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Chris goes to live in alaska in a final attempt to purify his ideological views by indulging in nature and spurning society. The transformation in Buck caused by his transcendental turn is almost totally positive. At the beginning of the novel he was soft, pampered, and mentally inactive. The Big Read, an internet site which provides a wonderful overview of The Call of the Wild, brings to light, In addition to cunning, patience, and strength, Buck s greatest quality allows him to fight by both cunning and insight. (Call of the Wild 1). With this newfound ability to fight and evade tough situations, Buck buys the time to learn the ways of the north completely, eventually surpassing the dogs around him. The only negative effect this had on Buck was that his moral nature quickly deteriorated. This was necessary. Without the ability to be transcendental, Buck could not have survived his new environment. Chris McCandless s transcendental experience was both positive and negative depending on which party is being asked. Chris believed that his experience as a whole was unsurpassable to an extent, that is until he realized his end fate. Chris left society on his own accord, and so he expectedly was ecstatic to be in the wild. However, the friends, family and acquaintances who had met Chris try to find reason in this apparently unnecessary death such as this justification from the novel, Danger has always held ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Bridgestone Conflict Over the course of an organizations life span, they will face issues with their environments which can threaten the business unit, damage financial performance or destroy the public s trust in an organization (Seeger, Sellnow, Ulmer, 1998). These issues or what can be called a crisis, can occur for many reasons and can be the result of unpredictable events or unforeseeable consequences. Any organization can be faced with a crisiswhich is considered any substantial disruption in operations that physically affect an organization, its basic assumptions, or its core activities (Parnell, 2014). Firms and their leadership must be able to formulate strategies which help their organization deal with any sudden or negative events which could potentially... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We have begun to strengthen our internal issues such as quality in order to decrease the affects it has on our production and can have with our organization s ability to produce product. To limit the quality damage, we have created technical teams to understand the issues and are working with our vendors on the raw materials we use in our processes. This has helped us begin to understand and pin point the break downs in the process. We have also incorporated technology into the processes so we can gather real time date in order to react to any quality crises which come up in the future. To minimize the impact of losing employees to the new facility, the organization has started to pull in team members to understand their concerns. They have also looked into programs which will strengthen the communication between leadership and employees. Although we will not be able to stop all employees from jumping ship , we can do a better job at trying to retain the current workforce by recognizing their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. David Thurman Chapter 1 Analysis is transformed into positive violence (Thurman, 75). Thurman made me think that the reason why so many issues that occurred and led to violence is because many people did not have that love they needed. So many people walk around with so much hatred and the only way they can express that is through hurting others that is when the term hurt people hurt people become active. The reason behind that is because when something tragic happens in a person s life they seek revenge and they rather hurt another person, so they can feel that same pain. Thurman also expresses that Hatred cannot be defined, but it can only be described (Thurman, 75). In chapter 5, Thurman discusses love. In many ways he describes how everyone should love everyone equally no matter what the circumstances shall be. Thurman states everyone shall love their neighbor. No matter the class, nor race everyone shall be looked at as same. Every man is potentially every other man s neighbor. A man must love his neighbor directly, clearly, permitting no barriers between (Thurman, 89). Loving God and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This connects with Martin luther king letter of birmingham. Martin wrote the letter for the sake of injustice. Which now in today s society there is a lot of injustice that is being spread around. Martin describe how the negroes was treated with disrespect due to all the violence from the whites. Martin have always wanted blacks to respond in a calm manner instead of fighting with hatred. You cannot get through the enemy with hatred. We must see the need of having nonviolent gadflies to create the kind of tension in society that will help men rise (Martin, 266). Martin agrees with loving our neighbor instead of showing fear and hatred towards them. I have wept over the church. But be assured that my tears have been tears of love. There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love (Martin, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Pathos In The Lincoln Mcconaissance The Lincoln McConaissance A Lincoln sedan cruises through the streets at night, while Matthew McConaughey monologues about something seemingly deep in nature as the city lights twinkle in the background behind them. This could easily turn out to be the intro to some True Detective episode. Instead, it s the beginning of a wildly successful advertisingcampaign. In 2013, Lincoln Motor Company sold 81,694 vehicles to consumers in the United States (Statista). In 2014, Matthew McConaughey bloomed as an actor, exploding into one of the biggest stars Hollywood has to offer. Lincoln tabbed McConaughey to act in commercials for their advertising campaign. In 2016, Lincoln sold 111,724 vehicles, with each year bringing in an average increase in unit... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It can be tricky to use pathos in advertising without exaggerating or using logical fallacies such as scare tactics or the slippery slope. Examples of this would be showing dying cancer patient children and then pleading for a donation. Lincoln is much more understated in their usage of pathos in their ads, which is also an option according to Alfano. Sometimes the pathos appeal is more subtle, through evoking deep feelings such as patriotism, indignation, even hope or fantasy (Alfano 54). In the commercial Diner, McConaughey is sitting by the window in a diner drinking coffee at night, staring into the pouring rain while clearly pondering something. Human beings are dramatic creatures and like being subject to moody scenes such as this. The integration of pathos and ethos together in this scene is quite complicated it relies on the audience first already being familiar with McConaughey and understanding the hidden connections of having a silent existential crisis, and then being put in a dreary mood by the rain in the commercial. At the end of the commercial when the rain clears up, McConaughey smiles and gets in his Lincoln and drives away. After putting the audience in a pensive mood, the pathos appeal is that by driving a Lincoln, all of McConaughey s problems went ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Ibm and Microsoft Financial Statement Analysis PACE UNIVERSITY ACC 615 DR. FINN Financial Statement Analysis IBM and Microsoft Bill Jacoby 4/20/2010 Financial Statement analysis for two comparable companies; IBM and Microsoft ACC 615 Dr. Finn; William Jacoby Microsoft Corporation is the world s largest software company. Microsofthas five operating segments; client, server and tools, online business services, Microsoft business division and entertainment and devices division. They develop personal computing software including the Windows operating system which runs 90% of all PC s currently in use and the Office application suite and the XBOX video game system. International Business Machines Corporation was founded in 1911 and has grown and adopted over nearly a century. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This seems to me as if it is not so much of a new idea but rather continuing to expand on their success in the services segment. Third is cloud and nextgeneration data center . The advent of cloud computing could throttle demand for IBM s high end powerful hardware and software. Oracle and Sun are attempting to compete with IBM on this new frontier. Naturally the management discussion in the annual report and financial statements indicates that IBM believes this will be a great growth area for IBM. However, it is not going to be without competition but IBM should be one of the beneficiaries if cloud computing grows. The fourth and final growth opportunity IBM management outlines is called, smarter planet . In this growth opportunity they describe and map out 300 clients across the globe IBM categorizes in this smarter planet description. They are things such as; integrated baggage control and check in system at Amsterdam airport, gas and oil seismic imaging efficiency improvements in Venezuela, an intelligent medical records system at Guan Dong Hospital in China. Again this does not sound like a new idea to me but rather a catchy marketing name for increasing and capitalizing on their success in the services segment. Clearly IBM likes these five to seven year highly profitable contracts. This is understandable and a good strategy that should be in the sweet spot for IBM. Turning now to Microsoft I was surprised to learn that total revenue for Microsoft was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Impact Of Technology On Academic Performance CHAPTER ONE THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Introduction The classroom setting in the old times consisted of teachers writing down their lessons on the board while the students copy them in their notebooks. While this method is still practiced today, most schools now use technology in learning. New methods of teachings are being introduced and applied in various schools in the country. One of the improvements is the use of Powerpoint presentations for visual aids instead of the traditional style of writing on the board or using cartolinas and manila papers. Due to this change, students have also developed the technique of taking pictures or taking notes with the use of their gadgets. This study aims to find out whether the application of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Significance of the Study The study will determine whether the use of technology inside the classroom should continue on or prevented because of the negative effects it has on the learning process of the students. The researchers have gathered some beneficiaries of the study such as the: Students. This study can help them be more self aware on which method of note taking would best benefit them in their studying rather than what is just more convenient for them. Teachers. They can consider the findings of this study as a guide on whether to continue allowing their students to use their gadgets in class for note taking or start encouraging them to go back to writing down notes with a pen. Parents. They can also be beneficiaries of this study so that they will understand how allowing their children to use gadgets while learning can affect them (negatively and positively). School Administration. After considering the results of this study, they would know whether they should continue to authorize the use of gadgets (laptops, cellphones, etc.) in class or not. Future Researchers. This study will provide a backbone for them as they do further research regarding the effects of manual note taking and technology based note taking from a different perspective. Scope and Delimitation The main focus of this study is to examine and compare the advantages and disadvantages of traditional note taking and note taking with the use of technology. Due to the massive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Essay On Hawaii Hawaii Aloha, welcome to the paradise to the pacific. All though these volcanic islands mostly have very green and tropical vegetation. There is a total of eight islands with the island of Hawaii being the biggest and Oahu island being the main one. Hawaii was the 50th state and enter the union on August 21, 1959. There so much more stuff that happened that most people don t know about the islands. Around 1200 Tahitian exploders found and began settling the area as well. Polynesian settlers to the 10th century. So then the Hawaiian civilization would be separated from the rest of the world for another 500 years until the arrival of the British. The americans within the kingdom government rewrote the constitution, severely curtailing the power of king david Kalakaua and the rights of Native Hawaiians to vote. Queen Liliuokalani attempted to restore the the old royal powers in 1893 and was overthrown by business with help from the US military. On the night of February 13th one of the two long boats were stolen by the Hawaiians. Cook tried to kidnap the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pele s curse says that any visitor who takes rock or sand away from the Hawaii islands will suffer bad luck until the native Hawaiian elements are returned. The warning is ubiquitous in Hawaii, but it is a modern legend and some people attribute it to a disgruntled park ranger who was sick of people carting off rocks on his watch. Still others think tour guides made up the curse to discourage tourists from bringing dirt and sand onto the buses. Either way, each year hundreds of visitors send packages back to Hawaii full of rocks, sand, and other natural materials in an effort to relieve their consciences and change their luck. Also another one i found was, Don t Take Pork Across The Pali witch ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Biography of Euripides Chapter 1: Euripides Biography Part 1: Bob Prescott Euripides lived in a very mysterious time. We know so little about the era in which he lived because of the loss of many ancient manuscripts at the burning of the Library of Alexandria. Given this massive loss of knowledge of the pre modern world, it is hard to cobble together a full biography of Euripides. There is, however quite a lot of information known about him. This is known due to the fact that Euripides is a character in some of Aristophanes and the other comic poet s comedies. The largest comprehensive collection of information on the playwright, however, is from a biography called The Life of Euripides by Satyrus of Callatis (Lefkowitz 87). The play that we have chosen to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Or perhaps, he, like many writers, preferred to write in solitude. Throughout his life, Euripides married twice and had three sons. His wives were Melito and Choirile and his sons were named Mnesarchides, Mnesilochus, and Euripides. Two of his sons, Mnesilochus and Euripides, followed in their father s footsteps and became an actor and producer, respectively (Satyrus 153). Satyrus mentions in his Vita that Euripides first wife was unfaithful, to which Lefkowitz adds that she slept with their slave, Cephisophon (Lefkowitz 97). Satyrus explains that after discovering that she had committed adultery, he penned Hippolytus, in which he exposes women s immorality. (154) After remarrying, Euripides discovered that his second wife was also unfaithful. This was said to make him even more eager to slander women. (Satyrus 154) Speculation of how Euripides works were perceived when they were new is a difficult concept. Given how male dominated society was at the time, a safe assumption is that Hippolytus was well accepted, as were many of his other works. Medea, as another example, was probably well accepted by Greeks because of its superficial display of women and foreigners. Today, the play is known to be an interesting analysis of a complex character oppressed by society, but in ancient times, it is uncertain whether the theatre patrons would have seen past the surface. At some point in his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Over The Carnage Rose Prophetic A Voice By Walt Whitman What power dose a particular word or phrase have in a poem? The power a word or phrase has is very powerful. I will be giving you an example from a poem. The poems name is Over the carnage rose prophetic a voice written by Walt Whitman. The particular line that I will be using is If need be, a thousand shall sternly immolate themselves for one. (7, Walt). This phrase is important to the structure of the poem because the main point of the poem is about how a voice is speaking over a war zone filled with dead bodies. This connects to where in the line it says thousand shall sternly immolate themselves. Where this is an important to the poem because immolate is to sacrifice. Scenes the poem is about the dead on a war zone it s like saying ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Honest, Non-Bias Analysis The Honest, Non Biased, Un Opinionated News Today s media coverage does not truly report accurately on what has happened, but rather focus on their point of views and how they perceived the events. They mix in their flavor of the news and try to sway in their audience to switch or reaffirm their point of view. News reporting today has become What I see is what you should see. New sources today are filled with preconceived opinions relying on the theoretical what ifs. Some, however, force their point of views on the readers, but there are the ones that reveal both sides forcing the reader to formulate their own take on President Trump and his claim on the booming market. The reporting done today usually have inner motives weaved into their stories. They deliver their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It does not directly attack Trump but provides statistical evidence from the past. It detracts from the politics and offers both sides on the what ifs . Sommer even includes in his article Based on the long history of the stock market, it s possible to conclude that Mr. Trump s behavior in office doesn t matter (Sommer). It does not completely bash on one side either but gives a theoretical standpoint if it goes in two ways. It forces the reader to question both sides as it offers both different extremes. It also provides a standpoint even with the crashes, the stock market has been historically the best since 1926 at keeping the value of money. He does not provide any evidence on Trump s current agenda or how it will affect it, but instead relies on the history of the stock market. His focus is stepping back as if Trump was never elected and how the stock market will react. He s not trying to prove that President Trump is the end all or be all on the stock market, but gives the reader a different perspective on how history has acted with the stock ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Artist s Statement Of DJ Culture Artist s Statement The development of DJs has brought an array of entertainment, but also various issues among DJ culture. In addition, I used various DJ techniques, such as beatmatching, to create an hour long mix of R B tracks through Audacity. Although most of the songs were from the 90s and 00s, there are cultural aspects in DJ culture that my mixtape relates to. By the early 1950s, the creation of Rhythm and Blues first existed as black music for black people. Furthermore, with the presence of R B, personality DJs began to emerge, such as DJ Jack Gibson and Alan Moondog Freed. The 1900s was a time in which African Americans were oppressed and were still thought of as inferior compared to whites. However, it was also during this time... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One technique I used was beatmatching. After importing all the tracks I wanted to use into Audacity and ordering them in a specific way, I decided which 2 tracks each I would mix. Therefore, in order to beatmatch, I had to choose which parts of the tracks I wanted to transition. Also, in order to transition from one track to another, I had to align the specific basses. In other words, I had to align where the start of the beat in one track occurred to the last beat of the other track. This is to allow both tracks to have the same beat, therefore beatmatching. I also used fading in and out effects to smoothly transition. I used this technique for a majority of the track. Another DJ technique I used was fast cutting. Because some songs had a faster bpm, I used fast cutting to quickly transition into another track while also keeping the same beat. I deleted certain parts of the songs to quickly change the song, but in a way so that the beat does not change. Lastly, I downloaded a hip hop/R B sound effect and repeated it throughout the mixtape so it wouldn t be as plain. I decided to make a mixtape containing only R B songs because, in my perspective, it is a type of genre in which anybody can relate to and sing along to as well. Therefore, just as other DJs have a purpose, my purpose is to allow the audience to sing along to throwback R B tracks. This is to create ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Example Of Artificial Sweeteners Final Draft Sweeteners come in different forms. There are natural sweeteners and artificial sweeteners Do we understand what we consume? Is our reliance on sweeteners detrimental to our society? We created artificial sweeteners to cope with our addiction to sugar. One of the appeals of artificial sweeteners is that it comes with less calories than sugar and that it does not cause your insulin levels to spike. We should cut down our sugar intake in America. We should start small by starting locally in our communities. Shopping from a farmer s markets According to heart.org, Sugars in your diet can be naturally occurring or added. Naturally occurring sugars are found naturally in foods such as fruit (fructose) and milk (lactose). Added sugars are sugars and syrups put in foods during preparation or processing, or added at the table. Too much added sugar may cause your liver to reject insulin. Insulin is an important hormone that helps turn glucose(sugar) in your bloodstream into energy. If your body can t control your blood sugar levels, it can lead to type 2 diabetes. Although research has overconsumption of sugar is bad for your health, artificial sweeteners should not be considered as a safer alternative. Artificial Sweeteners tend to help avoid the problem rather than fix it. Diet sodas are an example of this. People would drink a Diet Coke or a Coke Zero thinking that it is healthier than a regular Coke. Diet Coke gives off a connotation that it is better for your body ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Am I Blue Beth Henley Summary In Beth Henley s Am I Blue it starts out in New Orleans where the character John Polk a seventeen year old college student getting drunk while waiting on a present his friends got him for his eighteenth birthday becomes confused about who he truly is until he meets Asbe a sixteen year old girl who is street smart and likes to steal things like Robin Hood. Asbe helps John try and find himself through out the play. At the beginning while John is sitting in a bar sipping on his drink a young girl named Ashbe comes by and sits with John to hide from the manager from Screw Inn where she had just stolen two ash trays. The two begin to talk and John doesn t want anything to do with a thief. Asbe becomes defensive and tells John she is not a thief but more like a Robin Hood making it seem as what she did or does is right. Asbe also realizes that he had a red card that he put in his pocket which meant he was going to see a prostitute later on that night. Eventually the waitress Hilda comes and finds they are to young... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She goes to school with some mean girls and tries to practice voodoo on them for how they treat the other girls at her school. John becomes drunk and laughs at her for being a mean person. This starts the point to where John finds out what Ashbe really thinks of him and it changes what he thinks he should with his life. Ashbe calls him a sheep and this makes John mad with him immediately saying that he is not a sheep and he does what he wants. Ashbe then proceeded to call him a normal sheep and begins to prove her opinion on him. Ashbe talks about the reasons he is a sheep because he is in the fraternity and he s going to manage his mind and he only goes on dates because thats what is expected of him even knowing he has a terrible time on them. Ashbe shows John that he is merely just playing along with what everyone else wants him to do with his life and thats why he is unhappy with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Women Athletes If a woman is the best in the world, she still isn t a match for a man according to John McEnroe. Speaking to NPR s Lulu Garcia Navarro Sunday, the retired tennis legend said that Serena Williams, who is the top ranked female tennis player in the world, is nowhere close the best overall pro. If she played in the world of men s tennis, she d be ranked 700 in the world, said McEnroe. He also stated that if he ever had the chance to he could beat Williams in a match, though he said he doesn t really want to do it. Garcia Navarro became curious: You really think at 60, you could possibly beat Serena Williams? McEnroe qualified his statement: Maybe I should challenge her now because she s pregnant. (Recall that Williams won the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... [perfectpullquote align= right cite= link= color= class= size= ] For them to hold off on something that would affect the entire world really made things worse. [/perfectpullquote] Fifty years later, in 1973 one of the largest televised matches in history happened. According to from an article written in 2013, Jesse Greenspan recapped, On September 20th, 1973, Billie Jean King was known all around the world as ranked no.1 women s tennis player. At 55 years old, a tennis legend named Bobby Riggs stated he could beat any women player. King was up for the challenge, and the way Riggs got ready was to make rude and unnecessary comments. Jesse Greenspan recalled, Riggs made things more interesting by saying rude comments, including that the best way to handle a woman is to keep her pregnant and barefoot. Before the match took place, the comment made about how to handle a woman wasn t right. He was saying how women only should be used to make children and follow their husbands. After the match, however, those things no longer apply. This match really made women become somewhat recognizable in the sports industry. For Billie Jean King to stand up to a man that was being arrogant showed she had a lot of courage, but before the match, those things said we not right. Now, there is a movie being made about this incident and tells you how the match began. This problem has not stopped yet because there are several statistics that in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Pulmonary Embolism Of Lipids Lipids are a vital component to sustaining human life. While important, an excess or insufficient amount of lipids can cause detrimental health effects, such as skin problems, heart disease, and other illnesses. An illness affected by lipids is pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary relates to the lungs, while embolism is the obstruction of the arteries. Due to excess lipids, it will have a negative effect on pulmonary embolism. Lipids are a diverse group of molecules that is hydrophobic, encompassing all fatty acids and their derivatives. They are essential in human life, functioning as a long term energy source, a heat insulator, and a membrane structure for cells and organelles. Fatty acids are a component of lipids, with a basic structure of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Energy System Advantages And Disadvantages INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY According to statistics made in recent years, it is found that almost 33% of the world s populations do not have access to electricity. Most of the non electrified regions are found in developing countries like ours. These regions can be electrified either by extending the grids of the existing power systems or by constructing isolated new power systems, which are alternative energy sources. In general, it is preferred to go for the extension of the existing grids but they are not always affordable the fact that most of the non electrified regions in developing countries are located in remote and difficult areas, like hilly regions, forests, deserts and islands or even too far from the grid location, which demand huge investment for grid extension (leake E. Weldmariam 2010, p.1). The grid extension costs are primarily distance dependent and thus the investment cost increases whenever the site, which is to be electrified from the main grid system, is further away. However, the investment cost of PV Hybrid systems are mainly dependent on the generation capacity of the source which in turn is related to the demand by the customers. Thus, for a small demand, a small investment is needed and for a large demand, a larger investment is needed. Therefore, decentralized and sustainable renewable energy systems have been promoted for electrification of remote areas where grid extension is not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Summary Of Intellectual Pinching And Suffering By Annie... There can be no doubt that Annie Tindley is an outstanding academic, her work concerning the historiography of the rural areas and populace of Scotland has been celebrated by Scottish history academics. Her article, Actual pinching and suffering : Estate Responses to Poverty in Sutherland 1845 86 is no exception to this outstanding career. In this piece of academic literature, Dr. Tindley has written an effective piece that strikes against the academic status quo when viewing the life of rural Highland Scots in the period between the Highland Famine and the Crofters War. Specifically the piece analyses the economic and political woes of the Sutherland estate of the remote northwest of Scotland. She claims that popular thought... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her primary sources inform us that for many among the lower fringes of society, life was hard before, during and after the supposed golden age with having to deal with famine, forced removal, ineffective/hesitant aid forced the crofters and other tenants in the Sutherland estate to relocate for other means of survival. Although she does not stand alone in the study of the ill treatment of the highland populace in the 19th century, she is the only one whom wrights and analyses their treatment during the time between the famine and the Crofter s War (roughly 1856 1882). other scholars who research a similar subject usually focus on either side of this era, ignoring this time almost completely. Tildey however analysis this period as the brewing of such malcontent against the crofter community that would spark such an event as the Crofter s War. In this way, it would be best to rank this piece of academia as an underground success, not exact ally ground breaking but providing enough of a unique prospective to merit ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Comparison Of Spider Man And Spider-Man How does the hero Spider Man becomes Spider Man? According to Joel D. Chaston, an English professor at Missouri State University, Spider Man is one of the Marvel Comics most popular superheroes, which is a creation of a writer editor, Stan Lee. The authors of the article, Transmedial Transduction in the Spider Verse state that The hero had his original story told on number 15 of The Amazing Fantasy on August 10, 1962 (Munita, AgustГn, Alejandro, Durruty). The character has gained popularity among American society, and has remained popular to today. The character Spider Manstarts off with an idea from a writer named Stan Lee, then there is a non heroic version of the hero, Peter Parker, and lastly, when the character Spider Man turns into the anti hero character,Venom. First and foremost, the hero Spider Man starts with the creative ideas that Stan Lee developed in 1962. Chaston asserts that Stan Lee is the best known costumed superheroof the Marvel Comics universe and the star of several comic books and television series. Lee is a figurehead for every superhero enthusiast in the world. A true icon whose visionary masterpieces have developed into true inspirational role models for millions of people in the world. In a Time.com website, How Spider Man Was Born, the author, Nolan Feeney, states that one day, Lee s publisher tells him that he must come up with a new superhero idea. That day, Lee goes home and starts thinking about what a new hero will be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Essay on Communication Barrier between Science and the... The world is a large place filled with many diverse cultures. Within these different cultures, unique languages and ways of healing have risen. Due to overpopulation and the constant need for new technology, these cultures have come together to create a better way of life. The problem we face today is not finding the sources of medication, but the communication barrier between science and the community. Community Health Worker Programmes During the late Apartheid era in South Africa: Apartheid was a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race (Oxford University Press Southern Africa, 2007). During the 19 hundreds, this unethical law was taking place in South Africa which led to the lack of human rights for people ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2010:1114). Ginneken et al. (2010:1115) explains that CHWs were located in health clinics full time and were no longer flexible community based workers. Their responsibility to the community changed for the worse. Many CHWs started resenting unpaid requests from fellow villagers. The government now has this huge thing, they ve got this small business programme, the pay roll. And the village health workers, if the pay doesn t come out, they toy toy , they don t go to work (Ginneken et al. 2010:1115). Introducing this stipend caused CHWs to reject volunteer work. A CHW Framework has been established by South Africa to guide the development of a national CHW programme. This Framework has failed to recognize diversity, needs and flexibility, and this has cause to say the aim is invalid. The current potential professionalisation of CHWs makes the ideal bridging gap between the community and the health system more distant. Once the diversity, needs of people, and the flexibility within the CHW programme s are recognised, the gap between the community and the health system will be inexistent (Ginneken et al. 2010:1116). Preoperative Education for Lumbar Radiculopathy: Preoperative education prepares patients for surgery and many spine surgeons believe it is an important procedure to include. The delivery methods, content of preoperative education, types of educational aids, and patients all vary. This shows there ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Darden Essay Darden Restaurants lead the casual dining industry producing $7 billion dollars in revenue each year. Based on the strategic spectrum of segmentation, Darden restaurants target different demographics with intent of reaching a wide range of consumers. How does Darden segment and target the sit down dining market? Use the full spectrum of segmentation variables in your response. Home of the casual dining experience, Darden has made up about 39% of all sit down restaurant meals. Marketing Segmentation is the concept of dividing and subdividing a market along mutual characteristics. The most common type of segmentation is done by focusing marketing energy on a specific demographic. Each Darden restaurant caters to a different segment. The different segments include, Behavioral segmentation, Geographical segmentation, Physical segmentation, and Psychological segmentation. Psychographic Segmentation is expressed by Olive Garden s plan to make you feel as if you are actually sitting down as an italian family. Olive Garden s marketing learned that a primary customers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If Darden wants to keep a very steady growth rate it will have to learn the significance of the different restaurants and why it s important to keep them separate. Similar menu items in the wrong atmospheres can cause a decline because no one wants to go out and pay money for something that is so easy to come by. The reasons for the different structures would be for the excitement that you get from entering the restaurant. Which is an example of the psychological segmentation that Darden has become a professional at. The Olive Garden makes you feel like you re actually in an Italian family with the laid back cozy atmosphere. The Longhorn Steakhouse makes you feel like you re back country eating steaks, while Red Lobster gives you the nice seafood that is somewhat upscale, but not too pricey feel. They re all family restaurants but variety does ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Wilfred Owen s Dulce Et Decorum Est The Horrors of War: An Explication of Wilfred Owen s Dulce et Decorum Est Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori; it is sweet and honorable to die for one s country. Wilfred Owen is just one of many to be told this lie. Owen himself had seen the horrors of war during his time serving in World War I and explains to the readers just how horrid it truly is in his poem Dulce et Decorum Est. He creates the mental image of the pain and suffering he and so many other soldiers had to experience on the battlefield. His poem creates the central idea that there is no sweetness or honor in dying in war. First of all, the first stanza shows the pain the soldiers endured. Owen says, knock kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge (line 2). Owen uses a simile here to show that they were having violent coughing fits due to the toxic materials. This goes along with what he mentions as sludge, which is all the vile toxins around them tearing the soldiers lungs apart. In addition, Owen specifically mentions the haunting flares, showing the emotional toll that war can have (line 3). He uses personification to give the flares (rockets) the attribute of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Owen describes it as a scene of great panic and a rush as everyone struggles to get his or her gas mask on. He shows in gruesome detail the fate of those not fortunate enough to save themselves, but someone still was yelling out and stumbling / and flound ring like a man on fire (line 11 12). His use of a simile is comparing the reaction of the man who was exposed to the gas to that of one who is on fire. He draws this comparison to show the burning, scarring pain that one has to endure through the horrors of war. After seeing someone doomed to such a fate, one can not simply unsee it; it is destined to remain in one s dreams for life. This does not seem like the glorious death that is promised when dying for one s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. The Strong Themes And Views Of Heavy Metal Music The strong themes and views in heavy metal music, including but not limited to environmental, religious and political views have over decades, created a community and culture among listeners and musicians alike. Because of common ideas among artists, some of which could be seen as transgressive, all creativity within the culture is respected and praised no matter what sort of background it has come from. Visual art is a huge part of heavy metal as there are so many different subgenres of the music that a unique album cover or poster will help listeners instantly recognize a band or even genre. Three modern heavy metal bands, Gojira, Mastodon and Baroness will be explored to show how visual artists interpret this type of music in their practices. Various other bands and subgenres will also be mentioned, describing visual aspects of certain styles of heavy metal. Heavy metal originated in the early 1970 s, with bands mainly coming from the UK and USA, who emerged from rock, and rock and roll music from the previous two decades, but also took influence from various types of blues and psychedelic rock music. To this day there are still debates on which band was this first ever to be known to play heavy metal. Fans from the UK will say Black Sabbath were the original heavy metal band, emerging from the working class of Birmingham, whereas USA fans favour Led Zeppelin coming from the hippie movement of the 60 s. No matter who came first, heavy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Dunkin Donuts District Manager Case Study Essay Dunkin Donuts District Manager Introduction Dunkin Donuts has over six thousand locations in the United States and serves over three and a half million customers daily. The biggest competitor for Dunkin Donuts are Peet s Coffee Tea, Starbucks, and McDonalds. In order to maintain market competitiveness Dunkin Donuts must remain driven towards service excellence. This starts by hiring staff members that are eager to provide the best customer service with every interaction they have and be able to produce an excellent product. Dunkin Brand offers a comprehensive series of award winning training programs for crew members, managers and franchises designed to foster deep connections to our brands heritage and improve the guest experience and business results at the restaurant level. (Schmidt,R.A Oldfield, B.M. 1999) Bill Rosenberg the founder of Dunkin Donuts operates by a simple philosophy but one that is carried through each store. Make and serve the freshest, most delicious coffee and donuts quickly and courteously in modern well merchandised stores (Dunkin Donuts, n.d., pp. 1) Being a new district manager tasked with opening five new locations will help fulfill Rosenberg s vision of providing the best product around in a courteous environment both for staff and customers. This paper will focus on job design, organizational design, recruiting and selecting, training personnel and performance appraisal are key elements in the success of opening five new locations. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. How Did Disney World s Changes Make It More Than Just An... How Did Disney World s Changes Make it More than Just an Amusement Park? Imagine watching a colorful firework show in front of Cinderella s Castle or going for a ride on a Magic Carpet. The magical rides and entertainment are what gives Disney World the nickname, The Most Magical Place On Earth . On opening day, October 25th, 1971, many people knew there was something special about Walt DisneyWorld. It took a lot of staff and crew makers to make Disney as magical as it is today. There were only about twenty four attractions on opening day and now it has become the tenth best vacationing spot in the world with five different theme parks to make up Walt Disney World as a whole. The changes in parades, parks and rides have truly made it more than an amusement park. The history of Disney World, in Orlando, Florida, has been living for forty six... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Expedition Everest in Animal Kingdom, travels through the Himalayan Mountains on a speeding train while avoiding the conflict of the mythical Abominable Snowman. There s even an illusion on the ride that makes you think you re going off of the track, but it s really the train preparing to go backwards! Expedition Everest hits speeds up to 50 miles per hour! Space Mountain, travels through the complete dark with drops of twenty six feet and twenty five miles per hour! The Aerosmith Rockin Rollercoaster, is inspired by the band, Aerosmith. Through the ride, boisterous Aerosmith music plays while you ride, so it gives the illusion that you re going faster! Magic Kingdom s Space Mountain is a ride that only the bravest will go on. You blast off on a roaring rocket ship through the darkest places of outer space on this rollercoaster in the complete dark with speeds of twenty eight miles per hour! There were hardly any thrill rides on opening day at the parks and now there are uncountable, unique rides at Walt Disney ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Pathological Gambling Pathological gambling is depicted by an absence of control of gambling behavior, failed efforts to leave or cut back, leniency, use of betting to getaway difficulties, and dishonest to family and friends about gambling comportment (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000a). Difficulty and pathological gamblinghave also been linked with poorer levels of wellbeing and greater percentages of disorders throughout populaces (Erickson, Molina, Ladd, Pietrzak, Petry, 2005). Since the development of permissible gambling, there has been a resultant upsurge in gambling involvement and gambling glitches (Shaffer Hall, 2001). People with gambling glitches have considerable liability and jumbled family contacts (Shaw, Forbush, Schlinder, Rosenman, Black, 2007). Older adults may be more susceptible to gambling glitches due to unchanging earnings, monotony, and declined activity after retirement, and pathological gamblers have greater degrees of apprehension, despair, and intoxication (Kerber, Black, Buckwalter, 2008). Older adults with gambling glitches are also susceptible to comorbid physical diseases. Older adult gamblers may have felt the extra monetary tension that distresses their physical wellbeing (Pietrzak, Molina, Ladd, Kerins, Petry, 2005). Pathological gambling is an increasing public health setback that has received bantam consideration from investigators, the government, or the overall public. With the development of permissible gambling, the occurrence ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...