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Effectiveness of Education Intervention
    on Knowledge Regarding Hepatitis-B
    among Secondary Level Students of
    Carmel Secondary School in Dharan

        Investigator                Guide
Asmita Lama Syangtan    Mr. Ram Sharan Mehta
B.Sc Nursing 4th year   Additional Professor
Batch 2007              Department of medical- surgical
Roll no.-4166           nursing
                        College of nursing,BPKIHS
Background of the study
Hepatitis-B is an infectious illness caused by hepatitis
B virus (HBV) which infects the liver and causes an
inflammation called hepatitis. Transmission of HBV
results from exposure to infectious blood or body

About a third of the world's population, more than 2
billion people, have been infected with the hepatitis
B virus.
The disease has caused epidemics in parts of Asia
and Africa, and it is endemic in China.

In Nepal, there are about 315,000 people infected
with chronic Hepatitis-B.

HBV is about 100 times more infectious than HIV.
Need of the study
A study conducted by Liver Foundation Nepal shows
that drug abuse and hepatitis B and C start together
among children in our schools.

The problem continues to smolder inside without the
knowledge of the infected persons or the
community. And in 20 years time when it will
explode, it will add to a costly and tragic condition
with a large number of patients with cirrhosis and
liver cancer.
The first step in this direction is the spread of
awareness about drug abuse and hepatitis among
school children as it is the problem of our youth.

The best way to beat it is being aware of it and by
sharing concern with people.
Significance of the study
• This study had assessed the effectiveness of education
  intervention on knowledge regarding Hepatitis-B among
  the secondary level students of Carmel Secondary
  School. The school can use the findings of this study to
  uplift the knowledge of the students regarding Hepatitis-
  B and take preventive measures to prevent from
To assess the knowledge regarding Hepatitis-B among
the Secondary level students of Carmel Secondary School
in Dharan Municipality.

To prepare the teaching module and provide education
intervention regarding Hepatitis-B.

To evaluate the effectiveness of planned educational
intervention regarding knowledge of Hepatitis-B.
Null Hypothesis
• There will be no difference on knowledge
  regarding Hepatitis-B before and after
  educational intervention among the students.
Operational Definitions
• EFFECTIVENESS: The        outcome of the educational
  intervention that causes differences in the knowledge of
  Hepatitis B among the secondary level students of
  Carmel Secondary school in Dharan, measured by pre-
  test and post-test questionnaire.

• KNOWLEDGE: It refers to the students ability to recall the
  facts and information regarding Hepatitis-B, its causes,
  signs and symptoms , management ,preventive measures
  and Hepatitis-B vaccination, according to the given tool.
• EDUCATION INTERVENTION: It is a structured teaching
  program which is designed to provide information
  regarding Hepatitis-B among the students based on
  educational package developed.

• EDUCATIONAL PACKAGE: A set of educational materials
  which consists of information regarding Hepatitis B which
  Causes ,
  Signs and symptoms
  Preventive measures
  Hepatitis B vaccination

  students studying in class 8,9 and 10 of Carmel
  Secondary school in Dharan.
Study variables
Dependent Variables:
Knowledge on Hepatitis B.

Independent Variables:
Educational intervention.
INPUT                       THROUGHPUT                          OUTPUT

Level of students

                                      intervention                      Affect on
                                      on Hepatitis-
  Other source of

        Fig I. Conceptual framework based on General system theory approach.
Research methodology
         Pre-experimental, one group pre-test and
  post-test research design was used to conduct the

        The study was conducted in Carmel
  Secondary School in Dharan Municipality, ward no.
           All the students studying in secondary level (class 8, 9 and
   10) of Carmel Secondary School constituted the study population

         The students meeting the eligibility criteria was study

         The sample size of the study was 39 (25% of the target
  Population proportionate stratified simple random
  technique was adopted.
Table 1
               Details of Sampling Technique
Description     Class 8    Class 9   Class 10   Total

Total no. of        60         52        44       156

Percentage         38.5%     33.3%      28.2%    100%
of the
No. of the          15         13        11        39
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion criteria
• Only the students from class 8, 9 and 10 of Carmel
   Secondary School and who were willing to participate
   were included in this study.

Exclusion criteria
• Students who were not able to participate due to
  absenteeism or other problems were excluded from
  this study.
Data was collected using a semi-structured
questionnaire based on the objective of the
study which consist of 2 parts:
1. Socio-demographic data.
2. Knowledge of Hepatitis-B.
Validity of the tool
• The content validity was established by review
  of literature, consulting with the research
  guide and experts on the subject, faculties of
  nursing college and modification was done
Pre-testing of the tool
• Pretesting was done by taking 10% of the
  sample size (n=39) with similar characteristics
  but not in the same setting i.e in Depot Higher
  Secondary School. Four students were taken, 2
  students from class 8, 1 student from class 9
  and 1 student from class 10.
Procedures of data collection
•   Permission obtained: concerned all
•   Pre-Test (25th of Jan, 2011)
•   Education intervention
•   Post-test (8th of Feb, 2011)
•   Analysis of data
Ethical consideration
• Permission was taken from the concerned
  authority i.e. from college of nursing, principle of
  the Carmel Secondary School where the students
  were studying and informed verbal consent was
  taken from each student prior to data collection.

• Confidentiality and anonymity of the students
  was maintained. The purpose of the study was
  revealed to the students prior to the data
Table 2
         Socio-demographic Characteristics of the Students

S.N Characteristics    Categories         Frequency Percentage

1.   Age groups              13-14             20            51.3
     ( In years)
                             15-16             19            48.7

                          Mean =14.41
                           S.D =1.16
                          Range =13-16
Table 2 (contd...)
S.N   Characteristics       Categories     Frequency   Percentage

2.    Sex                   Male               21         53.8

                            Female             18         46.2
3.    Permanent Address     Sunsari            37         94.9
                            Others             2           5.1
4.    Religion              Hindu              15         38.5

                            Buddhist           9          23.1

                            Christian          3           7.7

                            Kirat              12         30.8


percentage (%)



                                   10.3           10.3
                 10                                             5.1       5.1

                      Mongol   Brahmin         Newar         Chhetri   Others

                               Fig II: Ethnic group of the students
Table 3
       Income and Main Occupation of the Family of the Students
S.N   Characteristics     Categories             Frequency   Percentage
1.    Family income per   20000-29000               14         35.9
      month               30000-39000               13         33.3
                          40000-49000                6         15.4
                          ≥50000                     6         15.5
                            Mean =34358.97
                            S.D =15984.35
                            Range =20000-80000

2.    Main occupation of Abroad                     12         30.8
      the family         Business                   11         28.2
                          Service                   10         25.6
                          Army                       6         15.4
Table 4
                      Source of Information for the Students
Characteristics        Categories             Frequency        Percentage

Source of              Teachers/Books/Class         25             64.1
(Multiple response)

                       TV/Radio                     20             51.3

                       Parents                      11             28.2

                       Friends                      7              17.9
Table 5
      Student’s Pre-test and Post-test Knowledge Regarding
                    Definition of Hepatitis-B
Knowledge                   Correct response             %            p-value
regarding                                                difference
definition of
Hepatitis-B             Pre-test           Post-test

                  No.       %        No.       %

                   16         41.0    39         100.0      59.0      <0.001*

* Binomial test
Table 6
   Student’s Pre-test and Post-test Knowledge Regarding Incubation
               period and Transmission of Hepatitis-B
S. Knowledge regarding            Correct response     %          p-
N transmission of Hepatitis-B                          difference value*
                                 Pre-test    Post-test
                                        No.   %      No.   %

1.   With infected needle syringe        31   79.5    39   100.0   20.5   0.008
2.   Shaking hands^                      32   82.1    39   100.0   17.9   0.016
3.   Unprotected sexual contact          25   64.1    39   100.0   35.9   <0.001
4.   A mother to her infant at birth     28   71.8    39   100.0   28.2   0.001

5.   Sneezing and coughing^              17   43.6    39   100.0   56.4   <0.001
6.   Transfusion of blood                34   87.2    39   100.0   12.8   0.63

7.   Sharing contaminated towels and     4    10.3    36   92.3    82.0   <0.001
8.   Sharing needle for body piercing    17   43.6    35   89.7    46.1   <0.001
Table 6 (Contd....)
Knowledge                   Correct response              %                 p-value
regarding                                                 difference
period of               Pre-test            Post-test

                No.         %         No.        %

                   7          17.9       39       100.0       82.1          <0.001*

*Binomial test                     Median score (IQR) : 5(4-6) and 9(9-9)
 ^ Negatively correct
Table 7
   Student’s Pre-test and Post-test Knowledge Regarding Signs and
                       Symptoms of Hepatitis-B
S. Knowledge regarding          Correct response    %          p-value*
N signs and symptoms of                             difference
   Hepatitis-B              Pre-test      Post-test
                           No. %        No.     %

1.   Abdominal pain              24    61.5      39     100.0      38.5       <0.001

2.   Low body temperature^       7     17.9      36      92.3      74.4       <0.001
3.   Jaundice                    19    48.7      37      94.9      46.2       <0.001
4.   Feeling of more appetite^   10    25.6      35      89.7      64.1       <0.001
5.   Diarrhoea                   4     10.3      34      87.2      76.9       <0.001
6.   No nausea and vomiting^     11    282       35      89.7      61.5       <0.001
7.   Pale stool                  12    30.8      35      89.7      58.9       <0.001

*Binomial test                        Median score (IQR): 2(0-4) and 7(6-7)
^Negatively correct
Table 8
        Student’s Pre-test and Post-test Knowledge Regarding
                   Diagnostic tests for Hepatitis-B
Knowledge                  Correct response              %          p-
regarding                                                difference value*
tests for            Pre-test             Post-test

              No.          %        No.         %

                    13      33.3          35      89.7     56.4     <0.001

* Binomial test
Table 9
     Student’s Pre-test and Post-test Knowledge Regarding
                   Treatment of Hepatitis-B
Knowledge                    Correct response                 %          p-
regarding                                                     difference value*
treatment of
Chronic                 Pre-test               Post-test
               No.          %            No.          %

                   12           30.8           39     100.0      69.2      <0.001

Knowledge          13           33.3           36      92.3      59.0      <0.001
cure of

 * Binomial test                       Median score (IQR): 0(0-1) and 2(2-2)
Table 10
      Student’s Pre-test and Post-test Knowledge Regarding
                  Complications of Hepatitis-B
Knowledge                   Correct response          %          p-
regarding                                             difference value*
of Hepatitis-B          Pre-test          Post-test

                  No.       %       No.        %

                  16        41.0    37         94.9   53.9       <0.001

* Binomial test
Table 11
    Student’s Pre-test and Post-test Knowledge Regarding Prevention of
Knowledge regarding                            Correct response           %          p-value
prevention of Hepatitis-B                                                 difference
                                            Pre-test        Post-test
                                      No.       %         No.     %

Use sterile syringes and needle        24         61.5     39     100.0     38.5     <0.001
Do not sit next to infected person^    25         64.1     39     100.0     35.9     <0.001
Practising safer sex                   19         48.7     39     100.0     51.3     <0.001
Do not hug with infected person^       28         71.8     39     100.0     28.2     0.001
Take vaccination                       39        100.0     39     100.0      0.0        -
Avoid kissing                           1           2.6    37     100.0     92.9     <0.001
Vaccination available for              23         59.0     39     92.3      41.0     <0.001
prevention of Hepatitis-B
Regular doses of Hepatitis-B           23     59.0     39      89.7       41.0       <0.001
*Binomial test                         Median score (IQR): 5(3-6) and 8(8-8)
^ Negatively correct
                              100.0          98.0                                       96.2                        98.4
                100                                                                                   94.9

                                      55.6                                                                   58.3
                       41.0                                                                    41.0
                 40                                 31.5           33.3          32.1



                      Fig III: Overall Differences in Knowledge on Hepatitis-B
                               before and after Education Intervention
                                                     pre per      post per
Table 12
 Student’s Overall Pre-test and Post-test knowledge Regarding
                        on Hepatitis-B
Knowledge Total score           Pre-test     Post-test     p-value*
                                Median        Median
                                with IQR      with IQR

                      29        15 (11-18)    28 (28-29)     <0.001

 *Wilcoxon Signed Ranked test
The findings of the study showed that the post-test
median score on knowledge regarding Hepatitis-B was
increased than the pre-test median score.

Thus, the findings revealed that there was a significant
increment on knowledge of the students on Hepatitis-B
in the post-test after the education intervention.
The study can be conducted in the larger sample size to
generalize the results.

Regular health education program can be conducted in
the school to update the knowledge of both students and

Similar study can be done using control group.
This study was conducted in one setting i.e Carmel Secondary
School, hence findings of the study cannot be generalized to
other settings.

There was no control group in this study, to compare the

The study was conducted among the secondary level students
only. The other levels students were not included.

Time was limited for data collection.
This study had positive impact in enhancing knowledge
among the students and making aware about Hepatitis-B.

The findings also emphasize on the increasing need of
awareness program on Hepatitis-B.

The educational package can be used to prepare educational
material like booklets, pamphlets etc on Hepatitis-B.

Regular health education program on Hepatitis-B can be
provided so that students and the teachers will be updated
with adequate knowledge.

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  • 1. Effectiveness of Education Intervention on Knowledge Regarding Hepatitis-B among Secondary Level Students of Carmel Secondary School in Dharan Municipality Investigator Guide Asmita Lama Syangtan Mr. Ram Sharan Mehta B.Sc Nursing 4th year Additional Professor Batch 2007 Department of medical- surgical Roll no.-4166 nursing College of nursing,BPKIHS
  • 2. Background of the study Hepatitis-B is an infectious illness caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV) which infects the liver and causes an inflammation called hepatitis. Transmission of HBV results from exposure to infectious blood or body fluids. About a third of the world's population, more than 2 billion people, have been infected with the hepatitis B virus.
  • 3. The disease has caused epidemics in parts of Asia and Africa, and it is endemic in China. In Nepal, there are about 315,000 people infected with chronic Hepatitis-B. HBV is about 100 times more infectious than HIV.
  • 4. Need of the study A study conducted by Liver Foundation Nepal shows that drug abuse and hepatitis B and C start together among children in our schools. The problem continues to smolder inside without the knowledge of the infected persons or the community. And in 20 years time when it will explode, it will add to a costly and tragic condition with a large number of patients with cirrhosis and liver cancer.
  • 5. Contd... The first step in this direction is the spread of awareness about drug abuse and hepatitis among school children as it is the problem of our youth. The best way to beat it is being aware of it and by sharing concern with people.
  • 6. Significance of the study • This study had assessed the effectiveness of education intervention on knowledge regarding Hepatitis-B among the secondary level students of Carmel Secondary School. The school can use the findings of this study to uplift the knowledge of the students regarding Hepatitis- B and take preventive measures to prevent from Hepatitis-B.
  • 7. Objectives To assess the knowledge regarding Hepatitis-B among the Secondary level students of Carmel Secondary School in Dharan Municipality. To prepare the teaching module and provide education intervention regarding Hepatitis-B. To evaluate the effectiveness of planned educational intervention regarding knowledge of Hepatitis-B.
  • 8. Null Hypothesis • There will be no difference on knowledge regarding Hepatitis-B before and after educational intervention among the students.
  • 9. Operational Definitions • EFFECTIVENESS: The outcome of the educational intervention that causes differences in the knowledge of Hepatitis B among the secondary level students of Carmel Secondary school in Dharan, measured by pre- test and post-test questionnaire. • KNOWLEDGE: It refers to the students ability to recall the facts and information regarding Hepatitis-B, its causes, signs and symptoms , management ,preventive measures and Hepatitis-B vaccination, according to the given tool.
  • 10. Contd... • EDUCATION INTERVENTION: It is a structured teaching program which is designed to provide information regarding Hepatitis-B among the students based on educational package developed. • EDUCATIONAL PACKAGE: A set of educational materials which consists of information regarding Hepatitis B which includes: Definition, Causes ,
  • 11. Contd... Signs and symptoms Management Preventive measures Hepatitis B vaccination • SECONDARY LEVEL STUDENTS: It refers to the students studying in class 8,9 and 10 of Carmel Secondary school in Dharan.
  • 12. Study variables Dependent Variables: Knowledge on Hepatitis B. Independent Variables: Educational intervention.
  • 13. INPUT THROUGHPUT OUTPUT Level of students Education intervention Affect on on Hepatitis- knowledge B Other source of information Fig I. Conceptual framework based on General system theory approach.
  • 14. Research methodology 1.RESEARCH DESIGN: Pre-experimental, one group pre-test and post-test research design was used to conduct the study. 2.RESEARCH SETTING: The study was conducted in Carmel Secondary School in Dharan Municipality, ward no. 18.
  • 15. 3. STUDY POPULATION: All the students studying in secondary level (class 8, 9 and 10) of Carmel Secondary School constituted the study population (N=156). 4. SAMPLE: The students meeting the eligibility criteria was study sample. 5. SAMPLE SIZE: The sample size of the study was 39 (25% of the target population).
  • 16. SAMPLE TECHNIQUE: Population proportionate stratified simple random technique was adopted.
  • 17. Table 1 Details of Sampling Technique Description Class 8 Class 9 Class 10 Total Total no. of 60 52 44 156 students Percentage 38.5% 33.3% 28.2% 100% of the students taken No. of the 15 13 11 39 students taken
  • 18. Eligibility Criteria Inclusion criteria • Only the students from class 8, 9 and 10 of Carmel Secondary School and who were willing to participate were included in this study. Exclusion criteria • Students who were not able to participate due to absenteeism or other problems were excluded from this study.
  • 19. RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS Data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire based on the objective of the study which consist of 2 parts: 1. Socio-demographic data. 2. Knowledge of Hepatitis-B.
  • 20. Validity of the tool • The content validity was established by review of literature, consulting with the research guide and experts on the subject, faculties of nursing college and modification was done accordingly.
  • 21. Pre-testing of the tool • Pretesting was done by taking 10% of the sample size (n=39) with similar characteristics but not in the same setting i.e in Depot Higher Secondary School. Four students were taken, 2 students from class 8, 1 student from class 9 and 1 student from class 10.
  • 22. Procedures of data collection • Permission obtained: concerned all • Pre-Test (25th of Jan, 2011) • Education intervention • Post-test (8th of Feb, 2011) • Analysis of data
  • 23. Ethical consideration • Permission was taken from the concerned authority i.e. from college of nursing, principle of the Carmel Secondary School where the students were studying and informed verbal consent was taken from each student prior to data collection. • Confidentiality and anonymity of the students was maintained. The purpose of the study was revealed to the students prior to the data collection.
  • 25. Table 2 Socio-demographic Characteristics of the Students n=39 S.N Characteristics Categories Frequency Percentage (%) 1. Age groups 13-14 20 51.3 ( In years) 15-16 19 48.7 Mean =14.41 S.D =1.16 Range =13-16
  • 26. Table 2 (contd...) S.N Characteristics Categories Frequency Percentage (%) 2. Sex Male 21 53.8 Female 18 46.2 3. Permanent Address Sunsari 37 94.9 Others 2 5.1 4. Religion Hindu 15 38.5 Buddhist 9 23.1 Christian 3 7.7 Kirat 12 30.8
  • 27. 80 69.2 70 60 50 percentage (%) 40 30 20 10.3 10.3 10 5.1 5.1 0 Mongol Brahmin Newar Chhetri Others Fig II: Ethnic group of the students n=39
  • 28. Table 3 Income and Main Occupation of the Family of the Students n=39 S.N Characteristics Categories Frequency Percentage (%) 1. Family income per 20000-29000 14 35.9 month 30000-39000 13 33.3 40000-49000 6 15.4 ≥50000 6 15.5 Mean =34358.97 S.D =15984.35 Range =20000-80000 2. Main occupation of Abroad 12 30.8 the family Business 11 28.2 Service 10 25.6 Army 6 15.4
  • 29. Table 4 Source of Information for the Students n=39 Characteristics Categories Frequency Percentage (%) Source of Teachers/Books/Class 25 64.1 Information (Multiple response) TV/Radio 20 51.3 Parents 11 28.2 Friends 7 17.9
  • 30. Table 5 Student’s Pre-test and Post-test Knowledge Regarding Definition of Hepatitis-B n=39 Knowledge Correct response % p-value regarding difference definition of Hepatitis-B Pre-test Post-test No. % No. % 16 41.0 39 100.0 59.0 <0.001* * Binomial test
  • 31. Table 6 Student’s Pre-test and Post-test Knowledge Regarding Incubation period and Transmission of Hepatitis-B n=39 S. Knowledge regarding Correct response % p- N transmission of Hepatitis-B difference value* Pre-test Post-test No. % No. % 1. With infected needle syringe 31 79.5 39 100.0 20.5 0.008 2. Shaking hands^ 32 82.1 39 100.0 17.9 0.016 3. Unprotected sexual contact 25 64.1 39 100.0 35.9 <0.001 4. A mother to her infant at birth 28 71.8 39 100.0 28.2 0.001 5. Sneezing and coughing^ 17 43.6 39 100.0 56.4 <0.001 6. Transfusion of blood 34 87.2 39 100.0 12.8 0.63 7. Sharing contaminated towels and 4 10.3 36 92.3 82.0 <0.001 toothbrushes 8. Sharing needle for body piercing 17 43.6 35 89.7 46.1 <0.001
  • 32. Table 6 (Contd....) Knowledge Correct response % p-value regarding difference incubation period of Pre-test Post-test Hepatitis-B No. % No. % 7 17.9 39 100.0 82.1 <0.001* *Binomial test Median score (IQR) : 5(4-6) and 9(9-9) ^ Negatively correct
  • 33. Table 7 Student’s Pre-test and Post-test Knowledge Regarding Signs and Symptoms of Hepatitis-B n=39 S. Knowledge regarding Correct response % p-value* N signs and symptoms of difference Hepatitis-B Pre-test Post-test No. % No. % 1. Abdominal pain 24 61.5 39 100.0 38.5 <0.001 2. Low body temperature^ 7 17.9 36 92.3 74.4 <0.001 3. Jaundice 19 48.7 37 94.9 46.2 <0.001 4. Feeling of more appetite^ 10 25.6 35 89.7 64.1 <0.001 5. Diarrhoea 4 10.3 34 87.2 76.9 <0.001 6. No nausea and vomiting^ 11 282 35 89.7 61.5 <0.001 7. Pale stool 12 30.8 35 89.7 58.9 <0.001 *Binomial test Median score (IQR): 2(0-4) and 7(6-7) ^Negatively correct
  • 34. Table 8 Student’s Pre-test and Post-test Knowledge Regarding Diagnostic tests for Hepatitis-B n=39 Knowledge Correct response % p- regarding difference value* diagnostic tests for Pre-test Post-test Hepatitis-B No. % No. % 13 33.3 35 89.7 56.4 <0.001 * Binomial test
  • 35. Table 9 Student’s Pre-test and Post-test Knowledge Regarding Treatment of Hepatitis-B n=39 Knowledge Correct response % p- regarding difference value* treatment of Chronic Pre-test Post-test Hepatitis-B No. % No. % 12 30.8 39 100.0 69.2 <0.001 Knowledge 13 33.3 36 92.3 59.0 <0.001 regarding cure of Hepatitis-B * Binomial test Median score (IQR): 0(0-1) and 2(2-2)
  • 36. Table 10 Student’s Pre-test and Post-test Knowledge Regarding Complications of Hepatitis-B n=39 Knowledge Correct response % p- regarding difference value* complications of Hepatitis-B Pre-test Post-test No. % No. % 16 41.0 37 94.9 53.9 <0.001 * Binomial test
  • 37. Table 11 Student’s Pre-test and Post-test Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Hepatitis-B n=39 Knowledge regarding Correct response % p-value prevention of Hepatitis-B difference Pre-test Post-test No. % No. % Use sterile syringes and needle 24 61.5 39 100.0 38.5 <0.001 Do not sit next to infected person^ 25 64.1 39 100.0 35.9 <0.001 Practising safer sex 19 48.7 39 100.0 51.3 <0.001 Do not hug with infected person^ 28 71.8 39 100.0 28.2 0.001 Take vaccination 39 100.0 39 100.0 0.0 - Avoid kissing 1 2.6 37 100.0 92.9 <0.001 Vaccination available for 23 59.0 39 92.3 41.0 <0.001 prevention of Hepatitis-B Regular doses of Hepatitis-B 23 59.0 39 89.7 41.0 <0.001 *Binomial test Median score (IQR): 5(3-6) and 8(8-8) ^ Negatively correct
  • 38. 120 100.0 98.0 96.2 98.4 100 94.9 89.7 83.5 percentage(%) 80 55.6 58.3 60 41.0 41.0 40 31.5 33.3 32.1 20 0 Fig III: Overall Differences in Knowledge on Hepatitis-B before and after Education Intervention pre per post per
  • 39. Table 12 Student’s Overall Pre-test and Post-test knowledge Regarding on Hepatitis-B n=39 Knowledge Total score Pre-test Post-test p-value* regarding Hepatitis-B Median Median with IQR with IQR 29 15 (11-18) 28 (28-29) <0.001 *Wilcoxon Signed Ranked test
  • 40. CONCLUSION The findings of the study showed that the post-test median score on knowledge regarding Hepatitis-B was increased than the pre-test median score. Thus, the findings revealed that there was a significant increment on knowledge of the students on Hepatitis-B in the post-test after the education intervention.
  • 41. RECOMMENDATIONS The study can be conducted in the larger sample size to generalize the results. Regular health education program can be conducted in the school to update the knowledge of both students and teachers. Similar study can be done using control group.
  • 42. LIMITATIONS This study was conducted in one setting i.e Carmel Secondary School, hence findings of the study cannot be generalized to other settings. There was no control group in this study, to compare the results. The study was conducted among the secondary level students only. The other levels students were not included. Time was limited for data collection.
  • 43. IMPLICATIONS This study had positive impact in enhancing knowledge among the students and making aware about Hepatitis-B. The findings also emphasize on the increasing need of awareness program on Hepatitis-B. The educational package can be used to prepare educational material like booklets, pamphlets etc on Hepatitis-B. Regular health education program on Hepatitis-B can be provided so that students and the teachers will be updated with adequate knowledge.