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Herb 1
Examination of the Stem
• 1- Macroscopical characters:
- Condition:
- Shape
- Colour
- Nodes and internodes
- Phyllotaxis
- Surface
- Fracture
- Odour
- Taste
Medicinal Herbs
Ergot Ephedra
Official Herbs Non-Official
Lobelia Herb ‫اللوبيليا‬ ‫عشب‬
Indian Tobacco ‫الهندى‬ ‫الدخان‬
Lobelia Herb ‫اللوبيليا‬ ‫عشب‬
Indian Tobacco ‫الهندى‬ ‫الدخان‬
• Origin:
- The dried aerial parts of
Lobelia inflata Linn. Family:
Campanulaceae, collected
towards the end of the
flowering stage.
- It is used by North American
Indians as domestic medicine
as a cigarette for asthma.
Macroscopical characters
- erect annual herb, 40-60 cm.
- Odour: slight irritant.
-Taste: at first slight but
subsequently burning and
• The Stem:
- Monopodial branching.
- Angular to winged.
- Irregularly furrowed.
- Green to yellowish with
large purplish patches.
- Hairy on the upper parts
and nearly glabrous on the
• The Leaves:
- alternate.
- Pale green.
- Scattered stiff hairs along the margin and veins on
the outer surface.
- The lower leaves are oblong, shortly petiolate.
- The upper leaves are small, oval to lanceolate,
sessile, with irregularly crenate, dentate margin.
• The Flowers:
- shortly pedicillate.
- arranged in long racemes.
- pale blue about 7 mm long.
- Calyx: tubular with 5 long
linear teeth.
- Corolla: tubular, bilabiate.
- Stamens: with blue anthers,
united above, forming a
curved tube enclosing bifid
stigma each anther ends with
a tuft of hairs at the apex.
- Ovary: inferior, bilocular,
• The Fruit:
- Inflated capsule, dehiscing by
2 pores at the summit.
- Ovoid or ellipsoidal, 5-8 mm
- Light brown.
- Crowned by the remains of
the calyx.
- Membranous pericarp
- Internally bilocular
- containing numerous seeds
arranged on axile placenta.
• The Seeds:
- minute
- oval oblong, 0.5-0.7 mm
long and about 0.3 mm
- reddish brown with fine
elongated polygonal
Stem T.S.
• Physical characters:
• Color: green to dark green
• Odor: slight irritant
• Taste: at first slight but subsequently burning and
Powder of Lobelia Herb
Powdered Lobelia
Long, non-glandular hair
(conical, unicellular with
lignified inner walls and
covered with warty cuticle)
Fragments of Seed Coat
Woody fibres
Fragments of stem and leaves showing
beaded papillosed epidermal cells,
anomocytic stomata and hairs.
Xylem vessels
Fragments of brown seed coat
showing characteristic thick
walled lignified epidermal
Active constituents
• 1- About (0.3- 0.4 %) piperidine alkaloids, the
important of these are Lobeline, Lobelanine
and Lobelanidine.
• 2- non-acrid but pungent volatile oil.
• 3- Neutral principle, inflatin.
• 4- Lobelic acid.
• 5- resin and waxes.
• 1- Lobelia has a nicotine like action, so its
used in breaking of smoking habit.
Herb 1
3- as expectorant and in treatment
of cough.
4- An injection of Lobeline
hydrochloride is used in
resuscitation of new-born infants.
5- Large doses produce vomiting
and may cause collapse through
medullary paralysis.
2- In bronchitis & bronchial asthma as it has a
bronchodilator effect.
Side Effects and Toxicity:
-Extreme care should be taken with the use of Lobelia
inflata to control asthma and as a remedy in general.
- It has been known to be toxic even at relatively low
doses and in some countries this herb is scheduled.
-Toxic doses of lobelia will give rise to symptoms such as
nausea, vomiting, convulsions and can be fatal.
Pharmaceutical preparations
Hyoscyamus Herb ‫المصرى‬ ‫السكران‬
Egyptian Hyoscyamus Egyptian Henbane
Hyoscyamus Herb ‫المصرى‬ ‫السكران‬
Egyptian Hyoscyamus Egyptian Henbane
Botanical Origin:
The dried leaves and flowering
tops of Hyoscyamus muticus
Linn., Family: Solanaceae.
Geographical Source:
It is a perennial herb,
indigenous and cultivated in
Egypt. It grows wild in the
districts of Egypt.
-erect perennial herb.
-Condition: dry
- Odour: slightly foetid & narcotic.
-Taste: bitter acrid especially on
Macroscopical characters
The Stem:
- cylindrical, slightly compressed
- succulent,
- greyish yellow,
- slightly hairy,
-hollow with hairy branches.
The Leaves:
- pale green to yellowish,
- petiolate or nearly sessile, hairy,
-vary in shape and size,
- lamina: oval, rhomboidal to broadly
elliptical, up to 15 cm long,
- apex: tapering to an equal base and
- margin: entire or with 2-5
triangular acute teeth on each side,
- both surfaces densely hairy,
- mid-rib: broad, prominent on the
lower surface,
-Venation: pinnate.
The Flower:
-Cymose infloresence,
- each shortly pedicillate,
- Usually have 5 petals, 5
sepals, 5 stamens, 2 carpels,
2 locules,
-hairy, leaf, bract,
-bract: ovate-lanceolate,
-calyx: very hairy, striated,
2-4 cm long & 2 cm wide at
the mouth, with 5 short,
-Corolla: dried yellowish,
sometimes with deep colored
patches, zygomorphic funnel
-Stamens: 5-epipetalous,
unequal in length, with
purplish filaments and
brownish and sometimes
purplish anthers.
- Ovary: ovoid superior,
bicarpellary, bilocular, slightly
hairy containing numerous
campylotropous ovules
attached to axile placenta.
The Fruit:
- Pyxis enclosed in the calyx,
- Cylindrical,
- 1.5 cm long & 0.6 cm broad.
The Seed:
-yellowish-grey to brown in color,
- more or less reniform,
- laterally compressed,
- about 1mm. long with reticulate testa,
-Internally shows a curved embryo embedded in
an oily endosperm.
T.S of Hyoscyamus Leaf
Herb 1
• Physical characters:
• Color: light greenish yellow
• Odor: slightly foetid and narcotic
• Taste: bitter acrid
Powder of Hyoscyamus Herb
Twin and prism crystals of
Calcium oxalate
Powder of Hyoscyamus Herb
Glandular hairs
Non-Glandular hairs
Epidermal cells with
anisocytic stomata
Spherical pollen grains
with finely pitted exine
lignified seed coat
1. Presence of anisocytic stomata.
2. Presence of uniseriate, 3 to 5 celled non-
glandular hairs.
3. Presence of glandular hairs with short or long
stalk & multicellular, club-shaped head (clavate
4. Presence of different types of Ca-Ox crystals.
Active Constituents:
• Tropane Alkaloids (0.7 – 1.5 %)
mainly Hyoscyamine
other alkaloids as Hyoscine, atropine and nor-
General uses:
Externally: Local anaesthetic, relieve pain.
- Reduce secretions e.g. sweat, saliva thus used
before surgery.
- Anti spasmodic in urinary tract colics & gripping
effect caused by the purgatives (corrective
- Sedative for spasmodic cough.
• Special chemical test:
• Vitali’s test (Morin color test)
• for tropane alkaloids (Solanaceous alkaloids)
• Alcoholic extract evaporation in porcelain
dish residue + 2 drops of fuming
HNO3, heat till dryness , cool + add 3 drops of
alcoholic KOH violet color.
Pharmaceutical preparations
Herb 1

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Herb 1

  • 2. Examination of the Stem • 1- Macroscopical characters: - Condition: - Shape - Colour - Nodes and internodes - Phyllotaxis - Surface - Fracture - Odour - Taste
  • 3. Medicinal Herbs Lobelia Hyoscyamus Mentha Thyme Ergot Ephedra Passiflora Official Herbs Non-Official Herbs Cannabis Vinca Yeast Fucus Cetraria Chondrus
  • 4. Lobelia Herb ‫اللوبيليا‬ ‫عشب‬ Indian Tobacco ‫الهندى‬ ‫الدخان‬
  • 5. Lobelia Herb ‫اللوبيليا‬ ‫عشب‬ Indian Tobacco ‫الهندى‬ ‫الدخان‬ • Origin: - The dried aerial parts of Lobelia inflata Linn. Family: Campanulaceae, collected towards the end of the flowering stage. - It is used by North American Indians as domestic medicine as a cigarette for asthma.
  • 6. Macroscopical characters - erect annual herb, 40-60 cm. - Odour: slight irritant. -Taste: at first slight but subsequently burning and acrid.
  • 7. • The Stem: - Monopodial branching. - Angular to winged. - Irregularly furrowed. - Green to yellowish with large purplish patches. - Hairy on the upper parts and nearly glabrous on the lower.
  • 8. • The Leaves: - alternate. - Pale green. - Scattered stiff hairs along the margin and veins on the outer surface. - The lower leaves are oblong, shortly petiolate. - The upper leaves are small, oval to lanceolate, sessile, with irregularly crenate, dentate margin.
  • 9. • The Flowers: - shortly pedicillate. - arranged in long racemes. - pale blue about 7 mm long. - Calyx: tubular with 5 long linear teeth. - Corolla: tubular, bilabiate. - Stamens: with blue anthers, united above, forming a curved tube enclosing bifid stigma each anther ends with a tuft of hairs at the apex. - Ovary: inferior, bilocular, bicarpellary.
  • 10. • The Fruit: - Inflated capsule, dehiscing by 2 pores at the summit. - Ovoid or ellipsoidal, 5-8 mm long. - Light brown. - Crowned by the remains of the calyx. - Membranous pericarp - Internally bilocular - containing numerous seeds arranged on axile placenta.
  • 11. • The Seeds: - minute - oval oblong, 0.5-0.7 mm long and about 0.3 mm wide. - reddish brown with fine elongated polygonal reticulations.
  • 14. • Physical characters: • Color: green to dark green • Odor: slight irritant • Taste: at first slight but subsequently burning and acrid. Powder of Lobelia Herb
  • 15. Powdered Lobelia Long, non-glandular hair (conical, unicellular with lignified inner walls and covered with warty cuticle) Laticiferous vessels Fragments of Seed Coat
  • 16. Woody fibres Fragments of stem and leaves showing beaded papillosed epidermal cells, anomocytic stomata and hairs. Xylem vessels
  • 17. Fragments of brown seed coat showing characteristic thick walled lignified epidermal cells
  • 18. Active constituents • 1- About (0.3- 0.4 %) piperidine alkaloids, the important of these are Lobeline, Lobelanine and Lobelanidine. • 2- non-acrid but pungent volatile oil. • 3- Neutral principle, inflatin. • 4- Lobelic acid. • 5- resin and waxes.
  • 19. Uses • 1- Lobelia has a nicotine like action, so its used in breaking of smoking habit.
  • 21. 3- as expectorant and in treatment of cough. 4- An injection of Lobeline hydrochloride is used in resuscitation of new-born infants. 5- Large doses produce vomiting and may cause collapse through medullary paralysis. 2- In bronchitis & bronchial asthma as it has a bronchodilator effect.
  • 22. Side Effects and Toxicity: -Extreme care should be taken with the use of Lobelia inflata to control asthma and as a remedy in general. - It has been known to be toxic even at relatively low doses and in some countries this herb is scheduled. -Toxic doses of lobelia will give rise to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, convulsions and can be fatal.
  • 24. Hyoscyamus Herb ‫المصرى‬ ‫السكران‬ Egyptian Hyoscyamus Egyptian Henbane
  • 25. Hyoscyamus Herb ‫المصرى‬ ‫السكران‬ Egyptian Hyoscyamus Egyptian Henbane Botanical Origin: The dried leaves and flowering tops of Hyoscyamus muticus Linn., Family: Solanaceae. Geographical Source: It is a perennial herb, indigenous and cultivated in Egypt. It grows wild in the districts of Egypt.
  • 26. -erect perennial herb. -Condition: dry - Odour: slightly foetid & narcotic. -Taste: bitter acrid especially on chewing. Macroscopical characters
  • 27. The Stem: - cylindrical, slightly compressed - succulent, - greyish yellow, - slightly hairy, -hollow with hairy branches.
  • 28. The Leaves: - pale green to yellowish, - petiolate or nearly sessile, hairy, -vary in shape and size, - lamina: oval, rhomboidal to broadly elliptical, up to 15 cm long, - apex: tapering to an equal base and accuminate, - margin: entire or with 2-5 triangular acute teeth on each side, - both surfaces densely hairy, - mid-rib: broad, prominent on the lower surface, -Venation: pinnate.
  • 29. The Flower: -Cymose infloresence, - each shortly pedicillate, - Usually have 5 petals, 5 sepals, 5 stamens, 2 carpels, 2 locules, -hairy, leaf, bract, -bract: ovate-lanceolate, -calyx: very hairy, striated, 2-4 cm long & 2 cm wide at the mouth, with 5 short,
  • 30. -Corolla: dried yellowish, sometimes with deep colored patches, zygomorphic funnel shaped. -Stamens: 5-epipetalous, unequal in length, with purplish filaments and brownish and sometimes purplish anthers. - Ovary: ovoid superior, bicarpellary, bilocular, slightly hairy containing numerous campylotropous ovules attached to axile placenta.
  • 31. The Fruit: - Pyxis enclosed in the calyx, - Cylindrical, - 1.5 cm long & 0.6 cm broad.
  • 32. The Seed: -yellowish-grey to brown in color, - more or less reniform, - laterally compressed, - about 1mm. long with reticulate testa, -Internally shows a curved embryo embedded in an oily endosperm.
  • 35. • Physical characters: • Color: light greenish yellow • Odor: slightly foetid and narcotic • Taste: bitter acrid Powder of Hyoscyamus Herb
  • 36. Twin and prism crystals of Calcium oxalate Powder of Hyoscyamus Herb Glandular hairs Non-Glandular hairs
  • 37. Epidermal cells with anisocytic stomata Spherical pollen grains with finely pitted exine lignified seed coat
  • 38. Microscopically: 1. Presence of anisocytic stomata. 2. Presence of uniseriate, 3 to 5 celled non- glandular hairs. 3. Presence of glandular hairs with short or long stalk & multicellular, club-shaped head (clavate hair). 4. Presence of different types of Ca-Ox crystals.
  • 39. Active Constituents: • Tropane Alkaloids (0.7 – 1.5 %) mainly Hyoscyamine other alkaloids as Hyoscine, atropine and nor- atropine.
  • 40. General uses: Externally: Local anaesthetic, relieve pain. Internally: - Reduce secretions e.g. sweat, saliva thus used before surgery. - Anti spasmodic in urinary tract colics & gripping effect caused by the purgatives (corrective antispasmodic). - Sedative for spasmodic cough.
  • 41. • Special chemical test: • Vitali’s test (Morin color test) • for tropane alkaloids (Solanaceous alkaloids) • Alcoholic extract evaporation in porcelain dish residue + 2 drops of fuming HNO3, heat till dryness , cool + add 3 drops of alcoholic KOH violet color.