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 Introduction
 Definition of Transportation
 The seven major Transportation evolution eras
 The Systems of Travel
 Transportation and Energy
 Transportation systems and environment
 Conclusion
TU Bergakademie Freiberg | Ifaculty of Ecomonics and Business administration| IMBA IMRE| History of Environment| Prof.
Albrecht Helmut | 13.05.2016
 Tourism is all about travelling and the role of transportation is very key in its
operations. Transportation connects the various destination sites to the travellers or
 In the 19th century the steam power engines, and lately Petro and diesel powered
engines were invented, as the matter of fact the inventions changed the transportation
 In the twentieth century, tourism continued to grow as a result of improvements in
people’s transport. Advances in transport allowed people to travel in masses.
 So Simply put , if people cannot move from one place to another whether by air, land
or sea, then there is no tourism.
Sources: Erkan S., Medet Y.: Global Age of mass tourism its history and development. Own findings 3
 Transportation is the movement of people ,animals or goods from
one place to another.
 The name is derived from a latin word “trans” meaning to across and
“potare” meaning to carry.
 Modes of transport includes air , water, rails , Land and others like
cables and space.
Source : Own findings 4
 The first form of transportation was the human foot. However people
gradually learned how to use animals for transport. Donkeys and
Horses were domesticated between 4000 and 3000 BC. Camels
were domesticated slightly after between 3000 and 2000 BC.
 In about 3,500 BC , the wheel was invented in what is now present
day Iraq. Earlier, the wheels were made of solid pieces of wood put
together to form a circle and later after 2,000 BC , made of spokes.
 About 3000 BC, the Egyptians invented the sailing boats. They were
made of papyrus reeves tied together. About 2,700 BC they began
using wooden ships by sea for trading.
Tsource: http://www.localhistories.org/transport.html, and own findings 5
Ancient Transportation
Tsource: http://www.localhistories.org/transport.html, and own findings 6
Ancient Transportation
 This was the time before the wide scale of industrialization in North
America and Europe. This was between 1750-1850
 During that time, Travel was difficult and dangerous due to no
regular scheduled transportations services.
 There was little travel.
 Only a small percentage of the population had the money and
reason to travel.
source : Jagbir ,S., 2010. Ecotourism., 7
Pre-Industrial travel system Era
 More industrialization and advances in transportation technology
brought about road improvements, railways, canals and steamship
services during this era.
 Common carriers came into operation and began to offer regularly
scheduled transportation services.
 Travel increased because more people had money to travel.
Tsource : Jagbir ,S., 2010. Ecotourism., , own findings 8
Early Industrial Society travel system Era
 This era was characterized by railway by which expanded their
operations by providing travel related services.
 In this Era, travel agencies and tour companies were formed.
 Thomas cook was one of the innovators in this field during this era,
beginning his company’s activities in the 1840s in the U.K
 Again, more people were travelling in this era than the one before.
source : Jagbir ,S., 2010. Ecotourism., , own findings 9
Mature- Railway system Era
 Express services became increasingly available in this era
 The trains or other transport services did not stop at every station or
terminal but only the major ones.
 This increased speed of travel and thereby increasing more travel
and tourism than previously.
Tsource : Jagbir ,S., 2010. Ecotourism., , own findings 10
Express Travel system Era
 From about the 1920s, Car ownership boomed in North America
and Europe.
 Motorways , interstate highways and other trunk highways were
developed in the later half of this era which was from 1920-1974
 Automobile was predominant over travel modes from 1920-1945.
 This increased speed of travel and thereby increasing more travel
than before.
Tsource : Jagbir ,S., 2010. Ecotourism., , own findings 11
Automobile based Travel system Era
 The modern tourism travel system is dated between 1945-1974.
 Car ownership continued to grow at a faster rate with respect to long
distance rail travel.
 The introduction of wide bodies jets in 1970s greatly improved the air
travel and tourism.
 Mass tourism was also prevalent during the 1950s and 1960s.
Tsource : Jagbir ,S., 2010. Ecotourism., , own findings 12
Modern -Tourism Travel system Era
 This current or present era is one in which travellers will have and
continuously look for alternative modes of transportation depending
on their preference or choice.
Tsource : Jagbir ,S., 2010. Ecotourism., , own findings 13
Post Mobility Adjustment Era
source : Own findings 14
 Orville and Wilbur wright launched the aviation age when Orville
made the first controlled ,sustained and motorized flight in 1903 at
Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
 Air travel is by far the most effect transport mode .
 notably because of prices ,only 12.5% of tourist travel by plane but
for international travel is share is around 40%.
 Air travel has revolutionized the geographical aspects of distances
because now any journey around the world can be measured in
terms of hours of travelling.
Source: Jean-Paul ,R. (2013)., The geography of transport, own findings 15
Airline Travel
 Scheduled and Non -scheduled
 Passenger
 Cargo
 Passenger and Cargo
 Intercontinental
 International
 Domestic
Source: Personal, Social and Humanitites education section bureau,2009: Manual module 1,Iintroduction to tourism 16
Types of Airline Travel
 This is an agreement between two countries which grants a
countries airline approval to enter and land into another country’s
 It was formulated as a result of disagreements over extent of aviation
liberalization in the convention of international civil aviation in 1944.
 The foundation of International Air Transport Association ( IATA) was
geared towards organization of safe, economic and regular
transportation worldwide and also provide coordination among
 Today, more than 230 airlines been members of IATA and this
constitutes of 93 percent of all scheduled flights around the world.
Source: Manual on the Regulation of International Air Transport (Doc 9626, Part 4),Erkan S., Medet Y.: Global Age of mass
tourism its history and development,
Freedoms of Air
 Lufthansa
 Emirates
 China Airlines
 Ethihad
 Singapore Airlines
 The Airbus A380 is the largest commercial airliner with twin desk and
555 passengers.
 The Boeing 787 dreamliner is the most fuel efficient airliner.
Source: Own findings 18
International Carriers
 Railway serves as one of the major transport system in most
countries. This includes but not limited to India, China, and South
Korea. It is also widespread in European countries.
 Due to the scenery and amenities provided, the rail transport can be
a tourist destination itself.
 Several short rail lines which did not have commercial potential
have been converted to tourism.
 Some have also been specifically designed for tourist trade on a local
and international level.
Source: Jean-Paul ,R. (2013)., The geography of transport, own findings , Personal, Social and Humanitites education section
bureau,2009: Manual module 1,Iintroduction to tourism
The railway Industry
 The Eurail is also known as the Eurorail
 It offers rail passes for train travel across Europe.
 Over 300,000 travellers choose Eurail annually
Source ;http://www.eurail.com/ 20
The railway Industry
There are several types of Eurail passes including:
 Global pass which can be used to explore up to 28 countries
 Select Pass which gives you the opportunity to select 2,3 or 4
bordering countries of your choice.
 One country pass which allows you to choose one country out of 27
to visit.
Source ;http://www.eurail.com/
The railway Industry
 The Bullet train called Shinkansen in Japan is phenomenon in
railway .
 It has a speed between 240-320 km/h
 In 2007, Shinkasen recorded an annual passenger ridership of 353
Source ;Central Japan Railway Company, ownfindings
The railway Industry – High speed Rail
 Links two countries or areas separated by water bodies through
underground tunnels.
 The channel Tunnel is one example which links france and Britian. It
stretches around 32 miles.
 Seikan Tunnel is another example located in Japan connecting
Tsugaru strait to the Honsu and Hokkaido islands
 It stretches around 33.6 miles and it’s the longest undersea tunnel.
Source ;Leslie A. Veditz, 1993, The Channel tunnel- A case study ownfindings
The railway Industry – Undersea Railway Tunnel
 Motor coach is a type of bus used in conveying passengers on
excursions and on longer distance intercity bus service and even
between countries.
 Unlike transit buses for shorter distances, coach buses are designed
with luggage area normally separated from passenger seat, very
spacious and sometimes with provision of toilets and other
comfortable facilities.
 Advantages of using Motor coach includes: No driving, Hassle- free
planning, expertise of a tour guide and great platform for socializing.
Source ; Own finding
The Motor Coach Industry
 In the U.S. ,Motor coach industry consist of approximately 3,900
companies operating about 34,000 vehicles.
 These companies provide charter, tour, sightseeing, airport shuttle,
commuter, and scheduled intercity services.
 They transport about 750 million passengers per year , moving
individual passengers a total of 65 billion miles per year.
Source ; U.S. Department of Transportation. Motor Coach Safety Action plan
The Motor Coach Industry
 Goway ,since 1970, been providing unforgettable travel experiences
for travellers from all walks of life
 They are North America’s leading travel provider to Australia& the
south pacific, Asia, Africa & Middle East, Latin America &Antarctica
,islands and U.K- Europe.
 Goway buses travelled on 3-month journeys from Bogota, Colombia,
down the Andean spine to Chile, across into Argentina and up to Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil
Source ; www. Goway.com 26
The Motor Coach Industry – Goway Travel
 Currently most of the travel in the world takes place in automobile.
 Brought decline in the popularity of train travel in developed countries
 Karl freiderich Benz, German engine designer and engineer, is
regarded as the inventor of the first automobile powered by internal
combustion engine in 1886 leading to pioneering founder of the
automobile manufacturer Mercedes Benz.
 Auto travel is the most inexpensive and convenient form of travel.
 The two important aspects of automobile travel is car rental and
recreational vehicles.
Source ; www.daimler.com/company/tradition/company-history/1885-1886.html, own findings
The Automobile Industry
Source ; ACEA 2016: The automobile industry pocket guide. www.ACEA.BE
The Automobile Industry
 Vacation trip by ship
 The cruise industry is the fastest-growing category in the leisure
travel market. Since 1980, the industry has experienced an average
annual passenger growth rate of approximately 7.2% per annum.
 In 2014, a record 22.1 million passengers are estimated to have
cruised globally.
Source ; FCCA 2015, Cruise industry overview 2015, http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/130725131331-silversea-
The Cruise Industry
Source ; FCCA 2015, Cruise industry overview 2015
The Cruise Industry
 This figure shows the regions with the highest to the lowest capacity
share of cruise destination
 Among developed countries, transportation accounts for 20-25
percent of energy been consumed.
 Road transportation alone consumes averagely 80-85 percent of total
energy used in the transport sector.
 In Land transport, Road as a mode is the mainly the cost of
additional energy demand in the transport over the last 25 years.
 Since 1950, there has been a growing share of transportation in the
total oil consumption in countries.
Source ; Jean-Paul R.,2013. The Geography of transport systems
Energy Consumption in Transportation
 It now accounts for more than 55 percent of total oil used each year.
 Transportation is almost completely reliant on upon petroleum
products (95 percent)
 The growth in oil demand is mainly attributed to the growth in
transportation demand.
Source ; Jean-Paul R.,2013. The Geography of transport systems
Energy Consumption in Transportation
Source ; U.S. Department of Energy, Transportation Energy Data Book Edition 28(2009)
Energy Consumption in Transportation
Source ; Jean-Paul R.,2013. The Geography of transport systems
Effects of Transportation on the Environment
 Development in transportation industry over the years has for a fact
speed up the development in the tourism industry . It increased the
mobility of tourists and if we pay attention to world tourism
organisations ,show that tourism dynamics has changed and
increased but transport activities has led to growing levels of
motorisation and congestion.
 As a result, transportation sector has been increasingly linked to
environmental problems.
 Important impacts relate to Climate change, air quality, noise, water
quality and soil quality.
Source ; United states Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report 1990-2014
Effects of Transportation on the Environment
 In 2014, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions totaled 6,870 million metric
tons of carbon dioxide equivalents.
Source ; Jean-Paul R.,2013. The Geography of transport systems
Effects of Transportation on the Environment
 These greenhouse gases contribute to global warming leading to
increase in Earth’s temperature and also increases depletion of
ozone layer causing direct u.v radiation.
 Highway vehicles, passenger cars, marine and aircrafts, are sources
of pollution in the form of gas and particulate matter emissions which
can cause damage to human health through cancer, cardiovascular
and respiratory diseases.
 Fuel chemicals discarded from transport modes like ships can
contaminate rivers, seas and other water bodies.
Source : http://adventurejunkies.theadventurejunk.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/COSTA.jpg 37
Erkan S., Medet Y., 2010.Global Age of mass tourism its history and development
Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association. 2015. Cruise industry overview
International Civil Aviation Organization.2004.Manual on the Regulation of International Air
Transport .Doc 9626, Part 4
Jagbir, S., 2010. Ecotourism.ISBN 978-93-80026-96-1
Jean-Paul, R. 2013. The geography of transport
Leslie A. Veditz. 1993. The Channel tunnel- A case study
Personal, Social and Humanities education section bureau.2009. Manual module 1.introduction to
U.S. Department of Energy.2009.Transportation Energy Data Book Edition 28
United states Environmental Protection Agency. 2014. U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report
1990-20 U.S. Department of Transportation.2012. Motor Coach Safety Action plan. Retrieved from
Image References
http:/ /english.jr-central.co.jp/
http://www. Goway.com/

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Historic means of travelling

  • 2.  Introduction  Definition of Transportation  The seven major Transportation evolution eras  The Systems of Travel  Transportation and Energy  Transportation systems and environment  Conclusion 2 CONTENTS TU Bergakademie Freiberg | Ifaculty of Ecomonics and Business administration| IMBA IMRE| History of Environment| Prof. Albrecht Helmut | 13.05.2016
  • 3.  Tourism is all about travelling and the role of transportation is very key in its operations. Transportation connects the various destination sites to the travellers or tourists.  In the 19th century the steam power engines, and lately Petro and diesel powered engines were invented, as the matter of fact the inventions changed the transportation  In the twentieth century, tourism continued to grow as a result of improvements in people’s transport. Advances in transport allowed people to travel in masses.  So Simply put , if people cannot move from one place to another whether by air, land or sea, then there is no tourism. Sources: Erkan S., Medet Y.: Global Age of mass tourism its history and development. Own findings 3 INTRODUCTION
  • 4. DEFINITION OF TRANSPORTATION  Transportation is the movement of people ,animals or goods from one place to another.  The name is derived from a latin word “trans” meaning to across and “potare” meaning to carry.  Modes of transport includes air , water, rails , Land and others like cables and space. Source : Own findings 4
  • 5. DEFINTION OF TRANSPORTATION  The first form of transportation was the human foot. However people gradually learned how to use animals for transport. Donkeys and Horses were domesticated between 4000 and 3000 BC. Camels were domesticated slightly after between 3000 and 2000 BC.  In about 3,500 BC , the wheel was invented in what is now present day Iraq. Earlier, the wheels were made of solid pieces of wood put together to form a circle and later after 2,000 BC , made of spokes.  About 3000 BC, the Egyptians invented the sailing boats. They were made of papyrus reeves tied together. About 2,700 BC they began using wooden ships by sea for trading. Tsource: http://www.localhistories.org/transport.html, and own findings 5 Ancient Transportation
  • 6. DEFINTION OF TRANSPORTATION Tsource: http://www.localhistories.org/transport.html, and own findings 6 Ancient Transportation
  • 7. THE SEVE N MAJOR TRANSPORTATION EVOLUTION ERAS  This was the time before the wide scale of industrialization in North America and Europe. This was between 1750-1850  During that time, Travel was difficult and dangerous due to no regular scheduled transportations services.  There was little travel.  Only a small percentage of the population had the money and reason to travel. source : Jagbir ,S., 2010. Ecotourism., 7 Pre-Industrial travel system Era
  • 8. THE SEVE N MAJOR TRANSPORTATION EVOLUTION ERAS  More industrialization and advances in transportation technology brought about road improvements, railways, canals and steamship services during this era.  Common carriers came into operation and began to offer regularly scheduled transportation services.  Travel increased because more people had money to travel. Tsource : Jagbir ,S., 2010. Ecotourism., , own findings 8 Early Industrial Society travel system Era
  • 9. THE SEVE N MAJOR TRANSPORTATION EVOLUTION ERAS  This era was characterized by railway by which expanded their operations by providing travel related services.  In this Era, travel agencies and tour companies were formed.  Thomas cook was one of the innovators in this field during this era, beginning his company’s activities in the 1840s in the U.K  Again, more people were travelling in this era than the one before. source : Jagbir ,S., 2010. Ecotourism., , own findings 9 Mature- Railway system Era
  • 10. THE SEVE N MAJOR TRANSPORTATION EVOLUTION ERAS  Express services became increasingly available in this era  The trains or other transport services did not stop at every station or terminal but only the major ones.  This increased speed of travel and thereby increasing more travel and tourism than previously. . Tsource : Jagbir ,S., 2010. Ecotourism., , own findings 10 Express Travel system Era
  • 11. THE SEVE N MAJOR TRANSPORTATION EVOLUTION ERAS  From about the 1920s, Car ownership boomed in North America and Europe.  Motorways , interstate highways and other trunk highways were developed in the later half of this era which was from 1920-1974  Automobile was predominant over travel modes from 1920-1945.  This increased speed of travel and thereby increasing more travel than before. . Tsource : Jagbir ,S., 2010. Ecotourism., , own findings 11 Automobile based Travel system Era
  • 12. TRANSPORTATION  The modern tourism travel system is dated between 1945-1974.  Car ownership continued to grow at a faster rate with respect to long distance rail travel.  The introduction of wide bodies jets in 1970s greatly improved the air travel and tourism.  Mass tourism was also prevalent during the 1950s and 1960s. . Tsource : Jagbir ,S., 2010. Ecotourism., , own findings 12 Modern -Tourism Travel system Era
  • 13. THE SEVE N MAJOR TRANSPORTATION EVOLUTION ERAS  This current or present era is one in which travellers will have and continuously look for alternative modes of transportation depending on their preference or choice. . Tsource : Jagbir ,S., 2010. Ecotourism., , own findings 13 Post Mobility Adjustment Era
  • 14. . source : Own findings 14
  • 15. SYSTEMS OF TRAVEL  Orville and Wilbur wright launched the aviation age when Orville made the first controlled ,sustained and motorized flight in 1903 at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.  Air travel is by far the most effect transport mode .  notably because of prices ,only 12.5% of tourist travel by plane but for international travel is share is around 40%.  Air travel has revolutionized the geographical aspects of distances because now any journey around the world can be measured in terms of hours of travelling. Source: Jean-Paul ,R. (2013)., The geography of transport, own findings 15 Airline Travel
  • 16. SYSTEMS OF TRAVEL  Scheduled and Non -scheduled  Passenger  Cargo  Passenger and Cargo  Intercontinental  International  Domestic Source: Personal, Social and Humanitites education section bureau,2009: Manual module 1,Iintroduction to tourism 16 Types of Airline Travel
  • 17. SYSTEMS OF TRAVEL  This is an agreement between two countries which grants a countries airline approval to enter and land into another country’s airspace.  It was formulated as a result of disagreements over extent of aviation liberalization in the convention of international civil aviation in 1944.  The foundation of International Air Transport Association ( IATA) was geared towards organization of safe, economic and regular transportation worldwide and also provide coordination among airlines.  Today, more than 230 airlines been members of IATA and this constitutes of 93 percent of all scheduled flights around the world. Source: Manual on the Regulation of International Air Transport (Doc 9626, Part 4),Erkan S., Medet Y.: Global Age of mass tourism its history and development, 17 Freedoms of Air
  • 18. SYSTEMS OF TRAVEL  Lufthansa  Emirates  KLM  China Airlines  Ethihad  Singapore Airlines  The Airbus A380 is the largest commercial airliner with twin desk and 555 passengers.  The Boeing 787 dreamliner is the most fuel efficient airliner. Source: Own findings 18 International Carriers
  • 19. SYSTEMS OF TRAVEL  Railway serves as one of the major transport system in most countries. This includes but not limited to India, China, and South Korea. It is also widespread in European countries.  Due to the scenery and amenities provided, the rail transport can be a tourist destination itself.  Several short rail lines which did not have commercial potential have been converted to tourism.  Some have also been specifically designed for tourist trade on a local and international level. Source: Jean-Paul ,R. (2013)., The geography of transport, own findings , Personal, Social and Humanitites education section bureau,2009: Manual module 1,Iintroduction to tourism 19 The railway Industry
  • 20. SYSTEMS OF TRAVEL  The Eurail is also known as the Eurorail  It offers rail passes for train travel across Europe.  Over 300,000 travellers choose Eurail annually Source ;http://www.eurail.com/ 20 The railway Industry
  • 21. SYSTEMS OF TRAVEL There are several types of Eurail passes including:  Global pass which can be used to explore up to 28 countries  Select Pass which gives you the opportunity to select 2,3 or 4 bordering countries of your choice.  One country pass which allows you to choose one country out of 27 to visit. Source ;http://www.eurail.com/ 21 The railway Industry
  • 22. SYSTEMS OF TRAVEL  The Bullet train called Shinkansen in Japan is phenomenon in railway .  It has a speed between 240-320 km/h  In 2007, Shinkasen recorded an annual passenger ridership of 353 million Source ;Central Japan Railway Company, ownfindings 22 The railway Industry – High speed Rail
  • 23. SYSTEMS OF TRAVEL  Links two countries or areas separated by water bodies through underground tunnels.  The channel Tunnel is one example which links france and Britian. It stretches around 32 miles.  Seikan Tunnel is another example located in Japan connecting Tsugaru strait to the Honsu and Hokkaido islands  It stretches around 33.6 miles and it’s the longest undersea tunnel. Source ;Leslie A. Veditz, 1993, The Channel tunnel- A case study ownfindings 23 The railway Industry – Undersea Railway Tunnel
  • 24. SYSTEMS OF TRAVEL  Motor coach is a type of bus used in conveying passengers on excursions and on longer distance intercity bus service and even between countries.  Unlike transit buses for shorter distances, coach buses are designed with luggage area normally separated from passenger seat, very spacious and sometimes with provision of toilets and other comfortable facilities.  Advantages of using Motor coach includes: No driving, Hassle- free planning, expertise of a tour guide and great platform for socializing. Source ; Own finding 24 The Motor Coach Industry
  • 25. SYSTEMS OF TRAVEL  In the U.S. ,Motor coach industry consist of approximately 3,900 companies operating about 34,000 vehicles.  These companies provide charter, tour, sightseeing, airport shuttle, commuter, and scheduled intercity services.  They transport about 750 million passengers per year , moving individual passengers a total of 65 billion miles per year. Source ; U.S. Department of Transportation. Motor Coach Safety Action plan 25 The Motor Coach Industry
  • 26. SYSTEMS OF TRAVEL  Goway ,since 1970, been providing unforgettable travel experiences for travellers from all walks of life  They are North America’s leading travel provider to Australia& the south pacific, Asia, Africa & Middle East, Latin America &Antarctica ,islands and U.K- Europe.  Goway buses travelled on 3-month journeys from Bogota, Colombia, down the Andean spine to Chile, across into Argentina and up to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Source ; www. Goway.com 26 The Motor Coach Industry – Goway Travel
  • 27. SYSTEMS OF TRAVEL  Currently most of the travel in the world takes place in automobile.  Brought decline in the popularity of train travel in developed countries  Karl freiderich Benz, German engine designer and engineer, is regarded as the inventor of the first automobile powered by internal combustion engine in 1886 leading to pioneering founder of the automobile manufacturer Mercedes Benz.  Auto travel is the most inexpensive and convenient form of travel.  The two important aspects of automobile travel is car rental and recreational vehicles. Source ; www.daimler.com/company/tradition/company-history/1885-1886.html, own findings 27 The Automobile Industry
  • 28. SYSTEMS OF TRAVEL Source ; ACEA 2016: The automobile industry pocket guide. www.ACEA.BE 28 The Automobile Industry
  • 29. SYSTEMS OF TRAVEL  Vacation trip by ship  The cruise industry is the fastest-growing category in the leisure travel market. Since 1980, the industry has experienced an average annual passenger growth rate of approximately 7.2% per annum.  In 2014, a record 22.1 million passengers are estimated to have cruised globally. Source ; FCCA 2015, Cruise industry overview 2015, http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/130725131331-silversea- silver-shadow-horizontal-large-gallery.jpg 29 The Cruise Industry
  • 30. SYSTEMS OF TRAVEL Source ; FCCA 2015, Cruise industry overview 2015 30 The Cruise Industry  This figure shows the regions with the highest to the lowest capacity share of cruise destination
  • 31. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS AND ENERGY  Among developed countries, transportation accounts for 20-25 percent of energy been consumed.  Road transportation alone consumes averagely 80-85 percent of total energy used in the transport sector.  In Land transport, Road as a mode is the mainly the cost of additional energy demand in the transport over the last 25 years.  Since 1950, there has been a growing share of transportation in the total oil consumption in countries. Source ; Jean-Paul R.,2013. The Geography of transport systems 31 Energy Consumption in Transportation
  • 32. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS AND ENERGY  It now accounts for more than 55 percent of total oil used each year.  Transportation is almost completely reliant on upon petroleum products (95 percent)  The growth in oil demand is mainly attributed to the growth in transportation demand. Source ; Jean-Paul R.,2013. The Geography of transport systems 32 Energy Consumption in Transportation
  • 33. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS AND ENERGY Source ; U.S. Department of Energy, Transportation Energy Data Book Edition 28(2009) 33 Energy Consumption in Transportation
  • 34. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS AND ENVIROMENT Source ; Jean-Paul R.,2013. The Geography of transport systems 34 Effects of Transportation on the Environment  Development in transportation industry over the years has for a fact speed up the development in the tourism industry . It increased the mobility of tourists and if we pay attention to world tourism organisations ,show that tourism dynamics has changed and increased but transport activities has led to growing levels of motorisation and congestion.  As a result, transportation sector has been increasingly linked to environmental problems.  Important impacts relate to Climate change, air quality, noise, water quality and soil quality.
  • 35. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS AND ENVIROMENT Source ; United states Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report 1990-2014 35 Effects of Transportation on the Environment  In 2014, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions totaled 6,870 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents.
  • 36. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS AND ENVIROMENT Source ; Jean-Paul R.,2013. The Geography of transport systems 36 Effects of Transportation on the Environment  These greenhouse gases contribute to global warming leading to increase in Earth’s temperature and also increases depletion of ozone layer causing direct u.v radiation.  Highway vehicles, passenger cars, marine and aircrafts, are sources of pollution in the form of gas and particulate matter emissions which can cause damage to human health through cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.  Fuel chemicals discarded from transport modes like ships can contaminate rivers, seas and other water bodies.
  • 38. 38
  • 39. REFERENCES 39 Erkan S., Medet Y., 2010.Global Age of mass tourism its history and development Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association. 2015. Cruise industry overview International Civil Aviation Organization.2004.Manual on the Regulation of International Air Transport .Doc 9626, Part 4 Jagbir, S., 2010. Ecotourism.ISBN 978-93-80026-96-1 Jean-Paul, R. 2013. The geography of transport Leslie A. Veditz. 1993. The Channel tunnel- A case study Personal, Social and Humanities education section bureau.2009. Manual module 1.introduction to tourism U.S. Department of Energy.2009.Transportation Energy Data Book Edition 28 United states Environmental Protection Agency. 2014. U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report 1990-20 U.S. Department of Transportation.2012. Motor Coach Safety Action plan. Retrieved from www.fmcsa.dot.gov14.
  • 40. 40 Image References www3.epa.gov/climatechange/ghgemissions/usinventoryreport http:/ /english.jr-central.co.jp/ http://www.eurail.com/ http://www. Goway.com/ http://www.localhistories.org/transport.html http://adventurejunkies.theadventurejunk.netdna-cdn.com/wp- content/uploads/2014/10/COSTA.jpg