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Historiography Historiography
An Explosive Acquisition Of Language
As my almost two year old embarks upon her first meaningful conversations with us, I am reminded
how important language and words are to each of us. Harper has only recently begun to proudly
announce her name as she enters a room, counting to four, and identifying shapes in board books.
Anything that is green is a frog, and anything that is furry is, of course, a dog. Her enthusiasm and
delightful squeals when she has discovered a new word are mesmeric. Her brow furls as she processes
and realizes that she, in fact, understands a new concept that did not exist in her world until 0.25
seconds prior. An explosive acquisition of language is allowing her to embrace the world in ways that
had previously been inaccessible to her.
Being almost two also seems overwhelming. When my sweet yet determined little lady does not have
words to communicate her thoughts or her present needs at a given moment, she immediately becomes
frustrated, distraught, or downright upset. Again, her brow crinkles up in a desperate attempt to make
sense of her surroundings. This level of frustration often results in tears and necessitates a hug, which
I secretly slightly enjoy (She ll only cuddle for so long). Her tears, however, also remind me to pause
and consider the feelings of all those who feel as if they do not have a voice.
In her struggles, I am reminded of my students who claim to hate writing papers because they re
boring but privately know that structuring and developing their ideas in a
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Harvard Case Study On Deviance
Deviance is not an event. It is a process that involves multiple levels of disapproval in the society,
which has been proved to be biased against certain groups of people. Deviance isn t just a matter of
actions, but our identity. Everyone commits crime, but not all obtain the identity as deviant. The
process of acquiring that status involves exclusion of others, and the attribution of stigma, as
illustrated in Goffman s study. Visible and perceivable stigma leads to spoiled identity, where people
acquire through interactions with others. We become deviant through membership in different groups
as they produce deviance by participating the rituals of inclusion and exclusion. Its complexity
continued to elude our attention, as we had constantly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Harvard University has a great reputation for both their academic standings and student s morality.
Their fear for the reputation generated their ignorance and avoidance to these matters. Around that
same year, two recent graduates pled guilty to stealing money from a Harvard based cancer charity;
one prospective student s acceptance was rescinded because she killed her own mother. These events
can all potentially damage the school s great reputation, and they are reluctant to talk about these
issues, as shown in the report. The social elites, those that have high academic success, defined
morality in their own terms, associated with students academic standings, as Sinedu s application to a
certain class was denied because she wasn t good enough, which was a rejection she did not take well
with; groups that are powerless received less help, attention from other social groups and received less
help. In this case, Sinedu s status as a foreign student or third world student, as used in this article,
could attribute to her lack of resources and the ability to access
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Enduring Love Research Paper
Painful Pleasure Rise and shine, campers. Rise and shine, Tony Brown yells over the intercom directly
above my bed. Ugh, we all moan in harmony. It s too early to be that happy, my sister mumbles. Tony
Brown, camp director, is a very loud, enthusiastic man. He is one of the happiest people I know, and
he is the most passionate of anyone on this planet for Maywood Christian Camp. My sister is right
though; it is hard to wake up to his cheeriness. I slowly drag myself out of bed, get dressed, and walk
down the steps to the ball field. It is a sweltering summer day. Kids are already giggling and swinging
as high as the sky, teens are tossing the football from one person to another, and counselors are
relaxing in their red ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Well, Mr. Tony, it s a battle wound, I hesitantly explain. He gives me a suspicious look, but I boldly
smile and say, Just a word of advice. If you ever participate in a water balloon fight, wear eye
protection. Mr. Tony, with a look of disapproval, says, A water balloon fight, huh? I see you broke a
few rules last night. I m glad y all had fun, and it is okay to break the rules sometimes. However, we
don t need kids getting injured left and right on camp grounds. It immediately becomes clear to me
that camp rules are enforced for a reason. Breaking the rules is thrilling and pleasurable at times, but
there are always consequences, whether transparent or not. My multicolored, swollen eye originated
from breaking the rules the previous night rules I should have never broken in the first place. Mr. Tony
makes me understand that living life on the edge is not always the most beneficial way to live life. I do
not regret the water balloon fight because it created a wonderful memory for my friends and me, but I
will think twice before I violate any more camp
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How Did Southern Ocean Density Change
The study includes the first detailed reconstruction of the Southern Ocean density of the period and
identified how it changed as the Earth warmed. It suggests a massive reorganisation of ocean
temperature and salinity, but finds that this was not the driver of increased concentration of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere. The study, led by researchers from the University of
Cambridge, is published in the journal
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
. The ocean is made up of different layers of varying densities and chemical compositions. During the
last ice age, it was thought that the deepest part of the ocean was made up of very salty, dense water,
which was capable of trapping a lot of CO2. Scientists believed that a decrease in the
density ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We set out to test the idea that a decrease in ocean density resulted in a rise in CO2 by reconstructing
how it changed across time periods when the Earth was warming, said the paper s lead author Jenny
Roberts, a PhD student in Cambridge s Department of Earth Sciences who is also a member of the
British Antarctic Survey. However what we found was not what we were expecting to see.
In order to determine how the oceans have changed over time and to identify what might have caused
the massive release of CO2, the researchers studied the chemical composition of microscopic shelled
animals that have been buried deep in ocean sediment since the end of the ice age. Like layers of
snow, the shells of these tiny animals, known as foraminifera, contain clues about what the ocean was
like while they were alive, allowing the researchers to reconstruct how the ocean changed as the ice
age was ending.They found that during the cold glacial periods, the deepest water was significantly
denser than it is today. However, what
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Simulating The Entire Learning Environment, To Be Used
simulating the entire learning environment, to be used for formative evaluation of new learning
approaches and interventions designed to support doctoral learners [71].
Consequently, this proposed solution leads to a specific research challenge and opportunity: how can a
system designer design, implement, and validate a simulation to be used in evaluating adaptive
support systems for doctoral learners. My proposed research aims to address this gap by depicting the
design process, implementation, validation, and use of a simulation model for em pirical evaluation of
various personalized support strategies for doctoral learners. While the long term goal is to show how
simulation can be used to evaluate the design process of advanced learning ... Show more content on
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More specific research questions are:
Q1. How can a system designer build a valid and credible simulation model of a doctoral program to
be used for exploring hypothetical questions concerning various personal ization strategies?
a. Do the learning outcomes generated by SimGrad simulation model match those of UofS as
measured by completion rates, attrition rates, and time to de gree?
b. Can SimGrad predict the future past of learning outcomes of the UofS data set?
Q2. How do different combinations of supervisor and learner characteristics affect learn ing
a. What if all supervisors within a doctoral program could adopt a single super visory style, how
effective would each of the four (4) supervisory styles iden tified by Gatfield [50] be among the three
(3) learner types identified based on writing strategies as identified by Torrance et al. [51]?
b. What if the ratio of the different learner types could be predetermined within a doctoral program,
how would different ratios (percentage wise) of the three (3) learner types identified based on writing
strategies as identified by Tor rance et al. [51] affect doctoral program?
c. What if the sizes of the labs (research groups) lead by supervisors could be predetermined within a
doctoral program, how would the different sizes of the labs affect the learning outcomes of a doctoral
Q3. What if the department could
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Smallpox Vaccine Advantages And Disadvantages Essay
Smallpox was a serious and extremely contagious disease which left three out of ten of its victims
dead. Those who survived were permanently scarred and sometimes blinded. In 1977, however,
smallpox was defeated and eradicated. The disease which once killed so many people now exists only
in laboratories. This was accomplished by widespread vaccination (What is Smallpox?). Contrary to
recent controversy, the benefits of vaccines far outweigh the disadvantages. Vaccines have been
proven effective tools for disease prevention and should continue to be used.
A vaccine is a weak or inactive form of a pathogen (something that causes disease). When the vaccine
is injected into a person, it stimulates the production of antibodies to destroy the vaccine. Certain cells
remember how to produce the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You are more likely to be struck by lightning than to have a serious allergic reaction to a vaccine. The
chance of intussusception is 1/20,000 (Potential Side Effects of Vaccines).
Vaccines can also have dangerous ingredients. Aluminum, for example, is found in some vaccines, and
can, in excess, cause serious neurological harm. Formaldehyde, a carcinogen, is also found in some
vaccines. These potentially dangerous ingredients are, however, present in such small quantities in
vaccines that they are harmless.
It is also speculated that the MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine causes autism. However,
numerous studies have shown that there is no correlation between the MMR vaccine and autism. Even
when studying children already at a high risk for autism, vaccination did not increase the risk (Anjali
et al.,). Vaccines are extensively and carefully tested before being released to the public. Even after
being released, vaccines are carefully monitored for any dangerous side effects (Ensuring Vaccine
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Taking a Look at Virtual Currencies
Virtual currencies such as bitcoin are portrayed as an innovative design in the distribution of money
throughout the world through the use of peer to peer transactions due to it being fraudulent and
impossible to counterfeit. However, bitcoin holders are anonymous and could act in a similar way to
black markets, their bitwallet is unregulated and untaxed. Using bitcoin as a currency also delves into
the problem where users purchase illegal objects and substances anonymously.
Bitcoin is essentially an electronic cash currency and is perceived as a great success since its launch in
2009. Most e cash schemes require a centralized bank, which acts as a safeguard for potential scams or
for double spending detection. (Simon Barber et al. 2012 p 401), In contrast, the bitcoin protocol
allows individuals to freely send bitcoins without any third party interference. The fee for sending
bitcoins is very little in comparison to other online payment methods such as PayPal thus bitcoin is
considered to be cost efficient. (Grinberg, R. 2012 p 160). Bitcoin is considered ethical because it is
unique to the characteristics of credit cards. Banks have attempted to remove the issue of fraud and
find mechanisms to stop hackers and phishers from obtaining personal data. This is because traditional
transactions require the transmission confidential data, making data vulnerable to interception by
hackers (Simon Barber et al. 2012 p 402). In regards to bitcoin, only a bundle of characters
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Southwest Airlines History
Southwest Airlines original name was Air Southwest in 1967 in Dallas, Texas, before the change of
the name to Southwest Airlines in 1971. They were faced with battles due to legal issues with Dallas
and Love field, because of the Wright Amendment, but the come to an agreement to allow 4 states to
connect to Texas. Southwest bought 129 new planes, because of the expansion of the company
growth, which currently have 141 planes that enhance the growth of the company because of shorter
flights (Gimbel, 2005). Southwest was started in 1971, by Rollin King and Herb Kelleher, which
released it first flight from Dallas Love Field that is located in Houston and San Antonio Texas. The
passengers look for an airline services that can get them to their destination at a cheap price. Majority
of the passenger are looking for an airline service that will eliminate layovers and multiple stops as
possible. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Boeing 737 was flown by Southwest Airlines, which was exciting for the company, to be the first
to fly that size plane. In 1973, Southwest Airlines was one of the first companies to offer profit sharing
to their employees; they were also the first to offer online access and a website of the company to the
customers. Southwest made sure that they would keep their customers returning to them, therefore
they made sure that they eliminate the middle person, which allowed the customers to book directly
through the
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Class Conflict And Class Conflicts
Class warfare, also referred to as class conflict or class struggle, is a form of social tension caused by
conflicting and competing socioeconomic interests between people of different classes (Zinn, 19).
According to Karl Marx and several scholars, this struggle provides the lever for radical social change
and development. Class conflict comes in many forms: direct and indirect violence such as wars,
starvation, illness and poor working conditions; ideological, such as the production of articles and
books. Moreover, this conflict can take on a political form, which includes swaying government
leaders with enticing offers to fulfill personal or ideological interests. Pre capitalism: Ancient times:
Our history begins with ancient ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In ancient Greece, the majority (up to 80%) were slaves. Cities were mainly engaged in governmental
operations and the bulk of the economy was agricultural. The slave owners were largely plantation
owners, government officials, philosophers/scholars, all of whom were members of the leisure class
that tended to live in luxury with little in the way of work obligations. As such, slavery was seen as
natural. This view was held mostly by slaves owners but was also accepted by some slaves. They were
ultimately controlled by the institutions and ideals mentioned earlier. The leisure class were also the
subject of these ideals. Because they found physical work to be beneath their natural station, work was
viewed as the lot of the lower classes. In fact, other societies followed in a similar vein. Notably
Rome, who had much stronger institutions, especially those related to law and religion. Feudalism
Much was happening in the world during this period, but it was very different from what was taking
place in feudal Europe. With the fall of the Roman Empire, a social system emerged that was not
founded on slavery. It was hierarchical in form, with free peasants (not slaves) at the bottom and
monarchs and the pope at the top. In between is a list of classes such as lords, earls, dukes, bishops,
and so on. The system was based on a set of relationships between the members. These relationships
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What Things Occurred During The European Renaissance
The European Renaissance was a new time and age, where many new inventions were made and many
famous people were born.
Although the Renaissance was a good time for most, a good majority of people still didn t feel the
effects that the more wealthy people did. As you read I will explain some of the things that occurred
during the Renaissance. As you read I will explain some of the things that occurred during the
Renaissance. The Renaissance was a major time for exporting and importing goods. The city state
Genoa was was very close to the water making it a powerful trading port. Many ships came to and
from this port exporting and importing goods from all over. After gaining control over Constantinople
in 1261 they began to discover new ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some families founded banks which would lead to people being able to take out loans. Loans played a
key part in the trading business. Having loans meant more ships could be built, and ships could afford
to travel longer distances. After losing Constantinople in 1463 trade began to drop material was less
accessible. The Renaissance was also a time of conflict and greed. Genoa and Venice were in the
constant fight for control over major trading ports. Control over a port meant that you control what
came in and what went including ships. In the end, both Genoa and Venice signed the peace of Turin.
The peace of Turin was made to end the war between Genoa and Venice. The war between Genoa and
Venice cost enormous amounts of money. Venice being affected the most so small agreements were
met between Genoa and the other countries the war. As I learned about Genoa I realized that life still
wasn t that great for most people during the renaissance. I think that most people weren t affected
because the ended the wars between Genoa and Venice. The wars cost vast amounts of money and
Venice was greatly affected by the loss of money and small contracts were made on the side with the
other city
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Greetings, Inc.
Mary E. Jones
ACC 560
Case 1: Greetings Inc.: Job Order Costing
1. Define and explain the meaning of a predetermined manufacturing overhead rate that is applied in a
job order costing system? A predetermined overhead rate is the rate used to apply manufacturing
overhead to work in process inventory. The predetermined overhead rate is calculated before the
period begins. The first step is to estimate the amount of the activity base that will be required to
support operations in the upcoming period. The second step is to estimate the total manufacturing cost
at that level of activity. The third step is to compute the predetermined overhead rate by dividing the
estimated total manufacturing overhead costs by the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Compute the product cost for the following three items. Lance John Elway Lambeau Field Armstrong
Steel Framed Print, Wood Framed Print, Print No Matting with Matting
Direct Material $12.00 $16.00 $20.00 Print
Frame and glass 4.00 6.00 Matting 4.00
Direct labor Picking ([10/60] X $12) 2.00 2.00 2.00
([20/60] X $21) 7.00 ([30/60] X $21) 10.50
Manufacturing overhead (0.28 X $12, $16, $20) 3.36 4.48 5.60
Total product cost $17.36 $33.48 $48.10
5. (a) How much of the total overhead cost is expected to be allocated to unframed prints? Unframed
prints 80,000 X $12 X $0.28 = $268,800 (b) How much of the total overhead cost is expected to be
allocated to steel frame prints? Steel framed prints 15,000 X $16 X $0.28 = $67,200 (c) How much of
the total overhead cost is to be allocated to wood framed prints? Wood framed prints 7,000 X $20 X
$0.28 =
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The Effect Of Metal Content On Different Trophic Levels
The significant variations of metal content in species of the same and different trophic levels (Table
3.2) imply that species, more than the trophic category, was the factor which best explained the
variability observed in the concentration of metals in terrestrial organisms. This may be bound up their
species specific ability of active excretion of heavy metal ions and/or their ecological characteristics
(Van Straalen and Van Wensem 1986; Grodziniska et al. 1987). This find is conforming to Mackay et
al. (1997), who stated that it may be the physiology of an organism, and not the trophic level which
determines the internal concentration of heavy metals . Likewise, this find, to some extent, accords
with the observations of Hernández et ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, these bioaccumulation factors increased in case of Cu (from the secondary consumers) of El
Manzala, and Pb of Al Tebbin until the fourth trophic level of the food web. In relation to the
bioaccumulation factors of metals along trophic levels, Zn shows the most consistent trend in both
regions (Table 3.3). Although the higher bioaccumulation factors for all metals were noted for primary
consumers at the second trophic level, bioaccumulation factors for Pb in El Manzala (3.7) and in Al
Tebbin (1.4) were higher at the third and fourth trophic levels, respectively. Lead of the two
investigated food webs had the highest frequency of biomagnification factors that are more than 1.0,
whereas the lowest frequency of bioaccumulation factors that are more than 1.0 was noted for Cd and
Zn. Among 46 bioaccumulation factors calculated for Pb, 26 were above 1.0, but at the same time, as
many as 18 were lower than 1.0. The minimum bioaccumulation value (Cd) reached as low as 0.001,
and the maximum one (Cd) reached as high as 50.0 in El Manzala.
Calculation of bioaccumulation factors values indicated that accumulation of heavy metals was more
frequent in arthropods and other taxa at lower trophic levels of the food web. In contrast,
concentrations of metals decreased in animal species at higher trophic levels, suggesting that the
transfer of trace metals along the vertebrate
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Essay On Disney Princess Streak
The Disney Princess streak was created in 2001 as publicity and advertising campaign directed toward
girls (Orenstein 2006). The first of the Disney Princess movies was released in 1937, A very popular
marketing franchise has strengthened the popularity of the Disney Princess line (Disney Princess
2010). The marketing campaign wants to attract girls with the ultimate goal of encouraging children to
personally identify with the characters so they will buy the related items (Do Rozario 2004). Disney
and its princess phenomena have been distinguished as a capable impact on kids media and item
consumerism, adding to another girlhood that is to a great extent characterized by sexual orientation,
gender and the utiltization of related items and messages (Giroux 1997; Lacroix 2004; McRobbie
2008; Orenstein 2006). The desired qualities related with being a princess can create psychological
issues for girls and varied messages ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first era princesses presents the stereotypical beauty, traditional female gender roles,
submissiveness. Throughout the years Disney princesses have turned out to be more libertarian, brave,
and athletic, demonstrating progress that they change with the comparing societal movements. In spite
of the fact that they have turned out to be more self governing, despite everything they have immortal
excellence and have turn out to be more sexualized. The princesses from the second time dress all the
more provocatively and still discover intimate romance at last with a prince charming (England et al.,
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Bradford Vs Shakespeare
Michael Radford s version of Shakespeare s The Merchant of Venice nearly surpasses it s predecessor
Trevor Nunn s in every way because it was crafted with a much higher budget, It has elements that
enforce the emotional impact of the story and successfully adapts and improves the text from
Shakespeare s vision. With the higher budget Michael Radford is able to make a more convincing and
higher quality film by having, a more skilled and visually appealing cast, real sets and locations, and a
much improved script. Missing from Trevor Nunn s version of the text, Michael s film contains, a
variety of quality lighting, sound design, and skilled actors which greatly improves the emotional
impact of his film. Michael was able to improve the source material over his predecessor by, making
Shakespeare s language more audible, taking more liberties with his story, and expanding on
Shakespeare s original ideas and themes. Michael Radford s film, using it s higher budget, was able to
implement many more emotional elements, while adapting and improving Shakespeare s Ideas.
Compared to Michael ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Michael made the text much more understandable than Trevor by: Modernizing a bit of Shakespeare s
language, made the story flow better, and translating the language successfully into actions. Michael
took many liberties in changing the story by: Changing the text in favor of better storytelling, by
reading through the lines to understand the author s intent, and by creating new visual elements that
created more meaning in the text. He improved and expanded on the text by: Making Shylock a more
sympathetic character, Improving Shylock s motivations, and showing more that Antonio was not a
perfect guy. Michael was able to improve upon and extend Shakespeare s text, while Trevor just
changed a few lines to be better
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Irrationality Of Love Essay
Irrationality of Love
An Analysis of Pride and Prejudice and Bright Star
The relentless rivalry between passion and reason is a captivating conflict that often becomes the crux
of innumerable pieces of literature. Admirably, the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and the
poem Bright Star by John Keats are renowned because the quarrelling emotions and judgements in
characters evokes empathy in the reader as this conflict typifies a timeless theme. In light of the fact
that the novel and poem share a common theme, it is evident that the story told in the poem mirrors
how Darcy s affections for Elizabeth compete with the standards of his immediate society.
Undoubtedly, the lines, the diction, and the different literary devices of Bright ... Show more content
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The narrator enforces a reproachful tone by using a simile to compare his possible life to that of a
hermit s as he deplores, Like nature s patient, sleepless Eremite (Keats 4). A hermit symbolizes
seclusion and boredom in one s life as human hermits are in radical circumstances, people who live in
absolute solitude with no need for communication and are no longer dependant on anyone. Although
Anne de Bourgh -whom Darcy is expected to wed- is not a literal hermit living completely
secluded from companions, her painfully reserved and quiet nature boasts similarities. Even Mr.
Collins, who crows over his particular fond acquaintanceship to the de Bourgh women, describes
Anne as a unfortunately of a sickly constitution which has prevented her making that progress in many
accomplishments (Austen 124). Interestingly, the weight of a hermit s shell secludes the being inside,
but it also protects the organism which ironically parallels how Anne is protected by her illness. These
diseases strain her health making her isolated; however, they give an excuse for her timid nature and
unaccomplished life which render her mundane. Thus, the poem s criticizing tone towards the isolated
life the narrator hopes to evade reflects the unattractive life of Anne
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Essay on Edwin Arlington Robinson biography
1) There is a drear and lonely tract of hell
2) From all the common gloom removed afar:
3) A flat, sad land it is, where shadows are,
4) Whose lorn estate my verse may never tell.
5) I walked among them and I knew them well:
6) Men I had slandered on life s little star
7) for churls and sluggards; and I knew the scar
8) upon their brows of woe ineffable.
9) But as I went majestic on my way,
10) Into the dark they vanished, one by one,
11) Till, with a shaft of God s eternal day,
12) The dream of all my glory was undone,
13) And, with a fool s importunate dismay,
14) I heard the dead men singing in the sun.
The composition date isn t known but the format of the sonnet is:
Edwin Arlington Robinson ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Man Who Died Twice and Tristram The last two of these won Pulitzer Prizes in 1925 and 1927,
when he was elected as a member of the National Academy of Arts and Letters.
Robinson never married but enjoyed the company of many friends. He died of cancer in hospital in
New York on April 6, 1935. A few of his most known poems are, The Children of the Night Captain
Craig The Town Down the River The Man against the Sky The Three Taverns and Avon s Harvest. He
had 3 Pulitzer prizes awarded to him.
For the first twenty years of Robinson s writing career, he had difficulty in getting published and
attracting an audience. He published his first two volumes privately and friends secretly guaranteed
the publication of the third. He did receive positive reviews from the beginning, however, and with the
publication of The Man Against the Sky in 1916 his reputation was secure.
For the rest of his life he was widely regarded as quot;America s foremost poet, quot; as William
Stanley Braithwaite put it. Both academics and the general public held him in high esteem, as attested
by the fact of his winning three Pulitzer Prizes for poetry for volumes published in 1921, 1924, and
1927, when his Tristram became a national best seller.
Although Robinson s subject matter and philosophical stance differ markedly from that of his
predecessors , his form
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Maid Agencies
Maid agencies and partnering recruitment offices act as intermediaries between employers and maids.
They serve an indispensable role in bringing together two distant parties, namely the affluent families
who need housekeeping help, and the impoverished women who can offer their labor in exchange for
regular income. Problems arise when maid agencies fail to provide this crucial link in a satisfactory
Why hire a maid from maid agencies?
Having someone to help you in house cleaning is an efficient way to manage your time, especially if
you have a day job. Whether you are busy with family affairs or career, you want someone to assist
you. Here are some of the things that you should consider to know if a maid cleaning agency is the
right ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
is best assigned to a home cleaning service that will depute a team of qualified, experienced and
professional cleaners to fulfil your dream of a spotlessly clean home.
Bonded and insured:
A standalone maid will not ordinarily be bonded and insured and, therefore, in the event of any loss
that occurs either on account of negligence or theft, the homeowner will have no recourse for
When dealing with a service providing agency, you should ensure that the agency is bonded against
loss caused by its employees and the employees themselves are insured against accidents on the work
Employee Screening:
Check with the service provider about how rigorous their reference checks are with regard to
establishing identity, proof of residence (temporary and permanent), criminal background, and family
reputation of its workforce.
Ascertain whether the team deputed by the agency is on its payroll or the work is being subcontracted.
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Comparing Ray Bradbury s Dark They Were, And Golden-Eyed
In the story Dark They Were, and Golden Eyed by Ray Bradbury, there is this group of intelligent
human beings who realized that Earth would one day receive an atomic bomb that would end the
populations on Earth. These humans became very frightened of their predictions so they bought a
ticket to Mars and flew off to safety, or what they thought was safety. The humans thought they found
the perfect place to repopulate their species but they were wrong, they were restarting the Martian
species. They were completely changed and lost all memory of Earth. After this story was written,
Michael McDonough produced a radio play that had had different interpretations and details of the
original text. These two versions of the story both have differences and similarities of each ... Show
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One of the similarities in these two versions of the story is how the wind is constantly brought up
throughout the radio play and the original text. The wind represents something more than just the wind
and I am infer that the wind represents how do humans are getting changed day by day by this planet.
The wind is mention in both of the stories constantly and is described just about the same way. Even
though the wind is constantly mentioned throughout the versions of the story almost in the same way,
in the radio play the producers add in sound effects of the wind, music and silence that there original
text doesn t have. This gives the reader a better image to the setting problems and emotions based on
how the character says certain things and how the producer uses these sound effects. In the original
text the reader has to create their own voices of the characters and interpreter take an interprete this
gives the reader a better image to the setting problems and emotions based on how the character says
certain things and how the producer uses these sound effects. In the original text the reader
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Cash Flow and Company
Wendy s
Steve McElroy
Ohio Dominican University
This document contains financial analysis of the Wendy s corporation. It highlights many of the
company s financial ratios and other calculations used to measure the success of a company. The
Wendy s Company is the #2 hamburger chain in the United States following #1 McDonalds
(Hoovers). The Wendy s Company (NASDAQ:WEN) is the world s third largest quick service
hamburger company (Wendy s.com). The company consists of almost 6,500 restaurants in the U.S.
and almost 25 in other countries (Hoovers). The first Wendy s restaurant was opened by Dave Thomas
in 1969. Mr. Thomas, the founder of Wendy s, initiated an innovative approach to the fast food
industry: prepare fresh, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This ratio is an indicator of a company s ability to use cash to address its current liabilities, if needed
(Ehrhardt, 2011). The fact that Wendy s has a Quick Ratio of 1.5 suggests that the company has a high
liquidity. To be more specific, the company s current assets in 2011 were $4,300.67 million with
liabilities totaling $2,304.60 million (Table 3). These figures indicate that the company would be in a
good position if it had to meet its short term obligations. The company s inventory (Table 1) Turnover
Ratio is 145.3 with an industry average of 47.0 (Hoovers). The fact that Wendy s ratio is much higher
than the industry average shows that the company is good at managing its inventory. Table 2 shows
that in 2011, Wendy s cost of goods sold was $1,816.11 million with an average inventory of 12.90
(Hoovers). These numbers have been relatively consistent, in terms of Inventory Ratios; therefore the
company does not appear to overstock. One concern may be that the ratio is too high. If this is the case
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The Searchers
The Searchers is an accurate representation of the Americanized west as defined by ... Two years after
Ethan s participation in the Civil War in favor of the Confederacy, he returns to visit his family who
has migrated westward. His family consists of his brother and his wife, their two daughters, and two
sons whom one of which is adopted. Ethan bears gifts for his family such as the saber he gave to Ben
and the medal that he gave to Debbie, when she requested a necklace similar to the one that was given
to her sister. Within a week of his return they are visited by the ranger and preacher, Samuel Johnson,
who is fairly surprised by the return of Ethan, who proceeds to challenge his authority and nullifies
Martin s oath to becoming a ranger. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But, there is something unusual about the scene, the cattle have been untouched after being killed
which is unlikely, due to the natives belief that nothing should be wasted and everything having use.
After completing the task at hand Ethan and Martin return home, only to discover it in ruins and
within the ruins Ethan discovers the mutilated bodies of all of his family excluding his two nieces.
Thereafter, providing a proper burial for his family, Ethan, Martin, and some others begin their
journey of retribution and hatred for the natives as they search for the remaining survivors of their
family. Ethan s developed hatred for the Native Americans is displayed when he fires his gun at the
eyes of a corpse and then says that according to native belief once one loses his sight they will forever
roam the spirit world ceaselessly. This is especially monstrous as one understands that he is not
limited to destruction and hatred on a physical level, but is willing to spiritually violate members of
the native american race. The proceedings in this film are extremely biased as many characters have
assumed the native american people to be savages. Even the reason for Ethan s hate is highly unlikely
due to
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Going Outside Research Paper
Do you want to go outside?. Yea, is the amswer al ost ll kids would say.Being ouside is the best thing a
kid could do at school. Going outside is good because it keeps us calm for rest of the day. It helps to
also keep down stress. There will be less kids trying to go to sleep in class. Going outside can be good
because it keeps you calm for the rest of the day. When you are rested you do your work better than
when your agravated and stressed. when kids come to school they are tired and don t feel like doing
any work. If you give kids free time and take them outside then maybe they will be more motavited to
do work and listen. kids will not be trying to go to sleep in class as much. Going outside will keep
stress down. When kids come to school
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Swot Analysis Of Reliance Industries
Reliance Industries Limited:
The Reliance Group, founded by Dhirubhai H. Ambani (1932 2002), is India s largest private sector
enterprise, with businesses in the energy and materials value chain. Group s annual revenues are in
excess of US$ 66 billion. The flagship company, Reliance Industries Limited, is a Fortune Global 500
company and is the largest private sector company in India.
Backward vertical integration has been the cornerstone of the evolution and growth of Reliance.
Starting with textiles in the late seventies, Reliance pursued a strategy of backward vertical integration
in polyester, fiber intermediates, plastics, petrochemicals, petroleum refining and oil and gas
exploration and production to be fully ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
 First of all check the calculation involve in the bills.
 Check whether supporting attachments are properly signed.
 Check whether job carried out by contractor is included in the ARC / PO.
 Check whether rates claimed by the contractor are as per PO/ ARC.
 Check RGP /GP is in original mode.
 Check reimbursement supporting papers are in organizational mode.
 If bill issued for man power supply then attendance sheet should be checked.
 Check whether abstract sheet prepared correctly from measurement sheet.
 Check whether any discount is applicable as per PO/ARC.
 Check service entry prepared correctly as per abstract sheet of bills.
 Check whether there is any alteration in the figure of measurement sheet signed and issued by user
department / plant.
 If bill contain service tax then check whether the bill is valid by the excise cell.
 After verified all above details make necessary deduction if any.
 Make necessary note on scrolling sheet
 Retention Amount
 TDS Amount
 Recovery Amount (if any)
 Plant and Period of service
 Description of job
 Bill Number
4. Preparation of Expense Voucher:
 There after Invoice Verification Voucher is prepared in SAP system through transaction code
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Liar s Poker Rhetorical Analysis
A key example of a strong rhetorical device was climax ordering. When speaking about the success he
achieved from his book Liar s Poker , Lewis claims, I had a career, a little fame, a small fortune and a
new life narrative. (Lewis 2). This is a perfect example of climax ordering, because Lewis states all of
these new components in his life from least significant to the greatest piece to evoke a suspenseful
theme for inspiration. A powerful example of a logical fallacy was glittering generality, Lewis uses
this item when he says, you are the lucky few. Lucky in your parents, lucky in your country, lucky that
a place like Princeton exists that can take in lucky people, introduce them to other lucky people, and
increase their chances of
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Into The Wild Movie Essay
Into the Wild is a documentary film by Sean Penn that follows the life of Christopher Johnson
McCandless, a vagabond who tramped across the United States for two years before his journey led
him to Alaska, where he lived in the wilderness, sheltered by an abandoned transportation bus,
preceding his death. McCandless grew up with all the privileges of being raised in the suburbs by a
middle class family, he later went on to graduate from Emory University in Georgia, and seemed to
have his whole life stretched out in front of him. However, he did the exact opposite of what was
expected, severed all ties with his family, and adopted a life of chosen homelessness, where his travels
led him on wild adventures across the country. Many speculate that McCandless was pushed to do this
in order to spite his overbearing and abusive parents who verbally and physically assaulted each other
in front of their children, demanding they pick a side. Some say it was McCandless s desire to free
himself from all material constraints and the burden of societal pressures. Taking a psychological
approach, McCandless ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Maybe he sought to eradicate the child he had been in his parent s eyes; doing everything properly and
putting on the facade of an average suburban son (Becker 2007). However, it can also be argued that
McCandless s new identity did intend to kill him, to eliminate the old self and fully adopt this
newfound lifestyle of a nomadic transcendentalist. Did McCandless actually starve to death as the
result of ingesting an inedible wild sweet pea, or did Supertramp drive him to suicide? In his wood
carving he describes it as a climactic battle, perhaps between McCandless, representative of a
conventional life, and his antithesis, Supertramp, defined by Into the Wild author Jon Krakauer as,
master of his own destiny (Medred
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Eric Liddell Biography
Eric Liddell was a Scottish athlete and missionary born on January 19, 1902, in Tiensin, China. He
was born to missionaries James and Mary Liddell, and had two brothers and one sister. Until he was
five years old, Eric went to school in China. When Eric was six, he went to a boarding school in
London with his eight year old brother, Robert. At the school Eric became a great athlete. By the time
he was fifteen, he had won an award for athlete of the year, and was captain of his rugby and cricket
teams. While Eric was at Oxford, in Scotland, he was quickly known as the fastest runner in the
school. In 1920, Liddell went to study science at the University of Edinburg. While he was at the
school, he did track and rugby. Eric set a British running
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Worksheet On The Origin Of A Toy Car
1. A toy car starts travelling to the right in Figure 2 from the origin from rest. Figure 1 shows its
driving force against the distance away from the origin in the first part of its journey. The surface to
the right of the origin is frictionless. Assume no air resistance for this question.
The mass of the toy car is 200g, the cart is 150g.
a) When it is 5 meters away from the origin, it will collide with a stationary cart and sticks to it. Find
the velocity of the toy car and cart after the collision.
b) Show whether the collision is elastic or not with numerical calculations.
c) When the toy car and cart is 10 meters away from the origin, it goes up a slope of 30 degrees, after
another 4 meters up the slope, it hits a spring. Given that the spring constant is 40Nm 1, find how far
the spring will be compressed by.
d) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Once it s past the origin, there is a 9 meter rough surface with a constant friction force and an edge
after that. Find the minimum friction force of the rough surface so that the toy car and the cart will
stop before it goes over the edge.
2. A soccer ball is kicked off the ramp at 12ms 1, 5 seconds later, a basketball is dropped vertically
downwards at 15ms 1. Assume no air resistance for this question.
a) Find how long it takes for the basketball to pass the soccer ball in vertical height after the soccer
ball was kicked off the ramp.
b) How far from the floor were the two balls at that instant?
c) Will the soccer ball go into the goals on the full (without bouncing)? Show using
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Organic Solidarity By Emile Durkheim
Emile Durkheim was a French famous sociologist, one of the main founders of modern sociology,
mostly known for the way he viewed the structure of society. He mostly focused on how past and
present societies progressed and function. Durkheim s philosophies were based on the thought of
social facts , defined as the norms, values, and the way society is structured. To Durkheim, men are
creatures whose desires are unlimited. Other animals are content when their biological needs are
fulfilled, but humans are different, because they are never satisfied with what they have. Durkheim
says that, The more one has, the more one wants. For Durkheim, a society is not only a group of
individuals living in a particular geographical location. But, society ... Show more content on
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In traditional societies, people are independent, hence society has little need for collaboration and
interdependence. Organisations that need collaboration and agreement must frequently alternate to
keep society together. Traditional mechanical solidarity may have a tendency to be controlling and
forced. In modern societies, under organic solidarity, people are automatically much more mutually
dependent. Concentration and the separation of labour requires assistance. Therefore, harmony and
social integration are needed to survive in this world and do not need the same sort of pressure as
under mechanical solidarity. In organic solidarity, the individual is measured extremely important. In
organic solidarity, the individual, becomes the concentration of rights and accountabilities, the main
source of public and private ceremonials holding the society together, a purpose that was once done by
the religion. To show how important this concept is, Durkheim mentioned the cult of the individual.
But, he made it clear that the cult of the individual is a social fact. Respect for the individual is not
something a human can trait, but a social fact that rises in certain societies at some certain
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Essay On How Did The British Colonization Of North America
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. Of the three major colonizers
who vied for control of North America from the 15th to 17th centuries, it was the early bird Spanish
who got the worm, but after all was said and done, it was England who got the more desirable cheese.
After 1763, the English had control of all land east of the Mississippi river and virtually all of present
day Canada. The English were able to gain the upper hand in the conflict for control of North America
not only because of military victories, but also because of good timing. The English victory over the
Spanish Armada marked the beginning of the British naval dominance in the Atlantic. England and
Spain had been enjoying a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With the Spanish out of the picture and Portugal busy with their own colonies in South America, the
time was right for England to grab their slice of the North American pie. The English victory over
Spain in 1588 sparked an English renaissance in taking to the sea. People became interested in sailing,
also because of the amazing treasures the newly knighted Sir Francis Drake was reaping in from the
West Indies. England had the financial capabilities to colonize, but they now needed manpower to live
in and maintain those colonies. And lucky for England, their timing was just right. Britain s feudal
system had created a large gap between their upper and lower classes. The members of the lower class
were looking to move up on the food chain by whatever means necessary. At that time, the amount of
land you owned signified your power, but in England, there was less available land and a growing
lower class. If the lower class couldn t find land to own in England, then they would have to search
elsewhere. At that time, there happened to be an entire continent of land available across the sea.
Meanwhile, people were being persecuted for their religious beliefs, and they were not able to tolerate
this anymore. People were turning to the New World with the hope of a religious sanctuary. There was
also the hope for a chance for a new start with their own religion, and the opportunity to
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Michael Cimino s The Deer Hunter
Michael Cimino s The Deer Hunter was problematic because it took place in three very different
environments and it was not always clear as to how they were related. Nonetheless, Cimino won
several Academy Awards because of his film s structure. Dividing the film into the three sections he
was able to tie different environments and depict the bloody Vietnam War and Americas involvement.
His film was very controversial but ultimately paid off.
As film imitates life, participation is usually involuntary. The first kind of participative experience is
when the audience member imagines themselves as the character in the film. This results in an escapes
from their sense of self, thus becoming one or more of the characters on the screen. The second
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Renzo Piano is a well-known architect, best known for his...
Renzo Piano is a well known architect, best known for his phantasmagoric architectural masterpiece,
the Shard in London that constitutes a major landmark in α big city like London. Designed in 2000, it
is the tallest building in the United Kingdom, while being for a while Europe s tallest tower. It lost its
title to the Mercury City Tower in Moscow in 2012 which is Europe s tallest building.
As Renzo Piano said I don t believe it is possible to build a tall building in London by extruding the
same shape from bottom to top. It would be too small at the bottom and too big at the top. Likewise,
symbols are dangerous. Often tall buildings are aggressive and arrogant symbols of power and ego,
selfish and hermetic. The tower is designed to be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The architect and Mr. Sellar applied for planning permission. Southwark Council was an important
supporter of the skyscraper, which had been administered planning permission at the end of March
2002. Nevertheless, the works for the Shard almost ceased because of the fall of the Twin World Trade
Towers, in New York. According to Mr. Sellar the Shard will have refuges built into its core .
Furthermore, when plans for the Shard of Glass were first considered, environmentalists labeled the
Shard as a spike through the heart of the heritage of London.
Oppositions arose after the plans for the Shard passed through the Council and conservation groups
expressed their concerns about the changing skyline of London and that the skyscraper would shadow
over the Cathedral of St. Paul, the Tower of London. Renzo Piano stated that St. Paul Cathedral is an
extraordinary monument and an intrinsic part of London s heritage. I believe that the new tower will
not disturb its stateliness. They are breathing the same air, sharing the same atmosphere; they are
nurtured at the same source. . It should be mentioned that St Paul s Cathedral, which for hundreds of
year was the tallest structure, and even today is protected by laws which protect the sight lines to the
cathedral, is a monument to the glory of God, symbol of hope, strength and resilience of the city of
In the light of the above, in July 2002, the then Deputy Prime Minister John Leslie
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Heron Of Alexandria Research Paper
Heron of Alexandria, also referred to as hero, was a greek mathematician. Heron was a writer whose
works brought forth knowledge to not only mathematics, but also engineering and mechanics. It is
difficult to determine when Heron was born because record were not as organized and important as
they are today. Some used to believe that Heron was born around 150 BC, while others believed that
he was born in 250 AD. These estimates come from the fact that Heron never quotes from anyone s
work that is earlier than Archimedes. Later it was proven that both of these times are in fact, wrong.
Heron was a contemporary of Columella. This meaning he was a Greek soldier and farmer who wrote
extensively on agriculture and similar subjects, hoping to foster in people a ... Show more content on
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Heron s work resembled lecture notes in works that surrounded, mathematics, physics, pneumatics,
and mechanics. Some textbooks have even been recovered that are believed to have been written by
Heron himself. Many works by Heron have been recovered over the years, however authenticity, as
well as authorship are questionable. Heron was an extremely common name during his time period.
Heron was sometimes transcribed correctly, while other times it became Hero. Soon the Romans and
Greek took up the nickname of Hero to men named Heron. This makes it very hard for historians to
determine which works were that of mathematician Heron and of others that simply just shared the
name. Historians debate that Heron s most important work was the Metrica . The Metrica is a series of
three books that included formulas and geometric rules that Heron had discovered. These formulas
included how to find the areas and volumes of plane figures, as well as solid figures. Book I included
one of the more famous formulas still used today. This formula was how to find the area of a
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Why The Atomic Bomb Did Not Win The War
Why the bomb seemed like it would make the war worst it actually ended the war quicker. The war
ended quicker because it finally caused Japan to surrender and accept the defeat. The atomic bomb did
not win the war. Japan had been defeated already by land, sea, and air campaign that went before. It is
reasonable to conclude, however, that the bomb did force the Japanese surrender and considerably
sooner than it would have occurred otherwise. (Text 1 Page 8). The bomb did not win but it ended it
because Japan s way of fighting is fight to the last man and it is better to die in combat than to
surrender. If the bomb had been dropped sooner it would ve been the factor that won the war, but since
Japan had little fighting effort in the air
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The Roman Government
Gustavo Cantu Justinian I World History Part I Mr. Zelehoski 24 February 2017 Justinian Thesis:
Having been known as the man who rose from poverty to reform the Roman government, he is surely
one of the most religious, cunning, and somehow weak rulers the world has known. I. Introduction II.
Claim to the throne A. Justin/Poverty 1. Poor life 2. Justin s assistance a) Justin s Claim to the Throne
Failure b) Justinian s later weaseling into the throne B. Military Life/Life as King 1. Military Success
and training 2. Intelligence 3. Type of Ruler he was 4. Personality III. Conquests A. Military successes
and battles 1. Technique a) Make an ally, fight a war, conquer someone, fight ally b) Expansion ...
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Justin was akin to a father to Justinian, he gave him salvation where he struggled and practically
reinvigorated his will to learn and do well in the world. While Justin enabled Justinian to learn and
become an amazing man, he also attempted to find his way into the seat of the throne while the rule
was weak. Justin had very obviously failed seeing as he was NOT fit to be a ruler, he was not an
intelligent man after all. Justinian witnessed his uncle s failure and was able to learn from the
experience and, using his position as the King s bodyguard (Citation), intelligence and military
experience, weaseled his way into the throne, and into the position of King. As the King, Justinian was
powerful. He held a large blade over all others that opposed him and was the largest factor as to why
many of his people had been in fear. At any moment he could have crumpled under the pressure of all
the power he held in the palm of his hand, and he had, multiple times. To easily and very simply
accentuate his power, he would force those who approached him to bow down on their hands and feet
(Lindquist 318). Even one of his closest acquaintances, Procopius, had described him as insincere,
crafty, hypocritical, double dealing, clever, and a perfect artist in acting out his opinion (Macmillan
Profiles 234). Many also described him as being an absolute Monarch and as the Anointed of the Lord
(Lindquist 317). Despite all of this, he had also been described as abstemious,
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Inclusive Education in South Africa
The Zulu tribe of South Africa is the largest ethnic group in the country and its language is the most
frequently used of all in South Africa. (Hamlett) The tribe was first discovered when Portugal settled
the land, and since then the tribe and its relationships with the colonists is anything but peaceful, and
to this day there still is tension. Maybe because of this, the education system throughout the 1900 s
refused to allow for the teaching of African culture other than stereotypes and other inaccurate
information that the colonists approved. The Zulu tribe s lack of education and the use of non native
languages in school paired with its relationship toward further discrimination later in life is an
indication that not teaching indigenous culture leads to real world discrimination. South Africa was
segregated until 1994 and therefore is not the epitome of racial tolerance, but it is the treatment of
education of their indigenous tribe the Zulu that shows that education controlled by one culture will
lead to further segregation and worse conditions for the races out of the loop. Now, the last four
presidents of South Africa were black and the current one is Zulu but even with influence in the
highest office the tribe is unable to find work or make a life that is comparable to their white
counterparts. The discrimination of education has led to longer consequences than the segregation and
disenfranchisement because now there are generations of natives unable to compete
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Famous Footwear Essay
Carolyn Graham sat down to try on a new pair of shoes at Famous Footwear, one of the new stores on
the north side of town.
Graham, Wooster, was joined by friend Jodi Specht, Doylestown. They were celebrating Graham s
achievement of passing board exams to be a nurse practitioner. What better way than to shop for new
Among the thousands of shoes in the store, Graham found a new pair of dress shoes. Specht was in
recently and purchased two pairs. Even though both have added to their footwear selections at home,
they are contemplating a return trip Saturday morning when Famous Footwear has its grand opening
Store sales manager Roseanne Roden said 100 pairs of shoes, up to $60 in value, will be given free of
charge to the first
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  • 3. Harvard Case Study On Deviance Deviance is not an event. It is a process that involves multiple levels of disapproval in the society, which has been proved to be biased against certain groups of people. Deviance isn t just a matter of actions, but our identity. Everyone commits crime, but not all obtain the identity as deviant. The process of acquiring that status involves exclusion of others, and the attribution of stigma, as illustrated in Goffman s study. Visible and perceivable stigma leads to spoiled identity, where people acquire through interactions with others. We become deviant through membership in different groups as they produce deviance by participating the rituals of inclusion and exclusion. Its complexity continued to elude our attention, as we had constantly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Harvard University has a great reputation for both their academic standings and student s morality. Their fear for the reputation generated their ignorance and avoidance to these matters. Around that same year, two recent graduates pled guilty to stealing money from a Harvard based cancer charity; one prospective student s acceptance was rescinded because she killed her own mother. These events can all potentially damage the school s great reputation, and they are reluctant to talk about these issues, as shown in the report. The social elites, those that have high academic success, defined morality in their own terms, associated with students academic standings, as Sinedu s application to a certain class was denied because she wasn t good enough, which was a rejection she did not take well with; groups that are powerless received less help, attention from other social groups and received less help. In this case, Sinedu s status as a foreign student or third world student, as used in this article, could attribute to her lack of resources and the ability to access ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Enduring Love Research Paper Painful Pleasure Rise and shine, campers. Rise and shine, Tony Brown yells over the intercom directly above my bed. Ugh, we all moan in harmony. It s too early to be that happy, my sister mumbles. Tony Brown, camp director, is a very loud, enthusiastic man. He is one of the happiest people I know, and he is the most passionate of anyone on this planet for Maywood Christian Camp. My sister is right though; it is hard to wake up to his cheeriness. I slowly drag myself out of bed, get dressed, and walk down the steps to the ball field. It is a sweltering summer day. Kids are already giggling and swinging as high as the sky, teens are tossing the football from one person to another, and counselors are relaxing in their red ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Well, Mr. Tony, it s a battle wound, I hesitantly explain. He gives me a suspicious look, but I boldly smile and say, Just a word of advice. If you ever participate in a water balloon fight, wear eye protection. Mr. Tony, with a look of disapproval, says, A water balloon fight, huh? I see you broke a few rules last night. I m glad y all had fun, and it is okay to break the rules sometimes. However, we don t need kids getting injured left and right on camp grounds. It immediately becomes clear to me that camp rules are enforced for a reason. Breaking the rules is thrilling and pleasurable at times, but there are always consequences, whether transparent or not. My multicolored, swollen eye originated from breaking the rules the previous night rules I should have never broken in the first place. Mr. Tony makes me understand that living life on the edge is not always the most beneficial way to live life. I do not regret the water balloon fight because it created a wonderful memory for my friends and me, but I will think twice before I violate any more camp ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. How Did Southern Ocean Density Change The study includes the first detailed reconstruction of the Southern Ocean density of the period and identified how it changed as the Earth warmed. It suggests a massive reorganisation of ocean temperature and salinity, but finds that this was not the driver of increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The study, led by researchers from the University of Cambridge, is published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . The ocean is made up of different layers of varying densities and chemical compositions. During the last ice age, it was thought that the deepest part of the ocean was made up of very salty, dense water, which was capable of trapping a lot of CO2. Scientists believed that a decrease in the density ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We set out to test the idea that a decrease in ocean density resulted in a rise in CO2 by reconstructing how it changed across time periods when the Earth was warming, said the paper s lead author Jenny Roberts, a PhD student in Cambridge s Department of Earth Sciences who is also a member of the British Antarctic Survey. However what we found was not what we were expecting to see. In order to determine how the oceans have changed over time and to identify what might have caused the massive release of CO2, the researchers studied the chemical composition of microscopic shelled animals that have been buried deep in ocean sediment since the end of the ice age. Like layers of snow, the shells of these tiny animals, known as foraminifera, contain clues about what the ocean was like while they were alive, allowing the researchers to reconstruct how the ocean changed as the ice age was ending.They found that during the cold glacial periods, the deepest water was significantly denser than it is today. However, what ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Simulating The Entire Learning Environment, To Be Used simulating the entire learning environment, to be used for formative evaluation of new learning approaches and interventions designed to support doctoral learners [71]. Consequently, this proposed solution leads to a specific research challenge and opportunity: how can a system designer design, implement, and validate a simulation to be used in evaluating adaptive support systems for doctoral learners. My proposed research aims to address this gap by depicting the design process, implementation, validation, and use of a simulation model for em pirical evaluation of various personalized support strategies for doctoral learners. While the long term goal is to show how simulation can be used to evaluate the design process of advanced learning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... More specific research questions are: Q1. How can a system designer build a valid and credible simulation model of a doctoral program to be used for exploring hypothetical questions concerning various personal ization strategies? a. Do the learning outcomes generated by SimGrad simulation model match those of UofS as measured by completion rates, attrition rates, and time to de gree? b. Can SimGrad predict the future past of learning outcomes of the UofS data set? Q2. How do different combinations of supervisor and learner characteristics affect learn ing outcomes? a. What if all supervisors within a doctoral program could adopt a single super visory style, how effective would each of the four (4) supervisory styles iden tified by Gatfield [50] be among the three (3) learner types identified based on writing strategies as identified by Torrance et al. [51]? b. What if the ratio of the different learner types could be predetermined within a doctoral program, how would different ratios (percentage wise) of the three (3) learner types identified based on writing strategies as identified by Tor rance et al. [51] affect doctoral program? c. What if the sizes of the labs (research groups) lead by supervisors could be predetermined within a doctoral program, how would the different sizes of the labs affect the learning outcomes of a doctoral program? Q3. What if the department could ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Smallpox Vaccine Advantages And Disadvantages Essay Smallpox was a serious and extremely contagious disease which left three out of ten of its victims dead. Those who survived were permanently scarred and sometimes blinded. In 1977, however, smallpox was defeated and eradicated. The disease which once killed so many people now exists only in laboratories. This was accomplished by widespread vaccination (What is Smallpox?). Contrary to recent controversy, the benefits of vaccines far outweigh the disadvantages. Vaccines have been proven effective tools for disease prevention and should continue to be used. A vaccine is a weak or inactive form of a pathogen (something that causes disease). When the vaccine is injected into a person, it stimulates the production of antibodies to destroy the vaccine. Certain cells remember how to produce the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You are more likely to be struck by lightning than to have a serious allergic reaction to a vaccine. The chance of intussusception is 1/20,000 (Potential Side Effects of Vaccines). Vaccines can also have dangerous ingredients. Aluminum, for example, is found in some vaccines, and can, in excess, cause serious neurological harm. Formaldehyde, a carcinogen, is also found in some vaccines. These potentially dangerous ingredients are, however, present in such small quantities in vaccines that they are harmless. It is also speculated that the MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine causes autism. However, numerous studies have shown that there is no correlation between the MMR vaccine and autism. Even when studying children already at a high risk for autism, vaccination did not increase the risk (Anjali et al.,). Vaccines are extensively and carefully tested before being released to the public. Even after being released, vaccines are carefully monitored for any dangerous side effects (Ensuring Vaccine ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Taking a Look at Virtual Currencies Virtual currencies such as bitcoin are portrayed as an innovative design in the distribution of money throughout the world through the use of peer to peer transactions due to it being fraudulent and impossible to counterfeit. However, bitcoin holders are anonymous and could act in a similar way to black markets, their bitwallet is unregulated and untaxed. Using bitcoin as a currency also delves into the problem where users purchase illegal objects and substances anonymously. Bitcoin is essentially an electronic cash currency and is perceived as a great success since its launch in 2009. Most e cash schemes require a centralized bank, which acts as a safeguard for potential scams or for double spending detection. (Simon Barber et al. 2012 p 401), In contrast, the bitcoin protocol allows individuals to freely send bitcoins without any third party interference. The fee for sending bitcoins is very little in comparison to other online payment methods such as PayPal thus bitcoin is considered to be cost efficient. (Grinberg, R. 2012 p 160). Bitcoin is considered ethical because it is unique to the characteristics of credit cards. Banks have attempted to remove the issue of fraud and find mechanisms to stop hackers and phishers from obtaining personal data. This is because traditional transactions require the transmission confidential data, making data vulnerable to interception by hackers (Simon Barber et al. 2012 p 402). In regards to bitcoin, only a bundle of characters ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Southwest Airlines History Southwest Airlines original name was Air Southwest in 1967 in Dallas, Texas, before the change of the name to Southwest Airlines in 1971. They were faced with battles due to legal issues with Dallas and Love field, because of the Wright Amendment, but the come to an agreement to allow 4 states to connect to Texas. Southwest bought 129 new planes, because of the expansion of the company growth, which currently have 141 planes that enhance the growth of the company because of shorter flights (Gimbel, 2005). Southwest was started in 1971, by Rollin King and Herb Kelleher, which released it first flight from Dallas Love Field that is located in Houston and San Antonio Texas. The passengers look for an airline services that can get them to their destination at a cheap price. Majority of the passenger are looking for an airline service that will eliminate layovers and multiple stops as possible. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Boeing 737 was flown by Southwest Airlines, which was exciting for the company, to be the first to fly that size plane. In 1973, Southwest Airlines was one of the first companies to offer profit sharing to their employees; they were also the first to offer online access and a website of the company to the customers. Southwest made sure that they would keep their customers returning to them, therefore they made sure that they eliminate the middle person, which allowed the customers to book directly through the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Class Conflict And Class Conflicts Class warfare, also referred to as class conflict or class struggle, is a form of social tension caused by conflicting and competing socioeconomic interests between people of different classes (Zinn, 19). According to Karl Marx and several scholars, this struggle provides the lever for radical social change and development. Class conflict comes in many forms: direct and indirect violence such as wars, starvation, illness and poor working conditions; ideological, such as the production of articles and books. Moreover, this conflict can take on a political form, which includes swaying government leaders with enticing offers to fulfill personal or ideological interests. Pre capitalism: Ancient times: Our history begins with ancient ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In ancient Greece, the majority (up to 80%) were slaves. Cities were mainly engaged in governmental operations and the bulk of the economy was agricultural. The slave owners were largely plantation owners, government officials, philosophers/scholars, all of whom were members of the leisure class that tended to live in luxury with little in the way of work obligations. As such, slavery was seen as natural. This view was held mostly by slaves owners but was also accepted by some slaves. They were ultimately controlled by the institutions and ideals mentioned earlier. The leisure class were also the subject of these ideals. Because they found physical work to be beneath their natural station, work was viewed as the lot of the lower classes. In fact, other societies followed in a similar vein. Notably Rome, who had much stronger institutions, especially those related to law and religion. Feudalism Much was happening in the world during this period, but it was very different from what was taking place in feudal Europe. With the fall of the Roman Empire, a social system emerged that was not founded on slavery. It was hierarchical in form, with free peasants (not slaves) at the bottom and monarchs and the pope at the top. In between is a list of classes such as lords, earls, dukes, bishops, and so on. The system was based on a set of relationships between the members. These relationships ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. What Things Occurred During The European Renaissance The European Renaissance was a new time and age, where many new inventions were made and many famous people were born. Although the Renaissance was a good time for most, a good majority of people still didn t feel the effects that the more wealthy people did. As you read I will explain some of the things that occurred during the Renaissance. As you read I will explain some of the things that occurred during the Renaissance. The Renaissance was a major time for exporting and importing goods. The city state Genoa was was very close to the water making it a powerful trading port. Many ships came to and from this port exporting and importing goods from all over. After gaining control over Constantinople in 1261 they began to discover new ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some families founded banks which would lead to people being able to take out loans. Loans played a key part in the trading business. Having loans meant more ships could be built, and ships could afford to travel longer distances. After losing Constantinople in 1463 trade began to drop material was less accessible. The Renaissance was also a time of conflict and greed. Genoa and Venice were in the constant fight for control over major trading ports. Control over a port meant that you control what came in and what went including ships. In the end, both Genoa and Venice signed the peace of Turin. The peace of Turin was made to end the war between Genoa and Venice. The war between Genoa and Venice cost enormous amounts of money. Venice being affected the most so small agreements were met between Genoa and the other countries the war. As I learned about Genoa I realized that life still wasn t that great for most people during the renaissance. I think that most people weren t affected because the ended the wars between Genoa and Venice. The wars cost vast amounts of money and Venice was greatly affected by the loss of money and small contracts were made on the side with the other city ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Greetings, Inc. Mary E. Jones 01/14/2011 ACC 560 Case 1: Greetings Inc.: Job Order Costing 1. Define and explain the meaning of a predetermined manufacturing overhead rate that is applied in a job order costing system? A predetermined overhead rate is the rate used to apply manufacturing overhead to work in process inventory. The predetermined overhead rate is calculated before the period begins. The first step is to estimate the amount of the activity base that will be required to support operations in the upcoming period. The second step is to estimate the total manufacturing cost at that level of activity. The third step is to compute the predetermined overhead rate by dividing the estimated total manufacturing overhead costs by the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Compute the product cost for the following three items. Lance John Elway Lambeau Field Armstrong Steel Framed Print, Wood Framed Print, Print No Matting with Matting Direct Material $12.00 $16.00 $20.00 Print Frame and glass 4.00 6.00 Matting 4.00 Direct labor Picking ([10/60] X $12) 2.00 2.00 2.00 Matting ([20/60] X $21) 7.00 ([30/60] X $21) 10.50 Manufacturing overhead (0.28 X $12, $16, $20) 3.36 4.48 5.60 Total product cost $17.36 $33.48 $48.10 5. (a) How much of the total overhead cost is expected to be allocated to unframed prints? Unframed prints 80,000 X $12 X $0.28 = $268,800 (b) How much of the total overhead cost is expected to be allocated to steel frame prints? Steel framed prints 15,000 X $16 X $0.28 = $67,200 (c) How much of the total overhead cost is to be allocated to wood framed prints? Wood framed prints 7,000 X $20 X $0.28 = ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Effect Of Metal Content On Different Trophic Levels The significant variations of metal content in species of the same and different trophic levels (Table 3.2) imply that species, more than the trophic category, was the factor which best explained the variability observed in the concentration of metals in terrestrial organisms. This may be bound up their species specific ability of active excretion of heavy metal ions and/or their ecological characteristics (Van Straalen and Van Wensem 1986; Grodziniska et al. 1987). This find is conforming to Mackay et al. (1997), who stated that it may be the physiology of an organism, and not the trophic level which determines the internal concentration of heavy metals . Likewise, this find, to some extent, accords with the observations of Hernández et ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, these bioaccumulation factors increased in case of Cu (from the secondary consumers) of El Manzala, and Pb of Al Tebbin until the fourth trophic level of the food web. In relation to the bioaccumulation factors of metals along trophic levels, Zn shows the most consistent trend in both regions (Table 3.3). Although the higher bioaccumulation factors for all metals were noted for primary consumers at the second trophic level, bioaccumulation factors for Pb in El Manzala (3.7) and in Al Tebbin (1.4) were higher at the third and fourth trophic levels, respectively. Lead of the two investigated food webs had the highest frequency of biomagnification factors that are more than 1.0, whereas the lowest frequency of bioaccumulation factors that are more than 1.0 was noted for Cd and Zn. Among 46 bioaccumulation factors calculated for Pb, 26 were above 1.0, but at the same time, as many as 18 were lower than 1.0. The minimum bioaccumulation value (Cd) reached as low as 0.001, and the maximum one (Cd) reached as high as 50.0 in El Manzala. Calculation of bioaccumulation factors values indicated that accumulation of heavy metals was more frequent in arthropods and other taxa at lower trophic levels of the food web. In contrast, concentrations of metals decreased in animal species at higher trophic levels, suggesting that the transfer of trace metals along the vertebrate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Essay On Disney Princess Streak The Disney Princess streak was created in 2001 as publicity and advertising campaign directed toward girls (Orenstein 2006). The first of the Disney Princess movies was released in 1937, A very popular marketing franchise has strengthened the popularity of the Disney Princess line (Disney Princess 2010). The marketing campaign wants to attract girls with the ultimate goal of encouraging children to personally identify with the characters so they will buy the related items (Do Rozario 2004). Disney and its princess phenomena have been distinguished as a capable impact on kids media and item consumerism, adding to another girlhood that is to a great extent characterized by sexual orientation, gender and the utiltization of related items and messages (Giroux 1997; Lacroix 2004; McRobbie 2008; Orenstein 2006). The desired qualities related with being a princess can create psychological issues for girls and varied messages ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first era princesses presents the stereotypical beauty, traditional female gender roles, submissiveness. Throughout the years Disney princesses have turned out to be more libertarian, brave, and athletic, demonstrating progress that they change with the comparing societal movements. In spite of the fact that they have turned out to be more self governing, despite everything they have immortal excellence and have turn out to be more sexualized. The princesses from the second time dress all the more provocatively and still discover intimate romance at last with a prince charming (England et al., ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Bradford Vs Shakespeare Michael Radford s version of Shakespeare s The Merchant of Venice nearly surpasses it s predecessor Trevor Nunn s in every way because it was crafted with a much higher budget, It has elements that enforce the emotional impact of the story and successfully adapts and improves the text from Shakespeare s vision. With the higher budget Michael Radford is able to make a more convincing and higher quality film by having, a more skilled and visually appealing cast, real sets and locations, and a much improved script. Missing from Trevor Nunn s version of the text, Michael s film contains, a variety of quality lighting, sound design, and skilled actors which greatly improves the emotional impact of his film. Michael was able to improve the source material over his predecessor by, making Shakespeare s language more audible, taking more liberties with his story, and expanding on Shakespeare s original ideas and themes. Michael Radford s film, using it s higher budget, was able to implement many more emotional elements, while adapting and improving Shakespeare s Ideas. Compared to Michael ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Michael made the text much more understandable than Trevor by: Modernizing a bit of Shakespeare s language, made the story flow better, and translating the language successfully into actions. Michael took many liberties in changing the story by: Changing the text in favor of better storytelling, by reading through the lines to understand the author s intent, and by creating new visual elements that created more meaning in the text. He improved and expanded on the text by: Making Shylock a more sympathetic character, Improving Shylock s motivations, and showing more that Antonio was not a perfect guy. Michael was able to improve upon and extend Shakespeare s text, while Trevor just changed a few lines to be better ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Irrationality Of Love Essay Irrationality of Love An Analysis of Pride and Prejudice and Bright Star The relentless rivalry between passion and reason is a captivating conflict that often becomes the crux of innumerable pieces of literature. Admirably, the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and the poem Bright Star by John Keats are renowned because the quarrelling emotions and judgements in characters evokes empathy in the reader as this conflict typifies a timeless theme. In light of the fact that the novel and poem share a common theme, it is evident that the story told in the poem mirrors how Darcy s affections for Elizabeth compete with the standards of his immediate society. Undoubtedly, the lines, the diction, and the different literary devices of Bright ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The narrator enforces a reproachful tone by using a simile to compare his possible life to that of a hermit s as he deplores, Like nature s patient, sleepless Eremite (Keats 4). A hermit symbolizes seclusion and boredom in one s life as human hermits are in radical circumstances, people who live in absolute solitude with no need for communication and are no longer dependant on anyone. Although Anne de Bourgh -whom Darcy is expected to wed- is not a literal hermit living completely secluded from companions, her painfully reserved and quiet nature boasts similarities. Even Mr. Collins, who crows over his particular fond acquaintanceship to the de Bourgh women, describes Anne as a unfortunately of a sickly constitution which has prevented her making that progress in many accomplishments (Austen 124). Interestingly, the weight of a hermit s shell secludes the being inside, but it also protects the organism which ironically parallels how Anne is protected by her illness. These diseases strain her health making her isolated; however, they give an excuse for her timid nature and unaccomplished life which render her mundane. Thus, the poem s criticizing tone towards the isolated life the narrator hopes to evade reflects the unattractive life of Anne ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Essay on Edwin Arlington Robinson biography Supremacy 1) There is a drear and lonely tract of hell 2) From all the common gloom removed afar: 3) A flat, sad land it is, where shadows are, 4) Whose lorn estate my verse may never tell. 5) I walked among them and I knew them well: 6) Men I had slandered on life s little star 7) for churls and sluggards; and I knew the scar 8) upon their brows of woe ineffable. 9) But as I went majestic on my way, 10) Into the dark they vanished, one by one, 11) Till, with a shaft of God s eternal day, 12) The dream of all my glory was undone, 13) And, with a fool s importunate dismay, 14) I heard the dead men singing in the sun. The composition date isn t known but the format of the sonnet is: Abbaabbacdcdcd Edwin Arlington Robinson ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Man Who Died Twice and Tristram The last two of these won Pulitzer Prizes in 1925 and 1927, when he was elected as a member of the National Academy of Arts and Letters. Robinson never married but enjoyed the company of many friends. He died of cancer in hospital in New York on April 6, 1935. A few of his most known poems are, The Children of the Night Captain Craig The Town Down the River The Man against the Sky The Three Taverns and Avon s Harvest. He had 3 Pulitzer prizes awarded to him. For the first twenty years of Robinson s writing career, he had difficulty in getting published and attracting an audience. He published his first two volumes privately and friends secretly guaranteed the publication of the third. He did receive positive reviews from the beginning, however, and with the publication of The Man Against the Sky in 1916 his reputation was secure. For the rest of his life he was widely regarded as quot;America s foremost poet, quot; as William Stanley Braithwaite put it. Both academics and the general public held him in high esteem, as attested by the fact of his winning three Pulitzer Prizes for poetry for volumes published in 1921, 1924, and 1927, when his Tristram became a national best seller.
  • 18. Although Robinson s subject matter and philosophical stance differ markedly from that of his predecessors , his form ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Maid Agencies Maid agencies and partnering recruitment offices act as intermediaries between employers and maids. They serve an indispensable role in bringing together two distant parties, namely the affluent families who need housekeeping help, and the impoverished women who can offer their labor in exchange for regular income. Problems arise when maid agencies fail to provide this crucial link in a satisfactory manner. Why hire a maid from maid agencies? Having someone to help you in house cleaning is an efficient way to manage your time, especially if you have a day job. Whether you are busy with family affairs or career, you want someone to assist you. Here are some of the things that you should consider to know if a maid cleaning agency is the right ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... is best assigned to a home cleaning service that will depute a team of qualified, experienced and professional cleaners to fulfil your dream of a spotlessly clean home. Bonded and insured: A standalone maid will not ordinarily be bonded and insured and, therefore, in the event of any loss that occurs either on account of negligence or theft, the homeowner will have no recourse for compensation. When dealing with a service providing agency, you should ensure that the agency is bonded against loss caused by its employees and the employees themselves are insured against accidents on the work site. Employee Screening: Check with the service provider about how rigorous their reference checks are with regard to establishing identity, proof of residence (temporary and permanent), criminal background, and family reputation of its workforce. Ascertain whether the team deputed by the agency is on its payroll or the work is being subcontracted. Cleaning ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Comparing Ray Bradbury s Dark They Were, And Golden-Eyed In the story Dark They Were, and Golden Eyed by Ray Bradbury, there is this group of intelligent human beings who realized that Earth would one day receive an atomic bomb that would end the populations on Earth. These humans became very frightened of their predictions so they bought a ticket to Mars and flew off to safety, or what they thought was safety. The humans thought they found the perfect place to repopulate their species but they were wrong, they were restarting the Martian species. They were completely changed and lost all memory of Earth. After this story was written, Michael McDonough produced a radio play that had had different interpretations and details of the original text. These two versions of the story both have differences and similarities of each ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the similarities in these two versions of the story is how the wind is constantly brought up throughout the radio play and the original text. The wind represents something more than just the wind and I am infer that the wind represents how do humans are getting changed day by day by this planet. The wind is mention in both of the stories constantly and is described just about the same way. Even though the wind is constantly mentioned throughout the versions of the story almost in the same way, in the radio play the producers add in sound effects of the wind, music and silence that there original text doesn t have. This gives the reader a better image to the setting problems and emotions based on how the character says certain things and how the producer uses these sound effects. In the original text the reader has to create their own voices of the characters and interpreter take an interprete this gives the reader a better image to the setting problems and emotions based on how the character says certain things and how the producer uses these sound effects. In the original text the reader ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Cash Flow and Company Wendy s Steve McElroy Ohio Dominican University This document contains financial analysis of the Wendy s corporation. It highlights many of the company s financial ratios and other calculations used to measure the success of a company. The Wendy s Company is the #2 hamburger chain in the United States following #1 McDonalds (Hoovers). The Wendy s Company (NASDAQ:WEN) is the world s third largest quick service hamburger company (Wendy s.com). The company consists of almost 6,500 restaurants in the U.S. and almost 25 in other countries (Hoovers). The first Wendy s restaurant was opened by Dave Thomas in 1969. Mr. Thomas, the founder of Wendy s, initiated an innovative approach to the fast food industry: prepare fresh, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This ratio is an indicator of a company s ability to use cash to address its current liabilities, if needed (Ehrhardt, 2011). The fact that Wendy s has a Quick Ratio of 1.5 suggests that the company has a high liquidity. To be more specific, the company s current assets in 2011 were $4,300.67 million with liabilities totaling $2,304.60 million (Table 3). These figures indicate that the company would be in a good position if it had to meet its short term obligations. The company s inventory (Table 1) Turnover Ratio is 145.3 with an industry average of 47.0 (Hoovers). The fact that Wendy s ratio is much higher than the industry average shows that the company is good at managing its inventory. Table 2 shows that in 2011, Wendy s cost of goods sold was $1,816.11 million with an average inventory of 12.90 (Hoovers). These numbers have been relatively consistent, in terms of Inventory Ratios; therefore the company does not appear to overstock. One concern may be that the ratio is too high. If this is the case ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Searchers The Searchers is an accurate representation of the Americanized west as defined by ... Two years after Ethan s participation in the Civil War in favor of the Confederacy, he returns to visit his family who has migrated westward. His family consists of his brother and his wife, their two daughters, and two sons whom one of which is adopted. Ethan bears gifts for his family such as the saber he gave to Ben and the medal that he gave to Debbie, when she requested a necklace similar to the one that was given to her sister. Within a week of his return they are visited by the ranger and preacher, Samuel Johnson, who is fairly surprised by the return of Ethan, who proceeds to challenge his authority and nullifies Martin s oath to becoming a ranger. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But, there is something unusual about the scene, the cattle have been untouched after being killed which is unlikely, due to the natives belief that nothing should be wasted and everything having use. After completing the task at hand Ethan and Martin return home, only to discover it in ruins and within the ruins Ethan discovers the mutilated bodies of all of his family excluding his two nieces. Thereafter, providing a proper burial for his family, Ethan, Martin, and some others begin their journey of retribution and hatred for the natives as they search for the remaining survivors of their family. Ethan s developed hatred for the Native Americans is displayed when he fires his gun at the eyes of a corpse and then says that according to native belief once one loses his sight they will forever roam the spirit world ceaselessly. This is especially monstrous as one understands that he is not limited to destruction and hatred on a physical level, but is willing to spiritually violate members of the native american race. The proceedings in this film are extremely biased as many characters have assumed the native american people to be savages. Even the reason for Ethan s hate is highly unlikely due to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Going Outside Research Paper Do you want to go outside?. Yea, is the amswer al ost ll kids would say.Being ouside is the best thing a kid could do at school. Going outside is good because it keeps us calm for rest of the day. It helps to also keep down stress. There will be less kids trying to go to sleep in class. Going outside can be good because it keeps you calm for the rest of the day. When you are rested you do your work better than when your agravated and stressed. when kids come to school they are tired and don t feel like doing any work. If you give kids free time and take them outside then maybe they will be more motavited to do work and listen. kids will not be trying to go to sleep in class as much. Going outside will keep stress down. When kids come to school ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Swot Analysis Of Reliance Industries Reliance Industries Limited: The Reliance Group, founded by Dhirubhai H. Ambani (1932 2002), is India s largest private sector enterprise, with businesses in the energy and materials value chain. Group s annual revenues are in excess of US$ 66 billion. The flagship company, Reliance Industries Limited, is a Fortune Global 500 company and is the largest private sector company in India. Backward vertical integration has been the cornerstone of the evolution and growth of Reliance. Starting with textiles in the late seventies, Reliance pursued a strategy of backward vertical integration in polyester, fiber intermediates, plastics, petrochemicals, petroleum refining and oil and gas exploration and production to be fully ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...  First of all check the calculation involve in the bills.  Check whether supporting attachments are properly signed.  Check whether job carried out by contractor is included in the ARC / PO.  Check whether rates claimed by the contractor are as per PO/ ARC.  Check RGP /GP is in original mode.  Check reimbursement supporting papers are in organizational mode.  If bill issued for man power supply then attendance sheet should be checked.  Check whether abstract sheet prepared correctly from measurement sheet.  Check whether any discount is applicable as per PO/ARC.  Check service entry prepared correctly as per abstract sheet of bills.  Check whether there is any alteration in the figure of measurement sheet signed and issued by user department / plant.  If bill contain service tax then check whether the bill is valid by the excise cell.  After verified all above details make necessary deduction if any.  Make necessary note on scrolling sheet  Retention Amount  TDS Amount  Recovery Amount (if any)  Plant and Period of service  Description of job  Bill Number 4. Preparation of Expense Voucher:  There after Invoice Verification Voucher is prepared in SAP system through transaction code ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Liar s Poker Rhetorical Analysis A key example of a strong rhetorical device was climax ordering. When speaking about the success he achieved from his book Liar s Poker , Lewis claims, I had a career, a little fame, a small fortune and a new life narrative. (Lewis 2). This is a perfect example of climax ordering, because Lewis states all of these new components in his life from least significant to the greatest piece to evoke a suspenseful theme for inspiration. A powerful example of a logical fallacy was glittering generality, Lewis uses this item when he says, you are the lucky few. Lucky in your parents, lucky in your country, lucky that a place like Princeton exists that can take in lucky people, introduce them to other lucky people, and increase their chances of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Into The Wild Movie Essay Into the Wild is a documentary film by Sean Penn that follows the life of Christopher Johnson McCandless, a vagabond who tramped across the United States for two years before his journey led him to Alaska, where he lived in the wilderness, sheltered by an abandoned transportation bus, preceding his death. McCandless grew up with all the privileges of being raised in the suburbs by a middle class family, he later went on to graduate from Emory University in Georgia, and seemed to have his whole life stretched out in front of him. However, he did the exact opposite of what was expected, severed all ties with his family, and adopted a life of chosen homelessness, where his travels led him on wild adventures across the country. Many speculate that McCandless was pushed to do this in order to spite his overbearing and abusive parents who verbally and physically assaulted each other in front of their children, demanding they pick a side. Some say it was McCandless s desire to free himself from all material constraints and the burden of societal pressures. Taking a psychological approach, McCandless ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Maybe he sought to eradicate the child he had been in his parent s eyes; doing everything properly and putting on the facade of an average suburban son (Becker 2007). However, it can also be argued that McCandless s new identity did intend to kill him, to eliminate the old self and fully adopt this newfound lifestyle of a nomadic transcendentalist. Did McCandless actually starve to death as the result of ingesting an inedible wild sweet pea, or did Supertramp drive him to suicide? In his wood carving he describes it as a climactic battle, perhaps between McCandless, representative of a conventional life, and his antithesis, Supertramp, defined by Into the Wild author Jon Krakauer as, master of his own destiny (Medred ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Eric Liddell Biography Eric Liddell was a Scottish athlete and missionary born on January 19, 1902, in Tiensin, China. He was born to missionaries James and Mary Liddell, and had two brothers and one sister. Until he was five years old, Eric went to school in China. When Eric was six, he went to a boarding school in London with his eight year old brother, Robert. At the school Eric became a great athlete. By the time he was fifteen, he had won an award for athlete of the year, and was captain of his rugby and cricket teams. While Eric was at Oxford, in Scotland, he was quickly known as the fastest runner in the school. In 1920, Liddell went to study science at the University of Edinburg. While he was at the school, he did track and rugby. Eric set a British running ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Worksheet On The Origin Of A Toy Car 1. A toy car starts travelling to the right in Figure 2 from the origin from rest. Figure 1 shows its driving force against the distance away from the origin in the first part of its journey. The surface to the right of the origin is frictionless. Assume no air resistance for this question. The mass of the toy car is 200g, the cart is 150g. a) When it is 5 meters away from the origin, it will collide with a stationary cart and sticks to it. Find the velocity of the toy car and cart after the collision. b) Show whether the collision is elastic or not with numerical calculations. c) When the toy car and cart is 10 meters away from the origin, it goes up a slope of 30 degrees, after another 4 meters up the slope, it hits a spring. Given that the spring constant is 40Nm 1, find how far the spring will be compressed by. d) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once it s past the origin, there is a 9 meter rough surface with a constant friction force and an edge after that. Find the minimum friction force of the rough surface so that the toy car and the cart will stop before it goes over the edge. 2. A soccer ball is kicked off the ramp at 12ms 1, 5 seconds later, a basketball is dropped vertically downwards at 15ms 1. Assume no air resistance for this question. a) Find how long it takes for the basketball to pass the soccer ball in vertical height after the soccer ball was kicked off the ramp. b) How far from the floor were the two balls at that instant? c) Will the soccer ball go into the goals on the full (without bouncing)? Show using ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Organic Solidarity By Emile Durkheim Emile Durkheim was a French famous sociologist, one of the main founders of modern sociology, mostly known for the way he viewed the structure of society. He mostly focused on how past and present societies progressed and function. Durkheim s philosophies were based on the thought of social facts , defined as the norms, values, and the way society is structured. To Durkheim, men are creatures whose desires are unlimited. Other animals are content when their biological needs are fulfilled, but humans are different, because they are never satisfied with what they have. Durkheim says that, The more one has, the more one wants. For Durkheim, a society is not only a group of individuals living in a particular geographical location. But, society ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In traditional societies, people are independent, hence society has little need for collaboration and interdependence. Organisations that need collaboration and agreement must frequently alternate to keep society together. Traditional mechanical solidarity may have a tendency to be controlling and forced. In modern societies, under organic solidarity, people are automatically much more mutually dependent. Concentration and the separation of labour requires assistance. Therefore, harmony and social integration are needed to survive in this world and do not need the same sort of pressure as under mechanical solidarity. In organic solidarity, the individual is measured extremely important. In organic solidarity, the individual, becomes the concentration of rights and accountabilities, the main source of public and private ceremonials holding the society together, a purpose that was once done by the religion. To show how important this concept is, Durkheim mentioned the cult of the individual. But, he made it clear that the cult of the individual is a social fact. Respect for the individual is not something a human can trait, but a social fact that rises in certain societies at some certain ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Essay On How Did The British Colonization Of North America The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. Of the three major colonizers who vied for control of North America from the 15th to 17th centuries, it was the early bird Spanish who got the worm, but after all was said and done, it was England who got the more desirable cheese. After 1763, the English had control of all land east of the Mississippi river and virtually all of present day Canada. The English were able to gain the upper hand in the conflict for control of North America not only because of military victories, but also because of good timing. The English victory over the Spanish Armada marked the beginning of the British naval dominance in the Atlantic. England and Spain had been enjoying a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With the Spanish out of the picture and Portugal busy with their own colonies in South America, the time was right for England to grab their slice of the North American pie. The English victory over Spain in 1588 sparked an English renaissance in taking to the sea. People became interested in sailing, also because of the amazing treasures the newly knighted Sir Francis Drake was reaping in from the West Indies. England had the financial capabilities to colonize, but they now needed manpower to live in and maintain those colonies. And lucky for England, their timing was just right. Britain s feudal system had created a large gap between their upper and lower classes. The members of the lower class were looking to move up on the food chain by whatever means necessary. At that time, the amount of land you owned signified your power, but in England, there was less available land and a growing lower class. If the lower class couldn t find land to own in England, then they would have to search elsewhere. At that time, there happened to be an entire continent of land available across the sea. Meanwhile, people were being persecuted for their religious beliefs, and they were not able to tolerate this anymore. People were turning to the New World with the hope of a religious sanctuary. There was also the hope for a chance for a new start with their own religion, and the opportunity to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Michael Cimino s The Deer Hunter Michael Cimino s The Deer Hunter was problematic because it took place in three very different environments and it was not always clear as to how they were related. Nonetheless, Cimino won several Academy Awards because of his film s structure. Dividing the film into the three sections he was able to tie different environments and depict the bloody Vietnam War and Americas involvement. His film was very controversial but ultimately paid off. As film imitates life, participation is usually involuntary. The first kind of participative experience is when the audience member imagines themselves as the character in the film. This results in an escapes from their sense of self, thus becoming one or more of the characters on the screen. The second ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Renzo Piano is a well-known architect, best known for his... Renzo Piano is a well known architect, best known for his phantasmagoric architectural masterpiece, the Shard in London that constitutes a major landmark in α big city like London. Designed in 2000, it is the tallest building in the United Kingdom, while being for a while Europe s tallest tower. It lost its title to the Mercury City Tower in Moscow in 2012 which is Europe s tallest building. As Renzo Piano said I don t believe it is possible to build a tall building in London by extruding the same shape from bottom to top. It would be too small at the bottom and too big at the top. Likewise, symbols are dangerous. Often tall buildings are aggressive and arrogant symbols of power and ego, selfish and hermetic. The tower is designed to be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The architect and Mr. Sellar applied for planning permission. Southwark Council was an important supporter of the skyscraper, which had been administered planning permission at the end of March 2002. Nevertheless, the works for the Shard almost ceased because of the fall of the Twin World Trade Towers, in New York. According to Mr. Sellar the Shard will have refuges built into its core . Furthermore, when plans for the Shard of Glass were first considered, environmentalists labeled the Shard as a spike through the heart of the heritage of London. Oppositions arose after the plans for the Shard passed through the Council and conservation groups expressed their concerns about the changing skyline of London and that the skyscraper would shadow over the Cathedral of St. Paul, the Tower of London. Renzo Piano stated that St. Paul Cathedral is an extraordinary monument and an intrinsic part of London s heritage. I believe that the new tower will not disturb its stateliness. They are breathing the same air, sharing the same atmosphere; they are nurtured at the same source. . It should be mentioned that St Paul s Cathedral, which for hundreds of year was the tallest structure, and even today is protected by laws which protect the sight lines to the cathedral, is a monument to the glory of God, symbol of hope, strength and resilience of the city of London. In the light of the above, in July 2002, the then Deputy Prime Minister John Leslie ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Heron Of Alexandria Research Paper Heron of Alexandria, also referred to as hero, was a greek mathematician. Heron was a writer whose works brought forth knowledge to not only mathematics, but also engineering and mechanics. It is difficult to determine when Heron was born because record were not as organized and important as they are today. Some used to believe that Heron was born around 150 BC, while others believed that he was born in 250 AD. These estimates come from the fact that Heron never quotes from anyone s work that is earlier than Archimedes. Later it was proven that both of these times are in fact, wrong. Heron was a contemporary of Columella. This meaning he was a Greek soldier and farmer who wrote extensively on agriculture and similar subjects, hoping to foster in people a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Heron s work resembled lecture notes in works that surrounded, mathematics, physics, pneumatics, and mechanics. Some textbooks have even been recovered that are believed to have been written by Heron himself. Many works by Heron have been recovered over the years, however authenticity, as well as authorship are questionable. Heron was an extremely common name during his time period. Heron was sometimes transcribed correctly, while other times it became Hero. Soon the Romans and Greek took up the nickname of Hero to men named Heron. This makes it very hard for historians to determine which works were that of mathematician Heron and of others that simply just shared the name. Historians debate that Heron s most important work was the Metrica . The Metrica is a series of three books that included formulas and geometric rules that Heron had discovered. These formulas included how to find the areas and volumes of plane figures, as well as solid figures. Book I included one of the more famous formulas still used today. This formula was how to find the area of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Why The Atomic Bomb Did Not Win The War Why the bomb seemed like it would make the war worst it actually ended the war quicker. The war ended quicker because it finally caused Japan to surrender and accept the defeat. The atomic bomb did not win the war. Japan had been defeated already by land, sea, and air campaign that went before. It is reasonable to conclude, however, that the bomb did force the Japanese surrender and considerably sooner than it would have occurred otherwise. (Text 1 Page 8). The bomb did not win but it ended it because Japan s way of fighting is fight to the last man and it is better to die in combat than to surrender. If the bomb had been dropped sooner it would ve been the factor that won the war, but since Japan had little fighting effort in the air ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Roman Government Gustavo Cantu Justinian I World History Part I Mr. Zelehoski 24 February 2017 Justinian Thesis: Having been known as the man who rose from poverty to reform the Roman government, he is surely one of the most religious, cunning, and somehow weak rulers the world has known. I. Introduction II. Claim to the throne A. Justin/Poverty 1. Poor life 2. Justin s assistance a) Justin s Claim to the Throne Failure b) Justinian s later weaseling into the throne B. Military Life/Life as King 1. Military Success and training 2. Intelligence 3. Type of Ruler he was 4. Personality III. Conquests A. Military successes and battles 1. Technique a) Make an ally, fight a war, conquer someone, fight ally b) Expansion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Justin was akin to a father to Justinian, he gave him salvation where he struggled and practically reinvigorated his will to learn and do well in the world. While Justin enabled Justinian to learn and become an amazing man, he also attempted to find his way into the seat of the throne while the rule was weak. Justin had very obviously failed seeing as he was NOT fit to be a ruler, he was not an intelligent man after all. Justinian witnessed his uncle s failure and was able to learn from the experience and, using his position as the King s bodyguard (Citation), intelligence and military experience, weaseled his way into the throne, and into the position of King. As the King, Justinian was powerful. He held a large blade over all others that opposed him and was the largest factor as to why many of his people had been in fear. At any moment he could have crumpled under the pressure of all the power he held in the palm of his hand, and he had, multiple times. To easily and very simply accentuate his power, he would force those who approached him to bow down on their hands and feet (Lindquist 318). Even one of his closest acquaintances, Procopius, had described him as insincere, crafty, hypocritical, double dealing, clever, and a perfect artist in acting out his opinion (Macmillan Profiles 234). Many also described him as being an absolute Monarch and as the Anointed of the Lord (Lindquist 317). Despite all of this, he had also been described as abstemious, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Inclusive Education in South Africa The Zulu tribe of South Africa is the largest ethnic group in the country and its language is the most frequently used of all in South Africa. (Hamlett) The tribe was first discovered when Portugal settled the land, and since then the tribe and its relationships with the colonists is anything but peaceful, and to this day there still is tension. Maybe because of this, the education system throughout the 1900 s refused to allow for the teaching of African culture other than stereotypes and other inaccurate information that the colonists approved. The Zulu tribe s lack of education and the use of non native languages in school paired with its relationship toward further discrimination later in life is an indication that not teaching indigenous culture leads to real world discrimination. South Africa was segregated until 1994 and therefore is not the epitome of racial tolerance, but it is the treatment of education of their indigenous tribe the Zulu that shows that education controlled by one culture will lead to further segregation and worse conditions for the races out of the loop. Now, the last four presidents of South Africa were black and the current one is Zulu but even with influence in the highest office the tribe is unable to find work or make a life that is comparable to their white counterparts. The discrimination of education has led to longer consequences than the segregation and disenfranchisement because now there are generations of natives unable to compete ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Famous Footwear Essay Carolyn Graham sat down to try on a new pair of shoes at Famous Footwear, one of the new stores on the north side of town. Graham, Wooster, was joined by friend Jodi Specht, Doylestown. They were celebrating Graham s achievement of passing board exams to be a nurse practitioner. What better way than to shop for new shoes. Among the thousands of shoes in the store, Graham found a new pair of dress shoes. Specht was in recently and purchased two pairs. Even though both have added to their footwear selections at home, they are contemplating a return trip Saturday morning when Famous Footwear has its grand opening celebration. Store sales manager Roseanne Roden said 100 pairs of shoes, up to $60 in value, will be given free of charge to the first ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...